cv breanna maloney

2015 Juliet Romeo and Juliet Dickon Tyrell Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre* 2015 Lavinia Titus Andronicus Gordon McCall Studio Theatre* 2015 Lika Mizinova To Moscow Liza Balkan University Players 2014 Susanna The Crucible Gordon McCall University Players 2014 Miss Lizzie Blood Relations Brian Taylor University Players 2014 Shylock The Merchant of Venice Gordon McCall Studio Theatre* 2013 Harper, Angel Angels in America Gordon McCall Studio Theatre* 2013 Betty Sure Thing Jim Warren Studio Theatre* 2011 Electra CATS Ron Cameron-Lewis Unionville Theatre Company 2010 Bagheera The Jungle Book Ashlie Corcoran Resurgence Conservatory *Works in Progress EGO NOXA Principal Mercedes Coyle/Independent Running Crew Teaching Assistant (prof. Gina Lori Riley) Teaching Assistant (Prof. Michael Keating) Fever/Dream Some Girls Movement for the Actor Voice for the Actor Seven Siblings Theatre University of Windsor University of Windsor University of Windsor Degree: MFA Acting—East 15 Acting School; BFA Acting— University of Windsor Breanna Maloney 416 735 7606 (CAN) 07761841034 (UK) breemaloney@hotmai Height: 5’6’’ Weight: 130 lbs Hair: Brunette THEATRE RELATED EXPERIENCE TRAINING FILM

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Post on 21-Jan-2017




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Page 1: CV Breanna Maloney

2015 Juliet Romeo and Juliet Dickon Tyrell Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre*2015 Lavinia Titus Andronicus Gordon McCall Studio Theatre*2015 Lika Mizinova To Moscow Liza Balkan University Players2014 Susanna The Crucible Gordon McCall University Players2014 Miss Lizzie Blood Relations Brian Taylor University Players2014 Shylock The Merchant of Venice Gordon McCall Studio Theatre*2013 Harper, Angel Angels in America Gordon McCall Studio Theatre*2013 Betty Sure Thing Jim Warren Studio Theatre*2011 Electra CATS Ron Cameron-Lewis Unionville Theatre Company2010 Bagheera The Jungle Book Ashlie Corcoran Resurgence Conservatory*Works in Progress

EGO NOXA Principal Mercedes Coyle/Independent

Production Manager Running CrewTeaching Assistant (prof. Gina Lori Riley) Teaching Assistant (Prof. Michael Keating)

Fever/DreamSome GirlsMovement for the ActorVoice for the Actor

Seven Siblings TheatreUniversity of WindsorUniversity of WindsorUniversity of Windsor

Degree: MFA Acting—East 15 Acting School; BFA Acting— University of WindsorMoscow Art Theatre School (MXAT) 2014: Mihail Milkis and Ilja BocharnikovsMovement: Tracey Collier, Gina Lori Riley, Meaghen Quinn, Christina Kapadocha, Marcin RudyVoice/Dialect: Michael Keating, Salvatore Sorce, Christina GutekunstMask: Michael Keating, Lionel WalshShakespeare: Ian Watson, Michael Keating, Kennedy C. MacKinnon Michael Chekhov Technique: Lionel WalshContact: Meaghen QuinnStage Combat: Phillip Stafford (Globe Theatre), Vyacheslav Rybakov (MXAT)Suzuki/Viewpoints: Ellen Lauren and J. Ed Araiza (SITI 2012)Commedia dell’Arte training and Conference 2013: Gina Lori Riley, Antonio Fava

Dialects for the theatre (Received Pronunciation, Northern Irish, Southern American), Singing (Coloratura-Lyric Soprano), Dance (basic jazz and ballet), G2 licence (standard only), Yoga, Basketball, Running, Swimming

Breanna Maloney

416 735 7606 (CAN)07761841034 (UK)[email protected]

Height: 5’6’’ Weight: 130 lbs

Hair: BrunetteNon-Union