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RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline

Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline

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RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline

About this releaseSource Document Name: Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline

Effective from: October 2008

ControlAll printed copies are uncontrolled and for reference only. The most up-to-date version of the Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline can be found on the RTA Intranet. Please check to see that any printed copy has not been superseded.

FeedbackAny errors, omissions, comments or suggestions should be submitted to the Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW for possible inclusion in a future issue. Send submissions to:

Corridor Assets Manager Infrastructure Maintenance, Network Management Roads and Traffic Authority, NSW Locked Bag 928, North Sydney NSW 2059 DX 10516

Ph: (02) 8588 5668 Fax: (02) 8588 4163 Email: [email protected]

CopyrightCopyright © 2008 Roads and Traffic Authority of NSW

This work is protected by copyright. Apart from fair use permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced in any way without prior written consent from the RTA of NSW.

AcknowledgementsThis version has been prepared by

John Vitlin, Doll Martin Associates

Cath Dunstan, Corridor Asset Manager, RTA

With advice and input from

Mark Foster, URS Australia

Alex Dunstan, Area Maintenance Manager, RTA

Henk Buys, Senior Geotechnical Engineer, RTA

Tony Porter, Opus New Zealand

The Risk Assessment Pilot Workshop participants: Alex Dunstan, Alistair Hitchon (URS Australia), Ashraf Awadalla, Colin Gould, David Groth, David Warren-Gash, Doug Salkeld, Geoff Howard, Henk Buys, Hugh Tait (Opus International Consultants), John Rubsov, John Vickery, Mark Bennett, Riaz Ul-Islam (Opus International Consultants), Steve Watson, Val Brizga, Zaf Pavlic-Sahin

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means – electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or any other – without the RTA’s prior written consent.


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RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline

Table of Contents1 INTRODUCTION 11.1 The Culvert Management Framework 11.2 Risk Assessment Roles 21.3 Risk Assessor Training 21.4 Purpose of the Guideline 21.5 Structure of the Guideline 3

2 RISK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY 52.1 Culvert Risk Assessment and AS 4360 52.2 Scope of Culvert Risk Assessment 62.3 Risk Assessment Flowchart 62.4 Hazard Identification 72.5 Likelihood Analysis 82.6 Consequence Analysis 82.7 Assessed Risk Level 92.8 Methodology – Illustrated Examples 9

3 ASSESSMENT PLANNING 113.1 Assessment Responsibilities 113.2 Existing Information 113.3 Safety on Site 123.4 Planning Checklist 13

4 RISK ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE 144.1 Desktop Assessment 144.2 Field Assessment 14

5 CULVERT RISK ASSESSMENT RECORD 155.1 Identification and Location 155.2 Culvert Geometry 165.3 Site Features Sketch 175.4 Culvert Barrel Adverse Conditions 185.5 Inlet/Outlet Adverse Conditions 245.6 Roadway and Embankment Adverse Conditions 265.7 Potentially Affected Development or Features 285.8 Inspection Notes 295.9 Culvert Attribute Score 295.10 Recommended Maintenance Measures 305.11 Possible Remedial Measures 305.12 Photo and Image Files 315.13 Risk Analysis 32

6 STRUCTURAL COLLAPSE (SC) HAZARDS AND LIKELIHOOD 356.1 SC-1 Structural Collapse of Barrel 35

7 SLOPE INSTABILITY (SI) HAZARDS AND LIKELIHOOD 397.1 SI-1 Slope Instability Caused by Afflux 397.2 SI-2 Slope Instability Caused by Leakage out of Barrel 427.3 SI-3 Slope Instability Caused by Headwall Collapse 457.4 SI-4 Slope Instability Caused by Undermining at Inlet or Outlet 46


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8 PIPING (PI) HAZARDS AND LIKELIHOOD 508.1 PI-1 Piping into Culvert 508.2 PI-2 Piping on Outside of Culvert due to Afflux 538.3 PI-3 Piping on Outside of Culvert due to Leakage out of Culvert 55

9 HYDRAULIC FLOW (HF) HAZARDS AND LIKELIHOOD 599.1 HF-1 Erosion by Overtopping Flows 599.2 HF-2 Cross Catchment Flooding 62

10 LIKELIHOOD (L) RATING 6611 CONSEQUENCE (C) RATING 6711.1 Consequence for Risk to Life 6711.2 Consequence for Risk to Property 72

12 ASSESSED RISK LEVEL (ARL) RATING 7413 ASSESSMENT COMPLETION 7513.1 Tasks for Assessors 7513.2 Tasks for Project Managers 7513.3 Next Steps in Risk Management 75

14 REFERENCES 7615 APPENDICES 7715.1 Terminology 7715.2 Site Sketch Preparation 8115.3 Field Identification and Classification of Soils 8315.4 Headwall Hazards 8615.5 Culvert Inventory Risk Assessment Checklist 8815.6 Culvert Risk Assessment Record 89

16 INDEX 96

Table of figuresFigure 1 Framework Processes 1Figure 2 AS4360 Risk Management Process 5Figure 3 Risk Assessment flowchart 7Figure 4 Embankment example 10Figure 5 Cut slope example 10Figure 6 Structural collapse of the barrel 35Figure 7 Instability caused by afflux 39Figure 8 Instability due to leakage / headwall collapse / undermining 42Figure 9 Piping failure modes 50Figure 10 Erosion by overtopping flows (fill example) 59Figure 11 Erosion by overtopping flows (cut and fill example) 59Figure 12 Cross catchment flooding 63Figure 13 Temporal probability based on traffic volume 70


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1 Introduction Howtousethischapter:This chapter presents the Culvert Management Framework and the purpose of the Guideline.

1.1 The Culvert Management Framework The RTA has introduced an improved framework for the long-term management of culverts across the RTA road

network. The framework is a component of ongoing asset management works to ensure road network availability and improve road user safety.

The framework process is shown in the following flowchart:

Figure 1 Framework Processes

Ongoing Condition Assessment and Risk Screening


Initial Condition Assessment and Risk Screening

Manage through Routine Maintenance Works

Potentially VulnerableLow Risk

Low Risk

Detailed Risk and Condition Assessment




Low Risk

Low Risk

Potentially Vulnerable

Strategic Asset Management Plan

Desktop Risk Assessment

Inventory Collection


Identify Remedial Options

Program Allocation

Prioritisation of Funds

Risk Management Strategy

Work Programmed

Detailed Design

Remedial Measures Implemented and Inventory Updated

Prioritise Routine/Minor Works



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2 RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline

Tools supporting the framework include:

• A training accreditation program for culvert inventory inspectors.

• A training accreditation program for culvert risk assessors, including confined spaces training.

• A guideline for consistent collection of culvert inventory and initial risk assessment.

• A guideline for detailed risk assessment of culverts if an assessment is required.

• A central database of all culvert location and condition data, developed as a module of the Road Asset Management System (RAMS).

1.2 Risk Assessment Roles The following roles are referred to in this guideline:

RiskAssessor A trained person who undertakes a culvert risk assessment. This may be an RTA employee or a person contracted by the RTA for inspection work.

ProjectManager An employee of the RTA who is responsible for organising and managing a body of risk assessment work. This role will provide information to assessors and manage the assessment task.

RegionalAssetManager(AssetManager) The Regional Asset Manager in the region where the culvert is located. Regional Asset Managers are responsible for management and maintenance of road infrastructure, reporting to the relevant Regional Manager.

CorridorAssetsManager The Corridor Assets Manager, Infrastructure Maintenance is responsible for state-wide policy and strategy to safeguard the future of corridor assets.

1.3 Risk Assessor Training Culvert Risk Assessors must be trained, certified and issued with an assessor number prior to undertaking field

assessments of culvert risk. Information collected in the field will be used for risk evaluation and risk treatment decisions. The usefulness of information collected depends greatly upon how well the assessment is undertaken and documented.

As well as risk assessment training, an assessor will require other specific training or competencies appropriate to the task before they can be permitted to carry out inspections. This may include

• Confined spaces assessment training.

• Traffic control at work sites training.

• Industrial rope training.

• Training in GPS unit use.

All assessors will require confined space assessment training, as a confined space assessment must be undertaken at each site prior to completing a risk assessment - see section 3.3.1 below.

1.4 Purpose of the Guideline This Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline describes culvert risk assessment principles and procedures. In the Framework

Processes flowchart above, the Guideline specifically applies to the boxed processes labelled ‘Desktop Risk Assessment’ and ’Detailed Risk and Condition Assessment’. The Guideline will

• Assist in training risk assessors in the specific requirements of culvert risk assessment.

• Guide assessors in the completion of the Culvert Risk Assessment Record.

• Ensure that a systematic and consistent approach is followed for the assessment of culvert risk.

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• Ensure that reporting and documentation of culvert risk is done in a consistent and accurate manner.

Information collected through assessment will provide the RTA with improved knowledge of its culvert assets and allow for priority programming of repair and replacement works.

1.5 Structure of the Guideline The Guideline contains the following


Chapter 2 Describes the risk assessment methodology

Practical guidance

Chapter 3 Notes on Assessment planning

Chapter 4 Procedures to follow for desktop and field assessments

Chapter 5 Instructions on how to fill out the Culvert Assessment Record

Hazard identification and likelihood calculations:

Chapter 6 Structural Collapse hazards

Chapter 7 Slope Instability hazards

Chapter 8 Piping hazards

Chapter 9 Hydraulic Flow hazards

Rating calculations

Chapter 10 Converting likelihood to likelihood rating

Chapter 11 Calculating consequence ratings

Chapter 12 Calculating risk rating

Assessment follow-up

Chapter 13 Completion tasks for assessors and project managers


Finally there are references, appendices and the index.


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2 Risk Assessment Methodology Howtousethischapter:This chapter outlines the methodology used in the RTA to assess culvert risk. It helps you

understand the concepts behind the Culvert Risk Assessment Record and the derivation of a culvert risk rating.

2.1 Culvert Risk Assessment and AS 4360 The RTA’s Risk Management approach is aligned to the Australian Standard for Risk Management

AS/NZS 4360 – Risk Management.

The following diagram is based on the Standard. It indicates that Risk Management has seven interacting processes (the solid boxes in the diagram).

Culvert Risk Assessment, as outlined in this Guideline, corresponds to the two AS4360 processes inside the dotted box in the diagram: IdentifyHazards1 and AnalyseRisks.

To complete the picture above, EstablishContextis assisted by the collection of an inventory of culverts, undertaken in accordance with the Culvert Inventory Collection Guideline. The inventory collection procedures include a first stage risk screening to identify the subset of culverts to be assessed for risk.

Once the assessments are undertaken, the EvaluateRisksprocess can begin, and the TreatRisks process will follow. MonitorandReview completes the risk management cycle, and CommunicateandConsultis ongoing.

This Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline is a systematic set of instructions that allow the RTA to apply AS4360 to culvert risk management.

1 The box labelled ‘Identify Hazards’ is labelled in AS4360 as ‘Identify Risks’. ‘Hazard’ is adopted here, as the risks themselves are not crystallised until likelihood and consequences are brought together in the process labelled as ‘Analyse Risks’. The use of ‘Hazard’ is also consistent with the rest of this guideline.

Figure 2 AS4360 Risk Management Process

Analyse Risks



Estimate Level

Establish Context

Identify Hazards

Evaluate Risks

Treat Risks

Communicate and consult

Monitor and Review

Risk Assessment Methodology

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2.2 Scope of Culvert Risk Assessment Culvert Definition

For the purposes of the RTA’s culvert management framework, a culvert is defined as any pipe, box or arch that allows the flow of water or something else under a roadway. This includes culverts designed to allow pedestrian, cycle, and vehicular thoroughfare.

Culvert Scope

The culvert inventory collection phase included a risk screening checklist of factors that may indicate a need for risk assessment. The checklist is shown in the Appendices – see Appendix 15.5.

In the inventory collection phase, some culverts might not have been fully inspected and check-listed. Typical examples are culverts where the barrel is blocked with silt, or is filled with water at the time, and so no visual assessment of the barrel can be made. These culverts will need cleaning and reinspection and/or CCTV inspection before a desktop or onsite risk assessment can be undertaken. If CCTV footage and photographs have been collected, then a follow-up onsite risk inspection may not be required.

All culverts for which a checklist risk factor is present are within the scope of risk assessment. The risk assessment methodology outlined in this Guideline can be applied to those culverts.

Process Scope

The process in this Guideline applies only to culverts which have been inventoried and check-listed.

The process scope of risk assessment in the Guideline does not include evaluation and treatment, which are addressed in other documents.

2.3 Risk Assessment Flowchart The risk assessment process will determine a standardised risk rating (Assessed Risk Level, or ARL) for each culvert.

The method of arriving at the ARL is very similar to that described in the RTA’s Slope Risk Analysis Guideline. The process applies ratings describing aspects of potential failure mechanisms and their consequences, to derive an ARL for each hazard present, and consequently a rating for the culvert.

Figure 3 is a flowchart illustrating the process. In overview, the flowchart shows a process to:

1. Identify applicable hazard mechanisms.

Following identification, there are two concurrent process branches:

2. Likelihood analysis.

3. Consequence analysis.

They both merge in a process to

4. Assign a risk rating.

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2.4 Hazard Identification The first step in identifying hazards is the recognition of all potential failure mechanisms for a particular culvert

structure. For the purposes of this analysis, any failure mechanism which may originate in, or affect, the road reserve must be considered. More than one mechanism may operate on a culvert.

In some circumstances, the occurrence of a failure may allow new mechanisms to operate (eg. a partial collapse of a culvert may cause seepage into the road embankment, which may initiate slope instability of the road embankment). This possibility should be considered if it is likely that a failure may remain undetected after occurrence or be untreated for any length of time. In assessing the possible failure mechanisms, it is also necessary to consider what the potential preceding and triggering event(s) might be. These will often be associated with rainfall events.

Ten possible kinds of failure mechanisms have been defined. Each potential failure mechanism must be looked at individually, and then any interactions considered. Each failure mechanism identified as present is called a hazard. Those mechanisms that are not considered a hazard must be noted on the Culvert Risk Assessment Record as ‘not applicable’.

Figure 3 Risk Assessment flowchart



32Likelihood analysis

Assign ARL

Identify Hazard (failure mechanism)

Assess dynamics of failure

Identify initiating mechanism Identify zone of influence

Identify elements at risk

Property People

Apply consequence algorithm

Assign consequence rating

Apply likelihood algorithm

Assign likelihood rating

Apply risk rating matrix

Consequence analysis

Identify void/sink/... probability

Identify mechanism probability

Estimate vulnerability

Estimate economic value

Estimate temporal probability

People and


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2.5 Likelihood Analysis The likelihood of failure refers to the probability of the hazard occurring and extending over a given zone of

influence. In principle, this could be expressed quantitatively as an annual probability of occurrence for each possible hazard, although the necessary information to do this is unlikely to be available, even where extensive investigation and analysis has been undertaken. Therefore, rating tables are provided, with definitions and indicative annual probabilities to provide guidance in its use with more subjective assessments. The likelihood ratings (L1 – L6) may be used where a definable triggering event is expected (in which case the likelihood of failure may be approximately constant over time) and also in circumstances where initiation of a failure is related to a time-dependent process (in which case the likelihood would normally increase with time, but may also reduce with time). In practice it is difficult to meaningfully estimate these probabilities more accurately than to one order of magnitude.

Adverse circumstances are essentially weather-related triggering events – either exceptional rainfall or extreme groundwater levels. In such cases the likelihood of failure may be governed by the return period of the necessary triggering event, which would be reflected in the choice of an annual probability of failure. In many cases it will be governed by the development of a time-dependent process (eg. it may depend on corrosion or abrasion of steel pipes before the failure can occur) and both the nature of the triggering event and the probability of failure may change with time.

To estimate likelihood, break the postulated failure mechanism into a series of events and then estimate the probability for each event. The probabilities are multiplied together to obtain the likelihood rating.

There may be cases in which further conditional probabilities need to be considered (eg. when a failed road embankment may impact on a building down slope from the road corridor). The same methods can be applied, with the likelihood calculated by multiplying out all of the conditional probabilities.

Use the Guidance Tables for assessing the likelihood of specific failure events given a certain set of circumstances (eg. such as internal erosion/piping based on culvert type and condition). This is important due to the complex nature of the failure mechanisms and also the difficulty in identifying processes that often cannot be observed in the field. These descriptors ensure that the assessment of likelihood is applied consistently across the portfolio of culvert structures, and that the risks assessed for culverts are also consistent with those assessed for slopes.

2.6 Consequence Analysis The purpose of consequence analysis is to identify the effects of the hazards on the elements at risk.

2.6.1 Elementsatrisk Firstly, the people and property which might be affected by the hazard, either directly (road users) or indirectly

(adjacent property and people) – the ‘elements at risk’ – must be identified.

Elements which may be affected by the hazard include:

• Road users.

• Buildings (occupied and unoccupied).

• Pedestrians.

• Road and furnishings.

• Vehicles.

• Infrastructure (eg. railways).

• Structures.

• Services (eg. water supply, power poles).

• Other property.

All possible elements at risk within the zone of influence of the failure must be considered. For cross catchment failure (coded as HF-2) the zone of influence is typically more extensive.

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2.6.2 Consequences Secondly, the possible effects of the hazard on each element – the consequences – have to be assessed. The

consequence analysis is based on the procedure in the RTA’s Slope Risk Analysis Guideline.

Consequences are expressed separately for :

• Loss of life (road users or people located down slope of road embankments).

• Damage to property and consequential (social/economic impact) effects.

n Road closure (defined in terms of sub-network ranking and including any resulting user costs).

n Infrastructure or property damage and consequential costs (excluding those arising from the road closure itself, if it occurs).

n Repair costs (to restore the road to its pre-failure condition and/or to repair or replace the culvert structure).

For consequences associated with slope risk and culvert risk, the added costs related to legal matters following serious failures are not included in the risk analysis procedure.

2.7 Assessed Risk Level The risk rating for a hazard is expressed as an Assessed Risk Level (ARL), derived from the Likelihood and

Consequence analyses. The worst ARL from all hazards present becomes the culvert’s ARL.

2.8 Methodology – Illustrated Examples The Culvert Risk Analysis process is largely based on visual assessment of the culvert during site inspection and

assessment. This visual assessment should be supplemented by other information where it exists.

In general, there will be insufficient information to undertake a formal quantitative probabilistic risk analysis based on the data collected in the field alone. Therefore the risk analysis procedure uses a series of rating scales.

The procedure reflects conditional probabilities which characterise the chain of events which must occur for culvert failure to occur which in turn results in a risk to life and economic impact. It is essential that these are properly understood to avoid incorrect allocation of the ultimate risk ratings.

The main rating which expresses the level of risk associated with the site is the ARL. The ARL is determined by the assessment of both risk to life and economic impacts. For example, to assess the risk to life, the Temporal Probability (T) and Vulnerability (V) are combined to derive Consequence (C) rating for loss of life which in turn is combined with Likelihood (L) to derive the ARL.

The relationship between the parameters is shown below in two drawings, illustrating common cases for culverts under roads. The first drawing shows effects resulting from an interaction between a vehicle and a failure of the road embankment. The second drawing shows failure of the road embankment which may impact a building downstream.

The same concepts may be used under other circumstances such as with persons in the open (eg. pedestrians) or people occupying a building adjacent to the slope (eg. a bus shelter). This relationship changes depending on the geometry of the road embankment, eg steep embankments have particular characteristics which culverts used as passageways do not.

The following diagrams illustrate the parameters involved in calculating risks for life. A separate analysis is used to assess the potential economic consequences of a failure.

Risk Assessment Methodology

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Direction of slip

Potential slip circle


Parameters determining ARL:

L – probability that failure mechanism occurs

T – probability a car is on the road and drives into void

V – expresses probability that death or damage occurs as result of the failure

C is derived from T and V

ARL is derived from L and C

Figure 4 Embankment example





Direction of slip

Potential slip circleInlet

Parameters determining ARL:

L – probability that failure mechanism occurs

T – probability a person is in building at time of impact

V – expresses probability that death or damage occurs as result of the failure

C is derived from T and V

ARL is derived from L and C

Figure 5 Cut slope example

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3 Assessment Planning Howtousethischapter:This chapter describes the assessor’s responsibilities and provides some guidance on

planning for assessment.

3.1 Assessment Responsibilities The responsibility of the Culvert Risk Assessor is to:

• Understand, and be qualified in, the RTA’s approach to culvert risk assessment.

• Gather information about culverts that have already been identified as ‘at risk’ with the assistance of the Project Manager, and review this information.

• Develop a site risk assessment plan for undertaking site inspections. This will include the development of safety plans and traffic control plans as appropriate, in conjunction with the Project Manager.

• Identify the risk potential of each culvert, document risk findings, and assign a standardised level of risk.

• Recommend routine maintenance actions and interim management plans.

• Provide all assessment documentation, files and photographs to their Project Manager.

Definition:A culvert is considered to have failed when it is no longer fit for purpose. This could be due to structural collapse, either complete or partial, due to corrosion, deterioration or when water is leaking out of or into the culvert, or when the hydraulic area is reduced by more than 50%.

3.2 Existing Information Information collection concentrates on the documented history of the culvert. It must, however, be recognised that

in many cases records will be limited in extent or non-existent.

The Asset Manager has a responsibility to maintain such records and provide this information, promptly, on request. Risk Assessors have a responsibility to request such records.

The following information should be gathered from the relevant RTA office prior to any field work being conducted. Usually the Project Manager will gather and prepare this information, but it may vary depending on regional practice and resources or contractual obligations.

• A copy of any previous completed Culvert Inventory Collection form, photographs and culvert reports from the RAMS Culvert database.

• Previous culvert historical and inspection information, including access and safety notes. In many cases, design drawings will exist for the original construction. Work-as-executed plans may also be available, as may geotechnical reports.

• Hydraulic information where available, including design flow, catchment size, rainfall data.

• Where drainage, support, stabilisation, control measures or instrumentation have been installed, establish the design intent of the measures, and any maintenance, monitoring or inspection requirements associated with them.

• Where the culvert is on or near an RTA managed slope, obtain slope risk assessment information, photographs and slope remediation plans.

• Pavement status and pavement works information.

• Traffic counts (AADT) will be needed to assess vulnerability.

Use the above information to prepare a schedule of culverts to visit, and prepare a Culvert Risk Assessment Record for each culvert, so it has some data already filled in prior to the field inspection.

