cxtasgow vfsvw'! groceries, strocse ::. cai the union … · 2017. 12. 15. · tention to the...

V also The Bachelor's Lament. Returning bom at dose of day, Who gently chide my long delay, And by my tide delights to stay? . Nobody I - Who sets for me the easy chair, Sets out the room with neatest care, And lays my slippers ready tbere? Nobody! Who regulates the cheerful fire " And niles the blazing fuel higher, And bids me draw my chair still nigher ? Nobody ! Whea sickness racks my feeble frame, And grief distracts my fevered brain, Who sympathizes with my pain ? Nobody 1 Then I'm resolved, so help me fate, To change, at last, the single state, And will to Hymen's altar take, Somebody I Memory Bells. Chime out your peals, Sweet memory bells, Upon the leas of long ago, With pleasure's blossoms all aglow Up through the past-lan- d with its sheen Of beauty, and of joy serene And through the isles with shadows dim. Peal out your solemn memory hymn. Chime out your peals, Sweet memory bells, for days of childhood fled awaj For frolics on the new-mo- hay For bubbling laughter full of glee For all the young hearts, jubilee, 'When, like the bee, from bud and flower , We drew life's sweets from every hour. Toll out your peals, Sad memory bells, For open graves and dripping tears The loved and lost of itber J cars The voices stilled forever more, Upon this fading mortal shore The folded hands and quiet breast. That went to everlasting rest. Sob out your peals, - Wild memory bells, For cherished dreams of bliss below, Now scattered o'er a sea of woe; For hurried hopes and sad farewells; Toll out your wild moaning knells; Forbidden griefs toll slow and deep, While hearts in silence droop to weep. With solemn voices, soft and low,' Thus floating up from long ago; . The memory bells will ever toll. Within the chapels of the soul; And sweetly chime, or sadly moan, With joy or grief in undertone. A Yankee Trade. 'I calculate I could not trade with you to day?' drive a specimen of a Yankee pedler, at the door of a St. Louis merchant. 'You calculate about right,for you can't,' was the sneering reply. 'Wall, I guess you needn't get huffy about it.' Now here's a dozen real gen- uine razor straps, worth two dollars and a half: you may have'em at two dollars.' 'I tell you I don't want any of your trash, so yoa had better be going.' 'Wall, now I declare, I'll bet you fire dollars if you make an offer for them are straps,we'U have a trade yet.' 'Done !' replied the merchant, placing the money in the hands of a er. The Yan- kee deposited the like sumjwhen the merchant offered him a couple of; cents lor his straps. 'Ihey'ie yourn,' said the Yankee,as he pock- eted the stakes. But he added, with apparent honesty, 'I calculate a joke's a joke, and if you don't want them straps, I'll trade back.' The merchant's countenance brightened as he replied 'You're not so bad a chap after all. Here' are the straps give me ths money.' 'There it is,' said the Yankee, as he received the strags,and pasied over the couple of cents. 'A trade's a trade, and now you're wide awake in earnest. guess the next time you trade you'll do a little better than to buy razor straps.' And away he went with his straps and his wager, amid the shouts of the laughing crowd. ' Dttng Coxsolation. An old, unloved deacon, in his last hours was visited by a neighbor, who said Well, deacon, I hope you feel re- signed to going.' 'Ye-es- ,' said the deacon: 'I-- I think I-- I am resigned.' Well,' said the other, I thought it might be consoling to you to know that all the neigbors are resigned Carted Work. A young gen tleraan, very conceited and rain of himself, but who, by the by, rather despised, and with a face much pitted by small-po- x, was not long since addressed by a chap, who, after admiring him for some time, aid, .fWhen carved work comes in fashion, you'll be the handsomest man I ever put my eyes on.' fJ'"A gentleman had so . bad a memory, and so circumscribed, that he jscacely knew what he read. A friend, knowing this, lent him the tame book seven times over; and be- ing asked afterward how he liked it, replied, 'I.think it an admirable pro duclion but ' the author sometimes repeats thejsamejthing.' j! ; GSTl1 th creed off Aobesty; always to hope goodness. MECHANICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. JAS. G. WILLIAMS, HEBGIIAVT TAILOR, , GLASGOW; MO. la Has now on hand, second door above the H Post Office, a superior lot of t? Cloths, Cai titers, testings, . Shim, Hats, Cravats, Ac., Which will be sold on favorable terms. JfTGarments of every description made to or- der, Cheap for Cath. April 8,1857-l- y. SAMUEL STETNMETZ, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IX Boots and. Shoes, GLASGOW, MO. purchased the entire interest of F. HAYING in the above business, I will con- tinue it at the old stand, in all its branches. Very thankful for past patronage, I hope by strict at- tention to the wants of my customers, f.iir deal- ing, and moderate prices, to merit a continuance of their favors. SAMUEL STEINMETZ. January 21, 1858. "WM. T- - HOPEH, (Next Door to Post Office) Glasgow, Mo. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IK SADDLES, HAIIXi- - SS, BRIDLES, TRUNKS, HAMES, COLLARS, WHIPS, SPURS, SADDLE BAGS, 4c, Ac. HAS just returned from St. with a good supply of READY MADE ARTICLES, which, in addition to those be had on hand of his OWN'F.4CTl'ltC, makes no oneof the handsomest and best stock ever offered in Glasgow, and at LOWES PRICES than heretofore. Call and examine his stock ana prices. both of which he feels warranted in saying will prove satisfactory. April 22, 1858. JVEW SADDLERY. I have just received and am now offering for sale, an elegant and extensive stock of READY MADE SADDLERY. embracing articles of every cescription, which will be sold at prices far lower than such articles have usually been sold in this place, or section of country. SADDLES, BRIDLES & HARXESS, of my own manufacture, constantly on hand, or made to order, as usual, on as accommodating terms as they can be had this side of St. Louis. lhankful for past tavors, I respectfully solicit a call from my old friends and customers, and the public generally. May 13, 1858. J. G. EBERLE. WATCHES, CLOCKS, HI W 33 Xa XT. Ami Panrvfiands. CHAMBERLAIN, having just returned JOHN the F.astern cities, is now receiving his GOODS, for wis I my in officers hand, uecordin? to law. market,embracingthe largest and finest assortment Watches, Clocks, Je wiry, &.C., ever brought to this place. His Watches have in. i heen itnnorted from the best manufactories, cai a trim and are of the finest workmanship, and of the lat- - was stock eSi improveu luu.ruicuia, .win - j Oliver cases, ana warramea io Keep uui. m JL'WELRY consists of fine Chains, Seals, Bracelets. Lockets, Breast-pin- s, Ear-ring- s, Finger-ring- s, and Charms; a splended assortment of Enameled, Coral &. fjiva. in full sets, from the finest domestic manu- - ' factories, embracing every variety of cheap, cost ly, beautiful and usetu articles, aaapieo, io com- fort, pleasure, and adornment of the Fair sex. He has also received an extensive assortment of iiold, Silver, SI eel and plated Spec. Also a fine assortment of Port Monies, Pocket Cutlery, Gold Pens, Thimbles, Jet Goods, Combs, Violins, French Flutinas, Toys, laclcs; Brushes. Ladies Reticules,Ac, Work-boxe- s, Writing Desks, Accordeons, Guitars, . Violin Guitar strings This so lend id assortment of Goods was selected with great care, and from the latest importations; tne nest quumy, Mnv wen VrJ. i"(CX'h" B with w - - N. b. Watches, c.vcm. jcwchj , Atvwiuc- - ons, repaired a wornmw U7m Ir warmfpil irive sfaction. manner. All Silver-Wa- re of all kinds made to crder at short notice, by experienced workmen. Old Gold and Silver taken in Exchange. JOHN CHA.MBEKLAI.V. (KSign of the Big Watch, No. 57, Union Block, First S(reet,Glasgow Mo. June 11, 1857. TIME IS MORE THAN .MONEY! The one may be Recovered, FRANCIS MURPHY, WATCH-MAKE- R AND JEWELER, RETURNS his most sincere thanks to the inhabitants of Glasgow andsurrounding coun try, for tneir past favors, and Hopes oy nu punc- tuality and the superiority of bis work, long to be considered worthy of their patronage. A new select assortment of , , Watches Jewelry, JLadie' Sets in Lata, Cameo, Coral, tiold Stone, with many other devices, together with a good as- sortment of Spectacles to suit all Sights. Prices to suit the hard times. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, HADE ft KEPAIBZS OH THE SHOTEST The strictest atten ion paid to watches and Clocks, particularly those otner Watch Makers have failed to make pet form guarantees to make all such Watches give Perfect Satisfaction to the owner. A good assortmen of Watch Glass- es. AI.