curriculum reform 2013 – 14

Curriculum Reform 2013 – 14 Public Consultation: Briefing for School Leaders

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Curriculum Reform 2013 – 14. Public Consultation: Briefing for School Leaders. Aims of the session. clarify timescales outline the aims and scope of the statutory and draft curriculum highlight the main changes consider the consultation questions - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Curriculum Reform 2013 – 14

Public Consultation:

Briefing for School Leaders

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Aims of the session

clarify timescales outline the aims and scope of the statutory

and draft curriculum highlight the main changes consider the consultation questions share the updated progression tool for the

core subjects Summarise key changes to foundation


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Key dates: consultation to implementation

June ’12 – Primary core subject drafts shared Feb ’13 – NC Framework released for

consultation 16 April ’13 - Public consultation closes Sept ’13 – Disapplication for ‘early adoption’ Sept ’14 – Statutory adoption (no phasing) Sept ’15 – PoS for core subjects at KS4 to be

introduced Summer ‘16 – Statutory Assessment of new NC

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Legal requirements: 2002 Edn. Act Broad balanced curriculum Spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical

development Preparation for later life NC Programmes of Study PSHE Any other subjects/topics of their choice

PLUS since Sept 2012 Publish the school curriculum content by

subject/year online

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Proposed aims of the NC (p6) Provides the core knowledge to be

educated citizens Introduces the best that has been thought

and said Engenders appreciation of human

creativity and achievementBUT School curriculum to range beyond… Teachers can develop exciting and

stimulating lessons

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Consultation Qn. 1Do you have any comments about the proposed aims for the National Curriculum as a whole as set out in the framework document?

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Core - Eng/Ma/Sci / / / /

Art & design / / /

Citizenship / /

Computing / / / /

Design & technology / / /

Languages / /

Geography / / /

History / / /

Music / / /

Physical education / / / /

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Key Stage 4 entitlement areas:The arts, DT, humanities, MFL

Schools MUST provide minimum of one course in each Enable pupils to take a course in all four areas Give the opportunity to obtain an approved


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Importance of the subject aims(Advice from Stefano Pozzi)

The aims are in effect telling teachers how to teach and will be tested.…..

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Subject aims

Currently in addition to these overarching aims it each subject has its own subject-level aims

In pairs, consider the appropriateness of these aims.

See pages:



Art & design


D & T




















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Consultation Qn. 2Do you agree that instead of detailed subject-level aims we should free teachers to shape their own curriculum aims based on the content in the programmes of study?

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Inclusion (p9) High expectations for all Ambitious targets Remove barriers so pupils can study all

subjects ESL – develop English plus support

participation in all subjects SEN Code of Practice/Equal Opps legislation

NB – revised P Scales are being created to work with the revised curriculum expectations

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Cross curricular skills (p9)

Spoken language, reading & writing integral to all subjects

Use every subject to develop pupils’ mathematical fluency

Speech – Standard English & register to justify, question, evaluate, build on others’ ideas, describe, explain, speculate, hypothesise & explore ideas

Read fluently/for pleasure and write at length

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Progression ToolCore subjects FS – Y6

This tool, shared at the previous round of Headteacher briefings, has been revised in the light of this draft.

It demonstrates Progression Raised expectations (RED) New material to the KS (BLUE)

..\Review\PoS\En Ma Sci tool v5.xls

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English: Few changes since the first draft

Subtle shift in emphasis in reading comprehension: First attainment target becomes to “develop pleasure in reading and motivation to read..”

More reference to “texts” rather than always “books” (taken on board the criticism of lack of reference to ICT and multi-media?)

Emphasis on checking that texts make “sense”, discussion of understanding and exploring meaning of words in context, looking for evidence to justify inferences and opinions

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English: continued

Most of the didactic examples have gone from the attainment targets (pedagogy)

Greater emphasis on use of dictionaries Attainment targets make more frequent reference to

the appendices on spelling and grammar

Non-statutory guidance much more reader-friendly and explanatory, less use of bald imperatives.

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Mathematics: What’s gone? What’s changed?

Ordinal and Cardinal Year 2 column addition

and subtraction Binary

More application of skills to problems

A balanced transition from non-standards to standard measures with understanding of need for standardisation

Better links between fractions, decimals and percentages

Word ‘efficient’ replaces ‘formal’ re written methods

Greater emphasis on number concepts – representation and patterning

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Science What’s gone? What’s changed?

Constellations, galaxies, Milky Way

Speed = distance over time

Respiration Blood pressure and

gaseous exchange Static electricity Short circuits

More questioning Much more detail re.

scientific enquiry Wording improved eg

sun’s apparent movement Re-ordering eg Y2

materials into Y1, Y1 light into Y3

Seasons/day length from Y4 to Y1

Earth/space from Y4 to Y5

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Science…more..what’s changed? Forces and motion

simplified to movement Y2

Forces and magnets simplified Y3

Simplification, plants Y3, sound electricity Y4

Evolution/inheritance simplified Y4 & Y6

Omissions corrected eg bones for protection Y3& conservation added Y4 Hygiene added Y2 Health, drugs etc Y6

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Art & design (p147)

Range of materials to design and make Draw, paint, sculpt Techniques using elements in different

scales and 3D Artists, designers and craftsmen – make linksPLUS at KS2 Create sketchbooks to record, review, revisit

and develop ideas Greatest artists, architects and designers

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Computing: Take special note!

