daftar pustaka

DAFTAR PUSTAKA 1. Stave Kohl, Larry P, 2000. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics Jilid 2 16 th Edition : USA : Saunders Company. Hal. 846-857 2. Brahm Goldstein,MD.et al.2005. International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus conference : Definitions for sepsis and organ dysfunction in pediatrics. Pediatrics Critical Care Med 2005 Vol.6 No.1 3. Augusto Sola, MD, et al.2002. Rudolph Fundamentals of Pediatrics 3rd Edition: The Perinatal Period Chapter 4. USA : Mc Graw- Hill Company. Hal 149-151 4. Neal L Chamberlain,Ph.D. 2004. From Systemic Inflamatory Response Sydrome to Bacteral Sepsis With Shock. www. kcom.edu/faculty/chamberlain/Website/lectures/lecture/sep sis.htm 5. Linda L Bellig, RN.Sepsis. www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2630.htm 6. Dorel Sandesc MD, PhD.2004. Sepsis : A Review I. Timisoara Medical Journal. www.tmj.ro/cme_articles3.html 7. Jennifer W.A,MD,2002. Activated Protein C : The New Standard of Care for Sepsis. www.intmedweb.wfubmc.edu/grand_rounds/2002/actprotdoc 8. Sepsis http://kidshealth.org/parent/pregnancy_newborn/medical_pr oblems/sepsis_p5.html

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1. Stave Kohl, Larry P, 2000. Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics Jilid 2 16th Edition : USA : Saunders Company. Hal. 846-8572. Brahm Goldstein,MD.et al.2005. International Pediatric Sepsis Consensus conference : Definitions for sepsis and organ dysfunction in pediatrics. Pediatrics Critical Care Med 2005 Vol.6 No.13. Augusto Sola, MD, et al.2002. Rudolph Fundamentals of Pediatrics 3rd Edition: The Perinatal Period Chapter 4. USA : Mc Graw-Hill Company. Hal 149-1514. Neal L Chamberlain,Ph.D. 2004. From Systemic Inflamatory Response Sydrome to Bacteral Sepsis With Shock.www. kcom.edu/faculty/chamberlain/Website/lectures/lecture/sepsis.htm5. Linda L Bellig, RN.Sepsis. www.emedicine.com/ped/topic2630.htm 6. Dorel Sandesc MD, PhD.2004. Sepsis : A Review I. Timisoara Medical Journal. www.tmj.ro/cme_articles3.html7. Jennifer W.A,MD,2002. Activated Protein C : The New Standard of Care for Sepsis. www.intmedweb.wfubmc.edu/grand_rounds/2002/actprotdoc8. Sepsis http://kidshealth.org/parent/pregnancy_newborn/medical_problems/sepsis_p5.html9. Sri Rezeki H.H.,. 1997. Sepsis dan Meningitis pada Neonatus. Naskah Lengkap Pendidikan Kedokteran Berkelanjutan XXXVIII. Jakarta : Balai Penerbit FKUI. Hal 131-14810. Abdurachman Sukadi, dr dkk.2000. Perinatologi :Sepsis Pada Neonatus. Bandung : FK UNPAD. Hal 104 10911. Majalah Simposia Maret 2005. Sepsis: Menyelamatkan Nyawa si Kecil di PICU.