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  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    Section 1 . ELIGIBILITY; PLACE OF VOTING; INELIGIBLE PERSONS. Every person 18 years of agemore who has been a citizen of the United States for three months and who has resided in the precinct for 30days next preceding an election shall be entitled to vote in that precinct. The place of voting by one otherwisequalified who has changed his residence within 30 days preceding the election shall be prescribed by law. Thefollowing persons shall not be entitled or permitted to vote at any election in this state: A person not meeting tabove requirements; a person who has been convicted of treason or felony, unless restored to civil rights; aperson under guardianship, or a person who is insane or not mentally competent.

    The Minnesota Statute which is UnConstitutional opens the door for voter fraud, vulnerableadult exploitation and political predatorsMinnesota's Voter Eligibility and Identification Requirements

    A person may vote in Minnesota on election day if the person: is at least 18 years old on election day; is a citizen of the United States; will have resided in Minnesota for at least 20 days immediately precedingelection day; is not under a court-ordered guardianship in which the right to vote hasbeen revoked; and is not considered legally incompetent to vote, as determined by a court.

    Legally incompetent adj. 1) referring to a person who is not able to manage his/her affairs due to mentaldeficiency (lack ofLQ., deterioration, illness or psychosis) or sometimes physical disability. Being incompeten.can be the basis for appointment of a guardian or conservator (after a hearing in which the party who may befound to be incompetent has been interviewed by a court investigator and is present and/or represented by anattorney) to handle his/her person and/or affairs (often called "estate"). 2) in criminal law, the inability tounderstand the nature of a trial. In these cases defendant is usually institutionalized until such time as he/sheregains sanity and can be tried. 3) a generalized reference to evidence which cannot be introduced because itviolates various rules against being allowed, particularly because it has no bearing on the case. Itmay beirrelevant (not sufficiently significant) or immaterial (does not matter to the issues).What is a guardianship?A guardianship is a legal mechanism by which one individual or entity (a guardian) is appointed by a court toexercise certain decision making functions on behalf of, and in the place of, an individual that is legally"incapacitated." When a guardianship is established, the incapacitated person's legal right to make certaindecisions with respect to his or her personal and/or financial affairs is removed and responsibility for makingsuch decisions is placed in the court-appointed guardian.

    A guardianship may be established only if the person is legally "incapacitated," A person is deemedincapacitated when "the individual has a significant risk of personal harm based upon a demonstratedinability to adequately provide for nutrition, health, housing, or physical safety." A person is deemedincapacitated as to his/her estate when "the individual is at significant risk of financial harm based upodemonstrated inability to adequately manage property or financial affairs." Merely because a personmakes poor decisions does not necessarily mean he/she will be found legally incapacitated. A person w

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    capacity is free to make poor choices of his/her own accord.MN STATUTE 201.275 INVESTIGATIONS; PROSECUTIONS.

    A county attorney who is notified by affidavit of an alleged violation of this chapter shall promptlyinvestigate. If there is probable cause for instituting a prosecution, the county attorney shall proceed bycomplaint or present the charge, with whatever evidence has been found, to the grand jury. A countyattorney who refuses or intentionally fails to faithfully perform this or any other duty imposed by thischapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall forfeit office. The county attorney, underthe penalty of forfeiture of office, shall prosecute all violations of this chapter except violations of thissection; if, however, a complainant withdraws an allegation under this chapter, the county attorney is nrequired to proceed with the prosecution.

    Attachments:Clark Lake Homes Vote SummaryData Request / Voter HistoryAffidavits:

    Montgomery JensenSteven WolffAl SteneRep. Dan Severson letter

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    A LA N P . ST EN E, being first duly sw orn, on oath, deposes and says as follow s:1 . I am the father of James A lan Stene resident of th e S ta te o f M in neso ta .2. Tbis A ffidavit is subm itted pursuant to Minne so ta S ta tu te 2 01 .27 5 for the p urp ose

    of request county attorney investigation of potential violations of M innesota Statutes Chapter 200th ro ug h 2 12 .

    3 . I hereby testify to the follow ing on March 2"~2011 at B rainerd MN :A voter fraud crim e w as com mitted using m y m entally "incom petent" son Jam es A18n S te ne ag e

    35. Jam es had a near dow ning accident at age 12 w hich left h im with a traum atic brain in ju ry (T B!). H ism ental capabilities m ay be hard to judge but I feel h is m ental capabilities arc be t w een the ages of 10-15.James has lived in the a C lark Lake Hom es for 15 years and they are well aware of his mental andphysical in-capacities. Jam es was taken to vote at the C row W ing County Court H ouse by the staff ofC la rk L ak e Homes ow ned and operated by LYlUl P ete rse n. Jam es is a vu ln erable adu lt w hich is why he isin a group hom e in order to care for and p ro te ct h im . It is apparent to m e that Jam es was exploited bythese individuals w ho were caring for him by bringing him to vote. H is m other (Sharon) and I becam e hisc on serv ato rs w hen James re ach ed 18 y ea r o ld . At that tim e, the issue of voting w as brought up but webelieved it would never be a p ro blem b ec au se 1) he is m entally in co mpeten t an d 2) w e w ere never goingto ta ke him to v ote .

    W e w ere never n otified from Clark Lake H om es (hat they were going to take James to vote ornotified us that he had voted.MINNESOTA CONSTITUTION / ARTICLE VII / ELECTIVE FRANCHISESection 1. ELIGIBILITY; PLACE OF VOTING; INELIGIBLE PERSONS. Eve ry p er so n J 8 yearsof ag e or m ore w ho ha s been a citizen of the United Slates for three m onths and w ho has resided in theprecinct fo r 30 d ay s n ex t p re ce di ng an e le ctio n s ha ll b e e nti tle d (0 vole in that precinct. T he place ofvoting by one otherw ise qualified w ho has changed his residence w ithin 30 days preceding the electionshall be prescribed by law . The follow ing persons shall not be entitled or perm itted to vote at anyelection in th is state: A person not m eeting the above requirem ents; a person w ho has been convicted oftrea so n o r f elo ny , u nle ss resto re d 10 civil rights; a person under gua rdianship, or a person who isinsane o r no t m en tally com petent.

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Anot he r v er y impo rta nt n ot e is t ha t C la rk Lak e Homes a dm in is te rs J ame s' s ei zu re c on tro lmedic atio ns s uc h a s g ab itril an d tegretol. Of which th e s ide e ff ec ts c an i nc lude; memory los s, confusiona nd ab no rm al th in kin g among many others.

    According to MN Statu te 201.275 I b eli ev e th e C row Wing County A tto rn ey d id n ot d o athorough investigation. He never interviewed my son James o r the o ther vu lner ab le adult vote rs involved .If h e h ad he woul d h av e e as ily r ea li ze d that t he se i nd iv idual s we re no t compe ten t [0 vote.T he issu e of ex plo ita tio n o f v uln erab le a du lts w as a dd re ss ed in sev eral w ays in clu din g inMontgomery J en se n's o ri gi na l a ff id av it d at ed Novembe r 1" ,2 010. Wh ic h he s ta led "Theseindiv idua ls had no id ea where th ey e ve n we re le t a lone tha t they we re vot in g. Th ey wer e ta ke nadvan taged o f be cause o f the ir d is ab il it ie s, which i s unacceptab le." The inves tigat ion focused enti re ly onvote r f raud an d, in my opin ion , c losed premature ly .

    MN Statu te 204c.15 improper voting assi stance. B ec au se Jame s is m en ta lly in comp ete nt an d isvery coachable; it is m y b elief tha t someone e ls e filled in h is b allo t fo r h im .

    Hea lth P ro fe ss io na ls D is cip lin e laws d es crib e Un pro fe ss io na l c on du ct. "Un pro fe ss io na lconduct encom passes a wide ran ge o f a ctiv ities . C on du ct may b e c on sid ere d u np ro fe ssio na lw hen a p erso n u nfairly u ses pro fessio nal statu s o r a p ro fe ss io nal relatio nsh ip w ith a patient to th epat ie n t's d is advan tage , or whe n a p ro fe ssio na l's c on du ct h arm s th e p ro vid er-p atien t relationship,Some gro un ds o f th is k in d in clu de failing to satisfy m inim al stan dard s o f ace o pt ab le p ractice forth e p ro fe ss io n; a dv erti sin g in fo rma ti on that is false, m isleading, or m akes claim s that cannot besubstantiated; acting unethically, or in a way that may deceive or defraud the public;rev ealin g a p riv ileg ed commun ication abo ut a p atien t; im pro perly m an agin g m ed ical reco rd s;engaging in sexu al b ehav io r w ith a p atien t; recommen din g m ed ical services, tests, o rprescriptions that are n ot m ed ically in dicated ; p ro vid in g false or m isleadin g in fo rm atio n o np at ie nt c are ; o r b art er in g with a client."

    W hat has happened here is unethical at best. To m e it appears to be m ore than unethicalp ro fessio nal b eh avio r, th is seem s to be crim inal.


    S ub scri.b e9 a nd sw~ n to b ef ore me/2 f) /1 .this _ d j . ~ c " , : : ,day of __ ~, 2011 A lan P . S te ne


  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    AFF IDAV IT OF Steven J. Wolff ("A ffiant"), bein g first du ly sw orn , o n oath , d epo ses an d says asfollows:

    I. Im a reg istered vo ter of th e S tate o f M in nesota.2. This Affidavit is s ubmitted pursuant t o M i nn es ot a S ta tu te 2 01 .2 75 f or th e p ur po se o f r eq ue st

    coun ty a ttorn ey inve st ig a ti on of p otential vio latio ns o f M in nesota S tatu tes C hap ter 2 00 thro ug h 212.3. I hereby testify that I h ave witnessed the following all October 27th 2 0] O (d at c) a t T he B ra in er d

    (T ype description of event w itnessed here) U pon leaving the voting m achine testing that w as beingconducted at t he c ou nt y [and building in th e b asem en t (W edn esd ay, O ctob er 27(h 2 0 10 ) I w it ne ss edr esi de nts o f tile C lark L ak e Group H om es exiting the H istoric C ourt H ouse w here absentee voting w asbeing conducted. W hen J f irs t n otic ed th is , 1 th ou ght no thing o f it u ntil th e article in th e B rainerdD ispatch. There w ere no residents of any Clark Lake G roup hom es on the registered voter list that I usedwh il e c ampa ign ing . r have read the files of these people w hom ] could identity on sight and none of theseindividuals are com petent to vote; they w ould not com prehend w hat they are doing nor the significance ofit. T hese people are vulnerable adults that need constant supervision; to the extent that they cannot evenw ash th ei r OWJl clo th s w ith out su perv isio n. T hey must b e sup erv ised 24 h ou rs a day,C lark Lake G roup H om es also had D ale Parks signs on their properties w ithin Brainerd, the ow ner ofC lark Lake G roup H om es does not live w ith in B rainerd and can no t v ote for C ity C oun cil can did ates.D ale P ar ks is a sup erv iso r w ith S ocial S ervices w hich ov ersees th ese v ulnerable adu lts' b enefits. T hesefacts along with what oth er citizens h ave come forw ard w ith w arrant fu rther inv estig atio n.FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SAYETH NOT.

