crimeined send marines into laos, clues sought in...

CriMEined By Truck in ¥all0jtTowM RICHFIELD. Aup. 2G—A fl-.vear-olil Richfield jrirl was killcii n t 10 a.m. Wodiicstlay wlicn .sIk* (iarteil iiUo Iho path nf a truck ill front of her ^'I'iuulnuitlier’s home iit the intcr- Liion of Blninc avenue uml Main slrocl in IVichfieUi. nfficcra said Kayla Diane Mae.slax, jiaiiKhlcr of M r. and Mrj Chnrle-s (C hick) >Mac.s-j--------------- ^ ^ ------------------------------------------------ Cross Reports Send Marines Into Laos, Solon Proposes; U. S. to GiveEund Aid toN ation n narked car to foil ? i mndnioUicr. Mrs. Lucy Wll- Bho hnd just craw d tlic Mrt. Wilson aivltl iWc filtl, vlilllriK her. hod bi'cii in her yurd wlUi nelRhUor Traffic Deatli Scoreboard' Here li > comparison o( truf* Kc {iUUilES for 1W8 n nd 1059 lit UaRle Vftlley and lor llic raiire sute: iUtlc valley, 105B............... . 21) iiu'.c Villey. JPW............... . H Idjho, IM . ................... tM - total U) dale..................U1 thliiren tr.i. she did not r«aUtc ifct child wa* Rolnu to follow her. Drtvcr ol the, lOM Intcmntloiml pickup taick. Ctiarlps Edmond Cr«n. Curey. *»* trnvcllnR nl r.ot ccft lh»n 20 miles iicr liour. Ihc speed Ihnlt. nccorJlnK to jiirtln Wlillescll. vUlnKc jiiftrshnl. Tin child WHS tlirown about four /«[ by the impact, onicrrii wld, isd difd of I'Cftd Injuries, m ic irock traveled two feet nfter liU- l;cj ihe ctilld. Tlie clrl lived for tout 10 minutes, The Rlrl'* death Is tlie'3<lh trftf- lit-iilfllHy M ade Valley ihLi car and the <ifUi in Lincoln eoun- ir- Olhtr officer* A.*LilillnK In the In- TtJil5»Uon were Dtnper, Uirtln county deputy sheriff: £.\trlff Tliomas Conner, and SWtc pjirclman Wllllftm Van Dj'ke. to tddlllon to the parenU .. eiltrnal irrandmother Burvlvors L-dude three broUicrs. Dnvld Mfle- . 10; Kent Mncstaa, .8 and DcutUs Joseph Maestas, ir , ctoihi, and pntemal Rrandpar- ^ M r. and Mrs.-Joe Macstu. ^ The body was taken lo McOoHU fli mBrtuarj'. Shoshone, where l£tni aminRcmcnla are pending. 3 More Quake Dead WEST YELLOWSTONE, Mont., Aun. 26 Red official saiil today it appears that thrue Canadians can be pre.sunicd dead in the Montana earthipiake. They are Mr. and ^5r.•^. Sydney D. Callnrd and their .son, ChriH- tophcr, NcLsoii, B. C. There are nine known victim.s of the iiuaku and one'Other person—Mrs. Thomas SU)we. Sandy, Ui^rtr—i.s presumed dead; Addition of the Nelson.s would raise the,known probable death toll of the Aup. 17 temblor |to i;i. Earlier, Mr. and Mrs. 'Henry F. Bcfinett, Cotlon- [wood, Ariz., told interview- ers they had been cjtmped near the Ballards at Roel; Creek eampRround —alwtc Uic m i Jot mounulnsllde roared down after tlie quake. damniUiR the Madison' . river. Tlie Bennells said they had Ibecome friendly with the Ballards BOZE.MAN. Mont.. AUR. 20 f^w !„nd are certain the Canmllr.n Red Cra<.i added 27 nnme.Mamlly did not Mcnpe, Ttie DMIi.rd 42 Listed as Still Missing After Quake Tli. ■ye.nerday to Its 11*1 of pcrsoi about vi'hnin It ha.% rccclvcd In- qulrle.i and lin.i been unable to In- Vlit Montana enrlhtiunke Tttcnlj'-Mvcn pcreon , and v,fre dropped, mnk lUR the tolar 42. names were added ^-WASHIWGTONrAo(p<;c (U H )— irer-SaTiuTM S. Sli'af(<.iriX rK ''\'7saiTthc United' States Hhould send marinc.s and an aircraft carrier to help tlie Kovcrnniunt of Laii!« (ie- feat communist j,’«crri!las. iStratton, a member of the liouse anneii siTvice.i conimittce, made the proposal in a speech prepared fo r delivery on the flnur. He made liis projjosal as official source.s disclosed the United State.s has ilci-idud in K'ive Laos enier- :ency financial help lo arm 5,000 more trooi)H and mililiatnen lo deal witii (he comnni* iiist Ruerrillas. Officials .said the United States and Laos are agreed that ilirecl U. S. m ilitary intervention i.s not. neces.'^ary to liandle the stcp])eii-iip red attacks. But S trat - ton said this'country m u st' --------------- ----------------- -r— act “swiftly an<i firmly" ti h a lt “nibblinfr' of free countries in Soulh' east A.sia. "WU«.t. li htvppenlnK In Lroj,' he .laid, •ouRlit to be perfectly clear already to anybody familiar with the connnunlsl pattern of BRKrcsNlon." He snld the dispatch of marhic forecs lo Laos tiiid tlie presence of an American carrier tnik force off the const of Iiidd'Chlna w'ould "ko far lo make 11 clear that Amorle.i Is not RolnK to stand by Idly while Klirushcliev and hl.i communLit machine iry to lake over mare of the critical Southea.^1 Asia area." If the .United Slates waJt-i loo lonR, he Mid, "liic coinmunlsl Ruer- rlllas mny lii>ve taken over an- other key and crlilcal area of Soulhca.'.t Asia." Slratton said Uie red.i have ::carly violated" the Ocnev:i aRrecnicnl on malntalnlnR llic "Bialu.^ fiuo" In Indo-Chlnn. Kor lhat rpft.wi, he said. •'«e have cver>- rlRlJt lo send lo Lao* to help - the Laotian Rovcrnmcnl whtilever younR.iter was crlpplcd. force.i mny be nece.uary to pre- Other survivors ^ald earllff they .serve ihclr freedom." ad seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e danRernus couple and a cDpplciS Voy burled slluiitloii-i quickly when they oc- Ihe r I of a Clues Sought in DeathofMan,37, In Gooding Area GOODING. Auk. 2G—Officers were checkinff clues today to determine the Identity of tlie murder suspect in the death of Dr. John Hunt, jr., 37. plant patholoRist, whoso body was found Tue.-idav in his car west of here. GoodinR County Sheriff Keith An- der.'ioii said Dr. Hunt had worked in I’orlland the past five years and was on routo to New Haven, ('onn., where he was recently appointed assistant profe.ssor nt Yale --------university. Thi.s was the sec-. ond murder in Goodinp coun- Teen-A"c “War” Ends in Girl’s Death o , by Uie landslide. Fears have been eipre.ised that others may be burled in Che slide. The Red Cross tonllnued lo list Shortage? iaiSE. AUR. 58 (UPl) Bouthtm Idaho may face * :kIouj water shortaRe next year If conditions are Uie rame m U«r were Ihts year. State Rec- laullon EnRlneer Qeorne Car- tff «ld today. 'TTie sliuailon could be ex> tmelr bad," said Carter. "If LVre li ei Uttow-normal runoff tKt jear because ihere won’t t< any lioldover In the sloroRe .•nffTolrs.- Cirter said that resrrvolr* on »!l_,ilie mnjor drolnases In ftjihtm Idaho should be "near- Vfapty' nl the end of this Ir- "Mllon sea-wn. Hoitver. he noted lhat "we ia i Rfnernlly have two sJiort »itjr years, but It could hap- Prti," the Red CroM aald. The list: Sydney D. Ballard, son; Nebon. B. C. Raymond Dallock, wife an d two children. Orland. Calif. B. L. Boynton and Wife, BlUlnRs. Dr. Merlle Edscrton and wife, CoallnRa, Calif. Harold Ooodman, wife and two sons. New York City. Mrs. Berr)-Ie Johnson and t' sons, Trenton. N. J. Dr. Harold 8. Murphy, wife and three children, no hometown list' ed^ PenilsylTMli license plat« or I lnqulrle.n;'the Ballards officially o ), unai and react promptly military forces to bear." Etrai' t'.nllr<u.4 .11 }. c«l8inii <) cSr. and ffild Horse Bill— Is Sent to. Ike kashjngton, Aue. 20 (upf- •^eMnale has pas.ied and sent ‘Ruldfnt Elsenhower n blit thal ’J outlaw huntlne of wild « on public lands or ranires . ‘ttplsne or automobile. !• »ould oullaw polsonlnc of to trap the wild horses. KMle approved Uie measure 7'Hilirorse A nnlt"-a title rIv- Velma B, Johnston. Wads- Sev.-Ird Uie lonR eon- -=MI flRht to save the van- hcrcl.^ j t t Rif,v.ure wa.s aimed a t atop- ic l"f mar-i slaughter and cap- Ifie animals by hunters who foe.canned pel foods.! piovldes penalUes of 1500 up to six monUis Im- ,^«fnt for viotalloM. emiiassy for sale ‘0!’ 'DOK, aur. 20 I^V-Tlje U. 8. ^5-mtnt took an advertLie- -■ m Die Times of London ^ * y lo announce ihiil It H embassy up for sale. James Peak, wife, friend, SaRlnaw, Mich. RoRcr Provost, wife and two sons. Solldad, Calif. Robert j. Williams, wife and three children, Idaho Palls, Hamon Woods and wife. Coal- InRa. Calif. Pred C. Wrobbel. -wife a n d two dauRhters. Roslclalre, III. Tlie relatives of the WHUaai (Csmlnod M Fill -- ~ ' ------ jcounled for. I One sIlRht tremor wna ftit in wife and West Vcllowstone about 7:15 ajn. today bul no dnmaRc was rejiortcd. Tlie U. S. foreji senice besan clearing a allde touched off Sun- day by a sharp Jolt. The slide blocks the road to summer homes n tlie west side cf Hebgen lake. Tlie danger of floods was resird- 1 as past In the Mndlson canyon rea where the blR rock tltde created a lake. While crews supervised by the army corps of engineers eui down the crcfit of the debrts-laden allde. portable shortwave radio Hard Rains Hurt Crops BOISE. AUK. 58 (UPD—Severe aerlcullural loise.i were recorded a smftll orca of southern Idaho cloudbursts and hail plagued that necilon of Idaho last week. It, Rs repotted lod»y. However, the rain brouRht .... end lo the drj' spell and reduced IrrlRatlon requirements In many the U.S. aRriculturc de- Tlie agencies noted lhat severe localized aRrlcultural occur, red'froih cloudbursts the niRht of AuR. ID In southwestern Idaho, nl- thouRli the area "seriously Affect> ■1” was small. Hall also resulted In some ml nor damaRe in other areas of the southern half of the state. In souihcentral Idaho major tivltle.i Include harvesting eprlnR grains, second crop alfalfa, ptfts. liCpme tUTly p o U lo ts small seed crops. £ome applen and peaches were picked In the T»-in Palls area. CulllnK of drj- benn.) for comblnini! started In Tu'ln PnlLi county. Mexican Gulf Is Shaken inQuake COATSZACOALCOS, M e x i c o . Aug.^20 M^A stronff earthquake shook this aulf of Mexico port early today Injurln* 17 person.^ and causing severe damage t~ roads'and port inntallalions. Seven other persons were Ir lured in a nearby vlllaRc. The shock was abo felt c Veracruz, 150 mile.'* lo llie north, up on a nearby mounialntop, Vol' unteera will man it day and night. The allde Is backing up Madison river water about tevcn miles downstream from HebRen dam, which woa dims^cd by the quake that look nine lives and Injured dosens. Col. Waller'Hogrefc, Rlvertfate. N. D.. AUpervblng the work, sa'ld the rapidly filling lake already Is more .than 100 -feel deep and U filling al the rate of 12 feet .per day. In SIT,____ _______ ___________ The" names of peopla still unre- ported In the area since the quake -ow total « . ihe Red Crtws said. Twenty-three of the orlRlnal list J IIS were located yesterday, many of them ihousanii of miles apart. In all, 73 people had been found. A Red Cross ipokraman Mid II. is posfilble some of U« <2 aUll mlsslnR were buried In lh» earthquake slides. news bulletins ^■STOn. Tex. Aug. 28 LB-The last aun'lvor of the Civil war -■T' ‘IG-year-old Walter Wlllioms. is ••eating regularly now’/ an d to Improve, reporta his daughter, Wlllle Mao Bowles. '*Mll.\r.TON, Aug. SB (u ri)—House negoUatan o drafted ■ - ?^l I e prepesed by four India, Aug. 20 (DPI)—Chinese communist troops have Indifc ircm rtd-domlnattd Tlbtl, Irom •ouicc.1 here. Minn., Aug. 20 (UPD—The American Legion n a . rontrntlon today adopted a report itatlng Chat racial dlacrlm- I" U'e Lc^on^a 40 and * aubaldlary la unlawful Aug. 28 (tn>I)-l>avM J. McDonald, prejldenl of the t, °<eclw(irkeni of America, relumed to the bargaining table ^WfyaegmlBton-todsy-rerlhfr-firsfUmt «loe« Aui.'7. ------ QuakeLosses Top 5 Million WEST YELLOWCTONE, Mont., Ug. 2B Ifl —DamaRe from last week's earthquake was estimated yesterday at more than five and oneOialf million dollars with the figure expected lo mount when all properly losses are sur^’eyed. The fcillmate was made by Mon- tana's congre.ulonal delegation, which urged Qov. J. Hugo Aron- son to declare Madison canyon a disaster area. The governor said he will make a decision probably Friday. Lou to national forests m ated a t »SOO.OOO. T he congress membera^a report aho said three to four million dolbrs would be required to rebuild 20 miles ol slate highway 1. The report quoted Conrad Wlrth, director of the national park serv- ice. as aaylng damage to Yellow- Slone nnUonal park would reach two million-dollars. The park Is soulh ond east of Madison canyon, where quake-caused slides Aug. 17 killed nine persona and tnjuced more than 30 other*. Filer Man Is Fined in T.F For Speeding Driver'* licen.-iea of Jerry Wobb. 15. and Gerald Mayes, 1C. both Kazellon, were au.^pcnded for 00 days by Burley Police Judge Henry Tucker Tuwday lor rtckle&& <irlv- Ing. Tlicy were died by Burley Po. lice Officer Don Odom and Ber- nard Bradshaw. Charles M. Robbins, 31, Durley, and Dora D.- Obien, 20. Heybum, were fined *50 and co:,t« each and given 30 demerit.-» Tuesday by Bur- ley Juatice of Ihe Peace, Ann Par- ish <or reckless delving. Their driver's licenses were au.-spcnded for 30 days. Tliey were cited by Stale Patrolman AJarvJn J. Snyder. VIrdus J. Hnll, 20, Filer, was fined S13 and cants and Riven 30 demcrlW Tuesday afternoon by Twin Fnlla Police. Judge J. Pumphrey for epeedtng. He cited Friday by city police In the 000 block of Main avenue north. Hall wna previously fined *25 and co5t^ and given 25 demerits 1June 11 for a stop aiRn violation id a |25 line for failure to obey traffic citation. On Aug. 8. he IS fined Sll and cosl.i and Riven 25 demerits by Judge J. O. Pum- phrey for speedlnR. The driver's license ol Donald . Martin. IB. 1151 Tcntli ave- ..ue east, was suspended for CO days and he wns fined <l& and coals Tuesday afternoon ^ Twin Falls Justice of the peace Robert E. Penco-for-ft-atop-algn-vlola- tlon. He was cited by Statfr Patrol- man Jim acrke_one_mlIe east.of Twin Palls on highway SO. Eldon L. Linder, route <. York. Nebr., was fined $10 and costs <CaaItna>d in rn(« li. Cal Body of Thtreu Gee. 15, Ilea in front of Lillian Waldo banalng project In Tfttr York where abe waa allot to death and.aCTcn other teen-agera trere sounded, of gaog warfare. FoUee raonded up 20 youngitera for queaUonlnc and aelxed a toy gun which had been modified to (Ire real eartridgea. The leader cif one of (he ganga naa charged with killing the girl. (NEA telephoto) Ike Receives Hero’s, Welcome, Repledges Backing of Germany BONN, Gcrmnny, Aup. 2G (/P)— President Eisenhower rcccivcd a hcro’n welcome tonipht in this land he once helped conquer and renewed his pledRO to stand by West Berlin In preserving its freedom against cotnmunist threats. Eisenhower, the first American president to visit West Germany, flew in from Wnshinjfton on the first leg of hifl personal diplomatic venture to Bonn, London and Paris. “The Amprlcnn peo- pie stand by your side," he told C h a n c e llo r Konrad Adenauer. ."In ttiy country the nauer has come to symbolize tlie determination of the Oerman peo- ple to remain strong and free. ••And the American people stand by your aide In Insuring lhat Uie loyal free people of free Berlin wijl like yourselves continue al- ways to enjoy Umf great privi- lege." Th# presldtnUal Jet plane land- ed at nearby v?ahn airport at 0:20 pjn. (12:20 pjn. EST) after a flight of OH hours from Washing- ton. This elapsed time Included an hour spent In « Newfoundland atop for refueling. The plane taxied toward a wel- Drowning Listed As Road Fatality BOISE, Aug. 20 uv-stat« poliee yesterday counted a Sandpoint drowning as a traffic fatality. The victim in the Incident Aug. 30 waa Eugene Job, 33. He and his wife were m a car which Itft High- way 3 about one mile south of Sandpoint and careened Into alough. . They scrambled atop the 'c Mrs. Job was rescued by boatmen but Job had disappeared In Ihe waVtr when they returned. Slat« police Supt. A. S. Perkins ruled Uint Job's dealh should be counted the KOth traffic (aUllty of the year. QUAKK RECORDCO 8AK DIEGO, Calif, Aug. 20 Ul —A sharp earthquake wiu.record- Id'U 'B ah Diego at 10:33 Ust night.- Boise Facing Flood Threat BOISE. Aug. 20 MWAnoUier flood, more dlastrous than a recent one that caused a half million dot. lars damage, Li possible here. City officials were waxned bj conservation and range experw here lhat new, heavy rains on tli eroded hills cast and north of th Idaho capital city, could be eve worse that the deluge of mUd and allt that h it last week. Blaine C. Morse, a.islstant stale conservationist of the .loll conser- vaUon ecrvice, said-thc first flood cut channels which would carry. Che water down Uie burned ovei hllLi morempldly now. In addition, he said, debris col- lected In the bottom of the clian- nels and Is "Just walling for an- other flood-'* The flood early Thursday acnt a wall of water down the hills and Into Boise rcaldentlal districts, fill- ing basementa with up lo seven feet of allt and spreading it over Iftwm. Rector Hopes Drive Against LDS Is Success CRAWLEY, England. Aug, '20 (iR—A British elergyman Iasi night .■utid he Ln confident that a local cliurch c.impalgn will prevent Uic LDS fnlUi from getUng a hold In tills English town. ‘The whole town now know* how Mormon missionaries are us- ing high pressure American sales- manship lo win eonverts,^^ said Rector Clifford Earwaker.of Itte Crawley .Parish church. EarwaKer, a Churdi of England parson. Is one of the local ctern' who have banded togetlier In the Crawley Chrlstlan'councll to wage n antl-LDS campaign. Tlie council, embracing Roman Catholic and Proteslant denoni' ilionsr lu camp.iign last week-end with an elRht-pttse booklet challenRlhi LDS tenchlivKS. "We feel this town is particu- larly vulnerable to new religious :»l>llndt<l *11 r>i* 2, Cotsmn cellor Kanrad Adenaui 'd of 1,500 lo 2,000 specu- tors waited In re.'ierved places and others w .............................. terraces. Just a-1 the plane halted a 31-sun sajntc Baseball Today NATIONAL LEAGWE San F^imclsco at Plttiburgh. Chicago at Clnclnnali and Mil- waukee at St. Louis, night games. Only.aames ochoduTed. AMERICAN LEAGUE Woslilngton _________ 1. 000 Detroit ............ ..... -______ 100 002 0 Kemmerer and Courtney; Bun- nlng and Berberet. New Y Cleveland, Bnlil- more„at Konaaa.'-Clty-and Boston at Chicago, night games, I Area Clubs Lose Beer Priviliges BOISE, Aug. 20 (UP!) — Por Uie first time, beer licenses have been suspended for peittJtUng person.s under 20 to loiter oh pre- mises of a’Sng beer, itate liquor law enforcement Director Warner Mills said yesterday. MllU said two Burley clubs lost their for a 30-day period. elJecUve Aug- 23. n ie licenses were laken away from Ros.* O. Jones, and Joyc 3- Rueker. doing business as the OasLi club, and Nieves BelUa, op- erator of the Blue Star club, Mllb.sald Uial all law enforce- ment agencies In Burley had prev- iously warned (he Blue Star club \X\fA RcUon wouW be taken against It If It continued to allow minors lo loiter there. There «[-as a burst of applause s Ihe President appeared a t the door. Adenauer approached. Elsenhow- • removed hla hat as a German band struck up the Star Spangled Banner. Hien the German anthem was played. The President and Secretary of Slat« Chrbtlan A- Herier, who flew from WaatilnRton with him, exchanged handahakea with Ade- nauer and the West German for- eign minister, Heinrich von Bren- tano. ■■■The enUre West German cabinet was at Uie airfield. The airport, 30 miles from the West German cApltai of Bonn, was decked with Its most festive dis- play. Tlic red. white and blue of the United states fluttered beside U>e' black, red and gold of West Germany. It Is the first Ume an American President haa ever visited Bonn, And It marks nlso-the flr« Ume American president haa been ted to German; Rgaiiwt which the ^ ha.1 fought two x tury. Qiinese Goal Fails Due to Bad Weather TOKYO, Aug. 23 (UPI)-Gooi- munlst Chlna^a powerful Central cotnmlttee today announced major cutbacks In producUoa s®ala for l!) Uie result of drought, floods jind lack of Industrial know-how. A communlqua lamed by Uie party committee admitted Its orig- inal tar^eu were too optimistic. Orotiglits, Floods Hit . Mainland China has been hit with terrible droughts and floods this year which have put a serious crimp In Uie communbts •‘great leap forward." The communique was the first official word lhat Uic committee had been In session. It said a plen- ilng.ha<Lbcca-liel4_tom Aug. 3 lo 10 In Lushan, southeaat* -n Kiangsl province^ RIao Prealdc* Committee Chairman Mao Ite- tung presided. It aafd. Text of the communique wa^ broadcast by the communist New China news agency. The cocnmlttee' dedded to roll back produeUon goals for atcel, coal, grain and cotton. It said a re-examlniUon of this yearns plan for derelopment of the naUonal economy found “that the original targets of this plan were somewhat too high and need to be appropriately reiljusled," ty in the past three months. It was exactly three months ago on May 25, lhat tlie hody of Mrs- Josephine Hollon. Ifl, Twin Falls, was found two and a hall miles northwest of Wendell. D r. • Hunt had been aliol once In the head and once In the body with a blunt Instrument, possibly a lus wrench, the aheriff said- HU.bodjr was found by Mick Hobdey. 32. farm employe of Mrs. Pred Graves, who noticed a 1950 red and gray Triumph aiatloawagon p a r k e d abaul ISO yards In the sagebrush off the county road while en route to work early Tuesday mftr"ln«. Hoodey saia Re returned to tha spot at 10:30 ajn. and stopped to check the car. He found H ont kneeling on the floor ea the right hand aide of the front aeat.^tb his head on the seat.- Anderson said Uier* w ar no IdentifleaUon on the body but the registration of the car w u checked with PorUand police. After an in- vesUgaUon Portland poUu noti- fied Anderson that Hunt had stayed at a rooming house In Port* land while working as a doctor of plant pathology with the foreat service Pacific Northwest forest and range eiperlment staUon. Anderson tald the landlady Identified In a ptsone conversaUon the ring worn by Hunt and the clothes he was wearing. ___ ____ The sheriff stated chat s e i^ - bors in the vicinity reported that they had hoUced the statlonwagon accompanied by a dark colored Oldanoblle, probably a 1MB to 1953 model, going Into Uie area ihout 7:30 or 8 pin. Monday. Deputy Guy p. Coles said a serr- Ice ataUon attendant at Mountala Home, some 48 miles west of whera tbe'bodjr was found, remembered seeing the car with only one per- son !& It. .Hie deputy said culteases,. a alecplng bag, portable radio, sev- eral suits, jackets and ahoet m ra. also taken from the car, since he had thoss belocgtflgs when he left Portland. •Also mlcslag. coles uld. was about >150 ta travelers checks tod billfold. Coles u ld BUnt was sot mar- ried. Sheriff Anderson reported Wed- nesday loamlng Uiat faint tiro tracks of anoUier car had been found between Uu lUtlonwagon and the county road. However, since the soil Is sandy, officers could determine, only Uuit the Urea mxt wtU worn, h* said. An autopsy peitoimed by Dr. Joseph Beetnan. Boise paUioloslst, determined that Hunt died some- time Monday afternoon or night of "■ * M r*n i. C*laia I) WindlTMed Off Texas Coast NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 2« (UPI) -A squally area carrying w »ds of 35 mUe« per hour w u located about 160 miles off Uie middle Texas coast early today, Uie New Orleans wealher-hurftau repnrM _______ The weaUier bureau In Its 9 ajn.- -- (EDT) weaUier bulleUn warned small cralt along the Texas and west Louisiana coasts to remain In port. The bureau said teas are rough and beachea awash. The bureau said there were no IndlcaUons yet Uiat Uie squalls would develop Into Uis teason'a alxUi tropical storm. Woman Drowns In Auto Mishap SWAN VALLEY, Aug. 30 (DPI) —A woman drowned today when the car in which ehe was riding pinrgca-ofrrrsmijtivijrartnJM miles south of here Into Snake river. The vlcUn\ was 8a«? O. TfoK' ley, 21, New Plymouth, who has been working at Kilgore. Air Force Tail Gunner Befriends Old Widow, Gets Mine Worth 40 Millions MERCED, calif., Aug. 20 (UPI) -An'alr force sergeant, tall gunner 1 a B-S2 Jet bomber, said today had inherited a multi-million dollar mercury mine In Aluka and loped to have It producing by next spring. . T/Sgt. Thomas L. Hewlett, 28, tlftUoned at-Cwllt alt force baac near here, disclosed ownership of the mine but said he planned to keep his JtBO a monUi Job in the air force despite appral.wls that Indi- cated his mine might be worth for- ty million dollar^. Howtett wiu given the_mlne by Nfrs. -C6?ft"Dlh5niore, Livtliigslon, Calif., widow of a prospector. ' Howlett and his wife, the for- mer Nova Mayberry, 16. daughter of a Merced county turkey grow- er, befriended Mrs- Diriamore and listened to her alorlea of,prospect- ing trips throughout the world. Her favorite was about a mercury mine in Alaska. In tht spring o! 19M Mra. Dlaa- niore showed the young couple a metal box containing a nup lo the mine. Five weeks before ahe died In June, 1058. she said they wvre to have the map and the mine her death. Last Muj.Jlowlett wld.Jie went to Alaska and restaked the tMne, finding I'lt “evea larger than the orlgUxal estimate'*, obtained by Mrs. Dlnsmore's husband, James, before he tiled In 1955- , -Mrs. DInimore said she and her husband were reluctant to. develop Uie mine because they didn't 'wan^ to get Involved In setting up a nnrsUnn.*’.llnnla»r-_M .Mtnta lost several -fortunes because of malfeasance In deals with part- The airman said he has formed the Polar Region Mining and De- velopment. corporaUon, a-family^ ownediinrvto-davelop-and operate Uie mine. Hie company Includ* . (CttUaut M It. Criiaa l> ’ H IG H LIG H TS in Todoy'i Timoi-N«ws Fag* 1-RIchfIeld girl UUed by truck, Solon would tend m a- rines to Laos, Clues sought In Gooding county murder, Presi- dent Elsenhower is given heroes welcome, Tall gunner Inherits Alaskan mine. Three more quake dead listed, Quake dam- age set at five million dollars. Page ^ R e x Allen and borta to attend Twin Second Term DecUlons.' Page 5—Camp Fire Girls work on Keep Idaho Green project Page 1~oirl selected u one of queens for fair. Page 9—Budge congratulated over reply to union official Page 10-Qlrl wins aUte ter contest Page li-Tlmes-Newa Wash- Jngtoo writer' visits exhibit In Moecow. Page U —-Hiaivywelght re - match- signed,' Oallfoniik mar sets American aulo speed r^- ord. Fish killed. i& itretch of UtUe Wood rinrv Page ls-.Bo«iltia eotU ex- pected to keep oa foing up. • Page-a-^arome fair results. am

