curriculum vitae chandra talpade...

Curriculum Vitae CHANDRA TALPADE MOHANTY Distinguished Professor, Department of Women's and Gender Studies Dean’s Professor of the Humanities Syracuse University Email: [email protected] Phone (315) 443-6541 FAX (315) 443-9221 Employment Fall 2013—Distinguished Professor of Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University Fall 2008-Spring 2011—Chair, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University Spring 2004—Professor Of Women’s Studies, Sociology, and Cultural Foundations of Education, and Dean’s Professor of the Humanities, Syracuse University Fall 1999- Fall 2003, Professor of Women’s Studies, Hamilton College 1992-1999 Associate Professor of Women’s Studies, Hamilton College 1994- 2004, Core Part-time Faculty, The Union Institute Graduate School, Cincinnati 1991-92, Jane Watson Irwin Chair in Women's Studies, Hamilton College 1987-91, Assistant Professor of Women's Studies and the Sociology of Education, Oberlin College Education Honorary Doctor of Humanities, Wooster College, 2012 Honorary Doctorate, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University Sweden, 2008 Ph.D., Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1987) M.A. in the Teaching of English, Department of English, University of Illinois, (1980) M.A., English, University of Delhi, India, (1976) B.A., Honors in English, University of Delhi, (1974) Selected Interviews: Video: Anticapitalist Feminist Struggle, and Transnational Solidarity, interview and film by Jesper Nordahl, 2007/2011 (77 minutes) Web: The Feminists Wire, 4 October 2013 1

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  • Curriculum Vitae


    Distinguished Professor, Department of Women's and Gender Studies Deans Professor of the Humanities

    Syracuse University

    Email: [email protected]

    Phone (315) 443-6541 FAX (315) 443-9221


    Fall 2013Distinguished Professor of Womens and Gender Studies, Syracuse University Fall 2008-Spring 2011Chair, Department of Womens and Gender Studies, Syracuse University

    Spring 2004Professor Of Womens Studies, Sociology, and Cultural Foundations of Education, and Deans Professor of the Humanities, Syracuse University

    Fall 1999- Fall 2003, Professor of Womens Studies, Hamilton College 1992-1999 Associate Professor of Womens Studies, Hamilton College 1994- 2004, Core Part-time Faculty, The Union Institute Graduate School, Cincinnati 1991-92, Jane Watson Irwin Chair in Women's Studies, Hamilton College 1987-91, Assistant Professor of Women's Studies and the Sociology of Education, Oberlin College

    Education Honorary Doctor of Humanities, Wooster College, 2012 Honorary Doctorate, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University Sweden, 2008 Ph.D., Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1987) M.A. in the Teaching of English, Department of English, University of Illinois, (1980) M.A., English, University of Delhi, India, (1976) B.A., Honors in English, University of Delhi, (1974)

    Selected Interviews: Video: Anticapitalist Feminist Struggle, and Transnational Solidarity, interview and film by Jesper Nordahl, 2007/2011 (77 minutes) Web: The Feminists Wire, 4 October 2013

    1[email protected]://[email protected]

  • Newpaper Interviews: Dagens Nyheter, Sweden, Interview with Stefan Jonsson, August 2007 Il Manifesto, Italy, Interview with Gigi Roggerro, October 2006 Feminist Yaklasimlar, Turkey, Interview On the Academy and Feminist Politics, with

    Deepa Rajkumar, Hulya Ark, Ozlem Aslan, Salimah Vaiya, January 2010


    Books: Sage Handbook of Identities, co-edited with Margaret Wetherell, U.K: Sage Publications, 2010

    Feminism and War: Confronting U.S. Imperialism, co-edited with Robin Riley and Minnie Bruce Pratt, London: Zed Press, 2008

    Feminism Without Borders: Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity , Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2003; South Asian edition published in 2004 by Zubaan Books, Kali for Women, New Delhi, India; Translated into Korean, 2005, Swedish, 2006, Turkish, 2009, Italian, 2012, Japanese, 2012

    Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures, co-edited with M. Jacqui Alexander, New York: Routledge, 1997

    Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism, co-edited with Lourdes Torres and Ann Russo, Indiana University Press, 1991

    Essays: Mapping Transnational Feminist Engagements: Neoliberalism and the Politics of Solidarity, with Linda Carty, in The Oxford Handbook of Transnational Feminist Movements, edited by Rawwida Baksh and Wendy Harcourt, Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2015

    Sister-Administrator in the Neoliberal Academy: Reflections of a Feminist of Color, in E. Martinez and S. Fryberg ed., Engaging Faculties: Dialogues on Diversity, Palgrave, 2014

    Transnational Feminist Crossings: On Neoliberalism and Radical Critique, Signs, A Journal of Women, Culture and Society, Vol. 38, No .4, pp 967-991, 2013


  • Gender Justice and Public Water for All: Insights from Dhaka, Bangladesh, with Farhana Sultana and Sarah Miraglia, online publication, 2013,

    Gendering Justice, Building Alternative Futures, with Sarah Miraglia, in Alternatives to Privatization: Public Options for Essential Services in the Global South,edited by David Mcdonald and Greg Ruiters, Routledge, 2012

    "Imperial Democracies, Militarised Zones, Feminist Engagements," Economic and Political Weekly, Vol XLVI, No.13, March 26-April 1 2011, special issue, Reflections on Empire, pp. 76-84.

    Cartographies of Knowledge and Power: Transnational Feminism as Radical Praxis, co-authored with M. Jacqui Alexander, in Critical Transnational Feminist Praxis, edited by Richa Nagar and Amanda Swarr, SUNY Press, 2010

    Social Justice and the Politics of Identity, in Wetherell and Mohanty eds., The SAGE Handbook of Identities, Sage Publications, 2010

    Introduction: Feminism and U.S. Wars: Mapping the Ground, co-authored with Robin Riley and Minnie Bruce Pratt, in Feminism and War, Confronting U.S. Imperialism, Zed Press, 2008, pp 1-16

    Spanish translations of Under Western Eyes, and Under Western Eyes Revisited in Descolonizando El Feminismo, edited by Liliana Suarez Navaz and Rosalva Aida Hernandez, Ediciones Catedra, Madrid, Spain, 2008

    U.S. Empire and The Project of Womens Studies: Stories of Citizenship, Complicity, and Dissent, in Gender, Place and Culture, A Journal of Feminist Geography. Winter 2006

    Foreword to Playing With Fire, Feminist Thought Wrapped in Seven Lives, by Richa Nagar and the Sangtin Writers Collective, University of Minnesota Press, 2006

    Towards an Anti-Imperialist Politics: Reflections of a Desi Feminist in South Asian Popular Culture, Vol. 2, No. 1, April 2004

    Under Western Eyes Revisited: Feminist Solidarity Through Anti-Capitalist Struggles, SIGNS, Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Vol. 28, no. 2, Winter 2003; Reprinted in Womens Studies for the Future, Rutgers University Press, 2005

