cross media convergence and synergy

Holly Fairbairn

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Post on 19-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Cross media convergence and synergy

Holly Fairbairn

Page 2: Cross media convergence and synergy

Cross Media Convergence is important to the film industry because it allows the company to use all of its resources gained from horizontal and vertical integration to aid in the production, distribution and exhibition of the films. This use of resources allows the company to use its full potential as well as having a large conglomerate reputation behind your film which is key with companies such as Marvel after they integrated with Disney.

Synergy is important to the film industry because it allows independent companies to work together with a larger company to achieve goals which can’t be achieved independently. This is key in creating a successful film as independent studios usually target a niche audience and through synergy more successful films can be made with a mass audience. A case of this is Heyday Films working with Warner Brothers to create Harry Potter – the most successful film franchise ever.

How important is cross media convergence and synergy to companies within the film industry?

What advantages does it create?

Page 3: Cross media convergence and synergy

Not all companies can benefit from cross media convergence as this advantage only applies to conglomerates who have built up their empire through both horizontal and vertical integration which then allows them to benefit from cross media convergence as they have the different levels of industries that can distribute, fund and exhibit the film. Independent companies can’t benefit from cross media convergence as they don’t have other companies joint onto theirs and therefore don’t have the means to use cross media convergence. The most suitable method for independent studios is synergy as they can work with outside companies.

Do all film companies benefit equally from cross media convergence? Why/Why not?

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It is possible to operate in the film industry without the advantages of cross media convergence because independent studios can create successful, profitable films without the luxury of aid from inside companies. Pride for example created a total gross of $14.7 million which is small for conglomerates but is a significant number for independent companies. Not only this but cross media isn’t the only option to help operate in the film industry as synergy is a useful method for independents who don’t have the luxury of cross media convergence

Is it possible to operate (at all) in the film industry without the advantages of cross media

convergence? How?

Page 5: Cross media convergence and synergy

It isn’t possible to operate in the global film industry without cross media convergence because cross media convergence is used for conglomerates who operate for a mass market and can apply the audience with what they are used to through the different companies under their name. Even with synergy, independent studios mainly cater for a niche market which won’t be globally successful so cross media convergence is key in operating in global film.

Is it possible to operate in the global film industry without the advantages of cross media


Page 6: Cross media convergence and synergy

Marvel benefited from Cross Media Convergence as under Disney (who also distributed the film), they would have a conglomerate behind them meaning that they would potentially have larger funding. They would also have the reputation of Disney behind them.

The film was also advertised via trailers on their international Disney channels and online, showing the convergence

How did Marvel benefit from Cross Media Convergence?

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Lionsgate benefitted from Cross Media Convergence because Lionsgate not only produced the film but they also funded and distributed the recent Hunger Games Film.

How did Lionsgate benefit from Cross Media Convergence?

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Heyday films doesn’t benefit from Cross Media Convergence, instead they benefit from Synergy by working with Studio Canal to distribute, produce and fund their latest film Paddington.

How did Heyday benefit from Cross Media Convergence?

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Calamity Films also don’t benefit from Cross Media Convergence as they are an independent company so they don’t have the benefit of other inside companies. Instead they benefit from synergy by working with Pathé who distributed their film. BFI and BBC also worked with Calamity films to fund the film Pride.

How did Calamity benefit from Cross Media Convergence?

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Marvel because their convergence with Disney has enabled them to a establish a global brand franchise.

Disney can use their funding, distribution and production companies to help their integrated companies such as Marvel.

The film was promoted on Disney Channel and the Disney movie channel on Sky. It was also exhibited on these channels as well as being promoted in Disney stores around the world.

Who Benefits Most from Cross Media Convergence

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Avengers Assemble wouldn’t have been as successful if Marvel hadn’t been bought by Disney because Marvel wasn’t originally a conglomerate so although they did have a reputation, they didn’t have the support that Disney now provides. Not only this but Marvel was going bankrupt so without Disney, Avengers Assemble would have been a failure instead of large success soon to be followed with a sequel.

Do you think Avengers Assemble would have been as successful without this change of
