curvy yoga acceleration

Curvy Yoga Acceleration Fall 2013: Info Packet

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Curvy Yoga AccelerationFall 2013: Info Packet

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Hi there,

OMG. Can you believe you’re reading this? You’re actually one step closer to your

dream of becoming a yoga teacher – SO exciting! I’m actually doing a li’l happy dance for

you right now. You can’t see me (that would be weird), but I’m definitely doing it.

I remember when I first picked up a flyer with info about the 200hr program I eventually signed

up for. I tried to pick it up secretly so no one would see me, that’s how unsure I was if I could do

it and if “they” (goodness knows who “they” were) would let me.

So if your palms are a little sweaty and your heart is picking up pace a bit, I


I’ve been there.

In fact, it’s because I’ve been there that I decided to create a 200hr school. Because the incredible

thing about our community is that the more people get connected as students, the more people

write me with those tentative questions about becoming a teacher. “Do you think I can do it?”

“What if I don’t practice headstand?” “Will students really take me seriously if I’m a curvy

teacher?” “How can I learn to take myself seriously as a yoga teacher, no

matter my shape or size?”

So with these questions coming to me more frequently, questions that sat in my own heart for a

long time (and still do some days), I knew it was time for this program to take shape.

This info packet is designed to give you the details you need to see if you’re interested in talking

with me more about the program 1:1. I hope that you will take me up on that

conversation; I would love to talk through any questions, fears, excitements you might have.

I don’t prefer to speak in clichés, but this is one time when I’ll make an exception: Becoming a

yoga teacher is a life-changing experience. It transforms you from the inside out, just

like the yoga practice does as a student.

It would be my jaw-dropping honor to be your guide on that journey.

Curvy hugs,

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One Size Does Not Fit All Curriculum

The Curvy Yoga Acceleration 200hr training offers you two certifications in one: a 200hr training in hatha yoga

(so you can teach any type of yoga you wish) + certification in Curvy Yoga (so you can teach a class called

Curvy Yoga, too, if you’d like).

At the end of the program, you will be certified in both (you lucky duck, you!). Not only does this give

you a savings of $675 (what other yoga teachers pay to get Curvy Yoga certified), it also allows you to leave

the program confident in your ability to meet your students where they are (the #1 thing

most 200hr yoga teachers feel unprepared to do).

200hr Training

The focus of this training is on supporting students of varying needs, experience levels, abilities and body

shapes/sizes in an accessible way. That includes curvy students, of course, but also many more.

Current students in this program have an interest in teaching homeless veterans, English language learners,

people with spinal cord injuries, curvy people, LGBTQ people, beginners of all stripes, and more.


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200hr Training ContinuedThis isn’t fast, sweaty yoga we’re practicing or learning to teach (although it may get that way from time-to-time):

it’s invitational yoga that opens the door for people who never thought it was for them. The question we’ll

constantly be asking is: “How can we make this work for our students?” Creativity abounds because there’s no

sitting out in Child’s Pose for 10 minutes in this style of yoga.

This is a very unique training because very few schools take this approach. In many, if not most, 200hr teacher

trainings, pose options for people of varying abilities are a side conversation, at best. In this training, though, that’s

our focus – and it’s my hope that you’ll feel equipped to meet anyone who comes in the door at the level and

pace that is right for them.

Curvy Yoga

I designed the Curvy Yoga certification with two goals in mind: (1) To help you support larger-bodied students in

your classes and (2) To empower you to create a body positive classroom for students of all

shapes and sizes. These are two unique but highly complementary skills, and you will receive them both in

this training.


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Many 200hr programs give you a formula to

teach based around sun salutations. And if

you’re teaching young, fit, able-bodied people

exclusively, that formula works pretty well. But

in real-world yoga classes, those

are rarely the only students who

come to your class. So the first time

someone who has a hard time with Down

Dog, much less a Seated Twist, comes to

class, the teacher panics.)

This is not what I want for you.

What I want for you is a very strong foundation that

you can continue to build on for the rest of your life.

