cs 257 database principles presentation file for cs 257 database principles submitted to : dr t.y...

CS 257 Database Principles Presentation File for CS 257 Database Principles Submitted to : Dr T.Y Lin Submitted By: Saurabh Vishal (006530966) Roll ID: - 115

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CS 257 Database Principles

Presentation File for CS 257Database Principles

Submitted to : Dr T.Y Lin

Submitted By: Saurabh Vishal (006530966) Roll ID: - 115

Page 2: CS 257 Database Principles Presentation File for CS 257 Database Principles Submitted to : Dr T.Y Lin Submitted By: Saurabh Vishal (006530966) Roll ID:

CS 257 Database Principles

Chapters Covered

Chapter 13. Secondary storage Chapter 15 Query execution Chapter 16 Query complier Chapter 18 Concurrency control Chapter 21 information Integration

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CS 257 Database Principles


13.1 Secondary Storage Management13.2 Disks13.3 Accelerating Access to Secondary Storage13.4 Recovery from Disk Crashes13.5 Arranging data on disk13.6 Representing Block and Record Addresses13.7 Variable length data and record13.8 Record Modification

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CS 257 Database Principles

13.1 Secondary Storage Management In Secondary Storage Management

Database systems always involve secondary storage like the disks and other devices that store large amount of data that persists over time.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Memory Hierarchy

A typical computer system has several different components in which data may be stored.

These components have data capacities ranging over at least seven orders of magnitude and also have access speeds ranging over seven or more orders of magnitude.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Diagram of Memory hierarchy

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CS 257 Database Principles

Cache Memory

It is the lowest level of the hierarchy is a cache. Cache is found on the same chip as the microprocessor itself, and additional level-2 cache is found on another chip.

Data and instructions are moved to cache from main memory when they are needed by the processor.

Cache data can be accessed by the processor in a few nanoseconds.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Main Memory

In the center of the action is the computer's main memory. We may think of everything that happens in the computer - instruction executions and data manipulations - as working on information that is resident in main memory

Typical times to access data from main memory to the processor or cache are in the 10-100 nanosecond range

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CS 257 Database Principles

Secondary Storage

Essentially every computer has some sort of secondary storage, which is a form of storage that is both significantly slower and significantly more capacious than main memory.

The time to transfer a single byte between disk and main memory is around 10 milliseconds.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Tertiary Storage

As capacious as a collection of disk units can be, there are databases much larger than what can be stored on the disk(s) of a single machine, or even of a substantial collection of machines.

Tertiary storage devices have been developed to hold data volumes measured in terabytes.

Tertiary storage is characterized by significantly higher read/write times than secondary storage, but also by much larger capacities and smaller cost per byte than is available from magnetic disks.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Transfer of Data Between Levels

Normally, data moves between adjacent levels of the hierarchy.

At the secondary and tertiary levels, accessing the desired data or finding the desired place to store data takes a great deal of time, so each level is organized to transfer large amount of data or from the level below, whenever any data at all is needed.

The disk is organized into disk blocks and the entire blocks are moved to or from a continuous section of main memory called a buffer

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CS 257 Database Principles

Volatile and Nonvolatile Storage: A volatile device "forgets" what is stored in it when

the power goes off. A nonvolatile device, on the other hand, is expected

to keep its contents intact even for long periods when the device is turned off or there is a power failure.

Magnetic and optical materials hold their data in the absence of power. Thus, essentially all secondary and tertiary storage devices are nonvolatile. On the other hand main memory is generally volatile.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Virtual Memory

When we write programs the data we use, variables of the program, files read and so on occupies a virtual memory address space.

Many machines use a 32-bit address space; that is, there are 2(pow)32 bytes or 4 gigabytes.

The Operating System manages virtual memory, keeping some of it in main memory and the rest on disk.

Transfer between memory and disk is in units of disk blocks

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CS 257 Database Principles

13.2 Disks

The use of secondary storage is one of the important characteristics of a DBMS, and secondary storage is almost exclusively based on magnetic disks

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CS 257 Database Principles

Mechanics of Disks

The two principal moving pieces of a disk drive are a disk assembly and a head assembly.

The disk assembly consists of one or more circular platters that rotate around a central spindle

The upper and lower surfaces of the platters are covered with a thin layer of magnetic material, on which bits are stored.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Diagram for Disk Management

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CS 257 Database Principles

0’s and 1’s are represented by different patterns in the magnetic material.A common diameter for the disk platters is 3.5 inches.Disk is organized into tracks, which are concentric circles on a single platter.The tracks that are at a fixed radius from a center, among all the surfaces form one cylinder.

Tracks are organized into sectors, which are segments of the circle separated by gaps that are magnetized to represent either 0’s or 1’s. The second movable piece the head assembly, holds the disk heads.

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CS 257 Database Principles

The Disk Controller

One or more disk drives are controlled by a disk controller, which is a small processor capable of:

Controlling the mechanical actuator that moves the head assembly to position the heads at a particular radius.

Transferring bits between the desired sector and the main

memory. Selecting a surface from which to read or write, and selecting a

sector from the track on that surface that is under the head.An example of single processor is shown in next slide.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Simple computer Architecture System

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CS 257 Database Principles

Disk Access Characteristics

Seek Time: The disk controller positions the head assembly at the cylinder containing the track on which the block is located. The time to do so is the seek time.

Rotational Latency: The disk controller waits while the first sector of the block moves under the head. This time is called the rotational latency.

Transfer Time: All the sectors and the gaps between them pass under the head, while the disk controller reads or writes data in these sectors. This delay is called the transfer time.

The sum of the seek time, rotational latency, transfer time is the latency of the time.

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CS 257 Database Principles

13.3 Accelerating Access to Secondary Storage Several approaches for more-efficiently accessing

data in secondary storage: Place blocks that are together in the same cylinder. Divide the data among multiple disks. Mirror disks. Use disk-scheduling algorithms. Prefetch blocks into main memory.

Scheduling Latency – added delay in accessing data caused by a disk scheduling algorithm.

Throughput – the number of disk accesses per second that the system can accommodate.

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CS 257 Database Principles

The I/O Model of Computation

The number of block accesses (Disk I/O’s) is a good time approximation for the algorithm. This should be minimized.

Ex 13.3: You want to have an index on R to identify the block on which the desired tuple appears, but not where on the block it resides. For Megatron 747 (M747) example, it takes 11ms to read a

16k block. A standard microprocessor can execute millions of

instruction in 11ms, making any delay in searching for the desired tuple negligible.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Organizing Data by Cylinders

If we read all blocks on a single track or cylinder consecutively, then we can neglect all but first seek time and first rotational latency.

Ex 13.4: We request 1024 blocks of M747. If data is randomly distributed, average latency is 10.76ms

by Ex 13.2, making total latency 11s. If all blocks are consecutively stored on 1 cylinder:

6.46ms + 8.33ms * 16 = 139ms

(1 average seek) (time per rotation) (# rotations)

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CS 257 Database Principles

Using Multiple Disks If we have n disks, read/write performance will increase by

a factor of n. Striping – distributing a relation across multiple disks

following this pattern: Data on disk R1: R1, R1+n, R1+2n,… Data on disk R2: R2, R2+n, R2+2n,… … Data on disk Rn: Rn, Rn+n, Rn+2n, …

Ex 13.5: We request 1024 blocks with n = 4. 6.46ms + (8.33ms * (16/4)) = 39.8ms

(1 average seek) (time per rotation) (# rotations)

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CS 257 Database Principles

Mirroring Disks

Mirroring Disks – having 2 or more disks hold identical copied of data.

Benefit 1: If n disks are mirrors of each other, the system can survive a crash by n-1 disks.

Benefit 2: If we have n disks, read performance increases by a factor of n.

Performance increases further by having the controller select the disk which has its head closest to desired data block for each read.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Disk Scheduling and the Elevator Problem Disk controller will run this algorithm to select which of

several requests to process first. Pseudo code:

requests[] // array of all non-processed data requests upon receiving new data request:

requests[].add(new request) while(requests[] is not empty)

move head to next location if(head location is at data in requests[])

retrieve data remove data from requests[]

if(head reaches end) reverse head direction

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CS 257 Database Principles

Disk Scheduling and the Elevator Problem (con’t)Events:

Head starting point

Request data at 8000

Request data at 24000

Request data at 56000

Get data at 8000Request data at

16000Get data at 24000Request data at

64000Get data at 56000Request Data at

40000Get data at 64000Get data at 40000Get data at 16000

data time

Current time

Current time


Current time


Current time


Current time


Current time


Current time


Current time


Current time


Current time


Current time



data time

8000.. 4.3

data time

8000.. 4.3

24000.. 13.6

data time

8000.. 4.3

24000.. 13.6

56000.. 26.9

data time

8000.. 4.3

24000.. 13.6

56000.. 26.9

64000.. 34.2

data time

8000.. 4.3

24000.. 13.6

56000.. 26.9

64000.. 34.2

40000.. 45.5

data time

8000.. 4.3

24000.. 13.6

56000.. 26.9

64000.. 34.2

40000.. 45.5

16000.. 56.8

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CS 257 Database Principles

Disk Scheduling and the Elevator Problem (con’t)

data time

8000.. 4.3

24000.. 13.6

56000.. 26.9

64000.. 34.2

40000.. 45.5

16000.. 56.8

data time

8000.. 4.3

24000.. 13.6

56000.. 26.9

16000.. 42.2

64000.. 59.5

40000.. 70.8

Elevator Algorithm


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CS 257 Database Principles

Pre fetching and Large-Scale Buffering

If at the application level, we can predict the order blocks will be requested, we can load them into main memory before they are needed.

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CS 257 Database Principles

13.4 Recovery from Disk Crashes• Ways to recover dataWays to recover data

The most serious mode of failure for disks is “head crash” where data permanently destroyed.

So to reduce the risk of data loss by disk crashes there are number of schemes which are know as RAID (Redundant Arrays of Independent Disks) schemes.

Each of the schemes starts with one or more disks that hold the data and adding one or more disks that hold information that is completely determined by the contents of the data disks called Redundant Disk.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Mirroring /Redundancy Mirroring /Redundancy TechniqueTechnique

Mirroring Scheme is referred as RAID level 1 protection against data loss scheme.

In this scheme we mirror each disk.

One of the disk is called as data disk and other redundant disk.

In this case the only way data can be lost is if there is a second disk crash while the first crash is being repaired.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Parity Blocks

RAID level 4 scheme uses only one redundant disk no matter how many data disks there are.

In the redundant disk, the ith block consists of the parity checks for the ith blocks of all the data disks.

It means, the jth bits of all the ith blocks of both data disks and redundant disks, must have an even number of 1’s and redundant disk bit is used to make this condition true.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Parity Blocks – Reading disk

Reading data disk is same as reading block from

any disk.• We could read block from each of the other disks and compute

the block of the disk we want to read by taking the modulo-2 sum.

disk 2: 10101010

disk 3: 00111000

disk 4: 01100010

If we take the modulo-2 sum of the bits in each column, we get

disk 1: 11110000

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CS 257 Database Principles

Parity Block - Writing

• When we write a new block of a data disk, we need to change that block of the redundant disk as well.

• One approach to do this is to read all the disks and compute the module-2 sum and write to the redundant disk.But this approach requires n-1 reads of data, write a data block and write of redundant disk block.

Total = n+1 disk I/Os

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CS 257 Database Principles


• Better approach will require only four disk I/Os

1. Read the old value of the data block being changed.

2. Read the corresponding block of the redundant disk.

3. Write the new data block.

4. Recalculate and write the block of the redundant disk.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Parity Blocks – Failure RecoveryIf any of the data disk crashes then we just have to compute the

module-2 sum to recover the disk.

Suppose that disk 2 fails. We need to re compute each block of the replacement disk. We are given the corresponding blocks of thefirst and third data disks and the redundant disk, so the situation looks like:

disk 1: 11110000disk 2: ????????disk 3: 00111000disk 4: 01100010

If we take the modulo-2 sum of each column, we deduce that the missing block of disk 2 is : 10101010

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CS 257 Database Principles

An Improvement: RAID 5

• RAID 4 is effective in preserving data unless there are two simultaneous disk crashes.

• Whatever scheme we use for updating the disks, we need to read and write the redundant disk's block. If there are n data disks, then the number of disk writes to the redundant disk will be n times the average number of writes to any one data disk.

• However we do not have to treat one disk as the redundant disk and the others as data disks. Rather, we could treat each disk as the redundant disk for some of the blocks. This improvement is often called RAID level 5.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Continue : An Improvement: RAID 5• For instance, if there are n + 1 disks numbered 0through n, we could treat the ith cylinder of disk j asredundant if j is the remainder when i is divided by n+1.

• For example, n = 3 so there are 4 disks. The first disk,numbered 0, is redundant for its cylinders numbered 4,8, 12, and so on, because these are the numbers thatleave remainder 0 when divided by 4.

• The disk numbered 1 is redundant for blocks numbered1, 5, 9, and so on; disk 2 is redundant for blocks 2, 6.10,. . ., and disk 3 is redundant for 3, 7, 11,. . . .

