ctpcc day 1_brief_2_capstone_briefing_20140808

ARKANSAS' TOTAL FORCE…READY, RELEVANT, RESPONSIVE 1 Capstone Way Ahead Brief 2014 AR ARNG Company Team Pre-Command Course (CTPCC)

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Explanation brief for the way ahead.


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Capstone Way Ahead Brief

2014 AR ARNGCompany Team Pre-Command

Course (CTPCC)

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• Provide a briefing to your battalion and brigade commanders utilizing information and tools presented during the CTPCC to demonstrate understanding of your company’s current status and the way ahead to improve readiness in each of TAG’s target areas: manning, equipping, and training.

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• Briefings will be developed by each company team.• Issued in a classroom setting utilizing PowerPoint and supporting

documents such as your UMR, MTOE, counseling statements, command philosophy, etc.

• Based on your unit of assignment and its current year in the ARFORGEN cycle.

• CTPCC students will have access to automation devices and be mentored by course cadre assigned to each small group.

• CTPCC students will conduct small group breakouts in the afternoons of each training day to prepare the briefing.

• Each CMD team will develop their own briefing format and slide packet; no set template will be issued. (recommend using your units format)

• Company teams should focus their efforts on the priorities of their higher commanders; utilize support forms, CTG, etc.

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• Each small group will provide a briefing that articulates the vision of the company commander to prepare his/her unit to move into the next ARFORGEN year; small groups clearly address and prioritize the specific manning, equipping, and training challenges associated with the unit in a constrained environment while striving to improve overall Soldier Readiness.

• Briefing will be no more than 30 minutes in duration; a 15 minute period will follow the briefing for questions and a hot-wash; total time allocated to each Command Team is 45 minutes.

• Success is defined as your briefing audience understanding the way ahead for your unit.

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MAN THE FORCEKey topics:


Retention/ NOVAL/ Bonus Issues


Medically Non-Available


Height and Weight

Bottom line Personnel Readiness!

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Equipment on hand


Fully mission capable vs FMS/CSMS


Execution of funds (IMAP, GPC, CCDF)


Appointment orders

Unit Movement Plan

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APFT Leader Certification



Resources Needed

METL Development and Assessment

Draft FY15 Training Plan

Individual Training RequirementsWhere year are you in ARFORGEN and where will you be at the end of

FY15 going into FY16? Will you make your Aim Points?

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ARNG BCT (H/I/S) ARFORGEN Training Template

= ARNG FTX Program Event




T/R-1 T/R- 2 Available ForceT/R-3


Deployed…PLT Mnvr & BCT/BNStaff Prof

PLT Mnvr / Live Fire & BCT/BNStaff Prof

Msn Prof

I/C/S & Staff Sec


I/C/S Mnvr & Staff SecProf


Aim Point 2

Aim Point 1

Aim Point 3

Aim Point 4


Days R+0 R+365 R+730 R+1095 R+1460 R+1825/R+0

= Stars are Aim Points: 1 – End of RESET, 2 – End of TR1, 3 – End of TR2, 4 – End of TR3

Aim Point 2

Aim Point 1

Aim Point 3

Aim Point 4

Sustain minimum PLT level & BCT/BN Staff proficiency

CO Mnvr / Live Fire & BCT/BNStaff Prof














I/C/S Mnvr & Staff SecProf

I/C/S & Staff Sec


PLT Mnvr & BCT/BNStaff Prof



= CTC Program Event


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RC Functional/Multi-Functional ARFORGEN Training Template


T/R- 1 T/R- 2RESET Available Force


I/C/S & Staff


I/C/S & Staff


Sustain minimum PLT level & BDE/BN Staff


T/R- 3


Deployed…I/C/S &

Staff SectionTraining

I/C/S & Staff


Msn Prof


= CTC Program Event= Requires External Support

= Stars are Aim Points: RC #1 – End of Reset, 2 – End of TR1, 3 – End of TR2, 4 – End of TR3

Days R+0 R+365 R+730 R+1095 R+1460 R+1825/R+0

Aim Point 2

Aim Point 1

Aim Point 3

Aim Point 4

Aim Point 2

Aim Point 1

Aim Point 3

Aim Point 4


CO /BTRY Tech/ Tac Prof


Staff Prof

PLT Tech / Tac Prof &

CMD/BDE/BNStaff Prof









= ARNG Aim Points



PLT Tech / Tac Prof &

CMD/BDE/BNStaff Prof


PLT Tech / Tac Prof &

CMD/BDE/BNStaff Prof





FSB = Functional Support BrigadeMfSB = Multi-functional Support

Brigade and Sustainment HQs (TSC, ESC, BDEs)

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Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012.