Therefore, the Curvy Yoga Acceleration curriculum

includes the following components:

• Asana (yoga pose) instruction with an

emphasis on progressive sequencing -

Starting students in the most supported version of

the pose and working them up from there, giving

everyone in your class the support and space to

practice at his/her own level

• Yoga anatomy and physiology – Need-to-

know information delivered in an accessible

format. So if you (like me when I started my 200hr

program), feel a little nervous when you think

about learning anatomy, we’ve gotcha covered.

Finding Your Teaching


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• Teaching, not just instructing –

We will focus on developing the skills of a

teacher, including classroom management,

ethics, creating body positive classroom

environments for people of all shapes and

sizes, and more.

• Yoga philosophy for today – You will

learn about the history of yoga, and we will

spend some time with texts like The Yoga

Sutras. With that foundational

understanding, we will consider how yoga

philosophy applies to your life – and how

you can share that with your students in an

accessible way they’ll love.

• Empowerment and respect – This is

the foundation of this program, and it

applies to both how you can expect to be

treated, and how you will learn to treat

your students. This will include

conversations about power, consent and

touch; how to guide your students to have

their own experience; and the importance

of language in helping everyone feel

welcome and accepted in your classroom.


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• The business of yoga – when you become a yoga teacher, you are essentially starting a small business.

Not enough people talk about this, but it’s true. Even if you’re only teaching one class/week at your local

community center, you still need to know how to write a catchy yet clear class description, get the word out

about your classes and connect with all those students you really want to teach – those who never thought

yoga was for them. So unlike the 3-5 hours most training programs spend on business, this program will walk

you through the ins and outs of how to start your teaching with a clear plan in place so that you can get (and

keep!) the students and classes you want. You will leave this training with a 6-week series in hand, ready to teach

the moment you get your graduation certificate. This includes a theme for the series, the sequences, and the

marketing materials – all of which you’ll create along the way with the support of our training community.

• Hands-on learning – Practice teaching is emphasized in this training. I know everyone dreads that on

some level, but it’s also what enables you to step into your first class without fainting. The supportive

environment of this training will be the perfect place to test the water, so to speak.

• Group mentoring – To keep us connected between in-person training modules, we will have a monthly

one-hour group mentoring call. Each call will have a particular theme based around what we’ve been learning.

I am intentionally seeking students for this program who want to find their own voice as a yoga

teacher. While I will certainly provide you with a multitude of strong tools and templates to build with, this is

your time to learn and share what yoga means to you. The awesome thing is that not only does this serve you as

a teacher, it also serves your students, who are so eager to learn from a person who they can relate to.

It’s gonna be great!


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Curvy Logistics

The Curvy Yoga Acceleration program is

happening in 2013/2014 in Nashville, TN (aka

Curvy HQ!). Here’s everything you need to

know about the program logistics and travel


FormatThis program takes place over the course of

four 5-day modules. Since many of our

students will be traveling from out of town,

this format was chosen to minimize travel, not

overdo time away and maximize classroom


I believe that a rich learning environment has

enough students to offer varied perspectives

but not too many that people get drowned

out. Therefore, I have decided to keep this

group small. I will accept no more

than 16 students for this program so

everyone can receive clear group and

individual attention as needed.

I’m already holding space in my heart for

everyone who will join us, and I can so clearly

see and feel how incredible our unique

combination of energies, talents, backgrounds

and perspectives will be!


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DatesThe dates below were chosen with as much time between

modules as possible while still finishing in a timely manner. My

goal with this was to give you time to plan ahead and space out

both your travel expenses and time away.

September 18-22, 2013

December 11-15, 2013

February 26-March 2, 2014

May 14-18, 2014

ScheduleThis schedule will apply for each of the modules. We will end a

bit early on Sundays to allow for travel home.

