cwic« · villa^ea are htfed...

+4m*mm**~~*m*m*# fHSNCH BVLLBltm, fe«§* K*<? r*p*fted, not mpte tnan ooeepre^i#ed» hat b*ert orerpowere.1 hv numbers, and compel- j M toreuic ffomthebordexa^hbePwb* It does tint follow, however»tbat thet*o<jt«ft of Auflria it completed,' #111 |efi ibatoJ Tofkey*Periif» and even In&a, as torhe o* "*ftt«jjtfagatamitci conclud^ * **%* ****}* **** Ueiout in the.^e*treme^-*^The armillw, wh<ch Bonaparte appear* to have been as] #nxiou*lora* the Emperor otAtttMaJfeaver ** lie tttttfr m Ihe poffdltori of Bohemia, Mo- fa«*» Hungary, and #*W provinces, whh a jHjpufitron ot from twelve to {piceo million* **t pebp!e,*n army of near two hundted thou * >t ISuwP wenV beftdei an immense' militia; the ! rooft numerous atrtif lery l«i the'woild\ if the Frerich iell truth upon tli^ciubjeCI, arid al- ntoft ine* hau liable magazines of ammunition smd provifioni. How enviable is the Tun** •ion ot the Afcftfian monarch, compared) * with that 0t Ftederfek the Great, before tht* battle of Roibacb diflipatftd that magrtifictent -* dream o* Prince K*unU*, the 'realisation of which was to divide Europe between France i ,*«d Atiftm, *4 Europe Midi AfiW* now^acv' /a&idioat to fotoe»^w^t»h*ti*attlr#am^r#, to. I>* <Nricfe& between France and Ruflia i The* wen ty-fifth bulletin is extremely ob- fcoiw and wfatisfjclbryv whihh never the «•& when che French achieve rrWfrvi&ory. ' *tlfe drvrnTpn of the army; iatofigrrr^kand j «i»wr* la^ajmdfal with .iujfficjem cleatneffJ & * we have oeneof tnote details whie&lalofceJ c*& «o«w«Tit toj*dgt of pttftco^aprfr iSaa*. lit tfat dhr*a *l the ^warning of the h*d 8 or 960 piece* of camum, and the fa the b^Wfut plain of Vfrnn*, ftp aiarej j French onl* cfatm M> hwe t-ikcn 40,0! which leer* *" the neighborhood ol a graft c*pha>, x* wereuk*nonthelhft day ot »h* battle, have been burnt durUig Jhs haiiJe. Tbi 19 the Jor«rei» ol $<:ch{«Mgdmg« ^faw d?er>' j«ft hair&J of th« n»tK»n if loud a^atnft thr i>>tdt«r know* th*t hcav.y cpnoon citnriot h? jjt$ty meq>h»b*vcdf*^«trp9nii i»Utbcl< carried vfi; trt » c o i t f t i ^ and d*4ord>rtjr re^ calamiuei. v The general of T»t iga<fo, L t ivocj»c,«n<ei TteGrt«tfrttt(t#fff**gr*m The AuUriin nmy, It we it*ve at! »t(»i?«! 'lojat, at !*4tt ihst many nmil be fariificed. ***«lre«Iy ttirncd the entrenchment* ol the J - ',* ^ — * » ^ *w«my**t«ftwiBg,anaMoiii»«Heevenj*nghe |n«|mLtidk«t^ a * 4 ^ HA tt*^t ^iy'tt^re * %»i » w^^5timia€e|%,AtiftiN ca«« twivtde | | jr« #11 l l s ^ V l N t t 4 # bbUe|ir»)4t fegft.Afeiif'' IttV^%ji|hafiaift^e^% §«it»4MelIitifcgrimiil thefiftfd#,*of they - fay 46m t jh&a& mwp i$fjf&*mckm theltve-. ^|^H«*fi%it 'Th^;4hiE^we^eltor«^#^hia. # lMprrf$ theife-fi^ l ^ i i ^ n v e i ^ h » ' iltiilrlart " airpojuiorri m h | ? § t e i > maft |flJtilffrib1e.^ What ttfgiki^w\*&thz*¥ntmf %wa?* every.J % m& *tfb »f#li te* ^iftaihiy" tto 4$h o ^ £tb j#i ihel|^ti#fttibkW|9B%8}pbrn|itWith r-T -^*efii##|ttrif%e r plsiee %jGfhxk &fr4n£ t iicl^t Mthebnpni pt <Uy t therefiire.that Jed Nyjemb<«»g on lhe"e$ l^ot 3?*n^ w» h a i h e ftliireat tv44 an orderly and[ undiO*J*bed corps 6f ^avahy.and proceeded touvtrd^ &*v *" * rejith, .He 4 met tl?e enemy at Be ^mhdm. charged hint <*'nh the firft provifi^nal iegi merit of draiaons, and cut m pieces afr wh»> t c<mnon the day* Tie « ftot fs*r intei ior t6 tbefitft.Ii | i$ difficult to detefmifle t iIithmgi«/ottCdered. whether Hapoicon, Mareau or "Charfes, be, the («ft General $i the age. fhe^ are ail ; g^cat, til B^tal fo th^ CvT-afe* atid Epami £ ndndaiea, the Hannibal* and €^efars," of arr- t} i?r|«it5f, *?,' Fehigittfei'ind ^nc Alfri^i of the dark ^ages. and the Fie^rick* arid the TWIiNTY-SIXrH BOLLETIKf. T h e eneriiy , « ret^t 14 a deteat. We have collcflcd a part oi hit haggage. His'wound- ^edhaV^la&eftJmootir hirjd^; we have al- reafy counted more tharj i»,ooo; ail the villa^ea are Htfed witb them, Ttifiveor fix hoipitili atone' we iAve Jound more than 6ooo» J •> . ' < < ' v The Duke de Rivoli^ purfuing^ihe eriemy By S:okraw, is already arrived at HoUabrunn. The DuUdeKjgufA had at Sra tallowed 6n the roar? to BVunn, whicii he q.uufed at Wotkerfdorf, in order to take that of Znaim. At 6 o'clock this mqrnincf, he met at lial* a reafguard.wh^ch fie routea—be took'900 of fir.' nothing more mtk&\o& (hali ^et^^Toriers. He will be tomorrow, at ^ ' — « * . ..-.£>-•. duke of Auerfladt ii arrived to-day at ( lfrcoflbjrgb. , lf ,- t ' The Emperor of Auftria,'Prince^Anthony/ with a ftiH of ahoot *QO «hafiotf t cpicheii ,arid other carrlages.flept o w h c 6th at Ewaif- brun'n, the 7th at ( HoMabrtioo,Abe $tk •» ^<t* J aim, whence ihey let out at nine, of the morn ,.,.,, ,* n g" Akordifeg to the relation of thjecoun « l rhat ^iffafge^-—**!£&« ^French] we>e-Biet J try people who conducted: them, their dejec- f one^ A retrea<»t)g ar ( mv moft neeeffariiy yield rruny prifoners to theenemy. But a* the French claim ow> co ooo, it is probable; ,th*t\he number acloaliy ?s|ken; did n«t ex. ceci! hair that number. ^We^are htfiafied^ ^ij^af t tbe Auftrian forcei in this baute t did not exceed from J40 to, the French, f inclljtdmgibeGermancomingeota»rnufth-*ve l er§fnty*$ rearguard beh> r <j H^rabroon. beeri at Icaft i ^ o r i8o t 6oo.