cuerno verde owners association (cvoa) · cvoa construction...

CUERNO VERDE OWNERS ASSOCI GOVERNANCE POLICIES CVOA Vehicles Po量icy: All vehicles, including recreationa OWner’s property must be operational and have a current sta CVOA Lawn Omamentation PoIicy: Historic artifacts su etc. may not exceed three (3) per property. CVOA Guest Facilities, Servants or Caretakers Quarters or caretaker’s quarters are not allowed in乱ings 3 - 6’aCCOr Water Augmentation Decree (case #79CW1 52) by the CoI Resources. Owners in糾ings l & 2 must make application a dwelling well pemit from the state ofCoIorado. The appr permit must be included in the submission of plans to th guest facilities, Servant’s or caretaker’s quarters. CVOA Detached Garages Square Footage Policy: Deta 200 square feet and no larger than 3,000 square feet. CVOA Bams Square Footage Policy: Bams must be a mi larger than 3,000 square feet・ CVOA Sheds for Horses or Loa鯖ng Sheds Square Foota 1. Loafing Sheds: Must be a minimum of200 square fe feet and must be open on at least one side ofthe struct 2. Sheds for Horses: Must be a minimum of200 square feet and must have a door a minimun of4 feet wide and CVOA Bam’Garage) Or Shed几oafing Shed Location Pol of a new Bam, Garage or Shed/Loafing Shed, the owner wil location of the structure pexpendicular to or behind the another location must submit a site p上an and explanation for the desired location. Possible reasons may be lot topo make the魚nal determination. CVOA Structure Height Determination Policy: To dete measure the height of the structure from where the highe foundation, COnCrete Slab, Or COnCrete Pier top. From th top ofthe foundation, Slab, Or Pier to the highest point of height. Structure height may not exceed 25 feet・ Page lof4

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Page 1: CUERNO VERDE OWNERS ASSOCIATION (CVOA) · CVOA Construction Period Approval Po量icy (Third 180 Day Construction Period Approval): Owners requesting



CVOA Vehicles Po量icy: All vehicles, including recreational vehicles and trailers, StOred on an

OWner’s property must be operational and have a current state registration displayed.

CVOA Lawn Omamentation PoIicy: Historic artifacts such as wagons, mmmg CartS, traCtOrS,

etc. may not exceed three (3) per property.

CVOA Guest Facilities, Servants or Caretakers Quarters Policy: Guest facilities, Servant’s

or caretaker’s quarters are not allowed in乱ings 3 - 6’aCCOrding to the interpretation ofthe

Water Augmentation Decree (case #79CW1 52) by the CoIorado Department of Natural

Resources. Owners in糾ings l & 2 must make application and receive approval for a multi-

dwelling well pemit from the state ofCoIorado. The approval for the multi-dwelling weu

permit must be included in the submission of plans to the Architectural ControI Committee for

guest facilities, Servant’s or caretaker’s quarters.

CVOA Detached Garages Square Footage Policy: Detached garages must be a minimun of

200 square feet and no larger than 3,000 square feet.

CVOA Bams Square Footage Policy: Bams must be a minimum of200 square feet and no

larger than 3,000 square feet・

CVOA Sheds for Horses or Loa鯖ng Sheds Square Footage Policy:

1. Loafing Sheds: Must be a minimum of200 square feet and no larger than 400 square

feet and must be open on at least one side ofthe structure.

2. Sheds for Horses: Must be a minimum of200 square feet and no larger th狐400 square

feet and must have a door a minimun of4 feet wide and 7 feet tall.

CVOA Bam’Garage) Or Shed几oafing Shed Location Policy: When detemining the location

of a new Bam, Garage or Shed/Loafing Shed, the owner will make every e批)rt tO Plan for the

location of the structure pexpendicular to or behind the primary dwelling. Owners desiring

another location must submit a site p上an and explanation to the Architectural ControI Committee

for the desired location. Possible reasons may be lot topography, Setbacks’etC. The Board will

make the魚nal determination.

CVOA Structure Height Determination Policy: To detemine a structure height, CVOA wi11

measure the height of the structure from where the highest finished grade makes contact w地心e

foundation, COnCrete Slab, Or COnCrete Pier top. From this point’CVOA will measure from the

top ofthe foundation, Slab, Or Pier to the highest point ofthe ridge line to detemine the structure

height. Structure height may not exceed 25 feet・

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Page 2: CUERNO VERDE OWNERS ASSOCIATION (CVOA) · CVOA Construction Period Approval Po量icy (Third 180 Day Construction Period Approval): Owners requesting

CVOA Setbacks PoIicy: No structures/devices, allowed by statute, are a11owed within 50 foot

Ofan owner’s property line.

CVOA 75 Foot Streambed Setback Application Policy: The 75 foot center streambed setback

applies to all properties bordering or intersected by Piltz, Lapin, and Antelope Creeks.

CVOA Airport Height Restrictions PoIicy: Owners acqulrmg a building pemit must consult

With Custer County Zoning to detemine if a structure or device is affected by the ai岬ort


CVOA Temporary Structure Policy: Temporary Structures not allowed in Cuemo Verde.

