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DAILY COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS 2015 – 318 Distribution : daily to 33.175+ active addresses 13-11-2015 Page 1 Number 318 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 13-11-2015 News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites. Approaching the pilot cutter PROCYON at Maaspilot station Rotterdam Photo : Rotterdam Pilot Herman Broers @pilotbroers ©

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Number 318 *** COLLECTION OF MARITIME PRESS CLIPPINGS *** Friday 13-11-2015

News reports received from readers and Internet News articles copied from various news sites.

Approaching the pilot cutter PROCYON at Maaspilot station Rotterdam

Photo : Rotterdam Pilot Herman Broers @pilotbroers ©

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A team from diesel power specialist Royston Limited has completed the important engine overhaul on the Bluewater-owned Haewene Brim offshore floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel. The 252m, 103,000dwt

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facility has operated in the Pierce Field in the UK sector of the North Sea, since 1999 on behalf of Shell UK Exploration and Production. Last year vessel was also linked to the the Brynhild field, operated by Lundin, located in the Norwegian sector.The Haewene Brim is powered by main generating sets consisting of four 5.2MW Wartsila W46 medium speed diesel engines.Initially working alongside a Wartsila team, the scheduled 48,000 hour service on the first engine required the Royston engineers to completely dismantle the engine and overhaul the cylinder heads and liners, pistons, con rods, cam shafts and bearings.The service and overhaul started earlier this year, but was halted when adverse weather conditions and 100mph winds caused the evacuation of non-critical personnel from the platform.On resumption of the engine overhaul, damage to the crankshaft journal bearings was identified required remedial machining work to be undertaken in-situ on the vessel. Royston engineers remained on board to oversee and assist with this work and resumed the main engine service when the crankshaft was repaired.Following the specialist repair of the crankshaft, Royston completed the main engine overhaul with full commissioning and a 100% load run. On completion of the service on the first engine, Royston was appointed to carry out remedial work on another of the Haewene Brim’s engines, involving the replacement of the resilient mounts and realigning the engine to the generators.Steve Williams, Lead Mechanical Technician on the Haewene Brim said: “The Royston team have been extremely professional throughout and have really worked hard at all times.“The team is very well balanced in terms of their skills and expertise and have also fitted in very well on board. I cannot commend them enough, and look forward to working with them again on the next overhaul.” The Haewene Brim was originally built at the Samsung yard in Korea as a multi-purpose shuttle tanker and was converted to an FPSO at the Aker McNulty yard in Newcastle in 1998, ahead of deployment in the Pierce Field. To extend its field life, a water injection topsides module was added in September 2004. More details at www.royston.co.uk

3/6/2015 "ELISABETH- S" imo 9418652 built 2009, 40,541grt, 4,253 teus, owned by Schepers gmbh.

She is seen off Landguard Point inbound for Felixstowe, assisted by SVITZER SKY.photo: Iain Forsyth ©

Indonesia says could also take China to court over East Vietnam Sea

Indonesia could take China to the International Criminal Court (ICC) if Beijing's claim to the majority of the East Vietnam Sea and part of Indonesian territory is not resolved through dialogue, Indonesia's security chief said on WednesdayBeijing's claim to almost the entire East Vietnam Sea is shown on Chinese maps with a nine-dash line that stretches deep into the maritime heart of Southeast Asia, including parts of the Indonesian-held Natuna islands. Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei also claim parts of the waterway.The Philippines has already taken China to the ICC in The Hague, a case Beijing refuses to recognize Indonesia believes China's claim over parts of the Natuna islands has no legal basis"We are working very hard on this. We are trying to approach the Chinese," Luhut Panjaitan told reporters"We would like to see a solution on this in the near future through dialogue, or we could bring it to the International Criminal Court."We don't want to see any power projection in this area. We would like a peaceful solution by promoting dialogue. The nine-dash line is a problem we are facing, but not only us. It also directly (impacts) the interests of Malaysia, Brunei, Vietnam and the Philippines.Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said on Wednesday the Philippines' case against China before the ICC had strained relations and that it was up to the Philippines to heal the rift. Source : tuoitrenews


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Gascompressieplatform van Zwijndrecht naar

West-Afrika Het in Nederland gebouwde Alba B3 compressieplatform gaat op transport naar de Golf van Guinee in West-Afrika. Daar zal het door het kraanvaartuig Thialf van Heerema Marine Contractors in 76 meter diep water worden geïnstalleerd. Het gebeurt maar zelden dat een in Nederland gebouwd platform een oceaanreis maakt voordat het wordt geïnstalleerd. Partners voor het ontwerp en de bouw van het Alba B3 compressieplatform zijn ingenieursbureau Iv-Oil&Gas uit Papendrecht en HFG Engineering uit Zwijndrecht. Opdrachtgever was Marathon Equatorial Guinea Production Limited (MEGPL), een dochteronderneming van de Amerikaanse Marathon Oil Company.MEGPL is al vanaf 2002 actief met de winning van olie en condensaat voor de kust van Equatoriaal Guinea. Omdat de druk

van de gasreservoirs daalt is nu compressie nodig.

Photo’s : Rotterdam pilot Marijn van Hoorn @marijnvhoorn

CLICK on the photo above to see the timelaps movie made by Colin Tan (Heerema Technical Inspector) of the transport

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Het nieuwe platform moet hierin gaan voorzien en zal naast het bestaande, uit twee platformen bestaande productiecomplex worden geplaatst. In juli 2016 moet het compressieplatform operationeel zijn.De bouw ervan is uitgevoerd op de werven van de Heerema Fabricage Groep (HFG) in Zwijndrecht en Vlissingen. De topside van het platform is in Zwijndrecht gebouwd. De dekmodule is 30 meter lang, 39 meter breed, 34 meter hoog en heeft een gewicht van 6.000 ton. Na de load-out op de ponton H-542 heeft de AHTS Sea Bear deze van Zwijndrecht naar Vlissingen gesleept. Op de Heerema-werf aldaar is de 92 meter hoge en 2.750 ton wegende vierpoots jacket gebouwd. Deze wordt ook op de H-542 geladen, waarna het transport naar West-Afrika zal vertrekken. Na de installatie door de Thialf nemen de beide projectpartners ook de inbedrijfstelling voor hun rekening. Bron: Schuttevaer / PAS

A well laden freighter navigating in Vladivostok.

Photo: Capt Shaun Beal – Master Cable Innovator ©

Barrow inshore and all weather lifeboats launched to incident at Jubilee Bridge

By : John Falvey

Volunteer crewmen from the RNLI’s Barrow station launched both of their lifeboats tonight on Monday 9th November 2015, to search the area of Walney Channel near Jubilee Bridge, following information from Liverpool Coastguard requesting them to attend.The request to launch came at 7-55pm pm and stated that officers from Cumbria Police had been contacted by a young boy who was walking across the bridge when he saw what appeared to be two arms in the water. Police officers attended the scene and then relayed information that there was something in the water but the officer on scene was unable to make out exactly what it was.

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The Inshore lifeboat ‘Vision of Tamworth’ crewed by Matt Tippins and 2nd Cox’n Jonny Long launched first at 8-10pm and she was swiftly followed by the all weather lifeboat ‘Grace Dixon’ and six crew under the command of Barrow Cox’n Shaun Charnley.Conditions at the time were quite bad with a strong south westerly near gale pushing in the flooding tide which was expected to peak at 10-09pm at a height of 8.9 metres, the effect of which was to create large white crested waves in the Walney Channel. The boats made steady progress to the scene and once there began to make a search of the area to find out what the boy had seen. The inshore boat with the smaller draught went under the bridge and began to search on the northern side as far as North Scale in case what had been seen by the boy was a person in the water who by then would have been swept away by the tide in that direction.The crew put up a white parachute flare to assist the vision of police and coastguard units who by now were also engaged in the search. Meanwhile the larger vessel ‘Grace Dixon was patrolling across channel on the southern side of the bridge using her powerful floodlights to illuminate the scene. At the request of the lifeboat crews the police officer who witnessed something in the water shone his torch into the water in the area he thought he and the witness had seen an object.This was quickly identified by the lifeboats as a white mooring buoy which was partially submerged due to the flooding tide. At this point the search was about to be called off when a coastguard reported having received a report of a missing person.At his request the search was resumed and a thorough search of the shoreline on both sides of the channel both north and south of the bridge was carried out. The Holyhead Coastguard having been satisfied that there was no trace of any missing person stood the patrols down and both lifeboats returned to station where they were rehoused by 11 pm.John Falvey, Barrow lifeboat spokesman said: “The young lad should receive a pat on the back for being so vigilant. We think that the flood tide had pushed the mooring buoy down in the water with the result that there would be a ‘V’-shaped bow wave flowing down either side of the buoy.“This could appear to a passer- by as a pair of arms. As it was the whole thing was a false alarm with good intent, but if there had been a person in the water then that vigilance and action of the young man could possibly have saved a life, and we are grateful to him.” Source: cumbriacrack