Largely about control/algorithms as programs Computer networks Search engines Data/information handling (organise, store,

manipulate and retrieve) – analyse at KS2

E-safety at all Key Stages

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Consultation Qn. 7

Do you agree that we should change the subject information and communication technology to computing, to reflect the content of the new programmes of study for this subject?

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Design and technology (p156)Note the aims: All pupils understand food nutrition/ have opportunities to learn to cookAlso work in fields such as materials (including textiles), horticulture, electricals and electronics, construction and mechanics

Practical skills Explore range of materials, tools and

equipment safely Communicate ideas in 2 and 3D using ICT Evaluate and improve work PLUS repair skills and links to history at KS2

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Geography (p162)

Explicit knowledge of physical and human geography and ‘similarities and differences’ between areas (non-European at KS1, European, N & S America at KS2)

How aspects change over time (KS2) Skills with maps, atlases, globes, compass, to

describe features and routes Use aerial photographs, devise simple maps and

use fieldwork/observation in surroundings plus digital technology at KS2

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History (p165)Within aims that include:

Knowledge of British, European and world history Understanding of civilization, growth, decline,

achievements and follies of mankind Concepts such as continuity & change, cause &

consequence, similarity & difference, significance Skills of questioning, analysing, arguing and

interpreting evidence Historical perspectives on cultural, economic,

military, political, religious and social connections in the short and long term

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Historical Content (pp 166-168)At KS1 Vocabulary about

passing of time Concepts of nation,

history, civilization etc Significant individuals Key national and global

events/festivals Local history – events,

people and places

At KS2 Early Britons, settlers

and invaders Crusades, Plantagenets,

UK relations The Middle Ages Tudors and Stuarts(Each of these includes a

list of specific content that must be incorporated into planning)

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Languages KS2 (p172)

(Becomes MFL at KS3) Practical communication, speaking and listening

(range of audiences), pronunciation and intonation, reading and understanding, appreciation of stories, songs, poems and rhymes

Write phrases and sentences to express ideas clearly

Choice of French, German, Italian, Mandarin, Spanish, Latin or Ancient Greek (NB communication work is excluded from ancient languages)

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Music (p176) Expressive singing, chants and rhymes Play tuned and untuned instruments Listen, make and combine sounds PLUS at KS2 Play and perform, solo and ensemble Improvise and compose using musical

dimensions (elements) Listen and recall, appreciate and understand History of music, great musicians and


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Physical Education (p179)

Master and apply physical skills, agility, balance, co-ordination

Team games (competitive) examples given Dance – movement patterns, perform Swimming and water safety (at least 25 m,

range of strokes, self rescue) Develop skills eg through gymnastics &

athletics (KS2) Outdoor and adventurous (KS2) Compare performances to achieve best

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Consultation Qns. 3 & 4

Do you have any comments on the content set out in the draft programmes of study?

Does the content set out in the draft programmes of study represent a sufficiently ambitious level of challenge for pupils at each key stage?

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Changing attainment targets & progression Attainment targets are now what pupils are

expected to know, apply and understand (LHS in the core subjects – RHS is very important but not statutory)

A new system of grading is being drawn up to preserve threshold and progression measures that will allow schools, teachers and Ofsted to judge both attainment and progress


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Consultation Qns. 5 & 6

Do you have any comments on the proposed wording of the attainment targets?

Do you agree that the draft programmes of study provide for effective progression between the key stages?

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Consultation Qns. 8 & 9

Does the new National Curriculum embody an expectation of higher standards for all children?

What impact – either positive or negative – will our proposals have on the ‘protected characteristic’ groups?

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Parents – Consultation Qn. 10To what extent will the new National Curriculum make clear to parents what their children should be learning at each stage of their education?

Do you think the new framework is more coherent and easier for parents to understand?

What might you do to help your parents understand the new NC expectations?

How do you/will you fulfil the new requirement to ‘publish’ your school curriculum online?

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Supporting Implementation:

The importance of cpd – the Government is moving away from large-scale centralised CPD which limits school autonomy

SO each school should be preparing for implementation by building time for:

Strategic planning, leadership, teams, liaison, communication and transition

Curriculum planning, timetabling Staffing, staff knowledge and skills,


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Consultation Qns. 11 & 12

What key factors will affect schools ability to implement the new National Curriculum successfully from Sept 2014?

Who is best placed to support schools and/or develop resources that schools will need to teach the new National Curriculum?

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Phasing and disapplication

No phasing proposed - all subjects all year groups from Sept 2014 (exceptions only with timing of GCSE reforms)

To enable early adoption and transition, disapplication of all subjects’ PoS, ATs, and statutory assessment in Y3 and 4 (and KS3) from Sept 2013, and of foundation subjects only in other primary years

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Consultation Qn 13

Do you agree that we should amend the legislation to disapply the National Curriculum programmes of study, attainment targets and statutory assessment arrangements, as set out in section 12 of the consultation document?

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Links and the East Riding Curriculum Forum

national curriculum consultation - framework document.pdf

national curriculum consultation document 070213.pdf

[email protected]