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Page 1: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e

C riM E inedBy Truck in ¥ a l l 0 j t T o w M

RICHFIELD. A up. 2G— A fl-.vear-olil Richfield jr irl was killcii nt 10 a .m . W odiicstlay wlicn .sIk* (iarteil iiUo Ih o pa th nf a truck ill fro n t o f her ^'I'iuulnuitlier’s home iit th e in tc r- L iion of Blninc avenue um l Main slrocl in IVichfieUi. nfficcra said K ayla D iane Mae.slax, jiaiiKhlcr o f M r . and Mrj Chnrle-s (Chick) >Mac.s-j--------------- ^ ^ ------------------------------------------------

Cross Reports

Send Marines Into Laos, Solon Proposes; U. S. to GiveEund Aid toN ation

n narked car to foil ? i mndnioUicr. Mrs. Lucy Wll-

Bho hnd just c ra w d tlic Mrt. Wilson aivltl iWc filtl,

vlilllriK her. hod bi'cii in her yurd wlUi nelRhUor

Traffic Deatli Scoreboard'

Here li > comparison o( truf* Kc {iUUilES for 1W8 nnd 1059 lit UaRle Vftlley and lor llic raiire sute:iUtlc valley, 105B................ 21)iiu'.c Villey. JPW................ HIdjho, I M . ................... tM

- total U) dale..................U1

thliiren tr.i. she did no t r«aUtc ifct child wa* Rolnu to follow her.

Drtvcr ol the, lOM Intcm ntloim l pickup taick. Ctiarlps Edmond Cr«n. Curey. *»* trnvcllnR n l r.ot ccft lh»n 20 miles iicr liour. Ihc

speed Ihnlt. nccorJlnK tojiirtln Wlillescll. vUlnKc jiiftrshnl.

Tin child WHS tlirown about four /«[ by the impact, onicrrii wld, isd difd of I'Cftd Injuries, m ic irock traveled two feet nfter liU- l;cj ihe ctilld. Tlie clrl lived for tout 10 minutes,The Rlrl'* death Is tlie'3<lh trftf-

lit-iilfllHy M ade Valley ihLi car and the <ifUi in Lincoln eoun-

ir-Olhtr officer* A.*LilillnK In the In-

TtJil5»Uon were Dtnper,Uirtln county deputy sheriff: £.\trlff Tliomas Conner, and SWtc pjirclman Wllllftm Van Dj'ke.

to tddlllon to the parenU .. eiltrnal irrandmother Burvlvors L-dude three broUicrs. Dnvld Mfle-

. 10; Kent Mncstaa, .8 and DcutUs J o s e p h Maestas, i r

, ctoihi, and pntem al Rrandpar- ^ M r . and M rs.-Joe M acstu.

The body was taken lo McOoHU fli mBrtuarj'. Shoshone, where l£ tn i aminRcmcnla are pending.

3 More Quake DeadWEST Y ELLO W STO N E, Mont., Aun. 26 Red official saiil to d a y it appears th a t thrue Canadians can be pre.sunicd dead in the M ontana earthipiake. They a re Mr. and 5r.• . S y d n e y D. Callnrd and the ir .son, ChriH- tophcr, NcLsoii, B. C. T h e re are n ine known victim.s of the iiuaku and one'O ther p e r s o n —M rs. Thomas SU)we. Sandy, Ui^rtr— i.s presumed d e a d ; A ddition of the Nelson.s would ra ise the,known p ro b a b le death to ll of the Aup. 17 tem blor

|to i;i. Earlier, Mr. and Mrs. 'H en ry F. Bcfinett, Cotlon- [wood, Ariz., told interview ­ers they had been cjtmped near the Ballards at Roel; Creek eampRround — alwtc Uic m i Jot mounulnsllde roared down after tlie quake. damniUiR the Madison'

. river. Tlie Bennells said they had Ibecome friendly with the Ballards

BOZE.MAN. Mont.. AUR. 20 f^w !„nd are certain the Canmllr.n Red Cra<.i added 27 nnme.M amlly did not Mcnpe, Ttie DMIi.rd

42 Listed as Still Missing After Quake

Tli.■ye.nerday to Its 11*1 of pcrsoi about vi'hnin It ha.% rccclvcd In- qulrle.i and lin.i been unable to In-

Vlit Montana enrlhtiunke Tttcnlj'-Mvcn pcreon

, and v,fre dropped, mnk lUR the tolar 42.

names were added

^-W A S H IW G T O N rA o (p < ;c ( U H ) — ire r-S a T iu T M S . S l i 'a f ( < . i r iX r K ''\ '7 s a iT th c U n ited ' S t a t e s Hhould se n d m arinc.s a n d a n a i r c r a f t c a r r i e r t o h e lp tl ie K ovcrnn iun t of Laii!« (ie- f e a t c o m m u n is t j,’« c rr i! la s . iS tr a t t o n , a m e m b e r o f t h e lio u s e a n n e i i siT vice.i c o n im ittc e , m a d e th e p roposal in a sp e ec h p r e p a r e d f o r d e l iv e r y on th e flnur. H e m a d e lii s p ro jjo sa l a s o ffic ia l source.s d is c lo s e d th e U n ite d S ta te .s h a s ilc i-idud in K'ive L ao s e n ie r - :e n c y f in an c ia l help lo a rm 5 ,000 m o r e tro o i)H a n d m il i l ia tn e n lo d eal w itii (he com nni*

i i i s t R u e rrilla s . O ff ic ia ls .said th e U n i te d S t a t e s a n d L ao s a r e a g re e d th a t i l i re c l U . S . m i l i ta r y in te rv e n tio n i.s not. n eces.'^ ary to lia n d le th e s tc p ])e ii- iip red a t ta c k s . B u t S t r a t ­

to n s a id t h i s 'c o u n t r y m u s t ' ---------------— ----------------- - r—a c t “ sw if tly an<i firm ly " ti h a l t com m “nibblinfr' of f re e cou n trie s in Soulh ' e a s t A.sia.

"WU«.t. li htvppenlnK In Lroj,' he .laid, •ouRlit to be perfectly clear a lready to anybody familiar with th e connnunlsl pa ttern ofBRKrcsNlon."

He snld the dispatch of marhic forecs lo Laos tiiid tlie presence of an American carrier tnik force off the const of Iiidd 'C hlna w'ould "ko fa r lo make 11 clear th a t Amorle.i Is no t RolnK to stand by Idly while Klirushcliev a n d hl.i communLit m achine iry to lake over mare of the critica l Southea.^1 Asia area."

If th e .U nited Slates waJt-i loo lonR, he Mid, " liic coinmunlsl Ruer- rlllas m ny lii>ve taken over an­other key and crlilcal area of Soulhca.'.t Asia."

S lra tto n sa id Uie red.i have ::carly violated" the Ocnev:i

aRrecnicnl on malntalnlnR llic "Bialu.^ fiuo" In Indo-Chlnn. Kor lha t rpft.wi, h e said. •'«e have cver>- rlRlJt lo send lo Lao* to help

- the L aotian Rovcrnmcnl whtilever younR.iter was crlpplcd. force.i mny be nece.uary to pre-

O ther survivors ^ald earllff they .serve ih c lr freedom." ad seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e danRernus

couple and a cDpplciS Voy burled slluiitloii-i quickly when they oc-

Ihe r I of a

Clues Sought in DeathofMan,37,

In Gooding AreaGOODING. A uk. 2G— Officers w ere checkinff clues today to determ ine the Id en tity

o f tlie m u rd e r suspect in the death of D r. Jo h n H u n t, j r ., 37. p lan t patholoRist, w hoso body w as found Tue.-idav in his ca r w est o f here. GoodinR County Sheriff K eith A n- der.'ioii sa id Dr. H u n t had worked in I’orlland the p a s t five yea rs and was on ro u to to N ew H aven, ( 'onn., w here he was recently appoin ted a s s is ta n t profe.ssor n t Y ale

--------u n ivers ity . Thi.s was th e sec-.ond m urder in Goodinp coun-Teen-A"c “War” Ends in Girl’s Death

o ,

by Uie landslide.Fears have been eipre.ised tha t

others may be burled in Che slide. T he Red Cross tonllnued lo list

Shortage?iaiSE. AUR. 58 (U Pl) —

Bouthtm Idaho may face * : kIouj water shortaRe next year If conditions a re Uie rame m U«r were Ihts year. S ta te Rec- laullon EnRlneer Qeorne Car- tff «ld today.

'TTie sliuailon could be ex> tm elr bad," said Carter. "If LVre li ei Uttow-normal runoff tKt jear because ihere won’t t< any lioldover In the sloroRe .•nffTolrs.-

Cirter said th a t resrrvolr* on »!l_,ilie m njor drolnases In ftjihtm Idaho should be "near- Vfapty' nl the end of this Ir- "Mllon sea-wn.

Hoitver. he noted lh a t "we i a i Rfnernlly have two sJiort »itjr years, bu t It could hap- Prti,"

the Red CroM aald.The list:Sydney D. Ballard,

son; Nebon. B. C.Raymond Dallock, wife a n d two

children. Orland. Calif.B. L. Boynton and Wife, BlUlnRs.Dr. Merlle Edscrton a n d wife,

CoallnRa, Calif.Harold Ooodman, wife a n d two

sons. New York City.Mrs. Berr)-Ie Johnson a n d t'

sons, Trenton. N. J.Dr. Harold 8 . Murphy, w ife and

three children, no hometow n list' ed^ PenilsylTMli license p la t« or

I lnqulrle.n;'the Ballards officially o ) , unai

and react promptly m ilitary forces to bear." Etrai' t'.nllr<u.4 .11 }. c«l8inii <)


ffild Horse Bill— Is Sent to. Ike

k a s h jn g to n , Aue. 20 (upf-•^eMnale has pas.ied and sent ‘Ruldfnt Elsenhower n blit th a l ’J outlaw hun tlne of wild « on public lands o r ranires

. ‘ttplsne or automobile.!• »ould oullaw polsonlnc of

to trap the wild horses. KMle approved Uie measure

7'Hilirorse A n n lt" -a title rIv- Velma B, Johnston. Wads- Sev.-Ird Uie lonR eon-

-=MI flRht to save the van-hcrcl.

j t t Rif,v.ure wa.s aimed a t atop­ic l"f mar-i slaughter and cap-

Ifie animals by hunters who foe.canned p e l foods.!

piovldes penalUes of 1500 up to six monUis Im-

,^«fnt for viotalloM.

em iiassy f o r s a l e‘0!’'DOK, aur. 20 I^V-Tlje U. 8. ^5-mtnt took an advertLie- -■ m Die Times of London

^ * y lo announce ih iil It H embassy up for sale.

Jam es Peak, wife, friend, SaRlnaw, Mich.

RoRcr Provost, wife a n d two sons. Solldad, Calif.

Robert j . Williams, w ife and three children, Idaho Palls,

H am on Woods and wife. Coal- InRa. Calif.

Pred C. Wrobbel. -wife a n d two dauRhters. Roslclalre, III.

Tlie relatives of the WHUaai (Csmlnod M Fill -- ~ '

------ jcounled for.I One sIlRht tremor wna ftit in

w ife and West Vcllowstone about 7:15 a jn .today bul no dnmaRc was rejiortcd.

T lie U. S. foreji senice besan clearing a allde touched off Sun­day by a sharp Jolt. The slide blocks the road to summer homes

n tlie west side cf Hebgen lake. Tlie danger of floods was resird- 1 as past In the Mndlson canyon rea where the blR rock tltde

created a lake.W hile crews supervised by the

army corps of engineers eu i down the crcfit of the debrts-laden allde.

portable shortwave radio

Hard Rains Hurt Crops

BOISE. AUK. 58 (UPD—S evere aerlcullural loise.i were recorded

a smftll orca of southern Id ah o cloudbursts and hail p lagued

th a t necilon of Idaho last w eek . It,Rs repotted lod»y.However, the rain brouRht ....

end lo the drj' spell and reduced IrrlRatlon requirements In m any

the U.S. aRriculturc de-

Tlie agencies noted lh a t severe localized aRrlcultural o c cu r , red 'fro ih cloudbursts the n iR h t of AuR. ID In southwestern Id ah o , n l- thouRli the area "seriously Affect> ■ 1” was small.

Hall also resulted In some m l nor damaRe in other areas o f th e southern half of the state.

In souihcentral Idaho m a jo r tivltle.i Include harvesting eprlnR grains, second crop alfalfa, ptfts. liCpme tUTly poU lots small seed crops. £ome applen and peaches were picked In the T»-in Palls area. CulllnK of drj- benn.) for comblnini! started In T u 'ln PnlLi county.

Mexican Gulf Is Shaken in Quake

COATSZACOALCOS, M e x i c o . Aug.^20 M ^A stronff ea rth q u ak e shook this a u lf of Mexico p o r t early today Injurln* 17 person.^ and causing severe dam age t~ ro ad s 'an d port inntallalions.

Seven other persons were Ir lured in a nearby vlllaRc.

The shock was abo fe lt c Veracruz, 150 mile.'* lo llie n o r th ,

up on a nearby mounialntop, Vol' unteera will man it day and night.

The allde Is backing up Madison river water about tevcn miles downstream from HebRen dam, which woa dims^cd by the quake tha t look nine lives and Injured dosens.

Col. Waller'Hogrefc, Rlvertfate. N. D.. AUpervblng the work, sa'ld the rapidly filling lake already Is more .than 100 -feel deep and U filling a l the rate of 12 feet .per day.

In SIT,____ _______ ___________The" names of peopla still unre-

ported In the area since the quake -ow to ta l « . ihe Red Crtws said.

Twenty-three of the orlRlnal list J IIS were located yesterday, many o f them ihousanii of miles apart. In all, 73 people had been found. A Red Cross ipokraman Mid II. is posfilble some of U « <2 aUll mlsslnR were buried In lh» earthquake slides.

n e w s b u l l e t i n s^■STOn . T ex . Aug. 28 LB-The last aun'lvor of the Civil w ar -■T' ‘IG-year-old W alter Wlllioms. is ••eating regularly now’/ a n d

to Improve, reporta his daughter, Wlllle Mao Bowles.

'*Mll.\r.TON, Aug. SB ( u r i ) —House negoUatan o drafted ■ -

? ^ l Ie prepesed by fo u r

India, Aug. 20 (DPI)—Chinese communist troops h a v e Indifc ircm rtd -dom lnattd T lb tl , I ro m•ouicc.1 here.

Minn., Aug. 20 (UPD—The American Legion n a . rontrntlon today adopted a report ita tlng Chat racial dlacrlm - I" U'e Lc^on^a 40 and * aubaldlary la unlawful

Aug. 28 (tn>I)-l>avM J . McDonald, prejldenl o f th e t , °<eclw(irkeni of America, re lum ed to the bargaining ta b le

^ W fy a e g m lB to n -to d sy -re rlh f r -f ir s fU m t «loe« A u i. '7 .------

QuakeLosses Top 5 Million

WEST YELLOWCTONE, Mont.,Ug. 2B Ifl —DamaRe from last

week's earthquake was estimated yesterday a t more than five and oneOialf million dollars with the figure expected lo mount when all properly losses are sur^’eyed.

The fcillmate was made by Mon­tana's congre.ulonal delegation, which urged Qov. J . Hugo Aron­son to declare Madison canyon a disaster area. The governor said he will make a decision probably Friday.

Lou to national forests mated a t »SOO.OOO. The congress membera^a report aho said three to four million dolbrs would be required to rebuild 20 miles ol slate highway 1.

The report quoted Conrad Wlrth, director of the national park serv­ice. as aaylng damage to Yellow- Slone nnUonal park would reach two million-dollars. The park Is soulh ond east of Madison canyon, where quake-caused slides Aug. 17 killed nine persona and tnjuced more th a n 30 other*.

Filer Man Is Fined in T.F For Speeding

D river'* licen.-iea of Jerry Wobb. 15. and G erald Mayes, 1C. both Kazellon, were au.^pcnded for 00 days by Burley Police Judge Henry Tucker T uw day lor rtckle&& <irlv- Ing. T licy were d ie d by Burley Po. lice O fficer D on Odom and Ber­nard B radshaw .

Charles M. Robbins, 31, Durley, and D ora D.- Obien, 20. Heybum, were fined *50 a n d co:,t« each and given 30 demerit.-» Tuesday by Bur­ley Juatice of Ihe Peace, Ann Par­ish <or reckless delving. Their driver's licenses were au.-spcnded for 30 days. Tliey were cited by Stale P atro lm an AJarvJn J. Snyder.

VIrdus J . Hnll, 20, Filer, was fined S13 and cants and Riven 30 demcrlW T uesday afternoon by Twin Fnlla Po lice . Judge J . ‘ Pum phrey for epeedtng. He cited Friday by c ity police In the 000 block o f M ain avenue north.

H all wna previously fined *25 and co5t^ and given 25 demerits

1 June 11 for a stop aiRn violation id a |2 5 line fo r failure to obey traffic citation . On Aug. 8. he IS fined S ll a n d cosl.i and Riven

25 dem erits by Judge J . O. Pum- phrey fo r speedlnR.

T h e driver's license ol Donald . M artin . IB. 1151 Tcntli ave-

..ue east, was suspended for CO days and he wns fined <l& and coals T uesday afternoon ^ Twin Falls Ju stice of th e peace Robert E. P enc o -fo r-ft-a to p -a lg n -v lo la- tlon. He w as cited by Statfr P atro l­m an Jim acrke_one_m lIe east.o f Tw in P a lls on highway SO.

Eldon L. L inder, route <. York. Nebr., w as fined $10 and costs

<CaaItna>d in rn(« li. Cal

Body of T h treu Gee. 15, Ilea in front of Lillian Waldo banalng project In Tfttr York where abe waa allot to death and.aCTcn other teen-agera trere sounded, of gaog warfare. FoUee raonded up 20 youngitera for queaUonlnc and aelxed a toy gun which had been modified to (Ire real eartridgea. The leader cif one of (he ganga naa charged with killing the girl. (NEA telephoto)

Ike Receives Hero’s, Welcome, Repledges Backing of Germany

BONN, Gcrmnny, Aup. 2G (/P)— P re s id e n t E isenhow er rcccivcd a hcro’n welcome to n ip h t in th is land h e once helped conquer and renew ed h is pledRO to stan d by W est B erlin In preserving its freed o m a g a in s t co tnm unist th rea ts . E isenhow er, th e f i r s t A m erican president to v is it W est G erm any, flew in from W nshinjfton on th e f i r s t leg of hifl personal diplom atic v en tu re to B onn, London and P aris. “T he Amprlcnn peo-

p ie s ta n d b y y ou r side," he told C h a n c e l l o r K onrad A denauer.

." In ttiy country the nauer h as come to symbolize tlie determ ination of the Oerman peo­ple to rem ain strong and free.

••And the American people stand by your aide In Insuring lh a t Uie loyal free people of free Berlin wijl like yourselves continue a l­ways to enjoy U m f great privi­lege."

T h# presldtnU al Jet plane land­ed a t nearby v?ahn a irport a t 0:20 p jn . (12:20 p jn . EST) a fte r a fligh t of OH hours from W ashing­ton. T his elapsed time Included an hou r spen t In « Newfoundland atop for refueling.

T he plane taxied toward a wel-

Drowning Listed As Road Fatality

BOISE, Aug. 20 uv -sta t« poliee yesterday counted a Sandpoint drowning as a traffic fatality.

The victim in the Incident Aug. 30 waa Eugene Job, 33. He and his wife were m a car which Itft High­way 3 about one mile south of Sandpoint and careened Into alough. .

They scrambled atop the 'c Mrs. Job was rescued by boatmen bu t Job had disappeared In Ihe waVtr w hen they returned.

Slat« police Supt. A. S. Perkins ruled Uint Job's dealh should be counted the KOth traffic (aUllty o f the year.


—A sharp earthquake wiu.record- Id 'U 'B ah Diego a t 10:33 Ust night.-

Boise Facing Flood Threat

BOISE. Aug. 20 MWAnoUier flood, m ore dlastrous than a recent one th a t caused a half million dot. la rs dam age, Li possible here.

City officials were waxned bj conservation a n d range experw here lh a t new, heavy rains on tli eroded h ills cast and north of th Idaho cap ita l city, could be eve worse th a t the deluge of mUd and allt th a t h i t last week.

B laine C . Morse, a.islstant stale conservationist of the .loll conser- vaUon ecrvice, s a id - th c first flood cu t channels w hich would carry. Che w ater down Uie burned ovei hllLi m o re m p ld ly now.

In addition, he said, debris col­lected In th e bottom of the clian- nels and Is "Just walling for an ­o the r flood-'*

T he flood early Thursday acn t a wall of w ater down the hills and Into Boise rca ldentlal districts, fill­ing basem enta w ith up lo seven feet of a llt and spreading it over Iftwm.

Rector Hopes Drive Against LDS Is SuccessCRAWLEY, England. Aug, '20

(iR—A British elergyman Iasi n ight .■utid he Ln confident that a local cliurch c.impalgn will prevent Uic LDS fnlUi from getUng a hold In tills English town.

‘T h e whole town now know* how Mormon missionaries are us­ing high pressure American sales­manship lo win eonverts,^^ said Rector Clifford Earw aker.of Itte Crawley .Parish church.

EarwaKer, a Churdi of England parson. Is one of the local ctern ' who have banded togetlier In the Crawley Chrlstlan'councll to wage

n antl-LD S campaign.Tlie council, embracing Roman

Catholic and Proteslant denoni' ilionsr

l u camp.iign last week-end with a n elRht-pttse booklet challenRlhi LDS tenchlivKS.

"We feel this town is particu­larly vulnerable to new religious

:»l>llndt<l *11 r>i* 2, Cotsmn

cellor K anrad Adenaui'd of 1,500 lo 2,000 specu-

tors waited In re.'ierved places andothers w ..............................terraces.

Ju s t a-1 the plane halted a 31-sun sajntc ■


San F^imclsco a t Plttiburgh. Chicago a t C lnclnnali and Mil­waukee a t S t . Louis, night games. Only.aam es ochoduTed.

AMERICAN LEAGUEWoslilngton _________ 1. 000D etroit ............ ..... -______ 100 002 0

K em m erer and Courtney; Bun- nlng and Berberet.

New Y o rk .a t Cleveland, Bnlil- m ore„at Konaaa.'-C lty-and Boston a t Chicago, n igh t games,


Area Clubs Lose Beer Priviliges

BOISE, Aug. 20 (UP!) — Por Uie first time, beer licenses have been suspended for peittJtUng person.s under 20 to loiter oh pre­mises of a place .sm ’Sng beer, ita te liquor law enforcement Director W arner Mills said yesterday.

