customized hummingbird portal options - westlaw · chapter 2: westlaw research controls 3 search...

Customized Hummingbird Portal Options From West Group and Westlaw ® Integration Solutions

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Page 1: Customized Hummingbird Portal Options - Westlaw · CHAPTER 2: WESTLAW RESEARCH CONTROLS 3 Search Deluxe PDM 4 Searching Westlaw with Search Deluxe 4 Editing Your Westlaw Password

Customized HummingbirdPortal Options

From West Group and Westlaw® Integration Solutions

Page 2: Customized Hummingbird Portal Options - Westlaw · CHAPTER 2: WESTLAW RESEARCH CONTROLS 3 Search Deluxe PDM 4 Searching Westlaw with Search Deluxe 4 Editing Your Westlaw Password

Customer SupportIf you need additional assistance using Westlaw portal delivery modules, please contact• your firm’s intranet or portal administrator; or• West Group Customer & Technical Services

• via telephone at 1-800-WESTLAW (1-800-937-8529);• via e-mail at [email protected]; or• online at

Authors: Jana Otto Hiller and Tanya Zehnder

Style Editor: Anne Kelley Conklin

Content Editor: Ann Laughlin, J.D.

Black’s Law Dictionary, KeyCite, United States Code Annotated, Westlaw, and WIN areregistered trademarks and Find&Print, IntraClip, Newslink, Westlaw Is Natural, and Westnews are trademarks of West Licensing Corporation, used herein under license.

Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Windows, and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

Netscape Navigator is a registered trademark of Netscape Communications Corporation.

© 2002 West Group

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

West Group610 Opperman DriveSt. Paul, MN 55123Printed in the United States of America

Page 3: Customized Hummingbird Portal Options - Westlaw · CHAPTER 2: WESTLAW RESEARCH CONTROLS 3 Search Deluxe PDM 4 Searching Westlaw with Search Deluxe 4 Editing Your Westlaw Password

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Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1: CUSTOMIZED HUMMINGBIRD PORTAL OPTIONS 1Introduction 2Requirements 2CHAPTER 2: WESTLAW RESEARCH CONTROLS 3Search Deluxe PDM 4Searching Westlaw with Search Deluxe 4Editing Your Westlaw Password 4CitationSearch PDM 5Viewing or Printing a Document, or Checking a Citation 5Editing Your Westlaw Password 5Search a Database PDM 6Searching a Database 6Editing Your Westlaw Password 7Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search 7Using Connectors 7Using Special Characters 7Searching for Compound Words and Abbreviations 8Find a Document PDM 8Finding a Document 8Editing Your Westlaw Password 9KeyCite PDM 9Checking a Citation in KeyCite 9Editing Your Westlaw Password 10Search for a Database PDM 10Searching for a Database 10Editing Your Westlaw Password 10Black’s Law Dictionary PDM 11Searching Black’s Law Dictionary 11Editing Your Westlaw Password 11Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search 12Using Connectors 12Using Special Characters 12Searching for Compound Words and Abbreviations 13Westnews PDM 13Searching Westnews 13Editing Your Westlaw Password 13

CHAPTER 3: PRODUCTIVITY TOOLS 15Find&Print PDM 16Finding and Printing Documents 16Editing Your Westlaw Password 16Editing Your Find&Print Preferences 17

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CHAPTER 4: CURRENT AWARENESS 19IntraClip PDM 20Monitoring News and Legal Developments with IntraClip 20Editing Your Westlaw Password 20Editing Your IntraClip Preferences 21Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search 21Using Connectors 21Using Special Characters 22Searching for Compound Words and Abbreviations 22Practice Area PDM 23Researching Practice Areas 23Summaries of Recent News and Legal Developments 23Custom Search Templates 23Selecting the Practice Area 24Company Links PDM 24Linking to Company Information 24Editing Your Westlaw Password 24Editing Your Company Links Preferences 25Newslink PDM 25Getting the News with Newslink 25Editing Your Westlaw Password 26Editing Your Newslink Preferences 26

CHAPTER 5: OTHER ASSISTANCE 27Getting Assistance 28Signing On to Westlaw 28Editing Your Westlaw Password 28CHAPTER 6: ADMINISTERING WESTLAW PORTAL DELIVERY MODULES (PDMS) 29Administering Company Links PDM Preferences 30Administering Find&Print PDM Preferences 30Administering IntraClip PDM Preferences 30Administering a PDM to Provide Transparent Authentication 31(Newslink, Practice Area, and Search Deluxe PDMs) 31

CHAPTER 7: FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 33What are Westlaw portal delivery modules? 34How do I change my preferences for a Westlaw PDM? 34How do I save my Westlaw password? 34How do I delete or edit a saved Westlaw password? 34What are the charges for using a Westlaw PDM? 34Why have I suddenly started to receive error messages when using Westlaw PDMs? 34In the IntraClip PDM, why can't I create an entry or view my IntraClip Directory? 35In the IntraClip PDM, how current is the information? 35In the Newslink PDM, how current is the information? 35GLOSSARY 37

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Like other important technology advances before them, portals promise to alter the practice of law for thebetter. By giving legal professionals organized, tailored access to information, portals can help law offices greatly increase efficiency and productivity.

