cwi questionair

PART A FUNDAMENTALS 1. Gas metal arc welding using short-circuiting transfer produces... a. Excellent fusion b.Deep penetration c.Greater melt off rate d. .(a) and (b) above e.None of the above 2. What Welding symbol above represents the following Weld joint? a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4 e. 5 3. The most extensively used weld inspection method is a. UT b. RT c. MT d. VT

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Page 1: CWI Questionair


1. Gas metal arc welding using short-circuiting transfer produces...

a. Excellent fusion

b.Deep penetrationc.Greater melt off rated. .(a) and (b) abovee.None of the above

2. What Welding symbol above represents the following Weld joint?a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4e. 5

3. The most extensively used weld inspection method is

a. UTb. RTc. MTd. VTe. PT

4. What Shade filter plate (or eye protection) is needed when observing submerged arc welding at 1,000 Amps?

a. No.14 Filterb. No.12 Filterc. No 10. Filterd. No .4 .Filtere. Clear safety goggles of safety glasses.

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5. Which of the following process can be used to join quenched and tempered steels?

a. SMAWb. SAWc. GMAWd. All of the abovee. B and c above

6. The figure above illustrates

a. Bend specimenb. Tensile specimenc. Impact specimend. Macro specimene. Drop weight specimen

7. The sketch above shows a. shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)

b.Flux core arc welding(FCAW)c.Electro slag welding(ESW)d.Gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW)e.Stud arc welding(SAW)

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8. A specification uses the term “Caulk weld”; according to A3.0, standard welding terms and definitions, it is a non standard term that is referring to a

a. Putty weldb.seal weldc.slugged weldd.a weld covered with caulking puttye.(a) and /or (d)\

9. For heat treatable low alloy steels, the minimum preheat and interpass temperature required cracking depends on

a. Available hydrogen during weldingb. condition of heat treatmentc. Its carbon and alloy contentd. all of the abovee. letters (b) and (c) above

10. Which welding symbol above represents the weld joint?a.1b.2c.3d.4e.5

11. The above symbol indicates

a. Double-flare-v-groove weld, ultrasonic test either side in fieldb.Double-flare-bevel-groove weld, ultrasonic test both sides in fieldc. .Double-bevel-groove weld, ultrasonic test either side in fieldd.Double-V-groove weld, ultrasonic test either Side in fielde.none of the above

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For question 12 through 16 study the illustration below.

12.For the fillet weld above :Dimension #1 designates the a.theoretical throatb.effective throatc.actual throatd.convexitye.size of weld

13.Dimension #2 designates thea.convexityb.size of weldc. .theoretical throatd. actual throate. effective throat

14. Dimension #3 designates thea. effective throatb. convexityc.Penetrationd.theoretical throate. actual throat

15. Dimension #4 designates thea.Penetrationb.Overlapc.undercutd. convexity

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16. Dimension #5 designates thea. size of weldb.Overlapc.undercutd. convexitye.concavity

17.The sketch above shows

a.Air carbon arc cutting(CAC-A)b.oxyfuel gas cutting(OFC)c.Gas tungsten arc cutting(GTAW)d.Mechanical cuttinge.Plasma arc cutting(PAC)

18.The test which uses the specimen illustrated above is a.All-weld metal tensileb.Macrotechc.impactd.Bende.None of the above

19.Back step sequence welding is often useda. for ease of operationb. for tacking the welded metalc. to speed up welding

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d .to reduce distortione. to prevent crater cracks

20.A 45 degree angle is abouta. 78.5 radb.7.875 radc.1.745 radd.0.7875 rade.0.07875 rad

21. 3.384 millimeter per second equals how many inches per minute ?a.7b.7.5c.8d.8.5e.9

22. 523.65 MPa equals how many pounds per square inch?a.75000b.75250c.75500d.75750e.76000

23. 600 degree F rounds toa.1112° cb.1022 ° cc.340° cd.333° ce.316° c

24. 50 pounds force isa.122.3 Nb.222.5 Nc.322.4 Nd.344.5 Ne.0.22 N

25. 2.5 KLps equals how many newtons?a.11050b.11100c.11125

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26. 15 pounds mass equals how many kilograms?a.5.81b.6c.6.5d.6.81e.7.1