CVOA Foundations, Slabs or Piers PoIicy: All structures must be pemanent by being set

upon a concrete or block foundation, COnCrete Slab, Or COnCrete Piers and be anchored to the

COnCrete Slab, foundation, Or PlerS uSing “J” bolts or metal anchoring brackets sunk into the


CVOA Construction Period Approval Po量icy (Third 180 Day Construction Period

Approval): Owners requesting a third, 1 80 day construction extension will be required to

Submit a construction schedule showing their plamed progress, gain Board approval, and acqulre

a $10,000 perfomance bond or deposit funds in an escrow account made out to Cuemo Verde

Owners Association before the third construction period will be approved.

CVOA Generator Policy: Fossil fuel generators may be used during structure construction. If

COmeCted to the primary dwelling, fossil fuel generators wi11 only be used as a backup power

SOurCe. All proposed fossil fuel generator locations must be Board approved.

CVOA Tree Po獲icy:

1. Under current state statutes, OWnerS may, Without Association approval, COmmenCe Wild丘re

mitigation and forest management fo11owing guidelines established by the CoIorado State Forest


2. The clearing oftrees within 30 1inear feet of all structures is recommended. A11 trees within

lOO linear feet of a11 structures should be thimed and all limbs should be trimmed to lO feet

above the ground. Owners are encouraged to get a fire mitigation assessment by the Wet

Mountain Fire Protection District or other qualified assessors to detemine if other trees on their

PrOPerty Should be thimed. Owners should consult the CVOA Community Wildfire Protection

Plan for additional guidance.

3. Association approval for tree removal is not required for the following: driveway access,

StruCture Site preparation, Water Well drilling, and septic system insta11ation.

4. All debris should be removed after prQject completion. Buning of debris on private property

lS Prohibited.


Page 3: CUERNO VERDE OWNERS ASSOCIATION (CVOA) · CVOA Construction Period Approval Po量icy (Third 180 Day Construction Period Approval): Owners requesting

CVOA Fence and Gate Po獲icies:

l. Aesthetic Fencing:

a. For decorative uses only (boundary markers, driveway entrances, Parking areas)

b. Must have altemating sections with breaks

c. Must not be detrimental to, nOr interfere with wildlife movement

d. Must not exceed forty-eight (48) inches in height

e. Franing must be comprised of natural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) and be of design

and coIor harmonious to the natural surroundings

f Metal tubing or architectural wire may be used within framing but must be of size and

coIor hamonious to the natural surroundings (no barbed wire, electrified wire, Chain

link, rabbit fence, Chicken wire)

2. Stockade or Privacy Fencing:

a. No stockade or prlVacy fencing allowed as perimeter fencing

b. Stockade or pnvacy fencing approved only for protecting the primary dwe11ing from

automobile headlamps, but in no situation obstructing adycent property owners’view

c. Must be constructed ofnatural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) and be ofdesign and

coIor harmonious to the natural surroundings

3. Fencing for Horses:

a. Total fenced area not to exceed twenty重ve percent (25 %) of lot area

b. Not to exceed sixty (60) inches in height

c. Must be capable of containing equine’but ofmaterial and construction allowing rotation

Ofthe area for grazmg

d. Framing must be constructed ofnatural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) and be of design and

coIor hamonious to the natural surroundings

e. Metal tubing or architectural wire may be used within framing but must be of size and

coIor hamonious to the natural surroundings (no bafoed wire, electrified wire, Chain link,

rabbit fence, Chicken wire)

4. Fencing for Household Pets:

a. Total fenced area not to exceed two thousand (2000) square feet

b. Not to exceed sixty (60) inches in height

c. Must be attached to or located within ten (1 0) feet ofthe primary dwelling

d. May not extend into setbacks

e. Framing must be constructed ofnatural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) and be of design

and coIor harmonious to the natural surroundings

f Metal tubing or architectural wire may be used within framing but must be of size and

coIor hamonious to the natural s皿Oundings (no barbed wire, electrified wire, Chain link,

rabbit fence, Chicken wire)

5. Fencing for Trash Receptacles:

a. Must encIose the receptacle on all sides

b. Must shield trash receptacle from view at street level and from a句oining properties


Page 4: CUERNO VERDE OWNERS ASSOCIATION (CVOA) · CVOA Construction Period Approval Po量icy (Third 180 Day Construction Period Approval): Owners requesting

C. Must be composed ofnatural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) and be of design and coIor

harmonious to the natural suroundings and existing structures

6. Gatcs:

a. Gates for aesthetic fencing

i. Not to exceed sixty (60) inches in height

ii. Framing must be comprised ofnatural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) and be ofdesign

and coIor harmonious to the natural surroundings

b. Gates for horse fencing, household pet fencing

i. Not to exceed sixty (60) inches in height

ii. Framing must be comprised ofnatural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) and be of design

and coIor hamonious to the natural surroundings

7. Driveway Entry Gates:

a. Must be located inside owners property boundary

b・ Framing may be comprised ofnatural materials (e.g.; WOOd, StOne) or metal and must be

Of design and color hamonious to the natural surroundings

CVOA Recreational Vehicles PoIicy:

1. Recreational Vehicles (RVs) may be stored on an owner’s property that has a completed


2. RVs are de宜ned as: mOtOr homes, 5th wheels, Pull trailers, POP-uP and truck campers,

boats, all-terrain vehicles, and snowmobiles.

3. RVs should be stored behind the owner’s residence, bam, garage, Shed/ loafing shed as

far back from all roadways as topography and vegetation allow.

4・ RVs should not be parked within 50 foot ofany property line.

5. If a RVs storage location comes into question, the owner must prove to the Board the

location is the o血y possible location on the property.
