cutting edge interm workbook 62-75

m**dw** # Listen and read Lottery winners ffi a) Whichof thesethingsdo you expect people to do if theywin a lfl lottery'jackpot' (thebiggestprizel? 1 giveup their job / stoyin the some job? 2 stayin their old houseI buy a new house? 3 give owoy moneyto their fomily / keepoll the money for themselves? 4 eot in expensive restourants / olmostnever go out? b) tF= Read and / or listen to this text about Bert Dunstan and markthe statements below f (True) or F (False). '| 2 J q 5 Bert died two yeors ofter winning the lottery. ..7- He spent some of the money on o new cor . ..... He only gove his daughter f,500. ..... Sally thinks thqt Bert ote himself to deoth. ..... The psychologist soys thot people find it very difficult when they hove big chonges in their lives. ..... One person left the country portly becouse of her relotives...... A husbqnd qnd wife bought o winning lottery ticket together ond then he left her . ..... Freddie McMqhon went mqd over q lottery ticket . ..... 6 7 Pronunciation Irvl Thesound lt'l canbe spelt in different ways: dgne lunch tgugh lrl lt l ltrl S f,\ at Find and underline nine * LJ wordsin the box which contain /,r./. public stomach burn luxury cough rough through money woman push enough budget tongue encourage huge b) lEr Listen to the words and repeat them. c) Complete the gaps in these sentences with one of the words. 1 There's " .!t1hQP ............. telephone overthere. 2 Have you hod coke? Ow! I've bitten my My mother tried to ... me to opply for the job. Don't go swimming todoybecouse the seo's too .............. 6 lon hit me in the .......... 7 Could you lend me some ? Mony years ogo, chocoloteused tobeq Hos your deportment plonned its ........................ for next yeor? 62

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Intermediate level - English workbook p 2


Page 1: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

m**dw** #

Listen and readLottery winners

ffi a) Which of these things do you expect people to do if they win a

lfl lottery'jackpot' (the biggest prizel?

1 give up their job / stoy in the some job?2 stay in their old house I buy a new house?3 give owoy money to their fomily / keep oll the money for themselves?4 eot in expensive restourants / olmost never go out?

b) tF= Read and / or listen to this text about Bert Dunstan and mark thestatements below f (True) or F (False).





Bert died two yeors ofter winning the lottery. ..7-He spent some of the money on o new cor. .....

He only gove his daughter f,500. .....

Sally thinks thqt Bert ote himself to deoth. .....

The psychologist soys thot people find it very difficult when they hove

big chonges in their l ives. .....

One person left the country portly becouse of her relotives. .....

A husbqnd qnd wife bought o winning lottery ticket together ond thenhe left her. .....Freddie McMqhon went mqd over q lottery ticket. .....



The sound lt' l can be spelt indifferent ways:dgne lunch tgughlrl lt l ltrl

S f , \ at Find and underl ine nine* LJ words in the box which

contain /,r./.

publ ic stomach burnluxury cough roughthrough money womanpush enough budgettongue encourage huge

b) lEr Listen to the words andrepeat them.

c) Complete the gaps in thesesentences with one of the words.

1 There's "


telephone over there.

2 Have you hod


Ow! I've bitten my

My mother tried to

... me to opply for

the job.

Don't go swimming todoy becouse

the seo's too . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

6 lon h i t me in the . . . . . . . . . .

7 Could you lend me some


Mony years ogo, chocolote used

t o b e q

Hos your deportment plonned

i ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . for next yeor?


Page 2: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

ffiffiffiffiffiw reffiPast Perfect or Past SimPle1 Complete the gaps in these sentences with theI best form of the verb in brackets (in each sentence

rne verb should be in the Past Perfect and the other(s)' r the Past Simple).

: \Vhen the film n*&...-..... (sfart) Beth

reolised sne .d.:gf!!... (see) it before.

: 1 ............. (be) surprised to find thot Mr

Cole ............ . (Ieave) the city the doy


: Helen (feel) much better ofter

she . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (have) a good s leep.

-i The rqin ............. (sfop) by the time we

... @et) to the beoch.