27. A standard all weld metal tensile specimen is shown above.the ultimate strength (UTS) of this specimen may be determined as follows:

Assuming the specimen fails at an ultimate load of 12000 pounds,what is the approximate tensile strength of MPa?

a.42100 MPab.4210 MPac.421 MPad.42.1 MPae.4.21 MPa


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28 .If the prods shown in method #2are placed on the face (axis ) of a groove weld ,which of the flaws would cause the clearest indication?

a.transverse surface crackb.lack of fusion on the rootc.A plate lamination d.A longitudinal surface cracke.Tungsten inclusion

29.which of the above symbols as listed in the curret A2.4 ,standard symbols for welding.,brazing, and nondestructive examination ,is used to indicate field weld?

a.1b.2c.3d.4e.Field welds are not shown on the drawings.

30.Sensitization of stainless steel primarily refers to its loss ofa.Strengthb.Toughnessc.Ductilityd.Corrosion resistancee.Impact resistance.

31.The base metal next to the weld that has been heated to a sufficiently high temperature to cause a change in microstructure is the

a.Tempered Zoneb.Heat-affected zonec.Untempered zoned.Pearlite areae.Base plate

32.Electrical hazards area.Present in electric arc weldersb.Present in secondary leadsc.minimized by proper equipment installation

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d.more severe in the presence of water or moisturee.all of the above

33.Inspection records shoulda.Be in as much as detail as necessaryb.Include explanation of repairsc.State how the work stayed within prescribed tolerancesd.All of the abovee. B and C above

34.Incomplete fusion can be caused bya.Molten metal flooding ahead of the arcb.Insufficient heat inputc.Proper joint designd.Any of the abovee. A and B above

35.what welding symbol above represents the following weld joint? a.1b.2c.3d.4e.5

36.Brazed joints can be destructively tested by which of the following testing methods?

a.Metallographicb.Peelc.Tensiond.All of the abovee.None of the above

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37.A CWI shall have the responsibility of verifying documentation of the followinga.records of welder qualificationsb.records of tacker qualificationsc.records of Welding operator qualifications

. d.records of Welding Procedure qualificationse.all of the above

STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOW 38.An ultrasonic test of a plate shows a trace on the CRT with peaks as shown above,if the sweep is from left to right ,the peak at (2) may indicate

a. A flaw at the surfaceb. A flaw near the centerc. A reflection from the backd. A flaws at the backe.there is no flaw indicated on the trace

39.which of the following sometimes used to control distortion in a weldment?a.Peeningb.Preheatingc.Fixtures and stress reliefd.Backstep weldinge.All of the above

40.An unbroken tensile specimen has a thickness of .59 inch and a width of .73 inch.What is the cross sectional area in square inches?

a..39b. .40c..41d..43e..44

41.Overexposure to X-rays or gamma rays may cause damage to humana.sexual organsb.blood tissuec.skind.internal organse.all of the above

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The weld in the butt joint above

42 .No.1 indicates thea.Beads b.weld rootc.weld toed.face reinforcemente.weld face

43. No.2 indicates thea.Beads b.weld rootc.weld toed.face reinforcemente.weld face

44. No.3indicates thea.Beads b.weld rootc.weld toed.face reinforcemente.weld face

45. No.4 indicates thea.Beads b.weld rootc.weld toed.face reinforcemente.weld face

46. No.5 indicates thea.beads b.weld rootc.weld toed.face reinforcemente.weld face

STUDY THE ILLUSTRATION BELOW 47.The sketch above shows a test procedure for

a. shielded metal arc welding(SMAW)

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b.Gas metal arc welding(GMAW)c.Electro slag welding(ESW)d.Gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW)e.Stud welding(SW)


48.Identify the correct welding symbol for the desired welda.Ab.Bc.Cd.De.E

49.when welds are going to be hidden or inaccessible for inspection in a finished weldment or structure,they should be inspected borescopic methods to provide access to the hidden weldsb.after postweld treatment of the completed weldment of structurec.before start of the weldingd.during the progress of assembly as welds are completede.after completion of the work

50.The symbol above shows the configuration of

a.U-groove weldb.bevel-groove weld

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c.J-Groove weldd.fillet welde.flare-V-Groove weld