    Transnational Pedagogy: Doing Political Work in Womens Studies, Interview in Atlantis: A Womens Studies Journal, Vol. 26.2, Spring/Summer 2002


  • Race-ing Class and Gender (and Nation): Reconciling the Either Or, in Race and Public Policy, edited by Makani N. Themba, Applied Reseach Center, CA, 2000

    Crafting Feminist Genealogies: On the Geography and Politics of Home and Nation, in Ella Shohat, ed., Talking Visions: Multicultural Feminism in a Transnational Age, University of Massachusetts Press, 1999

    Preface: Dangerous Territories, Territorial Power and Education, in Dangerous Territories: Struggles for Difference and Equality in Education, ed. by Linda Eyre and Leslie Roman, Routledge, 1997

    Genealogies, Legacies, Movements, Introduction to Feminist Genaelogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures, coauthored with M. Jacqui Alexander, 1997, pp. xii-xlii

    Women Workers and Capitalist Scripts: Ideologies of Domination, Common Interests and the Politics of Solidarity, in Feminist Genealogies, Colonial Legacies, Democratic Futures, 1997, pp 3-29; Reprinted in Feminist Approaches to Theory and Methodology, An Interdisciplinary Reader, edited by Sharlene Hesse-Biber, Christina Gilmartin, and Robin Lydenberg, Oxford University Press, 1999 (also translated into German)

    Lives of Their Own, Critical Introduction to The Slate of Life, Stories by Indian Women, co-authored with Satya P. Mohanty, The Feminist Press, New York, 1995

    Survival is Not An Academic Skill, Introduction to How People Get Power, Organizing Oppressed Communities for Action, by Si Kahn, NASW Press, 1994

    Defining Genealogies: Feminist Reflections on being South Asian in North America, in Our Feet Walk the Sky, Writings by Women of the South Asian Diaspora, CA: Aunt Lute Books, 1993; revised version in Making More Waves, edited by Asian Women United of California, Beacon Press,1997; reprinted in Womens Lives: Multicultural Perspectives, edited by Gwyn Kirk and Margo Okazawa-Rey, CA: Mayfield Publishing, 1998

    "Cartographies of Struggle," Introduction to Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism , Indiana University Press, 1991; Reprinted in Race Critical Studies, ed. by Philomena Essed and David Goldberg, UK: Basil Blackwell, 2002

    "On Race and Voice: Challenges for Liberal Education in the 1990s," Cultural Critique, No. 14, Winter 1989-90, special issue, "Gender and Modes of Social Division II," pp 179-208. Reprinted in 1) H. Giroux and P. McLaren eds., Between Borders, Pedagogy and the Politics of Cultural Studies, Routledge, 1993, 2) B. Thompson and S. Tyagi eds., Beyond a Dream Deferred, Multicultural Education and the Politics of Excellence, University of Minnesota Press, 1993, and 3) Education: Culture,


  • Economics, Society, ed. by Halsey, Lauder, Brown & Wells, Oxford University Press, 1997

    "Contradictions of Colonialism," review essay on Recasting Woman: Essays in Colonial History, Ed. by Kumkum Sangari & Sudesh Vaid for The Women Review of Books , March 1990 (co-authored with S.P. Mohanty)

    "Feminist Encounters: Locating the Politics of Experience" Copyright 1, special issue on Fin de Siecle 2000, Fall 1987, pp 30-44 (revised version in Destabilizing Theory, Contemporary Feminist Thought , edited by Michele Barett & Anne Phillips, Polity Press, 1992, and in Social Postmodernism: Beyond Identity Politics, ed. by Linda Nicholson and Steven Seidman, Cambridge University Press, 1995)

    "Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses" Feminist Review 30, Autumn 1988, pp 61-88 (earlier version published in Boundary 2, special issue: "On Humanism and the University I : The Discourse of Humanism," Volume XII, No. 3/Volume XIII, No. 1, Spring/Fall '84, pp 333-358--actual pub. date 1986) Reprinted in 12 different anthologies.

    "Aus westlicher Sicht: feministische Theorie und Koloniale Diskurse," beitrage: zur feministischen theorie und praxis 23, 1 Auflage 1988, pp 149-162 (German translation of "Under Western Eyes..." by Mascha Rohner & Fee Rohrmoser) Also translated into Dutch in Derde Wereld, Vol. 89, no. 4, 1990, into Japanese for the U.S. Japan Womens Journal, 1993, and into Chinese and Russian for anthologies of Western Feminist Theory, 1997 and 1999. Translated into Spanish for an anothology on post-colonial studies, 2001, and into Thai in 2004.

    "Feminist Politics: What's Home Got To Do With It?" co-authored with Biddy Martin, in Teresa de Lauretis ed. Feminist Studies/Critical Studies, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 1986, pp 191-212 (translated into Japanese for the journal Shiso no Kagaku, February 1990)

    "On Salvaging Difference: The Politics of Black Women's Studies," Women's Studies International Forum, Special Issue: Women in Academe, Vol.6, No.2., 1983, pp 243-248

    "Early Childhood Education " co-authored with Lilian G. Katz, The International Encyclopedia of Education: Research and Studies, Husen and Postlewaite (Eds.), Pergamon Press, London, England, 1985

    "Follow-Up Studies: Are They Worth the Trouble?," co-authored with L.G. Katz, J.Raths, A.Kurachi & J.Irving, Journal of Teacher Education, Vol. XXXII, No.2.,1981, pp 18-24

    Book Reviews:


  • European Women in the Second British Empire by Margaret Stroebel & Waging Change, Women Tobacco Workers Organize, by Chhaya Datar, Signs 20:4, Summer 1995

    Women and the Family in the Middle East, Ed. by Elizabeth Fernea, Arab Studies Quarterly, Volume 8, No. 2, Spring '86, pp 192-194

    In Search of Answers: Indian Women's Voices form Manushi, Ed. by Madhu Kishwar and Ruth Vanita, The Women's Review of Books, August 1985

    The Hidden Face of Eve: Women in the Arab World, by Nawal el Saadawi, Women's Studies International Forum, Vol. 6, No.1., 1983, pp 123-124

    Scholarly Publication on my work (in English): Chandra Mohanty and the Revaluing of Experience, Shari Stone-Mediatore, Hypatia, Vol. 13, no. 2, (Spring 1998)

    Series Editor, Gender, Culture and Global Politics, Garland Publishing, NY Volume 1, Interventions: Feminist Dialogues in Third World Womens Literature and Film, ed. by Bishnupriya Ghosh & Brinda Ghosh, 1997

    Volume 2: Womens Movements and Public Policy in Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, ed. by Geertje Lycklama a Nijeholt, Virginia Vargas, and Saskia Wieringa, 1998

    Volume 3: Chinese Women Traversing Diaspora: Memoirs, Essays, and Poetry, ed. by Sharon Hom, 1999

    Volume 4: Gender, Religion and Heathen Lands, American Missionary Women in South Asia (1860s-1940s), by Maina Chawla Singh, 2000