* , —*Thekilled > Atnoonorti-he fame d*v f th« DuMof Ra ar^d'Woiioded on both iide$, t'pold'nm betcfi,}gofa,whohad .irnvedontbe hcigh'ti <j>j£i3tro. tban 70 or 8O,OQO, and >#eie- jptobably equal ort each 64e« e fc Ffo^ »he language ot :be 25 h Bjit'^io* and the teiri>s r or the Jubiequeot* arrniftice^ we (fve convinced aifd^hat Napoleondefpaira ot the con^oell of ihe Aoftxtan Empire i and wilil eventually evacuate it With hit whoie force* either witrV or without a trlsaty.' The Battle ot Wagram, will not caufe frbef laurels ol Prtn£cGhar!e* to fade. It is to be conhdefed that Bonaparte has-forty or fiity general* almoft e<[uil io bimtetf, and that Ihere "are irery lew able cdmmanders In th<? Auifl|rjtan fervice, befides the General*fl»nW. It the Archduke be Oottheittft Captain ot [ of Auerftadt had piffed the Tayal oppo&ie Nicolfb*JOr^an^'Gerferal Otot«tby 3 w<i h?;at- eri Pfirlce Ko|enbcrg,'s Vear, taking ^50 toeo ofrF^thce Charles* H^giroenu » At noon, on the 141th m£wt t 'th$ Emperor arrived oppoHte 2Jnajrri f The hm\ih^be- gan. The D«ke of Ragufa had atts eked the town; and the Duke otttivoti had uktft the hr|dge,'arid had occupied the tobacco rnanu- op poled hirn^and tdok t«o pieces, c IWEKtY-^EV ENTH BULLETIN On ihe loth thp D »ke ol ll'tfofr be*t the f^w the enemy's ba#g*ge and ariitlcty filling o|> towards'Bohemia, peoejral Belhrggirdt wVote to htm chat Prmdf John of jLich*eA- ftein would repair to the £mp , erof r with a muX finjti From' his maiterjor the porpof^ of ; treat- ing for peace;'' and in confeqoence dcfifed a fufpenfiun of arms* The Dttk* en IjUgvfe [ replteil, that 'Jt was n9i in his powef tp ac- cede to foch a'propaOvion I but thaj fi« x would acquaint the Emperor with it» Meartwhik he attacked the encimyook from him an ex cellent pofidon,fnadc tome pTirdnertlan4to0fc two'colors, / H ^ J : " , On the morning of the fameJay^he Duk< fifelory. In the different enga^ewlen^th^ day, we had taken thr*<? tho^and raen^ tWu ,colort» and three pieces or cannon. The 0ea, ot Brigade Bruyere^^a otBc sr of ve* ry g r «at promife, has heen woonded. - The General ot Brigade Cuiton, mad^a fine charge,with'the aoih curr-iffierfV { The Emperor, informed that Purtce John of Xtchtendein, who had .been fent to him was arrived within our polls, ordered the fW to ceafe. The annexed arniifticejfas ftgn- midnight at the Prince ot Neu chasei's The Prince oi LichtenJ|ein vas jidfemed toth6 Empcrbf in hit tenuat £ o'clock m th^ morning. [Here follows the A^rnflsce as publtihed in our faft.WThe a8h b illeun is jreceived. It (hall he pubhlhed neftt week, 1 band-—^The Danube had *ileiD,6 Je^iTJ, s-^y twW o i Elmidarfif* Alter 6nebattl4ot feyen - tettal a^Wrrcreort ih;e ^ajft ol the French* the ^0tk HapoJeon ^tM>ve*ed that the Arch^ ,, itttke** dit%oilt|oAs W^tfT'to nnlklUal^hat iV % would he no titumphto defeat rhp/ajadaBu- ".sdly irf^s-^-fome ^irrte to fee if'h? Vbu'ld npt - heeome *lhamed ol them h\m(t\l t and run ay ^ jwiy without fightingajfecond titnew Charles •fasmtxtt^^oileladed-to fight fowle eight or ^ : tm$&wX&i%ef t m&mfy NapoMoh** move. \wmh*+&&tiwi. heyorijd the conception -a( A* r-** 1 * «w«4r r «9r fm&V, *!m$bl- Q^iootence 4 imm ftNtnt^o^ |eltWri| wit Wro^ld^' ; T %«^ ? pt^tl| ( Wrf# 8 o# cut o|bnV V^iWmhtiiHf ^f^*la«*^d>]^M, <»}i^Auftfii«comroaiid1ruifedo!?ofDpIJ!te *ucfi«r* only J3wc^jd#^f«iwholehomhetf-w«re greatly intericr tuth^fe ol lb^ MmtU^h^ A l t h o o g t r t i e eift|Hef^ir # m^ day break, watiif* fomfrW at the unfkil l\f1n C fi of i h e e n ^ y , •Mi i.flMined *4 4ei«it t herp too footl t if was IMM *U1 «• o'clock (alter 9 4 0 ^ 5 hour* fiffht. ing,*r« *mitomMto%UkZ*mmt W*mm) flat »* Mttelltgennneri law ih$k the ^ay was* 4m&* mi tb# *m»f y «« mir MeS* hi it was not ill! a little « Warn night** titat ** tr^e; tqem? wit urn irf ft|ht # w ifhptitftigd, urtmd* lated by tb« triumphant Gatifs* tndemlr the frmh u, that the Archduke ^L St** 1 **!***•»•b 1 **"^prudentco»iiiiatt4# % • **• »oo#pi-n* hmifeif it the battle til H**mg*n f when he foand thai ftwa* iropof. Mt 19 mamtain hit gn.unil much longer tktffvmiM*^ *o *hrow away fhe lives ol y$M*** fbldiffs, hot retired at hit letlure, mtm mft& order irom the (cent oi battle. J|a»^aWadoe>ai>« hint ^ a »o«Cuit urw^l hit * ^-"4*^11, H ^ #U^H/ But thttt 11 iU-fe ;ion was>^rjem«% tv - . One oi the Ptinces de Kphan was found wounded Ion ibe field of battle. Lieutenant Field-Marfhal Wuffakowiez is among the putonert.^ j i " - „ The artillery of the guard covered itfeH with ghryi t Major AboatUe,i)irho command.' * ed," was wonoded. Trie Emperor bajumade r htm Generjal Brigade, thtfhiefot afouad-, ron of artillery, Grenner, has loil »a arm* Tbefe idtt*dntd attUlcrymen diiplayed all the" powir oUh'ti terrible weapon/ * The horfechafFeursof thegugrd charged, and dtQve back, on the da)r.ty the batjle ol Wagram, three fcjuarr,* ^>f infantry. They rtadtffavlt'pieces ot ean'ridn^ Th'e light-hprfe Poles of theguard charged arcrfrnent ot pike S T— - The news we'poblifh in this fay** pupftr [of the 4e» le»t of the French in Spctn, muft be gratifying to eV ery lover of freedom. .The Patriot*of Spxm hive jbeen *t war nesrfy^ijfhteen months w»th !