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CS 257 Database Principles

Coping With Multiple Disk Crashes• Error-correcting codes theory known as Hamming code

leads to the RAID level 6.

• By this strategy the two simultaneous crashes are correctable.

The bits of disk 5 are the modulo-2 sum of the corresponding bits of disks 1, 2, and 3.

The bits of disk 6 are the modulo-2 sum of the corresponding bits of disks 1, 2, and 4.

The bits of disk 7 are the module2 sum of the corresponding bits of disks 1, 3, and 4

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CS 257 Database Principles

Coping With Multiple Disk Crashes – Reading/Writing

• We may read data from any data disk normally.

• To write a block of some data disk, we compute the modulo-2 sum of the new and old versions of that block. These bits are then added, in a modulo-2 sum, to the corresponding blocks of all those redundant disks that have 1 in a row in which the written disk also has 1.

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CS 257 Database Principles

13.5 Arranging data on disk

Data elements are represented as records, which Data elements are represented as records, which stores in consecutive bytes in same disk block. stores in consecutive bytes in same disk block.

Basic layout techniques of storing data : Basic layout techniques of storing data : Fixed-Length RecordsFixed-Length Records Allocation criteria - data should start at word boundary.Allocation criteria - data should start at word boundary. Fixed Length record header Fixed Length record header A pointer to record schema.A pointer to record schema. The length of the record.The length of the record. Timestamps to indicate last modified or last read.Timestamps to indicate last modified or last read.

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CS 257 Database Principles


CREATE TABLE employee(CREATE TABLE employee(


address VARCHAR(255),address VARCHAR(255),

gender CHAR(1),gender CHAR(1),

birthdate DATEbirthdate DATE


Data should start at word boundary and contain header and four Data should start at word boundary and contain header and four fields name, address, gender and birthdate.fields name, address, gender and birthdate.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Packing Fixed-Length Records Packing Fixed-Length Records into Blocks into Blocks

Records are stored in the form of blocks on the disk and Records are stored in the form of blocks on the disk and they move into main memory when we need to update they move into main memory when we need to update or access them.or access them.

A block header is written first, and it is followed by series A block header is written first, and it is followed by series of blocks.of blocks.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Block header contains the following Block header contains the following informationinformation

Links to one or more blocks that are part of a network of blocks.

Information about the role played by this block in such a network.

Information about the relation, the tuples in this block belong to.

A "directory" giving the offset of each record in the block.

Time stamp(s) to indicate time of the block's last modification and/or access.

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CS 257 Database Principles


Along with the header we can pack as many record as we can in one block as shown in the figure and remaining space will be unused.

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CS 257 Database Principles

13.6 Representing Block and Record Addresses Address of a block and Record

In Main Memory Address of the block is the virtual memory address of the first byte Address of the record within the block is the virtual memory

address of the first byte of the record

In Secondary Memory: sequence of bytes describe the location of the block in the overall system

Sequence of Bytes describe the location of the block : the device Id for the disk, Cylinder number, etc.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Addresses in client server Systems

The addresses in address space are represented in two ways Physical Addresses: byte strings that determine the place within

the secondary storage system where the record can be found. Logical Addresses: arbitrary string of bytes of some fixed length

Physical Address bits are used to indicate: Host to which the storage is attached Identifier for the disk Number of the cylinder Number of the track Offset of the beginning of the record

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CS 257 Database Principles

Map Table relates logical addresses to physical addresses.

Logical Physical

Logical Address

Physical Address


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CS 257 Database Principles

Logical and Structural Addresses

Purpose of logical address? Gives more flexibility, when we

Move the record around within the block Move the record to another block

Gives us an option of deciding what to do when a record is deleted? Rec

ord 4

Record 3

Record 2

Record 1

HeaderOffset table


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CS 257 Database Principles

Pointer Swizzling

Having pointers is common in an object-relational database systems

Important to learn about the management of pointers

Every data item (block, record, etc.) has two addresses: database address: address on the disk memory address, if the item is in virtual


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CS 257 Database Principles


Translation Table: Maps database address to memory address

All addressable items in the database have entries in the map table, while only those items currently in memory are mentioned in the translation table

Dbaddr Mem-addrDatabase address

Memory Address

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CS 257 Database Principles


Pointer consists of the following two fields Bit indicating the type of address Database or memory address


Block 2

Block 1




Block 1

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CS 257 Database Principles

Example Block 1 has a record with pointers to a second

record on the same block and to a record on another block

If Block 1 is copied to the memory The first pointer which points within Block 1

can be swizzled so it points directly to the memory address of the target record

Since Block 2 is not in memory, we cannot swizzle the second pointer

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CS 257 Database Principles


Three types of swizzling Automatic Swizzling

As soon as block is brought into memory, swizzle all relevant pointers.

Swizzling on DemandOnly swizzle a pointer if and when it is actually

followed. No Swizzling

Pointers are not swizzled they are accesses using the database address.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Programmer control of Swizzling

Unswizzling When a block is moved from memory back to

disk, all pointers must go back to database (disk) addresses

Use translation table again Important to have an efficient data structure for

the translation table

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CS 257 Database Principles

A block in memory is said to be pinned if it cannot be written back to disk safely.

If block B1 has swizzled pointer to an item in block B2, then B2 is pinned Unpin a block, we must unswizzle any pointers to it Keep in the translation table the places in memory

holding swizzled pointers to that item Unswizzle those pointers (use translation table to

replace the memory addresses with database (disk) addresses

Pinned Records And Blocks

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CS 257 Database Principles

13.7 Variable length data and record

A simple but effective scheme is to put all fixed length fields ahead of the variable-length fields. We then place in the record header:

1. The length of the record.2. Pointers to (i.e., offsets of) the beginnings of all the

variable-length fields. However, if the variable-length fields always appear in the same order then the first of them needs no pointer; we know it immediately follows the fixed-length fields.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Records With Repeating Fields

A similar situation occurs if a record contains a variable

number of Occurrences of a field F, but the field itself is of

fixed length. It is sufficient to group all occurrences of field F

together and put in the record header a pointer to the first. We can locate all the occurrences of the field F as follows.

Let the number of bytes devoted to one instance of field F be

L. We then add to the offset for the field F all integer

multiples of L, starting at 0, then L, 2L, 3L, and so on. Eventually, we reach the offset of the field following F.

Where upon we stop.

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An alternative representation is to keep the record of fixed length, and put the variable length portion - be it fields of variable length or fields that repeat an indefinite number of times - on a separate block. In the record itself we keep: Pointers to the place where each repeating field begins,

and Either how many repetitions there are, or where the

repetitions end.

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Storing variable-length fields separately from the record

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Variable-Format Records The simplest representation of variable-format records is

a sequence of tagged fields, each of which consists of:1. Information about the role of this field, such as:

(a) The attribute or field name,(b) The type of the field, if it is not apparent from the field name and some readily available schema information, and(c) The length of the field, if it is not apparent from the

type.2. The value of the field.

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There are at least two reasons why tagged fields would make sense.

1. Information integration applications - Sometimes, a relation has been constructed from several earlier sources, and these sources have different kinds of information For instance, our movie star information may have come from several sources, one of which records birthdates, some give addresses, others not, and so on. If there are not too many fields, we are probably best off leaving NULL those values we do not know.

2. Records with a very flexible schema - If many fields of a record can repeat and/or not appear at all, then even if we know the schema, tagged fields may be useful. For instance, medical records may contain information about many tests, but there are thousands of possible tests, and each patient has results for relatively few of them.

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A record with tagged fields

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Records That Do Not Fit in a Block

These large values have a variable length, but even if the length is fixed for all values of the type, we need to use some special techniques to represent these values. In this section we shall consider a technique called “spanned records" that can be used to manage records that are larger than blocks.

Spanned records also are useful in situations where records are smaller than blocks, but packing whole records into blocks wastes significant amounts of space.For both these reasons, it is sometimes desirable to allow records to be split across two or more blocks. The portion of a record that appears in one block is called a record fragment.

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If records can be spanned, then every record and record fragment requires some extra header information:

1. Each record or fragment header must contain a bit telling whether or not it is a fragment.

2. If it is a fragment, then it needs bits telling whether it is the first or last fragment for its record.

3. If there is a next and/or previous fragment for the same record, then the fragment needs pointers to these other fragments.

Storing spanned records across blocks

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BLOBS• Binary, Large OBjectS = BLOBS

• BLOBS can be images, movies, audio files and other very large values that can be stored in files.

• Storing BLOBS

– Stored in several blocks.

– Preferable to store them consecutively on a cylinder or multiple disks for efficient retrieval.

• Retrieving BLOBS

– A client retrieving a 2 hour movie may not want it all at the same time.

– Retrieving a specific part of the large data requires an index structure to make it efficient. (Example: An index by seconds on a movie BLOB.)

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Column Stores

An alternative to storing tuples as records is to store each column as a record. Since an entire column of a relation may occupy far more than a single block, these records may span many block, much as long as files do. If we keep the values in each column in the same order then we can reconstruct the relation from column records

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13.8 Record Modification

When a data manipulation operation is performed , called as record Modification

Example: Record Structure for a person Table CREATE TABLE PERSON ( NAME CHAR(30), ADDRESS CHAR(256) ,


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Types of Records





Record Modification• Insert, update & delete

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Structure of a Block & Records Various Records are clubbed together and

stored together in memory in blocks Structure of a Block

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If records need not be any particular order, then just find a block with enough empty space

We keep track of all records/tuples in a relation/tables using Index structures, File organization concepts

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Inserting New Records

If Records are not required to be a particular order, just find an empty block and place the record in the block.eg: Heap Files

What if the Records are to be Kept in a particular Order (eg: sorted by primary key) ?

Locate appropriate block,check if space is available in the block if yes place the record in the block.

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Inserting New Records

We may have to slide the Records in the Block to place the Record at an appropriate place in the Block and suitably edit the block header.

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What If The Block Is Full ?

We need to Keep the record in a particular block but the block is full. How do we deal with it ?

We find room outside the Block There are 2 approaches to finding the room for

the record.

I. Find Space on Nearby Block

II. Create an Overflow Block

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Approaches to Finding Room For record Find a space on nearby block Block B1 has no space If space is available on block B2 move records

of B1 tp B2 If there are external Pointers to records of B1

Moved to B2 Leave Forwarding Address in offset Table of B1

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Approaches to Finding Room For Record Create Overflow block Each Block B has in its header pointer to an

overflow block where additional blocks of B can be placed

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Try to reclaim the space available on a record after deletion of a particular record

If an offset table is used for storing information about records for the block then rearrange/slide the remaining records.

If Sliding of records is not possible then maintain a SPACE-AVAILABLE LIST to keep track of space available on the Record.

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What about pointer to deleted records ? A tombstone is placed in place of each deleted

record A tombstone is a bit placed at first byte of

deleted record to indicate the record was deleted ( 0 – Not Deleted 1 – Deleted)

A tombstone is permanent

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Updating Records

For Fixed-Length Records, there is no effect on the storage system

For variable length records :• If length increases, like insertion “slide the records”• If length decreases, like deletion we update the

space-available list, recover the space/eliminate the overflow blocks.

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Chapter 13 Ends………..!

Chapter 15


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Chapter 15


15.1 Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators 15.2 One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations 15.3 Nested-Loop Joins 15.4 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting 15.5 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing 15.6 Index-Based Algorithms 15.7 Buffer Management 15.8 Algorithms Using More Than Two Passes 15.9 Parallel Algorithms for Relational Operations

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Query Compilation

Query compilation is divided into 3 major steps:

Parsing, in which a parse tree construct the structure and query

Query rewrite, in which the parse tree is converted to an initial query plan, which is an algebraic representation of the query.

Physical Plan Generation, where the abstract query plan is converted into physical query plan.

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Query Compilation

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15.1 Introduction to Physical-Query-Plan Operators Physical query plans are built from the

operators each of which implements one step of the plan.

Physical operators can be implementations of the operators of relational algebra.

However they can also be operators of non-relational algebra like ‘scan’ operator used for scanning tables.

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For scanning a table

We have two different approach Table scan

Relation R is stored in secondary memory with its tuples arranged in blocks. It is possible to get the blocks one by one

Index scan if there is an index on any attribute of relation R, then we can

use this index to get all the tuples of R.

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Sorting is the major topic while scanning the table Reasons why we need sorting while scanning tables

Various algorithms for relational-algebra operations require one or both of their arguments to be sorted relation

The query could include an ORDER BY clause. Requiring that a relation be sorted

A Physical-query-plan operator sort-scan takes a relation R and a specification of the attributes on which the sort is to be made, and produces R in that sorted order. If we are to produce a relation R sorted by attribute a, and if there is a

B-tree index on a, then index scan is used. If relation R is small enough to fit in main memory, then we can

retrieve its tuples using a table scan.

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Parameters for measuring costs Parameters that mainly affect the performance of a query are:

1. The cost mainly depends upon size of memory block on the disk and the size in the main memory affects the performance of a query.