Assessment Planning

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3.3 Safety on Site Safety in completing the culvert assessment is the assessor’s number one priority. Prior to conducting any field work

each assessment team must have:

• Two assessors – assessments must always be undertaken by two qualified persons.

• A Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) for culvert assessments. The SWMS is developed by the contractor or the Project Manager. Refer to Developing Safe Work Method Statements, on the Internet at

• Traffic Control Plans specific to this session of field work. Usually prepared by the Project Manager, but assessors may be required to prepare and submit these for the sections of road they will inspect.

• An approval from the Project Manager that they are capable of safely carrying out the required assessments.

The SWMS must address issues of working near traffic, and it must also address specific issues arising from work in confined spaces and work with difficult access.

3.3.1 ConfinedSpaces Under NSW legislation, every culvert is a “confined space” unless assessed otherwise. A person must not enter

a culvert without first having assessed all of the risks of doing so, and an assessment of each as a confined space must be made, by a suitably qualified person. The completed Confined Spaces Assessment form must be provided to the RTA Project Manager so it can be entered into RAMS as the confined spaces register for culverts.

Determination of “confined space”

Determinations must be undertaken by a qualified confined spaces assessor. For more information regarding confined spaces Refer to the Conf ined Spaces Tip Sheet at

and the Conf ined Spaces Policy, at

The following procedure is a synopsis of the methodology. It is an outline only - you must refer to and conform to the Policy noted above.

1. Is the space enclosed or partly enclosed?

2. Is the space at atmospheric pressure during the occupancy?

3. Is the space designed primarily as a place of work?

If questions 1 and 2 are answered YES, and question 3 NO, (which is the usual case for culverts) then ask:

Is the space liable at any time to:

4. Have an oxygen deficiency or excess?

5. Have an atmosphere which contains potentially harmful levels of contaminants?

6. Cause engulfment?

If any one of the questions from 4 to 6 is answered YES, then it is a confined space.

If it is a “confined space”:

• Persons who do not hold the appropriate confined spaces training must not enter any culvert that is defined as a confined space.

• Assessors must comply with the Confined Spaces Policy whilst undertaking the assessment.

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3.3.2 DifficultAccess Difficulty of access was marked on the Culvert Inventory Collection form at the time of inspection, but accessibility

might change over time. If culverts are encountered where access is difficult the following procedure must be followed:

1. An assessment must be made as to whether a safe inspection is possible. For instance, the culvert may be on a steep embankment and rope access may be required.

2. If deemed safe, then proceed with caution.

3. If any external equipment is required to access a culvert (eg, rope and harness), the assessor must be suitably trained in that equipment prior to use.

4. If deemed unsafe to proceed, then a note should be made on the Culvert Risk Assessment Record in the Analysis Comment box on the last page with wording such as “Culvert unable to be assessed – rope and harness required” or similar.

3.4 Planning Checklist Prior planning is critical to the success of the assessment process. The following checks must be completed prior to

any field assessment taking place.

• Assessors are qualified and have an assessor number.

• The schedule of assessments has been prepared.

• Safety requirements are met (safety assessments have been undertaken, plans have been prepared, training has been undertaken).

• A Culvert Risk Assessment Record for each culvert has been prepared.

• Field equipment has been gathered, and where required assessors have been trained in its use, eg in taking accurate GPS readings, or industrial rope training. A list of field equipment that might be needed is included in the Culvert Inventory Collection Guideline.

Assessment Planning

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4 Risk Assessment Procedure Howtousethischapter:This chapter presents a simple outline of the desktop risk assessment and field risk

assessment procedures.

The Culvert Management Framework encompasses both desktop and field-based risk assessments.

4.1 Desktop Assessment Desktop assessments are to be undertaken for all culverts that exhibit a risk factor in the Culvert Inventory Collection

risk checklist. The checklist is illustrated in Appendix 15.5.

The desktop assessment process will cost-effectively reduce the need for field assessments, through a review based on information available to an assessor in the office. Possible information sources for desktop assessment are described in section 3.2. Desktop assessors will:

• Review available information including culvert inspection and photographs, notes, plans and location information and topographic maps to determine catchment areas.

• Undertake assessments utilising their engineering, geotechnical and hydraulic experience.

Essentially, the desktop assessment is undertaken using the tools for Risk Assessment based on currently available information. A field assessment will be undertaken following the desktop assessment if:

• The risk level is likely to change as a result of a field inspection and/or

• The risk level cannot be satisfactorily determined.

4.2 Field Assessment A logical sequence for inspecting culverts in the field helps ensure that a thorough and complete inspection is

carried out. The following sequence is applicable to most field assessments.

• Review available information and safety concerns.

• Put traffic and other safety controls into operation.

• Load your equipment bag with what you might need for this culvert.

• Observe overall condition of the culvert site.

• Inspect approach roadway and embankment.

• Inspect waterway.

• Inspect end treatments.

• Inspect culvert barrel.

Most defects in culverts are first detected by visual inspection, so an inspection where the assessor is close enough to touch the area being inspected is preferred. The types of defects to look for when inspecting the culvert barrel depend upon the type of culvert being inspected. In addition to examining the culvert components, the assessor should also look for high water marks, changes in the drainage area, settlement of the roadway, and other indications of potential problems.

In your field work, complete all observations, inspections, sketches and photography. The risk analysis page of the Culvert Risk Assessment Record can usually be completed back at the office, as you will have collected all of the supporting information necessary for its completion.

If you come across an unknown culvert (ie with no identification markings by the road) then make a note of its location so that the Project Manager can include it in the next Culvert Inventory inspections. Do not undertake a risk assessment. However, if it appears hazardous report it immediately to the Project Manager.

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5 Culvert Risk Assessment Record Howtousethischapter:This chapter describes the Culvert Risk Assessment Record and explains how to

fill in most of the form. The last part of the form (Risk Analysis rating) is explained in detail in the chapters following.

The Culvert Risk Assessment Record is the data entry form used by assessors to record the results of a culvert risk assessment. It records physical aspects of the culvert and the results of risk analysis, and is the basis for further risk evaluation and prioritisation of treatments within the RTA’s culvert management program.

A Culvert Risk Assessment Record is to be completed for each culvert that is assessed. A copy of the form is included in the Appendices - see section 15.1. It is also available on the RTA intranet.

The Record has the following data entry parts:

A. Identification and location

B. Culvert geometry

C. Site features sketch

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

G. Potentially affected development or features

H. Culvert attribute score

I. Inspection notes

J. Recommended maintenance measures

K. Possible remedial measures

L. Photo and image file list

M. Risk Analysis

Each part is described below. Most parts have checklists and text boxes to record the condition of various features. The location of important features should be shown in the sketches in Section C.

Common conditions are included in the checklists. Space is allowed to include “other” conditions, which should always be described and included in the sketches.

5.1 Identification and Location

Culvert Risk Assessment Record

RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 17

5 Culvert Risk Assessment RecordHow to use this chapter : This chapter describes the Culvert RiskAssessment Record and explains how to fill in most of the form. The last partof the form (Risk Analysis rating) is explained in detail in the chapters following.

The Culvert Risk Assessment Record is the data entry form used by assessors to record the results of aculvert risk assessment. It records physical aspects of the culvert and the results of risk analysis, and is thebasis for further risk evaluation and prioritisation of treatments within the RTA’s culvert managementprogram.

A Culvert Risk Assessment Record is to be completed for each culvert that is assessed. A copy of the form isincluded in the Appendices - see section 15.1. It is also available on the RTA intranet.The Record has the following data entry parts:

A. Identification and locationB. Culvert geometry

C. Site features sketch

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditionsE. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditionsG. Potentially affected development or features

H. Culvert attribute scoreI. Inspection notes

J. Recommended maintenance measures

K. Possible remedial measuresL. Photo and image file list

M. Risk Analysis

Each part is described below. Most parts have checklists and text boxes to record the condition of variousfeatures. The location of important features should be shown in the sketches in Section C.

Common conditions are included in the checklists. Space is allowed to include “other” conditions, whichshould always be described and included in the sketches.

5.1 Identification and LocationA Identification and Location (from RAMS database)

Culvert Number Date / / Assessor No

Local Number Region Code Slope Number

Culvert Commenteg access, location

Latitude Longitude Road No C’wayCode

Link Offset alongLink (km)

Seg No Seg Offset Speedlimit



Off-road LatitudeOff-road Longitude Left or Right of C’way Marked at roadside

Inlet Left Right Yes No

Outlet Left Right Yes No

(digits only)

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About the data

In general, the data in this section will have been collected during the earlier Culvert inventory stage of the program and transcribed from the RAMS Culvert database. Each culvert is identified by a unique number, the Culvert Number.

What to do

• Verify the GPS coordinates are correct. GPS coordinates should be obtained in accord with RTA policy. Coordinates are reported as degrees decimal, to 5 places.

• Verify other location data is correct.

• Advise the Project Manager if data was incorrect.

What to write

• Correct any errors in location.

• If the Culvert Comment needs updating (eg its access instructions are no longer correct) then change it appropriately.

5.2 Culvert GeometryB. Culvert geometry

Culvert Lengthmetres

Average Gradeof Barrel


Inlet BatterSlopel in x

Outlet BatterSlopel in y

Height offill at inlet

Height offill at outlet

Inlet batterslope

Average grade ofbarrel (1/Z x 100%)

Outletbatter slope

Edge line

Culvert barrel

Slope fomhedwall invert to edge line




No. of pipes orboxes

Length of Cellmetres

Pipe diametermm

Box/Cell Widthmm

Arch Widthmm

B1Height of Fill

at Inletmetres

Height of Fillat Outlet


Height of Fill> 15m10-15m5-10m3-5m<3

Batter Slope≥ 45°≥ 35°≥ 25°< 25°

Average Grade of Barrel

≥ 25°15-25°10-155-10<5



Culvert Geometry Data (from RAMS database)

Culvert Geometry Data (to be measured in field)


1 1

1 z



B3Culvert Flow Control

Inlet control

Outlet control

Slope frominvert to edgeline

> 60°45° - 60°< 45°

About the data

The dimensions of a culvert are illustrated in the diagram above. Measurements need only be approximate, but should be estimated with care, and if possible taken from drawings or other quantitative sources. This is particularly the case with heights and angles, where experience shows that visual estimates may be greatly in error. Laser measuring devices are very useful to measure distances and angles.

Much of the geometry data will have already been collected during the earlier Inventory inspection.

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What to do

Verify that the data already collected is correct.

Additional culvert geometry data that is be collected by the assessor as part of the Culvert Risk Assessment inspection is as follows;

• Average grade of the barrel (expressed as a percentage).

• Inlet batter slope (expressed in the form ‘I in x’).

• Outlet batter slope (expressed in the form ‘1 in y’).

The assessor is to evaluate whether the design flow condition is governed by inlet control or outlet control. These are described as follows;

• Inlet control. The discharge through the culvert is controlled at the entrance of the culvert by headwater depth and inlet geometry. Inlet control governs the discharge as long as water can flow out of the culvert faster than it can enter.

• Outlet control. Under outlet control water can enter the culvert faster than water can flow through the culvert. These culverts usually lie on flat slopes or where high tailwater conditions occur.

Often the conditions downstream govern whether a culvert is inlet or outlet controlled. If the receiving water is in flood, culverts may be outlet controlled, and this will usually control the capacity of culvert.

What to write

• Enter additional dimensions into the fields provided. Correct any errors.

• Calculate and enter scores for B1, B2 and B3. For B1, Depth of cover, base the score on the maximum of cover at inlet or outlet.

5.3 Site Features Sketch This part allows for a sketch and notes depicting failure mechanisms and elements at risk. Whilst it includes only one

page for such illustrations, additional pages should be used where necessary.

About the data

The sketches are a very important part of the analysis. The level of detail provided must be sufficient to allow the identification and analysis of hazards at the site. Photographs and sketches should be captioned to make it clear what is being illustrated. Photographs must be taken carefully to ensure that they actually show the feature intended to be illustrated and that it can be recognised by people who are not familiar with the site.

Any extracts from or references to plans should include the date, registered drawing number and the sheet number and source.

What to do

Standard symbols and more detailed notes on preparing sketches are presented in Appendix 15.1. The minimum required is:

• A plan showing major dimensions and features and locations, preferably including photo locations and any access restrictions. Scale and North direction must be noted.

• At least one cross section along the culvert alignment showing the key culvert features (eg inlet and outlet structures, barrel type and dimensions, erosion protection measures, flow direction, etc), embankment geometry and distribution of geological units (if relevant). Additional sections may be required to illustrate variations in geometry, specific features or mechanism. Sections should be at natural scale and include dimensions.

• Additional sketches showing the location(s) type and operation of each identified failure mechanism, if they cannot be adequately shown on the above sections.

• The extent of damage/distress to the culvert, end structures, retaining structures, road embankment and road pavement.

• Brief descriptions of what each photograph is intended to show and where it was taken.

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D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)Manned entry inspectionVideo inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)Imminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

General ConditionImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)Imminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

Shape ConditionImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5

D.3 Seams or JointsImminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

Seams or Joints ConditionsImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 HeadwallsImminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

Headwall ConditionImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5

E.2 Inlet ChannelImminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

Inlet ChannelImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5

E.3 Outlet ScourImminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

Outlet ScourImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 PavementImminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

PavementImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5

F.2 EmbankmentImminent FailureCriticalSeriousPoor

EmbankmentImminent Failure 20Critical 15Serious 10Poor 5









5.4 Culvert Barrel Adverse Conditions This section allows the assessor to identify adverse conditions and assign a Culvert Attribute Score if the culvert

barrel condition is inadequate. The ratings have been adapted from rating tables of the Ohio Department of Transportation Culvert Management Manual (ODOT 2003).

Condition has the following separate factors:

• D.1 General condition (deterioration, cracking, damage).

• D.2 Shape (applicable to flexible culverts only).

• D.3 Seams and joints.

5.4.1 Generalcondition

About the data

This considers evidence of deterioration, cracking or localised damage to the culvert barrel.


Deterioration refers to the ability of a material to resist corrosion and abrasion. Corrosion is the deterioration of metal due to electrochemical or chemical reactions. Culver ts are subject to corrosion in cer tain aggressive environments.

Abrasion is the wearing away of culvert materials by the erosive action of bedload carried in the stream. Abrasion is generally most serious in steep areas where high flow rates carry sand and rocks that wear away the culvert invert. Abrasion can also accelerate corrosion by wearing away protective coatings.

Corrosion and abrasion of culverts can be a serious problem with adverse effects on structural performance. Damage due to corrosion and abrasion is a common cause for culvert replacement.

The inspection should include visual observations of metal corrosion and abrasion. A geologist’s pick-hammer can be used to scrape off heavy deposits of rust and scale permitting better observation of the metal. Protective coatings should be examined for abrasion damage, tearing, cracking, and removal. The assessor should document the extent and location of surface deterioration problems in the Site Features Sketch.

It is important to recognise that thin walled flexible pipes gain most of their compressive strength through composite action with the surrounding backfill, so even small losses of the surrounding backfill can have severe impacts on the structural capacity of the culvert. If thin walled culverts can be accessed, then tapping the walls is a very effective measure of contact between the surrounding backfill and the internal wall. If hollow sections are found then replacing the material surrounding the culvert using grouting techniques should be given high priority.

Concrete inverts are usually slabs on ground. Invert slabs provide protection against erosion and undercutting, and are also used to improve hydraulic efficiency. In metal culverts, concrete inverts are sometimes used in circular or other shapes, to protect the metal from severe abrasive or severe corrosive action. Concrete invert slabs should be checked for undermining and damage such as spalls, open cracks, and missing portions. The significance of damage will depend upon its effect on the footings and corrugated metal.

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The assessor is to record the location and nature of cracking of the barrel on the Site Features Sketch.

Cracking may occur in most culvert materials and can indicate overloading resulting in small (localized) failures in shear, flexure, or simply damage during installation.

In metal barrel structures, cracking may occur along bolt holes of longitudinal seams and can be serious if allowed to progress. These cracks are most serious when accompanied by significant deflection, distortion, and other conditions indicative of backfill or soil problems.

In concrete structures, reinforcing steel is designed to assume some of the imposed loads. Therefore, small hairline cracks (widths less than 0.3 mm) are expected and are not cause for alarm. The location of cracking in concrete structures can indicate the type of problems being experienced. In concrete pipe, longitudinal cracks at the 3, 6, 9, and 12 o’clock positions indicate flexural cracking caused by poor side support. Longitudinal cracking in the invert at the 5 and 7 o’clock positions indicate shear cracking caused by poor haunch support. Likewise, cracking at the 11 and 1 o’clock positions may be the result of shear forces from above the structure. Transverse cracks may also occur and are usually the result of non-uniform bedding or fill material causing point loads on the pipe.

Plastic pipe materials may experience splits. A split (rip, tear, or crack) is any separation in the wall material other than at a designed joint.


All culverts should be inspected for localized damage caused by construction or maintenance. The assessor is to record the type, extent, and location of all significant wall damage on the Site Features Sketch.

For flexible pipe, wall damage such as dents, bulges, creases, cracks, and tears can be serious if the defects are extensive, and can both impair either the integrity of the barrel in ring compression, and permit infiltration of backfill. Small, localised examples are not ordinarily critical. Critical damage will usually result in a poorly shaped cross section.

When examining dents in corrugated steel culverts, the opposite side of the plate should be checked, if possible, for cracking or debonding of the protective coating.

What to do

• Tick the method used for inspecting the barrel.

• Rate its general condition:

n Select the appropriate rating table below for the culvert barrel type.

n Select a condition rating if applicable.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following tables and enter the score in the D1 box.

D.1a General Condition – Thin Walled Metal Barrel

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Pipe partially collapsed.

Critical Perforations throughout invert with an area greater than 25%.


Extensive heavy rust; thick and scaling rust throughout pipe; deep pitting. Perforations throughout invert with an area less than 25%. Overall thin metal, which allows for an easy puncture with chipping hammer. End section corroded away.

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D.1b General Condition – Concrete (Pipe, Box, Arch)

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Culvert partially collapsed or collapse is imminent.


Full depth holes. Extensive cracking greater than 10 mm. Spalled areas with exposed reinforcing greater than 25%. Total delaminated and spalled concrete areas are greater than 50% of surface area. Reinforcing steel bars have extensive section loss and perimeter of bar is completely exposed.


Extensive cracking with spalling, delaminations, and slight differential movement; scaling has exposed all surfaces of the reinforcing steel in bottom to top slab or invert (approximately all exposed surfaces are 50% loss of wall thickness at invert).


Transverse cracks open greater than 3 mm with leachate and rust staining. Spalling at numerous locations; extensive surface scaling on invert greater than 10 mm. Extensive cracking with cracks open more than 3 mm with efflorescence; spalling has caused exposure of heavily corroded reinforcing steel on bottom or top slab; extensive surface scaling on invert greater than 20 mm. (approximately 50% of culvert is affected).

D.1c General Condition – Masonry

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Structure partially collapsed or collapse is imminent.

CriticalIndividual masonry units in lower part of structure missing, or crushed individual masonry units in top of culvert missing or crushed.

SeriousDifferential movement; Scaling has exposed reinforcing steel in bottom to top slab or invert; Individual masonry units in lower part of structure missing, or crushed.

Poor Significant displacement of individual masonry units.

D.1a General Condition – Thin Walled Metal Barrel

Condition Description

PoorExtensive heavy rust; thick and scaling rust throughout pipe; deep pitting; perforations throughout invert with an area less than 20%. Overall thin metal, which allows for an easy puncture with chipping hammer.

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D.1d General Condition – Plastic

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Pipe partially collapsed or collapse is imminent.

CriticalInvert eroded away (with section 600 mm in length and 150 mm in width) throughout pipe. Fire damage beneath roadway causing holes and melting large sections of pipe.

SeriousSplit (larger than 150 mm, width exceeding 25 mm) several locations. Split causing losses of backfill material. Section losses caused by abrasion located throughout pipe. Fire damage beneath roadway causing holes greater than 300 mm in diameter.

PoorSplit (larger than 150 mm, width exceeding 10 mm) several locations. Split causing losses of backfill material. Perforations caused by abrasion located throughout pipe. Fire damage beneath roadway causing holes greater than 6 inch in diameter.

5.4.2 BarrelShape


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 93

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5









About the data


It is important to observe and measure the cross-sectional shape of the culvert barrel. Evidence of flattening, buckling, bulging, out of-roundness and other signs that the shape is not equal to original design should be recorded on the Site Features Sketch.

The shape inspection should begin by approaching the culvert from the ends and sighting the sides and top. Also check for signs of pavement depression, guardrail movement, or gaps between headwalls and the pipe barrel. If there is a problem, it would be best detected inside the culvert, as exterior unloaded portions may not show any deformation. Only enter a culvert if it has been assessed as safe to enter.


A critical area for the inspection of long span metal culverts is at the 2 o’clock and 10 o’clock locations. An inward bulge at these locations may indicate potential failure of the structure. When distortion or curve flattening is apparent, the extent of the flattened area, in terms of arc length, length of culvert affected, and the location of the flattened area should be described in the Site Features Sketch. The length of the chord across the flattened area and the middle ordinate of the chord should be measured and recorded.


Arches are fixed on concrete footings, usually below or at the springline. The springline is a line connecting the outermost points on the sides of a culvert. This difference between pipes and arches means that an arch tends to deflect differently during the placement of backfill. Backfill forces tend to flatten the arch sides and peak its top because the springline cannot move inward like the wall of a round pipe. As a result, important shape factors to look for in an arch are flattened sides, peaked crown, and a flattened top arc. Another important shape factor in arches is symmetry. If the arch was erected with the base channels not square to the centreline, it can cause a racking of the cross section. A racked cross-section is one that is not symmetrical about the centreline of the culvert. One side tends to flatten; the other side tends to curve more while the crown moves laterally and possibly upward. If these distortions are not corrected before backfilling the arch, they usually get worse as backfill is placed.

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There are several definitions that are unique to describing shape defects in plastic pipe:

• Deflection - deviation from original design shape without the formation of sharp peaks or valley.

• Buckling - a bend, warp or crumpling. The following are forms of buckling:

• Hinging - yielding due to excessive bending moment in the pipe wall. Pipe wall exhibits a sharp crease pointed inward or outward. Hinges usually form at the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock positions.

• Wall Crushing - yielding in the wall produced by excessive compressive stresses. Pipe wall exhibits a wrinkled effect.

