d n india in depth - amazon s3...5d4n india in -depth golden triangle // delhi - agra - jaipur gt04...

5 5 5 5D D D D4 4 4 4N N N N INDIA IN INDIA IN INDIA IN INDIA IN- - - -DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH GOLDEN TRIANGLE GOLDEN TRIANGLE GOLDEN TRIANGLE GOLDEN TRIANGLE// // // //DELHI DELHI DELHI DELHI - - - - AGRA AGRA AGRA AGRA - - - - JAIPUR JAIPUR JAIPUR JAIPUR GT04 Special arrange Hotel buffet, Chinese Cuisine, Indian Cuisine and exclusive Thai Cuisine Explore the World Heritage site of Agra Fort, Qutab Minar, 7 Wonders of the world of Taj Mahal Special arrange Elephant ride up to Amber Fort DAY 01: SINAPORE – DELHI Arrive in India's bustling capital city of Delhi and let the experience begin! A traditional Indian welcome marks the start of your magnificent journey before escorted to your hotel, spend your evening relaxing after your long flight. Overnight stay at the hotel DAY 02: DELHI TO AGRA (B/L/D) This morning you will embark on a tour of Delhi, where ornate buildings recall the days when India was the gem in the crown of the British Empire. Drive along Rajpath, the capital's broadest avenue, for a view of the Parliament House, the President's House and India Gate (War Memorial Arch). Also visit the Qutab Minar built by Qutub-ud-Din Aibek in 1199 from sandstone and marble. Afternoon you will depart by surface for Agra, upon arrival check-in at the hotel. DAY 03: AGRA TO JAIPUR (B/L/D) This morning enjoy an extended visit to the magnificent Taj Mahal known as the most opulent wonder of the modern world and witness its transformation as the monument reflects the warm glow of sun. Also explore the 16th century Agra Fort with its battlements, apartments, gardens and audience halls. This powerful fortress of red sandstone encompasses, within its 2.5-km-long enclosure walls, the imperial city of the Mughal rulers. Continue on to the "Pink City" of Jaipur, where the old city is surrounded by a massive wall pierced by magnificent gates. The afternoon is at leisure to relax and pursue independent activities. Overnight stay at the hotel DAY 04: SIGHTSEEING IN JAIPUR (B/L/D) Today, you are transported back in time, riding royally atop elegantly draped and painted elephant rides to the mountain fortress of Amber fort, a superb example of Rajput architecture with its complex of palaces, temples and ornate apartments. This afternoon's tour of Jaipur takes you to drive past Hawa Mahal or "Palace of Winds" and continues to City Palace, with its latticed balconies, tiny windows, cupolas, courtyards and arched entrances. A stop at the ancient observatory (Jantar Mantar) concludes the tour. Overnight stay at the hotel DAY 05: JAIPUR TO DELHI - SINGAPORE (B/L/D) This morning you will depart by surface for Delhi, where upon arrival you will pursue independent activities and last minute shopping opportunity. After Dinner you are transferred to the International Airport for your flight back home. Remarks: Sequences and timings of itinerary are subject to change without prior notice.

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Page 1: D N INDIA IN DEPTH - Amazon S3...5D4N INDIA IN -DEPTH GOLDEN TRIANGLE // DELHI - AGRA - JAIPUR GT04 Special arrange Hotel buffet, Chinese Cuisine , Indian Cuisine and exclusive Thai


����Special arrange Hotel buffet, Chinese Cuisine, Indian Cuisine and exclusive Thai Cuisine

���� Explore the World Heritage site of Agra Fort, Qutab Minar, 7 Wonders of the world of Taj Mahal

����Special arrange Elephant ride up to Amber Fort

DAY 01: SINAPORE – DELHI ���������������� Arrive in India's bustling capital city of Delhi and let the experience begin! A traditional Indian welcome marks the

start of your magnificent journey before escorted to your hotel, spend your evening relaxing after your long flight.

