curriculum vitae rupanjanie thakshala seresinhe. science... · preparation of the strategic plan (...

1 CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Senior Professor of Animal Science/Chair , Dept. of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka Address -240/17B, Kaduwela Road , Koswatta, Battaramulla E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] CAREER PROFILE First female academic to reach the level of Professor/Chair and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna in its 40 years history. Presently a Senior Professor of Animal Science and serving as a member of the Board of Management of the National Science Foundation (NSF) of Sri Lanka, Chair Person of the Steering committee of Food Security and Working Committee of Food and Agriculture at the NSF, Also serving as the Contact Scientist of the Livestock Group of the “Global Research Alliance (GRA) on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases”. Former executive committee member of the Sri Lanka Association of the Australian awards Alumni (SLAAA). Traveled extensively in Europe, North and South Americas, Canada, Australia and in the Asian region and have worked in close collaboration with National and International Research/Development institutes/universities and projects by receiving prestigious grants, awards and consultancies. President (2006) & Secretary (1998) of the section B (Agriculture & Forestry) of the Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science (SLAAS). Recipient of the Swiss Govt. Scholarship, Commonwealth (UK) , Endeavour (AUS) and North-South dialogue ( Austria) fellowships and visiting Professor positions throughout the academic carrier. Recipient of numerous prestigious awards including Presidential awards for 1999, 2000 & 2003 for scientific research, Vice Chancellors award being the most outstanding senior Scholar of the University of Ruhuna in 2010, General Research Committee award SLAAS of 2010 in recognition of the contribution to national research and ZONTA women‟s achievement award for education in 2011consultancies. Significant contribution to Agricultural Education, Research and Development through publication of more than 35 full papers in SCI Indexed & refereed journals, more than 70 abstracts, writing of book chapters and articles along with 2 text books and 6 booklets. The work is cited in more than 150 publications worldwide.. ACADMIC QUALIFICATIONS: Year 1992 - PhD in Forage Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich Switzerland Year 1989 - 'Diplom Engineer Agronomy', Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland (First Class). Year 1977- B Sc. (Agriculture) the University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka (Second Class Honours)

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Page 1: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree



Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE.

Senior Professor of Animal Science/Chair , Dept. of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture,

University of Ruhuna, Matara, Sri Lanka

Address -240/17B, Kaduwela Road , Koswatta, Battaramulla

E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]


First female academic to reach the level of Professor/Chair and the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture,

University of Ruhuna in it‟s 40 years history. Presently a Senior Professor of Animal Science and serving as

a member of the Board of Management of the National Science Foundation (NSF) of Sri Lanka, Chair Person

of the Steering committee of Food Security and Working Committee of Food and Agriculture at the NSF,

Also serving as the Contact Scientist of the Livestock Group of the “Global Research Alliance (GRA) on

Agricultural Greenhouse Gases”. Former executive committee member of the Sri Lanka Association of the

Australian awards Alumni (SLAAA). Traveled extensively in Europe, North and South Americas, Canada,

Australia and in the Asian region and have worked in close collaboration with National and International

Research/Development institutes/universities and projects by receiving prestigious grants, awards and

consultancies. President (2006) & Secretary (1998) of the section B (Agriculture & Forestry) of the Sri Lanka

Association of the Advancement of Science (SLAAS). Recipient of the Swiss Govt. Scholarship,

Commonwealth (UK) , Endeavour (AUS) and North-South dialogue ( Austria) fellowships and visiting

Professor positions throughout the academic carrier. Recipient of numerous prestigious awards including

Presidential awards for 1999, 2000 & 2003 for scientific research, Vice Chancellors award being the most

outstanding senior Scholar of the University of Ruhuna in 2010, General Research Committee award SLAAS

of 2010 in recognition of the contribution to national research and ZONTA women‟s achievement award for

education in 2011consultancies. Significant contribution to Agricultural Education, Research and Development

through publication of more than 35 full papers in SCI Indexed & refereed journals, more than 70 abstracts,

writing of book chapters and articles along with 2 text books and 6 booklets. The work is cited in more than

150 publications worldwide..


Year 1992 - PhD in Forage Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH), Zurich


Year 1989 - 'Diplom Engineer Agronomy', Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich,

Switzerland (First Class).

Year 1977- B Sc. (Agriculture) the University of Sri Lanka, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

(Second Class Honours)

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1. Academic positions

March 2008 to date: Senior Professor /Professor of Animal Science/Chair, Faculty of

Agriculture. University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka

Sept 1978 to Oct 2008: Lecturer, Senior lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor (merit) to

Professor of Animal Science Faculty of Agriculture. University of Ruhuna,

Sri Lanka

Teaching at undergraduate level since 1978 and post graduate level since 2008 for M.Sc in

Animal Science and M.Sc in Food Science and Technology to date, post graduate and

undergraduate supervision etc.

2. Senior Management Positions

Dean - Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna from 21st February 2007 to 20 February


Director of Graduate Studies, University of Ruhuna from 1st October 2006 to 15

th May


Head of the Department of Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

from 01.11.2001 to 20th

February 2007

3. Post Doctoral Training

Endeavour Executive Fellowship in the Dept. of Agric & food Systems, School of Land

& Environment, University of Melbourne, Australia from 15th

September 2012 to 30

January 2013

Commonwealth Academic Fellow at the James Hutton Institute, Aberdeen, UK. October

2011 –March 2012

North-South dialogue Fellowship at the Dept. of Nutrition, University of Veterinary

Medicine, Vienna, Austria, from 11.03.2001 to 23.10.2001

Visiting fellow at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology October –November 2007.


4. Sabbatical Positions /Experience in private sector

Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, Aquinas University College, Feb 3013 to October 2014


Preparation of self evaluation report to submit to the University grant system,

Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee)

Preparation of the subject review report for the degree in Agro –Industrial Management

which was approved by the Ministry of Higher Education

Introduction of semester system, GPA system, English medium diploma, and regulation of

Page 3: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


faculty activities during my tenure.

5. Other Experiences

• Staff Development activities

First Coordinator and Faculty Representative of the staff development Centre, University

of Ruhuna, during its initiative phase. Introduction of the unit “Research

methodologies “ into the SDC course and serving as a resource person of the SDC to


• Member of the Quality Assurance team as a trained subject reviewer funded by the World

Bank project. Took part in several subject reviews at different universities e.g. Dept. of

Animal Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of

Peradeniya, Dept. of Animal Science, Faculties of Agriculture, University of Peradeniya

and Jaffana , Faculty of Fisheries and Avian Sciences at the Wayamba • Serving as the Acting Chair Person of the National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka

during several occasions during the period 2015 May to date.

Member, Board of Management, National Science Foundation, Sri Lanka

Chairperson of the working committee on /food and Agriculture

Chairperson of the Steering committee on Food Security. NSF, Sri Lanka.

Contact Scientist of the Livestock Group of the “Global Research Alliance ) on Agricultural

Green house Gases”,

Executive committee member of the Sri Lanka Association of the Australian awards Alumni

(SLAAA). 2013-2014.

Sector Expert for the Development of Vocational Education and Training plan for Southern

Province by Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission (April –May 2011).

Consultant for USAID-CORE programme: Conducted a feasibility study on “Economics of

Cultivating Good Quality Pasture for stall feeding of cattle in the Eastern Province of Sri

Lanka” - Aug 2010-Oct 2010

Consultant for Southern Development authority: on the project “Revitalization of the

dairy industry in the southern region”. At the first phase, a comprehensive survey was

conducted with dairy farmers in Matara, Galle, Hambantota and Monaragala districts.

During the second phase a pilot study was conducted with farmers in Matara district..

Jan –Dec 2007

Consultant for IRDP project: conducted youth training programmes in animal

husbandry practices.

Consultant to National Centre for Cleaner Production : Conducted a feasibility study on

using waste bio mass of wild Guinea grass for bio energy production2008.

Member of the National Committee on Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture of the

Central Agricultural Research Policy in Sri Lanka.