• Dimpling - a wavy or waffling pattern in the inner wall of the pipe due to local instability.

What to do

• If the culvert is a flexible pipe then rate its shape condition:

n Select the appropriate rating table below for the culvert barrel type.

n Select a condition rating if applicable.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following tables and enter the score in the D2 box.

D.2a Shape – Corrugated Metal Culverts

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Structure partially collapsed with crown in reverse curve.

CriticalCritical, extreme distortion and deflection throughout pipe; span dimension more than 20 percent greater than design critical.

SeriousPoor, extreme deflection at isolated locations, flattening at top of arch or crown; bottom has reverse curvature throughout; span dimension more than 15 percent greater than design. Extreme non-symmetric shape.

PoorMarginal significant distortion throughout length of pipe, lower third may be kinked, span dimension up to 15 percent greater than design, noticeable dip in guardrail over pipe.

D.2b Shape – Plastic Pipe Culverts

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Structure partially collapsed with crown in reverse curve.


Wall crushing or hinging occurring over the majority of the length of pipe under the roadway. Moderate degree of dimpling appearing. Dimples more than 10 mm deep. Wall tearing/cracking in the buckled region. Pipe deflection greater than 20% from original shape. Severe dimpling accompanied with wall splits.

SeriousWall crushing or hinging occurring with lengths greater than 0.9 m. Moderate degree of dimpling appearing. Dimples more than 10 mm deep. Wall tearing/cracking in the buckled region. Pipe deflection less than 20% from original shape.

PoorWall crushing or hinging occurring with lengths less than 0.9 m. Pipe deflection less than 15% from original shape.

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5.4.3 BarrelSeamsorJoints


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 93

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5









About the data

This considers evidence of open joints or seams, evidence of backfill infiltration, and cracking of seams. The following table applies to all culvert barrel types.

Key factors to look for in the inspection of seams and joints are indications of backfill infiltration and water exfiltration. Excessive seepage through an open joint can cause soil infiltration or erosion of the surrounding backfill material reducing lateral support. Inspection will require a flashlight. Open joints may be probed with a small rod or flat rule to check for voids. Joint defects must be recorded.

Joint defects include:

• Open joints.

• Seepage at the joints.

• Surface sinkholes over the culvert.

Seepage along the outside of the culvert barrel may remove supporting material. This process is referred to as “piping”, since a hollow cavity similar to a pipe is often formed. Piping can also occur through open joints. Piping is controlled by reducing the amount and velocity of water seeping along the outside of the culvert barrel. This may require watertight joints and in some cases anti-seep collars. Good backfill material and adequate compaction of that material are also important.

It is important to recognise that thin walled flexible pipes gain most of their compressive strength through composite action with the surrounding backfill so even small losses of the surrounding backfill can have severe impacts on the structural capacity of the culvert. If thin walled culverts can be accessed, tapping the walls is a very effective way to measure contact between the surrounding backfill and the internal wall. If hollow sections are found then replacing the material surrounding the culvert using grouting techniques should be given high priority.

What to do

• Select a rating if any of the following conditions apply.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following table and enter the score in the D3 box.

D.3 Seams or Joints - All Barrel Types

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Pipe partially collapsed or collapse is imminent.

CriticalCulvert not functioning due to alignment problems throughout. Large voids seen in fill through offset joints.


Significant openings, dislocated joints in several locations exposing fill material with joint offsets greater than 100 mm. Infiltration or exfiltration causing misalignment of pipe and settlement or depressions in roadway. Large voids seen in fill through offset joints. Extensive areas of missing mortar, infiltration or exfiltration causing misalignment of culvert and settlement or depressions in roadway.


Differential movement and separation of joints, significant infiltration or exfiltration at joints. Joint offset less than 100 mm. Voids seen in fill through offset joints. End sections dropped off at inlet. Mortar severely deteriorated, significant loss of mortar, significant infiltration or exfiltration between masonry units.

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5.5 Inlet/Outlet Adverse Conditions This section allows the assessor to assign rating and a Culvert Attribute Score if the condition of the inlet or outlet

is adverse. These ratings have been adapted from rating tables of the Ohio Department of Transportation Culvert Management Manual (ODOT 2003). This considers the condition in terms of the following factors;

• E.1 Headwalls.

• E.2 Inlet condition.

• E.3 Outlet Scour.

5.5.1 Headwalls


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 93

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5









About the data

This considers evidence of deterioration, settlement, undercutting and signs of failure of headwalls, endwalls and wingwalls.

Headwalls, endwalls, or wingwalls are designed to retain the embankment, prevent the water from undermining the culvert ends, prevent piping around the culvert, and improve the hydraulic capacity of the culvert. All headwalls, endwalls, or wingwalls are to be checked for deterioration, settlement, undercutting and signs of failure. End treatments should be inspected in a similar manner to any other structural component. Their effectiveness can directly affect the performance of the culvert.

Check for evidence of scour or undermining around footings and at inlet and outlet of culvert. Stone end treatment types use wingwalls to retain the embankment around the opening. Check stone masonry piers for mortar cracks, water and vegetation in the cracks, and for spalled, split, loose, or missing stones. Wingwalls should be inspected to ensure they are in proper vertical alignment. Wingwalls may be tilted due to settlement, slides, or scour.

There is an informative discussion of headwall hazards in the Appendices. See Appendix 15.4.

What to do

• Select a rating if any of the following conditions apply.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following table and enter the score in the E1 box.

E.1 Headwalls

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Partially collapsed headwall.


Cracking and white efflorescence. Total delaminated, spalled, map cracking and unsound concrete areas are greater than 50% of surface area. Reinforcing steel bars have extensive section losses (greater than 30% of original diameter) for more than 10 adjacent bars. Included in distressed areas reinforcing steel bars.

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E.1 Headwalls

Condition Description


Map cracking with dark/damp areas and effloresces over at least 40% of wall face. Several transverse cracks open more than 6 mm with efflorescence and rust staining. Spalling at numerous locations; extensive surface scaling greater than 10 mm. Reinforcing steel bars have extensive section losses (greater than 10% of original diameter) for more than 4 adjacent bars. Total delaminated/spalled areas less than 25% of surface area. Included in distressed areas reinforcing steel bars have extensive section losses (greater than 20% of original diameter) for more than 5 adjacent bars. Severe differential or rotational settlement. (Rotation of less than 300 mm per metre).


Map cracking with dark/damp areas, effloresces and unsound concrete over 30% of wall face. Several horizontal and diagonal cracks open more than 3 mm with efflorescence and rust staining. Spalling at numerous locations; extensive surface scaling greater than 10 mm. Included in distressed areas reinforcing steel bars have extensive section losses (greater than 10% of original diameter) for more than 4 adjacent bars. Total delaminated/spalled areas less than 25% of surface area. Severe differential or rotational settlement. Barrel pulling away from headwall (less than 25mm gap).

5.5.2 InletCondition

About the data

This considers evidence of adverse flow alignment conditions and erosion at the inlet.

Inspect the physical conditions associated with the flow of water into the culvert, such as stream stability and the condition of the channel, riprap, and slope protection. Look for visible signs of excessive water velocity, which may affect undermining of slope protection or footings, erosion of banks, and realignment of the stream, which may result in immediate or potential problems. Accumulation of vegetation and debris at the inlet and approach channel should be recorded on the Site Features Sketch.

Check for scour of the stream bed, banks, formation of sandbars, or debris, which could change the direction of flow, or other obstructions, which could influence the adequacy of the waterway opening.

What to do

• Select a rating if any of the following conditions apply.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following table and enter the score in the E2 box.

E.2 Inlet Condition

Condition Description

Imminent Failure

No flow enters culvert. All of the flow pipes around culvert barrel.

CriticalFlow is piping around culvert. Erosion to embankment impacting roadway. The waterway has changed to the extent the culvert is near a state of collapse.

SeriousLateral movement has changed the waterway to now threaten the culvert and/or approach roadway.

PoorStream has meandered or has deposited sediment diverting flow causing erosion to embankment. Flow enters pipe by other means than designed opening.


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 93

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5









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5.5.3 OutletScour

About the data

This considers evidence of adverse flow alignment conditions and erosion at the outlet.

The assessor should indicate the location and extent of any undercutting around the ends of the barrel. The depth of any scouring should be measured with a probing rod. In low flow conditions scour holes have a tendency to fill up with debris or sediment.

Record the condition of the outlet channel, energy dissipation structures and erosion protection measures. Look for the presence of scour holes that may undermine the outlet structures or the toe of the embankment slope.

What to do

• Select a rating if any of the following conditions apply.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following table and enter the score in the E3 box.

E.3 Outlet Scour

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Culvert closed because of channel failure.

Critical Streambed degradation causing severe settlement.

SeriousMajor scour holes at inlet or outlet (1 m or deeper) undermining cutoff walls or headwalls. Footing is undermined.

PoorSignificant scour holes developing at inlet or outlet (less than 1 m deep). Does not appear to be undermining cutoff walls or headwalls. Bottom of footing is exposed. Major stream erosion behind headwall that threatens to undermine culvert.

5.6 Roadway and Embankment Adverse Conditions This section allows the assessor to assign a Culvert Attribute Score if the condition of the roadway or embankment

is rated as Poor, Serious, Critical or Imminent Failure. These ratings have been adapted from rating tables of the Ohio Department of Transportation Culvert Management Manual (ODOT 2003).

5.6.1 Pavement

About the data

This considers evidence of adverse conditions of the road pavement (eg sag, cracking, settlement). Review the culvert’s pavement maintenance history if available.


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 93

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5










RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 93

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5









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Defects in the pavement and embankment may be indicators of possible structural or hydraulic problems in the culvert. The approach pavement and embankment should be inspected for the following conditions:

• Sag in roadway or guardrail.

• Cracks in pavement.

• Pavement patches or evidence that roadway has settled.

• Erosion or failure of side slopes.

Approach roadways should be examined for sudden dips, cracks, and sags in the pavement. These usually indicate excessive deflection of the culvert or inadequate compaction of the backfill material. New pavement can temporarily hide approach problems. It is advisable for the assessor to check maintenance records to assess the age of the present overlay.

It is important to note that not all defects in the approach roadways are due to an adverse affect from the culvert. Deterioration of the pavement may be due to excessive traffic and no other reason.

What to do

• Select a rating if any of the following conditions apply.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following table and enter the score in the F1 box.

F.1 Pavement

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Road Closed. Impending pavement and /or embankment failure.

Critical Significant pavement settlement/cracking. Embankment washed out next to pavement.

Serious Major potholes and settlement. Repairs required immediately.

Poor Broken pavement with settlement and misalignment.

5.6.2 Embankment

About the data

This considers evidence of adverse conditions of the road embankment (eg settlement, bulging, voids and erosion).

The general condition of the road embankment must be inspected for indications of settlement, bulging, voids and erosion from stream scour or saturation from entrapped water due to poor drainage.

The embankment around the culvert inlet and outlet should be inspected for slide failures. Check for debris at the inlet and outlet and within the culvert.

What to do

• Select a rating if any of the following conditions apply.

What to write

• Tick a box if applicable using the following table and enter the score in the F2 box.


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 93

D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5









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5.7 Potentially Affected Development or Features

F.2 Embankment

Condition Description

Imminent Failure Embankment failure could allow loss of culvert.

Critical A lane of traffic is closed due to embankment failure; Several guardrail posts are hanging due to major channel erosion.

Serious Shoulder eroded away. Guardrail post anchor undermined greater than 3 posts in a row.

Poor Major erosion caused by drainage or channel; Evidence of foundation settlement; Erosion to embankment impacting guardrail performance or encroaching on shoulder.


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 94

G. Potentially affected development or features

General Nature of Adjacent Development:

Residential Industrial/ Commercial Open Space National Park /Wildlife Reserve Drainage/ Water Storage Catchment

Specific Developments/Features Distance from road (m)

Regularly occupied buildingsDomestic/residentialCommercial/residentialEducationalOfficesIndustrialOther:

Normally unoccupied buildings



Power distribution

Water supply

Gas supply


Open space


Typical ScoringDevelopment Type Score*

- Occupied buildings 10- Unoccupied buildings 5- Other roads 10- Railways 10- Open spaces 5- Services 5- None 0

H. Culvert attribute score B1 B2 B3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 G Total Score

I. Inspection NotesWeather Conditions on

day of inspection

Weather Conditions onpreceding days

Ground Conditions(eg acid sulphate, saline

soil, high pH, etc)Decommissioned or

culverts in vicinity

Age of culvert(years)

J. Recommended preventative maintenance measures

Est. Cost of Full Repair$

Debris removalVegetation removalFlush sedimentJoint sealing/repairConcrete repair(patch cracks, spalls)

Scour hole repairStabilise channelStabiliseembankment

Strategic Estimate< $50,000< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000>$500,000


K. Possible remedial measures

Inlet/OutletAdd wing wallAdd energy dissipaterAdd debris protection

BarrelInvert repair (pave, armour, coat)Replace a section/cellCulvert barrel liningReplace

Strategic Estimate for remedialmeasures

< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000<$1,000,000>$1,000,000



About the data

This part helps to identify the elements at risk.

What to do

• Identify developments or features which may be affected directly or indirectly by a given failure mechanism.

What to write

• Tick the box describing the general nature of the developments. More than one can be ticked.

• For each specific feature, if it exists, enter distance from road in metres. Estimates are sufficient, but must be measured if the exact distance is critical to the analysis. Distances should be recorded from the crest or toe of the embankment as appropriate.

• Where the development type is not on the checklist, it is important to record it as “other” and to describe it.

• Calculate and enter a score for G.

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5.8 Inspection Notes


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 94

G. Potentially affected development or features

General Nature of Adjacent Development:

Residential Industrial/ Commercial Open Space National Park /Wildlife Reserve Drainage/ Water Storage Catchment

Specific Developments/Features Distance from road (m)

Regularly occupied buildingsDomestic/residentialCommercial/residentialEducationalOfficesIndustrialOther:

Normally unoccupied buildings



Power distribution

Water Supply

Gas supply


Open space


Typical ScoringDevelopment Type Score*

- Occupied buildings 10- Unoccupied buildings 5- Other roads 10- Railways 10- Open spaces 5- Services 5- None 0

H. Culvert attribute score B1 B2 B3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 G Total Score

Inspection NotesWeather Conditions on

day of inspection

Weather Conditions onpreceding days

Ground Conditions(eg acid sulphate, saline

soil, high pH, etc)Decommissioned or

culverts in vicinity

Age of culvert(years)

J. Recommended preventative maintenance measures

Est. Cost of Full Repair$

Debris removalVegetation removalFlush sedimentJoint sealing/repairConcrete repair(patch cracks, spalls)

Scour hole repairStabilise channelStabiliseembankment

Strategic Estimate< $50,000< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000>$500,000


K. Possible remedial measures

Inlet/OutletAdd wing wallAdd energy dissipaterAdd debris protection

BarrelInvert repair (pave, armour, coat)Replace a section/cellCulvert barrel liningReplace

Strategic Estimate for remedialmeasures

< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000<$1,000,000>$1,000,000



About the data

This part is for comments about factors that may influence the assessment.

Some ground and embankment conditions have a higher risk factor than others. The following table lists materials in risk order, from highest to lowest:

Risk Order Material

High Risk Factor

Low Risk Factor

Sandy Material

Decomposed Material


Rocky material

Clayey material

What to write

• Make brief notes about:

n Weather conditions on the day.

n Weather before the assessment.

n Ground and soils. See appendix 15.3 for soil descriptions.

n Decommissioned culverts if any.

• Enter the known or estimated age of the culvert. Take photos to help with age estimates if construction date is not known.

5.9 Culvert Attribute Score


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 94

G. Potentially affected development or features

General Nature of Adjacent Development:

Residential Industrial/ Commercial Open Space National Park /Wildlife Reserve Drainage/ Water Storage Catchment

Specific Developments/Features Distance from road (m)

Regularly occupied buildingsDomestic/residentialCommercial/residentialEducationalOfficesIndustrialOther:

Normally unoccupied buildings



Power distribution

Water supply

Gas supply


Open space


Typical ScoringDevelopment Type Score*

- Occupied buildings 10- Unoccupied buildings 5- Other roads 10- Railways 10- Open spaces 5- Services 5- None 0

H. Culvert attribute score B1 B2 B3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 G Total Score

I. Inspection NotesWeather Conditions on

day of inspection

Weather Conditions onpreceding days

Ground Conditions(eg acid sulphate, saline

soil, high pH, etc)Decommissioned or

culverts in vicinity

Age of culvert(years)

J. Recommended preventative maintenance measures

Est. Cost of Full Repair$

Debris removalVegetation removalFlush sedimentJoint sealing/repairConcrete repair(patch cracks, spalls)

Scour hole repairStabilise channelStabiliseembankment

Strategic Estimate< $50,000< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000>$500,000


K. Possible remedial measures

Inlet/OutletAdd wing wallAdd energy dissipaterAdd debris protection

BarrelInvert repair (pave, armour, coat)Replace a section/cellCulvert barrel liningReplace

Strategic Estimate for remedialmeasures

< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000<$1,000,000>$1,000,000



About the data

Scores were allocated mainly on the presence or absence of various features and in some cases on the scale of the attribute. Each score reflects the significance of any feature as an indication of the potential for a failure mechanism, with low scores allocated if the feature is present but not particularly indicative of an active mechanism and high scores when the feature is indicative of active mechanisms.

What to write

• Transfer scores from the other boxes and calculate the total culvert attribute score.

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5.10 Recommended Maintenance Measures


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 94

G. Potentially affected development or features

General Nature of Adjacent Development:

Residential Industrial/ Commercial Open Space National Park /Wildlife Reserve Drainage/ Water Storage Catchment

Specific Developments/Features Distance from road (m)

Regularly occupied buildingsDomestic/residentialCommercial/residentialEducationalOfficesIndustrialOther:

Normally unoccupied buildings



Power distribution

Water Supply

Gas supply


Open space


Typical ScoringDevelopment Type Score*

- Occupied buildings 10- Unoccupied buildings 5- Other roads 10- Railways 10- Open spaces 5- Services 5- None 0

H. Culvert attribute score B1 B2 B3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E E F1 F2 G Total Score

I. Inspection NotesWeather Conditions on

day of inspection

Weather Conditions onpreceding days

Ground Conditions(eg acid sulphate, saline

soil, high pH, etc)Decommissioned or

culverts in vicinity

Age of culvert(years)

J. Recommended preventative maintenance measures

Cost of Full Repair$

Debris removalVegetation removalFlush sedimentJoint sealing/repairConcrete repair(patch cracks, spalls)

Scour hole repairStabilise channelStabiliseembankment

Strategic Estimate< $50,000< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000>$500,000


K. Possible remedial measures

Inlet/OutletAdd wing wallAdd energy dissipaterAdd debris protection

BarrelInvert repair (pave, armour, coat)Replace a section/cellCulvert barrel liningReplace

Strategic Estimate for remedialmeasures

< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000<$1,000,000>$1,000,000



Timeframe forrecommended repair

< 12 months< 2 years< 5 years> 5 years

About the data

This part is used to indicate any maintenance measures which might allow the culvert to operate effectively or which extends the life of the culvert.

Strategic Estimate is an estimate in current dollars of what it might cost to remediate the culvert, based on the assessor’s knowledge and experience. The RTA’s current cost estimation policy is focused on the preparation of “unlikely to be exceeded” estimates. Strategic estimates are range estimates.

What to write

• Tick any measures that apply.

• If there are other measures not listed, such as a debris screen, emergency/alternative inlet, or scour protection that can be applied, make a note in the comments.

• Tick one of the Strategic Estimates categories.

• The Cost of Full Repair is the cost of full culvert repair should collapse occur as a result of not undertaking recommended maintenance measures.

5.11 Possible Remedial Measures

About the data

This part is used to indicate any treatment measures which might be considered to be reasonably effective.

Strategic estimates are range estimates; see the comment in section 5.10 above. Note that the range categories are different for maintenance and remedial measures.

What to write

• Tick any measures that apply to the inlet or outlet. If other measure might be applied make a note in the comments.

• Tick any measures that apply to the barrel. If other measures apply make a note.

• Tick one of the Strategic Estimates options.


RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 94

G. Potentially affected development or features

General Nature of Adjacent Development:

Residential Industrial/ Commercial Open Space National Park /Wildlife Reserve Drainage/ Water Storage Catchment

Specific Developments/Features Distance from road (m)

Regularly occupied buildingsDomestic/residentialCommercial/residentialEducationalOfficesIndustrialOther:

Normally unoccupied buildings



Power distribution

Water supply

Gas supply


Open space


Typical ScoringDevelopment Type Score*

- Occupied buildings 10- Unoccupied buildings 5- Other roads 10- Railways 10- Open spaces 5- Services 5- None 0

H. Culvert attribute score B1 B2 B3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 G Total Score

I. Inspection NotesWeather Conditions on

day of inspection

Weather Conditions onpreceding days

Ground Conditions(eg acid sulphate, saline

soil, high pH, etc)Decommissioned or

culverts in vicinity

Age of culvert(years)

J. Recommended preventative maintenance measures

Est. Cost of Full Repair$

Debris removalVegetation removalFlush sedimentJoint sealing/repairConcrete repair(patch cracks, spalls)

Scour hole repairStabilise channelStabiliseembankment

Strategic Estimate< $50,000< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000>$500,000


K. Possible remedial measures

Inlet/OutletAdd wing wallAdd energy dissipaterAdd debris protection

BarrelInvert repair (pave, armour, coat)Replace a section/cellCulvert barrel liningReplace

Strategic Estimate for remedialmeasures

< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000<$1,000,000>$1,000,000



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5.12 Photo and Image FilesAppendices

RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 95

L. Photo and image filesFile Name Caption

Notes for data entry Some fields can be filled in at the office before taking the form into the field.A. Identification • Enter the date of assessment and your assessor number.

• If any location data already entered is wrong, please correct it. Add any missing data.• Please write the culvert number at the top of all pages, in case they get separated.

B. Geometry • If any location data already entered is wrong, please correct it. Add any missing data.

C. Site featuressketch

• Complete the sketch on site. If required, draw separate additional sketches of specific features.• Indicate the points where photographs were taken.

D. Culvert BarrelFeatures

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores.

E. Inlet OutletFeatures

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores.

F. Roadway andEmbankment

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores.

G Potentiallyaffected devel.