= Melisso (be) ongrY becouse her

brother (ecf) oll the chocolotes.

When luliq (meef) Scott she

(not realise) he

(be married) before

g Geoff (not see) his Porents for

fifteen yeors so he ............... (feel) rother

nervous ot the oirPort.

Present Perfect or PastPerfect**g a) Tick (/) the correct ending for each of these

d sentences.

1 Greg felt tenified becquse

o he's never flown before.

b he'd never flown before. /

2 How's Suson?

o I hoven't seen her for oges.

b I hodn't seen her for oges.

3 The group /usf Girls ore breoking up ond

o they've only been together for 3 months.

b they'd only been together for 3 months.

4 We were oll verY tired becouse

o we've iust trovelled bock from Florido'

b we'd iust trovelled bock from Floridq.

5 lt's the best restquront

0 I've ever been to.

b I'd ever been to.

6 The whole country wqs in shock becouse

o the President hqs died.

b the President hod died.

It wqs the first time fuventusq hove lost a motch.

b hod lost o motch.

Whot's the motter?

0 You've been depressed oll week.

b You'd been depressed oll week.

b) Complete these sentences with your own ideas(use either the Present Perfect or the Past Perfect).

L This is the best meol

h The jazz singer (sing) on old

blues song thqt L......... ". (never hear)

before.2 It wos the first t ime ............

i When I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (wr i fe) the le t ter I

.. (post) it stroightowoY.3 Dove wos surprised becouse

j Before Morti (become) Mrs4 l'm not very hungrY becquse

Stephens' personol ossistont she

(work) os o recephonist. 5 Sue ployed reolly bodlY becouse

k After Soroh .......... ... (know) Alon for o 6 The room wos very cold becquse

few months he ............... (csk) her to

have dinner with him.


Page 3: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

rmwds*$* $#

Reported statements*"% a) Complete the sentences with a statement

J3 fror the speech bubbles. Sometimes there are

two oossibi l i t ies.

/1;;i>< // have been killed \ _____l t\ in a bomb / 7/ t practised \

Vtrc!_-./ (eisnt ho.urs every )

\-.------='------ \--=JaY-----/

@\_-/ t'ue lrst!ii\

M k:'d--/( doing very wel l )\--gIItiJ--/ @

/-il;\qtt6ry9<_J heard somebodY \ \

\ 'n thegarden, / Vft.[![1"}--..Vtttoy' / | Brazit use the \

,/ \lnternet more than/--.:-. :{,1 \anyone--,/q]','iIl5P Y

1 When I interviewed Mrs Toylor she sqid tnqt I(n.(#


2 On the weother forecost lost night they said

b) lE Listen to some statements and use theprompts to rePort them.

Reported questions,q a) Clare has just arr ived at San Francisco airport ,

d$ where her fr iend Josh is meeting her. Clare took a

Iong t ime to go through customs. Report thequest ions that she was asked.

\ \

1 Where ore you from?

2 Are you travelling olone?

3 Did you pock your suitcases yoursel?

Why are you so late?

terr ible t ime in customs.They asked me so many

3 Stephen's teocher told us 4 Hove you got ony hond luggoge?

4 When I wos young mY fother told me 5 Did you get offthe plone ot the stopover in Amsterdom?

5 They soid on the news this morning thot '..................

6 600 yeors qgo people thought thot .... ' ........

I've iust been reoding qn orticle

which sqid thqt . . . . . . . . . . . . .

in Computer Monthly

6 How long will you be in the countrY?

7 Where ore you going to stoY?

8 How much money hove you brought with you?

8 My ex-boyfriend sent me o letter soying thqt ...........'

Woyne Rider, the new tennis stor, sqid thot when he

wOs young


b) lE Listen to the questions and report them.

Page 4: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

- t told W Frsn thst I'd + object

. I soid F-Faft I'd be lote.

soy without object

. t said to Fron that l'd be late.

s a y + t o + o b j e c t


1 It wos o dork, stormY night

Z lhere wos thick fog

3 There wos 0 very strong wind

4 The snow was o metre deeP

5 The streets were very sliPPerY

6 It wqs freezing cold

7 lt wos Pouring with roin

8 There wos 0 worm breeze

9 It wos a boiling hot doY

LO It wos o cleor, frostY morning

t . . 9 . . . 2 . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . .

6 . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . .

wn*dru$* t#


so I put the woshing out to drY.

so old Mrs LomPeter hod to wqlk


so I hurried home from work ond

stoyed in front of the fire.

so everYbodY Put on extro sweoters

ond scqrves.

so we decided not to go soiling.

qnd the gross wos white ond sporkling

in the sun.

so Bud hod to drive slowly becouse he

couldn't see.

h so we had to cleqr the poth before we

could go out.

i ond the children got very wet'

j so theY closed the cor windows ond

turned on the oir conditioning'

4 . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . .

9 . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . .

and tell VocabularYWeather phrases

a) Match a weather phrase from column A with a result from

co lumn B.

l- Five of these sentences have

J mistakes. Find the mistakes

and correct them.





tay,i Sorry, whot did You t2tfr


The press rePort soid the

President hqd been in qn


\lqtthew hosn't told his boss

thot he's leoving Yet.

Roseqnne's fqther soid her she

should be more Polite.

Donny told he wos going to the


Tell to your brother thot You're


Mr Stuort sqid o lot of interesting

things obout the new Plons.

Could you soy me Your nome

ogoin, Pleose.

#- - - - t^ t L t - 7

b ) N o w c o v e r t h e p h r a s e s ( 1 - 1 0 ) a n d t e s t y o u r s e | f . L o o k a t t h e s e n t e n c e sbelow and complete the gap with the missing word'

z"^^- : , . .1 It wos ./f.?4!'U..-..... ' .. cold'

2 Ihere wos o very "" wind'

3 The re wos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' f og .

4 I t wqs q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ho t doy .

5 The streets were very

6 It wos o dork, "" night'

7 It wos .... with rqin'

8 It wos o cleor, "" morning'

9 The snow wos o metre

10 There wos 0 worm


Page 5: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

mxmd**$* t#

Listen and readSherlock Holmes

In al l the stor ies about the famous detect ive sherlock Holmes,. thestoryteller is his assistant, Dr Watson. Inspector Lestrade is adetective from Scotland yard.

*? a) iEl nead and i or listen to this extract from The Sixd Busts of Nopoleon and answer the questions.

1 Does it tqke ploce during thedoy or night?

2 How mony people are involvedin this port of the story?

b) L is ten and / or read again andmark these statements f (true) orF ( fa lse) .

1 Holmes qnd Wotson know thesituotion will be dongerous. ..T.

2 They got wet while they woited.

s ; -or comes out of the houseofter five minutes. .....

4 Wqtson recognises the mon. .....

5 The mqn climbs into the housethrough o window. .....

6 The mqn steqls something fromthe house, then breoks it. .....

7 The mon ottocks SherlockHo lmes . . . . . .

The Return


$irArthurC{rnan Doyle

Lestrade and I woke up at half past ten' Holmes was

waiting for us. He told me to bring my gun and I saw

him pick up his favourite strong walking stick before

we left the house.

We quickly drove to Chiswick, and Holmes took us

to a large house in a dark street' I thought that the

people inside must have already gone to bed because

the house was so dark and quiet''I'm glad it's not raining,' said Holmes quietly' 'We

may have to wait a long time' We mustn't smoke and

we must be very quiet, but I hope we are going to

discover something tonight''

We waited for five minutes but we didn't have to

wait much longer' The garden gate suddenly opened

and a man ran quickly down the garden path towards

the house. lt was so dark and he moved so quickly that

it was impossible to see his face' He disappeared into

the darkness and we waited in silence'

The next thing we heard was the sound of a window

opening very slowly, then we saw a small light inside

the front room of the house''Let's go to the open window, then we can catch him

as he comes out, ' said Lesl ' rade'