MISC denies Bumi Armada tie-up MISC, the shipping arm of energy giant, Petronas, has come out with a release on the local stock exchange denying it is in discussions with fellow Malaysian firm Bumi Armada “on any potential transaction”.The pair had been linked earlier this week to a merger of their FPSO units, which would have created the world’s second largest FPSO player. MISC, Petronas’s shipping subsidiary, could inject its FPSO business into fellow Bumi Armada in return for shares, local media had suggested.Among MISC’s diverse fleet are six FPSOs while Bumi Armada has nine. Combined the pair would leapfrog BW Offshore to claim second spot in the world FPSO fleet rankings. Source: splash 24/7

Oaktree guides Torm back from the brink to the NYSE

Restructured Danish tanker operator Torm is looking at a listing on the New York Stock Exchange. The company, which was taken over by Oaktree this year, said during its third quarter results it was “contemplating a new structure with a potential listing on the New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq Copenhagen”. The IPOs would take place next year.The Danish firm entered restructuring three and a half years ago, weighed down by $1.9bn of debts. This spring

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private equity giant Oaktree Capital won shareholder approval to take over the shipping line. Oaktree has pumped cash and ships Torm’s way making it one of the largest owner-operators of product tankers globally.

Left : The TORM SOFIA anchored off Singapore last weekend Photo : Piet Sinke © CLICK on the photo !

This September Torm quit the dry bulk trades with the sale of its last two bulkers.Talking up prospects Torm ceo Jacob Meldgaard said at today’s quarterly briefing: “Torm’s strong operational platform has delivered the highest product tanker freight rates since 2008 and a positive EBITDA of

$96m in the third quarter of 2015. Torm has demonstrated its financial and strategic flexibility with the exit from bulk to become a pure-play product tanker company, the acquisition of three MR vessels and two new financeing agreements in the third quarter of 2015. With our proven track record and a large fleet on the water, Torm is well-positioned to take advantage of the promising supply and demand fundamentals in the market.”Other product plays are looking to tap current solid sentiment for the sector with IPOs, notably BW Pacific whose listing on the Oslo Bors is due soon. Source: Splash 24/7

09-11-2015 : The MAERSK WIESBADEN berthing in a snowy Vladivostok

Photo : Les Whitehead - Cable Innovator ©

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MS Finneagle moving (short-term) to the Mediterranean

Fähren-Aktuell is reporting that Finnlines has confirmed to them that the MS Finneagle is off to the Mediterranean. She has been short-term chartered for employment by Grimaldi.MS Finneagle will return to service with Finnlines in January 2016 and again in the Baltic Sea. On which route Grimaldi would be using her Finnlines was unable to say. After some customization work the ferry is already en route to the Mediterranean. Source: Ferries of Northern Europe

The grand old lady QUEEN ELIZABETH 2 moored in Dubai as seen last week –

Photo : Capt Willem Frowijn – Master Pacific Vixen ©

Genting Hong Kong launches new cruise brand

The fast growing entertainment service provider, Genting Hong Kong, has launched a new cruise brand, Dream Cruises, to focus on the Asia market.“Dream Cruises will be Asia’s premium cruise brand. The ship will be bigger than SuperStar Virgo and the price point will be higher as well.We will finalise the price point in January next year,” said Tan Sri LimKok Thay, chairman and CEO of Genting Hong Kong. Dream Cruises will offer cruise experiences covering a two night cruise in the Pearl River Delta, a five-night cruise in Vietnam and Sanya, and a seven-night cruise based in Guangzhou.The company currently owns two cruise brands - Star Cruises and Crystal Cruises. Source: Asia Cruise News

Transas Simulation User Conference 2016 erases the boundaries

More than 200 experts from all around the world will attend the global Simulation User Conference (SimUC 2016) ‘Simulation and Training without boundaries’, which will be hosted by Transas in Singapore on January 28, 2016. Transas SimUC is a regular international event, that gathers Transas simulators users and Transas partners to exchange their experience and ideas about maritime simulation and training. The 'Simulation and Training without boundaries' theme will embrace the most trending subjects such as e-Navigation and cloud simulation; human element, leadership & management (HELM) training; STCW requirements for engineer training, onboard simulation

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solutions, R&D applications of the simulators; innovative HW approach; naval simulation and training, automated assessment advances, ECDIS and navigational skills training, cargo handling training, offshore and DP simulation, polar code introduction and many more.With 3 months to go before the conference start, 67 papers are confirmed, and more than 200 participants from 41 countries have already registered to attend the event. Among the SimUC 2016 speakers are Captain Hans Hederström, CSMART managing director, Captain Reto Weber, Simulation Manager at the Chalmers University of Technology, Captain, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selcuk Nas, Vice Dean at the Dokuz Eylul University, Georg Haase, Nautitec managing director, Serdar Dundar from Piri Reis University, and John Richard Wright, Managing director at the WrightWay Limited, an active contributor to the IMO’s coming requirements for HELM.Ralf Lehnert, Transas Simulation Business Division Director comments: “We aim to create an effective balance between conference sessions and informal discussions during social events. One of the key benefits of events like this is the opportunity to meet and share professional knowledge and experiences of our peers.”For detailed programme and registration please visit the Transas SimUC 2016 website at http://www.transas.com/simuc

The MATHILDE MAERSK passing Breskens , navigating the Westerschelde enroute Antwerp

Photo : Henk de Winde ©


A new report from The Swedish Club shows that incorrect maintenance and repair continues to be the most frequent cause of main engine damage – a trend which has continued unabated since the Club began monitoring the issue nearly ten years ago. Main Engine Damage investigates more than 1,000 Hull and Machinery claims relating to over 5,400 vessel years of statistics and its findings make interesting reading. “Main engine damage makes up nearly 35% of machinery claims costs,” says Lars Malm, Director, Strategic Business Development and Client Relationship for The Swedish Club. “It is the most expensive category of claim with an average cost of over half a million USD per claim. Yet most engine damage, as with so many claims we see in many different areas of our business, remains related to incorrect repairs and maintenance. Numerous cases have been noted where damage occurs shortly after the engines have been overhauled by ship or shore staff.”And with an average cost per claim of USD 926,000 lubrication failure is still the most costly cause of damage to the main engine, due to consequential damage to expensive parts such as crankshafts etc. “We are seeing crew with insufficient experience and training; experts not in attendance at major

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overhauls; contaminated lubrication oil and contaminated bunkers; and engine components not operated or overhauled as per management instructions,” explains Mr Malm. ”It is a catalogue of errors which can only be remedied by the implementation of a proper management system, backed up by comprehensive audit and inspection.” The Main Engine Damage report contains good news for the Korean shipbuilding industry. It points out that vessels built in Korea, which account for almost 31% of the Club’s entries, have contributed to only 12% of the total cost of main engine claims in the last three years.Despite technical advances since the Swedish Club published its last report in 2011, vessels with low speed engines still suffer proportionally fewer claims than those with medium and high speed engines, with 57% of club entries in this category responsible for only 40% of main engine claims cost. To read a copy of Main Engine Damage, please visit: www.swedishclub.com/media/publications/brochures

The jack-up drilling PARAGON C 462 in the seaport of Den Helder, the Netherlands. Photo: Paul Schaap ©

Mary Waldner appointed as Lloyd’s Register's Group CFO

Global engineering, technical and business services organisation, Lloyd’s Register (LR), has announced the appointment of Mary Waldner as Group CFO. Mary is currently Group Finance Director at FTSE 250 listed defence, security, transport and energy company Ultra Electronics and replaces Alastair Marsh’s as LR’s Group CFO following his appointment as CEO of the Lloyd’s Register group in October 2015.Mary has a broad range of experience in a variety of sectors and an excellent track record of delivery throughout a number of senior financial roles with major public limited companies. After graduating from Oxford University with an MA in Physics, Mary started her career at Coopers & Lybrand Management Consultancy Services, before working for Vauxhall Motors Ltd. From 1998 to 2008, she held a number of senior roles at British Airways plc, including Financial Controller (Commercial) and Manager, Corporate Planning and Reporting. Following this, she then moved to 3i Group plc, where she was Group Financial Controller. In 2011, Mary joined QinetiQ Group plc as Director, Group Finance. She joined Ultra Electronics as Group Finance Director and was appointed to the Board in July 2013.Mary’s start date has not yet been finalised. In the meantime Simon Nice will continue in his position as interim CFO.LR's CEO Alastair Marsh said: “Mary brings extensive board level experience from a FTSE 250 company and has led strategic change programmes at similar organisations to us. She is also passionate about engineering and I’m sure will be a huge asset for LR.”Commenting on her appointment, Mary

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Waldner said: “'I am delighted to be joining LR at such an important point in its evolution and look forward to working with Alastair and the team.”

