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  • 7/27/2019 DalyAssignments-3


    Are You in a Ditch?

    Get out now!

    Question 1: Are you on track towards achieving your goal (Yes or No)?

    Question 2: If yes, why? Identify (type below) what you have been doing that is working --

    keeping you on track. If no, why? Identify what you have been doing that is NOT working --

    taking you off track.

    Get On Track vs. Stay On Track

    Study is key.

    Question 1: You have been studying Six Minutes to Success for a number of weeks now. What

    wisdom/lessons have you learned thus far? Type below.

    Question 2: How have these lessons you described above helped you in life and with your

    goals? Type below.

    Advice that has Helped Bob Proctor

    And can help you too.

    Question 1: How often (i.e., hours per day, week, month or year) do you currently study

    personal and/or professional development material?

    Question 2: How often do you make your own decisions (0%=Never, 100%=Always)?

    When The Student Is Ready

    The teacher will appear.

    Question 1: Let's say your actions indicate what you want. Based on your actions over the last 2

    days, what would they indicate that you want?

    Question 2: Is what you described above what you really want?

    Greatest Creation

    Your marvelous mind.

    Question 1: What are the four mental faculties that Bob Proctor mentioned in this video?

    Question 2: On a scale from 1 - 10 (1=Never, 10=Daily), how often do you consciously

    "exercise" the mental faculties you listed above?

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    Observation vs. Judgment

    "Observation is power, judgment is weakness."

    Question 1: Be as honest as possible, do you observe or judge more often?

    Environment vs. Heredity

    Who do you spend your time with?

    Question 1: List the people in your life that you converse with about BIG ideas, BIG talk.

    Rules For Winning

    Stay on course!

    Question 1: List the 7 most important tasks that you want to get done today. Remember, stay oncourse!

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    1 - Unwavering Courage

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No Courage, 10=Unwavering Courage), how would you

    rate your level of courage?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of courage, or would you like to further develop

    that trait?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    2 - Self-Control

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No self-control, 10=Extremely self-controlled), how would

    you rate your level of self-control?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of self-control, or would you like to further

    develop that trait?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    3 - A Keen Sense of Justice

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No sense of fairness and justice, 10=Strong sense of

    fairness and justice), how would you rate yourself with respect to having a keen sense of justice?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with the level of your sense of justice, or would you like to further

    develop your ability to have a keener sense of justice?

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    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    4 - Definiteness of Decision

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No decision-making, 10=Definite decision-making), how

    would you rate your ability to make definite decisions?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with your ability to make definite decisions, or would you like to

    further develop that trait?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    5 - Definiteness of Plans

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Never plans anything, 10=Always plans everything), how

    would you rate your ability of having definite plans?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with you level of having a definite plan, or would you like to

    further develop that trait?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    6 - The Habit of Doing More Than Paid For

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Do not do what is required of me at work, 10=Do more

    than what is required of me at work), how would you rate the level of your habits of doing more

    than what you are paid for?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of doing more than what you are paid for, or

    would you like to further develop that trait?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    7 - A Pleasing Personality

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Repelling personality, 10=Extremely pleasingPersonality), how would you friends/family/colleagues rate your personality? Be as honest as


    Question 2: Are you satisfied with the personality score above, or would you like to further

    develop your personality to be pleasing?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    8 - Sympathy And Understanding

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=No understanding of anyone or anything, 10=Extremely

    sympathetic and understanding), how would you rate your level of sympathy and understanding?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with you level of sympathy and understanding, or would you like

    to further develop that trait?

  • 7/27/2019 DalyAssignments-3


    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    9 - Mastery of Detail

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Total disregard to detail, 10=Extremely detail-oriented),

    how would you rate your level of mastery of detail?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with you level of master of detail, or would you like to further

    develop that trait?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    10 - Willingness to Assume Full Responsibility

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Blame everyone/ I am a victim, 10=Total responsibility for

    me and to others), how would you rate your attitude of responsibility?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with your rate on your attitude of responsibility, or would you like

    to further develop that trait?

    11 Major Factors of Leadership:

    11 - Cooperation

    Question 1: On a scale from 1-10 (1=Very competitive, 10=Very Cooperative), how would you

    rate your level of cooperation with others?

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with your level of cooperation, or would you like to further

    develop that trait?

    Strong Person

    As A Man Thinketh by James Allen

    Question 1: List at least 3 of your strengths.

    Question 2: List at least 3 of your weaknesses.

    Question 3: What are you doing to strengthen your weaknesses?

    The Turning Point

    All who succeed.

    Question 1: What advice have you taken from Bob Proctor from this 6 Minutes To Success

    program (list at least one piece of advice)?

    Question 2: How did your results improve from taking the advice you listed above?

    BIG Money

    What is BIG money?

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    Question 1: What amount would be BIG money for you?

    Face The Thing You Fear

    And fear will leave you.

    Question 1: What fears are you facing with respect to your goal?

    Fish Out of Water

    Are you really going for it?

    Question 1: What does "playing not to lose" mean to you?

    Question 2: What does "playing to win" mean to you?


    What do you want; not how are you going to get what you wan

    Question 1: What is your goal?

    Attracting High Caliber of People

    Look at results.

    Question 1: List the names of the mentor(s) you have and why.

    Images In Your Mind

    Controls the results you create.

    Question 1: Build an image of what you want to be by completing this statement, "I am so

    happy and grateful now that..."

    Law of Compensation

    To earn more money

    Question 1: What is it that you do to earn your main source of income?

    Question 2: How can you improve what it is that you do?

    J. B. Rhine

    Miracle of the Mind

    Question 1: What are you doing to develop your mind in addition to this 6 Minutes program?