2. Buffer space availability in the main memory at the time of execution of the query.

3. Size of input and the size of the output generated This are the number of disk I/O’s needed for each of the scan

operators.1. If a relation R is clustered, then the number of disk I/O’s is approximately

B where B is the number of blocks where R is stored.2. If R is clustered but requires a two phase multi way merge sort then the

total number of disk i/o required will be 3B.3. If R is not clustered, then the number of required disk I/0's is generally

much higher.

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Implementation of Physical Operator

The three major functions are open(), getnext(), close() Open() we have to start process by getting tuples

and initialize the data structure and perform operation.

Getnext() this function returns the next tuple in result

Close() finally closes all operation and function

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15.2 One-Pass Algorithms for Database Operations To transform a logical query plan into a physical

query a algorithm is required. Main classes of Algorithms:

Sorting-based methods Hash-based methods Index-based methods

Division based on degree difficulty and cost: 1-pass algorithms 2-pass algorithms 3 or more pass algorithms

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One-Pass Algorithm Methods

One-Pass Algorithms for Tuple-at-a-Time Operations (Unary operation) such as Selection & projection. read the blocks of R one at a time into an input buffer perform the operation on each tuple move the selected tuples or the projected tuples to the

output buffer The disk I/O requirement for this process depends only on how

the argument relation R is provided. If R is initially on disk, then the cost is whatever it takes to

perform a table-scan or index-scan of R.

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The block Diagram the memory operation Performed using One pass algorithm tuple-at-a time operation Figure(1) and other for duplication elimination of records

Figure(1) Figure(2)Ref: - Database Complete Book By Hector Garcia-Molina,Jeffrey D. UllmanJennifer Widom

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One-Pass Algorithms for Unary, fill-Relation Operations

Duplicate Elimination To eliminate duplicates, we can read each block of R one

at a time, but for each tuple we need to make a decision as to whether:1. It is the first time we have seen this tuple, in which case we

copy it to the output, or

2. We have seen the tuple before, in which case we must not output this tuple.

One memory buffer holds one block of R's tuples, and the remaining M - 1 buffers can be used to hold a single copy of every tuple.

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Duplication Elimination Continued………. When a new tuple from R is considered, we compare it with all tuples

if it is not equal: copy both to the output and add it to the in-memory list of tuples we have seen.

if there are n tuples in main memory: each new tuple takes processor time proportional to n, so the complete operation takes processor time proportional to n2.

We need a main-memory structure that allows each of the operations:  Add a new tuple, and Tell whether a given tuple is already there 

Note: Basic data structure that are used for searching and sorting is Hash table Balanced binary search tree

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One-Pass Algorithms for Unary, fill-Relation Operations Grouping

The grouping operation gives us zero or more grouping attributes and presumably one or more aggregated attributes. If we create in main memory one entry for each group then we can scan the tuples of R, one block at a time. The entry for a group consists of values for the grouping attributes and an accumulated value or values for each aggregation.

Min() or Max() ,Avg() ,Count (), sum()

Binary operations include Union Intersection Difference Product Join

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Binary operation

We read S into M - 1 buffers of main memory and build a search

structure where the search key is the entire tuple. All these tuples are also copied to the output. Read each block of R into the Mth buffer, one at a time.

Set Union : - For each tuple t of R, see if t is in S, and if not, we copy t to the output. If t is also in S, we skip t.

Set intersection: -Read each block of R, and for each tuple t of R, see if t is also in S. If so, copy t to the output, and if not, ignore t.

Set Difference: - Read each block of R, and for each tuple t of R, see if t is also in S. then copy the remaining that are not in R to the ouput.

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Bag Difference S -B R, read tuples of S into main memory & count no. of

occurrences of each distinct tuple Then read R; check each tuple t to see whether t occurs in S,

and if so, decrement its associated count. At the end, copy to output each tuple in main memory whose count is positive, & no. of times we copy it equals that count.

To compute R -B S, read tuples of S into main memory & count no. of occurrences of distinct tuples.

Think of a tuple t with a count of c as c reasons not to copy t to the output as we read tuples of R.

Read a tuple t of R; check if t occurs in S. If not, then copy t to the output. If t does occur in S, then we look at current count c associated with t. If c = 0, then copy t to output. If c > 0, do not copy t to output, but decrement c by 1.

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Product Read S into M - 1 buffers of main memory. Then read each block of R, and for

each tuple t of R concatenate t with each tuple of S in main memory. Output each concatenated tuple as it is formed.

Natural Join To compute the natural join, do the following: 

1. Read all tuples of S & form them into a main-memory search structure. Hash table or balanced tree are good e.g. of such structures. Use M - 1 blocks of memory for this purpose.

2. Read each block of R into 1 remaining main-memory buffer. For each tuple t of R, find tuples of S that agree with t on all attributes of Y, using the search structure. For each matching tuple of S, form a tuple by joining it with t, & move resulting tuple to output.

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15.3 Nested Loops Joins

Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join

The simplest variation of nested-loop join has loops that range over individual tuples of the relations involved. In this algorithm, which we call tuple-based nested-loop join, we compute the join as follows

For each tuple s in S DO For each tuple r in R Do

if r and s join to make a tuple t THEN output t;

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If we are careless about how the buffer the blocks of relations R and S, then this algorithm could require as many as T(R)T(S) disk .there are many situations where this algorithm can be modified to have much lower cost.

One case is when we can use an index on the join attribute or attributes of R to find the tuples of R that match a given tuple of S, without having to read the entire relation R.

The second improvement looks much more carefully at the way tuples of R and S are divided among blocks, and uses as much of the memory as it can to reduce the number of disk I/O's as we go through the inner loop. We shall consider this block-based version of nested-loop join.

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An Iterator for Tuple-Based Nested-Loop Join

Open() { R.Open(); S.open(); A:=S.getnext();}

GetNext() {Repeat {

r:= R.Getnext();IF(r= Not found) {/* R is exhausted for the

current s*/R.close();s:=S.Getnext();

IF( s= Not found) RETURN Not Found;/* both R & S are exhausted*/R.Close();r:= R.Getnext();

} }until ( r and s join)RETURN the join of r and s;

}Close() {

R.close ();S.close ();


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A Block-Based Nested-Loop Join Algorithm

1. Organizing access to both argument relations by blocks. 2. Using as much main memory as we can to store tuples belonging to the

relation S, the relation of the outer loop.3. Algorithm

FOR each chunk of M-1 blocks of S DO BEGINread these blocks into main-memory buffers;organize their tuples into a search structure whose

search key is the common attributes of R and S;FOR each block b of R DO BEGINread b into main memory;

FOR each tuple t of b DO BEGINfind the tuples of S in main memory thatjoin with t ;output the join of t with each of these

tuples;END ;


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Analysis of Nested-Loop Join

Assuming S is the smaller relation, the number of chunks or iterations of outer loop is B(S)/(M - 1). At each iteration, we read hf - 1 blocks of S and B(R) blocks of R. The number of disk I/O's is thus

B(S)/M-1(M-1+B(R)) or B(S)+B(S)B(R)/M-1

Assuming all of M, B(S), and B(R) are large, but M is the smallest of these, an approximation to the above formula is B(S)B(R)/M. That is, cost is proportional to the product of the sizes of the two relations, divided by the amount of available main memory.

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B(R) = 1000, B(S) = 500, M = 101 Important Aside: 101 buffer blocks is not as unrealistic as it sounds.

There may be many queries at the same time, competing for main memory buffers.

Outer loop iterates 5 times At each iteration we read M-1 (i.e. 100) blocks of S and all of R (i.e.

1000) blocks. Total time: 5*(100 + 1000) = 5500 I/O’s

 Question: What if we reversed the roles of R and S? We would iterate 10 times, and in each we would read 100+500 blocks,

for a total of 6000 I/O’s. Compare with one-pass join, if it could be done! We would need 1500 disk I/O’s if B(S) M-1

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1. The cost of the nested-loop join is not much greater than the cost of a one-pass join, which is 1500 disk 110's for this example. In fact.if B(S) 5 lZI - 1, the nested-loop join becomes identical to the one-pass join algorithm of Section 15.2.3

2. Nested-loop join is generally not the most efficient join algorithm.

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15.4 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Sorting

In Two-pass algorithms, data from the operand relations is read into main memory, processed in some way, written out to disk again, and then reread from disk to complete the operation.

- Read M blocks of R in to main memory- Sort these M blocks in main memory, using efficient,

main memory algorithm.- Write sorted list into M blocks of disk, refer this

contents of the blocks as one of the sorted sub list of R.

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Duplicate Elimination Using Sorting Duplicate Elimination Using Sorting δδ(R)(R) First we sort the tuples of R in

sub lists Then we use the available main memory to hold one block from each sorted sub list

Then we repeatedly copy one to the output and ignore all tuples identical to it.

The total cost of this algorithm is 3B(R)

This algorithm requires only √B(R) blocks of main memory, rather than B(R) blocks ( one-pass algorithm).

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Grouping and aggregation using sorting γγ(R)(R)

Two-pass algorithm for grouping and aggregation is quite similar to the previous algorithm.

Read the tuples of R into memory, M blocks at a time. Sort each M blocks, using the grouping attributes of L as the sort key. Write each sorted sublist to disk.

Use one main-memory buffer for each sublist, and initially load the first block of each sublist into its buffer.

Repeatedly find the least value of the sort key (grouping attributes) present among the first available tuples in the buffers.

This algorithm takes 3B(R) disk 1/0's, and will work as long as B(R) < M².

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A Sort-Based Union Algorithm

For Bag-union one-pass algorithm is used.

For set-union

Repeatedly bring M blocks of R into main memory, sort their tuples, and write the resulting sorted sub list back to disk.

Do the same for ‘S’, to create sorted sub lists for relation ‘S’. Use one main-memory buffer for each sub list of ‘R’ and ‘S’. Initialize each with the

first block from the corresponding sub list. Repeatedly find the first remaining tuple ‘t’ among all the buffers. Copy t to the

output. and remove from the buffers all copies of t (if R and S are sets there should be at most two copies)

This algorithm takes 3(B(R)+B(S)) disk 1/0's, and will work as long as B(R)+B(S) < M².

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Sort-Based Intersection and Difference For Both set version and bag version, the algorithm is same as

that of set-union except that the way we handle the copies of a tuple t at the fronts of the sorted sublists.

For set intersection, output t if it appears in both R and S. For bag intersection, output t the minimum of the number of

times it appears in R and in S. For set difference, R-S, output t if and only if it appears in R

but not in S. For bag difference, R-S, output t the number of times it

appears in R minus the number of times it appears in S.

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A Simple Sort-Based Join Algorithm

Given relations R(X, Y) and S(Y, Z) to join, and given M blocks of main memory for buffers.

Step 1:Sort R and S, using a two-phase, multiway merge sort, with Y as the sort key.

Step 2:Merge the sorted R and S. The following steps are done repeatedly: Find the least value y of the join attributes Y that is currently at the front of the

blocks for R and S. If y does not appear at the front of the other relation, then remove the tuple(s)

with sort key y. Otherwise, identify all the tuples from both relations having sort key y. Output all the tuples that can be formed by joining tuples from R and S with a

common Y-value y. If either relation has no more unconsidered tuples in main memory.,reload the

buffer for that relation More Efficient Sort-Based JoinMore Efficient Sort-Based Join

The number of disk I/O’s is 3(B(R) + B(S)) It requires B(R) + B(S) ≤ M² to work

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Table illustrating Sort Based Algorithm

Operators ApproximateM required

Disk I/O

γ,δ √B 3B

U,∩,− √(B(R) + B(S)) 3(B(R) + B(S))

►◄ √(max(B(R),B(S))) 5(B(R) + B(S))

►◄(more efficient) √(B(R) + B(S)) 3(B(R) + B(S))

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15.5 Two-Pass Algorithms Based on Hashing

Hashing is done if the data is too big to store in main memory buffers.

Hash all the tuples of the argument(s) using an appropriate hash key.

For all the common operations, there is a way to select the hash key so all the tuples that need to be considered together when we perform the operation have the same hash value.

This reduces the size of the operand(s) by a factor equal to the number of buckets.

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Partitioning Relations by HashingAlgorithm:initialize M-1 buckets using M-1 empty buffers;FOR each block b of relation R DO BEGIN

read block b into the Mth buffer;FOR each tuple t in b DO BEGIN

IF the buffer for bucket h(t) has no room for t THENBEGIN

copy the buffer t o disk;initialize a new empty block in that buffer;

END; copy t to the buffer for bucket h(t);END ;

END ;FOR each bucket DO

IF the buffer for this bucket is not empty THENwrite the buffer to disk;

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Duplicate Elimination

For the operation δ(R) hash R to M-1 Buckets.