Visiting Fellow of the University of Connecticut USA on invitation to deliver a lecture

on Tropical Animal Nutrition May 2010.

Visiting Professor, Institute of Nutrition, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna,

Austria: Conducted lectures in Tropical Animal Nutrition June 18- 30 2009 . Visiting Professor, Institute of Animal Science, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,

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Zurich October 2007: Conducted lectures in Tropical Forage production.

Visiting Lecturer in German Language at the Centre of Modern Languages and

Civilization 2002 to 2006 and also German Language Coordinator in 2002 -2003 and 2006.


Student counsellor (1992-2000) and as Deputy Proctor (2003-2006), Faculty of Agriculture.

Appointed as Chair person and member of different University level committees such as,

Steering committee of the Silver Jubilee, Academic committee etc

Chair person of the Welfare Society of the Faculty of Agriculture ( 2002 -2005).

Appointed as a Member of the standing committee of Post-Graduate Institute of Agriculture,

University of Peradeniya ( 2007-2010) .

Member of the Standing Committee of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, University

Grants Commission, Colombo (2007-2010).

Secretary, Section B of the Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science 1998.

President Section B of the Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science 2006

Examiner of Master and PhD degree panals of the Post Graduate institute of Agriculture,

University of Peradeniya .

Project proposal reviewer appointed by the Quality Assurance section

Reviewer – Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition Germany, Journal of

Agricutural Science & Technology –USA, Journal of Tropical Agricutural Research &

Extension-University of Ruhuna, Tropical Agricutural Research Journal –PGIA Peradeniya.

Editorial Board Member –Journal of Buffalo Science

Assistant Secretary Ruhuna Agriculture faculty teachers union 1993

Moderator of Higher National diploma in Education (Agriculture) 2007 to date

Member of the Senate, Aquinas University College,Colombo 7.

Consultant, TVEC, Narahenpitaa, Colombo 5.

Inteview Panalist, occasionally apponted by the University Grant‟s C ommission



Life member Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science

Life member Sri Lanka Association of Animal Production

Country member World Buffalo Federation 2004 to date


Project leader/ Principal investigator - Analysis of urinary purine derivatives and

creatinine in Zebu cattle and goats at different levels of intake and to determine the

nutritional status of animals by mean of spot urine Funded by International Atomic Energy

Agency ( 1999-2002 ).

National coordinator - “Radiation Processing of Cellulosic Agro Wastes in to Animal

Feeds Collaborative project of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

and Japan (2000-2002).

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Principal investigator of AASR-02 project “Improvement of unproductive coconut land

through livestock integration in the southern region” funded by National Science

Foundation (2006-2009).

Principal investigator of NRC -06-15 project “ Field validation of purine derivative

excretion technique to evaluate the nutritional status of local cattle in Matara district

funded by National Research Council ( 2006-2008)

Activity – coordinator –Livestock sector. SIDA Restore project (2007-2009).

Principle investigator CARP project Agronomic performance and biological nitrogen

fixation of tropical two tree legume species (1994-1997).

Sri Lankan Collaborator-The concept of diversity in feeding: employing biodiversity to

improve smallholder ruminant systems in the South (BioDivFeed) Coordinated

Research project of Swiss Development Corporation (2008-2009)

Improve the Utilization of Fibrous Feeds and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emission from Livestock

Funded by International Atomic Energy Agency ( 2010 to date ).


Endeavour Executive Fellowship awarded by the Endeavour Scholarship Commission,

Australia to pursue Professional Development at the Melbourne School of Land &

environment Australia .(2012 September-2013 January).

Academic staff Fellowship awarded by the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission, UK to

pursue post doctoral studies At the James Hutton Institute , Aberdeen, Scotland, UK (2011

October-2012 March).

North –South Dialogue Fellowship awarded by the Austrian Development Cooperation, for

post doctoral research in University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria (2001March –


Post Graduate Scholarship awarded by the Swiss Federal Stipend Commission in

Switzerland, to pursue M.Sc. and PhD degrees at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,

Zurich, Switzerland (1984-1992)

Participated in the Livestock group meeting of the Global Research Alliance, in

Washington DC, USA April 9-11 2017.

Participated at the International Seminar on Livestock Production and Veterinary

Technology, Bali Indonesia Aug 2016.

Participated at the Inventory training meeting of the Global Research Alliance, in Bali

Indonesia Aug 2016.

Participated in the Livestock group meeting of the Global Research Alliance, in

Melbourne, Australia , Feb 2016.

Participated at the Final Research meeting of the CRP on “Use of enzymes and nuclear

technologies to improve the Utilization of fibrous feeds fed to ruminant

University of Sao Paulo, Pirccicaba, Brazil, Nov 2015.

Participated 7th

Livestock group meeting of the Global Research Alliance, in Lodi, Italy‟June

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Participated Net-work meeting of the Livestock group of the Global Research Alliance,

University of Reading, UK‟ June 2015.

Participated 6th

Livestock group meeting of the Global Research Alliance, Jogyakaktha,

Indonesia Nov 2014

Participated at AAAP congress , Jogyakaktha, Indonesia‟ Nov 2014.

Visiting Professor , University of Vet-Med Austria during the period June 20-30 2014.

Served as a Guest Lecturer at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology , Zurich from 1-3

July 2014.

Participated in the „The second RCM meeting on Use of enzymes and nuclear technologies

to improve the utilization of fibrous feeds and reduce greenhouse gas emission from

livestock”. Of the IAEA, Vienna, Austria, in May 2013.

Participated in the „The first RCM meeting on Use of enzymes and nuclear technologies

to improve the utilization of fibrous feeds and reduce greenhouse gas emission from

livestock”of the IAEA in Agric-Food Center in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada in February


Participated in the 6Th

Asian Buffalo congress in Lahore, Pakistan Nov. 2009.

Attended IAEA/FAO conference on sustainable improvement of animal Production and

Health in Vienna, Austria in June 2009.

Attended the workshop on Sustainable to environmental Science at Ibaraki University ,

Japan in January 2009.

Attended 8th

World Buffalo Congress in Caserta, Italy October 2007.

Attended “ Dissemination of radiation knowledge to Public” regional training course in

JAERI Tokai Mura, Japan – January 2006

Attended Resource persons workshop in Social Water Management in Mahatma Gandhi

University in India, October 2004

Attended 7th

World buffalo congress, Manila, Philippines October 2004

Attended a 3 day residential work shop on “Problem Based Learning” organized by the SDU,

University of Colombo Aug. 2003 Coral Gardens Hotel, Hikkaduwa – August 2003

Attended a 3 day residential workshop on“ Project proposal writing” organized by IRQUE

project .

Attended a 2 day workshop on training of reviewers for quality assurance, University of

Kelaniya, Sri Lanka

Attended XVII World Buiatrics Congress, Hanover, and Germany Aug 19-23 2002.

Attended a Research coordination Meeting on “ Use of nuclear and colorimetric techniques

to measure microbial protein yield of ruminant livestock. Organized by IAEA, Vienna,

University of Hue, Vietnam 5-10 May 2002.

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Attended National Project coordinators meeting on Radiation processing of Upgrading

cellulosic agro-wastes into animal feeds “conducted by the International Atomic energy

agency, Nov. 2001,, MINT,Bangi, Malaysia

Attended a workshop for ''Alternatives for Animal Experiments;'' Linz, Austria. Sep 2001.

Attended a workshop of European Society of Veterinary Association and Comparative

Nutrition, Sursee, Switzerland Sep 2001

Attended a workshop on Mycotoxins, Dept of nutrition, University of Veterinary

Medicine, Vienna, Austria, May 2001.

Attended a Regional workshop on Radiation processing of Upgrading cellulosic agro-

wastes into animal feeds " conducted by the International Atomic energy agency, Oct

2000,, MINT,Bangi, Malaysia

Attended a Research coordination Meeting on “ Use of nuclear and colorimetric techniques

to measure microbial protein yield of ruminant livestock. Organized by IAEA, Vienna,

University of Putra, Malaysia 21-26 March 2000.