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    A multitude of habits

    Question 1: List at least one habit you would like to change.

    Question 2: In what ways would changing the habit(s) you listed above change your life?

    More on Paradigms

    Be Illogical

    Question 1: What are your beliefs about money?

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    What are you putting off?

    Question 1: It is time to take immediate action! What is one thing you can do right now that

    would bring you closer to achieving your goal?

    Importance of Repetition

    "We need reminding as much as we need educating."

    Question 1: Do you have your goal memorized?

    Question 2: What is your goal?

    The Science of Getting RichYour right to be rich.

    Question 1: Do you become defensive when people want to talk to you about money?

    Question 2: What good would you like to do with money?

    Getting Rich

    By doing things in a certain way.

    Question 1: When you put good out you will get good back. What good have you been putting


    Creative Urge

    Expressing your creativity

    Question 1: How do you express your creativity?

    The Stick Person

    We think in pictures.

    Question 1: What are the two parts of the mind?

    Question 2: What are the functions and differences between the two parts of the mind?

    The Plan

    Plan vs. Goal

  • 7/27/2019 DalyAssignments-3


    Question 1: Since joining Six Minutes to Success, have you changed your goal, or your plan, or


    Infinite Potential

    Exists in you.

    Question 1: Who or what causes you to react?

    Question 2: Do you want to be in control of "you"?

    Don't Give Up

    Failure is part of success.

    Question 1: Do you have faith in yourself?

    Question 2: What does "having faith" mean to you?

    Successibility Thinking 5

    Declaration #5: Today Marks A New Beginning

    Question 1: Describe what your perfect day would look like.

    Doctor Your Medicine Is Killing Me

    Good health is a gift.

    Question 1: Find someone today that has the type of body you would like. Ask them to describe

    their eating habits and exercise routine so that you may learn. Describe below what your current

    eating habits are and your exercise routine.

    Question 2: Are you satisfied with your eating and exercise habits. If no, describe what changes

    you want to make.

    Successibility Thinking 6

    Declaration #6: My Enthusiasm Is Overflowing

    Question 1: What are you enthused about today? If nothing, what have you been enthused about

    in the past?

    Love Your Body

    Love you!

    Question 1: What do you love about you?

  • 7/27/2019 DalyAssignments-3


    Successibility Thinking 7

    Declaration #7: I Am A Positive Self-Talker

    Question 1: Do you realize you "talk" to yourself? If you just asked yourself quietly, "Do I talk

    to myself?" you should answer yes this question.

    Question 2: What positive conversations do you have with yourself? If none, then what positive

    conversations would you like to start having with yourself?

    Say Yes To Thought, Say No To Drugs

    Make a decision.

    Question 1: Describe a healthy you.

    178- Successibility Thinking 8

    Declaration #8: I am happy!

    Question 1: What people, places and things bring you joy?

    179-Your Body Can Heal Itself

    Do you want a better lifestyle?

    Question 1: What lifestyle would you like to live?

    180-Successibility Thinking 9

    Declaration #9: I Persist.

    Question 1: Do you have the habit of being persistent? If not, would you like to develop this


    181-Face Your Problems

    Look at your attitude.

    Question 1: Are you happy with your present results? If not, would a change in your attitude

    help change your results?

    182-Successibility Thinking 10

    Declaration #10: My Mind Is Positive Today

    Question 1: What are three positive things that have happened to you today?

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    183-Emotions And Health

    Better health and wealth

    Question 1: What is one of your favorite songs that put you in a good vibration? Hum it

    throughout today.

    184-Successibility Thinking 11

    Declaration #11: Everyone has perfection within them.

    Question 1: What is the perfection in you seeking expression? In other words, what would you

    love to do...to dedicate your life to doing?

    185-Feel Better

    Decide right now.

    Question 1: Do you feel good right now?

    Question 2: Would you like to feel good right now?

    Question 3: What thought and action would make you feel good right now?

    186-How To Love

    Me, myself and I

    Question 1: Name 3 things you love, or appreciate, about yourself.

    187-Removing The Block

    Let it go

    Question 1: What block, or obstacle, are you facing right now?

    Question 2: Do you want to let go of the block you mentioned above?

    188-Commitment To Character

    Ben Franklin

    Question 1: Describe your character.

    189-Employee Perspective


    Question 1: What characteristic(s) that Bob mentioned stand out in your mind.

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    190-Thomas Edison's Life

    Raising the bar for ourselves.

    Question 1: What legend would you like to leave? In other words, what would you like to hear

    people saying about you after you pass?

    191-The Secrets of Self-Leadership

    by Frank Kickbush

    Question 1: Name at least one issue you have holding on to. Then decide now to let it go.

    192-Clarity Is Important

    What do you want?

    Question 1: What blocks do you have that Bob mentioned?

    193-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 1


    Question 1: Wealth is not about accumulation, it is about circulation. In your own words, what

    does this statement mean to you?

    Question 2: The only difference between you and a billionaire is a difference in mindset. In yourown words, describe what you think the mindset of a billionaire would be.

    194-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 2

    Question 1: You must guard what you mind is exposed to. What is your mind currently exposed


    195-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 3

    Question 1: Your time is invaluable. How do you currently spend your time?

    Question 2: How would you like to spend your time?

    196-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 4

    Question 1: You must not fear change. What changes are happening in your life right now?

    Question 2: How do you feel about all these changes you described above?

    197-It's Not About The Money: Chapter 5

    Question 1: Increase effectiveness by decreasing wasted busyness. What is the "busy" work you

    tend to get caught up in?
