daily dispatch (richmond, [va.]) 1862-04-28 [p...


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Page 1: Daily Dispatch (Richmond, [Va.]) 1862-04-28 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84024738/1862-04-28/ed-1/seq-3.pdfI heck to Vent _tr-__ TtakVi-uekditisinu nad ... The main features

BwM^__r-»-"***- --"\u25a0*\u25a0 mT^Z-~

fc pispatrli.Bt '

APHIL '?* IW--

f^fl v ' ;,. w* w*have this\u25a0B' »...t.'* Official

( , M nrda] c mflaffl the falloar beltef *od

fl ~,. ,oi ihiM ?atflssu-tlty.I ,_.rr tihsd :he cltj and

I. ? r bat ava.-uaied t*-e

HoVaa, falltati hoc* A-a-fll

Bk \u25a0* -re» wh.cb ne ?*_??_

\u25a0R* *_,ob;r_ tcaal_!_________\u25a0 ir.efr.e-r.:- n°'o. c. .

reveo'y- j\u25a0b) if at i»ai

wSa , urvcll- u..i h't»e paused_R¥ ",

. y , 1(th! mt!e* from th* j\u25a0A ',

w ws his a high and \u25a0Stela be info:m*J cf tbe IPl* . >-,»\u25a0 tirtota* lircrii-

Ha -oi-.-clai, bomb proof'i ra »ni« iQ* first fire

M,., rtar b>a.*, and it would\u25a0». * artjetkar, in tact, she2 \u25a0"* matter. It waa be

\u25a0___ i_^i ,nr wai tested with fiftyB i baadrad taud fifty-tour\u25a0 . iat d. lug her any d&ia-

\u25a0 i-' iherefoia *soected fnin!_____» .j he r.uiver.-al eeutlmeitiyj ~--cry :.tteudlr,g -he?n m. uid receive a speedyt _» IlieeJor County.

.. very «mall force, are e'lll j-. isUcaa la Fauquier aud lb* (.. A few day»«tßc-e a tody I48-drcd .tailed Warranton, i

lie »t ck of medicine* of ?? res lv toe pisi-r. When!' em m.'.c.iaias, the Oou-

taeati S*red toparchfusihilr j-.?* Bala waa r-foied cm lieeva ao other dm/ Blcree in .I ,-o.ntry. and the ri*ld*u't* I

not Btaaage wtibout

laitiatkal tt* Yackeaa hate

liar in the tt est..oapateh from Bcoxville in-

, ißthority of an esctped prls-ej t reeof Federals lsconca--lagtoa, Kentucky, to make aOj«ria:.d Gap. We are furtherlaeaaac of the b:u h is gain.Bts _>', to coceequerice of theien ..c pat.on »? ceme.tnt r-.ifyiQg iiuutuviHe, Ala-BS-satl** intend to bold the

rasful -winnisiihaOaatral that a aklr.daj or v«o raaos, soma th.tr-uJ Miilt.toro', in which aix

killed aud twinty-one takenoa« on our sole reiorted.

\u25a0at Tcunee-eeefrom Last Teueeaam repre-iscriptlaa act has eccuaioned

Ircni dou among the mlik-and-k- .f Hast 1 er.a*t*.»e. Whole[?;?:«?- r;i and mo vug inwardsBa hta theharveal thatspnegr|i-.,,-- t thatdoakle-dped tratU'TlApolly n) Browutow Gcueial

k | 'A-tint a>> can to arreat tneHi: a* a c-.-rt'spoß erct toformsBri.animi-i up the Nile with »ull- jR._ «-?. 1?|f> Fait lie Artlllcry-Lp di lofc ma us ihar :a» Fay-

rj,fro_3 '.h'.-. clcy, lie.\e .xt-»d Inii ro'tshes aa became good sol*lavs U 'he death of ruec- compaay,Mr Edward Fer-

i. -, | severe «-o'ind by a she 1!

I.hacceKqßMted c s-.iy thit planters!I. ; lead iv some of toel.- obac-K. » room for lt In the ware-& uodcrata demana. In tne pre.Of -fairs, howevar, we are notMirk- '.ism to this sep. Better

?-- particle of tobacco should beBi !>?:.: where there la even a faint,'» c rtributlng to the aid end?.t?-irmy.

i it Jacxaoa, uaaaBiesaoooa 1April Sdth, l.et. i

nDitpauk: Will you permit me,tv WiOriy circulated daily, to ex-ratttad* for myself aud on behalfiriott* aad Lunenburg Aitillery,i» peopleef Marion Hill for their-***« dor.Eg our brief, but moatBy among them* Wlto a generousvhlch uritzs only frcm toe most

trtouam, thrir doors and their\u25a0rw n_i.n opea to minister to theitrflict,. Bi.io.ler aud eoothe hisa

wire, Messrs. tdiiora, that ourtold Virginia Anillery) was rals-pled for "loc?l defence" in and-Bond Bat no truepatnot wouldvv Dd to thtf call of the Govern-I When bis senlcea are moattat as e-iy, that we roaunud wiiht i-ttaat-n awuy to drive back

'\u25a0 -ardea ihat would desolate and- '-? Pi v homes of the fair daugh-

t.".-' Bill True, w« feel a poig-atkat "military ueceatity" com-? inn r._m; but that pang will\u25a0Oißcreaae ccr streegth, to nerveJMI ? 41 benrta to repel the foulJ ths BMTBeaarp Goths. And theFJ*'«*ii li.il will pardon me for aay-mora tar inhuman fee shall lnenlt?iptrlta ?rd molest their peaceful" Mai Btaroh over the dead bodies"Ol t.harlotu, -cd LuLeuburg.'.-rii* .f Mariou Hill, farewell!?S \u25a0 »aower In richest blessings up-on:'»-rob't, hntableaerv't,


CLl_.U,f|o *- FRAYER MEET-'i -The dally Prayer Meetings. UU-MPicnofiha Young Men. Chris--1! d, chiefly to enppllca'e toe' '"o ( ij> h onrDorfederacy will be«I Al ILKMJUN THL- WEtK,?" «". ?- ib* Firat Pieabyieriau- Ot Moore's ) corner ol 10th_.i..so-cut.. _»?_tora aud cocgrega- |>*«tßgera t00.*.*,,, RrtJ to ;'-.articlpat* In th» BBBBUnu

Jl rKDERBIfJKED .iQgBBm fiek phtoc* of bq.tae**" f H tom th* 2fth of Aotil tol tbaEfl swraral Rrai.fc A Harwoc-d, A. B.galea 4. K.l.oti. Th-K> k Roberuion Afaufl A Homer, fell ark.on A Co;a_t___arf)B J Ot>nny, from tat of!P« nubift a Bro . Rhodes, Wilson A |F J Balm ap-#-lt*

2Jf EBAHUB B'-iTlOE?Tbe ir*m ofbhockoe Bill Division Sons,i,, £ *\u25a0.'* riqoea'.fd 'o attend at tbe !

? HlT,at t » o'clock. Apropoettion,;*,''» i.i*d \, divide toe faud* oni\.* y"'j between the beneficiary~*\u25a0- -..bind tbe Dtolston.El aoo. a hu.thes, v. b.

?fl i aaiJii ?S i?vka,tT,*i!nM " J Ba-IDAY,'/a.h Inst.,

b- P Q)VKM.

bteekk tuijoaread of?tori aj.-aS? lv l**# Richmond,?too__c_r__r U

_fcU!_^l Turnpike,will be

iy -btaa- !*? fu* Association onM"k - ta» ,ai v o'clock..» \u25a0» f DItRBRgCBf,


* *i-_ ____f ?f 1**1 ou' "Actory**»t.proa_S ?"\u25a0?«»\u25a0-* A,Willlama,OTfD tvW »"-et:dcd to

Ktck * tu''

£_!*!»___? _?*iVir MTOLRIB,\u25a0J ti t_, La* B-Jltrta and Capa.* **J9__R2_-M__-"i


? ***' *»» Itak tlseeads.

TKLBQRA l*h 10 NKWt-?. "' ! SBC ' "-S B

FROM THS WESTfsa pciat bierAree to rer atadmtark aisrarou )

BBOSfltia. April St? -A rrtaoaar whofajet pad (r M -aeSltOjtO-l', By., far*, that I0,«dm ft-dorata are aOu_**etViate 1 i-t L» st-fl'oo tom x* *? aaecead ou Psm'.-- lai d imp.

TaeK-ierai- are for ttf fißg Hunia*/ll»e, Ala.aeaOfßaetUk »* *t«iul»g caiiy In Ben

tawfcy.toOCUMOgSmaOS Of the war taa andemancipation tchene.

Later Northern, Europsan.and Mex-ican News.

Keg-B; va, April tl ?Nor oe.n pogwek to thet.'.i.i inatau; have been rrcetved be- The*f g| wtasjtSU BS mm ary of the news

raou Bn.ico.ihe laf-rsl adrn es ir. r_ **? <ra Prureiate that

the French i..td reaolve-i ihelr dr.latou in.etrvd.ttrtnary forces, add would alone a-.

I vauce agaiusi th'ocapiu.l siltkOUt delay, aa-! aamtßg all the con-, go -i? The Span.sn! and knglish Plentpoieitir.rie* therefor* re-

j BOlted to wltodrnw their to:ce« and march

I heck to Vent _tr-__ TtakVi-uek ditisinu nad! coTotneuced th? march U|Mia t&eiriy «»f Mex-ico.

raoa tb« wees.Paibo, April 24?i tec? tm uv bit were here

and Mound Pity toloa_fletod A large por-tion ot thePairo and FjilU'n Itallroad waawashed away.