The 2006 built NLD flag AHT ALP ACE towing the decommissioned ssdr TRANSOCEAN AMIRANTE offshore Malta

from Valletta, Malta to Aliaga, Turkey on Monday 9th November, 2015 . Photo: Capt. Lawrence Dalli - www.maltashipphotos.com ©

Imtech Traffic & Infra UK has secured a contract to design and install traffic control and information

systems on the new Mersey Gateway bridge. The Mersey Gateway bridge is a multi-lane toll bridge across the River Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal in north-west England, which began construction in May 2014.In autumn 2017 the new bridge over the river Mersey between the towns of Runcorn andWidnes will open to relieve the congested and ageing Silver Jubilee Bridge (built in 1961). Imtech Traffic & Infra will be developing and installing the systems on the bridge and the peripheral roads which will enable the operator to monitor and manage flow across it. The solution will utilise Imtech’s ImCity strategic traffic management system and a secondary information system that is currently being used with two other major clients; Dublin City Council and Ireland’s national road network (NRA).Daniel Ruiz, managing director of Imtech Traffic & Infra, said: “This is a fantastic project to be involved with and one that demonstrates the breadth of our capability. We very much look forward to working with our client on this iconic project.” Source: highwaysmagazine

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The Damen Shipyard group built ASD 3212 tugs SVITZER DEBEN and SVITZER KENT which were delivered

by the HAPPY STAR in Rotterdam shifted both to Rotterdam Europoort ready to sail to their homeports London and Felixstowe due to the stormy conditions at the Notrthsea the tugs were waiting for weather improvement in the 4th Petroleum harbor newsclippings reader and contributor Jan Oosterboer was invited by Capt. Matthew MacDonald Hammock (left) for a tour onboard the SVITZER KENT

Right seen Ch. Eng Dave Smith Svitzer, the global market leader within towage and emergency response, ordered the two Damen ASD 3212 tugs with 80 tonnes bollard pull performance for its escort and towing operations on the Thames and Felixstowe. They are built at Damen’s state-of-the-art Song Cam Shipyard in Vietnam The 32 metre ASD tugs, designed for push-pull, escorting, towing and fire-fighting operations, feature a 12.2 metre beam and speed of 14 knots. For propulsion, they are equipped with two Caterpillar 3516C HD TA/D engines with a total power of 5,050 bkW at 1,800 rpm. Svitzer

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specialises in escorting large vessels − tankers, cruise ships, bulk containers and container ships. Damen Sales Manager Mr Martijn Smit explains why these tugboats are extremely suitable for handling large vessels. “Being able to change pitch and power during operation allows smooth and superior manoeuvrability of these big vessels.” These tugboats have 2,800mm controllable-pitch propellers in combination with special render recovery winches. The render recovery winches are equipped with a 200 tonne break, render 100 tonnes at

100m/min and 60 tonnes at 50m/min at second layer, while normal mode pull is 60 tonnes at 20m/min.“Damen was happy to be able to provide Svitzer with the standardised fit-for-purpose tugboats and fast turnaround they are looking for. Over the past couple of years, Svitzer UK has increased its Damen tugboat orders. We have a long history of fruitful collaboration,” adds Mr

Smit.Svitzer UK ordered its first ASD 3212 tug in 2014; a model outfitted with a fixed-pitch propeller in combination with a forward winch. Svitzer UK’s tug fleet now totals 21 Damen tugs including these three ASD 3212 vessels. The 180-year-old towage and salvage company has more than 430 vessels in over 100 locations worldwide. Photo’s : Jan Oosterboer ©

IJmuiden; Regio bijeenkomst Nederlandse Vuurtoren Vereniging.

De Nederlandse vuurtoren Vereniging organiseert op zaterdag 14 november 2015 voor de 3e maal een regio bijeenkomst in het Zee- en Havenmuseum, Havenkade 55, 1973 AK te IJmuiden van 10.30 tot 13.30. De toegang is gratis voor iedereen die interesse heeft in vuurtorens, o.a. op postzegels, ansichtkaarten, foto’s, boeken, techniek, enz… U bent van harte welkom. Info; [email protected] of telefoon 0251-232054

MMK supplies shipbuilding steel for the newest Russian ice-breakers

OJSC Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works (“MMK”) is the key steel supplier in the construction of nuclear ice-breakers (Project 22220) at the Baltic Shipyard (part of United Shipbuilding Corporation). A 60MW universal nuclear ice-breaker known as ‘Arctic’ – Project 22220’s leading ship – is currently under construction at the shipyard.The ice-breaker is expected to be the largest and most powerful in the world. Its displacement will amount to up to 33.5 thousand tonnes, and it will reach speeds of up to 22 knots in open water. This new generation of ice-breaker will be equipped with two nuclear reactors, each with a thermal capacity of 175 MW. It will also be able to break ice of up to three meters thick, opening up the Northern Sea Route virtually all year round, and enabling the delivery of hydrocarbons from their northernmost deposits. The ice-breaker’s sea trial is scheduled for 2017.In May 2015, construction of Project 22220’s first series-produced ice-breaker, ‘Siberia,’ began at the Baltic Shipyard. Construction of the world’s largest multi-functional diesel-electric 25MW ice-breaker (Project 22600), named Victor Chernomyrdin, is also underway. MMK has provided steel for these ships as well.Furthermore, work on a diesel-electric ice-breaker (Aker ARC 130 А) has commenced at the Vyborg Shipyard (also part of United Shipbuilding Corporation). MMK is among the key metal suppliers for this ship.There are plans to commission another two ice-breakers in 2017. Both of these 22MW ships will be able to break ice of up to 2 meters thick and continuously operate at temperatures as low as -50 degrees

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Celsius. The ice-breakers will be operated at the Novoport deposit’s Arctic terminal in the Yamal peninsula.In 2011, United Shipbuilding Corporation and MMK signed a memorandum on strategic cooperation. The two companies agreed to develop their scientific and technological cooperation on existing and new shipbuilding products, as well as to streamline the supply chain for delivery of MMK metal to USP facilities.MMK accounts for up to 50% of all metal supplies to the Russian shipbuilding industry. In 2014, MMK shipped 78,000 tonnes of metal to domestic ship builders, up 37.2% year-on-year. Shipbuilding steel, produced at Mill 5000, is certified by Lloyd’s Register, Bureau Veritas of France, the American Bureau of Shipping, Det Norske Veritas in Norway and Germanischer Lloyd, as well as the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and the Russian River Register.MMK is one of the world’s largest steel producers and a leading Russian metals company. The company’s operations in Russia include a large steel-producing complex encompassing the entire production chain, from the preparation of iron ore to downstream processing of rolled steel. MMK turns out a broad range of steel products with a predominant share of high-value-added products. In 2014, the company produced 13.0 million tonnes of crude steel and 12.2 million tonnes of commercial steel products. MMK Group had sales in 2014 of USD 7,952 million and EBITDA of USD 1,607 million. Source: MMK

Abu Dhabi Ports launches fire safety campaign

in co-ordination with Abu Dhabi Police Abu Dhabi Ports―the master developer, operator and manager of ports and industrial zones in the emirate―is organising a three-day fire safety campaign for its staff, tenants and contractors. The drive titled “Fire is Everyone’s Fight” is running from November 9 to 11 at Zayed Port, near Gate number 2, giving special emphasis on improving fire safety in warehouses. The campaign in coordination with the Emergency and Public Safety Department of Abu Dhabi Police is part of Abu Dhabi Ports’ continuous efforts to enhance safety in the work place. “Abu Dhabi