-- o ELECTRO-GILDIN- G AND PLATING, done in good style. All Work Warraktkd. OFFICE Cornel of Market and First Street, Glasgow, Mo. Idee. 10, '07-O- mJ (JJRandolph Citizen copy three months bill to advertiser. - NEW FDKNITUIIE STORE! ENTIRE NEW STOCK! C. MAJOR. & cat B. TALLY, MAJOR & TALLY, RESPECTFULLY an- nounce to friends the pnblte generally,; they have how hand and ready for tale, Glasgow, an in E5TIEE SEW STOCK OF FXTEBTTTTKE embracing every article usually found such es- - tabliMimenl,purenasea unaerme pwn utohbk circumstances, after a personal inspection of bastern Markers. Beinrboth PRACTICAL WORKMEN, and long engaged in the manfacture and sale of Fur- niture, they hope to be able to offer a stock that will suit the want tastes of this community, not only as to style, but also for faithful d - UNDERTAKERS. Atrgesupply of CoMiua.of the most approved manulacture,ana or an nm,mxyi on hano. ' ..' rSTColfins made to order, of any style and at short otw. t march 12,1857. CxTASGOW WEEKLY 'TIMES MECHANICAL ADVERTISEMENTS. CARRIAGES. CARRIAGES- - hand being finished, the most extensive ON of Carriages ever offered to the people of this vicinity; comprising every variety of style and finish, all of which has been manu- factured in Glasgow, during the winter, of the material, are now offered for sale at tie CARRIAGE MAMFACTORV OF T. T. OSBORNE. Glasgow, Mo. P. S. All work guaranteed, and Repairing done with neatness and despatch for CASK. April 22, T. T. O. P. BA1ER & BROTHER, MANUFACTURERS OP MARBLE, TOMB & GRAVE STONES, Glasgow, Missouri. just returned fiom Sr. Louis, where HAVE made extensive additions, to their STOCK Of MiltBLE and are now prepared to fill criers for any de- scription of Grave Stones, Slabs, or Monuments, ornamented with the latest style lettering and twvire. Patterns can be seen at their fhop, where those wanting a finished job a.e invited to call, see their stock, examine their work, and make a se- lection. traveling Agent. Call at the shop, or make your order. Write names and dates in a BOUND PLAIN HAKD. ff Printers' Imposing Stones, Door and Win- dow Sills and Caps done to order ; and in short, anything in the stone-cutti- line. jrSf Orders respectfully solicited, and promptly filled. May 27, 1858. Plastering. and Cementing Cisterns. J)LASTERING Particular attention to orders from the country. All orders left at the Post Otfice, promptly at- tended to. TERM CASH. EWD. C. HUMPHREYS. Glasgow, Jan. 21, VfHly. FREE TRADE. persons indebted to me for accounts due ALL the years IS.16 & I85T, will please enme ami settle, either by c 'sh or note, or other. of purchased expressly this' will place accounts tne far fnlleetinn. of also KOTICE. accurately, prices. April 15, 1858-6- W W. WHITE. SLAVES FOR SALE. THE undersiened keep cons! on hand, Negro men, women, boys and girls, in Huntsville. persons where promptly withtobuy negroes uicir to call on subscribers, or address them by let- ter, giving description of the kind slave H. L. RUTHERFORD. W. D. MALONE. Huntsville, December 23, 1856. A. LEWIS, Barber and Hair Dresser. for the liberal patronage THANKFUL to him, would announce that he is always at his post, with sharp instruments and clean Linen, prepared to Shave, Shampoo, or Cut Hair. Shop on Water streets. May 8. 1858. A New and Desirable Lamp. HAVE a small lot of and very WE Lamps, designed as a for can-1I- j. known 'Fountain Lamp." It is a very economical and convenient lamp, with one . . i : . U , i..n.l or two nurners. irunmru nu theyareoj ...a new, . .,burn killd of oll eivie d " 'tZS moie'lfght less coM than any lamp made for voram v nil i in In it and anil all and send S. W. their and on in the and low Metallic constantly and best and 1858. of J. will neat as tuiuiuwn ordinary use; also lard lamps, for sale cheap. SMITH, BOON t CO. June 18, 18o7. Far mine Tools. TNGLISIIand Amencan Scythes and Sickles; A urillll . au n j aiiu , Manure and Hay Forks; Hoes and rakes; Spades and Shovels; Ac, Ac, Ac SMITH, BOON A CO, forsale low, br June 18, 1857 Cash March 1. March market, consisting J begin THE CASH SYSTEM, and intend to mark down our prices to a point that will make it to the IXTERET OF RITERS to deal with us. Our Mr. Thomson is now ab- sent making purchases, and the first arrival boats bung large additions to stocK. 1H0MS0N, LEWIS A CO. Feb. 25, 1858, IDLES!! B1BLE8I1I Repository of the Glasgow Bible Society at Spotswooo A Kirkbkidk's Store. Family, and Pocket Bitles and Testa ments, every description. The.e books published !v the American Bi- - Ile bles Society, and sold at cost r kicks. April 30.1Ki)7. POST OFFICE STORE. FKU II AI1RIVAI.. JCST sale, received, and now ready for inspection School Books, Goodrich's Srie; Bertha and Lilly, by Mrs. Smith; War in Kansas,' by t'ol. Brewerton; W ir down East, by Major Downing; Life and Sayings Mrs. Partington; Morning Stars the New World Parker; by Doesticks Poetry, Courtship A its Wickoff; Married not Mated Alice Carey; Ancient and Modern Historical works, Stories for Childreen, and numerous other books, making "P THE BEST ASSORTMEXT ever oilered Glasgow. Also Letter, Cap and Note paper, plain and ornamental; Pens, Ink, Pencils, isitiug Cards, Patent Ink Stands, Envelopes, plain and fancy; Albums and Port and numerous other ar- ticles too tedious mention. Ladies and gentlemen are invited call and tee for themselves. G. CREWS. June 12, 1856. Glasgow Carding Machine. above Machines are now complete THE and ready for business. The Machines are worked by steam, and JVO DELAY IX CARDIXG WOOL, especially for customers from a distance, wbo be served as tbey arrive. Saline cus- tomers will be passed over the river FREE OF FERRIAGE. The superior work of these Machine is "well known, all work dona will be warranted, as usuaL Some. .. LATE k IMPORT JIT ADDITIONS have been added, which can only be used where the motive power if steam. . TERMS White wool, 8 cents; Mixed, 121. ' April 20, 1858-- ir DAN'L HAYS- - GROCERIES, ETC. NEW STOCK OF GROCERIES, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. undersigned (D. C. Robbins and G. H. THE having entered into partnership for the purpose conducting the Grocery .ni ice HiiUness, under the name and style of Robbins, Tatum A Co., beg leave to inform their friends and the public generally, that at the opening of naviga- tion, they will open an ENTIRE HEW STOCK OF GROCERIES, in the house formerly occupied by Mason & Too-le- y, consUtii g in part of the following 25 hhds prime N. O sugar, bbls crushed and powdered do; 50 sacks prime Rio coftee: 10 si.cks Governing Java do, 25 bbls Belcher's molasses, 50 kegs do do 100 bbls whisky, and complete assortment fine liquors. 100 kegs nails, assorted, 26 hags Cotton yarn, Eagle it Hope fae'ry 500 sacks new salt, size, 10 bbls clover seed, Bbls, 4 bbls and J bbls mackerel, 50 kitts No. 1 and 2 do, and every article Grocery line suited to the wants of the farmer, such as Axes, Hoes, Tubs, Buckets. &C.&C, which we will offer at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, Q CASH. A CASH. S CASIL H, We believe the cash system to be far better for the buyer and seller, as it will enable us to fur- nish every thing the farmer wants at the very lowest rates. Give us a call whether you want to buy or sell, we will be in the market for all kinds of Pro duce, at the highest CASH PRICES. March 4, 1858. ROBBINS. TATUM . CO. G. 0. WAGNER, WATER STREET, GLASGOW, CONFECTIONERY, BAKERY, , AXD RESTAIRAXT. subscriber respectfully announces to the THE of Glasgow and vicinity, that he has just received and has now open the largest and most complete stock of Confectionery and Fine Liquors ever before offered ia this place, consist- ing in part of the following: Assorted Crimped Candies, Fancy Candies of every description, fringed, gilt and plain; Nuts, Almonds, Brazil nuts, Fil- berts, Pea nuts and English Wal- nuts, all new crop. All kinds of wmc.such as Home made Catawba, Ohio Citawbe, Rhine wine Champagne wine, best quality, and a No. arti- cle Sherry w ine. He has also a fine lot of C"gniac Brandy, Peach Brandy, Irish Wisky. Rye and Bouibon, D'Absinthe. Holland Gin and fine lot of I Together with a fine lot of Cigars, from $10 to 10 per 1,000, and also tne real iinporien navanna. He is also prepared to furnish, at short notice, cakes every description, FOR WEDDJStt OCCASIOXS, SOCIAL PARTIES OB FOE FAULT USE. All of which will be carefully packed and de- All wtio Jl livered any in the rity, or for- - can mane h io imr rn war(je(jto neighbormgtowns, the a of substitute the we or will of My in V to will soon old a of extra in the for 1 of a Dec. 23, 1857. G.O.WAGNER. To Our Customers. ROM and after the 1st day March next, 17 we will dispense with Books and positive- ly adopt the low price CASH SYSTEM. We are forced to this from the fact known to all that the commodities we deal in,are not sold on time. Cash is required of us, and with the present state of the Money Market, we cannot borrow money on such terms as would enable us to sell on time, unless we were to aod on such a per- centage as would drive trade from our town. Af- ter due deliberation, we adopt the Cash Plaw, with corresponding LOW PRICES, as will enable us, so soon as the Spring Trade fairly opens, to secure irubiv Kniiiilira nf (Groceries. will the Produce of the fair rates. With a fair wa ning, we solicit your patronage, warranting entire satisfaction 'February 11 Kesnerlfullv, THOMSON, LEWIS A CO. 1808. JM"oxr Goods. JHO. TILLMAN. GEO. PHIPPS. TILLMAN & PHIPPS, Wholesale and DEALF.S is Groceries, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, FIRST ft WATEE 613., GLASGOW, M0. p are now in receipt one of the largest n,l het .elerfetf tnrlc nf nnniU uller- - N and after 1st, as before announced, ej in this in part as follows: our R of are BOOK of consequeuces Folios, in as A J. of articles: 10 Chains, Kisses, of of our of Sugar, bait. ever C Yarn, Clover seed, Pickles, Wines, Scnhapps, Matches, Coffee, Whisky, Molasses, Candles, Sardines, Brandies, Cigars, Ituts, Prints. Shirtiing, Wood ware, Mackerel, Jobacco, Cottonade, Satlinets, Jaconets, Lawns, Dress Goods, Silks, Embroideries, Linens, Gloves, Hosiery, Nations of every description; also a large assortment of Hoots and Slioep, Il.irdware, Queensware, Clothing. Ac, Ac; for sale low by TILLMAN A PHIPPS. March 25, 1858. TO FAKMKIIS. rpHE market price, IS CASH, paid at all L times, for BACON, LARD, DRIED APPLES, HYDES, PELTRIES, and every description of produce. A call from all who nave anything to sell is solicited, as I pro- pose to pay more attention than usual to the Pro- duce Business. (jy Farmers who desire to ship, in preference to selling in this market, are invited to give me a call, as I will ship for them at low rates, and make prompt settlements. My acquaintance with Steamboatinen enables me to ship on advantrceout terms. THEO. BARTHOLOW. Jan. 21, 1858. NEW STORE. JUST rec ived and ready for sale a portion of stock of heavy goods, consisting of SUGAR, . , ' COFFEE, WHISKY, SALT, MOLASSES, . ; CLOVER SEED, SPUN COTTON, CANDLES, Ac, Ac, at ery low prices. ' March U, '58. ROBBINS, TATUM A CO. 