Wednesday-Saturday: 8-12pm (class) | 12-1pm (lunch on your

own) | 1-6pm (class, with short breaks in between)

Sunday: 8-11am (class) | 11-12pm (lunch) | 12-2pm (class)

MaterialsCommunity is an integral component of a 200hr training, and I

want to be sure that’s a continuous experience for all of us, even

when we’re not together in person. Therefore, our training group

will have an online hub hosted through my website, We will also have a private Facebook group

where we can stay connected between modules (and even after


Prior to each module, you will receive PDF handouts and

homework. During each module, you will receive additional

handouts based on what we are covering. A required and

recommended reading list will be provided. You are free to

purchase your books wherever you’d like - or get them from the


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LocationOur training will take place at the beautiful Scarritt Bennett Center in the heart of Nashville. In their own words, the

Scarritt Bennett Center “is a nonprofit education, conference and retreat center committed to addressing social

justice issues through programming that promotes cross-cultural understanding, education on women’s issues and

spiritual renewal.” In other words, it’s so aligned with Curvy Yoga that it was an obvious choice.

Scarritt Bennett is located right by Music Row and Vanderbilt University, not far from downtown or the airport.

Because of its prime location, everything you need (restaurants, convenience stories, groceries) are within close

proximity – and many are within walking distance!

We have two rooms reserved for each module of our training. One of the rooms is for yoga practice, or time on the

mat. The other is for classroom learning, so not to worry – unlike other programs, you won’t have to spend 8

hours/day sitting on the ground; we’ll have tables/chairs for lecture/discussion time!

Address: 1008 19th Ave South | Nashville, TN | 37212


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Getting Here

Nashville is conveniently located to many areas in the US. In addition to being easily drivable from many different

states, it is also very accessible by airport.

The airport is only a 15-20 minute drive (depending on traffic, which usually flows pretty well here) from

Scarritt Bennett. You could easily grab a cab or shuttle to/from Scarritt Bennett and not need to rent a car!

In previous trainings, we’ve had people from as far away as California, Washington and Canada, and they’ve found

Scarritt Bennett to be a very convenient and inexpensive location.


The other reason I chose to host our training at Scarritt Bennett is that they offer very affordable lodging. You

can get a single room with shared bathroom (the bathrooms connect rooms, so you only share with one other

person) for $50/night.

Yes, you read that right -- $50/night!

You’d be very hard-pressed to find a room for twice that in this part of town, so I’m excited that Scarritt Bennett

can make this an option for us. Of course, if you have friends/family in town or would prefer to stay elsewhere,

you are welcome to.

As I mentioned earlier, Scarritt Bennett is a retreat center, so that means they have created an environment

where learning and reflection are paramount. Therefore, the rooms are simple but comfortable. Individual rooms

do not have TVs, but each floor has a TV room. In addition, the individual rooms do have WiFi, so if you’re dying

for a TV fix, you can always bring your laptop. ☺

In addition, each building has a small fridge & microwave, so it is possible to bring food with you

or swing by the grocery to help with your food budget.

If you choose to stay at Scarritt Bennett, you will book your room directly with them. To learn more about the

accommodations and book yours, please visit the Scarritt Bennett website.

It is wise to book as far in advance as possible, as it is possible for them to fill up.


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Application Process

Making the decision to become a yoga teacher is not one to be taken lightly. It requires a significant time, energy

and financial commitment. So, it’s as important to me as it is to you that you’re sure this program is a good fit

for you. To ease that process, applying for this training requires 3 steps:

1. Complete the online application (CLICK HERE to fill it out). Once I receive it, I will get back with

you with 72 hours so we can:

2. Set up a phone/Skype conversation with me. We’ll need about 30 minutes for this; the

intention is for you to get to know me better and vice versa. In addition, this is the time to ask all your

questions, so be sure you make a list before we chat. If we both think it’s a good fit, I will invite you into the

program and you will:

3. Put down a nonrefundable deposit of $425. The reason this deposit is nonrefundable is that this

step indicates a serious commitment on both of our parts. You are committing to the training, and I am

committing to be your teacher, holding a space for you that can’t be taken by anyone else. I am investing in

you, just like you are investing in yourself by signing up for this program. And that’s why, once you’re in,

you’re in.