Training Environment

12 mos 12 mos 12 mos 12 mos 12 mos



RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

BCT Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. MCTC event.

BCT FTX L       1 DEF Event includes subordinate units. MCTC event.

BCT FTX L     1     XCTC supported 21 day event which includes all BCT subordinate units

BCT MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *   * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted an existing CPX

BCT Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C 1 * 1 1 Controlled by brigade HQ w / subordinate units. CPX In TR 1 Focus on MCSI

BCT CPX C     1     CEF conducts MCTP supported BWFX

BCT CPX C     1     DEF conducts MCTP supported MRE

BCT Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) L/C 1 1 1 1 1 Full staff exercise

BCT STAFFEX L/C 4 4 4 4 4 Section, conducted Quarterly

BCT STAFFEX L/C       1   CEF - Leader Training Program (LTP)One event is BCTP supported in TR3 prior to MCTC

BCT STAFFEX L/C       1   DEF - Leader Training Program (LTP)One event is BCTP supported in TR3 prior to MCTC

BCT Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L     1 1 1 Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BCT Communications Exercise (COMEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 Exercise all communications systems

BCT Fire Coordination Exercise (FCX) L       1   May be conducted in conjunction w/ MCTC rotation or another exercise.

BCT Logistical Training Exercise (LOGEX) L/C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

BCT Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 Culminating training (72 hour event)

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L   1 1 1 1 Controlled by BN HQ

BN Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX)L/C 1 1 1 1 1 Full Staff Exercise provides progeression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff Only - exercise

lasting 4-8 hours

BN STAFFEX L 4 4 4 4 4 Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only -

exercise lasting 4-8 hours.

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L       1 1 Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communications Exercise (COMEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 Exercises all communication systems.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1   1 1 FTX in TR1 is required to obtain IND / SQD proficeincy

CO Communications Exercise (COMEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 Exercises all communication systems.

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L     1 1 1 Company led training exercises for PLT Proficiency

CO STX V/G     1 1 1 Gaming for IBCT and SBCT, Virtual for HBCT

CO GunneryL 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC Stabalized Platforms (includes convoy protection platform


CO Weapons Training V 12 12 12 12 12 TOW Trainer, CFTT, etc

CO Classes L/G 3 3 2 2 2 Classes to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 Conducted once per month

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted quarterly

PLT Situational Training Exercise (STX) L 1 2 1 2 1 Platoon led training exwecises for SQD Proficiency.

PLT Situational Training Exercise V/G 1 1 1 1 1 Gaming for IBCT and SBCT, Virtual for HBCT

PLT Live Fire Exercise (LFX) L 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources 1 PLT/SQD LFX per year

PLT Sergeant's Time Training (STT) L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 4 hour event

PLT Classes L 3 3 2 2 2 Classes to support collective task proficiency

SQD Situational Training Exercise V/G 2 2 2 2 2 Gaming for IBCT and SBCT, Virtual for HBCT

SQD Live Fire Exercise (LFX) L 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources 1 PLT/SQD LFX per year

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 C4 hr event IND Driver Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly Required training for vehicle operators

39th IBCT T/R 2 Units: All

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

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Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

87th TRP CMD T/R 1Units: 213th MED CO, HQs 871st TRP CMD, 1039th EN, 875th

EN BN Hqs, 1123rd TRANS CO,

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

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Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

87th TRP CMD T/R 2 Units: 1964th CCT, 119 MPAD, 1037th MOB AUG CO.

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

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Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

87th TRP CMD T/R 3 Units: 1036th Sapper CO,

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

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Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

87th TRP CMD Reset Units: 1038th Hortz Const CO, 216th MP CO, FSC/ 875th EN

BN, 224 Maint CO, 296th Med CO

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

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Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

77th TAB Rest Units: Det 1 F/2-238th MED CO,

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

Page 16: Ctpcc day 1_brief_2_capstone_briefing_20140808



Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

77th TAB T/R 3 Units: HHC/ 77th TAB

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

Page 17: Ctpcc day 1_brief_2_capstone_briefing_20140808



Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

77th TAB T/R 2 Units: 1-114th AV BN, B/1-185th ASLT, C/1-185th ASLT, 777 ASB, F/2-

211 ATS, Det-1 B/449 ASB

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

Page 18: Ctpcc day 1_brief_2_capstone_briefing_20140808



Edition: HQDA G3 Approved 25 January 2012


RC F/M-F Command/BrigadeTraining

Environment(12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos) (12 mos)


Event (L/V/C/G)

RESET Train/Ready 1 Train/Ready 2 Train/Ready 3 Available

# of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations # of Iterations

CMD/BDE Field Training Exercise (FTX) L       1 CEF Event includes subordinate units. May use XCTC or CSTX to support this event.