'Kanawha Salt' Agency. HAVE on consignment, ISO bbl I Salt, in fine order, which I offer for aale at 60 cents per bushel, CASH. ' THEDORE BARTHOLOW. Glasgow, Oct 22, 1857. - Q T TONS Iron, together with all and every 0 tide any body keeps. junel7. THOMSON, LEWIS A CO. i. ! DRY GOODS, ETC. NEW EI R 11, , S. ST ROUSE. J. M. FBI EDSA St. STROCSE & FRIEDSAM, DEALERS IH ::. DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES HJTS, lsc, 4c . Union Bloclt, first st., Glasgow. NEW SPRTNG GOODS. are now receiving our Spring Stock of WE which have been purchased in the Eastern and Northern Markets, under the most Favorable circumstances, and to which we invite the attention of our old friends and customers and the public generally. In our house will be found a good assortment of FOREIGjY JUfD DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, Boots, Shoes, Eats Clothing, and every other article needed in this communi ty. Call and look for yourseixes. March 25, 1858 STROUSE 4. FRIEDSAM. 1857. NEW GOODS. 1857. have just received the largest and most WE stocks of Orooorios ever offered in Glasgow, which we will sell at low prices for Cash or Produc consist-i- n in p irt of the following, vizi 60 hhds prime sugar; loO nags Kio conee; . 50 barrels molasses; 10 do mackerel; 20 half bbl do; 25 qr. bbl do; 7o kits do: 130 barrels of whisky; SO barrels white limej 3d barrels refi'd A crsh'd sugar 700 bags salt; 10 barrels clover seed; 150 kegs Wheeling nails; 100 kegs tar; 10 bcrrels tar; ' 30 bags cotton yarn; 300 pounds cotton batting; 20 tons of iron; A large stock os castings; 20 drums of figs; 1 barrel of salmon; & barrels herring; 10 barrels apple vinnegar; 100 boxes sardines; 6 dozen oysters THOMSON, LEWIS A CO March 5, 1857. SPELG AND SUMER rn HF. nndershnicd is now in receipt of his X Spring supply of New and Seasonable Goods, IO wnicn lie Ilivues llic aunuriii ui mic ifluio win rentlemen of Glaseow and vicinity. From his acquaintance with the wants of this community, he flatters himself that he is prepared to accommodate the taste of the most fastidious. Among his Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods will be found a goa assoriment or Gentlemen's Wear, consisting in part or Cloths, Satinetts, Tweeds, Linen and Drills. Silk Satin and Mar seilles Vegtinr in the niece: and Ready Made Clothing in abundance, For ttie iJidies, Shawls, Scarfs and Mantles, French, English, and American prints, all grades. Lawns, Organdies, Beragt-s- , Silks, and some superb pattern of Berage and Challies Robes, somethingentiiely new; White goods, Embroideries, . .aces and Edgings, Gloves, Mitts, aod hosiery, Parsols, 4tc.,"Bonnets and Flowers. BOOTS JSD SHOES, A fine assortment of all sorts and sizes. Hats and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, China, Glass ai d' Queensware, Domestic Goods, Brown and Bleached Sheeting, from 3-- 4 to 12-- 4 wide. Cottonades and Tweeils, Hickory and Ticking, Plain, Striped and Plaid Cotton md Osnaburgs, Nankeens, Cotton and Linen Diaper, to We exchange our goods at all times, for 1 ot other goods, "too tedious living Retail Oysters, Kanawha mention." Ca'l and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Apr. 15,1858. W. P. PITTS. TO THE LADIES. TF. have an elegant assortment of desirable V goods, to which we invite the attention of the Ladies, viz: Ron net 8 Silk and Straw, ready trimmed, imported directly from Paris. Shawls White and Black Crape shawls, very beautiful. Mantles Black and Fancy colored, latest styles. SilksBlack and lancy Dress Silks, rich and heavjs Dregs Goods In great variety, latest styles, side stripes and other patters. Skirts Hooped, and the celehrat.d Victoria Scarlet, captivating and recherche. White Goods Of every description, sleeves, collars, ribbi ns. ic. STROUSE A FRIEDSAM. March 25, 1858. Fl'RXITl'RE. have bought out the entire stock of Furni WE of W. F. Dunnica & Co., and have jus received large additions to our stock, and are now prepared to show to customers a fine selection of siilerahlegooils at the lowest prices, consisting in part of the following, viz: 45 Bureaus; 50 Tin safes; 200 Bedsteads; 100 dozen chairs; 25 Cherry tables; 35 Walnut tables-Crib- s. Sofas, Hocking chairs. Writing desks, Mattrasses, Lounges. Wardrobes, Cuhbards, Work stands, Book cases, Refrigerators or Tee chests, Water coolers, Trundle bed steads, Children's chairs. Hat rarks.&c. marcb5. THOMSON, LEWIS A CO. NOTICE THIS. are duly thankful lo our friends and the WE generally, for their liberal patron- age heretofore extended to us, and beg to announce that we shall continue to hold ourselves in readi- ness to supply their wants, FOR CASH, OR ITS EQUIVALENT. We are compelled lo pay cash for Beeves, Sheep, Hogs, Ac, and cannot afford to retail the same out on a year's credit, and then not get the mon- ey. Bring your purses to the market, or do not be surprised at finding your accounts presented at any moment, as we close the credit business from and after date. SEIBEL, HERRYFORD A CO. Feb. 4, 1858. j THEO. BARTIIOLOW, Forwarding and Conimikioii MERCUKJT, AND STEAMBOAT AGENT. GLASCOW, MO. tt 7 OULD respectfully inform the Merchants V V of the interior, that he is prepared to trans- act all business in his line, with promptness and tch. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed, respectfully asks a continu ance, assuring them that bis utmost exertions will be used to give entire satisfaction to all who may patronize him. ' He has a large and commodious Warehouse ,and Merchants who wish to leave Groceries or heavy Goods in store until suitable to haul them will not be charged extra storage. THEO. BARTHOLOW. Jan, 21. 1808. 1 PROFESSIONAL ADV'S. - - -- THE'MW;-' -- 1858: vfSVw'! A 1 1U li 1H L 1 Jx x.t Li ii II ' AND INSURANCE AGENT, i ti Dnnm mm, ill vs. 4 . . WILL practice in the Courts or Howard, Randolph, Chariton and Linn coun- ties. - Is prepared also to issue fire Policies of Insurance on favorable (earns, and to give open Policies to shippers, with a return of 2a per cent, premi- ums. , , (KOflice on Commerce street. 1 Feb. 26, 1858. DR . B E. & A. M. POWELL, rassenger ec HAVING associated themselvea together in in particular bu. more especially speed w Medicine, Will lightness of attend punctually to all calls in the Vi- - Her unremitting attention to hen of the Profession. Where the to the hnsinem nt h; M services or ere no Consultation nd customers, and receive a of the natron. Fee charged mtien April 15, 1858 tf. DENTISTRY. HAVING permanently located in Glasgow, Mo., -- L nr. ii. Desrionx IWessIuiv avails himself of this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks to the citizen. of this place and vi- cinity for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him, and solicits a continuance of the same. All operations in the various branches of his profession, performed in a thorough man- ner, and warranted. Reference The entire satisfaction his work has given to the hundreds who have employed him during a practice of four years at Fayette. (Office over H. L. White's Drug Feb. 5, 1858. JOHX J CRAWLEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Keytesyille, Mo., ILL practice in Chariton and adjoining V y counties; prosecute all claims entrusted to him with promptness, and give special attention to administration business. (JOtfice up stairs in the Court-hous- e, ml 31 LUTHER T. COLLIER, Atiomoy zxt T!fwv, CIIILLICOTHE, MO. attend to all bnsiness entrusted to his WILL inthecountiesof Livingston, Grundy, Daviess, Carroll. Linn, Chariton and Kandoipn November, 1854. CARLOS BOARDMAS, J1TT ORXEY JIT LAW, Linnens.Mo. tttTI.T. continue the mactice of the Law in V V Linn and the adjoining counties. All busi ness entrusted to his care will receive promyt at- tention. . (ap 1856. TH0S. . REED 8t DENNY, A. ATTORNEYS AT LAAY, Iliiiitsville, MiK-onri- . TT AVE formed a Law partnership, and will Li practice their profession in the counties of ' . . t I ri,..;in. Kandoipn, Monroe, jjooue, uuwmu, no. and Macon. .Jan. 1, 1 80S. T.-W-ri- B. CREWS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, MARSHALL, MO. practice in the Courts of Saline, WILL Cooper, Pettis, Johnson and Lafayette. Nov. -ly K. C. OCINCV. A W. LONG. (LateofKy.) QTJINBY & LONG, ATTORNEYS ATLAW, GEXERJILLAJD AGENTS Lin ne us, Linn Mo. practice in all the Courts of Linn and WILL counties. Particular attention given to securing and collecting Claims, buying and selling Lanu, paying i axes, mu iitf"s Land Titles in all me counues in nurumu nur soui i. C. Linneus, Mo., May 21,lHji-l- y F G. H. BURCKHARTT. r- - BURCKII ARTT & BIBB, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, HUSTSVILLE, MO. practice in the counties of Randolph, Howard. Boone. Monroe. Macon, Chariton, Putnam, Mercer. b.isine.5, (including the care lands, the collection or dents ana tne paying or taxes) entrusted to them will receive prompt at tention. (P Office net door tne ausdu nouse, Mam street. July 16, 1857. HOTELS. ETC. SMITH' HOTEL, Grlasgow. 