dairy market value chain assessment report - prime · pdf filedairy market value chain...

Dairy Market Value Chain Assessment Report Outline 1. Executive Summary 2. Context 3. Methodology 4. Dairy Market system Map 5. Seasonal Calendar 6. Who does Who Pays Matrix 7. Key findings 7.1. Milk Production 7.2. Milk Marketing 8. Response Options 9. Conclusions and Recommendations 10. Annexes

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Dairy Market Value Chain Assessment Report


1. Executive Summary

2. Context

3. Methodology

4. Dairy Market system Map

5. Seasonal Calendar

6. Who does Who Pays Matrix

7. Key findings

7.1. Milk Production

7.2. Milk Marketing

8. Response Options

9. Conclusions and Recommendations

10. Annexes

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1. Executive Summary

PRIME (Pastoralist Resilience Improvement Through Market Expansion) is a five-year, USAID-funded initiative designed to support resilience among pastoralist communities in Ethiopia, and thus enhance prospects for long-term development in Ethiopia’s dry land landscape where the pastoralist livelihood system prevails. To design relevant intervention system, PRIME aspired to train technical staff from a consortium of four organizations, and assigned these trained technical people to undertake field level value chain assessment around eight commodities, among which milk is one. Dairy Value chain team is a multidisciplinary team assigned to undertake milk value chain assessment in the Eastern, Dire Dawa (DD), Afar and Southern cluster of PRIME operational areas. The assessment is aimed at mapping market for milk Value Chain & diagnoses of milk market system in the identified areas. The key analytical questions designed by the team, to be answered during the assessment include;

What market system support as a key leverage point is required to improve household income gain from the dairy sector?

What are major constraints, opportunities of the dairy sector? The field assessment was undertaken in assessing of actors involved in the milk value chain, to analyze the relationship currently prevailing among the chain actors with an objective to identify factors constraining the milk value chain development and develop recommendation for intervention. Though the actors in the milk value chain in the study area have different features, the chain is built around six major types of actors: producers, collectors (mostly cooperatives), aggregators, transporters, Exporters/Importers, retailers and consumers are involved in the milk value chain in all visited areas. Some of the actors that have mixed role, for example, a single actor is aggregator, transporter and exporter (Jijiga) are also identified in some places. On the other hand pastoralists in some areas of the Borana act as collectors (Ollas) by hiring transportation and jointly marketing the milk in urban areas. Milk production is mostly undertaken by pastoralists in most of the assessed areas. However, there are few peri urban dairy small holders in Jigjiga, Dire Dawa, Awash and Metahara. The relationship and linkages between the actors in the milk value chain is not strong and market information sharing is not that good in all areas visited.The producers practice different milk adulteration practices to extend shelf life of the milk. The factors that challenge the milk value chain development in all clusters can be summarized as:

Natural including: seasonality of production, shortage and erratic rainfall, unpredictable weather,

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Support functions including: poor animal health service, poor organizational capacity of cooperatives, lack of financial services, unavailable or limited market information

Infrastructural including: poor transportation and energy supply infrastructure,

Social and cultural including: poor market linkage between actors, poor coordination between actors, lack of market orientation of pastoralists, persistent clan conflict.

There is high inconsistency of milk supply across all PRIME intervention areas, as the availability of milk highly depends on pasture & water availability which in turn is depending on rain fall. Milk is hardly available for 2-3 months in the Eastern cluster and up to 4 months in the Southern cluster. Seasonality in the availability of milk makes price movement also highly seasonal. Good milk consumption habit and demand, strong social capital and high women involvement in the milk value chain are few of several opportunities identified in the assessment area. To addresses challenges in the milk value chain and gain existing opportunities the team propose the following major intervention options:

Building entrepreneurial capacity and market orientation of major actors such as: producers, aggregators and processors;

Improve coordination among supporting institutions including woreda level sector offices, NGOs and traditional institutions to jointly work towards improvement of the sector;

Support important input suppliers such as feed producers and traders, veterinarian pharmacies and veterinarian service providers( A.I, treatment), dairy inputs, and link them with the producers.

