daily yellowstone journal (miles city, mont.) 1887-06-15 [p ] · 40* nohe or the round trip bntwqe...

111E 1AILT JOURNAL MrtfM OJ?7 MONTANA. 1 ,buMAF dds*. P.L.. bi/k QObU. a. U.. gg - ppen amm w ---. - LOCAL IT3MS. The rives r agsin rising. A. C. Emith, of tbhe adenball et, e ap yMetedy. Aewm Johnes and Clint Graham ae In from the round-up. GetO Bill Bullard for Beet'. M Il wmeek bor Io say quantity. W,• . (art, of the Mabry eattie sUespsay, s In ftrom the round-up. EA. Greas returned from amotha's tip out on the round-up last aight. MiMoner weo afot.rtunate yester- dayutoles valuable horMs hom Idle. Clas1 rags wated e at tholos ee. Goe. My.s. yesteeday brought in a poate etof his weool emp fren the Pew- do r ver rneb. Blbarhd lrowsn loft for the 1a- tsNal Park this a in and bron thor will return to England. A muslelan performing on a ceoer. sn hrlsabed amassemeot or the lnasres ai Main street last evealig. Mr. .. Bond, of the Crow ressr vastl., asosmaNiled by his wife and nise, MI. Emerenm , are In the oity. R. J. Moore, 8t Louis; W. B. Day, Belea; sad C. B. Ditman, New TYrt' ar among arrivqls at tbhe Ma- qgue. A soldier wwerln a wine colored shirt was slusing blimelf by trylie to rma a house e Bridge street sad I waited by thef lours. Col. John N. Simpson, of the Cootl. -estal saW. eompany, came in fom TeIw this moralag. The company hbse ,000 head of ea ees the trail. SIevealt our boine booses record lo sales this year thmu h the son. respoding eases lst year sad yet there ai- these who omplsls of bad. A. D. Pakertlg, of the Piekerin~g Lewis Mttle eempaay, msd bhi son, taeseo Plekeuls, e bore thae ChI. P sadi will visit the ampany's sb ln aday or two. The threatened storm of the after. msrs passed off with a he heavy rolls of th•ader and a sprlnkle. When tbe -s weIt down, howevw, the geat. il eoolees of the atmosphere wa appaeat. The Nortrn Pacico will sell Sie. l lor FolrtL of July exeurelone at 40* nohe or the round trip bNtwqe any two points west of Dakoa, within a disti.a of three hundred iles. The tise willbe good from July id to ML t.elsilws. Tb. lihdgiv•ng propertles of Ayer's IrumpeUrlla havee.tabibed Its well- earsed repetatilesped made it the meet eueal mnd bk.od purifier of teu day. For all diseases of the stom. -- es, Ilwr, and kidans, thlh remedy has no equal. Prloe Sl. Nothilg has yet bse hes Md from Will Sawvme or Dr. Mafsall, who have been te days absent. That they reehed Muddyall right and that beeln. has bees very nrshing Is pembabl• the eatm of so direst inteli. g5um tkem the o m. L Tb. lads. of the GuaM esuseted vwith theepleopal ebr aSr too give a mutable ad estertalam t whkb will imdode a fares soeves hasktm eithled "More Bluaders tlhi Os." The osuet date will be easseuesd in th fist ill to eastldpste a good time. a.. Mtalllpi••edeslring to iud ire ith tie doand ability by pmUs. g em sequested s meet at the -• 'M 4 *'leek t bi.s stmoro. We oedl hs partues to beat the se0 M' on uday, boys, sad l N} to l that hot aingor U 91 8 fl Wlae fr malarial die. meu s. SR - g- lier** dir. , if labsho•. Wsligafir M eases* sMu.Oaueai 6 0s ee et, a spphyaiae hae .wo mng, i**ro*-nm *L so •hMn1 pmre•m o surt m .I.Ia VwMS. Qeerge Woedew XII)Y~ MS Cb E wa heM tb .sore w'b tek heaM not give *pg o kp lhe agh the ebarge eh" a ssitag as 2 algas heed. The pasem Isdil I uIesovey and the reo eoamlemM devdoped saom lidesut testlamssy. B. Butler appsaed hr defenda, Milbenrs and Middleton for prossestloe. Tbh olela rpoert of the work of the county commsllesems In the four day' speclal ises o last week oeea. ple more of our spae than could be eonveniently spared thbl morning. It had to appear In print, however, sad no doubt the average taxpayer will conusder it ImterestLng reading. Wishlaing to see If I cannot attrat enough support from the tows to help me In keeplng the Maoquees House running I have reduced table board to seven dollars per week. Wx. N. . MAcquEx. Miles City, June 86b, 1887. * An outdoors Improvised conert wa Indulged in by some of our beet local singers the otherevenng aoompanled b the big gUitarist. Neighbors might have beer, disturbed, but the mnie sounded well on the elear eve. aing air and should have "soothed the savage brest" to sleep. Carriages may be ordered at 12 o'clock. Frank N. Smith, the sheep man of Mlnguevlle came in from bth north side yesterday. He purchased a bad of 6,000 sbeep and intended to drive them to Mingueville before sheering, but the Yellowstone being so high the oip was made on the north aide sad was brought in yesterday. Mr. Smith went to Mllguaville this morn- lag. GREAT wEDUCTIor In prices. At Miles City Met Market Harmon will furnish: Choloa loin steaks at ............. t........ 16 Rib roasts at .............................. 