West Group makes it easy for your organization to access and manage legal information with Westlaw Integration Solutions, a suite of customizable components that give people direct access to the parts of Westlaw they use most. Westlaw Integration Solutions will help your organization increase productivity by allowing people to focus on tasks rather than applications.

Documented in the chapters that follow are the Westlaw Integration Solutions components available andinstructions on how to use them. There is also a chapter with answers to frequently asked questions aboutWest’s Hummingbird components, and a glossary with terms you will come across.


For best performance using Westlaw PDMs, use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later for Windows. NetscapeNavigator 4.x for Windows can also be used, but support is limited for the IntraClip and Practice Area PDMs.

Page 7: Customized Hummingbird Portal Options - Westlaw · CHAPTER 2: WESTLAW RESEARCH CONTROLS 3 Search Deluxe PDM 4 Searching Westlaw with Search Deluxe 4 Editing Your Westlaw Password

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W e s t l a w R e s e a r c h C o n t r o l s

Search Deluxe PDM

CitationSearch PDM

Search a Database PDM

Find a Document PDM

KeyCite PDM

Search for a Database PDM

Black’s Law Dictionary PDM

Westnews PDM

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Search Deluxe PDM

Searching Westlaw with Search DeluxeUsing the Search Deluxe PDM on your portal page, you can quickly and easily perform different types of Westlaw searches and access various Westlaw services.

To search Westlaw with Search Deluxe,

1. Select the type of Westlaw search you would like to perform or service you would like to access from the Select the Westlaw Application drop-down list.

2. Depending on your selection, enter the requested information.

3. Click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is displayed in a separate browser window.

4. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

5. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

6. Click GO. The search result is displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

Search/Service Description

Find a Document Quickly retrieve a specific document on Westlaw when you know its citation.

Search for a Database If you don’t know which database to use, search for a database in the Westlaw Database List (IDEN).

Search a Database Quickly perform a search on Westlaw in the database you specify.

Search Westnews Quickly retrieve relevant news and business information in Westnews, a compre-hensive collection of business and news information on Westlaw.

KeyCite Quickly determine whether a case or statute is good law and retrieve citing refer-ences using KeyCite, West Group’s citation research service.

Black’s Law Dictionary Search the Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Edition database (BLACKS) on Westlaw to display definitions or check the spelling of legal terms and phrases.

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3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

CitationSearch PDM

Viewing or Printing a Document, or Checking a CitationUsing the CitationSearch PDM on your portal page, you can type a document's citation and then easily view or print the document on Westlaw, or check the citation in KeyCite. (KeyCite is the citation research service from West Group.)

To use the CitationSearch PDM,

1. Type a citation in the Enter Citation text box.

2. Select whether you want to view the document, print the document, or check the citation in KeyCite.

3. Click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is displayed in a separate browser window.

4. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

5. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

6. Click GO.

7. Depending on the option you selected in step 2, one of the following will be displayed:• View: The document is displayed on Westlaw.• Print: A page summarizing your print request is displayed on Westlaw. Follow the on-screen instructions to

print your document.• KeyCite: The KeyCite information is displayed on Westlaw. The history for the case or statute you are checking

is displayed in the left frame (if you are checking a case, it is marked with a blue arrow). The full text of your case or statute is displayed in the right frame.

To view citing references for a case or statute, click the KC Citing Ref tab in the left frame. To restrict the list ofciting references for a case or statute, click Limit Citing Refs on the KC Citing Ref tab.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

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To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

Search a Database PDM

Searching a DatabaseUsing the Search a Database PDM on your portal page, you can quickly perform a search on Westlaw.

To search a Westlaw database,

1. Type a database identifier in the Enter a Database ID text box.

Note: If you aren't sure which database to use, you can search for a database using the Westlaw Database List (IDEN). Either use the Search for a Database PDM on your portal page (see “Search for a Database PDM” on page 10 for details) or enter iden as the database identifier in the Search a Database PDM.

2. Select either Terms & Connectors or Natural Language, depending on your preferred search method.

• With Terms and Connectors searching, you enter key terms from your issue and connectors specifying the relationship between those terms. See “Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search” on page 7 for details.

• With Natural Language searching, you enter your search terms in plain English, for example, must a manufacturer disclose the side effects of a drug.

3. Type your search terms in the Enter Your Search Terms text box.

4. Click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is displayed in a separate browser window.

5. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” on page 7 for details.

6. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

7. Click GO. The search result is displayed on Westlaw. The first retrieved document is displayed in the right frame; a list of all retrieved documents is displayed in the left frame.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

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To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search

Using ConnectorsUse connectors to specify the relationships that should exist between search terms in your retrieveddocuments.

Using Special CharactersType the universal character (*) to represent one variable character. Type the root expander (!) to retrieve words with variant endings. For example,

Type: To Retrieve:

& (and) Both search terms in the same document: narcotic & warrant

space (or) Either search term or both terms: car automobile

/p Search terms in the same paragraph: hearsay /p utterance

/s Search terms in the same sentence: design*** /s defect!

+s The first term preceding the second within the same sentence: palsgraf +s island

/n Search terms within n terms of each other (where n is a number): person** /3jurisdiction

+n The first search term preceding the second by n terms (where n is a number): 20 +5 1080

“ ” Search terms appearing in the same order as in the quotation marks: “attractivenuisance”

% (but not) Documents not containing the term or terms following the percent symbol:laminectomy % to(413)

Type: To Retrieve:

gr*w grew


Type: To Retrieve:

contribut! contributed


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Searching for Compound Words and AbbreviationsIf your search term is a compound word, use its hyphenated form to retrieve all variations. If your search term is an abbreviation, enter it with periods and without spaces to retrieve all variations. For example,

Find a Document PDM

Finding a DocumentUsing the Find a Document PDM on your portal page, you can quickly retrieve a specific document on Westlaw when you know its citation.

To find a document,

1. Type a citation in the PDM's text box and click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is displayed in a separate browser window.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” on page 9 for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The document is displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.




Type: To Retrieve:

whistle-blow whistleblow


whistle blow

h.i.v. H.I.V.

H. I. V.



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Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

KeyCite PDM

Checking a Citation in KeyCiteKeyCite is the citation research service from West Group. Using the KeyCite PDM on your portal page, you can quickly determine whether a case or statute is good law and retrieve citing references.

To check a citation in KeyCite,

1. Type a citation in the PDM's text box and click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is displayed in a separate browser window.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” on page 10 for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The KeyCite information is displayed on Westlaw. The history for the case or statute you are checking is displayed in the left frame (if you are checking a case, it is marked with a blue arrow). The full text of your case or statute is displayed in the right frame.

To view citing references for a case or statute, click the KC Citing Ref tab in the left frame. To restrict the list of citing references for a case or statute, click Limit Citing Refs on the KC Citing Ref tab.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

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To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

Search for a Database PDM

Searching for a DatabaseSometimes you may want to search a Westlaw database but aren't sure which database to use. Using the Search for a Database PDM on your portal page, you can search for a database in the Westlaw Database List (IDEN) thatcontains the information you need.

To search for a database,

1. Type a Natural Language (i.e., plain-English) description of the information you need, such as executive biog-raphy, in the PDM's text box and click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is displayed in a separate browser window.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it is displayed).

4. Click GO. The search result is displayed on Westlaw, and a list of the 20 databases most closely matching the concepts in your description is displayed in the left frame. Click a database identifier to display the Search page for that database.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

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Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

Black’s Law Dictionary PDM

Searching Black’s Law DictionaryBlack’s Law Dictionary is useful to display definitions or check the spelling of legal terms. Using the Black’s LawDictionary PDM on your portal page, you can quickly search the Black's Law Dictionary, 7th Edition database (BLACKS) on Westlaw.

To search Black’s Law Dictionary,

1. Type a Terms and Connectors query in the PDM's text box and click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is dis-played in a separate browser window.

Note: With a Terms and Connectors query, you enter key terms from your issue and connectors specifying the relationship between those terms. See “Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search” on page 12 for details.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The search result is displayed on Westlaw. The first retrieved document is displayed in the right frame; a list of all retrieved documents is displayed in the left frame.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

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Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search

Using ConnectorsUse connectors to specify the relationships that should exist between search terms in your retrieveddocuments.

Using Special CharactersType the universal character (*) to represent one variable character. Type the root expander (!) to retrieve words with variant endings. For example,

Type: To Retrieve:

& (and) Both search terms in the same document: narcotic & warrant

space (or) Either search term or both terms: car automobile

/p Search terms in the same paragraph: hearsay /p utterance

/s Search terms in the same sentence: design*** /s defect!

