cs380: introduction to computer graphics light transport...

Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012 CS380: Introduction to Computer Graphics Light Transport Chapter 21 Min H. Kim KAIST School of Computing

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  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    CS380: Introduction to Computer GraphicsLight Transport

    Chapter 21

    Min H. KimKAIST School of Computing

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    SUMMARYColor and Ray-Tracing


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Ray tracing


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Ray-plane• Plane described by the equation• We start by representing every point along the

    ray using a single parameter λ

    • Plugging this into the plane equation, we get









    + λdxdydz



    0 = A(px + λdx )+ B(py + λdy )+C(pz + λdz )+ D = λ(Adx + Bdy +Cdz )+ (Apx + Bpy +Cpz + D)


    Eye origin Pixel ray vector

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Ray-triangle• Suppose we wish to test if a point is inside or

    outside of a triangle in 2D • Consider the three “sub” triangle

    • When is inside of , then all three sub-triangles will agree on their clockwisedness. When is outside, then they all disagree.



    Δ( p1 p2 p3)

    Δ( p1 p2 q),Δ( p1 qp3)

    and Δ( qp2 p3)

    q Δ( p1 p2 p3)


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Ray-sphere• Suppose we have a sphere with radius R and

    center c modeled as the set of points that satisfy the equation

    • Plugging the below into the above:

    • We get


    [x, y, z]t

    (x − cx )2 + (y − cy )

    2 + (z − cz )2 − r2 = 0







    + λdxdydz



    0 = (px + λdx − cx )2 + (py + λdy − cy )

    2 + (pz + λdz − cz )2 − r2

    0 = (dx2 + dy

    2 + dz2 )λ 2 + (2dx (px − cx )+ 2dy(py − cy )+ 2dz (pz − cz ))λ +

    (px − cx )2 + (py − cy )

    2 + (pz − cz )2 − r2

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Three sources of light together

    7Courtesy of Doug A. Bowman

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Bounding volume hierarchy (BVH)


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012



  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    RENDERING EQUATIONHemispherical formulation


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Solid angle• Steradian (sr)– The solid angle subtended at the center of a sphere

    by an area on its surface numerically equal to the square of the radius.


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Solid angle• 2D vs. 3D angle


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Solid angle• A measure on the hemisphere to integrate functions over the

    hemisphere [unit: steradian (sr)]

    • A finite solid angle subtended by an area on the hemisphere is defined as the total area divided by the squared radius of the hemisphere:

    • The area of the hemisphereis:



    Ω = Ar2


    1 steradian ⇔ A = r2

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Solid angle• The solid angle area covered by a complete hemisphere

    equals:• The solid angle covered by a complete sphere equals:• Note that the solid angle is not dependent on the

    shape of surface ,but is only dependent on the total area .



  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Solid angle• We can project the surface or object on the

    hemisphere and compute the solid angle of the projection.

    • The two objects different in shape can still subtend the same sold angle.


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiant power• A bunch of photons flying through space in a

    direction.• Radiant power: Each photon carries energy

    [unit: joules]


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiant flux• Radiant flux: radiant power measured in

    seconds, measured in watts [joules/sec]• Radiant flux does not specify the size of the light

    source or receiver.• Flux does not include a specification of the

    distance between the light source and the receivers.


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiant flux• A bunch of photons flying through

    space in a direction.• We have a sensor (W, X) out in

    space– W is a wedge of directions– Pass through the surface X

    • Each photon carries energy in units of joules

    • Radiant flux: energy measured in seconds, measured in watts:


    Φ(W ,X)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiant power vs. distance• d2 law


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Irradiance• Irradiance: Measured radiant flux by the area of

    the sensor (measured in square meters)

    • Smaller and smaller X around a single point(under continuity assumptions about )à irradiance

    • Note E at a different normal is different


    E(W ,X) := Φ(W ,X)X

    En (W , x)


    E !n(W , "x)≠E !ʹn (W , "x)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Irradiance• Suppose the sensor surface X broken up into a bunch of

    smaller surfaces, Xi.• Radiant flux over the entire sensor as the sum:

    • Under reasonable continuity assumption about , radiance flux from pointwise (pixelwise) irradiance:


    Φ(W ,X )= Φ(W ,Xi )=

    i∑ Xi E(W ,Xi )



    Φ(W ,X )= E !n( "x )X∫ (W , "x)dA

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiosity (radiant exitance)• Exitant radiant power per unit surface area [unit:


    • E.g., consider a light source, of area 0.1 sqm, that emits 100 watts. à The radiant exitance of the light is 1,000 W/sqm at each point of its source.