51.Hardness of the base metals can be affected by which of the following conditions?

a.heat treatmentb.cold,working of the metalc.composition of the base and weld metal d.metllugical effects of welding processe.ll of the above

52.In braze welding,flux may be applied by which of the following methods?a.using filler rod pre-coated with fillsb.introducing flux through oxyfuel gas flamec.brushing the flux on the joint prior to brazingd.all of the abovee.A or C above

53 .Pick the welding process beat illustrated by the above sketch

a. shielded metal arc welding(SMAW)b.Gas metal arc welding(GMAW)c.Gas tungsten arc welding(GTAW)d.Submerged arc welding(SAW)e.Plasma arc cutting(PAW)

54.which of the following may an inspector use to perform visual inspection?a.magnifierb.micrometerc.fillet weld gauged.all of the abovee.B and C above

55.The welding inspector must verify thata. all records are completed by the time hardware is shipped even though

they may not have been completed at the end of operationsb. records of qualifications,certification,fabrication and testing are completed

and that they meet appropriate code and/or specification requirements specified for the job

c. all the general points are covered in inspection records,since detail is never allowed in such reports

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d. the hardware was completed and that the shop promises to complete the records before shipment.

e. that the quality manual meets the appropriate quality system national or international standard for welding such as ISO 9000 or GS 9000


56.A weld which extends all around the joint is shown at numbera.9b.4c.7d.3e.8

57.An intermittent fillet is shown as numbera.1b.9c.4d.7e.6

58.A plug weld indicating depth of fill is shown as numbera.6b.3c.7d.5e.8

59.A groove weld with melt-through is shown at numbera.2b.7c.6d.3e.10


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60.The profile of the fillet weld above shows a flaw at no.1 is known asa.a wagon trackb.a toe crackc.underlapd.undercute.underbead cracking

61. The fillet weld above shows a flaw at No.2 is known as a.overlapb.a toe crackc.overfilld.undercute.toe lamination

62. The fillet weld above shows a defect at No.3 is known as a.macrofissureb.incomplete fusionc.piping underbead crack

63. A CWI shall be familiar with and understand the fundamentals of a.SMAWb.FCAWc.GMAWd.GTAWe.all of the above

64. A single wiresubmereged arc welding machine is operated at 60 inches per minute. What is the heat energy input of….Heat input (joules per inch)= amps x voltsx 60

Travel speeda. 2,400 joules per inchb. 1,152,000 joules per inchc. 1,44,000 joules per inchd. 110,000 joules per inche. 14,400 jolus per inch

65. The rate of cooling in a weld bead is slowed by…a. Decreasing the heat input per inch of weldb. Preheating the weldment

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c. Reducing the electrode sized. Increasing the travel speede. Increasing the ampearage and travel speed proportionally

66. The fillet weldbreak test is used to evaluvate the a. Quality of the fractured weld metal b. Compressing strength of the weld jointc. Ductility of weld metald. Weld’s resistance to lamellar tearinge. Impact strength of the weld joint

67. Depending on the cause , slag entrapment may be corrected by…a. Changing the electrode or fluxb. Through slag removal between the passes c. Proper positioning of the jointd. All of the abovee. B and C of above

68. Inspection report should be ……..a. Clearly writtenb. Contain all required informationc. Readily accessibled. All of the abovee. A and B of Above

For questions 69 to 71, Study the illustration given below 69. The weld in the figure No 1 above is said to be welden in the :

a. Flat positionb. Horizontal positionc. Vertical positiond. Overhead positione. None of the above

70. The weld in the figure No 2: above is said to be welded in thea. Flat positionb. Horizontal positionc. Vertical positiond. Overhead positione. None of the above

71. The weld in the figure No 3: above is said to be welded in thea. Flat positionb. Horizontal position

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c. Vertical positiond. Overhead positione. None of the above

72) Incomplete joint penetration can be caused by f. Insufficient root opening g. Excessive travel speed h. Excessive electrode diameter i. All of the above j. A and C above

73) Macro examination will reveal the microstructure of the ... k. Base metal l. Heat-affected zone m. Fusion zone n. All of the above o. B and C above