Ports has a proactive action plan in place to avert any potential accidents in our ports and industrial zones. Fire prevention is its top priority and we have been implementing all possible preventive steps as per the international safety standards,” said Mohammed Al Tamimi, Senior Manager, Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE), Khalifa Port, Abu Dhabi Ports“As awareness is the key to prevent fire incidents, this campaign will play major role in implementing our strategy to keep our premises safe and protected,” Al Tamimi said.On all three days, the Emergency and Public Safety Department of Abu Dhabi Police will provide training to the attendees. The participants will also have the opportunity to practice firefighting with Abu Dhabi Ports’ cutting edge fire simulator while learning about the different types of fire extinguishers and their correct usage.The fire experts will carry out safety inspections of fire extinguishers in vehicles visiting Zayed Port.Furthermore, Abu Dhabi Ports will display its state-of-the-art fire truck and showcase the

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vehicle’s equipment and functions, and give out information brochures and giveaways to all attendees. Source: Abu Dhabi Ports

Ship owners shift newbuilding ordering activity towards gas carriers

Ship owners have shifted their attention towards gas carriers during the course of the past week, as a number of deals in the newbuilding market arose. According to the latest weekly report from Allied Shipbroking, “gas carriers took center stage this week as the emergence of a number of VLGCs increased their orderbook tally while giving an essence of the bullish sentiment being noted in these large LPGs”. Allied noted that “we also witnessed two orders for MR tankers, one placed by Stena Bulk at China’s CSSC group while the other being options declared by Scorpio Tankers which seems to be shifting its focus once again on its MR fleet. Nevertheless, the volume of activity is still marginal and with pressure still mounting on shipbuilders, further price drops were being noted on quoted figures by shipbuilders. It looks as though this slow downward trend will likely continue, especially for dry bulkers were activity this year has been almost negligible. The price gap between a newbuilding and a secondhand continues to remain wide, while the further drop in secondhand prices being noted is preventing any sort of catch up by shipbuilders despite the de-creases already noted since early September”. In a separate weekly report, Clarkson Platou Hellas noted that Scorpio have extended their order at Hyundai Mipo Dockyard by declaring an option for four further 50,000 DWT MR Tankers. The quartet will all deliver within 2017 and the last vessel will be the 8th unit in the series at Ulsan – it is understood that these options were declared some months ago but only coming to light this week. In China, Sinotrans are reported to have placed an order for two firm 50,000 DWT MR Tankers at CSSC Offshore Marine (ex. GSI) for delivery in 2017. Pritchard-Gordon (UK) have announced and order for one firm plus one optional 6,850 DWT IMO-II Tankers at RMK Marine Shipyard in Turkey. The firm vessel is due for delivery in 2Q 2017 and the optional vessel due to be delivered within 2017, if declared. Krasnoye Sormovo have announced an order for two firm 6,980 DWT Tankers for Russian compatriot Volgotrans JSC. The vessels are due to deliver in 2017″.Clarkson Platou Hellas also mentioned that “in the container market, China Shipping Nauticgreen Holdings have placed an order for six firm plus five optional 21,000 TEU Container Carriers at Shanghai Waigaoqiao. The firm units will be delivered from the beginning of 2018 and go on long term charter to China Shipping Container Lines (CSCL). Clients of Costamare have announced an order for two firm 3,800 TEU at Jiangsu New Yangzijiang for delivery within 1H 2018. These are understood to be the two units from the four options declared by Hamburg Sud. It is also understood that the rest of the two was taken by Peter Dohle, also for delivery in 2018. Nordic Hamburg Shipping are reported to have signed contracts with Huatai Heavy Industry in China for four firm 1,400 TEU Container Carriers for delivery through 2017 and 2018. More orders to report from China, with Guangxin Shipbuilding & Heavy Industry receiving an order for four firm 300,000 CBF Reefer Container Carriers from Seatrade Shipmanagement. Three vessels will be delivered within 2017 while the last unit will deliver in 2018”.Meanwhile, “in Gas, KSS Line in Korea have announced an order for one firm 84,000 CBM VLGC at Hyundai Heavy Industries for delivery within 2017. This continues the KSS Line’s order at Ulsan and will be the 5th vessel in the series. There were a number of VLGC orders from Japan to report as well, with Kawasaki HI receiving an order for two firm 82,200 CBM VLGCs. The first vessel has been ordered by Iino Kaiun Kaisha for delivery in 1Q 2019, and the second vessel has been jointly ordered by NS United Kaiun Kaisha and Idemitsu Tanker for delivery in 2Q 2019. Mitsubishi HI have also received an order for a single 83,000 CBM VLGC from NYK Line for delivery in 4Q 2018 from Nagasaki. All three vessels will go on charter to Astomos. From China, it came to light this week that Clients of Naftomar Shipping & Trading are reported to have ordered one firm plus one optional 84,000 CBM VLGC at Jiangnan SY Group. The firm vessel is due to deliver in 3Q 2017 and the optional vessel will be delivered in 2018, if declared. Kumiai Senpaku are also reported to have placed an order for one firm 38,000 CBM Gas Carrier at Namura Shipbuilding for delivery in 1Q 2019”, the shipbroker concluded.Meanwhile, in the demolition market, with minimal interest amongst owners to push their overage assets to the market and with increased appetite amongst Bangladeshi and Pakistani buyers, the market noted a slight upward movement mostly thanks to increased competition amongst the few end buyers who were active in the market this week. Despite this Indian buyers were mostly absent from the activity taking on this week while their numbers were considerably lacking compared to the rest of the Indian Sub-Continent. Eyes are now set on any potential by local govern-ments in the area to counter the large “dumping” of cheap Chinese steel in the market, something that could potentially note a slight improvement in the overall fundamentals. Even with this however the downward pressure is looking set to continue keeping prices fairly level to where they are now if not lower. The bigger issue will start to be the increasing strength of the dollar, which has the potential of pushing things below the current “floor” if it continues on its current roll”, Allied Shipbroking concluded. Source: Nikos Roussanoglou, Hellenic Shipping News Worldwide

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KNRM zoekt opstappers Veere en Neeltje Jans De KNRM is op zoek naar opstappers voor de stations Veere en Neeltje Jans. De KNRM redt mensen en dieren op zee en het ruime binnenwater. In Nederland gebeurt dit onder andere met reddingboten en op wereldzeeën door radio medisch advies. Professioneel opgeleide vrijwilligers zijn hiervoor dag en nacht beschikbaar. Jaarlijks komt de KNRM meer dan 3.000 keer in actie. Er worden opstappers gezocht voor de reddingboten Koopmansdank (Neeltje Jans Noordzee), Fred (Neeltje Jans Oosterschelde) en de Oranje (Veere Veerse Meer). Een opstapper moet tussen de 20 en 45 jaar oud zijn en bij voorkeur ook overdag beschikbaar zijn. Hij moet na alarmering binnen 10 minuten aanwezig zijn. Verder moet de opstapper tegen een beetje water kunnen, bereid zijn om cursussen te volgen, gezond zijn en goed kunnen samenwerken.Geïnteresseerden kunnen contact opnemen met de KNRM Neeltje Jans op telefoonnummer 06-22209543 of via de mail [email protected] . De KNRM van Veere is bereikbaar op telefoonnummer 06-14029356 of via de mail [email protected]. Bron hvzeeland.