MllU said two Burley clubs lost the ir for a 30-day period. elJecUve Aug- 23.

n i e licenses were laken away from Ros.* O. Jones, and Joyc 3- Rueker. doing business as the OasLi club, and Nieves BelUa, op­era tor of the Blue Star club,

M llb.sald Uial all law enforce­m ent agencies In Burley had prev­iously warned (he Blue S tar club \X\fA RcUon wouW be taken against It If It continued to allow minors lo loiter there.

There «[-as a burst o f applause s Ihe P resident appeared a t the

door.A denauer approached. Elsenhow- • removed hla h a t as a German

band struck up the S tar Spangled Banner.

H ien th e G erman anthem was played.

The President and Secretary of S lat« C hrb tlan A- H erier, who flew from WaatilnRton w ith him, exchanged handahakea with Ade­nauer and the W est German for­eign m inister, H einrich von Bren- tano.■■■The enUre W est G erman cabinet was a t Uie airfield.

The airport, 30 miles from the W est Germ an cApltai of Bonn, was decked w ith Its most festive dis­play. Tlic red. white and blue of the United s ta te s fluttered beside U>e' black, red and gold of West Germany.

I t Is th e first Ume an American President haa ever visited Bonn, And It m arks nlso-the f l r « Ume

American president haa been ted to German;

Rgaiiwt which th e ^ha.1 fought two x tury.

Qiinese Goal Fails Due to Bad Weather

TOKYO, Aug. 23 (U PI)-G ooi- munlst Chlna^a powerful Central cotnmlttee today announced major cutbacks In producUoa s®ala for l!) Uie result of drought, floods jind lack of Industrial know-how.

A communlqua lamed by Uie party committee admitted Its orig­inal ta r^eu were too optimistic.

Orotiglits, Floods H it .Mainland China has been h it

w ith terrible droughts and floods this year which have put a serious crimp In Uie communbts •‘great leap forward."

The communique was the first official word lh a t Uic committee had been In session. I t said a plen-

ilng.ha<L bcca-liel4_tomAug. 3 lo 10 In Lushan, southeaat*

-n Kiangsl province^RIao Prealdc*

Committee Chairman Mao I te - tung presided. I t aafd.

Text of the communique wa^ broadcast by th e communist New China news agency.

The cocnmlttee' dedded to roll back produeUon goals for atcel, coal, grain and cotton.

I t said a re-examlniUon of this yearns plan for derelopment of the naUonal economy found “th a t the original targets of th is plan were somewhat too high and need to be appropriately reiljusled ,"

ty in th e p a s t th ree m onths.I t w as exactly th ree m o n th s ago on May 25, lhat tlie hody of Mrs- Josephine Hollon. Ifl, Tw in Falls, was found two and a h a ll miles northwest of Wendell. D r. • H unt had been aliol once In the head and once In the body w ith a blunt Instrument, possibly a lu s wrench, the aheriff said- HU.bodjr was found by Mick Hobdey. 32. farm employe of Mrs. Pred Graves, who noticed a 1950 red and gray T rium ph aiatloawagon p a r k e d abaul ISO yards In the sagebrush off the county road while en rou te to work early Tuesday mftr"ln«.

Hoodey saia Re returned to th a spot a t 10:30 a jn . and stopped to check the car. He found H on t kneeling on the floor ea the r ig h t hand aide of the front a e a t .^ t b h is head on the seat.-

Anderson said Uier* w a r no IdentifleaUon on the body b u t the registration of the car w u checked w ith PorUand police. After an in - vesUgaUon Portland poUu n o ti­fied Anderson tha t Hunt h a d stayed a t a rooming house In Port* land while working as a doctor o f p lan t pathology with the foreat service Pacific Northwest forest and range eiperlment staUon.

Anderson tald the landlady Identified In a ptsone conversaUon the ring worn by Hunt and theclothes he was wearing. ___ ____

The sheriff stated chat s e i ^ - bors in the vicinity reported th a t they had hoUced the statlonwagon accompanied by a dark colored Oldanoblle, probably a 1MB to 1953 model, going Into Uie area ih o u t 7:30 or 8 p in . Monday.

Deputy Guy p. Coles said a s e rr - Ice ataUon attendant a t M ountala Home, some 48 miles west of whera tbe 'bodjr was found, remembered seeing the car with only one p e r­son !& It.

.H ie deputy said culteases,. a alecplng bag, portable radio, sev­eral suits, jackets and ahoet m ra . also taken from the car, since he had thoss belocgtflgs when h e le ft Portland.

•Also mlcslag. coles u ld . was about >150 ta travelers checks to d

billfold.Coles u l d BUnt was so t m a r­

ried.Sheriff Anderson reported W ed­

nesday loam lng Uiat faint tiro tracks of anoUier car had been found between U u lUtlonwagon and the county road. However, since th e soil Is sandy, officers could determine, only Uuit the Urea m x t wtU worn, h* said.

An autopsy peitoimed by Dr. Joseph Beetnan. Boise paUioloslst, determined th a t Hunt died some­tim e Monday afternoon or n igh t of

"■ * M r* n i. C*laia I)

WindlTMed Off Texas Coast

NEW ORLEANS, Aug. 2« (UPI)-A squally area carrying w » d s of

35 mUe« per hour w u located about 160 miles off Uie middle Texas coast early today, Uie New O rleanswealher-hurftau repn rM _______

The weaUier bureau In Its 9 a jn .- -- (EDT) weaUier bulleUn warned small c ra lt along the Texas and west Louisiana coasts to remain In port. The bureau said teas are rough and beachea awash.

The bureau said there were no IndlcaUons yet Uiat Uie squalls would develop Into Uis teason'a alxUi tropical storm.

Woman Drowns In Auto Mishap

SWAN VALLEY, Aug. 30 (DPI) —A woman drowned today when the car in which ehe was riding p in r g c a - o fr r r s m i j t iv i j ra r tn J M miles south of here Into Snake river.

T he vlcUn\ w as 8a«? O . TfoK' ley, 21, New Plymouth, who has been working a t Kilgore.

Air Force Tail Gunner Befriends Old Widow, Gets Mine W orth 40 M illions

MERCED, calif., Aug. 20 (UPI) -An'alr force sergeant, tall gunner 1 a B-S2 Jet bomber, said today

had inherited a multi-million dollar mercury mine In A luka and loped to have It producing by next

spring.. T /S gt. Thomas L. Hewlett, 28, tlftUoned a t-C w llt a lt force baac near here, disclosed ownership of the mine but said he planned to keep his JtBO a monUi Job in the air force despite appral.wls that Indi­cated his mine might be worth for­ty million dollar^.

Howtett wiu given the_mlne by Nfrs. -C6?ft"Dlh5niore, Livtliigslon, Calif., widow of a prospector.

' Howlett and h is wife, the for­m er Nova Mayberry, 16. daughter of a Merced county turkey grow­er, befriended Mrs- Diriamore and listened to her alorlea of,prospect­ing trips throughout th e world. Her favorite was about a mercury m ine in Alaska.

In t h t spring o! 19M Mra. Dlaa- niore showed the young couple a m etal box containing a n u p lo the m ine. Five weeks before ahe died In June, 1058. she said they wvre to have th e m ap and the mine h e r death.

L as t M u j.J lo w lett w ld .J ie w ent to Alaska and restaked th e tMne, f inding I'lt “evea larger th a n the

orlgUxal estimate'*, obtained by Mrs. Dlnsmore's husband, Jam es, before he tiled In 1955-

, -Mrs. DInimore said she and her husband were re luctan t to. develop Uie mine because they didn 't 'wan^ to get Involved In setting up annrsUnn.*’.llnnla»r-_M .Mtnta

lost several -fortunes because of malfeasance In deals with p a r t-

The airm an said h e has form ed the Polar Region Mining and De­velopment. corporaUon, a -fam ily^ ow nediinrvto-davelop-and opera te Uie mine. H ie company Includ* . (C ttU aut M I t . C riiaa l> ’

H I G H L I G H T S i n

Todoy'i Timoi-N«wsFag* 1-RIchfIeld girl UUed

by truck, Solon would tend m a ­rines to Laos, Clues sought In Gooding county murder, Presi­den t Elsenhower is given heroes welcome, Tall gunner Inherits Alaskan mine. Three more quake dead listed, Quake dam ­age set a t five million dollars.

Page ^ R e x Allen and b o r ta to a ttend Twin

Second T erm DecUlons.'Page 5—Camp Fire Girls w ork

on Keep Idaho Green p ro jec t Page 1 ~ o i r l selected u one

of queens for fair.Page 9—Budge congratulated

over reply to union official Page 1 0 -Q lrl wins aUte

te r con test Page li-T lm es-N ew a Wash-

Jng to o w riter' visits exhibit In Moecow.

Page U — -Hiaivywelght r e ­match- signed,' Oallfoniik m ar se ts American aulo speed r ^ - ord. Fish killed. i& itre tch of U tU e Wood rin rv •

Page ls- .B o « iltia eotU ex­pected to keep o a foing up. •

P a g e -a -^ a ro m e fair resu lts.

a m

Page 2: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


Ques Sought In Murder in Gooding Aiea

(Fnm O f) he#d wounda catuwl by the bulleU.

Anderaon *aJd no m o tlm eould be found by h li o»lco oUicr than

- ...... - -a-iijrvtctim -IiiB lno bllirold o r Idcnurieatlon.

AssUlluK III the invcsllgallon , ,1 were Oocdlng county ProiecMng I i' Attorney Cecil p . Hobdey. Dtpuly

'* Bheritr Bill Dunn and Wtndell Chief of police Bill Austin.

I H unt »aa gradualed from flicDnlverslly of Waililngtoii eoUcse of forestry In 1049 and held « ttflchlnn fellowship there until 1B51. when h e retelved a maiter*

^ degre* in botany,■■■ F T o m -n sr to lO S fH u n f war-a ,

N£»;8t«t<. Unlvcrully coiIckc* or fiJCT estry. Syracuse, N. V. He obtained^ i * « in^i rhj»n . ”

Weather, T e m p e r ^ f es~MAGIC V A LLEy-PartJy eloody tonlcht and lo a o rro n w ith k few

•caUered ihow en and thnnder»how*n. Not an eh te w p e r tJ iw c I m i j . Illlb tomorroir 82 to U ; toir ton ifb l M t« U . 1 ^ la i t a l f b l «T, 62 a t t mJO. and 74 a t noon.

NORTHERN IDAHO—Partly cloudy tonight. Mostly cloudy tcmor- rov with tcaltered a h o v m by afi«moon or evening. A little cooler wlih a high tomorrow of 68 to 10; low tonight 50 to 00.

nV E-DAV \VEATirER, THURSDAY TH fl6irOirW Om 7AT-:^Tem- pcraiurca avemglnic near normal In wjuthern Idaho. A few acallered nhowers or ihunderahowera. High temperaiurci mostly 72 to 82, m e p t 78 to 8S In souUieosiem Idaho.

HUllonAlUnr ... ................................... .......An,hut.itAllinlaIllllirolll.ra .ffk-----------

U a t U l * — -

doctorate there In 1051. Uien , .........Joined Uie U. 8 . forest scrvlce atp«iroii ........Portland. ;«.t w oitu ...

Hunt wM a na>7 ’ plIot In the _ phljjpplne th e a te r during WorlijH„;,„iuiu »-ar II. iBiii.n.p

The Ooodlnu county i.herlir« of- ••lice learned W ednesday. In Infor- i„ |,„ - niaUon received from Oregon, U ia t|j« Anttin .D r. Hunt hnd American Expreu|Lo«i” in* .....Traveler# cheelcs on him '

JHIw.ulw ....- ....... ...Mlnn>irull>-.SU l-tui . N .- -----------

l’>vo»nl« ----- ------------l;iV»Vgrj|li ....... ......

litirlm . U.UI. . ----- ---- - »■

numbers 47-437-300 to 47-437-408 Inclusive. T h e checka are all $20

•1 denomination. i[I Dr. H unt nlso had a Shell Oil i) ecjupjiny cre'dlt enrd In hb j ‘ session. I t Is No. 384650990.

The dead professor's father. Rev. John H unt, sr.. DelllnRhiun, Wash.. MentJfled lil/i sen by a scar on the face and other tentjtlve IdenUtlcatlon Tuesday night In « phono conversation with Ander son.

Officers were checking Wednes­day any possible connection tween Dr. H unt's death and . apparent m urder of Arthur Paul' sen, 50, Spokane aluminum plant worker, »ho was found dead enr/y Sunday in tiia vrccked c .v in the G reat Nortliem railroad yards northsast.of SpoJcanc.

Police there have questioned tecn*ase youth and 18 tran-^lenU and have notified Qoodlng otfleerj, bu t Spokane police said they dlC no t know i t there was any coD'

II nectlOQ between tlie t« o cases.II The body of Dr. H unt will be || sen t by 'niom pson chapei to the y Jones funeral home, Beillngham,

Wftah, for funemJ services.

I Wilt

BickelPTA’s Boai’d Names Work Units

New committees were named at u executive board meeting of the Biekel PTA M onday n lsh t a t tbe Ralph Olmslead home.

Officers fo r the coming year t r e Mr. and Mrs. K enneth John- <ton. co-preslden(«; Mr. and Mn. R alph Olmstead, co-vlee presi­dents; Mrs. Dean Pattcnon . ie«» retary ; Bernard Ruffing, treas­urer; Mrs. Bernard Rultlng, hot lunch treasurer, and Mrs.,Beulah WliUe, ho t lunch chairman.

D uties o f the new ehalrmen were explained by Johnston to Mr. and M n, Jw nea Nixon.;r» and budget; Mrs, Paul Bnndy, F ou n a eft day; J lr j . .-Jo ta roc!. hospitality: Mrs. Ivnri Lang, sum* w er roundup; Mm. tloyd Buxton, legislation; Mrs, Melvin Van Noy, membership: Mrs, Oean Davu. special project! Mrs. 'WlUlam Pow- e l, procedure book; Mrs. Merlin Foster, Camp Ftre Representa- Uve: Robert Beer, Cub Scout rep-

, I'j resentatlve: Mrs. A rthur E. Breen* ], |,t S e r . publicity; Kenneth Shew, safe-

t i'T ty ; Mrs, Ju lian Johnson and Mrs. I I ' June Oimstead. room mother, anti , • Ju lian Johnson, magazine,I' ■ I ■ The board made plans to have

• f low en In each claaaroom the /irsl ;;j day of school, A coffee hour for

} in t grade mothers will be held . ' ' I ' i Sept. I. Members of the board will

') . ' fkid In colIeeUng book rental fees • • . ■ th e first tw o days of school. The

fees are J4.50, book rental and I ‘ II III S1.10 Insurance fee for those wLili-

in g l t .i ^ te a .fo r all t e a c h e r s

: ii' y i planned fo r Sept. B Program r gestlonj fo r the year weroU*i i|)l cussed. H o t lunch program at

Khool will beijln Aug. 31. a t $IJ5 trtP week, payable en Mondays. Milk Kill be arallnbie { children brlnRlng sack lunches.

PTA Will Honor Teachers at Tea

RICHTIELD, Aug. 20 — Supt, WUIIivm K ylfs reports a get ac­quainted coffee hour a t 8 am. Thursday In room eight In llie hl«h school,

Arrnngements are being made by the PTA executive botxrd with liie fneuJjy and echooi ticwrd rafmljera as RursU,

At 9 a.m. the new suprrlntendent will meet with te.ichcrs for an or­ientation prOCToni,

KylM Mrfii^cd th a t first gnde students m ust be C years old beiore Oct. 15, in order ii> rn tc r .vhooJ.

Richfield whooli wiU open Tues­day with sU rtlng Ume 8;40 am.

I V ] > T ^e hot lunch c.ifeterla will open

BlfffL — f\jn e ra l services tor Samuel E. Crlsmor wlli be held a t 2 p jn . Thursday a t the First Pres- byterlan churcii w ith Dr. John N. Macintosh, p a s t o r , officlaUnR lOOP rltuollstlc r iu s will be held a t tho Buhl cemetery with Henry Rod!?, roblo grand, offjcjatin* Prienda may can a t the Albertion funeral home u n til time of i ices.

BUHL — Funeral services for M ti. Vnd* Ann W ebb will be held flt 10 a-n). T hursday a t the Al* bertson Memorial chapel with the Rev. M. M. Matlock, pastor of the Buhl N atarene church, officiating. Final rices wili be ijeld in the BuhJ cemetery. Friends m ay call a t the funeral home u n til Ume ol services.

JEROME — G raveside servleei for Henry C. Eggelus. Pocatello, will be conducted a t 7 p jn . W ed­nesday a t th e Ooodinir cemetery. Services win be under direction of Jerome M awnle lodge No. 01. AP and AM. The fam ily suggeiU m e­morial be m ade to th e heof( fund.

HAZELTON — Funeral services for Mrs. O m ce Bell Ullyv.'tilte will be held a t 2 p . m . Tliursday at lhe’ L D 6 'church In H o ie ltn n w ith niahop Jam es Christophtrson of* ficlatlng. PVfends m ay caJi a t the Weaver m ortuary. Wendell, until

Rlchfleld\i eompletr fwulty will be announced followlnc the Tlmrs- day meeilng of the board,

IKKNICE. France. Aug, :a (,t\_air

•Winston Churchill nrob^blr uLll f ly to London ta viii:b is old m end. Presidenter. a metnbcr of Churchill's tourage said yesterflny.

M agic Valley Funerals

Sfllon Urges MarinesOo" To Laos Aid

IfrvB r » f t On*)Ion said. “aJJ our ajllllona we *pend,

. standing troops and sailing forces aren't going to help us one

■ little bll,"-O ffldJifs-aald-the-O .-S^dacisioa to help the L aotian Rovemment Is expected te be formally o.nnounced lairr today. B u t they salU the an ­nouncement is n o t llkciy to m en­tion the 5,000-man Increase In the s lu of the force or the cost of the emencency aid.

But they said the t^nlted States till fool the entire bill, including

pay and the cost of uniforms and other equipment. The present 25,- 000-raan L aotian army is entirelyfinanced-by U _fi. a i d . . . _____ _ ,

Prealdent E lse o h w er approved the-bosle poIlcytfdacUlon y u lc r d ^

TTjursday nswa and a t th e H aiel- ton chiirch from 1 p. m . Thursday until Ume of services. Th'b family suggests contributions to multiple sclerosis. lidAt rites will be held in the Hazelton cemetery.

RUPERT — Funeral aerviees for Earl Banbter will be held a t 10

.... Thursday a t th e W alk tuary chapel with W alte r Btram, ChrlffUon church m inlaK r, otllclat- Ing, Concluding rites w ill be held m the Rupert cemetery.

TWIN FA LM — F u n e ra l serv- Ices for Thomas E, Fyke will be held a t 10 a m . T hu rsday a t Rey­nolds funeral chapel w ith the Rev. Ralph FotherRlll. Je rom e M ethod­ist church. offlelatlnR. F inal rites will be held a t S u n set Memorial pork.

JEROME—Funeral eervlces for M n . Katie May S t ra tto n will be held a t 2 p.m, Ttiu faday a t the Jerome LDS second w ard w ith Bishop H. Tliomaa N ew m an offl* elating. Final rites w ill be held ot the Jerome cemetery, m e n d s may call a t the Wiley fu n e ra l chapel untfl time of services.

RUPERT— Funeral eervlces for Ray etew-art will be h e ld a t 2 p. m. Friday a t the W alk m ortuary chapel. Ooncloding r ite a will be In the R u p ^ cemetery.

M agic Valley Hospitals

Twin Falls News in Brief Sector HopesDrive.-Against

M a g i c y a l l c y M e m o r i a lVlslUng hours In the maternity

'wards are from 2 t<j 4 and 7 to 8 pjn,; In all others, from U a jn . to 8 p jn .

ADMITTEDHarold BllllnK«. H arry L. Beer.

John Santos, Mrs. Charles J.'HeT frecht, Mrs. Gordon Sternke. Lewi K aclt and Mr*. J a m « Olenn. all T ttln Falls; William Robert Jasper, Filer; M nrgaret Qlenn, Kimberly; Charles phllllps, Heybum; Sharon Etelielberger, Buhl; Thomas u tte r - back. MurtauRh. and Mrs. Arthur Gordon, PorUand, Ore.

DI9MrSSED Mrs. Ronald Lancaster and

..Jrs. Duane Oowland and son. Scott Jacobs. H elen Woolery. Mr». Grover Selman. Pnye* Baelso. Mrs. Edwin Lloyd. William Weir. Frank Stone. Deborah Baisch, Mrs. John BerUe and daughter and Jerry MIchener. a ll Tw in Falls; Mrs. Er*

Lent and daughter, Judy Sclilffler. George pubanx and Sherry Llermnn, a li FlJer; Clyde Mercer. Mrs. Vernon R.. AJcCrnck-

Leatcr McNeil and Mrs. James .Ambroiie and eon. all Buhl DwiKht nandell. ’Klmbcriy. anc Fted Aste, Ogden.

DIUTHS Daughters were bom Wedne.idfly

to Mr. and Mrs. H erbert Thleme and to Mr. and Mrs. James Glenn, all T ttln 'P a lls . A ^on w»* bom lyienday to Mr. and Mrs. Bobby E. Collins, CftsUeford.

Youths Injured In Road Mishap

SHOSHONE. Aug. 28 - T»o youths were Injured slightly when the CM In which they were riding leit the road and went Into the bar.

pit a t 12:30 a.m. Monday fire miles north ot the Ice Caves. Sho- siiofie.

Dunne D. Will. Jerome. 18. whc ns drlvlnc a 1051 Chevrolet own*

ed by Dan Will, snld he fell asleep and .the c a r w ent off the rond 'lo the rlRhU I t traveled 210 feet and went Into an embankment 20 feet deep.

H e and his companion. Richard Arlan Davl.i. 20. Quincy. 111., were both t.iken to the Hailey wiiere thev received treatm ent for slight InluflM.

Patrolm an WllUrd Baker, who Investigated, c.itlm'ated dam- ages to th e car a t J500.

S t . B e n e d i c t ’s , J e r o m evisiting hours a t S t. B entd lcf

.ospltal a re from a to 4 and from 7 to 8 pm ,

ADJUTTEDMr«. Charlie Stokesberry, Filer;

DorreH Eda-nrds a n d Lucretla Johnson, both Jerom e.

DISMISSED Clarence Mink, Qoodlng, and

Mrs. JInV Norton and son and Mrs, Frank E. Davis, bo th Jerome.

DHITHS A son was bom to M r. and Mrs.

M an’ln Proboseo, B uhl.

G o o d i n g M e m o r i a lVl.Utlng hour.^ a t Oooding Me­

morial hospltol a re fro m 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 pm ,

ADMITTED Mrs, Rn>Tnond S h o r t and Mrs.

Mike Hocklander. b o th Ooodlng. DISMISSED

Booker phipp-i. Fairfield.u iR -n is

A daughter was bom to Mr, and Mrs. Mike K ocklander, Gooding.

C o t t a p e , B u r l e yVW llnj hours a t Cottage hospl- il are from 2:30 to 4 and from

7 10 8 pm .ADMITTED

M u. LiJa Cole. L«ur« IJ/ir- greaves, both poul; M rs. Marlene Neunieyer, Mrs, M argare t Mench- am. • Ricfcy-Johnson, a ll ,Burley; Mrs, Kathleen Moyes. Onkley; Mrs. coy McGuire, Heyburn,

DISMISSED M n, Florence G underson and

M n. Opal Funk, bo th Burley, BIRTHS

A Mn was bom to M r. and Mrs. Wes Neumeyer, Dueley.

M i n i d o k a C o u n t yVisiting hours n t Minidoka

County ho-iplt-il jfire fron to 8 pm.

ADMITTEDMr«, Buddy W ard. .Mnll.i, and

Jack Kerbs, Rupert.DISMISSED

Mrs. Alan Duffln and daughler. Rupert; Mrs. Buddy W ard, Mnlt.i, and .Mrs. Ray Rasma'.sen ‘

agrees wiUi Laos th a t direct miii- tary Intervention by U. S. or Southeast Asia Treaty organiza­tion ISEATO) forces Is no t neces* » ry to deal w ith the stepped*up communist guerrilla attacks.

These officials said they knew no basis for » report th a t the United States woe sounding out Its SEATO Bllles on their a ttitude about sendlns in an expeditionary force If the L aotian Kovemment loses ground to the rebels.

But the L aotian government's epecM representative, Ngon San- anlkone, has warned th a t his g o v emment faces collapse If the munitt-lnspired rebellon Is >on stamped out,Sananlkone, th e brother of the

prime minister of Laos, told s ta te department officials In a 3S-mln- ute cosferencQ la te yesterday th a t the military situation In Laos is "grave' aod If nKowed to worsen. ~lt will become & debacle."

The monsoon season U about to end shd dry w eatiter would favor stepped-up m ilitary action.

State departm ent' officials plained th a t th e additional roih- tary e<iulpment to be purchased would be used , to ou tfit specJal mlUtla. These forces then would take over tho handling of low and order in many p a rts of the cotmtry H obs now perform ed by the gov- emment's sm all arm y of 25,000 men. i

TTjus, more of the urm y would be •eo to combat the gueirina-type

Insurgent forces th a t have t>cen a t ­tacking government poeta and v il­lages In two provinces adjacent (o communist N orth V ietnam and red China.

The bilateral aid ajrretm ent be­tween the United S U tes and Loos would be In addition to » course of action agreed upon over tho week­end by Sanonikone and ' United Nations Sew etary G eneral Dng Hammarskjold.

The Laotldn representative de­clined to spell out tho nature of thls,afrreement but. in anjwer to (t question, added his government trouJd have no objeclion to n U. N, obsener team being sen t to Laoe.