12ec Round steaks as...........................I 4houlder steaks at.........................10e Boilin plenes at....................... e Corned beef at...................6....8.. 8 Last evening a party of friends met at he residenoe of Mr. Griffith to bid adieu to Miss Ross Collins, the well known teacher in our public sobool. Mies ColUlasgoes to her home in Terry to reatlate during the summur months sad gain the rest which she has o deservedly won by her alobe appliesatoe to her dutle for the past veer. John Mimer, the draymas, lost one of his valuable orses Monday evelimg In a somewhat curious man- Sw. As usual, bo turned them loose at might but l the mornng he flled to fad one of them. Subseqbent em. quiris led to the hat that the animal had wandered to Fort Keogh during the mlght, was takes sick and died- either from collo or from eating a poi- sonoune weed. The authorities at the post had the carcses dumped Into the Yellowstone. Mr. Mimer has the sympathies of all for his poounlary loss. Soek Vertaae*• Smbram We It l too Late. The 20t Orand Monthly Drawing of The Loulsana State Lottery took place at New Orleans, on Tuesday (always Tuesday), May 10th, 1887. p6,560 was sent to many worthy people. We will tell some: No. 15,706 drew the Aist prise; it was sold In fractional tenthe at $1 ehab, set to M. A. Dw- phli, New Orleans, Lr. One weeset to T. J. Linob, a well known liquor dealer B. E. com. llth and Lomes 8s., Phbll.; it was colleted by the Third National Bank of Phila.; six tenths were sold to Callformlans, apd were colleted through Wells, Fargo & Co., of Hae Franoleco, Cal.; one sold to A. rouny, Dear Lick, Mason Co., W. Va. was eollected through Metropolitan National Bank, Clnolonati, Oblo. No. 72,88 drew the second prise ot 0,000; it also was sold In tenths for $1; two were paid through the Nat'l Commera. ela Bank of Mobile. Als.; one thr•gh the Commersal Nat'l Bank of Nas,. ville, Temn.; ono paId through Bank of Commerce, Louisville, Ky.; two to Frek Coreoras, Carlo, Ill., through the City Nat'l Bank of o(rlo, Ill. No. 16, 872 drew the Third Prle of P0,000 -it was also sold In Mtoths; one to Edwln Le Bars of New York City, oollected thbrough the Adams Express Co.; one to N. Crenshaw of Evwert, E•..; one to C. J. Hauman, paid through Corry National Bank of Cor- ry, Pa.; one paid through Bank of Callbrula at la 3ranlsoo, Cal.; one paid to Neveds bank of Ban Prane•sco and the ema d•lswhe No. 4,-60 and 51955 drew the two Forth -ries of $10,000 odbi sid to parties I Chl• eago, Ill.; Bas Fraelsee, Oskand and Mam Jose, Cal.; Kdoknk, ey'•a0amille, Mo.. New Orlesa, Beoste, Wesbiag• toe, lttsburg, Mt. Plesam, la.; Gurdom, Ark.; Union Bar, M; and elsewhere. Mo the wheel torns on h ever, sad on July 12th it will be r peated. Anyone ma learn illU paurn qaby addressing M. A. Dauphin, Odeans, La. Seek Fortune's ite is he but '. "" ' why Abs 4~ mmbIn o tu m V -m 0 ia 1 d UW r u0ers p per tuoriag agW I the ism. hmise tbwen Ws Igae t, a•e agrea 1 with the e•s.t sa lUn, eher, amd the belanees shows bp the I books f thde vUsty tresnurerjted he, r couCty clerk being f.wtd to agrenthe board then prooeeded to the Frna Na- tionel Bask where the county•r•uds t were deposited and thee osuated the I sm of •4,7b.28; all ofwhebi earnes I ponded in aunIuut with thbe old e port and on motion the said repeo was approved and the clerk was i1 mruoted to spread the same on the aminutes. On motion tbhe bard. thee adjourned until 10 o'clock a. an. of Thursday, Juie 8th. FOURTH DAY. The board convened on Thursday, June 9th, 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m. pue 'susat to adjournmeur. Present. Tbh flu board of county oomniaelioeru. L. UC. Dear, clerk of the board. The sheriff by deputy. The sheriff made due proclamation of the meeting. On motion the board proceeded to the exandnatlon and checking up of the county clerk's report for the quar- ter ending May 31st, 1887, lnd the same being found oorrcut, it was on motion rpir, ved.. The board t hen proceeded to the .