css eye for the programmer guy

Dennis Slade CSS Eye for the Programmer Guy The San Diego PHP Meetup

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Page 1: CSS Eye for the Programmer Guy

Dennis Slade

CSS Eye for the

Programmer GuyThe San Diego PHP Meetup

Page 2: CSS Eye for the Programmer Guy

Who Am I?

❖ Dennis Slade Jr.

[email protected]

❖ 20+ years experience

implementing and supporting

critical web and desktop

business systems

❖ 12+ years hands-on experience

with *AMP web development

projects (PHP on Linux & OS X)

❖ 14+ years experience in

software support and training

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Why This Presentation?

I recently ran across this Google I/O presentation from a few years

back. The presentation made me realize that I wasn’t yet leveraging

CSS3 and HTML5 functionalities which are now in widespread usage,

and which could save me time and headaches in my coding projects.

I refreshed my knowledge in these areas and I thought you might like

to as well.

❖ See: Google I/O 2012 - The Web Can Do That!?

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What We’ll Be Covering

❖ Better forms with CSS styling and HTML5


❖ Semantic tags to improve page

organization, SEO, and accessibility

❖ Introductory regions and flexbox

❖ Basic fancy effects (No JavaScript


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What We Won’t Be Covering

❖ Bootstrap

❖ Less

❖ Sass

❖ Modernizr

❖ jQuery

❖ Advanced filter and transform effects

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Before We Begin

❖ Checking which browsers support which CSS3/HTML5

features: caniuse.com

❖ CSS Lint for analyzing problems: csslint.net

❖ CodePen for trying stuff out: codepen.io

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CSS Organization Basics

❖ Use classes rather than element ids whenever possible.

❖ Use style attributes only as a last resort.

❖ Include files rather than inline except when CSS is needed in


❖ Use <link> tags instead of @import because of performance


❖ Here’s much, much more on organizing your CSS:

engineering.appfolio.com/2012/11/16/css-architecture/ (thanks for

the link @step_hane)

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Forms: CSS styling, HTML5 validation

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For Forms You Can Style Anything

❖ Selectors can be applied by input type:

❖ .dashboard-edit-form input[type="text"] { margin-top:4px; }

.dashboard-edit-form input[type="url"].uri { width:85%; }

.dashboard-edit-form input[type="text"].name { width:80%; }

.dashboard-edit-form input[type="file"].upload


margin-left:0.5em; margin-top:7px; margin-bottom:16px;


❖ .dashboard-edit-form input[type="text"].location { width:60%; }

.dashboard-edit-form select.status { float:left; margin-top:16px; }

.dashboard-edit-form textarea.description,

.dashboard-edit-form textarea.notes


width:75%; height:200px; margin-top:7px;


.dashboard-edit-form textarea.notes { height:60px; }

.detail-form input[type=“checkbox"].search { margin:9px; }

.detail-form input[type=“email"].search { margin:inherit; }

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Input Validation

❖ It’s not just text anymore. Try:date, time, email, url, number, tel, range

❖ Validation with min, max, step, pattern

❖ Required for form fields is lovely… except in mobile and

desktop Safari

❖ Don’t forget <label> for form field navigation and screen

reader accessibility. (example in CodePen)

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Poor Man’s Responsive Forms

body { font-size:14pt; }

section { font-size:0.9em; }






.sign-up-complete { padding:0% 10%; }

.sign-up-complete .buttons


margin:80px 0px 0px 0px;


.talent-network-join { width:640px; }

.talent-network-join .buttons




.copyright-only { display:none; }

.standard-links { display:block; }

@media screen and (max-device-width: 960px)


body { font-size:36pt; }

.sign-up-complete { padding:0; }

.sign-up-complete .buttons




.talent-network-join { width:94%; }

.talent-network-join .buttons




.copyright-only { display:block; }

.standard-links { display:none; }


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Semantic Tags for SEO & Accessibility

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Use Semantic Tags

❖ Your pages can use HTML5 semantic tags like:

❖ <section>

❖ <header>, <footer>

❖ <nav>, <aside>, <article>

❖ Use older HTML tags like <p>, <div>, <ul> within

the semantic tag blocks (example in CodePen)

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Use Semantic Tags

❖ Improves overall SEO of public pages since search engine crawlers

can easily discern the important content on the page.

❖ See: searchengineland.com/2014-seo-roadmap-semantic-markup-


❖ Much better for accessibility than the original div/p paradigm. Screen

readers in particular use semantic tags to facilitate the browsing

experience for the visually impaired

❖ See: clarissapeterson.com/2012/11/html5-accessibility/

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Poking the (flex)Box

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What Is Flexbox?

❖ The Flexbox Layout (Flexible Box or just Flexbox) module

aims at providing a more efficient way to lay out, align and

distribute space among items in a container, even when

their size is unknown and/or dynamic.

❖ Flexbox is intended to replace floats and the Box model

which we’ve had to deal with for far too long.

❖ There is fairly widespread support for Flexbox. IE has

recently adopted it (previously the Grid Layout model was

the only alternative to the Box model).

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Flexbox Features

❖ Align block elements within other blocks with easy

spacing and justification.

❖ Block elements height and width can be easily


❖ The order of elements can be changed via CSS without

calls to the Apache/backend server or JavaScript.

❖ See css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox/

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Basic Fancy Effects

(No JavaScript Required)

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Regions, Transforms & Animation

❖ Transforms

❖ Mozilla: CSS Transforms doc

❖ Mozilla: Using CSS transforms

❖ Animation

❖ Mozilla: Using CSS animations with nice live examples

❖ Transforms with Regions

❖ A flippable book using CSS Regions and 3D transforms

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Links, Etc.

❖ Video: Google I/O 2012 - The Web Can Do That!?

❖ Video: Create a Responsive Website Using HTML5 and


❖ A Complete Guide to Flexbox

❖ W3C: Advanced CSS selectors

❖ As mentioned before: caniuse.com

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❖ CSS variables aren’t yet widely adopted. When they are, they

might look something like this.

❖ I used to love using the text-to-speech attribute in WebKit. But

sadly that’s deprecated now for security reasons. *sniffle*

❖ This presentation was originally titled “CSS Eye for the PHP Guy”

but I changed it to “Programmer Guy” after I realized there was no

actual PHP code in the presentation.

❖ Photo credits: (c) 2014 by Me, all from from my recent honeymoon

in Italy. And yes, the Leaning Tower pic in the next slide is totally

real, no photo editing at all...

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My Contact Info

❖ Dennis Slade Jr.

[email protected]

[email protected]

❖ @DennisSladeJr

❖ linkedin.com/in/dennissladejr