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CV Ruth González Vázquez


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c rriuv á z q u e z g o n z á l e z r u t h culum

Page 2: CV English

degreedegree(1998-2002) technical college of architecture, las palmas de gran canariatechnical college of architecture, las palmas de gran canaria(2002-2004) technical college of architecture, barcelonatechnical college of architecture, barcelona (october 2005) fi nal degree project “student residence at milan”, mark 7.5fi nal degree project “student residence at milan”, mark 7.5

ruth gonzález vázquezruth gonzález vázquez·email [email protected] ·web ·address 3 shelford place, stoke newington church st, n16 9hs londonstoke newington church st, n16 9hs london ·telephone 07447896336 07447896336 ·nationality spanishspanish

student residence at milanmaster degree (further education)master degree (further education)

(march-july 2010) architectural renovation and restoration: from the analysis of the architectural renovation and restoration: from the analysis of the structural building to the intervention project in the context within cte (spanish structural building to the intervention project in the context within cte (spanish technical building code) technical building code)


(december 2009) xxxii intervention workshop on Architectural Heritage: “comings and xxxii intervention workshop on Architectural Heritage: “comings and goings architectures” indian and modern colonial heritage: cuba, catalonia and others goings architectures” indian and modern colonial heritage: cuba, catalonia and others experiencesexperiences

languageslanguagesspanish: native speaker · english: good command · catalan: good commandspanish: native speaker · english: good command · catalan: good command

computingcomputingos windows 7, windows 98, 2000, xp, vista windows 7, windows 98, 2000, xp, vista management offi ce (word, excel, acces, powerpoint...) offi ce (word, excel, acces, powerpoint...) graphics autocad (2d y 3d), adobe (photoshop, indesign, illustrator...), corel autocad (2d y 3d), adobe (photoshop, indesign, illustrator...), corel draw, sketchup draw, sketchup calculating budgets tcq, arquímides, cype tcq, arquímides, cype

further relevant informationfurther relevant informationdriving license · willingness to travel · references can be provideddriving license · willingness to travel · references can be provided

education/qualifi cationeducation/qualifi cation

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individual working experienceindividual working experience

reportsreportsreport of humidities of 3 º 3 ª marconi street no 228, terrassa (2008) · building report of humidities of 3 º 3 ª marconi street no 228, terrassa (2008) · building horizontal division report located in pau claris street no 87, barcelona (2008)horizontal division report located in pau claris street no 87, barcelona (2008)

contestscontestshousing contest in r & d, campus of zaragoza (2008)· contest for a public library in housing contest in r & d, campus of zaragoza (2008)· contest for a public library in hostalric, barcelona (2008) · contest for the architectural development of the reform hostalric, barcelona (2008) · contest for the architectural development of the reform of “la violeta” as popular civic center, barcelona (2009)of “la violeta” as popular civic center, barcelona (2009)

equipmentequipmentreform of “el lasso” football fi eld, gran canaria (2011-2012) promoter: gran canaria reform of “el lasso” football fi eld, gran canaria (2011-2012) promoter: gran canaria sport town councilsport town council

collaboration with “salvador matas i dalmases” offi cecollaboration with “salvador matas i dalmases” offi ce(march 2007-january 2011) c/ còrsega 271 1º 2ª, 08008 barcelona, (march 2007-january 2011) c/ còrsega 271 1º 2ª, 08008 barcelona, http://salvadormatas.com; ; projects:projects: sportive equipmentssportive equipments

reform project of the outdoor pool of “can carelleu”, in barcelona (2009) · previous reform project of the outdoor pool of “can carelleu”, in barcelona (2009) · previous study for a soccer fi eld and indoor pool, in gelida (2008) · volumetric study for a study for a soccer fi eld and indoor pool, in gelida (2008) · volumetric study for a sports equipment “can camp”, in Ametlla del Vallès (2007) · previous study for coverage sports equipment “can camp”, in Ametlla del Vallès (2007) · previous study for coverage of municipal pools, in olot (2007) · previous study for the coverage of municipal pools, of municipal pools, in olot (2007) · previous study for the coverage of municipal pools, in argentona (2007) · project to cover the outdoor pool of “can carelleu”, in barcelona in argentona (2007) · project to cover the outdoor pool of “can carelleu”, in barcelona (2007) · previous study of sport equipment, in argentona (2006) (2007) · previous study of sport equipment, in argentona (2006)

