dan kennedy info summit 2012 sales letter


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Dan kennedy Info summit 2012 sales letter


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Hidden away in my Fortress of Solitude (1), I write copy for info-marketers that proves stronger than a giant locomotive, brings response faster than a speeding bullet, and generates millions in a single bound! (2) I’ve been doing it for nearly 40 years. Every morning I don my tights and cape, fly by the kitchen for a cup of (what else) instant coffee, and have brain engaged and fingers flying on the keyboard at super-speed by 7:05 A.M. It is quite possible that NO ONE has written as much sales copy for this industry as I have. And I have spawned (3) an entire super-tribe of copywriters operating at the highest levels of this business – including top copywriters doing work for Agora (4), Boardroom, Nightingale-Conant, and, of course, GKIC, not to mention the thousands of info-marketers writing their own copy, acting as their own copywriters, having learned the craft from me. But I do not stand just on legacy. This day, I work just about daily, writing copy for clients to launch info-products, launch entire businesses, fill seminar rooms, drive to webinars and online videos and tele-seminars; for use in EVERY media: print, direct-mail, web sites, web video, e-mail, radio, TV, speakers’ live presentations. This year, I’ll be paid more than a million dollars for such copywriting, by both old and new clients – and over 85% of all my clients do use me repeatedly. The breadth, depth and diversity of my experience in this is simply unmatched. More importantly, I do, at super-speed, put hundreds of thousands of dollars in my clients’ bank accounts, even make them millionaires. My ability to produce results is also unrivaled. In my

career, just within the info-marketing industry, I have written well over 300 print and direct-mail campaigns that have each produced $1-million or more, dozens of sales letters that have lived as ‘evergreen controls’ for 5 to 10 years, broadcast advertising that has generated over $50-million, over a dozen online campaigns generating $1-million to $6-million each, speech and preview seminar scripts that have produced more than $100-million. This year, 2012, to-date, my work in clients’ hands has produced over $20-million. But my own ability to produce is not the question of this moment – the question about YOU attending this Seminar is: what will it empower you to produce?

Very recently, a part-time info-marketer, in a too-small and difficult niche, in his 3rd year, proudly sent me a copy of his new sales letter, that delivered his first $100,000.00 month. This is an exciting time in his and his wife’s life. They are seeing the fruits of their labor of learning. They have the means at hand for a 7-figure income 2nd business, a path to financial security laid out before them. In this regard, my super-powers are far greater than Superman’s, because mine are transferable! You, too, can exit this Seminar with new or strengthened Money-Making powers! And I have frequently, routinely led people who felt they couldn’t write a grocery list to quickly becoming ‘million dollar copywriters’ for their own info-businesses, so don’t for a moment believe you need to be an alien life form from a distant planet. (I was born in Cleveland, Ohio, also Superman’s writers’ birthplace for the big guy.) Writing copy for your info-business can be largely formulaic.


by THE MILLIONAIRE-MAKERSecret Identity: Dan Kennedy


John’s 30 year career in the copywriting trenches began with back alley work, spirited into top L.A.

ad agencies in the dark of night, to

do the hard-core, sales-generating

copywriting their own writers couldn’t

pull off. He spent nearly 20 years in

dynamic-duo partnership with the legendary copywriting genius Gary

Halbert, he has penned game-changing direct-mail packages for the

largest publishers and info-marketers

in the world (including Rodale Press)

and he knows where all the bodies

are buried: insanely stupid sales copy disasters birthed by executives

and business owners bereft of real

killer know-how. A number of his ads – including “The One-Legged Golfer” – have achieved classic, iconic status. His first book, ‘Kick-Ass

Copywriting Secrets of a Marketing

Rebel’, is beloved by all great copywriters, and he has trained and

coached over 1,000 copywriters and

marketing entrepreneurs engaged in

writing their own sales copy. Of late,

John has been rescuing the internet

marketing world from ‘new media insanity’, applying ‘old school’ direct-

response, results-producing copy tactics. John is a Copywriting Hit-Man, called in for the most difficult assignments. And a usually reclusive,

secretive soul, not often drawn out

to speak at seminars, so this is a very valuable and relatively rare opportunity. “I’ve known John for about 20 years, first worked with him at the famous $7,000.00-per-person Halbert seminars in Key West, rank him as one of the 10 best living copywriters, understand

and appreciate his dark side and his

disdain for advertisers and marketers

with little regard for hard-core selling,

and I am looking forward to re-uniting

and working with John at the Info-SUMMITSM. I guarantee, it’ll be a SUPER event!” – Dan Kennedy




NEW DEDUCTIVE & CLAIRVOYANT POWERS to divine the innermost

fears, desires and buying motives of your target prospects – to then CHOOSE the most irresistible and magnetic promises