B.C. Ferries jumper who deployed lifeboat could face $40,000 bill

The man who deployed a lifeboat and jumped off B.C. Ferries’ Coastal Celebration vessel last week could be facing a very hefty fine. As much as $40,000, to be more precise.“We are looking to see if there are avenues to recover the costs of the incident,” Deborah Marshall told Vancity Buzz. “The cost is for the repair of the damaged life raft, outfitting the vessel with the replacement life raft, the overtime pay for the crews on the two vessels that were involved in the search and rescue, and the extra fuel that was consumed as a result.”These are only B.C. Ferries’ costs and do not include extra costs incurred by the RCMP, Coast Guard, and Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue (RCM SAR). The man was later found on Galiano Island, a short distance away from the ferry vessel he was traveling on. “There have been very rare incidents of people jumping overboard, but to my knowledge nobody has ever deployed a life raft as well,” Marshall added. The incident occurred on the evening of Wednesday, November 4 when the vessel was traveling through the Active Pass on the Tsawwassen to Swartz Bay route. It prompted a major search and rescue operation involving the Coastal Celebration, B.C. Ferries’ vessel Spirit of British Columbia, RCMP, the Canadian Coast Guard, and the RCM SAR. Shortly after the initial call for rescue, police responded to reports on Galiano Island of a naked man who had just entered a residence. He was apparently soaked, incoherent, and not responding. According to RCMP, it is alleged that he began to throw furniture and other items around the home causing damage. The lone female resident escaped her home without injury, fleeing to a neighbour to call for help.The male then walked to a nearby resort and intruded into one of the cabins. He was later arrested by police, with the help of police dogs, and taken to Royal Jubilee Hosptial for assessment.Police are recommending charges for break and enter, unlawfully in a dwelling, and mischief under $5,000. Additional charges will also be pursued by B.C. Ferries as federal law maintains that tampering with life saving equipment on a vessel is a punishable offence. Source: vancitybuzz

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China says Philippines must heal rift over S.China Sea as Indonesia speaks out

By Sui-Lee Wee and Manuel Mogato Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said the Philippines' case against China at an arbitration tribunal over rival claims in the South China Sea had strained relations and that it was up to the Philippines to heal the rift.Beijing's claim to almost the entire South China Sea is shown on Chinese maps with a nine-dash line that stretches deep into the maritime heart of Southeast Asia. Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Malaysia and Brunei also claim parts of the waterway.The arbitration case against China in the Hague "is a knot that has impeded the improvement and development of Sino-Philippine relations", a statement on the Foreign Ministry's website cited Wang as saying in Manila. "We do not want this knot to become tighter and tighter, so that it even becomes a dead knot," Wang told reporters. "As for how to loosen or open the knot, (we'll) have to look at the Philippines."The nine-dash line also includes parts of the Indonesian-held Natuna islands and Jakarta, which has kept a low profile in the dispute, could take China to the "International Criminal Court" if Beijing's claim was not resolved through dialogue, Indonesia's security chief, Luhut Panjaitan, told reporters on Wednesday.Although he specified the International Criminal Court, which deals with war crimes, it would appear he meant an international tribunal such as the Permanent Court of Arbitration. For years, China has insisted that disputes with rival claimants be handled bilaterally. In a legal setback for Beijing, the arbitration court ruled last month that it had jurisdiction to hear some territorial claims the Philippines had filed against China. The Philippines has welcomed the decision and its Foreign Affairs Department said on Wednesday it would pursue the case "to its logical conclusion". "China's nine-dash line claim is expansive, excessive and has no basis under international law," said foreign affairs spokesman Charles Jose. "If left unchallenged, we could lose about 80 percent of our EEZ (exclusive economic zone)." China has boycotted the legal proceedings and rejects the court's authority in the case. Manila filed the case in 2013 to seek a ruling on its right to exploit waters in its 200-nautical mile EEZ as allowed under the UN Convention on the Law of the S "The person who caused the problem should solve it," Wang said. "We hope that the Philippines can make a more sensible choice."Next week, Manila hosts the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, an event at which the United States says the South China Sea will likely come up on the sidelines Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said China hoped "sensitive political topics" would not be discussed there."We hope all sides can uphold the economic trade essence of the APEC forum," he told reporters in Beijing. Source: Reuters (Additional reporting by Ben Blanchard in Beijing and Randy Fabi in Jakarta; Editing by

Nick Macfie)

Videotel’s Maritime Training Programs Now Deployed on More Than 12,000 Vessels


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The e-Learning maritime training pacesetter reaches several new milestones as vessel operators continue to invest in crew training despite a tough economic climate

Videotel, the leading international provider of e-Learning maritime training and software solutions and a company of KVH Industries, Inc., , announced that its training solutions are now in use on more than 12,000 vessels worldwide, with more than 300 newvessels having joined in the third quarter of 2015 alone. A further milestone reached by the award-winning training-program producer is that Videotel has recorded more than 10 million training events in recent years.In addition, Videotel has recently secured the business of a fleet of 24 vessels from a new offshore vessel client based in the Far East who, despite the current economic downturn, believes good training is absolutely essential for the safe operation of its fleet.“We are truly pleased that our company is continuing to grow despite very tough market conditions out there today,” says Nigel Cleave, CEO of Videotel. “It once again reaffirms that by producing quality products that meet the training needs of the maritime market,responsible ship owners and ship management companies will invest in their staff to ensure they are properly trained to carry out their duties safely.”Videotel’s success over the years is due in part to its efforts to continually expand it delivery platforms to meet the needs of the maritime industry. For example, Videotel’sBasic Training Package of 20 essential maritime training programs is now available withthe IP-MobileCast content delivery service, and through an agreement with Inmarsat. Videotel is showcasing its comprehensive range of training solutions for the maritime industry at the CrewConnect Global Manning & Training Conference, at the HotelSofitel in Manila, through November 13. Earlier this year, Videotel received the highly acclaimed Golden Reel Award from the Media Communications Association-International (MCA-I) in recognition of a trainingvideo that Videotel created for ExxonMobil Marine. Videotel has received nearly 100awards for its training programs and software in recent years. Videotel recently launched the new print edition of its training catalogue, STCW Maritime Training Catalogue 2015-2017, detailing the complete Videotel selection of 950 new and updated titles available in a range of formats. Videotel’s computer-based training (CBT)programmes are included, an area that boasts an impressive 500+ e-Learning courses, morethan twice the number of CBTs offered by competitors. Also launched at the same time wasthe latest Videotel on Demand (VOD) release, which includes a total of 59 e-Learningcourses – 37 new, 22 updated – to meet current seafarer training needs.

ITF urges Alcoa to rethink Australian coastal sackings

The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) has urged multi-billion dollar American corporation Alcoa to reassess its decision to sack Australian seafarers engaged in coastal trade.The ITF – which represents 4.7 million transport workers worldwide – has expressed its concern that Alcoa was trying to exploit local laws and circumvent workers’ rights, and that the company was attempting to whittle down wages to boost already healthy profits. Forty workers aboard the MV Portland, which trades exclusively between the states of Western Australia and Victoria in Australia, were told that the ship would be scrapped and they would be sacked. However, the company still intends to maintain the route with a flag of convenience ship crewed with overseas workers.ITF maritime co-ordinator Jacqueline Smith said the move was a direct attack on the principle of cabotage protection and an unacceptable case of social dumping.“The principle of cabotage is important for a number of reasons, including: retaining and nurturing maritime skills, national security, sovereignty and the right to work in one’s own country,” she said.“It’s a very important campaign for the ITF and it’s very upsetting that a hugely profitable company would engage in a race-to-the bottom by utilising a flag of convenience (FOC) ship on a domestic route.“It shows little regard for Australia’s environment, safety and workers’ rights, as FOC operators are notorious for flaunting local and international laws around taxation, workers’ welfare and environmental safety.”ITF president and MUA (Maritime Union of Australia) national secretary Paddy Crumlin said Alcoa’s product had been moved around the Australian coast for more than 50 years on Australian ships with Australian crews.“Alcoa has profited off the back of Australian workers for many decades and is now using a loophole in Australia’s Coastal Trading Act to undermine cabotage,” he said. “It’s a contemptible act by the company that the loyal, hard-working seafarers are being scrapped in order to save a couple of bucks.”


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Maritime Authority of Jamaica’s (MAJ) Director General Rear Admiral Peter Brady has been elected as the Vice Chairman of the Board of Governors of the World Maritime University (WMU) in Malmo, Sweden. The appointment has been welcomed by Jamaica’s maritime community as recognition for the MAJ’s focus on training and the Admiral’s crucial role within the international shipping sector. Rear Admiral Brady was first appointed to the Board of Governors of the WMU in 2008, havinserved as a visiting lecturer between 2003 and 2004. He has been a serving member on the WMU Board of Governors since 2007. Admiral Peter Brady said: “This recognition is good for Jamaica’s reputation as a Maritime State and confirms its status as a member of Council of the IMO in Category C”. The appointment took place at the second Extra–Ordinary meeting of the WMU, held at the University in Malmo, Sweden on Friday Oct. 30, 2015.Rear Admiral Brady has chaired the IMO’s sub-committee on Standard of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) ,(the international body that sets out the qualification standards for Masters, Chief Engineers, Officers and Watch personnel on seagoing merchant vessels), for almost 10 years. Additionally, as Chairman of the Committee-of-the-Whole, he presided over the Diplomatic Conference in Manila, Philippines in June 2010, where the major amendments of the STCW Convention and Codes were adopted.He lectured at the Dalhousie University, Canada on Maritime Security and the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. He was also instrumental in the training and implementation of the ISPS Code in Jamaica, which came into force on July 1, 2004. In May 2015, he was awarded the prestigious IMO Themed Award for World Maritime Day 2015, at the Seatrade Awards Ceremony in London.The WMU is a postgraduate maritime university, founded in 1983 by the International Maritime Organisation, the United Nations specialized agency responsible for the safety and security of international shipping and the prevention of pollution by ships. The WMU, which offers both master’s and doctoral degrees, carries out the objectives and goals of the IMO and IMO member states around the world, through education, research and capacity building.The university is accountable to the IMO Secretary-General, Council and Assembly as well as to an international Board of Governors, with representatives from various countries. Since its establishment, WMU has trained over 30 graduates from Jamaica and the Caribbean. Most of the Jamaican graduates occupy senior positions in the public and private shipping sector in Jamaica.