Attended a workshop on “challenges in natural resources conservation in the 21st century”

organized by the Dept. of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri-

Jayawardanapura in collaboration with the Ministry of Forestry and Environment.

Attended a work shop/regional training course on "Upgrading cellulosic agro-wastes useful

products " conducted by the International Atomic energy agency, May 1999, MINT,Bangi,


Attended a work shop on Prospects, Constraints and Strategies for the development of the

southern region of Sri-Lanka. Organized by Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna in

collaboration with the Southern Area Development Authority. Oct 1996.

Attended a work shop in "Soil Biology" conducted by the Dept. of Botany, University of

Kelaniya and University of Calgary, Canada. March 1995. Colombo.

Attended a workshop in " Nitrogen Turn over " conducted by the British society of Soil

Science. Sep 1989. Reading, U.K.

One week Study tours to , INRA, France, University of Waganingen , Netherlands,

University of Posnan in Poland from 1989-1991.


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General Research committee award 2010 for the excellence in National Research -

awarded by the Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science.

Vice Chancellors award 2009 –Most Outstanding Senior Scholar of University of Ruhuna

“Outstanding Old Girl in the Present Era” awarded by the St.Thomas Girls High School,

Matara at its 125 Anniversary Celebrations on the 2nd

July 2010.

Presidential Research Bonus Award 1999

Presidential Research Bonus Award 2000

Presidential Research Award 2003

Long Service Award –University of Ruhuna Silver Jubilee Celebrations

ZONTA Women’s Achievement Award for Education 2011 –awarded by the ZONTA

club of women, Colombo ,Sri Lanka.



1. R.T. Seresinhe, S. Sujani, I. N. Pathirana and C. J. Gajaweera, (2017), “Cellulase

enzyme enhanced the diet digestibility and growth performance of ewes”, Asian Journal

of Animal Sciences (Accepted).

2. S. Sujani, A.N.F Perera and R.T Seresinhe, (2017), “Tannin binding agents enhanced the in

vitro rumen fermentation parameters of tanniniferous fodder”, International Journal of

Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 5 (2), pp: 86-96. Retrieved from

3. S. Sujani, I.N.Pathirana T. Seresinhe K.B. Dassananyaka (2016) In vitro effects of

exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on rumen fermentation of wild guinea grass (Panicum

maximum) Iranian Journal of Applied AnimalvSciences , Volume 6 (Issue 3) or Volume

6 (Issue 4) .

4. S. Sujani, I.N.Pathirana .T. Seresinhe (2015) Enhanced in vitro fermentation parameters

of guinea grass ecotype „A‟ (Panicum maximum) and rice straw (Oryza sativa) with

supplementation of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes. Livestock Research for Rural

Development 27(3) 2015.

5. I.W.A.S. Sujani, K.K.T.D. Piyasena, R.T. Seresinhe, D.P.I.N. Pathirana and C.J. Gajaweera

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In vitro fermentation and enteric methane production of rice straw (Oryza sativa)as

influenced by supplementation of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes (Submitted to Turkish

Journal of Vet Science, accepted Oct 2015 In Press ).

6. S. Sujani and R.T. Seresinhe, 2015. Exogenous Enzymes in Ruminant Nutrition: A

Review. Asian Journal of Animal Sciences, 9: 85-99.

7. T. Seresinhe, A.N. F. Perera and P.K. Lal (2014) In vitro screening of some tropical

goat feeds for low methane and high ammonia generating potential in the rumen

Livestock Research for Rural Development 26(03) 2014.

8. Atapattu, N. S. B. M., Wickramasinghe, K. P., Thakshala Seresinhe., S. P. Gunarathna

(2013) Effects of Citric Acid and Butylated Hydroxytoluene Alone or In Combination on

Prevention of Rancidity of Rice Bran during Storage. Journal of Rice Research: Open


9. Wickramasinghe, K.P; Atapattu, N.S.B.M. and Thakshala Seresinhe. Effects of citric

acid on growth performance and nutrient retention of broiler chicken fed diets having two

levels of non-phytate phosphorus and rice bran. Iranian Journal of Applied Animal Science

4 (4) 809-815

10. T. Seresinhe, S.A.C. Madushika, Y.Seresinhe, P.K. Lal and E.R. Orskov (2012)

Effects of tropical high tannin non legume and low tannin legume browse mixtures on

fermentation parameters and methanogenensis using gas production technique.

Asian-Aust,. J. Anim. Sci. 25:1404-1410.

11. Thakshala Seresinhe, R.A.U. J. Marapana and L. Kumanayaka ( 2012) Role of feed

resources on the productivity and financial viability of a cattle integrated in the

southern Sri Lanka. Animal Nutrition and Feed Technology 12 : 145-156.

12. Thakshala Seresinhe and R.A.U.J. Marapana (2011) Goat Farming Systems in the

Southern Province of Sri Lanka: Feeding and Management Strategies World Journal of

Agricultural Sciences 7 (4): 383-390.

13. P.H.A. G. Silva, W.M.C.B. Weerasinghe and Thakshala Seresinhe (2011) Socio-

Demographic Determinants of Perceived Influences on Household Food Choice in Galle,

Kalutara, Matara and Moneragala Districts . Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences 8 ( 3) :

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14. Thakshala Seresinhe (2011) Effect of feeding regime on the nutritional status and purine

derivative excretion of milking cows Journal of Livestock Research for Rural

Development 23 (06) 1.

15. Ganeesha De Silva, Upul Marapana, Anton Kalubowila, Nirosh Lalantha and

Thakshala Seresinhe (2010) Quality changes of Burger from vegetable, wheat flour,

rice flour with fat emulsion during frozen storage. Journal of Food Science and Technol.

Nepal 6: 65-68.

16. R.A.U.J. Marapana, D.S Hewamange, T.Seresinhe and R.Senaratne (2009) Study on

behavioural changes of animals prior to a Tsunami natural disaster. Proceedings of the

Tsunami Rehabilitation project funded by CIDA project.

Thakshala Seresinhe, Shamen H.J.D., Manawadu A. amd Marapana R.A.U.J.(2009)

Effects of suppliments on milk nitrogen efficiency of buffalo cows. 6th

Asian Buffalo

Congress, Lahore Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Plant and animal Sciences October 2009

17. W.M.C.B. Weerasinghe, R.A.U.J. Marapana and Thakshala Seresinhe (2009) Predicting

body weight of cross bed buffaloes through body measurements under field conditions

Asian Buffalo Congress Lahore Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Zoology Part 1 October 2009.

18. Thakshala Seresinhe, A. Manawadu and Christine Iben (2009) Effect of concentrate-

mineral supplements on the overall nutritional status of cross bred milking cows in two

small farms in Sri Lanka. .BOKU Symposium, University of Natural Resources and

Applied Life Science, Vienna Austria. 1st October 2009. Pp 121-127.

19. Thakshala Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (2008) Effect of supplementation of straw

base diets on the digestibility and microbial nitrogen production of cross bred cattle.

World Journal of Agricultural Sciences .4 (6) :745-751.

20. Thakshala. Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (2007) Effect of season and supplementation on

the utilization of natural herbage by grazing calves in the wet-intermediate zone of Sri

Lanka. Italian Journal of Animal Science 2007.

21. Thakshala Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (2007) Effect of feeding straw and supplements

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the performance of cattle under small farmer conditions Tropical Agricultural Research and

Extension 9, 131-141

22. Thakashala Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana (2004) Introduction of critical supplements to

low level feeding regime of buffalo calves. Proceedings of 7th

World buffalo congress

Manila, Philippines October 2004 .