+s The first term preceding the second within the same sentence: palsgraf +s island

/n Search terms within n terms of each other (where n is a number): person** /3jurisdiction

+n The first search term preceding the second by n terms (where n is a number): 20 +5 1080

“ ” Search terms appearing in the same order as in the quotation marks: “attractive nuisance”

% (but not) Documents not containing the term or terms following the percent symbol:laminectomy % to(413)

Type: To Retrieve:

gr*w grew


contribut! contributed





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c h a p t e r 2 : w e s t l a w r e s e a r c h c o n t r o l s

Searching for Compound Words and AbbreviationsIf your search term is a compound word, use its hyphenated form to retrieve all variations. If your search term is an abbreviation, enter it with periods and without spaces to retrieve all variations. For example,

Westnews PDM

Searching WestnewsWestnews is a comprehensive collection of business and news information on Westlaw. Using the Search Westnews PDM on your portal page, you can quickly retrieve relevant news and business information.

To search Westnews,

1. Type a Natural Language (i.e., plain-English) description in the PDM's text box and click GO. The Welcome to Westlaw page is displayed in a separate browser window.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The search result is displayed on Westlaw. The first retrieved document is displayed in the right frame; a list of all retrieved documents is displayed in the left frame.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

Type: To Retrieve:

whistle-blow whistleblow


whistle blow

h.i.v. H.I.V.

H. I. V.



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2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

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P r o d u c t i v i t y T o o l s

Find&Print PDM

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Find&Print PDM

Finding and Printing DocumentsUsing the Find&Print PDM on your portal page, you can quickly find and print documents on Westlaw. With acitation, you can print, e-mail, or download the full text of a document, a KeyCite result, or a Table of Authorities result.

Note: You have several options for configuring your Find&Print PDM, so some of the steps below may not apply to you. For details, see “Editing Your Find&Print Preferences” below.

To find and print a document,

1. Type a citation in the Enter Citation(s) text box. If multiple text boxes are displayed, you can enter multiple citations; press Tab to move between the text boxes.

2. Select one or more check boxes, depending on which results you want to print. The Full text of document check box is selected by default. If you do not want to print the full text of the document(s), clear this check box and select another print option.

3. Select a print destination for your request:

• Click Attached Printer if you have a printer directly connected to your computer or your network.• Click Westlaw Stand-Alone Printer if you use a printer, supplied by West Group, that is configured to

print Westlaw materials exclusively.• Click E-Mail to deliver a word-processing, HTML, or ASCII document to an e-mail address. Select a

document format from the Format drop-down list, then type the e-mail address in the Primary address text box. Type additional e-mail addresses separated by semicolons in the Secondary address(es) text box.

• Click Download to save a word-processing, HTML, or ASCII document to a file. Select a documentformat from the Format drop-down list.

4. If a text box is displayed for you to identify your printouts, type the information requested (e.g., your name).

5. Click Find & Print Now.

6. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

7. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

8. Click GO.

9. Follow any additional online instructions for your particular print destination.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

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2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

Editing Your Find&Print PreferencesFrom the Find&Print PDM, you can edit your saved Westlaw password, as well as change the number of citation boxes and the destination and print options available in the PDM.

To edit your Find&Print preferences,

1. Click the Edit button in the Find&Print PDM.

2. Make changes to one or more of the following:

• To edit the saved Westlaw password, make your change in the Westlaw Password text box. (To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.)

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.• To change the number of citation boxes displayed in the PDM, select a number from the Number of

Citation Boxes drop-down list. If you select multiple citation boxes, also select the number of columns in which you want them displayed.

• Select the destination options you want available in the PDM.

• Select the print options you want available in the PDM.

3. To save your changes, click Update all. To cancel without saving your changes, click .

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C u r r e n t A w a r e n e s s

IntraClip PDM

Practice Area PDM

Company Links PDM

Newslink PDM

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IntraClip PDM

Monitoring News and Legal Developments with IntraClipIntraClip is a clipping service from West Group. Using the IntraClip PDM on your portal page, you can easilymonitor and stay up-to-date on the latest news and legal developments, as well as access the full text of articles anddocuments on Westlaw.

To create a new IntraClip entry, see “Editing Your IntraClip Preferences” below for details.

To view the latest articles and documents for an existing entry,

1. Select the entry whose results you want to view from the Select an Entry drop-down list in the IntraClip PDM.

2. The articles and document(s) that satisfy the entry's query are listed in the IntraClip PDM for you to browse.

Note: Each entry runs on a daily basis and searches information from the last 90 days in the specified

database. A icon is displayed next to each new result.

To access the full text of an article or document,

1. Click the title of an article or document within the IntraClip results.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The article or document is displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

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Editing Your IntraClip PreferencesFrom the IntraClip PDM, you can edit your saved Westlaw password, as well as create an IntraClip entry, access your IntraClip Directory, and display shared entries.

To create an entry,

1. Make sure your personal Westlaw password is saved for the Westlaw PDMs. To do this, follow the instruc-tions for “Editing Your Westlaw Password” on page 20 and enter your personal Westlaw password in the Password text box.