NEW CREATIVE INSIGHT to get to ‘THE Big Idea’ to which your prospects react “THIS changes EVERYTHING!” – with Actual Examples of Big Ideas that

fueled info-marketing successes, troubled business turnarounds, amazing launches


THAT SOLD MILLIONS…Origin Stories, Dramatic Event Stories, Magical

Mystery Stories, “Blackie” Stories and other types of Stories spun by the greatest

info-marketers, past & present

X-RAY VISION – to see the TEMPLATES concealed within the great info-

marketing Ads, Sales Letters, Scripts, etc. (and you WILL get a set of


2012 Info-SUMMITSM


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P1 – How To Become A “KILLER” Copywriter

Extended, Seminar-Length Copywriting Training by THE MILLIONAIRE-MAKER


P3&4 – Info-Marketing Breakthroughs of Galaxy-Bending,

Reality-Altering Proportions!with



PERSUADER (Dave Dee)THE NEW FLASH: Mr. Automatic

Cash MachineTHE NEW SHADOW (Rich Shefren)

THE ARTIST (Vince Palko)THE NEW MYSTERIO (Yanik Silver)

P5 – The MOST CERTAIN Path To Info-Marketing Riches

with The NICHE-Super-Marketers League of America!

P6 – Superstar Celebrity Guest UNMASKED!


DIAMOND Members’ BAT CAVE LoungeMeet The Super-Heroes

PHOTO OPPORTUNITIESThe “Utility Belt” Shopping Mall

Cocktails at Wayne MansionDIAMOND Members Only

Networking ReceptionFree On-Site Copy Critiques

P9-10 – Super-Advanced Bonus Day: MONEY, MONEY, MONEY:

Leverage, Equity, Access to Investment Capital!

With Elizabeth Tomaszewicz, Dan Kennedy & A Team of VC & Private

Equity Investment Specialists

Editorial Note: This publication is intended only for private distribution to members of the GKIC association; NOT for public circulation. Various

comic book covers, images, illustrations and photos are reprinted with promotional

consideration from THE BATMAN VAULT; DC COMICS YEAR TO YEAR COLLECTION; DC Comics; and Marvel Entertainment, all such properties copyright to their owners, rights

reserved. Visit THE BATMAN VAULT at www.RunningPress.com or obtain from your favorite bookseller. Visit DC COMICS YEAR TO YEAR

at www.DCcomics.com or obtain from your favorite bookseller. Visit Marvel Entertainment

online at www.Marvel.com.

A combining of DC’s star-studded Justice League of America, featuring Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern

and The Flash with Marvel’s Avengers, featuring Iron Man, Captain America and Thor occured in one comic book in 2003, after plotting by DC and Marvel writers and artists began 20 years earlier. THIS YEAR, ONLY GKIC COULD


There are two universes of super-heroes

Those from DC Comics’ include Superman and Batman, the most enduring elder statesmen in the endless war against evil in every form, their battles evermore epic. They are, for the most part somber and serious. Others in the Justice League of America include Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Green Arrow, The Flash and The Green Lantern.

Those from Marvel Comics are younger, flashier, hipper, trash-talking weirdos. The Avengers feature Iron Man, The Hulk, Captain America, Thor. There is Spiderman, bitten by a spider, tortured by teen angst. The Fantastic Four, with The Thing and The Human Torch.

We might think of them as heroes of offline and the online marketing, as ‘old school’ warriors and ‘new media’ wizards. In one universe, THE ASSASIN and THE MILLIONAIRE-MAKER. In another, the new breed, THE MULTIPLIER MAN, MAGIC MAN – THE MASKED PERSUADER, THE NEW WONDER WOMAN, THE NEW FLASH, THE NEW SHADOW, THE ARTIST, and THE NEW MYSTERIO.

To achieve maximum and sustainable success in Info-Marketing, the super-powers from both camps are essential.

At this year’s Super Info-SUMMITSM, we have gathered these Super-Heroes of Info-Marketing and of Internet-Marketing, and secured their commitments to reveal their most powerful Money-Making, marketing and business-building secrets!


The Annual Covention ofthe Global Information Marketing Community

powered by Infusionsoftin association with the

Information Marketing Association

22012 Info-SUMMITSM

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Once struggling to launch her first business from her tiny New York City

apartment (in Peter Parker’s neighborhood), initially trading hours for meager

dollars, Ali first conquered info-marketing as “The E-Zine Queen”, and has since

emerged as a Complete Info-Marketer with online and offline media, major events including her series of SHINE!

Conferences, coaching programs with per-participant fees as high as $100,000.00, and a dynamic media profile as

the voice for entrepreneurial success, including recognition on Forbes’ Women To Watch and Ernst & Young’s Winning

Women, and on the Inc. 500 List of fastest-growth companies for her global enterprise delivering business guidance and

resources to nearly 50,000 members. She has contributed as an expert to Investor’s Business Daily and the FOX Business

Network, seen on CNN, ABC News and even the E! Network (home of the Kardashians). Using her GOLDEN LASSO OF

INFLUENCE, The New Wonder Woman has raised herself to prominence and celebrity and thought-leader status, in the

emerging arena of ‘Significance, Not Just Success.’ Her journey from first fumblings at info-marketing to superstar will

challenge and inspire you.


SUPER-VISION – how to see far beyond your Present, past all challenges, to great and grand opportunities

for success and significance.

