cse 310 review 2/17/2016 patrick michaelson ian nall

CSE 310 Review 2/17/2016 Patrick Michaelson Ian Nall

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Divide and Conquer Split the problem apart to make it easier to solve Usually done through recursion Makes solving sorting problems easier Each Level Divide – make a smaller sub problem Conquer – solve the problem recursively, while bringing it down to a trivial level Combine – put the solutions of the sub problems back together to be a solution of the original problem Can be done iteratively, but the problem becomes much larger


Page 1: CSE 310 Review 2/17/2016 Patrick Michaelson Ian Nall

CSE 310 Review2/17/2016

Patrick MichaelsonIan Nall

Page 2: CSE 310 Review 2/17/2016 Patrick Michaelson Ian Nall

Topics• Divide and Conquer Algorithm

• Base Concept• Merge-Sort• Quick Sort

• Analysis of Algorithms• Recurrence • Iterative

• Insertion Sort• Correctness through Loop Invariants

• Heaps• Priority Queue

• Decision Tree

Page 3: CSE 310 Review 2/17/2016 Patrick Michaelson Ian Nall

Divide and Conquer• Split the problem apart to make it easier to solve• Usually done through recursion• Makes solving sorting problems easier• Each Level

• Divide – make a smaller sub problem• Conquer – solve the problem recursively, while bringing it down to a trivial level• Combine – put the solutions of the sub problems back together to be a solution of the

original problem • Can be done iteratively, but the problem becomes much larger

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Merge-Sort• Divide: The problem goes from n to n/2 elements• Conquer: Then sort the sub problems recursively using merge-sort, if

the sub problems are size 1 then they’re already sorted, so you know the limit is 1.• Combine: Merge the two sorted sub problems so you produce a

sorted sequence of n elements

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3 6 2 9

2 3 6 9

6 3 92

6 3 9 2

6 3 9 2 Dividing process

Merging process

5 1 4 7 6 3 9 2

5 1 4 7

5 1 4 7

5 1 4 7

1 5 4 7

1 4 5 7

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9

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Merge-Sort Pseudo Code• MERGE-SORT(A, p, r)• If p<r then

• q = floor of (p+r)/2• MERGE-SORT(A,p,q)• MERGE-SORT(A,q+1,r)• MERGE(A,p,q,r)

Ian Nall
2nd and 3rd bullet divide, 4th and 5th bullet conquer and last bullet combine
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Merge Pseudo code• MERGE(A,p,q,r)

• B[p..r] = A[p..r] // a temporary array to contain the data• i= p• j = q+1• z = p• while i ≤ q and j ≤ r do

• if B[i] ≤ B[j] then• A[z] = B[i]• i++

• else• A[z] = B[j]

• z++• If i< q then

• A[z..r] = B[i..q]• else if j<r

• A[z..r] = B[j..r]

Ian Nall
2nd bullet is O(r-p+1) = O(r-p)
Ian Nall
bullet 3-5 are all O(1)
Ian Nall
the while loop is O(r-p) and so is the if statements placing hte things back in the array
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Analysis• T(1) = constant • If n>1• 2T(n/2) + cn + b

• 2T due to the recursion that occurs from both merge sorts and splitting the problem up• The constants come from b time steps for finding the middle of the array• c*n comes from the merge which is a linear time for array operations

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Quick Sort• Divide: The array is rearranged into two non empty sub arrays, A[p..q]

and A[q+1..r] from A[p..r]. This is done in such a way that each element in A[p..q] a the left array is less than or equal to the elements of A[q+1..r] (the q index is determined by the partition function)• Conquer: Sort the subarrays A[p..q] and A[q+1..r] or Left array and

Right array respectively• Combine: the subarrays are already sorted in place. • A[p..r] is already sorted no further work needed

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Quick Sort Example• Pick an index as a pivot point of an array: 10, 12, 7, 2, 15, 6.

• Pivot choice for us will always be the last index.• 6 is the pivot, so everything less than 6 to the left and greater than equal to the

right• 2 | 6 | 10, 12, 7, 15

• We then take the last index of both arrays• 2 | 6 | 10, 12, 7 |15

• We then continue this till all of the cells are single sized then put them back together• 2|6|7|10,12|15• 2|6|7|10|12|15• 2,6,7,10,12,15

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Quicksort Pseudo Code• QUICKSORT(A,p,r)• If p<r then

• q = PARTITION(A,p,r)• QUICKSORT(A,p,q-1)• QUICKSORT(A,q+1,r)

