d 'on7pr'. yif-mm>-y d 1 1 mcumnts city,'which i the aptal eof the german d ratic...

"United States eateto.tt D cue.t 'on7PR'. y PEES2 A~ - S0P C 25 ,L~ 5. -1so~G : r- 4R IE.- '~' '5'

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Page 1: D 'on7PR'. yif-MM>-Y d 1 1 mCUMNTS city,'which i the aptal eof the German D ratic Republicinto oie ' kwitin s subversive acti itisagauist the~ Ueia DemocaiRepublic, nno to to e …

"United States eateto.tt

D cue.t

'on7PR'. yPEES2

A~ - S0P C 25 ,L~


-1so~G :

r- 4R IE.-

'~' '5'

Page 2: D 'on7PR'. yif-MM>-Y d 1 1 mCUMNTS city,'which i the aptal eof the German D ratic Republicinto oie ' kwitin s subversive acti itisagauist the~ Ueia DemocaiRepublic, nno to to e …

55'2 DOUUMENTS ON GERMANY, 1944-1985

Address by the Chairman Khrushchev Proposing That the Western rPowers Thenceforth Deal Directly With the German Democratic hRepublic on Any Questions Concerning Berlin, Moscow, November t10, 1958 1 t]



The imperialists have turned the German question into an abid- 1ing source of international tension. The ruling circles of Western fGermany are doing everything to whip up military passions , <against the German Democratic Republic, against the Polish Peo- <ple's Republic, against all the socialist countries. Speeches by <Chancellor Adenauer and Defense Minister Strauss, the atomic iarming of the Bundeswehr and various military exercises all speak iof a definite trend in the policy of the ruling circles of Western fGermany.

We want to warn the leaders of the Federal Republic of Germa-ny: The road followed by Western Germany today is a road danger-ous to peace in Europe and fatal to Western Germany herself.Indeed, can realistically minded politicians today hope for the suc-cess of a new "march to the East"? Hitler in his time also did ev-erything to fan war hysteria, in order to prepare the ground for anattack on the Soviet Union. However, it is well known how it allended. It is not hard to imagine the fate of those who would try tounleash new aggression against the socialist states. No speeches byChancellor Adenauer or his Minister Strauss can change the bal-ance of forces in favor of imperialism. To march against the Eastwould mean marching to death for Western Germany.

It is high time to realise that the times when the imperialistscould act from "positions of strength" with impunity have gonenever to return, and try as they may, the imperialists will not beable to change the balance of forces in their favour. Nor shouldthey forget the geographical position of Western Germany which-with military techniques as they are today-would not survive asingle day of modern warfare. We do not want another militaryconflict. It would be fatal to Western Germany and would bringuntold calamities to the peoples of other countries. The SovietUnion and the other socialist countries are doing everything tokeep the adventurists dreaming of new wars from taking the fatalstep. The West German policy-makers would do well to considermore soberly the existing situation and desist from whipping up

lE military passions.The western press today often says that the government of the

Federal Republic of Germany is planning to approach the SovietUnion, the United States of America, Britain and France with aproposal to call a new four-power meeting to settle for the Ger-mans, and without the Germans, the question of the unification oftheir country. But this is nothing but a continuation of the old, un-

' Soviet Embassy in London, Soviet News, November 11, 1958.


Page 3: D 'on7PR'. yif-MM>-Y d 1 1 mCUMNTS city,'which i the aptal eof the German D ratic Republicinto oie ' kwitin s subversive acti itisagauist the~ Ueia DemocaiRepublic, nno to to e …

.J . - . 1958 DoCUM ENTS :501

reaisi policy v ici is conitr ary' to commion, Sense aind devoid of klegal justification. No poxrshave the Aght to interfe iiihe'in-ternal eaffri af the German Democratic anpubc n tdictatetheir will t a it rn ;" We quit,;undrstand' the'Germani peqole's-natual year ning(for~

mae u ar h nnisonu . srenti and

'rd ofAwidenin the iiion 1 aidv ntires If thep est novernments really witViedhifi

cation it we1ma owed e bnf lystiig in tis thepwayT eofitabishn creontactsthrh r fDomh

cratic Repblicihe way of age nt that wold suit boththeGerman DemocraticRepublic er