TREND OPPORTUNISM – the 5 Transformational Shifts that Info-Marketing Entrepreneurs are called

upon to make in ‘the brave new world’ ahead.

M U L T I P L I E R M A NSECRET IDENTITY: ALEX MANDOSSIANWhatever he touches, he multiplies. One piece of online content multiplied by five re-purposes, for five times the leverage and profit. A successful ad’s headline re-purposes for social media, multiplied by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Influence “borrowed” and multiplied. MULTIPLIER MAN has produced over $233-million for his clients and partners by taking their basic products and marketing and multiplying their value via radio, TV, direct-response tele-seminars and, of course, all internet media and opportunities. He has hosted live and Virtual-Events featuring many popular thought leaders, including Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Successful People), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), T. Harv Eker and Tony Robbins as well as celebrity entrepreneurs Donald Trump and Richard Branson. MULTIPLIER MAN has also provided multiplying breakthroughs to cutting edge companies like Zappos.com and top info-marketing companies like BNI, Business Network International, and the venerable Dale Carnegie. MULTIPLIER MAN is the super-hero of Electronic Marketing! SUPER-POWERS YOU WILL GAIN FROM MULTIPLIER MAN AT THE INFO-SUMMITsm:GUTSI – the Grand Unification Theory of Social Influence, multiplying the power and impact and magnetism of all

your marketing. ONLINE CONNECTIVITY – the secret of LinkedIn no one even whispers, that automatically, dramatically increases your exposure on Google. The connection of all social media, so the sum is much greater than the parts. “NO LIST” MARKETING STRATEGIES – how to start where you are and soar. How to strip away the confusion and chaos from social media. I avoided social media because it put me in overwhelm and I lacked strategy. Alex’s ‘No List Marketing’ gave me a roadmap, clear direction. – Dan Safkow, VideoMarketingMinute.com


and Joe Giella for a promotional brochure

touting the DC super-heroes as advertising

spokespersons. Our SUPER-HEROES OF

INFO-MARKETING are hard at work as well,

preparing to deliver the most valuable

INFO-Summit in GKIC history!


WONDER WOMAN starring Lynda

Carter on CBS-TV influenced the

Wonder Woman comic books of

that time. Shown here: Cover #228.

“ M A G I C M A N ” , T H E M A S K E D P E R S U A D E RSECRET IDENTITY: DAVE DEEFrom mild-mannered magician, Dave Dee has become THE MASKED PERSUADER, able to teach mere mortals how to (ethically) read and control the minds of any audience (in person, from the stage as a speaker, or via online video and presentations). Dave has built his own successful info-marketing businesses and now serves as CMO at GKIC, but he is best-known for his (newly up-dated) PSYCHIC SALES SYSTEM, a ground-breaking integration of controlling language patterns, subliminal influence, imbedded commands, non-verbal control mechanisms, and personal empowerment. ANY sales presentation delivered by ANYBODY in ANY environment can be made more powerful with this System – and as conversions rise and price elasticity expands, Cost Per Sale, cost of acquiring new customers goes down, profits go up, and opportunities to grow are more accessible. SUPER-POWERS YOU WILL GAIN FROM THE MASKED PERSUADER AT THE INFO-SUMMITsm: MIND CONTROL – how to de-code the mindset of your audience or prospects and create a devastatingly accurate portrayal of their core beliefs, fears, secret desires and emotional drivers, compelling them to “join you”. IRRESISTABLE OFFER STRUCTURE – no, it isn’t as simple as just piling on bonuses! There is a rhythm to Audience Compliance that must connect to Offer Structure and Presentation, for the highest possible close rates. (Note: THE PERSUADER has often topped $250,000 to $700,000 in sales from the stage, created online course-style sales presentations converting ‘cold’ leads at way above par 5% to 15% rates, and contributed to crafting and appearing in webinars and online launches generating millions of dollars!)

2012 Info-SUMMITSM


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M U L T I P L I E R M A NSECRET IDENTITY: ALEX MANDOSSIANWhatever he touches, he multiplies. One piece of online content multiplied by five re-purposes, for five times the leverage and profit. A successful ad’s headline re-purposes for social media, multiplied by Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn. Influence “borrowed” and multiplied. MULTIPLIER MAN has produced over $233-million for his clients and partners by taking their basic products and marketing and multiplying their value via radio, TV, direct-response tele-seminars and, of course, all internet media and opportunities. He has hosted live and Virtual-Events featuring many popular thought leaders, including Stephen Covey (7 Habits of Highly Successful People), Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), T. Harv Eker and Tony Robbins as well as celebrity entrepreneurs Donald Trump and Richard Branson. MULTIPLIER MAN has also provided multiplying breakthroughs to cutting edge companies like Zappos.com and top info-marketing companies like BNI, Business Network International, and the venerable Dale Carnegie. MULTIPLIER MAN is the super-hero of Electronic Marketing! SUPER-POWERS YOU WILL GAIN FROM MULTIPLIER MAN AT THE INFO-SUMMITsm:GUTSI – the Grand Unification Theory of Social Influence, multiplying the power and impact and magnetism of all

your marketing. ONLINE CONNECTIVITY – the secret of LinkedIn no one even whispers, that automatically, dramatically increases your exposure on Google. The connection of all social media, so the sum is much greater than the parts. “NO LIST” MARKETING STRATEGIES – how to start where you are and soar. How to strip away the confusion and chaos from social media. I avoided social media because it put me in overwhelm and I lacked strategy. Alex’s ‘No List Marketing’ gave me a roadmap, clear direction. – Dan Safkow, VideoMarketingMinute.com