2&Xo The undersigned has opened a large and commodious Hotel between Second and Tnird, and Market and Howard streets, in mis city. His bouse is new, and fitted up in the very hiKt 'vlr. and has amnle facilities for a first class Hotel. He has spared no in his rooms elegant and comfortable. His taoie will at all times be furnished in a manner utmost bouse most The has been ra- - is in where stocK oe auenaeu io. me puu- -; 'solicited. ic are respectfully invited to give him a call. Randolph House, Main Street, westside of the Public Square, HUNTSVILLE, Mo. THE are resnectfullv informed S"f that I taken possession of the above! House, with increased facilities for their accom modation. Several very desirable additions have Deen made to Hotel, and I am now pre- - in entertain in the most comfortable and atisiactorv .manner, al who maygive metheir T . I 1.' L. I" II 1.' patronage. .".i o -- " march 20, 1856. FOR LEASE. THE HOTEL known as the gow House in this city, is now undergoing thorough repairs throughout, as soon as com- pleted (which will be in a short will be of- fered for for single or for a term of years, on favorable It contains over rooms, and when repaired as is contemplated it will be a desirable bouse for the business, hav- ing a run of custom and conveniently sit- uated to the business portion of the city and to the Steamboat Landing. a good tenant, and a man competent to keen a firs class the proprietors will inducements that will guar- antee a lucrative business. TURNER EARICKSON. January 7, Deficiency Bill! Produce AXxlx.o'ta unusual scarcity of of money has THE some time prevailed, occasioned by de- ferred payments for purchases on government ac- count, and well causes, have induced us submit quietly, and with the best could, to in collections, though it been a cause of great inconvenience and loss. The state of things is ehanged-larg- e of money have paid out for and produce, and the market for all surplus products is an open one, consequently the reasonable ex- cuse has existed for delay. Is withdrawn. We now beg leave emphatically to call at- tention of our friends to the importance of imme- diate payment of accounts and We have waited patiently limit, and are now bound to collect without delay. Respectfully, ' SMITH, BOON h. CO., Glasgow. Vtars at a O II I T II 27, 1858. sxicxy other u STEA MOATS, ETC .i; 1 LIGHT. DRAFT, COMMODIOUS PASSE5- - GEE AND FREIGHT STEAMER, r Rp WEN A ; Johm T. Dozieb, Master, "'' J. C. Maso, Clerk, WILL commence trips- - 0 Jji the earliest opening of navigation, ba tween ST. LOUIS, GLASGOW and COUNCIL BLUFFS, at all way points, and will remain in the trade during the entire season. v The "ROWENA" is entirely new, and no or expense have been spared in ber building tad out-f- it to make her a xirsi iviass iwat every of draft. j officers hope by business retain j. both required, share most Store. Tier Co., below pains grat- nnhlic time) lease year, terms. 1858. grace stock which notes.. tothe age of the traveling and shipping public generally. m .ppijf vu novo, or to Theo. Bastholow, Agent, Jan. 7, 1858. Glasgow. SEASON AltRANGEMEAT , OF THE NEWMISSOVRI RIVER PJSSEKGHIi PACKET, DlTWCA?r S. - CARTER, ; ,j William Edds, "... .... R. Conwell, E. O. Sayle, ...... Cleric. Jj THE entirely new. light draog!ir' Jmri'mmi 'f' and elegant passenger steamer S. CARTER, Capt. W. Edds, wa especially for the Missouri river trade, under the immediate supervision of Edds, wbo begs to assure his friends that they will fin her to be in all respects most admirably adapted to the wants of the river, being of great strength, lightness of draught, beauty of model. etcr with arrangements and accommodations cot surpassed by those of any boat on the river, combining all the latest and most modern improvements that could add to the safety, pleasure and comfort of passengers. Nothing will be found wanting ia any of her appointments which can belong to those of a first class passenger steamer. Capt. Edds hopes to receive at the hands of hit numerous friends along the river a continuance of that generous patronage for which he is ideoted d uring a series of years, while in command of dif. ferent boats, and for which be hereby desires to present bismostgrateful acknowledgements, pron. sing increased exertions of himself and officers to give the most perfect satisfaction all whe travel on Duncan S. Carter, or w:th whose ea- siness in any way his boat may be honored. JTThe Duncan S. will connect with the Railroad at Jefferson City, bringing passengers at railroad prices. . For freight, passage or information apply to i Thio. Bastholow, Agent, April 1, 1858-s-'n Glasgow. 1S5S. Season Arrangement. 1S5S. REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET, For Jefferson City, Providence, Rocheport, GIb son's, Boonville, Arrow Rock, Glasgow, a--: Cambridge and Brunswick. TPS' THE new and light draught freight tiK?M steamer, C. W. SOMBART, Hans McPherson Master, will, on the early opening of navigation, make her trips as a regular weekly paeketjjin the above trade, leaving St. Louis every Saturday evening at 4 o'clock, and returning, will leave Brunswick every Tuesday at 12 M.,arririiir in St. Louis on Thursday. The C. W. Sombart has built expressly for the packet trade of the Missouri river, and coav bines strength, speed and lightness of draugh- t- The undersigned, returning thanks for past favors, respectfully soliicts a liberal share of patronage from their friends and shippers genera! I v. HENRY McPHERSON, Mister. E. B. McPHr.aso,Jr., Clerk. Theo. Babtholow, Agent, ' Feb. 25, 1858-s- 'n Glasgow. Sea-o- n Arrangement For 1858. REGULAR ST. LOUIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA CITY, SIOUX CITY AND FORT RANDALL PACKET. THE new. and favorite pasiea ger steamer, E . M . RILASD. C. W. Blocks-- , Commander, R. R. Abrams, Clerk, will, on the opening of navigation, ply as a regular packet to the above and all other interme- diate landings on the Missouri riyer, remaining permanetly in this trade, and running regularly during the entire season. The Ryland, although a new boat, has recently many valuable improvements and addi- tions, tbe niore prominent of which is a full length, and magnificently furnished cabin, rendering her now, both as a passenger, and freight steamer, equal to any iu the trade. Shippers may rely upon . . ' i Linn, Grundy, Livingston, Sullivan, and frej M t halti witfj the All sale of est and despatch;and passengers, in fraf-U- ni . making to the and regular upon me jiyiana, are assured max no exertion wiu be found wanting that could conduce their com. fort and pleasure. Her officers deeply grateful for the liberal patronage bestowed on them during the past season, respectfully ask a continuance of the same. For freight, passage, information, Ac, apply to her agent, Thio. Babtholow, March 11, 1858. Glasgow. 1858. Season Arrangement. 1858. REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET, For Providence, Rocheport, Boonville, Arrow Rock, Glasgow, Cambridge, and iiiami. light draught steamer DELA- - WARE. JncAlrRTRr, Master,. will make regular weekly trips above and in termediate noints. on tne opening or ifv the reasonable wishes of his guests. navigation in the Spring, and continuing during The situation of his is one of the the boating season. Delaware pleasauf and healthy m this cently docked and repaired, and now com-- Tnere is a mod livery stable close at hand, Diete order. A share of patronage is respectfully win wen have fully GJas-g- ii a forty good To Hotel; offer A , . The " which known to we unusual delay has now been the utmost " ' ' : 1 May Fayette. ' . , touching - painl . i.... DUNCAN constructed Capt. to the - Carter pacific been . . received to ' Brunswick to commencing For freight, passage, information, Ac, Ac, ap- - ply to Feb The W. city. ao, i80B-s- 7n 'beo. Babtholow, Agent, Glasgow. ' 1858. Season Arrangement. 1S58. REGULAR ST. LOUIS AND SIOUX CITY PACKET. .i For St. Joseph. Savannah, Iowa Point. Linden, Nebraska City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Flo- rence, Desoto, Omadi, and Soux City, Ac , THE new and elegant Passenger Steamer CARRIER, Oscab Post al, Master, Thos. H. White, Clerk, will, on the opening of navigation, ply as a regular pack- et during the season, to the above and intermedi- ate ports, and will remain permanently in tbo trade. The Carrier being furnished with every requl site for the comfort add convenience of passen- gers, a share of public patronage is respectfully solicited. For freight, passage, or information, apply ts) ' Tn 0. Babtholow, Agent, March 25, lS58-.i'- n. Glasgow.- REGIT LAR WEDXESDAT PACKET. St. Louis and SL Joseph Union Packet JOHX D. PERRY, GEO. D. DAVIS, Master," : LOGAN D. DAMERON, Clerk. . .. tn. THIS entirely new, light draught and Jnrilim' elegant passenger steamer, will ran regularly in the above tnde. leaving St. Louis and SL Joseph, in- - accordance, with the .fjollowuig Time Table: Leaves Sf. Eonia, ' Wedn'daya at 4 o'cTkvr. f, June 9 and 23; July 7 and 81; - -- ' August 4 and IS; ( Sept. 1,15 and 29; Oct. 13 and 27; Knu 1 n ,1 OA - Leaves St. Joseph, ' Tuesdays at IO a. M June 1,15 andii'i July 13 and 27; August W and 24j ' Sept. 7 and 21; Oct. 5 and I9l Nov. 2, 16 and 30; . (K3-O- n her ud trips will be at GLASGOW fruiay afternoon, and m her down trips, on Tlmndan afternoon. - . u- - nii. iti.mutvM that no effort shall be spared to render entire satisfaction to all who may bestow Iheir patronage en the Perry, as- suring shipper and travelers that she will remain in the trade during the season, and that ber pas- senger accommodation are first c lass having a full length cabin. Theo. Babtholow, May ?7, 1858..! ,; v.. ... - g""- - Pepper, Mustard, Soda Cream VINEGAR, kinds of unices, Tobeete, BT- - Stuffs, all kinds of soap, Blacking, ,Ae- - tt8 3 hmhl white.