    M = B = dΦdA

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiance• In , shrink W down to a single vector,

    dividing out by |W|, the solid angle measure of W (unit: steradians) à radiance


    En (W , x)

    L!n(W , "x)=

    E !n(W , "x)W

    (the wedge of all directioncovers 4π steradians)

    L!n(!w , "x)= lim

    W→ !wL!n(W , "x)

    L!n(!w , "x): L( !w , "x)withgiven


    L(!w , "x):=L

    −!w(!w , "x)

    L−!w(!w , "x)= 1cos(θ )L!n(

    !w , "x)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiance• Smaller and smaller wedges around a vector

    pointing toward • Under reasonable continuity assumption for



    L( !w , "x):=L

    −!w(!w , "x)= L!n(

    !w , "x)cos(θ )



    Φis the angle

    between and n −

    Watt / (sr ⋅m2 ⋅nm)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Incoming radiance• Incoming radiance:

    • Given a spatially and angularly varyingwe can compute the radiant flux over a large sensor (W,X) as:


    L( !w, "x) := 1

    cos(θ )limW→ !w


    limX→ "x

    Φ(W ,X)X



    L(w, x)

    Φ(W ,X )= L(!w , "x)cos(θ )dw

    W∫( )dAX∫

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Outgoing radiance• In fact, radiance remains constant along a ray in

    free space:• We can define outgoing radiance from

    the point in the direction . • Reverse the order of the arguments to L

    • where is the radiant flux of photons leaving a finite surface X along vectors in the wedge W


    L(!w, "x) = L( !w, "x + !w)

    L( x,w)

    x w

    L( !x, "w) := 1

    cos(θ )limW→ "w


    limX→ !x

    Φ(X,W )X



    Φ(X,W )

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiance in computer graphics• We calculate the color of some 3D point in an

    OpenGL fragment shader as the outgoing radiance , where is the “view vector”.

    • In the fragment shader, this outgoing radiance value is also the incoming radiance value at the corresponding sample location on the image plane and is thus used to color the pixel.

    • In ray tracing, when we trace a ray along the ray, we can interpret this as calculating the

    incoming radiance value, .27


    L( x,v)


    ( x,d )

    L(−d, x)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiant flux along a ray• Slide our sensor (W,X) along the vector to

    obtain the shifted sensor (W,X’), where

    • Radiant fluxes will not agree (due to the d2 law)



    X ' = X +w

    Φ(W ,X) ≠ Φ(W , ′X )

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Radiance along a ray• Radiance will agree


    L( !w, "x) := 1cos(θ )

    limW→ !w


    limX→ "x

    Φ(W ,X)X



    = 1cos(θ )

    limX→ "x


    limW→ !w

    Φ(W ,X)W



    = 1cos(θ )

    limX→ "x


    limW→ !w

    Φ(W ,X + !w)W



    = 1cos(θ )

    lim′X → "x+ !w


    limW→ !w

    Φ(W , ′X )W



    = 1cos(θ )

    limW→ !w


    lim′X → "x+ !w

    Φ(W , ′X )′X


    ⎞⎠⎟= L( !w, "x + !w)

    ∵ lim

    W→ "w

    Φ(W , ʹX )Φ(W ,X ) =1 → X '≈ X +




    In fact, in the limit for very small wedges, our senor and shifted sensor measure the same set of photons.

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Reflection• Bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) is

    the reflection ratio that converges and does not actually depend on the size of the wedges.

    • Making the incoming wedges W smaller around a fixed , this function f converges to

    • The simplest BRDF is the constant BRDF (for diffuse material):


    f !x ,"n(W ,

    "v)= L1( !x , "v)

    E "ne(W , !x)

    = L1( !x , "v)

    L"ne (W , !x)W

    !w f !x ,"n(

    "w , "v)

    f !x ,"n("w , "v)=1

    f !x ,"n("w , "v)= lim

    W→ "w L

    1( !x , "v)L"ne (W , !x)W

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Reflection• On a diffuse surface, the amount of scattered

    photons drops by a cosine factor to zero, while the outgoing radiance does not depend on outgoing angle in the BRDF definition. (don’t get confused with the viewing direction.)