|h.e emp?r- <» Napoleon, fi* tnottdnadfultcourge that I£urope<eper. yrft f aad !»*»« ,«?,'«' fi»ce$cded »ft cirivjng from tp'pi*" country thole vipers who have A> long preyed «pon »t* *ita1«. Could AoftvU h^l^ &*t h*tf Jong, For- tune might frpwn «pon the tf-rant u • • ^ * f ,* Jhfn -Woa!d^th<t World feeWter days—thtn wobT^ bleed irtg Baropehwilfor;wound* and find regolpi & * % : ^***a§itta*- »»« : I t w« a very lingular thing to fcejwo regi» meats bel6ngmg,tothe : fatoeCol. fighting one a^amft ihe other* . ( y \ t ^It Spears that theenemy ^hand,ontng mm%and Hangarjr.addiiireuiioginto Bo. The Voadiare eWere c o*' with the m«mbe» longing to the X.mdwfhf^ *hf7^y-e»- The; lohes which Beicr^io,n U adding to tWe meenemy has M a W d mkaied.woun- fT^*?.? »K fon «f**^<opc«winr to ( ann> hllajeh34^ifrty., ,, j",'. "^. , y he* nutacrouf v letter» jurhteh ha^fe been ir> lertiepted are k ftrik^g ehara'Ser ot the d|f* twitem of the hollite army^ »nd thediforder whlchrejgnsinlt., x , . * . «ow jhat the Anftrian monarchy it with. Ottt Ihope^t Wp^ild evince being til atqtiatnt* ed with the*haraae> of ^hofe who govern it, not, no expea that they wtHhumtlitace them! f e l m m they did *her the hattleof AnHer* hit. At that ejioch.they were as now t with- J [ out hope ; *n& they exhaled all their pro* 1 T tcflanoni ana oaths. During the day ot*he Sth,the enemvle»t a lew hundred men to the right bank of the Danube to make ohferv*tion»* They re-em- barked, after having loit a )cw men killed or taken prifvnais. The beat was etecum on thefe tltys !*• The b*»i WM alaoofl cooiUnUy «4 twour- psdfgrrei. ^ **&** ¥m WPOifa i f wnm, Is come to IWifft liefcr«ca j^*ft-r% »mv»r«rtti t.„,m *wa«fc,A3 mif^X l l i « d i t o % t h l f i a l t ^ r o ^Vhifi f!i t»po» ihU*% »n «it»pomA^4J/^ w rri?r«d ThJ <i*ftr- er* -*^re «s»r ^ * A T * ^ ^ A n {*,?«*, f 5 ^ f * try to interWt l*t eonJ4<j«tfne* ijf mfat he,a fir» ing,. ?rd ^fter (ante 4 * i l i i S ^ ^j^PjHMNstL t we **"s- *<« * Th«« editor offhfi^n'Uiwm'i&vmMi*^ *h« «,;« r ^ o v H r a M e ^ « ^ ^ , ^ ; ^ w . < SJ5^ of it* Order $ Spumtkffititd jDftf&rtr, ^ ^* ^J wilt have w jnv*jblgatloa'amo his efiflJ»& « lis next fei&-vn ^^pngrelTii e p u ^ i n g *v«r^ *& «f ^ political |t£s. %mfh^cMe,of tJje^vofurM^^j^ famou* #xjpfefit1on of Snrr]#*otifp^cy ; 'jr)»i*. it (hoold !>«—.» confu;am*)lop d^outly Whe wdinX «» >* , H Trade eo j €a»3tfau' tt ieemifcy the folf^ndfti' fi-em * &ghtateip*M& i thM trade wjth rhe C»nad»«t«i ir»*j be P rof<rcw*d «t prefent whliffuriiabinrjr t& feizor* or <*<-r*mwm.-. H) • ^sceilency t»ej;ov#rtffr i*» cJtitf, h«ivHig; r«eti* v«l from hS* w«|efty*s m»n»a*r *t WafhtWioiJ thi Allowing commaoicatiott^hjiup gi»«ir4ir*)aiott* lort** , JieHjt poblitb^d for geoeiat |«r«rw*yo«« , * You wlrt t «h^v*e thjii'*kj«»^*tio« 4«^i» A n t ^ - terntorues *$ not Forbidden by tand, not %n any o*hfr manner.than in (hips and v^ffelaj ax wifl appear by the 34 fe&ian of the *a of i?t& June tatf* ^cofijU ing to thp fpiritpf the infliH4aiQn«'«f the prthdeiUiM JQ entry, and wifi pot Tor the pr«ieot, he habit** feiaure, or fabjc^ tht patttei cotj^eped to profei«» » - . , 1 1 , - - , ^ * <rt« flighty trnpoTtu^Jjoik Spqm More BJ«o^|jr Battles! , K */S[ Bv this 4^*s W n c r b mail, m»»m<?a14% , received tn town frorn Baltimore, isrZuefai thcrt bv an anWif from €tm0j*impik% *, Ih^ri pagagel Having that a leveVe battteThal s W n fought wttfifn a f & l a a g t t f W IvI^^L between the allied 'pmtfof thf\SpmWJPfr*^L' riots, En^ifliahd P^u£ue&| o.o4e> Vane%' * w ftras, Cue^a, attd Gen^ Wel?r%;,andr*bs: "*f 40,000 n?em Gen, qfjeffa eoitm^mfeU j f e VMer v Vanegas ihe rigfij ^ n i a r T ^ B t t o f Wellelly the feft, ^b*Mm ^mh^M** €uefta and ?aaegai «cb p-r^tttlMirfjttlj jaat of the F r e a c b ^ A j # h k # : i i % t hefor 1 * them and endeavf mpWi&Wetim®^ j tetter from B a l t i m o r e ; ]*&& SrffiUS^ ^ collect. $•*£*&*• *yj\^!^-*^% ^A#Z- -^ 1%, Verind'at'b ^emtwpratic. * One Paltuha HM ohtsjln fed a majority over governor TJ^henor. The caufe of the- onexp«acd change may b* afcribc-l to thi»: t«afl f«l{ the democratic &cgiff*tor« authorised the Governor; to concert^tneafurex with the Governor of Lower CanSda, for the,dete4«on ^and pwnlfhment of [counterfeiter!. While Uie Governor was ibfent on ^hif doty, (which" happened to he.hwt^ * friw months preyiom Xp the fH&iw) |h« fe»"«al democn tic pretfes I labored^day and nighty to njmkethe cleat rs believe j th« Tichenor had afinatly £QM over to tie, 9nthb / / andtiar?d>illswere pubicffifcdt'har^iHg him with pro^ Curing ammunition and rttfitatrft^rerfof G oy*Cr*%. trsitordtjQy] to ufe agtina his ownf-Country, in c*fe of J % w»r with En^aftd!—A porjtioA of th^ pe aple, who j ,f^m""de|i;hnfn«d,to receive ft* *r*& every tl*i»g theie Ftf neb r*fc»l» p»hn npon them, ^ v e creiato^ii^ ihominsW* jF*|fe r hPod^ajod Tjchenor loft hj» ele^lion. |Ufe raeahi.are #e^aiate to obtain b^ft eti4« The fem)*anaval eleSionin Cdnn*a»cui m refah» *d* *» far^ii we iearauin favor of fteady habits* Willy JBfyuM, Ef^. Ueleaed Gqwnpr w Tesmef- Eleajons|in Delaware/Marjrlaitd, at)d were held yefUrday. it - fn ^on^h 6»rojfna| tjest Wtonday f *• Baltimrcl &pt, 48|^ ;Bc^\ ?_ A veffel has*jtift arrived from Cm tt^.