csh newsletter 2

The official publication of the NJ Key Club District Project Volume 1 Issue 2 Hello NJ Key Clubbers, On behalf of the District Project Steering Committee we would like to thank you all for your hard work over the past service year. Back in May, the new service year had bought us endless possibilities, and we would like to thank you all for pushing your limits, going the extra mile, and showing the patients at CSH just how much you care. With only a short time left in the service year, it is a great time to look back at the year and see all we have accomplished, not just this year but throughout the 5 years we have worked with this amazing organization. However we are not done yet. We ask that you continue to fundraise, and serve in these final days of our service year. NJ Key Club is known for doing the unbelievable and we are known for pushing our limits and truly making an amazing impact, therefore we ask you to do as much as possible with these final days of the 2010-2011 service year. Lets not only make this the year that we reach our $75, 401.75 service goal, but the year we surpass it. Lets ensure that this is the year that we put in as many hours as humanly possible to help the patients at CSH. Most importantly, we ask that you do what Key Club does best: make miracles happen. We know that we are ‘asking’ a lot from you all with such a short time left in the service year, however we know that you all cherish the NJ District’s bond with CSH just as much as we do. Throughout this newsletter, you will find service project ideas to fill your final days in the service year, and also a look back on everything that has been accomplished this year. Please also pay close attention to the CSH Walk Forms that can be used at District Convention (another great way to contribute). We thank you for you hard work and support and we look forward to seeing you all at this years district convention. Yours In Caring, Service, and Friendship, The District Project Steering Committee In This Issue: Committee Welcome:…1 About CSH…………………..2 Why 5 years………………..3 Service Goals……………..4 Service Projects.………4 Fundraising Goal ………..5 Fundraising Projects..5 A Patients Story………..6 Simple Projects………….8 Moderate Projects…….9 Club Interaction………10 Check Your Progress.11 Generosity Rocks……..12 Visit a CSH………………..13 CSH Walk…………………..14 Inside a CSH………………16 Important Contacts….18

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the second addition to the new jersey district's csh newsletter


Page 1: CSH Newsletter 2

The official publication of the NJ Key Club District Project

Volume 1 Issue 2

Hello NJ Key Clubbers,

On behalf of the District Project Steering Committee

we would like to thank you all for your hard work over the past

service year. Back in May, the new service year had bought us

endless possibilities, and we would like to thank you all for pushing

your limits, going the extra mile, and showing the patients at CSH

just how much you care. With only a short time left in the service

year, it is a great time to look back at the year and see all we have

accomplished, not just this year but throughout the 5 years we have

worked with this amazing organization. However we are not done

yet. We ask that you continue to fundraise, and serve in these final

days of our service year.

NJ Key Club is known for doing the unbelievable and

we are known for pushing our limits and truly making an amazing

impact, therefore we ask you to do as much as possible with these

final days of the 2010-2011 service year. Lets not only make this the

year that we reach our $75, 401.75 service goal, but the year we

surpass it. Lets ensure that this is the year that we put in as many

hours as humanly possible to help the patients at CSH. Most

importantly, we ask that you do what Key Club does best: make

miracles happen.

We know that we are ‘asking’ a lot from you all with

such a short time left in the service year, however we know that you

all cherish the NJ District’s bond with CSH just as much as we do.

Throughout this newsletter, you will find service

project ideas to fill your final days in the service year, and also a

look back on everything that has been accomplished this year. Please

also pay close attention to the CSH Walk Forms that can be used at

District Convention (another great way to contribute).

We thank you for you hard work and support and we

look forward to seeing you all at this years district convention.