FiTTSDC**. April _*l ? U-n. Granger, with?AWcavairy. baaht.d alight with toe rebels,lasting an hour. Both rides reured-loac-small TL* aeueral r_4Bßfa; cf effaira ia un-changed.

Phicaoo, April 24 ?A ei«ecial dispatch to

the Tunt* cays, that Gen. t-tu hell's dtvlslouI has arrived nt Tuscumbia, and La* poseeealonjcf k-o mils* of toe Memphis and Pharleatorj Railroad. L*-rge lslnfo-rtamenta arrived atjPattabuxgou tin'-td.

. r_eia--t aooountafrom k'ltuburgLandingj ia«« *liat preparations ar- makli g for anoih-

' ci ureal b.ltle near Ocrlro'h,tb* \u25a0BBSlllllß

Nir Yo»b, April -* ?Advices from New-bern, H. P , \u25a0 ate that tfc* IVaabvillt returnedto that place after an uc£nooessful attempt torun tte blockade al Pbailrston. One cf her

! paddle.box»» wae badly iojuied. She has afull r-rgo of guns and -mmunitton, broughtby tte Gladiator from Li . mud

thb si.avb; tbadb.Wasbuotob, April St?The ratification of

the Seward aud Lyons treaty for the suppres-s-on of the slave trade v>i; I soon be exebang.cd. The main features arc the mutual rightct search and toe summary punishment ofthose engaged

raoa tbs rs*i*.e*'LA.Hat liveaa. April S_ ?Unr dispaches from

Yorktcwu *tate that preparations werera-ptd'y making for au attack. The armoredream gnuboat Galena arrived in Hsmptot.Boada Wednesdiy.

WASBIfiCTOS iTBMS.Sherman'a amenclmrnt to the Ccnflscatlon

hill, nsmlng certain classes snMau to toepenalties of toe till, vt'aa adopa-d.

The F.aneh -liuiaar, afer hta return fromiiichmccn, had a longr iatervtaw with -ecre-UtO' Seward. ;

THE rOBT_ BBLO'-T JtEW OBLBAB-CNew Toxx,April 24 -Ihe Havana Dtario

\u25a0tales that person* from New Date ins r-poitthat For's Jackaon antl SI Poltlpwere aban-doned, and that tbe Peiar-l fleet rine*!*ilygo up to New Orleans.

**-*_rataa-____LivßarooL, April ia ? Tie sataa of cotton

today were 9,400-0-00. Market buoyant ?

3,o<;ri taken by sf^cu-'aiors,Lc.vdos, April 12.?v'oueolsBSf to»";j.i'Avae April tS.->Bu_CB o* oorkta for th«

week e.ooo brieg. New Orleans f>-_ 0-dr'«e»«>«)tfi francs -, Bo* If. fr.rcs. Stock t-,000 bales.The steamer Bcmbiy Uaa (MBO.OM specie fortbe purcbaae of cotton.

Nxw Yobs, April:tt.?Cotton qnlet, »alee7'M bales at Pork firm utBIS. Bo-Mo fl perbarrel.


Hi. ;LD AT AUCTION IHU DAY '-Tin*l'ectol atreutitn of the pnbPc ta reeoeutfUlly

on.ii\u25a0\u25a0'. to the vatoi.rde read estae* to be cold ati urottou tc-da*,, vr'si At one o'clocs, to tkaI valaable iroc-irou«. More on Pearl street, oc-! cupUd by Meaara Thome*, Hugbea A i.t&ld-well: at af o'clock P. M , to tha handsomeDwelling on Ith. between Clay and Leighstreets, row occupied by Mr. Paul A Play;and at 6c clock P. M , to the neat Dwelling0 ? the east side of Second, between Mar-halland Olay -trceta, now occupied by tbe MissesPhice. For further particulars ace auction

GODDIN A APPERSON,ap3B?lt AuctioDeerß.

ItaTAUPTION NOTIOE.-The attention ofD.-n.r.-e, Merchants and others is invited toour sale of Staple Earthenware, China andGlnas, to takepi~.ee Til to VORNING, at 10o'clock, atour warehouse on Governoretreet.There are also many lota to the sale suited tcthe wants of housekeepers. A very larg - as-sortment of fine Parian and WcdgewoodPitchers are to be Bold to-day. The sale willbe continued on Tuerday and Wednesday, atthe same hour. Sale without reserve.

GUO J. SUMNER * CO.,Governorstreet.

Sale condnoted hyTaoe. W. K-U-UW, Auct.ap 28?BI

\u25a0UtAafi fl gB a it, A Ai _-_-~

TRY PO3uP*M-SCOTT'S BATTALION?Under auihority from the Secretarycf War, the uadarsigced? tw > cf whom are grade*ate* of the Virginia Military Institute?are form-log an INFANTRY COMPANY for tha battalionnow being railed by ROBABT G SCOT ?. whoserved aa Captain of Yirgtcla volunteer* in 'beMexican war. Men liabla to service under tbeconscript act can volaoteer ia tbla company andr- o ive in-, bounty,Ac , instead of bring carolled

: as can-oiipta, aa they coon will te, to fl I up oom-' pantea now in service, wlthcut recelv ng anybonnty. M*u in eonpanln for load carvice wish-ing 11 ga to to active service may also iota tbecompany Raoruiting effioe 10th Uktaat, betweenBfaiu and Bank.


a» _-a-ta ARTHUR F OOOPHa X i"L_4 t'iOT*,.?l desire twelve more menJ\ in my Company. I prefer those wbohave been accustomed to the managementofhorsee Those wbo wish to goalong with mewill apply M me at Camp L-e at once.

Honncy, Rt; uniform* and subsistence free.I will al* i pay _v extra price for a goodBLACKSircITH

Itt-RMADUKE JOHNSON,epft-et Oaplain.

<i*t.*>n _f- M I*A-t_- -m ? .er*

ICBT~Ou Thursday, (supposed ca Main st.)j apL_!n

GOLD BAND,\ with Bbel.lt-a'i "A W" A liberal rewtrit will! b* paid by leaving tha same at the ttorc of

. *fl?» MtTCHiILL A TYI.WB1 OSr DCO - 810 RBWABD-Ayoong Hv-

\ _L_ _r-frslote4 POIBTKR DOO, with white feat.lait the aasß na* of a gantUman, ooLetah Btrael,a few dart ilr.,* The above reward wIU b« paiaI fir his BBBBxe ta thi» r.fl_3«. apl6?3t*

S^A corner of 2d andPran-ito atreeta, (Linden How I a email! black DuG. having a collar, on which weeengraved the lnttlala M. EO. The oog wm| last on Broad sire_t. Aay on* returr.it aj bim to toe above addrear, will re-eive a re-eryd. ap fl-jtßSTRAYJU -Atltriirow i" " o 0 w,with a black fooa, and a black r ght bind teat, aan.table reward will be p i d 'or ii-r return -o Bel-

! luva BeUBHal, Ohnrch Hlil, corner of 324 andj Broad Bfl, ap-8-ta


fpOB RBHT?1 A TRHMM-NT,On ri.at*-. between "<1 snd4th

atreeta, nolUlnlng IS rooma.Apply tn

apfl-t* J B OL*ZBBBOOB-*i*H%*Vn»- ?-?---

p haudaome 7 octavePIA N 0 -

toqaire atBOBBE'fi WaretoomA

ap fl -fi* I4« Beta sweet, bjbbjbß fl "'"\u25a0*" S?SM Rflflfl? Bfl S?__ 1 A HkWAB D ?Han away from myflRIv/ houae, ob Thursiay m^ruing, to-%tL luat :my aervant girl, LMIi.Y t-o* Uabout toi ;t*»a year* of age, aboat four feetMX toebet high, mulatto color, eappcaed tobe 1-Tktogabouttho city. The -boye rewardWIU bo pudfor her arraat and delivery to mo*.-_3r" I


O-Tharalay toe ttlfc inn, et BaUfav N**l_Parolln*. hv tba Ssv L L Hendren. Mr THri- 'M4B B PITTA cd R*c SABSB B O-BM-\u25a0Rkj all of RRflead. * J

Dll.D,In this ctty, on vw_t. rday.Mr. WILLI aIWIk PLANK, In tbe&tVh y ar o» hi* age, to toe

bop" of S _d__urf_tl i imoo taMtyHi* tnept.'a and acquaintances ar*r«qn _t*d

to atten ' hi* tonerm, at bla late re. i tanca,ou iM vi nrwi, between A.lama and J._T*r.ouaOjaeto, at \u2666 I'uleOk toi*.(uo-dA>) adtoraaon,without fur hir uotl.e. a

lv th'aet y, on Snnday, STtb teat., H!CB-ARD *iIth"NLY, in toe ;g»to year of hisBg*.

His fnearal will to* plec* frcm hta latareside c<, on Slat i_iret bciween Mala andPi-r.ulivi. thi» afternoon, M 8 o'clock. Theftteudc of the family are tovl'el to attendwlttoa- 1 rther r_Otaoo. *

Or. flnadap Bi-r_i-i**. th* f7.h In.i , r t the r»al-dßieenf he- Lntond, .Vl'ford, f.arolire county,SL.i A. wlfn.if J m«s_4wli.

ft « frtaads oi Ik* fai_.iv aid _o«* -f Fey. HW Wkvtfct-4 ac lori'eiio atte>.d De. 'uaeraifr, in o\u25a0* Fmt Baptist f'hiirrh, (l>r Bairowa.)on . as .toy, be ...li Inst., at ii o atoak Si*

0- -*T-B_aV, tba s©tt tfey of a-ril, ?,j__ t tho

r*»tdei.rr if Mr Wm. O. Winston, iv Ktcovereoenty. -ir*. gfJfiAß B Pall B'jOH, tn the37th year of her age. Tte -eoeaaan met her unaati '?? uip.o nrei-d rea'goadoa G-

O.i Sa'u-d.yrPiiht, Apri _6:_ a* th* re«id> c.rf Mr Wdx |_**-B_Bt, In -Pico h> »>«.? Mr K. toBBAgP iH, oi Ccmpaay "ti.' !>;b Hrgime-t ofK^n' h- PtroimaVo nat*eraHi* .-eraalus wi 1 be take- ham* for tater-

ITS-, i -

At (lordonsrtlta,oe Wednearlav, 14tb lust ,

Mrs. ETTIB W-, wife of Papt. "Geo. Johnaton. P. (J. A., and daughter of the lateMichaolG. Ege, cf Carlisle, Pa. ?