Note: - That two copies of the same tuple t will hash to the same bucket

Do duplicate elimination on each bucket Ri independently, using one-pass algorithm

The result is the union of δ(Ri), where Ri is the portion of R that hashes to the ith bucket

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Number of disk I/O's: 3*B(R) B(R) < M(M-1), only then the two-pass, hash-

based algorithm will work In order for this to work, we need:

hash function h evenly distributes the tuples among the buckets

each bucket Ri fits in main memory (to allow the one-pass algorithm)

i.e., B(R) ≤ M2

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Union, Intersection, and Difference For binary operation we use the same hash function

to hash tuples of both arguments. R U S we hash both R and S to M-1 R ∩ S we hash both R and S to 2(M-1) R-S we hash both R and S to 2(M-1) Requires 3(B(R)+B(S)) disk I/O’s. Two pass hash based algorithm requires min(B(R)

+B(S))≤ M2

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Hash-Join Algorithm

Use same hash function for both relations; hash function should depend only on the join attributes

Hash R to M-1 buckets R1, R2, …, RM-1

Hash S to M-1 buckets S1, S2, …, SM-1

Do one-pass join of Ri and Si, for all i 3*(B(R) + B(S)) disk I/O's; min(B(R),B(S)) ≤ M2

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Sort based Vs Hash based

For Binary operations, hash-based only limits size to min of arguments, not sum

Sort-based can produce output in sorted order, which can be helpful

Hash-based depends on buckets being of equal size

Sort-based algorithms can experience reduced rotational latency or seek time

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15.6 Index-Based Algorithms

Clustering and Non-Clustering Indexes

Clustered Relation: Tuples are packed into roughly as few blocks as can possibly hold those tuples

Clustering indexes: Indexes on attributes that all the tuples with a fixed value for the search key of this index appear on roughly as few blocks as can hold them

A relation that isn’t clustered cannot have a clustering index

A clustered relation can have Non-clustering indexes

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Index-Based Selection

For a selection σC(R), suppose C is of the form a=v, where a is an attribute

For clustering index R.a: The number of disk I/O’s will be B(R)/V(R,a) Index is not kept entirely in main memory They spread over more blocks May not be packed as tightly as possible into


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B(R)=1000, T(R)=20,000 number of I/O’s required: clustered, not index 1000 not clustered, not index 20,000 If V(R,a)=100, index is clustering 10 If V(R,a)=10, index is nonclustering 2,000

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Joining by Using an Index

Natural join R(X, Y) S S(Y, Z)

Number of I/O’s to get RClustered: B(R)Not clustered: T(R)

Number of I/O’s to get tuple t of SClustered: T(R)B(S)/V(S,Y)Not clustered: T(R)T(S)/V(S,Y)

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R(X,Y): 1000 blocks S(Y,Z)=500 blocks

Assume 10 tuples in each block,

so T(R)=10,000 and T(S)=5000


If R is clustered, and there is a clustering index on Y for S

the number of I/O’s for R is: 1000

the number of I/O’s for S is10,000*500/100=50,000

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Joins Using a Sorted Index

Natural join R(X, Y) S (Y, Z) with index on Y for either R or S

Extreme case: Zig-zag join Example:

relation R(X,Y) and R(Y,Z) with index on Y for both relations

search keys (Y-value) for R: 1,3,4,4,5,6

search keys (Y-value) for S: 2,2,4,6,7,8

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15.7 Buffer Management

Buffer Manager manages the required memory for the process with minimum delay.

Buffer Manager manages the required memory for the process with minimum delay.



RequestBuffer Manager

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Buffer Management Architecture Two types of architecture:

Buffer Manager controls main memory directly Buffer Manager allocates buffer in Virtual Memory

In Each method, the Buffer Manager should limit the number of buffers in use which fit in the available main memory.

When Buffer Manager controls the main memory directly, it selects the buffer to empty by returning its content to disk. If it fails, it may simply be erased from main memory.

If all the buffers are really in use then very little useful works gets done.

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Buffer Management Strategies LRU (Least Recent Used)

It makes buffer free from the block that has not been read or write for the longest time.

FIFO (First In First Out)It makes buffer free that has been occupied the longest and assigned to

new request.

The “Clock” Algorithm




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The Relationship Between Physical OperatorSelection and Buffer Management

The query optimizer will eventually select a set of physical operators that will be used to execute a given query.

the buffer manager may not be able to guarantee the availability of the buffers when the query is executed.

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Chapter 15 Ends………..!

Chapter 16


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Chapter 16


16.1 Parsing 16.2Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans 16.3 From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans 16.4 Estimating the Cost of Operations 16.5 Introduction to Cost-Based Plan Selection 16.6 Choosing an Order for Joins 16.7 Completing the Physical-Query-Plan.

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16.1 Parsing

Query compilation is divided into three steps

1. Parsing: Parse SQL query into parser tree.2. Logical query plan: Transforms parse tree into expression tree

of relational algebra.3.Physical query plan: Transforms logical query plan into physical

query plan. Operation performed Order of operation Algorithm used

The way in which stored data is obtained and passed from one operation to another.

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Logical Query plan generator

Query rewrite

Preferred logical query plan

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Syntax Analysis and Parse Tree Parser takes the sql query and convert it to

parse tree. Nodes of parse tree:

#Atoms: known as Lexical elements such as key words, constants, parentheses, operators, and other schema elements.

#Syntactic categories: Subparts that plays a

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Simple Grammar

<Query> ::= <SFW><Query> ::= (<Query>)

<SFW> ::= SELECT <SelList> FROM <FromList> WHERE <Condition>

<SelList> ::= <Attribute>,<SelList><SelList> ::= <Attribute>

<FromList> ::= <Relation>, <FromList><FromList> ::= <Relation>

<Condition> ::= <Condition> AND <Condition><Condition> ::= <Tuple> IN <Query><Condition> ::= <Attribute> = <Attribute><Condition> ::= <Attribute> LIKE <Pattern>

<Tuple> ::= <Attribute>

Atoms(constants), <syntactic categories>(variable),::= (can be expressed/defined as)

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Query and Parse Tree

StarsIn(title,year,starName) MovieStar(name,address,gender,birthdate)Query: Give titles of movies that have at least one star born in 1960

SELECT title FROM StarsIn WHERE starName IN (

SELECT name FROM MovieStar WHERE birthdate LIKE '%1960%'

);SELECT title FROM StarsIn, MovieStarWHERE starName = name AND birthdate LIKE '%1960%' ;

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Parse Tree

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Functions of Preprocessor

. If a relation used in the query is virtual view then each use of this relation in the form-list must replace by parser tree that describe the view.

. It is also responsible for semantic checking

1. Checks relation uses : Every relation mentioned in FROM- clause must be a relation or a view in current schema.

2. Check and resolve attribute uses: Every attribute mentioned in SELECT or WHERE clause must be an attribute of same

relation in the current scope.

3. Check types: All attributes must be of a type appropriate to

their uses.

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Preprocessing Queries Involving Views

When an operand in a query is a virtual view, the preprocessor needs to replace the operand by a piece of parse tree that represents how the view is constructed from base table.

Base Table: Movies( title, year, length, genre, studioname, producerC#)

View definition : CREATE VIEW ParamountMovies AS

SELECT title, year FROM movies WHERE studioName = 'Paramount'; Example based on view: SELECT title FROM ParamountMovies WHERE year = 1979;

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16.2 Algebraic Laws for Improving Query Plans

Optimizing the Logical Query Plan The translation rules converting a parse tree to a logical

query tree do not always produce the best logical query tree.

It is often possible to optimize the logical query tree by applying relational algebra laws to convert the original tree into a more efficient logical query tree.

Optimizing a logical query tree using relational algebra laws is called heuristic optimization

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Relational Algebra Laws

These laws often involve the properties of: Commutativity - operator can be applied to

operands independent of order. E.g. A + B = B + A - The “+” operator is

commutative. Associativity - operator is independent of

operand grouping. E.g. A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C - The “+”

operator is associative.

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Associative and Commutative Operators The relational algebra operators of cross-

product (×), join (⋈), union, and intersection are all associative and commutative.


R X S = S X R

R ⋈ S = S ⋈ R

R S = S R

R ∩ S = S ∩ R


(R X S) X T = S X (R X T)

(R ⋈ S) ⋈ T= S ⋈ (R ⋈ T)

(R S) T = S (R T)

(R ∩ S) ∩ T = S ∩ (R ∩ T)

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Laws Involving Selection

Complex selections involving AND or OR can be broken into two or more selections: (splitting laws)

σC1 AND C2 (R) = σC1( σC2 (R))σC1 OR C2 (R) = ( σC1 (R) ) S ( σC2 (R) )

Example R={a,a,b,b,b,c} p1 satisfied by a,b, p2 satisfied by b,c σp1vp2 (R) = {a,a,b,b,b,c} σp1(R) = {a,a,b,b,b} σp2(R) = {b,b,b,c} σp1 (R) U σp2 (R) = {a,a,b,b,b,c}

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Selection is pushed through both arguments for union:

σC(R S) = σC(R) σC(S)

Selection is pushed to the first argument and optionally the second for difference:

σC(R - S) = σC(R) - SσC(R - S) = σC(R) - σC(S)

All other operators require selection to be pushed to only one of the arguments.

For joins, may not be able to push selection to both if argument does not have attributes selection requires.

σC(R × S) = σC(R) × SσC(R ∩ S) = σC(R) ∩ SσC(R ⋈ S) = σC(R) ⋈ SσC(R ⋈D S) = σC(R) ⋈D S

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Laws Involving Projection

It is also possible to push projections down the logical query tree. However, the performance gained is less than selections because projections just reduce the number of attributes instead of reducing the number of tuples.

Laws for pushing projections with joins:

πL(R × S) = πL(πM(R) × πN(S))πL(R ⋈ S) = πL((πM(R) ⋈ πN(S))πL(R ⋈D S) = πL((πM(R) ⋈D πN(S))

Laws for pushing projections with set operations. Projection can be performed entirely before union.

πL(R UB S) = πL(R) UB πL(S)

Projection can be pushed below selection as long as we also keep all attributes needed for the selection (M = L attr(C)).πL ( σC (R)) = πL( σC (πM(R)))

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Laws Involving Join

1. Joins are commutative and associative.

2. Selection can be distributed into joins.

3. Projection can be distributed into joins

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Laws Involving Duplicate Elimination The duplicate elimination operator (δ) can be pushed through many

operators.R has two copies of tuples t, S has one copy of t, δ (RUS)=one copy of t δ (R) U δ (S)=two copies of t

Laws for pushing duplicate elimination operator (δ):

δ(R × S) = δ(R) × δ(S)δ(R S) = δ(R) δ(S)δ(R D S) = δ(R) D δ(S)δ( σC(R) = σC(δ(R))

The duplicate elimination operator (δ) can also be pushed through bag intersection, but not across union, difference, or projection in general.

δ(R ∩ S) = δ(R) ∩ δ(S)

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Laws Involving Grouping

The grouping operator (γ) laws depend on the aggregate operators used.

There is one general rule, however, that grouping subsumes duplicate elimination:

δ(γL(R)) = γL(R)

The reason is that some aggregate functions are unaffected by duplicates (MIN and MAX) while other functions are (SUM, COUNT, and AVG).

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16.3 From Parse Trees to Logical Query Plans

Parsing Goal is to convert a text string containing a query

into a parse tree data structure: Leaves form the text string (broken into lexical elements) Internal nodes are syntactic categories

Uses standard algorithmic techniques from compilers Given a grammar for the language (e.g., SQL), process

the string and build the tree

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Convert Parse Tree to Relational Algebra The complete algorithm depends on specific

grammar, which determines forms of the parse trees Here is a flavor of the approach Suppose there are no subqueries.

SELECT att-list FROM rel-list WHERE cond

is converted into PROJatt-list(SELECTcond (PRODUCT (rel-list))), or att-list(cond( X (rel-list)))

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SELECT movieTitleFROM StarsIn, MovieStarWHERE starName = name AND birthdate LIKE '%1960';


SELECT <SelList> FROM <FromList> WHERE <Condition>

<Attribute> <RelName> , <FromList> AND <Condition>

movieTitle StarsIn <RelName> <Attribute> LIKE <Pattern>

MovieStar birthdate '%1960'


<Attribute> = <Attribute>

starName name


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Equivalent Algebraic Expression Tree

starname = name AND birthdate LIKE '%1960'


StarsIn MovieStar


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Query:SELECT titleFROM StarsInWHERE starName IN (

SELECT nameFROM MovieStarWHERE birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’

);Use an intermediate format called two-argument


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Example: Two-Argument Selection


StarsIn <condition>

<tuple> IN name

<attribute> birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’

starName MovieStar

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Converting Two-Argument Selection

To continue the conversion, we need rules for replacing two-argument selection with a relational algebra expression

Different rules depending on the nature of the sub query

Here is shown an example for IN operator and uncorrelated query (sub query computes a relation independent of the tuple being tested)

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Improving the Logical Query Plan There are numerous algebraic laws

concerning relational algebra operations By applying them to a logical query plan

judiciously, we can get an equivalent query plan that can be executed more efficiently

Next we'll survey some of these laws

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Example: Improved Logical Query Plan



StarsIn name

birthdate LIKE ‘%1960’


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Associative and Commutative Operations

• Product• Natural join• Set and Bag union• Set and Bag intersection

Associative: (A op B) op C = A op (B op C)Commutative: A op B = B op A

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Laws Involving Selection

• Selections usually reduce the size of the relation• Usually good to do selections early, i.e., "push them down the tree"• Also can be helpful to break up a complex selection into parts

Selection Splitting

C1 AND C2 (R) = C1 ( C2 (R))

C1 OR C2 (R) = ( C1 (R)) Uset ( C2 (R))if R is a set

C1 ( C2 (R)) = C2 ( C1 (R))

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Selection and Binary Operators

• Must push selection to both arguments:– C (R U S) = C (R) U C (S)

• Must push to first arg, optional for 2nd:– C (R - S) = C (R) - S

– C (R - S) = C (R) - C (S)

• Push to at least one arg with all attributes mentioned in C:– product, natural join, theta join, intersection– e.g., C (R X S) = C (R) X S, if R has all the atts in C

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Pushing Selection Up the Tree

• Suppose we have relations– StarsIn(title,year,starName)– Movie(title,year,len,inColor,studioName)

• and a view– CREATE VIEW MoviesOf1996 AS

SELECT *FROM MovieWHERE year = 1996;

• and the query– SELECT starName, studioName

FROM MoviesOf1996 NATURAL JOIN StarsIn;

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The Straightforward Tree


year=1996 StarsIn

MovieRemember the ruleC(R S) = C(R) S ?