Film on Academy Featilres MeetingSgt. Paul Dyer, a ir force re ­

cruiter for T w in Falls, prasented a picture on tlie U.S. Air Force acad­emy Wednesday noon for the Uona club luncheon a t the Legion hnll. ‘

Guests were Lane L. WUcken. formerly o t S t. Anthony and now an official of the F irs t security Bank of Twin FalU, and Harold Doty. Jum cj B arnhart, cha/rm an Of the club’s audit commute?, ported.

President Joseph H . Latlmore called a director's meeting Imme­diately following the luncheon.

Program to End Vacation School

Welcome Set for Wendell Teachers

WeticlcU schools will be honored at a recepUon a t 8 p.m, Tuesday at ,the grade school all-purpose room.

PU ni are being directed by 'the executive board of Hub City PTA. the Rentral public U invited to -attend to m eet t)ie new leacJjers and renew Bcquaintances w ith the lacuity member* returning syMem.

Mf.v noy „ in ehante ol me InvlUtlons; Mrs. Earl Schrenk. tloral bouQUeti; Mrs. Douglas ^ r a n k and Mrs. Arlo WuUirlc df« ra tlons and refreRhmtnU- Mr and M n. Dill Bunn, publicity: M r ?? Ifons and Mr. and'D f •“’‘P'W lty, and

^ *■ PfOsram. ehlcr- Italnm ent and refreshmcnta.

A progrant a t 8 p, n i. Friday will conclude a tuo-week church tlon school a t Vnlley Christian churciL Fifty-two p u p lb afe en­rolled. reports Mr.v Herb lloppe, nupervlxjr,

Tetieher.i niid lielper.v iiielude I Mrs. Norix Ann Cook. Vlftlnia

Bowjer, Sar.i KoxwortUy. Carolyn Hatcher. Marsha O tl. ELMher H at­cher, Nftdlne E dw ardv Eithrr Blanrf, .Vnncy High. Irene Rot)erL\ Mtnma Alley and K aren Shane,

Dottle Cravi and N ora Ann Cook re JJ) cbarKe oS refrcstinitjils, M w

O il also sen-es os plnnlM , Worship a t opening serjlon.i b directed by Uie Hev. Paul K enny.

Richfield New'sRICHFIELD. AUR. 2B-M r. and

M n. Dick Pridmore. BoL%c, vl.ilied her father. John D etd.i. and oilier relatlvM. _ _ _

Mr. and. i l r t „ 'c . - 'a j . Pridmtre were Boise and N am pa vlsitori ever Uii w e tlf ie r^ /

Parldng FinesPosting St oTertlme bonds with

T*’ln Palls police Tuesday were Mrs. Charles Lamano, Clarence Case, M rs ,'J , 'W. Newman. Ernie RJInitlf, Mra. D ona Gllmorr, Robert Fix, Wilma Wllken, J . L. ClouRh. Rhocla K ent, William W agner, JohQ Royston, Biily K indred. W il­liam Jones, Thom as Oimstead, Mrs, Jockson Allred. Raymond O. Maughan. Robert Geer, J . D. C ar- buker and C, N, Sullivan.

Swim CerUfleate*Sw lm m en from the H arry B arry

p o r t pool may pick tip. th e ir c e r ­tificates a t the clerk'* office In th e city hall.

Party roitpooed The American Association of

University Women party honoring alum nae 0/ (he College of Id ah o 'scheduled for Saturday 'h 'as b'een postponed until Sept. 12.

Tax Lfen Filed A federal Ux lien against Rob­

ert G . platta; Alpine Villa M otor lodge, Ketchum, was filed T u es­day afternoon In the county clerk 's once for »8i(J.'n withholding tax .

R eium * y r fa Meet Jam es InRalts, sanitarian for the

southcentral district health un it, returned Tuesday*-nlghf teoen*** Pure FSod ‘and Drug a.v»ciAClon n ite tin ir» tM cC all:-- - ----------

Family Vlsll Endi Mr. and Mn. Vernon N icholson

_ jd sons, WlchlU. K ans.. le ft Tuesday after visiting Nicholson's parents, Rfr. and Mrs, L. V . N ichol­son. Nicholson Is music l:\Etructor a t East high school. W ichita.

Driver Is Flocd Bennie L. Bickford, IB, Tv.ln

Falls, was fined }10 and "coaU Tuesday by PoUee Judue Pum phrey for operining a motor; vehicle wltiiout an Idaho d river’s, license. He wnn cited S a turday a fte r an accident.

Driver I i Fined Don K. Poulwn, SOS Cam cy

street, was fined costs Tuesdoy afternoon by Justice of th e Peace Robert E. Pence for lav ing no Ida ­ho ear license. He waa c ited by S ta te Patrolman M. j . B ays, jr., 18 miles south of Hansen.

Fined for N olie ' ' :Lonnie D. Miller, i t , rou te 2,

T u ia FaliJ, was fined »15 a n d a s ­sessed costs !ar operating n ve* h id e wltli noisy mufflcro w hen he appeared before Police ju d g e j . O. Pum phrey Wednesday

. and Mrs. John K onmin; Abilene, Xans.. and Mr. and Mrs. George Kohman. Gypsum. K ans, visited Laura Felbuah. The fami­lies left Tuesday for Denver.

Gocsts LeaveMr. and Mrs. Ray Glib and Mr.

and Mrs. Raymood Glib and fam­ily have-returned lo thelr-hom ci In Cincinnati after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Carl GUb,

Hot Lunches SU rt Blckel school hot lunches will be­

gin Monday with tiie cost being 2& cents per meal. Tltose bringing cold' lunches may purchase mlllc a t two cents a carton.

Grange w ill M eet'Knull Grange will meet a t 8:30

pm ._Priday a t the Knull. Com­munity center. <-f{.glrls will pre­sent the-proginm under-dUartlon of Mrs. Glen DowetL and Mrs. Ed Harper. Members are asked bring cookies.

Visit Here Recent visitors of M r. and .'frs.

N. C. Prlmm were Mr. and Mrs. 0 . E. Johnson and Mrs, Sa .w e and grandson. Hotdrege. Nebr., and Mr. and M n. Car: Meigs and Mr. and Mr.t, Harold Nutcher ond fam-

1 City. Colo,

AttendV^teetlngf Dr. G ^ o n R. Tobin Li ottendi

In; the annual American Podiatry association meeting in New York, City; He left Monday night for the meeting and will return Sept. 3. He also will a ttend a meeting of Uie American College of Foot Sur­geons.

Fined for Mufflen Glen D. Miller, 21, C22 Second

avenue east, was fined »20 and costs for eperalJns » m otor vehicle with noisy mufflers when he ap­peared before Police Judge J . 0 . Pumphrey TVcsdfly afternoon. He was cited Friday on .Main avenue west. This Is his second offense.

. . . ..... , . . , m o rn ln . Miller was elted Sunday by city police on Main avenue west.

nfarriage Ucenfe*Marriage licenses were Issued

Tue-iday afternoon and W ednesday morning by the county c lerk 's of* flee to William Lee Alworth, Filer, and Lois Anne W ldener. TPi-ln Falls; Victor Vernon M arble, and Nancy A«n Snider, Hazelton, nnd M aurice Allen and Wilma J . Hoi- loft'ay and Darwin Max B artle tt and Lorraine Kerbs, t i l Twin Falla.

S e ttlen ' Meet'Set A nnual dinner meellnjr o f the

Early Settlen ' a.-uoclatlon -will be held a t I l ls p. m. Mondny n t the T urf club. Memben a n d their friends and all persotu intcre.^ted In th e association are Invited to thlfl get-toRether of th e pioneers and Uielr families. M ember* a rt urged to call reservation* In to H enry Coiner, treasurer, 1315 U th avenue east, by Thursday n igh t.

LDS Is Successpreijures.” E arw oker said,

Crawley, h a lf wny between Lon' don and the so u th eoast of Eng< land was developed by the govern' fnent after W orld w or II aii a let' tiement- » re» -fo r—Loadon'4-«xcei* population,

"Mormons se ldom attempt to conduct Ihelr ml&slons In Igjig es­tablished tow-ns w hich have their religious beliefs la itilled by tradi­tion,- Earw aker sa id . He we

"ffere, however, there are . unsettled young people —. young couples wiio hove n o t yet become a ttached to any religion,

'T he per.iuaslvene.'u of these Mormon m i.ulonnries ciin often ’ork powerfully o n uncommitted eople. '••We consider tlie Momi

llglon misguided.“And our nlm is to explain the

re tw n j tor th is to ordinary peo­ple,"

The B ritish headauarlers of the LOS faith Is Lingfleld, 10 miles from Crowley. Lbcaf churchmen became alarm ed recently a t plans to build an LD S tem ple In Craw­ley ILielf, .

"But we have b rough t the whole m atter out Into th e open Earwaker sjiid. “ People ar. cuu in s with each o tlier iiie vhlu they have received from Mormons,

-I have no dou b t our poUit of velw will prcvoll."

Visits ParentsELBA. Aug. 2C—Mr. and Mn.,

Calvin B eecher and chlldren.l Bountiful. U tah , were week-end Buesu of h la .p aren ta , Mr. and Mn.l Ellhu • Beecher. T h eir son, Leol Beecher, re tu m ed hom e with them I after spending th e summer with! his gnuidporentA. |

Mrs, Nelfion Moorj and daughterj,- Rlvenlde. Onllf., a re vWtlng her, psrentJ, Mr. ana M rs. Osmer Ward '


Seen TodayT e a n l n t

■^rnlshmenTfor t r a i i i c ^ i ^ ! ^ Dog dripping v.uti'r a ll ,, 'v.? drink from s trc n eui' , . being seared by pav.Mbv an stalling motor of i s i j j , , / ' times while trying to part iT' carn-ing newly purcli.v^^ f . : ‘r - -alJjing along :,tffpt ""rldlne In eonvcrtlbtr j k ,.., w e a r i i iH s l i l t r ^ I jo u , ; , ; ; * ^ '^ ers picked irom counhou-;‘mV dens . . . John along iSKohd street u- n young girls wenring sh-)r',.itreet . . , And overlu^n'- . n - hap.? UjK town n m t / »Rcn’lce for thO'.c old

t '.

Rates Lo-.vcrcriWASfflNGTO.S-. Alls :6 ,c "

Tile Inier.state coniiiKn-r m- .ilon approved todsy rrdurrd load freiglii ratrn on ,by rail in the fur .Vnniiuf,.;Jecl to a minimum urlgii- ol 'jotr/ pounds, '

The ratlroad.'i s.'.trrf pf.'iv'VL- to sla.ih rate-s « j thry rouVn-f.^ highway , and barte' They aUo sought to,'^ i f,!| parity which rxlMfd southern Oregru stirt iinr.hf;r CJillfornlft shlpper.i !iom 15:; -j IDM,

PUC Actions ToldBOISE, Aug. 20 (U PD —Three

common carrier perm it holders have until Sept. 10 to pay their IJiC regulaiory fees o r lo lc tljeh- perm its a.i the result o f a ruling by th e Idaho public u tilitie s mUulon.

The cancellation of th e perm its of Ruebcrt Stclnmeii. E den ; Lloyd M, West, Jerome, and Clnyton J. Wegman. Wlnnemuccn. Nev.. will no t 'tak e effect if th e fees paid by Sept. 10,

Also approved by th e PUC the traa ifer of a comnjon carrier perm it from Cummins a n d Cul- bert«on Livestock Tran.iporl.. Twin Foils, to Cummin.? L i v e s ' TVnnsport. Twin Pills.


Now. open by new M anager, ■ MRS. M. J . MACAW

1 mile north ef Contact, on Hl-way 9J.


Ju s t Call and W e'll Design The P e rfec t Bouquet

647 MAIN WEST 3-2674


WANTEDExcellent opporliinlty a»sij young man, 25-35 -*ho bni nfrald ot work to get aheafl Sales experience desired Ij-.n not essential. Experlriicc b grocery Held dc- lrnliie, o salary and commLvMon plm ... jiuranee. health niid ppp.slon benefits and plenty nf chancf for ndvancement. Wtlia 5-B c /o T»ne.i-Wf»-,<,

W A L K E R 'S D 0 U 6 L EBONUS DAYSPRICE C O N SC IO U S? H o r o ' t

y o u r c h a n c e fo g e t p rice ,

q u a lity , to p fc rv ic o , oo iy f jn o n t-

in g oil a t o n o 'lo w , low p rice l



• 5-YEA R W A R R A N T Y


• G .^D E P E N D A B C L fT Y

• W a s h e s IN c o l d , w a r m

- OR H O T W A T E R . J u i t R ig h t For E very Fabric,

NO PAYMENTS Til Nov^O N L Y A T W A L K E R ’S ! M a g i c V a l lc y '8 o ld e s t

a n d l a r g e s t a u t h o r i z e d G T b r d w l c r o f f c r s 'o o u b ie -

v a l u e s d u r i n g D o u b l e B o n u s D a y s ! E v e r y t h i n g

f o r t h e h o m e . D r i v e o u t a n d .fiaV e w h e r e y o u gc

t h e e a s i e s t c r e d i t i n t h e V a l l e y ! ,

W a lk e r 's^ NOW ! 2 L a rge S to ros to Serve You!

4 5 3 M A I N E A S T - 5 2 0 M A I N S O U T H

Page 3: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e

"■epkesday, august 2G, 1353 TIMES-NEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO PAGE THREB

r^ e w F l i g h t t o

_ g e ^ A d d e d l o j r

R e s e r v e U n i t

Joha Conover 1:> chiirRC. n ishl will continue to

^ t> ss instructors /or the fUdits dwetcd by m i Robert

J^^ktnMfKtr. T ''> " ^iipt.^fJ^ 'T hsxton. Burley and a 3'e

Duhl, CIAM J , u 11 be on s u t r dovel. or various levels. Ml three .ill be on a p«y baMs,

— “^7a-«UBtlron-n,»UnK w id area

-hQve - been for both tlje Burley nnd

k f f l l l s h b to m eet In the ir re-

‘'y ljo r Daiidi.' Capt: Kellli Jn- ^ irslnlii; offlccr: Captain iS ilo n , Mnjor SchrrclccnberKrr . r A k 5'c Tliompson, In.Unictor.'i,!^n ,p in led by u n it advisor 8 kI. rirl Polilu. attended B comnnm. rffrtind tralninr aem lnnr Jn Bolw

• uit past weelc-encl.Kauidron member* were re

-S icd ol tlie precision nyliiK per- ^^nance ol the tilrtorce n iu n .“iiblrdJ »l 12:45 P ^ . Friday. As-

/or ^lulles In nldlnir Tlih Uie show were made by Ma- ur D»iwl> wl'o '"“ ■‘I pe rw ns from o Ur distant n* WyomlnK have aude pisns Jo »Uend tlic aliow.

Booster Event Set for Filer•nLEH, Aug. 2(5 — Booster nlRlit

. r ts set *<’■' S*P‘- 23 by Filer ' Ortnse members w hen they met

ijjt seek. The event will be n pot- luck dinner with guests lnvlt«(l. ..

itm lwrs approved on amend- Bijnt to tlie by-laws clianglnR the diw for election of off leers, from ihe Jirit Friday to the tiilrd >Tl- d»T Id September..

Un. Craig D unlap reported on Uit Pomona OranRC meeUntt, to be held St tJie Filer hall Bept. 12,Ollleers will be elected,.

Ajrtculturc reports were glvrn krClUford Thomas. R. H. Bennrtt isd Mn, Artliur c h lld e r rejw rtrd

.OB the progress of plans lo r t!ie f*lr.

Patty Cobb spoke on the l- I l «B»rf« »t the U niversity o f Idiv- ba. Moscow, which *he attendetl.

Ur. and Mrs, E. S . Moslee pre- Kflitd-Eastcrn kodak algoature,during J lic Jo u r.n lsh L s .of.rodpo illdM snd gave pointers on hoiPperformnnces to provide additional

• • - entcriainnient. with songs and otheracts, Tlie fair niid rodeo will be held a t H lcr Sept. 2, 3, * and 6,

Allen, who currently can be se on television portraying a frontier doctor, or heard on Jukeboxes sing­ing "Crying In-the Chapel.” Li A true western cowboy. He wa.i born near Wlllcox, Arli.; th e youngest of two boys. He learned to r " hunt and tend cattle M soon tui was old enough to go to school.

Hts fa ther o«-ned n ranch n . .. Wlllcox and It was only after the oldest Allen boy. Wayne, died from a rattleinake bite th n t the Allens left t^it range for city life,

He began his musical career wllh a « guitar and n voice that his music teacher Uiought deserv­e d 'tra in ing for opera. B ut the young Allen was a westerner at heart. His lnt«re.a turned to folk lore after his cousin. Cactus Mack, arrived In Wlllcox In th e company of a group later known a* the Son.i of the Pioneers. One of those boys was noy Roger*.

After leaving Wlllcox, Allen finally reached radio atardom with his voice and mu.slclanshlp via Chicago's famed sta tion WLS. home of the National bam dance. Gene Autrey. Red Foley and (he Hoosler Hot Shots stRrted there.

U te r he got his own show, the Rex Allen radio show, on the Columbia Broadcasting system. In ­cluded In the show was the group know as the Sons of the Pioneers,

In liHB, he accepted «n offer

Cowboy Star to Appear at Fair“ M a f l i r V r i l l r i / 'a . l n r f / c s f . a n d

j i i i c ^ l d r p n t i m c u l s t o r e ' '


One o f AtntTti'* to rtm o il W t t l tm i la n . Jtex M ien, and hla horae, KoKo, will be on hand at Ihe Twin Falls countj’ fa ir and rodeo Co be held i t Kllrr Sept. 2. 3, * and S, Allen U a favorite of younr- i t m wherever he appeart. He learned la shoot and ride by th e tim e he entered trhnol. I l l i father oiin- ed and operated a ranch near Wilcox. Arit., until (he olilesl Allen boy died from iv ratdemake bUe. (Staff entravlng) *

Rex Allen and Horse, K oK o,W ill Star A t Twin Falls Rodeo Starting Sept. 2

O neot America's foremost ^Ve. t m 'stnrs will entertain a t the T«'ln

FnlLi county fair and rodeo this year, reports Tom Park. iecrctar>'- manager.

Parks says Rex Allen and liLi horse. KolCo, will be on hand

T=o accordion solos were played br Judy Thurman. No Orange aKUni! win be held Sept. 4 be- esiiM of the Twin Falla county fslr.

nefresliments were scn 'ed by Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Amlck and Us. snd Mrs. W ade Sharp.

icnsion Noted InHazelton Area1!Am,TON, Aug. 20 — T h e Ho-

ullon rural mall route lia s been eitfnded from -JO to W miles,

nie extension was approved byI pa'lal Inspector eo tim t service tould be closer for some of tlie pilrons of the rou te who bo a rJle or so lite r malt, i t will make Uie earricr approximately an hour liter In getting In from h is route, B«suse of the new m all schedule of the outgoing mall, nil m ill ccalng In off-the rou te will go ' ' Ihe Mme day.. It previously had to be held c imtil the following day. Any mall Sfjlpiated for points between W(!i(r and S alt Lake City will a r' tlvf there the next morning.

The new mailing achedules for •i.-mall are 1:30 and 6 p.m. daily ncrpt Sunday.

.'■Isil win leave th e si.....II nulled before 5 p jn . Instead of

to be held over u n til Ihe eeii morning. -

Petition FiledA petitiDn for p robate of will

* u filed In Twin Foils probate Muft Tufsdny'in the e.itate of Ray

Rho died July I5 a t Buhl, llefffl real and'personal properly allied In o f 110,000, His 'Idow. ^ rs, verda Ann Pond, Ja Ui8 petitioner.

Hei:« bfslcle his widow Include tttte flnuRhter.1, E thel Ree.% Buhl; u l t ciitt. Twin Falls, and Char- lolte MnrMon. Sacram ento, and

wn. Lewis W. Pond. Buhl, «MU and Benoit rcpfcscn t Mrs. Pond.

, VISITS SHOSHONE ^SHOSllorJE. Aug. 26 M rs. Alice " “■nlclc. Montpelier. Is vUUIng her jw-in.lnw and daughter, M r. and

T. Sorensen.

Why “Good-Time Charlie” Suffers Uneasy Bladder

Unwli. m Uki or dKnklnrlilnr ts tr l> Ins hluldirl

li.Anaitr»iU«unlshu..........- ............-

ilnln nr cmoUoniU uPKt. arc auJdlnff ~ your rnl>crr-<I«n’t Uonn'i I'JIIi.

l)o*n'< I'lllt ad i w>7> for iprtdr >t- Ilef. l-Thn- h*'* a *ooUilns «£t«t oa Wnddtf IrTiuUoni, 2-A fiitp .Irw lU v

anion on Buslnf )>Mk*eh«. hrtd-

VIdBfr*. lenUIni In IfiertMO th. — ------!>>• U mllti of klilnrr (utxt. So. (h« •un< hippr r<llr( mllllona h»« tnjortd for OTir (0 j t i* . Ntw. Itrs«. economy llu u>M monir. C«i Soan't 1>UU (oclayi

from Republic Ptcture.i to m ake hLi firr.t movie, "Tlie A rlionn Cowboy." Since then he h a s m ade 31 pictures for Republic and fou r feature films for Walt D bney .

KoKo, la billed as th e -M beautiful horse in America.” I!c ts a quarter horse of M lisouri stock. He could win blue ribbons in any competition for his conform ation, speed, stamina, gait and m anners. Both Allen and hLi horse a rc g rea t favorites of youngsters w ho often receive one of Allen's h a ts as h e rides around tlie arena.

The rodeo Itself promises to be .ie or the best seen In th e M aclc.

Valley area. Parks state.i. Som e of America's top cowboys a re expect­ed to attend and compete for th e »4,000 purse, plus entry fees.

Casey Tibbs, one of rodeo's top riders, has written Parks saylnR. ...... you a t Fller.V-

Bi'.ildes the mHjjc and entry fee money. Parks ■ ro ffc rlng tlOO to the bronc rider who attends has the most Rodeo Cowboy's snciatlon points as of Sept. 1. lie abo Is oflcrlng an additional {100 to the cowboy with the all round RCA nolnt.i ns of Sept. 1 To be eligible for the all-rouni money, a cowboy m ust partlclpati In two or more event-..

T lie purse money will be divided equally among winners of fivi events, bareback riding, bulldog' glng, calf roping, bull riding anc. saddle bronc riding. Tliere alro ■•111 be ladies' bsrrcl racing. Chit,

dren under H years of age will be admitted to tlie rodeo free the flrai night, Sept. 2 If nccompanied b> parenUi.

Mel. Lambert will announce the rodeo, Earl Hutchison will provide the llve.^tock.


BEINCx BOUNCED AROUNDIn rcnfed houses?

_Letus__help you .

buy a home ■ojj ijouK oun

Ask about our

Monihly PaymentHOME, L O A N S


.aM’" ■

#United Stotei RubberN a u g a tu c k C h am lco l.D iv iilo n

' N au o a l 'u c k , Cennaetlcut......1 iHd preltcluU. (untkldii, nllltldii, lAmlicWtl. |rmt» r«Ur4>, kiitlclAitt Ipi'tsB. PMIOB. ArtMlli. lynHof. MH.AIissa. Cufntl.

■ l| ; M


■ p le o tcd , s lim , f lo re d ity lcs

J u s t im ag in e b uy ing th e s e bocl«.-(o-school skirls o r th is one low p n c c ! A n d , w ith 3 styles to c h o o se th e re is one s u r e to p leo se every girl. T h e pIcQ led sk irts o re in red a n d b lue ploid; o th e r s in solid co lors; 7 to M .

B L O U S E SG IR L S' clossic lo ilo r- e d 'a n d loce-trim m ed coM on b louses o t so le p riccs! C hoose shorl or b a b y doll sleeves.S p o rk ling w h i t e in g irls ', s i i c s 7 to 14.

SUBTEENS’ c l o s s i c b lo u se s in fine co m b ­ed co tto n w ith ro ll- . up sleeves ond c o n v e r tib le c o llo rs . B e au tifu lly ta ilo red in w h ite . S u b te e n s iz es 8 -M .



r, big, llttl^or m perfectft^t, r a h 'j exclusive

11 h e 's tall or short, Uiln o r chubby, big, ll l t l jo r averige, we have won­derful OOLD STRIKES to give him perfectft^t, longer wear and belter looks. Sturdily constructed of Farah 's exclusive. Vat-Dyed, color-fast pepperell Denim, strongly reinforced w ith Nylon.

R egulars and Slim s, sizes 6 to 12............. $2 .98

H usk ies, waists 2 6 " to 3 6 " ...................... $3 .50

R egu lars and Slim s, sizes 13 to 16...........$3 .50



B A SK ETBA LL sh o e f o r y o u n g m en

a n d b o y s in w h ite .< o n ly . S ize s I I

t o 2 a n d s izes 2 'A t o b 'A for boys.

Y o u n g m e n 's 6 -1 2 .


f a m e d C a li fo rn ia b ra u i j l s p u r t s i i i r t s

g a le p r ic e d .

S a m e shirts you’vo seen ui our s to c k ai- 3 .95 and 4.95! C o tfons, ray o n blonds In solids, - chocks, p la id s , prints, n o v o l + Io s . Long s lo ev a .stylos, sizes 6 to 18.

c o m b e d c o t to nt - s h i r t s , s p e c ia l!O u r s E xclu sively ! A A

G u a r a n t e e d n o t to i . \ s h r i n k o u t o f s h a p e m 0 , . . f u l l c u t s iz es a f r o m 6 to 1 6 . " L , ^ R

Page 4: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


A taUtlUtUn ot tuningm uUUM !■ t»M *Bd U>« T^la »ll< N m MUUMfd lo


i:« U tfk.i, CM.

ly v i

________ MISTER SA M B U R N E D UPj The generaUy am iab le "M tster Sam ” Ray'

b u rn Is understood to be "b u rn ed up" over 1 deadlocks a n d controversies. And w hen the

Texan bccomes •Tiled,'' he gives off a tre ­m endous glow.