Obi'Bary-At rraaroOour: H use.on Sunday tbe liOth ofApril, cf typhoid tov.-r, DiVID WTTrfrTf.ltt. tat'" 1S» hya-rul hi. ago.Thudecea**-! v as ameaiber of Uourtiae's Ai

til'ury,an; was oae cf ta-i first of V.rgtoU'- son-,Whs 'tv -c led to tba eri! t f his native S-ale fo-ruope to drive the tat .^lag hoitei th«.t weredenial p. onr beautiful tout.. He hid neither1-t'a- BOt rrt.oth.-r. r-r river 0' bro be: here toin --n hti loss, but ni -\u25a0.-.jr frleads He waa an cvptan at an «.'ariy bob r.nd c_e» n-jt en *te worl.'.t* gulaa liv.o.La'ol. wttto ha aid nuM ! »he e-li olhis ua-iv* Mat., to *» h' ih he i a-pood,, t «-,t_ a goo.Bad et.e-rt-1 heart- He waa beloved by all of hi*officer* and comrades, aad all othcra who knewrl-n Peace ioh.'a asbes. His friend. W


by a stogie gen'leman.lna private family,convenient to toe Departments; or wouldrent a room without boarding.

A small lot ofHousehold and Kitchen FUR-NITUBE forsale, and agood po* Kftr hire.

Add ree*. Box 1063, city Post-Pffloe.ap tw-2t*11/ANl'tOTy H'H-4-For the'balance cfV V tho y«tor. a cud-le-a-el

OOLOBED MANto go two cr three miles 1a the country to takeoa * of a pelr of horses ad make hirmeif gener-ally useful. Musi come well reeoramended- Beneused *pi>ly without being well acquainted withthe gooi oar* of horset Apply to

WEST at JdHWITON,ar,2S?t* Oaoltaere-a. 143 KSflßt.

TlTani-cd-- " ~~

w immediately?A competent 0-EMIST,

?o prepare fslmtaatdrg a-iap atti -l for i erou-.fi..uo? ;,s, in -.eeo-.i-aca with the direotlona cf tha Ord-nance Manual.

B3IRCOE ». B%LDWIN.Oapt. Artillery, RJ.-imoud .

c.r_._u>l.ap A?lw

_..,._W*~AM i'ED?Good'


Arpiy atNo. S4 Main at., corner of

ap tS-Ki* Locust Alley.

Wa ot r__D? a good~

WAtBD-Aa-SIBOBB-t,to d* th* bundle wallas fo- a Hotel. White,_lrl prefeire. Apply ioo .It tte- st '.b*

MONL'Mr-.T KOTEf,ap *3 B'* dto-Tf\u25a0- 0 h *mo Q* .re» l rera_*- HOiTiiD-VV IM____M4T«I.Y

P.fty HAND",>o manutas-ure Drawers.

H JAOORS,r.p r8«»;» *B '.a 8r"- !____L__.

__-_£_. -j , ______

TO _U_MT-li tha neighborhood of *th

and Hater rftraeta, a -.i_«'lSTABL3 or BOOM tor tnyho-if

an: tl* ftarl Ad*r»a*apt?' * O. P.," Bit-patchOMoc.

HlT'lli ft -B- a young Mt. wto-1- aacnpSVa * f -a~ ntoPary du*.~, a rit-atica a*

B > -C KFJ-PHH.or to ary o. her Mhp icy men* in whicu he er.u taOBCfUI.

t-?&tlar_,aioi- pefbreuee gvea. If nec**sary. A4-flan "C- W.." AahlacdP O. ar 28-3*\u25a0gri AH -M.S. BBiNS, at tho rx7n_ar~oiV- Main and 8d sts. : bar a tolgc, wet! i'nrn-

Phel front ROOM, ca tha M 9 >or, suited to atleman and LP wh**. cr two or three singleffeni!*-naa_ which can be had, with gc-od BOAI-D H ap*pil»d for upeerlily. apßg?tt*

?? <; ANTED.?A tew gsntiem-u or families-- can obtain BOaBD in a private family,within a few minutes' walk of tha Capitol.

Apply at the residence corner of loth nndOlsy atreeta. ap9t?3:*

sJEl?* l̂T,;,r *-^® ;iriCK'B*


to go to Yorktown. A liberal bonus will begiven.

Apply at toe corner of Main and 7th ate.up 28?31* L- LSI. MIWV.' REE.


WanUd s god STfBSTITUTB. for a No. 1lightsrtllleryromps y, staUonad ou the P*ntosu'a,for which arsaaonable price will be paid- Applyat the st moirner 6th and Broad streets, to

Bp-8-3t» HO. B HUNDLEY\ir_NiLD--YY Two SUBSTITUTESfor thenar. Apply at ths O-uumbiao Hot.l.

apt.?Bt» J II PABBIWS.WANTS.-,.? A SUBSTITUTE.Apply at new Planing Mill, corner of igihand Pary iTaeta ap 24?31?QDBBTITOTI.


Any gentleman deeirlnga reaponalble andIntellgeri t Substitute, wbo la prepared to giveflrai-claae refereaces, wl 1 oall at Lien enun tBlair's Becruiting **__oe, corner of Pearl andMain streen, at 14 o'clock M., on Monday andTuesday of this week. ap 18?It*



about fourteen yean old, from the country-apt and likely.

Apply toJ. P. THOM,

On 7th a r*et,aptS?St* Sdoore from Franklin.

h CHAMBERMAID,a good COOK and WASHER, aud a plain

COOK and FARM SEN.VAST.Apply io II A. t> PR _-,

Office No. 4 Law Hall 'tog,ar-H?2t Franfcliu streetac, -'_.:;.___ -___\u25a0 \u25a0' flea _\u25a0 ?

QL or vi m g

lot of Men and Boys*CLOTHING

for sale cheap.Applyat the store oi

, W. H BBSSON,apft? It* '*M Main street.

__??? n


SO bag* Korth Carolina Salt,96 tons American Uubbo, from Baker a and

JsrvL'*Island.Also, safli o ed this morning. SO bblr. Oruahed

Sugar, t hh.-.a. B. O Sugar r r -ale byR. B. B JMBRYILLB, lath street.



GOAL AND I«:-rTBUMEWTAL IV-STRUOIION.-A thorough conras of

Muslcel Irctructlon given on tbe Piauo,Harp, Gultaj, Mugiug. Ac Due attentionatrtcily paid to the only successful methodof toe pr pr muscular development ol toehanda to obtain a speedy and maaterly com-mand of tba instrument, oomDining an loaallty,agility_B d elaatloltyof touch for a 1-ito-fui rendition of musical perform < it* Terms,moderate. Paovaaeoa DB COEINIEL,

R«ald*nc*, Ist and Grace street*ap at? 4tawpmcKSi -

1V All pertooa holdlrg clalmaagatoat the late P.lllpSautter, win pleasepresent them to ms properlyButheu-loatad,and ail peraona indebted to said aetata wtUplease make prompt paywent.P. W. B. LOBtt ANN,apSi?St* Admtn'roi Philip t*-auu-r

iW d'_iLfc_J **?~

jthava tor sale about 100 pouadc of primeHoPfi, whioh Iwili ceil to famtllea in smallauaadttee at coot, (two dollara per pound ) aah,T*"f*__ixf_KJ___? wVHOBHHIOBB.


rHRCO't-ICRI_PTIOi% ACT.art. I ? TlflT, Fi>l B-fH'LA-Ik-TTIONH of the War D**»artm**nt tn re.ution to the t c. of Oongreßß mown ai theloi.a.riptton Act.arapubitaheti byautbori.y,tr the Inform a-ton ot the p- bll :I ? BBBOatMB.IT ABB DISfOHTIoB OV BCCHVIT*.

1 Ao cttlc*.- uot betow toe rah of Majoraft! ao detailed tor aaoh t ta;* to tnw»ichagaif i-ii ta tollmen!, r)i.i'«i-n . 10. subs latere,ran-, t atdou, Baddl-po-ittonof the recruit*ai*e i ti fier ibis ant

8 *rolt<a*.lon will r»* ra*d»» Immediatelyo tbe Oov.rtiors of tbaßeve-al S'ntea for p*r-n noii to employ Mate oftVera for said en-?oilmen, and in aeao scch p*i*r.la".lon ne notrruaaad, efiflasaef toe army will baaelected>y too Depiirtmeot uo perioral flat duy, nn-ier ea-h r_£ulai_ona as may be prr*oiib-d.a her» State cfl. ».raare employed, ;he reguattouaof the iW|eOllia btates In r. ga d tomiliary enrollment Will be observed, a* firi* tn rt.c -ble.