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The Improved Logical Query Plan


year=1996 StarsIn




Movie StarsIn


year=1996 year=1996

Movie StarsIn

push selectionup tree

push selectiondown tree

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Grouping Assoc/Comm Operators

• Groups together adjacent joins, adjacent unions, and adjacent intersections as siblings in the tree

• Sets up the logical QP for future optimization when physical QP is constructed: determine best order for doing a sequence of joins (or unions or intersections)






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16.4 Estimating the Cost of Operations Physical Plan

An order and grouping for associative-and-commutative operations like joins, unions.

An Algorithm for each operator in the logical plan. whether nested loop join or hash join to be used

Additional operators that are needed for the physical plan but that were not present explicitly in the logical plan. eg: scanning, sorting

The way in which arguments are passed from one operator to the next.

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Estimating Sizes of Intermediate Relations

Rules for estimating the number of tuples in an intermediate relation:

1. Give accurate estimates2. Are easy to compute3. Are logically consistent Objective of estimation is to select best physical plan with

least cost. Estimating the Size of a Projection

The projection is different from the other operators, in that the size of the result is computable. Since a projection produces a result tuple for every argument tuple, the only change in the output size is the change in the lengths of the tuples

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Estimating the Size of a Selection(1) & Selection(2)

Let , ,where A is an attribute of R and C is a constant. Then we recommend as an estimate:

T(S) =T(R)/V(R,A)

The rule above surely holds if all values of attribute A occur equally often in the database.

If ,then our estimate for T(s) is: T(S) = T(R)/3 We may use T(S)=T(R)(V(R,a) -1 )/ V(R,a) as an

estimate. When the selection condition C is the And of several

equalities and inequalities, we can treat the selection as a cascade of simple selections, each of which checks for one of the conditions.

)(RS cA

)(RS ca

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Estimating the Size of a Selection(3)

A less simple, but possibly more accurate estimate of the size of is to assume that C1 and of which satisfy C2, we would estimate the number of tuples in S as

In explanation, is the fraction of tuples that do not satisfy C1, and is the fraction that do not satisfy C2. The product of these numbers is the fraction of R’s tuples that are not in S, and 1 minus this product is the fraction that are in S.

OR (R)S c2 c1 2m

))/1)(/1(1( 21 nmnmn nm /1 1

nm /1 2

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Estimating the Size of a Join

Two simplifying assumptions:

1. Containment of Value SetsIf R and S are two relations with attribute Y and V(R,Y)<=V(S,Y) then every Y-value of R will be a Y-value of S.

2. Preservation of Value SetsJoin a relation R with another relation S with attribute A in R and not in S then all distinct values of A are preserved and not lost.V(S R,A) = V(R,A)

Under these assumptions, we estimate

T(R S) = T(R)T(S)/max(V(R,Y), V(S, Y))

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Natural Joins With Multiple Join Attributes

Of the T(R),T(S) pairs of tuples from R and S, the expected number of pairs that match in both y1 and y2 is:

T(R)T(S)/max(V(R,y1), V(S,y1)) max(V(R, y2), V(S, y2)) In general, the following rule can be used to estimate the size of

a natural join when there are any number of attributes shared between the two relations.

The estimate of the size of R S is computed by multiplying T(R) by T(S) and dividing by the largest of V(R,y) and V(S,y) for each attribute y that is common to R and S.

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Joins of Many Relations(1) & (2)Rule for estimating the size of any join

Start with the product of the number of tuples in each relation. Then, for each attribute A appearing at least twice, divide by all but the least of V(R,A)’s.

We can estimate the number of values that will remain for attribute A after the join. By the preservation-of-value-sets assumption, it is the least of these V(R,A)’s.

Based on the two assumptions-containment and preservation of value sets: No matter how we group and order the terms in a natural join of

n relations, the estimation of rules, applied to each join individually, yield the same estimate for the size of the result. Moreover, this estimate is the same that we get if we apply the rule for the join of all n relations as a whole.

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Estimating Sizes for Other Operations

Union: the average of the sum and the larger.

Intersection: approach1: take the average of the

extremes, which is the half the smaller. approach2: intersection is an

extreme case of the natural join, use the formula

T(R S) = T(R)T(S)/max(V(R,Y), V(S, Y))

Difference: T(R)-(1/2)*T(S)

Duplicate Elimination: take the smaller of (1/2)*T(R) and the product of all the V(R, )’s.

Grouping and Aggregation: upper-bound the number of groups by a product of V(R,A)’s, here attribute A ranges over only the grouping attributes of L. An estimate is the smaller of (1/2)*T(R) and this product.

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16.5 Introduction to Cost-based plan selection The "cost" of evaluating an expression is approximated well by the

number of disk I/O's performed.

The number of disk I/O’s, in turn, is influenced by:

1. The particular logical operators chosen to implement the query, a matter decided when we choose the logical query plan.

2. The sizes of intermediate results (whose estimation we discussed in Section 16.4)

3. The physical operators used to implement logical operators. e.g.. The choice of a one-pass or two-pass join, or the choice to sort or not sort a given relation.

4. The ordering of similar operations, especially joins5. The method of passing arguments from one physical operator to the


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Estimates for Size Parameter

The formulas of Section 16.4 were predicated on knowing certain important parameters, especially T(R), the number of tuples in a relation R, and V(R, a),

the number of different values in the column of relation R for attribute a.

A modern DBMS generally allows the user or administrator explicitly to request the gathering of statistics, such as T(R) and V(R, a). These statistics are then used in

subsequent query optimizations to estimate the cost of operations.

By scanning an entire relation R, it is straightforward to count the number of tuples T(R) and also to discover the number of different values V(R, a) for each attribute a.

The number of blocks in which R can fit, B(R), can be estimated either by counting the actual number of blocks used (if R is clustered), or by dividing T(R) by the number of tuples per block

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Computation of Statistics

Periodic re-computation of statistics is the norm in most DBMS's, for several reasons. First, statistics tend not to change radically in a short time. Second, even somewhat inaccurate statistics are useful as long as they are applied

consistently to all the plans. Third, the alternative of keeping statistics up-to-date can make the statistics

themselves into a "hot-spot" in the database; because statistics are read frequently, we prefer not to update them frequently too.

The recomputation of statistics might be triggered automatically after some period of time, or after some number of updates.

However, a database administrator noticing, that poor-performing query plans are being selected by the query optimizer on a regular basis, might request the recomputation of statistics in an attempt to rectify the problem.

Computing statistics for an entire relation R can be very expensive, particularly if we compute V(R, a) for each attribute a in the relation.

One common approach is to compute approximate statistics by sampling only a fraction of the data. For example, let us suppose we want to sample a small fraction of the tuples to obtain an estimate for V(R, a).

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Heuristics for Reducing the Cost of Logical Query Plans One important use of cost estimates for queries or sub-queries is in the

application of heuristic transformations of the query. We have already observed previously how certain heuristics applied

independent of cost estimates can be expected almost certainly to improve the cost of a logical query plan.

However, there are other points in the query optimization process where estimating the cost both before and after a transformation will allow us to apply a transformation where it appears to reduce cost and avoid the transformation otherwise.

In particular, when the preferred logical query plan is being generated, we may consider a number of optional transformations and the costs before and after.

Because we are estimating the cost of a logical query plan, so we have not yet made decisions about the physical operators that will be used to implement the operators of relational algebra, our cost estimate cannot be based on disk I/Os.

Rather, we estimate the sizes of all intermediate results using the techniques of Section 16.1, and their sum is our heuristic estimate for the cost of the entire logical plan.

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Example illustrate this

Consider the initial logical query plan of as shown below,

The statistics for the relations R and S be as follows To generate a final logical query plan from, we shall

insist that the selection be pushed down as far as possible. However, we are not sure whether it makes sense to push the δ below the join or not. Thus, we generate from the two query plans shown in next slide. They differ in whether we have chosen to eliminate duplicates before or after the join.

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δ δ

σa = 10 S




5000 2000



σa = 10 S








We know how to estimate the size of the result of the selections, we divide T(R) by V(R, a) = 50.

We also know how to estimate the size of the joins; we multiply the sizes of the arguments and divide by max(V(R, b), V(S, b)), which is 200.

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Approaches to Enumerating Physical Plans Let us consider the use of cost estimates in the conversion of a logical

query plan to a physical query plan. The baseline approach, called exhaustive, is to consider all

combinations of choices (for each of issues like order of joins, physical implementation of operators, and so on).

Each possible physical plan is assigned an estimated cost, and the one with the smallest cost is selected.

There are two broad approaches to exploring the space of possible physical plans: Top-down: Here, we work down the tree of the logical query plan from the

root. Bottom-up: For each sub-expression of the logical-query-plan tree, we

compute the costs of all possible ways to compute that sub-expression. The possibilities and costs for a sub-expression E are computed by considering the options for the sub-expressions for E, and combining them in all possible ways with implementations for the root operator of E.

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Branch-and-Bound Plan Enumeration

This approach, often used in practice, begins by using heuristics to find a good physical plan for the entire logical query plan. Let the cost of this plan be C. Then as we consider other plans for sub-queries, we can eliminate any plan for a sub-query that has a cost greater than C, since that plan for the sub-query could not possibly participate in a plan for the complete query that is better than what we already know.

Likewise, if we construct a plan for the complete query that has cost less than C, we replace C by the cost of this better plan in subsequent exploration of the space of physical query plans.

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Hill Climbing & Dynamic Programming

Hill Climbing This approach, in which we really search for a “valley” in the

space of physical plans and their costs; starts with a heuristically selected physical plan.

We can then make small changes to the plan, e.g., replacing one method for an operator by another, or reordering joins by using the associative and/or commutative laws, to find "nearby" plans that have lower cost.

When we find a plan such that no small modification yields a plan of lower cost, we make that plan our chosen physical query plan.

Dynamic Programming In this variation of the general bottom-UP strategy, we keep for

each sub-expression only the plan of least cost. As we work UP the tree, we consider possible implementations of

each node, assuming the best plan for each sub-expression is also used

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16.6 Choosing an order for Joins The argument relations in joins determine the cost of the join The left argument of the join is

Called the build relation Assumed to be smaller Stored in main-memory

The right argument of the join is Called the probe relation Read a block at a time Its tuples are matched with those of build relation

The join algorithms which distinguish between the arguments are: One-pass join Nested-loop join Index join

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Join Trees Order of arguments is important for joining two relations Left argument, since stored in main-memory, should be smaller With two relations only two choices of join tree With more than two relations, there are n! ways to order the arguments

and therefore n! join trees, where n is the no. of relations

Database System The Complete Book Chapter 16 Figure: 16.27

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Join Trees Types In fig (a) Left-deep tree

all the right children are leaves. In fig (c) Right-deep tree

all the left children are leaves. Fig (b) Bushy tree

Considering left-deep trees is advantageous for deciding join orders

Dynamic Programming to Select a Join Order and Grouping. We have three choices

Consider them all Consider a subset Use a heuristic to pick one

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Dynamic Programming to Select a Join Order and Grouping Dynamic programming is used either to consider all or a


Construct a table of costs based on relation size Remember only the minimum entry which will required to proceed

Disadvantage of dynamic programming is that it does not involve the actual costs of the joins in the calculations

Can be improved by considering Use disk’s I/O for evaluating cost When computing cost of R1 join R2, since we sum cost of R1 and

R2, we must also compute estimates for there sizes

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A Greedy Algorithm for Selecting a Join Order

It is expensive to use an exhaustive method like dynamic programming

Better approach is to use a join-order heuristic for the query optimization

Greedy algorithm is an example of that Make one decision at a time and never backtrack on the

decisions once made

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16.7Completing the Physical-Query-Plan

Issues Regarding Physical Query Plan Decisions regarding when intermediate results will be

materialized and when they will be pipelined. Selection of algorithms to implement the operations of the

query plan, when algorithm-selection was not done as part of some earlier step such as selection of a join order by dynamic programming.