    Volume 5: Frontline Feminisms, Women, War and Resistance, ed. by Marguerite Waller and Jennifer Rycenga, 2000

    Series Editor, Comparative Feminist Studies, Palgrave/Macmillan, 2001---

    Volume 1, Sexuality, Obscenity, Community: Women, Muslims, and the Hindu Public in Colonial India by Charu Gupta, 2002

    Volume 2, Twentyfirst Century Feminist Classrooms: Pedagogies of Identity and Difference, edited by Amie Macdonald and Susan Sanchez-Casal, 2002

    Volume 3, Reading Across Borders, Storytelling and Knowledges of Resistance, by Shari Stone-Mediatore, 2003


  • Volume 4, Made in India: Queer Sexualities, Decolonization, and Transnational Projects, by Suparna Bhaskaran, 2004

    Volume 5, Difference and Dialogue: Feminisms Contest Globalization, edited by M. Waller and S. Marcos, 2005

    Volume 6, Engendering Human Rights, Cultural and Socio-Economic Realities in Africa, edited by Obioma Nnaemeka and Joy Ezeilo, 2005

    Volume 7, Womens Same-Sex Experiences in a Globalizing Asia, edited by Saskia Wieringa, Evelyn Blackwood, and Abha Bhaiya, 2007

    Volume 8, Gender, Race, and Nationalism in Contemporary Black Politics, by Nikol Alexander-Floyd, 2007

    Volume 9, Transnational Feminism in Film and Media, edited by Katarzyna Marciniak, Aniko Imre, and Aine OHealy, 2007

    Volume 10, Gender, Identity and Imperialism: Women Development Workers in Pakistan, by Nancy Cook, 2007

    Volume 11, Gendered Citizenships; Transnational Perspectives on Knowledge Production, Political Activism, and Culture, by Kia Lily Caldwell, Kathleen Coll, Tracy Fisher, Renya K. Ramirez, and Lok Siu, 2009

    Volume 12, Visions of Struggle in Womens Filmmaking in the Mediterranean, edited by Flavia Laviosa,, 2010

    Volume 13, Islam, Women, and Violence in Kashmir: Between India and Pakistan, by Nyla Ali Khan, 2010

    Vol. 14, Gender Epistemologies and Eurasian Borderlands, by Madina Tlostonova, 2010

    Vol. 15, Neoliberalism as Betrayal: State, Feminism, and a Womens Education Program in India, Shubhra Sharma, 2011

    Vol. Transnational Borderlands in Womens Global Networks: The Making of Cultural Resistance, Edited by Clara Roman-Odio and Marta Sierra, 2011 16,

    Vol. 17, Feminism and Popular Education, Edited by Linzi Manicom and Shirley Waters, 2012

    Vol. 18, Whats Left of Blackness, Feminisms, Transracial Solidarities, and the Politics of Belonging in Britain, Tracy Fisher, 2012

    Vol. 19, Sacred Iconographies in Chicana Cultural Productions, Clara Roman-Odio, 2013


  • Vol. 20, Moroccan Feminist Discourses, Fatima Sadiqi, 2014

    Research and Community Organizations Advisory Boards

    Advisory Group Member, Project on Armed Conflict Resolution and Peoples Rights, 2013

    Academic Advisory Council, Jewish Voice for Peace, 2014

    Co-Facilitator, and Collective Member, Democratizing Knowledge: Developing Literacies, Building Cultures, Seeding Change, Syracuse University, 2009-

    Coordinating Team Member, Future of Minority Studies Research Project, 2005(FMS

    Technical Committee Member, Arab States, UN Fund for Gender Equality, UN WOMEN, 2011

    Consultant, and Advisory Board Member, Gender and Alternatives to Privatization in the Global South, and Steering Committee Member. Municipal Services Project, Queens University Canada and Rhodes University, South Africa, 2009 (

    Co-Chair, Board of Directors, Grassroots Leadership, Charlotte, North Carolina (multiracial teams of organizers working in Southern communities to build grassroots organizations that take direct action against the exploitation and oppression of poor and working people) 1993-1999; 20042009

    Advisory Board, Freedom University, Georgia, 2010-2014

    Board of Advisors, Center for Immigrant Families, New York, NY, 1998-

    Advisory Board, Awareness, Orissa, India (activist organization working to empower the rural poor in Orissa) 1992-1996

    Fulbright Senior Specialist Fellowship, 2005-2006, University of Limerick, Ireland

    Ford Foundation, Consultant, and Evaluator of Crossing Borders: Revitalizing Area Studies 2004/5

    AAC&U/FIPSE Advisory Board and Consultant, Global Citizenship and the Arts of Democracy 20012004


  • Consultant and Evaluator, Women Make Movies, New York, 2004-

    Research Advisory Board, Center for Women Policy Studies, Washington D.C.2000--2005

    Editorial Advisory Boards (Book Series and Journals)

    Editorial Board, Journal of Cultural Anthropology, 2014---

    Advisory Board, Decolonizing Feminism Series, University of Washington Press, 2014

    Scientific Advisory Board, Revue Periode, France (2014---)

    Scientific Advisory Board, Postcolonial Italy, L'Italia postcoloniale, 2014

    National Advisory Editorial Board, Signs, A Journal of Women in Culture and Society

    Editorial Advisory Board, Gender, Place, and Culture, A Journal of Feminist Geography, U.K. (1992-2002)

    Editorial Board, Feminist Africa, (2007-)

    Editorial Board, Feminist Economics, (2011-)

    Series Advisory Collective, Advances in Feminist Studies and Intersectionality, Routledge, U.K (2009---)

    Advisory Board, Transformations, The Journal of Inclusive Pedagogy and Scholarship, (2006-)

    Editorial Advisory Board, South Asian Popular Culture (2003--)

    Advisory Board, Caribbean Review of Gender Studies, (2005---)

    Editorial Board, Asian Women, Research Institute of Asian Women, Sookmyung Womens University, Korea, (2006--2012)

    International Advisory Editorial Board, Handbook of Critical and Indigenous Methodologies, edited by Norman K. Denzin and Yvonna S. Lincoln, (2005)

    Editorial Advisory Board, Handbook of Feminist Research Methods, ed. Sharlene Hesse-Biber, (2005)

    Editorial Collective, Cultural Critique (Oxford University Press), 1993--2001


  • Editorial Board, Perspectives in Education, South Africa (1999-- 2006)

    International Advisory Board, Nexus, Journal of Peace, Conflict and Social Change, (1999--)

    Advisory Board, Peer Review and Knowledge Network, Association of American Colleges and Universities

    Editorial Consultant, Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, edited by Lorraine Code, Routledge, UK, 2001


    Distinguished Keynote Speaker, Colloquium on Transnational Solidarities: Radical Feminism, Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy, May 13 to 17, 2013, National University, Bogota, Colombia

    Harry Lyman Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor, McMaster University, Canada, March 20-22, 2013

    Honorary Doctor of Humanities, Wooster College, Ohio, May 2012

    Member, Indigenous and Women of Color Solidarity Delegation to Palestine, June 2011

    Honorary Doctorate, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University, Sweden, (conferred May 2008)

    Fulbright Senior Specialist Award, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2005/6

    Invited participant, Grassroots Leadership Retreat on Privatization and the Public Good in Higher Education, Blue Mountain Center, NY, 9 to 12 June 2005

    External Evaluator, Grant Proposals, American Council for Learned Societies, National Endowment for the Humanities, USA, Social Sciences and Humanities Council of Canada, the Guggenheim Foundation & The MacArthur Foundation, Research Council, University of Vienna

    Distinguished Visiting Faculty, OISE, University of Toronto, 25 June to 29 June 2001. Faculty for the Summer Institute on Anti-Racist feminist studies.