Te(eman question dnn the ses of the -runification of the twoi0'' Gerrriaisatc ~tno in.eitrcecn0 be eled by the Germ -an

PjioP1P tlmevr rlnthe Ii ne~fr iihitn been thee IF f- states. The coucluiof peace traty with-Geirmany~ is.-an entire- -

Idifferent matter which, in~ded s;hod ir e settled~ primarily by "'the four powersi.h formd ithe anti l~itler coalition; inco-opern'AtioW wAith rersnaie ofGrmnyThe sigindf apeace '

tiaywith' Germany woud Help to'iniiahise the enir~e ituation=ip nGrayadi Erp ngnrl h.Sorf-no a r posed anid is proposing that thiis m .. bnr hole tai kr itihott

Ifone'Wee Zto speak -of theA6four powers, undertakings .with ~~regard toGermaniy oiesol-pa ofuid aknsspringing,f rom the'PotsdamiAgre en

Let u's'recall what-,wer the mi hdertokingsAIIhat the partiesto the Potsdam Agreement assu d withiregard- to ,their poh - in -.

'ehmaiiy 'ht as the way that Potsdamii indicated fo the d&.relopment f o ne 6,. -

thattim, th mebersof'the anti Hitler 'co alitiol assumeud "claeu-nd .definitek tidertakihgs: To extirpate (reman iniilita -rrrt rvn-t eugneoc and foir:-all; to do Fe'r~thih't to,Pe'onermany from ever mthreatening her neiglhors'or

i ten the Potsdam Arieint also found it vei lsiary topin an end to German ufascism to block itsreival inrfa tocurb all fascist activities and propnaganda -

Anohe im ~ atcomponentrff the P'o{sda Ag-1reeniont «asan~arietkn o iudt h rule, of cartels, syndicates and 'other

rt~noplie i =teGiaiii 'conomy' thait 2 is, forcia shadLera nFiter to p e and ad M

r3gf~ 5 Schs t is 'ecurae ndou ~ cfii~ii

.~ ahls Su h a hsiilhstance of the argreements concludedrnPdmin- wha~t do we haa toimore tha~n 18 yc rs after the Pots

- -'darn :Co ifience N6on m canb'deuy. that the Soiviet Union, f'or-its

T ' m

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Page 4: D 'on7PR'. yif-MM>-Y d 1 1 mCUMNTS city,'which i the aptal eof the German D ratic Republicinto oie ' kwitin s subversive acti itisagauist the~ Ueia DemocaiRepublic, nno to to e …


4 j - 4 %-P} ya

54 ;DOCUMENTS O0N GERM1ANY,;,1944-198,5

a s b served these agreements and that theyhave been carred out in full in'the eastern part ofGermany theGerman Dei utic s ree h

Fedra RpubicofGermany, theesponsibility for whos devlp- v

-ent res w the Uite St Bit-n iresr nc .. -.

It 'fshoul1d. he peily'sai tat militaism, far from liav ini been r

ers we s naveftougnt aaamist the resurgence aof; 'rma Westerrniaerranys ngAh&res-i

rN live miitrbloc ATO tha~t they have cratd The ar -i

everyingi to'promfoi hegrowth of German militaismA ad~the

13 de is-By i ofthe government of the Federal R~epu~blic of GcrmaW f*- iiy,_n ntu alywi & appoval of the N.A.T.O. ~pwsW it ~

ern ni 1armye the Germano ists ev isage as stronger ~than the atmis of Britain and F ranee:It is jier-~-

haps t than theFrenchrm considering asubstanti~a]"-r-t ftht French armv is kept outside thecouti

r ~ thecoZinie, wnhere tliberin movement agaiinst the rnhc

=U The arn forces that are tieingifrecreated- in NkWestern- Germaayn l.lhikre h '-Nazirnel and adm eraI TheWest-

'German aryis biri trined i hesirtiof the predatory aspira--4 --- -- ' iio i of thrs-o~ee';Nazi- Weh~rmact, in the spirit of reve gand hatred --

4.if if if if~, for the Soviet Union and other peaceable st at e - s~-

Moreo ver the Germannv iii oasts itlthe blessinmgof the west-Eer owers and primiarly the UnitSatesarereceiving nuclear . }

- weapons:' Th FederlRepublic alrfadv has Amecrican rockets.-'w'ii'h"c"' be fitted wiith uclear wahads- -...

