cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic ... · to report the orthodontic movement of...

CASE REPORT/CASO CLINICO Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic patient: a case report with five-year follow-up Guarigione di una lesione periapicale simil-cistica in un paziente ortodontico: case report con follow-up di 5 anni Sergio Paduano 1, * , Roberto Uomo 2 , Massimo Amato 3 , Francesco Riccitiello 3 , Michele Simeone 3 , Rosa Valletta 3 1 Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Catanzaro Magna Graecia, Italy 2 Division of Dentistry, Department of Surgery, ‘‘Bambino Gesu `’’ Children Hospital Rome, Italy 3 Department of Oral and Maxillo Facial Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Received 31 July 2013; accepted 17 September 2013 Available online 11 October 2013 Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia (2013) 27, 95—104 KEYWORDS Cyst-like lesion; Maxillary central incisors; Orthodontic treatment; Root canal treatment; Root resorption. PAROLE CHIAVE Lesione simil-cistica; Incisivi centrali superiori; Abstract Aim: To report the orthodontic movement of two central incisors through the healing site of a maxillary cyst-like lesion of endodontic origin after nonsurgical treatment. Case summary: This report shows the treatment of a 18-year old patient, male, with a Class II division 2 malocclusion. He came to our attention seeking for orthodontic treatment. Radiographic examinations revealed a large cyst-like lesion in the maxillary anterior area, extending from the mesial surface of tooth 12 to the distal surface of tooth 21. The two upper incisors were nonresponsive to pulp sensitivity tests. Endodontic treatment was performed first. One week after root canal treatment had been completed with gutta-percha fillings, orthodontic treatment was started while the bone lesion healing was still underway. At the end of the orthodontic treatment, incisor retroclination was corrected, periapical lesion healing was completed and there were no signs of root resorption. The five-year follow-up revealed that Peer review under responsibility of Societa ` Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier ELSEVIER 1121-4171/$ see front matter ß 2013 Societa`Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. * Corresponding author at: Department of the Health University ‘‘Magna Graecia’’ Catanzaro, Viale Europa, I-88100 Loc. Germaneto Catanzaro, Italy. E-mail: [email protected] (S. Paduano). Available online at ScienceDirect j our na l h omepa ge : w ww.e lse vier. com/ loc ate /g ie

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Page 1: Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic ... · To report the orthodontic movement of two central incisors through the healing site of a cyst-like lesion of endodontic


Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodonticpatient: a case report with five-year follow-up

Guarigione di una lesione periapicale simil-cistica in un paziente ortodontico:case report con follow-up di 5 anni

Sergio Paduano 1,*, Roberto Uomo 2, Massimo Amato 3, Francesco Riccitiello 3,Michele Simeone 3, Rosa Valletta 3

1Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Catanzaro Magna Graecia, Italy2Division of Dentistry, Department of Surgery, ‘‘Bambino Gesu’’ Children Hospital Rome, Italy3Department of Oral and Maxillo Facial Sciences, University of Naples Federico II, Italy

Received 31 July 2013; accepted 17 September 2013Available online 11 October 2013

Giornale Italiano di Endodonzia (2013) 27, 95—104

KEYWORDSCyst-like lesion;Maxillary centralincisors;Orthodontic treatment;Root canal treatment;Root resorption.

PAROLE CHIAVELesione simil-cistica;Incisivi centralisuperiori;


Aim: To report the orthodontic movement of two central incisors through the healing site of amaxillary cyst-like lesion of endodontic origin after nonsurgical treatment.Case summary: This report shows the treatment of a 18-year old patient, male, with a Class IIdivision 2 malocclusion. He came to our attention seeking for orthodontic treatment.