T H E N E W S H A D O WSECRET IDENTITY: RICH SHEFRENWHO KNOWS WHAT SECRET STRATEGIES POWER THE LARGEST & MOST FAMOUS INFO-MARKETING BUSINESSES? THE NEW SHADOW KNOWS!!!His first breakthrough report – The Internet Business Manifesto – has been downloaded over One Million Times. Dressed in black from head to toe, THE NEW SHADOW serves as the secret consigliere to virtually every internet marketer of note and size, moving through their netherworld with super-powered acuity. His private clients list, a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, includes Jeff Walker (famous for on-line launches), Ryan Deiss, Brad Fallon, and Tellman Knudson. His very first group of private clients, formed in 2006, increased their revenues by more than $40-million in 18 months, and ever since, THE NEW SHADOW has been sought out by top internet marketers for advice and growth ideas, He has even been surreptitiously consulted with by Yahoo and Google. And he has repeatedly delivered strategic advice to Giant Info-Marketing Companies like Agora, Boardroom, TheStreet.com, Weiss Financial and Motley Fool. In his alter-ego of Rich Shefren, he has been featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal, and profiled on every major TV network. He is also a Charter Member of GKIC’s Expert Advisory Panel.

SUPER-POWERS YOU WILL GAIN FROM THE NEW SHADOW AT THE INFO-SUMMITsm:SUPER-STRENGTH – how to grow a REAL info-business to health, vitality, respectability, stand-out prominence in a niche or subject category, with an elegantly simple business model. (Your current business model may actually be a problem, holding you back!)START-UP SPEED AND CERTAINTY – how to launch new info-businesses or add on to existent ones safe from the Killer Mistake common to virtually every failure-to-launch or stalled-and-stuck-at-small situation.



He took his first seminar-based info-marketing company to #35 on

Inc. Magazine’s 500 List, with $30-million in revenue faster than The Flash

can make a Starbucks run. (Well, actually, in 36 months. Which is still pretty darned fast.)

Dave is a Master Platform Salesman and Trainer of both very experienced veteran and new

speakers. But his most amazing power is the successful transfer of the platform sale to the

webinar. His AUTOMATED WEBINAR CASH MACHINE SYSTEM has consistently produced

super-sized results from one info-marketer after another, taking its structure, format, templates

and methodology as their own. The change in their existing webinars’ performance is often

lightning-bolt fast, the impact on their incomes dramatic. In the past 7 months, we did over

$350,000.00 in webinar sales thanks to the Automated Webinar Cash Machine! – Investor

Institute. My first test of your System resulted in 600 sales, over $64,000.00, with a $100.00

product. It’s INSANE! – Vick Strizheus, Global Success Club.


MAGNETIC DRAWING POWER – how to get a lot more people to your webinars.

SPEED WRITING – how to craft a winning webinar with super-speed (using established

structures and templates).

THE ULTIMATE ASSET – how to create, test, perfect and own The Evergreen, Automatic

Webinar that produces day in and day out, for months or even years.

T H E N E W M Y S T E R I OSECRET IDENTITY: YANIK SILVERMYSTERIO is infamous worldwide for his ‘UNDERGROUND Internet Business Conferences’ the inner sanctum where the most mysterious and secretive players have revealed their top strategies, and everyone from the original MISSION:IMPOSSIBLE star Peter Graves to Mini-Me from Austin Powers, even Boris and Natasha, the evil spy villains of Rocky & Bullwinkle have been seen. Although he still considers himself a ‘techno dunce’, he has personally built a number of Million Dollar and Multi-Million Dollar businesses driven by online marketing, dating to his first, begun on a small table in a one bedroom apartment, with a few hundred dollars. His bestselling books include ‘Moonlighting On The Internet’. His best-known, long-operating, automatic income producing online business is Instant Sales Letters®. However, Mysterio’s passion is as an Adventure Junkie, with a fascination for such high-danger experiences as running with the bulls in Spain and sky-diving, and luxury adventures like Zero Gravity flights and exotic car road rallies. Thus, his alter-ego, Yanik Silver is the Founder of Maverick Business Adventures, a unique entrepreneurs’ mastermind, networking and adventure excursions club.

SUPER-POWERS YOU WILL GAIN FROM MYSTERIO AT THE INFO-SUMMITsm:CREATING SUPER-FANS – how to turn customers into avid, enthusiastic zealots who share your missions and philosophy, are consistently responsive, and happy to support you in the manner to which you’d like to become accustomed!MAVERICK ENTREPRENEURSHIP – creating your info-businesses as you want them to be, combining personal passions with profit.