    Subscr ibed a nd sworn r o before m ethis l : : : - . . day of ::.t:!~ ,201~-(~ J line)

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    AFFIDA vn OF Montgomery L. Jensen, being first duly sw orn, on oath, deposes and says as follow s:J . [ am a registered voter of the State of Minnesota.2. This A ffidavit is subm itted pursuant to M innesota Statute 201.275 for the purpose of

    requ est cou nty attorn ey in vestig atio n of p oten tial v io latio ns of M innesota Statutes C hapter 200 through212.

    3. I hereby testify that I have w itnessed the follow ing on October 29 1h , 20 J 0 at the CrowW ing County Auditor's Office, H istoric Courthouse, 326 Laurel S t. Ste 22 Brainerd, M N 56401: Mysignificant other and I w ent to cast our absentee vote at the C row W ing county A uditor's office.U pon arrival w e w itnessed a rather large and disorganized crow d for the polling area. O ur arrivalwa s app rox ima te ly 4:40 pm, After filling ou t ou r absentee application we had a time gap ofabout ten m inutes. D uring this tim e m y significant other and 1 start to notice that the m ajority ofthe rather larger crow d appeared to be m entally incapacitated. r w as just puzzled because theseindividuals had no idea that they were at the court house let alone they were there to vote. My

    significant other and I w itnessed what appeared to be a staff member from a facility try in g tocoerce a m entally incapacitated individual back to the voting booth to vote without su ccess, sothe staff m em ber proceeded to fill out the ballot w ithout the m entally incapacitated voter. O nceth e b allo t w as comp leted by the staff m em ber she retrieved the m entally incapacitated voter fromacross the room and guided him to the county auditors counter to cast the vote. When I was inm y booth voting 1 overheard the sam e staff m em ber w ith a different m entally incapacitated votervoca lly i ns tr uc ti ng h im w hich candidates to select, the instructions w ere delivered as if she w asin stru cting a y oun g ch ild 011 how to stay betw een the lines w hen coloring. A fter I overheard this Ilooked over and seen the staff m em ber physically filling in the ballot. W hen 1 w as turning in myballot I w itness one of the m entally incapacitated voter's w ith a staff m em ber turning in their

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    ballot. W hen the employee of the county auditor's office went to take the ballot the mentallyincapacitated voter refused. H e though it w as his to keep, he had no idea where he was let alone

    that he w as voting for future elected offices. I asked one of the em ployees of the auditor's officeif this was legal. She stated that it was but only for assistance, I rebutted this is more thanassistance. She responded stating (you didn't even know the half of it, this is the fourth grouptoday) !

    I am requesting as a concerned service connected disabled veteran that this voter fraud bereview and handled in ajust m anner im mediately. These individuals had no idea w here they evenw ere let alone that they w ere voting. They w ere taken advantage of because of their disabilitieswh ic h is u na cc ep ta ble .

    M y significant other is available for a statem ent if needed, But she has very lim ited timebeing that she is currently in a doctorate program at the U of M . Please contact me with anyquestions at (218 ) 8 38 -5608 or 738 0 Stone RDG Brainerd, M N 56401.FURTHER YOUR AFFIANT SA YETH NOT.

    Subscribed and s w n to before methisRay of )V ,2010I

    t~ l t ' " _ ~CROW 'IIIf.lftG 03l.JM1" AOO~ Q I'FlCt..:Signatu~ Envelope Jbl...-. ._

    I I U I I I I I I I I m l ( f i ll f ~ ~1 1 1 1 ~ f l l l r r r 1 1 1 1 1 ~ I I J I 1 1 1 i l l .Voter comjVote r's n am e 559744 STG 11/0212010 ML peT NRC 18 0230-0AK LAWN TWP 181CHICO ALLEN DAVIS12350 STATE HIGHWAY 18


    Voter'sMNaddress ENV#2

    Same ID number as on ll ti(MN d r ive r' s l ic ense #,MN !D card #,or last f ou r d ig it 's o f SSNo ! do not have a MN- is su ed d ri ve r's l ic en se , MN - iS $u ed ID card or aSocial Security Number. .I certify that on election day! w ill m eet all the legal requirem ents to voteby absentee ballot. .

    . ' . . _ - " 1 1. .'

    I xoter'sSignatureDate, Witness completes this section

    WitnessnameMN add re sso r t it le ,if a n o ff ic ia lo r n ot ar yV ter mu st p ro vi de proof of r es id en ce : ( Se e in st ru ct io ns , c he ck o ne )

    MN driver's license, 10 c ar d, p erm it , o r r ec ei pto Utility b ill, re nt s ta te me nt, o r s tu de nt fe e s ta te me nt p lu s p ho to 10o R eg iste re d v ote r in th e p re cin ct w ho v ou ch ed fo r v ote r's re sid en ce inth e p rec in ct (m ust c om ple te th e v ou ch er form on back o f the V oterReg is tr a tion App li cat ion )o TriballD cardD No ti ce o f l at e r eg is tr at io no P re vi ou s r eg is tr at io n i n t he s am e p re ci nc to An em ployee of a r es id en tia l f ac il it y i n t he p re cin ct w h o v ou ch ed f orv ot er 's r es id en c e at th e fa cility (m us t comflete th e v ou ch er fo rm o nb ac k o f t he Vo te r R eg is tr ati on Ap pl ic at io nIcertify that: . the voter showed me the blank b al lo ts b ef or e v o ti ng ; the voter mark ed th e b allo ts in p riv ate o r, if p h ys ic ally u na ble to m arkth e ballots, the ballots w ere m ark ed as d ir ec te d b y t he voter; the voter e nc lo se d a nd s eale d th e b allo ts in th e b allo t e nv elo pe ; the voter re gis ter ed to vote by f il li ng ou t a nd enc lo si ng a voterr eg is tr at io n a pp li ca ti on i n t h is e nv el op e; the voter p rovided roof of residence as indicated abov e; and I am or have been r gistered to vote in M' nesota, or am a no ta ry , o ram authorized to gi e oaths.WitnessSignature

    For Official Use Only!pfAccepted OHejected (reascn.)

    PREN J J{l/l1._xv,-- Signa ture Envelope . ..Un regi s te red

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details

    ( VIEW VOTER INFORMATIONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions Correspondence

    Page 1 of I

    Voter 10: 4701141 CHICO ALLENDAVIS

    f~ - -. - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - , . - - - - - - : - - - - - - -. - - - - ~ - - . - - . - - . - . - . - - - - - ~. . . - . -. . .- - - - . - . - - . - - . - - - - - - - - - . JDate Election ~~~~nogd Source Roster CQunty EDR EDR Identification1 /2 12 01 01 1/ 02 12 01 0 - STATE GENERAL A Roster OAK LAVVNTWP CrowWingYes MN Driver's License or MN 10or Receipt---.-~--------------------- -----_.. _ _ ..--.._----_._---_._------------------_.('------

    ; ~ ~ ' i t ~ _ M ; + ~ 8 7 5 E A R - c H - 1 ! 1 W & 1 f g 1 & ~ ~ Q i [ y .Q t ~ 8 i F A T s T q R y - . - 1

    httpv/ usN otcrTabDisplay .aspx 2/16/2011

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    Logout My Account Search Menu New Civil Search Refine Search Back Location: Al l MNCIS Sites - Case Search HelpREGISTER OF ACTIONS


    Case Type: Guardian - AdultDate Filed: 12/28/1988Location: Benton



    Lead AttorneysSUZANNE BOLLMANRetained320-255-7200(W)



    06(08(1989 Closed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)Converted Disposition:Related Participants:B URT ON, SCO TT A LLE N

    ornsn EVENTS ANn rmAIUNGS12/28/1988 FlDCase Flied (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)01/03/1989 RVW-Case Status Review (judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)01/24/1989 Hearing (10:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Lorette, Wil lard P.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Cancelled02/07 /1989 ORD-Order(Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02/2211989 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02124/1989 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03/06/1989 Hearing (2:15 PM) (Judicial Off icer Boland, Bernard E.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Cancelled03/08/1989 SCH-Schedule Hearing (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)03/15/1989 AOM-Affidavit of Mailing (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)04105/1989 Hearing (10:00AM) (Judicial Off icer Lorette, Wil lard P.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred04/17/1989 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/1911989 AOM-Affidavit of Mailing (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)06/08/1989 CLOClosed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07/08 /1989 ARC-Archive (judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02/01/2004 Converted Pending Activity (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)

    h ttp .z /p a.c ou rts .s ta te .mn . u s/C as elf eta il.a sp x'rC ase ll.i= So -B 3 5 14 31712011

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    CROW 1 J I J ! N G CO!JNTY AUruT~ OfFICfSign a tu r ~ : ( ~ ; - H n r v - ' - ' - e e t \ ; 1OH;:p~Q~~\W~__Voter completes this section p le as e p ri nt c le ar lyVoters na m e .," ~ I ~ . J J I ' l . l f f l l I I I ~ I n r l l ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! 1 f 1 1 l 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 I 1 . :

    559762 STG 11/02/2010 IP p eT NRC 18 0230-0AK LAWN TWP 181SCOTT ALLEN BURTON12350 STATE HIGHWAY 18 ENV#2

    B711654Voter's {MNaddressSame ID number as on a(MN d ri ve r' s l ic en se #,MN ID c ard #,or lastfour dig its of S SN )

    I I ! ' .. .. . ~. . :. .

    o !do no t hav e a MN "issu ed driv er's licen se, MN "issued !D card or aSoc ia l S ec ur it y Numbe r.! certify that on election day I w ill m eet all the legal requirem ents to voteb y absen tee ballo t.