Radiographic examinations revealed a large cyst-like lesion in the maxillary anterior area,extending from the mesial surface of tooth 12 to the distal surface of tooth 21. The two upperincisors were nonresponsive to pulp sensitivity tests. Endodontic treatment was performed first.One week after root canal treatment had been completed with gutta-percha fillings, orthodontictreatment was started while the bone lesion healing was still underway. At the end of theorthodontic treatment, incisor retroclination was corrected, periapical lesion healing wascompleted and there were no signs of root resorption. The five-year follow-up revealed that

Peer review under responsibility of Societa Italiana di Endodonzia.

Production and hosting by ElsevierELSEVIER

1121-4171/$ — see front matter � 2013 Societa Italiana diEndodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rightsreserved.

* Corresponding author at: Department of the Health — University‘‘Magna Graecia’’ Catanzaro, Viale Europa, I-88100 Loc. GermanetoCatanzaro, Italy.

E-mail: [email protected] (S. Paduano).

Available online at


j our na l h omepa ge : w ww.e l se v ier. com/ loc ate /g i e

Page 2: Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic ... · To report the orthodontic movement of two central incisors through the healing site of a cyst-like lesion of endodontic


occlusal relationship and dental alignment were kept stable and excellent radiographic reso-lution of the periapical lesion was obtained.� 2013 Societa Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Scopo: Riportare il movimento ortodontico di due incisivi centrali attraverso il sito di guarigionedi una lesion simil-cistica di origine endodontica dopo trattamento non chirurgico.Riassunto del caso clinico: Questo articolo riporta il trattamento di un paziente di 18 anni,affetto da malocclusione di Classe II divisione 2, venuto alla nostra osservazione con la richiesta ditrattamento ortodontico.

Gli esami radiografici hanno messo in evidenza un larga lesione simil-cistica nella regionemascellare anteriore, che si estendeva dalla superficie mesiale 12 alla superficie distale del 21. Idue incisivi centrali superiori rispondevano negativamente ai test di sensibilita pulpare. Unasettimana dopo il completamento del trattamento endodontico con otturazione canalare conguttaperca, e stato iniziato il trattamento ortodontico mentre la guarigione della lesione osseaera ancora in corso. Al completamento del trattamento ortodontico, la retroclinazione incisivarisultava corretta e la guarigione della lesione periapicale era completa; inoltre, non eranovisibili segni di riassorbimento radicolare. Il follow-up a 5 anni, ha mostrato che i rapportiocclusali e l’allineamento dentale erano stati mantenuti stabili; al controllo radiografico si eraevidenziata una restituito ad integrum della lesione ossea periapicale.� 2013 Societa Italiana di Endodonzia. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. Tutti i dirittiriservati.

96 S. Paduano et al.


Changes in pulp blood supply, mainly due to dental trauma,may induce several pulp responses, leading to necrosis.Tissue necrosis and anaerobic conditions are the ideal envir-onment for root canal colonization on the part of opportu-nistic microorganisms. Inflammatory reactions, includingabscesses, granulomas and apical cysts, may develop inthe periodontal tissue in response to intracanal antigeniccontent through immunopathological mechanisms.1

In order to differentiate radicular inflammatory periapicallesions, an accurate histopathological analysis of lesions isrequired.2 Nair et al.,3 after histological analysis, found that

Figure 1 Pre-treatment frontal (a) and profile (b) view of the 18

15% of a sample of 256 periapical lesions were cysts, whilst52% of the lesions were found to be epithelialized. Suspectedcystic periapical lesions may undergo asymptomatic evolu-tion and can became quite large.4 Extensive periapicallesions may heal after conventional endodontic therapy,contrary to which periapical surgery may be necessary toallow nonresponsive lesions to heal.5

Orthodontic treatment has been considered as a majorfactor involved in root resorption.6 While a well cleanedand shaped endodontically treated tooth is known to exhibitless propensity for apical root resorption during orthodontictooth movement,7—10 less is known about the effects of ortho-dontic movement during the healing phase of periapicallesions. Relevant literature has always suggested to wait for

-year-old patient.