74)The upper limits of preheat and interpass temperatures for

quenched and tempered steel specified for what reason (s) r

a) Keep deposit rate to a minimum b) Maintain the strength in the base metal heat-affected zone c) Kelp the weld metal from becoming too strong

d) Avoid cracking in the weldment e) Letters B and D above

75) Which of the following is NOT important pr. essential to

good record keeping?

a) Clearly and concisely stated facts

b) A good company policy manual

c) Well organized reports presenting a total picture

d) Logical sequence to reporting e) All supporting forms, reports and data included or referenced

76) In a welding procedure qualification test, a reduced section tensile test specimen measured

14 inch x 1-1/2 inches before testing and failed at a load of 24,375 lbs. what was the tensile

strength in pounds per square inch of the specimen?

a) 73,125

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b) 65,000

c) 56,000d) 6,500e) 9,140

77) Oxyacetylene welding of 16 gauge steel requires absorptive eye protection of a...

a) Shade # 4 or 5 b) The same absorptive lens as required for submerged arc

welding c) Shade # 6 or 8 d) Shade # 10 0 12 e) Just safely glasses

78)Liquid penetrant inspection is used for detecting...

a) Weld undercut

b) Excessive weld reinforcement c) Weld discontinuities open to the surface d) Short fillet weld leg size

e) Depth of weld penetration Using the figure number 1 answer the following79) The symbol above requires:

a) Penetrant testing on the other side of part

b) Proof testing on the other side of the part

c) Penetrant testing on the arrow side of the part d) Proof testing on the arrow side of the part

e) Penetrant and radiographic testing from the other side

80) A stress relief heat treatment (approximately 1150°F on carbon steel ) is intended to ...

a) Change the microstructure of the weld

b) Increase the tensile strength of the weld

c) Reduce the residual weld stresses across the weld.

d) Increase the impact strength of the weld. e) Provide a method of oven heating for the removal of gas

pockets trapped in the weld.

81) The liquid penetrant applied to the surface of a test specimen...

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a) flows into discontinuities upon application of developed. b) is adsorbed by discontinuities c) , is drawn into a discontinuity by capillary action

d) runs into discontinuities by gravity. e) penetrates the surface by chemical action.


Refer Fig No : 2

82) Identify the correct welding symbol for the desired weld.

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3d) 4

e) 5 83) Mid steel (A36) steel is more weldable than...

a) Low carbon steel (A53) b) Medium carbon steel (SAE140)

c) High carbon steel (SAE 1095)

d) All of the above e) B and C

84) Air carbon arc cutting

a) Requires an electrode holder b) Require an air supply

c) May be done manually or mechanically

d) All of the above e) A and B above

85) Prior to welding, a CWI should check...

a) If the welding procedure is qualified in accordance with the contract spec

b) If the welder is qualified for the process and position c) If the joint designs and joint preparations meet the

requirements of the welding procedure d) The inspection requirements called out by the contract spec e) All of the above

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86) A welder may be required to retest because...

a) He or she fails their initial welding test b) In case there is a change in an essential variable

c) His or her ability to deposit sound weld metal is questioned

d) All of the above e) B and C above

87) A CWI's records may be used...

a) to help recall and verify past decisions

b) used to verify the payment of work invoices

c) to verify man-hour records for the shop

d) for packing slips for shipping

e) all of the above

88). The factor which is most important to the reliability of a test is...

a) Ease of conducting test

b) Cost of required equipment

c) Reproducibility of test conditions d) Speed of testing

e) Portability of equipment

89) During electroslag welding, cracks may be avoided by maintaining...

a) Proper electrode feed rate b) Proper current c) Proper spacing between electrodes or guide tubes

d) All of the above e) A and C above

90) Magnetic particle inspection is most suitable for the detection of...

a) Surface cracks perpendicular to the magnetic lines of force

b) Short fillet throat dimensions of fillet welds

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c) Lamination in plate that are less than % inch below the surface

d) Excessive weld reinforcement in butt joints done with SMAW

e) The residual magnetism of a weldment

91) Hardness test method (s) for metals include (s)...

a) Rockwell b) Knoop c) Vickers

d) Brinell

e) All of the above

92) The weld face refers to the...