23. Thakshala. Seresinhe and C. Iben(2003) In vitro quality assessment of two tropical shrub

legumes in relation to their extractable tannin content J. of Anim. Physiol. A. Anim. Nutr )

87: 109-115

24. Thakshala Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (2000)Associative effects of tree legumes and

cutting height on the yield and nutritive value of nicum maximum (cv. VRI 435)

Tropical Grasslands 34 :103-109

25. Thakshala Seresinhe, A. Manawadu, K.K. Pathirana (1998) Yield and nutritive value of

three fodder legume species as influenced by the frequency of defoliation. Tropical

Agric (Trinidad) 75: 337-341

26. T. Seresinhe, U. Hartwig, W. Kessler, J. Noesberger (1994) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation

of white clover in a mixed sward is not limited by height of repeated cutting J.

Agronomy & Crop Sci 172: 279-288

27. Thakshala. Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (Present status of cattle and buffalo farming in

down stream Nilwala villages with unproductive acidic soils. J. of Sri Lanka

Association for Animal Production1. 1: 6-26

28. Thakshala. Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana Forage Tannins in Ruminant Nutrition (2003)

Tropical J. Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension 6: 29-43

29. Thakshala. Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana Effect of phosphorous and potassium on

growth and nodulation of Centrosema species. J.of Agric.. in the Tropics and Subtropics

102: 45-52


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1. Seresinhe T. and R. Mayes (2014) In vitro rumianal fermentation of Panicum maximum

(Wild Guinea grass Ecotype A) and rice straw as influenced by treatment of fibrolutic

enzymes Proceedings of the 16th

AAAP congress Vol 11 10-14 Nov. Jogyakakrtha

Indonesia. 625-628

2. Athapaththu S, RAUJ Marapana, T.Seresinhe (2014) Status of milk production and

economic profile of dairy farmers in Ratnapura district in he intermediate zone of Sri

Lanka. Proceedings of the 16th

AAAP congress Vol 11 10-14 Nov. Jogyakakrtha


3. Jayasekara J.M.A.C., P.H.A.G. De Silva , T.Seresinhe (2014) . Artificial Insemination

and reproductive performance of cattle in Kandy district , Sri Lanka . Proceedings of the


AAAP congress Vol 11 10-14 Nov. Jogyakakrtha Indonesia. 69-72.

4. Senanyaka S.R.L,I.B., P.H.A.G De silva , T. Seresinhe (2014). Influence of socio

economics status on milk production at small scale diry farmer‟s level. Proceedings of

the 16th

AAAP congress Vol 11 10-14 Nov. Jogyakakrtha Indonesia 1019-1022.

5. Premathilaka. S, Seresinhe R.T, and Gajaweera C.J. (2013), Enhancing the

Contribution of Buffaloes to Food Security in Rural Farming Villages in Sri Lanka

.Proceedings of the 10th

World Buffalo Congress at Phuket Thailand 2013.

2. B. Piyadigama, L. Kumanayaka, Thakshala Seresinhe, Liyanage, I.

Pathirana(2008) Short term benefits of cattle integration in a neglected coconut land.

Proceedings of the fifth Academic Sessions , University of Ruhuna

. 3 .NarayanaN.M.N.K. Attanayaka Y.L. Seresinhe R.T. Rupasinghe L (2008)

Development of a whey beverage with higher sensory qualities and better shelf life

Proceedings of the fifth Academic Sessions , University of Ruhuna.

4.Narayana N.M.N.K. Kulasuriya T.H.K. Arsakularatne D.A.M. Seresinhe R.T (2008)

investigation into quality ice cream with Anona (Anona muricata) pulp. Proceedings of the

fifth Academic Sessions , University of Ruhuna.

5.R.A.U.J. Marapana & Thakshala Seresinhe (2007) Effect of feeding regime on growth,

digestibility and excretion of purine derivatives in goats. Proceedings of the forth academic

Page 13: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


sessions, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka, Jan. 2007

6. S. Subasinghe, Liyanage R. Senaratne R.T. Seresinhe A.A. Kumara. (2006) Post

Tsunami recovery programme of the Agricultural Sector in Southern Sri Lanka. Proceedings

of the third Academic Sessions , University of Ruhuna .

7. D. Senarathne, Thakshala Seresinhe & V.L.R. Gamage (2007) The response of Napier-Clone

13 (Pennisetum purpureum) to three types of organic manures in a simulated sub canopy

environment. Proceedings of the forth academic sessions, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka


8. Thakshala Seresinhe, S. Paththinige & L.M. Abeywickrama (2006) The Role of women in

cottage industries at village level ( A case study). Tenth National Convention of Women‟s

Studies, Document series No. 76 - April, 2006.

9. R.T. Seresinhe & A. Manawadu (2006) Calliandra calothyrsus enhanced the quality of

Guinea: Proceedings of the third academic sessions, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka,

10. D. Senarathna, R.T. Seresinhe, K.K. Pathirana & N.S.B.M. Atapattu (2006) Adaptability of

dry weight rank method for the botanical analysis of natural pastures in coconut plantations.

Proceedings of the third academic sessions, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka, Jan. 2006

11. Y.D.J.D.W. Seresinhe, Thakshala Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana (2004) Assessment of feeding

value of five shrub legumes of local interest Proceedings of the first academic sessions,

University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka. Pp 43-48.

12. Perera, M.M.D.S.N. Thakshala Seresinhe, Y.D.J.D.W. Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (2004)

Present status of neat cattle farming in Pelwatta sugarcane growing settlements Proceedings

of the first academic sessions, University of Ruhuna , Sri Lanka. Pp 230-236.


1. K.A.R. De Silva, A Manawadu, R.A.U.J. Marapana, R.T Seresinhe & A. Kalubowila.

(2013)Development of mechanically separated meat (MSM) mixture by using waste of

export tuna fish Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science,

Page 14: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


2. HRMAK Kumara, RAUJ Marapana, N Edirisinghe ,A Manawadu and RT Seresinhe

(2013)Use of textured vegetable protein as a replacement of meat protein in sausage

making Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science,

3. IWAS Sujani, DPIN Pathirana & RT Seresinhe (2013) Effect of exogenous fibrolytic

enzymes on ruminal fermentation and methanogenesis of Guinea „A‟ grass (Panicum

maximum) Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science

4. K.G.S.Chaminda, R.A.U.J.Marapana and R.T.Serasinhe. (2013)Awareness and

adoption of farmers to golden rules of pesticide usage in Magastota, Nuwara Eliya Sri

Lanka", , Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science,

5. KKTD Piyasena, AManawadu, and RT Seresinhe (2013)Effect of exogenous fibrolytic

enzymes on ruminal fermentation and methanogenesis of rice straw (Oryza sativa),

Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement

of Science,

6. Herath, H.M.S.S.K., ULP Mangalika,.R.A.U.J Marapana,,RT Seresinhe. (2011)

Nutritional status of lactating dairy cows under small holder dairy farming system in

Polgahawela veterinary range. Proceedings of the 67 th Annual Sessions.of The Sri Lanka

Association of the Advancement of Science pp129.

7. Peiris P.I.,.R.A.U.J Marapana,,RT Seresinhe. (2011) Use of Cyclea burmanni

(Kehipittan) leaves on the production of herbal youghut. Proceedings of the 67 th Annual

Sessions.of The Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science pp 130.

8. Gajaweera C.J., Marapana R.A.U.J., Seresinhe R.T, (2010) Revitalization of small scale

cattle management system in Southern Province, Proceeding of the International

Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , pp 128

9. Wijekoon W.M.C.J, Priyadarshani S.H.R., Gajaweera C.J., Seresinhe R.T (2010) “Effect

of guinea grass (Panicun maximum) on selected properties of reddish brown earths

soil”, Proceeding of the International Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, university of

Ruhuna, pp 103

10. Weerasinghe WMCB, Marapana RAUJ , Thakshala Seresinhe (2009) The effect of

Page 15: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


feeding regime on the performance of Nili Ravi buffalo cows and calves Proc. 2nd

Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.pp

11. M.K.S.I. Dharmasena, B. Piyadigama, U.L.P. Mangalika and R.T. Seresinhe (2008).

Reliability of Lactometers in the determination of specific gravity of milk. Proc. of the 64th

annual sessions –Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science.