SGermany. is iterally taking its rr ropean~ al by h throat It- is4 enough to note, for ithe isake o6f~

Comparison that in 1957 for is t adued. 1000) tons, of steel as 'agint422 million ini Brita'ini and-

than 1in El an--- Frianciallv atoomWestern Germany is todav stronrietha either

':'Britai ; o race. Consider their' gold rind currency reserves,- for i-,

,. st.iric- Accorling to official fig ures, Western Germany s reserves- -

amuie o e .,0 ilo doll ars ~at the end of 19,57, as comn- - -

pae t'rtn' 2 70 muillion -and TFran ce-s -775 millior dollars-'eeconomic -resouies ofW it Germany are-being placed

. - cMt theseice ofrviviig Germaniilitaismesz mi

-. -"b asi rovsions of otsdam Agreem n o nSan d-prevento of thresur

cnCe ish .ma ider-we shall arive On sloOthttthesP posions,,', ring 1 hej-ignaturesof the unitd' $States,- ritatihT~nd France, hav~e been iolUA l'Py them' What'thi iisileft

ofs. h Posa Ageeentf? Oie thngiii~fect: The- so~called fouW -

-'4rSttu of 13 r~n htr poston~n wvhich the' threeA west 4 ~ernpoer, h a s ta rti~ Fran~e hae h41o

1 s':ibility of lordinit ulWsenBrntrig that pat f~l th



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-~ ; -~4~k- ~ --- ~ ' - - ~ -~'if 44~i4 4iUM MEf i


Page 5: D 'on7PR'. yif-MM>-Y d 1 1 mCUMNTS city,'which i the aptal eof the German D ratic Republicinto oie ' kwitin s subversive acti itisagauist the~ Ueia DemocaiRepublic, nno to to e …



city,'which i the aptal eof the German D ratic Republicinto' oie kwitin s

subversive acti itisagauist the~ Ueia DemocaiRepublic,

nno to to e r f a

nto bten BelnadWse n mmn hog iarsen

e lii t nrs want t) recognise

Br1r ~eq esto mrss Wos and .o hnftfm th rmiroWn rht hv 1'-ntdtt5 aee an rtinuo iltd

* "'tis-:.art o ahequadriparftteagem taswlTensi's

Agremet...O e~ontaxthey inig to it, for th a~ htmcii~ n -

( 'Bri~sdah{t1eous,.f the wetern powers and h e alone_The western powrersnaual ar nofvr~ oeptaigscsprivilege, bf "ali 1es" foeeee thug hh~ve 10nr demb- - .

-y fished th ea ai orterpeec indiii~nas "itot time for, us to drr e con lusion f the

, rfact. that-.the key items iof tlie Pots( Am reeni'eii concerning thei 1 x\;.maintenance of peac iEf uro'ad drsquF 1y1v, throwihout the "'V-worldhave been violated 'im

~tiie'-German mihitarisrnpromipting 'itmin the" direepon in which "it - '?

wa p"ushed 'before the'Secondf World War, that is, "against the~Eat;sit not timexfor ,us to reconsi'der o6fr attithde to this ar f I

ncthe Potsdam greementand tomdenounceite h tincethas obvious-~~ A"*aye'arrved~'f6 the' sitntries'of the Potsdam Ageeen to1:

non 1~h fin n oB

nouregime inBetlin' ~d there '~j7'-~-by make it possible .toc rte a -normal situation n the capital ofSthe Germa >Democratic 'Republic.The SovietLUnion,'u oit part, r'would hand over tt i&'feignGerman DmocraticRepublic themaf~ntosi Beht ~~r',tl exercised by mSoviet :agencies_ 7his-, r

- I think would-be the~cre&i ihing to do ~~!. <"--~

LettheUnited~Si te' F2nc ad Britain themisebves build tlieiF-~relations 'with'li'e.German-Democraic Republic, let~ them~ reachf' "