Overnight stay at the hotel

DAY 02: DELHI TO AGRA (B/L/D) ����������������

This morning you will embark on a tour of Delhi, where ornate buildings recall the days when India was the gem in the

crown of the British Empire. Drive along Rajpath, the capital's broadest avenue, for a view of the Parliament House,

the President's House and India Gate (War Memorial Arch). Also visit the Qutab Minar built by Qutub-ud-Din Aibek in

1199 from sandstone and marble. Afternoon you will depart by surface for Agra, upon arrival check-in at the hotel.

DAY 03: AGRA TO JAIPUR (B/L/D) ����������������

This morning enjoy an extended visit to the magnificent Taj Mahal known as the most opulent wonder of the modern

world and witness its transformation as the monument reflects the warm glow of sun. Also explore the 16th century

Agra Fort with its battlements, apartments, gardens and audience halls. This powerful fortress of red sandstone

encompasses, within its 2.5-km-long enclosure walls, the imperial city of the Mughal rulers. Continue on to the "Pink

City" of Jaipur, where the old city is surrounded by a massive wall pierced by magnificent gates. The afternoon is at

leisure to relax and pursue independent activities. Overnight stay at the hotel

DAY 04: SIGHTSEEING IN JAIPUR (B/L/D) ����������������

Today, you are transported back in time, riding royally atop elegantly draped and painted elephant rides to the

mountain fortress of Amber fort, a superb example of Rajput architecture with its complex of palaces, temples and

ornate apartments. This afternoon's tour of Jaipur takes you to drive past Hawa Mahal or "Palace of Winds" and

continues to City Palace, with its latticed balconies, tiny windows, cupolas, courtyards and arched entrances. A stop at

the ancient observatory (Jantar Mantar) concludes the tour. Overnight stay at the hotel


This morning you will depart by surface for Delhi, where upon arrival you will pursue independent activities and last

minute shopping opportunity. After Dinner you are transferred to the International Airport for your flight back home.

Remarks: Sequences and timings of itinerary are subject to change without prior notice.

Page 2: D N INDIA IN DEPTH - Amazon S3...5D4N INDIA IN -DEPTH GOLDEN TRIANGLE // DELHI - AGRA - JAIPUR GT04 Special arrange Hotel buffet, Chinese Cuisine , Indian Cuisine and exclusive Thai

5 天荣耀北印度金三角 GT04

����不可不看~五大印度世界文化遗产巡礼,一次给您最完整的深度游览 ����参观蒙兀儿帝国代表城市─阿格拉。 ����拜访粉红城市斋普尔地标-风之宫殿,感受印度特有的异国风情。 ����特别安排乘骑大象/吉普车上下琥珀城堡,登高临下一览无遗。 ����参观了解新旧德里区,各自展现出的不同风貌 ����参观印度门、印度七大奇迹之古达明那塔,让您深入了解印度多元文化。 第一天第一天第一天第一天: 新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡-德里德里德里德里 ���������������� 齐集樟宜机场,搭乘国际航班飞往印度的新德里.新德里为印度的首都,也是进入这历史古国的主要门户。它结合了悠久的历史传承及现代化的建设。请记得印度与新加坡的时差为 2 个半钟头。导游将在机场迎接您的抵达,并送往酒店休息.

第二天第二天第二天第二天: 德里德里德里德里-阿格拉阿格拉阿格拉阿格拉 (早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐) ���������������� 参观印度门印度门印度门印度门(INDIA GATE):为纪念第一次世界大战中,为国捐躯的英勇战士所盖的纪念碑。建筑在花园广场中心,外形以凯旋门的样式来建造的,英国政府 1921 出资修建印度门以纪念那些阵亡的印度和英国士兵。印度门的墙壁上有九万多个印度和英国士兵的名字。车览英国统治印度时重建规划的总统府总统府总统府总统府、国会大厦国会大厦国会大厦国会大厦。参观古达明那塔古达明那塔古达明那塔古达明那塔为全印度最高的石塔建筑,融合波斯与印度的艺术,环绕塔壁装饰着阿拉伯图纹和古兰经铭文,同时点缀着印度传统工艺的藤蔓图案和花彩垂饰。下午我们将乘车前往蒙兀儿帝国时期所建立的首都-阿格拉