-^^ fjeTHt 4th Anguft» 5 Th)s CJapttin iiatWihat' there */*s a great jJeal gF&hqgv^^^uip* mg at that place and Qibrah^rori a^ohi" * of the taking of Madrid^'and the defeat"oj\^e» French,-who are; #ated fo havejoft^ootl men.—In faafte—a o'clock^ P , fifc . .^ "-^ i % "* k - T f u " - Confirmation of the above. ^ i^f^^t «# Mercantile Aqp&hj&rj&SepU***. ^ LATEST FRO|4^P>^fe ^ %, v 5l- The fchooner Salomi, capt. Fa* rell, arrf^ ed at Baitimore on ^^lVom Sf lotiica* tie put into Ceuta lor water^ and l«l* theVe* On the4th of Angujlh&\ had vefy Jutiqik^ tnunicduon with the fho/e* H«.heat%i^ 4timoft tnc^ejTini firing o[f cannon aldrtj ''4hlf; coaft of Spam and at Gibialfar/ ^»p *»q^l 4 ring the .caufe imn a Spinifhv,offie?r *•&&£., $4me on board, he was iofo/mt*Jdthat- | h t combined Spanifhand j8r«i#i army bfd; c re^ taken the city of Madrid^ and had d i s c e d the French in * general en'gagememjik*ivh^N> ^ ihe v |a«ef Jo0 40^000 teetr killf d» wo%n5^«t * ? and prifoners." , ^ ^ »i a ^ -;?%» r>» '«'! ' o^T r H* 5 ^^?^4^ ,A gea'tlemao o^ the &f(l { cefp^ejMjtj&ju *&* this tettjr, received the Jollowbg iet*«fr .yef^' terday^trom his correfporident at P^rto-jr\t^p^ -s—It confii the-newa by fbe art ivai wfefe^ timore, " f r , |( ' * '•.jSj?, ^" ' ** Pari* £it# % SepL *, tQc«9.*-<^n»3b&ve£. ' fela have jnft a n f y e d j j r o ^ ^ j ^ , *', which « «n *5.l|a^-*. «f4tli <*3ffiet»J ^»*td ^agj^^ a f e new$ f fd^ted i^og* ji) t ^K^ on #^;ft|":h , ,„ t *ad>^th of luf v, srimop bloody bate, Wa^ viiemnes^ fo i|t i„ thene^bboifcod^tMa^ fcj^* by the Atner^s»that fpWid Me* Mr | th5%a P tfhaml EogUfh armiW, Wee,, *efe«ti^«FftAKCE*ndAl^»lt^»*»Iljedinde, kfl^, fr*d the French.| to which the,^ fc^oftheliHnyorth.efeAs.with^hatghtyEog. were deleaud wnh th4 M a ^ 4 ^ 0 0 0 menj land" proftrate mi theW feet 1 , . « , v «, v |n kiwed,' woond^d and orifoners^J * ^fhe p r ^ /*< » wt'.^T^ « • Li* ^ •. fomptioft th'eietoie is/that ftfadtid i^ e^cn.* 1*Liv#rpooi r ^nglahd/the, AmericanSalforS, «i -^.S# . r ,, ^ , " - that t>0«,«itehrste4theATnnWerftry^Mrlndepen* ^^tl'fu.^-^' «r^fcj-r>.„j,t* f *. f.A*» dence on hoard* vwOel. Towardt the tiofe of thedayi * ThefopercargoofthebngReplttO^TJom .quatreUhfoed.* Somfe«a*r«f##e^%ibaJ.Con- ^orto Rt£6 f t^orn* » S « K % « V#I»U {Sdertrtfr thfteohdu&offomeof the^orap*»ijy »nfu!«. had arrived there from Cadiz,in S£da^*,antt in)?, went orthosrd the Ihip and rttd^y attested to brought news'ol the ^(eit of *h* i V n c h fakedow»n the Amerlean c o i m t whert.thif gallant A* $>„ tfee cotnhmed B'itifh. Spanish, and P*rtv qeergia, 1. J 1 ^ ^ ^ p****- H" ft tw * S * « * * *^ ^ i f If mer'«anfc refolved it defend ihfTrflwgtwhile a fiiipe t a,ttaf,<jr a temaant rewaineA, and ]utttt4 i^Tue at log* gerheM* *Uh their invaders Jft»w the [ affair ter- Hiinated.mi what mrtfure» were take* topwaitli fhe rtattrv, wa havtnot learned* J 1 .• f MawAlwliMT% »AOi A Camp Meeting, Wat held on the 13ih of Septemfeer, in tjr of N«w | f i f t e , S t * ° Vjrwatdi of SO.jJOO pt } weravaiwMed** hav^artended. The grUittt order 1• in*feKMNHicy wa*ofcferv«4, laifkatf. A Qajf.Mrrfajr oajatiatsaU Phelpa khavletnl* »-f«»ai -*i>V'-' *?. tnguele ajffliei* with ve»v"*|reat lofsj aftd thft theMort* guns we?(e ftrect»at $*oK»'3$i««v <m& oihar r( jmtinga on receipt ol the above newt» A letter wa« feet-ivcd In to**l yef!«da}r* from,'£ivefp*of. -diiici|Fthe l«th.. : oi ~Ayjfi9$'f' tirdugh* % ». inrt'sT'witer'.mJihe'-' ||itp-Tha|t*i|,.| ! ;,„. Cipt. Fcrry^m L:v^'pont # Ifir N # w * l 6 t l l » | 2 ^ wlttch vefl>l w«t n||'i«w. ck I«and.»*f^f^i torfoftVTb* tfitei |*> s, iiVit the had btwk*4t4 iUe yu«j» v ! H-tU^ fefo'cilfrarylftgMcel 1 fi»| *m«4lii|e^*ehad 1 feratid Efptditlon^ \ $*i irn^lhrnt^wt^ ^ i n f e # «#Wptt«% * f-ohlle*frw4^»*i»f j ^ ^ennt^m^/h^JNil *'isWr We-IHr^cn^f h t " ofttmfefef 'maf. i * ^ U t o feel o«if ^o%*«r A^«* <3^!fe|$Roi I&il^-#a^feffi the Under lr-^iot €#Pe4 ' *•!'iheir v |bfi#la was -fl tnijs pofi-'ioathe* Jfeea S««h-a 4*fiaa«f•c^ol'd ttl map.-on# ^sa>» * ^ lerophon, Im^aTable tneihe^«w«re^»cc|&r^ ihe.*^^ ikgeeegfo fil JLWt» 0**kf'j& * thi^* $t^g foi*i#^ yr^feeJ»*^he ^sfl^^ Iraoi jbek,fojl|ijmA Q'HC gaHint 7 e^^f|f* i with 4£^«i^af^ * adi» d S i ^ M i i 4hffl#iii#^^iV moil»i%«%l^^| f ?c%rrie4pc«aap|itt ^ ^hele, iinbsa^adlt^le^ fu^edi 4^# T ^^I^#^3 i®eAe^^ia-%fe*^|TOi «d l w ^ a | % ^ e ^ | the 4f<^i^Mij^aj$e J^pet^F^|*^j the c^*4 ^irfty^ cWic«#w »i atstarnei afa ifacosii thfa^lhiMt%^ »g*Vlbto ^ < » * 0 * d% y ; Ab?aA%rf Tiit^r^f mmmm tehlbet^^ M%o^^fc cetfed mjbass|i^i«-^C:| 4 herr\ m rite&8ffi£%% 1 fe«e| fee*, ii mif# r 3 cha^^mf^»k r gottatims |#r »4 T e%« ft^TiaSP ^HS 5 ir«E|i#ce ! . i>eenja^r^fla^0ii fc wb fi8c€^|re«&a$&if trt^dlai^ pScace wjaS' laid $M t|e Jumper: PaitS'by hi||b^th d#y f % 4 *" ^^flr—ltwa»Vi thekhAug,-*tft,that liadtmiedto r^f|t holllht irs had^mia^i in which JloB*p»f*e ' 3*f, t1**Mt QjmtaT eoc v behel4#: Vienna; €^«h*rf» "*#& Smrw IMIIQI whoirit#eirni«c* lock, fom* *ifr*g**we- S«s- ^> The «»)^i»!t d** »«f ,4 s »ftd mu.vlered, *ud h\« Coc Internal %m m^twmmm* f ..- 3th*-rtafte^# 5SE 1t»rlc."^i . . ;taiSwrtco|the"|>»p ,. - ' lh»..SU\)ads 'tto he misd* itWianoflirOeWM, mmiim *f Ufe fat Ait* Qt**» \Velt«r« &•'**'. ^'<