THE ARTIST’S pen IS mightier than any sword! 30%, 85%,

even 200% leaps in response and conversions are regularly occurring

with THE ARTIST’S erasure of boring power-points presentations and

talking-head videos at web sites and in webinars! His Video Marketing Breakthrough

dwarfs all others in results – and you must not fall prey to evil copycats, knock-offs

and wet-behind-ears amateurs at this. Only THE ARTIST has mastered all the nuances

of “CARTOON MARKETING” online. His agency, AdToons, creates dynamic and

super-engaging video content proven to draw more views, create more leads and close

more sales, as well as cartoon art for info-marketers’ books, info-products, sales letters,

magalogs and direct-mail campaigns. THE ARTIST is Dan Kennedy’s illustrator

of choice for his bestselling books and promotional materials. (The cover and the

cartoons on the cover and page 7 are the work of THE ARTIST).


SURE-FIRE SALES INCREASES – the only 100% fail-safe certain way to boost sales

of any online presentation.


mind-boggling 353% increase and how to apply it to any business’ advertising.

WEBINARS THAT WORK – what good is driving traffic to poorly performing

webinars? 3 webinar formats: which works best? What leading online/webinar

marketers don’t want you to know!

Courtesy of www.radiospirits.com

2012 Info-SUMMITSM 2012 Info-SUMMITSM


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STAN LEE at Marvel may have created the most comic book super-heroes of anyone, but DAN KENNEDY has certainly created the most info-marketing super-heroes, millionaires, multi-millionaires, many if not most in niches. With this business model, Dan Kennedy

has spawned a far-reaching league of niche super-leaders, influencing millions of business owners a year in well over 250 different fields, industries, product and service categories and professions. Some remain “part-time info-marketers” to their niches, while continuing to

operate their highly successful core businesses, like Marty Fort with his Music Academy or Ben Glass with his law practice. Others did so for years, before ultimately selling their core businesses to devote all their energies to their growing info-businesses, like Craig Proctor (for a decade, one of the top 10 ReMax real estate agents in the world and operator of one of the three largest, multi-million dollar coaching organizations in that industry). Many have 20 and 30 years of success, and continue returning to Dan periodically for consulting, like Greg Stanley at Whitehall Management, serving the dental and chiropractic professions or Michael Jans, marketing to P&C insurance agents. Others are in launch mode as we speak. Some build large and complex businesses in niches, like Dan’s former Platinum Member and long-time private client, Jay Geier/Scheduling Institute, for whom Dan is speaking this year at a multi-day event attended by over 600 doctors. Last year, Jay’s in-field organization of consultants delivered over 1,200 on-site trainings in doctors’ offices nationwide, plus classes and workshops were held every week at his Alanta training center. Some deliberately stay lean ‘n mean yet still produce 7-figure incomes from their niche businesses, like TITANIUM MEMBER Nelson Searcy, providing marketing tools and coaching to pastors and church leaders. WHETHER YOUR GOALS ARE SUPER-GALACTIC OR “SMALLVILLE” IN SIZE, the niche info-biz model can take you there!

Joint ventures, host-parasite distribution opportunities, vendor partnerships and vendor sponsorships abound for niche info-marketers too. Dr. Chis Tomshack’s fabulously successful HealthSource

franchise for chiropractors got off its launching pad at super-sonic speed thanks to a “marketing event” into an established info-marketer’s clientele in the same profession (Dr. Ben Altadonna’s). A number of niche info-markets have associative relationships with the chief sponsor of the Info-SUMMITSM, Infusionsoft. GKIC-Member experts and vendors like Nick Nanton and Jack Dicks (Celebrity Branding), Lee Weiner (Direct Marketing Concierge), Keith and Travis Lee (3-D Mail Results), and many, many others support niche info-marketers as sponsors, in revenue sharing relationships, and with customized programs for the specific niche. ONE OF THE SUPER BENEFITS OF ATTENDING THE Info-SUMMITSM is learning about and meeting the best expert-vendors, making joint-venture contacts and alliances, and actively engaging in the fraternity among Members that leads to so many profitable match-ups. Dan likes to say that there are tens of millions of dollars made by Members during the 3 days of every Info-SUMMITSM (although most of it is then collected from various customer ‘herds’ after the fact)! (THIS IS WHERE ALL “THE ACTION” IS & you can’t be “in It” if you stay home!)

While Dan’s niche info-business approach is now long-established and time-proven, don’t dare think it “antique.” In the past 18 months, working with one client in the financial advisor industry, Dan created and launched a brand new coaching/mastermind group business from scratch, creating over $63,000.00 in base monthly continuity revenue, and well over $2-million in total revenue, from scratch; from zero, at

Continued on page 6

THE #1 path of entry to info-marketing has been (1) the owner of a

type of business succeeds with GKIC-style marketing and/or develops

other exceptional know-how, tools and systems, then (2) packages it up

and (3) sells it to his peers in his niche.

