csir-net june 2011 (question paper) part b

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  • 8/6/2019 Csir-net June 2011 (Question Paper) Part b


    PART B21.Recentstudieson arriru"u ,,rggest hatlife couldhaveoriginated

    1. extraterrestrially ndseededthroughmeteorite mpacts.2. in shallowcoastalareas.3. in deephydrothermal ents.4. in hot, terrestrial abitats.22. If the ratio of the number ofnonsynonymous tosubstitutionsper site ingene s greaterhanone,of selection hat s

    1 positive.2. negative.3. neutral.4. random.

    snynon)rmousprotein codingit is an evidence

    23. The following is the biochemicaipathway for purple pigment productionin flowersof sweetpea:colorlessprecursort Allele ,Colorless precursor2AlleleB-------+ purple pigmentRecessivemutation of eithergeneA orB leads to the formation -of *nit,flowers. A cross s made between woparentswith the genotype: AaBb xaabb. Consideiingthat th; two genesarenot linked, the phen,ctypesof theexpected rogenies rel .gpurple:7white.2.3white:1purple.3. lpurple:1white.4. 9 purple : 6 light purple : I white.

    24.The requenciesf allelesA,and ,a, inapopulationat Hardy_Weinburgequilibriumare0.7and0.3,respectively.In a randomsampleof 250 ndividualstaken rom the population,how manyareexpectedo be heterozygous?t . r t22.8r


    3.1054.14525. The ransitiono floweringn plantsrequires

    1. growthof plants nderong_ ayconditions.2. growthof plantsundershort_ avcondit ions.3. reprogramming f theshootapicalmeristem..4. synthesis f the floweringhormoneflorigen.26. In an altruisticact, f a donorsacrifices'C'offspring which helps he recipient

    io gain 'B ' offspringand the donor srelated o the recipientby a coefficient7. under which condition would kinseiection avour his altr,.risticrait?1.B > C.2.8 > yC.3.yB-C:0.4.yB-C>0.

    l. Cri du chatsyndrome.2. Klinefeiter syndrome.3. Down syndrome.4. Turnerslmdrome.28. Which of the foliowing foodcropshasrecentlybeengeneticallyengineired oobtainediblevaccine o developimmunityagainsthepatitisB?

    L Banana2. Maize3. Potato4. Tomato29.Themostcommonlyusedmethodofestimating rimaryproductivityof apondinvolvesm.ururern.ntof theu-ourrt of

    1. COzutilized.. 2. autotrophbiomass.3. oxygen eleased.4. organiccarbon.

    27 . Aneuploid females with only one Xchromosome is a characteristic ofindividuars ith

  • 8/6/2019 Csir-net June 2011 (Question Paper) Part b


    30. The areaof allowed egiohs n theRamachandrannapwill be least or1. Giy.2. L-Ala.3. L-Prol.4. cr-methylL-valine.Small RNAs with internallYcomplementary sequences that formhairpin-like structure' synthesized .aspercursor RNAs and cleaved bYLnclonucleaseso form short duplexesarecalled1. snRNA.2. mRNA.3. IRNA.4. miRNA.

    32,. A much greater proportion of energyfixed by autotrophs s transferred o theherbivore level in the oPen oceanecosvsternhan in a forest.ecosystembecause1. aquaticautotroPhs resmali'2. aquaticherbivores are more efficientfeeders.3. terrestrialautotrophs re essefficient eeders.4. terrestrialautotrophs avemoreindigestible issues'

    33. Polarbearsmaintain heirbodytemperature ecauseheyhavemoreofl. transducin rotein.2. uncouPlingProtein.3. myoglobinProtein.4. FoFrATPase.

    34. Transportof water acrossaquaporinssregulated y thepresence f which ofthi following sequence f threehighlyconserved minoacids?1.Ala-Asn-Pro.2. Pro-Asn-Ala.3. Asn-Pro-Ala.4. Pro-Ala-Asn.


    35. Which of the cyclins have/has ssentialfunctions n S-Phase f cell cYcle?1.A+ype.2. B-tyPe.3. D-tYPe.4. Both B- andD-tYPes'

    36. During generationof an actionpotential,depolarizations due o1. K* efflux'2. Na" efflux'3. Na* influx.4. K- influx.

    37. G protein-linked eceptors retransmembrane roteinsof1. single-Pass.2. three-Pass.3. five-Pass.4. seven-Pass.

    38. Release f nutrients,oxidantsorelectron onorsnto the environmentostimulate aturallY ccurringmicroorganisms o degradeacontaminant,s referred o asl. biostimulation.2. phYtoremediation'3. bioaugmentation.4. bioremediation.

    39. A mechanismhatcancause gene omove from one inkage groupto anotheris1. crossing ver.2. inversion.3. translocation.4. duplication.

    40. Thz response is generated andmaintained mainlY bY which of thefollowing Pairof cYtokines?l.IL-4 and L-10.2.IL-12 and FN-Y.3. IFN-YandTNF-ct.4.IL-z andIL-12.

  • 8/6/2019 Csir-net June 2011 (Question Paper) Part b


    41. Cy'toplasmic deteminants coding foranterior structurecf Drosophila embrya,if injected elservhere n the recipientembryo,would lead oi. normaldevelopment.2. formationof additionalectopichead.3. degeneration.4. aphenotypewith two headsandrw.ctails.

    42. The dwarf pea nlutant (e) used byMendel was defective in which of thefollowing enzyne ;nvolved ingibberellinbiosirnthesis1. ent-Kaurene ynthase.2. GA 3B-hydroxylase.3. GA 20-oxidase.4. ent-Kaurenoic cidhydrorvlase.