    • Outgoing radiance is• Using ,

    the reflected radiance is


    L1( !x , "v)= Wi f !x ,"n(Wi ,

    "v)L"ne (Wi , !x)i∑

    f x,n (w, v) and Ln

    e ( w, x)

    L1( !x , "v)= f !x ,"n("w , "v)L"ne (

    "w , !x)dwH∫

    = f !x ,"n("w , "v)Le( "w , !x)cosθdw


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Mirror reflection• In a mirror surface, the bounced

    radiance along a ray, depends only on where

    • Mirror reflection: where is some material coefficient.

    • Mirror reflected light is

    • Note that no integration is required in perfect mirror reflection.


    Le −B(v), x[ ]

    B(v) = 2(v ⋅ n)n − v

    k x,n (v) = L

    1( x, v)Le[−B(v), x]

    k x,n (v)

    L1( x, v) = k x,n (

    v)Le[−B(v), x]

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Rendering Equation• Reflection equation in shorthand

    where B is the bounce operator of light.• Recursive light transport is• We can say


    L1 =BLe

    Li+1 = BLi

    Lt =Le +L1+L2+L3+ ... =Le +B(Le +L1+L2+L3+ ...) =Le +BLt

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Rendering Equation• The rendering equation (integral equation) is


    Lt( !x , "v)=Le( !x , "v)+ f !x ,"n("w , "v)Lt( "w , !x)cos(θ )dw

    H∫Lt( !x , "v):receivedlightLe( !x , "v): emittinglightf !x ,"n("w , "v):reflectancefunction

    Lt( "w , !x): incidentlightcos(θ ): thecosinelawH : theentire(hemi-)sphericalsolidangledw:differentialsolidangle

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Global Illumination (2nd bounce)

    where is the point first hit along the ray


    Le : light source emissionL1 : the first bounceL2 : the second bounceLn : the nth bounce

    L2( !x , "v)= f !x ,"n("w , "v)cos(θ )L1( "w , "x)dw

    H∫= f !x ,"n(

    "w , "v)cos(θ ) f !ʹx ,"ʹn ("ʹw , "w)cos( ʹθ )Le( " ʹw , "ʹx )d ʹw

    ʹH∫( )dwH∫= f !x ,"n(

    "w , "v)cos(θ ) f !ʹx ,"ʹn ("ʹw , "w)cos( ʹθ )Le( " ʹw , "ʹx )d ʹw

    ʹH∫ dwH∫

    ʹ!x ( !x,−"w)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Path tracing• Adding one more bounce• Geometric path of light transport:• Not as a nested integral over two hemispheres,

    but as an integral over an appropriate space of pathsà Path tracing


    Le( !x , "v)+L1( !x , "v)+L2( !x , "v)

    ( !x , !ʹx , ! ʹ́x )


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    • is less important than direct lighting.• It is needed to simulate blurry reflections of the

    surrounding environment• Caustic effects can also be seen due to• Total light:• (higher bounces account for the overall distributions of

    light and darkness in the environment)

    Path tracing




    Lt = Le + L1 + L2 + L3 + ...

    Caustic effects

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Path tracing• Reflection equation in shorthand

    where B is the bounce operator of light.• Recursive light transport is• We can say

    • This expresses an equation that must hold for the total equilibrium distribution .


    L1 =BLe

    Li+1 =BLi

    Lt =Le +L1+L2+L3+ ...Lt =Le +B(Le +L1+L2+L3+ ...)Lt =Le +BLt

    Lt( !x , "v)=Le( !x , "v)+ f !x ,"n(

    "w , "v)Lt( "w , !x)cos(θ )dwH∫


    (∵L1 =BLe )

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Camera Sensor• Photon count at pixel (i,j) in a physical camera


    where T is the duration of the shutter, Ωi,j is the spatial support of pixel (i,j)at the sensor pointand W is the wedge of the incoming vectorfrom the aperture toward the film point.


    dt dA dwFi , j( !x)Lt(

    "w , !x)cos(θ )W∫Ωi , j∫T∫


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Sensor• Other effects– Motion blur: due to integration over the shutter

    time– Depth of field: due to integration over the solid

    angle of the aperture(focus and blur effects)


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Sensor• Motion blur & Depth-of-field effect