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Page 1: CxTASGOW vfSVw'! GROCERIES, STROCSE ::. Cai THE Union … · 2017. 12. 15. · tention to the wants of my customers, f.iir deal-ing, and moderate prices, to merit a continuance of



The Bachelor's Lament.Returning bom at dose of day,Who gently chide my long delay,And by my tide delights to stay? .

Nobody I

- Who sets for me the easy chair,Sets out the room with neatest care,And lays my slippers ready tbere?


Who regulates the cheerful fire" And niles the blazing fuel higher,

And bids me draw my chair still nigher ?

Nobody !

Whea sickness racks my feeble frame,

And grief distracts my fevered brain,

Who sympathizes with my pain ?

Nobody 1

Then I'm resolved, so help me fate,To change, at last, the single state,

And will to Hymen's altar take,Somebody I

Memory Bells.

Chime out your peals,Sweet memory bells,

Upon the leas of long ago,With pleasure's blossoms all aglowUp through the past-lan- d with its sheen

Of beauty, and of joy serene

And through the isles with shadows dim.Peal out your solemn memory hymn.

Chime out your peals,Sweet memory bells,

for days of childhood fled awajFor frolics on the new-mo- hayFor bubbling laughter full of glee

For all the young hearts, jubilee,'When, like the bee, from bud and flower ,We drew life's sweets from every hour.

Toll out your peals,Sad memory bells,

For open graves and dripping tearsThe loved and lost of itber J carsThe voices stilled forever more,Upon this fading mortal shore

The folded hands and quiet breast.That went to everlasting rest.

Sob out your peals,- Wild memory bells,

For cherished dreams of bliss below,Now scattered o'er a sea of woe;For hurried hopes and sad farewells;Toll out your wild moaning knells;Forbidden griefs toll slow and deep,While hearts in silence droop to weep.

With solemn voices, soft and low,'Thus floating up from long ago;

. The memory bells will ever toll.Within the chapels of the soul;And sweetly chime, or sadly moan,With joy or grief in undertone.

A Yankee Trade.'I calculate I could not

trade with you to day?'drive a

specimen of a Yankee pedler, at thedoor of a St. Louis merchant. 'Youcalculate about right,for you can't,'was the sneering reply. 'Wall, Iguess you needn't get huffy aboutit.' Now here's a dozen real gen-

uine razor straps, worth two dollarsand a half: you may have'em at twodollars.' 'I tell you I don't wantany of your trash, so yoa had betterbe going.' 'Wall, now I declare,I'll bet you fire dollars if you makean offer for them are straps,we'U havea trade yet.' 'Done !' replied themerchant, placing the money in thehands of a er. The Yan-

kee deposited the like sumjwhen themerchant offered him a couple of;cents lor his straps. 'Ihey'ieyourn,' said the Yankee,as he pock-eted the stakes. But he added, withapparent honesty, 'I calculate ajoke's a joke, and ifyou don't wantthem straps, I'll trade back.' Themerchant's countenance brightenedas he replied 'You're not so bada chap after all. Here' are the straps

give me ths money.' 'There itis,' said the Yankee, as he receivedthe strags,and pasied over the coupleof cents. 'A trade's a trade, andnow you're wide awake in earnest.

guess the next time you tradeyou'll do a little better than to buyrazor straps.' And away he wentwith his straps and his wager, amidthe shouts of the laughing crowd.

' Dttng Coxsolation. An old,unloved deacon, in his last hours wasvisited by a neighbor, who saidWell, deacon, I hope you feel re-

signed to going.' 'Ye-es- ,' said thedeacon: 'I-- I think I--I am resigned.'Well,' said the other, I thought it

might be consoling to you to knowthat all the neigbors are resigned

Carted Work. A young gentleraan, very conceited and rain ofhimself, but who, by the by,rather despised, and with a facemuch pitted by small-po- x, was notlong since addressed by a chap, who,after admiring him for some time,aid, .fWhen carved work comes in

fashion, you'll be the handsomestman I ever put my eyes on.'

fJ'"A gentleman had so . bad amemory, and so circumscribed, thathe jscacely knew what he read. Afriend, knowing this, lent him thetame book seven times over; and be-

ing asked afterward how he liked it,replied, 'I.think it an admirable produclion but ' the author sometimes

repeats thejsamejthing.' j! ;GSTl1 th creed off Aobesty;

always to hope goodness.



, GLASGOW; Has now on hand, second door above the

H Post Office, a superior lot oft? Cloths,

Cai titers,testings, .


Cravats, Ac.,Which will be sold on favorable terms.JfTGarments of every description made to or-

der, Cheap for Cath.April 8,1857-l- y.


Boots and. Shoes,GLASGOW, MO.

purchased the entire interest of F.HAYING in the above business, I will con-

tinue it at the old stand, in all its branches. Verythankful for past patronage, I hope by strict at-

tention to the wants of my customers, f.iir deal-

ing, and moderate prices, to merit a continuanceof their favors.

SAMUEL STEINMETZ.January 21, 1858.

"WM. T- - HOPEH,(Next Door to Post Office)




SPURS, SADDLE BAGS, 4c, Ac.HAS just returned from St.

with a good supply of

READY MADE ARTICLES,which, in addition to those be had on hand of his

OWN'F.4CTl'ltC,makes no oneof the handsomest and best stockever offered in Glasgow, and at LOWES PRICESthan heretofore. Call and examine his stock anaprices. both of which he feels warranted in sayingwill prove satisfactory.

April 22, 1858.

JVEW SADDLERY.I have just received and am now offering

for sale, an elegant and extensive stock of

READY MADE SADDLERY.embracing articles of every cescription, whichwill be sold at prices far lower than such articleshave usually been sold in this place, or section ofcountry.SADDLES, BRIDLES & HARXESS,of my own manufacture, constantly on hand, ormade to order, as usual, on as accommodatingterms as they can be had this side of St. Louis.

lhankful for past tavors, I respectfully solicita call from my old friends and customers, and the

public generally.May 13, 1858. J. G. EBERLE.


HI W 33 Xa XT.Ami Panrvfiands.

CHAMBERLAIN, having just returnedJOHN the F.astern cities, is now receiving his

GOODS, for wis I my in officershand, uecordin? to,embracingthe largest and finest assortment

Watches, Clocks, Jewiry, &.C.,ever brought to this place. His Watches havein. i heen itnnorted from the best manufactories,

cai a trim and are of the finest workmanship, and of the lat- -



eSi improveu luu.ruicuia, .win - jOliver cases, ana warramea io Keep uui. m

JL'WELRYconsists of fine Chains, Seals, Bracelets. Lockets,Breast-pin- s, Ear-ring- s, Finger-ring- s, and Charms;

a splended assortment of Enameled, Coral &.

fjiva. in full sets, from the finest domestic manu- -' factories, embracing every variety of cheap, costly, beautiful and usetu articles, aaapieo, io com-

fort, pleasure, and adornment of the Fair sex.He has also received an extensive assortment ofiiold, Silver, SI eel and plated Spec.

Also a fine assortment ofPort Monies, Pocket Cutlery,

Gold Pens,Thimbles,

Jet Goods,Combs,

Violins,French Flutinas,



Brushes.Ladies Reticules,Ac,

Work-boxe- s,

Writing Desks,Accordeons,

Guitars, .Violin Guitar strings

This so lend id assortment of Goods was selectedwith great care, and from the latest importations;

tne nest quumy,Mnv wen

VrJ. i"(CX'h" Bwith

w - -

N. b. Watches, c.vcm. jcwchj , Atvwiuc- -ons, repaired a wornmwU7m Ir warmfpil irive sfaction.

manner. All

Silver-Wa- re of all kinds made to crder at shortnotice, by experienced workmen.

Old Gold and Silver taken in Exchange.JOHN CHA.MBEKLAI.V.

(KSign of the Big Watch, No. 57, UnionBlock, First S(reet,Glasgow Mo.

June 11, 1857.


The one may be Recovered,


RETURNS his most sincere thanks to theinhabitants of Glasgow andsurrounding coun

try, for tneir past favors, and Hopes oy nu punc-

tuality and the superiority of bis work, long to beconsidered worthy of their patronage.

A new select assortment of, , Watches Jewelry,

JLadie' Sets in Lata, Cameo,Coral, tiold Stone,

with many other devices, together with a good as-

sortment ofSpectacles to suit all Sights.

Prices to suit the hard times.Watches, Clocks and Jewelry,

HADE ft KEPAIBZS OH THE SHOTESTThe strictest atten ion paid to watches andClocks, particularly those otner Watch Makershave failed to make pet formguarantees to make all such Watches give

Perfect Satisfactionto the owner. A good assortmen of Watch Glass-es. AI.--o

ELECTRO-GILDIN- G AND PLATING,done in good style. All Work Warraktkd.