The 2015 French built Oceanographic offshore support vessels (OSV)for the Indonesian Navy KRI SPICA 934 underway offshore Malta from Malaga, Spain on her delivery voyage on Monday 9th November, 2015 .Photo: Capt. Lawrence Dalli - www.maltashipphotos.com ©

Kerry celebrates Marine Corps' birthday aboard Navy ship

ABOARD THE USS SAN ANTONIO — Secretary of State John Kerry spent the Marine Corps' 240th birthday aboard a ship where he paid tribute to the strong bond between the State Department and the Marines who stand guard at diplomatic posts worldwide.About 100 Marines were aboard the the amphibious transport dock San Antonio when Kerry made his stop at Naval Station Norfolk, Va."You've got traditions built up in those [240] years that are second to

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no fighting unit, no service in the world," he said. "We really couldn't do what we do anywhere in today's world without the safety you provide us, and the security and help you give at America's 275 outposts around the world." The Marine Corps' role in protecting embassies and other diplomatic posts was thrust into the spotlight following the deadly 2012 attack in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead. Since then, the Marine Corps has been working on filling a mandate from Congress to create 1,000 new Marine security guards to stand post at State Department facilities around the world. They've also stood up brand new land-based units designed to respond quickly in the event of a security concerns or attacks at an embassy.Marine Brig. Gen. (select) Bradford Gering, head of Marine Corps Forces Command out of Norfolk, used the birthday celebration here to salute one of the Corps' other strong bonds: that with the Navy."When called upon, we fight," he said. "And when we fight, we fight as one, bringing a level of lethality, agility, and decisiveness to the battle space that no adversary in the world can equal. It is therefore no mistake that on the 240th birthday of the United States Marine Corps, we find ourselves assembled on the USS San Antonio."In keeping with tradition, the oldest and youngest Marines aboard the ship were singled out during the ceremony.Master Gunnery Sgt. Antonio Hardy, a career planner with 29 years of service, was honored as the oldest Marine. He was joined by 19-year-old Pfc. Raymond Cruz, a data network specialist eight days shy of one year in the Corps. Cruz said it was "truly an honor" to be the youngest Marine on hand and participate in the ceremonies. He is not sure if he will make it a career.Sgt. Daisy Romero, a logistics/embarkation specialist, said that while she has always honored the Marine Corps' birthday traditions, it means more to her now after nearly a decade of service."I stay in the Marine Corps for those who couldn't be here; friends that I've lost in combat," Romero said. "When I started, I didn't have that perspective of camaraderie. Now brotherhood and sisterhood means a lot more to me."Kerry was in Hampton Roads to discuss environmental issues. He visited the plastic processing station aboard San Antonio and received a brief on maritime operations and rising sea levels. He later spoke on climate change and national security at Old Dominion University. Source: usatoday


Processing of steel for container vessel's

commenced Processing of steel for Hull's 476, 477, 478 and 479 started on sheet-cutting machine in Shipbuilding Industry Split on 12 November 2015. It is the Multipurpose Container vessels contracted for the company Brodosplit Navigation Ltd. Ships will be 184.43 meters long, 27.5 meters wide and 15.80 meters high. Their individual deadweight at 10.30 meters draft will be 24 thousand tons, and they will be able to carry 2000 TEU (20 feet/6.1 m long container). 18-knot speed will be secured by engines with power of 11060 kW at 100 revolutions per minute. They are built in class of DNV GL classification society.

- By building of these ships Shipbuilding Industry Split and Brodosplit-Navigation enter shipbuilding market niche that will enable sustainable business operation for Split Shipyard, bigger engagement of capacities and acquisition of references for building of ships that will be in higher demand in near future, Tomislav Debeljak, Brodosplit CEO, pointed out.The special feature of this vessels is that it will use the LNG fuel (liquefied natural gas), which is the cleanest and environmentally friendly fossil fuel. This is so important because the container vessels with LNG fuel will be more attractive in the global shipping market due to new national and international regulations that will prescribe the permitted quantities emissions, which is gradually introduced into a new seas (first U.S. and Baltic).Brodosplit container vessel will have a low speed 2 stroke "dual fuel" (LNG/HFO) engines that have higher efficiency (lower energy) and work at lower rpm (low speed engines), resulting in lower maintenance costs and longer life span . Now,

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in the world is made only one container vessel with a 2 stroke "dual fuel" engine. Also can use diesel fuel, and in emergency situations has the ability to drive with the cooking oil from food sectors, as well as all other oils or fuels. According to that, container vessels from Brodosplit will have four to five times lower cost per mile than the other ships of this class, and 30-50 times less will pollute environment. Thanks to more efficient consumption and superb efficiency, investments in the 2 stroke "dual fuel" engines will be paid out after two to three years of exploitation. The engines will be made by the Brodosplit diesel engine factory, under the license of the MAN, as well as the special tanks for LNG fuel.

ROG Ship Repair has a permit to repair tanker vessels in loaded condition, not gasfreed, at their repair jetties in the

Rotterdam port. ROG Ship Repair, your partner for dockside and on-site services.

Sainty Marine hit by more shipbuilding cancellation contracts

By Lee Hong Liang from Singapore

Troubled Chinese shipyard Sainty Marine has been hit by more cancellation of shipbuilding contracts, the latest being two 84,000 dwt dry bulk carriers ordered by a Greek shipowner. Sainty Marine has received $12.88m of payment from the owner, which booked the newbuilding bulker pair back in March 2014.Under the cancellation agreement, the Greek owner agreed to allow Sainty Marine to keep $5.1m as compensation while the remaining $7.78m will be returned, the Chinese yard announced to the Shenzhen stock exchange.Over the past few months, Sainty Marine has been impacted by cancellation contracts including two 64,000 dwt bulkers for Precious Shipping and four 64,000 dwt for Corbita Maritime Investment.In another deal, Sainty Marine signed a dispute settlement agreement with a Dutch shipowner over the payment of four ships.The Dutch owner had ordered the four ships in June 2008 at a price of EUR900,000 ($968,700) each or a total of EUR3.6m. When the ships were delivered in June 2011, the owner had yet to pay up a remaining EUR2.8m.Under the dispute settlement agreement, Sainty Marine agreed to reduce the unpaid amount to EUR2.24m and requested the owner for a full repayment within a stipulated time.Sainty Marine is now facing a host of problems such as mounting debts, contract cancellations by buyers, frozen assets and resignation of key executives. Source: seatrade-maritime

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Crane collapsed in Bourgas shipyard and injured woman

Crane collapsed in Bourgas shipyard in Bulgaria and seriously injured the woman operator. The serious accident happened due to the undeciphered load, which fell and collapsed the crane. After the accident the woman operator of the crane stuck inside and was seriously injured. She was transported to the Emergency for medical treatment with life-threatening injuries. According to the official statement for the shipyard, the 61-year-old woman has multiple injuries and literally been shattered by the heavy machinery. The local authorities started investigation about the accident and will follow inspection in the shipyard if all the safety measures were taken.According to the witness evidence, the crane obliqued and the woman operator fell from big height. After that the machinery smashed over her and she was stuck under the wrecks for an hour before being rescued. She was transport by Emergency to the local hospital and currently doctors are trying to save her life. Bourgas shipyard is one of the biggest yards in Bulgaria, established in 1948. The yard is engaged with shipbuilding and repair of vessels with deadweight up to 15,000 DWT at high standard and low. According to the preliminary information from the investigation the reason for the accident is not caused by technical malfunction, but mostly due to human mistake and undeciphered cargo load, which collapsed the crane. Source: Maritime News