Notation for physical-query-plan operators, which must include details regarding access methods for stored relations and algorithms for implementation of relational-algebra operators.

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Choosing a Selection Method

To pick algorithms for each selection operator. Assuming there are no multidimensional indexes on

several of the attributes, then each physical plan uses some number of attributes that each: Have an index. Are compared to a constant in one of the terms of the

selection. We then use these indexes to identify the sets of tuples

that satisfy each of the conditions.

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Continued.. We discuss physical plans that:

Use one comparison of the form AѲc, where A is an attribute with an index, c is a constant, and Ѳ is a comparison operator such as = or <.

Retrieve all tuples that satisfy the above comparison, using the index scan physical operator.

Consider each tuple selected above to decide whether it satisfies the rest of the selection condition.

We decide among the physical plans with which to implement a given election by estimating the cost of reading data for each possible option.

We shall count only the cost of accessing the data blocks, not the index blocks.

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Join Method

One approach is to call for the one-pass join, hoping that the buffer manager can devote enough buffers to the join, or that the buffer manager can come close, so thrashing is not a major cost.

An alternative is to choose a nested-loop join, hoping that if the left argument cannot be granted enough buffers to fit in memory at once, then that argument will not have to be divided into too many pieces, and the resulting join will still be reasonably efficient.

A sort- join is good choice when either: One or both arguments are already sorted on their join attributes Or there are two or more joins on the same attribute, such as

(R(a. b) w S(%c) ) w T(a,d )

When sorting R and S on a will cause the result of R w S to be sorted on a and used directly in a second sort-join

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Pipelining vs. Materialization The naïve way to execute a query plan is to order the operations

appropriately and store the results of each operation on disk until it is needed by another operation. This strategy is called materialization.

More subtle way to execute a query plan is to interleave the execution of several operations. The tuples produced by one operation are passed directly to the operation that uses it, without ever storing the intermediate tuples on disk. This approach in called pipelining.

Since pipelining saves disk I/O’s, where is an obvious advantage to pipelining, but there is a corresponding disadvantage. Since several operations must share main memory at any time, there is a chance that algorithm with higher disk I/O requirements must be chosen or thrashing will occur , thus giving back all the disk-I/O savings that were gained by pipelining.

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Pipelining Unary Operations

Selection and projection are excellent candidates for pipelining. Since these operations are tuple-at-a-time, we never need to have more than one block for input and one for output.

Figure 1:

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Pipelining Binary Operations

We use one buffer to pass the results to its consumer, one block at a time.

The number of other buffers need to compute the results and to consume the results varies, depending on the size of the result and the sizes of other relations involved in the query.

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Notations for Physical Query Plans Each operator of the logical plan becomes one or more

operators of the physical plan, and leaves (stored relations) of the logical plan become, in the physical plan, one of the scan operators applied to that relation.

Materialization would be indicated by a Store operator applied to the intermediate result that is to be materialized, followed by a suitable scan operator when the materialized result is accessed by its consumer.

We shall indicate that a certain intermediate relation is materialized by a double line crossing the edge between that relation and its consumer.

All other edges are assumed to represent pipelining between the supplier and consumer of tuples.

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Operators for Leaves Each relation R that is a leaf operand of the logical-query-plan

tree will be replaced by a scan operator. The options are:

TableScan(R): All blocks holding tuples of R are read in arbitrary order.

SortScan (R, L): Tuples of R are read in order, sorted according to the attribube(s) on list L.

IndexScan(R,C): Here, C is a condition of the form AѲc, where A is an attribute of R,Ѳ is a comparison such as = or <, and c is a constant. Tuples of R are accessed through an index on attribute A. If the comparison Ѳ is not =, then the index must be one, such as a B-tree, that supports range queries.

IndexScan(R,A): Here A is an attribute of R. The entire relation R is retrieved via an index on R.A. This operator behaves like TableScan, but may be more efficient in certain circumstances, if R is not clustered and/or its blocks are not easily found.

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Physical Operators for Selection A logical operator σc(R) is often combined, or partially

combined, with the access method for relation R, when R is a stored relation

Other selections, where the argument is not a stored relation or an appropriate index is not available, will be replaced by the corresponding physical operator we have called Filter.

The notation we shall use for the various selection implementations are: We may simply replace σc (R) by the operator Filter(C). If condition C can be expressed as AѲc AND D for some

other condition D, and there is an index on R.A, then we may: Use the operator InterScan(R,Aѳc) to access R, and Use Filter(D) in place of the selection σc (R).

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Physical Sort Operators

Sorting of a relation can occur at any point in the physical query plan.

When we apply a sort-based algorithm for operations such as join or grouping, there is an initial phase in which we sort the argument according to some list of attributes

It is common to use an explicit physical operator Sort(L) to perform this sort on an operand relation that is not stored.

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Other Relational Algebra Operations

All other operations are replaced by a suitable physical operator.

These operators can be given designations that indicate: The operation being performed, e.g., join or grouping. Necessary parameters, e.g., the condition in a theta-join or

the list of elements in a grouping. A general strategy for the algorithm: sort-based, hash-

based, or in some joins, index-based. The decision about the number of passes to be used: one-

pass, two-pass, or multi-pass An anticipated number of buffers the operation will require.

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Ordering of Physical Operations The following rules summarize the ordering of events implicit in a

physical-query-plan tree: Break the tree into sub-trees at each edge that represents

materialization. The sub-trees will be executed one-at-a-time. Order the execution of the sub-trees in a bottom-up, left-to-right

manner. To be precise, perform a preorder traversal of the entire tree. Order the sub-trees in the order in which the preorder traversal exits from the sub-trees.

Execute all nodes of each sub-tree using a network of iterators. Thus, all the nodes in one sub-tree are executed simultaneously, with GetNext calls among their operators determining the exact order of events.

Following this strategy, the query optimizer can now generate executable code, perhaps a sequence of function calls, for the query.

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Chapter 16 Ends………..!

Chapter 18Starts………………………….

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Chapter 18


18.1Serial and Serializable Schedule 18.2 Conflict- Serializability 18.3 Enforcing Serializability by Locks 18.4 Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes 18.5 An Architecture for a Locking Scheduler 18.6 Managing Hierarchies of Database Elements 18.7 The Tree Protocol 18.8 Concurrency Control by Timestamp 18.9 Concurrency Control by Validation

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What Is Concurrency Control & Who controls it?

A process of assuming that the transactions preserve the consistency when executing simultaneously is called Concurrency Control.

This consistency is taken care by Scheduler.

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Read / Write Requests

Correctness Principle It’s a principle that states that a transaction starts in a correct

database state and ends in a correct database state. Does the system really follow the correctness principal all the


18.1Serial and Serializable Schedule

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Basic Example Schedule


READ (A,t)

t := t+100


READ (B,t)

t := t+100



READ (A,s)

s := s*2


READ (B,s)

s := s*2


A=B=50To be consistent the final state should be A=B

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Serial Schedule T1 T2 A B

50 50

READ (A,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (A,t) 150

READ (B,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (B,t) 150

READ (A,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (A,s) 300

READ (B,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (B,s) 300


A := 2*(A+100)

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Does the order really matter? T1 T2 A B

50 50

READ (A,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (A,s) 100

READ (B,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (B,s) 100

READ (A,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (A,t) 200

READ (B,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (B,t) 200


The final state of a database is not independent of the order of transaction.

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Serializable Schedule T1 T2 A B

50 50

READ (A,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (A,t) 150

READ (A,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (A,s) 300

READ (B,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (B,t) 150

READ (B,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (B,s) 300

Serializable but not Serial Schedule

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Non-Serializable Schedule T1 T2 A B

50 50

READ (A,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (A,t) 150

READ (A,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (A,s) 300

READ (B,s)

s := s*2

WRITE (B,s)100

READ (B,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (B,t) 200

A := 2*(A+100)B := 2*B + 100

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A Serializable Schedule with details

T1 T2 A B

50 50

READ (A,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (A,t) 150

READ (A,s)

s := s*1

WRITE (A,s) 150

READ (B,s)

s := s*1

WRITE (B,s) 50

READ (B,t)

t := t+100

WRITE (B,t) 150

A := 1*(A+100)B := 1*B + 100

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Notations for Transaction

1. Action : An expression of the form ri(X) or wi(X) meaning that transaction Ti reads or writes, respectively, the database X.

2. Transaction : A transaction Ti is a sequence of actions with subscript.

3. Schedule : A schedule S of a transactions T is a sequence of actions, in which for each transaction Ti in T, the action of Ti appear in the definition of Ti itself.

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Notational Example


READ (A,t)

t := t+100


READ (B,t)

t := t+100



READ (A,s)

s := s*2


READ (B,s)

s := s*2


Notation:T1 : r1(A); w1(A); r1(B); w1(B)T2 : r2(A); w2(A); r2(B); w2(B)

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Concurrency Control

Concurrency control in database management systems (DBMS) ensures that database transactions are performed concurrently without the concurrency violating the data integrity of a database.

Executed transactions should follow the ACID rules. The DBMS must guarantee that only serializable (unless Serializability is intentionally relaxed), recoverable schedules are generated.

It also guarantees that no effect of committed transactions is lost, and no effect of aborted (rolled back) transactions remains in the related database.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Transaction ACID rules

Atomicity - Either the effects of all or none of its operations remain when a transaction is completed - in other words, to the outside world the transaction appears to be indivisible, atomic.

Consistency - Every transaction must leave the database in consistent state.Isolation - Transactions cannot interfere with each other. Providing isolation is the main goal of concurrency control.

Durability - Successful transactions must persist through crashes

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CS 257 Database Principles

Serial and Serializable Schedules

In the field of databases, a schedule is a list of actions, (i.e. reading, writing, aborting, committing), from a set of transactions.

In this example, Schedule D is the set of 3 transactions T1, T2, T3. The schedule describes the actions of the transactions as seen by the DBMS. T1 Reads and writes to object X, and then T2 Reads and writes to object Y, and finally T3 Reads and writes to object Z. This is an example of a serial schedule, because the actions of the 3 transactions are not interleaved.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Serial and Serializable Schedules

A schedule that is equivalent to a serial schedule has the serializability property.

In schedule E, the order in which the actions of the transactions are executed is not the same as in D, but in the end, E gives the same result as D.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Serial Schedule TI precedes T2

T1 T2

Read(A); A A+100


Read(B); B B+100;


Read(A);A A2;


Read(B);B B2;


A B25 25




250250 250

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CS 257 Database Principles

Serial Schedule T2 precedes Tl

T1 T2

Read(A);A A2;


Read(B);B B2;


Read(A); A A+100


Read(B); B B+100;


A B25 25




150150 150

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CS 257 Database Principles

serializable, but not serial, schedule

T1 T2

Read(A); A A+100


Read(A);A A2;


Read(B); B B+100;


Read(B);B B2;


A B25 25




250250 250

r1(A); w1 (A): r2(A); w2(A); r1 (B); w1 (B); r2(B); w2(B);

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CS 257 Database Principles

Non serializable schedule

T1 T2

Read(A); A A+100


Read(A);A A2;


Read(B);B B2;


Read(B); B B+100;


A B25 25




150250 150

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CS 257 Database Principles

Schedule that is serializable only because of the detailed behavior of the transactionsT1 T2’

Read(A); A A+100


Read(A);A A1;


Read(B);B B1;


Read(B); B B+100;


regardless of the consistent initial state: the final state will be consistent.

A B25 25




125125 125

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CS 257 Database Principles

Non-Conflicting Actions

Two actions are non-conflicting if whenever theyoccur consecutively in a schedule, swapping themdoes not affect the final state produced by theschedule. Otherwise, they are conflicting.

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CS 257 Database Principles

18.2 Conflict- Serializability

Two actions of the same transaction conflict: r1(A) w1(B)

Two actions over the same database element conflict, if one of them is a write r1(A) w2(A) w1(A) w2(A)

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CS 257 Database Principles

Conflict actions Two or more actions are said to be in conflict if:

The actions belong to different transactions. At least one of the actions is a write operation. The actions access the same object (read or write).

The following set of actions is conflicting: T1:R(X), T2:W(X), T3:W(X)

While the following sets of actions are not: T1:R(X), T2:R(X), T3:R(X) T1:R(X), T2:W(Y), T3:R(X)

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CS 257 Database Principles

Conflict Serializable

We may take any schedule and make as many non-conflicting swaps as we wish.

With the goal of turning the schedule into a serial schedule.

If we can do so, then the original schedule is serializable, because its effect on the database state remains the same as we perform each of the nonconflicting swaps.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Conflict Serializable A schedule is said to be conflict-serializable when the schedule is conflict-

equivalent to one or more serial schedules. Another definition for conflict-serializability is that a schedule is conflict-

serializable if and only if there exists an acyclic precedence graph/serializability graph for the schedule.