Think: GOLD Member Rory Fatt, and GOLD Member Michael Attias to restaurant owners, DIAMOND Luxury Member Marty Fort to music school owners, GOLD Luxury Member Joe Polish to carpet cleaners, DIAMOND Luxury Member Dr. Tom Orent to dentists, TITANIUM Member Dr. Chris Tomshack to chiropractors, DIAMOND Luxury Member Ben Glass, and TITANIUM Member Ken Hardisan to attorneys, TITANIUM Member Donna Krech, to fitness center operators, even Bill Glazer, who started in info-marketing as a successful menswear retailer selling his advertising/marketing to other menswear retailers, etc., etc., etc. Many have recently started on this path, like GOLD Luxury Member Grant Miller, owner of Sun Your Buns Tanning Salons (now info-marketer to the tanning industry). The #1 part of this formula sometimes changes – Rory actually never owned a restaurant but had a food service business. Two of Dan Kennedy’s earliest info-businesses were niched too – one, to his peers in professional speaking, predominately the members of the National Speakers Association, and the other, to the chiropractic profession (although he was never a chiropractor ) – it generated over $10-million over its first 36 months with over 15,000 doctors attending its seminars, and there are a number of GKIC Members today who started with Dan in those businesses in the 1980’s! In any case…

…the NICHE INDUSTRY INFO-BIZ has been the starting point of many, many info-marketing millionaires as it is today. AT THIS SPECIAL SESSION, A “LEAGUE” OF SELECTED “SUPERSTARS” AT THIS KIND OF INFO-BUSINESS will take the stage and ‘show ‘n tell’ their business models, how they started, what their businesses look like today, and reveal their best marketing strategies. Each one has approached, penetrated, created prominence in and now operates in their niches a little differently from the others. One is very much reliant on online marketing. Another is very much “old school.” One has hosts and J/V partners, another is a ‘lone ranger’. Etc. We are NOT revealing their identities here, to prevent them being unduly besieged with pre-Summit communication – they do have thriving businesses and busy schedules. INFO-MARKETING BEGINNERS AND VETERANS ALIKE WILL PROFIT from the League’s presentation, as there is “starting point information” as well as their present, very sophisticated, very comprehensive business methods to examine.

2012 Info-SUMMITSM


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From humble upbringing on a wheat farm in rural Washington State, Adam went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune. He has appeared in nearly 50 movies, working alongside many of the movies’ greats, including Paul Newman and Steve McQueen, in extraordinary films like The Young Philadelphians, and popular hits like Hooper, with Burt Reynolds. His TV career spans decades, and includes appearances on countless popular shows from Perry Mason to The Drew Carey Show to 30-Rock. He also has displayed very good humor about his most famous role, appearing on Space Ghost, and in two different TV programs as “a washed up super-hero.” In 1970, he was offered the role of James Bond (in Diamonds Are Forever), but turned it down, saying that he believed the role should go to British actors. He has also competed on several TV game shows, and won $250,000.00 for charity on ‘Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?’ But, of course….

….he is famous for donning the cowl and cape in the campy BATMAN show, airing on ABC from 1966 through 1968, and forever in re-runs. He has often reprised his Batman alter-ego or otherwise participated in Batman projects: as voices in the animated TV series The New Adventures of Batman, in SuperFriends, in Batman: The Animated Series (on FOX), and in the animated series BATMAN (on the WB). Since 2000, he has appeared as Adam West, the quirky Mayor of Quahog, on the popular animated series Family Guy. He received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame on April 5, 2012. He is the author of his autobiography, Back To The Bat Cave.

He also operates the ADAM WEST STORE (www.shop.adamwest.com), where both Batman and Mayor Adam West Action Figures, new Adam West comic books, a vast array of Batman memorabilia, and even the “Batman Credit Card” created by friend-of-GKIC, super-marketer Joe Sugarman are sold. As an e-commerce entrepreneur, Adam continues his relationship with original Batman fans and with the newer fans of Family Guy.


enjoy a meet ‘n greet/photo

opportunity with ADAM

WEST and the equally iconic

BATMOBILE from the TV Show!

super-sonic speed… this a part-time business for his client-partner who has a thriving financial advisory practice of his own, with offices in two cities, a regular workshop schedule and a radio show to attend to. In the process, Dan provided speaking, vendor, and other income opportunities to a number of GKIC Members including Susan Berkley (Persuasive Voice Academy), Ari Galper, Adam Witty, Nick Nanton, Jerry Jones and more. Also, for each of the last 2 years, Dan has created a new info-product+workshop of his own, exclusively for sale by his client (a niche marketer), American Writers & Artists, to its groups of

freelance writers and copywriters; each one a solid, high 6-figures “base hit”. So, there’s no dust or cobwebs on Dan’s “system” for quickly creating an exceptional income and an info-business to be proud of as a niche info-marketer!!! – he keeps his hand in, re-proving and refining it in real, live time! The great copywriter Gary Halbert once said that “Kennedy is one of the very rare amongst us, who actually puts his own money on the line, with his own marketing projects, while the rest of us gamble only with clients’ businesses.” By this means, plus intimate private consulting with over 15 different info-marketing clients,

plus (this year) leading GKIC’s TITANIUM Info-Mastermind and PLATINUM Info-Mastermind Groups, Dan has kept and keeps his niche-dominance, niche info-biz systems “tuned up” to optimum levels of performance. This same niche info-biz approach is just as powerful as The Green Lantern’s ring for service providers and vendors too. Right this moment, Dan is assisting a long-time, successful info-marketing client with launch of an online marketing service incorporating Google, Yelp and other platforms, into five different niches. Dan has also been a strategic

advisor to Infusionsoft since its inception.