Creditors set to pump 4.2 tln won into ailing Daewoo Shipbuilding

Creditors of a loss-making shipbuilder are set to provide 4.2 trillion won (US$3.63 billion) in financial aid to the financially shaky firm in their latest bid to salvage it, industry sources said Tuesday.According to the sources, the creditors, led by state-run Korea Development Bank (KDB), and Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co. signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday to push ahead with large-scale restructuring and financial assistance. Daewoo Shipbuilding has suffered a more than 4 trillion won loss in the first three quarters, largely due to a delay in the construction of offshore facilities and a series of order cancellations. The creditors will provide a fresh loan of 3.2 trillion won to Daewoo Shipbuilding. KDB also chipped in 1 trillion won to buy newly sold Daewoo Shipbuilding stocks.With its loss ballooning, the creditors have been working on a rescue plan for the shipbuilder. In return, the shipyard’s labor union agreed not to seek pay hikes or go on strike in return for the massive rescue plan.Local shipyards are struggling with increased costs stemming from delays in the construction of offshore plants and an industry-wide slump.Source: Yonhap

Seven yards make China’s new offshore white list

China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has released the first white list for offshore shipyards, having issued a notice to domestic yards in July asking them to submit applications. Only seven state run yards have won qualifications for the first batch of the list, made up of CIMC Raffles, ZPMC, Cosco (Qidong) Offshore Engineering, Cosco Nantong Shipyard, Shanghai Waigaoqiao Shipbuilding, China Merchants Heavy Industry and Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore.The central government is hoping the white list can optimize offshore building capacity and promote merger and acquisitions in the industry, with shipyards on the list enjoying favourable policies from the government and banks.Last year, the central government also released a white list for the commercial shipbuilding industry. Source: Splash 24/7


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Petrobras cancels oil strike talks, union vows escalation

Brazil’s state-controlled oil producer Petroleo Brasileiro SA canceled talks with union leaders that were planned for Tuesday and aimed at settling a strike that is now in its ninth day. Members of oil union FUP have been on strike at Petrobras, as the company is known, since Nov. 1 in the biggest labor action against it in 20 years. After the cancellation, FUP, the country’s largest oil workers federation, vowed to raise pressure on Petrobras.“This is the moment to intensify,” FUP said in a statement late Tuesday, adding that the walkout was beginning to reduce output from refineries as well as crude oil and natural gas output.The union wants Petrobras to reverse plans to reduce capital spending and force it to cancel asset sales designed to lower the company’s $130 billion debt, the largest of any oil company in the world. In a statement, Petrobras said it is working on “proposals” that could be presented to workers, without giving a timetable.While the initial union salary request was for an 18 percent raise and Petrobras’ initial offer was 8.1 percent, the unions said salary is not the principal aim of the strike.Once a new date for talks is set, workers will be informed, the statement added. In the past Petrobras officials have said it could resist major production cuts from a strike for about 10 days.Petrobras’ press office said on Tuesday that the strike was cutting oil output by about 115,000 barrels a day, the same amount as Monday. That is equal to about 5.5 percent of pre-strike oil output in Brazil.FUP said Petrobras was under-reporting production losses. The union estimates Petrobras has lost about 2 million barrels of production worth about 400 million reais ($107 million).The output reductions include a 50 percent cut in production at the P-58 and P-57 platforms in the Jubarte field of Petrobras’ Parque das Baleias offshore field complex, FUP said.At recent production levels, those two platforms alone would be responsible for 81,000 barrels of reduced oil output.Petrobras declined to say from which fields output reductions were happening.Output at the REDUC refinery near Rio de Janeiro has seen output cut by 30,000 barrels a day and the production of asphalt and petroleum coke almost totally stopped, FUP said.It also says the strike cut Petrobras catalyst production and urea and ammonia Source : Thomson Reuters. (Reporting by Jeb Blount; Editing by Paul Simao, Matthew Lewis and Ken Wills)

Governor Wolf Announces Strategic Plan for Port of Philadelphia

Governor Tom Wolf announced his strategic plan for sustained management, maintenance, and development of the Port of Philadelphia. The governor emphasized his key priorities of investing in infrastructure, creating jobs, and keeping Pennsylvania economically competitive“Today is a new day at the Port of Philadelphia,” Gov. Wolf said. “Our port has a strategic location on the East Coast, but its infrastructure is rapidly aging. I am committed to ensuring the commonwealth is a strong partner with the Philadelphia Regional Port Authority so that this vital resource remains competitive on a global scale.” The governor outlined his plan while standing on an undeveloped parcel of the Southport Marine Terminal Complex, located at the eastern tip of the Navy Yard. He was joined by Philadelphia Regional Port Authority (PRPA) Chairman Jerry Sweeney, Lieutenant Governor Mike Stack, Senator Larry Farnese, Representative Bill Keller, and dozens of

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marine stakeholders.“This is a wonderful day for the Port of Philadelphia,” Sweeney said. “Southport is the future of the Port of Philadelphia, and to have Governor Wolf personally visit the Port and endorse this critical project that will bring so many jobs and other economic benefits to our region is very exciting and a testament to the hard work by the thousands of men and women who work in this port every day.”“The ports are a valuable asset for the entire region and state of Pennsylvania,” Lt. Gov. Stack said. “To make the most of their potential, we need a comprehensive plan for how we can best use them to expand our economy and increase jobs, and we must follow up with a cooperative effort to carry out that vision.”Governor Wolf said development of the Southport Terminal is one of his main goals for the Port of Philadelphia. The 196-acre riverfront property is owned by PRPA, located immediately west of the Packer Avenue Marine Terminal. It remains idle and undeveloped, but is currently undergoing a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), with a Request for Proposals (RFP) process expected to begin in 2016. The goal is to enable the market-driven development of Southport Terminal in 2017, creating up to 3,700 new jobs.“Investing in this additional tract of developable land will have a significant impact on our ability to attract new business to Pennsylvania, increase the amount of available family-sustaining jobs, and grow our competitiveness as a major port in the region,” Sen. Farnese said. “The people of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania will certainly appreciate Governor Wolf’s important investment in job growth in southeastern Pennsylvania, and I applaud his leadership in improving the lives of commonwealth residents,” Rep. Keller said.In addition to establishing a timeline for the development of the Southport site, Governor Wolf announced further steps his administration is taking to ensure long-term stability and growth at the Port of Philadelphia. 1. Governor Wolf has named seven new board members to the Philadelphia Port Authority, including Chairman Sweeney. He has launched a national search for a new executive director with a proven track record of successful port development.

• Chairman Gerard Sweeney, President & CEO of Brandywine Realty Trust • Yassmin Gramian, Senior VP of HNTB • Robert Clark, Associate at Ballard Spahr LLP • Michael Pearson, President of Union Packaging • John Dougherty, Business Manager of International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 98 • Paul McNichol, Partner at McNichol, Bryrne & Matlawski, P.C. • John Skoutelas, VP and General Counsel for the Eastern Group, Waste Management

2. Governor Wolf will create an advisory committee of stakeholders to provide input on the future of the port. It will include stakeholders from industry, labor, local and state government to drive a unified vision for the port. 3. Governor Wolf is leading the strategic development of the port. He has directed PennDOT to conduct a study to determine the best use/economic feasibility of the port: Governor Wolf asked PennDOT to work with the PRPA Board to evaluate its current assets and develop a Port Strategic Business Plan that will maximize asset utilization and employment potential. This Plan is coordinated with and is complementary to the Southport Procurement. The Port Strategic Plan is being developed in a phased approach: -Phase 1 is to assess existing conditions, and it is underway. -Phase 2 is expected to begin sometime this winter, and includes setting a vision and direction. -Next spring and summer, phase 3 will begin. This will include developing capital investment strategies. The Assessment is meant to augment past Commonwealth investments in the port; capitalize on long-term market trends; and effectively react to short-term opportunities. 4. Governor Wolf has prioritized the development of the Southport Marine Terminal Complex, and has already initiated request for proposals for development that will create jobs. Governor Wolf solicited a Request for Qualifications (RFQ), which is well underway, and will widen the process, encouraging the continued participation of past respondents while inviting additional private sector interests to present their visions for the Southport property. Submissions of qualifications are targeted for November 2015. Requests for proposals will be sent to short-listed proposals by the end of December 2015 with an anticipated due date for the proposals by June of 2016.PRPA hopes to have Southport project under development by 2017. While committed to comprehensive due-diligence, the PRPA Board is nevertheless planning for a quick evaluation and selection process following September’s RFQ announcement.The number of potential new jobs that might be created from the development of the Southport Terminal depends on the type of development that occurs. The following estimate represents the number of potential new jobs should be Southport Marine Terminal Complex be developed as a 100% Energy Terminal (the lowest) or a 100% Non-energy Terminal (the highest): 590 – 3,720 new jobsThe commonwealth has a proven track record of investments at the Port of Philadelphia, including $25 million per year on maintenance alone. Since 2010, Pennsylvania has delegated a total of over $300 million to the Port.The Port of