2. Click the Edit your preferences link in the IntraClip PDM. The IntraClip Preferences page is displayed.

3. Click the Create an Entry link. The IntraClip Create an Entry page is displayed.

4. Type a name for the entry in the Entry name text box.

5. Select a Westlaw database (e.g., All News) from the Database drop-down list.

6. Create a Terms and Connectors query for the search you want to run.

Note: With a Terms and Connectors query, you enter key terms from your issue and connectors specifying the relationship between those terms. See “Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search” below for details.

7. If you want IntraClip to automatically remove duplicate documents from your result list, select the Elimi-nate duplicate documents check box.

8. If you want to be automatically alerted via e-mail when your IntraClip entry has new results, type youre-mail address in the E-mail address text box.

9. Click Activate. Your IntraClip Directory is displayed.

10. Close the IntraClip Directory browser window and return to the IntraClip Preferences page.

11. Click Update all.

To access your IntraClip Directory, click View IntraClip Directory at the IntraClip Preferences page. At yourIntraClip Directory, you can edit IntraClip results, edit your queries, and delete entries.

Your firm administrator may have created entries that all members of your firm can access from the IntraClip PDM on their portal page. If you want these entries accessible to you from the IntraClip PDM on your portal page, select the Display Shared Entries check box at the IntraClip Preferences page.

Formatting a Terms and Connectors Search

Using ConnectorsUse connectors to specify the relationships that should exist between search terms in your retrieved documents.

Type: To Retrieve:

& (and) Both search terms in the same document: narcotic & warrant

space (or) Either search term or both terms: car automobile

/p Search terms in the same paragraph: hearsay /p utterance

/s Search terms in the same sentence: design*** /s defect!

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Using Special CharactersType the universal character (*) to represent one variable character. Type the root expander (!) to retrieve words with variant endings. For example,

Searching for Compound Words and AbbreviationsIf your search term is a compound word, use its hyphenated form to retrieve all variations. If your search term is an abbreviation, enter it with periods and without spaces to retrieve all variations. For example,

Type: To Retrieve:

+s The first term preceding the second within the same sentence: palsgraf +s island

/n Search terms within n terms of each other (where n is a number): person** /3jurisdiction

+n The first search term preceding the second by n terms (where n is a number):20 +5 1080

“ ” Search terms appearing in the same order as in the quotation marks: “attractivenuisance”

% (but not) Documents not containing the term or terms following the percent symbol:laminectomy % to(413)

Type: To Retrieve:

gr*w grew


contribut! contributed





Type: To Retrieve:

whistle-blow whistleblow


whistle blow

h.i.v. H.I.V.

H. I. V.



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Practice Area PDM

Researching Practice AreasUsing the Practice Area PDM on your portal page, you can easily access information pertaining to particular legal practice areas. You can browse summaries of recent news and legal developments for a practice area, accessing the full text of articles and documents on Westlaw as you choose. You can also search other Westlaw sources pertaining to a practice area by using custom search templates.

Note: The practice area currently selected is shown near the top of the PDM. If you need to select or want to change the practice area, see “Selecting the Practice Area” on page 24 for details.

Summaries of Recent News and Legal DevelopmentsRecent news and legal developments relevant to your practice area are displayed in a list of summaries. To browse these summaries, select a recent news or decisions source from the Source drop-down list at the top of the Practice Area PDM.

To access the full text of an article or document,

1. Click the title of an article or document in the summary list.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” on page 20 for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The article or document is displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

Custom Search TemplatesWith other practice area sources, you can easily search for information on Westlaw by using a custom searchtemplate.

To access a custom template and perform a Westlaw search,

1. From the Source drop-down list at the top of the Practice Area PDM, select an item under a source heading. The availability of custom templates may vary, depending on the practice area.

2. Fill in one or more of the text boxes in the search template that is displayed.

3. When you are ready to search Westlaw, click GO.

4. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see“Editing Your Westlaw Password” on page 20 for details.

5. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

6. Click GO. The results of your search are displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

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To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Selecting the Practice AreaFrom the Practice Area PDM, you can select or change the practice area displayed in the PDM:

1. Click the Edit your preferences link in the Practice Area PDM.

2. Select the practice area you want in the Edit Westlaw Practice Area Preferences section.

3. To save your changes, click Update All. To cancel without saving your changes, click .

Company Links PDM

Linking to Company InformationUsing the Company Links PDM on your portal page, you can easily link to information pertaining to some of the largest public companies in the United States. The information is compiled from a variety of sources, including Westlaw, and is available to you from a single page.

To view information for a company,

1. Click the company name in the PDM. The research page for that company is displayed in a separate browser window.

Note: If you want to change the company links displayed in the PDM, see “Editing Your Company Links Preferences” on page 25 below for details.

2. Click the type of information you would like to view for the company from the list of links on the left side of the research page.