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Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic patient 97

the complete healing of the apical lesion before applying anorthodontic force, because of the high risk of root resorption.11

This case report illustrates a combined endodontic—orthodontic treatment in a patient with a severe deep biteand traumatic necrosis of upper incisor and radiographic signsof cyst-like lesion.

Case report

An 18-year-old male, with a non-contributory medical his-tory, was brought to our attention for orthodontic treatment.The patient’s main complaint was an unpleasant smile.Profile and frontal photographs showed an increased lowerheight. The facial profile was convex. Labial competence was

Figure 2 Pre-treatment intraoral views. (a) Frontal view shows thviews show a bilateral class I molar relationship (e) Occlusal upperincisors.

reached physiologically while a slight gummy smile wasobserved (Fig. 1a and b). The intraoral examination(Fig. 2a—f) revealed that oral hygiene was acceptable. Firstmolars and the right lower second molar had amalgam fill-ings. A complete permanent dentition was present (the fourthird molars were asymptomatically included). Facial andboth arch midlines corresponded. Intraoral frontal and lat-eral views showed a severe deep bite. The incisor margin ofboth central incisiors traumatized the vestibular lower inci-sor gingiva. The patient resulted having a bilateral Class Imolar relationship. The maxillary central incisor crowns weredisplaced palatally to the arch, thus requiring considerableapexes movement during orthodontic therapy.

Evaluation of the panoramic radiography revealed signs ofbony pathosis. A large radiolucent lesion extended from the

e severe deep bite. (b) Overjet view. (c) Right and (d) left side and (f) lower arch views, note the palatally displaced central

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Figure 3 Inizial panoramic radiograph (a) and preoperative intraoral radiograph (b) showing the large radiolucent lesion.

Figure 4 Two years post-treatment panoramic and intraoral radiograph showing the complete healing of the periapical lesions andhealthy root apexes.

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Figure 5 Post-orthodontic treatment (a) frontal and (b) profile views. Note smile characteristic and profile improvements ascompared with Fig. 1.

Figure 6 Post-orthodontic treatment intraoral views. (a) Frontal and (b) overjet views indicate that overjet and overbite are in thenorm. (c) Right and (d) left side views show a good functional occlusion. (e) Occlusal upper and (f) lower arch views reveal thecorrection of the incisor inclinations. A lower canine-to-canine fixed retainer has been applied for retention.

Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic patient 99

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Figure 7 Pre- (a) and post- (b) orthodontic treatment lateralcephalograms. Note the correction of upper incisor inclinationand torque, thanks to wide movement of incisor root.

100 S. Paduano et al.

mesial surface of tooth 12 to the distal surface of tooth 21measuring 27 mm in diameter (Fig. 3a and b). The patientreferred to have had whiplash in the past, and to present asporadic click in the right temporomandibular joint.

Before starting orthodontic treatment, an endodonticconsultation was required. The patient was also examinedaccording to the Research Diagnostic Criteria for Temporo-mandibular disorders (RDC/TMD)12 because of the higherfrequency of disc displacement in individuals suffering fromwhiplash syndrome.13

The endodontic examination revealed that the uppercentral incisors were nonresponsive to electronic and ther-mal pulp testing whilst adjacent teeth presented physiolo-gical responses. Pulp necrosis was diagnosed. Neither decaynor periodontal pockets were present. It is possible that theocclusal trauma derived from the severe anterior deep bitewhich had most likely triggered off the incisor necrosis, orfrom the trauma of the year before.

A diagnosis of pulp necrosis of traumatic origin withextensive apical periodontitis was established and root canaltreatment on both incisors was performed. Upon access tothe pulp chamber, a yellow serous exudate was evident in thecanals. They were debrided with K-type files and irrigatedwith 5% sodium hypochlorite solution. The working lengthwas assessed by apex locator and periapical radiographicanalysis. Five days later, when active drainage ceased, wewere able to perform the step back technique of canalpreparation under rubber dam isolation: canals were instru-mented using Ni-Ti rotary files accompanied by irrigationwith 5% sodium hypochlorite.43 To avoid possible fractures,a single patient use of a set of rotary file was preferred.14 Atemporary dressing of calcium hydroxide was then appliedand changed every 3 weeks for 2 months. After removal of thedressing using K-type file and irrigation with 5% NaOCl, rootcanals were filled with gutta-percha cones and Sealapexcement (Kerr/Sybron Dental Specialities Inc., Glendora,CA, USA) using cold lateral condensation technique.