contest reform la violeta as a popular civic center

w orking experienceworking experience

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special plans for sport equipmentsspecial plans for sport equipmentstarragona (2011) · sant quintí de mediona (2011) · olvan (2008) · mataró (2008) · tarragona (2011) · sant quintí de mediona (2011) · olvan (2008) · mataró (2008) · santa margarida i els monjos (2008) · caldes de malavella (2007) · besalú (2007) · santa margarida i els monjos (2008) · caldes de malavella (2007) · besalú (2007) · sant andreu de la barca (2007) · ripollet del vallès (2007) · olot (2007) · l’ametlla sant andreu de la barca (2007) · ripollet del vallès (2007) · olot (2007) · l’ametlla del vallès (2006) · sabadell (2006) · ripoll (2006) · sant joan despí (2006) del vallès (2006) · sabadell (2006) · ripoll (2006) · sant joan despí (2006)

reform and renovation projectsreform and renovation projectswarehouse rehabilitation project in “la escocesa” block for the creation of offi ces, warehouse rehabilitation project in “la escocesa” block for the creation of offi ces, in barcelona (2010) · warehouse rehabilitation project in “la escocesa” block for in barcelona (2010) · warehouse rehabilitation project in “la escocesa” block for creating lofts, in barcelona (2010) · reform and expansion of “claror” offi ces, in creating lofts, in barcelona (2010) · reform and expansion of “claror” offi ces, in barcelona (2008) · basic and executing project for the reform and expansion of the barcelona (2008) · basic and executing project for the reform and expansion of the pompeu fabra school’s, in barcelona (2008) · reform project of offi ces for a business pompeu fabra school’s, in barcelona (2008) · reform project of offi ces for a business incubator, in barcelona(2008) · distribution proposal of the headquarters of the incubator, in barcelona(2008) · distribution proposal of the headquarters of the school of library and documentation of catalonia, in barcelona (2008) · renovation school of library and documentation of catalonia, in barcelona (2008) · renovation of estated-subsidized buildings, in barcelona (2007-2008) · project to expand the of estated-subsidized buildings, in barcelona (2007-2008) · project to expand the administrative area of the “claror” foundation,in barcelona (2007) · project of administrative area of the “claror” foundation,in barcelona (2007) · project of local reformation for communication offi ce of “claror” foundation, in barcelona local reformation for communication offi ce of “claror” foundation, in barcelona (2006)(2006)

development projectsdevelopment projectsexecutive development project of open spaces in “la escocesa” block, in barcelona executive development project of open spaces in “la escocesa” block, in barcelona (2009) · development project of strategic residential area, in ripoll (2008) · develop-(2009) · development project of strategic residential area, in ripoll (2008) · develop-ment project of sant jaume apòstol street, in Barcelona (2008) · development project ment project of sant jaume apòstol street, in Barcelona (2008) · development project of open spaces in “la escocesa” block, in barcelona (2007) · development project of of open spaces in “la escocesa” block, in barcelona (2007) · development project of open spaces of area 1 “perú-pere iv” streets in the 22@ district, in barcelona (2007) open spaces of area 1 “perú-pere iv” streets in the 22@ district, in barcelona (2007)

city improvement planscity improvement plans“la escocesa” block in the 22@ district, in barcelona (2006) · pere iv, josep pla, “la escocesa” block in the 22@ district, in barcelona (2006) · pere iv, josep pla, puigcerdà and paraguai streets within the neighborhood of poble nou, in barcelona puigcerdà and paraguai streets within the neighborhood of poble nou, in barcelona (2007)(2007)

pgo modifi cations (overall management plan)pgo modifi cations (overall management plan)modifi cation of the metropolitan general plan of monsolís industrial area, between sant modifi cation of the metropolitan general plan of monsolís industrial area, between sant adrià and barcelona (2007)adrià and barcelona (2007)

subdivision projectssubdivision projects

subdivision of “la escocesa” block in the 22@ district, in barcelona (2007)subdivision of “la escocesa” block in the 22@ district, in barcelona (2007)

drafting of municipal urban plansdrafting of municipal urban planssant jaume d’enveja (2005-2011) · sant antoni de vilamajor (2005-2011)sant jaume d’enveja (2005-2011) · sant antoni de vilamajor (2005-2011)

w orking experienceworking experience

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contestscontestscontest for the reformation of the municipal market, in valencia (2009) · contest for “can contest for the reformation of the municipal market, in valencia (2009) · contest for “can rectoret” neighbourhood center, in barcelona (2009) · sport area contest, in menorca (2009) rectoret” neighbourhood center, in barcelona (2009) · sport area contest, in menorca (2009) · contest for equipment recognition to draw up urban research for barcelona plan(2009) · contest for equipment recognition to draw up urban research for barcelona plan(2009) · double sport hall and environmental management contest, municipal sport area in santa · double sport hall and environmental management contest, municipal sport area in santa eulalia de ronçana, barcelona (2009) · sport area, service building and urban environment eulalia de ronçana, barcelona (2009) · sport area, service building and urban environment contest, in barcelona(2008) · contest for a new library and municipal archive, in montmelo contest, in barcelona(2008) · contest for a new library and municipal archive, in montmelo (2008) · civic center contest, in barcelona (2007)(2008) · civic center contest, in barcelona (2007)