Support Milk processing firm to provide better and sustainable market opportunities of the producers

Support stakeholders workshop to increase trust and share responsibilities for the Milk market actors

Upgrade milk collection centres to better provide services and maximum use by the producers and milk cooperatives

Promote quality based payments to eradicate milk quality problems

Support transportation firms to provide appropriate mode of transportation for milk ( vehicles with coolers)

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2. Context Livestock production is the dominant livelihood system of pastoralist in Somali, Afar and Borena areas. Though the sector is constrained by several natural, institutional, infrastructural and social factors, milk production and marketing has a paramount importance for household economic and nutritional status. Regardless of high economic importance, the dairy value chain in these areas is not well organized. The roles and functions of all the actors in the value chain are not sufficiently differentiated and the market linkages are weak between the actors. The competitive pressure of cash crops, such as chat and coffee in some and more productive areas that compete for resources (land, water, finance, labor) with the animal feed crops reduces the dairy VC improvement opportunities. There is high inconsistency of milk supply across all PRIME intervention areas, as the availability of milk highly depends on pasture & water availability which in turn is depending on rain fall. Milk is hardly available for 2-3 months in the Eastern cluster and up to 4 months in the Southern cluster. Seasonality in the availability of milk makes price movement also highly seasonal There is a significant involvement of NGOs In the milk market system of the assessed areas focused on: producer cooperatives establishment and support through financial support in collection and processing center construction, supplying milk containers and processing equipment, provision of inputs for animal feed production and animal health improvement. However, it is obvious that the impact of such actions did not and does not sustain beyond the time of intervention as it relates to sustainable development of the dairy market system.

3. Methodology Literature review1: The assessment team reviewed documents relevant to the assessment such as existing study documents and other background information. Consultation and interviewing small respondent groups: Interactive and brief discussions were made with milk cooperative committee members, small and micro enterprise owners,

1 A set of secondary literature used is collected and made available as part of the assessment

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pastoralists and government officials to generate valuable data with regard to market actions, constraints and opportunities in the dairy VC. Interviews with key informants: An interactive and semi-structured questionnaire survey was conducted with existing and potential actors in the dairy market chain. Telephone conversations were also conducted made to generate data with some actors. Rapid Consumer preference survey: A rapid survey of consumer preference has also been conducted in Yabelo town with 30 respondents were interviewed to assess their consumer preference

4. Market System Map

Value Chain Actors

Eastern Cluster: Actors in the eastern cluster include producer, collectors/cooperatives, aggregators/exporters, retailers and consumers.

Producers include pastoralists and small dairy farms (Berwako). Pastoralists supply their milk to local collectors on business transaction or kinship base to bring milk to woreda town collectors/retailers). Some pastoralists also sell their milk directly to consumers in nearby woreda town or on the highway to Jigjiga (Babile). Small dairy farms sell the milk produced and sometimes processed to individual and institutional consumers in the urban areas (Jigjiga).

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Collectors – include village collectors who directly collect milk from producers and bring it to the nearby towns to town based collectors. During the dry season they collect approximately 6320 litres of camel milk/day, in wet season they collect 11,560 milk/day of camel milk, in wet season they collect 9291 cow milk/day, in dry season they collect 4283 litres of milk/day of cow milk, most of this milk are taken and sold in Jijiga town and some to Hargeisa- Somaliland

Aggregators – These actors, in Jigjiga mostly, play multiple roles in the chain (as collector/aggregator, transporter and exporter). These chain actors are actively involved in collecting milk from village and town collectors, from where they bring the milk Togwajale in Somaliland. They sustain the supply of milk even in dry season by extending their geographic coverage; hence stimulate the milk market regardless of season. Proximately 3500 liters of milk are exported daily to Somaliland

Retailers – Include: producers who sell their milk directly to consumers, town collectors who have no big market to send their milk to tea/milk shops. The producers and collector type of retailer sell row milk and tea/milk shop type of retailer sell value added milk products such as boiled milk, acidified milk (yoghurt) and traditional butter.