But betbre we could move, the man had come

outside again. In the light we could see that he had

something white under his arm' He looked round to

see if anyone was watching him' Then there was a

sudden crash as he broke the thing against the wall' He

was so busy that he didn't see the three of us coming

towards him. Holmes jumped on his back and he fell to

the ground heavily. Lestrade and I quickly ran to help

Holmes. I had my gun ready and soon it was

impossible for the man to escape'


Page 6: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

#1#{qsrs ts

PronunciationConnected speech: l inks between words

But before we could move' the man

had come outside again' In the light

we cou ld see tha t he had someth ing

white under his arm' He looked

round [o see iF anYone was watch ing

him. Then Lhere was a sudden crash

as he broke the thing against the

waII. He was so busY that he didn't

see the three of us coming I 'owards

him. Holmes jumPecl on his back and

he fell to the ground heavilY'

Lesffade and I quicklY ran to help

Holmes. I had mY gun readY and

soon it was impossible for the man to


Grammar snackDefinite article for shared knowledge

iere is an extract from the Sherlock Holmes

storv The Six Busts of Nopoleon' Notice how

,^re l ink some words: Lestrade and I

Eonsonanq + IvoW4

Lestrade angwo$f{! t hal f pastten' Holmes

',vas waiting for us' He told me to bring my gun

and I saw frim [ict up his favourite strong walking

st ick before we lef t the house' '

a) Mark the links between words in this

paragraph from the Sherlock Holmes story '

s*a Here is the beginning of a Sherlock HolmesL"f

story, The Golden G/osses' Dr Watson is telling

the story. Complete the gaps with o / an or the'

It was (1) ...?...... very stormy night nearthe end of November. Sherlock Holmesand I were reading by (2) fire. Itwas late, and most people were in bed.There was no one outside in (3)street.

Holmes put down his book, and said,'I'm glad that we don,t have to go outtonight, Watson.'

'So am I, ' I repl ied.Just then we heard {4) . . . . . . . . . . carr iage

stop outside (5) . . . . . . . . . .house. Someonewas getting out. I went to (6)window and looked outside.

'Someone is coming here,, I said.'I wonder who it is,, Holmesanswered.

Very soon we knew who our visitorwas. It was {7) young detectivefrom Scotland Yard. Holmes ancl I hadhelped him with some cases in the past.

'Come and s i t down by (B) . . . . . . . . . . f i re , .said Holmes. ' I t 's

{g) . . . . . . . . . . very cold,wet night. I think you must have(10) . . . . . . . . . . interest ing case for me!,


. : : m

U) ta-J Listen to the paragraph and repeat each

ff ,rur", giv ing special at tent ion to the l inks'

We use the when it is clear to the reader or

l istener which person or thing we are talk ing

about:. 'Are You coming to the Pub?'

irh"ip"ut", und tf'" l istener both know which

pub. )

. 'There's o nice pub about 10 minutes dway''

(The l istener doesn't know the pub')

. 'Who's that ot the door?'

(The speaker and the listener know that this

means the front door of the house they are in ')

. ' l heard a door oPen''(The speaker doesn't know which one')


Page 7: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

stru*#ac** t#

lmprgve yeut'writ ingTirne expre$sions for telling stories

.$ d*h a) Sheila keeps a diary about what happens

$ fu*# to her each day. Read these extracts about how

she met Gregory, a Russian man studying Engl ish'

Complete the gaps with a suitable word or phrase

from the box. (You will need to use some of them

more than once.)

after afterwards during for until when

whi le in the end at f i rst

$fl ,t $it, ^t C-.+

sueb party - tfelt o b;t shy (t) .F.K{I......--.... bemuse

I di/r't krow aryone. Then Sue tntroduce/ me to one ofher

sladents, a ̂ a, ca//e/ Cre7ory, fro^ Moscow. / chatted to

htrn quite a ht - hts trylish is rea/l;' yodl

$l{:96 #ifiI went to the l;Lrary ard (z) ..- / was hokinl

for a book I saw CreiorT, the yy frota Sue! parfr' He was

do;ry hts English l,o*e11rk i,d

(s) ... '... '.."......."""' he

saw tnet he aske/ *e if / to"ld he/p hin wtth so^e words

le d'/n' t /rro*. lsat down with hin (+) ' . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . .""""

a few rninwtes ard helped hi^ frish the exercises'

6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , he tnskted on brying ,ne a coffee,

and we chatted (4) . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . ' . . . . . . . horrs -

(?) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . the affee shop shut, tn fact!