Document or article summaries are provided from several types of sources. To access the full text of a document or article on Westlaw,

1. Click the title of a document or article within the summary.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see“Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The document or article is displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

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2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button.To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

Editing Your Company Links PreferencesFrom the Company Links PDM, you can edit your saved Westlaw password, as well as add and remove company links.

To edit your company links preferences,

1. Click the Edit your preferences link in the Company Links PDM.

2. Add or remove links:

• To add a company to the PDM, select the check box in front of the company name in the Add to My Com-pany List section. You can select up to 10 companies.

• To remove a company from the PDM, clear the check box in front of the company name in the Add to My Company List section.

3. To save your changes, click Update all. To cancel without saving your changes, click .

Newslink PDM

Getting the News with NewslinkNewslink is a current awareness service from West Group. Using the Newslink PDM on your portal page, you can easily browse news headlines, as well as access the full text of articles and documents on Westlaw.

To browse news headlines,

1. If you want, select a new source from the Source drop-down list and then select an item from the second drop-down list that is displayed at the top of the Newslink PDM.

Note: If you want to change the headline source that is displayed by default each time you log on to your portal page, see “Editing Your Newslink Preferences” on page 26 for details.

2. If displayed for your source, select a date, section, or topic from the drop-down list(s) in the PDM and click Go.

The news headlines for your source are listed in the Newslink PDM for you to browse.

To access the full text of a document or article,

1. Click the title of an article or document within the list of headlines.

2. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” on page 26 for details.

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3. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed).

4. Click GO. The article or document is displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

To refresh the display, click on the PDM title bar.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button.To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

Editing Your Newslink PreferencesFrom the Newslink PDM, you can select the default publication to be displayed in the PDM each time you log on to your portal page.

To select the default publication,

1. Click the Edit your preferences link in the Newslink PDM.

2. Select the publication you want to be displayed in the PDM each time you log on to your portal page from the Select a Newslink Publication drop-down list.

3. To save your changes, click Update all. To cancel without saving your changes, click .

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O t h e r A s s i s t a n c e

Getting Assistance

Signing On to Westlaw

Editing Your Westlaw Password

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Getting AssistanceIf you need additional assistance using Westlaw portal delivery modules, please contact• your firm's intranet or portal administrator; or• West Group Customer & Technical Services

• via telephone at 1-800-WESTLAW (1-800-937-8529); • via e-mail at [email protected]; or • online at

Signing On to WestlawWhen you request access to Westlaw content from a PDM, you will be prompted to sign on to Westlaw.

To sign on to Westlaw,

1. If you are prompted, enter your Westlaw password at the Welcome to Westlaw page.

Note: After you enter your Westlaw password the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again. If you want to edit this saved password, see “Editing Your Westlaw Password” below for details.

Note: If you have forgotten your Westlaw password, call West Group Customer & Technical Services at 1-800-WESTLAW (1-800-937-8529).

2. If you are prompted, enter a client ID (or select one from the Recent Client IDs drop-down list, if it isdisplayed). The client ID is used by law firms to record billable time. If you do not use a client ID to record billable time, you can type any character(s) in the Client ID text box.

3. Click GO. The information you requested in the PDM is displayed on Westlaw.

To sign off from Westlaw, click Sign Off at the top of any page. Then close the browser window.

For more information about Westlaw pricing, click Pricing Info on the Welcome to Westlaw page. For moreinformation about Westlaw technical requirements, click Requirements.

Editing Your Westlaw PasswordAfter you enter your Westlaw password in a Westlaw PDM for the first time, it will be saved for subsequent use and you will not be prompted again.

To edit your saved Westlaw password,

1. Click the User Profile tab on your portal page.

2. Under Credentials, click Westlaw.

3. Make your change to your Westlaw password in the Password text box. To delete the password stored in your profile, clear the Westlaw password.

Note: Password changes are applied to your profile and are in effect when you use any Westlaw PDM.

4. Click the Save Changes button or icon.

5. To return to your personal portal page, click the My Information tab.

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A d m i n i s t e r i n g W e s t l a w P o r t a l D e l i v e r y M o d u l e s ( P D M s )

Administering Company Links PDM Preferences

Administering Find&Print PDM Preferences

Administering IntraClip PDM Preferences

Administering a PDM to Provide Transparent Authentication

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Administering Company Links PDM PreferencesIf you are a portal administrator at your firm, you can administer preferences for the Company Links PDM:

1. In the Westlaw–Administration PDM on your portal page, click Company Links.

2. Make changes to one or more of the following:

• Edit Sponsorship Parameters: If you don't want your portal users to be prompted for a Westlaw pass-word when they access Westlaw content from the Company Links PDM, enter the sponsorship parameter that West Group has assigned to you in the sponsorship parameter text box.