a) Surface of a cross section of the weld b) Appearance of the heat-affected zone c) Original groove face

d) Exposed surface of the weld on the side from which welding was done

e) Exposed surface of the weld on the side opposite from which welding sas done

93)A welding inspector must be ethical primarily in order to...

a) Insure that the employer receives fair value for inspection fees b) Render impartial decisions c) Reject every weld the first time of inspection

d) Safeguard the public's health and well-being

e) B and D above

94) A welder performing SMAW with too high travel speed can...

a) Decrease penetration

b) Cause undercutting at the edges of the weld

c) Cause difficulty in slag removal

d) All of the above

e) A and B above,

95) The only forms may be used for welding qualification records are

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shown in the AWS and ASME code books.

the above statement is...

a) True

b) False

c) True only for city government owned Weldments

d) Not to be verified by a CWI

e) True, except for approved computer generated records keeping systems

96) What should be known for proper interpretation of liquid penetrant indications?

a) Previous manufacturing processes performed on the part

b) Technique used in applying and removing the penetrant

c) Method used to clean part prior to inspections d) All of the above

e) None of the above

97)Which of the following is an advantage of fluorescent

penetrants over visible dye penetrants?

a) The inspection can be carried out in a well-lighted area b) Small indications are more easily seen

c) It can be used where contact with water is objectionable

d) It is less sensitive to contamination of discontinuities

e) The dye requires no vehicle or solvent

98) Shielding gases used for GMAW include...

a) Argon

b) Helium

c) C02

d) All of the above

e) Letters A and B above

99) Reverse polarity is a nonstandard term for...

a) Direct current electrode negative b) Direct current electrode positive

c) Direct current straight polarity

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d) Direct current reverse polarity

e) None of the above

100) Under most code rules, welders may be qualified by their employers providing they have...

a) Passed a prescribed set of tests

b) Been employed for a minimum of six months

c) Qualified by at least one previous employer

d) A and B above

e) A and B above

101)Destructive tests of welds are designed to...

a) Determine the mechanical properties (i.e. tensile strength, ductility toughness)

b) Determine the Modulus of Elasticity of a weld metal

c) Calculate the percent of reduction in area for an all-weld-metal specimen

d) Determine the soundness of weld metal

e) All of the above

102) In comparison to surface cracks, the sensitivity of magnetic particle inspection to flaws%-

inch or more below the surface of a thick.a) generally much less

b) approximately equal c) nearly equal if the flaws are fine nonmetallic strings

d) nearly equal if the internal and external flaws have equal widths

e) greater if the flaws are located near the weld's axis and AC current is used

103) The welding inspector should evaluate critical joint

fit-ups before welding begins. Which of the following in NOT an essential part of the evaluation?

a) Tack welds b) Root opening

c) Post heat temperature

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d) Edge preparation

e) Dimensions and alignment

104) Torch brazing is accomplished by the use of

a) a neutral oxyfuel gas flame

b) a slightly reducing oxyfuel gas flame c) an air-fuel gas flame

d) all of the above e) A and C above

105) Which of the following defects does NOT occur when a weld is made by the GTAW Process?

a) Porosity

b) Slag inclusions c) Cracks d) Incomplete fusion

e) Overlap


106) What is indicated by the welding symbol shown above?

a) two %-inch fillet welds on 4-inch centers

b) four 2-inch fillet welds 4-inches long at 1/8-inch spacing

c) Intermittent 1/8 -inch fillet welds

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2-inches long on 4-inch centers d) intermitten 1/8 inch fillet welds

4-inches long on 2-inch centers e) none of the above.

107) The qualification of a CWI covers the responsibility to... . ..

a) specify welding procedures b) compute allowable stresses

c) perform radiographic examinations d) conduct test for analysis of base material composition e) none of the above

108) When other welding variables are held constant, increasing the welding current During . FCAW will

a) Increase electrode deposition rate

b) Increase penetration

c) Produce concave weld beads with poor appearance

d) All of the above

e) A and B above 109) yield strength may be determined by

a) tension tests b) charpy tests c) hardness tests d) none of the above e) A or C above

110) Which of the following is/are used to perform MT? a) colored ferro-magnetic oxide powders b) AC and DC articulated leg yokes c) DC coils d) all of the above e) only A and C above