project managementproject managementdevelopment project management of sant jaume apòstol street stairs, in barcelona development project management of sant jaume apòstol street stairs, in barcelona (2008-2009)(2008-2009)

collaboration with tomàs morató i pasalodos offi cecollaboration with tomàs morató i pasalodos offi ce(march 2005-february 2007) c/ trafalgar 10 1º 1ª, 08010 barcelona, (march 2005-february 2007) c/ trafalgar 10 1º 1ª, 08010 barcelona, http://www.amarq.net; ; projects:projects:

reform and renovation projectsreform and renovation projectsbasic and executive project for the renovation of the ancient textil factory “can basic and executive project for the renovation of the ancient textil factory “can saladrigas” in cultural container, in barcelona (2005-2006) · excutive project for the saladrigas” in cultural container, in barcelona (2005-2006) · excutive project for the reformation of “servicio estación” building, in barcelona (2005-2006) · basic and ex-reformation of “servicio estación” building, in barcelona (2005-2006) · basic and ex-ecutive project for the renovation of “can patxot” country house within natural areas ecutive project for the renovation of “can patxot” country house within natural areas services headquarter of the provincial of barcelona, montseny natural park (2006-2007) services headquarter of the provincial of barcelona, montseny natural park (2006-2007) · executive project for the reformation of the sants-monjuic district headquarter, in · executive project for the reformation of the sants-monjuic district headquarter, in barcelona (2006) · previous research for the reformation and adaptation of the FGC barcelona (2006) · previous research for the reformation and adaptation of the FGC station of sant cugat del vallès, in barcelona (2006) · interior housing improvements, station of sant cugat del vallès, in barcelona (2006) · interior housing improvements, 14 berga street, in barcelona (2006) · basic and executive project for the reformation 14 berga street, in barcelona (2006) · basic and executive project for the reformation of a house, 7 Valls i taberner street, in barcelona (2006) · basic and executive pro-of a house, 7 Valls i taberner street, in barcelona (2006) · basic and executive pro-ject for the reformation of a house, carroç street, in barcelona(2006) · planimetric ject for the reformation of a house, carroç street, in barcelona(2006) · planimetric erection and previous research for the reformation of a building, ataulfo street, in erection and previous research for the reformation of a building, ataulfo street, in barcelona (2006-2007)barcelona (2006-2007)

development project management of sant jaume apòstol street

w orking experienceworking experience

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new construction projectsnew construction projectsresidential building, bussiness bremises and parking area project, 2 sant elies residential building, bussiness bremises and parking area project, 2 sant elies street, santa maria de palautordera, in barcelona (2006) · proposals for a new civic street, santa maria de palautordera, in barcelona (2006) · proposals for a new civic centre in the ancient sport hall, santa maria de palautordera, in barcelona (2006)centre in the ancient sport hall, santa maria de palautordera, in barcelona (2006)

project managementproject managementconstruction management for the renovation of the ancient textil factory “can saladrigas” in construction management for the renovation of the ancient textil factory “can saladrigas” in cultural container, in barcelona (2006-2007) · construction management for the reformation cultural container, in barcelona (2006-2007) · construction management for the reformation of “servicio estación” building, in barcelona (2006-2007) · construction management for the of “servicio estación” building, in barcelona (2006-2007) · construction management for the renovation of “can patxot” country house within natural areas services headquarter of the renovation of “can patxot” country house within natural areas services headquarter of the provincial of barcelona, montseny natural park (2007)provincial of barcelona, montseny natural park (2007)

student at gestyarq offi cestudent at gestyarq offi ce(november 1999-march 2002) gestyarq offi ce (cabrera, ardanaz y hernández architects), avenida (november 1999-march 2002) gestyarq offi ce (cabrera, ardanaz y hernández architects), avenida de canarias 20-13, 13 c/d, 35002 las palmas de gran canaria, projects: de canarias 20-13, 13 c/d, 35002 las palmas de gran canaria, projects:

maritim captaincy, in lanzarote (2002) · sport hall contest in maspalomas, in gran maritim captaincy, in lanzarote (2002) · sport hall contest in maspalomas, in gran canaria (2002) · project for a house, in gran canaria (2001) · santa catalina wharf canaria (2002) · project for a house, in gran canaria (2001) · santa catalina wharf master plan, gran canaria (1999)master plan, gran canaria (1999)

construction management for renovation of can saladrigas

construction management for reformation of servicio estación building

w orking experienceworking experience