Consumers – are mostly individual households, city and town dwellers, restaurants, cafeterias, universities, refugee camps, drivers on the highway and others.

Dire Dawa: Actors in the Dire Dawa include: pastoralist, small holder commercial farmera, processors, retailers and consumer.

Pastoralists mostly sell their milk directly to consumers in the Dire Dawa town.

Smallholder dairy farms sell their milk for both processors and consumers.

Commercial farms which also have processing facilities (DPRIMO - DP) in addition to the milk produced by the, also buy milk from trusted stallholder dairy farms and increase their milk volume for further processing. They sell small amounts of raw milk to the local community and pasteurized milk and other milk products to consumers in the city.

Afar: Actors in this cluster include pastoralist/small holder, cooperatives/ collectors, Processor/Aggregator, Retailers and consumers. Pastoralists in most cases do not bring their milk to market centers. Few cooperatives in Mullu and Herdin supplies milk to the sole aggregator in Awash by public transport to mieso. The sole aggregator/processor in Awash of Afar also acts as a trans-border trader; using truck drivers to Djibouti (Yoghurt and butter). Milk collected from areas around Asayita is collected from villages and sold in Asayita town (it doesn’t go long distance). Southern Cluster: Milk value chain in southern cluster comprises actors such as pastoralist/producers, village level collectors/ also act as small aggregators, Retailers, trans - boardersand consumers. Market corridors around Teltele,Elwaye, Arero, Filtuare locked market areas though high milk potential is available, mainly due to high distance from main road.

Producers- are pastoralists and agro pastoralists who directly sell their products to consumers and some of them give / sell milk to local milk collectors and cooperatives.

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Collectors-/ village level collectors and cooperatives/ are pastoralist and milk traders or purely milk traders who collect milk from ‘olas’(villagers) and bring it to aggregating and transporting site to send and sell it to their customers in Moyale. Cooperatives on the other hand collect milk from their members and nonmembers in the area and conduct semi processing. After butter is made the cooperative sell skimmed milk to the local community (the problem of skimmed milk market) Retailers- include individual retailers in towns, milk shops, and some time producers. Individual retailers, particularly those found in Moyale are engaged in sell of raw milk, butter and skimmed milk (after homemade processing), they sale all the products to consumers in moyale town. The others only sale raw milk either to consumers in Moyale or to trans-boarders who brought the milk to Gambo- Kenya. Based on the discussion made with these retailers most of the milk is transported to Gambo- Kenya individually.

5. Seasonal Calendar Market System Months

Sep Oc Nov Dec Jan Feb Marc April May June Jul August

Eastern Cluster

Volume of production


Mkt price H M M M M H H L L L L H

Sales Volume L M M M M L L H H H H L

Ava. of Pasture / water


Need for vet. Service


Infrastructure H M M M M H H L L L L H

Cost of production


DD level H M M M M H H L L L L H

Festivity & Holiday


Conflict H M M M M H H L L L L H

School fee & year beg


Southern Cluster

Volume of production


Mkt price L L H H H H H L L M M M

Sales Volume H H L L L L L H H M M M

Ava. of Pasture /water


Need for vet. Service


Infrastructure L L H H H H H L L M M M

Cost of production


DD level L L H H H H H L L M M M

Festivity & Holiday


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Conflict L L H H H H H L L L L L