Wqdnesday r$h,sePt$

Gregory phore/ ard asked *e to 1o to a concert with hm

(s ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . *o rk to mor ro w n I h t

(s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I wasn't srre, becawe of havinl

to yt up early the next da4, but 1reyry explained that

it was a famous Russian piantsl so (to) .....'.'...

/ said l'd go.

TIqisday !at|-.s'ePt*6tWe had a yeat errening. The *uusic was brt//tant and /

real ly enfoyed betng wtth Cntory ft t) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .- . . . .- . . .

the interva/ we *net sone of A's frren/s, ard

f t4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *e a / / wer t to a w ine bar in

town. 6. brorght ,ne /totne ar/ *e're arranled to weet

ajain at the weekend. l'rn rea//y ho/<;ug forwar/ to ne'ny

b) Complete the gaps in these sentences with a word

or phrase from the box.

after in the endafterwards

first albrye'na at first

| 4t.tfu.%4........ of the concert, Liom took his shirt

off qnd threw it into the oudience.

2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I pu l led the in iured mqn out of the

cqr ond then I colled the ombulonce.

3 I thought Phil wqs iokingI reolised he wos serious.

but then

4 I said good-bye ond put the phone down.

I remembered something I'd

forgotten to soY.

5 Sqro didn't reolly wont to come on holidoy with us,

but . . . . . . . . . . . . . . she ogreed to come.

.... the long ioumey to my grondparents'

house, I iust wanted to 9o to bed.

These pairs of t ime expressions caR be easi ly

confused:. After the lesson, we went for a drink.

After + noun

. Afterwords, we took o toxi home.

Afterwords + clause

. It wqs a terrible doy. First I missed the bus, then

t spilt coffee oll over mY skirt'

Firstis used to show the order of events or

instructions.. t hated mY boss at first, but now we get on well'

At first refers to a point of time before another

point of t ime.

. At the end of the film she died'

At the end = when something f in ishes.

. In the end I qgreed to helP them.

tn the end = finally, after a period of time.


Page 8: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

ffiffiffiffiffiw rereObligation and Permission4 Complete the gaps in these sentences with a

| *ord or phrase from the box.

.{,\ Here are the answers to some questions about

d rules. First decide i f they are about a language

class (LC), a library (LlB) or a sports club (5C) and then

use the prompts to make complete questions'

q You con borrow up to three books ot a' tlme' 'l-IF""'

How monY books / ollowed / ot o time?

t/.q tt. ryuy. .Q p. p.lpt .qk. t. !/k !(.4.t.0' .h'q r.r q $. N. *'t wc' " "' t

Yes, you cqn book up to two doys in odvonce' """""

Con / oerobics closses / in odvonce

You're ollowed to keep them for three weeks' """""

How long / ollowed / books?

. - :u ld shou ldn ' t can

: -ght hy'e don't have

'"en' t al lowed

can't mustare al lowed

i 'i'.-u ............{t'I4a"- to leove your keys ot

:eception when you 90 out of the hotel'

I :hink people sPend more time

rvith their fqmilies ond less time ot work'

Possengers to wolk oround the

plone when it is toking off.

d Cqndidqtes ............... to toke o dictionory

into the exom, but they con't toke in o grommor


e You buY alcohol in o Pub

unless You're over l-8.

f You look reoIIY tired. I think you

to toke o doY off

You ............. r ide a bicycle on the

motorwoy - it's verY dongerous'

Guests hove breokfost onY time

between 7.00 qnd 9.00 o.m.

I know I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . reol ly smoke so much'

but it helPs me to relox.

k You sign Your nome in this

book when you enter or leove the building'

Yes, first You toke o short written

interview with o teocher. ......""

I / have to / test?

test, then there's on

g Mondoy's o holidoy so we .......... " ' to go

to school until TuesdoY'


Yes, bring o pqssport-sized photo for your membership

cord. . . . . . . . . . .