Yours In Caring, Service, and Friendship,

The District Project Steering Committee

In This Issue:Committee Welcome:…1About CSH…………………..2Why 5 years………………..3Service Goals……………..4Service Projects.………4Fundraising Goal ………..5Fundraising Projects..5A Patients Story………..6Simple Projects………….8Moderate Projects…….9Club Interaction………10Check Your Progress.11Generosity Rocks……..12Visit a CSH………………..13CSH Walk…………………..14Inside a CSH………………16Important Contacts….18

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The 5 years of smiles

Children’s Specialized Hospital had been the preeminent provider of rehabilitation for children with special needs for over 119 years. CSH is the largest free standing pediatric rehabilitation hospital in the United States and is found solely in New Jersey. CSH serves children affected by brain injury, spinal cord dysfunction and injury, premature birth, autism, developmental delays, and life-changing illnesses. Children's Specialized has eight sites in New Jersey and in 2009 treated over 17,000 children from across the country and around the globe. CSH is known for its miracles and providing them to anyone in need- no matter their financial situation. One of the amazing things about CSH is their dedication to making the patients feel at home at the hospital. This will be the NJ Districts 5th year working with CSH, and their efforts to provide a home for their patients.The vision of Children's Specialized Hospital is to see "A world where all children can reach their full potential” and for the next year, Key Clubs in the New JerseyDistrict will share this visionand truly make a difference. We work to help CSH continue to do the amazing things they do on a daily basis, and we ask that you do the same.

Walking into one of their 8 sites means seeing Walking into one of their 8 sites means seeing Walking into one of their 8 sites means seeing Walking into one of their 8 sites means seeing bright colors, state of the art equipment, bright colors, state of the art equipment, bright colors, state of the art equipment, bright colors, state of the art equipment,

friendly and kind doctors and nurses, and in friendly and kind doctors and nurses, and in friendly and kind doctors and nurses, and in friendly and kind doctors and nurses, and in the eyes of the Children; a home.the eyes of the Children; a home.the eyes of the Children; a home.the eyes of the Children; a home.

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Many members have asked us the question of “why 5 years?” The answer to this question, simply put is that “We’re not done yet”

Being given the tremendous opportunity to serve CSH has allowed us to put smiles on patients faces, provide them with donations to obtain life saving equipment, to participate in countless hours of recreational therapy and to brighten the patient’s at the hospital


The 5 years of Hope

One year of service would mean touching the lives of hundreds, but five years of service means touching the lives of thousands. New Jersey District of Key Club has been donating to and doing countless service hours for the Children’s Specialized Hospital for five years now, and a lot has happened in that time. Through recreational therapy and the amazing work of the doctors at the hospital, countless numbers of children’s lives have been saved and changed for the better. All of the money we raise has gone to better the hospital and provide for new machinery to save more lives than ever. The patients at CSH require special care and equipment to cure and better their conditions, and the money we raise goes toward being able to provide these things for the children. And so now the number 5 has much more meaning than ever before… If only patients at the hospital could be cured in five years, five months, five days, five hours, minutes, or even five seconds, our work with Children’s Specialized Hospital would be complete.

Unfortunately, this has not been accomplished; however Key Club has an amazing opportunity to ensure that our five years of service to this hospital pays off. Therefore, we ask you to be apart of

something BIG. Be apart of our mission to ensure that the lives of these children are bettered, no matter how long it takes.

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This year our new service goal is:15,700 hours.

There are 157 Key Clubs in New Jersey, so this number represents 100 service hours for each club. Try your best to reach and surpass this goal!

Service Project Ideas-Recreational Therapy (visit one of the three Children Specialized Hospitals and interact with the children. Schedule your visit at least a month before your visit!)*More service project ideas available on pg 8

What our service has done in the past:Our service has helped thousands of children in the past, but mostly Key Club has brightened the lives of the children residing in Children’s Specialized Hospital. Participating in Recreational Therapy and interacting with the children has made them so much happier and realize that someone else out there cares about them. The birthday cards, videos, and visits really make their day so much better. Aside from the fundraising aspect, service to children at Children’s Specialized Hospital really makes a huge difference in their lives. Making their day better is what Key Club aims and continues to keep doing.

The 5 years of Help

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What we’ve done in the past:Over the past four years, one of the most helpful things we’vebeen able to do for Children’s Specialized Hospital is fundraise. Our current four year total is about $326,000. This number is absolutely staggering to think about; to think that high school students and members of the greatest high school service organization in the world, in the smallest geographical District in all of Key Club, were able to raise such a large amount of money.