    r - - I X ~ S~ - \ ) - t + - - - ' - - - . ' - 7 ! 3 ' - - G v - - V t - ' ( - o - V ; , - - - ' 1otersSignatureDateWitness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN add re sso r t it le ,i f a n o ff ic ia lo r n ot ar yV ter m ust provide pro .of of residence: (S ee instructions, check one)

    MN d riv ers lic en se , I Dc ard , p erm it, o r re ce ip tU tility b ill, re nt s ta te me nt, o r s tu de nt f ee s ta te me nt p lu s p ho to I Do R eg is te re d v ote r in th e p re cin ct w ho v ou ch ed f or v ote r's r es id en ce inth e p recin ct (m ust c om plete th e vo uc her form o n back o f t he V oterReg is t ra t ion App l ica tion )D Tr ib a llD c ar do No ti ce o f l at e r eg is tr at io no Previous registration in the same precinct .o An emp lo ye e o f a re sid en tia l fa cility in th e p re cin ct w ho v ou ch ed f orv ote r's re sid en ce a t th e fa cility .( mu st c om fle te th e v ou ch er fo rm o nb a ck o f t he Vo te r R . eg is tr at io n App li ca ti onI c ertif y th at: the voter show ed m e the blank ballots before voting; the voter m arked the b al lo ts i n p ri va te o r, i f p hy si ca ll y u na bl e t o m a rkthe ballo ts, th e b allo ts w ere m ark ed as directed by t he v ot er ; the voter enclosed and sealed the ballots in t he ballot envelope; the voter registered to vote by filling out and enclosing a voterr eg is tr at io n a pp li ca ti on i n t h is e nv el op e; the voter provided pr of of residence as indicated above; and I am or have been re istered to vote in M innesota, or am a notary, oram authorized to giv oaths.WitnessSignature

    For Official Use Onlycccpted DRejected [reason.]

    S i gn a tu re Enve lo p e- Un re g is te re d


  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 of 1

    : { g : , VIEW VOTER INFORMA T/ONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions Correspondence. - - ~ - - = - ~ . ~ - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~Voter 10: 4701105 SCOTT ALLEN BURTON

    http://sv[s.sos.state.nm.usNoterTabDisplay.aspx 2/16/2011

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    Page 1 of 1

    Logout My Account Search Menu New Civil Search Refine Search Back Location: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search HelpREGISTER OF ACTIONS


    Case Type: Conservatorship - AdultDate Filed: 04114/1993Location: Crow Wing



    Lead AttorneysPro Se

    Petitioner WELZANT, MARC CCASS LAKE, MN 56633 DOB: 03/17 /1967

    Protected WELZANT, MARC CPerson CASS LAKE, MN 56633 DOB: 03/17 /1967


    04/14/1993 Converted Filing Fee04/14/1993 FLO-Case Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04122/1993 AOM-Affidavit of Mail lng ( judicial Officer : Judge, Presiding)05/03 /1993 ACOAcceptance & Oath (Jud ic ia l Officer: Judge, Presid ing)05103/1993 LTRLetters (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)05(0311993 ORNOrder with Not ice (Judicial Off icer : Judge, Presiding)05/0311993 Hearing (11:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Lei tner , John R.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred05/06 /1993 ORNOrder with Not ice (Judicia l Officer: Judge, Presid ing)05/1811993 INV-lnventory (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/2211994 REM-Reminder Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)0510111995 AFF-Aftidavit (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)05/0111995 ORNOrder with Not ice (Judicia l Officer: Judge, Presid ing)05/01 /1995 ORN-Order with Not ice (Judicia l Officer : Judge, Presid ing)06/02 /1995 ANRAnnual Notice of Rights (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)OS/20/1996 ANR-Annual Notice of Rights (jud ic ia l Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/17 /1997 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07111 /1997 DOC-Oocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07/1611997 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)10/01/1999 REM-Reminder Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)

    04/29/2003 REMReminder Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02 / 1 512005 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)0211812005 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Solien, John R. )0212812005 DOC,Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presid ing)03/1412005 Order to Show Cause Hearing (10:30 AM) (Jud ic ia l Officer Solien, John R.)Resul t Conver ted Act iv ity Status Flag Occurred04/11 /2005 ORN-Order with Not ice (Judicial Officer: Sohen, John R. )04/25 /2005 ORN-Order wi th Not ice (Judicial Off icer : So llen, John R. )04 / 2512005 Order to Show Cause Hearing (10:30 AM) (Jud ic ia l Officer Solien, John R.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred05 / 0912005 noc-nocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)05 / 1 712005 LTR-Letters (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)05/17 /2005 ORN-Order with Not ice (Judicial Off icer : souen. John R. )05/19/2005 DOC-Document Fi led (Jud ic ia l Officer: Judge, Presiding)0610612005 DOC-Document Fi led (Jud ic ia l Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/06/2005 Hearing (10:30 AM) (Judicial OfHcer Solien, John R.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred06/0812005 DOCDocument Fi led (Jud ic ia l Off icer : Judge, Presiding)0711812005 DOCDocument Fi led (Jud ic ia l Off icer : Judge, Presiding)0 8 10 1 /2 0 05 C A NCELED Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Sol ien, John R.)Other08/1212005 DOC-Document Filed (Judicia l Off icer : Judge, Presiding)08/1212005 DOC-Document Filed (Judicia l Off icer : Judge, Presiding)0811212005 ORO-Order (Judicial Off icer : TenEyck, David J. )0 8 /2 91 2 00 5 C A NCELED Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Sofien, John R.)Other09/16/2005 DOCDocument Filed (Judicia l Officer : Judge, Presiding)0912612005 Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicia l Off icer Solien, John R.)

    Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred10/17 /2005 DOC-Document Filed (Jud ic ial Officer: Judge, Presiding)1110912005 DOC-Document Filed (Jud ic ial Officer: Judge, Presid ing)02122/2006 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer : Judge, Presid ing)03113/2006 DOCDocument Filed ( judicial Officer : Judge, Presid ing)

    http://pa.coulis,statc,mn,us/CascDetail,aspx ?CaseID=560391125 317/2011

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    5Voter cor ! ~ 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 1 1l l 1 l l l m l ll U l I ~ l l l l l l l m 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 i 1Vote r's n an 8711605559718 STG 11/02/2010 IP PCT NR


    Voter'sMNaddress ENV#2

    Same ID number as on ap(MN d ri ve rs l ic en se #,MN ID c ard #, .or last four dig its of S SN )o I do not have a M N- is su e d d ri ve r' s l ic en se , MN- is su e d ID card or aSoc ia l Secur ity Number,I certify th at o n election day I w ill m ee t a ll th e le gal requirements t o v ot eby absentee ballo t.. .

    IXMhllt c (U~oter'sSignature

    DateWitness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN add re sso r t it le ,if an officlalo r n ot ar y

    mu st p ro vi de proof o f re sid en ce : ( Se e in stru ctio ns, c he ck o ne )MN d ri ve r' s l ic en se , ID c ar d, p erm it , o r r ec ei ptUtility bill, r en tsta te me nt, o r s tu de nt fe e s ta te me nt p lu s p ho to IDR eg is te re d v ote r in th e p re cin ct w ho v ou ch ed fo r v ote r's r es id en ce inth e p re cin ct (m ust c om ple te th e v ou ch er f orm on b ac k o f t he V ote rRegistra t ion Applicat ion)o Tribal 10 cardo No ti ce o f l at e r eg is tr at io no P re vi ou s r eg is tr ati on i n t he s am e p re ci nc to An emp lo ye e o f a re sid en tia l fa cility in th e p re cin ct w ho v ou ch ed fo rv o te rs r es id e nc e at th e f ac ility (m us t c om fle te th e v ou ch er f orm o nb ack o f t he Vo te r Regi st ra ti on Appl ic at io n

    1 c ertif y th at:.. the voter show ed m e the blank ballots before voting;.. the voter marked the ballots in private or , if phy si ca ll y u n ab le t o ma rkth e b allo ts, th e b allo ts w ere m ar ke d a s d ire cte d b y t he v ote r;.. the voter enclosed and sealed the ballots in the ballo t envelope;.. the voter registered to vote by filling o ut and e n clo s in g a voterr eg is tr at io n a pp li ca ti on i n t hi s e n ve lo pe ;.. the voter provided pr of o f re sid en ce a s in dic ate d a bo ve ; a nd.. j am or have been re stered to vote in M inn o.,ta,or am a notary, oram a uth oriz ed to g iv o ath s. I .WitnessSignature

    Accepted OHejected (reason:)S ig n at ur e Enve lo pe - Un re g is te re d

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 of 1

    '@ VIEW VOTER /NFORMA TlONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoter10: 3504088 MARC CHARLES WELZANT

    1I. . . _ i

    http.z/svrs, sos oterTabDisplay.aspx 2116/2011

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Si nature Envelo eVoter completes this section p le as e p rin t cle arlyV oter's n am e 1 1 1 1 1 1 ~ 1 1 ! l m l l l l l ll l l . I \ I I II I I ~ 1 1 1 1 1 l l 1 1 I n l l ll l l ! lI l .

