cse470 software engineering fall 2000 1 tools - overview latex – tool to create documents rcs –...

CSE470 Software Engineering Fall 2000 1 Tools - Overview • LaTeX – Tool to create documents • RCS – Revision Control System, to maintain multiple versions of files • XFig – Drawing tool, will be used to create UML diagrams

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Page 1: CSE470 Software Engineering Fall 2000 1 Tools - Overview LaTeX – Tool to create documents RCS – Revision Control System, to maintain multiple versions

CSE470 Software Engineering Fall 2000 1

Tools - Overview

• LaTeX – Tool to create documents

• RCS – Revision Control System, to maintain multiple versions of files

• XFig – Drawing tool, will be used to create UML diagrams

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Why LaTeX

• A word processing tool capable of creating publishing-quality documents

• Text-driven: Requires only a simple text editor to achieve complex publishing requirements such as including images, specifying different text styles, creating a bibliography, TOC, etc.

• Works on Unix!

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LaTeX - Objectives• Learn how to create simple LaTeX

documents, including:– Including figures– Referencing figures and sections– Inserting other tex files

• Learn how to generate a Postscript file

• Learn some advanced LaTeX features– Creating a Table of Contents– Creating Bibliography

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A Simple LaTeX File



\section{sample section}

Text goes here


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Simple LaTeX file after compiling

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Sample LaTeX File\documentclass[11pt]{article}\usepackage{boxedminipage, doublespace,

psfig}\begin{document}\title{CSE470: Lab2}\author{Prasad}\date{1/12/2000}\maketitle\section{Introduction to LaTeX}\label{s:IntroSection}Introduction to LaTeX goes here.\end{document}

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Sample File Output

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Including a PostScript Figure\begin{figure}[h]\begin{center}

\center{\psfig{figure=figname.ps}}\caption{\label{f:figexample} Example of a



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PostScript Figure Added

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Cross-references (internal references)

• \label{key-string}– assigns the key key-string to the current

element of the document

• \ref{key-string}– inserts a string identifying that the element key-

string refers to

• \pageref{key-string}– inserts the number of the page that key-string is


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Cross-reference Example

Figure \ref{f:figexample} in Section \ref{s:IntroSection} is on page \pageref{f:figexample}.

Results in:Figure 1 in Section 1 is on page 1.

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Including Other LaTeX Files

• LaTeX supports modularity– a single LaTeX document can consist of

multiple LaTeX files

• \input{latex-file}– Command to include other LaTeX files– LaTeX filename includes the .tex extension

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Processing a LaTeX file

• latex latex-file.tex– generates latex-file.dvi

• xdvi latex-file.dvi– displays the dvi file for preview

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Generating a PostScript File

• Dvips latex-file.dvi– generates latex-file.ps

• gv latex-file.ps– displays the postscript version of the document

• lpr –P mountaind latex-file.ps– prints latex-file.ps to the ‘mountaind’ printer

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Generating HTML or ASCII Output

• latex2html latex-file.tex

• dvi2tty latex-file.dvi > latex-file.txt– creates an ascii version of the latex-file

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Table of Contents

• Contains titles of section units and the corresponding page number where the section starts

• \tableofcontents– cause LaTeX to generate a .toc file

• Must run LaTeX at least twice

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Creating a Bibliography with BibTeX

• Must create a bibliography database– References.bib file– read by BibTeX

• Bibliographies can have different formats– e.g., Alphabetical, Numbered, etc.

• BibTeX formats entries based on the bibliography style chosen– e.g., Plain, Alpha, IEEE, ACM, etc.

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BibTeX Entry• Entry Type: book, article, in proceeding, etc.• Keyword identifying publication• Series of Fields

– Author– Journal– Title, etc.

• Example: @book{pressman97,

title = {Software Engg, A practitioner’s Approach}, author = {Roger S.Pressman}, publisher = {McGraw-Hill}, year = {1997} }

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Referencing a .bib Entry

• References.bib file must be included in LateX by using


• Cite the reference by using:\cite{cite-key}

• Example:– In \cite{pressman97}, the characteristics of software

are discussed.– Result: In [1], the characteristics of software are


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Command Sequence

• latex latex-file.tex

• bibtex latex-file

• latex latex-file.tex

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LaTeX Files

• Input source file: .tex

• TeX formatted output file: .dvi

• Others: .toc, .lof, .bib, .lot, .log, .aux

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Document Classes

• Five standard document classes– article, report, book, slide, letter

• Classes can be further customized– Specify class options– Use additional packages

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Xfig Overview• A intuitive, menu-driven drawing tool that will be

run on X-Windows• To start XFig, type ‘xfig’ on the command line (on

X-Windows terminal)• Save file with .fig extension (default) to be able to

edit later• Export file as a PostScript (.ps) file, to be able to

include figure in PostScript documents

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References• The LaTeX Companion, Michael Goosens,

et.al.• On-line:

– ‘LaTeX Handouts’ link on Lab Web Page• A Short Introduction to LaTeX• Essential LaTeX• A Gentle Introduction to TeX

– ‘LaTeX Command Summary’ link on Lab Web Page