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Post on 20-May-2015




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  • 1. CROATIA Haga clic para modificar el estilo de subttulo del patrnPablo Gonzlez Martn

2. Index Geography Croatian economy History Major cities in Croatia 3. Geography Hungary ( Northeast)Croatia (Center)Slovenia (Northwest)Bosnia Herzegovina(East) Montenegro(Southeast) 4. Geography The flag is make for three colours in horizontal ( red,withe and and blue) and in the center has got the shield of the Republic of Croatia The width of the flag is exactly twice the height. Those three colours after the French revolution meant freedom At the bottom there is a figure with 25 squares mean re At the top is a crown made up of five shields representin 5. GeografaCroatia has got 1,778 km excluding islands with islands are 5,790 kmCroatia has got 1,185 islands.Of which 66 are inhabited and other uninhabitedCroatia has 7 national parks including the most visited is the Plitvice Lakes 6. Islas y parques naturalesThese are the national of Karka and Pletvice lakes These are some islands of Croatia 7. EconomaCroatia now its economy is based on tourism, some sevicios, sm 8. HistoryThe Croats are a Slavic people, Dinaric, there were mixed with other Slavic peoplesacquired their language and customs.Later, they returned to emigrate and settled in the historic Croatia (Zagreb and itssurroundings) during the seventh century.From the ninth century, Croatia became one of the most powerful kingdoms in theregion, successfully fighting Avars, Bulgars and Magyars or Hungarians. In 1102, following a nuptial union, Croats became part of Hungary. Istria andDalmatia remained under the dominion of the Venetian Republic, in contrast to thesmall but powerful pearl of the Adriatic, the Republic of Ragusa (now Dubrovnik).In 1868, Croatia and Dalmatia were a great national autonomy, each having its Saboror Parliament, while the region remained under Habsburg Croatian Hungarianauthority, Dalmatia and Istria were under the direct leadership of Austria.After the First World War and the collapse of Austria-Hungary, Croatia, Dalmatia andIstria with became part of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (which becamein 1929 in Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Republic in 1944). On October 29, 1918, the Croatian Sabor (parliament) declared its independenceand sovereignty expressed his desire not to enter the new State of Slovenes, Croatsand Serbs 9. HistoryYugoslavia was invaded by Germany during World War II and Croatia was converted inthe Independent State of Croatia. After the defeat of the Axis forces, Croatia rejoinedagain in Yugoslavia became a federal socialist state under the leadership of Josip BrozTito.When Croatia declared its independence from Yugoslavia in 1991, Serb inhabitantsrefuse to endorse the secession of the Yugoslav Federal Republic and supported by theYugoslav federal army, become independent Croatia and the Serbian Republic of Krajinain the territory of that region.After four years of sporadic fighting, the Croatian government manages to dislodge alarge part of Serbian forces stationed in Krajina during Operation Storm, which broughtthe forced exodus of over 350,000 Serbs from the area, as pointed out by the CriminalCourt for the former Yugoslavia on April 15, 2011.The recovery by the Croatian government of Eastern Slavonia was carried out peacefullyand through negotiation with Belgrade in 1998 under the supervision of the UnitedNations Organization (UNO).Croatia applied for EU entry in 2003, got to be the official candidate on 18 June 2004,negotiations began on 3 October 2005 and accepted his candidacy on December 9, 2011to enter formally on 1 July 2013. 10. Ciudades ms importantesThe most important cities of croatiaare Dubrovnik and ZagrebThen there were others lesser-known citiesas Split,Pula and ZadarAnd for last others cities less onlyknown for its tourism: Rijeka,Trogir, Rovinj, Hvar, Korcula, etc 11. ZagrebIts the capital of Croatia and its the biggest city of CroatiaIt has got 805,000 peopleIn it is the croatian governorThe most beatiful of the city is his cathedral, the church of Sant marcos and the square of Josip JelacicAnd then other important monuments but less as the miraculous stone door and the botanical garden 12. Zagreb 13. DubrovnikDubrovnik is one of the turisticcenters of croatiaCroaciaDubrovnik has got 43,000peopleThe most characteristic of thiscity is that the old town is ona peninsula walled withnarrow streets and a smallmedieval portFor its surroundings andsummer villages withbeautiful beaches andislands 14. Dubrovnik 15. SplitSplit is one of the cities most powerful economic and tourism but also hasFor passenger cars is known to be a Roman Emperor DiocletianOn the economy is known for its port 16. Zadar y PulaPula and Zadar are capitals of their respective communities and are k 17. CiudadesTrogirRikejaKorculaRovinj Hvar 18. THE END