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Partition• Partition can be arbitrarily set up by the designer• Could be median of the array, could be start, could be end that contains the

partition, it doesn’t matter• Some logic is harder to follow then others though

• In practice• Choose A[r] as pivot element• Scan left until ≥ A[r] is found• Scan right until < A[r] is found• Swap these two elements• Continue until the scan pointers meet.• Swap A[r] with the element left most position of right sub list(the element that’s

being pointed at by both pointers)

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Partition Subroutine• PARTITION(A, p, r)

pivot = A[r]i = pj = r-1while TRUE dowhile(j > p){if A[j] < pivot) break; else j--;}

• while(i < r){if A[i] > pivot) break; else i++;}if i < j

• Exchange A[i] and A[j]elseExchange A[i] and A[r]

• return (i)

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Analysis• Total time complexity




T(n) = (nlogn)

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Analysis of Algorithms• Many forms of algorithms with different methods of analysis• Recurrence

• Recursion• Iterative

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Recurrence• Multiple ways to solve recurrence relationships• Recursion Tree• Substitution• Master Method

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Recursion Tree - Merge Sort example• Expand recurrence to the base case, n=1 for Merge Sort• T(n) = 2T(n/2) +cn + b• = 2(2T(n/4)+c(n/2)+b)+cn+b• ….• T(1), which is easier to see in Tree form

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T(n) || k = 1 = 20

cn+b cn+b + + T(n/2) T(n/2) | | k = 2 = 21

c(n/2)+b c(n/2)+b 2(c(n/2)+b) + + + + T(n/4) T(n/4) T(n/4) T(n/4) || || || || k = 4 = 22

c(n/4)+b c(n/4)+b c(n/4)+b c(n/4)+b 4(c(n/4)+b)…….. In general k*(c(n/k)+b) T(1) T(1) ………………………………..T(1) || here k becomes n=2h (h is height of tree)constant n(c(n/n)+b) -------------------------Total: k=1,2,4,8,….n k*(c(n/k)+b)= k=1,2,4,8,….n (cn+kb).

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k=1,2,4,8,….n k*(c(n/k)+b)= k=1,2,4,8,….n (cn+kb)

= cn k=1,2,4,8,….n 1 + b k=1,2,4,8,….n k(We can pull out variables independent of k from the summation)

Since k=1,2,4,8,….n 1 = log2n (How many time we need to add 1? The height of tree n= 2h, so h=log2n times)Andk=1,2,4,8,….n k = 2n-1 (k=1,2,4,8,….n k = 1+2+4+8+ …+ (n/4)+(n/2)+n, you can try with n=16, to verify this)

Thus, we get:

Total = cn*(log2 n) + b*(2n-1) = Θ(n log2n)

Therefore, Merge-Sort is Θ(nlog2n) or by convention (omitting the base): Θ(nlogn)

Merge sort is more efficient than insertion sort for largeenough inputs.

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Substitution• There’s 2 steps to this process• Guess what form the solution will take• Use mathematical induction(ie. weak induction, p→q) to find constants and

show that the solution works• Steps of mathematical induction

• Prove base case n=1 for Merge-Sort, if so our guessed solution works at least this far• Prove that if it works for base case it works for n = k, it will also work for n = k + 1(which is the

next possible value of n)• If it passes those steps then we know it will work for any possible n

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Merge-Sort substitution exampleT(n) a, if n=1 2T(n/2) + cn + b, if n>1 (c and b are constants)

A guess for this based on the type of recurrenceT(n) = cnlog2n + 2bn – b (for n is a power of 2)

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• Base case: n = 2• T(2) = 2c log22+ 4b-b = 2c+3b• From the given recurrence

• T(2) = 2T(1) + 2c + b = 2c+3b if T(1) = b

• Induction: Assume T(k) = cklog2k + 2bk – b, Then• T(2k) = 2T(k)+c(2k)+b (by the given recurrence)

• = 2(cklog2k +2bk – b) + c(2k) + b• = c(2klog2k) + 4bk- 2b + c(2k log22) +b• = c(2k)(log2k +log22) + 2b(2k) –b

• So T(n) = cnlog2n+2bn-b is true for n = 2k if it is true for n = k

• Conclusion: T(n) = cnlog2n+2bn-b for n = 2, 4, 8, …, 2i,..

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Master’s TheoremMaster Theorem (Theorem 4.1)Suppose that T(n) = aT(n/b) + f(n) where a 1 and b > 1 and they are constants, and f(n) is a function of n.Then1. If f(n) = O(nlog b a - ) for some constant > 0, then T(n) = (n log b a).

2. If f(n) = (n log b a), then T(n) = (n log b a log2 n).

3. If f(n) = (n log b a + ) for some constant > 0, and if a f(n/b) c f(n) for some constant c < 1 and all sufficiently large n, then T(n) = (f(n)).