-- amnatiuon of claim againslo the ooua* ty, and of which the following were allowed: R. O. Redd. etr. sa orner. eu...$ 60J Char. Uould, ourner'sJurur, po. 1 6 Thea. Deckers. ourner'. Jurorjeu. 1 6 R. u. Webster, corner's Juror, gun. ..................................... * 1 5 JJ. .Coleman, corner' juror...... I8 W. Mooney corner' juror, eru. 6I0 Owen Dowd. corner's jurur, un 16 C. B. Lebu•ber, wit corner'. iuq. 1 8 E. F. Fish, wit corner's lnq...... I. J. Roth, wit coruer' uq............ 160 Air.as Manebaw, wit corunr'. inq .......................................... 18 Mary hbeldun, wit uorner's anq.. 160 T'bo. Alexander, mrde, poor...... 00 2Y Mrs. L. Buusi, wuahing, poor...... 806 8. 8ymon, road sup. road............ 1200 Ja. Clliford, r'ad sup. rued...... 24 7• L. A. Huffman, wr. co. com con 48 00 G. W. Allertou, rr. uud mileage co. com oon..........................146850 L. J. Whitnty aer. and mileae o. coIU on o............................. 66 00 On motion cIei reportL f Wau. llr- kle, justle of the peace for Miles Cait townhbip, tor the quarter ending May 81, 1887, was approved, au aso the re- port of las. Clifford, rued supervisor ol rued distriel No. 26, examined and approved. On motion the followlog olaims were disallowed: Jus. Vol, ser. as anitor......... 2600 M. M. Rusell, sew. a constable 80 10 LIghton A Jordan, mdee...... 6.0 P. W. Ioooks, et. as juror...... 220 C. B. Lbcbher, set. as med. vxp 2 00 A. P. FIanagan, part payment abridge..... ...................... 00 J•O Grimt. rsete on talus... 280 J. K Whit bek, work as red. 1600 Jas. MeNatiy, wit fees distrie -- ert .................................. 4600 Jas. McNany, wit. tees dlrstot ounrt........................... ......... 48 00 Jas. Bombrk, wl fete districS court...................................... 800 Jus. Rourke, wit. fees distric court....... ............................ 800 8. P. Bader. work on rued......... 4860 Margaret White, rebtes of axes 84 80 Fred Whiteside, building bridge.................................107000 On motion the fbilowlog claims were leid over. Robt. Atohbion. ser. road sup... 2600 E. A. L, work on road............ 8 00 Complailts having been previously Sled with the board asking that the board take some action for the remov- al of certain fvnoe bullt seree the Miles City and Terry oad at or nar Dixon's ranob, by bth Nortbern Pa. cifo railroad oompany; whereupon Commissioers Whitney and Allerton proceeded the premises referred to, accompanied by Road Muter M. P. Wyman, of the Northern Pacifcl road, to view the fenee and ascertain what damage, if any, be public susetaned. They reported no damages, and recom mended that a petition be gotten up by the taxpayers in that vilcnity for ohanging said read so as to run over the divide rather than along the ral. road. The hour of noon having arrived, on notl•o the board took a nrsees until 2 o'clock p. m. A TrrarOON MusIoO. The board reconvened as per recse taken with ease ofelal persons pres eat as at the morning session. On motion the followlaL bills were thee allowed. Jao. Wright, mde g.n......... 0 Joao. Wright, mdee pe............. 60 N Boroard mdae sen............. 1911 U. M. Busel, ar. asoo. ge.... 771 Weaver Bres. oal, poor............ .16 Weaver Bros. col, o ............. . Brandenbqrg, trees., usle d Isbts..on ........................ 7 On moleat of CuommLsomer Albl tea the followlng resolution was Whine, This eoaty doss not held Tdlewuse e ty warrants i the omm" et S,.U11, and Whis s. The said YelowesUom e is ew esu to bond he o. standing Imdehilsds and it being the wiA•h e s this hbeat to e- heange th ead wentaes toe Yq.lw. see emly b m& Therefore, It swusived that Mr. L. A. Hu9ms , smuma of thib hserd, do go to Iage, the osay ot f said Ydleloatte seamy, d ithe m make sse eshusage, r m . pMU ec theareb. or It 95l a" wa malbss ohm oe w m wIM Mt aid oumumt bs uSl 31 -s 1 da Iby Mu Em~m s maahmSin U. + W euyul of rld' NltbuC o dI lea s ma pr with mmweId skte a ee j4,4 themo.. li es hung's tofarehui bed'.. be" phm thhsbsd it woe es mnum ad. 