csfi 2008 - rimini - maggio 29, 2008 all optical free electron lasers : una nuova sfida per i codici...

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008 All Optical Free Electron Lasers : una nuova sfida per i codici di simulazione FEL, Plasma e Fasci A. Bacci, V. Petrillo, A. R. Rossi, Luca Serafini , P. Tomassini* - INFN/MI (*and CNR-Pisa), C. Benedetti, P. Londrillo, A. Sgattoni, G. Turchetti - Univ. di Bologna and INFN/BO Bubble regime and self-injection schemes with density downramp analyzed Generation of electron beams for FEL’s applications with plasma injectors, targeting I >10 kA ; ε n ≤1 μm ; σ z ≈1 fs FEL simulations showing fs to 100 attosec X-ray pulses (1 Å - 1 nm) using optical undulators

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CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

All Optical Free Electron Lasers :una nuova sfida per i codici di simulazione

FEL, Plasma e FasciA. Bacci, V. Petrillo, A. R. Rossi, Luca Serafini,

P. Tomassini* - INFN/MI (*and CNR-Pisa),C. Benedetti, P. Londrillo, A. Sgattoni, G. Turchetti - Univ. di Bologna and INFN/BO

• Bubble regime and self-injection schemes with density

downramp analyzed

• Generation of electron beams for FEL’s applications with

plasma injectors, targeting

I >10 kA; εn ≤1 μm; σ z ≈1 fs

• FEL simulations showing fs to 100 attosec X-ray pulses (1 Å - 1

nm) using optical undulators

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

CO2 envelope

TiSa envelope

e- beamTiSa pulse


Lsat=10LG=1.3 mm (=0.002)

CO2 focus

Z [m]


λ// bp ≈ 7 cm λ⊥bp ≈ 8 mm

λlas=1 m x,y,z=1 mmesh < 50 nm

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Compare vs. RF Linac driver:SPARX lay-out

160 m 80 m

Fully consistent e.m. simulation: Nmesh=1016, Npart=108-10, Nstep=107

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

What is a SASE-FEL Radiation Source?a Bright Electron Beam propagating through an Undulator

Spontaneous Radiation:

peaked at λr λu (1 + K2) / 22 ; K=Buλu ; ≥ 2.103

Beam rms divergence ’ 1/ rad (Compton Backscattering of undulator virtual photons)

I r e ; e number of electrons per bunch ( 109)

1-25 GeVelectrons

100-0.5 Åphotons

und. period λu

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Interaction of e- with Spontaneous Radiation causes Microbunching and SELF-AMPLIFICATION of Spontaneous

Emission (SASE)

In the SASE mode the Intensity: I ph e > 4/3 ; e of electrons (


Amplification gives extraordinary High Photon Flux (diffraction limited beam)Beam rms divergence ’ λ 2e few rad

•Interaction of a bright electron beam with noise in an undulator magnet results in a density modulation of the electron bunch at the optical wavelength: SASE instability leads to COHERENT EMISSION

PFEL =P0 e2z Lg

Resonance Condition

λr =λ u

2γ 21+

K 2


⎝ ⎜

⎠ ⎟

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

n [m]






I [kA]





B =2I


The Brightness Chart [A/(m.rad)2]

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Issues of transporting Ultra-high Currente- beams with brightness preservation

• Longitudinal space charge debunching and correlated energy chirp

• Transverse time-dependent space charge oscillations and rms emittance

compensation/preservation′ σ

′ γ γ

+σΩ2 ′ γ 2


I2I Aσγ3 +


σ 3γ2

′ ϑ =−Ksol +pϑ ,o


KzRF ϕ( )σ z


σ z

′ ′

′ ′ z

Linear Model forLinear Model for

Plasma BeamsPlasma Beams


invariant envelope

vel. bunch.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008


dz2 = −

′ σ ′ γ

γ − ΚFσ + kbp

2 σ + kβ2σ





= πσ2γ 3I0


β* =1

=γσ 2


ν =kbp

=Iσ 2


TR = εn



SPARC 640 m


SPARX 580 m









>TR space charge

σ < σ TR emittance

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

λ⊥bp = 2πγR2γI0


• Transverse beam plasma wavelength : uncontrolled

oscillations over distances > lead to rms (projected)

emittance blow-up

I =150 kA

R =10 μm

⎧ ⎨ ⎩


4 (m)