' Like every s p e a k e r or h e a d of any organ Izatlon, R ayburn do les on orderly .procedun a nd constructive action. A lthough n fine, old-fashioned. D em ocrat, h e la no t a fierce

] partisan In th is respect. 6 0 , h e docs n o t ap' p red a te rebellions and sta lem ates.

' A s h'c h a s Ind ica ted In several remark.?, .] he resen ts p a r tic u la r ly the effect- the

th re a t of a W hite House ve to has h ad on ■ im portan t pieces o f legislation, particu larly

th e labor re fo rm m easure, housing a n d the ra ising of In te re s t ra te s o n /edeniJ secufj' ties.

Although th e re h a s never been any pub­lic evidence of th e Elsenhow er-R ayburn relationship. It la generally believed th a t th e President a n d th e sp eak e r do n o t gej,. along too well.

Speaker R ay b u rn also Is in te rested in the Lyndon Jo h n so n p resid en tia l candidacy, w hich m ay be a f fe c te d by th e activ ity or in - activity of th e D em ocrats on cap lto l hill concerning im p o r ta n t Issues.

Sena to r Jo h n so n has been given great p raise because o f h la seem ingly constnic- t l v e an d co n serva tive Jw dershJp. A s h e ex­p lains h is p o sitio n and philosophy, he be­lieves In m aking h a s te slowly. In building a w all brick by b r ic k in stead of th e whole s tru c tu re a t a s in g le session.

B u t If th e h u g e D em ocratic m ajority In bo th cham bers c a n n o t produce a record of legislative accom plishm en t, th e adverse r e ­ac tion m ay d es tro y w hatever chance th e Texaa sen a to r h a s fo r th o nom ina tion .


DARING SE C O N D TE R M DECISIONST h e politic ians obviously d id n o t consult

R h istory of th e presidency, w h en th ey pro- jTOsed the co n s titu tio n a l am en d m en t b a r­ring a th ird te rm . I f they h a d , they would have discovered t h a t m any P resid en ts m ade daring decisions a n d estab lished risky p rece­dents during th e i r la s t fo u r years In the W hite House.

Going no fu r th e r back th a n Theodore Roosevelt, h e fo rc e d R ussia and Ja p a n to negotiate a peace trea ty a t Portsm outh. And because ho th e n fe a re d th e rise of Ja p a n In th e P ac ific , ho h e lp ed to a rrange

•better term s fo r R u ssia th a n th e Tokyo d ip­lom ats w anted.

As a w arn ing to Ja p a n a n d o ther nations, h e se n t the W h ite fleet o n its to u r of the world In h is seco n d term . H e was equally aggressive w ith rc sp cc t to dom estic ques­tions.

Woodrow W ilson took . th e U nited S tates In to th e w ar a f t e r roclcctlon .

Although b a r re d from a th ird te rm by a h ith e r to u n b ro k en trad itio n , he contribu ted to Germ any’s s u rre n d e r w i th prom ulgation of h is 14 points.

Ho p e rv a d e d o u r allies to organize the League of N ations. A lthough th e sen a te re ­fused to ra tify t h e tre a ty contain ing the covenant, W ilson s e t th e p reced en t for es­tab lishm en t of t h e United N ations an d our cu rren t foreign policy o f supporting th e world 's dem ocracies.

Finally, th e P re s id e n t o f t h e U nited S tates la too Influen tia l a n a tio n a l a n d world figure these days -to be h a n d icap p ed by th e fac t th a t he Is on h is w ay o u t. E lsenhower has proved th a t In hL^ more rccen t dealings w ith congress a n d th e K rem lin .

T U C K E R ' S N A T I O N A L

W H IR LIG IGWASItlNOTON—T h e RepubUcm pMty m d Vice

Prealdcm lUchftrd M. Nixon i J particular m ar Che i m b e n en c lsn u of the rradual a ttrition 0 thc-m rayllng and unwieldy pollUcal aUlancc upon ••lilch the Pewot f a fa rode U> vigiory-Trogi-tWgHo

.. ItHa. and «hlch gave them con* u o l or e o n g rtu in six of Uie Elien-

T bow er years.- Thto-eoallUon-of laborrthe-ool-

.1 ' o rfd voler*. certain racial elemenu '•fi and barm en « u forted In Che

tire s o( Die depreulon, and <e( by the ulcrallberal #nd humanl- ta rJan profeulons ot FDR H arry 8 . Truman. They had. they fto UMd It. the richest < palgn treasury In American political history — deprcMlon and

. _____ worClme approprlnllons lotabngB«r T xkn un to ld billions o( dollar.i.

In Roosevelt. Uiey Jujd th e most spectacular, thea- .ncal and appeaUng d su re who has adorned the nncionat and intem acional lUige. In modem CUnes ITc. £rod'It.'tflo, a t a -m om ent-w her»-tli#-O O P-had nobody Mlio possessed h is vision or ImBElnntlon—H o o v 'tr r rm o o ir Wllllcle,--------------- -------------------—

AlthouKli htstorlaii.s liftve written thousands of pBSes. both dull and brilliant, to dc.icrlbe and ex­plain this DRinrlns era . the foresolntt. two-paragraph outline Cells the whole story.

I t mny be too soon to write the political obituary of Che men and th e macl>lnc.i which built and ' Cftlned the noosevelt-Trum an organliatlon. _ ,

irre nre definite signs today chat It is going the ay of the "one shay." and for Che same ins of dislncegratlon.

RESrON.SlBILITV OF DEMOCRATS-ofBanUcd labor has ellmticd off Uie bandwagon, and without ■ven tcartnff •Thiinks lor th e buffgy ritle."

Whatever reform bill posses congress will be the .-ork and revonRlblllty o f tlie Democrats. Senator

McClclInn and the two Kennedy brothers sbowcd the need for this kind of leglslaClon through ihe lr expo­sure of union racketeers and pracUces. Both th e Just .nd Oie unjttft were ttf/xmed for iaba:'t arrogance md indifference to the public welfare,

No measure, mild or strong , can become law unUl and unless I t Is approved by an overwhelming Dem- ocraUc congres.i. I t Is tru e thac President Elsenhower demanded a far-rcnchlng blU. But labor leaden ex pectcd nothing else from him.

T hetr blticmes.t and humlUaUon lie In the reallza- U o n 'th a t the .very D em ocrats they helped to elect

" deserted them . They stand In the position of “a v n scorned."George L. Meany. AFL-CIO pre.ildent. h as been

quoted as saylpg Chat h e m lghl m welf support Nixon against any Democratic nominee. His only favorite could be Sen. H ubert HoraClo Humphrey. buC Che ulCramdlcal M innesotan h a s no chance for the noml- naUon. In fact, Uje unions’ backing might bo the so-called "kiss of death."

NEGROES DENOUNCING DEM S-D ue to Southern flllbustermg agAlnst a clvU rights bill, the Negroes ore now denouncing the Democrats—all DemocraU. They begin to rca liie th a t their friendly Northern faction Is helples.f In th e face of the Southern segre- gaUonl8t.\' control o r the congressional committee machinery.

Fine and noble speechea on equality by Senator Humphrey, T m m an. E leanor Roosevelt. Adlal E. Stevenson and N ational Chairman BuUer iio_not dislodge ah Eastland, a Rus-iell. a Byrd, a Howard Sm ith or G raham B arden from the seata of the mighty on Capltol Hill.

In fact. Roy W ilkins, executive secretary of the N ational Association for th e Advancement of Colored People, recently sa id th a t. "U may be time for our people Co s ta r t voClns Republican again."

’n i a l word, ’'again.” r ings an ancient pollUcal bell. ..'01 so long ago, before FDR. boUi labor Mid the colored people did “vote Republican.’*

NIXON’S BOASTED M EM BER 8IIIP-H ere again.I Nixon may benefit. H e hn* boosted U ist be Is In honorary member of the NAACP. He has labored quietly with Attorney G eneral William P. Roger*, hi* principal cablnct backer, fo r a,strong clvU righ ts blit.

Democrats sponsored th e resoluUon on behalf of "captive nntlons." b u t President Elsenhower and Nixon got the c red it for I t. thanks to Khrushchev’s angry protests. E lsenhow er did so with hla firm proclamation for observance, and Nixon by the tear­ful and emotional Teceptlon he received In Poland.

T he farmers have apparenUy become disillusioned with Democratic promises. Of all the great farm ofganlM lJons, only the radical Parmer’s Unlon backs their demand for peak subsidies and continued sur- pluse.i. And nobody has thrown a potato n t E ira T aft Benson for m ore th a n a year—a minor po lltlttl miracle.

br UeClura Ntvtvntxr

FE D E R A L A G E N C IE S LAX In th e op in ion o f num erous m em bcn of

th e H arris com m ittee , b o th In te rs ta te and foreign com m erce a n d th e house legislative oversight com m ittees, th e federal com m u­nications and th e federa l t r a d e commissions have been lax, o r n t lea-st Ind ifferen t, to several forms of rad io a n d television tra n s- gresslpn,i.

They believe t h a t some o f them Jeopardize bo th the h e a lth and th e w ealth of the American aud ience . And t h e y wonder w heth ­e r th e political in fluence o f some of the g rea t In terests Involved Is responsible for th e failure of th e federal agencies to take action.

W hat they h av e in m ind, p articu larly , are certa in Blowing advertisem en ts a ffcctlng cigarettes, m 'cdlclnea, cosnietlcs and bever­ages, p a rtlcu la riy beer. T h e FTC in sk ts on •■honesty" in o th e r advertising media, b u t h a s not dem anded the sam e s tan d a rd s in th is field.

I .^ n o u n ce rs fo r many o f the .^ products I b e s t" in th e ir line.

o r th a t they possesji the “ only Inpredlents": p a in , or for giving

th e desired p leasure; They claim th a t th e ir tire

' « e W tW ng in the ir various

B u t only a few give proof to sunnort th r lr contentions. W hen they re fe r to S evidence, they rarely te ll who made the

i S d l iT his h th e a rea w h ic h many member^!

o f congress w ould ui;e to .examine

Art In d ian a m a n ate a h a lf peek of anni...: In one s ittin g . Doctors c a n keep away from

[ h la h o m c fo r som e time lo come.

i n m ost ca se s pushing ahead o txns the i ^ than Just


Democratic NaUontU Chairm an Paul Butler Is re­ported to have m ade peace with his party’s con­gressional leader* ]u st os Congreaslonsl Q aarterly concluded n poll allowing th a t Mr. Sutler wa.i wln- n ln g -o t least wlU) th e pa rty bock home.

Mr. Butler Is sa id to have awured the two Texona. Senator Johnson and Speaker Rayburn, th a t hla crltlcLim of the ir unprogresslve program was no t personal. They as.tured h im Uint they were net try ­ing to oust him from h is post, Both s ld « agreed th a t nobody wa« trying to spilt th e parly.

Can rifts be healed so easily? 'n ie Congrew.lonnl Quarterly poU show.i th a t while 53 per cent of the Democratic membcra o l ccngTtu wJlh theJohnson policy, and only 38 per cent with Mr. Butler, among sta te party leaders closer to the g n w roots opinion ran strongly th e other way. Sixty per cent of the a u te olflclaLi sided with Mr. Butler. 3S per cent with the eongrcr,itlonal leaders.

The poU confirms Uie kind of division th a t a f ­fects boUi jNUtlM equally. In 10S2. Republican con­servatives ruled congre-vi but OOP Uberali held po\yer lu the pa rty convention wlilcti nominated President Elsenhower. I n tiie DcmocraClc party, the Texa.1 moderates rule th e congressional roost to ­day, but Uiey do not, ru le Uie party . Mr. Butler h as h lv ^ f l .o n lOCO and . meanwhile, peace Is wonderful. —St. Louis Post-D lspotch.



W OBKf WHY?P o t Bhou:

visiting the land of the bear all come home w ith the frightening prediction th a t the Russians are « -goln ' to get tis If we don’t get lo work> G et to work a t what?

Wa already have more wbeat. mor* corn, ni^re eotlon, nor« U rd. mere beans, toore ipuOs. more frv ll than «e ktiow wfiat to do with. O ur miners have dog so mocb eoal (bat they ar« on abort ah lfl two or three days a week.T he labor unions' continue lo

c u t dowr>-the hours-lo-avold work* ing ou t of a Job. TTie warehouses

ed with trucks, tractors.

TH E PRICE OF OILT he ppocftM o t s e u in g prices in the o» IndaiJry n blC unusual. In ^he ciuie ot crude oil, for example,

the price Is set. In effect, by the buyer—Uie big refining compnnlea who ‘’poet" prices that tJiey will poy. In th e end. however, the prices reflect basic condUlons of supply and demand.

There has been a world-wlda surplus of petro­leum and most o f lt« products—* condition th a t no r­mally would lead lo some price So the o ther dny the A tlantic Refining company reduced lLi "posting’" for E ast Texas crude oil.

And w hat happened? Mr, Will Wilson, the a tto r­ney Rmeml of Texas, was horrined. He announced

he' would quickly look Into the action " to .de ­termine w hether o r n o t it vloIat« any Texa.-4 law."

We tru ii It does not. We tr tu t th s t the A tlantic action wilt stand, and we dare to hope th a t il may Ifsd lo some prlea rcdueCJoni a t the /iHirg auilon.' For not even th e g rea t state ot Texas-can wholly frustrate the law of supply afld demand, even with Uie help of federal action eilrj^lng oil Imports. No m atter how hard governmental agenciM ir)- to prc-

II. consumers m ay yet gel a break,—New York Tlme.r

CO.SFCCIU8 SAY The W estern Electronlcti Show and Convention In

San Francisco th is week drew about 55,000 per.wns.In tereailng ly^an e.stlmated 1.000 wfre recruiters

for vartnus companies and aiiotlier B.OOO were ?clen> U su and eng inee rs. looking lor new paMtions. Seventy-rour of th e coihponles. alarmed by the Job scramble, organized a central clearing hou « for •mploj-meni. .

Bui Uint Jiiuin't flow ed douv the r e c n ^ le n One llrm parsed ou t Chlneao fortune cookies, each con -' lalnlng a MIp a dvertu ing a Job opening.

Though ihLi 1.1 a novel stunt, the allps had belter. 0 more to the point than U w e usually found in irtune cbolcles. For as Confuciw «iy: "Job hunter ■«ri: 112,000 « y e a r now, not promise of nice things,

0>-e and bj-c,'.’—S l i t L ake .Tribune_____ ________

cars, machines, furniture, house­hold gadgets ana everyllilng else th a t we need »nd use. Tlie mer­chan ts are stocked so lull tha t i telephone call will get you most anyth ing you can name with most any kind of term s to pay for

Bot <h«y'r8 ■•goln’ {o <ak«Sf «6 don’t get ta worii. So . At It, boyt. Go Qst and dig seme hole* and fin 'em op again. P1I« up some rixks and acalCer 'em back out-Saw np seme logs. W e don’t need (he wood, but taw ’em np, anybow.So they are going lo match our

production? And what is so ter­rifying about tha t? More power to 'em. I f they should ever manage to produce enough by Uielr e ffo ru . In the ir own land, to give th e ir people the good life, wouldn’t It be harder th a « ever to persuade them to rise up and steal th tlr neJghbor’j goods? OTsey mJfihtsevefl c reate ft 'lilU e surplus to help take th e world’# burden off our neck. T hen .we could all and go fishing.

B u t le t’s keep the powder dry. T h e m ain reason why « e can never lower our guard Is because any d lcU tor who Is dumb enough to w ant to dominate the world is Ju st dumb enough to think h# do it.

n .r .R .(Jerome)


>Vfl have £ko dog* to give ««-«y. Both are males. One Is a large, young Oerman shepherd and' the o the r Is an Australian shepherd, white and black In color. You cao get them a t the Clyde‘Bacon Hc.i- ervolr ranch four miles north of the Jerom e corner stoplight highway 83 and then two miles ea.ti a t the ranch sign on 03. Our phone number Is



Here’s a recipe for stuffed pep- er* th a t the woman wanted.C ut off tops oC two dozen pep-

p e n , soak In brine (one cup of salt :o one s<illon of water) overnight. D rain well the next morning. '

Fill w ith the follon'lng mUture: 3ne smaU head ot cabbage chopped, 'o u r large onions chopped; mix in -hreo tablespoon® of celery seed, :wo Uaapoons of salt; sew on top« tnd pack in j a n and fill to t«i of Jnr with Uils mixture: One gal- on of vinegar, package ot pickling iplcts and sugar to taste,

H eat lo boiling, fill Jars and seal M ri. Je iile Sparks

(Twin Falls)

FAMOUS LAST LINE . , And by (he time Tou're

aware It's happcnict. U’» already happeoed."


COPENHAaEN — T h e p ru d e n t of the Dahlsh T m de union con-

igreas. their eQulvaJeDt of our 6wr ; malodorous A P b -C io , is a blocky

a l i onamed EUer Jen ­sen who gets a mlnrv nf _a bOU t I (3,700 and ii r u n - | nlng up # r e t i r e - I

lent p ewhich will amount to about U.500.’The age for retire­ment for Danes^ d e a r across th e board except the ' king and electoral W««t»r*«k P»tW public officers Is 07.

Jensen can fa tten Ills old-age dole by additional pensions from two cooperative Indiutrles operat-

by iinlnn^ one a_dnl u . tljc otlie^ ■ brewery. He Is cho lrnm n 'of the

........................... ■ draws




Shoshone, Idoho

O p e n i n g S o l e


o f 1 p . m .



We have some nice consign­ments already In and ' more coming. Make your consign­ments EARLY'so we can ad­vertise them or you may make them on the day of the sale If I t ' Is not convenient to do so earlier.

Dairy Cowi and Heiferi, Fot CaKle, Sheep, Hogi end Hortc*

We are on the MAIN LINE for either rail or truck shipping. Bring In.your stock. We have tlie buyers who will be able to give ihe top morket price.

For Further information Write. Call or See •’



tinarrii nf hoth f t thev- and dra addlllonol p-iy lo r th is ' work £ re^ponjlbllliy.

Jensen gets no car for his errands or personal convenience and h s transporatlon allowance Is live kroner a day which h e may spend elUier for taxis or for fuel and maintenance of his own car should he elect to get one. The kroner Is 14 cents. 'Tlius for he has not sc elected and he showed me a nota­tion on his pay envelope for July which was supposed to be his taxl- money.

However the figure wnxs JI3 kroner and th a t U out of line at five times 31 unless they are in­fected with th a t new Russian ftrtthmctje here behind Ihe Iron Curtain. For Denm ark actually does lie behind the curta in although. In the manner of the Maglnot line which WO.S left flapping loose up at ihe Belgian border, the curtain stops AC Che aerm itn border thanks to the testy little pest Viscount

r>'. who sftved Denmark

the whole ship’s company and tie up th e . Investment for weeks. The lU Ik n a did th a t reeenUy and our bums h«ve a.recdrd which terrifies

Uons. T h e 'A n g letem waiters serve > about seven yean before they { qualify lo r the few Jobs which con-; 1 stltute tiie aristocracy of their line ■“ ln-D en»

Jensen p u t In some licks as a _iess boy and pol-walloper on Danish coasters and BstUc irsders, then became a seamsn and mon laborer. HU credentlaH from common labor and this mskes him one of those homely, home- spun commoners but you have U know th a t th e common loborer In Z>eimiar)c may be a fellow who In our country would have member­ship In a racket rated as a skilled trade, such n» machine tender. “ TlW rt i r e T tssoo-w rkers in th» Job tru st. Including 4f(»i) women.

$25,000 Job Given up; Risky Gift Idea Becomes Successful

By HAL BOYLE [they were w asting their t,NEW YORK, Aug, 38 Lfl — |on m dig rn li nnd cliili'rr.,

Would you have the courage Ini who'rarely w ent on to berr-n.^-* middle age to quit a *35,000 a year; log customers " job to try out a new Idea In a 10- 1 Then H arri.i cot m . ,.-------- A fferent i k ib '/-------------------- f f ii> uut t

I la ^ ls did. NOW he's “ mpeUtlvc wmple

'ana UTOsr oT Tm om -ort clwserf «»-«on>,

from Hnrry T rum an’s Potsdam pnls when our big opplehcsd puUcd bock the wc.itefn-allies from the River Elbe and surrendered the victory to Moscow.

I remarked th a t I t was extra­ordinary tha t a m an of his im- portance should be paid In curren cy In an envelope. Jensen said ycj but It was their way In tlie union movement, neverthele.'j. He sild he makes a |>olnt o f getting celpt for every taxi ride In order to prove th a t he d idn ’t walk and knock down Uie five kroner. He doesn’t have to lip because D;Lih law provides a Up of 13 per cent In the score on the meter, TJie unions made th e law.

and o th e r hotel htlji all get 32 per ecnl on lop of sj) bills 'Bnd Jensen told me tha t a fully qualified w aiter ac the Hotel A ngletcrre gets about twice a.s much as he does for serving m president of the labor trust Includ­ing Che waitress' o«'n union.

T he Angleterr? waiters are the I have ever seen, ond quiet, well-mannered efficiency and neal appearance seem to imply no s.ic- rlfiee of dignity or manhood. On some union paw enger ships now­adays a w aller w ith his tables empty will refuse to hand • pas­senger a napkin a t another wait­er's sta tion and It I5 noUiIng a t all for a bum with a union card to give a passenger an argum ent u w hether he ordered chocolate vanilla or about P m hk Roosevelt or any o ther topic of table ver.iatlon.

T here Is no po in t in reporting such ml.ichlef to th e chief stew-

cap ta ln beenuse the union would be likely to pull oft

labor. Many of Ihtm • are scrubwomen bu t those who have nothing to do but lend their gra­cious presence and wstch michlnes weave Uilngs also are classed as common labor.

Jenaei} l i one o l lbt»e sflunre- head D anes who simply will no t anticipate a development in which the snake, eating Itself up by the tall, u ltim ately disappears Into Its own belly. Y cl. when unions oper- aC« bren'eries and dairies and ship* yards according to the Scandina- vlan tendency right noff. the union Is also the employer of its own subjects and a Therefore i t Is the na tu ra l enemy of labor and If the employer-worker doesn't yield on all points to the worker-em- ployer then , when hell breaks loose on the picket line, the dumb tollers will ben t the ir own brains o u t ' th tl r own tlre-lrons.

Jensen and all such grin th a t away aa naive slnipUclty. They th ink they will be able to make

Jensen ’s pay Includra a*coit-of- living bonus of n lllile over JOO « month bu l a bite of something around c o a month conies out for Ills pension.

Tfie ta len t which csfwtitules thi bulk of Jim my Hofla's empire and H arry Brldge.V also, the ware* liousemen or "storase'' workers, are ra ted as eommon labor. In the suites, of course, like Sam. 8am the lavatory man Immortallred In our lovely folk song, they rank geniuses.

B j n g H i l l N o t e s

E v e n t s o f W e e kKIKO HILL. Aug. 38 — Mr. and

M n, Leon H all and family left Sunday for thcfr home In Butte, Mont.. n ite r a vacation vblt here with h la mother. Mrs. Cella Hall, and h is b ro ther and slster-ln-Inw, Mr. a n d Mrs. Lester Hall, and family. His mother returned w ith Ihem for a visit.

Mrs. Jlelen Le Sueur and *on and daughter-in-law , Mr, and Mrs, Sharon Le Sueur, and daugh­ter, a ll 6 a lt Lake City, have been guest-1 of Mr. and Mrs. Robert O raliam and Mr. and Mrs. Jaak G raham and .the ir lomllles.

Mr. and Ttlrs. J. L. Kerr and )n. Redondo Beach, Calif., • a re

vlsitinK Mr. and Mrs. Robert Law- nd family and Mrs. Marie

getting w ealthy by charging people tohelp th em __ glveiHlngs away.

H e has helped the business world m , give a tfay 75 mlU t» lion free sample H products valued a t ^JO m illion dollars.

•’B ut you have to believe in a n ^ , -

awfully hard t JIrm .l«ka T

headache pills _ «nd h; distribute th e kits to 11] as-prerentsr-

blue, 5suaj

H am s q tllt his job. tfhjv hn ,, 200 siivlnKs, and « t K , " ’ In buslne.w. u-Mns a »3S ? rented dc.nlt a.i his ollice

flrsl. w hen l told tni I expected Dieni in -

tftO to th ree cents for ’ their siimple.i i Rave a- thoucht I was crazy" i,'.'Uut I proved tliat, in 'n - - ' they a lready wen tlisn this Jn .' P^iflnE ayj,

to tAke th e risks 1 did." sa id Harris.

Here's the odd UJe beJ^Ind h is tunusual success fltory: 1 .................. . laienaw ,

In 1050-Harris, then 45, wa.i one; Rive Uie winiple |i:icL^ to 'ih /v '’ o r th e 'c o u n t r j’Trtop photoengnrv-: telsl bu i-ilm i-H igu red itfti tr Ing sale.-smen and apparently MtlRot them fo r nothing t)iciiviii *iir npining ttn-y

ire*leM -»bout dism milii;^ taa making better tJmn lJ u t theyyear.’' he &»id. “but I «asn’l | pay up lo 20 cent.i lor Ui,

Iiappy. 1 was getting bored.’' ;S0 tha t's w h a t I charged the-* One day a chronically unem-i The flrsl jg moiithu Hnrrii

ployed acquaintance dropped ln;ated in the red . and h»d lo biJrrnlooking for carrying a fume.