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Page 1: cWic« · villa^ea are Htfed witb them, Tti five or fix hoipitili atone' we iAve Jound more than 6ooo»J •>

+4m*mm**~~*m*m*# f H S N C H BVLLBltm,



r*p*fted, not mpte tnan ooeepre^i#ed» hat b*ert orerpowere.1 hv numbers, and compel- j M toreuic ffomthebordexa^hbePwb* It does tint follow, however»tbat thet*o<jt«ft o f Auflria it completed,' #111 |efi ibatoJ Tofkey*Periif» and even In&a, as torhe o* "*ftt«jjtfagatamitci conclud^ * **%* ****}* **** Ueiout in the.^e*treme^-*^The armillw, wh<ch Bonaparte appear* to have been as] #nxiou*lora* the Emperor otAtttMaJfeaver

** l ie tttttfr m Ihe poffdltori of Bohemia, Mo-fa«*» Hungary, and #*W provinces, whh a jHjpufitron ot from twelve to {piceo million* **t pebp!e,*n army of near two hundted thou

* >tISuwP wenV beftdei an immense' militia; the ! rooft numerous atrtif lery l«i the'woild\ if the

Frerich iell truth upon tli^ciubjeCI, arid al-ntoft ine* hau liable magazines of ammunition smd provifioni. How enviable is the Tun** •ion ot the Afcftfian monarch, compared)

* with that 0t Ftederfek the Great, before tht* battle of Roibacb diflipatftd that magrtifictent

-* dream o* Prince K*unU*, the 'realisation of which was to divide Europe between France i ,*«d Atiftm, *4 Europe Midi AfiW* now^acv' /a&idioat to fotoe»^w^t»h*ti*attlr#am^r#, to. I>* <Nricfe& between France and Ruflia i

The* wen ty-fifth bulletin is extremely ob-fcoiw and wfatisfjclbryv whihh J» never the «•& when che French achieve rrWfrvi&ory. ' *tlfe drvrnTpn of the army; iatofigrrr^kand j «i»wr* la^ajmdfal with .iujfficjem cleatneffJ & * we have oeneof tnote details whie&lalofceJ c*& «o«w«Tit toj*dgt of pttftco^aprfr iSaa*. l i t tfat dhr*a * l the ^warning o f the

h*d 8 or 960 piece* of camum, and the fa the b^Wfut plain of Vfrnn*, ftp aiarej j French onl* cfatm M> hwe t-ikcn 40,0! which leer* *" the neighborhood ol a graft c*pha>,

x* wereuk*nonthelhft day ot »h* battle, have been burnt durUig Jhs haiiJe. Tbi 19 the Jor«rei» ol $<:ch{«Mgdmg« ^faw d?er>' j«ft hair&J of th« n»tK»n if loud a^atnft thr i>>tdt«r know* th*t hcav.y cpnoon citnriot h? jjt$ty meq>h»b*vcdf*^«trp9nii i»Utbcl< carried vfi; trt » c o i t f t i ^ and d*4ord>rtjr re^ calamiuei. v

The general of T»t iga<fo, Ltivocj»c,«n<ei TteGrt«tfrttt(t#fff**gr*m

The AuUriin nmy, I t we it*ve at! »t(»i?«! 'lojat, at !*4tt ihst many nmil be fariificed.

***«lre«Iy ttirncd the entrenchment* ol the J - ',* ^ — * »

^ *w«my**t«ftwiBg,anaMoiii»«Heevenj*nghe

|n« |mLtidk«t^ a * 4 ^ HA tt*^t ^iy'tt^re

* %»i » w^^5timia€e|%,AtiftiN ca«« twivtde | | jr« #11 l l s ^VlNt t4# bbUe|ir»)4t fegft.Afeiif'' I t tV^%ji |hafiaif t^e^% §«it»4MelIitifcgrimiil the fiftf d#,*of they

- fay 46mtjh&a& mwp i$fjf&*mckm theltve-. ^|^H«*fi%it 'Th^;4hiE^we^eltor«^#^hia.

#lMprrf$ theife-fi^ l^ i i^nve i^h» ' iltiilrlart " airpojuiorri m h |?§te i> maft |flJtilffrib1e.^ What ttfgiki^w\*&thz*¥ntmf %wa?* every.J

%m& *tfb »f#li te* ^iftaihiy" t to 4$h o^ £tb

j# i ihel|^ti#fttibkW|9B%8}pbrn|itWith


-^*efii##|ttrif%erplsiee %jGfhxk &fr4n£

t iicl^t Mthebnpni pt <Uyt therefiire.that Jed Nyjemb<«»g on lhe"e$ l^ot 3?*n^ w» h a i h e ftliireat tv44 an orderly and[ undiO*J*bed corps 6f ^avahy.and proceeded touvtrd^ &*v

*" * rejith, .He4met tl?e enemy at Be ^mhdm. charged hint <*'nh the firft provifi^nal iegi merit of draiaons, and cut m pieces afr wh»>

t c<mnon

the day* Tie « ftot fs*r intei ior t6 tbe fit ft. Ii | i$ difficult to detefmifletiIithmgi«/ottCdered. whether Hapoicon, Mareau or "Charfes, be, the («ft General $i the age. fhe^ are ail ; g^cat, til B^tal fo th^ CvT-afe* atid Epami£

ndndaiea, the Hannibal* and €^efars," of arr-t}

i?r|«it5f, *?, ' Fehigittfei'ind ^nc Alfri^i of the dark ^ages. and the Fie^rick* arid the


The eneriiy,« r e t ^ t 14 a deteat. We have collcflcd a part oi hit haggage. His'wound-

^edhaV^la&eftJmootir hirjd^; we have al-reafy counted more tharj i»,ooo; ail the villa^ea are Htfed witb them, Tti five or fix hoipitili atone' we iAve Jound more than 6 o o o » J •> . ' • < < ' v The Duke de Rivoli^ purfuing^ihe eriemy

By S:okraw, is already arrived at HoUabrunn. The DuUdeKjgufA had at Sra tallowed

6n the roar? to BVunn, whicii he q.uufed at Wotkerfdorf, in order to take that of Znaim. At 6 o'clock this mqrnincf, he met at lial* a reafguard.wh^ch fie routea—be took'900 of fir.' nothing more mtk&\o& (hali ^et^^Toriers. He will be tomorrow, at ' — « * . . . - . £ > - • .

duke of Auerfladt i i arrived to-day at

(lfrcoflbjrgb. , l f , - t ' T h e Emperor of Auftria,'Prince^Anthony/

with a ftiH of ahoot *QO «hafiotft cpicheii ,arid other carrlages.flept o w h c 6th at Ewaif-brun'n, the 7th at(HoMabrtioo,Abe $tk •» ^<t* J aim, whence ihey let out at nine, of the morn

, . , . , , ,*ng" Akordifeg to the relation of thjecoun « l rhat ^iffafge^-—**!£&« ^French] we>e-Biet J try people who conducted: them, their dejec- f

one^ A retrea<»t)g ar(mv moft neeeffariiy yield rruny prifoners to theenemy. But a* the French claim ow> co ooo, it is probable; ,th*t\he number acloaliy ?s|ken; did n«t ex. ceci! hair that number. ^We^are htfiafied ij af ttbe Auftrian forcei in this bautetdid not exceed from J40 to, the French, f inclljtdmgibeGermancomingeota»rnufth-*vel er§fnty*$ rearguard beh>r<j H^rabroon. beeri at Icaft i ^ o r i8ot6oo.*,—*Thekilled > Atnoonorti-he fame d*vfth« DuMof Ra ar d'Woiioded on both iide$, t'pold'nm betcfi,}gofa,whohad .irnvedontbe hcigh'ti <j>j£i3tro. tban 70 or 8O,OQO, and >#eie- jptobably equal ort each 64e« e fc

Ffo^ »he language ot :be 25 h Bjit'^io* and the teiri>sror the Jubiequeot* arrniftice^ we (fve convinced aifd^hat Napoleondefpaira ot the con^oell of ihe Aoftxtan Empirei and wilil eventually evacuate it With hit whoie force* either witrV or without a trlsaty.'