    Visiting faculty fellow, Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program, New York University, 5-12 April 1999 (workshops and consultation with NYU faculty and students about curricular, pedagogical, and scholarly issues related to Race, Ethnic, and Feminist Studies)


  • American Studies Association 1998 Conference Committee, Conference on American Studies and the Question of Empire 1997-1998

    Advisory Committee, Rockefeller Postdoctoral Fellowships, Program in Critical Asian Studies, University of Washington, Seattle, 1996-97

    Invited Participant, Privatization Theory and Practice: A Working Retreat Blue Mountain Center, 15-18 May 1997. (Think tank with scholars, community organizers, and labor unionists)

    Invited to teach NEH Faculty Development Seminar on Feminism, Multiculturalism, and Globalization, SUNY Potsdam, 20 May to 15 June, 1996

    Visiting Scholar, Institute for Womens Studies, Queens University, Kingston, Canada, 18-22 March 1996

    Judge, National Womens Studies Association/University of Illinois Press Best Manuscript Award, 1993

    Courtesy Associate Professor, South Asia Program, Cornell University, 1993-ongoing Jane Watson Irwin Distinguished Chair in Women's Studies, Hamilton College, 1991-1992

    Delaney Faculty Fellowship, Oberlin College, Spring 1990

    Andrew D. Mellon Teaching-Research Fellow, Cornell University (August 1985-February 1987)

    Research fellowship, Women's Studies Program, Cornell University (1984)

    Teaching Faculty, National Summer Institute in Women's Studies, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor(July 1983)

    Selected Public Lectures

    Transnational Feminist Dialogues on Neoliberalism and Radical Praxis, Karen Levin Coburn 63 Memorial Lecture, Skidmore College, NY, 25 September 2014

    Dialogue: African Feminists, Talking the Walk, African Gender Institute, University of Cape Town, 18 April 2014

    Neoliberal Academies and the Politics of Feminism Across Borders, 16 May, 2013, Autonomous University, Bogota, Colombia


  • Neoliberal Academies and Transnational Feminist Critique, McMaster University, Canada, 20 March 2013

    Wars, Walls and Borders: The Violence of Security States, Krantibai Phule Womens Studies Centre, University of Pune, 8 January 2013

    Practicing Democracy, Convocation Address, Wooster College, 14 May 2012

    Neoliberal Academies, Insurgent Knowledges, and Pedagogies of Dissent: Reflections on Anti-Racist Feminist Practice, University of Illinois, Chicago, 26 April 2012

    Imperial Democracies, Militarized Borders, Feminist Solidarities, Convocation Lecture, Earlham College, 29 February 2012

    On Wars, Borders, and Occupations: Anatomies of Violence and Feminist Engagements, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 20 February 2012

    On Wars, Borders, and Empires: Securitized Regimes and Feminist Critique, Illinois State University, Normal, IL, 29 April 2011

    Plenary with Jacqui Alexander, Feminist Collaboration and Transnational Praxis Revisited, National Womens Studies Association (NWSA) Annual Conference, Denver, 12 November 2010

    Keynote, Cultivating Insurgent Knowledge: On Imperial Projects, Capitalist Practices and Feminist Commitments, Conference on Transnational/Global Feminism, Bergen University, Norway, 25 May 2010

    Public Lecture, Towards a Radical Transnational Feminist Praxis, Hamilton College, 22 April, 2010

    Public Lecture, Sites of Feminist Knowledge Production: The Academy and Beyond, York University, Canada, 29 January, 2010

    National Womens Studies Association Annual conference, Presidential Session on Feminist Collaboration and Transnational Feminist Praxis, with Professor Jacqui Alexander, University of Toronto, 13 November 2009

    Syracuse University College of Arts and Sciences Convocation Speaker, Practicing Democracy. May 9, 2009

    Emory University, Public Lecture, Cultivating Insurgent Knowledges: On Imperial Projects, Capitalist Practices and Feminist Agendas, April 4, 2009


  • Closing Plenary, National Council for Research on Women Annual Conference, Breaking New Ground New York University, June 7, 2008

    Honorary Doctor Open Lecture, Feminism Without Borders: On Insurgent Knowledge and Radical Politics, Lund University, Sweden, 28 May 2008

    Public Lecture, Remaining Awake During a Revolution: On Insurgent Knowledge and Feminist Commitments Bloomsburg University, PA, 4 March 2008.

    Opening Keynote, The Twenty-First Century Challenge: Feminism Without Borders, Intercultural Feminist Without Borders Week, University of Granada, Spain, 8 to 11 October 2007

    Scholars Convocation Address, Practicing Wakefulness: On Imperial Projects, Insurgent Knowledges, and Feminist Commitments, Grinnell College, 27 September 2007 (part of a symposium commemorating the 40th anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther Kings 1967 Address at Grinnell College, Remaining awake During a Revolution)

    Keynote address, Colonized Spaces, Insurgent Knowledges: A Feminist Journey of Dissent and Solidarity, Conference on Past, Present, Future: From womens Studies to Post-Gender Research, Umea University, Sweden, 15 June 2007

    Public Lecture/Panel Discussion on Feminism Without Borders translated into Swedish and published by Tankekraft, Sodra Teatern, Stockholm, Sweden, 13 June 2007

    Public Lecture, Womens Studies and Feminist scholarship in the USA: Urgent Challenges, University of Delhi, Institute of Social Sciences, 5 January, 2007

    Public Lecture, Academic Spaces, Insurgent Knowledges: On Transnational Feminist Praxis, Womens and Gender Studies Program, University of Toronto, 30 September 2006.