A sponsorship parameter allows users at your firm to access Westlaw content via a pool of passwords(i.e., transparent authentication). Specifically, when you enter a sponsorship parameter for a PDM, users can access Westlaw content from that PDM on their portal pages without having to enter their own Westlaw pass-words.

Note: If you would like to use transparent authentication for one or more PDMs but haven't been assigned a sponsorship parameter, please contact your local West Group technical representative, or e-mail West Group at [email protected].

• Add to my Company List: Add or remove the company links that you want to appear in the PDM by default. To add a company to the PDM, select the check box in front of the company name in the Add to My Company List section. To remove a company, clear the check box in front of the company name. You can select up to 10 companies.

3. To save your changes, click Update all. To cancel without saving your changes, click .

Administering Find&Print PDM PreferencesIf you are a portal administrator at your firm, you can administer preferences for the Find&Print PDM:

1. In the Westlaw–Administration PDM on your portal page, click Find&Print.

2. Make changes to one or more of the following:

• Edit Sponsorship Parameters: If you don't want your portal users to be prompted for a Westlaw pass-word when they access Westlaw content from the Find&Print PDM, enter the sponsorship parameter that West Group has assigned to you in the sponsorship parameter text box.

A sponsorship parameter allows users at your firm to access Westlaw content via a pool of passwords(i.e., transparent authentication). Specifically, when you enter a sponsorship parameter for a PDM, users can access Westlaw content from that PDM on their portal pages without having to enter their own West-law passwords.

Note: If you would like to use transparent authentication for one or more PDMs but haven't been assigned a sponsorship parameter, please contact your local West Group technical representative, or e-mail West Group at [email protected].

• Edit Printout Parameters: If you want your portal users to be prompted to enter an identification for their printout, enter a value in the printout prompt text box (e.g., Enter your name:).

3. To save your changes, click Update all. To cancel without saving your changes, click .

Administering IntraClip PDM PreferencesIf you are a portal administrator at your firm, you can administer preferences for the IntraClip PDM.

1. In the Westlaw–Administration PDM on your portal page, click IntraClip.

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2. Do one or more of the following at the IntraClip Administrative Preferences page:

Add IntraClip Administrator Westlaw PasswordsYou can provide IntraClip entries that all users at your firm can access from the IntraClip PDM on their portal pages:

a. Enter up to three Westlaw passwords in the Please enter up to 3 Westlaw passwords text boxes. AllIntraClip entries associated with these passwords will be available to portal users.

Note: To create or edit IntraClip entries, go to The IntraClip Directory for the Westlaw password you last used to access IntraClip is displayed.

b. Click Update.

Edit Sponsorship ParametersYou can use a sponsorship parameter to provide portal users with transparent authentication to Westlaw. A sponsorship parameter allows users at your firm to access Westlaw content via a pool of passwords. Specifically, when you enter a sponsorship parameter for a PDM, users can access Westlaw content from that PDM on their portal pages without having to enter their own Westlaw passwords.

To provide transparent authentication to Westlaw from the IntraClip PDM,

a. Enter the sponsorship parameter that West Group has assigned to you in the sponsorship parameter text box.

Note: If you would like to use transparent authentication for one or more PDMs but haven't been assigned a sponsorship parameter, please contact your local West Group technical representative, or e-mail West Group at [email protected].

b. Click Update.

3. To close the IntraClip Administrative Preferences page, click .

Administering a PDM to Provide Transparent Authentication(Newslink, Practice Area, and Search Deluxe PDMs)If you are a portal administrator at your firm, you can use a sponsorship parameter to provide portal users with transparent authentication to Westlaw from a PDM.

A sponsorship parameter allows portal users at your firm to access Westlaw content via a pool of passwords. Specif-ically, when you enter a sponsorship parameter for a PDM, users can access Westlaw content from that PDM on their portal pages without having to enter their own Westlaw passwords.

To provide transparent authentication to Westlaw from a PDM,

1. In the Westlaw–Administration PDM on your portal page, click the name of the PDM for which you want to provide transparent authentication.

2. At the Administrative Preferences page, enter the sponsorship parameter that West Group has assigned to you in the sponsorship parameter text box.

Note: If you would like to use transparent authentication for one or more PDMs but haven't been assigned a sponsorship parameter, please contact your local West Group technical representative, or e-mail West Group at [email protected].

3. To save your changes, click Update all. To cancel without saving your changes, click .

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F r e q u e n t l y A s k e d Q u e s t i o n s

What are Westlaw portal delivery modules?

How do I change my preferences for a Westlaw PDM?

How do I save my Westlaw password?

How do I delete or edit a saved Westlaw password?

What are the charges for using a Westlaw PDM?

Why have I suddenly started to receive error messages when using Westlaw PDMs?