8 Tee en coiled ;t>en In each 3La14 art-1 be?o tooted laeampc of toatruotlo* r.y toe iffl-ter- .n commaed of tt.e eerui'F, the miJi iapa tat.c aetoetetf with refkreuM te health,in.! ,*>.< taolttttoa tor obtelutug.aksctotaaaocj tracsp nation, lb* aumner of tneeetampeafl-JI aol exc-J two i --en dtate,rrltkoat authority t om the derarimeot, nndorach wiii ha allowed a qnnriermaeter andi corcm:a-ary.

4. Tte .cmmatn'an'a of tha empt o. ln-luuettou io __mtuw«r__l.Bfltei w.u call upon.he Gen-nils c ramaeiiiug toe military d»-rjartmenta In whichiheiroampemayberi'u-'.ted, ior competent drill i Sen toiaatruuttkc*rec*aita,aadwin pt-pare a-m for ihetold ac rapidly as j ohb n!e. i hßf wiII causathTi to ta promptly vaoeflatad. end in cr-erijc* tt-em io ;he Arid w.H, ac tor aa prrlC 1

jsble, ptefer those who have pa«Ji*d through.he usual camp diseuaes Th-y will eat.ib!i~naosptt.als In aouueotlouWith ihelrcnn-LB, audmake reqn.suiou for auch madleal attendanceand a orei as may be r- quired.

6 The comnv-utiantaot regim»uta battalions,sqaadroua, and unatttcued companies, int rvieeon the ISth lust , wdl rv.-id copies oiih-*ir nutlurrollß to tur c .mmaodaut of thepro. er oamp of tost; v. ion to tcte.r respectiveStates, >itti efflcera *-1 take cti. rjto. ofsuch ra-xraDfl aamap L-riurtl'tt. il io -.i id corp:. Theiald command-, .ts wi 1 app ruon toerecruiteamct.g such coxpsla proportion o '_ed.il-CieLcy ot e.- ch, except wt-a otrierwie spoduliydirected by too department,?.Hotting,as ler ac. practicable, io eoc- ~uub corps toemen fr otn0 tn the rug ouou.' country to '.vhich Ithaa beeu re'eed. the., wil , from time totone aaad©fitauckbodies c: ra-raite aa are

r*a y for toe field, aad Will r.p -non me fir*:Bouoey of everymonth ihe i cinfi-r of re-:iu!ta in carui, .ueir condition, ibo .iu_ubei'sent off during t_b*> month, acd tka regimenteand corpa to which h*y ware aeut.

5. The c.roiiiHiidiiiw. of regimen la aadCOipewtU dis.ribue the rcru its auio- & ihrirwveral companies, avid in auch us have nothe uumbt.r of eompanlee allowed t».. tawto a re.i-tt'nt, the taid cOßdUacdttnta va yr_ir. r* ue requirednumber of ne-*/ com-

panies, after tits fl iiuk up the existing oom-peclec to the miuiinu-a _ unite-in reqalreioy taw?bit le to tay.lor > <tcbcompt-ay cilefaatry, 04privates; or cavalry, 60 privates;oi ai tiiiery, 70 priva.es.

7. Ihe reciuits Will be appor-toaedamoagthe several arms of s-rvlee, accord tog to -nilrespective went?, eeaaultii g ;-» tar » iiractt-cable toe prelereuce of iho ir.eu. V. here agreater number offer tor a rartlcn.ar armto-n can be uerigued to to th* Ute-rlbado-WIU be dereTiutuea uy io j but rtcrui.* forthe cavalry will oa.y be tafiau DvEi tuo.etßhn mn i»t» theirown h )£»?:*.

?ToiroßTaßaa foa Hrf-isTi*,i -rears,

8 liuhle to mil tary 6jrvtoe undevtoe above act, not iv setviod on th-i 1* h orApril, and wishing to volunteer iv any pur-ticn'ar compauy it -twOoafedcrat-i aci vicaoatte lt.h day of April, muy report tkem-vlvecp tor to '.neirt nr. liu»eutat aiirnpoi h-stoc-tior witom ihelr reepicave sta e.-.,v7htretot>-»ili be arretted, prepared for the held, tedsent to theß_idcompany until toe .ametoallbe filled up

9 Rgciuitlrgofßroram-y be detailed, withts*» p"rmi.'stoa t: too Gen-mi* cor£,rnaa_ir.gm-li dapai by the com man dam*of regiments and oorpa, and i-nt to their re-spective State* for toepurpcae of leoeivlag torsuch re-lmentaam.l corp*, in 00'i?_>r_ul y mirecraitii.g regulatioaa heretofore adop'.ei,(cieaeral Orde-i cio 8 ) volaatesra dealriujj t<join h m Such v otuateera mv, oe isanmt I*oat toecainp' a ins'ruo'.tou ia Lheii r-epr-cuitcita'- B, p cyared far -he fl Id,. ad bbo : r,. ?.?_ t.,r

rvap-ctiveregtoaeaie aaa oorpa until iheaaitie_ha_l bcßilai vi; er, ii ready for ne Bald,way bo oniem tUreotly yo flair imrpa o> thecffl.er co recrtiitiui themiv.?VotrxTiisa ooxpa BEaaioroat .fnao-

-I££o10. Persons liable v military aervoe voder

thl* ct, and not la am aooutke ;s.u d.aj ofApril, may, until the Itvh .'ay of .day n---x',voluut.>.-r in corps harot jforfau hons*d to bera s*td by the -*eeret_ry of War, or by the _-x-srnuUve of any sta'.e, as prt if -ne qu..iathereof, ir. pur&uunco of . ooii noo da uponfocß s-iate b\u25a0 ike Preaidett- Pci*oi*a_.tiic.'--tiß*d to vice auck eort&, */hn may not on thatJ_y i.aye the ner-tB-ary number ol men et -

rolled acdmuMered tarn seriie* accordingtctee termc ot .Le;r tit.'i'.orlty, via proceedwith their meu to a curtp or iLb.iuotton intheir reap rune i>ta'.os, oiid Will tieUvertheirmusi.irioiis to the couuuandant thereof.

11 The cotsicaed.mtc o; aai h corps a» txeoomplet-don or before *.ne 17th day of May,ssnd not otoerwise ordered, will report io toec.mmandaatt of the re*>rnits of their respec-tive State-, and srith in. ir iona wili heplaced by h m in a camp of inatruoiioo, andreported immediately to the de,artme,_t.?Saoh coric will be under th* commatdof the commandants of racruita in theirrespective States, and wlli be prepared forthe field to iixc manner Wtto the recruit*,uxtU removed from toe camp. They winonly be moved under orders frcm the de-partment, from toe Uommacdlng General ofthe army, or In urgent cases, from toe Commandiug (-Unocal of toe mlut.ry departmeat in whicn toe camp* may be __ta__tod ;and lv such cases report will immediatelybemade to toe department by the effioer incommand of toecamp

V.? ADMTIOBAL COUPft?_CJ___U_4 SSBVICTB.lt. Under the prohibitionof this act again*l

theorgan-station of new corps, no further au-toorl'y for that purpose oan be given, except.ha- apeclally provided for in the act cf -.'ongress, *nti_led "An Act to organise bands ofPartisan R ngere." For tbla latter purtose,applicationsmuat be made thr ogh tbe Com-manding Generals of toe military depart-ments in which toe eaid oorpe arc to be employedvi.?rbobuasi -'.ATiOAt or mi.' a MOS7ES -rears

18. All reglmenta. battalion*,and ecmpaniea of twelve m- trh- voiunteerr,will reorganta- within forty daya from theI6to of April, by electing all heir officer-whlchth.yhad aright neretoiore to elect, andOh auchdeya as toe brigadeo .t-iaaiiuii m-yiresc.lb», and the said brigade oommandersare hereby ordered to fix and annouuee theday for such reorgauis uion ac soon a-cpracttoable. No peiaon wno ta to be oiachmged,under the provisions of toe act, will takepart in such election

11. The form of holding and car tfyicg beelscUocs will b* in oontormlty with toeiaw-of toe State from wbtcb the men, or the ma-lar part thereof, my come; and when theelection of field c fjloeri la to be in--de by com-pany offloers, the taiter wili be first elected.All certifta-teeof election will b* returnid toto* Adjutant-General'soffice, and toe ctßc-rewill be commissioned by toe President. Theywlll, however, ou r*oelv,ng a copy of thecertificate or election Immediatelyaatot uponfluty. Ofllcera not re-eiccted will he relievedfrom duiy, and. the brigade commander wilireturn their name* ta toe Dip-riinen..

vit ?coars aaisßD roa local djparr.

IA Oorpa raised for loo: 1 d-gtoc* will re-tain their org_r.'_-iloa daring tbe ierin olsuch e-llstmeut, ualea*previously disbandeo ;but memoer* cf auch corps m..y volunteeria o corpa for general service as bnetnaboveprovided.

vat ? DiscßAAfita.19. When any compauy now in service for

twelve monthc ehari, before the Id n day o<July n«x , attain lhem-x m um eamknopte-scrioed by this act, without .tending theme a order IS, and over 96 years of agUwstllsuoa men may bs discharged, and such olihem aa remain to service ou tbe said day,will, upon their application, be to-a diecharged, whether each maximum be attainedor not.

ix? TB_ssr__s.