One week later, orthodontic treatment was started. Thepatient’s upper arch was bonded from tooth 16 to tooth 26using straightwire self-ligating appliance to reduce initialorthodontic forces and chairside time.15 Two months laterthe lower arch was completely bonded, thanks to correctionof the incisor inclinations. The use of heat activated arch-wires was preferred to reduce initial orthodontic forces andpatient pain complaint.16 Torque of maxillary incisors wascontrolled using translation arch.17 Two years after comple-tion of the endodontic treatment, no radiographic signs ofbony defect nor root resorption were observed in the max-illary incisor area (Fig. 4a and b). After 26 months of activeorthodontic therapy, profile improved (Fig. 5a and b), correctmolar and canine relationships were achieved, overjet andoverbite were within the norm and maxillary and mandibulararches were coordinated (Fig. 6a—f).

Comparison between pre- and post-orthodontic treat-ment lateral cephalograms showed evident correction ofincisor inclination and torque, demonstrating the wide move-memnt of incisor roots (Fig. 7a and b).

The patient was most satisfied with the final result. Thefive-year follow-up demonstrates that facial profile and smilecharacteristic improvements have been maintained (Fig. 8aand b) and the teeth have settled into a good functionalocclusion with excellent facial aesthetics (Fig. 9a—f). The

panoramic radiograph revealed no signs of pathologic rootresorption and periapical tissues were healthy (Fig. 10).


Dental trauma, when associated with the disruption of pulpblood supply, can lead to necrosis. Circulatory breakdowncauses tissue necrosis and anaerobic conditions for opportu-nistic microorganisms growth, favouring the development ofinflammatory periapical lesions.1,18 When the inflammatoryperiapical process involves the epithelial islands of Malassez,these cells can proliferate and lead to the development ofperiapical cysts.3 Cysts are reported to be more frequent inmales than females19,20 and the maxillary anterior teeth aremore vulnerable than mandibular teeth.21 Traditionally, peri-apical lesions larger than 10 mm were considered as apicalcysts whilst smaller ones were considered as granulomas.22,23

The reported incidence of cysts among periapical lesionsvaries from 6 to 55%. However, an accurate histopathologicalanalysis of the lesions removed in toto is necessary in order to

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Figure 8 Follow-up five years after completion of orthodontic treatment. (a) Frontal and (b) profile views show that good facialaesthetics is maintained.

Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic patient 101

differentially diagnose either radicular cysts or apical gran-ulomas.2

A study, based on meticulous serial sectioning of periapi-cal lesions, has shown that the incidence of radicular cysts isapproximately 15% of all periapical lesions.3 The sameauthor, according to a previous study,24 differentiates ‘‘api-cal true cysts’’ from ‘‘apical pocket cysts’’ on the basis oftheir histological characteristics and connection to the toothapex. The latter type, also known as ‘‘bay cysts’’, is notcompletely enclosed in the epithelial lining, but is open tothe root canals.2 From a clinical and radiographic standpoint,it is impossible to differentiate granulomas and cysts or‘‘apical cysts’’ and ‘‘bay cysts’’.25 As concern our specificpatient, a clinical diagnosis of periapical cyst, based onepidemiological data, clinical and radiographic results,was possible, as previously reported by Caliskan.26 While a‘‘pocket’’ or ‘‘bay’’ cyst is likely to heal after conventionalnonsurgical therapy due to the removal of antigen intra-canalsource, true cysts are less likely to respond successfully toconventional root canal therapy.27 Root canal treatmentusing calcium hydroxide has resulted in more than 70%complete healing of large periapical lesions28,29 and manyauthors have previously supported the conservative nonsur-gical approach to treatment.30,31