    43. ELISA assay ses1. an enzymewhich canreactwithsecondary ntibody.2. an enzymewhich can reactwith theantigen.3. a substrate hich getsconvertedinto a colouredproduct.

    4. a radiolabelled econdarr,,ntibody.44. Which of the following rnoleculessinvolved n Ca'* -dependentell_celladhesion?

    1. Calmodulin2. Cadherin3. N-CAM4. Calpain45. The 5'Cap of RNA is required or the

    l. stabilityof RNA only.2.stabilityand ransportof RNA.3. ransportof RNA only.4. methylationof RNA.46. Yeast artificial chromosome (yAC)vectors contain selectable rnarkers.Lossof which marker at the cioningsite distinguishes he religated yACsfrom the original vector marker?

    1.TRP12. SUP43, LRA34. CEN47. In amphibian oocyte, the germplasmwirich getssegregated uring cleavageto give rise to primordiai germ cells(PGC's) s nonnally

    tr.distributedevenly hroughout he oocyte.2.localiredat animalpole.3. ocalized t vegetai ole.4" aggregatedn centralpartof oocyte.48. Which of the foilowing sratemenrswith respect to alternate oxiciaseactivity in c-vanide_ resistantrespirationn plants,s no! correci?

    l. Alternate oxidase acceptselectronsdirectly from cytocitrorneC.2. Some plants exhibit thermogenesisduring nflorescene eveiopmeit.3. Transcripticn of alternate oxidasegene is trften induced bi, r.ariousabioticstresses.4. When electrons pass tc altemateoxidase, t\ \o sites of protrlnpumpingarebypassed.

    In mature .'lral:itlopsis embryo, rootapicai meristem cons;sts of cellsderived ioml. embrl'oandapicaisuspensoreli.2. embryccnly.3. suspeusornl;n'.4. hlpophysisonly.

    Na*-K' ATpase s a terramer f 2crand2p sui:units. n whiclrof the bllovin_csubur:its rr-:ire 'ia*andK* bindingsitespi:esent?i. bothon Ey.2. bothon B3. Na* on n andK* r:n$4. Nanon p antiK* on cr


  • 8/6/2019 Csir-net June 2011 (Question Paper) Part b


    51. A mother of blood group O has a groupO child. The fathercould be of bloodtypel.AorBorO.2. O only.3.AorB.4. AB onl y.Follorving figure shows N4cArthur andWilson'sequilibrium model of biotaon asingle sland. In this figure. ermsA, B,C and D in order are

    1. extinction,mmigration, quilibriumnumber f species,izeof speciespool.3. immigration,extinction,equilibriumnumberof species. izeof speciespoql.i. extinction, mmigration,sizeofspeciespool, equilibriumnumberof species.4. immigration,extinction,sizeofspecies ool, equilibriumnumberof species.Routinelyusedglrrcose iosensorestimates lood glucoseevelby sensingthe concentratir:nof1. glucose.2. oxygen.-?. -gluconolactone.4.HzAzName the ectothermicanimal that canthermoregulate y behaviouralmeansrather hanby physiologicalmeans.t. Bumblebee n an orchard.2. Tuna ish in the Ocean.3. Lizard n a desert4. Flatworm n a pond.

  • 8/6/2019 Csir-net June 2011 (Question Paper) Part b


    If the core body temperatureof a humanrises above norrnal, which of thefollowing processeswould be initiatedsequentiallyor Thermo-regulation?1. Peripheral asodilation,ncreased

    rateof respiration, achycardia.2. Peripheral asoconstriction,increasedate of respiration,bradycardia.3. Peripheral asodilation, ecreasedrate of respiration,achycardia.4. Peripheral asodilation, ecreasedrate of respiration,bradycardia.With which proteinof Yersiniawouldintegrinproteinsof mammaliancellsinteractfor internal zatran?1. Pil in2. Fimbrin3. Invasin4. AdherinGravesdiseases associated ithf . insufficiencyof thyroid hormones.2. excess f thyroidhormones.3. insufficiencyof corticosteroids.4. excess f growth hormones.The fidelity of replicativebaseselectioncan be reducedby a factor of 102whentherepairof DNA synthesisnvolvesl. AP endonuclease .2. ABC ex inuclease.3. DNA photolyase.4. TLS DNA polymerase.What is the minimum numberof NTPsrequired or the formationof one peptidebondduringproteinslmthesis?1.One2. Two3. Four4. Six'Imperfect ungi' is a grouprepresentedby fungalspecieswhich have

    1. simplemycelia.2. no known mechanisms f sexualreproduction.3. unkownphylogeneticelationship.4. lost ts survivalmechanism gainstharshenvironments.The photoreceptorcommonly involvedin light entrainment f thebiologicalclock in flies,mouldsandPlants str.phytochrome.2. rhodopsin.3. carotenoid.4. crlptochrome.The free energyAG of a dissolvedsolutef . increases ith solute oncentration.2. decreasesvithsolute oncentration3. is independent f soluteconcentration.4. depends nly on temperature.Which of the following is not acharacteristicof phylum Chordata?1. Phaqmgeal lits2. Amniotic egg3. Postanalai l4. NotochordIn India,brcwn antlereddeer sangai)is foundonly in the floatinglandmasses f1. Wular lake.2. Sasthamkottaake.3. Dal lake.4. Lok Tak lake.Both halophytes and glYcoPhYtescompartmentalize ytotoxic ions intothe intracellular compartment oractivelypump them out of the cell tothe apoplasts with the help ofmembranetransport proteins. Amongthese, he Na- - H- antiporter,NHXI,is localized n thel. plasmamembrane.2. chloroplast innerenveloPe).3. mitochondria outermembrane).4. tonoplast.



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