School fee & year beginning


Afar Cluster

Volume of production


Mkt price M M M M H H H H M L L L

Sales Volume M M M M L L L L M H H H

Ava. of Pasture /water


Need for vet. Service


Infrastructure M M M M H H H H M L L L

Cost of production


DD level M M M M H H H H M L L L

Festivity & Holiday


Conflict M M M M M H H H H L L L

School fee & year beginning


6. Who Does Who Pays Matrix for Core Dairy Initiatives

System Initiatives Current


Who does Who pays Who does Who pays

Training/expo.visit NGO/GO Donor/GO PS/GO PS

Input Supply NGO/GO/PS Donor /PS PS/GO PS

Seed Capital NGO Donor PS/GO PS

Monitoring & follow up


Mkt Linkage NGO/GO Donor/GO GO/PS PS

Info. Assimilation NGO/PS/GO PS/ PS/GO PS

Research & Technology


Transportation PS PS PS PS

Org, Licensing GO Donor/GO GO/PS PS

Infrastructure GO/NGO/PS Donor/GO/PS GO/PS GO/PS

Enabling environment GO GO/Donor GO GO

7. Key findings

7.1. Milk Production

Though pastoralism and semi-pastoralism are the predominant livelihoods in the southern Oromia, north & eastern Somali and the Afar regional state, the livelihoods of the pastoralist households is constrained by risks of climate calamites, as these regions are predominantly arid and semiarid. Profound climate changes are now taking place, increasing the vulnerability due higher climatic hazards. The ability to apply the main coping mechanism and strategy in times

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of drought, mobility, is also reduced for these communities. In normal weather conditions, pastoralists follow mobile lifestyle according to seasons in search of pasture and water that enables them to produce, utilize and sell milk in order to generate cash to purchase grain and other food and consumer products. Currently Some of the constraining factors are: (1) lack of genetic improvement services, (2) seasonality in feed availability, (3) poor health management, (4) poor animal husbandry practices are the critical problems that the dairy producers experience.

7.2. Milk Marketing Demand and consumption patterns are critical for the success of market - led dairy development. Consumers express their demand through the price they are willing and able to pay; and market transmits the price signal to producers for them to respond accordingly. With respect to this, there are a number of restraining factors. Per capita consumptions of milk and milk products in the assessment area just like the national level is very low due to economic and cultural reasons. Milk marketing in the pastoral society is challenged by several factors such as low market orientation of the pastoralists, low entrepreneurial skill among the market chain actors, weak institutional capacity of the market its self, seasonality of the marketing due to less/no produce during the dry season, low accessibility to market due to poor road conditions and loss of products due to poor handling and storage, Other than seasonality in the availability of milk these entities are being challenged by lack of business communication and management skill, lack of technological facilities, lack financial services and weak integration with big actors. the businesses are mostly undertaken through informal business practices, mostly through kinship. Milk and milk product production, handling and marketing is entirely done by the women on the production level in the pastoral areas. Not only milk and milk product marketing but also management of these products at home is an exclusive responsibility of women. On the other hand there are strong private actors in the milk trade in the eastern cluster, while no such actors were identified in the southern cluster. Awash of Afar also have strong private actors which are currently involved in the milk trade chain. Milk is exported to Kenya and Somaliland mostly through informal way, in the case of the export to Somaliland, they are some who have legal documents to export the milk, the milk is mainly taken to Hargeisa where its taken to retailers and restaurants to reach the end customers, as for the case of export to Kenya through Moyale and Dollo Ado, is mainly informal and are taken by women back and motor bikes to Kenya and sold at Moyale- Kenya market by retailers who sell to the end customers. Demand and supply does not correspond to each other, most of the cities visited they have low supply of milk, while producers complain of lack of market, this due to poor quality of milk, late arrival of milk to the towns. Actors and linkages