Should / o Photo?

No, you don't hove to - you con join for lust six

months i f You l ike. . . . . . . . . . .

I / hove to / o whole Yeor?

Well, if you miss too mony, you won't get o

certificote ot the end of the course

How mony closses / ollowed?


Page 9: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

m'amdw$w $"$

Obligation and permission inthe past13 Reorder the words in these conversations. The"6q

e# first word is underlined.

a) Kim and Pieter are ta lk ing about a maths exam.

Krv: exom - to - cqlculqtor- Were - o - ollowed -

the - toke - into - you ?W_ere, yow al/na;ed,to take n ca/cu/ator tnto tlte,' . . . . . ' . - t . . . . . . . . ' . .


Pttnn: weren't - No - we

Krv: did - qnswer - mqny - hove - How - questions- t o - y o u ?

PIereR: three - We - do - in - hod - hours - twenty - tof feNe :

b) Patrizia and ltalo are talking about a Summer camp.Pamrzre: up - ollowed - you - lqte - to - Were - stoy ?

Inro: compfire - we - by - midnight - yeoh - untils i t - t he -cou ld

PetRrzre: get - eorly - you - up - Did - to - hove ?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . ?

Iralo: to - 9 - we - No - up - didn,t - until - get- hove

c) Mona is talk ing to Vanessa about Vanessa'sdaughter, Francoise.

Moua: Americo - a - Did - hove - Froncoise - time -in - good ?

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

VeNessa: six -week- to - she -work- No - o - doys _hod

MoNl: terrible - Thqt's !

VaNrssa: ollowed - us - to - wosn,t - she - phone _ I


foHu: I couldn't stoy up after 8.00 p.m. duringweek.

c LlserrH: We were ollowed to weor whotever we wontedot school.

Paoro: I hqd to go to church twice on Sundoys.

ANNe: I could go out to ploy with my friendswhenever I wonted to.

We weren't ollowed to speok in the corridors otschool.

g fuon: We could coll our teochers by their first nomes.

Mam: I wos allowed to wotch ony TV progrommes Iwqnted.


These people are talk ing about their l ives when**F they were about fourteen. Change the sentences(if necessary) so that they are true for you.

o MaRra: I hod to wear white gloves ond q hqt to school.

must and hove tog Complete the gaps in these sentences with a word

"# or phrase from the box.




must mustn't (x2) have to don,t have to (x2\had to didn' t have to

v ou ......... !!('!!{l*"'. !......... smoke in the library.

I t 's f ree to get in : you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .poy.

I missed my troin qnd I ........... wqit holfqn hour for the next one.

It's not a direct flight to New Zeolond: you

There were only two people in front of me in the queue

so I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . woi t long.

Don't cry, Jessico - you .......... ploy withfon if you don't wont to.

Children ......... wolk on the roilwoy line.

I .................. remember to post this letter.

. . . . . . 1



Page 10: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

make and let

l -et (permission)

. My sister tets her chitdren do whotever they |ike'

(]ef + object + base form)= My sister al lows her chi ldren to do whatever they l ike'

frloke (obligation)

" My mother makes me cleqn my room every week'

(moke + object + base form)= | have to clean my room every week (my mother tells me to do it)

. Match a sentence from column A with one from column B and

[-] complete the gaps with the best form of /ef or moke'

A BMy boss wqs very understonding

when my mother wos ill.

The doctor wos very Patient.

Our teacher is reollY strict'

Lucy wos deloyed ot the oirPort.

Don ond Rito were very generous.

There's o really good

documentorY on TV tonight.

That womqn in the soles

deportment is verY difficult to


The customs officer.......... her

open her suitcose.

She .......... me write two of mY

reports ogoin.

Don't .......... me forget to video it.

He .......... us work very hord.

ge .(*..... me hove fivo doYs off


She .......... me tolk obout oll mY


7 Ihey us sPend q week in

their house in the mountoins.

remdw$m T$

b) iE Listen to the.words and

mark the stressed sYl lables o and

the unstressed sYl lables o,o o o

e.g. mathematics.

c) Complete these sentences so

that they are true for You.