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Refer Fig No 4 in the last page

111) The above Non destructive testing symbol refers to which of the following?

a) visual test and penetrant test made on both sides of part

b) visual test made on other side of part and penetrant test made on arrow side

c) visual test made in arrow side of part and penetrant test made on other side of part

d) visual test made on back of part and penetrant test made on front of p

e) none of the above

112) Any records that require the fabricator's signature should be prepared by

a) the inspector b) the fabricator c) both the shop foreman and the inspector d) the QA Manager e) an engine

113) Preheat is sometimes used for shielded metal arc welding of materials which have Very

high thermal conductivity. Preheat, in this case.

a) Reduces the amperage required for welding

b) Improves penetration

c) Aids fusion d) All of the above

e) A and B above

114) Direct current electrode positive means the work piece is connected to...

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a) "reversible" (alternating) current

b) the positive terminal

c) the negative terminal d) all of the above e) none of the above

115)A traveller, or production plan, requires UT examination of the laying surface of a weld

Joint. The-raying surface is described as... . ..a) The surface of the joint which will be ground upon completion

of welding

b) The face-side of a weldment.

c) The surface of a weldment which will come in contact with any other surface

d) B or C above

e) The mating surface of a member that is in contact

with or in close proximity to another member to

which it is to be joined

116) To maintain weld quality during Arc Stud Welding it is necessary to... . ..

a) have sufficient welding power

b) use DC Electrode Negative (straight polarity) for aluminum

c) make test welds before startingd) A and B above

e) A and C

117)The charpy V-Notch impact test is... a) the most common fracture toughness test b) often used in specifying minimum acceptance criteria for base

metal c) often used for welding procedure qualification d) all of the above e) A and C above

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118) What aspects of fabrication can be checked

through visual inspection during Welding?

a) Sequence of weld passes b) Inter pass cleaning c) Proper pre ,eat

d) All of the above

e) A and B above

119) Which of the following could interfere with liquid penetrant testing?

a) an oily surface b) a wet surface c) a rough weld d) all of the above e) only A and B above

120) The distance between the tip of the welding electrode and the weld Surface is called...

a) Arc force b) Arc length

c) Arc blow

d) Arc strike

e) Arc chamber 121)The certified welding inspector may be required

to verify the following records are Maintained...

a) Welding procedure qualification

b) Control of welding materials

c) Welder qualification

d) All of the above

e) A and C above

122)Optimum results are more likely when EXX16 and EXX18 low-hydrogen electrodes

a) used with a long arc on downhill welding and a short arc on uphill welding

b) stored in refrigerator when the container has been opened

c) stored in a holding oven at proper temperature

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d) Used with a "whipping" technique on light gage metal

e) Replaced with EXX13 electrodes on vertical work

123)Guided bend specimens may be a) longitudinal or transverse to the weld axis b) bend in tensile test machines c) bend in wrap-around bend test jigsd) all of the abovee) A and C above

24) Brazed joints scan be inspected by which of the following testing methods

a) ultrasonic b) leak c) torsion d) any of the above e) A and B above

125) Manufactures recommend that E 7018 electrodes be used with a "short arc" Welding

technique. The helps... .

a) Speed the metal transfer across the arc b) Maintain good shielding of the molten weld pool c) In welding thin sheet metal d) Root pass "whipping burn through e) The GMAW process weld as sheet metal

126) Why should the CWI keep accurate and up-to-date records and reports?

a) to keep the superintendent informed b) to impress the chief inspector c) so that he can write better procedures d) to satisfy government agencies e) to assure compliance with standards and specifications

127) If a welding inspector feels he or she is not qualified to make

judgment as to The acceptability off a weldment, he or she


a) Do the best he or she can and report

accordingly b) Call for assistance from someone who is qualified

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c) Wait to make judgment until he or she has had time to get additional Training

d) Stop all work until

procedures are developed

within the inspector'

Qualification e) Allow work to continue because further welder experience will


128) Ultrasonic waves can be coupled to the test object effectively ...

a) through a film of oilb) through a film of air c) through a layer of water d) through a layer of grease e) A,Cand D above

129) When the weld structure is to be examined at magnifications over 1Ox, are used.