Which is conflict-equivalent to the serial schedule <T1,T2>, but not <T2,T1>.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Conflict equivalent / conflict-serializable Let Ai and Aj are consecutive non-conflicting actions that

belongs to different transactions. We can swap Ai and Aj without changing the result.

Two schedules are conflict equivalent if they can be turned one into the other by a sequence of non-conflicting swaps of adjacent actions.

We shall call a schedule conflict-serializable if it is conflict-equivalent to a serial schedule.

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T1 T2









T1 T2









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T1 T2









T1 T2










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18.3 Enforcing Serializability by Locks

Enforcing serializability by locks

Locks Locking scheduler Two phase locking

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It works like as follows : A request from a transaction Scheduler checks in the lock table Generates a serializable schedule of actions.

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CS 257 Database Principles231

Consistency of transactions Actions and locks must relate each other

Transactions can only read & write only if has a lock and has not released the lock.

Unlocking an element is compulsory. Legality of schedules

No two transactions can aquire the lock on same element without the prior one releasing it.

Locking scheduler Grants lock requests only if it is in a legal schedule. Lock table stores the information about current locks on the


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The locking scheduler continued……………….. A legal schedule of consistent transactions but

unfortunately it is not a serializable.

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Locking schedule continued….

The locking scheduler delays requests that would result in an illegal schedule.

The locking scheduler delays requests that would result in an illegal schedule.

T1 T2 A B

l1 (A); r1 (A)

A: = A + 100;


l2 (A); r2 (A)

A: = A * 2;w2(A);l2(B) Denied


r1 (B); B := B+100;



l2 (B); u2 (A); r2

(B)B: = B * 2;w2(B);u2(B)


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CS 257 Database Principles234

Two-phase locking Guarantees a legal schedule of consistent

transactions is conflict-serializable. All lock requests proceed all unlock requests. The growing phase:

Obtain all the locks and no unlocks allowed. The shrinking phase:

Release all the locks and no locks allowed.

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How the Two-Phase locking works Assures serializability. Two protocols for 2PL:

Strict two phase locking : Transaction holds all its exclusive locks till commit / abort.

Rigorous two phase locking : Transaction holds all locks till commit / abort.

Possible to find a transaction Tj that has a 2PL and a schedule S for Ti ( non 2PL ) and Tj that is not conflict serializable.

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2PL Failure……….s 2PL fails to provide security against

deadlocks.T1 T2 A B

l1 (A); r1 (A)

A: = A + 100;

25 25

l2 (B); r2 (B)

B: = B * 2;w2(A);l2(B) Denied

w1(A); 125

l1(A) Denied w1(B);

l2 (B); Denied


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CS 257 Database Principles

18.4 Locking Systems With Several Lock Modes

Locking Scheme Shared/Read Lock ( For Reading) Exclusive/Write Lock( For Writing)

Compatibility Matrices Upgrading Locks Update Locks Increment Locks


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CS 257 Database Principles

Shared & Exclusive Locks Consistency of Transactions

Cannot write without Exclusive Lock Cannot read without holding some lock

This basically works on 2 principles A read action can only proceed a shared or an exclusive

lock A write lock can only proceed a exclusice lock

All locks need to be unlocked before commit


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CS 257 Database Principles

Shared and exclusive locks continued………………….. Two-phase locking of transactions

Must precede unlocking

Legality of Schedules An element may be locked exclusively by one transaction

or by several in shared mode, but not both.


T1 T2

sl1 (A); r1 (A)

A: = A + 100;

sl2 (A); r2 (A)

sl2 (B); r2 (B)

xl1 (B);Denied

u2 (A); u2 (B)

xl1 (B); r1 (B); u1 (B);

u1 (A); u2 (B);

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Compatibility Matrices Has a row and column for each lock mode.

Rows correspond to a lock held on an element by another transaction

Columns correspond to mode of lock requested. Example :






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CS 257 Database Principles

Upgrading Locks Suppose a transaction wants to read as well

as write : It acquires a shared lock on the element Performs the calculations on the element And when its ready to write, It is granted a

exclusive lock. Transactions with unpredicted read write

locks can use UPGRADING LOCKS.


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CS 257 Database Principles

Upgrading locks [continued ….] Indiscriminating use of upgrading produces a

deadlock. Example : Both the transactions want to

upgrade on the same element


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CS 257 Database Principles

Update locks Solves the deadlock occurring in upgrade

lock method. A transaction in an update lock can read but

cant write. Update lock can later be converted to

exclusive lock. An update lock can only be given if the

element has shared locks.


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CS 257 Database Principles

Update locks (cont.) An update lock is like a shared lock when you

are requesting it and is like a exclusive lock when you have it.

Compatibility matrix :






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CS 257 Database Principles

Increment Locks Used for incrementing & decrementing stored

values. E.g. - Transfer money from one bank to

another, Ticket selling transactions in which number seats are decremented after each transaction.


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CS 257 Database Principles

Increment lock (cont.)


A increment lock does not enable read or write locks on element.

Any number of transaction can hold increment lock on element

Shared and exclusive locks can not be granted if an increment lock is granted on element





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CS 257 Database Principles

18.5 Locking Scheduler

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CS 257 Database Principles

Scheduler That Inserts Lock Actions

If transaction is delayed, waiting for a lock, Scheduler performs following actions

Takes the stream of requests generated by the transaction & insert appropriate lock modes to db operations (read, write, or update)

Take actions (a lock or db operation) from above step and executes it.

Determine the transaction (T) that action belongs and status of T (delayed or not). If T is not delayed then Database access action is transmitted to the database

and executed


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CS 257 Database Principles

Scheduler That Inserts Lock Actions If lock action is received by Later , it checks the L Table

whether lock can be granted or not i > Granted, the L Table is modified to include granted lock ii >Not G. then update L Table about requested lock then later step delays transaction T

When a T = commits or aborts, former is notified by the transaction manager and releases all locks. If any transactions are waiting for locks of former to notifies later.

Then later when notified about the lock on some DB element, determines next transaction T’ to get lock to continue.


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CS 257 Database Principles

The Lock Table

A relation that associates database elements with locking information about that element

Implemented with a hash table using database elements as the hash key

Size is proportional to the number of lock elements only, not to the size of the entire database


DB element A

Lock information for A

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CS 257 Database Principles

Lock Table Entries Structure


Some Sort of information found in Lock Table entry 1>Group modes-S: only shared locks are held-X: one exclusive lock and no other locks- U: one update lock and one or more shared locks2>wait : one transaction waiting for a lock on A3>A list : T currently hold locks on A or Waiting for lock on A

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CS 257 Database Principles

Handling Lock Requests

Suppose transaction T requests a lock on A If there is no lock table entry for A, then there

are no locks on A, so create the entry and grant the lock request

If the lock table entry for A exists, use the group mode to guide the decision about the lock request


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CS 257 Database Principles

Handling Lock Requests


If group mode is U (update) or X (exclusive)

No other lock can be grantedDeny the lock request by T

Place an entry on the list saying T requests a lock

And Wait? = ‘yes’ If group mode is S (shared)

Another shared or update lock can be grantedGrant request for an S or U lock

Create entry for T on the list with Wait? = ‘no’

Change group mode to U if the new lock is an update lock

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CS 257 Database Principles

Handling Unlock Requests


Now suppose transaction T unlocks A Delete T’s entry on the list for A If T’s lock is not the same as the group mode,

no need to change group mode Otherwise check entire list for new group

mode S: GM(S) or nothing U: GM(S) or nothing X: nothing

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CS 257 Database Principles

Handling Unlock Requests


If the value of waiting is “yes" need to grant one or more locks using following approachesFirst-Come-First-Served: Grant the lock to the longest waiting request. No starvation (waiting forever for lock)Priority to Shared Locks: Grant all S locks waiting, then one U lock. Grant X lock if no others waitingPriority to Upgrading: If there is a U lock waiting to upgrade to an X lock, grant that first.

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CS 257 Database Principles

18.6 Managing Hierarchies of Database ElementsIt Focus on two problems that come up when there id tree

structure to our data.

Tree Structure : Hierarchy of lockable elements. And How to allow locks on both large elements, like Relations and elements in it such as blocks and tuples of relation, or individual.

Note: Another is data that is itself organized in a tree. A major example would be B-tree index.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Locks With Multiple Granularity

Database Elements” : It is sometime noticeably the various elements which can be used for locking.

Eg: Tuples, Pages or Blocks, Relations etc.

Granularity locks and Types : While putting locks actually when we decide which database element is to be used for locking makes it separates in two types.

Types of granularity locks: 1) Large grained 2) Small grained

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Small granularity locks: Larger concurrency can achieved.

Large granularity locks: Some times saves from unserializable


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CS 257 Database Principles

Warning locks

The solution to the problem of managing locks at different granularities involves a new kind of lock called a “Warning.“

It is helpful in hierarchical or nested structure .

It involves both “ordinary” locks and “warning” locks.

Ordinary locks: Shared(S) and Exclusive(X) locks.

Warning locks: Intention to shared(IS) and Intention to

Exclusive(IX) locks.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Warning Protocols These are the rules to be followed while putting locks on different elements.

To place an ordinary S or X lock on any element. we must begin at the root of the hierarchy.

If we are at the element that we want to lock, we need look no further. We request lock there only, If the element is down in hierarchy then place warning lock on that node respective of shared and exclusive locks and then Move on to appropriate child and then try steps 2 or 3 and until you go to desired node and then request shared or exclusive lock.

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Compatibility Matrix

IS column: Conflicts only on X lock.

IX column: Conflicts on S and X locks.

S column: Conflicts on X and IX locks.

X column: Conflicts every locks.






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CS 257 Database Principles

Warning ProtocolsWarning ProtocolsConsider the relation: M o v i e ( t i t l e , year, length, studioName) Transaction1 (T1):SELECT *FROM MovieWHERE title = 'King Kong';

Transaction2(T2):UPDATE MovieSET year = 1939WHERE title = 'Gone With the Wind';

When ever some transaction inserts sub elements to the node being locked then there may be problem like serializability issues.

Lets have transaction 3 (T3) to be executed:

SELECT SUM(length)FROM MovieWHERE studioName = ‘Disney’

But at the same time the transaction t4 inserts the new movie of ‘Disney’ studio. Then what happens if t3 gets executed and t4 afterwards that sum will be incorrect. But solution could be we could treat the insert or delete transaction like writing operation with exclusive locks at that time this problem gets solved.

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CS 257 Database Principles

18.7 Tree Protocol

Tree structures that are formed by the link pattern of the elements themselves. Database are the disjoint pieces of data, but the only way to get to Node is through its parent.

B trees are best example for this sort of data.

Knowing that we must traverse a particular path to an element give us some important freedom to manage locks differently from two phase locking approaches.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Tree Based Locking

B tree index in a system that treats individual nodes( i.e. blocks) as lockable database elements. The Node Is the right level granularity.

We use a standard set of locks modes like shared,exculsive, and update locks and we use two phase locking

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Rules for access Tree Structured Data There are few restrictions in locks from the tree

protocol. We assume that that there are only one kind of lock. Transaction is consider a legal and schedules as

simple. Expected restrictions by granting locks only when

they do not conflict with locks already at a node, but there is no two phase locking requirement on transactions.

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Why the tree protocol works.

A transaction's first lock may be at any node of the tree.

Subsequent locks may only be acquired if the transaction currently has a lock on the parent node.

Nodes may be unlocked at any time A transaction may not relock a node on which

it has released a lock, even if it still holds a lock on the node’s parent

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A tree structure of Lockable elements

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Three transactions following the tree protocol

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Why the Tree Protocol works? The Tree protocol forces a serial order on the

transactions involved in a schedule.

Ti <sTj if in schedule S., the transaction Ti and Tj lock a node in common and Ti locks the node first.

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If precedence graph drawn from the precedence relations that we defined above has no cycles, then we claim that any topological order of transactions is an equivalent serial schedule.

For Example either ( T1,T2,T3) or (T3,T1,T2) is an equivalent serial schedule the reason for this serial order is that all the nodes are touched in the same order as they are originally scheduled.

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If two transactions lock several elements in common, then they are all locked in same order.

I am Going to explain this with help of an example.

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Precedence graph derived from Schedule

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Example:--4 Path of elements locked by two transactions

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Now Consider an arbitrary set of transactions T1, T2;.. . . Tn,, that obey the

tree protocol and lock some of the nodes of a tree according to schedule S.

First among those that lock, the root. they do also in same order.

If Ti locks the root before Tj, Then Ti locks every node in common with Tj does. That is Ti<sTj, But not Tj>sTi.


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CS 257 Database Principles

18.8 Concurrency Control By Timestamp

Concurrency is a property of a systems in which several computations are executing and overlapping in time, and interacting with each other.

Timestamp is a sequence of characters, denoting the date or time at which a certain event occurred. Example of Timestamp: 20-MAY-09 AM 18/23/2003 14:55:14:000000

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Time stamping

We assign a timestamp to transaction and timestamp is usually presented in a consistent format, allowing for easy comparison of two different records and tracking progress over time; the practice of recording timestamps in a consistent manner along with the actual data is called timestamping.