12. L. Kumanayaka, T. Seresinhe and R.A.U.J. Marapana (2008).Effect of grazing on botanical

composition and stratification of natural herbage in a coconut land. Proc.of the 64th


sessions –Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science.

13. L. Kumanayaka, B. Piyadigama, Thakshala Seresinhe , R.A.U.J. Marapana and S

Liyanage (2008) . Effect of supplementation on the utilization of natural herbage by grazing

heifers in a coconut land. Proc. of Technical sessions, journal of the Sri Lanka Association of

Animal Production.

14. A.Manawadu and R.T. Seresinhe (2008) .Estimation of nutritional status of milking cows

under small farmer conditions in Kamburupitiya area Proc. of the National symposium,

Faculty of Agriculture ,University of Ruhuna.

15. B Piyadigama, R T Seresinhe, C R Soliva, M Kruezer, RAUJ Marapana and WARP Perera

(2008). Farmers‟ perception in employing diverse feeding practices for goats in Hambantota

area.Proc of the National symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.

16. S. Premaratne,G.G.G. Premalal, C.Bandara and R.T. Seresinhe (2008) Identification and

measurement of quality of forages grown in saline lands in southern province of Sri Lanka.

Proceedings of the National symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.

17. L. Kumanayaka, T. Seresinhe, M. De S. Liyanage (2007) The possibility of substituting

Chemical fertilizer by organic manure in cattle-coconut integrated system. Presented at the

63 rd

Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Dec.2007.

18. B. Piyadigama, T. Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana (2007) Behaviour of tethered cattle in a

coconut based integrated system. Presented at the 63 rd

Annual Session of Sri Lanka

Association for the Advancement of Science. Dec.2007.

19. D. Senarathne, V.L.R.Gamage & Thakshala Seresinhe (2006) The effect of three different

organic wastes on the performance of Napier – Clone 13 (Pennisetum purpereum) –

Page 16: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


Presented at the 62nd

annual session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of

Science December 2006

20. C.J. Gajaweera, D.A.M. Arsakularatne, R.T.Seresinhe & N.M.N.K. Narayana (2005)

Development and quality evaluation of value added Mangroove apple (Sonneralia

caseolaris) ice cream. Presented at the 61st annual session of the Sri Lanka Association for

the Advancement of Science December 2005.

21. S.S. Paththinige, G.A. Chandana & R.T. Seresinhe (2005) Environmental impacts of broiler

farming in rural areas ( A case study in Kamburupitiya area). Presented at the 10th


Forestry & Environmental Symposium Dec. 2005

22. S.S. Paththinige, Thakshala Seresinhe & Yasmina Sultarbawa (2005) Value addition to

commercial shark liver oil. Presented at the 61st annual session of the Sri Lanka Association

for the Advancement of Science December 2005.

23. G.A. Chandana, Thakshala Seresinhe & P.K. Lal (2005) Quality assessment of Panicum

maximum Guinea A grown under a tree canopy of Calliandra calothyrsus. Presented at the

61st annual session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science December


24. C.J.Gajaweera, G.A. Chandana & R.T. Seresinhe (2005) Comparison of soil quality

parameters under different vegetations. Presented at the 10th

Annual Forestry &

Environmental Symposium 2005

25. Seresinhe , Y.D.J.D.W. T.Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana (2004) Nutritive value and extractable

tannin contents of some common tree forage fed to goat‟s . Presented and published in the

Proceedings of the 60th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of


26. M.M.D.S.N. Perera, Thakshala Seresinhe&Y.D.J.D.W. Seresinhe (2004) Study of

cattleproduction performance under smallholder farms in the Pelwatta area of Monaragala

districtPresented and published in the Proceedings of the 60th

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka

Association for the Advancement of Science.

27. M.M.D.S.N. Perera, Y.D.J.D.W. Seresinhe & Thakshala Seresinhe (2004) A preliminary

study on Peri-urban goat rearing practices in six villages of the Galle four gravets area.

Page 17: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


Presented and published in the Proceedings of the 60th

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka

Association for the Advancement of Science.

28. Seresinhe, J.D.J.D.W. Thakshala Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana (2004) Tannins in some agro-

forestry species of local interest. Proceedings of the 9th

Annual forestry and Environment

symposium 2004 of the Forestry and Environmental Science,University of Sri

Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.

29. Perera, M.M.D.S.N., D.Senarnte & Thakshala Seresinhe (2004) Effect of forest fire on

livestock production in the Pelwatta area of Monaragal District. Proceedings of the 9th

Annual forestry and Environment symposium 2004 of the Forestry and Environmental

Science,University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.



1. IWAS Sujani,DPINPathirana&RT Seresinhe (2012) In vitro fermentation ,Microbial

profile &methanogenesis of two fibrous feeds as influenced by exogenous fibrolytic

enzyme CellulaseInternational Symposium on Agriculture and Environment Faculty of

Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

2. KKTD Piyasena, GKP Hemachandra, A Manawadu,CJGajaweera& RT Seresinhe (2012)

In vitro fermentation ,Microbial profile &methanogenesis of two fibrous feeds as

influenced by exogenous fibrolytic enzymes Xylanase and Combination of

Xylanase&Cellulase International Symposium on Agriculture and Environment Faculty

of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna

3. Gajaweera C.J., Liyanage A., Seresinhe R.T. (2011) Effect of sward type and level of light on

the agronomic performance and nutritive value of panicum maximum var. trichoglume and

stylosantheshumilis. International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2011 of the

Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, SriLanka

4. Gajaweera C.J., Weerasinghe W.M.C.B, Seresinhe R.T. ( 2011) Adaptation of wild Guinea

Page 18: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


grass (Panicum maximum) to different agro climatic regions in Hambanthota District.

International Forestry and Environment Symposium 2011 of the Forestry and Environmental

Science, University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.

5. T. Seresinhe, Weerasinghe W.M.C., Marapana R.A.U.J., Premathilaka P.P.S. Iben C. (2010)

Variation in milk yield and composition of Nili-„ravi buffalo cows and it‟s relationship with

supplementation. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the European Society of Veterinary

and Comparative Nutrition, University of Zurich Sep. 2010.

6. T. Seresinhe, Kumanayaka L. Marapana R.A.U.J., Premathilaka P.P.S. Iben C. (2010)

Performance of cross-bred heifers grazed natural pastures under coconut plantation in the wet

intemidiate zone of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the Annual Sessions of the European Society

of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, University of Zurich Sep. 2010.

7. Weerasinghe W.M.C., Marapana R.A.U.J T. Seresinhe., S. Premathilaka (2010) Effect of

feeding wild guinea grass with low cost available supplements on the performance of Nili

Ravi buffalo calves Proc. International symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Univeristy

of Sri Lanka.

8. Weerasinghe W.M.C., Marapana R.A.U.J T. Seresinhe., (2010) Development of a field

based method to predict body weights of cross-bred buffalo calves in small farms, Proc.

International symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Univeristy of Sri Lanka

9. P.H.G.J. De Silva, Weerasinghe W.M.C. ThakshalaSeresinhe (2010) Food consumption

pattern of households living in Galle, , Kalutara, Matara and Monaragala districts , Proc.

International symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, Univeristy of Sri Lanka

10. ThaksalaSeresinhe, Liyanage, M. De. S. and Marapana R.A.U.J. (2009) Role of cattle and

local feed resources on the sustainability of a coconut cattle integrated system. Proceedings

of the International symposium on Sustainable improvement of Animal Production and

Health (IAEA-CN-174-7). June 8-11, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria

pp 49-50

11. Piyadigama, B., Seresinhe, R.T., Soliva, C.R., Kreuzer, M and Marapana, R.A.U.J. (2009)

An overview of goat farming in the Hambantota district of Sri Lanka, With special reference

to health aspects. Proceedings of the International symposium on Sustainable improvement

Page 19: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


of Animal Production and Health (IAEA-CN-174-113). June 8-11, International Atomic

Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria pp 344-345

12. B. Piyadigama, L. Kumanayaka, T. Seresinhe, M. De S. Liyanage (2007) Herbage quality

and animal performance in a cattle-coconut integrated system 12th International Forestry &

Environment Symposium, 2nd

December 2006.

