cuban revolution

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Post on 27-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Cuban RevolutionBy Aditi Patil and Nicole Pristin

2. Long-term Causes Sugar Socioeconomic inequalities Anti-U.S. feeling Political corruption 3. Sugar Production The major export of Cuba Owned by the elite Backed by American capital Only allowed to sell certain quota of the sugar in American markets Led to trade deficit 4. Socioeconomic Inequalities Large gap between rich and poor Majority of the population was impoverished Superior life for the Cuban eliteMembers of the Cuban upper class 5. Anti-American Feelings War history Resentment towards U.S. control Imperialistic attitude 6. Political Corruption Fulgencio Batistasregime Revocation ofdemocracy Shady casinosFulgencio Batista 7. Fidel Castro Revolutionaryleader Against Batistaspolitics Orthodoxo Party Built up resistance slowly With his convincing speechesFidel Castro 8. Moncada Barracks Plan was to storm barracks and seize thearmory Led by resistance forces Castro was a key member Failure Everyone was either killed or captured Brought Castro and the cause to fame 9. Ernest Che Guevara Doctor Met Castro in Mexico Joined in on 26th ofJuly Movement Rose among theresistance Later appointedPresident of theNational Bank 10. 26th of July Movement 11. 26th of July Movement Castro and 82 of his men returned to Cuba Not in time to coordinate with other attacks Ambushed Only 12 men left Forced Castro and Fidelistas into Sierra Maestra mountains 12. 26th of July Movement Guerilla attacks Gained power through media Organized strikes May 1958 Batista sent his finaloffensive, which failed Castro was on the offensive Jan 1, 1959 Batista fled 13. Castro In Power Had said he didntwant a spot in thegovernment Appointed himself aspresident Annulled some elections that had occurred before 14. Castros Reforms Literacy movement Made Cuba a one party government Banned elections Land reform Banned religion 15. Closer to USSR Became close friends withKhrushchev Made the Soviet UnionCubas main tradingpartner Khrushchev thought ofCuba as the beacon forCommunism in LatinAmerica 16. Estranged from US US backed Batista until finalmoment President Eisenhower refuses to seeCastro US imposes embargo Castro nationalizes Americancompanies in Cuba US nervous about a country withsocialist reforms so close 17. Bay of pigs 18. Bay of Pigs CIA failed operation Sent in Cuban Americans who were supposedto kill Castro Underestimated Cuban efficiency and loyalty toCastro US alienated Castro and Cuba