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores. Write distances from the culvert.

H Culvert AttributeScore

• Transcribe the previous scores and calculate the total score.

I Inspection notes • Enter brief notes as appropriate.• Enter actual or estimated age of culvert structure.

J Preventativemaintenance

• Tick appropriate measures.• Enter comment if other measures are suitable.

K Remedialmeasures

• Tick appropriate measures.• Enter comment if other measures are suitable.

L. Photos andimages

• List file names and descriptive captions.

M. Risk analysis • Determine which hazards are present. For those that apply:o Calculate likelihoods (see Guideline).o Calculate temporal probability, vulnerability and consequence for life(see Guideline).o Calculate economic consequence(see Guideline).o Determine Assessed Risk Level rating(see Guideline).

About the data

This part allows you to list the filenames and captions for any photographs, sketches or other images that you submit with the Culvert Risk Assessment Record. Each photo must have its filename and caption listed in the table. It has space for about 15 photos and sketches. If there are more, then attach a list.

Photographs of the culvert inlet and outlet should include the culvert number, written in marking paint or chalk in clearly visible form.

Photographs must be taken to show:

• The general location of the culvert, and its inlet, outlet and barrel.

• Any damage to the culvert inlet or outlet. Take a photo showing this in detail and also an overall photo showing a general view of the layout of the damaged area.

• Any damage to the embankment or roadway. Take a photo of the damage, plus an overall photo showing a general view of the layout of the damaged area.

• Significant features, including elements at risk that will affect the risk rating of the slope.

All sketches made should be scanned as JPEG files and added to the list.

What to write

The following is an example of files names and captions for Culvert 600007. File naming is described below.

File Name Caption

600007_20080502_P01.JPG Inlet

600007_20080502_P02.JPG Outlet

Barrel – unable to photograph due to water in the barrel

600007_20080502_P03.JPG Batter Scour, Wash out at outlet

600007_20080502_P04.JPG General Site

600007_20080502_P05.JPG Guard rail marking

600007_20080502_S01.JPG Sketch of the general site

Naming and Format of Photographs and Images

• Photos and Images are to be provided in accordance with the contract specification for file storage and transfer. For example, they might need to be provided on a CD or DVD in jpeg format.

• Each image file should be listed in the Culvert Data Collection Form.

• The file naming pattern is NNNNNN_YYYYMMDD_PNN.filetype, where:

n NNNNNN is the culvert number.

n YYYYMMDD is the date the photo was taken (note reversed order).

n P is a code for photos; S is a code for sketches or diagrams.

n nn is the photo number.

• For example 600007_20080502_P01.JPG is a photograph of culvert 60007 taken on 2 May 2008, and is the first photograph. And 600007_20080502_S01.JPG is the first sketch.

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• Filetype is usually JPEG (or JPG). JPEG files must be supplied with a 300kB limit, with a preferred range from 200kB to 300kB. However, any higher resolution originals should also be provided on CD. High-res file names use the convention described above, but with an “F” (for “full resolution”) added after the photo number. eg NNNNNN_YYYYMMDD_PnnF.JPG

Hints on Taking Photographs

• Consider whether the photograph is showing what you intend it to show and is useful to others.

• When taking photographs inside the culvert barrel, the camera should be angled towards the wall of the barrel. This will allow the illuminated wall to occupy the larger area on the photograph.

• In detail photos, include an object to help show scale – eg a tape measure, or mobile phone.

• When taking photographs external to the culvert, include enough surroundings in the photograph to allow an overall assessment of the culvert to be made.

5.13 Risk Analysis About the data

This part of the Culvert Risk Assessment Record is used to record likelihoods, ratings and the Assessed Risk Level (ARL).

Kinds of Hazards

There are four broad modes of culvert failure, and each failure mode can have different initiating mechanisms. The failure mode groupings and initiating mechanisms (hazard types) are as follows.

SC Structural Collapse SC-1 Structural collapse of the barrel

SI Slope Instability SI-1 Slope Instability Caused by Afflux

SI-2 Slope Instability Caused by Leakage out of the Barrel

SI-3 Slope Instability Caused by Headwall Collapse

SI-4 Slope Instability Caused by Undermining at the Inlet or Outlet

PI Piping

PI-1 Piping into the Culvert

PI-2 Piping on the Outside of Culvert due to Afflux

PI-3 Piping on the Outside of Culvert due to Leakage out of the Culvert

HF Hydraulic Flow

HF-1 Erosion by Overtopping Flows

HF-2 Cross-Catchment Flooding

For each kind, the following chapters provide

• Hazard descriptions and illustrations.

• A list of contributing factors.

• A list of possible consequences.

• A formula for likelihood estimates.

• Likelihood descriptions and tables for deriving estimates.

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The risk analysis part of the form looks like this:Appendices

RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 96

M. Risk Analysis


SC-1 SI-1 SI-2 SI-3 SI-4 PI-1 PI-2 PI-3 HF-1 HF-2

Hazard Type





LeakageOut ofBarrel








Outsideof Culvertdue toAfflux


Outsideof Culvertdue toLeaks outof Culvert


Erosionby Over-toppingFlows



Likelihood Ratings


Factor 1


Factor 2


Factor 3

Final Likelihood

Likelihood Rating(L1 - L6)

ConsequenceClass Ratings *

Temporal Probability

(T1 - T5)


(V1 - V5)

Consequence Classfor Loss of Life (C1 -C5)

Consequence Classfor property damage(C1 - C5)

* In general T, V and C ratings will be the same for all hazards, except for HF-2 which will have a different zone of influence (ie acrossother catchments) and different elements at risk.

Risk AnalysisRatings

Assessed RiskLevel(ARL1 - ARL5)

Need for further investigation? (Y/N) Yes No


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What to do

Step 1

Though entering values in the Risk Analysis table is simple, determining just what value should be entered at each step requires some guidance, so the procedure is described in separate chapters. The steps involved are:

• Identify Hazard Failure Mechanisms.

• Calculate Failure Likelihood Rating.

• Calculate Consequence Class Rating.

• Determine Assessed Risk Level Rating.

Step 2

• If the culvert needs further investigation, enter Y in the Y/N field.

• Enter a comment summarising the risks.

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6 Structural Collapse (SC) Hazards and Likelihood

Howtousethischapter:This chapter describes failure modes and mechanisms resulting in structural collapse, and how to calculate likelihood.

This mode of failure involves the collapse of the culvert barrel due to deterioration, corrosion, structural overload or loss of the invert. There is one potential failure mechanism.

6.1 SC-1 Structural Collapse of Barrel6.1.1 HazardIdentification

Figure 6 Structural collapse of the barrel

Structural collapse of a culvert could occur due to structural overload of the culvert (eg, inadequate design) or to deterioration of the culvert leading to loss of strength (eg, corrosion of metal pipes, corrosion of reinforcing steel). Collapse of the culvert barrel could subsequently lead to development of a void or depression on the road surface. See Figure 6.


The factors that could contribute to this failure mechanism include:

• Culvert type (eg. reinforced concrete pipes, either butt jointed, spigot and socket, with or without banding on joints, buried corrugated metal pipes (BCMS) spirally wound or not, etc).

• Depth of cover.

• Culvert condition – eg evidence of corrosion of steel elements, longitudinal cracking of concrete, corrosion/scour of the invert.

• Loss of supporting material.

Structural Collapse (SC) Hazards and Likelihood

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6.1.2 LikelihoodEstimation The recommended approach to estimating the likelihood of failure of this mechanism is to estimate the likelihood of

two components:

What to do

• Determine appropriate component values from tables SC-1.1 and SC-1.2 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.


The failure mechanism typically develops over time; however a certain rainfall event may trigger a failure. The potential consequences of this failure mechanism include:

• Void/sinkhole on the road surface causing an accident.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

Likelihood of failure SC-1

= Likelihood of collapse of culvert barrel (table SC-1.1)

x Likelihood of void or settlement at road surface (table SC-1.2)

SC-1.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of collapse of culvert barrel

Culvert barrel type

Condition and loading on structure

Descriptors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

RC Box, RC Pipe.

Failed or Failure is Imminent.

Culvert roof has collapsed or is badly deformed with extensive cracking of the concrete pipe/box section.

0.9 - 1.0 Will occur this year.

Poor Condition.

Overloaded structure showing signs of structural distress in the concrete (eg extensive longitudinal cracking of the obvert or invert).

0.1 - 0.5 May occur in 2-10 years time.

Concrete is in a Deteriorated Condition.

Concrete pipe or box section is in a deteriorated condition (eg reinforcement badly corroded to the extent that the structural capacity is reduced).

0.01-0.1 May occur in 10-100 years time.

Good Condition.

Concrete pipe or box section is in a good condition, with no or only minor signs of cracking or deterioration.

Negligible Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

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SC-1.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of collapse of culvert barrel

Culvert barrel type

Condition and loading on structure

Descriptors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Metal (Steel Arch, Steel Pipe).

Failed or Failure is Imminent.

Culvert roof has collapsed or is badly deformed (eg buckling or large deformation of the steel section, >40% deformed/blocked). Misalignment/settlement >20mm.

0.9 - 1.0 Will occur this year.

Badly Deteriorated Condition.

Severe corrosion of the steel section/floor (eg contains holes, majority of steel section is lost), or invert is almost completely lost due to corrosion or abrasion. Bleeding of joints noted. Deformed/blocked by 11-40% misalignment/settlement observed up to 20mm.

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

Deteriorated Condition.

Structure shows some signs of structural distress or localised corrosion/abrasion (eg section is slightly out of shape, areas of localised deformations, loss of invert limited to small areas). Some bleeding out of joints noted. Deformation or blockage observed 6-10%.

0.05 - 0.2 May occur in 5-20 years time.

Good Condition.

Steel section is in a good condition, with no or only minor signs of surface corrosion. Minor deformation or blockage of 2-5%. No visible scour/erosion or bleeding from joints.


Other (eg. masonry, timber, plastic).

Failed or Failure is Imminent.

Culvert roof has collapsed or is badly deformed (eg large deformation of the section, >40%, collapsed roof).

0.9 - 1.0 Will occur this year.

Badly Deteriorated Condition.

Severe deterioration of the culvert material (eg timber affected by wood rot or termites, masonry/stone missing blocks), or undermining of culvert footings. Deformation 11-40%.

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

Deteriorated Condition.

Structure shows some signs of deterioration or localised deformation 6-10%.

0.05 - 0.2 May occur in 5-20 years time.

Good Condition.

Culvert is in good condition, with no or only minor signs of surface deterioration.

0.001 - 0.01

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SC-1.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of void or settlement at road surface

Relative depth of cover over culvert

Nature of materials overlying the culvert structure

Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Shallow depth (equivalent to dia. of culvert).

Any materials - collapse of culvert would likely lead to subsidence at the road surface.

0.5 - 0.9 Will definitely occur given collapse.

Moderate depth (equivalent to 2 x dia. culvert).

Majority of the overlying fill materials are uncompacted materials or wet, loose materials.

0.2 - 0.5

Majority of the overlying fill is compacted material.

0.05 - 0.1

Deep depth (equivalent to > 2 x dia. culvert).

Majority of the overlying fill materials are uncompacted materials or wet, loose materials.

0.05 - 0.2

Majority of the overlying fill is compacted material.

0.01 - 0.05

Table Notes

• Voids:Consider the ability of the road pavement to bridge across voids in assessing the potential for a void affecting the road surface.

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7 Slope Instability (SI) Hazards and Likelihood

Howtousethischapter:This chapter describes failure modes and mechanisms from slope instability, and how to calculate likelihood.

This mode of failure involves failure of the road embankment due to slope movement processes induced by poor performance of the culvert structure. There are four potential failure mechanisms.

7.1 SI-1 Slope Instability Caused by Afflux7.1.1 HazardIdentification Afflux is the temporary build up of water at the inlet side of the culvert.

Figure 7 Instability caused by afflux

This failure mechanism involves damming of water on the upstream side due to blockage of the inlet by debris or vegetation, or insufficient hydraulic capacity. Stored water may lead to saturation of fill and/or increase in pore pressure in the embankment, contributing to slope instability on the downstream side.


The factors contributing to the ponding of water on the upstream side of the culvert include:

• Hydraulic capacity of the culvert.

• Potential for blockage at the inlet (or within culvert).

The factors contributing to instability of the embankment given storage of water are dependent on

• Location of the road embankment (eg, a steep slope).

• Embankment material and compaction.

• Foundation material – potential for low strength materials and strain weakening materials.

• Embankment condition and downstream slopes.

Slope Instability (SI) Hazards and Likelihood

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The potential consequences of this failure type include:

• Void in the road causing an accident/loss of life.

• Debris flow causing loss of life or damage down slope of the failure.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

7.1.2 LikelihoodEstimation The suggested approach is to estimate the likelihood of the following sub-events:

Likelihood of failure SI-1

= Likelihood of storm event

exceeding capacity (table S1-1.1 )

x Likelihood of culvert blockage or insufficient

hydraulic capacity (table SI-1.2)

x Likelihood of instability of road embankment (table SI-1.3)

What to do

• Determine appropriate component values from tables SI-1.1, SI-1.2, SI-1.3 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L rating.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

SI-1.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of storm event exceeding capacity

Once the culvert hydraulic capacity is known and the type of gully line assessed then an assessment of likely capacity in major events can be made.

A storm event exceeding that capacity can be expressed in average recurrence intervals (ARI) such as 1 year, 5 year 10 year 20 year 50 year or 100 year events, and hence can be expressed as probabilities (AEP) in any one year as 1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, or 0.01.

SI-1.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of culvert blockage or insufficient hydraulic capacity

Potential for ponding Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Afflux (embankment surcharge) due to obstruction is likely to occur for frequent rainfall events.

Culvert inlet is overgrown with bulky vegetation and/or debris, (eg trees, boulders, fridges etc.) 75% to 100% blockage.

0.5-1.0 Will occur this year or the next.

Partial blockage of culvert by vegetation and/or debris, 40 to 75% blockage.

Culvert is prone to blockage by debris during frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 2 ARI to 1 in 5 ARI events).

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

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SI-1.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of culvert blockage or insufficient hydraulic capacity

Afflux (embankment surcharge) due to obstruction is likely to occur for infrequent rainfall events.

Minor obstruction of culvert (25% to 40%) by debris/vegetation.

Culvert is likely to be obstructed by debris during less frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 10 ARI to 1 in 20 ARI events).

0.05 - 0.1 May occur in 10-20 years time.

Afflux (embankment surcharge) due to rainfall event exceeding flow capacity.

Assign probability corresponding to the ARI of the rainfall event that exceeds the capacity of the culvert.

Table Notes

Culverts can perform very differently in moderate and extreme storm events. Generally silty materials build up and block culverts in numerous moderate events but can flushed out in extreme storm events. Heavily treed or boulder lined gullies generally remain clear in all but extreme events, when they are likely to block due to the large debris size.

SI-1.3 Guidance Table: Likelihood of instability of road embankment

Evidence of embankment instability

Presence of high risk factors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

The embankment shows evidence of active deep seated movement or slumping (eg tension cracks, pavement depressions, toe bulge, slumping of slopes).

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.5 - 0.9

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.2 - 0.5

No high risk factors are present. 0.05 - 0.2

The embankment shows circumstantial evidence of deep seated movement or slumping (eg longitudinal cracks on road pavement, settlement of road edge/verge).

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.2 - 0.5

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.05 - 0.2

No high risk factors are present. 0.01 - 0.05

No evidence of embankment instability.

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.01 - 0.05

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.001 - 0.01

No high risk factors are present. Negligible

Table Notes

High risk factors include:

• Geological environment (embankment founded on colluvial soils, basaltic clays). Colluvial: a combination of soil and rock typically formed by gravity flow.

• Low strength materials in the embankment or foundation.

• High pore pressures in the embankment or foundation.

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• Embankment founded on steep slopes (above likelihoods should be revised for steep slopes).

• Water observed coming out of the embankment fill or toe of the slope.

• Steep downstream batter.

7.2 SI-2 Slope Instability Caused by Leakage out of Barrel7.2.1 HazardIdentification

Figure 8 Instability due to leakage / headwall collapse / undermining

This failure mechanism involves instability from water leaking out of the culvert leading to saturation of fill or foundation materials below the culvert. Leakage may occur through open joints caused by separation of pipe segments due to soil creep or differential settlement, or deterioration of the culvert. This may be observed by settlement at the road surface, stepping of the culvert, or movement of the road embankment.


The factors that could contribute to this failure are related to both leakage out of the culvert and slope instability.

The factors contributing to the leakage out of the culvert include:

• Condition of the culvert – joint condition, pipe separation through settlement or other, culvert deterioration (corrosion of invert).

The factors contributing to instability of the embankment given leakage out of the culvert:

• Scour undermining the toe.

• Observed condition of the embankment – evidence of instability, slumping.

• Embankment material and compaction.

• Foundation material – potential for low strength materials and strain weakening materials.

• Downstream slope, eg localised slumping.

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The potential consequences of this failure type include:

• Void in the road causing an accident.

• Debris flow causing loss of life or damage down slope of the failure.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

7.2.2 LikelihoodEstimation The suggested approach is to estimate the likelihood of the following sub-events:

Likelihood of failure SI-2

= Likelihood of leakage out of culvert

(table S1-2.1)

x Likelihood of embankment slope instability (table SI-2.2)

What to do

• Determine appropriate component values from tables SI-2.1 and SI-2.2 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L rating.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

SI-2.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of leakage out of culvert

Condition Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Evidence that there is substantial leakage out of the culvert on a regular basis. May be evidenced by settlement at road level.

Water flowing into large open joints or defects in obvert of culvert (i.e. opening > 50mm), outflow from culvert is significantly less than inflow. If on a steep slope, toe may be blown out or slump.

0.9 - 1.0 Will occur this year.

Evidence that there is minor leakage out of the culvert. Minor settlement may be noted at road level.

Water flowing into open joints, holes or other defects are present in the obvert of the culvert barrel (opening < 20mm). If on a steep slope, toe may shows signs of cracking/ slumping/ seepage.

0.5 - 0.9 May occur in 2 years time.

No evidence of open joints, holes or other defects in the obvert, but potential for differential movement or deterioration in the next 2 to 5 years which may lead to open defects developing.

Joints are presently closed and presently there are no open defects, but the culvert barrel is susceptible to defects developing in next 2 to 5 years.

(eg steel pipe in advanced stages of corrosion and/or abrasion, potential movement of butt jointed pipes, potential for offsetting of pipe segments due to soil creep effects).

0.05 - 0.2 May occur in 2-5 years time.

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SI-2.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of leakage out of culvert

Condition Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

No evidence of open joints, holes or other defects in the obvert, but potential for differential movement or deterioration in the next 5 to 10 years which may lead to open defects developing.

Joints are closed and presently there are no open defects, but the culvert barrel is susceptible to defects developing in next 5 to 10 years.

(eg steel pipe susceptible to corrosion and/or abrasion, potential movement of butt jointed pipes, potential for offsetting of pipe segments due to soil creep effects).

0.01 - 0.05 May occur in 5-10 years time.

No evidence of open joints, holes or other defects through which water can leak out of the culvert, low potential for differential movements or deterioration.

Culvert barrel and barrel joints are in good condition, no observable open defects.

Negligible (failure mode ruled out).

Negligible (failure mode ruled out).

SI-2.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of embankment slope instability

Evidence of embankment instability

Presence of high risk factors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

The embankment shows evidence of active deep seated movement or slumping (eg tension cracks, pavement depressions, toe bulge, slumping of slopes).

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.5 - 0.9

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.2 - 0.5

No high risk factors are present. 0.05 - 0.2

The embankment shows circumstantial evidence of deep seated movement or slumping (eg longitudinal cracks on road pavement, settlement of road edge/verge).

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.2 - 0.5

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.05 - 0.2

No high risk factors are present. 0.01 - 0.05

No evidence of embankment instability.

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.01 - 0.05

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.001 - 0.01

No high risk factors are present. Negligible

Table Notes

High risk factors include:

• Low strength materials in the embankment or foundation.

• High pore pressures in the embankment or foundation.

• Embankment founded on steep slopes.

• Water observed coming out of the embankment fill or toe of the slope.

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The suggested approach is to estimate the likelihood of the following sub-events:

What to do

• Determine appropriate values from tables SI-3.1 and SI-3.2 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

7.3 SI-3 Slope Instability Caused by Headwall Collapse7.3.1 HazardIdentification This involves the collapse of the headwall structure taking with it a portion of the road embankment. See Figure 8.

This failure mode occurs when the headwall (at either the inlet or outlet) has been subjected to erosion and collapses taking with it a portion of the road pavement.


The factors contributing to this failure mechanism include:

• Depth of soil at road embankment.

• The distance from the headwall to the edge line (EL).

• The amount of erosion caused by nesting animals, poor compaction, etc.

• Additional lanes providing a squeeze-point at this location.

• Guard rail is bolted to the headwall.


The potential consequences for this failure type include:

• Collapse of headwall and loss of pavement.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

7.3.2 LikelihoodEstimation

Likelihood of failure SI-3

= Likelihood of headwall collapse (table SI-3.1)

x Likelihood of pavement collapse given headwall collapse


SI-3.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of headwall collapse

Condition Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Headwall likely to collapse. Shows significant erosion around headwall, cracking and animal nesting obvious. Road has been widened in past creating a squeezepoint/narrowing. Headwall is tilting or bulging due to movement.

Reflector posts or guard rails are physically attached to headwall causing failure of pavement when headwall collapses. Road has been widened such that when headwall collapses shoulder also collapses.

0.5-1.0 Will occur this year or the next.

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SI-3.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of headwall collapse

Condition Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Some cracking noted and erosion due to poorly compacted material and nesting animals obvious. Some tilting or bulging noted.

0.1 - 0.5 May occur in 2-10 years time.

Minor cracking noted. No tilting or bulging.

Unlikely unless impacted on attached guard rail due to accident at road level.

0.01 - 0.1 May occur in 10 to 100 years time.

Good condition, well designed and constructed, no evidence of cracking or tilting or bulging.

Unlikely unless impacted on attached guard rail due to accident at road level.


SI-3.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of pavement collapse given headwall collapse

Slope angle between the edge line (EL) and base of headwall

Likelihood range

Equivalent to

60 degrees or more. Attached to guard rail or reflector post or similar.

0.9 Will definitely occur given headwall collapse.

Between 45 degrees and 60 degrees. Attached as above.


Between 45 degrees and 60 degrees, but not attached.