'Jeurmoi lmso dl.. r I buseby m~ilfy ebmi the baug s lag1 l I ataw aid oorntm syamqi of the proemilap of the inoue esuab. t aloew. in regular maeo 1.' Ja b, "7th, 6th and 9th, 1887. L. C. DsUtm ICoamtl Clerk and Clark of Hoard of I Coamluonea.r. ,LkLuyrP c - l Weeork the Amssee. County Assessor Thompson has re. turned from an aeesslag tour of the northside. He seemed all that cuntry clear through to the Yellowetoae county line and then amusing the river at Forsyth commseusd at the reservallon line and ses-ed back to the county seat. But oe eattle outfit was lated, the remaldet being allowed to finish the read-p before giving in a propertyisjt. At Junotion City Mr. Thompson held up Osar Gruell for his sheep asesemet and got It to the tone of 8,000 bead. Last year Gruell escaped tasatde In this county, but as bl sheep range on Cedar coulee In this ounaty, and as Mr. Tbompson was onto that fahs be forced him to list the property. A number of proved up daiens on the nortbhlde were aessed whboh had boon titled during the year. At Pease Bottom, the rnoehman's paradise of eastern Montsana, Mr. Thompeso re- ports blooming crops and a arge er. age of small granl. The orehard trees nla that sectio re loaded with ge•-e fruit and altogether this promises to be the best agrlcultural and fruit year ever known In Montana. The assessor thinks be lncrease o r*anch taxation will do much toward evening un the cattle lose to the county thbl year. To-day Aesesor Thompson will start out upon another and loonger trip and se.s all that country along the Roe. bud to the Wolf mountains and then crossing the divide to Tongue river, work baok to this oity. He expect to mak the thrip in two weeks. An IamisM @wpm. WhesthUverls a lehmtm lb miassa-- MfY be hbmlt bib bmsaisshbibehlameatm pmint' t. seet the ruqslusms el llgub d ail asathmmu , ft abea be asS at tek aish Hinimsv esemb IMheL The he.&Ml dta elm is ey lapsit by this lass . lal si- tuelhe, selv selau Iurn lam dtsme theo amemihowrstub m is the aiIsu; t 0 sams; he spa S t(rsp; tlailp Jsal 0 ubk heamieh esmgmetl am lasetld y t aSh H livr sal~ ilumlemrh ii Sheb the.ba Its peper 0 e arrme iuquImisb lr the bwb Is sep aml r 1 ' pdl an w ei l by She gumile laIgelse whik Is lWt' Mi be parml, betb bairn. It b is aml mm ssseleu Ms No pll. Odak" ml lambehlguslm stleves awy dmu. It *- m sal pusab hem ml qmi mu MNeabsmu aha `. .4 bm m sup mad Newalg. pam we Emmaus 116 0 John W rhbt Drvqbt. BUSINESS NOTICES. , Prof. Deeb a ml ma mi for An- busetflhmb St. Louin keg ben, 8M- D den bergs to. KHe Wn* end La ten- fmadoo lU bIed Cubam bonad-ad r ia,.. 81 OPK BA InUI. PI. sUALL *MANAGl. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Fridaj, J,, 17, 188. p THE. TRAGEDIAN G EO , C , MILN, Suitaneod by And a stmng oompany in I -il llm il $5 IEUO'flON On the prige oef ail stitg has bm amods at th. hloe inge upertum of ED. ARNOLD. Butt usie bus a J. AIW& l C.1 Wool shirm at $1.oo, Pr lo0 swbtr , $2.50. 4 wby hiot, $6, Rular piwos, ,$7.o. CLOITHING, $4 Per Suit, Aywhere ela, $10. In a.udLama to the aove we @orry a ftlllane of Bo11s' F nI1S IaS, Dry Goods, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS -We never follow b•t always lead in oeala to the pablio oods t ,om Rs to 50 per cent. lee than they have been payig hbr the fsm are haoW which we will duoom ,teto your tmsr hotion if you w8ll J.LrMit b . Moanas uad Wjoaiug. C. I Thirs &Ik 4,0 p irn of Chlbu's ii 1km Smer hr $W . enrd pu 4r, Rd hilto hyju we brtI hr Ua phfkr a alet the. CHAMPIII HAY RAKE* 17 TIGUM ad Wdles, S~trevell & Ulmoer.i~ I.R O ! Pwwv) WILIPI ~I1EEErmlmrqni &1I L 1c I Wqshbrsasai , mihui Imis rk ~ um, r+. mmspa m!~ Huam . I. PA as . . U ." NO TNEItU PAFU. FOUNDRY' GASTINGS. I M. sn, ~ a NATIVE BRIO.L tm0 ima AT ,W 1. M m-. BRICK O A. W, Ohuroh1 urns ri~ U M~ N Iii aUwjIW ~b b` m~ ~g~ I3. hdIskliurhks