THE LEAGUE OF NICHE SUPER-MARKETERS presenting their businesses at this Info-SUMMITSM are representative of the diversity in niches, size of info-businesses, products and services, and marketing strategies born by Dan’s business models and leadership. By what they present, you can gain a true insider’s insight into one of the most reliable millionaire-making approaches to info-marketing, maybe to business period! DO NOT MISS THE LEAGUE’S EXCITING SESSION!!!!

ADAM WEST is an american entretainment icon- and what may be a surprise to many, is a cutting-edge e-commerce/online entrepreneur

“Adam West - aka. Batman, Superhero, SuperMarketer”

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2012 Info-SUMMITSM


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“THE BAT CAVE” Diamond

Members’ Lounge: An exclusive “secret location” stocked refreshments, comfortably furnished; the perfect lair for super info-marketers to escape the tumult of the Summit, to meet and network with allies, to plot next moves!



Watch for famous caped crusaders and Marvel-ous mayhem-making mutants and other costumed heroes patrolling the halls, guaranteeing the safety of us all – and happy to pose for pictures, perfect for your social media and newsletters!


Bruce Wayne had his man at Wayne Industries to provide his high-tech gadgets, his Batmobiles and BatPlanes and BatBoats, his crime-fighting weaponry (something later borrowed for James Bond). You need a team of experts and “mad inventors” and secret weapon providers too, and you’ll find the smartest, the fastest, the strongest all gathered in one place, here, at the Info-SUMMITSM.

COCKTAILS AT WAYNE MANSIONA “fancy dress occasion”/costume party* networking reception for all Info-SUMMITSM attendees, with cash bar

and delicious canapés served by elegantly

attired staff – perhaps briefly disrupted by

the sudden appearance of some dastardly

villain, to rob guests of their jewels or steal

the secrets of info-marketers. You just can’t predict what might happen at a gathering of such movers ‘n shakers as this!

(You might meet THE person you need most, to vanquish

whatever obstacles stand in your way to riches!)*Tuxedos for gentlemen, evening gowns for ladies welcomed but not required. Super-

hero or super-villain costumes also appropriate. A classic super-hero collectible will be

awarded to the wearer of the best costume.



RECEPTION, supported by


with Profile and Web Site of every DIAMOND Member in attendance (registered before July 31st.) THIS IS A COMPELLING REASON TO REGISTER EARLY!



BRAINSTORMING with Dan Kennedy Certified

Copywriters for Info-Marketers!

Members of American Writers & Artists who have successfully completed Dan Kennedy’s Online Certification Course on

Writing for Info-Marketers will be present

in a work-space in or near The Utility Belt Shopping Mall, available to meet with, get instant copy critiques from, and discuss copy ideas with. BRING YOUR SALES LETTERS, BROCHURES,

WEB SITES, ETC. and take full avantage of this opportunity!


The Information Marketing Connections Networking

and Money-Making SUMMITSM

This is completely different than

anything you’ve ever attended. It’s

facilitated networking. You are matched

together with other IMA members with the

sole purpose of helping grow each others

business, creating joint ventures

and networking.

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At GKIC, we promise INSIDERS’ information. This Bonus Day delivers that, Pow! Wham! – as we take you inside the now-in-the-news world of Private Equity, Venture Capital, expansion by acquisition, and discuss YOUR future wealth to be created with sophisticated business, equity and financial strategies applied to info-marketing. THREE SUPER-POWERFUL PRESENTATIONS are featured in this dynamic Day….

In this session, Dan will discuss ways to build real Equity in an information marketing business, for its own sustainability and security, or for future sale. Few entrepreneurs in this industry have, from scratch, built a business and sold it twice, each time receiving substantial cash payments plus on-going participation in income streams or other continuing compensation plus “outside the deal” joint venture and income opportunities plus an interest (without

ownership responsibility or liability) in its future sale. In the process, he has created wealth for others, opportunities for

others, and improved the benefits for the business’ consumers as well. In addition to GKIC, Dan has also built, bought and sold product lines and intellectual property rights, created lucrative licensing programs, assisted several clients with both sales and acquisitions, worked with clients on franchise company start-ups, and, for several years, consulted on marketing with the largest mid-range M&A/business brokerage in America (giving him unique insight into the equity and business sale mistakes made by thousands of business owners).