0.2 - 0.4

Less than 45 degrees, attached as above. 0.05 - 0.2

7.4 SI-4 Slope Instability Caused by Undermining at Inlet or Outlet7.4.1 HazardIdentification This involves instability of the road embankment caused by localised erosion and undermining at the inlet or outlet

sides of the culvert. See Figure 8.

This failure mode occurs when the embankment at the culvert inlet or outlet is eroded causing undercutting and instability of the road embankment.


The factors contributing to outlet or inlet erosion include:

• Energy dissipation measures at the inlet or outlet.

• Erosion protection measures at the inlet or outlet.

• Evidence of scour at the inlet or outlet.

• Water energy – grade and roughness.


The potential consequences for this failure type include:

• Void in road causing accident.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

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7.4.2 LikelihoodEstimation The suggested approach is to estimate the likelihood of the following sub-events:

Likelihood of failure SI-4

= Likelihood of excessive erosion at the outlet or inlet

(table SI-4.1a and table SI-4.1b)

x Likelihood of road/culvert collapse

(table SI-4.2)

What to do

• Determine appropriate values from table SI-4.1a and table SI-4.1b and then select the higher of the two.

• Determine appropriate values from table SI-4.2.

• Calculate a final likelihood value by multiplying the two factors.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

SI-4.1a Guidance Table: Likelihood of excessive erosion at outlet

Condition Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Substantial erosion at the culvert outlet to the extent that undermining of the culvert structure has commenced. This doesn’t happen quickly and repairs can usually be undertaken easily.

Undermining and collapse of the culvert structure is likely to occur under a very frequent rainfall event (i.e. 1 to 2 year event).

0.5 - 0.9 Will occur this year or the next.

Substantial erosion at the culvert outlet but culvert structure has not yet been undermined.

Further erosion leading to undermining and collapse of the culvert structure is likely to occur under a frequent rainfall event (i.e. 2 to 5 year event).

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

Some erosion at the culvert outlet, potential for further erosion under an infrequent rainfall event.

Further erosion leading to undermining and collapse of the culvert structure is likely to occur under a less frequent rainfall event (i.e. 10 to 20 year event).

0.05 - 0.1 May occur in 10-20 years time.

Limited or no erosion at the culvert outlet, but dissipation structure or erosion protection measures are in very poor condition.

Downstream headwall and/or dissipater structure has detached from the culvert barrel, rock gabion mattress badly deteriorated.

0.05 - 0.1 May occur in 10-20 years time.

Limited or no erosion at the culvert outlet, and dissipation structure or erosion protection measures are in average condition.

0.01 to 0.05 May occur in 20-100 years time.

Limited or no erosion at the culvert outlet, and dissipation structure and erosion protection measures are in good condition.

Dissipation structure and erosion protection measures are in good condition.

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

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SI-4.b Guidance Table: Likelihood of excessive erosion at inlet

Condition Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Substantial erosion at the culvert inlet to the extent that instability occurs. Material type affects this significantly. Cohesive Soils, typically sand, silty sand.

Undermining and collapse of the culvert structure is likely to occur under a very frequent rainfall event (i.e. 1 to 2 year event). Slumping may take out a road lane.

0.8-1.0 Will occur this year.

Substantial erosion at the culvert inlet but culvert structure has not been undermined yet. May be typical of Ripped sandstone.

Further erosion leading to undermining and collapse of the culvert structure is likely to occur under a frequent rainfall event (i.e. 2 to 5 year event). Slump may take out shoulder.

0.5-0.8 May occur this year or the next.

Some erosion at the culvert inlet potential for further erosion under an infrequent rainfall event. May be typical of non-cohesive soils eg low plasticity, dispersive clays.

Further erosion leading to undermining and collapse of the culvert structure is likely to occur under a less frequent rainfall event (i.e. 10 to 20 year event). Localised slumping only.

0.2-0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

Limited or no erosion at the culvert inlet, but inlet dissipation structure or inlet erosion protection measures are in very poor condition. May be typical of high plasticity, non-dispersive clays.

Downstream headwall and/or dissipater structure has detached from the culvert barrel, rock gabion mattress badly deteriorated. Localised slumping only.

0.1-0.2 May occur in 5-10 years time.

Limited or no erosion at the culvert inlet, and inlet dissipation structure or inlet erosion protection measures are in average condition. May be typical of rock fill embankments.

0.05-0.1 May occur in 10-20 years time.

Limited or no erosion at the culvert inlet, and inlet dissipation structure and erosion protection measures are in good condition.

Dissipation structure and erosion protection measures are in good condition.

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

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SI-4.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of road/culvert collapse

Evidence of pre-existing embankment instability

Presence of high risk factors Likelihood range

The embankment shows evidence of active deep seated movement or slumping (eg tension cracks, pavement depressions, toe bulge, slumping of slopes). May be categorised by a short distance between outlet and road surface due to squeeze-points, road widening etc.

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.9 - 1.0

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.5 - 0.9

No high risk factors are present. 0.2 - 0.5

The embankment shows circumstantial evidence of deep seated movement or slumping (eg longitudinal cracks on road pavement, settlement of road edge/verge).

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.5 - 0.9

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.2 - 0.5

No high risk factors are present. 0.05 - 0.1

No evidence of embankment instability.

Three or more high risk factors are present.

0.1 - 0.2

One or two high risk factors are present.

0.05 - 0.1

No high risk factors are present. 0.01 - 0.05

Slope angle between the edge line (EL) and base of soil batter slope.

60 degrees or more. With guard rail or reflector post or similar.

Will definitely occur given excessive inlet erosion occurs.


Between 45 degrees and 60 degrees.

0.1 - 0.5

Less than 45 degrees, not attached as above, no squeeze point.

Unlikely to occur given excessive inlet erosion.

0.01 - 0.05

Table Notes

High risk factors include:

• Low strength materials in the embankment or foundation.

• High pore pressures in the embankment or foundation.

• Embankment founded on steep slopes.

• Water observed coming out of the embankment fill or toe of the slope.

• Steep downslope batter slopes.

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8 Piping (PI) Hazards and Likelihood Howtousethischapter: This chapter describes failure modes and mechanisms resulting from piping, and how to

calculate likelihood.

Piping involves the loss of soil material due to seepage flows, and this can lead to the formation of voids or erosion tunnels adjacent to culvert structures. There are three potential failure mechanisms.

Figure 9 Piping failure modes

8.1 PI-1 Piping into Culvert8.1.1 HazardIdentification This involves the erosion of soil backfill materials around the culvert by seepage into open joints, cracks or other

defects in the barrel lining. Progressive erosion may lead to the formation of voids or depressions at the road surface. See Figure 9.

The mechanism involves the erosion of soil backfill around the culvert by seepage into open joints, cracks and defects in the culvert. Progressive erosion may lead to formation of a void or depression on the road surface. Erosion is likely to be gradual, but due to arching action, a void/cavity could develop suddenly at the road surface. The mechanism requires a source of groundwater or stormwater to flow into the culvert. This could be for culverts located below the groundwater table or due to rainfall infiltration.


The factors that could contribute to this failure mechanism include:

• Culvert type.

• Condition of joints, evidence of cracks/corrosion through which groundwater could enter.

• Surrounding soil conditions – sandy soils are more susceptible to erosion.

• A source of seepage into the culvert (eg. a high groundwater table).

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8.1.2 LikelihoodEstimation The recommended approach is to estimate the likelihood of two components:

What to do

• Determine appropriate values from tables PI-1.1 and PI-1.2 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.


The potential consequences of this failure type include:

• Void/sinkhole in road causing accident.

• Collapse and blockage of culvert requiring repair – repair costs.

• Road closure.

Likelihood of failure PI-1

= Likelihood of erosion into culvert

(table P1-1.1)

x Likelihood of void or settlement at road surface (table P1-1.2)

PI-1.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of erosion into culvert

Culvert barrel type

Condition Descriptors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

All Types

Direct evidence that erosion into the culvert is in progress.

There is direct evidence of erosion into the culvert.

(eg seepage water carrying surrounding fill materials is flowing into an open crack, hole or open joint in the culvert). Significant localised subsidence on road.

0.9 - 1.0 Will occur this year.

Open defects are present and there is circumstantial evidence that erosion of the backfill has occurred.

Open joints, holes or other defects are present in the culvert barrel, and there is circumstantial evidence that erosion has occurred.

(eg culvert walls are drummy indicating possible loss of soil, delta of sand material below open defects, open defects in culvert with groundwater inflows and/or vegetation).

Some cracking/sinkholes or a depressed median strip noted on road.

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

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PI-1.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of erosion into culvert

Culvert barrel type

Condition Descriptors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

All Types

No evidence of open joints, holes or other defects, but evidence that there is deterioration which may lead to open defects developing.

Joints are presently closed and presently there are no open defects, but the culvert barrel is susceptible to defects developing in next few years.

(eg steel pipe susceptible to corrosion and/or abrasion, potential movement of butt jointed pipes).

Minor cracks/settlement observed on road surface or median strip.

0.05 - 0.2 May occur in 5-20 years time.

Open defects but no evidence of erosion of backfill.

Open joints, defects or holes are evident in the culvert barrel, but they are dry and no evidence of previous seepage.

Surrounding fill materials are likely to be above the groundwater table.

0.02 - 0.05 May occur in 20-50 years time.

No evidence of open joints, holes or other defects through which soils can be eroded.

Culvert barrel and barrel joints are in good condition, no observable open defects or settlement.

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

PI-1.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of void or settlement at road surface

Relative depth of cover over the culvert

Nature of materials overlying the culvert structure

Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Shallow (equivalent to dia. of culvert).

Any materials - void is likely lead to subsidence at the road surface. Typical of sand, silty sand, ripped sandstone, decomposed granite materials.

0.2 - 0.5 Will definitely occur given internal erosion.

Moderate (equivalent to 2 x dia. culvert).

Majority of the overlying fill materials are uncompacted materials or wet, loose materials.

0.05 - 0.2

Majority of the overlying fill is compacted material. 0.01 - 0.05

Deep (equivalent to > 2 x dia. culvert).

Majority of the overlying fill materials are uncompacted materials or wet, loose materials.

0.01 - 0.05

Majority of the overlying fill is compacted material or in plastic nondispersive clays, rockfill.

0.001 - 0.005 Unlikely to occur given internal erosion.

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What to do

• Determine appropriate component values from tables PI-2.1, PI-2.2 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

Table Notes

• Voids: Consider the ability of the road pavement to bridge across voids in assessing the potential for a void affecting the road surface.

• Collapse:If the culvert has collapsed or is near failure and sinkholes, subsidence or cracking is evident in the overlying road surface, then adopt a final likelihood value of 0.9.

8.2 PI-2 Piping on Outside of Culvert due to Afflux8.2.1 HazardIdentification Piping can develop around the outside of the culvert due to seepage flows through the surrounding backfill

materials. Erosion starts at the downstream end and progresses back towards the source of seepage. The source of seepage water for this mechanism is from water stored at the upstream side of the culvert (i.e. afflux), or groundwater flows. See Figure 9.

This failure mechanism involves the internal erosion (or piping) through the materials due to seepage along the outside of the culvert barrel. The source of seepage is the temporary storage of water at the upstream end of the culvert (afflux). Poorly compacted sandy soils and loess soils (soils deposited by wind action) are the most vulnerable to internal erosion or piping.


Factors contributing to afflux include:

• Hydraulic capacity of the culvert.

• Potential for blockage at the inlet.

Factors contributing to the potential for piping through the surrounding soil materials include:

• Embankment material and compaction – poorly compacted sandy soils are the most vulnerable, well compacted clayey soils are least vulnerable.

• Hydraulic gradient for seepage through the embankment.

• Duration of ponding of water – afflux caused by blockage at the inlet is more likely to be stored for longer periods of time.


The potential consequences for this failure type include:

• Void in road caused by embankment failure or sinkhole.

• Debris flow causing loss of life or property damage down slope of the road embankment.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

8.2.2 LikelihoodEstimation The suggested approach is to estimate the likelihood of the following sub-events:

Likelihood of failure PI-2

= Likelihood of storm event

exceeding capacity (table P1-2.1)

x Likelihood of culvert blockage or insufficient hydraulic capacity

(table PI-2.2)

x Likelihood of piping failure of road embankment

(table PI-2.3)

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P1-2.1 Guidance Table: likelihood of storm event exceeding capacity

Once the culvert hydraulic capacity is known and the type of gully line assessed then an assessment of likely capacity in major events can be made.

A storm event exceeding that capacity can be expressed in average recurrence intervals (ARI) such as 1 year, 5 year 10 year 20 year 50 year or 100 year events, and hence can be expressed as probabilities (AEP) in any one year as 1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, or 0.01.

PI-2.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of culvert blockage or insufficient hydraulic capacity

Potential for ponding Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Water ponding due to blockage is likely to occur for frequent rainfall events.

Culvert inlet is overgrown with vegetation and/or debris, 75% to 100% blockage. Some evidence of animal activity around inlet.

0.5-1.0 Will occur this year or the next.

Partial blockage of culvert by vegetation and/or debris, 40 to 75% blockage.

Culvert is prone to blockage by debris during frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 2 ARI to 1 in 5 ARI events).

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

Water ponding due to blockage is likely to occur for infrequent rainfall events.

Minor obstruction of culvert (25% to 40%) by debris/vegetation.

Culvert is prone to blockage by debris during less frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 10 ARI to 1 in 20 ARI events).

0.05 - 0.1 May occur in 10-20 years time.

Water ponding due to rainfall event exceeding flow capacity.

Assign probability corresponding to the ARI of the rainfall event that exceeds the capacity of the culvert.

PI-2.3 Guidance Table: Likelihood of piping failure of road embankment

Evidence of internal erosion and piping

Presence of high risk factors Likelihood range

The embankment shows evidence of active internal erosion and piping around the culvert (eg seepage emerging along the outside of the culvert carrying fines from the embankment or foundation). May cause wash out of culvert or embankment or backward erosion.

Significant animal activity at inlet or washout of material at inlet.

0.1 - 0.5

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PI-2.3 Guidance Table: Likelihood of piping failure of road embankment

Evidence of internal erosion and piping

Presence of high risk factors Likelihood range

The embankment shows circumstantial evidence of internal erosion or piping processes around the culvert (eg voids in the embankment fill adjacent to the culvert).

0.01 - 0.05

Seepage along the outside of culvert, but no evidence of internal erosion and piping.

Three or more high risk factors are present. 0.005 - 0.02

One or two high risk factors are present. 0.002 - 0.005

No high risk factors are present. 0.0005 - 0.002

No seepage along the outside of culvert, and no evidence of internal erosion and piping.

Three or more high risk factors are present. 0.001 - 0.005

One or two high risk factors are present. 0.0005 - 0.001

No high risk factors are present. negligible

Table Notes

High risk factors for internal erosion and piping are:

• Erodible soils around the outside of the culvert (eg dispersive soils, silty sands, poorly graded fine sand or silt). Dispersive Soils: typically unstable soils which lose structure in water.

• Culvert barrel is thin walled metal pipe.

• Open joints or other open defects (eg corrosion/abrasion) in the culvert barrel with seepage into or out of the culvert.

• Poorly compacted soils around the outside of the culvert.

• High seepage gradients along the outside of the culvert (Height of fill above pipe / Length of pipe >0.2 for blocked culvert condition).

8.3 PI-3 Piping on Outside of Culvert due to Leakage out of Culvert8.3.1 HazardIdentification This failure mechanism involves the internal erosion of materials on the outside of the culvert barrel due to leakage

out of the culvert barrel. Potential sources of leakage are loss of the barrel invert due to corrosion or abrasion and open joints or other defects in the barrel lining. See Figure 9.

This failure mechanism involves the internal erosion of materials on the outside of the culvert barrel due to leakage out of the culvert barrel. Potential sources of leakage through the barrel lining are defects in the invert due to corrosion or abrasion, and open joints or other defects in the barrel lining.

Piping causes displacement of fines and may lead to settlement of the road embankment or cause sink holes or voids at the road surface. The road surface acts as a bridge for a period of time, however when the cavity further expands, the culvert collapses and the road may also collapse.


The factors contributing to this failure mechanism include:

• Embankment material and compaction – poorly compacted sandy soils are the most vulnerable, well compacted clayey soils are least vulnerable.

• Culvert type.

• Velocity of flow within the culvert.

• Condition of joints, evidence of cracks/corrosion.

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The potential consequences for this failure type include:

• Void in road caused by embankment failure or sinkhole.

• Debris flow causing loss of life or property damage down slope of the road embankment.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

8.3.2 LikelihoodEstimation The suggested approach to estimating the likelihood of this failure mechanism is to estimate the likelihood of

the following sub-events:

Likelihood of failure PI-3

= Likelihood of storm event

exceeding capacity (table P1-3.1)

x Likelihood of internal scour causing piping

(table PI-3.2)

x Likelihood of road/void collapse

(table PI-3.3)

What to do

• Determine appropriate component values from tables PI-3.1, PI-3.2, PI-3.3 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

P1-3.1 Guidance Table: Likelihood of storm event exceeding capacity

Once the culvert hydraulic capacity is known and the type of gully line assessed then an assessment of likely capacity in major events can be made.

A storm event exceeding that capacity can be expressed in average recurrence intervals (ARI) such as 1 year, 5 year 10 year 20 year 50 year or 100 year events, and hence can be expressed as probabilities (AEP) in any one year as 1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, or 0.01.

PI-3.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of internal scour causing piping

Culvert barrel type

Condition Descriptors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

All Types

Direct evidence that scour of the culvert has occurred with large holes evident.

There is direct evidence of erosion into the culvert.

(eg seepage water carrying surrounding fill materials is flowing into an open crack, hole or open joint in the culvert).

Significant localised subsidence on road.

0.9 - 1.0 Will occur this year.

Direct evidence that scour of the culvert has occurred with holes evident.

Holes are present in the culvert barrel, and there is circumstantial evidence that erosion has occurred.

Some cracking/sinkholes or a depressed median strip noted on road.

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

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PI-3.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of internal scour causing piping

Culvert barrel type

Condition Descriptors Likelihood range

Equivalent to

All Types

Minor scour, but evidence that there is deterioration which may lead to open defects developing.

The culvert barrel is susceptible to defects developing in next few years.

Groundwater table is high.

0.05 - 0.2 May occur in 5-20 years time.

Minor scour. Scour evident in the culvert barrel, but it is dry and no evidence of previous seepage.

Surrounding fill materials are likely to be above the groundwater table. Minor cracks/settlement observed at road surface.

0.02 - 0.05 May occur in 20-50 years time.

No evidence of scour.

Culvert barrel and barrel joints are in good condition, no observable open defects or settlement.

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

Negligible (Failure mode ruled out).

PI-3.3 Guidance Table: Likelihood of road/void collapse

Relative depth of cover over the culvert

Nature of materials overlying the culvert structure Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Shallow (equivalent to dia. of culvert).

Any materials - void is likely lead to subsidence at the road surface. Typical of sand, silty sand, ripped sandstone, decomposed granite materials.

0.2 - 0.5

Moderate (equivalent to 2 x dia. culvert).

Majority of the overlying fill materials are uncompacted materials or wet, loose materials.

0.05 - 0.2

Majority of the overlying fill is compacted material. 0.01 - 0.05

Deep (equivalent to > 2 x dia. culvert).

Majority of the overlying fill materials are uncompacted materials or wet, loose materials.

0.01 - 0.05

Majority of the overlying fill is compacted material or in plastic non-dispersive clays, rock fill.

0.001 - 0.005

Table Notes

If the culvert has collapsed or is near failure and sinkholes, subsidence or cracking is evident in the overlying road surface, then adopt a likelihood of 0.9.

Consider the ability of the road pavement to bridge across voids in assessing the potential for a void affecting the road surface.

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High risk factors for internal erosion and piping are:

• Erodible soils around the outside of the culvert (eg dispersive soils, silty sands, poorly graded fine sand or silt). Dispersive Soils: typically unstable soils which lose structure in water.

• Culvert barrel is thin walled metal pipe.

• Open joints or other open defects (eg corrosion/abrasion) in the culvert barrel with seepage into or out of the culvert.

• Poorly compacted soils around the outside of the culvert.

• High seepage gradients along the outside of the culvert (Height of fill above pipe / Length of pipe >0.2 for blocked culvert condition).

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9 Hydraulic Flow (HF) Hazards and Likelihood

Howtousethischapter: This chapter describes failure modes and mechanisms resulting from hydraulic flows, and tells you how to calculate its likelihood.

This failure mode involves failure mechanisms caused by hydraulic flows which are diverted around the culvert due to insufficient hydraulic capacity or blockage of the culvert inlet. Material can accumulate in the bottom of culvert and cause partial blockage. There are two potential failure mechanisms.

9.1 HF-1 Erosion by Overtopping Flows9.1.1 HazardIdentification This involves erosion due to flows over the road.

Figure 10 Erosion by overtopping flows (fill example)

Figure 11 Erosion by overtopping flows (cut and fill example)

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9.1.2 LikelihoodEstimation The suggested approach to estimating the likelihood of failure of this mechanism is to estimate the likelihood of the

following sub-events:

What to do

• Determine appropriate component values from tables HF-1.1, HF-1.2, HF-1.3 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

• Specify in form if erosion is for shoulder or entire road embankment.

This hazard involves the erosion of the downstream side of a road embankment due to flows over the road surface caused by blockage or insufficient capacity of the culvert. This can lead to a void on the edge of the road embankment, or complete washout of the road embankment.

Water on the road may also lead to damage to the road pavement surface and accidents.


Factors contributing to flow over the road embankment include:

• Hydraulic capacity of culvert.

• Potential for blockage at inlet.

Factors contributing to an embankment failure by overtopping flows include:

• Embankment geometry – gully line concentrating flows.

• Surface cover on slope (vegetation).

• Slope of embankment.

• Amount of water and its velocity.


The potential consequences for this failure type include:

• Damage to road pavement.

• Void in road caused by embankment failure or sinkhole.

• Debris flow causing loss of life or property damage downstream.

• Water washing cars away.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

Likelihood of failure HF-1

= Likelihood of storm event

exceeding capacity (table HF-1.1)

x Likelihood of overtopping of road embankment

(table HF-1.2)

x Likelihood of overtopping causing excessive erosion

(table HF-1.3)

HF-1.1 Guidance Table: likelihood of storm event exceeding capacity

Once the culvert hydraulic capacity is known and the type of gully line assessed then an assessment of likely capacity in major events can be made.