In this case report, the endodontic treatment was per-formed according to the nonsurgical root canal treatmentusing calcium hydroxide proposed by Caliskan.26 The decom-pression of the cyst, demonstrated by the conspicuous drai-nage through the canals, associated with the accurateremoval of intracanal irritants and with the renewal ofcalcium hydroxide dressing, led to significant periapicallesion resolution. The use of calcium hydroxide is effectivein improving histological responses thanks to its anti-inflam-matory action, neutralization of acids products, activation ofalkaline phosphatase, and anti-bacterial action.32,33 These

effects seem to depend on the release of calcium andhydroxyl ions involved in several cellular and molecularmechanisms leading to the regeneration of periapical con-nective tissue.4 Endodontically treated teeth are reported tomove as readily and for the same distances as teeth with vitalpulps.34—37 Even if orthodontic movement is the main causeof external apical root resorption,6 some authors report thatteeth with previous successful root canal treatment are lessinclined to apical root resorption.10 Although this outcomecannot be considered conclusive,11 it has been suggestedthat, owing to pulp removal, there may be loss in release ofneuropeptides which are usually triggered off by orthodontictreatment.7—9

Baranowskyj38 investigated the healing rate of periradi-cular tissues in dogs after early application of an orthodonticintrusive force on teeth that had undergone periradicularsurgery and retrograde root fillings. After comparison withnon-orthodontically-treated group, the author concludedthat the early application of orthodontic forces after surgicalendodontic treatment greatly delayed the healing processand the specific cause was identified in tooth mobility.Whatever the case, no comparison could be made with thisstudy, because of different species and protocol design, and,to our knowledge, no previous article deals with orthodonticmovement performed during the healing phase of a cystic likelesion after conventional endodontic treatment in humans.Nonetheless, it has been reported that if endodontic treat-ment is needed, orthodontic treatment should be postponeduntil completion of endodontic treatment and clinical andradiographic evidence of healing.39

In this case report, two months and two weeks afterincisor pulp chambers were opened, and one week afterthe endodontic treatment with gutta-percha canals fillingwas completed, the upper arch was bonded and the activeorthodontic treatment commenced. Moreover, in order to

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Figure 9 Five-year follow-up intraoral views. (a) Frontal, (b) overjet, and (c, d) lateral photographs display that post-treatmentresults have been maintained. (e) Occlusal upper and (f) lower views show good teeth alignment.

102 S. Paduano et al.

complete lower arch bonding, impeded by the severe deepbite, the first active orthodontic movements were performedon the maxillary incisors. A 0.016 inches NiTi heat activatedwire was used to obtain the vestibular inclination of incisor

Figure 10 Follow-up five years after completion of orthodon-tic treatment. Panoramic radiograph revealing healthy periapi-cal tissues.

crowns that corresponded to palatal movement of rootapexes. Light forces, like those exerted by a thin NiTi heatactivated wire, with its peculiar surface characteristics,40

are necessary to avoid the risk of root resorption.41,42


This article presented a combined endodontic—orthodontictreatment performed in an adult patient with Class II divison2 malocclusion and a large periapical lesion in the maxillaanterior region. A large periapical cyst-like lesion mayrespond to nonsurgical root canal treatment. In this casereport, the orthodontic movement of incisor roots was suc-cessfully performed during the healing phase and through thehealing site of the cyst-like lesion.

Clinical relevance

The long-term successful outcome of the present studysuggests that clinicians could perform an orthodontic tooth

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Cyst-like periapical lesion healing in an orthodontic patient 103

movement without awaiting the complete healing of peria-pical cyst-like lesions, if appropriate root canal treatmenthas been previously completed. Further studies are neededto demonstrate the clinical suggestions of this report on largescale.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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