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Page 1: Daily Yellowstone journal (Miles City, Mont.) 1887-06-15 [p ] · 40* nohe or the round trip bNtwqe any two points west of Dakoa, within a disti.a of three hundred iles. The tise willbe



1 ,buMAF dds*. P. L..bi/k QObU. a. U..

gg - ppen amm w ---. -


The rives r agsin rising.

A. C. Emith, of tbhe adenballet, e ap yMetedy.

Aewm Johnes and Clint Grahamae In from the round-up.

GetO Bill Bullard for Beet'. MIlwmeek bor Io say quantity.

W,• . (art, of the Mabry eattiesUespsay, s In ftrom the round-up.

EA. Greas returned from amotha'stip out on the round-up last aight.

MiMoner weo afot.rtunate yester-dayutoles valuable horMs homIdle.

Clas1 rags wated e at tholos ee.

Goe. My.s. yesteeday brought in apoate etof his weool emp fren the Pew-do r ver rneb.

Blbarhd lrowsn loft for the 1a-tsNal Park this a in and bronthor will return to England.

A muslelan performing on a ceoer.sn hrlsabed amassemeot or the

lnasres ai Main street last evealig.

Mr. .. Bond, of the Crow ressrvastl., asosmaNiled by his wife andnise, MI. Emerenm , are In the oity.

R. J. Moore, 8t Louis; W. B. Day,Belea; sad C. B. Ditman, NewTYrt' ar among arrivqls at tbhe Ma-qgue.

A soldier wwerln a wine coloredshirt was slusing blimelf by trylieto rma a house e Bridge street sad Iwaited by thef lours.

Col. John N. Simpson, of the Cootl.-estal saW. eompany, came in fom

TeIw this moralag. The companyhbse ,000 head of ea ees the trail.

SIevealt our boine booses recordlo sales this year thmu h the son.respoding eases lst year sad yetthere ai- these who omplsls of bad.

A. D. Pakertlg, of the Piekerin~gLewis Mttle eempaay, msd bhi son,

taeseo Plekeuls, e bore thae ChI.P sadi will visit the ampany'ssb ln aday or two.

The threatened storm of the after.msrs passed off with a he heavy rollsof th•ader and a sprlnkle. When tbe-s weIt down, howevw, the geat.il eoolees of the atmosphere wa


The Nortrn Pacico will sell Sie.l lor FolrtL of July exeurelone at

40* nohe or the round trip bNtwqe anytwo points west of Dakoa, within adisti.a of three hundred iles. Thetise willbe good from July id toML t.elsilws.

Tb. lihdgiv•ng propertles of Ayer'sIrumpeUrlla havee.tabibed Its well-earsed repetatilesped made it themeet eueal mnd bk.od purifier ofteu day. For all diseases of the stom.

-- es, Ilwr, and kidans, thlh remedyhas no equal. Prloe Sl.

Nothilg has yet bse hes Md fromWill Sawvme or Dr. Mafsall, whohave been te days absent. Thatthey reehed Muddyall right and thatbeeln. has bees very nrshing Ispembabl• the eatm of so direst inteli.g5um tkem the o m. L

Tb. lads. of the GuaM esusetedvwith theepleopal ebr aSr too givea mutable ad estertalam t whkbwill imdode a fares soeves hasktmeithled "More Bluaders tlhi Os."The osuet date will be easseuesd inth fist ill to eastldpste a good time.

a.. Mtalllpi••edeslring to iud ireith tie doand ability by pmUs.g em sequested s meet at the

-• 'M 4 *'leek t bi.s stmoro.We oedl hs partues to beat these0 M' on uday, boys, sad

l N} to l that hot aingor

U 91 8 fl Wlae fr malarial die.

meu s. SR - g- lier**dir. , if labsho•.

Wsligafir M eases*sMu.Oaueai 6 0s ee et, a

spphyaiae hae.wo mng, i**ro*-nm *L so

•hMn1 pmre•m o surt m.I.Ia VwMS. Qeerge Woedew

XII)Y~ MS Cb E wa heM tb.sore w'b tek heaM not give*pg o kp lhe agh the ebargeeh" a ssitag as 2 algas

heed. The pasem Isdil I uIesoveyand the reo eoamlemM devdoped

saom lidesut testlamssy. B. Butlerappsaed hr defenda, Milbenrs andMiddleton for prossestloe.

Tbh olela rpoert of the work of thecounty commsllesems In the fourday' speclal ises o last week oeea.ple more of our spae than could beeonveniently spared thbl morning. Ithad to appear In print, however, sadno doubt the average taxpayer willconusder it ImterestLng reading.

Wishlaing to see If I cannot attratenough support from the tows to helpme In keeplng the Maoquees Houserunning I have reduced table board toseven dollars per week.