    B7221216 95 5 8 S TG 11/0212010 IP =cr RC 18 0200-LONG LAKE TWP 181JORDYNl YNN PETERSON10471 STATE HIGHWAY 25

    Voter'sMNaddress ENV#2

    Same ID number as on application(M N d rive r's lice ns e #,MN lD card #,o r la st four digits of SSN)o I do n o t h ave a M N -is su ed d riv er's lic en s e, M N -is su ed ID ca rd or a

    S oc ia l S ec urity N um be r.I certify th a t on election day I will m eet a ll th e lega l requirem en ts to vo teb y a bs en te e b allo t.

    r - - : ... . .! ." .." :. '! .'


    j/O-d~-/O Ia teWitness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN addresso r t it le ,if a n o ffi ci alo r notaryI certify that : th e vo te r s ho we d m e th e b la n k b allo ts b efo re vo tin g; th e vo ter m arked th e ba llo ts in priva te o r, if p h ys ic a ll y unab le t o ma r k t h e ba ll ots ,

    th e b a llo ts w er e ma rk ed a s d ir ec te d b y t he v ote r; ';. th e v ote r e n clo se d a n d s ea le d th e b allo ts in th e b alIo t e n ve lo pe ; a n d I a m o r h a ve been regis tered to vo te in M in nes ota , o r a m a n ota ry; o r a m

    au th o r iz ed t o g iv e oa th s .~;~",~~~eX !Jl~ Z;:zr::::If n ota ~y, m us t a ffix s ta mp


    for Official Use Only.ccepted [~jected [reason.) _PRER R K . ~ S ig na tu re E n ve lo pe - R eg is te re d

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 of 1

    VIEW VOTER INFORMA TlONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoter 10: 4651112 JORDYN LYNN PETERSON 2116/2011

    . . . _ _ . - . - 1
  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Page 1 of1

    Logout My Account Search Menu New Civil Search Refine Search Back Location: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search HelpREGISTER OF ACTIONS


    Case Type:Subtype:

    Conservatorship - AdultGuardianshipfConservatorshlp(ACV)Date Filed: 06/16f2000Locat ion: Crow Wing


    Petitioner MOODY, MARK D.NISSWA, MN 56468Lead AttorneysPro Se


    IDISPOSITIONS08 /02 /2000 Guardianship/ConservatorshipOTHER EVENTS AND HEARINGS

    06 /16 /2000 Converted Fil ing Fee06 /16 /2000 Converted Fil ing Fee06/1612000 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06 /1612000 FLO-Case Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07 /03 /2000 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge. Presiding)07/2112000 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)08 /02 f2000 LTR-Letters (Judicial Officer: Judge. Presiding)08 /02 f2000 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)08 /02 /2000 Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Off icer TenEyck, David J.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred04 /29 /2003 REM-Reminder Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)0910812004 DOC-Document Filed (judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)10 /07 /2004 DOCDocument Filed (judicial Off icer: Judge. Presiding)09 /18 /2006 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)091171200 7 Personal WellBe!ng Report09/2312008 Annual Notice of Rights09 /2312008 Personal Well-Being Report09 /2812010 Personal WellBelng Report


    07 /15 /2009 Transaction Assessment07 /15 /2009 Counter Payment Receipt # 0018-2009-11903

    Guardian MOODY, JOY J.Total Financial AssessmentTotal Payments and CreditsBalance Due as of 03 /07 f201116.0016.000.00

    MOODY, JOY J, 16.00(16.00) 317/2011
  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Ij1IIj .


    Signature EnvelopeVoter comniptp

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 of 1

    : ~~i VIEW VOTER fNFORMA TIONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoter IC: 3558654 MARK DAVIS MOODYDate Election Voting Method Source Roster County EDR EDR Identification1 1/2 /2 01 0 1 1/0 2/2 01 0 - STATE GENERAL A Roster BRAINERDW-4 P-2 Crow Wing Yes VllitnessNoucher


    Ii~ _ _ . . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . _ . ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . _ _ . _ . . ~ ~ _ ~ _ . _ ~ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ ' _ _ " _ ' _ _ ' _ ' _ " _ ' _ ' _ ~ . , _ _ . _ _ . _ . . _ . . . _ _ _ _ . . ~ . _ _ . _ _ J

    http.z/ usN otcrTabDisplay .aspx 2/16/2011

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    Page 1 of1

    Logout My Account Search Menu New Civil Search Reflne Search BackREGISTER OFACTIONS

    CASE No . lS-Pl-96-000099

    Locat ion: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search Help


    Case Type: Conservatorshlp > AdultDate Filed: 01/19/1996Location: Crow Wing


    Petitioner HOLLEY, KEVINMINNEAPOLIS, MN 55411 Pro Se

    ProtectedPerson HOLLEY, LEE JOSEPHPEQUOT LAKES, MN 56472 oOB: 10 /10 /1977


    05125/2005 Closed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)Converted Disposition:Related Participants:HOLLEY, KATHY

    orrrsn EVENTS AND HEARINGS01/19/1996 Converted Fil ing Fee01/19/1996 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01119 /1996 FLO-Case Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01131/1996 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02/27{1996 DOCDocument Filed (judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)02/27/1996 Hearing (9:00 AM) (judicial Of ficer Casey, Frederick J.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred03129/1996 PSS-Physiclan's Statement (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/30/1996 ACOAcceptance & Oath (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/30/1996 LTRLetters (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/30/1996 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)05108/1996 PTN-Petition (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)10 /01 /1999 REMReminder Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/29/2003 REMReminder Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03/14/2005 CANCELED Order to Show Cause Hearing (10:30 AM) (Judicial Of ficer Solien, John R.)Other05125/2005 CLOClosed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/25/2005 ARC-Archive (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)12/30/2006 Converted Pending Activity (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)

    http://pa,courts,statc,mn,us/CaseDctail,aspx?CascID=560389063 31 7/20 1 ]

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    Si nature Envelo eVoter completes this sectionVoters '

    p le as e p rin t d ea rly]]T I

    \ l '~ ~ l \' \ \ , \~ \ U \ l \ 1 I 1 1 1U l l \ 1 \ \1 1 1 1 1 11 m \ I I \ \ ' ~U I, , 8711733559835 STG 11/0212010 IP rcr RC 18 aaSO-BRAINERD W4 P-2 161LEE J OS E PH HO LL E Y1202 13TH 5T sE APT 1

    Voter'sMNaddress ENV#2Same 10 number as on appl ica tion(MN. d ri ve r's l ic en se #,MN 10 card #,or last four digits of SSN )D Ido not have a M N-issL led driver's license, M N-issued ID card or aS oc ia l S ec ur ity N umb er .1 certify that on election day 1will m eet all the legal requirem ents to voteby absentee ballot. .Voter'sSignature

    I /{)~J,I-//0 ' Iat eWitness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN a dd re ssor title, 'if a n o ff ic ia lo r n ota ry1cenifythat: the voter s howed me t he b la n k b al lo ts b ef or e v o ti ng ; the vo ter m arked the ballots i n p rivate o r, if physical lyunable to mark the bal lo ts ,

    t he b al lo ts we re ma rk ed a sd i re ct ed b y t he v ot er ; the voter endosed and sealed the ballots ill t h e ba ll o t enve lope; and 1am or have been registered to vote i nM in ne so ta , o r am a not ar y, o r am

    author ized t o g ive oa th s .WitnessSignature

    For Official Use Onlyf~AccePted 0Rejected (reason:) _PRER ~ 1 f X S ig na tu re [n ve lo pe- R eg is te re d

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Vater Details


    Page 1 o f 1

    Voter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceLEE JOSEPH HOLLEYoter IO:747862

    IIII. I. . . _ . _ . _ _ . . _ . . . _ . . . . . _ . _ _ _ _ . . . " _ ' _ _ . ~ . _ . _ _ _ J

    Date E te ctton Voti ngMethodAAPpPPPPPP

    11[2 /201011[02 [ 2010 STATE GENERAL1 1[4 [2 00 8 1 1/0 4f2 00 8 STATE GENERAL111712006 11 f 07 12 0 06 STATE GENERAL

    ! 9 {1 2 /2 0 0 6 0 9 /1 2 1 2 00 6 STATE PRIMARY1 1 /2 /2 0 04 1 1 10 2 /2 0 04 - STATE GENERAL11/512002 11-5-2002 STATE GENERAL ELECTION11171200 0 STATE GENERAL1113 /1998 STATE GENERAL9115f1998 STATE PRIMARY ELECTIONi1/5 /1996 STATE GENERAL

    http.z/ oterTabDisplay. aspx

    EDRSource Roster County EDR IdentificationRoster BRAINERD W-4 P -2 Crow Wing No

    BRAINERD W-4 P -2 Crow \lVing NoBRAINERD W 4 P2 Crow \ lVing NoBRAINERD W 4 P.2 Crow \ lVing NoBRAINERD W -4 P-2 Crow \ lV ing No

    Crow \ lVing NoNoNoNoNo


  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Logout My Account Search Menu New Civil Search Refine Search BackREGISTER OF ACTIONS


    Page 1 of2

    Location: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search Help

    Case Type: Conservatorship - AdultDate Filed: 07/30/1996Location: Aitkin


    Petitioner Lead AttorneysPro Se





    HAWKINSON, ANNESanford, FL 32771

    HAWKINSON, ANNE K.Sanford, FL 32771


    RAYMOND ACHARPENTIERRetained218-829-7365(W)

    Pro Se

    HEINRICH A BRUCKERCourt Appointed218-927 -2136(W)


    03f28/1997 GuardianshipfConservatorship03 /14 /2000 Closed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)Converted Disposition:

    Related Participants:HAvIKINSON, BENJAMIN C.

    07f30f199607f30/1996081011199608127 /199608/28/199609/04/199610/11/199610 /15 /199610/16/199611f07/199611/08/199612102 /199602f13f i99703f28/199706f11/199706/23/199709/28/199810f20f199810/21f199810/28/199811/19/199812f18f199801/21f199902/03/199902/03/1999

    OTHER EVENTS AND HEARINGSConverted Filing FeeFLO-Case Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOCDocument Flied (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)CANCELED Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Solien, John R.)OtherDOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)CANCELED Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Solien. John R.)OtherORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)Hearing (4:00 PM) (Judicial Off icer Kautz, Robert E.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag OccurredORDOrder (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)AUD-Pass to Auditor (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)DOC-Document Flied (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Solien. John R.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag OccurredDOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)ORDOrder (Judicial Officer; Judge, Presiding)Hearing (830 AM) (Judicial Of ficer Solien, John R.) 00851 317/2011
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    Page 2 of2

    Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred03/12/1999 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)05 /05 /1999 Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Sol ien, John R.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred05 /11 /1999 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03 /14 /2000 CLO-CJosed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/14/2000 ARC-Archive (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02/07/2001 DOC-Document Filed (judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/09 /2002 PERPeriodic Accounting (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06 /30 /2003 ANR-Annual Notice of Rights ( judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)06/30/2003 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/30/2003 PWBPersonal Well-Being Report (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02 /10 /2005 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02 /10 /2005 PWB-Personal Well-Being Report (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02 /06 /2006 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02/06/2006 PWB-Personsl Well-Being Report (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)08/01/2006 DOCDocument Filed (judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09 /27 /2006 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)0 9/2 7/2 00 6 C AN CE LE D Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Leitner, John R.)Other09 /27 /2006 Hearing (9:08 AM) ( judicial Off icer Leitner, John R.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred02/12/2007 CRS-Correspondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02 /12 /2007 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02 /12 /2007 PWBPersonal Well-Being Report (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02/21/2007 CRS-Correspondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03/06/2008 Annual/Periodic Accounting03 /13 /2008 Correspondence03 /26 /2008 Correspondence04/04/2008 Personal WellBeing Report04 /04 /2008 Annual Notice of Rights04/04/2008 Correspondence02127 /2009 Annual/Periodic Accounting02 /27 /2009 Personal WellBeing Report10/14/2009 Order-Other ( judicial Officer: Sol ien, John R. )02/04/2010 Reminder Notice03/08/2010 Annual/Periodic Accounting03 /08 /2010 Personal Well-Being Report

    http://pa.c{) 3171201 I

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Si nature Envelo e


    p le as e p rin t c le ar ly

    ~~W ]

    Voter 1 1 1 ~ l r l " " m l . l ll ll l~ 1 1 J . I I II I ~ I I IJ I I I II U I / ll ~ ~ 1 1 1 1 '562819 STG 11 / 021 2010 IP =cr RC 18OOSOBRAINERD W-4 P-2 18fBENJAMIN CHARLAS HAWKINSON1202 13TH ST SE .