13. L.Kumanayaka, T. Seresinhe, M de S. Liyanage& I. Pathirana (2006) Species diversity and

forage value of herbage in a neglected coconut land proposed for livestock integration.

Presented at the 11th

International Forestry & Environment Symposium, 2nd

December 2006.

14. N.D.C. Sirisena, P.A.B.B. Baduwasam, R.A.U.J. Marapana, T. Seresinhe (2006)

Environmental impacts on waste and water dispose from abattoirs and poultry processing

units in Weligama area. Presented at the 11th

International Forestry & Environment

Symposium, 2nd

December 2006.

15. R.A.U.J. Marapana, R.T.Seresinhe (2006) Utilization of oil palm waste as a law cost feed

ingredient for growing pigs to reduce the environmental pollution. Presented at the 11th

International Forestry & Environment Symposium, 2nd

December 2006.

16. K.A.R. De Silva, AManawadu, R.A.U.J. Marapana, R.T Seresinhe& A. Kalubowila.

(2013)Development of mechanically separated meat (MSM) mixture by using waste of

export tuna fish Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science,

17. HRMAK Kumara, RAUJ Marapana, N Edirisinghe ,A Manawadu and RT Seresinhe

(2013)Use of textured vegetable protein as a replacement of meat protein in sausage

making Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science,

18. IWAS Sujani, DPIN Pathirana& RT Seresinhe (2013) Effect of exogenous fibrolytic

enzymes on ruminal fermentation and methanogenesis of Guinea „A‟ grass (Panicum

maximum) Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science

19. K.G.S.Chaminda, R.A.U.J.Marapana and R.T.Serasinhe. (2013)Awareness and

adoption of farmers to golden rules of pesticide usage in Magastota, NuwaraEliya Sri

Page 20: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


Lanka", , Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science,

20. KKTD Piyasena, AManawadu, and RT Seresinhe (2013)Effect of exogenous fibrolytic

enzymes on ruminal fermentation and methanogenesis of rice straw (Oryza sativa),

Proceedings of the 69th annual sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement

of Science,

21. Herath, H.M.S.S.K., ULP Mangalika,.R.A.U.J Marapana,,RT Seresinhe. (2011)

Nutritional status of lactating dairy cows under small holder dairy farming system in

Polgahawela veterinary range. Proceedings of the 67 th Annual Sessions.of The Sri Lanka

Association of the Advancement of Science pp129.

22. Peiris P.I.,.R.A.U.J Marapana,,RT Seresinhe. (2011) Use of Cycleaburmanni

(Kehipittan) leaves on the production of herbal youghut. Proceedings of the 67 th Annual

Sessions.of The Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science pp 130.

23. Gajaweera C.J., Marapana R.A.U.J., Seresinhe R.T, (2010) Revitalization of small scale

cattle management system in Southern Province, Proceeding of the International

Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna , pp 128

24. Wijekoon W.M.C.J, Priyadarshani S.H.R., Gajaweera C.J., Seresinhe R.T (2010) “Effect

of guinea grass (Panicun maximum) on selected properties of reddish brown earths

soil”, Proceeding of the International Symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, university of

Ruhuna, pp 103

25. Weerasinghe WMCB, Marapana RAUJ , ThakshalaSeresinhe (2009) The effect of

feeding regime on the performance of Nili Ravi buffalo cows and calves Proc. 2nd

Symposium of the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.pp

26. M.K.S.I. Dharmasena, B. Piyadigama, U.L.P. Mangalika and R.T. Seresinhe (2008).

Reliability of Lactometers in the determination of specific gravity of milk. Proc. of the 64th

annual sessions –Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science.

27. L. Kumanayaka, T. Seresinhe and R.A.U.J. Marapana (2008).Effect of grazing on botanical

Page 21: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


composition and stratification of natural herbage in a coconut land. Proc.of the 64th


sessions –Sri Lanka Association of the Advancement of Science.

28. L. Kumanayaka, B. Piyadigama, ThakshalaSeresinhe , R.A.U.J. Marapana and S

Liyanage (2008) . Effect of supplementation on the utilization of natural herbage by grazing

heifers in a coconut land. Proc. of Technical sessions, journal of the Sri Lanka Association of

Animal Production.

29. A.Manawadu and R.T. Seresinhe (2008) .Estimation of nutritional status of milking cows

under small farmer conditions in Kamburupitiya area Proc. of the National symposium,

Faculty of Agriculture ,University of Ruhuna.

30. B Piyadigama, R T Seresinhe, C R Soliva, M Kruezer, RAUJ Marapana and WARP Perera

(2008). Farmers‟ perception in employing diverse feeding practices for goats in

Hambantotaarea.Proc of the National symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of


31. S. Premaratne,G.G.G. Premalal, C.Bandara and R.T. Seresinhe (2008) Identification and

measurement of quality of forages grown in saline lands in southern province of Sri Lanka.

Proceedings of the National symposium, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ruhuna.

32. L. Kumanayaka, T. Seresinhe, M. De S. Liyanage (2007) The possibility of substituting

Chemical fertilizer by organic manure in cattle-coconut integrated system. Presented at the

63 rd

Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science. Dec.2007.

33. B. Piyadigama, T. Seresinhe& K.K. Pathirana (2007) Behaviour of tethered cattle in a

coconut based integrated system. Presented at the 63 rd

Annual Session of Sri Lanka

Association for the Advancement of Science. Dec.2007.

34. D. Senarathne, V.L.R.Gamage&ThakshalaSeresinhe (2006) The effect of three different

organic wastes on the performance of Napier – Clone 13 (Pennisetumpurpereum) – Presented

at the 62nd

annual session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science

December 2006

35. C.J. Gajaweera, D.A.M. Arsakularatne, R.T.Seresinhe& N.M.N.K. Narayana (2005)

Development and quality evaluation of value added Mangroove apple (Sonneraliacaseolaris)

ice cream. Presented at the 61st annual session of the Sri Lanka Association for the

Page 22: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


Advancement of Science December 2005.

36. S.S. Paththinige, G.A. Chandana& R.T. Seresinhe (2005) Environmental impacts of broiler

farming in rural areas ( A case study in Kamburupitiya area). Presented at the 10th


Forestry & Environmental Symposium Dec. 2005

37. S.S. Paththinige, ThakshalaSeresinhe& Yasmina Sultarbawa (2005) Value addition to

commercial shark liver oil. Presented at the 61st annual session of the Sri Lanka Association

for the Advancement of Science December 2005.

38. G.A. Chandana, Thakshala Seresinhe & P.K. Lal (2005) Quality assessment of Panicum

maximum Guinea A grown under a tree canopy of Calliandracalothyrsus. Presented at the

61st annual session of the Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science December


39. C.J.Gajaweera, G.A. Chandana& R.T. Seresinhe (2005) Comparison of soil quality

parameters under different vegetations. Presented at the 10th

Annual Forestry &

Environmental Symposium 2005

40. Seresinhe , Y.D.J.D.W. T.Seresinhe and P.K.Lal (2004) Nutritive value and extractable

tannin contents of some common tree forage fed to goat‟s . Presented and published in the

Proceedings of the 60th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of


41. M.M.D.S.N. Perera, ThakshalaSeresinhe&Y.D.J.D.W. Seresinhe(2004) Study of

cattleproduction performance under smallholder farms in the Pelwatta area of

MonaragaladistrictPresented and published in the Proceedings of the 60th Annual Sessions of

Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.