OFFICE Cornel of Market and First Street,Glasgow, Mo. Idee. 10, '07-O- mJ

(JJRandolph Citizen copy three monthsbill to advertiser. -







nounce to friendsthe pnblte generally,;

they have how hand and ready for tale,Glasgow, an



embracing every article usually found such es--tabliMimenl,purenasea unaerme pwn utohbkcircumstances, after a personal inspection ofbastern Markers.

Beinrboth PRACTICAL WORKMEN, andlong engaged in the manfacture and sale of Fur-niture, they hope to be able to offer a stock thatwill suit the want tastes of this community,not only as to style, but also for faithful d


Atrgesupply of CoMiua.of themost approved manulacture,ana or an nm,mxyi

on hano. ' ..'

rSTColfins made to order, of any style and at

short otw. t march 12,1857.



hand being finished, the most extensiveON of Carriages ever offered to thepeople of this vicinity; comprising every varietyof style and finish, all of which has been manu-

factured in Glasgow, during the winter, of thematerial, are now offered for sale at tie


Glasgow, Mo.P. S. All work guaranteed, and Repairing done

with neatness and despatch for CASK.April 22, T. T. O.



Glasgow, Missouri.just returned fiom Sr. Louis, whereHAVE made extensive additions, to their

STOCK Of MiltBLEand are now prepared to fill criers for any de-

scription of Grave Stones, Slabs, or Monuments,ornamented with the latest style lettering andtwvire.

Patterns can be seen at their fhop, where thosewanting a finished job a.e invited to call, see

their stock, examine their work, and make a se-

lection.traveling Agent. Call at the shop, or

make your order. Write names and dates in a

BOUND PLAIN HAKD.ff Printers' Imposing Stones, Door and Win-

dow Sills and Caps done to order ; and in short,anything in the stone-cutti- line.

jrSfOrders respectfully solicited, and promptlyfilled.

May 27, 1858.

Plastering.and Cementing Cisterns.J)LASTERING

Particular attention to orders from the country.All orders left at the Post Otfice, promptly at-


Glasgow, Jan. 21, VfHly.

FREE TRADE.persons indebted to me for accounts due

ALL the years IS.16 & I85T, will pleaseenme ami settle, either by c 'sh or note, or other.

of purchased expressly this' will place accounts tnefar fnlleetinn.






April 15, 1858-6- W W. WHITE.

SLAVES FOR SALE.THE undersiened keep cons!

on hand, Negro men, women, boys andgirls, in Huntsville. persons where promptly

withtobuy negroes uicirto call on subscribers, or address them by let-

ter, giving description of the kind slaveH. L. RUTHERFORD.W. D. MALONE.

Huntsville, December 23, 1856.

A. LEWIS,Barber and Hair Dresser.

for the liberal patronageTHANKFUL to him, would announce that heis always at his post, with sharp instruments andclean Linen, prepared to

Shave, Shampoo, or Cut Hair.Shop on Water streets.

May 8. 1858.

A New and Desirable Lamp.HAVE a small lot of and very

WE Lamps, designed as a for can-1I- j.

known 'Fountain Lamp." It is a

very economical and convenient lamp, with one. . i : . U , i..n.lor two nurners. irunmru nu

theyareoj ...a new, ..,burn killd of oll eivie

d " 'tZS moie'lfght less coM than any lamp made forvoram v nil i






S. W.









best and








ordinary use; also lard lamps, for sale cheap.SMITH, BOON t CO.

June 18, 18o7.

Farmine Tools.TNGLISIIand Amencan Scythes and Sickles;

A urillll . a u n j aiiu ,Manure and Hay Forks;

Hoes and rakes;Spades and Shovels;


forsale low, brJune 18, 1857

Cash March 1.March market, consisting

J begin

THE CASH SYSTEM,and intend to mark down our prices to a point thatwill make it to the

IXTERET OF RITERSto deal with us. Our Mr. Thomson is now ab-

sent making purchases, and the first arrivalboats bung large additions to stocK.

1H0MS0N, LEWIS A CO.Feb. 25, 1858,

IDLES!! B1BLE8I1IRepository of the Glasgow Bible

Society at Spotswooo A Kirkbkidk'sStore.

Family, and Pocket Bitles and Testaments, every description.

The.e books published !v the American Bi- -Ile bles Society, and sold at cost rkicks.

April 30.1Ki)7.


JCST sale,received, and now ready for inspection

School Books, Goodrich's Srie;Bertha and Lilly, by Mrs. Smith;War in Kansas,' by t'ol. Brewerton;W ir down East, by Major Downing;Life and Sayings Mrs. Partington;Morning Stars the New World Parker;

by Doesticks Poetry,Courtship A its Wickoff;

Married not Mated Alice Carey;Ancient and Modern Historical works, Stories

for Childreen, and numerous other books, making"P

THE BEST ASSORTMEXTever oilered Glasgow.

Also Letter, Cap and Note paper, plain andornamental; Pens, Ink, Pencils, isitiug Cards,Patent Ink Stands, Envelopes, plain and fancy;Albums and Port and numerous other ar-

ticles too tedious mention.Ladies and gentlemen are invited call and tee

for themselves. G. CREWS.June 12, 1856.

Glasgow Carding Machine.above Machines are now completeTHE and ready for business. The Machines

are worked by steam, and

JVO DELAY IX CARDIXG WOOL,especially for customers from a distance, wbo

be served as tbey arrive. Saline cus-

tomers will be passed over the river

FREE OF FERRIAGE.The superior work of these Machine is "well

known, all work dona will be warranted, asusuaL Some. ..

LATE k IMPORT JIT ADDITIONShave been added, which can only be used wherethe motive power if steam. .

TERMS White wool, 8 cents; Mixed, 121. '

April 20, 1858-- ir DAN'L HAYS- -




WHOLESALE AND RETAIL.undersigned (D. C. Robbins and G. H.THE having entered into partnership for

the purpose conducting theGrocery .ni ice HiiUness,

under the name and style of Robbins, Tatum ACo., beg leave to inform their friends and thepublic generally, that at the opening of naviga-tion, they will open an


in the house formerly occupied by Mason & Too-le- y,

consUtii g in part of the following25 hhds prime N. O sugar,

bbls crushed and powdered do;50 sacks prime Rio coftee:

10 si.cks Governing Java do,25 bbls Belcher's molasses,

50 kegs do do100 bbls whisky, and

complete assortment fine liquors.100 kegs nails, assorted,

26 hags Cotton yarn, Eagle it Hope fae'ry500 sacks new salt, size,

10 bbls clover seed,Bbls, 4 bbls and J bbls mackerel,

50 kitts No. 1 and 2 do,and

every article Grocery line suited to the

wants of the farmer, such as Axes, Hoes,

Tubs, Buckets. &C.&C, which we will offer at


Q CASH. A CASH. S CASIL H,We believe the cash system to be far better for

the buyer and seller, as it will enable us to fur-

nish every thing the farmer wants at the verylowest rates.

Give us a call whether you want to buy or sell,we will be in the market for all kinds of Pro

duce, at the highest CASH PRICES.

March 4, 1858.ROBBINS. TATUM . CO.



subscriber respectfully announces to theTHE of Glasgow and vicinity, that he hasjust received and has now open the largest and

most complete stock of Confectionery and Fine

Liquors ever before offered ia this place, consist-ing in part of the following:Assorted Crimped Candies,

Fancy Candies of every description,fringed, gilt and plain;

Nuts, Almonds, Brazil nuts, Fil-

berts, Pea nuts and English Wal-

nuts, all new crop.All kinds of wmc.such as Home

made Catawba, Ohio Citawbe,Rhine wine Champagne wine,

best quality, and a No. arti-

cle Sherry w ine.He has also a fine lot of C"gniac Brandy, Peach

Brandy, Irish Wisky. Rye and Bouibon,D'Absinthe. Holland Gin and

fine lot of

I Together with a fine lot of Cigars, from $10 to10 per 1,000, and also tne real iinporien navanna.He is also prepared to furnish, at short notice,

cakes every description,FOR WEDDJStt OCCASIOXS,


All of which will be carefully packed and de-

All wtio Jl livered any in the rity, or for- -can mane h io imr rn war(je(jto neighbormgtowns,

thea of









will soon


a of


in the





Dec. 23, 1857. G.O.WAGNER.

To Our Customers.ROM and after the 1st day March next,

17 we will dispense with Books and positive-ly adopt the low price

CASH SYSTEM.We are forced to this from the fact known to

all that the commodities we deal in,are not soldon time. Cash is required of us, and with thepresent state of the Money Market, we cannotborrow money on such terms as would enable us tosell on time, unless we were to aod on such a per-

centage as would drive trade from our town. Af-

ter due deliberation, we adopt the Cash Plaw,with corresponding LOW PRICES, as willenable us, so soon as the Spring Trade fairlyopens, to secure

irubiv Kniiiilira nf (Groceries.will

the Produce of the fair rates.With a fair wa ning, we solicit your patronage,warranting entire satisfaction

'February 11

Kesnerlfullv,THOMSON, LEWIS A CO.



TILLMAN & PHIPPS,Wholesale and

DEALF.S isGroceries, Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,

FIRST ft WATEE 613., GLASGOW, M0.p are now in receipt one of the largest

n,l het .elerfetf tnrlc nf nnniU uller- -

N and after 1st, as before announced, ej in this in part as follows:






















C Yarn,Clover seed,







Ituts,Prints. Shirtiing,

Wood ware,Mackerel,


Cottonade, Satlinets,Jaconets, Lawns,

Dress Goods, Silks,Embroideries, Linens,

Gloves, Hosiery,Nations of every description; also a

large assortment of Hoots and Slioep, Il.irdware,Queensware, Clothing. Ac, Ac; for sale low by

TILLMAN A PHIPPS.March 25, 1858.