    VoterMNaddre ENV#2

    Same JDnumber as on application(MN d riv er's lic en se #,MN lD card #,or last four digits of SSN )o I do not have a MN- is su ed d ri ve r's l i cense, MN-issued ID card o r aSocia l Secur ity Number,I certify that on election dayl will meet all the legal requirem ents to voteby absen tee b allot.

    P I ' - . . - - ~ - - . . _ . _ - . . _ - _ . . - , - - -l _



    Witness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN add re ssor title, official,o r n ota ryIcertify that: the vo te r s howed me t he b lankba ll ot s b efor e vo ti ng ; the vo ter m arked th e ballots in priv ate o r, if phys ical lyunable to ma rk t he ba llo ts ,

    t he b a ll ot swe re ma rk ed a s d i re c ted by t he vo te r; th e v ote r e nc lo se d a nd se ale d th e b allo ts i n th e b allo t en ve lo pe ; a nd I am o r h av e b ee n r eg is te re d to vo te inMinneso ta, o r arna notary,or am

    authorized to give oaths.WitnessSignature~n~ar~mu~affix~amp

    - - : \ a \ 6 - t \ \ bCROWwmG couNTY ~ ... ()fFlCEaY:

    ~r O fficial Use Only\ Accepted ORejected (rcason.)Y\,PRE\V Signature Envelope- Registered

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    jIIjVo te r Deta ils Page 1 o f 1

    VIEW Vo TER INFORMA TlON , ' - _> '"~ , _ - .

    Voter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoter 10: 4133080 BENJAM IN CHARLAS HAWKINSON

    ( . -, .-. _ - ._ .. :._,..:.- _ , ,-.- . . : . - --- _ -.--.-.-.~---- . . .: , . : . ~ . ~ : ~ ~ . : _ . . c _ :. : . . _ _ _ _ . . _ . _ . ~ ~ _ ~ . _ " ' : :2 . J 2/16/2011
  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Si nature Envelo eV oter's nam e

    1 ! I I I~ I . II II m ! 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 . i l ~ 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I1

    V o te r c omp le tes th is s ec tio n p le as e p rin t c le arly

    VotersMNaddress560046 STG 11/0212010 IP rcr Rc 180045-SRAINERD W4 P-l 181DUANE PETER MIERS2822 ADDISON AVE



    Voter's Ix~ p , \p'rv~-ignatureDate I /(j-~I-!()i



    Same ID number ason application(MN driver's licens e #,MN tD card #,or last four digits of SSN)o I do not have a MN-issued driver's license, M N-issued 10 card or aS odal Se curity N um ber.Icertify that on election day Iwi!! m eet all the legal requirem ents to voteby absentee ballot. .

    Witness comple tes this sectionWitnessnameMN add re sso r t it le ,i f a n o ff ic ia lo r n ota ry M NI certify that the voter showed me t he b lank ba ll ot s be fo re vo ting ; th e v ote r m ar ke d th e b allo ts i n p ri va te o r, i fp hy si ca lly un ab le to m ar k t he b allo ts ,

    t he b al lo ts wer e marked a s d ir ec te d b y t he v ot er ; th e v oter en closed an d s ealed th e b allo ts in t he ballot e nv elope ; an d Iam o r h av e b ee n r eg is te re d to v ote i nM in ne so ta , o r a m a n ot ar y, o r am

    au thor ized to g iveoa th s.WitnessSignature

    PRER . ~ 1 ? K S ig na tu re E nv elo pe - R eg is te re dFo r Official Use OnlyIXAccepted DRejected (rcason.j _

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    Voter Details Page 1 of 1

    (g) VIEW vo TER INFORMA TlONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoter 10: 4441775 DUANE PETER MIERS. . ~ ~ . ~ . _ . . c _ . _ _ . ~ C __ " .. _ _._ _ .,Date Election Voting Method Source Roster County EDR EDR Identification1 1 /2 /2 0 10 1 1 10 2 12 0 10 - STATE GENERAL A Roster BRAINERDW.4 P1 CrowWing No1 1 /4 /2 0 0 8 1 1 /0 4 12 0 0 8. STATE GENERAL P BRAINERDW.4 P-1 Crow Wing Yes NoValid 10Recorded

    I- - . j

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Page 1 of 1

    Logout My Account Search Menu New Civil Search Refine Search Back Location: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search HelpREGISTER OF ACTIONS


    Case Type:Subtype:

    Dale Filed:

    Guardian - AdultGuardianship -IncapacltatedPerson (GDN)07 /26 /2006

    Location: MorrisonPARTY INFORMATION

    Guardian THOMAS ALLEN CONSULTING, INC.,West SI. Paul, MN 55118Lead AttorneysPro Se

    Petitioner Morrison County Dept- SOCIALSERVICESl.ittle Falls, MN 56345Pro Se



    07126{2006 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07126 /2006 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07 /26 /2006 FLD-Case Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07 /26 /2006 RPTReport Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)08 /29 /2006 AFFAffidavit (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)08 /29 /2006 WVR-Waiver (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09 /05 /2006 ACO-Acceptance & Oath (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09 /05 /2006 LTRLetters (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09 /05 /2006 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Pearson, Skipper J.09 /05 /2006 Hearing (1:00 PM) (Judicial Off icer Pearson, Skipper J.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred09/08/2006 AUDPass to Auditor (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)10 /08 /2007 Personal Well-Being Report09 /17 /2008 Personal Well -Being Report and Annual Not ice of Rights04 /23 /2009 OHS Background Check06 /0412009 DHS Background Check11/03 /2009 DHS Background Check11/04 /2009 Personal Wel l-Being Report and Annual Not ice of Rights11/04 /2009 Affidavit of Service11/04 /2009 Informational Statement02 /01 /2010 OHS Background Check10 /21 /2010 Reminder Notice10 /27 /2010 Personal Wel lBeing Report and Annual Not ice of Rights10 /27 /2010 Informational Statement10 /27 /2010 Affidavit of Service12 /27 /2010 OHS Background Check


    01/17 /2008 Transaction Assessment01/17 /2008 Mail Payment Receipt # 0049-2008-0365

    Guardian THOMAS ALLEN CONSULTING, INC.,Total Financial AssessmentTotal Payments and CreditsBalance Oue as of 03 /07 /2011



    http://pa,coUlis,state.111n,us/CaseDetaiI.aspx?CaseID=448333842 3 1 7 / 2 0 1 I

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data





    Si nature Envelo eVoter completes this section p le as e p rin t c le arlyV o ter's n ame [ I j l I l I ~ l f l l m ! f l ! I ! . I I [ ~ I " ' l l n ! l f ! ' I J J r ! j l f l ll l l ll r r / :

    B711713 .5 \1 81 6 STG 1 1/0 21 20 10 IP rcr RC 18 0 045 -BRA INERD W-4 P-1 181ROBERT lEWIS BJORKE1 1 1 9 B EE CH ST

    Voter ' sM Naddress ENV#2. - _ . --It .i, - ,.: ..

    Same 1 0 n umber a s on ap(MN driver 's license #,MN ID card #, .or la s t fo ur d ig its of SSN)o I do n ot have a MN -is s ue d d riv er's lic en s e, M N -is s ue d ID ca rd o r a

    S oc ia l S ec urity N um b er.I certify th at on election da y Iw ill m ee t a ll th e le ga l re qu ire me nts to voteb y a bs en te e b allo t.

    D a t e


    Witness completes this sectionWi tnessn ameMN addressDr t it le ,if a n officialo r n o ta ryI cer t ify tha t : the v ot er s h owed me t h e b la n k b a llo ts b ef or e v ot in g ; th e vo ter m arked th e ba llo ts in priva te o r, I T phy s ic a ll y u n a b le t o ma r k t he b a ll ot s ,

    t h e b a llo tsw e re ma rk ed a s d i re ct ed b y t h e voter; th e vo te r e n d os ed a nd s ea le dth e ba llo ts in th e b allo t envelope; a n d Iam o r h a v e b ee n re gi st er ed to vote i n M i n n e so t a , or am a notary , D r a m_ auth o rized to give o~a th S_ .. ~

    Wi tness I USignature X ' . J11 . 1 1 - - ( - - - - - - 'If n ota ry, m us t a ffix s ta mp

    L .../~dNG(BY:

    For Official Use Only1iAccepted [lilejected [rcason.) ~ __ ~ __PRER ~ 1{r( S ig n atu re E n ve lo pe - R eg is te re d

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 o f 1

    VIEW VOTER INFORMATIONVoter Election rnformation Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoter 10: 3659447 ROBERT LEWIS BJORKE' - - ' ~ - - " ~ - - " . - " - - - ' - ' . - - ' ~ - ~ - - - - - " ' - - ' . " ' " ' - - - ' " . " - - " " - - ~ ' . .- - . - - - ' " - ' ~ - . - - - - - ' - '" - ' " - - ' - - ' " " - - " ' - ' " - " " - - - - - - - - - - . - J " - - -ate Election Voting Method Source Roster County EDR EDR Idenllfication11{2/201011/02/2010-STATEGENERAL A Roster BRAINERDW-4P1 CrowWing No1 1/4/2 00 8 1 1{0 4/2 00 8 - STATE GENERAL A BRAINERD W-4 P-l CrowWing No11/212004 11/02~2E_~~!~!I._~NERAL __ ~ ':'_" ~~~r-:ERD ~.:3!,~~Cro~~ng N~ __ . "

    http://svrs.sos.state.nm.usNoterTabDisplay.aspx 211612011


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    Page 1 of]

    Locat ion: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search Help

    Conservatorship - AdultGuardianship - IncapacitatedPerson (ACV)Date Filed: 04/18/2001Location: Morrison

    Case Type:Subtype:


    GuardianLead AttorneysPro Se



    Diane, LarsonFormerly Known As STOWELL, DIANE L.LITTLE FALLS, MN 56345

    Diane, LarsonFormerly Known As STOWELL, DIANE L.LITTLE FALLS, MN 56345

    ERICKSON, LARRY D.BRAINERD, MN 56401 DOB: 05 /2711966

    Pro Se

    Pro Se


  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    IIliI, '1iI!!