1 My fovourite subject is / wqs


2 I qm / wos very good ot

3 I h q t e / h q t e d


4 I qm / wos hopeless ot

5 l f i nd / f ound



wos very boring.

7 I l i ke / l i ked

I'm not / I wosn't verY good ot it.

8 I f i nd / f ound









Spelling and PronunciationSchool / university subjects

.y a) Each of the subjects in the box has a spel l ing mistake'

d Correct the mistake'

mathmatics giography biologie f is ics cemistry histery

langauges l i t terature informationtecnology sosciology

sychology f i losophy phisical educat ion midia studies

rel igousstudies economicKs

i s /




Page 11: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

rcmdru$* t$

VocabularyTransport: noun + noun

ry Pair a noun from box A with a noun from box B and complete the{# gaps in the sentences.


o I put L}inthe P4{.fu-^.9..unt i l5 .30.

Don't drive so fostl The

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' s 60 mph on

so we con leove the cqr here

Grammar snackPrepositions of movement

f% a) Look at the arrow in the1ff pictures (1-10). Choose oneof the phrases (a-j) below to saywhere the arrow goes.

6 . . . . . . . . . .

8 . . . . . . . . . .

I'm sorry I'm lote. There wqs q terrible

neor the

footboll ground, becquse of qll the

people coming out of the motch.

The lqst bus hos gone, but there's o

street: it won't cost much to go to your


d If you're going to toke the troin to work every doy, it's cheaper to buy o

I think we should stop ot the next ond fill the cor

up for the journey.

It's very dongerous to ride o motorbike

w i thou t 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M( u


W)5 . . . . . . . . . .

fl,s(-l_7 . . . . . . . . . .

',.1, ",'",,, :', ':,,,c

ffithis rood.

9 . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 . . . . . . . . . .

o olong the riverb through the gote

c past the house

d into the housee through the housef ocross the riverg towards the househ out ofthe hbusei round the housej awoy from the house

I've only got a LZO-note: could you

Iend me 9Op for my . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?

+ - , , ;LdAr seasoncrash

sPeed ous park ing



i - ml q r l

ranK helmet



Page 12: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

#*#dff i$* $t

l f took at this plan of an airport terminal and complete the gaps indrc Cirect ions below with a sui table preposit ion. t


Check-in desks



wwA-^V * '




ffi EntranceTrolleys

(At the entronce) Are there ony cash dispensers


Yes, you So ......W!....... the post office ond bonk

ond they're just on the right.

(At the cosh dispenser) Is there onywhere I con post

this letter?

If you go the entrqnce, there's a letter

box in the woll next to the Post Office.

(At the Ietter box) Excuse me, where con I get o


Go .................... the terminol building ond they're

just outside on your right.

(At the ffolley pork) Could you tell me where the

Quantos cheik-in desk is, pleose?

Yes. Go the entronce ond you'll see lots

of,check-in desks in front of you. Quontqs is the

third one.

5 (At the Quontqs check-in desk) Where ore the

telephones, pleose?

Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . pqssport contro l ond . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . .

the cofe: they're iust on Your right.

6 (ln the ccfe) Is there cnywhere to get something to

eot in the deporture lounge?

Yes, there's quite o big restourant. When you've

gone .................... pqssport control ond security, 9othe lounge ond You'll see it.

7 (ln the restourqnt) Could you tell me where the

toilets ore?

Yes, go the bock of the dutY free oreo

over there, ond You'll see them.


Page 13: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

rm*#m$m $$

Grammar snack-ing forms as nouns

when you're tired.

. lDrivinglwhen you're tiredlis dangerousl.Notice: Driving is now a noun, and is the subjectof the sentence.

lmprove your writingLinking words

S * Read the text and circ le the correct l inking& $ word.

urite rhem ''*$***** *

s t $ s$ &# using an -ing form. ,,,,",

o It's compulsory to weqr o seotbelt in o cor. ."""'

Y..wW. * :M stt !*.*.s(.f . ? !(#& ?.ry.