Wx. N. .MAcquEx.Miles City, June 86b, 1887. *

An outdoors Improvised conert waIndulged in by some of our beet localsingers the otherevenng aoompanledb the big gUitarist. Neighborsmight have beer, disturbed, but themnie sounded well on the elear eve.aing air and should have "soothedthe savage brest" to sleep. Carriagesmay be ordered at 12 o'clock.

Frank N. Smith, the sheep man ofMlnguevlle came in from bth northside yesterday. He purchased a badof 6,000 sbeep and intended to drivethem to Mingueville before sheering,but the Yellowstone being so high theoip was made on the north aidesad was brought in yesterday. Mr.Smith went to Mllguaville this morn-lag.

GREAT wEDUCTIor In prices. AtMiles City Met Market Harmon willfurnish:Choloa loin steaks at ............. t........ 16Rib roasts at .............................. 12ecRound steaks as...........................I4houlder steaks at.........................10eBoilin plenes at....................... eCorned beef at...................6....8.. 8

Last evening a party of friends metat he residenoe of Mr. Griffith to bidadieu to Miss Ross Collins, the wellknown teacher in our public sobool.Mies ColUlasgoes to her home in Terryto reatlate during the summurmonths sad gain the rest which shehas o deservedly won by her alobeappliesatoe to her dutle for the pastveer.

John Mimer, the draymas, lostone of his valuable orses Mondayevelimg In a somewhat curious man-Sw. As usual, bo turned them looseat might but l the mornng he flledto fad one of them. Subseqbent em.quiris led to the hat that the animalhad wandered to Fort Keogh duringthe mlght, was takes sick and died-either from collo or from eating a poi-sonoune weed. The authorities at thepost had the carcses dumped Into theYellowstone. Mr. Mimer has thesympathies of all for his poounlaryloss.

Soek Vertaae*• Smbram We It l too Late.

The 20t Orand Monthly Drawing ofThe Loulsana State Lottery took placeat New Orleans, on Tuesday (alwaysTuesday), May 10th, 1887. p6,560was sent to many worthy people. Wewill tell some: No. 15,706 drew theAist prise; it was sold In fractionaltenthe at $1 ehab, set to M. A. Dw-phli, New Orleans, Lr. One weesetto T. J. Linob, a well known liquordealer B. E. com. llth and Lomes 8s.,Phbll.; it was colleted by the ThirdNational Bank of Phila.; six tenthswere sold to Callformlans, apd werecolleted through Wells, Fargo & Co.,of Hae Franoleco, Cal.; one sold to A.

rouny, Dear Lick, Mason Co., W. Va.was eollected through MetropolitanNational Bank, Clnolonati, Oblo. No.72,88 drew the second prise ot 0,000;it also was sold In tenths for $1; twowere paid through the Nat'l Commera.ela Bank of Mobile. Als.; one thr•ghthe Commersal Nat'l Bank of Nas,.ville, Temn.; ono paId through Bankof Commerce, Louisville, Ky.; two toFrek Coreoras, Carlo, Ill., throughthe City Nat'l Bank of o(rlo, Ill. No.16, 872 drew the Third Prle of P0,000-it was also sold In Mtoths; one toEdwln Le Bars of New York City,oollected thbrough the Adams ExpressCo.; one to N. Crenshaw of Evwert,E•..; one to C. J. Hauman, paidthrough Corry National Bank of Cor-ry, Pa.; one paid through Bank ofCallbrula at la 3ranlsoo, Cal.; onepaid to Neveds bank of Ban Prane•scoand the ema d•lswhe No. 4,-60and 51955 drew the two Forth -riesof $10,000 odbi sid to parties I Chl•eago, Ill.; Bas Fraelsee, Oskand andMam Jose, Cal.; Kdoknk, ey'•a0amille,Mo.. New Orlesa, Beoste, Wesbiag•toe, lttsburg, Mt. Plesam, la.;Gurdom, Ark.; Union Bar, M; andelsewhere. Mo the wheel torns on hever, sad on July 12th it will be rpeated. Anyone ma learn illU paurn

qaby addressing M. A. Dauphin,Odeans, La. Seek Fortune's

ite is he but• '. "" ' why Abs

4~ mmbIn o tu

m V -m 0 ia 1

d UW r u0ers p per tuoriag agWI the ism. hmise tbwen Ws Igae t,a•e agrea 1 with the e•s.t sa lUn,eher, amd the belanees shows bp theI books f thde vUsty tresnurerjted he,r couCty clerk being f.wtd to agrenthe

board then prooeeded to the Frna Na-tionel Bask where the county•r•udst were deposited and thee osuated the

I sm of •4,7b.28; all ofwhebi earnesI ponded in aunIuut with thbe old e

port and on motion the said repeowas approved and the clerk was i1mruoted to spread the same on theaminutes. On motion tbhe bard. theeadjourned until 10 o'clock a. an. ofThursday, Juie 8th.


The board convened on Thursday,June 9th, 1887, at 10 o'clock a. m. pue'susat to adjournmeur.