A storm event exceeding that capacity can be expressed in average recurrence intervals (ARI) such as 1 year, 5 year 10 year 20 year 50 year or 100 year events, and hence can be expressed as probabilities (AEP) in any one year as 1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, or 0.01.

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HF-1.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of overtopping of road embankment

Potential for overtopping

Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

Water overtopping due to blockage is likely to occur for frequent rainfall events.

Culvert inlet is overgrown with vegetation and/or debris, 75% to 100% blockage.

0.2 - 0.5 Will occur this year or the next.

Partial blockage of culvert by vegetation and/or debris, 40 to 75% blockage.

Culvert is prone to blockage by debris during frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 2 ARI to 1 in 5 ARI events).

0.05 - 0.2 May occur in 2-5 years time.

Water ponding due to blockage is likely to occur for infrequent rainfall events.

Minor obstruction of culvert (25% to 40%) by debris/vegetation.

Culvert is prone to blockage by debris during less frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 10 ARI to 1 in 20 ARI events).

0.01 - 0.05 May occur in 10-20 years time.

Water overtopping road embankment due to rainfall event exceeding flow capacity.

Assign probability corresponding to the ARI of the rainfall event that significantly exceeds the capacity of the culvert.

HF-1.3 Guidance Table: Likelihood of overtopping causing excessive erosion

Potential for wash out due to overtopping flows

Example Conditions Likelihood Range

Embankment has high potential for erosion by overtopping flows either on shoulder or entire road embankment.

Embankment geometry is such that overtopping flows are likely to be concentrated.

Steep downslope batter slopes (i.e. 1.5H:1V or steeper for soil embankments, or 1.2H:1V or steeper for rockfill).

No or limited vegetation growth on downslope batter slopes.

Erodible fill materials (eg silty sands, sands, poorly compacted soils).

0.5 - 1.0

Embankment has moderate potential for erosion by overtopping flows for shoulder or entire road embankment.

Embankment geometry is such that overtopping flows are likely to spread out over the downslope batter.

Moderate downslope batter slopes (i.e. 1.5H:1V to 2.5H:1V for soil embankments, or 1.2H:1V to 1.5H:1V for rockfill).

Good grass cover on downslope batter slopes.

Moderate erosion resistance fill materials (eg compacted clayey soils).

0.02 - 0.1

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9.2 HF-2 Cross Catchment Flooding9.2.1 HazardIdentification Cross catchment flooding involves the redirection of surface runoff flows away from the culvert due to blockage or insufficient

hydraulic capacity of the culvert. The diverted flows may inundate areas not normally affected by surface runoff flows.

HF-1.3 Guidance Table: Likelihood of overtopping causing excessive erosion

Potential for wash out due to overtopping flows

Example Conditions Likelihood Range

Embankment has low potential for erosion by overtopping flows for shoulder or entire road embankment.

Embankment geometry is such that overtopping flows are likely to spread out over the downslope batter.

Relatively flat downslope batter slopes (i.e. 3H:1V or flatter for soil embankments, or 1.6H:1V or flatter for rockfill).

Dense vegetation cover on downslope batter slopes.

Good erosion resistance fill materials (eg compacted rockfill materials, compacted high plasticity clays).

0.001 - 0.01

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Figure 12 Cross catchment flooding

This mechanism involves the culvert either being blocked or having insufficient hydraulic capacity such that it causes cross catchment flooding (beyond the immediate and obvious area around the culvert).


The factors contributing to this mechanism include:

• Hydraulic capacity of the culvert.

• Potential for blockage.

• Geometry of road embankment (and opportunity for water to dissipate).


The potential consequences for this failure type include:

• Property damage/injury or loss of life.

• Repair costs.

• Road closure.

9.2.2 LikelihoodEstimation The suggested approach to estimating the likelihood of failure of this mechanism is to estimate the likelihood

of the following sub-events:

Likelihood of failure HF-2

= Likelihood of storm event

exceeding capacity (table HF-2.1)

x Likelihood of culvert blockage or insufficient

hydraulic capacity (table HF-2.2)

x Likelihood of cross catchment flooding

(table HF-2.3)

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What to do

• Determine appropriate component values from tables HF-2.1, PI-2.2 below.

• Calculate a final likelihood value, based on algorithm above.

• Convert to an L scale.

What to write

• Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.Write the likelihood values and the L scale on the record.

HF-2.1 Guidance Table: likelihood of storm event exceeding capacity

Once the culvert hydraulic capacity is known and the type of gully line assessed then an assessment of likely capacity in major events can be made.

A storm event exceeding that capacity can be expressed in average recurrence intervals (ARI) such as 1 year, 5 year 10 year 20 year 50 year or 100 year events, and hence can be expressed as probabilities (AEP) in any one year as 1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01.

HF-2.2 Guidance Table: Likelihood of overtopping of road embankment

Potential for blockage

Examples Likelihood range

Equivalent to

High. Located on a steep cutting with potential for a large block to topple, or in an area where large debris is possible.

Culvert inlet is overgrown with bulky vegetation and/or debris, (eg trees, boulders, fridges etc.) 75% to 100% blockage. An identified block, capable of blocking inlet is likely to topple within the year.

0.5-1.0 Will occur this year or the next.

Moderately High. Partial blockage of culvert by vegetation and/or debris, 40 to 75% blockage.

Culvert is prone to blockage by debris during frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 2 ARI to 1 in 5 ARI events). An identified block likely to block inlet has been identified but may not topple immediately.

0.2 - 0.5 May occur in 2-5 years time.

Moderate - Low. Minor obstruction of culvert (25% to 40%) by debris/vegetation.

Culvert is likely to be obstructed by debris during less frequent rainfall events (i.e. 1 in 10 ARI to 1 in 20 ARI events). No identified block observed.

0.05 - 0.1 May occur in 10-20 years time.

Storm Event. Assign probability corresponding to the ARI of the rainfall event that exceeds the capacity of the culvert.

Table Notes

For this table, only identify obstructions that cannot be flushed by high flows ie not silts or leaf debris.

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HF-2.3 Guidance Table: Likelihood of cross catchment flooding impact given a blocked inlet

Presence of third parties subject to cross catchment flooding Likelihood range

Cross catchment flows are likely to flow through low lying third party properties (eg houses, caravan parks, industrial buildings, etc).

0.9 - 1.0

Cross catchment flows are likely to flow through third party properties (eg houses, caravan parks, industrial buildings, etc), but the structures are unlikely to be affected by the flows.

0.1 - 0.5

Cross catchment flows may affect third party properties but the dwellings are very unlikely to be affected by the flows.

0.01 - 0.05

No third properties would be affected by the cross catchment flows. Negligible - rule out this failure mode.

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10 Likelihood (L) Rating Howtousethischapter:Earlier you identified the hazards present and their likelihood. Use the table in this

chapter to convert likelihood probability into a likelihood rating for each hazard present.

Use the following table to convert a calculated Hazard Likelihood to an L rating. Round the calculated likelihood value to the appropriate order-of-magnitude likelihood shown in the table, and then read off the L rating. Inspection period means 5 years. The designed life of a culvert is about 100 years.

Likelihood to L Rating Conversion

Likelihood L Rating Description

Above 0.5 L1 The event may, or is expected to, occur within a short period under average circumstances, or the mechanism is active at present (depending on circumstances the “short” period could be from days to no more than two to three years).

0.05 to < 0.5 L2 The event may, or is expected to, occur within a moderate period (from a few years to no more than about 30 years) or within the inspection period under slightly adverse circumstances.

0.005 to < 0.05 L3 The event could be expected to occur at some time over about a 100 year period in the normal course of events but would only occur within the next inspection period under adverse circumstances.

0.0005 to < 0.005 L4 The event would not be expected to occur within about a 100 year period under normal conditions and is unlikely to occur within the next inspection period except under very adverse circumstances.

0.00005 to < 0.0005 L5 The event would not be expected to occur within about a 100 year period and is unlikely to occur within the next inspection period even under very adverse circumstances.

< 0.00005 L6 The event is unlikely to occur even under extreme circumstances.

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11 Consequence (C) Rating Howtousethischapter: Earlier you identified the hazards present at a culvert. Use this chapter to determine

a vulnerability estimate and a temporal probability estimate, and then a consequence rating for each hazard present at a culvert. From these you can then assign an ARL.

Consequence ratings for risks to life and property are combined with hazard likelihoods to determine risk ratings for each kind of hazard present at a culvert.

11.1 Consequence for Risk to Life The consequence of a hazard resulting in loss of life must be estimated using the following rating scales. One scale

is for the temporal probability (T) of a person being present within the zone of influence of the failure, at the time of failure, and one scale is for the vulnerability (V) of such a person. These scales are combined through a matrix to derive a consequence rating. The consequence rating derived relates to the indicative probability of death of an individual, given that the hazard in question occurs.

In general, the Vulnerability (V) rating, Temporal probability (T) rating, and thus Consequences (C) ratings will be the same at one culvert for any hazard that is present, since the traffic profile and presence of people and property does not depend on the hazard type.

The likely exception to the above statement is for HF-2 Cross Catchment Flow hazards, which will have a zone of influence across other catchments, and thus will usually have different elements at risk.

11.1.1Vulnerability(V)estimation This vulnerability refers to the probability of the event causing death, assuming that the person is within the zone of

influence of the failure, or that a vehicle impacts the debris or is lost into a void caused by the failure.

For easier interpretation use the Extended Vulnerability table. It combines both the vulnerability analysis tables and the vulnerability table for vehicles impacting voids or stepped surfaces.

The rating scale definitions, which are based on event tree analyses, describe the vulnerability of individuals under a variety of circumstances:

• In buildings impacted by debris.

• In the open.

• In vehicles interacting with debris.

• In vehicles interacting with voids formed by culvert failures.

Extended Vulnerability Table

Extended Vulnerability Table

Vulnerability Rating

Vulnerability Element Probability

People in the Open People in Buildings

Vehicle Crossing Embankment Failure Area


Unable to evade debris (movement very/extremely rapid), or buried.

Engulfed in building collapse.

Lost into a deep, narrow void. p > 0.5

V2May be able to evade debris.

Partial building collapse.

Lost into a shallow void. p 0.1 – 0.5


Most people able to evade debris.

Building penetrated, no collapse.

Stepped surface with 0.1 – 0.2 m steps at highway speeds.

Aquaplaning as a result of travelling at highway speeds.

p 0.01 – 0.1

Consequence (C) Rating

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Extended Vulnerability Table

Vulnerability Rating

Vulnerability Element Probability

People in the Open People in Buildings

Vehicle Crossing Embankment Failure Area


Building struck, damaged but not penetrated.

Stepped surface with 0.1 – 0.2 m steps at urban speeds.

Shallow void/depression where guardfence may prevent a vehicle from leaving the road.

Aquaplaning as a result of travelling at urban speed.

p 0.001 – 0.01


Building struck, only minor damage etc.

Stepped surface with 0.1 – 0.2 m steps at low speeds.

Irregular surface formed by a developing embankment failure at highway speeds.

Water on the road causing some loss of control of the vehicle.

p < 0.001

The definitions include allowances for vehicle speed in up to three broad categories – “highway” (≈ 100-110 km/hr), “urban” (≈ 60-80 km/hr), and “low” (≈ 20-30 km/hr).

Vehicle Impact Vulnerability table

Vehicle Impacting Voids or Stepped Surfaces

Void Type Posted Speed Limit

Highway Speeds

(100 – 110 km/hr)

Urban Speeds

(60 – 80 km/hr)

Low Speeds

(<= 50 km/hr)

Deep, narrow void V1 V2 V3

Shallow void (0.2 – 0.5 m step) V2 V3 V4

Stepped surface (0.1 – 0.2 m steps) V3 V4 V5

Shallow void with guard fence V4 V4 V4

Irregular surface (steps < 0.1 m) V5

90 km/hr Speed Limits

These have become more common and fall between existing vulnerability categories. These are often the result of adjustments to limits based on accident history (unrelated to geotechnical conditions) or geometric considerations. Assign vulnerabilities based on adjacent sections and road geometry:

• For dual carriageways and rural highways with adjacent 100 km/hr limits, treat as “highway” speed.For dual carriageways and rural highways with adjacent 100 km/hr limits, treat as “highway” speed.

• For urban multilane roads and rural highways with adjacent 80 km/hr speed limits or with adverse alignmentFor urban multilane roads and rural highways with adjacent 80 km/hr speed limits or with adverse alignment features (eg nearby advisory speed signs of 75 km/hr or lower) treat as “urban” speeds.

Void Type

Voids formed by embankment failure (or other causes such as washout and collapse of culvert backfill):

• May be regarded as “deep and narrow” if the dimensions are such that the vehicle would strike the other sideMay be regarded as “deep and narrow” if the dimensions are such that the vehicle would strike the other side head on without reduction in speed (deceleration rate is extreme).

• May be regarded as “shallow” if the vehicle would travel over the failure surface for some distance and/or canMay be regarded as “shallow” if the vehicle would travel over the failure surface for some distance and/or can ride up over the other side to any extent (deceleration rate is not as severe).

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11.1.2TemporalProbability(T)estimation The temporal probability is the probability that a given failure mechanism interacts with an element at risk. In this

Guideline, the term is used only in relation to risk to life ie where the element at risk is a person.

Temporal probability results from two cases.

The first case is the probability of an individual being present within the zone of influence when the failure occurs. Such an assessment must be made for all of the elements at risk. Because of the great variety of circumstances in which this could occur, specific rating allocation methods are not included here, except for the case of a road user. Factors to be taken into account in deriving T include:

• The probability that a person will be in a given location within the footprint of a failure (eg within a building) at the time of failure.

• The probability that the person could evade or escape from the failure.

The second case is the probability of the individual driving into a void, after the failure has occurred. The latter would normally be applied only to road users.

Temporal probability ratings are as follows:

Temporal Probability table

Rating Description Probability

T1Person usually expected to be present as part of the normal pattern of usage (eg residential buildings, some commercial buildings). Road users in the heaviest of urban traffic conditions.

(p > 0.5)

T2Person often expected to be present as part of the normal pattern of usage (eg many commercial buildings). Road users on major urban arterial roads and the most heavily trafficked rural roads.

(p 0.1 – 0.5)

T3Person may sometimes be present as part of the normal pattern of usage. Road users on many urban arterial roads and most major rural arterial roads.

(p 0.01 – 0.1)

T4Person may sometimes be present as part of the normal pattern of usage. Road users on many urban arterial roads and most major rural arterial roads.

(p 0.001 – 0.01)

T5 Person may sometimes be present as part of the normal pattern of usage. Road users on many urban arterial roads and most major rural arterial roads.

(p < 0.001)

11.1.3TemporalProbabilityRatingforRoadUsers Where the element at risk is the road user, the following procedure is recommended.

Rating based on AADT

Allocation of the temporal probability rating should be based on the traffic volume at the site. This is normally expressed as AADT (Average Annual Daily Traffic) and is obtained on about a 3 to 4 year cycle. The most recent available counts are available from the RTA website at

More comprehensive printed information, including maps, is available from the RTA library and at RTA RegionalMore comprehensive printed information, including maps, is available from the RTA library and at RTA Regional Offices. The printed volumes include past counts and in many cases additional information such as the proportion of heavy vehicles and in some cases the traffic distributions (by lane, day or hour). The AADT is the total volume the road carries in both directions and for the purposes of the guide has to be converted to vehicles/lane/day.

The volume of traffic carried by any road will normally change through the day, and in different ways for the differentThe volume of traffic carried by any road will normally change through the day, and in different ways for the different directions of travel (eg, most roads carry the majority of their traffic in the daylight hours and there are commonly peaks in different directions in the morning and evening). There are often changes in patterns on weekends or

Consequence (C) Rating

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seasonally, particularly in rural areas. The AADT averages across all of these variations. It means that AADT cannot be guessed with any great precision from a short period of observation. At most, an impression of the traffic being carried may be obtained.

Temporal probability can be allocated using Figure 13, which is based on traffic volumes expressed as vehicles/lane/day.Temporal probability can be allocated using Figure 13, which is based on traffic volumes expressed as vehicles/lane/day.

Figure 13 Temporal probability based on traffic volume

1.0E + 00

1.0E - 02

1.0E - 03

1.0E - 04

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 18000 20000

1.0E - 01






2 7 0

2 6 5

1 7 5 0

Allocation of Temporal Probability Rating by Traffic Volume




l P







Traffic Volume (Vehicles/Lane/Day)

Rating based on site factors

Interactions between vehicles and voids formed by failure are complex. Many factors have to be considered, including but not limited to:

• Traffic volume and distribution in time.

• Traffic composition.

• Traffic speeds and distribution.

• Number of lanes and traffic partitioning among them.

• Barriers to movement.

• Road geometry – sight distances etc, including the visibility of moving debris before it reaches the road.

Many of these factors are site-specific and the rapid risk assessment procedure in this Guide cannot reasonably allowMany of these factors are site-specific and the rapid risk assessment procedure in this Guide cannot reasonably allow for all of them.

If the above procedure based on AADT is not followed, the basis for assessment of the temporal probability classIf the above procedure based on AADT is not followed, the basis for assessment of the temporal probability class should be set out by reference to one or more of the above factors. Alternate procedures applying to some specific cases are given below. These procedures are supplementary to the standard method described above and should be considered alongside it, together with appropriate vulnerability ratings, in reaching the ARL for the site.

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Changed Traffic Conditions

Assessors should be aware that traffic volumes respond to changing circumstances and may change as a result of newAssessors should be aware that traffic volumes respond to changing circumstances and may change as a result of new construction, either on the road in question or on alternate routes. “Typical” observations of traffic flow in daytime (assuming that is when inspections take place) are listed below. These observations may assist in deciding whether conditions may have changed since the last available count. They are only to be used as the basis for assessment if no relevant counts exist (in that case, the circumstances need to be documented as part of the assessment).

Vehicles/lane/day Typical Observations

200 or less Usually several to many minutes between vehicles.

400 - 500 Typically several minutes between vehicles/groups in daytime.

1000 About 1 min on average between vehicles/groups.

2000 Variable between the descriptions for 1000 and 4000 v/l/d, depending on the time of day etc.

4000 Average 10 – 20 secs between vehicles/groups, overtaking very difficult/impossible in 2 lane sections.

6,000 Continuous traffic, moving smoothly but typically only about 10 Secs between vehicles, with a tendency to get streams of vehicles separated by longer gaps.

12,000 Continuous close – spaced traffic flow (gaps only a few seconds, may be punctuated by traffic signals), often serious congestion during peaks.

20,000 Continuous close - spaced traffic flow, tidal flow or controlled access roads only, usually serious congestion during peaks.

11.1.4 Consequence(C)MatrixforRisktoLife The consequence class in respect to risk to life is derived from the temporal probability and vulnerability ratings,

using the following matrix. That is, from the estimated T and V ratings, you look up a C rating.

Consequence Matrix for Risk to Life

Temporal Probability of an Individual Being Present at the Time of Failure

Vulnerability T1 T2 T3 T4 T5

V1 C1 C1 C2 C3 C4

V2 C1 C1 C2 C3 C4

V3 C2 C2 C3 C4 C5

V4 C3 C3 C4 C5 C5

V5 C4 C4 C5 C5 C5

11.1.5 AdjustmentstotheConsequencerating Events occurring after a failure/vehicle interaction

The assessment procedures for T and V, described above, only consider events which relate directly to the interaction of failures and vehicles within the stopping sight distance. Subsequent events, such as:

• Vehicles outside the stopping sight distance driving into the void

• Vehicles swerving and colliding with adjacent or on-coming traffic

• Vehicles colliding with stopped or previously damaged vehicles

are not considered separately under this procedure.

Consequence (C) Rating

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Examination of the conditional probability structure underlying such events suggests that the probability of a fatality, as a result of such interactions, would normally be substantially lower than that for the primary vehicle/landslide interaction.

• Under most circumstances, these subsequent effects may be taken not to affect the outcome of the risk assessment.

• Under the least favourable conditions (extremely high traffic volumes – class T1 or just under) the probabilities of such secondary interactions may approach that of the primary interaction. A recommendation for closer study would then be appropriate.

Risk to Many Lives

In assessing the potential consequences in regard to loss of life, allowance should be made for the number of individuals who may be at risk from the hazard, which will determine the total risk to life. In cases where the number of people at risk is large (eg where the element at risk is a building with numerous occupants) the Consequence rating should be increased by one level to take account of the higher total risk involved. This would normally require further analysis and to be adequately determined would need to be based on a fully quantitative assessment of the risk eg by reference to the analysis detailed in Bunce et al (1997). The need for this may also depend on the effectiveness of possible safety responses.

There have been two cases in recent years of rapid embankment failure above occupied buildings, leading to multiple fatalities. One involved a rail embankment (Coledale), the second a road embankment (Thredbo), with both cases leading to extended Coronial inquests. A C1 consequence class would be derived for embankment instability on steep slopes above habitation, if the hazard is expected to cause complete or partial collapse of the occupied buildings. This is relevant should the entire road embankment fail and affect any downstream occupied buildings.

11.2 Consequence for Risk to Property Consequences with respect to property damage and other consequential effects of the failure are to be assessed

using the following scale. As the elements at risk are mainly fixed in place, separate assessment of temporal risk and vulnerability is not required for the purposes of this procedure.

Examples of economic impacts would include the possibilities of:

• Services being broken by failure (consequences of loss of power, water supply, broken communications etc).

• Buildings being impacted by debris and damaged or perhaps collapsing as a result.

• Loss of access (leads to lost production at affected facilities, cost of alterative access provision etc).

• Road user costs.

• Repair costs.

Each identified hazard should be assessed against those items and the highest consequence rating adopted.

Consequence Risk for Property

Rating Description Example


Total closure of a Sub-Network Rank 5 or 6 (SN5-6) road for an extended period.

Major infrastructure or property damage (other than road).

Very high disruption cost (other than road users).

Very high repair cost.

(Total direct and indirect costs > $10M).


Total closure of one carriageway of an (SN5–6) road or total closure of an (SN3-4) road for an extended period.

Substantial infrastructure or property damage.

Large disruption costs.

High repair cost.

(Total direct and indirect costs > $2M < $10M).

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Consequence Risk for Property

Rating Description Example


Partial or total closure of an (SN3-4) road for a short period, longer period if reasonable alternatives are available.