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Philadelphia is the fourth largest port in the U.S. for the handling of imported goods. It is strong in bulk cargoes, such as fruits, vegetables, cocoa beans, and aggregates. It has considerable refrigerated and freezer warehousing space as close as 90 feet from the dock, allowing for handling of temperature-sensitive cargoes.Source: Pennsylvania Office of the Governor

Wallem leads the way with Chinese seafarers Wallem is pleased to announce the recent official opening of Wallem Maritime Services (Shenzhen) Limited. This new Wallem business unit is licensed by the Shenzhen Maritime Safety Administration of China (MSA) to directly provide Chinese seafarers to vessels managed by Wallem Ship Management. This means that Wallem is now the only foreign shipping company to 100% own a manning agency operation in China Wallem is already the leading provider of Chinese seafarers to international clients with over 65 vessels fully Chinese manned and with a core of long serving officers across a range of vessels trading globally.These seafarers are currently supported by a Wallem Training Centre in Qingdao where we have a strongcadet programme in place. The new crewing license will further strengthen our training initiatives in China.Wallem delivers a wide range of maritime solutions to the industry. In China this includes a strong New Building Supervision team that is active across all Chinese shipyards plus a Ship Agency business with 9 owned offices serving all Chinese ports.

DATA INTELLIGENCE IS KING The shipping industry holds tradition, custom and practice in high esteem, and quite rightly so. However, the old ways are not necessarily the most effective ways in the modern world. The feeling at the recent Norshipping event in Oslo is that the tide is indeed turning with many stakeholders starting to embrace new technologies which can deliver significant benefits to operational performance. The value of accessing real-time data across a fleet of ships as part of a shore-based management strategy is also being recognised but Peter Mantel, Managing Director of BMT SMART, believes that the challenge in the short term will be to ensure stakeholders are fully equipped to truly understand the data. Only then can they reap the untapped benefits of this intelligence in their drive towards safer, more efficient and cost-effective asset performance.The multiple pressures on the global maritime industry mean that ship owners and charterers can no longer afford to ignore the performance of their fleet. This in turn has led to an increase in demand for Fleet and Vessel Performance Management (FVPM). However, some ship owners, operators and charterers are still wary of the value such a monitoring system can deliver. Perhaps this is understandable having been used to an environment where Chief Engineers produced miracles on a regular basis, armed only with the data from dials in their engine rooms. Furthermore, the sophistication of the data and what it truly means can be daunting and as such, many stakeholders are feeling overwhelmed, to the point where it’s a headache they want to avoid. Unsurprisingly, quick wins such as on-board optimisation and specific energy saving devices (ESDs) which are fitted to the vessel have quickly come to the fore. However, it’s important to note the limitations with such an approach. Whilst there are cost savings to be made, these are extremely hard to quantify in a verifiable way and these tools can often be seen as a burden to the crew. Shore-side performance management can provide ship owners and charterers with the tools to manage whole fleets of vessels and not just those that they own and operate. This easy to use, automated process can focus on commercial factors such as the voyage cost. By monitoring in real-time the actual versus budgeted cost, steps can be taken to help minimise the overall voyage cost. Owners whose vessels are on time-charter can also monitor compliance against existing charter party agreements and use performance management data to construct speed-consumption curves for future charters to help maximise revenue. Such an approach can also address technical matters, i.e. how the asset is performing by looking more closely at: hull and propeller degradation; engine condition/SFOC and evaluation and verification of specific ESDs such as hull coatings

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or propeller boss cap fin. Furthermore, the operations department can obtain valuable information on trim optimisation and on-time performance, i.e. what is the probabilistic % chance of making ETA.

Untapped data sources Although FVPM is on the increase, many stakeholders are still unaware of its full potential. A key challenge for many stakeholders is high retention rates of crew personnel. On average, crew within cross ocean trades can change every six months and every three to four months within coastal trades. This issue is leading to a situation whereby crews cannot build up a comprehensive understanding of the optimal way of operating a specific vessel. By utilising shore-based performance management, owners and charterers can compare crew performance and start to identify specific trends in relation to the way in which they operate the vessel: why is one crew burning less fuel than the other when the environmental conditions are the same, for example. This can then provide a much easier route to sharing best practice between different crews and even if the crew is relatively new to a vessel, they can be equipped with the knowledge to optimise the performance of the vessel. There are already a number of companies who are setting KPIs for their crews and incentivising them if they are able to burn less fuel or optimise ETAs – an approach which will no doubt become commonplace in the near future.

E-navigation is expected to have a significant impact on the future of marine navigation. The IMO which is driving this initiative describes the compelling need for e-navigation as “a clear and compelling need to equip the master of a vessel and those ashore responsible for the safety of shipping with modern, proven tools to make maritime navigation and communications more reliable and user friendly and thereby reducing errors”. However, it has been noted that without proper coordination, there is a risk that the future development of marine navigation systems will be hampered through a lack of standardisation onboard and ashore. There is no doubt that e-navigation is the future – what the industry must do is expand the idea by thinking about it more holistically under the umbrella of ‘vessel performance’. That way, stakeholders can start monitoring vessel performance, safety and risk management all under one system, rather than several different systems which can lead to unnecessary complexity in understanding the data and a disparate approach.

Data from performance management systems such as BMT SMARTFLEET can also provide a pathway to effective predictive maintenance models. Such systems can already identify any inefficiencies – the next step is to identify actions and provide valuable advice to stakeholders on what should be done. Dry-docking for maintenance and renewal of antifouling can be timed to take place just before any rapid drop-off in vessel performance, highlighted by historical and probabilistic efficiency and operational data.

What does the future hold? It is not unrealistic to envisage a time when all merchant vessels are equipped with a fully integrated bridge where performance parameters and emissions data is displayed alongside navigation systems and thruster controls. Voyage planning can already be checked against efficiency and emissions requirements to identify the most appropriate routing, while performance management reports can be produced automatically. Such reports can cover everything from environmental impact, hull and propeller efficiency and bunkering factors through to crew data, scheduled maintenance results, economic modelling and SEEMP/legislation. The combination of more rigorous legislation and harder economic conditions has led to a situation where ship-owners and operators need to have easy access to the emissions and performance data for their vessels. The benefits of being able to use real-time data to dynamically manage the performance of a fleet of vessels, or choose to analyse and review data over a period of time, to be able to make informed operational and maintenance decisions are hard to ignore.

Liner agent’s slip-up results in hefty fine by US Customs & Border Protection

International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC) has highlighted how a careless mistake by a liner agent resulted in the imposition of a fine of almost $300,000 by the US Customs and Border Protection. The liner agent, working for a non-US carrier, correctly manifested a shipment of nine reefer containers for discharge in Seattle, Washington. The vessel was also carrying more than a hundred empty containers due for discharge at Seattle. On departing the load port, the agent received instructions to discharge all the empty containers upon arrival at Oakland, California, rather than in Seattle. While in the process of changing the port of discharge on the empty containers from Seattle to Oakland, the agent also mistakenly changed the port of discharge on the nine loaded refrigerated containers which were sitting underneath the empty containers. The refrigerated containers were duly discharged upon arrival at Oakland, leaving the agent with the problem of getting them to Seattle as per the carrier’s commitment under the bill of lading and in compliance with the terms of the US Merchant Marine Act 1920 (The Jones

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Act), under which all merchandise transported by water between US ports must be carried on US-flag ships. (It was not possible to move the cargo by road or rail because the containers were overweight.)The agent contacted the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) about the erroneous discharge, in the mistaken belief that the notification to CBP was sufficient. CBP, however, took the position that a written application had to be made for the movement to be properly authorised. That application had not been made, and an initial penalty of $1.17m was assessed by CBP. Following numerousexchanges with the authorities, the fine was ultimately reduced to $292,478, being 25% of the initial penalty. This amount, less the policy deductible, was reimbursed by ITIC.

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“Coffeetime in the office today” Photo : Rotterdam Pilot Herman Broers @pilotbroers ©

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