~ ~tigi s As. sa .n

'nor ouro~an r enn all fteGra'Dmcai e

v onsmou

public-obligations wich stenWfom he aw ,Tre'ty~'~ ''c~wi~ ~-~ we~have repeatedly reffirmed to. the Geitian Democratxc epuh~ .~ . -~ ~icIf- any-~forces ofhgrsior attc the'G6ria 1emoeric. Re -. '- ~~ ~ --. publhc' which 1S a full fldgc med i~theWra ~y ~

- shall regard thisiias an attack~o t~he Soviet' Union, on ali' the ~-Wasw -Trety countries~ hl ts~henirirse' in 'defence of~ the 'i

Ge-Wrman DeortcRpi'lc n hsw mean defence 'of the*-"-- 7-- vital scul t"int'eests-'of the SovietA Union,- of thie entire- socialist -'

T heXweteinPowers Ewhich An their time,signiedithePRtsdiamA~remlitar toayworking~o tsii the~ it~rnational situa-

: tion,- to encurg ithe~ growinrg niiitaitr tenldencies of Ge rman ne, enge-seekers,tha~'t is, they supr 'all ;that the Potsdamn 1-

-~ -' y-~-Mo~nt ,denounced. They-have lonig si~ben f~ied by'the aggres-," 51veNorth "Atlantic Tretyv afnd not by th Posa , it e '

- V-~&~(

Page 6: D 'on7PR'. yif-MM>-Y d 1 1 mCUMNTS city,'which i the aptal eof the German D ratic Republicinto oie ' kwitin s subversive acti itisagauist the~ Ueia DemocaiRepublic, nno to to e …


x'r h They2 h he violated the Potsdiam Agreemiettrp t and wt- ,' impinity, while we remain lowd to it asit.nothuii had cha3nged.

We'have evr~rao isetous ye fe from -obligations tinderthe Potsdam at ch t

i iselves aid whih tleW tern powersv areiclmgiin to, aid to puirsill ~with reard-t Berha '.policv that'would spring; fromi the '.ntertsts

lSea drswofThe lWadrs of Nete. Grm sayv that good relationrs bet een

Sthe~ Soviet Union~ 7nAeFdrlRpbi of Gerrnany can only ybe. "

established if, tile ovret Unioneases. to~ supports thle Gerinan 4 'Deortc Reubi ifd it brings pressure to bear on it irf a'd "

rection needed~bv h West. Bonnx does no pae l;dsr good'~relations with the Soiet Uniionf it et tiss'chabsurd hopes.

I If Weh -iroerrnnt of the eea ;euh realy wants to havehd' relaioswittl SoitUin it hould -abandon, onc 'n '<

for all, the hope ftat-we shal1 res to supr h cmnlio g

The ,vernnieht of-the'IElisli e&6ple's Republic has shows' 'valu ~ ~uableihitiaxtive in- proposinrgthe -e 6 bishment inCnrlErp of

~a zonre Wher atom ic, h drogen anil rcket'v eapons would-,riot bemauacue -rkp.This conructivepopsal' has been .support

#'r ed by ti he goy~r niins teSve Union, Czechoslovakia~ii -'th JGerran- Deorai Reulcadohrsirl anid nonsocialtstcountries Oicht riril sandforthe pese % t A of -ec~h 4

c d ev tued down the -

l ~~ Poihpor~lad ~t ae the roa o~f equringthe Bundes '

Sesothersocialit countriesBuItlh. caelplayii - itht fire. The O'de-Neisse, frontir s

front~' rAi-iyencroarchmneit by -Geman~ reveng~ ekr s-, ron heGrn;,6emortic:Rpbi woidh regarded as' en

44croachmcnti onl th OdrNis rnir sathreat to- the scifty'- of our~peoples :~

rr tcan est asrdta hyhv nteSve

-militarism anid imperiuahstaggression.-'i

-N u 's Conferenice Remarks by ,Secretary (of .State D~utesW asetr '

- ~ "thEaplicit. Obiarn- ft tcc s n nT ~iuc 'ra P

f l ens to anEg ssF o eln or mbc u 9 S1, ixt t-

10 1 101

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wcstGcr an I -ee o pan t -e rnv -~rtn~c ~which

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MDRSpaTie'r f t'arph nle W_-?NT ao i ,it e' if 1a

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