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The dairy value chain involves several activities from production of the milk through reaching to the final consumer in the market, though the chain structure differs across the clusters. These activities include input supply, milk production; raw milk transportation, bulking and cooling, processing, transporting processed milk and milk products and retailing it to the final consumer. Involvement of the actors may be direct or indirect in the pastoral dairy value chain. The key actors include individual producers or milk producing groups/cooperatives, aggregators, retailers, private and public veterinary service providers, saving and credit institutions, feed suppliers, private processors, exporters and milk and milk product consumers. Other important support actors include agricultural research and education institutions, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and development projects. The interaction and coordination among the aforementioned service delivery government departments as well as NGOs was observed to be extremely weak and ill coordinated. The situation alarms that key actors should be brought together and strategize the intervention to transform the commodity. It requires forming a platform of actors in the dairy sector that coordinates actors and leads the innovation processes for a transformed and sustained market system of the dairy sector. Successful cooperative models in milk collecting and marketing are rare in all clusters, All cooperatives though have the some major problems in common. These problems include weak institutional capacity, poor managerial skill, lack of market linkage and derivation from mentoring services. Transportation Transportation services that are available for the dairy sector in all the clusters are mainly animal transportation, women backs ,motor bikes- this is mainly used from the producers to the collection centers and from the collection centers to the nearby main cities, isuzu and public buses are used. Most of the collectors were complaining of milk lost/ spilt and spoilt due to the mode of transportation- the means of the transportation lacks coolers and by the time milk gets to its destination it gets spoilt. Milk quality The causes for poor quality of milk and milk product are multiple and they start from milking. Milk production in the pastoralist society is being influenced by several poor handling practices which expose the milk to severe initial contamination. The most widely used container for milk storage and transportation is the plastic Jerry can. These reused vegetable oil Jerry Cans are widely available, inexpensive and practical for collecting milk from pastoralist villages to road side aggregation centers and also to the terminal market. However, those containers are a large cause for milk spoilage since they cannot be washed and sanitized properly during the subsequent usage and provide no insulation. Absence of cooling facilities leads to frequent

spoilage of the product which is economic loss and also reduces consumers’ confidence due to

health risks. No Milk No Market Paradox There is ‘no milk-no market’ paradox in several places which the team assessed. Collectors such as cooperatives and individual producers in Shinile, Amibara, Surupha, Elwoye, Dubluk, Mio and

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Tuka areas are complaining, there is no market for their produces. On the other hand consumers in major cities such as Awash, Yaballo express high milk demand, but the availability is a problem. For Awash the team understands the conflicting idea is because of factors like long distance from the market site and transportation problem (eg. Halaydege of Amibara), attitudinal problem to sell camel milk and women involvement in milk marketing, weak market linkage and actors (No collector at production site and transporter to market site). One testimonial from a producer in Yabello informs that though they supply large amount of milk to the towns around them, they sometimes are not able to sell the milk and forced to return it home. The consumers in Yabelo on the other hand state that the milk supplied by the pastoralists or aggregators doesn’t reach them at a proper time when they want to buy it. Also, the milk arriving t market late in the day lacks quality. To identify contradicting ideas raised by milk suppliers and consumers (No Milk No Market Paradox), the team has developed a semi- structured interview questions and gathered data from consumers in Yaballo town, in addition to pre-set EMMA questionnaire. Accordingly, it was confirmed that out of 30 consumers interviewed in Yaballo, 26 of the respondents have replied that milk quality (Adulteration) is a major issue which makes consumers reluctant to buy milk around Yaballo town. More than 12 consumers also responded that they have experienced stomach complications after consuming poor quality milk. Most the respondents cited that milk supplied to Yaballo town from nearby kebeles is highly adulterated. The adulteration practices of some milk business practitioners highly affect consumer confidence and create perception that milk from nearby areas is totally adulterated. The other cause for low demand from the consumer side is that the time at which suppliers bring milk to the market doesn’t fit with a time consumers want to buy.