In the IntraClip PDM, why can't I create an entry or view my IntraClip Directory?

In the IntraClip PDM, how current is the information?

In the Newslink PDM, how current is the information?

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What are Westlaw portal delivery modules?Westlaw portal delivery modules (PDMs) are a key component of Westlaw Integration Solutions, which allows your company to easily integrate material from Westlaw into your company's enterprise portal.

Westlaw PDMs are modular components that can be installed on your portal. They provide you with flexible, seamless access to a wide array of Westlaw content and services. For more information, go

How do I change my preferences for a Westlaw PDM?Click the Edit your preferences link in the PDM (if no link is displayed, no preferences are available to change). Then make your changes on the displayed Preferences page and click Update all. Note that different Westlaw PDMs have different preferences settings.

How do I save my Westlaw password?The first time you use a Westlaw PDM and access Westlaw, you will be prompted to enter your Westlaw password. It is then saved for subsequent use from any Westlaw PDM and you will not be prompted again. You can also save your password by accessing your user profile. Click Westlaw under Credentials within your user profile, enter your pass-word in the Password text box, and click the Save Changes button or icon.

How do I delete or edit a saved Westlaw password?Within your user profile, click Westlaw under Credentials, clear or edit the Westlaw password in the Password text box, and click Save Changes.

What are the charges for using a Westlaw PDM? There is no charge to view summaries of results lists from the Newslink, IntraClip, Practice Area, and Company Links PDMs. However, if you choose to view the full text of an article or document on Westlaw in one of these PDMs or use another PDM to access Westlaw, charges will accrue. These charges may vary depending on your price plan; please contact your West Group account manager for more information.

Why have I suddenly started to receive error messages when using Westlaw PDMs?Most likely, this error is occurring because you changed the theme of your portal page. The Hummingbird portal software requires that each PDM be used under the same theme in which it was added to your portal page. If you've recently changed your page's theme, change it back and try using the PDM again.

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In the IntraClip PDM, why can't I create an entry or view myIntraClip Directory?Before you can create an entry or view your IntraClip Directory, your Westlaw password must be saved. See “How do I save my Westlaw password?” on page 34 for details.

In the IntraClip PDM, how current is the information? IntraClip searches information from the last 90 days in its news and legal sources.

In the Newslink PDM, how current is the information? Newslink saves articles or documents from the last 30 days (generally) for each single newspaper and legal source. Newspapers and periodicals are restricted to a maximum of 12 issues. New York Times coverage includes only asingle issue. Coverage for U.S. Supreme Court decisions includes the current term. For sources published lessfrequently, the most recent issue available is included.

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Black's Law Dictionary (BLACKS)A Westlaw database that includes the complete contents of Black’s Law Dictionary, Seventh Edition. The database can be used by Westlaw users to display definitions or to check the spelling of legal terms and phrases.

content delivery agent (CDA)Another term for portal delivery module (PDM).

gadgetAnother term for portal delivery module (PDM).

IDENSee Westlaw Database List.

IntraClipA clipping service from West Group that allows you to stay up-to-date on the issues most important to you. Youcreate custom clipping entries that monitor news and legal developments from databases on Westlaw. You can then scan the result lists containing document titles and the first few lines of text and link only to the full-text docu-ments on Westlaw that you are interested in viewing.

KeyCiteWest Group’s citation research service that allows you to trace the history of a case or statute and retrieve all citing references, including cases, secondary sources, and administrative materials.

Natural Language search methodA search method that allows you to use plain English to retrieve relevant documents. WIN (Westlaw Is Natural) is the Natural Language search method for Westlaw and is available in most Westlaw databases.

NewslinkA current awareness service from West Group. It provides access to recent articles from newspapers and periodicals, recent state and federal cases, Westlaw Bulletins databases, Westlaw Topical Highlights databases, administrative materials, and more.

PDMSee portal delivery module.

portal delivery module (PDM)A modular application component that can be embedded in your corporate enterprise portal. PDMs allow you to combine the most heavily used components from different systems on one portal page. Westlaw PDMs allow you to easily integrate Westlaw content and services into your company's enterprise portal.

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Terms and Connectors search methodA Westlaw search method that allows you to enter a query that consists of key terms from your issue and connec-tors specifying the relationship between those terms.

WestlawWest Group’s computer-assisted legal and business research service. It contains more than 15,000 databases, includ-ing federal and state court cases, the United States Code Annotated, legal periodicals, and public records informa-tion. Westlaw is accessible via the Internet at

Westlaw Database List (IDEN)A Westlaw database containing the names of all databases and services available on Westlaw, including the identi-fier used to select each database or service.

WestnewsA comprehensive collection of business news and information on Westlaw. Westnews can provide you with news and background information about a person, a company, or an issue that is important to you or your clients.

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