Present. Tbh flu board of countyoomniaelioeru.

L. UC. Dear, clerk of the board.

The sheriff by deputy.The sheriff made due proclamation

of the meeting.On motion the board proceeded to

the exandnatlon and checking up ofthe county clerk's report for the quar-ter ending May 31st, 1887, lnd thesame being found oorrcut, it was onmotion rpir, ved..

The board t hen proceeded to the .--amnatiuon of claim againslo the ooua*ty, and of which the following wereallowed:R. O. Redd. etr. sa orner. eu...$ 60JChar. Uould, ourner'sJurur, po. 1 6Thea. Deckers. ourner'. Jurorjeu. 1 6R. u. Webster, corner's Juror,

gun. ..................................... * 1 5JJ. .Coleman, corner' juror...... I8W. Mooney corner' juror, eru. 6I0Owen Dowd. corner's jurur, un 16C. B. Lebu•ber, wit corner'. iuq. 1 8E. F. Fish, wit corner's lnq...... I.J. Roth, wit coruer' uq............ 160Air.as Manebaw, wit corunr'.inq .......................................... 18

Mary hbeldun, wit uorner's anq.. 160T'bo. Alexander, mrde, poor...... 00 2YMrs. L. Buusi, wuahing, poor...... 8068. 8ymon, road sup. road............ 1200Ja. Clliford, r'ad sup. rued...... 24 7•L. A. Huffman, wr. co. com con 48 00G. W. Allertou, rr. uud mileage

co. com oon..........................146850L. J. Whitnty aer. and mileae

o. coIU on o............................. 66 00On motion cIei reportL f Wau. llr-

kle, justle of the peace for Miles Caittownhbip, tor the quarter ending May81, 1887, was approved, au aso the re-port of las. Clifford, rued supervisor olrued distriel No. 26, examined andapproved.

On motion the followlog olaimswere disallowed:Jus. Vol, ser. as anitor......... 2600

M. M. Rusell, sew. a constable 80 10LIghton A Jordan, mdee...... 6.0P. W. Ioooks, et. as juror...... 220C. B. Lbcbher, set. as med. vxp 2 00A. P. FIanagan, part payment

abridge..... ...................... 00J•O Grimt. rsete on talus... 280J. K Whit bek, work as red. 1600Jas. MeNatiy, wit fees distrie-- ert .................................. 4600

Jas. McNany, wit. tees dlrstotounrt........................... ......... 48 00

Jas. Bombrk, wl fete districScourt...................................... 800

Jus. Rourke, wit. fees districcourt....... ............................ 800

8. P. Bader. work on rued......... 4860Margaret White, rebtes of axes 84 80Fred Whiteside, building

bridge.................................107000On motion the fbilowlog claims

were leid over.Robt. Atohbion. ser. road sup... 2600E. A. L, work on road............ 8 00

Complailts having been previouslySled with the board asking that theboard take some action for the remov-al of certain fvnoe bullt seree theMiles City and Terry oad at or narDixon's ranob, by bth Nortbern Pa.cifo railroad oompany; whereuponCommissioers Whitney and Allertonproceeded the premises referred to,accompanied by Road Muter M. P.Wyman, of the Northern Pacifcl road,to view the fenee and ascertain whatdamage, if any, be public susetaned.They reported no damages, and recommended that a petition be gotten upby the taxpayers in that vilcnity forohanging said read so as to run overthe divide rather than along the ral.road.

The hour of noon having arrived, onnotl•o the board took a nrsees until 2o'clock p. m.

A TrrarOON MusIoO.The board reconvened as per recse

taken with ease ofelal persons preseat as at the morning session.

On motion the followlaL bills werethee allowed.Jao. Wright, mde g.n......... 0Joao. Wright, mdee pe............. 60N Boroard mdae sen............. 1911U. M. Busel, ar. asoo. ge.... 7 71Weaver Bres. oal, poor............ .16Weaver Bros. col, o .............

. Brandenbqrg, trees., usled Isbts..on ........................ 7On moleat of CuommLsomer Albl

tea the followlng resolution was

Whine, This eoaty doss not heldTdlewuse e ty warrants i theomm" et S,.U11, and

Whis s. The said YelowesUome is ew esu to bond he o.standing Imdehilsds and it beingthe wiA•h e s this hbeat to e-

heange th ead wentaes toe Yq.lw.see emly b m&Therefore, It swusived that Mr.

L. A. Hu9ms , smuma of thibhserd, do go to Iage, the osay

ot f said Ydleloatte seamy, dithe m make sse eshusage, r m .

pMU ec theareb. or It 95l a" wamalbss ohm oe w m wIM Mt

aid oumumt bs uSl 31 -s 1 daIby Mu Em~m s maahmSin U.