The Battle ot Wagram, will not caufe frbef laurels ol Prtn£cGhar!e* to fade. It is to be conhdefed that Bonaparte has-forty or fiity general* almoft e<[uil io bimtetf, and that Ihere "are irery lew able cdmmanders In th<? Auifl|rjtan fervice, befides the General*fl»nW. It the Archduke be Oottheittft Captain ot [ of Auerftadt had piffed the Tayal oppo&ie

Nicolfb*JOr^an 'Gerferal Otot«tby 3 w<i h?;at-eri Pfirlce Ko|enbcrg,'s Vear, taking 50 toeo ofrF^thce Charles* H^giroenu » At noon, on the 141th m£wtt'th$ Emperor arrived oppoHte 2Jnajrrif The hm\ih^be-gan . T h e D « k e of Ragufa had atts eked the town; and the Duke otttivoti had uktft the hr|dge,'arid had occupied the tobacco rnanu-

op poled hirn^and tdok t«o pieces, c

IWEKtY-^EV ENTH BULLETIN O n ihe lo th thp D »ke ol ll'tfofr be*t the

f w the enemy's ba#g*ge and ariitlcty filling o|> towards'Bohemia, peoejral Belhrggirdt wVote to htm chat Prmdf John of jLich*eA-ftein would repair to the £mp,erofr with a muX finjti From' his maiterjor the porpof^ of; treat­ing for peace;'' and in confeqoence dcfifed a fufpenfiun of arms* The Dttk* en IjUgvfe

[ replteil, that 'Jt was n9i in his powef tp ac­cede to foch a'propaOvion I but thaj fi«x would acquaint the Emperor with it» Meartwhik he attacked the encimyook from him an ex cellent pofidon,fnadc tome pTirdnertlan4to0fc two'colors, / H ^ J : " ,

On the morning of the fameJay^he Duk<

fifelory. In the different enga^ewlen^th^ day, we had taken thr*<? tho^and raen^ tWu ,colort» and three pieces or cannon. The 0ea , ot Brigade Bruyere^^a otBc sr of ve* ry gr«at promife, has heen woonded. - T h e General ot Brigade Cuiton, mad^a fine charge,with'the aoih curr-iffierfV {

The Emperor, informed that Purtce John of Xtchtendein, who had .been fent to him was arrived within our polls, ordered the fW to ceafe. The annexed arniifticejfas midnight at the Prince ot Neu chasei's

The Prince oi LichtenJ|ein vas jidfemed toth6 Empcrbf in hit tenuat £ o'clock m th^ morning. [Here follows the A^rnflsce as publtihed in our faft.WThe a8h b illeun is jreceived. It (hall he pubhlhed neftt week,

1 band-—^The Danube had *ileiD,6 Je^iTJ,


twW o i Elmidarfif* Alter 6nebattl4ot feyen

- tettal a^Wrrcreort ih;e ajft ol the French* the ^0tk HapoJeon ^tM>ve*ed that the Arch^ ,, itttke** dit%oilt|oAs W tfT'to nnlklUal^hat iV % would he no titumphto defeat rhp/ajadaBu-".sdly irf^s-^-fome irrte to fee if'h? Vbu'ld npt - heeome *lhamed ol them h\m(t\lt and run ay ^ jwiy without fightingajfecond titnew Charles •fasmtxtt^^oileladed-to fight fowle eight or

^:tm$&wX&i%eftm&mfy NapoMoh** move. \wmh*+&&tiwi. heyorijd the conception -a(

A* r-**1*

«w«4rr«9r fm&V, *!m$bl- Q^iootence

4 imm ftNtnt^o^ |e l tWri | wit Wro^ld^ ' ;

T %«^?pt^tl|(Wrf#8o# cut o|bnV V^iWmhtiiHf ^ f ^ * l a « * ^ d > ] ^ M ,

<»}i^Auftfii«comroaiid1ruifedo!?ofDpIJ!te *ucfi«r* only J3wc^jd#^f«iwholehomhetf-w«re greatly intericr tuth^fe ol lb^ MmtU^h^ Althoogtr t i e eift|Hef^ir# m day break, watiif* fomfrW at the unfkil l\f1nCfi of i h e e n ^ y , •Mi i.flMined *4 4ei«it t herp too footlt if was IMM *U1 « • o'clock (alter 9 4 0 ^ 5 hour* fiffht. i n g , * r « * m i t o m M t o % U k Z * m m t W*mm) flat »* Mttelltgennneri law ih$k the ^ay was* 4m&* mi tb# *m»f y «« mir MeS* hi it was not ill! a little « Warn night** titat ** tr e; tqem? wit urn irf ft|ht#

w ifhptitftigd, urtmd* lated by tb« triumphant Gatifs*

tndemlr the frmh u, that the Archduke ^L St**1**!***•»•b1**"^prudentco»iiiiatt4#

% • **• »oo#pi-n* hmifeif it the battle til H**mg*nf when he foand thai ftwa* iropof. Mt 19 mamtain hit gn.unil much longer tktffvmiM*^ *o *hrow away fhe lives ol y$M*** fbldiffs, hot retired at hit letlure, mtm mft& order irom the (cent oi battle.

• • J|a»^aWadoe>ai>« hint a »o«Cuit urw l hit * ^ - " 4 * ^ 1 1 , H ^ # U ^ H / But thttt 11


;ion was>^rjem«% tv- . O n e oi the Ptinces de Kphan was found

wounded Ion ibe field of battle. Lieutenant Field-Marfhal Wuffakowiez is among the putonert.^ j i " -„ The artillery of the guard covered itfeH withghryi tMajor AboatUe,i)irho command.'

* ed," was wonoded. Trie Emperor bajumade r htm Generjal Brigade, thtfhiefot afouad-, ron of artillery, Grenner, has loil »a arm* Tbefe idtt*dntd attUlcrymen diiplayed all the" powir oUh'ti terrible weapon/ * The horfechafFeursof thegugrd charged,

and dtQve back, on the da)r.ty the batjle ol Wagram, three fcjuarr,* >f infantry. They rtadtffavlt'pieces ot ean'ridn^ Th'e light-hprfe Poles of theguard charged arcrfrnent ot pike

S T— -

The news we'poblifh in this fay** pupftr [of the 4e» le»t of the French in Spctn, muft be gratifying to eV ery lover of freedom. .The Patriot*of Spxm hive jbeen *t war nesrfy^ijfhteen months w»th !|h.e emp?r-<» Napoleon, fi* tnottdnadfultcourge that I£urope<eper. yrftf aad !»*»« ,«?,'«' fi»ce$cded »ft cirivjng from tp'pi*" country thole vipers who have A> long preyed «pon »t* *ita1«. Could AoftvU h l &*t h*tf *» Jong, For­tune might frpwn «pon the tf-rant u • • ^ * f ,* Jhfn -Woa!d th<t World feeWter days—thtn wobT^ bleed irtg Baropehwil for; wound* and find regolpi

& • * % : ^***a§itta*- »»« :

I t w« a very lingular thing to fcejwo regi» meats bel6ngmg,tothe:fatoeCol. fighting one a^amft ihe other* . ( y \ t

^It S p e a r s that t h e e n e m y ^hand ,ontng mm%and Hangarjr.addiiireuiioginto Bo.

The Voadiare eWereco*' with the m«mbe» longing to the X.mdwfhf^ *hf7^y-e»-

The; lohes which Beicr io,n U adding to tWe meenemy has M a W d mkaied.woun-fT^*?.? »K fon«f**^<opc«winr to(ann> hllajeh34^ifrty., , , j " , ' . "^ . ,

y he* nutacroufvletter» jurhteh ha fe been ir> lertiepted are k ftrik^g ehara'Ser ot the d|f* twitem of the hollite army^ »nd thediforder whlchre jgns in l t . , x , . * .