    Keynote Lecture, Anti-Imperialist Feminist Praxis, University of Toledo, 26 September 2006

    Feminist Scholar Series, Public Lecture, U.S. Empire and the Project of Womens Studies, Penn State University, 14 March, 2006

    Keynote Lecture, Where is Home: Gender, Sexuality, and Transnationalism University of Dearborn, Michigan, Center for Arab American Studies, 9 March, 2006


  • Transnational Feminism and the Politics of Knowledge, Public Lecture, UNAM, Mexico City, 27 June 2005

    Second Annual Currents in Gender Studies Symposium, University of Oregon, Public Discussion of my book Feminism Without Borders, Decolonizing Theory, Practicing Solidarity, May 13, 2005, Eugene, OR

    Feminists Confront Empire, Keynote Address, MIT Womens Studies Program twentieth anniversary celebration, 12 February 2005, Cambridge, MA

    Opening Keynote, Imperialism, Militarism, Globalization: Mapping Feminist Challenges, Annual U.K and Ireland Womens Studies Conference Feminisms Contest Globalization, Dublin, Ireland, 8-10 July, 2004

    Keynote, Globalization and Gender, SUNY, Potsdam Globalization festival, 2 April, 2004.

    Corporate Academies and the Challenge for Anti-racist, Feminist Pedagogies, Center for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Stanford University, 8 May, 2003

    Feminism For Our Times: Identities, Violence, Institutions, Panel Discussion with Estelle Freedman and Paula Moya, Stanford University, 8 May 2003

    Feminism Without Borders, Book Launch, Mills College, 7 May 2003

    Anti-Imperialist Feminism After 9/11: Complicities, Challenges and Visions, Center for Women, UCLA, 6 May 2003

    Feminism Without Borders: The Politics of Transnational Feminism, Third Annual Domna Stanton Lecture, Wellesley College, 10 February 2003

    Invited Plenary Speaker, Global Citizenship and Transglobal Identities, AAC&U Annual Conference on Diversity and Learning, St. Louis, 24-26 October 2002

    Transnational Feminist Pedagogies and Anti-Capitalist Critique, Colgate University, 24 April 2002

    Globalization and the Politics of Knowledge: Challenges for Feminist, Anti-Racist Practice, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 4 April 2002

    Anti-Globalization Pedagogies: Feminist Frameworks of the Global and the Local, South Asia Program, Cornell University, 1 April 2002

    Feminist Futures in the Global World, Wesleyan University Annual Womens Studies Symposium, 29 March 2002


  • Under Western Eyes Revisited: Transnational Feminist Pedagogies and the Politics of Globalization, Phoebe Estelle Spaulding Annual Lecture, Pomona College, 14 March 2002

    Globalization, the Politics of Knowledge and Anti-Capitalist Critique, OISE, University of Toronto, 27 June 2001

    The Ethics and Politics of Womens Work and Global Capitalism, Public Lecture, St. Benedicts College, MN, 25 April 2001

    Educating Plural Citizens: On the Ethics and Politics of Knowledge in U.S. Higher Education Deans Lecture, St. Lawrence University, 20 February 2001

    Globalization and the Politics of Knowledge: On Feminist Praxis, University of Albany, SUNY, 28 September 2000

    On Critical Edges and Feminist Practice, Keynote Address, Great Lakes College Association Annual Womens Studies Conference, Dennison University, 7 April 2000

    Globalization, Higher Education, and Feminist Critique, Public Lecture, Ohio Wesleyan University, 6 April 2000

    Global Diasporas, Gender, and the Politics of Knowledge, Keynote Address, Conference on Valuing Difference: A Critical Dialogue on Race and Education, California State University, Dominguez Hills, March 2000

    Globalization and the Politics of Knowledge: Notes on Anti-Racist, Feminist Academic Practice, Public Lecture, Ferdinand Braudel Center, Binghamton University, 22 April 1999

    Envisioning Economic and Social Justice: On the Ethics and Politics of Transnational Feminist Practice, Keynote Address, 13th Annual National Feminist Graduate Student Conference, University of Texas at Austin, 6 March 1999

    Globalization and the Politics of Knowledge: Challenges for Transnational Feminist Practice, Keynote Address, Center for Advanced Feminist Studies, University of Minnesota, 15th Anniversary Celebration, 13 November 1998.

    The Ethics and Politics of Feminist Academic Practice National Council for Research on Women Annual Conference, Washington D.C., 1 October 1998

    Globalization and the Politics of Knowledge Public Lecture with Lisa Lowe, Asian/Pacific/American Studies, New York University, 16 April 1998


  • Race, Gender and Globalization: Challenges for Transnational Feminist Studies Keynote Address, Conference on Transforming Knowledge: Internationalizing Gender Studies/ Gendering International Studies, University of Maryland, Oct. 17, 1997

    Mapping the Color Line: Globalization and the Challenges for Anti-Racist, Comparative Feminist Practice, 1997 Jesse Daniel Ames Memorial Lecture, Southwestern University, TX, 26 February, 1997; Gettysburg College, PA, 17 April 1997; Bucknell University, PA, 18 April 1997

    Transnational Feminist Studies and the Academy, Panel on Living the Legacy:The State of Emergency at the New School II, The New School for Social Research, NY, 18 February 1997

    Feminism, Multiculturalism, Globalization and the Academy, Keynote Address, Southwest Ohio Womens Studies/Gender Issues in Higher Education Conference: Women Making the Future: Bridging the Local and the Global,, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, 15 November 1996

    Globalization, Multiculturalism, Education, Panel on Inclusive Curriculum Across the Disciplines: Epistemological Earthquakes and Psychic Shocks, Ten Year Celebration Conference and Institute, The New Jersey Project On Inclusive Scholarship, Curriculum and Teaching, November 1-2, 1996, Montclair, NJ

    Globalization, Globetrotting and Other Stories of Democracy: Decolonization and the Challenges for Anti-Racist, Comparative Feminist Practice, Keynote Lecture, British Sociological Association Annual Conference, University of Reading, U.K., 2 April 1996

    Decolonizing Capital, Rethinking Democracy: Globalization and the Challenges for Anti-Racist Feminist Practice, Public Lecture, Queens University, Kingston, Canada, 20 March 1996.

    Women of Color and Third World Women: Challenges of Building Radical Political Communities, Public Dialogue with Angela Davis, Vassar College, 13 December 1995

    The Academy in Crisis: Feminist Critiques of Globalizing the Curriculum, Syracuse University, 28 April 1995

    Stories of Decolonization: Multiculturalism, and the Challenges of Feminist, Anti-Racist Education, University of Pittsburgh, 27 March 1995

    Naturalizing Capitalism, Stealing Feminism, and Other Stories of Democracy, Williams College, 7 March 1995


  • Decolonizing Education: The Challenges of Feminist, Anti-Racist Practice in the 1990s, University of Connecticut, 23 September 1994

    Disciplining Masculinity: The Post-Colonial State, Religious Fundamentalism and Feminist Praxis in India, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, 22 September 1994

    Decolonizing Education: Feminism and the Politics of Multiculturalism in the US Academy, Ohio State University, 22 April 1994

    Recasting Boundaries: Third World Feminist Struggles and the New World Order, Keynote Address, International Womens Week, University of Colorado at Boulder, 2 March 1994

    Porous Borders: Feminist and Anti-Racist Education in the New/Old World Order, Keynote Lecture, Womens Studies Program, Duke University, 1 March 1994

