danish energy consumption revolution morten bæk

Download Danish Energy Consumption Revolution Morten Bæk

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Post on 06-Jan-2018




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Combined Heat and Power Efficient Combined Heat and Power Production Analysed with a levelized cost of energy approach Cost of emissions are an integrated part of the calculations


Danish Energy Consumption Revolution Morten Bk De-linking Economic Growth, GHG and Energy Consumption: New Energy Agreement (March 2012) Economic forecast Impact on energy consumption and GHG-emission 3 reasons: 1) CHP/DH, 2) Renewable Energy 3) Energy Savings -1% +38% -25% Combined Heat and Power Efficient Combined Heat and Power Production Analysed with a levelized cost of energy approach Cost of emissions are an integrated part of the calculations Integrating fluctuating energy production Market that create incentive for flexibility Flexibility on thermal power plants Strong interconnecters Market that creates incentives for increased flexibility Flexible thermal capacity Strong interconnectors Energy efficiency Main policy instruments ENERGY PLANNING & CHP ENERGY TAXES ENERGY TAX RELIEF SCHEME UTILITIES SAVINGS SCHEME BUILDING STANDARDS EQUIPMENT STANDARDS & LABELS Savings in the Building Stock Heating demand per m 2 floor space Index 1975 = % reduction The Danish Challenge Today Thank you! Morten Bk - -