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Master’s Theorem Merge-Sort example• T(n) = 2T(n/2) +cn + b• a = 2, b = 2, f(n) = cn + b, logba = log22 = 1• Thus• f(n) = (nlog ba) = (n).• The second case: T(n) = (nlog b a log2n) = (nlog2n)

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Iterative• A process that is repeated until it reaches a specific goal, or to reach a

specific goal• Example: Insertion Sort• InsertionSort(A) //Overall runtime is O(n2)

• Min = A[0]• For(i = 0 -> A.length) //Adds n potential time to run time, because it must run n times

• For(j = i+1 -> A.length) //Adds n potential time to run time• If A[j] < Min then

• Min = A[j]• Swap(A, A[i], A[min])

• return A

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Correctness• Loop Invariant - A loop invariant is a condition [among program

variables] that is necessarily true immediately before and immediately after each iteration of a loop. (Note that this says nothing about its truth or falsity part way through an iteration.)• Initialization• Maintenance• Termination

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Heaps• Binary heap data structure is an array object, which can be viewed as

a nearly complete binary tree• A complete binary tree: a binary tree that is completely filled on all

levels except the lowest possible level, ie a tree of height 3 would have 1 node, then 2 nodes, then somewhere between 1-4 nodes at its lowest level• The lowest level is filled from left to right

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Heap visual example1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

20 18 10 7 12 8 9 5 4 2 1 7 20






8 9

4 2 1 7



2 3

764PARENT(i) // parent of i in the treereturn i/2

LEFT(i) // left child of i in the treereturn 2i

RIGHT(i) // right child of i in the treereturn (2i+1)

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Procedures of Heaps• MAX-HEAPIFY: maintains heap property (O(logn))• BUILD-MAX-HEAP: produces a heap from an unordered input array

(O(n))• HEAPSORT: sort an array in place (O(nlogn))• EXTRACT MAX or INSERT: allow heap data structure to be used as a

priority queue (O(logn))

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MAX-HEAPIFY pseudo code• MAX-HEAPIFY(A, i) //

• L = LEFT(i)• R = RIGHT(i)• If L ≤ A.heap-size and A[L] > A[i]

• largest = L• Else

• largest = I• If r ≤ A.heap-size and A[r] > A[largest]

• largest = r• If largest ≠ I

• Exchange A[i] and A[largest]• MAX-HEAPIFY(A, largest)

)1()3/2()( nTnT T(n) = O(logn)

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BUILD-MAX-HEAP pseudo code• BUILD-MAX-HEAP(A)• A.heap-size = A.length• For i = floor(A.length/2) down to 1 do


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Priority Queue• Maintains a set of elements we’ll call S, each element has an associate

value called a key• Operations• Insert – inserts an element into the set• Maximum – returns the element in S with the largest key • Extract-max – removes and returns the element in S with the largest key• Increase-Key - Increases the value of an element’s key to a different value

• Can use linked lists or a heap to create a priority queue

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Priority Queue Heap based pseudo code• HEAP-MAXIMUM(A)• Return A[1]

• HEAP-EXTRACT-MAX(A) //Running time O(logn)• If A.heap-size <1

• Error:no element to extract• Else

• Max= A[1]• A[1] = A[A.heap-size]• A.heap-size—• HEAPIFY(A,1)• return Max

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• HEAP-INCREASE-KEY(A, i, key)//Running time O(logn)• If key <A[i] then

• Error new key is smaller than current key• A[i] = key• While i> 1 and A[PARENT(i)] < A[i]

• ExchangeA[i] and A[PARENT(i)]• i = PARENT(i)

• MAX-HEAP-INSERT(A, key)//Running time O(logn)• A.heap-size++• A[A.heap-size] = -infinity• HEAP-INCREASE-KEY(A, A.heapsize, key)

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Decision Trees• A model to show a process• Shows all possible permutations

• Only 1 possible permutation is possible per set up• Leaves correspond to permutations• Internal nodes represent pair-wise comparisons; The root is the first

comparison• Execution of the algorithm corresponds to tracking the path from root to the


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EXAMPLE - Decision tree for INSERTION-SORT operating on <a1, a2, a3>

a1 < a2?yes no

a2 < a3? a1 < a3? no no

yes yes<a1, a2, a3> a1 < a3? <a2, a1, a3> a2 < a3?

yes no yes no <a1, a3, a2> <a3, a1, a2> <a2, a3, a1> <a3, a2, a1>

• Each of the n! permutations of the elements must appear as a leaf of the tree, for the sorting algorithm to sort properly.