Where The Money Goes To:This money has gone to help the hospital not have to turn awayany patient, regardless of financial issues or their inability to pay. This year, however, we’ve changed our focus a bit. Now, every penny we raise for CSH will go to assisting them in buying the equipment necessary to care for the patients.

This year’s Fundraising Goal:The 2010-2011 Fundraising Goal is:

$75,401.65.this number may seem random, but it’s not. The seven denotes our seven-days-a-week dedication to the patients at CSH. The five represents our fifth year of service to CSH. The 401 signifies the thousands of dollars we will have raised over the five years after we reach this year’s goal. Finally, the sixty-five is in honor of the New Jersey District of Key Club International’s sixty-fifth anniversary.

How Can YOU Help:.There are countless different things you can do for CSH, More Fundraising Ideas on Page 8!

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Take one look at 14-year-old Brick resident Gianna Trotter and it’s hard to imagine that there was ever a time when she wasn’t on the move. This funloving, straight-A honor student – who takes dance, singing and acting classes, and loves horseback riding, music and sports – is making the most of every moment of her life. And it’s no wonder – for Gianna and her family, getting to this point in her life has been a long and challenging journey. When Giannawas just 12 months old, she was involved in a serious car accident that changed her life. Despite being

securely fastened in an infant car seat, Gianna suffered a severe head injury which caused swelling and damage to her brain. This spirited little girl, who had just celebrated her first birthday with her family, was now fighting for her life. Transported to a local trauma center, Gianna’s prognosis wasn’t good. Doctors told her father that she most likely wouldn’t make it.

A shunt was placed in her head to reduce the intracranial pressure, and Gianna was put into a medically induced coma to allow her tiny body to heal. Gianna’s heart stopped twice that first week and she had to be revived. The holidays came and went as the family held a bedside vigil. Finally, on New Year’s Day, the family’s prayers were answered and Gianna woke up.

Gianna had lost most of her motor function. She couldn’t sit up or use her arms and legs. Whatever speech she had developed prior to the accident was gone. But she was alive, and her parents were overjoyed –and hopeful for her future. They were told Gianna would need intensive rehabilitation. Terrified and still in shock, Gianna’s mom Terri says she had no idea what the word “rehab” would entail for her daughter or where it would take them.

As it turned out, they didn’t have to go very far. Gianna came to Children’s Specialized, known as one of the best pediatric rehabilitation hospitals in the country. With a site in Toms River, it was just one town away from Gianna’s hometown.

Gianna was diagnosed with right side hemi-paresis – weakness and paralysis similar to the effects of a stroke. In the hospital, she underwent intense inpatient rehabilitation, with physical and

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occupational therapy every day to help strengthen the mobility and functionality in her right leg, arm and hand. She also underwentspeech therapy to assist her with feeding, speaking and other cognitive issues.

“It was such a traumatic time, but the staff was reassuring.

‘She’s going to be able to do this,’ they would say. ‘Just give it some time.’As a parent, you can’t even imagine that you’re in a situation like this, but their professionalism and compassion helped get us through,”

says Terri.After several months, Gianna transitioned to the hospital’s

outpatient therapy program – where she has continued on her journey toward recovery for the past 13 years. Today, she comes to physical and occupational therapy twice a week and has made amazing progress.While she will never have full use of her right arm, and walks with a slight limp, Gianna doesn’t let it hold her back. “She just keeps pushing forward and looks for the positive in every situation. Today, there is nothing Gianna cannot do,” adds her mom.

As she’s come to terms with her accident and the team of specialists who have helped her over the past 13 years, Giannais paying it forward. She speaks about her experience and serves as a role model to younger children with similar injuries, most recently as a summer volunteer at the hospital’s Camp Open Arms. “Helping other children with challenges has made me become a better person,” says Gianna. “Giving back is the least I can do after so many people helped me,” she adds.