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CostsThe Curvy Yoga Acceleration program costs $3100 and

includes two certifications – a 200hr hatha yoga training

and Curvy Yoga + Curvy Yoga Certification. If you joined

another 200hr training and still wanted Curvy Yoga

Certification, you’d be paying an extra $675 for that (the

2014 cost of certification).

In addition, if you apply, are accepted to and pay

a nonrefundable deposit prior to July 31,

2013, you will receive $500 off your tuition.

This brings your program costs to $2600.

And in more good news, I’ve got payment plans available.

These are designed to allow you to budget more easily for

the training.

Payment Option A

$2600 paid in full (if paid by July 31, 2013). After July 31,

the price goes up to $3100.

Payment Option B

1 payment of $425 (for your nonrefundable deposit), + 8

payments of $280/month. (There is a $65 administrative

fee for this option to cover additional processing costs.)

I have an online system to process payments. Once you

are ready to put down your deposit, I will send you the

info to make that happen.

If you are interested in a different payment plan option,

please ask me about that possibility. I’m committed to

helping you work out whatever plan works best for you.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to register with Yoga Alliance after completing this program?

Yes! Curvy Yoga is a 200hr school approved by Yoga Alliance. Yee haw (as well, probably no one says in Nashville,

but it sounded like a good idea at the time)!

Who are the teachers in this program?

Anna Guest-Jelley (that’s me!) is the primary teacher, but we do have a couple of wonderful guest teachers who

discuss anatomy, yogic anatomy and inclusion.

I’m afraid I’m too fill in adjective of your choice (old, unfit, inflexible, curvy) or not fill in

adjective of your choice (inexperienced, curvy) enough for this program. I probably

shouldn’t do it, right?

Heck to the no! This program is designed to meet the needs of the students I want y’all to be able to teach. In

other words, you’re not too anything for this program, just like you’re also not not enough.

Here’s the coolest part: having a diversity of bodies and abilities in a teacher training makes everyone’s learning

experience better. So not only is your difference not a problem, it’s welcome!

It’s my goal as your teacher to help you build your skills and confidence to then create the same safe, supportive

environment for your future students.

What if I can’t do fill in the blank pose. Can I still be be part of this program and become

a “real” yoga teacher?

You are definitely not alone! The application process for this program will help us both decide if this training is a

good fit for your needs/goals. But my goal is to pull together a diverse group of students so we can all benefit

from learning from each other.

No one needs to be able to put their leg behind their head (or even close) to participate. After all, the goal of

this training is to help you teach accessibly, so that means I’m committed to doing that during our training time,



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I’m newish to yoga. How much time should I have been practicing before starting teacher


While I do expect students in this program to have some familiarity with yoga, I don’t have a set amount of time

in mind that you have to have been practicing before joining us. The reason I don’t have that is that a number

doesn’t tell me much. I’d much rather talk with you and decide together if this program feels like a good fit for

you than arbitrarily exclude someone because they’ve been practicing for 2 weeks less time than I determined

was “necessary.”

What kind of homework is involved?

Students in this training are expected to do a variety of activities and assignments between training modules.

The homework is designed to both help you integrate what you learned in the previous module and prepare for

the next.

This includes, but is not limited to, reading related books and handouts, writing up pose instructions, practice

teaching, writing response papers, creating your own 6-week series (complete with sequences & marketing) and

more. For most people, this ends up being a couple hours/week.

Will I be ready to teach when I’m done with this program?

Many 200hr programs give students great information about yoga poses but leave them wondering “what next?”

when done. My commitment to you is that you’ll leave this training with an answer to that “what next”

question. In fact, I don’t want you to just leave with an answer, but a clear plan, which is why you’ll be writing

sequences, practice teaching and writing your marketing materials – all while you have the feedback and support

of our community.

What can I do with the Curvy Yoga name when I graduate?

Once you graduate, you will be Curvy Yoga Certified. That means you will: (a) be listed on the class finder on my

website, a place where many students find teachers in their area, (b) be featured in a blog post on my website,

letting prospective students get to know you, (c) receive the Curvy Yoga logo to use in any marketing materials


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you like, (d) receive the “Curvy Yoga Certified” badge to use on a website, (e) be able to teach classes,

workshops and/or private sessions by the name Curvy Yoga, (f) be invited into a Curvy Yoga Certified private

Facebook group, to connect with other teachers around the world.