LCLS 3⋅103 m

SPARC 48 m

⎧ ⎨ ⎩




CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

λ// bp = 2πγ 2 I0


• Longitudinal space charge length λβp (full debunching)

λ// bp (m)

I =150 kA

R =10 μm

L = 2 μm

⎨ ⎪

⎩ ⎪

40 cm

λ// bp

LCLS 3.4 ⋅105 m

SPARC 2.6 ⋅103 m

⎧ ⎨ ⎩

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

So we would like to operate a SASE FELwith ultra high beam currents, Ip > 10 kA ,

yet in the usual regime

LG << λ⊥bp

LG << λ // bp

λβ << λ⊥bpEmittance dominated beamthrough undulator

<< σ TR

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

We started exploring two self-injection schemes: a) self-trapping in the bubble regime and b) controlled self injection with density downramp.

• Bubble injection [A. Pukhov, J. M.-ter-Vehn, Appl. Phys. B 74, 355 (2002)]

has been widely investigated, both experimentally and numerically and it has been proved to be able to produce high energetic (GeV-scale), high charge and quasi monochromatic (few-percent) e-beams.

• Self injection with density downramp Main idea+1D sim. [S. Bulanov

et al., PRE 58, 5 R5257], First 2D sim+optimization for monocromaticity and low emittance [P. Tomassini et al. PRST-AB 6 121301 (2003)], First experimental paper of LWFA with injection by density decrease [T. Hosokai et al., PRE 67, 036407 (2003)]. It has been (numerically) proved to be able to produce very low emittance and quasi monochromatic e-beams

Beam GenerationBeam Generation

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

2.5D PIC results with the VORPAL code

• Macro-particles move in a moving-window simulation box of 50x60m2 with a spatial resolution of 0.05 λ and 0.15 λ and 20particle/cell

• The plasma density is large (7-12.1018cm-3) in order to “freeze” the space-charge effects and slippage in the early stage of acceleration.

• The density transition was (L~5-10 m ~ λp). The amplitude of the transition is low (20%-40%), thus producing a SHORT e-beam

• The laser pulse intensity (I=7.1018W/cm2) 2J in 25fs focused on a waist of 18 m) was tuned in order to produce a wakefield far from wavebreaking in the flat regions.

• The pulse waist was chosen in order to assure that longitudinal effects do dominate over transverse effects @injection (avoid transverse wavebreaking that will increase the emittance of the bunch)

• A Multi-plateau (three contiguous accelerating regions with increasing densities along the pulse path) is adopted to fix punch slippage along the bucket

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

2.5D PIC results withthe VORPAL code


CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

2.5D PIC results withthe VORPAL code

Plateau I Region

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Transition Region


CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

2.5D PIC results withthe VORPAL code

Injected bunch

Accelerating Region

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

2.5D PIC results withthe VORPAL code

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

2.5D PIC results withthe VORPAL code

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

2.5D PIC results withthe VORPAL code

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Best portion of the beam

2.5D PIC results with the VORPAL code

Beaming (x long. axis, y transv.)

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Lcoop ≈ λ R /4πρ ≈ 30 − 60nm

Slice analysis: length of each slice

Best slices

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

CO2 envelope

TiSa envelope

e- beamTiSa pulse


Lsat=10LG=1.3 mm (=0.002)

CO2 focus

Z [m]


λ// bp ≈ 7 cm λ⊥bp ≈ 8 mm

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

In a conventional FEL the electron beam is generated in the space charge dominated regime ( TR) and is brought,

by acceleration and focusing, into the emittancedominated regime ( TR), where the FEL interaction occurs