Receiving intensive outpatient therapy at Children’s Specialized has made a huge difference in Gianna’s life – as it

has in the lives of so many other children with special needs. The hospital’s second outpatient center in downtown Toms

River opened 10 years ago and since that time has experienced anincreasing demand for services. The scope of services has also changed as patients’ needs, disabilities and treatments have evolved over the past decade. “We are serving more children with gross motor, fine motor, speech and feeding delays than ever before,” explains Pattie Foley, Associate Vice President for Outpatient Services at Children’s Specialized Hospital. “A larger number of patients diagnosed on the autism spectrum are in need of sensory integration therapy, which requires a larger space for treatment.” In fact the hospital – under the medical direction of Dr. Yvette Janvier, nationally recognized for her work in autism – treats more children with

autism than any other center in the state.

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These service projects, are quick and easy to plan and are a great way to raise final

funds to donate to CSH.

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Restaurant Nights:Restaurant Nights:

A restaurant night is the perfect medium fundraiser. Only a couple members are needed to set up the event and many members are needed to make it successful. First, contact the manager of the restaurant you wish to hold your event at. Depending on which restaurant it is, the manager may ask you to fill out the necessary forms. Make sure to conference with the manager and work out the logistics of the event, such as thedate, times, flyers, and the percentage of that night’s earnings the restaurant will donate. Make sure you give yourself enough time to fully publicize the event, so it is successful!

Movie Nights:Movie Nights:

A movie night is a great way to bring your community together for one great cause! About ten to fifteen members will be

needed for this event. A couple members should be in charge of the smoothness of the night. Make sure to contact the place you want to hold your movie night ahead of time! You can hold it anywhere you want, such as a teen center or a park. Once you have decided on a place, make sure the movie is

viewable! Purchase a copy of the movie and test it out to make sure it works smoothly. Make sure all the materials are ready for immediate use on that night. The projector, plugs, lighting,the movie, food, and etc. If your club desires to fundraise, charge admission at the door. Also, create concession stands and sell food! If everything is planned ahead of time, your

movie night should be very successful!

Change Race:Change Race:

A change race is an excellent way to fundraise and involve your whole school in the fundraiser. About 4 or more members are needed for this fun filled project! After school, before school,and during lunch periods, set up a change race. This change race would be a race between the classes of your school. All you have to do is to set up one jar for each class. Make sure toencourage classmates to add to their class jar and to destroy others! Bills and pennies count as points and other silver coinscount for negative points. Try your best to make it a school wide fundraiser and even make it competitive. Have fun!

These service projects, involve a little more

planning, however are a great way to make a final contribution to


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The County Prep High School Key Club, part of Division 15 of the New Jersey District Key Club, under the direction of their moderator, Mr. Chris Greco, sponsored a Movie Night on Friday, November 12th, as a fundraiser for the Children's Specialized Hospital in Mountainside, NJ. Since The Children’s Specialized Hospital is the New Jersey District Project for thisyear, the chapter officers teamed up to organize an event that would raise funds and work towards the district goal of $75,401.65 and the chapter goal of raising $1,500. Approximately one hundred students gathered around a projector with popcorn and soda to enjoy a the different movies. The Movie Night fundraiser raised $500 for Children’s Specialized Hospital. On Friday, November 19th, 2010, the chapter officers from Key Club teamed up with other school clubs to organize an Appreciation Night. The County Prep Key Club presented Children’s Specialized Hospital with the donation and a plaque of appreciation for their services to our community. Representative Beth Anne Myarick from Children’s Specialized Hospital was truly astonished with the recognition and spoke greatly about the New Jersey District Key Club. Lieutenant Governor Harsh Swaminarayan and Chapter Vice President Yameen Arshad also spoke about the history of the great organization and about the partnership between Key Club and CSH. The County Prep High School Key Club chapter looks forward to working towards their goal and continually providing service to Key Club and Children’s Specialized Hospital.

Check out the movie night held by the County Prep HS!

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5 years of Interaction…

Because this is our fifth year with Children’s Specialized Hospital, we have vowed to make this our most INTERACTIVE year yet. Whether it is your club visiting the hospital and taking part in hands on activities or, you are reading our new newsletter we want to make sure that your are always filled in on all things CSH. That’s why we have also added a new portion to our district site.