Moderate infrastructure or property damage.

Moderate disruption costs.

Moderate repair cost.

(Total direct and indirect costs : $0.5M < $2M).


Partial or total closure of an (SN2) road for a short period.

Minor infrastructure or property damage.

Minor disruption costs.

Low repair cost.

(Total direct and indirect costs > $0.1M < $0.5M).


Partial or total closure of an (SN1) road for a short period.

Negligible infrastructure or property damage.

Little or no disruption costs.

Very low – no repair cost.

(Total direct and indirect costs < $0.1M).


The definitions listed above under each consequence class are not exhaustive and are meant to be illustrative rather than definitive in the area of financial and economic costs. (The cost base is year 2000 dollars.)

Advice on Sub-Network rankings can be obtained from RTA Regional Offices. This part of the consequence rating definitions is intended to express the indirect costs of a hazard, such as the cost of traffic management, disruption, extra fuel used and lost time due to route changes. It does not include the repair costs, which are listed separately. Nor does it include the potential cost to people (or organisations) other than road users, which are also considered separately.

Where there are multiple consequences, the total should be considered, as it may increase the consequence class above that derived from the individual effects.

The consequence classes used for loss of life are not equivalent in economic terms to those for the damage to property and consequential effects, reflecting the lower tolerance which exists in society for loss of life compared to financial losses.

Meaning of “road closure”


This means that the road is closed to traffic in both directions and all traffic has to take an alternate route.


This means that the road is closed to traffic in one direction and either :

• The traffic in one direction has to take an alternate route, or

• The traffic in both directions has to be controlled to allow alternating one-way flows. This may require the construction of earthworks and temporary pavements (for instance, to cross the median in dual carriageway roads or to allow traffic to use the road shoulder for an extended period).

If the closure affects:

• Only one lane of a multilane road (dual or single carriageway), or

• Only the shoulder of the road

then the costs of closure will normally be small and may be taken not to affect the outcome of the risk assessment. The assessment should be based on the repair costs or other economic consequences.

Consequence (C) Rating

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12 Assessed Risk Level (ARL) Rating Howtousethischapter: This chapter shows the ARL derivation once you have determined Likelihood

and Consequences.

The Assessed Risk Level matrix combines the Likelihood ratings and Consequence ratings that have beenThe Assessed Risk Level matrix combines the Likelihood ratings and Consequence ratings that have been derived earlier.

Where the Consequence ratings for loss of life and property damage differ, theWhere the Consequence ratings for loss of life and property damage differ, the higher of the two is used to derive the ARL (a higher rating has a lower digit).

Assessed Risk Level Matrix

Consequence Class

Likelihood C1 C2 C3 C4 C5







Where no viable failure mechanism exists, the Assessed Risk Level is deemed to be negligible and is allocated a rating of ARL5.

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13 Assessment Completion Howtousethischapter: This chapter lists tasks for the Assessor and the Project Manager following the Assessor’s

field inspection and assessment.

13.1 Tasks for Assessors Once assessment is completed in the field, the following tasks must be done back in the office:

• Ensure the Risk Analysis section of each Culvert Risk Assessment Record is completed.

• Transfer all digital photographs and scanned images onto CD or other agreed storage.

• Where urgent work or hazardous conditions have been noted for any culverts, notify your Project Manager immediately. Notify by email or in writing, and record who you notified, and the date.

• Notify the Project Manager if culverts were not located or accessed or if new culverts were found.

• Make local copies of all completed forms and digital files (photos and other images).

• Provide scanned images of original Confined Spaces Assessment forms.

• Provide the batch of completed forms and files to your Project Manager.

13.2 Tasks for Project Managers Once you have the results from the assessors:

• Follow up all urgent or hazardous notifications, and confirm follow ups with assessors who reported them, by email or in writing.

• Reschedule assessments for any culverts that were missed.

• Audit the results to assess completion of contract, and look for changes that will improve the process.Audit the results to assess completion of contract, and look for changes that will improve the process. Send your audit notes to the Corridor Asset Manager.

• Make local copies of all completed forms and digital files (photos and other images).Make local copies of all completed forms and digital files (photos and other images).

• Forward batches of forms and photograph files to the Corridor Asset Manager within 14 days.Forward batches of forms and photograph files to the Corridor Asset Manager within 14 days.

13.3 Next Steps in Risk Management Once culverts have been assessed, and their ARL’s have been calculated, the next steps in the risk managementOnce culverts have been assessed, and their ARL’s have been calculated, the next steps in the risk management

process are:

• Routine maintenance actions.

• Interim management plans to reduce risk profiles to as low as reasonably practicable, by instituting measures such as:

n lane closures

n reduced speed limits

n enhanced inspection regimes

• Risk evaluation to determine culvert prioritisation and treatment selection.

• Treatment works.

• Risk monitoring.

Culvert re-inspection and re-assessment will continue as an ongoing task throughout the life of a culvert.TheCulvert re-inspection and re-assessment will continue as an ongoing task throughout the life of a culvert. The steps are covered in other RTA documents. Refer to Infrastructure Maintenance Policy IM-POL-600D.

Assessment Completion

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14 References A review of current literature was carried out as part of the pilot study to evaluate the applicability of existing risk

management methods to culvert structures. The sources of information included:

Bunce, C. M., Cruden, D. M. & Morgenstern, N. R. 1997. Assessment of the hazard from rock fall on a highway. Canadian Geotechnical Journal 34, 344-356.

ODOT, 2003. Culvert Management Manual, Ohio Department of Transportation, December 2003.

Ohio University, 2005. Risk Assessment and Update of Inspection Procedures for Culverts, Ohio University, Russ College of Engineering and Technology, February 2005.

RTA, 2001. Guide to Slope Risk Analysis, RTA, November 2001.

RTA, 2006. Management of Culverts (draft), RTA Corporate Policy, RNIM-POL-600D, 30 May 2006.

RTA, 2006. Rehabilitation of Corrugated Metal Pipes (draft), Technical Direction OSDnn, TD 2006-04-21, April 2006.

RTA, 2007. HW9 New England Highway Culvert Maintenance Strategy, RTA. 25 June 2007.

RTA, 2008. A New Framework for Management of Culverts. Infrastructure Maintenance Policy IM-POL-600D.

Standards Australia, 1993. AS1726 – Geotechnical Site Investigations. 1993.

Standards Australia, 2004. AS/NZS4360 – Risk Management. 31 August 2004.

US Department of Transportation, 1986. Culvert Inspection Manual, Federal Highway Administration, FHWA-1P-86-2, July 1986.

VicRoads, 2006. Buried Corrugated Metal Structures, VicRoads Design, Bridge Technical Note 2005/009, September 2006.

VicRoads, 2006. Safety during Inspection and Repair of Corrosion Damaged Buried Corrugated Metal Structures (BCMS), VicRoads Design, Bridge Technical Note 2007/001, December 2006.

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15 Appendices15.1 Terminology Terms used are as follows.

Abrasion Wearing or grinding away of material by water laden with sand, gravel, stones or other abrasive material.

AcceptableRisk This implies the risk level is low and below any threshold that would require additional specific mitigation measures to be applied, other than those of a normal nature or ones that are obvious and reasonably expected.

AEP Annual Exceedance Probability. See ARI.

Afflux A flow towards something; eg water flow towards a culvert.

Aggradation Deposition of materials in culverts or stream beds (compare with Degradation).

ALARP As Low As Reasonably Practicable. The target for risk reduction when the risk level is in the tolerable zone.

ARI Average Recurrence Interval. The average, or expected, value of the periods between exceedances of a given rainfall total accumulated over a given duration.

The use of the term ARI can lead to confusion. It is preferable, therefore, to express the rarity of a rainfall event in terms of AEP (Annual Exceedance Probability). For example, a rainfall total of 159mm falling in 3 hours at Darwin Regional Office has a 0.010 (i.e. 1%) probability of being equalled or exceeded in any one year can be easier to understand than the equivalent statement of a rainfall total of 159mm in 3 hours has an average recurrence interval of 100 years. (Aust Bureau of Meteorology)

Assets Physical structures and improvements that either belong to or are the responsibility of the RTA. These include roads, bridges, fencing, retaining walls, cuttings, embankments, lay-bys, roadside amenities etc.

Backfill The material used to refill a trench, or the embankment placed over the top of the bedding and culvert.

BCMS Buried Corrugated Metal Structures.

Bedding The supporting material placed under a culvert.

Buckling Failure by an inelastic change in alignment (usually as a result of compression).

Catchment The area which is drained by a watercourse.

Compaction Reduction in volume of a material.

Consequences The potential effects arising from the occurrence of a culvert failure expressed qualitatively or quantitatively in terms of loss (financial or other), disadvantage, damage, injury or loss of life.

Corrosion Deterioration or dissolution of a material by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment.

Cover The depth of material between the surface of the ground or pavement and the top of a culvert or pipe.

Crack A fissure in an installed culvert or pavement.

CriticalFlow The condition of flow in a channel where the specific energy for a given discharge is at the minimum.

Crown The top or highest point of the internal surface of the transverse cross section of a culvert.


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Culvert Any pipe, box or arch that allows the flow of water or something else under a roadway.

Debris Any material, including floating timber materials and other trash, suspended sediment, or bed load.

Degradation General progressive lowering of the stream channel by erosion.

Delamination The removal of surface material exposing the underlying structural member.

Drainage Interception and removal of groundwater or surface water by artificial or natural means.

DrainageBasin See Catchment.

ElementsatRisk The population, buildings and engineering works, economic activities, public services and infrastructure in the area potentially affected by failure of culverts.

Embankment A bank of earth, rock or material constructed above the natural ground level.

EndSection A concrete or steel attachment to the end of a culvert for the purpose of hydraulic efficiency and anchorage.

Erosion Wearing or grinding away of bedding or embankment material by water.

Failure A culvert has suffered a failure when it can no longer convey water or is not fit for its purpose.

FlexiblePipe A pipe with relatively little resistance to bending. As the load increases, the vertical diameter decreases and the horizontal diameter increases, which is resisted by the soil around the pipe.

FloodFrequency The average time interval in years in which a flow of a given magnitude, taken from an infinite series, will recur.

FloodPotential Based on design storm frequencies and observations of previous flooding.

Foundation The in situ material beneath the pipe and pipe bedding material.

Grade/Gradient The longitudinal slope of the channel as a ratio of the drop in elevation to the distance.

HairlineCracks Very small cracks that form in the surface of a pipe due to tension caused by loading.

Hazard A condition with the potential for causing an undesirable consequence. In this Guide a hazard is a culvert failure mode and mechanism, and in this Guide there are ten kinds of hazard that can potentially occur at a culvert.

Headwall A structure placed at the inlet and outlet of a culvert to protect the embankment slopes, anchor the culvert and prevent undercutting.

InletControl A culvert operates with inlet control when the flow capacity is controlled at the entrance by the depth of headwater and the entrance geometry, including the barrel slope, cross sectional area and the inlet edge.

Invert The bottom or lowest point of the internal surface of the transverse cross section of a culvert. Opposite to Crown.

Joint A connection between two culvert sections made either with or without the use of additional parts.

Likelihood A term describing probability or frequency. In this Guide it is expressed in terms of the probability that a drainage structure fails and impacts the road above it. The likelihood ratings are allocated using both quantitative probabilities and qualitative descriptions.

MetalCorrosion A process involving an electrolyte (moisture), an anode (the metallic surface where oxidation occurs), a cathode (the metallic surface that accepts electrons and does not corrode) and a conductor (the metal pipe itself).

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Outfall/Outlet The discharge end of culvert drains, sewers and pipelines.

OutletControl A culvert operates with outlet control when the flow capacity is controlled at the outlet by the depth of water and the exit geometry.

PeerReviewer Person with good all round knowledge of the activities and assets of the RTA and how these might be impacted by culverts. Person should also possess rudimentary knowledge of the risk management process. The person should normally be an employee of the RTA.

Piping A process of subsurface erosion in which surface runoff flows along the outside of a culvert and with sufficient hydraulic gradient erodes and carries away material from around or beneath the culvert.

Ponding Water backed upstream of a culvert. Standing water within the barrel of a culvert.

Prescribeddirection Generally, East from Sydney, South from Sydney, North from Sydney, West from Sydney.

PrestressedConcrete In pre-tensioned concrete, the steel bars, wires or cables are held in a stretched condition during pouring of the concrete and until the concrete has hardened, then the pull on the reinforcing steel is released.

Probability The likelihood of a specific outcome, measured by the ratio of specific outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes. Probability is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, with 0 indicating an impossible outcome and 1 indicating an outcome is certain.

RAMS The RTA’s Road Asset Management System.

ReinforcedConcretePipe A concrete pipe designed with either steel or fibre reinforcement as a composite structure.

RigidPipe A pipe with a high resistance to bending.

Risk The chance of something happening that will have an impact on objectives.

• A risk is often specified in terms of an event or circumstance and the consequences that may flow from it.

• Risk is measured in terms of a combination of the consequences of an event and their likelihood.

• Risk may have a positive or negative impact.

RiskAnalysis Systematic process to understand the nature of and to deduce the level of risk.Provides the basis for risk evaluation and decisions about risk treatment.

RiskAssessment The process of risk analysis and risk evaluation.

RiskEvaluation The stage at which value judgements enter the decision process, explicitly or implicitly by consideration of the importance of the estimated risks and the associated social, environmental and economic consequences, in order to identify a range of alternatives for managing the risks.

RiskManagement The complete process of risk assessment and risk control.

RiskRating The level of risk posed by culvert damage to roads/assets. It is also a reflection of the level of damage that might be reasonably incurred by the asset as a result of the possible damage.

RoadLoc RTA Road Location identifier. RoadLoc uses the Linear Referencing System.

Scour Erosion of material causing rutting or washing away of the embankment or area downstream of the outlet.

Seepage The flow of water through soil or other material.


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Slumping The collapse of a bank or other material.

Soil The naturally occurring, unconsolidated or loose covering of broken rock particles and decaying organic matter (humus) on the surface of the earth.

Spall Flakes of a material that are broken off a larger solid body, which can be produced by a variety of mechanisms, such as projectile impact, corrosion, weathering, cavitation.

TemporalProbability The probability that a given failure mechanism interacts with an element at risk. This term is used in relation to risk to life and damage to property.

Tolerable A level of risk that is neither unacceptable nor acceptable. This level of risk should be reduced according to the principles of ALARP.

Unacceptable This risk level exceeds the risk tolerability criteria of the RTA. This implies that the area needs to be addressed for risk reduction or mitigation measures immediately.

Vegetation A general term for the plant life of a region; it refers to the ground cover life forms, structure, spatial extent or any other specific botanical or geographic characteristics.

Vulnerability Given that an interaction occurs between a drainage structure and an element at risk, the vulnerability is the degree of loss to a given element or set of elements within the affected area. In this Guide it expresses the probability of death resulting from failure of a drainage structure, interacting or impacting an element at risk.

ZoneofInfluence The area estimated to be potentially affected by the failure of the drainage structure. This could include adjacent areas which are affected by the failure.

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15.2 Site Sketch Preparation Use these mapping symbols on the Site Sketch.

Geological Boundary








Plunge of lineation

(Dashed line - traceon batter surface)





Soil (sheet)erosion



Debris flow

Multi cell

Rock fall

Single cell


Damp orwet ground

Standing water(eg pond, dam)



Break of slope



Crest of cutorembankment

Water flowIntermittent

Outflow Inflow

Water flowPermament







Slope angle(of slope facet)



? ? ? ? ? ?

Sketch notes

As a minimum, the sketch should include a plan view of the site and at least one cross section through the embankment and / or the culvert.


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The first step in sketching a site is to draw the road, including all lanes, median, footpaths, shoulders, verges, drains, and guard rails. Tension cracks, areas of subsidence, or holes in the pavement should be noted on the sketch, the location and shape of which should be shown as accurately as possible.

A NORTH point should always be drawn on the sketch.

Secondly, the culvert should be drawn under the road using dotted lines (in plan view) to depict the section of culvert covered with fill. The culvert type (metal, concrete box, concrete pipe, etc) and inlet and outlet should be labelled, and water flow direction should be shown using arrows. Notes on the culvert condition should be included on the sketch and any instability features such as cracks, water seepage, concrete damage, corrosion, separation of joints, misaligned sections of culvert, erosion around inlet or outlet, or slumping of embankment should be described and drawn on the sketch.

Embankment slopes above the culvert(s) should be labelled and the degree of vegetation noted on the sketch (eg heavily vegetated, sparsely vegetated, etc). Slope geometry should be shown either by using arrows depicting slope direction and numbers indicating slope angle or using a vertical / horizontal ratio (eg 1:3).

All structural features of the site should be shown on the drawings. These may include but are not limited to gabion baskets, headwalls, wing-walls, erosion protection, fences, and drains.

Any areas of pooled water or sediment deposition should also be shown. Note any blockages and their location, including within the culvert.

Dimensions of the embankment, road, and culvert(s) should be recorded on the plan sketch or cross section(s). Photos should be taken of any instability features or any features of interest and photo locations recorded on the sketch(s). The notations should be as follows (‘P10’) and should include arrows to depict the direction the photo was taken. It may be more efficient to take photos of features as they are noticed.

Failure mechanisms should be listed on the sketch page(s) and if possible drawn on the sketch. When describing slope instability mechanisms, a failure volume should be described.

Slope geometry and the distribution of geological units should be included on the cross section(s). Specific features and mechanisms should be included on the sections and they should be drawn at a natural scale. Where possible, the relative degree of vegetation should be shown and relevant dimensions should be drawn on each section (slope height, road width, culvert length etc).

General features to include on sketches:

• Scale.

• North Point.

• Slope angles – to indicate slope geometry.

• Dimensions of embankment, road, and culvert(s).

• Travel direction (arrows on road + road name).

• Section lines.

• Landform / geomorphological features (eg gullies, changes in slope, pooled areas).

• Geology (rock outcrops).

• Instability features (slumps, tension cracks, erosion, seepage, culvert damage).

• Photo locations and direction.

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15.3 Field Identification and Classification of Soils Coarse Grained Soils (more than half of material less than 63 mm is larger than 0.075 mm)

Major Divisions

Particle size (mm)

Group symbol

Typical names Field identification Sands and gravels

Boulders 200

Cobbles 63

Gravels (more than half of coarse fraction is larger than 2.36 mm).

Coarse 20

Medium 6

Fine 2.36

GW Well-graded gravels, gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines.

Wide range in grain size and substantial amounts of all intermediate sizes, not enough fines to bind coarse grains, no dry strength.

GP Poorly graded gravels and gravel-sand mixtures, little or no fines, uniform gravels.

Predominantly one size or range of sizes with some intermediate sizes missing. Not enough fines to bind coarse grains, no dry strength.

GM Silty gravels, gravel-sand-silt mixtures.

“Dirty” materials with excess of non-plastic fines, zero to medium dry strength.

GC Clayey gravels, gravel-sand-clay mixtures.

“Dirty” materials with excess of plastic fines, medium to high dry strength.

Sands (more than half of coarse fraction is smaller than 2.36 mm).

Coarse 0.6

Medium 0.2

SW Well graded sands, gravelly sands, little or no finds.

Wide range in grain size and substantial amounts of all intermediate sizes, not enough fines to bind coarse grains, no dry strength.

SP Poorly graded sands and gravelly sands; little or no fines, uniform sands.

Predominantly one size or range of sizes with some intermediate sizes missing, not enough fines to bind coarse grains, no dry strength.

SM Silty sands, sand-silt mixtures.

“Dirty” materials with excess of non-plastic fines, zero to medium dry strength.

Fine 0.075

SC Clayey sands, sand-clay mixtures.

“Dirty” materials with excess of plastic fines, medium to high dry strength.


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Fine Grained Soils (more than half of material less than 63 mm is smaller than 0.075 mm)

Major Divisions Group symbol

Typical names Dry Strength

Dilatancy Toughness

Silts and Clays (liquid limit < 50%).

ML Inorganic silts and very fine sands, rock flour, silty or clayey fine sands or clayey silts with slight plasticity.

None to low.

Quick to slow.


CL, CI Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays.

Medium to high.

None to very slow.


OL* Organic silts and organic silty clays of low plasticity.

Low to medium.

Slow. Low.

Silts and Clays (liquid limit > 50%).

MH Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soils, clastic silts.

Low to medium.

Slow to none.

Low to medium.

CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays.

High to very high.

None. High.

OH* Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts.

Medium to high.

None to very slow.

Low to medium.

Highly Organic Soils.

Pt* Peat and other highly organic materials.

Identified by colour, odour, spongy feel and generally by fibrous texture.

* Effervesces with H2O


Field identification procedure for fine grained soils or fractions

These procedures are to be performed on the minus 0.2 mm size particles. For field classification purposes, screening is not intended, simply remove by hand the coarse particles that interfere with the tests.

Dry strength (crushing characteristics)

This strength is a measure of the character and quality of the colloidal fraction contained in the soil. The dry strength increases with increasing plasticity. High dry strength is characteristic for clays of the CH group.

A typical inorganic silt possesses only very slight dry strength. Silty fine sands have about the same slight dry strength, but can be distinguished by the feel when powdering the dry specimens. Fine sand feels gritty whereas a typical silt has the smooth feel of flour.

Dilatancy (reaction to shaking)

A positive reaction consists of the appearance of water on the surface of the pat which changes to a livery consistency and becomes glossy. When the sample is squeezed between the fingers, the water and gloss disappear from the surface, the pat stiffens, and finally it cracks or crumbles. The rapidity of appearance of water during shaking and its disappearance during squeezing assist in identifying the character of the fines in a soil.

Very fine clean sands give the quickest and most distinct reaction whereas a plastic clay has no reaction. Inorganic silts, such as a typical rock flour, show a moderately quick reaction.

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Toughness (consistency near plastic limit)

The tougher the thread near the plastic limit and the stiffer the lump when it finally crumbles, the more potent is the colloidal clay fraction in the soil.

Weakness of the thread at the plastic limit and quick loss of coherence of the lump below the plastic limit indicate either inorganic clay of low plasticity, or materials such as kaolin-type clays and organic clays which occur below the A-line. Highly organic clays have a very weak and spongy feel at the plastic limit.

(Note: This section contains only the diagnostic parts of the procedures. Details of how the procedures are conducted are in AS1726).

Terminology Rock Descriptions

Dry Cohesive soils; hard and friable or powdery, well dry of plastic limit.

Granular soils; cohesionless and free running.