«ow jhat the Anftrian monarchy it with. Ottt Ihope t Wp ild evince being til atqtiatnt* ed with the*haraae> of ^hofe who govern it, not, no expea that they wtHhumtlitace them! f e l m m they did *her the hattleof AnHer* hit. At that ejioch.they were as nowtwith- J

[ out hope; *n& they exha led all their pro*1

T tcflanoni ana oaths. During the day ot*he Sth,the enemvle»t

a lew hundred men to the right bank of the Danube to make ohferv*tion»* They re-em-barked, after having loit a )cw men killed or taken prifvnais.

The beat was e tecum on thefe tltys !*• T h e b*»i WM alaoofl cooiUnUy «4 t w o u r -psdfgrrei. ^

* * & * * ¥m WPOifa i f wnm, Is

come to

IWifft liefcr«ca j ^ * f t - r % »mv»r«rtti t.„,m *wa«fc,A3

mif^X l l i « d i t o % th l f ia l t^ro ^Vhifi f!i t»po» ihU*% »n «it»pomA^4J/^wrri?r«d ThJ <i*ftr- er* -*^re «s»r ^ * A T * ^ ^ A n {*,?«*, f5^f *

try to interWt l*t eonJ4<j«tfne* ijf mfat

he,a fir» ing,. ?rd fter (ante 4*iliiS^ j PjHMNstL t we


* Th«« editor offhfi^n'Uiwm'i&vmMi*^

*h« «,;« r ^ o v H r a M e ^ « ^ ^ , ^ ; ^ w . < S J 5 ^

of it* Order $ Spumtkffititd jDftf&rtr, ^ ^* J wilt have w jnv*jblgatloa'amo his efiflJ»& « l i s next fei&-vn ^^pngrelTii e p u ^ i n g *v«r^ *& «f ^ political |t£s. %mfh^cMe,of tJje^vofurM^^j^ famou* #xjpfefit1on of Snrr]#*otifp^cy; ' j r ) » i * . it (hoold !>«—.» confu;am*)lop d^outly Whe wdinX

« »

> * , H Trade eoj€a»3tfau' tt ieemifcy the folf^ndfti' fi-em * &ghtateip*M& i

thM trade wjth rhe C»nad»«t«i ir»*j be Prof<rcw*d «t • prefent whliffuriiabinrjr t& feizor* or <*<-r*mwm.-.

H) • ^sceilency t»ej;ov#rtffr i*» cJtitf, h«ivHig; r«eti* v«l from hS* w«|efty*s m»n»a*r *t WafhtWioiJ thi Allowing commaoicatiott hjiup gi»«ir4ir*)aiott* lort** , JieHjt poblitb^d for geoeiat |«r«rw*yo«« , *

'» You wlrtt«h^v*e thjii'*kj«»^*tio« 4«^i» A n t ^ -terntorues *$ not Forbidden by tand, not %n any o*hfr manner.than in (hips and v^ffelaj ax wifl appear by the 34 fe&ian of the *a of i?t& June tatf* ^cofijU ing to thp fpiritpf the infliH4aiQn«'«f the prthdeiUiM

JQ entry, and wifi pot Tor the pr«ieot, he habit** feiaure, or fabjc^ tht patttei cotj eped to profei«»

» - . , 1 1 , - - , ^ *

<rt« flighty trnpoTtu^Jjoik Spqm More BJ«o^|jr Battles! , K*/S[

Bv this 4^*s W n c r b mail, m»»m<?a14% , received tn town frorn Baltimore, isrZuefai thcrt bv an anWif from €tm0j*impik% *, Ih^ri pagagel Having that a leveVe battteThal s

W n fought wttfifn a f&laagttfW I v I ^ ^ L between the allied 'pmtfof thf\SpmWJPfr*^L' riots, En^ifliahd P^u£ue&| o.o4e> Vane%' * w

ftras, Cue^a, attd Gen^ Wel?r%;,andr*bs:


40,000 n?em Gen, qfjeffa eoitm^mfeU jfe VMerv Vanegas ihe rigfij ^ n i a r T ^ B t t o f Wellelly the feft, ^b*Mm ^mh^M**

€uefta and ?aaegai « c b p-r^t t t lMirf j t t l j jaat of the F r e a c b ^ A j # h k # : i i % t hefor1* them and endeavf mpWi&Wetim®^

j tetter from B a l t i m o r e ; ] * & & S r f f i U S ^ ^

collect. $•*£*&*• *yj\^!^-*^% ^A#Z-- ^


Verind'at'b ^emtwpratic. * One Paltuha HM ohtsjln fed a majority over governor TJ^henor. The caufe of the- onexp«acd change may b* afcribc-l to thi»: t«afl f«l{ the democratic &cgiff*tor« authorised the Governor; to concert^tneafurex with the Governor of Lower CanSda, for the,dete4«on and pwnlfhment of

[counterfeiter!. While Uie Governor was ibfent on ^hif doty, (which" happened to he.hwt * friw months preyiom Xp the fH&iw) |h« fe»"«al democn tic pretfes

I labored^day and nighty to njmkethe cleat rs believe j th« Tichenor had afinatly £QM over to tie, 9nthb / / and tiar?d>ills were pubicffifcdt'har iHg him with pro^ Curing ammunition and rttfitatrft^rerfof G oy*Cr*%. trsitordtjQy] to ufe agtina his ownf-Country, in c*fe of J % w»r with En^aftd!—A porjtioA of th^ pe aple, who j ,f^m""de|i;hnfn«d,to receive ft* *r*& every tl*i»g theie Ftf neb r*fc»l» p»hn npon them, ^ v e creiato^ii^ ihominsW* jF*|ferhPod^ajod Tjchenor loft hj» ele^lion. |Ufe raeahi.are #e^aiate to obtain b^ft eti4«

The fem)*anaval eleSionin Cdnn*a»cui m refah» *d* *» far^ii we iearauin favor of fteady habits*

Willy JBfyuM, Ef . Ueleaed Gqwnpr w Tesmef-

Eleajons|in Delaware/Marjrlaitd, at)d were held yefUrday. it-

fn ^on^h 6»rojfna| tjest Wtondayf

*• Baltimrcl &pt, 4 8 | ^ ;Bc^\ ?_ A veffel has*jtift arrived from C m tt^.-^^

fjeTHt 4th Anguft» 5Th)s CJapttin iiatWihat' there */*s a great j J e a l g F & h q g v ^ ^ ^ u i p * mg at that place and Qibrah^rori a^ohi" * o f the taking of Madrid^'and the defeat"oj\^e» French,-who are; #ated fo h a v e j o f t ^ o o t l men.—In faafte—a o'clock^ P, fifc . .^ "-^

i % "* k -T f u " -Conf irmat ion o f the a b o v e . ^

i^f^^t « # Mercantile Aqp&hj&rj&SepU***. ^ LATEST FRO|4^P>^fe ^ %,

v5l-The fchooner Salomi, capt. Fa* rell, arrf^

ed at Baitimore on ^^lVom Sf lotiica* t ie put into Ceuta lor water^ and l«l* theVe* On the4th of Angujlh&\ had vefyJutiqik^ tnunicduon with the fho/e* H«.hea t%i^ 4timoft tnc ejTini firing o[f cannon aldrtj ''4hlf; coaft of Spam and at Gibialfar/ ^»p *»q^l 4 ring the .caufe imn a Spinifhv,offie?r *•&&£., $4me on board, he was iofo/mt*Jdthat- |ht combined Spanifhand j8r«i#i army bfd;cre^ taken the city of Madrid^ and had d i s c e d the French in * general en'gagememjik*ivh^N> ^ ihe v |a«ef J o 0 40^000 teetr killf d» wo%n5^«t *?