17. The right to change oo npar-y or corpsto virtue of re-enlistment ceases to ex.at bythe repeal of ail law. lv regard to re-enlist-ment; but tranriers of Individualsor of com-par ie* may be made asheretofore, witoiu thedtacretioa of the d-p.rtmtut

X ?*C_B*l*fTtTTta.I*-. When gay p-non liable to military

dot*' under this act,but notyetiaustercl hat*.service ia any compauy, deeires to furateh nsu'.s mute, he shall report blm~»lf w ti tbesubetl'.nu, to toa comra*.udant of aeampotInatrucUon, au.. if tkc eubstitate be lawfullyexempt frcm military duty,and aaj examlua-Uon by a surgeon or assistant surgrou bepr uouuced aoar-d, aud to all reaped-, fit formtlttaiy eervlO-, be may be accepted nnd en*rotted, aad the pcrsoa fornia-iig each cub-BtilUtOaaay he disoharged by IkOMBU-aautoutof -he camp. Bet no aabaiitoie shall be en-titled to transpo*teflon ot other allowance atthe expense of the Government ua'it so ac*eer-ted aad anrcUea.

x;.?_x-_tr?io;.-.1$ Psrao-* e-SlUt-Ug exemption from mili-

_*ry duty under thi. eff-, «nati ho rtqulred by

toe -nro' itog < -_"'"\u25a0'? «o n»k* oath h'ttoa-ya*-* lavtoily eaempt naoer ihe act of Cjl*greaa, anaBbail Leforntebed oy him wi-h aoer.too.ate ef snub exemption.

ap sg-Ot .-i?_?___\u25a0" ,: i v v i- '\u25a0 .' "J \u25a0 '

¥>LACk BILE tU-*4jJ-l_R-Lawa £*la at15 flu «S** u_i :»_K_ , _L_.i_pS4 flHafletaeat.

S___JS_f___S a*t 'm * IDAYS.

By RBDWOOD k SKdCB, AxuxUntert,(64 Bain ..tract.]


atant, we wilt sell at our afore, commeDotng*'?'?'' .'oi io», a valuable tot of newandsecond?fitted FUKMTUBE. We nsma, to pari?

-Ipieutid aiahogaut Wiraroae-;** ?? D"s "H'k B-irwttn*.

Walnnt and >rto'g .u< Bedeteade;". ?* Lx'.cusiou Tabtee;

Dining Tables, Toilet and Oatd Taole*.Pau* sad Wood-beat Obairs;Lucking Obiiire, Obtidrin's Obairs,Me. a, btottruta a, ar. I Viltow*'Oartieu, BUnus, Ac. ao.?A'_*iO,?Cfcinit. Glass, ai d Prockery Warejg r Praaeh and t run, h ' hia.i Tea getacD.uu »» and D* crt harts*r U ri.. Bowl*, Fitt:u-is;cop* 11idfiUaoara, Waiters, Trays, Ac,Au i i variety o! Glassware.At t'ao e_aaneu4M___«utof toeaale we hay

40 -uaaels PuTAPUBa, Wbluh we will aril Jw.tocui Also, a large lot of SUM- ID. X . -\u25a0 for h 3 utahoi'. purpoaea. iBtuDWuDD 4. KEAOH,au 88 Aactton.era.ffjjd LVI OF GaoOfcglfc-S AT AUOTIUN ?

Havicgde'ermmedfor-toeprese.it t<> cioaemy 1 will sell at my store,corner Of8 hand 4-810 i- ree's, cjmiuei.ctng at eleveno'clock OU WEHNktoDAt, t'to xipil', 188*.my »nilr. stocE of Groceries. consUnrig ofthe usut' variety for the** limos fouuu iv aflret tinea f_mi!y grocery. Also, a lot Ofmac* 'ytt aad riaievonce Peas, Whiteßoaus,lriih Potatoes. *cTbaba Gosh in bankable money

NAHPdUB JUi\_.S, Agent.Sato try Hbowood A. __g_4-t, *,uciloneer*,ap 2* -It

BU_BBl_g PBfAroi-g.

On TPri.iDAY, _hih lent , w* w!J self, o*. ourit jre af 10 j'eic k,

50 anthsk P TATOBb,with.at ti'otva

ao tiy oft fiEr>W_o'-,i* AK-'\iiU. ires.

ta ? V-.JRI S___4: 1 -_a.i. Uj cm -r _. tn ?X H v a er-tiiyof /,_r, I hall pr ceedt,r-ei;,oi. TUBSU AT, M*l « h, at thefede.-at» .itetea Aimury, th-; _olto._tdag ? r:l«Oles, V I: /

o_t Io _**KB_pk Barr RILL-ftToXrES, aadmadry other P,Xtarrsof ths GrUiMill frr.meri] cccuoied oy -lessra cdagrader.

The urn les will be cold to lota t. anlt par-ch ,6-I*.

TB*MB-Casti. J AS. H. BUIirON,nrtJs Staperiatea-teat.

Bo ii. >HV od r,.-i at /.Uv'ti?'..-? !'??t.nriii. tOckaage uiy busi'ie-.-- I

ray e_tore so' cf B oTS AKD BEOW staactioe, \u25a0-\u25a0?\u25a0 Wfc_t_____»%T, April 3cth, at toI'clo.-i. i ia ; *a gene si assortm ct, or n gooJ

racaafco -bated fl tho our Iv ti may b>f u*tdth' ben D.i.-cr.' Uj; t- sad beat Pog*us.

Trail* Caih. ,nban««*»le fu'jfia on ce.ivtr,."P5~ a> W p w t V i QH,ty ttiCUjKD -JAll ''H ?e'./V, dn«l_-ri__r.

CIBOUKBBY AND Grig <W*.KE ATj AUPTI( N ?Pn TOL-DaY, Bft h tost.,

commervlt-.-f at 10 o clocs, I will sell ent atauction the balaa eof the stock of O '«\u25a0 Tay-'er, cw.ua'stlrg of many d*a.-abia S audFancy Goo'scf Oktuaaue GUsaware

H" s k epira and others are torited to at-te... - tad *aie.

TBBMS?i,a»h B. OAUTHORN.f.f- 2fl AU'r|orif-.r

~fiy"iiv-T ~. fjANCAiT** or spy, Auct'tu>TOO_C*S AT APUTi'Jf* ?Wo Will sell at

aucUoa. at outoiUce, on WEDNB-jDaY,totb of crli. at It-o cloc*,

Jbi- hihoad Pity BUD )Farmars' Bank hTiit X;B rrhmond and P-ter»burg M. B.BTOOK j

on aOOOUUt 'if H. L. Brooke, B=ceivor,JNO A. LAMOABT-vB c 80N,

a.'fS ABO.'ior>*TßI _________a -=-. ---am x. ___c ->_

--JRaUfl-aM-K-k-Pfl.OKBHOHO ViRI-iTI«IS.-t\. TniS BffIBIBB, Aratt,»

to con-*week of th*? ecgfgiiner.t of-fir. WALiXRE_-BY£-L


Danoe Misb M pe-rtUigt-'mTo aouelode with to-* taughabl* farce of

THE?_r , Secpr..gr mioc

fa_T--W RI-.HMUND r_____f__CLvi ?

"tadiea and tsntlanvm trf ths DP.am ATI 3 PBO-;'*'.' '<>?.'- deturoes of snteriug Into a___gaa___lj

for th'a eatabiißbinsat, which will bs cpened ta&ugu*'. or r,_LH- m". r, will ptaaaa addrasa tha ua-c_r_l_a_d, st.ttog th*b pecnlisr llaecf boslae a,ton', *c J H HkWllT,

a,. 26 -lm Mna>g*r Uic'f rtaoed Varie'-isa.ni.'T-oe wmm ~^


Iv eotua?tteace of thecrrrwrt* migli ly nt-teadlng fbeaeexhltdt'oes, tt '* Impoeatt-totorecerreee .te, unless secured durlrif ir odo >Thei;ox offioe at Metrcpilitan Harlwillbeopen from 0 A. M. till 3 P. M., where ueat*can be secured without extra charge. Byselecting seate during tba day, parties willsave toemselvea from annuyaho*t whichcannot otocrwtao be avoided.

LEE MALLOKY,ap 16?te Acting Mac agar. |


I_raTHOPO_--TAK HALL.D- Bidwbh. Proprtator(Ai*c, proprietor of Academy of iluiio. N*w

Orleans, La.)Las '.lAitot! Acting M-oiagcr.

First Series ofLEB BALLURY'S

WAX ILLCITKATIUMaWith St* thousands of Life-like

MOVING FIGOBES.Horas*, BabtottUa, and

all theparapharri.r.UA ofWAR!

In connection with truthful istkas ations oftoe magnificent

Scßnery of the South,Ytow- in Louisiana and Virginia,


On exhibition LVLRY NIGHT. MatineesWEDNESDAY and SATURDAY,ateleveno'clock

fGW Seats can be secured, without extracharge, at the Box Ofi.ce of the Bali from 9A. M. till 6P. M. ap 14 t*

STLA-d fc«G!N£ FO* SALifc.

I have for cale a five horse powerETEAM ENGINE,

in excellent ord*r.THEUDPRE W BOENNIGER,


NOTICE.? Hair t-H IN P L ASTERS,signed by* Wat A J Suitb," having

beeti presented at my _->unt_ur for redemption,1 would ata c that I am not the author ofthem, nor have never issued a ehloplaster ofanykicd. My name le

WM. IRA SMITH, and notap ti?fa Wm. A. .1. SmithlOTTUS ANO TOBACCO MAiriiiNEiiY/ FOB MALE ?A lot of eecond-hand Pot-

ton Machinery, constating of Willows, Pickera, Sapper*., Rope l_U_**bine, Tin Pane, Ac,Ac. A complete act of Pre-see, -fiacbino'y,Ac , for the manuf-cture of Tobacco, out lit-Ue n»ed and in good order.

Arply to I SLAUGHTER,mb ST?lm* t-r-d-rtckaetara. Vi .