LG << λ⊥bp

λβ << λ⊥bp

<< σ TR

In the AOFEL the electron beam is generated in the emittance dominated regime ( TR) and is left

diffracting within the plasma (and in vacuum) into the space charge

dominated regime ( TR), where the FEL interaction occurs

λβ < λ⊥bp

LG < λ⊥bp

> σ TR

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

ASTRA simulation (solid lines) for AOFEL beam in vacuum20 kA, 1 m focal spot size, 0.3 mm.mrad

Red: no space chargeBlack: space charge

Black dashed: numericalintegration of rms envelopeequation with space charge

Red dashed:

z( ) = σ 0 1+z2

β 02

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Longitudinal Phase Space distributions show violent blow-up ofuncorrelated energy spread due to transverse space charge field

158 m from plasmaexit, about 3 gain lenghts

E redge =


2πσI = 20 kA; σ =1 μm

E redge =1 TV /m

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Longitudinal Phase Space after removal of correlation


≅1.• 10−3

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

518 m from plasmaexit, about 10 gain lenghts

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

RETAR simulations, 20 kA, 1 m focal spot sizedrift inside plasma and exit through plasma-vacuum interface

focus focus


CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008



Selection of best partin the bunch:40 pC in 2 fs (600 nm)

Longitudinal phase space and density profile

projected rmsn = 0.7 m

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

at plasma exit after 1 mm drift

x= 5 m<px

2> = 0.5


x= 0≅ 0.03

sphericalwave front




2θ 2 = px2 =



< ρ plane waves


x= 0=


σ 2 < ρ spherical wave fronts



CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Average power (Lsat=2.5 mm)

Peak power 0.7 GWs (micron)

λ =10−5 m

a0 = 0.8

P = 500 GW

λ R =1.3 nm

ρ1D =1.8 ⋅10−3

LC = 65 nm


I = 20 kA

εn = 0.3 μm


γ= 0.9 %

σ = 5 μm ; β = 4.5 mm

GENESIS Simulationsuniform beam over 0.5 m

averaged rms beam parametersCheck 3D effects

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

60 nm



GENESIS Simulations with averaged rms transv. beam parametersActual profiles of current, energy and energy spread

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

Simulation with real bunch

GENESIS Simulations starting from actual phase spacefrom VORPAL (with oversampling)

=2.5 m (CO2 laser focus closer to plasma)

After 1 mm : 0.2 GW in 200 attoseconds Lbeff < 2 Lc

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

GENESIS Simulations for laser undulator at 1 m

to radiate at 1 Angstrom

λ =10−6 m a0 =1.3 P = 8 TW

λ R =1.7 A°

ρ1D = 6 ⋅10−4 Lsat1D = 310 μm LC = 25 nm

Simulation with real bunch =3.5 m

Average power (Lsat~500 m, Psat~10 MW)Peak power 100 MWin 100 attoseconds


CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008


QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

High resolutionΔz=λ/24=33 nmΔx=λ/10=80 nm20 particles per cell

63000 particlesin red circle(160 pC bunch)

z [m]

x [m]

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

W0=23 m, T=17 fs

I=8.5*1018 W/cm2 , E=2.4 J

nota che abbiamo ancora energia laser che possiamo usare per aumentareun po’ la durata fino a valori piu’ realistici oppure il waist per diminuire ulteriormentele forze trasverse e quindi aumentare il raggio del beam

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.


CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Slice 8, I=25 kA


uncorr≅ 0.2

T⊥ ≅100 keV

σ cat ≅ 0.5 μm

εnth ≅ 0.1 mm ⋅mrad

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Slice 9, I=15 kA

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008


• Feasibility study for exp. at LNF with FLAME (200 TW TiSa

laser available in 2008): perspectives for ELI (600 PW in 2015)

• We presented an exploratory analysis (raising the plasma density we reached 250

kA, Δ 3%, and n 1.5 m, 50 MeV)

• We must set up a reliable start-to-end simulation from plasma to X-rays

(ALADYN3D+GenesysEM?): see C. Benedetti’s talk

• Computational challenge: turn a plasma-code into an accelerator-code,

from plasma vomit to partice beams

• It’s worth to envision and study the future generation of

high brightness beam injectors

CSFI 2008 - Rimini - Maggio 29, 2008