8. Conclusions and Recommendations The pastoral dairy sector is constrained by various socio-economic, institutional, organizational and technical problems. Shortage and high cost of feed, lack of organization that provides dairy related information, difficulty to get land, disease prevalence, lack of technical support, and lack of dairy related technologies are the major constraints related to milk production. Problems related to milk marketing include lack of quality control of milk, lack of cooling and storage facilities as well as its transpiration at/to milk vending sites. This leads to poor quality of milk supplied from rural areas, sale of raw milk, inappropriate milk handling and storage vessels, and spoilage of milk due to lack of preservation and processing facilities. Actors along the market chain include pastoralist producers, traders and consumers. However there is no clear line drawn in the roles of the actors, as producers also often act as collectors and sellers, and traders also own livestock and produce milk in some cases. Even the consumers who are mainly urbanized people keep livestock in a smaller scale and produce milk. However their milk production is not sufficient for the household needs; hence they do purchase milk from the local market. Other consumers include hotels and restaurants. In general this study

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revealed that hygiene standards among the actors along the market chain are very poor starting with personal hygiene to equipment used for milking, storage and transport. Equipment used for milking, storage and transport include mainly traditional gourdes, plastic jerry cans and in few cases aluminum cans. Traditional gourds that are usually smoked after usage pass hygiene standards, however the milk is often transferred to plastic jerry cans for transport and contribute to milk spoilage as they are difficult to clean. Though the sector is being constrained by several challenges, there is still opportunity to improve the sector.

9. Response Options After thoroughly making an inventory on the factors constraining the milk value chain the assessment team has proposed the following intervention option Matrix for Response Options Intervention option Activities Advantage Disadvantage Feasibility Level




Improve productivity through genetic improvement & rangeland management

- Support selection of high yield indigenous breeds

- Support cross breeding

- Support access to AI - Support integrated

rangeland management practices

- Productivity increased

- Volume of produce increased Stabilized supply

- Increased production cost

- Susceptible to disease & environmental hazards

- Loss of indigenous genetic make up

Improve availability of feed & management of milking cows

- Support agricultural input suppliers to introduce drought resistant fodder seed var.

- Support initiatives and business for hay making

- Support/strengthen private feed suppliers

- Support separate husbandry practice for milking cows (move towards commercial dairy practices)

- Ensures stable availability of feed, hence milk

- Strengthen drought resilience of milking cows

- Risk mitigation via herd division

- Increased production cost

- Limits mobility


Support linkage between producers and animal health services providers

- Support private vet

practitioners to increase coverage

- Support CBAH service delivery

- Support collection center to be where they animal health

- Improve resilience to disease & related hazard

- Improve animal productivity

- Improve participatory anim

- Increased production cost

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services, AI al health care

Support linkages between BDS service providers and Milk value chain Actors

- Support institutional CB &governance

- Facilitate skill training in business management for Strengthening entrepreneurial motivation of business actors in the milk VC

- Capacitated entrepreneurs become change agents


Support linkages of Financial service available to the Dairy VC actors

- Identify appropriate FIs which can establish long lasting partnership with milk VC actors

- ID transformative institution & influence improvement of financial service provision system

- Solve systemic constraint that hinder access of small actors to finance

- Expand service coverage of FIs & enhance inclusiveness of small actors in the Milk VC

- Entrepreneurs in the Milk VC Become motivated & level of participation scaled up


Raising awareness of milk VC actors on milk sanitation & hygiene issues

- Support mechanisms for training and TA in appropriate quality standard

- Support investment in appropriate milk handling technologies

- Support quality incentive payment schemes along the VC

. Stimulate demand among consumers .Producer attitude become market oriented


Strengthening Milk VC marketing information system

- Support introduction of SMS based market information

- Support market information data base

- Promote integrated metrological & early warning system

- Enhance market information among milk VC actors

Creating enabling - Support action - Remove polic - The X

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environment for dairy sector dev’t

research to assess, identify and prioritize policy and institutional improvement

- Communicate research output with all level relevant gov’t institutions

- Support government commitment in implementing enabling policy measures

y barriers in the dairy sector

- Develops clear implementation guideline & strategy

- Stimulate actors in the dairy VC to invest and be market oriented throughout the whole chain structure

- Strengthens vertical chain integration

producers and industry associations may be week to lobby.