In this ‘Very Inside Baseball’ session, he will first lay out the pathways to equity, then provide insider looks at his own deals, including how to get paid more than once for the same assets, how to sell “potential,” how to handle the “personality-linked” business, how there can be more money after the sale than from the sale, emotional issues of “having your baby adopted,” and more. He will also frankly discuss the biggest mistakes he sees info-marketers making with their businesses, related to equity. THIS SESSION WILL NOT BE AUDIO OR VIDEO RECORDED AND THEREFORE WILL NEVER BE PRODUCTIZED, and registering for it and attending it constitutes non-disclosure agreement on your part.

You know her as GKIC’s CEO. But there is an amazing track record you probably aren’t (yet) aware of, bringing a new level and kind of expertise to GKIC, and to its Members. Bette’s parents survived Siberian concentration camps, immigrated to America via Ellis Island, and worked hard, infusing the work ethic, determination and stamina she now brings to her leadership role at GKIC.

During her career, Bette has raised over $150-Million in





Dan Kennedy: The “Millionaire Maker” will share how he sold

the same business - TWICE!

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capital, steered mergers and acquisitions, at one point led the marriage of the two largest companies in the corporate training industry, raised the venture capital funding for the acquisition of one of the earliest e-learning/digital publishing companies and subsequently developing a library of over 200 e-learning courses and growing revenues tenfold, from $2-million to $20-million in just 24 months. She has been at the helm of teams as large as 400

sales and service professionals, corporate revenues exceeding $330-million. She has created funding for ground-breaking enterprises like Teach.com, PLATO Learning, and Midi, and brought together individual investors, private equity investors and institutional investors like State Farm, Dow Chemical, Tribune Co. and the union fund, TIAA-CREF. She has also engineered the sale of a number of companies, such as Teach.com to Ernst & Young, which subsequently merged it into Intellinex.

Inside companies, she has led product innovation, salesforce development, countless joint ventures and strategic alliances, global expansion and distribution/marketing channel expansion, all reflected in new initiatives – from technology and product innovation, like the iMarket (iPad) System and new online courses to bigger, better events and new new-member ‘boot camps’ to heroically successful online product launches and improved affiliate opportunities and services and more.

Outside companies, she has identified new opportunities, created, acquired and consolidated businesses, and brought together angel investors, second-stage venture capital, financing as well as needed expertise for both start-ups and expansion. IN THIS REMARKABLY CANDID SESSION, Bette will take you INSIDE the machinations of raising capital, the way venture capitalists and private equity investors evaluate and fund companies, the higher-level, “major league” opportunities you may not even know exist or feel beyond you but that may very well be only a few strategic moves from your grasp. Uniquely, Bette has hands-on experience at the small business level, creating companies from scratch and taking companies with only a couple million dollars in revenues and growing them exponentially AND she moves knowledgeably and comfortably about on Wall Street, dealing with the denizens of the capital markets, getting deal after deal, DONE.

This is a unique opportunity to hear from and directly question professional investors and high-level entrepreneurs intimately involved in growing promising small companies into multi-million dollar enterprises, taking companies public, and creating mergers that make everyone involved RICH. Nothing like this has ever occurred – or ever been possible – for GKIC Members before. This is WHERE THE REAL MONEY IS!


*DO YOU BELONG AT THIS SESSION? Yes, this is a Super-Advanced Session. Certainly, every well-established info-marketer with a business

generating million and multi-million dollar revenues should attend without fail. If you’re in that fraternity, you would be very foolish to miss this opportunity to “see the next level.”

However, no one should be too quick to disqualify themselves. The best time to begin understanding

and thinking about raising “stage two” capital to take your proven concept from small and

bootstrap-financed to big is early; the best time to learn how to make contacts in and navigate the shark-infested waters of the venture capital and

private equity communities is well in advance; the best time to place equity development strategy in your business is now – wherever you are, start-up, small, growing or big. There’s no reason to be unsophisticated just because you are a new entrant to info-marketing! Regardless of how far along you are in the development of your info-marketing business(es), this opportunity to acquire insider facts and information, to lay

solid foundation under “the magic of THINKING BIG” should not be missed. Only those certain of very limited ambition, such as contentment with a small, sideline info-business providing a few

hundred thousand dollars of income or even less – and there’s nothing wrong with that – should

skip this.





Bette T pulls back the curtains of the executive board

room & gives you the untold secrets of structuring your

business for success!

“SECRET IDENTITY” Professional Venture Capitalists, Private Equity Investors and Merger/Acquisition

Experts from Bette Tomaszewicz’s World.

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December 1938

July 1939

MISSION DETAILSLocation – Gaylord Opryland Resort & Convention Center – Nashville, TNDates – November 8th – 10th - Money, Money, Money BONUS DAY Sunday, November 11thInfo-SUMMITSM Guarantee: If, at ANY time during the first day of the Info-SUMMITSM you honestly believe

you’ve made a mistake and that you don’t belong here or you are otherwise disappointed, you need only say so to receive a FULL 100% fee REFUND PLUS up to $500 toward your documented travel and lodging expenses. PLUS… 100% on event cancellations 30+ Days before the Info-SUMMITSM.Register now with the Enclosed Form or Online at www.dankennedy.com/infosummit