TO FAKMKIIS.rpHE market price, IS CASH, paid at all

L times, forBACON,



and every description of produce. A call fromall who nave anything to sell is solicited, as I pro-pose to pay more attention than usual to the Pro-

duce Business.(jyFarmers who desire to ship, in preference

to selling in this market, are invited to give me acall, as I will ship for them at low rates, andmake prompt settlements. My acquaintance withSteamboatinen enables me to ship on advantrceoutterms. THEO. BARTHOLOW.

Jan. 21, 1858.

NEW STORE.JUST rec ived and ready for sale a portion of

stock of heavy goods, consisting ofSUGAR, . , '




CANDLES,Ac, Ac, at ery low prices. '

March U, '58. ROBBINS, TATUM A CO.

'Kanawha Salt' Agency.HAVE on consignment, ISO bblI Salt, in fine order, which I offer for aale at 60

cents per bushel, CASH. '

THEDORE BARTHOLOW.Glasgow, Oct 22, 1857. -

Q T TONS Iron, together with all and every 0

tide any body keeps.junel7. THOMSON, LEWIS A CO.

i. !




HJTS, lsc, 4c .

Union Bloclt,first st., Glasgow.

NEW SPRTNG GOODS.are now receiving our Spring Stock ofWE which have been purchased in the

Eastern and Northern Markets, under the most

Favorable circumstances, and to which we invitethe attention of our old friends and customers and

the public generally. In our house will be founda good assortment ofFOREIGjY JUfD DOMESTIC DRY

GOODS,Boots, Shoes, Eats Clothing,

and every other article needed in this community. Call and look for yourseixes.

March 25, 1858STROUSE 4. FRIEDSAM.

1857. NEW GOODS. 1857.have just received the largest and most

WE stocks ofOroooriosever offered in Glasgow, which we will sell atlow prices for Cash or Produc consist-i- n

in p irt of the following, vizi60 hhds prime sugar;

loO nags Kio conee;. 50 barrels molasses;

10 do mackerel;20 half bbl do;

25 qr. bbl do;7o kits do:

130 barrels of whisky;SO barrels white limej

3d barrels refi'd A crsh'd sugar700 bags salt;

10 barrels clover seed;150 kegs Wheeling nails;

100 kegs tar;10 bcrrels tar;

' 30 bags cotton yarn;300 pounds cotton batting;

20 tons of iron;A large stock os castings;20 drums of figs;

1 barrel of salmon;& barrels herring;

10 barrels apple vinnegar;100 boxes sardines;

6 dozen oystersTHOMSON, LEWIS A CO

March 5, 1857.

SPELG AND SUMERrn HF. nndershnicd is now in receipt of hisX Spring supply of New and Seasonable Goods,

IO wnicn lie Ilivues llic aunuriii ui mic ifluio winrentlemen of Glaseow and vicinity.

From his acquaintance with the wants of thiscommunity, he flatters himself that he is preparedto accommodate the taste of the most fastidious.Among his Stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods

will be found a goa assoriment orGentlemen's Wear,

consisting in part or Cloths, Satinetts,Tweeds, Linen and Drills. Silk Satin and Marseilles Vegtinr in the niece: and Ready MadeClothing in abundance,

For ttie iJidies,Shawls, Scarfs and Mantles,

French, English, and American prints,all grades.


Beragt-s- , Silks,and some superb pattern

of Berage and Challies Robes,somethingentiiely new; White goods,

Embroideries, . .aces and Edgings, Gloves,Mitts, aod hosiery, Parsols, 4tc.,"Bonnets and


A fine assortment of all sorts and sizes.Hats and Caps,

Hardware and Cutlery,China, Glass ai d' Queensware,

Domestic Goods,Brown and Bleached Sheeting,

from 3-- 4 to 12-- 4 wide.Cottonades and Tweeils,

Hickory and Ticking,Plain, Striped and Plaid Cotton

md Osnaburgs, Nankeens,Cotton and Linen Diaper,

toWe exchange our goods at all times, for 1 ot other goods, "too tedious





mention."Ca'l and examine before purchasing elsewhere.Apr. 15,1858. W. P. PITTS.


TF. have an elegant assortment of desirableV goods, to which we invite the attention of

the Ladies, viz:Ron net 8 Silk and Straw, ready trimmed,

imported directly from Paris.Shawls White and Black Crape shawls,

very beautiful.Mantles Black and Fancy colored, latest

styles.SilksBlack and lancy Dress Silks, rich and

heavjsDregs Goods In great variety, latest styles,

side stripes and other patters.Skirts Hooped, and the celehrat.d Victoria

Scarlet, captivating and recherche.White Goods Of every description, sleeves,

collars, ribbi ns. ic.STROUSE A FRIEDSAM.

March 25, 1858.

Fl'RXITl'RE.have bought out the entire stock of Furni

WE of W. F. Dunnica & Co., and have jusreceived large additions to our stock, and are nowprepared to show to customers a fine selection ofsiilerahlegooils at the lowest prices, consisting in

part of the following, viz:45 Bureaus;

50 Tin safes;200 Bedsteads;

100 dozen chairs;25 Cherry tables;

35 Walnut tables-Crib- s.

Sofas,Hocking chairs.

Writing desks,Mattrasses, Lounges.

Wardrobes, Cuhbards,Work stands,

Book cases,Refrigerators

or Tee chests, Water coolers, Trundle bed steads,Children's chairs. Hat rarks.&c.


NOTICE THIS.are duly thankful lo our friends and theWE generally, for their liberal patron-

age heretofore extended to us, and beg to announcethat we shall continue to hold ourselves in readi-ness to supply their wants,FOR CASH, OR ITS EQUIVALENT.We are compelled lo pay cash for Beeves, Sheep,Hogs, Ac, and cannot afford to retail the sameout on a year's credit, and then not get the mon-

ey. Bring your purses to the market, or do notbe surprised at finding your accounts presented atany moment, as we close the credit business fromand after date.

SEIBEL, HERRYFORD A CO.Feb. 4, 1858. j

THEO. BARTIIOLOW,Forwarding and Conimikioii


tt 7 OULD respectfully inform the MerchantsV V of the interior, that he is prepared to trans-

act all business in his line, with promptness andtch. Thankful for the liberal patronage

heretofore bestowed, respectfully asks a continuance, assuring them that bis utmost exertions willbe used to give entire satisfaction to all who maypatronize him. '

He has a large and commodious Warehouse ,andMerchants who wish to leave Groceries or heavyGoods in store until suitable to haul them will notbe charged extra storage.

THEO. BARTHOLOW.Jan, 21. 1808.



- - -- THE'MW;-' --1858:vfSVw'!A 1 1 U li 1H L 1 Jx x.t Li ii II 'ANDINSURANCE AGENT,

i t i Dnnm, ill vs. 4 . .

WILL practice in the Courts or Howard,Randolph, Chariton and Linn coun-

ties. -

Is prepared also to issue fire Policies of Insuranceon favorable (earns, and to give open Policiesto shippers, with a return of 2a per cent, premi-ums. , ,

(KOflice on Commerce street. 1

Feb. 26, 1858.

DR . B E. & A. M. POWELL, rassenger ec

HAVING associated themselvea together in in particular bu. more especially speed wMedicine, Will lightness ofattend punctually to all calls in the Vi- - Her unremitting attention to

hen of the Profession. Where the to the hnsinem nt h; M

services or ere no Consultation nd customers, and receive a of the natron.Fee charged


April 15, 1858 tf.

DENTISTRY.HAVING permanently located in

Glasgow, Mo.,--L nr. ii. Desrionx IWessIuiv

avails himself of this opportunity of returning hissincere thanks to the citizen. of this place and vi-

cinity for the liberal patronage bestowed uponhim, and solicits a continuance of the same.

All operations in the various branches of hisprofession, performed in a thorough man-

ner, and warranted.Reference The entire satisfaction his work

has given to the hundreds who have employedhim during a practice of four years at Fayette.

(Office over H. L. White's DrugFeb. 5, 1858.


Keytesyille, Mo.,ILL practice in Chariton and adjoining

V y counties; prosecute all claims entrusted tohim with promptness, and give special attentionto administration business.

(JOtfice up stairs in the Court-hous- e, ml 31


Atiomoy zxt T!fwv,CIIILLICOTHE, MO.

attend to all bnsiness entrusted to hisWILL inthecountiesof Livingston, Grundy,Daviess, Carroll. Linn, Chariton and Kandoipn

November, 1854.


Linnens.Mo.tttTI.T. continue the mactice of the Law inV V Linn and the adjoining counties. All busi

ness entrusted to his care will receive promyt at-

tention. . (ap 1856.

TH0S. .


ATTORNEYS AT LAAY,Iliiiitsville, MiK-onri- .

TT AVE formed a Law partnership, and willLi practice their profession in the counties of

' . . t I ri,..;in.Kandoipn, Monroe, jjooue, uuwmu, no.and Macon. .Jan. 1, 1 80S.

T.-W-ri-B. CREWS,


practice in the Courts of Saline,WILL Cooper, Pettis, Johnson and Lafayette.

Nov. -ly

K. C. OCINCV. A W. LONG.(LateofKy.)



practice in all the Courts of Linn andWILL counties. Particular attentiongiven to securing and collecting Claims, buyingand selling Lanu, paying i axes, mu iitf"sLand Titles in all me counues in nurumu nursoui i.


Linneus, Mo., May 21,lHji-l- y




HUSTSVILLE, MO.practice in the counties of Randolph,

Howard. Boone. Monroe. Macon, Chariton,Putnam,

Mercer. b.isine.5, (including the carelands, the collection or dents ana tne paying ortaxes) entrusted to them will receive prompt attention.