As you all know our CSH fundraising goal is $75,401.65…this may seem like a big number, however each club in the state will be helping us reach our goal, and now, when you log onto the district site (njkeyclub.org) you will be able to see our districts updated fundraising total. Meaning that you and your club will be able to see just how close we are to our goal.

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This year, the NJ District and CSH came up with a new way to raise funds for Children’s Specialized Hospital. This winter, almost every division in the state had their first round of generosity rocks. Generosity Rocks is a musical talent competition where musicians, singers, bands, etc. could compete to move on to the final round in hopes of being able to perform at the CSH “Walk and Role” in May. On Saturday, March 19th the final round was held at Brick Memorial High School. With many amazing acts, and performers three winners were picked by a panel of local celebrity judges. Coming in third place from division 14, was the band Castlepark. In second place from division 6 was Alissa DeRogatis , and in first place coming from division 11 was Marie Hsiao. We would like to thank everyone

who came out and supported us during the final round as we were able to raise over $730 for CSH. All the Generosity Rocks that were held in each division were a huge success and we would like to again thank you all!

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A great way to put meaning to the work we do with CSH is to actually visit the hospital. We encourage you all to

participate in recreational therapy or take a tour (contact info listed below).

Mountainside: contact Lindsay Healy,[email protected] ext. 5162Mondays-Fridays, 6:15 PM-7:30 PMSaturdays-Sundays, 2:00 PM-3:00 PM

New Brunswick: Jamie Rich




(732) 258-7405

Sundays-Thursdays, 6:15 PM

-7:30 PM

Saturdays, 10:45 PM-12:00


Toms River: Carolyn Bashant,[email protected](732) 914-1100 ext. 3716Thursdays, 6:00 PM-7:30 PM

Saturdays, 10:45 PM-12:00 PM

Key Clubbers can volunteer to participate in Recreational Therapy at the Mountainside, New Brunswick, or Toms River facilities. They must be in groups of five or less, as long as one of the five is older than

eighteen. Taking a group of officers of a club is a great way to get them passionate about the District Project for the fourth year.

To set up visits for Rec Therapy or to plan their own event at one of the hospitals, clubs should contact the rec therapist for the facility. When emailing them, clubs should provide your contact information and dates of interest. Soon, there will be a Rec Therapy Request form

located online.

Clubs must schedule 1 month in advance. If requesting multiple dates, you can spread the appointments over several weeks (i.e. 1st and 3rd

Tuesday). After dates are confirmed, you will receive information and a confidentiality form (HIPPA). All new volunteers must submit a signed HIPPA form. The following are Rec Therapy hours (some dates may be

unavailable or reserved already):

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CSH Fundraising Chair:Chris GodshallLTG Division 6

[email protected]

CSH Service Chair:Ami Shah

LTG Division [email protected]

CSH Fundraising:Meagan KochLTG Division 18

[email protected]

CSH Service:Sami FiorinoLTG Division 9

[email protected]

Rachel Orbach

District Governor

[email protected]

Kevin Sun

District Secretary

[email protected]

Devan Corona

District Treasurer

[email protected]

Nicole Darrah

District Editor

[email protected]

To obtain the specific contact info for your lieutenant governor, please visit www.njkeyclub.org

CSH Kiwanis Advisor:Mrs. Celeste [email protected]

District Administrator:

Mr. Barrie Werfel

[email protected]

On behalf of the CSH Family, We thank you for your continued


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The 5 years of CSH…5x’s the interaction

5x’s the smiles5x’s the hope

5x’s the service 5x’s the donations 5x’s the inspiration

….lets make this the best year yet!

The money we raise for Children's Specialized Hospital goes

to help fund special supplies and equipment for the four main

CSH sites providing inpatient and outpatient care.

Clubs should send contributions to:

New Jersey District Key Club

PO Box 182

Rockaway, NJ 07866

*Please make checks our to CSH

As soon as possible

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