    • Subsurface scattering


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012











  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Lt( !x , "v)=Le( !x , "v)+ f !x ,"n("w , "v;m,η)Lt( "w , !x)cos(θ )dw


    Lt( !x , "v):receivedlightLe( !x , "v): emittinglightf !x ,"n("w , "v):reflectancefunction

    Lt( "w , !x): incidentlightcos(θ ): thecosinelawH : theentire(hemi-)sphericalsolidangledw:differentialsolidangle








    Rendering Equation


  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Microfacet-based Reflectance Model


    Lt( !x , "v)=Le( !x , "v)+ f !x ,"n("w , "v;m,η)Lt( "w , !x)cos(θ )dw

    H∫f !x ,"n("w , "v;η)=kd f !xdiffuse +ks f !x ,"nspecular , wherekd +ks =1

    f !xdiffuse:diffusetermf !x ,"nspecular( "w , "v;m,η): specularterm

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Diffuse Reflection

    • Diffuse reflection– Internal scattering– Multiple reflection within microfacets

    • It is a constant per material


    f !x ,"ndiffuse( "w , "v)= ρ



  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Specular Reflection (D)-1


    f !x ,"nspecular( "w , "v;m,η)= D(

    "h;m)G( "w , "v ,

    "h)F( "w ,


    4("n ⋅ "w)("n ⋅ "v)D : Microfacetnormaldistributionfunction(probabilitydensityfunction),1= D(

    "h)("h ⋅ "n)dwhH∫

    Multiplespecularlobes: D= wjD(mj )j∑ , wj

    j∑ =1


    D θh;m( ) =exp(−tan2(θh)/m2)


    θh = cos−1(!h ⋅ !n),m:roughnessparameter

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Specular Reflection (D)-2




    π cos4θh m2+ tan2θh( )2 ,

    θh = cos−1(!h ⋅ !n),m:roughnessparameter

    f !x ,"nspecular( "w , "v;m,η)= D(

    "h;m)G( "w , "v ,

    "h)F( "w ,


    4("n ⋅ "w)("n ⋅ "v)D : Microfacetnormaldistributionfunction(probabilitydensityfunction),1= D(

    "h)("h ⋅ "n)dwhH∫

    Multiplespecularlobes: D= wjD(mj )j∑ , wj

    j∑ =1

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Specular Reflection (D)-3


    With a roughness of 0.5


    With a roughness of 0.25

    • Facet distribution

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Specular Reflection (G)-1



    Gshadowing(!w ,!h)=min 1,2|

    !h ⋅ !n|| !w ⋅ !n|| !w ⋅!h|



    Gmasking(!v ,!h)=min 1,2|

    !h ⋅ !n|| !v ⋅ !n|| !v ⋅!h|



    G( !w , !v ,!h)=min Gshadowing(

    !w ,!h),Gmasking(

    !v ,!h)( ).

    f !x ,"nspecular( "w , "v;m,η)= D(

    "h;m)G( "w , "v ,

    "h)F( "w ,


    4("n ⋅ "w)("n ⋅ "v)G : Geometricattenuationfunction(shadowing/masking)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    Specular Reflection (G)-2



    G( !w , !v;m)= 21+ 1+m2 tan2 !w⎛



    21+ 1+m2 tan2 !v⎛




    f !x ,"nspecular( "w , "v;m,η)= D(

    "h;m)G( "w , "v ,

    "h)F( "w ,


    4("n ⋅ "w)("n ⋅ "v)G : Geometricattenuationfunction(shadowing/masking)

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    !n = !w= !v (0)F

    Specular Reflection (F)


    (1)Schlickapproximation:F(!h, !w;η)=F(0;η)+(1−cosθh)5(1−F(0;η))

    θh = cos−1!h ⋅ !w( )

    F(0;η): Fresnelcolordependsontherefractiveindexη ofeachmaterial

    f !x ,"nspecular( "w , "v;m,η)= D(

    "h;m)G( "w , "v ,

    "h)F( "w ,


    4("n ⋅ "w)("n ⋅ "v)F : Fresnelpolarizationeffect

    (0) 0.5F =

  • Min H. Kim (KAIST) Foundations of 3D Computer Graphics, S. Gortler, MIT Press, 2012

    CS580: Computer Graphics• If you want to learn more about advanced

    rendering for global illumination, there is a course (CS580) delivered by Prof. Kim.

    • http://vclab.kaist.ac.kr/cs580