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To use timestamping as a concurrency-control method, the scheduler needs to assign to each transaction T a unique number, its timestamp TS(T). It is generated by usually two approaches Using system clock Another approach is for the scheduler to maintain

a counter. Each time when transaction starts the counter is incremented by 1 and new value become timestamp for transaction.

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Whichever method we use to generate timestamp , the scheduler must maintain a table of currently active transaction and their timestamp.

To use timestamps as a concurrency-control method we need to associate with each database element x two timestamps and an additional bit. RT(x) The read time of x. WT(x) The write time of x. C(x) The commit bit of x. which is true if and only if the

most recent transaction to write x has already committed. The purpose of this bit is to avoid a situation of “Dirty Read”.

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CS 257 Database Principles

Physically Unrealizable Behaviors

Read too late

Transaction T tries to read too late

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Write too late

Transaction T tries to write too late

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Problem with dirty data

T could perform a dirty read if it is reads X

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A write is cancelled because of a write with a later timestamp, but the writer then aborts

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Rules for timestamp based scheduling

1. Granting Request

2. Aborting T (if T would violate physical reality) and restarting T with a new timestamp (Rollback)

3. Delaying T and later deciding whether to abort T or to grant the request

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Request RT(X):1. If TS(T) >= WT(X), the read is physically

realizablea) If C(X) is true, grant the request. If TS(T) >

RT(X), set RT(X) := TS(T); otherwise do not change RT(X)

b) If C(X) is false, delay T until C(X) becomes true or the transaction that wrote X aborts

2. If TS(T) < WT(X), the read is physically unrealizable. Rollback T; abort T and restart it with a new, larger timestamp


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Request WT(X):1. If TS(T) >= RT(X) and TS(T) >= WT(X), the write

is physically realizable and must be performeda) Write the new value for Xb) Set WT(X) := TS(T), andc) Set C(X) := false

2. If TS(T) >= RT(X), but TS(T) < WT(X), then the write is physically realizable, but there is already a later value in X. If C(X) is true, then ignore the write by T. If C(X) is false, delay T

3. If TS(T) < RT(X), then the write is physically unrealizable

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Timestamps Vs Locks

Timestamps Locks

Superior if most transactions are read-only rare that concurrent transactions will read or write the same element

Superior in high-conflict situations

In high-conflict situations, rollback will be frequent, introducing more delays than a locking system

Frequently delay transactions as they wait for locks

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18.9 Concurrency Control by Validation

What is Validation? Optimistic concurrency control Concurrency Control assumes that conflicts

between transactions are rare Scheduler maintains record of active transactions Does not require locking Check for conflicts just before commit

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Different Validation Phases

Read Phase Reads from the database for the elements in its

read set ReadSet (Ti): It is a Set of objects read by

Transaction Ti. Whenever the first write to a given object is

requested, a copy is made, and all subsequent writes are directed to the copy

When the transaction completes, it requests its validation and write phases

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Validation Phase Checks are made to ensure serializability is not violated Scheduling of transactions is done by assigning transaction

numbers to each transactions There must exist a serial schedule in which transaction Ti

comes before transaction Tj whenever t(i) < t(j) If validation fails then the transaction is rolled back

otherwise it proceeds to the

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Write Writes the corresponding values for the elements

in its write set

WriteSet (Ti): Set of objects where Transaction Ti has intend to write on it.

Locally written data are made global

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Different Terminologies

Scheduler maintains 3 states START(T), VAL(T), FIN(T) START

Transactions that are started but not yet validated

VAL Transactions that are validated but not yet finished

FIN Transactions that are finished

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Rule 1 for Validation

Rule 1 T1 T2 T2 starts before T1 finishes FIN(T1) > START(T2) RS(T2) WS(T1) =

Rule 2 T1 T2 T2 starts before T1 finishes FIN(T1) > VAL(T2) WS(T2) WS(T1) =





Interference – Leads toRollback of T2

No Problem




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Validation Rules

T2 & T1 RS(T

2) WS(T

1) = {B} {A,C} =


1) = {D} {A,C} =

T3 & T1 RS(T

3) WS(T

1) = {B} {A,C} =


1) = {D,E} {A,C} =

T3 & T2 RS(T

3) WS(T

2) = {B} {D} =


2) = {D,E} {D} = D// Rule 2 Can't be applied; FIN(T


< VAL(T3)

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T4 Starts before T1 and T3 finishes. So T4 has to be checked against the sets of T1 and T3

T4 & T



1) = {A,D} {A,C} = {A}

Rule 2 can not be applied

T4 & T



3) = {A,D} {D,E} = {D}


3) = {A,C} {D,E} =

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Lock Lock management overhead Deadlock detection/resolution. Concurrency is significantly lowered, when congested

nodes are locked. Locks can not be released until the end of a transaction

Conflicts are rare. (We might get better performance by not locking, and instead checking for conflicts at commit time.

Timestamp Deadlock is not possible Prone to restart

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Validation Optimistic Concurrency Control is superior to locking

methods for systems where transaction conflict is highly unlikely, e.g query dominant systems.

Avoids locking overhead Starvation: What should be done when validation

repeatedly fails ? Solution: If the concurrency control detects a starving

transaction, it will be restarted, but without releasing the critical section semaphore, and transaction is run to the completion by write locking the database

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Chapter 18 Ends………..!

Chapter 21


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Chapter 21

Information Integration

21.1 Introduction to Information Integration 21.2 Modes of Information Integration 21.3 Wrappers in Mediator-Based Systems

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21.1 Introduction to Information Integration Need for Information Integration

All the data in the world could put in a single database (ideal database system)

In the real world (impossible for a single database): databases are created independently hard to design a database to support future use

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Example of Information Integration

Registrar: to record student and grade Bursar: to record tuition payments by

students Human Resources Department: to record

employees Other department….

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How to integrate the database

Start over

build one database: contains all the legacy databases; rewrite all the applications

result: painful Build a layer of abstraction (middleware)

on top of all the legacy databases

this layer is often defined by a collection of classes

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Heterogeneity Problem

What is Heterogeneity Problem

Aardvark Automobile Co.

1000 dealers has 1000 databases

to find a model at another dealer

can we use this command:



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21.2 Modes of Information Integration Federations

The simplest architecture for integrating several DBs

One to one connections between all pairs of DBs DBs talk to each other, n(n-1) wrappers are

needed Good when communications between DBs are


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Wrapper : a software translates incoming queries and outgoing answers. In a result, it allows information sources to conform to some shared schema

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Federations Diagram

A federated collection of 4 DBs needs 12 components to translate queries from one to another


2 Wrappers

2 Wrappers

2 Wrappers

2 Wrappers

2 Wrappers 2 Wrappers


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Car dealers want to share their inventory. Each dealer queries the other’s DB to find the needed car.

Dealer-1’s DB relation: NeededCars (model,color,autoTrans) Dealer-2’s DB relation: Auto(Serial, model, color) Options


Dealer-1’s DB

Dealer-2’s DB





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For(each tuple(:m,:c,:a) in NeededCars){ if(:a=TRUE){/* automatic transmission wanted */ SELECT serial FROM Autos, Options WHERE Autos.serial = Options.serial AND Options.option = ‘autoTrans’ AND Autos.model = :m AND Autos.color =:c; } Else{/* automatic transmission not wanted */ SELECT serial FROM Auto WHERE Autos.model = :m AND Autos.color = :c AND NOT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM Options WHERE serial = Autos.serial AND option=‘autoTrans’); } }

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Data Warehouse

Sources are translated from their local schema to a global schema and copied to a central DB.

User transparent: user uses Data Warehouse just like an ordinary DB

User is not allowed to update Data Warehouse

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Diagram of Dataware house


Extractor Extractor

Source 1 Source 2

User query



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Construct a data warehouse from sources DB of 2 car dealers:

Dealer-1’s schema: Cars(serialNo, model,color,autoTrans,cdPlayer,…) Dealer-2’s schema: Auto(serial,model,color) Options(serial,option)

Warehouse’s schema: AutoWhse(serialNo,model,color,autoTrans,dealer)

Extractor --- Query to extract data from Dealer-1’s data:

INSERT INTO AutosWhse(serialNo, model, color, autoTans, dealer) SELECT serialNo,model,color,autoTrans,’dealer1’ From Cars;

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Extractor --- Query to extract data from Dealer-2’s data:

INSERT INTO AutosWhse(serialNo, model, color, autoTans, dealer) SELECT serialNo,model,color,’yes’,’dealer2’ FROM Autos,Options WHERE Autos.serial=Options.serial AND option=‘autoTrans’;

INSERT INTO AutosWhse(serialNo, model, color, autoTans, dealer) SELECT serialNo,model,color,’no’,’dealer2’ FROM Autos WHERE NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM serial =Autos.serial AND option = ‘autoTrans’);

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How to construct a Data ware House Periodically reconstructed from the current data in the sources,

once a night or at even longer intervals. Advantages: simple algorithms. Disadvantages: Need to shut down the warehouse; data can become out of

date. Updated periodically based on the changes(i.e. each night) of the

sources. Advantages: Involve smaller amounts of data. (important when

warehouse is large and needs to be modified in a short period) Disadvantages: the process to calculate changes to the warehouse is

complex. Data can become out of date. Changed immediately, in response to each change or a small set

of changes at one or more of the sources. Advantages: data won’t become out of date. Disadvantages: Requires too much communication, therefore, it is generally

too expensive.

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Virtual warehouse, which supports a virtual view or a collection of views, that integrates several sources.

Mediator doesn’t store any data. Mediators’ tasks:

a) receive user’s query,

b) send queries to wrappers,

c) combine results from wrappers,

d) send the final result to user.

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Mediator Diagram


Wrapper Wrapper

Source 1 Source 2

User query









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Same data sources as the example of data warehouse, the mediator

Integrates the same two dealers’ source into a view with schema:


When the user have a query:

SELECT sericalNo, model FROM AkutoMed Where color=‘red’

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Another Example…

In this simple case, the mediator forwards the same query to each Of the two wrappers.

Wrapper1: Cars(serialNo, model, color, autoTrans, cdPlayer, …) SELECT serialNo,model FROM cars WHERE color = ‘red’;

Wrapper2: Autos(serial,model,color); Options(serial,option) SELECT serial, model FROM Autos WHERE color=‘red’;

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Different Solutions

There may be different options for the mediator to forward user query,

for example, the user queries if there are a specific model&color car

(i.e. “Gobi”, “blue”).

The mediator decides 2nd query is needed or not based on the result of

1st query. That is, If dealer-1 has the specific car, the mediator doesn’t

have to query dealer-2.

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21.3 Wrappers in Mediator-Based Systems

Wrappers in Mediator-based Systems More complicated than that in most data

warehouse system. Able to accept a variety of queries from the

mediator and translate them to the terms of the source.

Communicate the result to the mediator.

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How to design a wrapper? Classify the possible queries that the

mediator can ask into templates, which are queries with parameters that represent constants.

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Templates for Query Patterns

Use notation T=>S to express the idea that the template T is turned by the wrapper into the source query S.

Example 1

Dealer 1Cars (serialNo, model, color, autoTrans, navi,…)

For use by a mediator with schema

AutoMed (serialNo, model, color, autoTrans, dealer)

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We denote the code representing that color by the parameter $c, then the template will be:

SELECT *FROM AutosMedWHERE color = ’$c’;

=>SELECT serialNo, model, color, autoTrans, ’dealer1’FROM CarsWHERE color=’$c’;

(Template T => Source query S) There will be total 2n templates if we have the option of specifying n


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Wrapper Generators The wrapper generator creates a table holds the

various query patterns contained in the templates. The source queries that are associated with each. A driver is used in each wrapper, the task of the driver

is to: Accept a query from the mediator. Search the table for a template that matches the

query. The source query is sent to the source, again using a

“plug-in” communication mechanism. The response is processed by the wrapper. Filter: -Have a wrapper filter to supporting more


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Example 2

If wrapper is designed with more complicated template with queries specify both model and color.SELECT *FROM AutosMedWHERE model = ’$m’ AND color = ’$c’;

=>SELECT serialNo, model, color, autoTrans, ’dealer1’FROM CarsWHERE model = ’$m’ AND color=’$c’;

Now we suppose the only template we have is color. However the wrapper is asked by the Mediator to find “blue Gobi model car.”

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1. Use template with $c=‘blue’ find all blue cars and store them in a temporary relation

TemAutos (serialNo, model, color, autoTrans, dealer)

2.The wrapper then return to the mediator the desired set of automobiles by excuting the local query:SELECT*

FROM TemAutos

WHERE model= ’Gobi’;

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Chapter 21 Ends………..!

End of File…………………………!

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References .

Database Systems: The Complete Book (2nd Edition) (Hardcover) by Hector Garcia-Molina (Author), Jeffrey D.

Ullman (Author), Jennifer Widom (Author) Publisher : Prenctice Hall.