    Rec'd Date _ - - I l . . . : : : : . . . v l ~ j q _~h~- CFPW WING COUNTY "S i nature Envet~ R S O FF IC E

    Voter completes this section p le ase p rin t c le arlyV ote r's n am e

    ".' ~$?M62 sro 111O~01 ~ IP PC -fR , ,c 1 ~ O C k !s . . I; J . R A ~ ~ ~ R ?~-4 R ~ 1 : ,1~1"LARRY DUANE ERICKSON, .' , .. ,..... . I .,' " .~1119 BEECH'ST APT 8 " '

    Voter's '),~~ress I1

    Il . . . . ,ENV#2.

    ,_ -_,_' ---~-.~,.-.-- -.--~Same ID n umber as on app li cat ion .(MN d rive r's lice nse # ,MN!D card #,or last four digits of SSN )o !d o n ot hav e a MN-issu ed d rive r's lice nse , M N-issu ed ID card or aS oc ia ! S ec uri ty Numb er,

    -.- .:.: ,', .... ':.,,' " :"," :.,,", . j

    I certify that on election day I w ill m eet all the leg al req uire ments to vo teby absentee ballot. '1 )Ix~~.1 c '

    I ! -d. '1- It) IVotersSignatureDate

    Witness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN addresso r t it le ,if a n o ff ic ia lor notary!certifythat: th e v ote r sh ow ed m e th e b la nk b allo ts b efo re v otin g; the voter marked the ballots inpr ivate or , i f physicallyunable to mark the bal lots ,

    t he b a ll ot s we re ma rk ed a s d i re c ted by t h e vo te r; th e v ote r e nd ose d a nd se ale d th e b allo ts i n th e b allo te nv elo pe ; a nd Iam or have been r eg is te red t o vo te i nM i nne so ta , o r am a notary, or am

    authori zed to g ive oa ths .WitnessSignatureIf n otary, m ust affix stam p

    Signature Envelope- Registered

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    tIIVoter Details Page 1 of 1

    _ .~ c~ _ ~ _ ~ _ ."C_"~~T" ,,_ _._

    VIEW VOTER INFORMATIONVoter Election Information Voting History' Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoter10: 753332 LARRY DUANE ERICKSON

    r- - . - - - - -~ - . - ~ ~ - -- - ~ -. - - - - - - - - -~ - - - - -- - - . - - - ~ - - -- - - - - - - -.. . - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - -. " . - . _ - jDate Election Voting Method Source Roster County EDR EOR Identification112/2010 11(02 /2010 STATE GENERAL A Roster BRAINERDW-4 P-1 Crow Wing No114 (2 0 08 11 / 0 4/ 2 0 08 STATE GENERAL A BRAINERDW-4 P-1 CrowWing No1nJ2000 STATE GENERAL P No1/3/1998 STATE GENERAL P __l'io_~_~~ :__

    . . _ - _ _ . _ . . . . . _ . . . . 1 .aspx 2116/2011
  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    S ign atu r e E nvelVoter completes this section please print clearly IVoter's name r 1 1 1 I 1 I D . l 1 1 1l J l l l I I I l . ~ j I I I I I I J I I I ! I I I I I I n I I I I I I I I I I I I . :


    573291 STG 11 /0212010 IP =c r NR 8726044Voter's C 180020.BRAINERD W-2 P-1 181MN AMANDA MARIE HOLDENaddress \4660 RIVERSIDE DR ENV#2Same ID number ason apphcatton(MN driver's license #,MN JDcard #,or last four digits ofSSN)o I do not have a MN-issued driver's license, MN-issued 10 card or aSocial Security Number.I certify that on elect ion day I will meet a ll the legal requirements to voteby absentee ballot.

    ~ i ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ r e \- -J i J - + - , ,I(J;-~--c.,- - - r - - - - :- ; 7 4 a f - -! t t - . ~ - . ------..Jpate .~?-q -/0 .:Witness completes this sectionWitnessname

    r--ir---'--~"------NllGHAa J . CARLSD E P U l Y A J . J O f T O R , c r o w W IN G C O . , M N

    lAi;MN addressor title,if an officialor notary M N

    WitnessSignatureIf notary, must affix stamp

    For Official Use OnlyAccepted ORejected (rcasorc)

    Signature Envelope- Unregistered

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 of 1


    Voter ID: 4314295Voter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions Correspondence

    AMANDA MARIE HOLDENVoting Method Source Roster County EDR EDR Identification

    A Roster BRA INERD W2 P1 CrowVVlngYes VVilnessNoucherP BAXTER P2W CrowVVlngYes WitnessNoucher


    Date Election11f2/2010 11 /02 /2010STATEGENERAL1 11 4/2 00 811 /0 4/2 00 8 . S TA TE G EN E RA L


  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 of 1

    . @ ) VIEW Vo TER INFORMA TJONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoterID: 4686426 TIFFANY GRACE HE INR ICH[-------~-~---.-.----------~----~~-.-.--~.~-.----.--------------~--~----~---------------lDate Election ~~n~~ource Roster County EDR EDR Identification

    ~ 1 1 2 / 2 0 ! Q _ __ " 1 _ ~ 9 2 / 2 01 _ O . . : . . ! T ! . ! 5 GE N E . ~ ~ _ I : _ . _ _ . _ ~ ~o_st:~_~ _~ AI ~ ~~~_ ~~::.1 _~ .r?,:,,_ ~n g Yes ~ ~ D river's L ~ g e n ~ ~ _ ? ~ _ MI ! :~_~_~~~!~~-" '-" _-"""" '~'-'- '---" '-" '-"""" 'I ' " , . ~ . _ ~ % & . . ~ ' i 0 ' _ : '; ' : " " " ' '' _ ~ ' ' " ; '~ ' R : , ~ ' E . x " . ' . . . ' . ' : . J . ' . , ' , : : . - ' . ' , V . ' _ , ' . O . - _ " , T , " . I ' . : . ~ , . : ' . - . G . . : . - . . : . : ' , H ' , . I : S - T ' O : . ' - R ' y. ::--Ii ; i~@ .1~f ,o ',~~~RCH ~J~~~ .. "'. I.' '.

    i( ._ , ,__. _ _ , ..

    httpv/ us!VoterTabDisplay .aspx 2116/2011

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



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    CASENo. 73-CV-1l-97Locat ion: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search Help

    Stewart Hatch Special Needs Trust

    Case Type: TrustDate Filed: 01/04/2011Location: Stearns


    Benef iciary Hatch, Stewart WayneStaples, MN 56479 MaleDOB: 10/23/1981Lead AttorneysMICHAEL SCOTTGAARDERRetailled320-253-7879(W)

    Trustee Minka IncElk River, MN 55330

    Trustee Pastor, Christine

    TrustorlSettloSTEARNS COUNTY DEPT - COURTSt Cloud, MN 56303


    01/28/2011 Correspondence02/18/2011 Petition-Other02/23/2011 Aff idavit of Mai ling03/25/2011 Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Off icer Landwehr, Vicki E.)


    01/04/2011 Transaction Assessment01/04/2011 Mail payment Receipt # 0073-2011-00258

    Beneficiary Hatch, Stewart WayneTotal Financial AssessmentTotal Payments and CreditsBalance Due as of 03/07/2011320.00320.00


    GAARDER, MICHAEL SCOTT 320.00(320.00) aspx?CaseIDo=':l614195 588 31712011
  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    5Voter completes this section p le as e p ri nt c le arl yV ote r's n am 1 I I I !I I I 1 1 1 1m l l l ll ll l! ~ ! II I I 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ '

    B711710559813 STG 11/02/2010 IPPCT NRC 18 0050.BRAINERD W-4 P-2 181STEWART WAYNE HATCH1202 13TH ST SE

    Same ID number as on ap(M N d riv er's lic en se # ,MN 10 card #,o r last fo ur d igits o f S SN )

    Voter 'sMN

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data



    Voter ID: 758198Date11/2120101114/20081112/2004l1n12000

    Election11/02 /2010 S TA TE G EN E RA L11/04/2008 S TA TE G E NE R AL11102/2004 S TA TE G E NE R ALS TA TE G E NE R AL'------

    Voting MethodAPPP

    Source RosterRoster BRAINERDW-4 P-2


    http://svrs.sos.state.l1m. usN otingHistory .aspx

    Page 1 of I

    stEWART WAYNE HATCH.....----..---.ounty ED R ED R IdentificationCrow Wing Yes WilnessNoucherTodd NoTodd Yes .

    No .---~-..,..,


  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Si nature Envelo eVoter completes this section p le as e p rin t c le arl yV ote r's n am e [ 1 ~ ~ l l . l l l l m l . l l j l l U ~ I I I I I I ~ I I I I I " I I I I r I I I I I J ( I I J I I I :{ 559842 STG 11 /0212010 IP PCT R 6711740Voter's C 18 004!).8RAINERD W-4 P.1 ,81M N BRADLEY DUANE NIEMOlAaddress 1119 BEECH 5T ENV#2S am e ID n um ber as on{M N d ri ve r's l ic ens e #iM N i"D card #,or last fou r digits o f S SN )o I do not have a MN-issued driver's l ic en se , MN- is su ed ID card or aS oc ia l S ec ur ity Numb er .I certify that on election day Iw ill m ee t a ll th e le ga l re qu ireme nts to voteby ab sentee ba llot.