CMD/BDE MSN CMD Systems Integration (MCSI) L/C 2 *       * (MCSI replaces BCSoSIT) event in conducted in existing CPX

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   2* 1 1 1Internal event w/subordinate units preparation for MCTP supported events 120 hour event

CMD/BDE Command Post Exercise-Functional (CPX-F) L/V/C     1 1  CEF TR 2, DEF TR 3. CDR driven exercise focused on unit functional / technical capabilities that requires external support to replicate, higher, lower and adjacent units using additional resources such as MTC/BPC.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 CEF MCTP supported - (WFX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE CPX L       1 DEF MCTP supported - (MRX). F/MF capstone training event.

CMD/BDE Staff Training Exercise (STAFFEX) C       1   MCTP supported MSN CMD Seminar (MCS)

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

CMD/BDE STAFFEX C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BDE Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

CMD/BDE Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   1 1 1 1Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CMD/BDE Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

CMD/BDE Logistics Exercise (LOGEX) C 1 1 1 1 1 Focus on sustainment warfighting function

CMD/BDE Deployment Exercise (DEPEX) L 1 1 1 1 1 ICW movement to AT site

BN Field Training Exercise (FTX) L     1 1 1Controlled by BN HQ w/subordinate units. USAR units may use CSTX or WAREX to support this event.

BN Command Post Exercise (CPX) L/C   1 1 1 1 Internal event w/subordinate units

BN STAFFEX L/V/C   1 2 2 2Full staff exercise provides progression to meet Aim Points. BN Staff only - exercise lasting 8-24 hrs

BN STAFFEX L/V/C 6 6 2 2 2Section specific training provides progression to meet Aim Points. Discreet BN Staff only - exercise lasting 4-8 hrs

BN Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L   2 2 2 2BN Cdr training leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

BN Communication Exercise (COMEX) L 2 4 4 4 4 Discreet event to exercise all communications systems

BN Bn-STX (Air) L/V       IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: BN Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, GSAB, and Assault Bns/Sqdns

BN Gunnery (Air) L/V 1 1 1 1 1All Live Fire BN Gunnery Tables are embedded in the "Gunnery" event. Units may conduct multiple gunneries/year using annual DA PAM 350-38 STRAC-based resources.

CO Field Training Exercise (FTX) L   1 2 2 2PLT level capstone training event. DA PAM 350-38 STRAC resources one FTX.

CO Communication Exercise (COMEX) L/C 6 6 6 6 6 Exercising all Communictions System

CO Tactical Exercise Without Troops (TEWT) L 1 2 2 2 2 Cdr trains leaders on doctrine, TTPs related to the execution of unit missions

CO Situational Training Exercise (STX) L   1 2 4 4Discreet event to establish proficiency in LDR task, Battle Drill and IND Soldier Tasks

CO STX V/G   2 4 4 4 Virtual Battle Space 2 (VBS2)

CO Gunnery L 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC to include convoy protection platform gunnery

CO Classes L/G 12 6 4 4 4These classess combines platoon to company level to support collective task proficiency

CO Command Maint L 12 12 12 12 12 CMD Maint conducted monthly

CO Services L 4 4 4 4 4 Quarterly, semiannual, and annual services performed on organic equipment

CO STX (Air) L/V     IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Co Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC, and Hvy Lift Cos/Trps

PLT Gunnery (Fires) L   1 1 1 1Per DA PAM 350-38 for BTRY/PLT MLRS/HIMARS qualification.

PLT Situational Training Exercise L/V/G 3 4 4 4 4 Train on collective tasks

PLT Sergeant's Training Time L/V/G 12 12 12 12 12 Individual tasks to support unit collective training

PLT STX (Air) L/V IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATS IAW CATSAvn Only: Plt Level Avn Battle Drills; IAW CATS for: Atk Recon, Assault, MEDEVAC, CAC and Hvy Lift Plts

IND Mandatory Individual Training   ** ** ** ** ** AR 350-1, Appendix G

IND Ind/Crew Wpns TNG & Qual L/V 1 1 1 1 1 Per DA PAM 350-38 STRAC

IND/Crew Pilot / crew training / Rdy Lvl progression L/V IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM IAW ATM Per Air Crew Training Manual (ATM)

IND MSN CMD Operators Sustainment Training L 4 4 4 4 4 Conducted four hours quarterly

IND Command Maintenance (Air) L 12 12 12 12 12 Includes Aircraft & Communication Equipment IND Driver's Training L/V 4 4 4 4 4 Required training for vehicle operators

142nd FiB Reset Units: All

Conduct training as resources and time allow. Resource constraints may not allow all training to be conducted.

Page 19: Ctpcc day 1_brief_2_capstone_briefing_20140808



Slide Format

-Example Briefing Format

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