?fgOH PBSBBATS BUTTPI* a? We ai*1 ) app. luted fol« agenu for tha and* of th«ABdk BUTrONa iv L-t-s o.ty, mi.nurae-by Rouyer k Leva-eeur Thia v a bouth-ua a.ad- tlaiton, and deserve th*- patronageof the .'.re. f

HKNMETT A TOA.LIiSt.IN,-».r t*_lT-* 'A3 M.ir ?\u25a0\u2666

J aili.ijj, oUAn. __WU _.__*>._ U-... i\'-A vi..

WILLIAM P. BUTLEI A SOS,No. 19 Pearl sweat,

Umrm Si!' l r>u hand a moderate supply of almostcvetya--icle ua-a'.y -tsxad to ib*tr line of busIne a, for sale either at wiiole_aie or retail. Remember, ?*!... to Fearl stteet.

ac. w f BnrLETt tyn,_TAT O T I U \u25a0 -

VVo redeem, In current funds, the sotcaoftbe

COMMERCIAL HANB.HAYNE k MoMUKfiAN,Order .he Siourwooa Hotel

opkS lm**! I**1**---- -- -\u25a0 - -ii -\u25a0- -BBbRR ?\u25a0-**-\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0 \u25a0 --*" I -*-\u25a0*\u25a0-\u25a0

(kfr___-j-B 1I UNIFORM* 'IX-EABEDbRIII-MIH lit.

EIKO a tyS'S,Sccnrc-s, Mam street,

ap l?io'* bbbUW -aflßuwflur. i g.

PeJOl'lOE Tti ALL W.iOM IT MAYla "ONCEEI? ?la consequenoe oi all myasa-sta-ie having )oiae_ the army, my Storewill tie opened l-vm H to ie, .'clccx *. C...aaa from Bto 8 P 14. -a Snniaye. Fer-onihaving Prescriptions to he A*a*wed willpiea*Mi bring them at t*t* übdv* hour*

rah ft- \u2666. B « piimvitv

GOfiOfßitlAN hl.lfc-JUC-U-OND. Vtaaia..

O. W. BPICXB A 00.. I^oinlo-ora.Htß*-*ffQ r*

fleug tr* \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 " ->.*.o-'ri# ;PUTUJIH. DAVB

\u25a0a vi ii i is \u25a0 ? \u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0"\u25a0 ? ?

By E. B. COOK, Awttouar.

CAAWAf B» I(' Akßf ,»0 ?*..*» 11

"CASMitSEn."'Th*. Bityitirloer Inttndl -W * up htS Bt' fBboa** by ton .a.-.' May, *ri.l wio ___BJ tar Badehis stock of 88-flaaaaa R.xgtoa, with acd With j jout t-ivw -~4 i«e""'g Wa-una, which have r-,ncU _ 'pnt op with grsat iera f?r _t_* BBBjrkct, a* v»t> Ito*rp.i-i.a. as b» lutcu'la io teal evartyv_t-_*_aoabat Im would urthir ..nt* tb .t all p«rsoi>s towant of tinTi****, A"c., w'D fiati t>. grnitiy to ihe'rviv-.ptage ti pee ii'm a call, a* ;.-. v d-lwiinodtosell, in utdfl to close cut hU -took.

jonf* Ttf.i-^.C-rwTie' cf Dliiv Pros* .ta.

?t-TThe a fioek .all' b-» _-*ld**taa__~i.,wlUi'iutri-j9r*.'e, on i'tlD* V. lbs Sath r. t at Mo'c.ek. [sp 2»J \u25a0 'l )'>o__. Auet.

POfIPPUBg-tBBT?The above *ile ta jpc3ip"-ed uritll F*_IDAT. May td,at loo'elk. j

ap24 c. B ;o ,"K, Anct.

DXV :f.--''" .-. ? >; a >.-\u25a0- a WKD- jI *".Sr>A V, !hi!3L> b '. .: , Bcea-_-___aj ». If ,

o tesekjM ?v* t. or- fla. -7 Pe-rl ttreot, wlßbelsol att»*JC'i"3,*tthcr.t r*!*.--*, ».fo"ct»h.> ur <t«».lr. Jtif-5-iH of &?_.»'? «w" Fane ©'tT !* <C D*.. a_Vie> ?lea *ler**a sad rtyel wa-riiiatTi end tvrp daabab i jgOilr-, ."-,1. ~* lBla-s d Forey _*_?*_.- C"Ot_M acd ?.;_?.«

were, ;fTre*»-baw '.'%' frr-e'es *ur I t :-.*l.*oer .',Bi.cVi T'a''._-. i ikdm gsuduekj aad Ewaagtal

Piaiat,Htbclllcs bb_ flflk Tsf-Ugi.Tflni tnrtiTTs }Aixweaa,ltas-ta* Mees-a end Be_*_gea,Wo»;e rhnunhii F'.ncy and Rack ttiks, jWbiti Oaui irioa --n! J teeantta B-b « L'wr,'., IFiaii swub **toii.n. PoinJ Qk akeaaadfla-. |

BTk__Bßed do . iC-lore--Oaoibrlri EJbwb MV e'ing-i.Br we aad Bleached Takta Damaak*,

\u25a0 j ?,- Table Oi tha, Tt we % a-.d :\u25a0:otkins,?trotrti Bhccatasa Aad Shirt aga.Stoves, Bcatery, bb-«) Del .?? EPlkTwita,

iadalaßge varuty i.f n'bir Cooc'i, taoetatalwhioh f*w inch epporta toes will ba (ffoeduithe trnda Baring the seat) ae*lea af the tde-Oade

B LT.T? A bgkWBY.n*j.. >,- », -. (:oOK 4tMrj a--- -1 \u2666\u25a0 \u25a0

tt\< t t* M.MMBMM, _n*_t_ac_r,[Onceoaraar UHa sad Gary -'-\u25a0 rta I

BjStBGrAITP HOD«BBt>Ll) a»i> KITCR-jVj B.i FUaf-irtißL. BObBWOOu CAbH |FT ?.-., Ao . FOR s" bt A r AUCTION - lWt'lbOßoMou i'l'E IHT noralagi rtp.-j, ifltk,eomm acta* et Id o'oiock, at t_ie ie.i-joases of Jemeawlett, Kao . who is declta-trgh epiDg, in coasequ nee ot getßg In jservic-.t-i*-b. c ot <Ht.\c*> acd ttksta .hteßoeeebotd aou Xi cas-n Fa!'L>Uure,t<;,-slstioiriu t;:r' of

f'ne *, l*t'- x t Boeewood Case Piano Porta,E e?ant Window Curtain* and Shades,Boeewood Parlor Farßlture.te Brocaielta, tV Iveta**ootterOarpete, Ola tmg.

Chambor Furniture c nJi«ttnt:ofgoaTwniiil. tfaboga. v aad O .tte.ite Bate.

Dl.itog Boom Parnitara oi toe ve'y beatqaaU y, cots sting of

Beta-Boa D fiug Ta: ie, tJurir_,_*»rble I'.jMd-boird, Vrrvhaadaome,Hair and Stench M .tt-e-saii, 7.r _v.tostatad3.China and G anware,P ated Tea r?et», keirigonito*,Witt the Vitrie.y ol XUtChCfi Fur--

altars?Af SO-

T>e Qa* Fis'nr s.P-rsoc* wif.tiii»g toexuelne th* Furr-it-ir,.

eaa dosoca Monday, ftrem lOuadlSo'clcck. iTaaus -dJaah. ..triuto. W. K£_asEh., inpZ5 laet,

By AACAT, PAhVM *r CO., _toen

SUGAR -i AT ATJCTIOH ~ r 'a FSUDDAY,the Sft h instant, at 31 o'cie-CS. at our ;

WB-tekouae, we »hrii sell?14 hk s ? sk-* i' Loairi-na 5;c7f.l -BS,10 bba and 1C - df o do. do,

«ll of superior q,->,lty and b-!l-*<ed to heeqoat forty ovei broughtto this market. TheaimutiOß of .rlealer* ie i- qnested

EBBT, PAIHB * OIL,ap 53 ta.tiuuee-U. '.rtRT-POHBRBHT -Tne above *ala ta ;

pc-«tpt»n.d until TUESDAY,-Sth,wkea Itwill tike pi -SO witu; n- rps-ar-1 t weather.apft X P A? P , Hue's.

Si" .'->ii£ r If .'.iVi.-.r 4- -tito . -teres.

AVtilT Dr. IK .«.___. FUBUBBAI-T]F__R> oa tm Dsar-ffn Tvavi as, _

.?iiua* Anors'Si !?. At AOCTtoa ??'..-». wi;I 1 on Tt'i SD IV, ii.c 29 hoi., ecmrnencißgat_|o*ol cap M .everydceirakieeabur ,ban Form located acabove, oppeetw tka iarmvf Mr J b. Faulkner's, aid u-ow to to*, o -euvo,ncy of *ay -T. i» Gatewood, ooutalnlag16 acre* oi highly Improved toad J ta particu-larly adapted for toe-cu tore ol keg tfthteaanai is well cur io*«d Tbe tnpvovem ns eraa comorufitoe *r*<med House, a nt-tolu?" tl mlrooms aud the nan doUt-galMlaga, audio we>»aurpitedwith wa-fl.

Fn,no c dsxdriag to 3*our? suo*> a placewould do well to examine tbeabuve befortth* dayof aaia. will be given inm-d;a sly.

Taaua Que half r-firh; thebalers at .'. ."\u25a0months, for a tn gotl ibl-* aote, with intor- aadded, atid asoured by a trust da iL

J A3. _L TATLoB 4 SON,ap tt Auc loneera

gy ghfßßH* A £P» « I?_**, j.acts.

VERY DE.sifi~i7rrr: *~TTjatbd hri kTb\bbk_7 on i3« Waaruaaov tlseoso.