    Decolonizing Education: Specifying Anti-Racist, Feminist Practice, Public Lecture, Rethinking Pedagogy Conference and Workshop, The New Jersey Project, Montclair State College, NJ, 15 October 1993

    Movements, Histories, Identities: Feminist Theory and Praxis in the Year 2000, Keynote Lecture, European Community Womens Studies Network Conference, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 18-20 June 1993

    Gender Studies in an International Context, Utkal University, Orissa, India, 2 January 1993

    Gender, Work, and Global Feminism, Public Lecture, University of California at Berkeley, 11 March 1992

    Transnational Feminist Practice and Multinationals: On Gender and Work, Critical Inquiry Invitational Lecture, University of Chicago, 20 February 1992

    "Cartographies of Struggle," Opening Keynote, National Graduate Women's Studies Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 8-10, 1991

    "Feminism, Sexuality and The State," Workshop for graduate students and faculty, Columbia University, 30 November 1990

    "Third World Women and the Politics of Feminism," Public Lecture, University of Vermont, Burlington, 18 October 1990

    "Cartographies of Struggle: On Specifying Third World Feminisms," James Hoffman Memorial Lecture in Comparative Literature, Dartmouth College, 15 February 1990


  • "Feminism and the Analysis of Women's Work: On Culture, Ideology and Multinational Capital," University of Washington, Seattle, 18 November, 1989

    "Recasting Difference: On Race and Voice in the Academy," Rutgers University, Newark, 25 October 1989

    "The Politics of Voice: Agency, Identity and the Commodification of Race," (with bell hooks), Antioch College, 18 May, 1989.

    "Gender and Race in the Classroom," Pedagogy Colloquium, Johns Hopkins University, 22 April 1989

    "Gender, Race and Work: Competing Ideologies in the Age of Multinationals," Yale University, 23 February 1989

    Lecture, Wesleyan University Women's Studies Annual Colloquium on "Gender and Global Labor Markets," 24 February 1989

    "Knowledge as Praxis: On Difference, Appropriation and Resistance in the Academy," Senior Assembly, Oberlin College, May 1988

    "Decoding Domesticity: The Politics of Space in Feminist Cross Cultural Research," University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, March 1988

    "Solidarity vs. Sisterhood in Global Feminism: The Politics of Cross Cultural Analysis," Susan B. Anthony Center, University of Rochester, Nov. 1986

    Selected Conference Papers and Presentations

    Roundtable Organizer and Participant, Transnational challenges to Global Empire, NWSA Annual Conference, 13-16 November 2014, Puerto Rico

    Panelist, Transnational Challenges to Global Empire: Cultivating Ethical Feminist Praxis, Social Justice Initiative, University of California, Davis, 16 May 2014

    Panelist, Gendering Justice in Public Alternatives, MSP Conference. Putting Public in public Services: Research, Action, Equity in the Global South, April 13-16, Cape Town, South Africa


  • Panelist, Transnational Feminist Solidarities and Anti-Imperialist Critique, National University of Colombia, Bogota, 14 May 2013

    Panelist, Democratizing Knowledge: Women of Color Engage the US Academy, NWSA Annual Conference, November 2012

    Symposium Participant, Revisiting the 1980s and 1990s: Intergenerational Dialogues on Feminist Praxis in a Transnational, Post 9/11 World, DePaul University, Chicago, 17 April 2012

    Panelist, Feminist Scholarship in Palestine, CUNY Humanities Center, 28 November 2011

    Panelist, Women of Color delegation to Palestine, Future of Minority Studies Annual Conference Global Social Movements: From Tahrir to Madison, Spelman College, 23 September 2011

    Panelist, The Other America: Reflections on Palestine, An Najah National University, Nablus, Palestine, 20 June 2011

    Panelist with Kimberle Crenshaw, Cheryl Harris and Patricia Williams, Lost in Translation? A Conversation about the challenges of advancing critical theory, Intersectionality, Challenging Theory, Reframing Politics, Transforming Movements Conference, UCLA Law School, March 12, 2010

    Feminist Collaboration: A Dialogue with Jacqui Alexander, Presidential Session 1 and 2, National Womens Studies Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, November 2010, and 2009

    The Making of a Radical Thinker: A Conversation with Angela Davis, Syracuse University, 28 October 2008.

    Participant and Co-organizer, FMS Annual Conference on Difficult Dialogues, Spelman College, 18 to 20 September 2008.

    University of Madison, Participant, FMS Junior Scholars Conference, 23-25 March, 2007

    Spelman College, FMS/HBCU Workshop, Presentation on Transforming the Academy 26-27 February, 2007

    Cornell University, Chair, Public Event, with Hortense Spillars, Beverly Guy-Sheftall and Michelle Wallace on Gendering Africana Studies, 5 April 2006


  • Panel Presentation, Trans-National Feminisms, Conference on Building Bridges and Traversing Feminist Solidarities, Spelman College, 21-22 April 2006

    Chair, Panel on Critical Prison Studies FMS Colloquium, Stanford University, June 28, 2006

    Panel presentation, Towards a Transnational Feminist Praxis, Womens Studies, University Minnesota, 15-16 September 2006

    Workshop with M. Jacqui Alexander, Global Womens Movements, Spelman College, Audre Lorde Symposium, 27-29 October 2006

    Chair, Panel on Conversations on Gender and Race in the Global South, FMS annual conference, University of Oregon, 10-12 Nov, 2006

    Mellon-Mays Annual minority fellows conferencepanel presentation on transnational feminist studies, 15 June 2006 (focus on teaching, service and surviving the academy)

    Opening Remarks, 11/17 , Seeking Gender Justice Beyond Beijing Conference, Syracuse University, September 16-18, 2005

    Participant and Session Chair, Conference on Indian Cotton: Biology and Utility, Meanings and Histories, April 29-30, 2005, South Asia Program, Cornell University

    Panel Presentation, Transnational Feminist Perspectives, First Inaugural LGBT Studies Regional Conference, Syracuse University, 23 October 2004

    Panel Presentation, Mentoring Minority Scholars in the US Academy, Future of Minority Studies Conference, Cornell University, 24-26 June 2004.

    Dialogue with grassroots activists on Women of color organizing Center for Immigrant Families, 12 March 2004.