    . ,. , ~. . . ......... ~

    VotersSignature . . . . . . ; ; ; : sIat e

    Witness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN addr es so r t it le ,if an o f fi ci alor notary1 certifythat: the vo ter showed me t he b lank ba llo ts befor e vo ti ng; th e v oter m arke d the b allots in p riv ate Of, 1 1 ' phYSicallyunab le to mark the ballots,

    t he b al lo tswe r e ma rk ed a s d ir ec ted by t h e vo te r; the v oter enclosed and s ea led t he ba ll ot s i n the bal lot envelope; and I am o r h ave been r eg is te r d to vote in Minnesota, or am a no tary, o r am

    authori zed to g ive oa ths .WitnessSignature

    For Official Use Only~ccePted ORejecled {reason:) -..,. _PRER ~ X K Signature Envelope- Registered

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    I1V oter Details Page 1 of 1

    . . .~-.' .(~c _ . Y . ! ! : : . l : 1 ' .yg ~.~~ J / 'J . F ? ' .F 3 c M . ~ T I 0NVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions Correspondence. h ~~~"""'~---~~~~"'"'4Voter 10: 4441230 BRADLEY DUANE NIEMOLA


    _._._c __ ..__.__ .__ ;_. .__ _.. ..__ _.___c__. .~___ ~ _ _ _.._.._ _.____ -lDate Electlon ~ ~ i ; l ~ g dSource Roster County EDR EDR Identification~ ~ ~ . ~ ; ~ ~ ~~ ! : ~ ~ ; ~.. ~ ; ; l ; . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . _; _: ~ . ~ : ~; ~ ~ ~ ; ~ . ; ~ ; ; ; . ~ ~ ~ ; . ; ~ ~~ ~ ._;~E.r.i.~~~i~.~~~_ ?!..~.~.~~ecei~J

    Icc.~. .~,:.~~:.: . , . . . . :. . _ . ? : J

    http://sVl" 2122 /2011

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


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    CASE No. 49-PO-06-001160

    Page 1 of 1

    Locat ion: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search Help


    Case Type:Subtype:

    Date Filed:Location:

    Guardian- AdultGuardianship -IncapacitatedPerson (GDN)10{04/2006Morrison

    PAHTY INFORMATIONLead AttorneysGuardian Andrews, RitaFormerly Known As WALSH. RITA MARIELITTLE FALLS, MN 56345

    FemaleDOB: 02/23/1967

    Petitioner Morrison County Dept- SOCIALSERVICESLITTLE FALLS, MN 56345



    Pro Sa


    10 /04 /2006 ACOAcceptance & Oath (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)10104 /2006 AFFAffidavit (Judicial Officer: Judge. Presiding)10 /04 /2006 DHSDHS Background Check (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)10 /04 /2006 FLOCase Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)10 /11 /2006 NOT-Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)10 /13 /2006 AFF-Affidavit (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)1011312006 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)10 /13 /2006 VIS-Visitor's Report (Judicia! Officer: Judge, Presiding)10123 /2006 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Hoffman,Paul , )11/ i4/2006 Hearing (10:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Giancola, Gabriel)

    1 11 14 12 00 6 R es et by COUlt to 1 1 11 41 2 00 6Result: Held

    11/1412006 Order Granting Guardianship (Judicial Off icer: Giancola, Gabriel)11/14 /2006 Letters of Guardianship (Judicial Off icer: Giancola, Gabriel)11/1712006 Correspondence12 /17 /2007 Reminder Notice02 /13 /2008 Reminder Notice04 /25 /2008 Order to Show Cause (Judicial Of ficer: Anderson, Douglas P. )05 /12 [ 2008 Certify Personal Service05[14[2008 Personal WellBeing Report05 /14 /2008 Correspondence0 5[2 01 20 08 C AN CE LE D Order to Show Cause Hearing (10:30 AM) (Judicial Of ficer Freeberg,Conrad I . , )Other01 /09 /2009 Personal Well-Being Report12 /04 /2009 Personal Well-Being Report01/25 /2010 Reminder Notice02 [ 08 /2010 Informational Statement01[26 /2011 Reminder Notice 317120 1 ]
  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    jI11 S i nature Envelo

    p le as e p rin t c le arl yoter completes this sectionVot er 's n arn r I \ \ l \ \ r u l \ \ \ \ \ ~ I l \ \ \ \ \ l \ \ lm n ~ m . l \ l l l \ ~ \ l \ \ l \ \ m " \. . . B737072583595 8TG 11102/2010 IPpeT R

    c 18 004s.eAAINERD W4 P-1 161NATHAN JOHN PUCHALlA1119 BEECH 8T

    Voter'sMNaddress ENV#2

    Same JDnumber as on application(MN d ri ve r's l ic en se #,MN ID card #,or last four digits ofo ! do not have a MN- is su ed d ri ve r's license, MN-issued ID card or a .S oc ia l S ec uri ty Numb er.J certify that on election day I w ill m ee t a ll th e le ga l re qu ireme nts to voteby a bs en te e b al lo t.Voter 'sSignature

    Date 1 I!-r-ID IWitness completes this sectionWitnessnameMN add re ssor title,i f a n o ff ic ia lo r no ta ryIcertify that: the vo ter showed me t he b lank ba llo ts befo r evo t ing ; the v ote r m a rk ed th e b allo ts in private or , ifphys ical lyunable to markthe bal lots ,

    t he b a ll ot swe re ma rk ed as d i rec ted bythe vo te r; th e v ote r e nc lo se d a nd se a le d t he b allo ts in th e b allo t en ve lo pe ; a nd t o vo te in Minneso ta , o r am a notary,or amWitnessSignature

    R E C E I V E D :

    } l - ) - / O

    For Official Use OnlyO(Accepted ORejected (reason :1 _PRER 01i1(ve-ff S ig na tu re E nv e! op e- R eg is te re d

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Voter Details Page 1 of 1

    '. VIEW Vo TER, INFORMA TlONVoter Election Information Voting History Vouching Transactions CorrespondenceVoterID: 4441239 NATHAN JOHN PUCHALLA

    r.fili"""""---'-'~~---I " " : ' ~ . ~ " ' i ; o , w , i ' :- _ , , , , . ~ , . :. , . f . 6 , '. b . ' _ " _ , . \ -, - i : i, : ~ E ' : ~ . _ ' : : : ', ; ' . ~ , , . - f , _ v . . ' . - . . : r : ' . ' , -. ' r ; : N ' . ' . : - . ' . G , " " . ' . ' , . , . w . . , ' I . . . s ' T . - . ~ . ~ o c . , . ' R . y ' ~ . '. '- -. ' ," .- ., - ~ J! \' ID i l il i, .; g E I t ' S E , 4 ~ C H _ ~

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


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    Page I of 1

    Locat ion: All MNCIS Sites - Case Search Help

    Case Type: Conservatorship - AdultGuard ianship/Conservatorsh ipSubtype: (ACV)Date Filed: 10/2512002Location: Crow Wing





    ProtectedPerson BRUMBERG, GRANT RICHARDBRAINERD, MN 56401 DOB: 10/30/1984


    Lead AttorneysJAMES W NELSONRetained218-829-4717(W)

    JAMES W NELSONRetained218-829-4717(W)

    JAMES W NELSONRetained218-829-4717(W)


    IHSl'OSITIONS11/27 /2002 Guardianship/Conservatorship

    OTHER EVENTS AND HEAHlNGS10 /25 /2002 Converted Fi ling Fee10 /25 /2002 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)10 /25 /2002 FLO-Case Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)10 /25 /2002 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Casey, Frederick J. )11/14 /2002 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)11/14 /2002 DOCDocument Filed (judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)11/18 /2002 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)11/26 /2002 DOCDocument Filed (judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)11/2712002 LTfe-Letters (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)11/27 /2002 ORNOrder wi th Notice (Judicial Of ficer: Famberg, Wayne R. )11/2712002 Hearing (1:30 PM) (Judicial Off icer Farnberg, Wayne R.)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred12 /30 /2002 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/02 /2004 DOCDocument Flied (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/02 /2004 DOCDocument Filed (judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)01/07 /2004 DOCDocument Filed (judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)12 f01 /2005 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)12 /18 /2006 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)'=5603913] 3 317120 1 ]

  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


    Page 1 of2

    logout My Account Search Menu New Civil Search Refine Search Back Location: All MNCiS Sites - Case Search HelpREGISTER OF ACTIONS

    CASE No. 30"PR"07"68Il Re: Guardianship of Duane Peter Miers

    Guardianship IncapacitatedCase Type: PersonDate Filed: 09 /2612007Location: Isanti


    Guardian DECHAINE, ANNADEERWOOD, MN 56444Lead AttorneysCARRIE ANN DOOMRetained763-689-3000(W)

    Guardian EIDE, THERESASHAKOPEE, MN 55379 CARRIE ANN DOOMRetained763-689-3000(W)



    Ward MIERS, DUANE PETERBrainerd, MN 56401 DOB: 02/18/1963STEPHEN JOSEPHANDERSONCourt Appointed763-552-2889{W)

    EVENTS & ORDEHS OF TilE COURTOTHER EVENTS AND HEARINGS09/26/2007 Petit ion for Guardianship

    10103 /2007 Order Appointing Attorney10103/2007 Order Appointing Visitor10 /04 /2007 Notice of Hearing10 /24 /2007 Visitor's Report10 lZ412007 Notice of Hearing10 lZ412007 Affidavit of Service10 /2912007 DHS Background Check10 /30 /2007 Probate Hearing (8:58 AM) (Judicial Off icer Anderson, P. Hunter)Result: Held10 /30 /2007 Acceptance of Appointment and Oath10130/2007 Order for GuardianShip/Conservatorship (Judicial Off icer: Anderson, P. Hunter)11/05/2007 Letters of Guardianship (Judicial Off icer: Anderson, P. Hunter)11/19 /2007 Notice of Filing of Order04101/2009 Personal WellBeing Report and Annual Not ice of Rights01/14 /2010 Personal Well-Being Report01/14 /2010 Annual Not ice of Rights01/14/2010 Affidavit of Serviceo 1/141Z01 0 Informational Statement11/01 /2010 Personal WellBeing Report11/01 /2010 Annual Notice of Rights11/01 /2010 Informational Statement


    Attorney DOOM, CARRIE ANNTotal Financial AssessmentTota! Payments and CreditsBalance Due as of 03/07/201130.0030.000,00

    http://pa_courts,state,] 611249961 3/7/2011

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    Page 2 of2

    11/0212007 Transaction Assessment 300011/02 /2007 Mail Payment Receipt # 0030-2007-07373 DOOM, CARRIE ANN (30.00)

    Guardian DECHAINE, ANNATotal Financial Assessment 250.00Total Payments and Credits 250.00Balance Due as of 03107/2011 0.0009 /26 /2007 Transaction Assessment 250.0009 /26 /2007 Counter Payment Receipt # 0030-2007-06411 DECHAINE, ANNA (250.00) 317!2011
  • 5/10/2018 CWC Voter Fraud Data


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    Page 1 of 3

    Location: All MNCIS Sites- Case Search Help

    Case Type: Guardian - AdultSubtype: Guardianship/Conservatorship(GDN)Date Filed: 01/03/2001Location: Morrison