E-ivrtii -lata axe Iakt siager*. Foa Baibat Ac one*-?wm be sedd nt are-ton, on theaarcS-UOaa, OX TUESDAY, toe _9:h Apci!. ISS-Lat 1j o'clock P. M-, ihe *cry di-drably locate Jbrici t-netniat n. v.- lv the- oeoupaacj Of oirJohn K. tonrdn, and adj.lniug the lenueuceoffer. Sam D licaooa

Tkbms ?Oi e-h:lt each | the rel.ii.ee at 6and 12mon.hi<, lor neycitoble aotaa, totermtsdded.secured byatrustdeed. The tex*a aadlusurauee for ittl tobe p- id by ?h-.-. pur.baser

a: »4 OODDIH A APPBBt-iON, Aacta.

17ix-i:ri;i iu'-s cALr. or valuable_.

PetolPEE TV.- la pursuant! cf the wi! ; cfthe !-t« Dr. Ohariaa Minor, 1wlii .;...- for rale, outha plena-en. on TUBBTrt *, the 15l_ i-y of Aptonext, or If that Oe tot tair, on :be n«xt fnir <i«ythere-fter, tho v.oluaol.-i *b'a : « called B_to4*a_B___,en which it* ___eexe_ rested a', *.b« Up,* of hisA- c o ?

It ties in t>ce aauetv -.* A_e_M-a-.*. da tnllnWorth cf Oharl -ttesvilie, .n hs Heath -caaci} of thoRivsrna riv-r. Bad rc-ui ah7ruaael survey S77|acre?,of whioh * cat prop rt'ou l_ to timber --

*rem 80 to _S are river i_w ground*of theboti quality, well .irsluerf and rdgliy produotive.The nr>!and» ar* feruie and the wh-Is 'artci is ingood eocdiuon. s?ornoet. of it (in. ading a lasspart >»f tbe low grounds) ii ta gre-a that, wltl cfavorabla »ean'j2 it iac-.tnpot.'d tae Lay-crop thliyear will not be r-hortci t-0,000 tonoda. A traa-afacturlrg and c.aw mill -ro jud at 'be «ai#, and________t_h'a and wht-iwright shcpi rdeaa cy.?Tha BetoaJ at the aeigbborl doc ladjl t af mf___UMU-t,ir-taUtgence, -cd tirtue areDo*vhrtre bcii.-.e." iLe eoxv acoena *.o tjhai-lotle-rili*.

It wca'd bs r, good taeeMeu for _ pbystctßa, andm riuict time5* for a eciooi

Th* improveor no eoastet of a tv/o-sio.-ydwellinghouea i f fcrirk. with i toe ro:-ro-. bccM aharemem a?ah?ft reeax, four fr_.ne cattocies,Beua____-g upwarU- of CO loduin;,' r jotns, .viaptofila a boya' B-bcel, toff wMcb the* were dtsigksdaad have b*cu oj*ii, aud to* ÜBUal o>-c«a. anvan.v.hooiCA. barns, jiabies Jit-.I propcie to sal] at the same tLae ail tht

ho-aettoldpn- kitchen fUralture belongingto too e«tate of the deceased, ir.clndji illthe appiiaaceereqßtalte tor a large boardingschool. Amongtit other thugs may \<» mwi-tlcced aqu'intttyof blai.keta uud rteddinK,etc-ves, chairs, beecbaa, ieskn Ac , aii excel-lent Rosewood Piano, fine carp-ti, a car-riage, two-horte buggy aid spring wagon,and al o a series of toe D-st German sadAmerluan school maps, on roller*, as goodaa new, and a Urge :md w--11-s*;t?ete_! library,profee*io..ai and ? 'nose.

1 pi i»s» BttkeaafloflflO to severalvatu»ble negroes, of lwr>'h s-xes, aau the farm-

J stock aud uteiri'i*. *ogrthe,r with ths stacksof o ecu. torn, bay ; ana other fur.ge.so thaithe parchae rot tLe fa'm may prowide him-self abui -J-Uttp with hil*that kg needs toconduct it.

Tr.aas ?For -he iaud, oue-f.alf each; in*remainder iv two and four year-, With later-est from th»- day oisale, secured by gooi p* r«act.al security, and a deed of trust c-ii thepremises For the peraoaf.l r.fopertr. '.isums under S-~ aaak; over that Baso-nt, -

credit of tour moo'h*. with interest added..?cured by negotiablenoir, wril enduraed

Prot-u:...is to ouichaae privately before toeday of sale may be made to m: al to* Ukt*veralty of Virglcla, or to Fraokltu Hluqr,Esq., ii. fttchmccd, d-nug Ikoatttigg > taeL gislature

The laud will tW_-SO*4Va to aayouewisfna*:to tnepect at. by tar _de.r»h, tbe over-eer

JOHfl B 12 WOK,Acting Err of lift-. Minor, ucc'a.

4fITT-* sibove s ie i* paotppued a«i»i)

WLDMfecsilA V, too 7th day of Hag. (Hf-ar;if not, until the next Mir day i

' «po? U\»___________

' '' *'

V _______?_\u25a0 *au-1 fa ran \u25a0_-?-»* ?--

??\u25a0'\u25a0' *t pub la aUCiuni, ta the i ws I '.'auvUe, V* jWiTflUStoiT, the Bth civ ..; _tap,MB ib* | inwU I'l'lta TTißTlilaßt-al* iTn*ißnj

.mhra-'ng a* ag* *ai a lgfby Scaled ny- story.sua ba- m«>et ta ««- Mote- buiMto?. eeautategsnout _5 rjorue, »tt'-i*«*u on «h«t co ncr af M_mau. Do en atteat-. 'ihe b-itaing* rr w ta an vatl i-l.ei cOudifton. and *B ifferisg 'Hol.iii tipitperty at auettoa ib* Com.any d. aire a v onlyto Uq-ldav- Lair o*> igtttaoa. cat aso that b-trapalt-' shoai. go -oto ?uerae-lc a_ J -..lepr-atiushaadht, th*i wili apcedUp erravpi-te th., H _e\ n v

i_«j roy afford a- - uaedattea to the latgf _*4iflgef tw«eoa**eaktod h-urfi to D* . i»_rwell -aco a appor'U Itf l* ('tared f i ... d-sir bi -. iv ?tnat tv ? eh y .- r y

Takue. r -aut?rio* iheu cash; b»-__o* at tittwo and three ye-ra?aigo-iabl \u25a0 aortas wcL «a-Coraei. with __ue**i ken lata; or ash at .tor*ptlm eg ike p_A-J-_4*r Tllte re*aljed nntllputokese uaa-ep ta -jkii »>r panic- tr* _d«r«»_

JOHhi M. VrOßMU'ft/r.. Treaaur-rap I* dels* Danville. Va

_A*M*'l'.iO:« Mfilil-..rnrg day

i<» # g. CO9B Afttia ?

E[t__l___Al7__._ ?' if iA'I-T. iBJ-LBOtfli DB V 0 '-I.

'v ftgt-fu r,mounting to ST'.'X'i ?«. b *?? \u25a0-torrti oa re* i -Ol I. I? i___4_eii**trrg at 10 - yi t \u25a0a?ifn maaydee_r.ble aiid . ,-. _ » ?_*

tl tow**4 »tr rwn D i see Ice,7-r; Bea» f Bob \u25a0 hera o*rihgxtun, '. awaa, aud Itareg**,CotrtOß and Lines Pama Stair,Whi »\u25a0 las bi lea aad JkgoueiPlata aad lag-rod a>w as I ? iliaa,Idaeu Dicp'-r* aod Daioa*k ,

PU'o n 0 i Idem a,Bruaoy Cottoa and men flaadlrfi.spooi Oottoa a- d BeWtßfi *>i!_.Splendid Cvi " B Bua-bbS,_Jt-eut*ad D .-"-riis,F-re Linen Kkli __.

BI .. i : i i W B- rx Thread,SOM to ,vi Bee si "lib...P..v elSbii ? i.d D aware,gaeektaet dhirta v i Drawa ,i 'dt- . - , -Ok and *j. ! rfo-*,

ita 'i If Hoi , Oottou acd Meriao,"' - ?. ? W_d_c Boca

- .-i i:,. i ;:-i ~

« j It ? i_ .\u25a0 ;>? Ftoteht i'- bite Comtrlcstil xk Silk. i. .lo | - ea l" pi \u25a0' . . ica,r_gured.pl Id dpi! la U Mat,Fancy Art io c* iv gn ~- .Piain Lv » v ; i ? ? - ?.- .too tPatta Perd U apß - .Bwan dil! Hocki tad fc-.v.Hi clr Lasting Co tt Battoi ??,

Horn S ispei dn Buttons,.. v ex --i give Hi c ol Bmbr ilderieaL U -' to ' rol ' r ' ii ..

Plata ii ms.; ci*;l \u25a0.! >~I ,\u25a0 an 1 able (lovare,laten Whi >aadl 010-.'-i Dr - '?. . \u25a0,E egaei Velvet Floa; e*i t<-to ? '.\u25a0'.-' ;; ibex,

« hilar m i He,:-.to' and l t on t'-tbre laa,

? \u25a0 I : Dokl-tg,Para) i Printi ,Bsl ta Cotton Batu \.' i PS -i i. P F*T-|W lie Furaitu In. gee,

? n.uru fcdlh" -.--.?\u25a0 ! , ~.; - - ? |- Uii7ge L- i a great varte'j ; '?>

< iicr ted, woi '?.?- f oteaBoa af city aud countr* mi n h

ALF.ti.DM . :. -.

apfl-d Soi(lfi «;-..-

--'-*--"? P#aV e> APpgRtOH #i

f7B**Y 'BAT UW«LL Nt, 4 I ".'?V LIBB »t \u25a0 Slm-O.nD .; -? '

B'lsU t»NOCh'V STklt ' |aT aU-11 S ? WUI he solap-eci'.i--. - . MONDaY,thi IBh ri IS5 ii'eloek P B ,thsvcrj v. I arts\j ?- 418 .'\u25a0<--. m i . IASa i La:>- ipaocy ol the Miss s Fiat , -.