- Difficulty in the Inter sectorial integration & coordination

Empower Gender Role in the dairy Value chain

- Support CB trainings (in husbandry, marketing, mgt skill, sanitation & hygienic standards) and

- Raising awareness of traditional institutions & the community on women roles in the dev’t of dairy sector

- Promote involvement of women entrepreneurs in various exposure visits, learning & sharing events

- Women business skill improved

- HH income increased & nutrition improved

- Attitudinal change improved towards gender sensitivity

- Newly adopted Initiatives may overburden women

- Institutional/cultural resistance

Support the investment initiatives along the value chain(milk processing units)

- Support processors quality control

- Support market development for processed milk products

- Support business link b/n input suppliers & processors, as well as milk suppliers & processors

- Support processors access to financial services

- Product quality improved

- Milk consumption pattern for processed product improved

- Business integration b/n actors become strong & consistent

- Costly intervention

- Consumers taste may be resistant for new products

Upgrade milk - Support facilities - Market - Time

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collection centres electricity, water, in the collection center

- Support inputs like cooling system

- Facilitate quality checking at collection centre

linkages improved

- Well organized collection centre

- Milk quality will also be improved

consuming - Cost


Improve pastoralists market orientation

- Organize community & woreda level sensitization meetings to improve pastoralist market orientation for milk production

- Promoting/Strengthening small women group in pastoralist villages to improve quantity & quality of milk supplied to market

- Quantity & quality of milk circulate in the market increased

- Hygienic practices and quality among pastoralist milk marketing improved

Support privates sector initiatives on better mode of transportation of milk

- Facilitate and support any new private sectors initiatives on transportation with cooling system.

- Support linkages between dairy input suppliers and dairy Actors

- Reduce milk spoilage and spilling

- Arrival of milk in the market at good time


10. Annexes Annex 1 Milk Market Channel in the pastoral areas of eastern, southern and Afar Cluter as well as Dire Dawa city Council

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Key: Milk Market Channel Annex 2. List of Actors interviewed for the assessment

S/N Name Cluster Specific location

Role Full address

1 Iskufilan cooperative

Eastern Muli Collection 0923198252

2 Hamdayle Plc Eastern Diredawa Production and processing


3 Primo dairy farm Eastern Diredawa Production and processing


4 Hafkath Plc Eastern Diredawa Production and processing


5 Al-nasri cooperative

Eastern Gursum Collection 0915054731

6 Alla amin cooperative

Eastern Fafan Collection 0933342826

7 Hormud coopeartive

Eastern Fafan Collection 0915741594

8 Barwako cooperative

Eastern Dhuxusha Collection 0915228014

9 Barwako Milk Processing (Amir)

Eastern Jijiga Processing 0920824377

10 Barwako dairy farm

Eastern Jijiga Production and


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11 Aleel Adan Riyale Eastern Jijiga Fresh milk retailer