    Dialogue with Indian Feminist Activists and Scholars, Akshara, Mumbai, India, 1 March 2004

    Invited lecture, Transnational feminist movements, Utkal University Womens Studies department, India, 25 February 2004

    Dialogue about Feminism Without Borders with faculty at the Institute for Research in Interdisciplinary Studies, University of Rajasthan, India, 27 January 2004


  • Co-facilitator, Workshop on Women Against Imperialism, World Social Forum, Mumbai, India, 17 January 2004

    Invited Plenary Speaker, Global Citizenship and Transglobal Identities, Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Conference, Diversity and Learning: Education for a World Lived in Common, 24-27 October 2002, St. Louis, Missouri

    Workshop (with M. Jacqui Alexander) on Globalization, State Practices, and the Challenges for Transnational Feminism, at the Future of Minority Studies Conference on Feminism, Internationalism, Multiculturalism, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 19 October 2002

    Invited Participant, The Future of Minority Studies, Redefining Identity Conference, Stanford University, October 16-17, 2001

    Plenary Organizer and presenter, The Practice of Comparative Feminisms, Conference on The Future of Tradition, Aurangabad University, India, December 16-18, 2000

    Plenary Presentation on The Question of Womens Studies, The Future of Womens Studies Conference, University of Arizona, 21-23 October 2000

    Workshop on Race-ing Gender Conference on Race Rules: Equity, Justice and Public Policy, Applied Research Institute, American University, May 2000

    Invited participant, Panel on Gender and Sexuality, Conference on After Postcolonialism, Beyond Minority Discourse: Postcolonial, Ethnic and American Studies, Cornell University, 14 November 1999. With Professors Maria Mies and Rosemary Hennessey.

    Workshop on Third World Feminist Activism, Asian/Pacific/American Studies Program, New York University, 8 April 1999

    Invited participant, Panel on Interdisciplinary Pedagogies:Gender and Globalization, American Studies Association Annual Conference, Seattle, 20 November 1998.

    Crossing Borders: On The Politics of Womens Studies, Panel with bell hooks, Catherine Stimpson, Melanie Kaye/Kantrowitz, and Beverly Guy-Sheftall. New York University, 9 June 1998

    Invited Participant, Academic Activism: Race, Gender and the Role of Scholars in Contemporary American Society, New York University, 12 June 1997. With Professors Manning Marable, Blanche Weisen Cook, Robin D.G. Kelley, Beverly Guy-Sheftall, and Tricia Rose.


  • Panel on Women of Color in the Academy, and Difficult Dialogues: Race, Color, Sex and Class in Women of Color Communities, at the Annual SOCI (Sisters of Color International Conference), Hamilton College, 21-22 April 1995

    Panel on Gender and the Politics of Religion, Conference on Gender and the Politics of Culture in India, Cornell University, 1 April 1995

    Feminist Praxis and New World Orders, Plenary on Feminist Theory in Global Context, National Womens Studies Association Annual Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, 19 June 1994

    Moderator, Plenary on Imagining Alliances, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, Cross-Talk: A Multicultural Feminist Symposium, New York, 5-6 June 1993

    The Post-Colonial State, Nationalism and Masculinity: Feminist Reflections On Communalism in India, Conference on Nationalism and Ethnicity in the Wake of Humanism, Scripps College Humanities Center, CA, 22-24 April 1993

    Reconceptualizing Our Work, Plenary Session, The Inclusive Curriculum: Setting Our Own Agenda, National Conference, The New Jersey Project, Parsippany, NJ, 16-18 April 1993

    Theorizing Diversity, Plenery Session, The Eye of the Storm: Feminist Practice and Scholarship in the 1990s, Annual Conference, National Center for Research on Women, Radcliffe College, Boston, 13-15 June 1992

    "Feminism and the Not-So-New-World Order: Gender, Work and the Global Assembly Line," Conference on Women, Diversity and Change: The Debate Within the Academy, Sweet Briar College, Virginia, 28-29 October 1991

    "The Race Industry: The Politics of Liberalism in the US Academy," paper presented at Knowledge and Power: Colonial and Post-Colonial Contexts Conference, Oxford University, U.K., 29 June 1990

    Invited Participant, Conference on Colonialism and Gender, University of California, Berkeley, October 5-8 1989

    Invited Panelist, Conference on Feminisms and Cultural Imperialism: The Politics of Difference, Cornell University, April 23-24 1989

    "Decolonizing Development: Questions of Theory and Method in Feminist Cross-Cultural Inquiry," Opening Keynote, Women in Developing Countries, Conference at Grinnell College, Iowa, 3-8 April 1989


  • "Decolonizing Feminism: Development and the Analysis of 'Women's Work'," Paper presented at the GLCA Annual Conference, Feminist Values and Women's Work, Dayton, OH, November 1988

    "Gender and Space in Cross-Cultural Research," Opening Keynote, Women's Bodies/Women's Voices: The Power of Difference Conference, University of Iowa, Iowa City, April 1988

    "The Territories of Global Feminism," paper presented at conference on Feminism for the year 2000, Hamilton College, Clinton, NY, April 1988

    Invited Speaker, Panel on "Third World Feminisms," Hamilton College, April l987

    Invited Respondent, Conference on "Cross-National Perspectives on Adolescence," Department of Human Relations and Family Studies, Cornell University, April 1986

    "Feminist Theory and the Production of Universal Sisterhood," Paper presented at symposium on Race, Culture, Class: Challenges to Feminism, Five College Women's Studies Project on Feminism and Difference, Hampshire College, December 1985

    General Discussant, Feminist Studies: Reconstituting Knowledge Conference, Center for Twentieth Century Studies, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, April 1985

    Pedagogy Workshops and Faculty Development Seminars

    Workshop with Linda Carty (Syracuse University) at the Ella Baker Institute for Scholar-Activists, University of Chicago, July 12, 2014

    Pedagogy workshop on sex worker feminism, Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Task Force (SWEAT), Cape Town, South Africa, 14 April 2014

    Faculty Seminar, Gendering Democracy, Leadership for Democracy Fellows, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, April 2014 (with Dana Olwan)

    Faculty Seminar, Transforming Universities towards social justice through radical pedagogy, National University of Colombia, 17 May 2013

    Faculty/Community Workshop, On Being a Scholar-Activist in the Academy, McMaster University, 22 March 2013

    Faculty Workshop, Gendering Anti-Racist, Transnational Studies, Spelman College, 22 May 2012


  • Faculty Workshop and consultation on the Future of Minority Studies Research project, Wooster College, 22 April 2010

    Co-facilitator with Jacqui Alexander, University of Toronto, faculty development seminar on Crafting Transnational feminist Praxis, University of Buffalo, 22-23 October, 2009

    Co-facilitator, (with Jacqui Alexander) Faculty Development Workshop, Transnational Feminist Pedagogies, Kenyon College19-22 May, 2009

    Participant and Co-organizer, FMS HBCU Symposium, Spelman College, February 2009

    Co Facilitator with Beverly Guy-Sheftall (Spelman College), FMS/Mellon Summer Institute, Feminist Identities, Global Struggles, 28 July to 8 August 2008, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

    Co-Facilitator with Beverly Guy-Sheftall, Faculty Institute, Womens Studies in a Globalizing World, New York University, June 9 to 13, 2008

    Co-Organizer, FMS Annual Conference on Difficult Dialogues Spelman College, October 2008

    Faculty Pedagogy Workshop, Teaching Across Cultures, University of Toledo, 27 March 2006

    Co Facilitator with Beverly Guy-Sheftall (Spelman College), FMS/Mellon Summer Institute, Thinking Transnationally: Feminist Visions, 2 July to 5 August 2005, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY

    Workshop, Feminist Dialogues on Teaching Across Cultures, FMS Conference on Mentoring and Multiculturalism, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 30 September and 1 October, 2005.