~1 .2 0. Thl \u25a0 ? Bl*4 la 7reai ,0J ttau, go 6. 1. cgrase, and Is ia?p4_d hgtea-. >-

TBKMI \u25a0:..'-. - d '2iruntb. for re; tltbie bo tee. bravest i lcr..-'1 oy at _-?- deed. ? bt ttx m lor ."-'.. as hipaid ; r lh« pttiglwaar


\rs T wl. : ?? v .0.- - <>'' : ; \u25a0bi vWELL LOOAI ell II I X I MB-

*\u25a0?.?\u25a0; 0« TUX Wisr Ll*Z ???» 4VS»7B '\u25a0 vrwaaa 1 L*r aao Laiea *< - aaocTioy ? will he «-'d < p.-f i . ?:? r epreralsee, ou MONDAY the H h April . 5.2,b* 4j o'C'O k P _a ,11 vary excellent ...

ro-.eutoß'li arrang d Bticb lei-erated at aticv*. r. >w li the occi :.<? >"-' -Peel fi to tr Tr ? c ii- ti & < Rti tb-»ide* a b iok b lebea co vi\u25a0 .s. tirooms, aad a wi d at coal bona lawdwellingi Bappll linfa ? sued wav ? __d

"*lbl«i tmoc -.-" I 'bboihoedPcsaesiloo given lai May Beat.Txaas ?Ote-thi cash; tae balaace at ax

read waive months, tor bcgottakto Botest-veatadd*d, aeeored by ?? \u25a0 ' Thstnxea for tod to b ? pal \ bj :b ? i arc!

GODD tl BAPPI ' "?.

apM ' - ear*

\TBB_ V A LU A » L fc IRON.* ROB'SI TAHC-UkH be I Lined Pa rl,

r - r tc 9 to s ree . I -

Will be b Id ut auction, on tbi *

MONDAY,tie _i h ! I ... , at 1o't'leck Pm,, th large (oa --?-?.---troa fronta:o ?-. loca t-dna ikove, no no .heiceupansy of Mearra fhoatae, U gfcea __

liaidwcll. lha leeeateat ase reel d, a'? five ycera ago, of the aaoet on te ..a a-

! rltlß.and'he woram nshtp ix*ca-*_ l»j «

i bta< nnecuaitoa it a»w fi -.? i. .\u25a0 i: f-r t wholu.ate **ry goodeeetab Lhmen , -ilt Is jurti.-:ag-n-od m aßrat-ra _ baal-iB.

j s**acu.Tbuxb.?One third cash; kalenca a' I i ? II pears,for aegeUehte ?0., i ? -i. |

. ball y. r'v, gif.ur d it: :t trust .' - ,'i.i.i tor It*, to a-* paid parci

: pfl OH];;,: r- PP B SUI

B% R 041 T3ogH,A*t**\

AUCTION BALE ... DAY I' hiv-; .. am : | ? r - ? I ??

.a;: ur wa*~__ i. c m r_i.i j cfc, ihi _KK>->fi.d_n-_n*d r -3 :'- nd l_j I\u25a0\u25a0 *? ?

\u25a0 sea d-But P-taeberg, fac *'. . hec-fli of w. . Ii rrv? Baaaacru i Bhh *, Ti, \u25a0

. iiiiH. bagar.Jr. baiea _hmc .

a ? 1 re m MesI ill ban- 4 P_ -to**.OBAfl T -? ' HAH -. _*%

Beta eoi ;*.c.ed by R. Ca BTHuXH A act_p 5 1

,H B LAY A,, ii _. ii s 10 .'d \u25a0'. l- t*V

-'ore t -i .-,., \u25a0 I'glI tr.sx< bar Beta a lot of Lt.rate , i

j boxe Hojt " i-ao l,one fa i Bad ' i: ,

! Ground Coffo- , Pepptr, fc1 r.- ft k ti tUTtTARH *?? :'

i - : JA.M.M. t'AYL >4 4i- .',,___ '?-,.... ?' A VIB! Dl i B . 881 'HI 1 ' -\u25a0'.!_*__ MBnT, on the ? de of 4b, -? en

[ Gauy aad PanaJ treeta . \aol in ". II--11 apeu the premises, "o.N-t ~ iMthibstaat, comme-.cto*. ai ''?''.i a Very desirable U -a Ts amant, I i ?(ti). v.". It contaixsaixt mfor labia ro una issupplied .. ' astnd w. , sad h ? tti oh«cd a Broa Kitchen, with a baeemeiother out-baiidli g?.

Tee Lot has the l*_ I I IreI I B_td di pth, andrt>' 8 im k to an allej.

TasMS?Oac-third coi-h; *he, buleuco a* fliand .2 noutha.toru»gettak4eaolec, with io-tcreat i diied, anU neeuied by ,a t. c- decJ 1.

j purchaem to pay h.- t-'xesHni v larance : ii ltjtx JAfc. lit T. TLUi * 901 ,[ ap S4 A '?- rr ? a.

By T. "\u25a0'\u25a0? Xl f i'-A, \u25a0 :,l-.ffiiy <\u25a0\u25a0 tt 19 ti d Caiy

i CjPkCIAE AL'.. v ' * 'rt Ot, aN« " ' ' \u25a0is-li.. i M . v lj a\ la* t.-ta Im, ,o mi! il v/c'v i n. at o»r WareLj ooreedaa aekef ii".-i i l.,t.Ua»,.'f '

j Btaac, cnbrvctag a g-_ i v saowtna. .'to which w« ;a- le I.riy Invite th.- lead l

'\u25a0 _-a_etan d :\u25a0? ehaati To-, woo';- -\u25a0 I 1 c i dI eithoat reserve, ia each lota wt~ | ? ->

| gein-r-aestrtm.'--.1 sAitij-i'tso, la r-Uahatli fauda

O-"". . iim fid a: i"'»,r&Pe.'-ic'uctid'y TiiD* W.KxSS-ta,Anct.11. v 1 »--l

j TOPPING!OB A BBAUTIFI L COUW*Eli TUT SIAT AND VaLCASIB Fa.b, .* ~IKI O-pavT i y ' BSsTaaria-o Pea H__a -Wtiljbesold at publicauction, ou thenreu; -. \u25a0.I RiNDAY.tkcfl kday of AprUxext ill i hi a dtf no., ou theaektt laird*y,)tfcai valaako! farm, la ihe county of i be.tt-iflei. ,

w«.p.[ kuowaaaßpp-ufirtoe.thw-vs-deaceol be] te

' Arrhbft.d htseat. fq ,oflaid roaaty itj lies on Appomafl x, ny r an.! HtafarrPockI arcek, about2s mltea from Pet*Tsh*>riIwi Vi tor 3 mil of the i_l v*i lli 1Iwi'heaayavd env.-r.ieni trraaeportatteu byJ rue nvpr IO P*t I b Ig, BI - }

Richmoad It Btaatß nt rcbou I 40---! well wet \u25a0?!? \u25a0?'. anakae vaahUßdaeoa of I \u25a0 t

! laud.furtile.fleely mbeieJ.s-to eouveatanliio th" anw mtil A. fle flu

T?"* tepS-VeCBOa \u25a0 *re of tbe hi «; ao!toaman <f taste rod eapcrtauce l ? . .-

i tii. etotani ccaur- seat OlJ»u .;-tt ractfl-a Iheeoll * a orig - iitx- ? Ileal quail'v. a ltarge p>ra io now ataud.|_y_g la forces, betas firea-reta. plant and, toai fieliißßou LueutUva in i quoth _-?.,I sud productive laall flag era taoa ;.- . II'l.i'i th t partof ikeookaiTjI Attacked to to* fbrm i* ;. rait ? .* mill[ jrtte,em whteh aooaatdera-la expeedi'u - f\u25a0 | ,t..,. aad moaoj toa oeeu m ....o ... .' . ofumdl

Tke 'u'.rt may, if itaslred, be di*| told to acparate par-eta, urttk good ... 0-

... i.v,keiaa a bin* *c , ou c-Uflrr- wUI - roOMSOS to* private!

i.r; tim* taiferetr-e day _aove v.L. «1 Lngu, Gvu.to P. l»., i'oIfeutd prifafll] due uottoc nIM hi

Tu-88-Pne-'hird cash: baia.-- _'a Treats, payment*, tnier..-- . _*d; thepun-haeer gtviug boad. w'th t d i*curl y,srt a deed of - !, » *' XT ***** ***?*?* I 'tr?-. i»

Mr, ffm y Btoakouahtp or ja.i oi i? : liv.n_ In tae nil fl \u25a0.t

? O^M riHB v* k?d -1

-a. i, i; _ 141 \u25a0 ? m- flI b 1 U ra, *.I«ui.K .?? -is Bvb-*, v.ry scp-ilo-, kUU Boa-- ! th* "if

flash**, a .ne* vb kt> Fceaevc tfo eg Bio ,ft* asteby B *V P.«W-P S, l> t

eg -0 iLriior M-to

BiißTßßlßta Oiß'-üßßi.? A -?;.'*?I'*ms-I, ta» «*-* *« r-joder-ta p tea I

ap.l B W. tOW_UR> IkBUB*.