42. M.M.D.S.N. Perera, Y.D.J.D.W. Seresinhe&ThakshalaSeresinhe (2004) A preliminary study

on Peri-urban goat rearing practices in six villages of the Galle four gravets area. Presented

and published in the Proceedings of the 60th

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for

the Advancement of Science.

43. Seresinhe, J.D.J.D.W. ThakshalaSeresinhe& K.K. Pathirana (2004) Tannins in some agro-

forestry species of local interest. Proceedings of the 9th

Annual forestry and Environment

Page 23: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


symposium 2004 of the Forestry and Environmental Science,University of Sri

Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.

44. Perera, M.M.D.S.N., D.Senarnte&ThakshalaSeresinhe (2004) Effect of forest fire on

livestock production in the Pelwatta area of Monaragal District. Proceedings of the 9th

Annual forestry and Environment symposium 2004 of the Forestry and Environmental

Science,University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.

45. ThakshalaSeresinhe, M.K.I. Udulanayani& K.K. Pathirana (2003) Effect of two dietary

regimes on milk production parameters and excretion of urinary purine derivatives (PD) of

crossbred milking cows Proceedings of the 59th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association

for the Advancement of Science.

46. K.K. Pathirana, R. U. Gunaratne&ThakshalaSeresinhe. (2003) Urinary copper excretion in

Simmental and angus cattle fed diets with varying levels of copper, molybdenum and

sulphur. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science.

47. S.H.R.Priyadarshani and ThakshalaSeresinhe. (2003) Response of four improved grass

varieties for organic and inorganic fertilizers. Proceedings of the 58th Annual Sessions of

Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science

48. S.H.MudithaManjula, ThakshalaSeresinhe and P.K. Lal (2002) Species diversity and

nutritive value of forages collected from Walawa region of Sri Lanka. Proceedings of the

58th Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.

49. R.A.U.J.Marapana,H.M.B.P.Weerasinghe, R.T.Seresinhe and N.Hettiarachchi. (2002)

Growth performance and carcass characteristics of fatteners feeding with three different

alternative rations. Proceedings of the 58th

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science.

50. R.A.U.J.Marapana,H.M.B.P.Weerasinghe, R.T.Seresinhe and C.A.Kalubowila. (2002)

Yield of pig offal‟s and their nutritive value after the rendering process. Proceedings of

the 58th

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.

Page 24: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


51. ) S.H.R.Priyadarshani and ThakshalaSeresinhe. (2002) Improvement of soil

characteristics under crop-stock investigation. Proceedings of the 8th

Annual forestry and

Environment symposium 2002 of the Forestry and Environmental Science,Univarsity of

Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.

52. S.H.MudithaManjula and ThakshalaSeresinhe. (2002) Soil and botanical characteristics

of grazing and cut and removed systems in Walawe region. Proceedings of the 8th


forestry and Environment symposium 2002 of the Forestry and Environmental Science,

Univarsity of Sri Jayawardanapura, Sri Lanka.

53. ThakshalaSeresinhe ,G Abeywicrama and K.K. Pathirana (1999) Provenance variation of

Calliandraspecies. presented at the 55th annual sessions of Sri Lanka association for the

advancement of science Dec.1999.

54. N.S. Rajapaksha, ThakshalaSeresinhe and P.S.J.W. Seresinhe(1999). Foliar application

of boron on growth and nodulation of Stylosantheshumilis. Presented at the 55th annual

sessions of Sri Lanka association for the advancement of science Dec.1999.

55. T. Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (1999): Evaluation of Calliandracalothyrsus provenances

as a forage for ruminants. Proceedings of the at the 5th

Annual Forestry & Environment

Symposium. Dec. 1999. Hotel Coral Garden, Hikkaduwa .

56. ) ThakshalaSeresinhe, Sandamali Narangoda and K.K. Pathirana (2000) Urinary

excretions of Purine derivatives (PD) of local cattle at three levels of feed intake

Presented at the 55th annual sessions of Sri Lanka association for the advancement of

science Dec.2000.

57. T. Seresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (2000) Impact of grazing on botanical composition of

natural herbage and soil characteristics Proceedings of the at the 6th

Annual Forestry &

Environment Symposium. Dec. 2000. Hotel Topaz, Kandy, Sri Lanka.

58. ThakshalaSeresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (1998) Nutritive value of common forage species

collected from inundated paddy fields in NilwalaBasin Presented at the 54th annual

sessions of Sri Lanka association for the advancement of science Dec.1998.

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59. ThakshalaSeresinhe, N.S.B.M. Atapattu& K.P. Abeynayake (1998). Proximate

composition of some non-conventional ruminant feeds. Presented at the 54th annual

sessions of Sri Lanka association for the advancement of science Dec. 1998.

60. ThakshalaSeresinhe and K.K. Pathirana (1998) Effect of cutting height and sward type on

the nutritive value of Panicum maximumCv VRI 435. Presented at the 54th annual

sessions of Sri Lanka association for the advancement of science Dec. 1998.

61. C.C.M. Gunawardhana, S.P. Wimalasiri, ThakshalaSeresinhe and A. Manawadu (1998)

A Study of four incubators on hatchability and chick quality. Presented at the 54th annual

sessions of Sri Lanka association for the advancement of science Dec.1998.

62. ThakshalaSeresinhe and HemaSarathchandra (1998) Symbiotic nitrogen fixation of

Gliriciidia sepium in a mixed sward at two cutting heights. Presented at the 54th annual

sessions of Sri Lanka association for the advancement of science Dec. 1998.

63. T. Seresinhe, Ch. Iben, J. Boehm and E. Razzazi (2001) In vitro quality assessment of

two Sri Lankan shrub legumes . Proceedings of the annual sessions of the European

Society of Veterinary and Comparative Nutrition, Sursee, Switzerland Sep 2001.

64. ) T. Seresinhe, Ch. Iben and J. Boehm (2001) In vitro quality assessment of tannin

containing Sri Lankan shrub legumes in the Rumen Simulation Technique (RUSITEC)

Proceedings of the 10 the congress for Alternatives for animal experiments. Sep 2001.

65. T. Seresinhe, Ch. Iben and J. Boehm (2002) Digestibility of two tropical browse species

varying in tannin content Proceedings of the XXII World Buiatrics congress 2002

Hannover, Germany.

66. ThakshalaSeresinhe and K.K. Pathirana. (1998) Present Status of Cattle and Buffalo

Farming in Down Stream Nilwala Villages with Unproductive acidic Soils. First Annual

Convention SLAAP .

67. Thakshala Seresinhe, K.K.Pathirana and B.K.Pushpakanthi (1997) Small holder dairy

farming in “Kiralakelle marsh” in Matara district – A case study presented at the 53rd

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Nov. 1997.

68. Thakshala Seresinhe and H. Sarathchandra (1997) Productivity of Panicum maxcimum

cv. VRI 435 Enhanced by cutting height and association of legume trees. Presented at 53rd

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Nov. 1997

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69. Mahinda Atapattu, Thaksala Seresinhe & Hema Sarathchandra(1997) Effect of

inoculation of initial growth and nodulation of tropical tree legumes Gliricidia species

Presented at 53rd

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of

Science Nov. 1997

70. Thakshala Seresinhe (1997) Gliricidia and Erythrina enhanced the productivity and

nutritive value of Panicum maximum MPTS News Vol. 6 (1) Jan – June

71. Thaksala Seresinhe , P.S. Seresinhe, B.K.Pushpakanthi and Hema Sarathchandra(1996)

The growth and nodulation of three Centrosema species to added lime species Presented

at 52rd

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Nov.