    Conservator THOMAS ALLEN CONSULTING, INC.,West SI . Paul , MN 55118





    Ward CAREL, JAMES ALLENLITTLE FALLS, MN 56345 DOB: 12/02/1958

    Lead AttorneysPro Se

    Pro Se

    Pro Se




    OTHlm IWENTS AND HEARINGS01/03/2001 Converted Filing Fee01/03/2001 ACO-Acceptance & Oath (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)01/03/2001 FLO-Case Filed (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)01/12 /2001 ORO-Order (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/19/2001 ACO-Acceptance & Oath (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)01/19/2001 PTNPetition (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/23 /2001 ORDOrder (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/23 /2001 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/29 /2001 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)01/29/2001 VISVisitor's Report (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)02/13/2001 Hearing (10:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Godzala,Thomas A . ,)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred02/20/2001 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)03 /0112001 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03 /07 /2001 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03 /07 /2001 LTRLetters (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03/07/2001 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)04/24/2001 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)05/02/2001 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)05/03/2001 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)05 /03 /2001 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/04/2001 INVlnventory (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)02/08/2002 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)04/05/2002 NOT-Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/25/2002 DHS-DHS Background Check (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)12/02/2002 DHSDHS Background Check (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)12 /06 /2002 DOCDocument Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)02/05/2003 SCH-Schedule Hearing (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)02/12/2003 MTNMotion Filed (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)02 /13 /2003 ANRAnnual Notice of Rights (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)02/14/2003 SPASubpoena (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding)03 /10 /2003 CRPCertificate of Representation (Judicial Off icer: Judge, Presiding),aspx?CaseID=448335432 317/2011,aspx?CaseID=448335432,aspx?CaseID=448335432
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    03 /10 /2003 MTN-Motion Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03 /10 /2003 SPA:Subpoena (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03 /20 /2003 Motion Hearing (11:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Scherer,John H. ,)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Cancelled03/24/2003 AFF-Affidavit (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03/26/2003 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Officer; Judge, Presiding)03/26/2003 Motion Hearing ( 11 :0 0 AM) (Judicial Officer Scherer, John H . ,)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Cancelled04/03/2003 SPA-Subpoena (judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/18/2003 SPA-Subpoena (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/18/2003 Motion Hearing (9:00 AM) (Judicial Officer Scherer,John H. ,)

    Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred05 /29 /2003 DOC-Document Filed (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)05 /29 /2003 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/24/2003 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09 /05 /2003 INV-Inventory (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09/29/2003 PRO-Probate Document (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09/30/2003 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Scherer,John H. , )10 /23 /2003 AOMAffidavlt of Mailing (Judicial Officer; Judge, Presiding)10 /28 /2003 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Scherer,John H. , )10 /28 /2003 Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Scherer,John H. ,)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred12 /04 /2003 NOTNotice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)12 /3012003 INVlnventory (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)05 /25 /2004 NOTNotice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/09/2004 ANRAnnual Notice of Rights (Judicial Officer: Judge, presiding)06 /10 /2004 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Scherer,John H. , )06 /10 /2004 PROProbate Document (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07 /06 /2004 AOMAffidavit of Mailing (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)07 /20 /2004 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Officer: Godzala,Thomas A. , )07 /20 /2004 Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Officer Godzala,Thomas A. .)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred10 /04 /2004 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)11/08 /2004 CRSCorrespondence (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)11/22 /2004 MTN-Motion Filed (judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)12 /08 /2004 SUBSubmitted (Judicial Officer: Scherer,John H . , )12 /08 /2004 Motion Hearing (1 1 :00 AM) (Judicial Officer Scherer,John H. ,)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred12 (15 /2004 AJUAdjudicated (Judicial Officer: Scherer,John H. , )12 /15 /2004 LTRLetters (Judicia! Officer: Judge, Presiding)12 /15 /2004 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicia! Officer: Scherer,John H. , )03/08/2005 Adjudicatory Hearing ( 1 1 : 5 7 PM) (Judicial Officer Scherer,John H . ,)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Cancelled06/14/2005 NOTNotice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06 /27 /2005 ANRAnnual Notice of Rights (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)08/08/2005 PROProbate Document (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)08/09/2005 ORN-Order with Notice (Judicial Officer: Scherer,John H. , )09(13/2005 ORNOrder with Notice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)09/13/2005 Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Scherer,John H. ,)Result: Converted Activity Status Flag Occurred02 /22 /2006 NOTNotice (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)04/04/2006 ANRAnnual Notice of Rights (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06 /01 /2006 NOTNotice (Judicia! Officer: Judge, Presiding)06 /22 /2006 ANRAnnual Notice of Rights {Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)06/30/2006 PROProbate Document (Judicial Officer: Judge, Presiding)03 /15 /2007 Personal WellBeing Report03 /15 /2007 Annual Notice of RIghts08 /10 /2007 Annual/Periodic Accounting02 /14 /2008 Reminder Notice04/18(2008 Personal WellBeing Report07 (02 /2008 Personal WellBeing Report08 /22 /2008 Annual/Periodic Accounting08 /22 /2008 Notice of Hearing09 /22 /2008 N oti ce of He a ring09 /22 /2008 Correspondence10 /08 /2008 Aff idavit of Mail ing10 /13 /2008 Correspondence1 0/2 1/2 00 8 C AN CE LE D Account Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Freeberg,Conrad I. ,J

    Other0 91 231 20 08 R es et by C ou rt to 1 0 12 1 12 0 08

    10 /21 /2008 Order Allowing Annual Account10 /22 /2008 Acceptance of Appointment and Oath10 /23 /2008 Notice of Filing of Order10 /24 /2008 Order Appoint ing Successor ( judicial Officer: Anderson, Douglas P.10 /24 /2008 Successor Letters10 /27 /2008 Notice of Filing of Order04/23/2009 DHS Background Check06/04/2009 DHS Background Check06 (25 /2009 Personal WellBeing Report

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    06 /25 /2009 Personal Well Being Report and Annual Notice of Rights09 /3012009 Annual/Periodic Accounting11/0312009 DHS Background Check0 210112010 DHS Background Check06 /30 /2010 Personal Well -Being Report and Annual Notice of Rights06 /30 /2010 Affidavit of Service06130 /2010 Informational Statement09 /10 /2010 Annual/Periodic Accounting09 /13 /2010 Notice of Hearing1 0/1 21 20 10 C A NC EL ED Account Hearing (8:30 AM) (Judicial Off icer Freeberg,Conrad I. ,)Other10 /12 /2010 Order Al lowing Annual Account10 /14 /2010 Notice of Filing of Order12127 / 2 0 10 DHS Background Check01/31 /2011 Conservator Acknowledgement of Electronic Report Fil ing 3/7/2011
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    Dan SeversonState Representative MinnesotaHouse ofRepresentativesDistrict 14ABenton and Stearns CountiesCOMMITTEES: HOUSING POLICY AND FINANCE AND PUBLIC HEALTH FINANCE DIVISION


    December 28, 2010Rep. Kurt Zellers,

    I am forwarding on the attached letter to ask for your help. While it may take a few minutes toread it has very large implications in the battle for election integrity.

    The attached letter isfrom a group of concerned citizens who spent many hours of extensiveresearch on this project and convey quite graphically the concerns of what I believe are those of thegeneral public regarding the election process.

    In their filings, they have identified a large number of discrepancies and areas of potential fraudto be further investigated. To their credit, they have followed the proscribed system of remedy outlinedin statute. Unfortunately, the system has once again failed. Their frustration and disappointmenthighlights the shortfalls of the current system can dismiss serious allegations without any substantiatingdocumentation and in short, lacks accountability.

    As a State legislator I regard this as irresponsible on the part of the County Attorney and believethat this warrants referral to a Grand Jury as delineated in State Statute 201.275 for completeinvestigation. Several serious matters have been raised and attested to by affidavit and yet the CountyAttorney did not even bother to respond with a written report.

    The implications go far beyond just failing to do his due diligence. The standard here continuesto be set below an acceptable bar for justice by a County Attorney. County Attorney's from a numberof other areas as well have responded similarly and recently in a news conference a spokesman for theAssociation of County Attorney's said in essence that "it was a waste of time to prosecute voter fraud".It should be a serious matter that they discount the concerns of the citizenry whom they are sworn toserve. The bar of justice drops a little lower each time investigations are tabled and ultimately it rendersthe laws meaningless. Inmy humble view these are seeds of anarchy.

    It isour responsibil ity in the legislative body to provide a full vetting of issues of public concernand I am asking that you consider this issue along that line. I am asking that the House ofRepresentatives conduct a hearing to determine the facts in the attached case. I believe that without


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    some possibility of punitive accountability we have no venue remaining to ensure that laws are followedand wrongdoers prosecuted when those who are tasked to enforce the law refuse to comply.

    I would also askthat an opinion from the Attorney General'soffice be solicited to determinewhether the County Attorney's failure to forward this caseto the Grand Jurywarrants the charge of amisdemeanor and subsequent disciplinary actions. While Ihaveaskedfor an opinion in the past onissuesas a sole legislator, the response from the AGoffice has always been that it must be a req uestfrom an established committee. Iwould therefore respectfully askthat an opinion from the committeebe requested to determine whether current statute hasany force of law or isjust another paper tiger.

    Iwould also recommend that since there seemsto be a systematic reluctance on the part ofCounty Attorney's to complete the tasks outl ined in statute dealing with election accountabili ty, aseparate venue should be legislatively sought to assigna special prosecutor that has the power to referserious allegations to a Grand Jury.

    Elections are foundational to our government processand the people of a free Republic desire atra nsparent and accountable system. Unfortunately, with the implementation of vouching, same dayregistration and absentee balloting, organizations like ACORNandSOFAhave manipulated the system tocontrive fraud. It ismy hopes that hearings on this issue and legislation in conjunction with Photo 10 willrestore accountabil ity and trust to the election system for every Minnesotan that we truly have a systemthat guarantees "One person, one vote".

    Dist 14A

    Cc:Minnesota Freedom CouncilCrow Wing County AttorneyRep. Kurt ZellersRep. Matt DeanRep. Torrey WestromRep. Joyce PeppinRep. Mary KiffmeyerRep. Steve OrazkowskiRep. Sondra Erickson

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    Friday, December 17, 2010

    Dear Representative Dan Severson,Regarding the Crow Wing County Disabled Voter Abuse Fraud investigation conducted by Crow Wing CountyAttorney Donald Ryan alleged to have happened Friday October 29th, 2010 . A f fl dav ft filed by MontgomeryJensen Monday November 1, 2010.Our central focus in this matter is to protect against