. . sample." he explained to H arris. “ I haven't been In a drug- a tore fo r 10 years. I can gel free Bftmple.1 of anything I want by sending a penny postcard,

•T h is Intrigued me." Harris called. "So I sat down and 1 postcardn to 100 leading toiletry u id cosmetic firms asking for ju>mpJr.i. I gel back 83 samplr.s. Including 13 cans of tooth powder

"These com panies'were Intcr- ested In sampling the public, bul

O a k l e y R e s i d e n t s

A n n o u n c e E v e n t sOAKLEY. Aug. 20 — Mr. and

Mrs. Quentin H unter and chil­d ren le ft Monday for their home In Hayward. Calif., alter two weeks visit w ith Mr. ond Mrs,H un te r and Mr. and Mrs. Ii H olt and other relatives.

M r. and M n. Edward Posi'Jfs and ehlldren moved lust weel Bountiful, Utah, where they buying a home. He Is employed a t C learfield. Utah.

M r. and Mrs. Whitney D. Hale, Afurray. Ulah. came Saturday to Oakley where she attended a clnw reunion a t Heyburn, He left Sun­day evening for Utali and_Mrs. H ale nnd children leJt Wednesday for home. He U the son of Mr. a n d Mrs. Wallace A. Hate._____

visit w ith her sister-in-law, Mrs. R u u McMillan.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack G arrett and aon. Port Dodge, la ., arrived Mon­day for a visit with her mother, Mr«. W illiam Coin. 1

another »l.2oo.was down In bruMilr* .

teellj wiui m y own tooiifp,Si fampic.'i before started 1, he snld. "1 alm ost qmi , times."

•Now H arris has his t« n aiclng p lant. « aialf of SOfma^- and dlJtrlbutes nrarly a mmS

In addition to his covnetit toiletry packs, he is d i , i , u ^ ssmple food .packs and ^7*2 first-aid kitx.

T he pack* n t retail - t from 13 to t i .

•■The pOMlbllltlrs are unto.-!.

A.\ked If h e weren't a fn ia ,.,t, would cash In on hU Ides, Hura

rely grinned .'W e’ve a lready h«d wm, »i

competitors." he said, -ind »- tually all liave come and jont ‘

■I had only n 10-cent id„ pu t a m illion doilnrs vnnii c

perspiration behind il. n in f , real key beh ind any Jdr* _ splrallon.'’

W a r m l y Y o u r s' S T A N D A R D

H E A T I N G O IL S S& H G R E E N ^S T A M P S"

RE 3 - 3 5 4 1 j m k , 4 4 0 3 r d A y c . S. f f i j m

S E R P A ' S ^

H E A T IN G , O IL S A %


T ELEVISION i RADIO T U B E S P L U S — P ro fess iono l o n d T c c h n ic o l A ss is tan c e ! —


F A C T O R Y R A D I O & T V C e n t e r

C L E A R I N G t h e D E C K S

F O R ' 6 0 M O D E L S !A ll'59 Model DODGES


W h o l e s a l e P r i c e sP l u s S e l l i n g E x p e n s e !

Dozens of Sparkling New Cars to Choose FromS T A T I O N W A G O N S ...............................................f r o m * 3 1 0 0 U p

4 - D O O R S ........................................................................... ......... f r o m * 2 3 9 5 U p

H A R D T O P S . f r o m * 2 9 9 5 U p

All Models . . Beautiful Color Selection

BUY NOW! SAVE HUNDREDS OF DOllARS!EASIEST FINANCE TERMS in the Valley. 36 Months to Poyi Pdyments as You W ant Them .

BOB REESE MOTOR CO.5 0 0 B l o c k - 2 n d A v e . S o .

Dodge Plymouth D o d g e Trucks

Page 5: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


Camp Fire Girls Work on Keep Idaho Green Displays ,|)lko’s LaborD a y F e t e S e t

Kl-KO. Nri . Aiic. :i> - Uil.v iif lldiM','., iwi) ii,iii\ilci, lun qi

lim-llvirt-’icr i>tnTir;.-ft-TTirtriv siH-tiAl vsisnuii\i\itni ll.ivr brni rolled loKPllirr miIIi tlip iironifr 1.1 nil slU^iriiiiiut Kr«Kl tim r tor iniiiiial U bor div dhUlilit; —Ihr Kll;o rdiinlv fnir and llvi'jlwk ________________

llilf Nlm:i:V-.

5wp nUIy on Thursdny evrnlne.l nor to UiB « ta rt of the m et inrrt III addition to fmir nllfriiDoii

of rnclHK. tlie Jnlr will nffrr n fiil H'lirdiilp of mock Ihii.'.p (diiievl and to o btilldliiK.' Iillrd ^v^ll m rny.s of pxIiiIjII>. A <*li J_ij >’.(.n i


S iinrt B wilh Kldrr Miltn


n . H unter belni{ Ihe visiting «M - . ,‘ |er»l authority . P'n.'.l and te*tlnjony , im tellni; will h r held ne*t Sunday.

moriiini; c. STTTT-l

• I

F A L S E T E E T HT h a t L o o s e n

'— N e e d 'N o t E m b a r r a s s "iiiiii,

llic-bjctotiiiin (or llip !iim-clay iilfair. Sc'in. i 7. I

T lir llrciiblr Imisr poinilaliim i will bf niTili'linl liy » varicly o|

laliiiiiriU IlMt I>|olltlM' Kl-'

tlii'-clock (livriMim' diirin« lair' 'k. bcKhitiini; uiili nn miniMt I



F U R N I T U R EO ur Stock It Low.

HURRY W h ile T h c jc V olue* L ost!

P E R S O N A Lc lio ic c o f b o u rb o n e x p e r ts ^






V « tt« M ia K M f O n«D dUpUr. p>rl of their 10S3 proicct. M f - p r t r t Qlrte K*Uj Ftortnet. left, W a-Cln.Ton.Ya; Mary U rtT iff^ Ana* O* Voider, center, of the O.U'a-Ta-S'a t 'o u p . and Gtta Oy«r •* 81K» Torch D earen. Ttie |lrU (till receWe IndU

* * * * *. * * *

‘Keep Idaho Green,’ Is Tlieme For Camp Fire Girls’ Display

Tlilnal Keep Idaho Green aw ardi for parllelpatlon In (he projec t. The Twin Kalli county cnuncll won aecond prlte In the ita te -w lJe cdnipctltlon la il >car with Ihelr K erp Idaho (irren proJccL (S taff pha(o>encra*int)

A miniature display on the •K«P Mif’O Oreen" theme ap- jortm In the Idaho Power com- aar window for almost two weck-i a Uie BOrlc of four Camp Fire cull jroups.. Etch yfttr-Oamp Fire Olrls Jn lie Twin Fnlls council devote part •' ihelr time to this project. ^ the council won second prize a the »Ul«-wide competition of •I t Keep Idaho Orcen committee.

aassofl939 Has Reunion For Heyburn

HEYDUBN. Aug. 20 — T he Hey- B high KhooJ pTBduatlnfc class

. 1535 held their ao.ycar reunion jiNebapit banquet rooms In Bur*

T Sitarday evenlngi 'Onrin Jenics, vlca president of it clui, wclcomcd the suest< and Uiln nelntr (rave the Invocation, lit builneas meetins wM conduct- d by Don McCombs, cIam tal. It was decided to hold - - i a reunion In five years.

1 Amos Jordan. West Point,. was master of ceremonies

o l introduced the class members lai their partners. He Mked each » ib(r to give a brief resume of idr llvu and families during; tlie Wt :o yean.Spencer Toons paid tribute to

W Peterson, classmate, killed in 'Mi In Italy In WOrW war I t . Al- -td Tliaxton siuiu, "My Ftlend,"1 hli memory.Jtj. Whitney Hale played two,

Klections and Thnxton aanit: in wloj and led the croup In CjiD{.Mrt. Olaf Moller, class teacher

w a pstaUUn. Whitney noberts was Ir

or Oie prlMS which were ywntfd to Emma Southern Wod- itir (Of belnc youngest m anled ; tWn jfnks. havtnu the most chll- to; Vernon Mcrr, least ha ir; Eva we Roberta and Spencer Toone

Wittsi looking; Mrs. Wod.ikow a o t Jemale child and Calvin Wfttf.-oideat--m»le child, and ^ Melda Morgan Hale, the WBtcjt child.Hr*. Alfred Thaxton arranued

dtcoraUons and Mr. *nd Mr*, will Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. ilulon

Tlie exhibit w i l l show scenM, one n Krcen fore.nt area complete with cnmpj.ite. and- the oilier ft burnt-out area, tjie rc.iult of wmcone's cftrcle.uncs-i. Camp Fire Olrls have spent many hours making the tiny trcc.i; picnic ta ­bles,. nnd oilier acce.'.sorles to make Uie renllsilc Kencs.

Mrs. Jack Slirlver hn-i been chairman of Uie projcct. AsilstlnK her from the W n-Kon-Va group, led by Mrs. John C. Pool, arc Lyn- etle Hann, Bonnie Hcltx, Wanda Holman, Delores H u g h e s and Dianne Pool; from Elu-he-Ko croup, led by Mrs. Robert Corn. Kfttliy Corn; from W o-Cln-Ton- Ya group, led by Mrs. O tto Flor­ence, Jr., Kelly Florence, Kathy Henderson, Becky B raun, Janice Anderson and Vnlcrle McRlll; from Mrs. Shrlver's O-W a-Ta-Na group. Mary Stirlver. Anne De- Voider, Donna Cedcrstrom and De< Ann Pled, Also arjlstlnR were Toni Bean, who has finished her ftremaker rank, and Owen Oyer, working for her second torchbcar-

' rank in Indian lore.For their'w ork on the project,

the RlrU •will receive Individual Keep Idaho Green awards.

The local Camp F ire council's BCtlvltlcs In tlifl prosram conform with the national orKanlxation's Keep America Beautiful project as well as wltli the Oolden Jubilee program which emphaslres con- sen’atlon, tree planting and Im­provement of recreation areas.

During the summer< In connec­tion wiUf tills project, girls at Camp Tawakanl c u t diseased branches of trees, replanted seed­lings, eleared streams and carried out wildlife projects. A ntl-lltter- 3ug activities also are atre.ued.

Different activities were carried n during Ihe year by various

Comp Fire groups, and reported in a scrapbook .lent to the Kee| Idaho Oreen committee. The bool will be included In an cnhlbll a t the library later th is week.

Among the programs of the various groups wcro distribution of literature on Keep Idaho Oreen, carrying posters, decorating floaLi, replanting bulb.v making llttcrbags and distribution of Smoky Bear sigan and literature.

M o t o r i s t F i n e dEDEN. Aug. 26 — John D. DcaH.

iO. Jlatelton. was fined M and ca^ts by Eden Justice of the Pcace flalph Law for failure to display a on his trailer. He wm cited by Stn te Patrolman Roy 'Diomas one mile east of Hazcl-

in on highway 25.Kenneth Macke, 20, Haxclton. as finfrt_j.s and ca'^ls .by Judge

Law (or having no mud fl.ips on his tmck. He was died by Man'ln S. Wright, a tate patrolman, three miles east of Hazellon on high­way 2S.


Jam es Durlee, nos chaVrmnn of the civil aeronautics l>oard, was nominated by ' President E kon- hower yesterday to be a Judge of th e U. S. court of claims.

CHAISESValues to 39.95

8 8


ron inititiATiowUilnf Dognrt. Na fmllnrr*KILLINGER E L E CTRIC

Phooe RE 3-512S

A Super Tate Bargain for only .........— 15'

OHicrs: 17.88 2 0 .8 8 -2 4 .8 8 -2 7 .8 8




Big, beautifu l 6 0 " tab ic plus 6 deluxe foam c h a ir s plus FREE step stool

Massagic Vibratorw ith a n y ’


hock... relax...UFE

W i n n e r s F e t e d

1 0 0 % N Y L O N a n d D U R A N


C om fortable foam rub­b er over sea l sprinfrs. W ide choice of colors. Poailivc slop action in any position. FREE VI­BRATOR W IT H ALL RECLIN ERS!

O ther Reclincrs 59.88-79.88-89.88

SPECIA L A T 1 2 9 .8 8 I N O W . . . ■

g ^ . 8 8 I

D on 't Bo M isled

o ther ch a in that hare » vibrator and -Look- Clkt DerkJiner' »«il for t h r e e times u onchJ See Derk- tlner and compart

S a m e S e f 0 7 Q Q

W i t h o u t S t o o l , 0 / * o o

MANYwmam usts...

l*B» f i r IH w lng .fo r f« c td W b g l.

by the losers v Nat-Soo-Pah.

Approximately M members and their families attended. Mrs. Craig Dunlay was In chatie .E x p l o r e r t o F a l l

t e S S '.S t l l Radiotors

DELUXE BERK-LOUNGERCAininiDOE...... . /.-B.•talihjonlan Aatrophyslcal ob- *ttlory s,iid yesterday th a t by ' “ le-U riciermlnallon America's ■‘•flte Explorer IV Is due to come ^InO clober.«n•loa |y the 3a,4J-pound bul- ' “upetl satellite had been ex-

lo fall Into the E arth ’s ^ n e r e in late August o r earlywtnbe:,la tWrv’alory spokesman said * Will L'l not decreaalng aa fast

been estimated.“ Porer IV was launched July

NEW AND OSED Service ti Repairs

Phone RE 3-6080All Typ<»>Klnd*


ni-Way 30—0 0 Truck L ani Radlalon Ar* Onr DeisineM—

Noi ■ SldeUa*

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• F u ll 51/2” FOAM RU B B ER SEAT


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T h e f i n e s t i n R c c l i n c r a

“^ ^ E G U L A R 159.50

^ V E 30.00N O W ONLY

1.50^ i r T n n . m n n - If* the tooit pe rfec t ch alr for altung. rtad ln |, napplnf.I n c l u d i n g V I B R A T O R ; watehln* tv .

ID EA L, G IF T I U Y -A -W A Y N O W F O R C H R lS T M A S r -------------------

NEW SHIPMENT^ SWING SETS!L o w e s t P r i c e ! B e s f Q u a l i f y !

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K i d d i e s

T a te ’s h a v e a com­p lete selecllon of play­g round toys I


USED FURNITUREA k l k J C V N e x r D o o r t o

A n C A T W IN FA L L S S T O R ECofflB In and ahop for Yonlbi* Beds. Crib*, Bocken . Chair*. Dtneltei. Daveaoa, filattrestes. Beda.



Reg. 8.95


. 8 8

Same ValuesT W I N F A L L S

a n d J E R O M E

PREE P E L I V m - Park Eosv - EASY TERMS

J e r o m e - E A 4 - 2 8 3 1IM WEST MAIN ' '

. .OFEN..6ATUBl>AX. E V C h ^ O J

T w i n F o i l s - R E 3 - 2 7 7 2i m MMBKELX ROAD

Page 6: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


L D S S e s s i o n

A t M i n i d o k a


ROPSRT. Aug. SB— Borne 1-525 m e a b e n IlU«t the »tU e Ufrer- DACle In Rupert tc Uio qiurttrly conrerenc# of tho MlnliJok* »Uike or the LDS church 6undfty.

S U to P r« lden t Rodney A. lU n-

mnA w u fDMkcr the 10 :roeeUnff. He »poke on ihe theme

. •Heuerober th e s»bbaiii diy, to keep U holy,"

Hb M id church KUthcrrltles concerned with the trend tos'nrd

' "b iu lneu u usual” on the Sfthbath •n d with the w«y chu rth member# were *llo»lne them *elv» . to be carried *1011* w ith the trend. He Btrea»ed the U nporance of proper obstrvaUon and cited acrlplure to •how th a t those who do keep the

- BabUth-Ai dlrected_recelYeJi!ea»- lns9 and tliat thote who do not

"W« canuDt fall to keep the Sab­bath properly and a t the name time expect our children to keep It. He pointed ou t th a t proper ob- lervance and church ottendnnce on the part of adults waa aa /mport* w it aa i t was for youtis people.

Music for both the momlnu and ■item oon MAlona wna furnished by the Acenula ward choir under the (lirecUon of Mra. Lulu Crtaby. w ith Mrs. Blanche Cook aa accom- panUt, Dwmond Welch, awke chortoter. .d irected the conBreP>- tlonol sln tln r, and Linda Smith w u a t the orgaji.

The Inroeatlon waa offered by Harold Peteraon, member of the h leh council, w ith Don MeCombJ' glvlns the closing prayer.

• O ther apeakera a t t h t m om lni ■eaalon Included Stephen T . Lund, recently relum ed, mlsalonary In Norway. He jave a report of hH

. miBlon, and pointed ou t th a t the world la a great m lulon—And It U

. up to Individual choice whether a• person la a good mUslonary -• poor one.

Jean Burke. Carol Lee Moncur ; and Darwin Cheney, three young^ . penona home from college, each ; talked on the fmportance of younff , people atudylcg the scrlptureo and ' ti> lne to lire the best poaalble life ; l a thla day of national unrest ' Mai Inaeounty.; Blahop aiCTenj H elaer of the• K ejtm m f ln t w anl spoke o a par*; en tf toicblng tiaelr children tiis , Im porU nt leaaona of life. He aald ' th a t v tm t we re*d and atudy U ; expreaaed In our apeech and ac-

Uohi, pointing up th e Importance . o f proper reading hablta and of

ha rla g proper readlnc matcrtal In th e bocne.

Mra. Allha Beamona. flrat coun- Mlor In th e atake YWMIA. pointed

i o u t the neceaslty of making the ' righ t choice la deciding w hat to ; do in life and cited th e life of the


K A Y T(R l U leey d c il

(lOI Top O'.Monltif «iU Trivial Pm I t:00 N.». 'V- I 1U Cbubola T »a

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lOiOO CuliM IB Alf lOUO.CuUu, a la t . i l r . IliOO Ilotiu* Oibii« m o t CiiiiM IB AirtliM-HMlk-Ooha-UW. TI titl C«B SUM NtwtllilO r . r o w.*. liiU Hporli2iU Wuiatr H » I lit K..V XiOO Uu>l« li l t N<»

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>i» KLIX TilO CeMoB Bb>«1;0t Sunup FolllM

'iH ? lll.n Ab55tTS--V lliOS Art Smartl t : n DiOBartxIl. Bnluv ,:iM Dlnntrb.ll IlBdiip i::S> Local t*T«i .::U Uvnbxk Uarkau

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.1 D«b PblUlpa SbB*

T:Ot U«» rhllUpa Sluii7 l i t Ma/k« »W ft Ti<» Dob rbilllpt 8b ■Titl K»«.

— »:0«-Beb-PMUIp«-Sbi

10 ;m K*Bb«rIr Sb»«j ! ; S ! & r l , -bo .

> the time to build good foundatlona ‘ lo r your whole fu ture to ttao d on." : Desmond Welch, counaelor In the• YUMIA, apoke o a th e Importance : o f kecfilng goala and Ideals h l|h ' Id all phaaea of our llfea.; . Ee atrMsed benellla of the I sport* program aa carried out by ; th s UIA. Attention to amAll de- I t«Ui, he said, la Im portant In buUd- ' Inrc^taTMter as In all other things.

President Jay Merrill, counselor t o the stake president, was the

' .opetilog speaker for th e afternoon session. He discussed the rise In church meaiberehlp in the United S tates during th e pMt*war years. poloUnc out th a t a m e n t survey Hated 100 million who claimed membership !n some denomination. O f th is number, about C2 per cent were active. T he survey w ent on to lis t's? per cen t who believed In

. ft Supreme Being, and 60 per cent who believed the Bible to be dl- Tlnely Inspired, yet ou t of Ihnt number. M per cent could nol name th e first five books of (he Bible.

Merrill pointed out th a t accord- ' Ing to this survey, th a t there was ; *n increase in church affiliation , and k decre&so in faith and knowN ' « J « of Ood,

David I . Oam er. aUike patriarch,' strcMed the imporiAnce of hon- ; oring the prle-ithood and kee^ilng . th e commandmenl.1.

Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Hertdritks,> Acequln. who have recently return- ' ed from a six monthii m l«lon to ! th e N orthvestem stAtes mLulon,• spoke ©n their eJfperience*.; O ther speakers w e r e Edith ' flchenk. Virginia Wilcox and Leon ; McBride.i Loyn Blacker. aLaiie mission• president; DLihop Lee Merrill, of ' the Paul Ward, and Roldo V. Dut- ' son,- Jirst counselor of the stslte ; preaidenc)', were th e concluding

speakers.President Dut.<ion spoke on ....

bleaslnga Rained from keeping the ' commandments, speaking cipe-

clfllly, of the law of UthloK, niLi lav . he said, has been brouRht down from earliest times, havlns been required of Adam and of every genemtlon since th a t time.

Prayers a t Uie afternoon aession were offered by Ray Q arner and LaVauer Wilcox.

The Slake MIA was in charge of the evenlnc program based on the iheme “One Hour w ith the Bible." ThU was presented with muiUc, dialogue and tableau*.T i! ^ * ^ '' Pro jgun was Mn.LUa Cheney, w ith music by Mar-

S p a c e m e n ’ s

P r a c t i c e I s

A l m o s t R e a l

J0H N 8VILLE, Pa„ Aug. 28 The sevea-m en who plan to be the first Americans to blast off into space hsve b « n pracUclng that maneuver—a n d the fea t of return­ing safely to e a r th —with amaiing reallsbi In s navy centrifuge here.

The M ercury astronauts say their train ing here h as made them more confiden t th a n ever th a t they will be able to ''fly"- a salellUe three times o r, more around the Earth, a t 16,000 miles an hour.

They will h av e to pu t on brakes —In the fo rm of reverse-flrlng rockets — firm ly enough to ease down to a pa rachu te landing off the Florida cow t.

T hree of th e astronauts—Llcut, Omdr. Alan B. Shepard. Jr., 35; navy Lieut. M alcolm S. Carpenter, 33: and a ir fo rce Oapt, Leroy Gor­don Cooper, j r . . 33—discussed their w ort a t a new s conference here Ust n ight a f te r a cenM luge ■flight' dem onstration by Cooper,

Cooper rode strapped in a couch —sim ilar lo th a t designed for the Mercury capsules. He went round and round In « capsule a t the end of a M -foot-long centrltuge arm. I t can deliver up to 10 times the force of gravity .

Experts sa id the device simulated almost exactly the gravity forces to which an a stronau t will be sub­jected w hen ft missile boosts him into orbit, a n d then the re'j'o* rockets or brwking devices- slow him down so th a t he will enter Uie Earth's a tm osphere agaia

Salph T. Edwards Honored at RitesWENDELL. AUR, 20 — Puneral

services w ere conducted for Ralph T . EdwanU Friday morning a t the WendeU M ethodist church w ith the Rev. A. E. G ilbe rt ofllcintliiB.

M rs.'W a^ne Fagg sang, accom­panied by M rs. fTcd Eaton. The flowers were arranged by Audrey Ferguson.

Pallbearers were Virgil Adams, U w rence A dam s. U 0 . Yost, Jack Brooks, B u r t Frisch and Nell Yosu

ConcludlnR rites were conducted a t Sunset M em orial park. Twin Falls.

Seminary Class Begins at Eden

HAZELTON. Aug. 29 — Bishop James Chrlstopherson announced seminary classes began W ednesday rnomins.

These classes are held a t 7:15 .„m . and lost for an hour, whicli will enable Uie student ' t o make connections wlUi the Valley bus n l 6:1S n. m. a t th e Hazelton grade school. '|

S tudents from the elglUh (erode' through seniors ore eligible to ot<| tend. T his year’s course will be' on the O ld T esu m en t w ith Mrs.i Mory G ardner os teacher.

BCRlstratlon for this course will be 11.50 and there will be cost of »1 for a sem inary noUbooV ond a regular sem inary Bible w ith large type and red lettering will be available from the seminary for (250. T ills Bible will be In use for n e i t ycAT olso a s n e x t ycar't subjects w ill' be taken from the New T estam ent.

West End Group Planning PotluckHEYBURN, Aug. 28 - Resolu­

tions of th e S ta te Orange were discussed a t the meeting of the West End O ran g e In Emerson and a potluclc d in n e r was planned for 7 p jn . T hu rsday a t the Oronge

Claude B ow m an showed colored pictures o f h is tr ip to the north ­western p a r t of the state, and plane O reen played two plan

'5,Refreshm ents were served by

Mrs, Pred Schodde and Mrs. E rn­est Erwin.

Jean A ndercon, Marilyn Moncur. Sonia S m ith . Arlyn Thaxton, T rena LawTence and LaVeryle Jones, vocalists. Accompanists were LlndA S m ith , Oeorgla Crofts and Alice Sn>'der.

TtiOM tA k ln g part Jn the tableaux ere C onnie and Eleven LUnd,

Olen H unsoker, Launa Slolworthj’. Linda D nrring ton . Olnger Brimhall and 8andr& Mohlman. Scripture renders w ere Jay Williams, Linda Smith. C larence Nielson and Mrs. Lsmona Il^-mos.

Prayers w ere given by Dr. George NItlson a n d BAy Sm llh. .


Attorney G enera l prank L. Benson has asked th e district court here for an extension In a damage suit brought a g a in s t the Idaho high­way departm en t and states high­way commission.


Z I P P E R 4 '® ®w n g b i n d e r i u p

t Mm P W a r 5fW.rf C««iOUARANTEED-S FULL lE A B S

Looks like l „ u , „ . . .OuiwtiTs leather B to I ' ‘


This daily ■chedule of trlevUlon and rad io programs U prcMSted as a service to readers of th e Tlmcs-Newa. LUUfigs are fnralsbed by lh« sta tion . Any errors o r chaogem shcaid be reported to the itatlon llseU and no t th e T im efN ew s.