(P Office net door tne ausdu nouse,Mam street.

July 16, 1857.


Grlasgow. 2&XoThe undersigned has opened a large and

commodious Hotel between Second andTnird, and Market and Howard streets, in miscity. His bouse is new, and fitted up in the veryhiKt 'vlr. and has amnle facilities for a firstclass Hotel. He has spared no inhis rooms elegant and comfortable. His taoiewill at all times be furnished in a manner

utmostbouse most The has been ra--

is in

where stocK oe auenaeu io. me puu- -; 'solicited.ic are respectfully invited to give him a call.

Randolph House,Main Street, westside of the Public Square,

HUNTSVILLE, Mo.THE are resnectfullv informed

S"f that I taken possession of the above!House, with increased facilities for their accommodation. Several very desirable additions haveDeen made to Hotel, and I am now pre- -

in entertain in the most comfortable andatisiactorv .manner, al who maygive metheir

T . I 1.' L. I" II 1.'patronage. .".i o -- "

march 20, 1856.

FOR LEASE.THE HOTEL known as the

gow House in this city, is now undergoingthorough repairs throughout, as soon as com-

pleted (which will be in a short will be of-

fered for for single or for a term ofyears, on favorable It contains over

rooms, and when repaired as is contemplatedit will be a desirable bouse for the business, hav-

ing a run of custom and conveniently sit-

uated to the business portion of the city and tothe Steamboat Landing. a good tenant, anda man competent to keen a firs class theproprietors will inducements that will guar-antee a lucrative business.


Deficiency Bill!Produce AXxlx.o'ta

unusual scarcity of of money hasTHE some time prevailed, occasioned by de-

ferred payments for purchases on government ac-

count, and well causes, have inducedus submit quietly, and with the bestcould, to in collections, though it

been a cause of great inconvenience and loss.The state of things is ehanged-larg- e

of money have paid out for andproduce, and the market for all surplus productsis an open one, consequently the reasonable ex-

cuse has existed for delay. Is withdrawn.We now beg leave emphatically to call at-

tention of our friends to the importance of imme-

diate payment of accounts and We havewaited patiently limit, and are nowbound to collect without delay.

Respectfully, 'SMITH, BOON h. CO., Glasgow.

Vtars at a O II I T II

27, 1858.



u STEA MOATS, ETC . i ; 1


Rp WEN A ;Johm T. Dozieb, Master, "''

J. C. Maso, Clerk,WILL commence trips-- 0

Jji the earliest opening of navigation, batween ST. LOUIS, GLASGOW and COUNCILBLUFFS, at all way points, and willremain in the trade during the entire season. v

The "ROWENA" is entirely new, and noor expense have been spared in ber building tadout-f- it to make her a

xirsi iviass iwatevery

of draft.j officers hope bybusiness retain j.

both required, share









time)lease year,







age of the traveling and shipping public generally.m .ppijf vu novo, or to

Theo. Bastholow, Agent,Jan. 7, 1858. Glasgow.



DlTWCA?r S. -CARTER, ; ,jWilliam Edds, "... ....R. Conwell, E. O. Sayle, ...... Cleric.Jj THE entirely new. light draog!ir'Jmri'mmi 'f' and elegant passenger steamer

S. CARTER, Capt. W. Edds, waespecially for the Missouri river trade,

under the immediate supervision of Edds,wbo begs to assure his friends that they will finher to be in all respects most admirably adaptedto the wants of the river, being of great strength,lightness of draught, beauty of model. etcr witharrangements and accommodations cot surpassedby those of any boat on the river, combining allthe latest and most modern improvements thatcould add to the safety, pleasure and comfort ofpassengers. Nothing will be found wanting iaany of her appointments which can belong to thoseof a first class passenger steamer.

Capt. Edds hopes to receive at the hands of hitnumerous friends along the river a continuance ofthat generous patronage for which he is ideotedd uring a series of years, while in command of dif.ferent boats, and for which be hereby desires topresent bismostgrateful acknowledgements, pron.sing increased exertions of himself and officers

to give the most perfect satisfaction all whetravel on Duncan S. Carter, or w:th whose ea-siness in any way his boat may be honored.

JTThe Duncan S. will connect withthe Railroad at Jefferson City, bringingpassengers at railroad prices. .

For freight, passage or information apply to iThio. Bastholow, Agent,April 1, 1858-s-'n Glasgow.

1S5S. Season Arrangement. 1S5S.REGULAR SATURDAY PACKET,

For Jefferson City, Providence, Rocheport, GIbson's, Boonville, Arrow Rock, Glasgow, a--:

Cambridge and Brunswick.TPS' THE new and light draught freight

tiK?M steamer, C. W. SOMBART, HansMcPherson Master, will, on the early openingof navigation, make her trips as a regular weeklypaeketjjin the above trade, leaving St. Louis everySaturday evening at 4 o'clock, and returning, willleave Brunswick every Tuesday at 12 M.,arririiirin St. Louis on Thursday.

The C. W. Sombart has built expressly forthe packet trade of the Missouri river, and coavbines strength, speed and lightness of draugh- t-The undersigned, returning thanks for past favors,respectfully soliicts a liberal share of patronagefrom their friends and shippers genera! I v.

HENRY McPHERSON, Mister.E. B. McPHr.aso,Jr., Clerk.

Theo. Babtholow, Agent, '

Feb. 25, 1858-s- 'n Glasgow.

Sea-o- n Arrangement For 1858.REGULAR ST. LOUIS, COUNCIL BLUFFS,


THE new. and favorite pasieager steamer,

E . M . RILASD.C. W. Blocks-- , Commander, R. R. Abrams,Clerk, will, on the opening of navigation, ply as aregular packet to the above and all other interme-diate landings on the Missouri riyer, remainingpermanetly in this trade, and running regularlyduring the entire season.

The Ryland, although a new boat, has recentlymany valuable improvements and addi-

tions, tbe niore prominent of which is a full length,and magnificently furnished cabin, rendering hernow, both as a passenger, and freight steamer,equal to any iu the trade. Shippers may rely upon. . ' i

Linn, Grundy, Livingston, Sullivan, and frej M t halti witfj theAll sale of est and despatch;and passengers, in fraf-U- ni







upon me jiyiana, are assured max no exertion wiube found wanting that could conduce their com.fort and pleasure. Her officers deeply gratefulfor the liberal patronage bestowed on them duringthe past season, respectfully ask a continuance ofthe same.

For freight, passage, information, Ac, apply toher agent, Thio. Babtholow,

March 11, 1858. Glasgow.

1858. Season Arrangement. 1858.REGULAR WEEKLY PACKET,

For Providence, Rocheport, Boonville, ArrowRock, Glasgow, Cambridge,

and iiiami.light draught steamer DELA- -

WARE. JncAlrRTRr, Master,.will make regular weekly trips above and intermediate noints. on tne opening or

ifv the reasonable wishes of his guests. navigation in the Spring, and continuing duringThe situation of his is one of the the boating season. Delawarepleasauf and healthy m this cently docked and repaired, and now com--

Tnere is a mod livery stable close at hand, Diete order. A share of patronage is respectfullywin wen



GJas-g- ii






A, .

The "


knownto we

unusual delayhas




' ' : 1

May Fayette.




















For freight, passage, information, Ac, Ac, ap--ply to




ao, i80B-s- 7n

'beo. Babtholow, Agent,Glasgow. '

1858. Season Arrangement. 1S58.REGULAR ST. LOUIS AND SIOUX CITY


For St. Joseph. Savannah, Iowa Point. Linden,Nebraska City, Council Bluffs, Omaha, Flo-rence, Desoto, Omadi, and Soux City, Ac ,

THE new and elegant PassengerSteamer CARRIER, Oscab Post

al, Master, Thos. H. White, Clerk, will, onthe opening of navigation, ply as a regular pack-et during the season, to the above and intermedi-

ate ports, and will remain permanently in tbotrade.

The Carrier being furnished with every requlsite for the comfort add convenience of passen-gers, a share of public patronage is respectfullysolicited.

For freight, passage, or information, apply ts) 'Tn 0. Babtholow, Agent,

March 25, lS58-.i'- n. Glasgow.-

REGIT LAR WEDXESDAT PACKET.St. Louis and SL Joseph Union Packet


LOGAN D. DAMERON, Clerk. . ..

tn. THIS entirely new, light draught and

Jnrilim' elegant passenger steamer, will ranregularly in the above tnde. leaving St. Louis and

SL Joseph, in- - accordance, with the .fjollowuig

Time Table:Leaves Sf. Eonia, '

Wedn'daya at 4 o'cTkvr. f,

June 9 and 23;July 7 and 81; - -- 'August 4 and IS; (Sept. 1,15 and 29;Oct. 13 and 27;Knu 1 n ,1 OA -

Leaves St. Joseph, '

Tuesdays at IO a. M

June 1,15 andii'iJuly 13 and 27;August W and 24j

' Sept. 7 and 21;Oct. 5 and I9lNov. 2, 16 and 30;

. (K3-O- n her ud trips will be at GLASGOWfruiay afternoon, and m her down trips, on

Tlmndan afternoon. -

. u- - nii. iti.mutvM that no effort

shall be spared to render entire satisfaction to allwho may bestow Iheir patronage en the Perry, as-

suring shipper and travelers that she will remainin the trade during the season, and that ber pas-

senger accommodation are first c lass having afull length cabin. Theo. Babtholow,

May ?7, 1858..! , ; v.. ... - g""- -

Pepper, Mustard, Soda CreamVINEGAR, kinds of unices, Tobeete, BT- -

Stuffs, all kinds of soap, Blacking, ,Ae- -

tt8 3 hmhl white.