    Faculty Seminar on Postcolonial Feminisms at CIESAS, Mexico City, Mexico, 27 June to 2 July, 2004

    Faculty Workshop with Jacqui Alexander on Teaching Interdisciplinary, Cross-Cultural Womens Studies Claremont Colleges, CA, April 29-May 1, 2004

    Faculty Workshop on Building A Radical, Transnational Feminist Knowledge Base, (with Jacqui Alexander), University of Pennsylvania, January 30-31, 2003.

    Faculty, AAC &U/FIPSE Summer Institute on Liberal Education and the Arts of Democracy, Alexandria, VA, 16 19 May 2002


  • Faculty Seminar on Interdisciplinarity and Intersectionality, with Prof. Jacqui Alexander, Wesleyan University, 29 March 2002

    Seminar, Faculty Research Group on Feminist Crossings: Valuing Difference Humanities Research Institute, University of California, Irvine, 6 November 1999

    Co-facilitator with Prof. Beverly Guy-Sheftall (Spelman College), Faculty Seminar on Comparative Womens Studies: Transnational Feminisms, New York University, New York, 8-12 June 1998, and Comparative Womens Studies, 9-13 June 1997

    Workshop with Professor Johnnella Butler, University of Washington, for high school and college teachers on Teaching Intersectionality: Gender, Race and Class, at the NJ Project Institute, 2 November 1996

    Workshop for faculty, students and administrators on Crafting Feminist and Antiracist Practice in the US Academy, Womens Studies Program, Ohio State University, 23 April 1994

    Workshop for elementary, junior high, high school and college teachers on Decolonization: Race, Representation and Popular Culture, Rethinking Pedagogy Conference, Montclair State College, 15 October 1993

    Seminar and Consultancy on "Integrating Race and Third World Studies into the Curriculum," Hamilton College, 26-27 March 1990

    Convenor, with Gloria Watkins (bell hooks), Oberlin Faculty Working Colloquium: Pedagogies of Gender, Race and Empire. Topic for fall 1988 and spring 1989: "Teaching and Learning About Third World People In the Academy" Topic for Fall 1990 and Spring 1991: "Teaching Against the Grain: Diverse Standpoints"

    Seminar on "Women's Work," faculty colloquium on "State, Welfare and Ideology," University of Bradford, England, 10 January 1989

    Resistance and Accommodation: Towards a Feminist, Anti-Racist Pedagogy," Faculty Seminar, Bowling Green State University, September 1988

    "Issues in Feminist Pedagogy," University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, March 1988

    "Politics, History and 'Global Feminism': Notes Towards a Critique of Gender, Race and Class In the Age of Reagan," Paper presented at a faculty workshop on Exploring Gender, Race and Class, SUNY, Cortland, June 1986

    Feminist Perspectives on Women in International Development," Paper presented at a special faculty seminar, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, The Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, India, November 1984


  • Invited Panelist, "Feminist Theories and Theories of Development" Summer Institute on Women and Development, University of Wisconsin, Madison, June 1984

    Invited Panelist, "Women's Issues with Particular Reference to the Arab World," Faculty Seminar, Ahfad University College for Women, Omdurman, Sudan, October 1983

    Selected Professional Activities & Research

    Evaluator, University of California, Graduate Program in Feminist Studies at UCSC, March 2012

    External Review Committee, Feminist Studies Department, University of California at Santa Cruz, April 2009

    External Review Committee, Womens Studies Program Review, Bates College, Maine, February 1996 & Mills College, California, March 1997

    Core Group, Kettering Foundation Project on "Practicing Politics: Craft and Comprehension," 1991-93

    Reader, Indiana University Press, Cornell University Press, University of Chicago Press, Temple University Press, University of Minnesota Press, Duke University Press, The Women's Press, Toronto, Westview Press, and Basil Blackwell, Oxford, UK, Routledge.

    Reviewer, Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society, Critical Inquiry , NWSA Journal, Feminist Studies, and Feminist Review, UK

    Research on Orissa Culture and History Project Bhubaneswar, India, Dec. 1992-Jan 1993; Dec-Jan. 1997-98

    Preliminary research on feminist and anti-racist organizing in London, and history of colonial education in India, London, Summer 1988; Winter 1989; Summer 1990; Winter 1990/1991;

    Research Trip to Mumbai, India. Interviewing Indian Feminists about current feminist activities and scholarship (Oct./Nov. 1984)

    Field Trip to Cairo, Egypt, and Omdurman, Sudan. Interviews with Arab women writers and activists (Sept./Oct. 1983)

    Academic Service


  • Chair, Department of Womens and Gender Studies, Syracuse University, Fall 2008 Spring 2011

    Syracuse University Senate, Fall 2008Spring 2012; Fall 2014---

    Syracuse University Senate AFTPE, Fall 2014---

    Faculty Council, College of Arts and Sciences, Syracuse University, 2010-2011

    Senate Diversity Committee, Syracuse University, 2008-2011

    Steering Committee, Kirkland Project on Gender, Culture and Society, Hamilton College, (1995-2003)

    Acting Director, Womens Studies Program, Hamilton College (1992-93)

    Member, Women's Studies Program Committee, Oberlin College (1987-91)

    Member, Standing Committee on Pluralism and Equality (SCOPE), Oberlin College, (1988-89)

    Member, Steering Committee, Women's Studies Program, Cornell University (1985-87)

    Board of Directors, Human Relations Training Program, Cornell University (1984-86)

    Co-Coordinator and Initiator, Common Differences:Third World Women and Feminist Perspectives Conference, Urbana, Illinois, April 1983 (1982-83)


    EmploymentEducationPublicationsBooks:Series Editor, Gender, Culture and Global Politics, Garland Publishing, NYResearch and Community Organizations Advisory BoardsHonors/FellowshipsSelected Public LecturesPanelist, Transnational Challenges to Global Empire: Cultivating Ethical Feminist Praxis, Social Justice Initiative, University of California, Davis, 16 May 2014Panelist, Transnational Feminist Solidarities and Anti-Imperialist Critique, National University of Colombia, Bogota, 14 May 2013Panelist, Democratizing Knowledge: Women of Color Engage the US Academy, NWSA Annual Conference, November 2012Symposium Participant, Revisiting the 1980s and 1990s: Intergenerational Dialogues on Feminist Praxis in a Transnational, Post 9/11 World, DePaul University, Chicago, 17 April 2012Panelist, Feminist Scholarship in Palestine, CUNY Humanities Center, 28 November 2011Panelist, Women of Color delegation to Palestine, Future of Minority Studies Annual Conference Global Social Movements: From Tahrir to Madison, Spelman College, 23 September 2011Pedagogy Workshops and Faculty Development SeminarsSelected Professional Activities & Research