* * * * * * * *

Television LogKLIX-TV

{Chonod t i l

tiK OeugCu »wBrd>, t:10 T>)m el iltaftra «iH DoubU II Korrd lilO KUX'lrB- >7iH UUIIontIr* riJ4 Wblrlrblrd4 Il90 m b tSil» D initr (I Uj SulntMtiM GI2 I'rMtntj tiSO ^ n Cosnen 10:90 SuMt'i Curuln Call - - XUZ n»<lllnM

ratJUpA T Tilt Kt^X n ^ I lo «*;«* Top D oll."

i;:00 ni»t:i:o v<nii<i ii rourtI ICO Tbt llrlihltr Dtr I lit Knrvt Slerm lijo w b . or .si,ht• lOlt On th* Co JilO C<xl(r«7 Tim*SiM> Iltnijlitii4iII0 KUX KowbiDd Elub i:M Mirr^ Ullknaa III! DntJiiItt Ww.rd.. Nt«t S;]0 lluektcbtrrr llousj <iO« DnubI* a KorrU• :» KUX-lr*1:M r*e«DiWr Orld*TilO l-r« Got > 8«crtt liO* Rroucb« U»nsiio rxipU 'i choic**100 Ktorlrt of Ih* C*olijrT tilO ICA Slir Rust

Mrs. Vada Webb Claimed by DeathDUllL. Aug. .28 — M rs.-yadn

Aim w ebb , 89. 209 T hirteenth ave- mie nortli. Bulil.''tiled M ond o y > t Horton's N ursing heme a fte r on extended lllncr.v

Bom In Lebanon. Mo', Sept.’-21, 1BC6. she m arried Albert G. Webb a t Lebanon in 1604. He died in 1B27. She ond her husband c.\me 10 Buhl in 1025.

Survivors IncJuda th ree «n.». Earl Webb. M onett. Mo.; Everett Webb, L ebanon, MO., and Dewey Webb, Nampa^ 0 daughter, Mra. Mattie Beard, Buhl, and nine grandchildren.

P uneral services will be held a t 10 a ja .-T h u rsd ay a t the A lbert, son Memorial chapel with the Rev. M. M. Matloclc. pastor of the Buhl Nosarene church, otllclotlng. F i­nal rites will be held In the Buhl cemetery. Friends may call a t Al­bertson’s funeral home until time of services Thursdiiy.

million dollars. *1-®® CAIl

8,000 MilesCHICAOO. Aug, 28 (UPD—

An adventuresome Missouri family arrived yesterday aboard a 10-foot outboard boat that luis cnrrlcd (hem B.OOO miles irom Yankion. a . D.

T he Todd Crowford fomily. Lake of the Otarks, Mo., set out Irom Y ankton. 6 . D.. traveled down the Mississippi river. Uirough the Oult of Mexico, up the E as t coast and through the Q reat Lakes lo Chiugo.

Before they Ttturv botoc, a spokesman said, they will have traveled more than 8,700 miles, more th a n double the old out­board cruise record.

Runway Duty Is Given to Guard

BOISE. Atfg. 38 in r - Idaho air national guard fighter pilots, and those who keep them in the air, were told yesterday they will go on rw w ay a lert a t Gowen field here (to rtlog next Januanr.

T he a ll-w eatlitr F88L flghter-ln> terceptor un its of tho 154th fighter group Is p a rt of the a ir defense cotnmand a usm entatlon forces, Lieut. Cot. LeRoy B oeraer, Ham* llton a ir force base. Calif., said.

noem er Is operations and train* Ing director a t western a ir defense command heaefquarters. He briefed the Idaho guard on lu runway alert duty, w hich It assumes each! alternate year. |

AugmenUUon forces Include the a i r guard a n d other .reserve units which can he lp tu rn back an at* Uck on the U .S , sold Lieut. Col. Donald H. Bochksy, a ir national guard representative from Hamil­ton. T he figh ter pilots will main­ta in a 34«hour vigil during th( runway alert, rotating active duly tours.

E x i l e d L e a d e r

O f V e n e z u e l a

F a c e s C h a r g e

MIAMI. F la , AUg, 28 l^V-Mor- .3* Perez Jlm enex' aUtdiU oa w as sought yesterday by Venezuela, which charged the fonoer dlcUtor with m urder and embezzlement.

T he plump, balding exile told newsmen ' I am sure the charges arepoU tlcal-and-br«uiht for poUt* leal moUves." He also sold th e accusaUons were ’-absolutely false.’'

-I b a re coaiplete coofJdeaje la the high quality of American Jua- Uce.“ the «5-year-old Pere* Jim ­enez said as he left the federal building to return to the Miami Beach mansion he bought on flee­ing Venezuela more than 18 tnooths sgo. H e decUned further comment unUl he bos a chance to itudy th e chargcs.

Pere* Jimenez posted »25.000 bond In U S . district court on th e extradition’ V a r ra n t pendinr f a r ­ther Venezuelan moves. Venezuela haa w r W a'J iT w W ch W-tmimree evidence.• Venezuela asked th it the court consider holding Peret Jlmenex w ithout bond. Judge Emett O. Choate turned this darn.

The complaint accused Perez Jim enez, who came here 16 m onths ago, o f murder, attempted murder and embezzlement. He was-ousted as Venezuelan strong man in J a n ­uary 1BS8.

ExchangesAskedMIAMI BEACH, F la. Aug, 18 Iffi

—Attorney General William P. Rogers today proposed an ex* change of visits belireea Ameri­can and Soviet lawyers.

In a speech to the American B ar association, he u ld tha t such u changes would dramaUte th e coatrosc beCween a five system o f government and a reglmenled


flUDRESllEPBIIIIN. F R E D Z l N N E M A N N 'S ~ » e . „ „

T h e N a n s STORyt e c h n i c o l o r *

• - N O W SH O W IN G !• • • • OPEN I t is

Polaris FailsCAPE CANAVERAL. Fla.. Aug.

28 (JO—A Polaris test rocket shot over Uie A tlantic yesterday but failed to achieve all lis goals be­cause of trouble In the ■ second stoge.

A brief navy annouocem rat ssfd ihn t altltough the missile launch* ed successfully. ‘T here Is evidence th a t m alfunction occurred in the second stage a fte r separation."

Economy KickHIRAGA, J a p a n , Aug, 39

(U P I)-W h e a Mayor Tetsusa* buro S iuuda goes on an econo­my kick he really means it.

He reduced his salary from n i l to $60 a month snd (oolc over w ithout pay the Jobs of as­sis tan t moyor, treasurer and the property assessment committee.

Conducts ServiceELBA. Aug, 28—Dliliop Orville

Beecher conducted the LDS sacra­m ent meeting Sunday. Singing wns led by Vermoyne Beecher, aceom- ponled by Mrs. Orville Sears,

Speakers were Lorry Tracy. Giis Erickson ond Wesley Ward. P ray ­ers were given by Lewis Oltley and Ew art Oltley.

SUBS WILL SAIL HAIFA. Israel. Aug. 26 The

ftrneJi • nsvsJ chief. Commodore SAmclel Tankus, reports the two submarines’ Isrkel ■ bought from Brilnin will sail h e ri w ithin the n « t few months.


.'T H E W O R L D , T H E FLESH, A N D T H E D E V IL " "

W E D .- T H U R S .- F R I .Pred M cMurray • Nina Shlpmar

"O R E G O N T R A IL '^

l ig h t as a w hisper

* T n u f Bidf i t ig j___

10 PfiOOF



Hitchcock, if possible, outdoes

h is suspcnsefu l self!


C A R T O O N -i- S H O R T


Adults 1:00 — Student 15o

See (be S. A ir Force

" T h u n d o r j e t s ' '


T H E G R A N D .V U

T h e n w c fe h th e m F r id a y a t 1 2 :4 5 /

T w in F a lls A irp o r t .

S u p e rso n ic p ro c ii io n F ly ing D e m o n s tra t io n !


$ 7 .0 0 CA R FU LL



J esse JiwES

8 ;0 0 PLUS

-R IC H .-T O D D -JU L JE T T E • g r e c o - ' t R e



D e l iv e r y a n d Q u a l i ty

G u a r a t^ tc e d

b y t h o w o rld ’s m o s t

L o o k {n Y e llo n rP a g c i

F l o r i b t s ’

T e l e o r a p h •

D e l i v e r y

A l l - O u t A d v e n t u r e ! A l l - O u t

H o r r o r ! T h e P e r f e c t

A I I - T K r i l l S h o w !







'You’ll le a rn th e Terrifying Secret,

tf ie H i t e OBSESSION of.

TIjfiMan Who Could Cheat Death

H e ra is e d h is d a u g h te r w ith ja z z f o r a lu llab y .a n d h is F iv e P ennies m u s ic - ra e n -

G le n n M iller ,D orsey , G o o d m a n a n d th e r e s t - f o r b a b y -s i t te r s ! N ow h e ra is e s th e h e a r t o f a l l A m e ric a w ltli Uic m o s t tr iu m p h a n t c o m e b a c k o f a l l !

• S T A R T S T O D A Y 1 :3 0 •CQ M E EARLY! RE L A X IN CO O L C O M F O R T I 0 P E N M 5 - P M-

. - f e a t d b e s -

JiC lM rtn »

Page 7: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


S I M s


Beginning Septem ber 1

• „ N c w ! T w o do ily ro u n d -trip , non - s to p f l i g h i r f o ’ S o lr-U o k e C ity in - th e lu x u rio u s F -27 P ro p -Jc t

• N e w se rv ice to L o g an o n d O dgcn v ia B u rley -R uperf

# F o r in fo rm a tio n o n d re se rv o f io n j c o ll REdw ood 3 -6 7 2 1 o r see y o u r lo co l tr a v e l o g e n t


L o o se -le a f b o o k , 6V*)^VA". 6 r in g s 79c

n d c o m p o s itio n b ook ,8 '/ 2 x7 ”

. W ire b o u1 1 x 8 ^ 2 ................... .................................................A A arbleized c o m p o s itio n , ju m b o ■•■■..■.39c

TA B L E T & SC R A T C H PADS5 x 8 " w id e r u le d I rish lin e n to b le t 25c W h ite m e m o p o d s , 3 x 5 " , 5 p a d s ....10c 8 x 9 V a " r u le d o n d u n ru le d N u -to n e ....2 5 c G io n r ra in b o w m e m o p o d s 5 x 8 " .......... 25c

PE N S A N D P E N C IL SW e o fc v e r f o u n ta in p e n

o n d p e n c i l s e t .........................................59cG o lia th b e g in n e r s p e n c ils ......................10cT o p r ite r s i lv e r tip p e dB all p o m r r e f i l l s c o rd o f 3 ......................2ScW e o re v e r " P io n e e r " F o u n ta in p e n ....5 0 c W e a re v c r r e t r a c t a b l e boll p o in t p e n 25cS c r ip to b o ll p o in t p e n ■;........................ 1 .00

■ 3 'V c n u s V e lv e r p c n c ils w ith e ra s e r s 2 9 c10 p e n c ils , c e llo p a c k a g e ..............._ ...2 9 cT r a n s p a re n t m c c h o n ic o l p e n c il ....... 29cA lso F itso ll b o l l p o in t r e f i l s ................ 15cW e o re v e r s h o r t le o d refills ............10cW e o re v e r " S a b e r " p e n a n d c o r tr ld g es e t .......................... ........... ............................. 1 .00P a p e r M o te H o lid a y bo ll p o in t p e n 1 .79P o p e r M o te b o ll p o in t p e n ................98cW e o re v e r f o u n ta i n , b a ll p e n , m e ch o n ic o lp e n c il, f l a s h l i g h t .................. ............. s e t 98cW e o re v e r b o l l p e n , k e y -c h a in p e n ,m e c h a n ic a l p e n c il, re fill ................s e t 90cW e o re v e r p e n , p e n c il, 6 le a d s . . . . s e t 98c

PE N C IL B O X ES2 -d ro w e r, w i th p e n c ils , p a in ts ...........M u lt ip lie r o n d d iv id e r box ................25cS nop B u tto n P e n c il B o x ...........................49e

SC H O O L BAGSRoy R o g ers, T e x o n , w ith lun chp o c k e t ........................................................... 1.9W id e g u s s e t b o g , c o rd u ro y o rle o th e r ........................................................... 2 .9S

Y O U R B A C K - T d ^ S C H O O l N E E D S

P A P E R FILLERS3 -h o !e l l x S V i " Biology F i l l e r ......3 - h o le 1 I x 8 ’/ 3 " , wide lin o ru le1 0 0 C t. ...............................................3 - h o le 1 1 x 8 5 4 " , wide lin e ru le 2 0 0 C t.........................................................

PASTES AND SCOTCH TAPES- C a r t e r C ico P a s te , 2 c . ..2 5 cL e P a g e 's S c ro p b o ^ P a s te , 4 V i-o z . 2 9 cL e P o g c 's M u c ilag e, 2 .3 -o z .................... 2 9 cS c o tc h T o p e , w ith d isp e n se r,7 2 x 2 0 0 " ............................................... — 2 5 c

T o p e w ith d isp e n se r, V 2 x 4 0 0 " .......... 39cT o p e in m e to l c o n ta in e r , V ixBO O " . ...5 9 c

C R A Y O N S" C ro y o lo s 4 8 in b o x ................................... 4 4 c

J u m b o C royolos fo r th e b e g in n e r s ....3 5 c C o lo re d pen cils-w oodcovered1 2 c o u n t ............................................................19cP la s t ic c royon b o x -sce th ru

c o n s tru c tio n ....................................... ~ ...2 5 cC r a y o n sh o rp e n e rs .............. ......„ . . . . . . . . .1 0 c

T Y PE W R IT E R PAPERS K a x l l " , w h ite p a p e r ........................... 10c8 1 /2 x 1 1 " , w h ite p a p er ........................... 2 9 c8 / 2 x 1 1 " , w h ite p o p « r-5 0 0 C t .............. 9 9 e

M ISC EL L A N E O U S P e a r-L o id le tle r-s iz e c lip b o a rd ......C o m p o ss ond 'p r o to c to r ...............« ...T o t Sw ingline s ta p le r w ith F re «S to p le r .........................................................

.M u s i c T a b l e t , - 101 6 x8"M e to l F ile Box, 3 x 5 " ..............................M e to l F ile Box 4 " x 6 "F ile Car«#s, ru led & U n ru le d 3 f 'x 5 " M e to l f ile Box 4 " x 6 " ...« .R e c ip e G u id e s 3 " x 5 " ..........I n d e x G u ides 3 " x 5 " ...........

Page 8: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


S o M a n y P i n H o p e s o n D e e a s

l e ^ e e k s i l a s i n g j j f - T e n s i o n s_ __ __ ____________ a i_Dr ARniun zoBos

WAfiHlNQTON. A«f. tW - SlU ln j there. w»tclilne Dwi»ht D.

• B senhow tr hunt for the right wortf, you ttU ta waaderlng: 2n »l) hUtory bate the hopes ot M m»ny people been pinned to one man?

Tor the world h»» become i gU n t powder kc(f. And no» I'

a n ; man Is to dlKOUrnie (he d«n> gerous hBblt ot pUylng with matches, that man Is ElMiihower.

He'» off today for a visit to Eu­rope. "then comei tiie call from Soviet rremter NiklU K/inwfc

chev, then EUenhover'j return vlaJt there. Somewhere along Uie tine, perhapi. powlbly. maybe, w me n-ay will be found to the Unilons.

At hi* new* conference. Etfen- hower appeared almost Klf-eon- leloui about the role he Is playing.

Usually IhlJt Ex all quMtlona and an8Wfr*.-but.Elsenfio_wfr_th!s Ume opened wltli a prepared aiaieinent of wlml he hoped to do In Eu­rope.

Even lt4 beginning teemed usually wmber.

(bout to emb/wk upon a

Journey." E l i e n h o w e r ttJd. p led j« Amerle*-* deroUtm to peace w ith honor mod JuiUce.

T he Prcaldent read hU t « t from yeU ow -p tper-m af looked u IfMt m ight have been flletied from one of hla grand-chlldrtn’i Jo w leaf not«booica.

W hen be finished with what he hoped to do In rilrope. he yanked of/ h is g laucj, a . sure sign th a t now h e was ready lo talk off the cuff.

Kc said he'd like to emphasize th a t p a rt about C^o billion people need lng-the necculU ti.oLllff’.I lc . liftd ft wnrnln'g of what will hap­pen If they don'4 get these neees-, slUe.v

■Tlje world Is going to have tough going." he M il

WfU. JJalinJng to EUfnJiower. U

ae«med th« m tM bad (•Irir tmgli going now.

As usual, the questions rasg td the M tU . from w hat cangreas U up to. lo w hat's happening In Laos, from the trivial to the tre ­mendous.

But mostly th e tiU; sUyed international probletns.

Repeatedly, he returned to the them e th a t the world c a n t go on u n l5 now. th a t he Is In hopes of finding some lltUe crack, aome llttJe avenue yet uneiplortd. tha t' will bring a change. In dlrecUons.,

I t was airious to reflect, as the conference went along, hew thlA Is a ro le l lia l Eisenhower has aald he doesn't like. He prefers to leave diplomacy to the diplomats, he has said, and yet here he was, ready for

lost ezclualve heads-of-state4ie most ex llploifiacjr.






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G A R A G EWc’Il help you with plans, show you how to

Bnlld a Slngla Car Garage for , . . . . . , , ,M iiitja «j 1 4 , 3 8 per monih* bu ilt i t ajiQ arrao g c all the financ ing .


T h e reasons w hy tirc-oovious! N a tu ra l £»s is

th e C L E A N E ST ^uel o f all! I t b u rn s com pjetely.

leav ing no messy so o t o r nshes. N a tu ra l gas is

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tifgr w orry ab o u t fuel storage . . . g as is always

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o w n e rs say . . . na tu ra l gas i s th e b iggest lieac-

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• . HO MONEY DOWN*Ei»T mcnihlf tttrm when you <onvefC lo niiuril *«i!* D nlcn e v t^ h e te a x oUtrinf thete iiiticiive icrmt. . .

t FHEE SERVICE UHEInictmounttin Gt» »<ill Initill i lervlcc lid* up W 100 /i. fiom miln and »« mner ai no chirgel .

• BUDGET FAY PUNSptcid -jout yetilf $ ti bill over exjust moniMf piTmtrtn.

CALL N O W ! PHONE RE 3-7163

I N T E I l M O U N T A I ^ ^ '

ip K B W U S S fllo r c o n ta c t o n e o f t h e s e lo e o t d e a le rs


7G0 Mnin A venue E ast M asic Glass and P a in t Company

130 Elm S tree t W estern IleatinR Company

32G Shoshone , Homo PtumbinK and ffeatinp Co.

, 135 3rd Avenue E a s t ' -bV em Thomas IIcalinK ---------

2Bl 3rd Avenue E ast Bradley Boiler Company

2103 Kimberly RoadM uEic V nllcy r i u m b i n j k H oatin i!

Mam South ^ “.rnace Company

18G0 Kimberly Koad Wnrbcrff Brotherfl

15G 4 th Avenuc South Brizee Metal Works

. 227 2nd Avenue E ast . .E -K Furnace Comnanv

-------- 205 Kimberly Road-JT w in .F alls HeatinR.....................

-B lu e L a k e s B o u lev a rd - ' '


V n n G as a n d A ppH ancc.s IGOO K im b e rly R o n d

S c a rfl, R oebuck a n d C o m p an y 403 M ain W


B r a u l t E n te rp r i s e s .—W 'a lt Schcnk lo

- B U R L E Y ----------------:--------------

S tc p h a n s o n ’fl, In c .R n m a e y H e a tin jr & E le c lr ic F e n to n S a le s a n d S e r \ 'i c e B e r t J a ck a o nB n c k m a n P Ju m b ln ff & H oatin sr I d a h o G as C o m p a n y M c C a s lin ’s L u m b e r

. D a le K o rb P lu m b in tr B u r le y P lu m b in R a n d H e a t in s S t r e c l o r a n d J o h n s o n M c C a llis te r S u p p ly P n u l D arre ll F u r n i t u r e

AVENDEI.L------------------------- -

W endell Grang:o S u p p ly

GOODINGIdaho Ga.s Company TriiiiiKle Heating Goodin;: H eating anil Sheet Metal

. A & B Heatinff i A ir Conditioning: JERO M E Mildrcn UcatinK Idaho Ga.s Company Pat7. H eatin ;: and S h o d Metal Ray Adundi.s Plumbiiifr & H ea lm j PA U LR aird B ro thers R U PE R TV an Gan a n d A pp lian ce C om pany C a tn iu l i B ro th e rs W w t c r n M etal.i C om pany W a lto n -P lu m b in s r B U H LB uhl PlaninRK oliinson’s Plum bing t Hcatinfe Stephens Meatinfr & Plumbing QijjffJc.v B ro thers Jlentinp

■Orocnawalt\<i----------------------- --------C ain’s


Low-Cost FENCEY o all enjoy the beauty of an co'cloMd yard . . . a»fe for elilldren with privacy for the ran lly . f e a r fteweri, itirubs aad tree* wdl b« aU ndoot feaCaret agafoit • bMBdtome ■wwkJ fence. NO DOWN PATOENT*

• - 4 FOOT

WOVEN FENCET h ii m o d e rn , c o iy -»»-build a t t r o c r iv o de- ■ign ig o fa tt* ris in g fa v o r ite .


O rnam ento l Steel FenceG o e i u p in o jiffy . . . h a t td to m o , proY- e n d e i ig n . L a t l s a life tim e .

iiiraiH 394 FOOT

RAIL FENCESH e r e 'i t h a f e n c e t h a f ' i c u ih ju i ta i lo r e d fo r o r a n c h t ty l e h o m e . Eogy to b u ild . G o o i u p f a s t to o l


Good earporU m many diff„. en t sty les a re to easy ta fcalftf yooraelf. D tunood rib ilunj. Bom or colored fIbergUu can be atlracUvely used grt»t aavlnga. Design It to double ai t p»Uo!


Complete Ideas for open or patios a re here to fit yoar honte. Cobblestone or concrele floor , . . solid o r louvered windbreaks. Wi have -era



R e g . 6 5 c


O N L Y . .

B rin g th a t dream in. Building

experts w ill help you with ideas,

p lans, aid in securing a contrac­

to r and even financing. The service i s ‘complete . . . ALL AT

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AM T. 12 MO. 21 MO. Sfi MO.

100 $ 8.78 - , -

.$ 500 4.18G S 22.95 .$ 15.97

.$1000 87.72 45.8!) 31.94

Jf3500. 306.11 159.72 110.93

.33 .951

Boise P ayetie

2 6 3 A d d i s o n A v e .


R E 3 -5 2 1 2


/ / ( . / ' . . , ) . : I:

Page 9: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


4 j j a r ^ G i v e n

S a c r a m e n t

M e e t a t D e c l o

>S^8uniJ#y n lsh l ntK nd«d by

YWMIA «uk t

W ^Jilfsievens wM presented pm by Mrs. Cltiynr

Mlis Stevens descrllifdZ® ^"'necesM ry for cum ins the,

,.n* M#vis Mfltlhews, pr<-|.^«nl “ T. i^ lo primnry. prc;enlcd 10, ? h«ve complelctl Ihelr,

t i flull irtfK <n Prim nry tind we5 ^ : 10 Rmduate In to MIA

jlirrgirlS. Jrtiw 8!«lltt Buna

T ffiT tls w fre |>r«ent«l-B 7-B lsb- r ' S f i t o n to C am lyn Whipplf.

? ,^ K H ld , Lillian McOrnw, lift Sclinjld

^ n n a s K ’ s s j s ; i i i i iPilrlciA Ann Moon.

-iceeplttl by Mrs. Lnv- rcjldent of tho YW-

“ n*r»(5uiitlne from th e Dee «lve iln W »•« MIA Mnid croup - Undii Jlb^o^, L inda Okie- ~ Florence JllchardJion; Fm n-

hurJl. M sntaret H o a « r . 0&11 /Hvrbout, Lcllo JO JftCoUi. ‘ j ^ ^ H i i r a t .M I A Mold lesdi- ,r orewnted pin* to D lnne D»r- rntun Mern» Voyce. Yuvoime S5;“ Cher>'l Osterhout. E lda Dan- ° Ann D*rrlnuton. L nura Chnm- wi'iln »nd Alnnc Bywntcr.

ilrv Earl C«rlaon. form er Bur- r lUke primnry presldenl, iii»lce

.rJ Uie Sprlnsdole cho ir wnc. I^ucted by Mrs. O cm ld Mnr-

*lUi Mrs. L ila T u rner "•_____________

{ailey Principal Back From Trip

HAILEY. Aur, 20 — Mr. #ndj, Wllllwn Lipscomb relumed ne Sunday evcnlns from 8po-

unt, W«li. DurliiB th e (summer -aiihi Lipscomb n tlcnded a ixclil m*lhemnt!c5 course at iinford university u n der a Oen-' rol Electric scholnr.Milp. He Is

trxclpil of tlie Unllcy With501. - Ie ihen returned to Spolcnne' i Salurduy cvenlnK lie uid . Upvomb a ttended the wed*

iV e( tliflr dflUEhtcr. Mtirllyn to DoukIm Loyd. Spokone.

Loyd will a ttend WiuihlnRtcn e coIlcRe. Pullm nn, to com-

hH studle.i fo r ft deitrce In pliroiacy. The new M rs. Loyd U 1 rofdlal technician and will lUk at a t. Isnn tlous hospiUJ, Col!»x.