Is there anything I can’t do with the Curvy Yoga name?

The Curvy Yoga name cannot be used to promote weight loss in any way. Curvy Yoga is about body positivity for

people of all shapes and sizes, and acceptance of one’s body as it is today. While Curvy Yoga students and

teachers are, of course, free to do whatever they want with their own body, the name cannot be used to

promote weight loss.

In addition, the Curvy Yoga Certification does not certify you to lead any type of teacher training called Curvy

Yoga. I may offer a Train the Trainer type program in the future, but that is not yet developed. You may certainly

use the principles of what you learn in any future teacher training you might lead, you just can’t currently call it

Curvy Yoga.

Do I have to call my classes Curvy Yoga?

Nope! It’s just an option if/when you’d like to use it. You can call your classes whatever you want!

I heard the Spring 2013 program sold out by the early-bird date. What can I do to make

sure I secure a spot in the Fall program?

That’s right – with much gratitude, the Spring 2013 program did sell out by the early-bird date. But don’t worry;

you will have time to consider this. It’s a big decision, and I want you to have some time to think about it. There

won’t be a rush on the first day. That’s actually not even possible because in order to become part of this

program you will have to fill out an application and have a phone interview with me first. It’s very important to

me that we’re both clear that this program is the best fit for you. If we think it is, I’ll then send you the

information to sign up.


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I really don’t want this to happen, but what if I have to withdraw at some point?

I definitely understand that sometimes circumstances beyond our control come up. That’s life, and that’s why I

have several options available, depending on what happens and when:

If you need to withdraw from the entire training before the program begins:

• If you cancel before Aug. 1, 2013, you will receive 75% of your money back, minus your nonrefundable deposit.

• If you cancel before Aug. 15, 2013, you will receive 50% of your money back, minus your nonrefundable


• If you cancel by Aug. 31, 2013, you will receive 25% of your money back, minus your nonrefundable deposit.

• If you cancel after Aug. 31, 2013, you will not be eligible for a refund. And if you were paying with a payment

plan, you will still be responsible for the rest of your payments unless I can find someone to take your place.

If you miss a module or need to withdraw once training begins:

• 0-3 hours missed: no make-up required

• 4-12 hours missed: For every 4 hours of in-class time missed, you are required to do a 1-hour make-up

session with me. If you miss 4-12 hours of in-class time, you can make that up on the Sunday afternoon of the

next module you’re attending (if pre-arranged with me, of course). You may use this option once during the

training. My rate for private sessions is $100/hour, but I charge y’all $75/hour.

• 13-42 hours missed (up to & including missing one entire module): If you miss 13 hours of a module or more,

you will need to come to Nashville a separate time to make-up the time with me. Missing an entire module

means missing 42 hours of class time, which would require 10.5 hours of make-up at my rate of $75/hour.

• 43 hours or more: the most you can miss in this training is one entire module. If you find you need to miss

more than that, you may still continue if you’d like. You will just need to start over and participate in another

training. You will be able to enroll in that at 50% of the program’s cost at that time.


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I’m so excited! How can I possibly wait until September to get started?!

I know, right?! I’m excited, too! That’s why I’ve got some pre-homework waiting for you the moment you sign

up. Juicy yoga books and learning, here you come!

You’ll also be invited into the Facebook group upon registration, so by the time we start our in-person training,

you’ll feel like old friends with your fellow trainees.

I have another question not listed here.

Excellent! Email that baby to me at [email protected]!


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Thank you SO much for your

interest in this yoga teacher

training! If your gut is saying YES

right now (like mine is!), I hope you’ll fill

out the application and set up a time

to chat. Having the conversation

doesn’t obligate you to sign up; it’s just

a chance for both of us to see what

feels good, which is really what yoga is

all about anyway. I would be so thrilled

and humbled to support you in the

next steps of your yoga journey!