12 Kadar Jama Eastern Jijiga Exporter 0915742875

13 Deneke Eastern Jijiga Powder milk Importer and retailer


14 Tawakal cooperative

Eastern Kebribaya Collection 0933414664

15 Alla Mahadle cooperative

Eastern Heradin Collection 0915006585

16 Abdi rashed Eastern Jijiga Transporter 0915741594

17 SRS, cooperative promotion office

Eastern Jijiga Promotion of cooperatives

18 Addis Kidan Milk processor (Gashew)

Afar Awash Aggregator, processing and retailer


19 Amibara woreda cooperative office

Afar Amibara Cooperative 0913194068, Demoze , organizer

20 Alaydege coop Afar Amibara Non functional


21 Pastoralists in Diba PA

Afar Awash Productionand sales

22 Betaseb dairy farm Metahara Production 0911315620(organizer)

23 Mister mele cooperative

Afar Asayta Collection 0912182248

24 Arado Cooperative Afar Asayta Collection 0912182248

25 Demazo Afar Asayta Woreda cooperative Officer


26 Birhan Dairy SME Metahara Production 0911315620( organizer)

27 Etafar Adama Collection, processing and retailer


28 Surupha cooperative

Southern Surupha Collection

29 Gizachew Leta, zone coop expert

Southern Yaballo Facilitation 0910062030

30 Burka Jirenya Southern Elwaye Collection 0926101568

31 Dharito milk processing cooperative

Southern Dharito Collection and processing

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33 Gudisa Ebsa, coop expert

Southern Mio Collection 0912162360

34 Debo Huka, Coop chair

Southern Tuka Collection 0926620520

35 Halimo Ibrahim Southern Udet Retailer

36 Silesh Yorghot Southern Yaballo Collection

37 Faluma Milk retailer

Southern Yaballo Collection & retailing


38 Firie Yorghot Southern Yaballo Collection

39 Consumers Southern Yaballo

40 Waqat gargara Southern Negelle Collection

41 Tadelech Teyib, Coop member

Southern Gordala 0927138237

42 Ilama Isak Southern Filtu Producer and retailer

43 Gizachew Leta Southern Yaballo Zone cooperative expert


44 Debella Geleta Southern Yaballo SME office 0925568122

45 Bare Gelgelo Southern Dubluk Cooperative chair person


46 Mohamed Amin Southern Moyale Transporter 0911808515

47 Dermi Galma Southern Moyale Trans border trader

Annex. 3 Interview questions for Milk consumers in Yaballo town Date: May 20-21, 2013 Objective: To identify consumer preference in Yaballo town with regard to product quality, taste, ease availability, trust towards customer and price. This assessment is used for milk VC, rapid assessment of PRIME Program.

1. Do you consume milk and milk products? Yes____________ No___________ 2. If Yes, How frequent you consume it? A) twice a day b) once a day c) once every two days

d)once a week 3. Where do you consume milk mostly? a) in cafes b) In hotels c)At home d) other 4. What Is your reason to consume it there? A) Socialization & to enjoy outside b)good taste &

quality c) good quality and service d) only good service 5. How do you identify quality milk/milk product? A) using my own quality tasting b) later reaction

of the product on my health c) color and smell d) other 6. How do you evaluate the quality of the product /service provider where you take milk/milk

product? A) Very Poor b) poor c) Fair d) good e) v. good 7. Who do you think is the cause for producing/supplying poor quality milk/milk product? A) some

pastoralists/producers b) collectors c) retailers d) the processor( final service provider)

Page 19: Dairy Market Value Chain Assessment Report - PRIME · PDF fileDairy Market Value Chain Assessment Report 3. ... among which milk is one. Dairy Value chain team ... An interactive and

8. Is there any cluster/woreda/kebele in your opinion is renowned by it quality milk?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. Is there any cluster/woreda/kebele/village In your opinion is renowned by its adulterated & poor quality product?-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

10. What is your attitude towards consuming milk/any milk product out of your home? A) I don’t have trust & I am disparate b) Very good, & I also trust my customer c) I suspect there is some adulteration d) it Is not that much harmful

11. Is there any time( month or season ) when you stop consuming milk because of price escalation? A) yes b) rarely yes c) No . If yes please state the time-------------------------------------------------------

12. What Is your substitute good for natural milk? A) powdered milk b) pasteurized milk c) tea d) coffee e) I don’t have substitute good for milk because I extremely like it

13. Do you consume other milk other than cow milk? A) yes b) No. If yes please state it------------------

14. Is there any distinguished café/hotel or Yoghurt house somebody canhas to trust in Yaballo town? A) Yes b) No c) I don’t know

15. If yes please list it/them------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What do you think Is the reason for its trustworthy? -----------------------------------------

16. Have you ever faced any illness due to poor quality of milk or any milk product?----------a)yes b) No. If yes please describe it------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

17. Thanking you for your cooperation, please add any idea which you suppose is important for this assessment.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------