+ W euyul of rld' NltbuC o

dI lea s ma pr with mmweId sktea ee j4,4 themo..

li es hung's tofarehui bed'.. be"phm thhsbsd it woe es mnum ad.'Jeurmoi lmso dl..

r I buseby m~ilfy ebmi the baugslag1l I ataw aid oorntm syamqi of theproemilap of the inoue esuab.

t aloew. in regular maeo 1.' Ja b,"7th, 6th and 9th, 1887. L. C. DsUtmICoamtl Clerk and Clark of Hoard of

I Coamluonea.r.,LkLuyrP c - lWeeork the Amssee.

County Assessor Thompson has re.turned from an aeesslag tour of thenorthside. He seemed all that cuntryclear through to the Yellowetoaecounty line and then amusing theriver at Forsyth commseusd at thereservallon line and ses-ed backto the county seat. But oe eattleoutfit was lated, the remaldet beingallowed to finish the read-p beforegiving in a propertyisjt. At JunotionCity Mr. Thompson held up OsarGruell for his sheep asesemet andgot It to the tone of 8,000 bead. Lastyear Gruell escaped tasatde In thiscounty, but as bl sheep range onCedar coulee In this ounaty, and asMr. Tbompson was onto that fahs beforced him to list the property. Anumber of proved up daiens on thenortbhlde were aessed whboh hadboon titled during the year. At PeaseBottom, the rnoehman's paradise ofeastern Montsana, Mr. Thompeso re-ports blooming crops and a arge er.age of small granl. The orehard treesnla that sectio re loaded with ge•-e

fruit and altogether this promises to bethe best agrlcultural and fruit yearever known In Montana. The assessorthinks be lncrease o r*anch taxationwill do much toward evening un thecattle lose to the county thbl year.To-day Aesesor Thompson will startout upon another and loonger trip andse.s all that country along the Roe.bud to the Wolf mountains and thencrossing the divide to Tongue river,work baok to this oity. He expect tomak the thrip in two weeks.

An IamisM @wpm.WhesthUverls a lehmtm lb miassa--

MfY be hbmlt bib bmsaisshbibehlameatmpmint' t. seet the ruqslusms el llgub

d ail asathmmu , ft abea be asS at tek aishHinimsv esemb IMheL The he.&Ml dtaelm is ey lapsit by this lass . lal si-tuelhe, selv selau Iurn lam dtsmetheo amemihowrstub m is the aiIsu; t

0 sams; he spa S t(rsp; tlailp Jsal0 ubk heamieh esmgmetl am lasetld y t aSh

H livr sal~ ilumlemrh ii Sheb the.ba Its peper0 e arrme iuquImisb lr the bwb Is sep aml

r 1 ' pdl an w ei l by She gumile laIgelsewhik Is lWt' Mi be parml, betb bairn. Itb is aml mm ssseleu Ms No pll. Odak"ml lambehlguslm stleves awy dmu. It *-m sal pusab hem ml qmi mu MNeabsmu

aha `. .4 bm m supmad Newalg. pam we Emmaus 1160 John W rhbt Drvqbt.


, Prof. Deeb a ml ma mi for An-busetflhmb St. Louin keg ben, 8M-

D den bergs to. KHe Wn* end La ten-fmadoo lU bIed Cubam bonad-adr ia,..



Fridaj, J,, 17, 188.p THE. TRAGEDIAN

G EO, C, MILN,Suitaneod by

And a stmng oompany in

I -il llm il

$5 IEUO'flONOn the prige oef ail stitg

has bm amods at th. hloeinge upertum of

ED. ARNOLD.Butt usie bus a

J. AIW& l C.1

Wool shirm at $1.oo,Pr lo0 swbtr , $2.50.

4 wby hiot, $6,Rular piwos, ,$7.o.

CLOITHING,$4 Per Suit,

Aywhere ela, $10.

In a.udLama to the aovewe @orry a ftlllane of

Bo11s' F nI1S IaS,Dry Goods,


PROVISIONS-We never follow b•t

always lead in oealato the pablio oods t

,om Rs to 50 per cent.lee than they have beenpayig hbr the fsm

are haoW which we willduoom ,teto your tmsrhotion if you w8ll

J.LrMit b .Moanas uad Wjoaiug.

C. I Thirs &Ik

4,0 p irn of Chlbu's ii 1kmSmer hr $W . enrd pu 4r,Rd hilto hyju we brtI hr Ua

phfkr a alet the.



Wdles, S~trevell & Ulmoer.i~

I.R O !Pwwv)


~I1EEErmlmrqni &1IL 1c I Wqshbrsasai ,mihuiImis rk ~ um, r+.

mmspa m!~ Huam

. I. PA as . .U ."




I M. sn, ~a


AT ,W 1. M m-.


A. W, Ohuroh1

urns ri~ U M~ N

Iii aUwjIW ~b b`m~ ~g~ I3.hdIskliurhks