' ' . : : ,. . .,,,.:c It's possible to pork on the povement. :;'i#:iiigj

ffi. ' :

ffiffiffib It's quite eosy to buy o gun. :....,.,,,,::

fu,".. . i: ffi""d#&, .. *ij;1ll.,;::':.:

d It's forbidden to weqr shorts in church. . : '

i if;tril?;f,?#f"fr':#

I t , s c o m m o n t o ] i v e w i t h y o u r p q r e n t S u n t i l y o u g e t . ; i ; l * * ! - . : . j ; i i

ffi$:t,*ffi '

I lt's difficult to get o divorce. to the couple as siion 4d ii qlgfp; itli.ttrio lirr:'"tt'*.t:r. :a large su* of money. ttl@ l4dtl,ltro,'ittitbusinessarrif rgementdoesi6-t,alwaysworkr1n€tl,..;in practice and, (2) despite this / ap a iqsrylt, " 1

It isn't compulsory to weor o crosh helmet on o " "this, many people are agginst this* .

' ::::::*::,towo,ko,oneotnisht

""-ffif*?:ffirJ'"i#i5::lk**i . ;;;ffii';'; i#re""; nf;u ;*J, s;*',

h rt,spermittedtosetmorriedo.heoseor14 t 1,ffi+*ffi{i#ffi.

., i,fiffi",1"iftH]ftiil'ffi]::,TH*'motorbike ffiXilil:'#':,?::fr,rar,J]fl"r*#i:ffiFtri;

lu n?t q qriqmip Ahi'tfrr*_'lgnlu,*,'y*i"*rrtfiins ,, is comptele.ty uryatqlal iind (6J"fff this..rejtsoit /:: "".i rt is iuesor to buy druss. il*ly"jp":t$ tgl ll ilj:y{* {T} *f ,*i !, ,:#

,, :,' iffig,l:i:? tffiffiji:"fffi J:;ffil


Page 14: Cutting Edge Interm Workbook 62-75

ffiffiffiffiffiw reffiry

could hqve / should hqve /would hove1 *ook at the pictures and match them to the| :ao t ions be low

o 'Oh well, they wouldn't hove hqd room for my

luggoge, onywoy.'

b 'Whot do you meon, you gove him your sweets? I'd

hove hit him.'

c 'Dorling, you could hove hurt yourself.'

d 'Oh well, i t 's not too bod - we could hove lost


e 'l knew I shouldn't hove gone to thqt hoirdresser.'

f 'You should hove told me your boss wos o vegetorion''

, : . , , i Complete the gaps in these sentences with a*ni- phrase from the box, and the best form of the

verb in brackets.

could have (x2) couldn' t have should have (x2)

shouldn' t have would have (x2) wouldn' t have

Oh no, I've forgotten Morcel's oddress. I knew I

fle."*.glfi.tW. (write) it down.

Why didn't you buy them thot picture? I'm sure

they. . . . . . . . . . . . ( / ike) i t .

We did our best to catch the troin: we

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( run) ony foster .

You. . . . . . . . . . . . . ( I is ten) to Poul .

You know he hos some stuPid ideos.

I like Kristin's new motorbike, but I

..... (buY) o bigger one'

Look where you're going - we were really close to

thot cqr . We . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (have) an


':: *:- "::: :"1 i: ::l ":: ITH::,ll"J: ff#;:"Rupert ..... (be) o greot

pionist, but he didn't proctise enough.

The room wos o terrible mess when the men hod

f in ished point ing i t . I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (do)

it myself.

'a-l Listen to these sentences and repeat what

you hear (circle the correct phrase).

You shouldn't *ot* / @ no^"

so lote ot night.

We could invite / We could have invited our teocher to

the picnic on SoturdoY.

Do you still hove o heodqche? You should take / You

should have taken on osPirin.

I'm glod you bought o coke. I wouldn't have / I

wouldn't have had time to moke one.

Has |on reolly gone running in this rain? I'd stay / I'd

have stayed ot home.

Mum qnd I woited for neorly an hour. We couldn't

wait / We couldn't have waited ony longer.

( ? l