Moist Soil feels cool, darkened in colour.

Cohesive soils can be moulded.

Granular soils tend to cohere.

Wet Soil feels cool, darkened in colour.

Cohesive soils usually weakened and free water forms on hands.

when handling.

Granular soils tend to cohere.

Coarse grained soils Fine grained soils

% Fines Modifier % Coarse Modifier

≤ 5 Omit, or use “trace”. ≤ 15 Omit, or use “trace”.

> 5 ≤ 12 Describe as “with clay/

silt” as applicable.

> 15 ≤ 30 Describe as

“with sand/gravel”

as applicable.

> 12 Prefix soil as “clayey/

silty” as applicable.

> 30 Prefix soil as “sandy/

gravelly” as applicable.

Term Letter


Point Load


Index Is50

Field guide to strength



EL ≤ 0.03 Easily remoulded by hand to a material

with soil properties.

Very low VL > 0.03 ≤ 0.1 Material crumbles under firm blows with

sharp end of pick; Can be peeled with

knife; too hard to cut a triaxial sample

by hand. Pieces up to 3 cm thick can be

broken by finger pressure.

Low L > 0.1 ≤ 0.3 Easily scored with a knife; indentations

1 mm to 3 mm show in the specimen

with firm blows of the pick point; has dull

sound under hammer. A piece of core

150 mm long 50 mm diameter may be

broken by hand. Sharp edges of core

may be friable and break during handling.

Medium M > 0.3 ≤ 1 Readily scored with a knife; a piece of core

150 mm long by 50 mm diameter can be

broken by hand with difficulty.

High H > 1 ≤ 3 A piece of core 150 mm long by 50 mm

diameter cannot be broken by hand but

can be broken by a pick with a single

firm blow; rock rings under hammer.

Very high VH > 3 ≤ 10 Hand specimen breaks with pick after

more than one blow; rock rings

under hammer.



EH > 10 Specimen requires many blows with

geological pick to break through intact

material; rock rings under hammer.

Well graded Having good representation of all particle sizes from the

largest to the smallest.

Poorly graded With one of more intermediate sizes poorly represented.

Gap graded With one or more intermediate sizes absent.

Uniform Essentially of one size.

Term Undrained

Shear Strength


Field guide to consistency

Very soft ≤ 12 Exudes between the fingers when

squeezed in the hand.

Soft > 12 ≤ 25 Can be moulded by light finger pressure.

Firm > 25 ≤ 50 Can be moulded by strong finger pressure.

Stiff > 50 ≤ 100 Cannot be moulded by fingers.

Can be indented by thumb.

Very stiff > 100 ≤ 200 Can be indented by thumb nail.

Hard > 200 Can be indented with difficulty by thumb nail.

Layer Zone is continuous across exposure or sample.

Lens A discontinuous layer of different material, with a lenticular shape.

Pocket An irregular inclusion of different material.

Fresh (F) Rock substance unaffected by weathering.


weathered (SW)

Rock substance partly stained or discoloured. Colour and

texture of fresh rock recognisable.


weathered (MW)

Staining or discolouration extends throughout rock

substance. Fresh rock colour not recognisable.


weathered (HW)

Stained or discoloured throughout. Signs of chemical or

physical alteration. Rock texture retained.


weathered (EW)

Rock texture evident but material has soil properties and can

be remoulded.

Residual soil Soil developed on extremely weathered rock; the mass

structure and substance fabric are no longer evident; there

is a large change in volume but the soil has not been

significantly transported.

Descriptive Terms for Material Proportions

Particle Size

Moisture Condition

Consistency Terms – Cohesive Soils



StrengthSoil Descriptions


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15.4 Headwall Hazards Potential mechanisms affecting headwalls generally must be deduced from obvious features.


Part or all of the front face of the wall is at a steeper angle than that originally constructed, but still planar. Crest line displaced outwards over the affected length. Rotational failure through the structure foundations may result in backwards tilting, with the affected section having a flatter slope than the remainder.

BulgingPart of the wall is displaced forward of the general plane of the batter, with a rounded profile. The wall above the bulge is commonly tilted backwards. The bulge may extend below the toe of the wall.

SlidingThe base of the wall is displaced forwards relative to its original position, without any change in the face angle.

Cracking in wallCracks formed in the structural elements of the wall (other than shrinkage cracks). In masonry, may be in mortar or through individual blocks.

Displaced blocks In masonry only, individual blocks are displaced forwards or dislodged.

SubsidenceThe crest line of the wall, or the surface behind it is displaced downwards relative to its original position.

Cracking behind wall

The surface behind the wall shows cracking, indicating horizontal displacement of the wall relative to its original position.

ErosionMaterial from behind wall is eroding: could be through, under or around the ends of the wall. May be due to poor compaction, animals nesting or other.

ActiveThe distress shows evidence of current or recent occurrence eg fresh surfaces, sharp edges to cracks, erosion.

Not apparently active

The distress mode appears to be dormant ie infilled cracks, discoloured surfaces, vegetation regrowth or has been repaired without evidence of reoccurrence.

No visible distress There is no visible evidence of any of the distress modes or of past repair or remediation.

MinorThe distress mode(s) are evident but not sufficiently advanced to imply that failure of the structure would occur unless there was substantial further development (relative to that which has already occurred).

SignificantThe distress mode(s) are evident and have advanced to the point where failure could occur with a moderate degree of further development (relative to that which has already occurred).

MajorThe distress mode(s) are evident and have advanced to the point where failure appears imminent or would become so with a small degree of further development (relative to that which has already occurred).

There are often several possible mechanisms which could explain the various symptoms of distress in retaining structures. Some of these are discussed below, with particular reference to unmortared masonry (“drystone”) structures. Likelihood is obtained from combining loading probability and failure probability.


May result from compaction (compression) or settlement of backfill, under either self-weight or traffic loadings. Or it can be symptomatic of shear failure in backfill. Or sliding on the base of the backfill (shear failure at interface) which breaks out horizontally at the toe. The first is more likely to result in a smooth, barrel-shaped section. If through the wall, shear failures will usually result in a bulge which is sharper on the underside. Detection depends on knowledge of the original condition.

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Commonly due to overturning of the wall, at either full or part height. Backwards tilting is most commonly due to rotational failure through the backfill and foundations of the structure. Detection depends on knowledge of the original condition, which may be difficult to establish with older structures. The available information indicates that drystone walls dating from prior to c 1930 will probably have been built to an original batter of 1:6 (c 80.5°). From c 1940 onwards, this may have decreased to 1:4 (c 76°). This is based on typical cross sections from the time (one MRB and hence earlier than c 1932 and one DMR dated 1941) and 19th century British Army practice. Look for evidence of variation along the length of the wall. Angles of 1:12 or greater (> c 85°) are unlikely to be original and should be regarded as evidence of distress unless they can be confirmed as being “as constructed”.


This is essentially a shear failure at foundation level, with the wall moving as an intact block without change in orientation or other evidence of distress. Much less likely with drystone structures as they lack the tensile strength to transfer the resulting loads along the wall ie they will fracture and there will be an offset through the wall in one or both directions from the point of greatest movement. The only way a drystone wall could reasonably stay intact is if it was caught up in a larger scale translational failure.

Notes re tilting and bulging failures

• Historically design analysis commonly assumed that a gravity wall behaved as a rigid block and Fs was analysed in 2D. In reality for rigid walls (eg reinforced concrete) there are 3D effects due to the fact that load can be transferred laterally and the real Fs is greater than that calculated.

• Flexible walls can deform locally and may not be affected over their full height.

• Cantilevered and anchored structures may fail by other mechanisms eg toe break out, bending, anchor pull-out.

• For drystone walls the situation is also different:

• They are flexible but may not provide much indication of distress to a casual inspection.

• Only limited longitudinal load transfer is possible, via whatever internal friction is available within the wall itself. Hence it will tend to topple over an extended length where failure is due to the loads applied by the backfill, but will be more likely to fail over only a short length due to live loads, adjacent to the point of loading.

• The wall does not behave as a rigid block in 2D. It has very limited flexural strength and in principle could fail by rotating about any point on the outside face. The combination of minimum wall thickness and variable height means that Fs appears to be at a minimum where H is 2 – 3 m. Hence walls higher than c 2 m would tend to fail by rotating around a point about 2 – 2.5 m below the crest (“wall within wall”).

• These forms of behaviour are consistent with observations of drystone structures of various heights and construction standards in NSW.


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15.5 Culvert Inventory Risk Assessment Checklist The Risk Assessment Checklist is a section in the Culvert Inventory Collection Form, filled out at the time a culvert is first inspected.

See the Culvert Inventory Collection Guideline for details. The Collection Form and the Guideline can be found on the RTA intranet.

Risk Assessment Checklist

External Condition

Are any of the following conditions evident at the culvert location? Tick if yes

Subsidence in the road

Significant patching of the road above the culvert

Significant cracking or deformation of the road above the culvert

Holes or cavities in the road fill around the inlet or outlet or above the culvert

Embankment failure at the culvert outlet eg slumping, cracking

Seepage emerging around the outside of the pipe

Significant scour erosion of the road fill batters

Significant scour erosion below the outlet or at the inlet

Headwalls missing or displaced

Inconsistent flow of water between inlet and outlet

History of water flow over road

Squeeze point and/ or locally steep batter

Occupied buildings downstream that could be at risk (within 100 metres)

Culvert conveys tidal flows or has floodgates present

Culvert Barrel Type

Are any of the following culvert barrel types present? Tick if yes

Metal, plastic, brick, stone, terracotta, masonry, timber, composite, or barrel type classified as “Other”

Internal Condition of the Culvert

Are any of the following conditions evident within the culvert barrel? Tick if yes

Significant cracking and deformation of the internal walls

Evidence of corrosion of steel reinforcement (eg. exposed reinforcement, iron staining, leaching)

Spalling or delamination of concrete

Noticeable displacement or separation across joints (butt joints ≥ 20mm, spigot & socket joints ≥ 50mm)

Evidence of groundwater entering into the pipe

Evidence of water being lost out of joints or other defects in the pipe

Evidence of erosion through joints (eg. seepage inflows carrying fines, soil accumulation at joints)

Bowing of culvert

Geometry change

Debris or vegetation inside culvert

Acid sulfate soils and/or acid bearing rock

Risk Assessment Comment

Detailed Risk Assessment required. If any of the above are present, then tick here and add a comment below.

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15.6 Culvert Risk Assessment Record A representation of the Culvert Risk Assessment Record (version 1.5) is attached on the following pages. The form is

available on the RTA Intranet.


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RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 91

A Identification and Location (from RAMS database)

Culvert Number Date / / Assessor No

Local Number RegionCode

Slope Number

Culvert Comment

eg access,


Latitude Longitude Road No(digits only)


Link Offset alonglink (km)

Seg No Seg Offset(km)




Off-road Latitude Off-road Longitude Left or Right of C’way Marked at roadside

Inlet Left Right Yes No

Outlet Left Right Yes No

B. Culvert geometry

Depth of

cover at



batter slope


Culvert barrelInlet


Inlet batter


Average grade of

barrel (1/Z x 100%)

Depth of

cover at







Slope from

headwall invert to edge line


Edge line

Depth of

cover at



batter slope


Culvert barrelInlet


Inlet batter


Average grade of

barrel (1/Z x 100%)

Depth of

cover at







Slope from

headwall invert to edge line


Edge line

Culvert Geometry Data (from RAMS database)

Culvert length



Depth of cover

at inlet


Depth of cover

at outlet


Depth of Cover Score

> 15m 2010-15m 155-10m 103-5m 5< 3m 0

No. of pipes orboxes

Length of cell


Pipe diameter


Box/Cell width


Arch width


Batter Slope Score

≥ 45° 20

≥ 35° 15

≥ 25° 10

< 25° 5

Culvert Geometry Data (to be measured in field)

Average gradeof barrel



batter slope

l in x


batter slope

l in y

Slope frominvert to


Culvert flow control

> 60°

45° - 60°

< 45°

Inlet control

Outlet control

Average Grade of Barrel

≥ 25° 20

15-25° 15

10-15° 10

5-10° 5

< 5° 0




B. Culvert geometry

Culvert Lengthmetres

Average Gradeof Barrel


Inlet BatterSlopel in x

Outlet BatterSlopel in y

Slope frominvert to edgeline

Culvert Flow Control

Height offill at inlet

Height offill at outlet

Inlet batterslope

Average grade ofbarrel (1/Z x 100%)

Outletbatter slope

Edge line

Culvert barrel

Slope fomhedwall invert to edge line




No. of pipes orboxes

Length of Cellmetres

Pipe diametermm

Box/Cell Widthmm

Arch Widthmm

B1Height of Fill

at Inletmetres

Height of Fillat Outlet


Height of Fill> 15m10-15m5-10m3-5m<3

Batter Slope≥ 45°≥ 35°≥ 25°< 25°

Average Grade of Barrel

≥ 25°15-25°10-155-10<5



Culvert Geometry Data (from RAMS database)

Culvert Geometry Data (to be measured in field)

Inlet control> 60°45° - 60°< 45°

Outlet control


1 1

1 z




B. Culvert geometry

Culvert Lengthmetres

Average Gradeof Barrel


Inlet BatterSlopel in x

Outlet BatterSlopel in y

Height offill at inlet

Height offill at outlet

Inlet batterslope

Average grade ofbarrel (1/Z x 100%)

Outletbatter slope

Edge line

Culvert barrel

Slope fomhedwall invert to edge line




No. of pipes orboxes

Length of Cellmetres

Pipe diametermm

Box/Cell Widthmm

Arch Widthmm

B1Height of Fill

at Inletmetres

Height of Fillat Outlet


Height of Fill> 15m10-15m5-10m3-5m<3

Batter Slope≥ 45°≥ 35°≥ 25°< 25°

Average Grade of Barrel

≥ 25°15-25°10-155-10<5



Culvert Geometry Data (from RAMS database)

Culvert Geometry Data (to be measured in field)


1 1

1 z



B3Culvert Flow Control

Inlet control

Outlet control

Slope frominvert to edgeline

> 60°45° - 60°< 45°

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C. Site Features Sketch


1. Describe failure type and scale, mechanism if possible. Include any secondary failure mechanisms. Include any relevant features eg seepage, cracks,blockage, scour, etc.

2. Include the location of any structural features already in place, monitoring equipment, etc and the likely location of any proposed instrumentation/remedialworks

3. Include details and distances of nearby features, eg building, services, slopes, bodies of water, etc. Include any decommissioned culverts or other suchstructures

4. Detail where possible the type of geology observed on the road embankment and adjacent geology which may affect the road.


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D. Culvert barrel adverse conditions

Method of Inspection of Culvert Barrel: Inspection from ends of culvert (non-entry)

Manned entry inspection

Video inspection

D.1 General condition (deterioration & cracking)

Imminent Failure




General Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.2 Shape (for flexible culverts only)

Imminent Failure




Shape Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

D.3 Seams or Joints

Imminent Failure




Seams or Joints Conditions

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E. Inlet/Outlet adverse conditions

E.1 Headwalls

Imminent Failure




Headwall Condition

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.2 Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure




Inlet Channel

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

E.3 Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure




Outlet Scour

Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F. Roadway and embankment adverse conditions

F.1 Pavement

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5

F.2 Embankment

Imminent Failure





Imminent Failure 20

Critical 15

Serious 10

Poor 5









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RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 94

G. Potentially affected development or features

General Nature of Adjacent Development:

Residential Industrial/ Commercial Open Space National Park /Wildlife Reserve Drainage/ Water Storage Catchment

Specific Developments/Features Distance from road (m)

Regularly occupied buildingsDomestic/residentialCommercial/residentialEducationalOfficesIndustrialOther:

Normally unoccupied buildings



Power distribution

Water supply

Gas supply


Open space


Typical ScoringDevelopment Type Score*

- Occupied buildings 10- Unoccupied buildings 5- Other roads 10- Railways 10- Open spaces 5- Services 5- None 0

H. Culvert attribute score B1 B2 B3 D1 D2 D3 E1 E2 E3 F1 F2 G Total Score

I. Inspection NotesWeather Conditions on

day of inspection

Weather Conditions onpreceding days

Ground Conditions(eg acid sulphate, saline

soil, high pH, etc)Decommissioned or

culverts in vicinity

Age of culvert(years)

J. Recommended preventative maintenance measures

Est. Cost of Full Repair$

Debris removalVegetation removalFlush sedimentJoint sealing/repairConcrete repair(patch cracks, spalls)

Scour hole repairStabilise channelStabiliseembankment

Strategic Estimate< $50,000< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000>$500,000


K. Possible remedial measures

Inlet/OutletAdd wing wallAdd energy dissipaterAdd debris protection

BarrelInvert repair (pave, armour, coat)Replace a section/cellCulvert barrel liningReplace

Strategic Estimate for remedialmeasures

< $100,000< $200,000< $500,000<$1,000,000>$1,000,000




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RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 95

L. Photo and image filesFile Name Caption

Notes for data entry Some fields can be filled in at the office before taking the form into the field.A. Identification • Enter the date of assessment and your assessor number.

• If any location data already entered is wrong, please correct it. Add any missing data.• Please write the culvert number at the top of all pages, in case they get separated.

B. Geometry • If any location data already entered is wrong, please correct it. Add any missing data.

C. Site featuressketch

• Complete the sketch on site. If required, draw separate additional sketches of specific features.• Indicate the points where photographs were taken.

D. Culvert BarrelFeatures

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores.

E. Inlet OutletFeatures

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores.

F. Roadway andEmbankment

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores.

G Potentiallyaffected devel.

• Tick the appropriate items and write the scores. Write distances from the culvert.

H Culvert AttributeScore

• Transcribe the previous scores and calculate the total score.

I Inspection notes • Enter brief notes as appropriate.• Enter actual or estimated age of culvert structure.

J Preventativemaintenance

• Tick appropriate measures.• Enter comment if other measures are suitable.

K Remedialmeasures

• Tick appropriate measures.• Enter comment if other measures are suitable.

L. Photos andimages

• List file names and descriptive captions.

M. Risk analysis • Determine which hazards are present. For those that apply:o Calculate likelihoods (see Guideline).o Calculate temporal probability, vulnerability and consequence for life(see Guideline).o Calculate economic consequence(see Guideline).o Determine Assessed Risk Level rating(see Guideline).

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RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline V2.3 Page 96

M. Risk Analysis


SC-1 SI-1 SI-2 SI-3 SI-4 PI-1 PI-2 PI-3 HF-1 HF-2

Hazard Type





LeakageOut ofBarrel








Outsideof Culvertdue toAfflux


Outsideof Culvertdue toLeaks outof Culvert


Erosionby Over-toppingFlows



Likelihood Ratings


Factor 1


Factor 2


Factor 3

Final Likelihood

Likelihood Rating(L1 - L6)

ConsequenceClass Ratings *

Temporal Probability

(T1 - T5)


(V1 - V5)

Consequence Classfor Loss of Life (C1 -C5)

Consequence Classfor property damage(C1 - C5)

* In general T, V and C ratings will be the same for all hazards, except for HF-2 which will have a different zone of influence (ie acrossother catchments) and different elements at risk.

Risk AnalysisRatings

Assessed RiskLevel(ARL1 - ARL5)

Need for further investigation? (Y/N) Yes No



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96 RTA Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline

16 Index AADT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Afflux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Age of the culvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Analysis comments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Arch culverts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

ARL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

AS4360 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Assessment Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Assessment Responsibilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Asset Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Australian Standard for Risk Management . . . . . . . . . 5

Average grade of barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Barrel condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Barrel Shape . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

CCTV inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Checklist, risk screening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Classification of Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Confined Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Consequence (C) Matrix for Risk to Life . . . . . . . . . 71

Consequence Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Consequence for Risk to Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Consequence for Risk to Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72

Corridor Assets Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Cross Catchment Flooding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Culvert Attribute Score. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Culvert Comment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Culvert Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Culvert Management Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Culvert Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Culvert Risk Assessment Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Decommissioned culverts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Definition of culvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Dents and Localised Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Depth of cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Desktop Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Deterioration of barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Developments affected . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Difficult Access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Distance from road . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Elements at risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Embankment condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Endwalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Erosion by Overtopping Flows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Existing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Failure mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Field Assessment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

File naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Further investigation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

General condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

GPS coordinates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Hazard Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Headwall Collapse . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

Headwalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

HF-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

HF-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

Hints on Photographs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Hydraulic Flow hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

Initiating mechanisms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Inlet batter slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Inlet Condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Inlet control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Inspection Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Interim management plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

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Leakage out of the Barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Likelihood Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Mapping symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Metal culverts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Open joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Outlet batter slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Outlet control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Outlet Scour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pavement condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Photograph File Naming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Photos and Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

PI-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

PI-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

PI-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Piping hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Piping into Culvert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50

Piping on the Outside due to Afflux . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53

Piping on the Outside due to Leakage . . . . . . . . . . . 55

Planning Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Plastic pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Project Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Recommended maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Regional Asset Manager . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Remedial Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Risk Analysis table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Risk Assessment Flowchart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Risk Assessor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Risk Level (ARL) Rating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74

Risk screening checklist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Road Asset Management System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Roadway condition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Roles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) . . . . . . . . . . 12

Safety on Site . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

SC-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Seams or Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

SI-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

SI-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

SI-3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45

SI-4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Site Features Sketch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Site Sketch Preparation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Sketch notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81

Slope Instability by Undermining at Inlet or Outlet . . . . 46

Slope Instability Caused by Afflux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Slope Instability Caused by Leakage out of the Barrel . . 42

Slope Instability from Headwall Collapse . . . . . . . . . 45

Slope Instability hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Soils . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

Strategic Estimate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Structural Collapse hazards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Structural collapse of the barrel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Tasks for Assessors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Tasks for Project Managers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75

Temporal Probability (T) estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Temporal Probability Rating for Road Users . . . . . . 69

Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Thin walled flexible pipes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Vulnerability (V) estimation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67

Weather conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Wingwalls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


Page 102: Culvert Risk Assessment Guideline - IPWEA

For further enquiries: I 13 22 13

Roads and Traffic Authority All information in correspondence is collected for the sole purpose of assisting in the assessment of this proposal. The information may be used by the RTA and/or the RTA’s project contractors. All information received, including names and addresses of respondents, may be published in subsequent documents unless clear indication is given in the correspondence that all or part of that information is not to be published.

RTA/Pub. 09.008

ISBN 978-1-921598-21-0