第三天第三天第三天第三天: 阿格拉阿格拉阿格拉阿格拉-斋普尔斋普尔斋普尔斋普尔 (早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐) ���������������� 早餐后我们将参观美丽的泰姬陵泰姬陵泰姬陵泰姬陵。它是名列世界 7 大奇观之一。通体透白大理石的泰姬陵实在是让人叹为观止。它不仅建筑风格引人入胜,还叙述着沙杰汉与泰姬马哈尔的动人爱情故事,历时 17 年建造,当时动用了从当时波斯、土耳其、法国、意大利著名的设计师和工匠以及 2 万民工,创建了这一世纪的奇迹。然后参观阿格拉城堡阿格拉城堡阿格拉城堡阿格拉城堡,然后参观阿格拉城堡阿格拉城堡阿格拉城堡阿格拉城堡,16 世纪蒙兀儿帝国所建它座落于亚穆纳河畔,与泰姬陵遥遥相望。。阿格拉红堡具有宫殿和城堡的双重功能,城堡周围护城河,以及用红色砂岩所建造的城墙,长 2.5 公里,高 20 余米,显得壮观,神圣且不容侵犯。前往斋普尔,这里是一座很有诗意的城市,也有一个很有诗意的名字――红粉之城。斋普尔全城一片粉红色,不但屋顶、墙壁,一律粉红色,连女性的纱丽也偏爱粉红色,人们把斋普尔称之为为“玫瑰城”.抵达后入住酒店.

第四天第四天第四天第四天: 斋普尔斋普尔斋普尔斋普尔 (早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐) ���������������� 早餐后参观宏伟的琥珀琥珀琥珀琥珀城堡城堡城堡城堡(Amer Fort),依山势兴建极为壮观,曾为印度首都长达六世纪之久,★骑乘大象上琥珀堡,参观由镶满宝石之寝宫及镜殿看出当年皇室生活之奢靡及。参观完后特别安排搭乘★吉普车下琥珀堡,让您更轻松。下午参观斋普尔旧城,此城由拉杰普王斋星二世(Maharaja Jai Singh II)建造,此粉红城是采取棋盘似的设计,运用传说中的古印度建筑风格策划。参观 1700 年建于城市里的精确古天文台古天文台古天文台古天文台(Jantar Mantar Observatory) 和 风之宫风之宫风之宫风之宫(Hawa Mahal)。城市宫殿城市宫殿城市宫殿城市宫殿(City Palace),融合拉贾斯坦式与蒙兀儿风格的城市宫殿,珍藏无数蒙兀儿时期王宫贵族的用具与文物。城市宫殿内另有两只纯银打造的巨大水缸最为特别,据说是捷普王公准备前往伦敦参加爱德华王子加冕典礼时,为了沿途能饮用、沐浴恒河圣水而特别订制的。

第五天第五天第五天第五天: 斋普尔斋普尔斋普尔斋普尔-德里德里德里德里-新加坡新加坡新加坡新加坡 (早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐早午晚餐) 早餐后我们将乘车返回德里。如果时间允许,在当地的康诺特广场康诺特广场康诺特广场康诺特广场,姜帕特大街姜帕特大街姜帕特大街姜帕特大街或西藏大街西藏大街西藏大街西藏大街享受购物乐。晚餐后送往机场,搭乘国际航班返回新加坡温暖的家. 最后,希望您能够满意连恒假期连恒假期连恒假期连恒假期为您安排的旅行线路,并衷心祝福您度过一个美好的旅行假期。