72. Thaksala Seresinhe, B.K.Pushpakanthi and Hema Sarathchandra(1996) Effect of

Phosphorous and lime in the initial growth and nodulation of Erithrina species to added

lime species Presented at 52rd

Annual Sessions of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science Nov. 1996

73. P.S.J.W.Serasinhe and R.T.Seresinhe (1995) The influence of temperature and irradiance

on growth and biological nitrogen fixation of Trifolium steudneri Presented at the 51st

Annual Session of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Nov. 1995

74. R.T.Seresinhe (1995) Influence of phosphorous and growth rate on biological nitrogen

fixation of Centrosema macrocarpum presented at the 51st Annual Session of Sri Lanka

Association for the Advancment of Science Nov. 1995

75. K.K.Pathirana, R.T.Seresinhe and NSBM Atapattu (1995) Feeding of straw , tree legume

fodder and concentrates for increased production with cattle grazing under small farmer

conditions presented at the 51st Annual session of Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancment of Science Nov. 1995

76. Chandima Gajaweera,Nadun Lorensuhewa and Thaksala Seresinhe (2012) Production of

bio energy briquettes using underutilized local forages . Section Vi- Sustainable Energy –

International Forestry and Environmental Symposium 2012,University of Sri


77. NDC Sirisena,NSBM Atapattu, Y Sulthanbawa, RT Seresinhe and S Madage (2006):

Substitution of fishmeal with silage in broiler finisher diets Proceedings of 62nd


Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Sciece. 2006, Part - 1

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78. D Senaratna, RT Seresinhe, KK Pathirana & NSBM Atapattu (2005) Effect of Buffalo

Grazing on plant species diversity in a coconut – pasture – cattle intergrated system

79. D Senaratna, RT Seresinhe, KK Pathirana & NSBM Atapattu (2005) Effect of grazing on

some physiological properties in intergrated farming soils

80. Thaksala Seresinhe , APD Geethika (1997) : Agronomic performance and competitive

abilities of two grass legume associations in country wet zone: 53rd

Annual Session 1997

of Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science

81. RAUJ Marapana and Thakshala Seresinhe (2007) :Effect of feeding regime on growth,

Digestibility and excretion of purine verivatives in goats. 29th

January 2007, Fourth

Academic sessions, University of Ruhuna

82. T Seresinhe, C Iben and K.K.Pathirana (2001) : Relationship between condensed tannins

and dry matter degradability of two tropical fodder legumes Proceedings of the Annual

Forestry and Environment Symposium 2001, University of Sri J‟Pura

83. . T.Seresinhe, W.Kessler, J. Noesberger and O. Antonsen (1992). Measurements of

nitrogen fixation of white clover monocultures and mixed swards using 15N isotope

dilution technique.Annual Report of Labor Fur Chemie in Paul Scherer Institute of

Switzerland pp23-24.

84. M. Lotscher, W. Schatzle, B. Stahli, I.Heim and T.Seresinhe (1992). ArbeitenmitNatur.

UmweltProjekte. AustellunguberUmwelttecknik. E. T.H. Zurich. Switzerland pp 103-


85. T. Seresinhe, G. Cadisch and J. Noesberger (1989). Influence of growth rate on nitrogen

fixation response in Centrosema spp. Workshop of the British society of Soil Science.


University ,UK. Sep. 1989 pp 17-18.

86. Marapana R.A.U.J. H.M.P.B. weerasinghe R.T. Seresinhe & C.A. Kalubowila (2002)

yield of pig offals and their nutritive value after the rendering process Proceedings of 58th

Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science.

87. Marapana R.A.U.J. H.M.P.B. Weerasinghe R.T. Seresinhe N.Hettiarachchi (2002)

Growth performance and carcass characteristics of fatteners feeding with three different

alternative rations Proceedings of 58th

Annual Sessions, Sri Lanka Association for the

Advancement of Science.

88. L. Kumananyaka, T. Seresinhe M .de S Liyanange I. Pathirana (2006) species diversity

and forage value of herbage in a neglected coconut land proposed for livestock

Page 28: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


integration Proceedings of the Annual Forestry and Environment Symposium 2006,

University of Sri J‟Pura

89. C.G. Kaluarachchi R.A.U.J. Marapana , R.T. Seresinhe G.Y.G. Saman (2011)

Development of low fat cheese analogue by substituting milk fat with vegetable fat

Proceedings of the Annual Forestry and Environment Symposium 2011, University of Sri


90. K.G.S. Chaminda, R.A.U.J. Marapana , R.T. Seresinhe ,R.P. Karunagoda Environmental

impact and use of Agrocchemicals in catle feed and its effect on milk in Magastota ,

Nuwara Eliya, Sri Lanka (2012) first NATIONAL Symposium Centre for Environment

Justice/ Friends of the Earth Sri Lanka Dept. of Zoology, University of Sri


91. Weerasinghe W.M. C.B. Marapana R.A.U.J. Seresinhe Thakshala (2009) Predicting

direct measurement of body weight at field experiments in cross bred buffaloes using

indirect measurement 6th

Asian Buffalo congress, Lahore, Pakistan.

92. R.T. Seresinhe (2009)n field validation of purine derivative excretion technique to

estimate and improve the nutritional stats of local milking cows under small farmer

conditions Research for National Development , NRC & presedintial Secratariat



1. Thakshala Seresinhe (2013) Livestock & Climate Change: Challenges and Options

Theme Seminar , Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science Annual

Sessions Dec 2013

2. Thakshala Seresinhe (2009) Promoting sustainable rural development through Agriculture

education with special reference to Sri Lanka Plenary lecture- Proceedings of the

Postgraduate GP education workshop from Environmental to Sustainable Science Ibaraki

University College of Agriculture January 2009. Pp 84-86.

3. Thakshala Seresinhe (2006) Use of livestock resources for sustainable development in Sri

Lanka. Presidential address Section B Sri Lanka Association for the Advancement of Science

Annual Sessions Dec 2006

Page 29: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree



1. Thakshala Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana. & M.C. N. Jayasuriya. ( 2004) Urinary excretions of

purine derivatives (PD) as a predictor of the nutritional status of local zebu-cattle and cross-

bred milking cows. In estimation of Microbial Protein supply in Ruminants Using Urinary

Purine derivatives ( Eds. Harindra P.S. Makkar & X. B. Chen) pp 95-102 Kluwer Academic


2. Thakshala Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana (2008) “Use of Livestock Resources for Sustainable

Rural Development and Food Security in Sri Lanka in Small holder HARTI Publication


1. T. Seresinhe - Pasture conservation (In Sinhala ) Book for supplementary reading

2. T.Seresinhe and P.S.J.W. Seresinhe – Principles of Photosynthesis Book for supplementary


3. T. Seresinhe and B. Piyadigama - Agronomic characters of common Forage crops in Sri

Lanka Book for supplementary reading

4. Goat Management – Scientific communication

5. Effect of climatic factors on animal performance – Scientific communication

6. Thakshala Seresinhe & K.K. Pathirana- Animal Nutrition


1. Thakshala Seresinhe (2008) Importance of nutrition of dairy animals to achieve self

sufficiency in milk. Dairy Industry Problems and Prospects Economic Review special issue

on “MILK” 33-37.


1. Report was submitted to USAID-CORE on the feasibility study on “Economics of

Cultivating Good Quality Pasture for stall feeding of cattle in the Eastern Province of Sri

Lanka” (2012)

2. Project on Converting Waste Biomass into Energy/Material Resources Project report

Page 30: CURRICULUM VITAE Rupanjanie Thakshala SERESINHE. Science... · Preparation of the strategic plan ( member of the committee) Preparation of the subject review report for the degree


submitted to the National Cleaner Production Center

3. Revitalization of Dairy Industry in the Southern Region-Commissioned Report submitted

to the Southern Development Authority, Nupe , Matara (FEASIBILITY REPORT)

4. Revitalization of Dairy Industry in the Southern Region-Commissioned Report submitted

to the Southern Development Authority, Nupe , Matara (PILOT STUDY REPORT)


Prof Sirimalee Fernando,

Chair Person, National Science Foundation,

Maitland Place, Colombo 7.

Prof K.K. Pathirana, ,

Professor Emeritus,

Dept. of Animal Science,

Faculty of Agriculture,

University of Ruhuna,

I hereby certify that above details are true and correct.

Prof (Mrs) Thakshala Seresinhe