and prifoners." , ^ ^ »i a^ -;?%»

r>» '« ' ! ' o^T r H * 5 ^ ^ ? ^ 4 ^ ,A gea'tlemao o^ the &f(l{ cefp^ejMjtj&ju *&*

this tettjr, received the Jollowbg iet*«fr .yef^' terday^trom his correfporident at P^rto-jr\t^p^ -s—It confii m« the-newa by f be art ivai wfefe^ timore, " f r , |( ' * '• . jSj?, ^" ' ** Pari* £it#% SepL *, tQc«9.*-< n»3b&ve£.' fela have jnft a n f y e d j j r o ^ ^ j ^ , * ' , which « «n *5.l|a^-*. «f4tli <*3ffiet»J »*td ^agj^^ afe new$f fd^ted i^og* ji) t^K^ on #^;ft|":h

, , „ t *ad>^th of luf v , srimop bloody b a t e , W a ^ v i i e m n e s ^ f o i | t i„ t h e n e ^ b b o i f c o d ^ t M a ^ fcj^*

by the Atner^s»that fpWid Me* Mr | th5%aPtfhaml EogUfh armiW, W e e , ,

*efe«ti^«FftAKCE*ndAl^»lt^»*»Iljedinde, kfl^, fr*d the French.| to which the,^ fc^oftheliHnyorth.efeAs.with^hatghtyEog. were deleaud wnh th4 Ma ^ 4 ^ 0 0 0 menj land" proftrate mi theW feet 1 , . « , v«, v |n kiwed,' woond^d and orifoners^J * ^fhe p r^

/*< » w t ' . ^ T ^ « • Li* •. fomptioft th'eietoie is/that ftfadtid i^ e^cn.* 1*Liv#rpooir ^nglahd/the, AmericanSalforS, «i -^.S# . r , , ^ , " -

that t>0«,«itehrste4theATnnWerftry^Mrlndepen* ^ ^ t l ' f u . ^ - ^ ' « r ^ f c j - r > . „ j , t * f * . f.A*» dence on hoard* vwOel. Towardt the tiofe of thedayi * The fopercargoof thebngRepl t tO^TJom .quatreUhfoed.* Somfe«a*r«f##e^%ibaJ.Con- ^orto Rt£6 f t ^ o r n * » S « K % « V#I»U {Sdertrtfr thfteohdu&offomeof the^orap*»ijy a» »nfu!«. had arrived there from Cadiz,in S£da^*,antt in)?, went orthosrd the Ihip and rttd^y at tested to brought news'ol the ^ ( e i t o f *h* i V n c h fakedow»n the Amerlean coim t whert.thif gallant A* $>„ t f e e cotnhmed B'itifh. Spanish, and P*rtv



J 1 ^

^ ^


H" f t tw * S

* • « * *

* ^

^ i

f If

mer'«anfc refolved it defend ihfTr flwgt while a fiiipet

a, ttaf, <jr a temaant rewaineA, and ]utttt4 i Tue at log* gerheM* *Uh their invaders Jft»w the [ affair ter-Hiinated.mi what mrtfure» were take* topwaitli fhe rtattrv, wa havtnot learned*


1 .•


MawAlwliMT% »AOi

A Camp Meeting, Wat held on the 13ih of Septemfeer, in

tjr of N«w | f i f t e , S t * ° Vjrwatdi of SO.jJOO pt } weravaiwMed** hav^artended. The grUittt order 1• in*feKMNHicy wa*ofcferv«4,

laifkatf. A Qajf.Mrrfajr oajatiatsaU Phelpa

khavletnl* »-f«»ai



tnguele ajffliei* with ve»v"*|reat lofsj aftd thft theMort* guns we?(e ftrect»at $*oK»'3$i««v <m& oihar r( jmtinga on receipt ol the above newt»

A letter wa« feet-ivcd In to**l yef!«da}r* from,'£ivefp*of. -diiici|Fthe l«th..:oi ~Ayjfi9$'f' tirdugh* % ». inrt'sT'witer'.mJihe'-' ||itp-Tha|t*i|,.|!;,„. Cipt. F c r r y ^ m L:v^'pont# Ifir N # w * l 6 t l l » | 2 ^ wlttch vefl>l w«t n||'i«w. ck I « a n d . » * f ^ f ^ i

tor foftV Tb* tfitei |*> s, iiVit the had b twk*4t4 iUe yu«j» v ! H - t U ^


fi»| *m«4lii|e^*ehad 1 feratid Efptditlon^

\ $*i i rn^lhrnt^wt^

^ i n f e # «#Wptt«%

* f-ohlle*frw4^»*i»f j ^ ^enn t^m^/h^JNi l *'isWr We-IHr^cn^f h

t" ofttmfefef 'maf. i * ^ U to feel o«if o%*«r

A ^ « * <3^!fe|$Roi I&il^-#a^feffi the Under lr-^iot €#Pe4

' *•!'iheirv|bfi#la was -fl tnijs pofi-'ioathe* Jfeea S««h-a 4* fiaa«f •c^ol'd

ttl map.-on# sa>» * ^

lerophon, Im^aTable tneihe^«w«re^»cc|&r^ i h e . * ^ ^ ikgeeegfo fil JLWt» 0**kf'j&

* thi^* $ t ^ g foi*i#^ yr^feeJ»*^he ^ s f l ^ ^ Iraoi jbek,fojl|ijmA Q'HC g a H i n t 7 e ^ ^ f | f *

i with 4 £ ^ « i ^ a f ^ * adi» d S i ^ M i i

4 h f f l # i i i # ^ ^ i V

m o i l » i % « % l ^ ^ |

f ?c%r rie 4pc«aap|itt ^

^hele, iinbsa^adlt^le^

fu^edi 4 ^ # T ^ ^ I ^ # ^ 3

i®eAe^^ia-%fe*^|TOi «d l w ^ a | % ^ e ^ |

the 4 f < ^ i ^ M i j ^ a j $ e


the c^*4 irfty^

cWic«#w »i atstarnei afa ifacosii

t h f a ^ l h i M t % ^

»g*Vlbto ^ < » * 0 * d % y ;Ab?aA%rf

Tii t^r^f mmmm tehlbet^^ M%o^^fc cetfed mjbass|i i«-^C:| 4herr\ m rite&8ffi£%%p

1 fe«e| fee*, ii mif#r3 c h a ^ ^ m f ^ » k r gottatims | # r »4Te%«

ft TiaSP ^HS 5ir«E|i#ce!. i>eenja^r^fla^0iifc wb fi8c€^|re«&a$&if trt^dlai^ pScace wjaS' e» laid $M t | e Jumper: PaitS'by h i | |b^th d#y

f % 4 *"

^ ^ f l r — l t w a » V i thekhAug,-*tft,that l i a d t m i e d t o r ^ f | t holllht irs had^mia^i in which JloB*p»f*e ' 3*f, t1**Mt QjmtaT eoc

vbehel4#: Vienna; €^«h*rf» "*#& Smrw

IMI IQI whoirit#eirni«c* lock, fom* *ifr*g**we- S«s- ^>

The «»)^i»!t d** »«f ,4s

»ftd mu.vlered, *ud h\« Coc

Internal %m

m^twmmm* ft3 ..- 3th*-rtafte # 5SE 1t»rlc."^i . . ;taiSwrtco|the"|>»p ,. - ' lh»..SU\)ads 'tto he misd* »*

itWianoflirOeWM, mmiim *f Ufe fat Ait*

Qt**» \Velt«r«

&•'**'. '<