a) Macro-specimens

b) micro-specimens c) Tensile specimens

d) Charpy specimens

e) Chemical tests

130)Plasma Arc Cutting (Pac) is,better suited than Oxyfule Gas Cutting (OFC) for Cutting...

a) Ferrous sheet metal

b) Nonferrous , metals(i.e. aluminum copper, brass, etc)

c) Any metals with a thickness over5-inches

d) Stainless steel sheet and plate

e) A, B and D above

131)What is meant by " buttering a groove face?

a) a form of surfacing in which one or more layers of weld metal is (are) deposited on the

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surface m(s) of the joint(s) to be subsequently welded

b) a surfacing variation to achieve required dimensions c) a surfacing variation to achieve metallurgical characteristics

such as corrosion resistance d) the condition which results iii metal melt-thru e) none of the above

132) A welding procedure specification (WPS) has been qualified for production Welding with the GMAW (short circuiting transfer process , Which condition (s)Below is correct for a welder qualified only for FCAW regarding production Welding using the GMAW WPS? The welder has been checked out on the GMAW equipment, allowing him/her to weld GMAW for productiona) The welder's supervisor assigned him to the job,

which qualifies him/her because the supervisor

knows the welder's ability

b) The welder has welded with GMAW process in the

past, qualifying him/her for production welding with

GMAW c) The welder is qualified to weld FCAW only and is not qualified

to weld the procedure parts

d) If the welder is qualified with FCAW, he/she is qualified for GMAW short circuiting t transfer because FCAW is more difficult to process

133) An inspector may check which of the following during welding?

a) preheat and interpass temperature requirements and measuring methods

b) filler metal control and handling c) use of welders qualified for specific operations d) all of the above e) A and B above

134) Gas Metal Arc Welding( GMAW ) is suitable for what metals? a) carbon steel b) stainless steel c) aluminum d) all of the above e) A and B above

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135) For SMAW, which of the following require (s) higher preheat temperature?

a) high carbon steels

b) low hydrogen electrodes

c) high strength low allo7 steels d) all of the above e) A and C above

136) A welding performance qualification test serves to...

a) determine a welder's reliability

b) determine the mechanical properties of a weidment c) provide statistical input for the purpose of estimating the ratio

of accepted /rejected welds

d) determine the welders ability to

deposit or produce sound weld


e) A and C above

137) At which of the following times should the CWI Inspect to assurance compliance with the welding procedure?

a) Only during the qualification activity

b) Prior to, during and after production weldingc) When requested to by the welding foreman

d) Once each job

e) Approximately every 6 months

138) A welding inspection should ... .

a) make sure records meet specified requirements

b) make sure records are available when neededc) make sure records are in as much detail as`necessaryd) all of the above

139) Low hydrogen should be stored...a) at 350F the container is ready to be openedb) at 350 F until the container is ready to be 'opened

c) in open cans located around the job site ready for use

140) Which one of the following conditions will afrXthe rate and

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extent a liquid penetrant will enter cracks, fissures,

and other small opening?

a) the hardness of the specimen being testedb) the surface condition of the specimen being testedc) the color of the penetrantd) the conductivity of the specimen being testede) the magnetic field residual in the specimen

141)A proper travel speed is essential to good welding performance. Which of the following factors influence (s) travel speed

a) Surface condition of the base metal

b) joint fit-up

c) welding current

d) All of the above

e) A and B above

142) In film radiography, IQI's (pentameters) in most instances are placed to show the quality of the radiograph for the least favourable geometry. Which of the following answers would be correct for the placement of the IQl for least favourable geometry?

a) between the intensifying screen and the filmb) on the source side of the test objectc) on the film side of the test objectd) between the operator and the radiation sourcee) at the window of the X-ray tube

143)The hardness of a ferrous material...

a) is the ability to withstand a sudden b lowb) is the ability to withstand indentationc) cannot be estimated by a bend testd) has no useful purpose to the inspectore) can be measured by the Izod test

144) During examination of a production weldment, the inpector

noted that discontinuity indications found b.y the method were not

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found by the PT method. What does that indicates?

a) there are no flawsb) the'discontinuities are all on the surfacec) the discontinuity sizes are too small for PT sensitivityd) the discontinuities are not exposed to the surfacee) None of the above