3 D i f f e i ’ c n t S y s t e m s C o o l Y o n

The new w eather tiurr»u irn lee In leTcrkl c l t le ^ t lU n t the leinptratnre. 1111111111117 Index—m»kei kttp ln i cool a bit lelrnllflr. The Index fomp«rc« the hr»i and the liumlUlly and cornea up w tlh » "Irue lemperalure.“ Hut ilan't forrel Ihe body'a own ability ax an alr-eondltlnner. Sketehea ihow (he major naya the budr cimlt Uiell. f ie charta indicate proportion or heat loat In three wayi up l‘> a tcnipfralure_..of^- M drjffe*. Itadlallon—h eat emitted la enoler olijerti. »uch a t i*alU. Conrectlon—. air warmed by body klven waj’ to e o o l^ a l r . ETaporallon—«kln molilure “bollrf o f r by body heaC Orcr HO~dttreH;~per»i)rrii~llorr Inrreaiea and 'e> aporatIon become* the major method of h eal low.

Declo4lesideiits - Report Journeys

DECLO. AUR, 20 — Mr, and Mm . Oeorse Schneider and children. Menin Park. Calif., are here visit- Ins Mrs. Sclmelder.i parenU, Mr. niid Mrs. Jsm es DivUnn: her brnlhrr nnd »lstrr-ln-ln». Mr. and Mm, Dick Dftllon. Burley; hrf sUicrs. Mrs. Russi-Il S lw key ami family. Durlcy, and Mrs. Rubcrt SlinplQl and Ininlly. Malm, Mrs. Schnelfler U the former Mildred D ilun , and a farmer Declo h ljh :l [)Ol teacher.Mrs, Ofne Moon lm.i returned

home from Kooakls, where she attended fimerAl services for a nephew and vl.-lled her slater. Mr.<, Myrtle Strnw.

Mr. and Mrs, Wnlluce Anderson

Mrs, Mamie DarrlnRtnii, and tvlili lier slMer. Mra, Norman Wood, and brother.s. Clifford and Leroy Dar- rlngton. Declo, and Clurlrs Dar- rlnston, of Anaheim. Citllf., and the ir families.

and family. B lKkfoot, vlslied S u ii-’r \ i i ^ nda> '-T irT rtc70 --rm r-tc r m c m e r r r j l D a ' L O n i i n U n i t y ^

Final Honor Paid To Samuel BotkinDUHL. AUK. 26—Funeral icr\lcet

for Saniuel U. Dotkln were held nl S_pjn. Monday In ihe AlberLvsn Meiuorrsi~clili'p'c1—«, lln ~ th e “ Brv; Wnrfcn M cConnell, p a ito r of the Uuhl Metliodl^t cliurcli, otliclatlni;. . Mtli, Dciiny l*utiick r.rni! t»f> Milns accompanied by Mrs. Gerald Jiinien. who played the pre-

de and p<)^llude mu^^e. i’.illbfRrer.-i w eie U iurcnce lUm-

binrK, CljeMrr-HobMCTrW rLrPsr- )ip1;. K eim rlh SJiriidrr. WlUJnro F. Cli:miber.i and Jloberl Erb,

CnncliidInK i-ervlccs v.ere held I the Ruhl c lly cemetery.

Choir Will Begin Practice at Buhl

nUHL. AuR. 20 - Tlie Bt, An- drew'.i adu lt cho ir of the l-'irr’. rrc-.'byterlan cliurch will

:vacxalu tu for llie fait k s* Ith the f irs t practice niEht

or—ft—(wit. Tliuraday r tlie

Loses Finger

Tells HappeningscliiircJt,

Itu.^lnrM aLv> will be trnnsacled members a re iirsed tn alltnd.

ELBA, AuR. 2(1 — Mr, and Mi.v New member* a re alw) invlied tn C, R. Beecher. FnrmlnRton. Utah.'Join the choir nnd Ulo^e lntere,^trd vlstlfd her brother. A, J- Udy, and may come to th e reliear.^il Tliurs- tBmlly. flay evenlnR. lli fw e unable to ai-

Ouesi.* nt Ihe Ellhu Beecher irnd m ay ronlr.ft Mrs. home thin week were Mr. nnd Mrs,'i)i>n Roberta, choir director. Kloyd Levlii and family. BolseMLyle Evans... / . p.-........... ............... .r»«TiT 1* Tr—. n nOVH t.CVlU Bnu IBIIUIJ. . ]

PAUL. AUK. 28-K ent Nelson. B. Pctilnslll. Cordova. Alu-'ka, in (if Mr. nnd Mrs. C«Ivin Nelson.;„„(i Mr, and Mrs, RedRe PettlnRlII,] >st a flnKer In a fann accident

a l his home last week.A num ber o f children uere play-

iR near a Im ctor parked In Uie yard. One of them sicppc<|.i sUirter catchlnir the cliltd's hand. The little fUiRcr w m cut off nnd the next f lncer of his richi hand


U n i o n M e m b e r C o n g r a t u l a t e s

B u d g e o n A n s w e r t o O f f i c i a lW A S H IN O T O N . A<i- 2C— I from the 25 emjiloyes of nn Idaho

(Special) Cons. Hamer IL B udRe. b iu lc u s Itrm.K.. Ida,, has'received a conen lator>- card from a PhllndeliilJl.-v union member for Budce’s niuw cr to Ihe letter sent all memljcrs of the hoiL'ie of repre.^entatlver. who voted for the Landriim -O rlffinlabor reform bill, by Jam es C arry , ................. ..president of the Electrical Work-.<,uijiidfr» Into Jdalin --------. . . . -------the lBJi Plectlonr

V IS IT IN KI»KN niland, Calif. I EDEN. Aur. 30 - Mr. and Mrs,

Oritnt W hitnker. Pocatello. jippd. pocAtello, visited hislied his mother, M n . Don W hit- p „ en u , M r. a n d Mr.s, Austin Ma^ aker. T\]e«(}«y. (heney, nnd D eanna, and Jier"

Unite M uswr returned to her, mother. Mr*. A nn Schauerman. home in MemphU. Tenn.. after,Mrs, n««d a rrived earlier In Uie spendlnR the aum m er w ith her: week to n tiend the weddlnR of Krandparenti. Mr. and Mra. Leals Ronald Hawley nnd Norten An- Ottley. ‘derson T liu rsduy nlRht.

I l ie card said In part. "Con- Kralulallon* Mr, neprespntiitlvr of ::e people for telllni: thl.-. Carry here to se t off. Now slick lo it. )im‘i let him hitlm ldale you

la ter,'Carey's letter threatened rrprK -

Is a t the polls next yn ir f«r con- -rrMnien who supi>ortrcl the relii- iively sironR Landruin-O rlfllii hill s<iyliiR, "we shall do all In our power to prove to the workln.. and women In. your dM rlc t thnt you - hive-^casL.yoiir,, lo t, j^aljLM them , ,

R epresenU l^tu-a-u d r e c jiU u tCarey's letter "a cheap e ffo rt Intlftild,'itlon" and ^ald ih a t a gr majnrlly of the members of Ranlr.ed labor '■will he a.'ham ed of you." He aUo said. "U Is officers such 0* you. who consider thcn i- .^elves above the law, who hav r madp a Landnim - O rlffln bill nece.wary."

HiirlKe said he had received m any HiHratulatory mesMiKes for hl.'i

stand on the bill, IncludlnR ......

nepresentatlve DudRe’s reply to Carey added, "AccordlnR to the fUUiKS which you WuahlnRlon. U.C., labor mORUIs made with Uie clerk of Ihe house of representa­tives, yuu contributed *<.850 to niy npjKinenl and Aent ftwiims of

....................... • • • (Jrfcat mewould

Business College Has Term Exams^

Term examination# are In 'p ro g - rex* martclnR th e end of the «um- mer quarter a t T«'ln.yalls B ualnen cQllese, The fall term will begin Sept- 1. says President 8t<rUn* Ijirson.

CIius schedules for ths fall te rm are complete and a full currtculum of buslnew subjects will be offered.

RcKlstriilion Of new student* U under wiiy for the fall term. C u j-

.............. .. Jl'IlO_Wlll_you back aKnin no matter continue Uielr tralnlnR In the

huw I vnled on the Landrum -fterm will rcRlster -Wedneacfajr, OrlfJIn bill, because- my record In iTliur,\day and Friday of thl* weeic. the cnIlk•te. •l shows thn t I hiive nii Tlie final s tuden t body aasemWjr

of the summ er term featured a Him. "Personal Development." by Sormnn V incent Peal. lU ndel K .

Kninre lias 18 United .suvte.s bat-, dean of lie memorial.' w ithin It.s Ixirders. charRe of the nsserobly. iiialntnlned by the Anirrle.'ln B at-, . — —lie MonumenU commUMon. 1 HEAD TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS ^

C H I R O P R A C T I Cnejiw ea h ralth & WBlntntns Itl

A l m a H a r d i n , D . C .130 Mala No.. Twin FalU

rnO N E HE 3-4141


.DON'T MISS ,' Boise




OUlSIDEWHin GIOSS, WHIHm m A T "& w m m - mm

199 REG.7.95



W h«n o u r Phorm aciit com pounds a p ra tc r ip tlo n , ha it p racticing a t d t n e * . a n d h l i m s lh o d i a re j h o i a o f ovary cartfu l ic ltn ti tt . Each lngr0 di»nt h weighed end m a fliu re d w ith utm ott p rac lllon u s in g lh a f in e t t , m o il m e d a rn a q u lp m an t . D epend on o u r Pf]or< m a e i i t t o m a a t ihe ax ae lin Q i t a n d a r d t o f h is proFeision.


D u ro — C o r to n o f 8 , N o. 5

FLASH BULBSR eg . 5 9 c , p in t boH le Ethyl

RUBBING ALCOHOL 29c3 - 5 H o r« i , 200 Sheeti

FILLER PAPER 39cR e g u la r 9 6 c


O la fs c n A y tin a l

VitaminsR eg. P rico 3 .9 8 ,

S o v c l.O O

N ow , n o m ix , no m e sa Rcfl* 2 9 c C h e M in a

TONI Home Permanent fAfEliTOWEU,2,»ll.39c

2.00 p lu i

B ottle o f TOO.... 2.98

R e g u la r 1 .75



TONI Home Permanent

2.29 i.N ew , 9 - ia t t in g t


Foi- C o ld s , H o y Fever— BoHle o f 2 4 .

DRISTAN TABLETS,. 9 0 CS P R A Y P A K --- ------- ------------------- 1 , 1 9

L u n c h K itsW ith Genuine Thermos

2.98Value 1.98

R e g u la r 2 .0 0

LUSTRE CREME SH AM POO . 1.59T y so n C o m b in a t io n (R eg. 2 .9 8 ) ■ A A


R i g u la t 1 7 .9 5 R oyclne


a R E A R O F S T O R E P A R K I N G -

a G O L D S T R I K E T R A D I N G S T A M P S

a D r i v e I n P R E S C R I P T I O N W I N D O W


» > r . - A i d i a - ^ £ e - i : u u -



W A K E L E YAnd His Trio

Top Recording ArtistsJ im m y is o n e o f th e T o p rec o rd in g a r t i s t s In th e

U nited S to te s . J n - th e p a s t te n y e o rs h is r ec o rd s

hove so ld o v e r 1 2 m illion , H e h o s g ro o v e d su c h

hJfs os ''SYipping A r o u n d " . . . " I L ove You So M u c h

if H u rts " . . . " O n e h o s My N o m e " . . . e n d " M y

H eo rt C rie s F o r Y o u ."

• ilm m r I* Ibe 011I7 Cowbojr to trtr besdUoe a t Ciro's. Ilolljrwood'i fatno iu n ifb t spot for i ta n .

• JIm iar l» the only Cowboy l« headline m B roadm r TheaUr alee (he la t t W ill R oien . He lU m d a t Uta Capllol theate r In New York and was held ever.

• Beb Ilopa choae Jhnniy to appear a i a lo j« f iriUk U>a Hope troupe w hich toured Alaska, the Bosth PacUle, Japan and K orea.

• Jimmy haa appeared aa Gueii A rtist on the Top TV ' sbovi, loclndlnc Bob Hope, MUlon Bcrle, K ate Sisllh . Ed SoUlran. K en Mnrray, Elere AUcn aad many olhers.


At The Fun Spot

NOW PLAYING Dorothy W ray

and her trio


Page 10: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


W i n n e r o f P o s t e r C o n t e s t I s C o n g r a t u l a t e d H e n r y l S u ^ e s t s - i { i d i n g - S k i _

L i f t s a s M i d d l e - A g e d S p o r t

BY ilE N R y McLEMORE INNSBRUCK-Ever elnee I bt.

\me mlddlC'ttKCfi 1 tmve been or xe lookout for a spori which

ia(e lor {nlddle-aged men (o pluy.T h w tiren'l mnny. you know.

Koi accordlns to Uie doctors, any* w.iy.

t'ootball and bucbitll a re oul becauae Uie lew won't Miind up,' U 'eHnLrcxcfprw irciilliulleaio-oi.e' set, nnd ptiiycd In the nfternoon slindfi with elderly livdies, Li too much Jor the hcirl.

Golf should hlways be pluyed on course ns flat ns (he pnlm '

I t U fJclins without anow or sIcU, Boiled dovtn. It conslsu of rldlng<

up and down on »kl llft«.You ride to the top, and back

down again.J l U cheap, and no special tqulp*

meiit l4 required. And it l in ’t tax- Ins on the mlddle^aced frame. You simply sit In a comfortable M at and ride lo tlie top of n mountain.

•A~sertne~rpcrrrtf-therc x Tcr wm 1C. And pocked with ndvBtiUKcj, Tlie scencry Is mnBnlflcent, This

Idaho Officials’ VotesTRepfted

WAflHINQTON. Aug. 2d CFI — How Idaho member* of conercM

ere. recorded on recent roll call

Senate; On p&ssace 83 to S of compromise bill approprlatlnR *1.- 220,S3(IJ00 for rioM control, rsavl* cation nnd reclamation projects: Dworshak. R.. a"nd Church. D.. for.

On pn.'.MiRe 73 to 3< of revised, *1,050,000.000 houilnn bill: Church, loi -, DwoTi haJt.jigaln;

House: On pusaec 303 lo 1:5 of......... .......... ................L iindrum'Orlffln labor reform bill:

u. of nearly all ski ccnlers.lPf'’’’^ D.. iind Budse, R.. for, there being tome so r t of lawi On pos-wKe 305 to 53 of bill cx-

_ .............................. ...................... ...ftRalnst bulldlnu them in unslRhtly'tcndlnB RRrlcultural tm de develop-one’s hand, ond if Uils Un’t pos-ispots. like the places where m menl ond ossLitance net of 1554.slblc. then nlffilliJ and r (s « »/iouJd'mnny dlam ondi a re buHi.i'vlth amendment providing forbe backed up. | Nine tlme.i out of 10 there arc «lanip plan for dlstrlliutlon ot

Auto rnclnR Is no good for the m ounulns In mIddle-flKcd man, for hla reflexes rolled over nnd played dead years before, and If he goes in for skin dtvliii; he runs the risk o f being tiUKged-to-dwlh by an octopus.

So. frightened by the medicos, m anym iddlr-nK ed

r about n ski lift, re p retty , espec- e no t walking up

brulics. concuiilons nnd lacero-

And mountain,^ lally when you r them.

All the beautiful girls arc to be seen-ffdni-ft skl-Uft- T h e y -m rtc ; - -wJicn ytm-thlnk-o(-*n th<wmld- A pretty sight, all dolled up Injcjic-aged men there th c lrsk fx io th csr the middle—jrti; onc^s tempted

O a k l e y S c h o o l

O p S i s A l i P ^

OAKLEY. Aug. :c Cu schools win open reRlstratlon .Mated WcOrtv',.*'- Thursday, reports c \v n principal, '

TJjfSc/iool bullaif.s ttiiib, from 10 a.m, lo no.,n - ' - ■ from 7 10 3 p - i ^ i

. . 3 cln>.i and nil fhould otii- nf mip,>t< nom ra ii3 'F cK rii? rhh^ :"= * ‘

All athlelf-.i niu.\l be rc-i by Tlmrsdny n ichi in eligible to partlclpale / *

Teachers liicludc M.-j ,, Adams, EnKlbh: Biiiton iT,. eon. commercial: Cenild n , . ( - mnt}}e;7!«IJc.T arid coicJir S,im't,:* ner. ftKrlcullurc; O 'l^ lome economlr.n,

Grade school le.iclicrt ir-,' Merrill nobln^on, civluli V;:; and principle; Uovd Hiinitr i" enih; Mrs. Hrrbf-ri H;u(lv i.lf M u. -c . • w , .iiM un,,'I.ovi( V4nrri>i f.,.,...!..In A m er-iy^yil fourth; m , , '■

.............. . . . - ................................. .... ...... . . . . ._ b u l l d ~ l H t s - J * * ^ ' '^ '* 'M i l —around~and do nothing, or ikl lift rider Is always free to «u over the place, Florida, for ex-.} «cond. ntid .Mr.-.. J pm Btj’ :helr iporta lo ]ackatra>xs. tlddley-iask a pretly thing lo sJinre hlsjample. doesn't have a ski llf l.|“ ^ ‘- »lnU.s, or nn occoilonal game of bubble, or chair, with him, (Neither does Loulslart'a, nnd doiens;autliors. I And ski lift riding has tew d an -|o f other slates. I J l ‘n Hickey, m-w head foo'v

Now, a t Inst, here In Inn.'bruck.'gers. And skiing has. I read In the, a rich haul Is walling for some coach a t the Uiilverjiiy fu s-'-‘ r believe I have happened on the 'paper here thnt during the eltilng bright young man. iCarolina, b c 'a n hL\ c,irerr »[ j.'.:Ideul sport for llic man who has,season Iniubruck averages 30 I r n c - -------------------------- I Marshall high school In nicliiroi'reached the diingerous years. Iiures a day, nnt^ countlcss spn»lns,lREAD TIMES-NEWS WANT ADS Va.

M n. Lind* Moffit Calton, 17. daughler of Mr. and Mr«. Slanlee eonteat aponiored by the committee and will receive JlOO Sept. JD Htuneon SCO Third »»eniie eaiC, f* congratufalerf by I jn rrence Cul- Jd jho FaJJ*. She m j eonjralulaJetJ Monday afternoon whenTcr left, a rt Inilructor a t Twin Falls high ichool. and H . A. lU ug- llaBcnesi ilapped In Twin Falla a t the employment security agency,n e u r ifb t secretary of the co rem or'i commlllee on employment C ulrer cnlded Mrs. Calton «fhlle she was a Junior a t the high icboot.of tb« physically handicapped. Mrs. Calton won th e aU te poiler (SU ff pboto-engravlng)


n i l ! - ;

Twin Falls Girl, 17, Declared Winner Of “Employ Handicapped” Contest

Mra. Undft Nfofflt Ciillon, 17, daughter of Mr, nnd Mrs, Stnnlce SturRCon. 650 Third nvcnue east, haa been declared Idaho winner o f Uie second annual "employ the phj'Blcally handlcnppcd" poster contest.

She will receive tlOO co-'Ji a t the ra i; meetJnff of the Rovernor's mlttee on employment of physically handicapped Sept. 30 i»l Idaho Palis, Lou Babb. Twin Falla, was chairman ot the contest, and announced the winners, M r* . Coltoa woa Informed by letter Sun-

i:: ThB prlse-1- employer* to eonalder hlrtnu tJie

handicapped because "They'Ta Tops . In Skill,-Quality and Efficiency."

Her'* was selected by .Uirw Judge* a t BoUe from among mnny po.sters entered from all parts of the state.

Bonnie Boss. Idaho Falla, was i second place winner. She receive* • 150 a t th# meeting of th e foU gOT- ■ emor"* committee. Sherry Jones. ; Idaho Falls, receUea t30 for


A t l a s M i s s i l e s

A l m o s t R e a d y

F o r U . S . U s e

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 28 (U P D - Th# mighty Atlaa Intercontinental ballistic mLulle—capable of pack­ing a dti<tTucllve hi'drogcn war­head—b on the brink of becoming A m erin 'a ilrst operaUonal contl- nent-spannlng missile, according lo the atr force,

Joseph V. Chars'k, a.vOsUnt sec- rctary of the air force for research and development, made the an ­nouncement at the opening of the four-day annual ballistic missile and space symposium,

"We nre on the b r i n f of declar- Ing the AUaj missile operational, said Char>'k.

Troop* fo Get MlulJe This means,' he said, putting

Atlas missiles In the “hands of troops who can fire 'R’lth §. high degree of reliability.

"Atlas missiles now a t Vanden- berg air force Ua.-ie. Calif,, are operational modeU." snld Chan'k- •'Difficulties which we have had have been largely overcome."

•The time when the flnsi opera- tlonal-t>-pe Atlas will be fired from Vandenbers U now a t hand,” he fr-tld.

One of the huge 80-foot. JOO-ton missiles was static fired Sunday a t the West coast missile factory.

. Buch tests usually are considered preparatory to actual firing.

No Dates Set Cliar>-k declined, however, lo set

a specific (late for declaring Uie Atlas operational or for it,t first launching from Vandcnberg.

The Atlas was Ihe mLulle which carried President EUcnhower's ChrlJtmM greeUns to the world from outer jspacc Iasi December. The pullman-slied vehicle wns'shot Into an orbit and carried a tape recordlnit of the Pre.sldent's voice wishing “Peace on EarUi and good •wUl toward men evcrywhtre."

: Murtaugh Guest ; Returns to Home

inm T A T ian . Aug. s j _ Mfg.•• Nellie Caster, Davis, calif iffi:■ Monday after spending thV• ‘If'ushler. Mrs.• Wallace lUggs nnd familyr w.” ’’- l^»f«>'C6 Arnett,r j Falls. O re, have returnedL , home afUr a visit with his cousla,

John Bland and family.Mr. and Mrs, E. n . Swanson,

Mount Wilson, CaUf, 6 u » ti 2 _ot her parents. Mr. «nd Mrs. Joe '“ ^ taa tn y . »r. They are ju o vUIUiie

.• b a r brothers and a ls t« , Ed s tw U ■jjy, Mike Stastny. jo« stastny ir ;Mr*. A rt Deaiorgto. and Joe

Kaielton, and f u r i e sMr. and Mrs. u ro y Monies and

iainlly. Afton, O kla, u n Sunday :*rter a l* a weeks vbii wuu hU teetber^Q M rge Moatcs.

Lhlrd place, and P etty Klundl. 17, dftughtcr of Mr. and M rs; Elmer Klundt, &Q1 T lilrd avenue north, rccelvcs }20 for fourth place.

HonornlJle m entions went to George s ink , Wnllace, nnd Susan Brooke. Idaho Falls.

H. A. Hnugne.u, secretnry of the committee, wm In Tw in Falls Monday to congmtulnte Mrs, Cat- ton. Lawrence Culver, a r t Instruc­to r a t Ttvln Falla high school, also congratulnted the winner. He was h e r tcacher and advised her on painting the poster th n t won.

Bnbb said, "Thl* contest, we feel, contributes m uch to our over* a ll program by helping to publi­cize the fnct th a t disabled worken placed In the r igh t Joba are effi­cient, reliable and prdductlve em­ployes and should be considered for employment solely on their ability to do the Job.'^

W inners will rceelve a certif­icate of commendation signed by Gov. Robert E. Smylle. The trip to Idaho Falla to receive the awards will be financed for the students.

Judging wo* done on appeal, th a t la. "thB force wiUi w hich the en try dm m alitea the objective ot the proeram ”; on originality of th e Idena presented; on artistic arrangem ent and neatneaa. Judges were Mrs, Ruth J . Byera, H. F. G arre tt and JU E. Reading, all Boise.

Students eligible for th e mO

Heyburn Schools To Open Sept. 1

HEYBURN. Aug. 28 - Lund CTirlstenaen. principal of the Hey. bum schools, has announced the faculty members for tltls school term, which opena-Tuesday.

R uth Hulllnger and Velma White will teach first grade; Genevieve Wodskow and Verona lUvsten. accond; Verna Cole and Qwen Mel- lor, th ird ; Josephine Durfee and Carol H unt, fourth; Ann Stocking ond lone Loveland, fifth.

Muriel .U n u t d l n and Floyd Browning, sixth; Lund Chrlsten-

;n, A nna Lou Bair, sievens Heln- :. Desmond Welch and Jo h n Hoi.

ycwk. Junior high school.Regular classe.) will s ta r t Wed­

nesday, Sept. 2. School will be in session a ll day and ho t lunch will be served a t noon.

Hot lunch cooks th is year ... b« Mrs. liouls Connor, Mrs. E ^ a Avery. Mrs. Alex Moore and Mrs. Wilson W arner, assistant.

Heyburn kindergarten will begin a t s a in . Sept. 1, ReglsUatlon will

held Thursday.

Gooding Official Presides at Meet

HAGER.MAN. Aug. 28 - Eric Drake, mrnjber of the Ooedlns atako h igh council, presided a t the high councilman services of the LDS church Sunday evening.

Ed Lnrson conducted th e meet­ing, Speakers were Mrs. Erie Drake, Kenneth Thompson and Wlllls Thompson, both from Je- rome, a n d Gooding stake mission- arlfcv

Verna Lee L ott sang a solo, ac­companied by M n . Cle Prince. hfArrln Drake sjine m tolo, teeom - ponied by his wife.

Mrs. Prince acted -a* organist for the *ervlces and Mis* L ott as chorister. Opening prayer was by Cle Prince and Vern L ott gave the closing prayer.

contest must submit entries by April 1, mco. Only studenU-* who nre; freshmen, sophomores or Jun ­iors In any high school in Idaho m ay enter. Further details on ne.xt year’s contest may , be obtained from a rt Instructors or f ployment security agency.

Mrs. Calton was a Junior when she painted her winning t»»tcr. She became Mrs, Jack Gallon Ju n e 7. She was.Llnda-MoIfIt,

Officer Visits in Heyburn Vicinity

HEYBURN, Aug. 28 — Lleut, Cmdr. Robert Morrison. San Fran­cisco. Is vi.-iitlng hlfl brother. John MorrLson, nnd family.

Mrs. Henry LtunbcrC nnd Mrs.' R ichard Hilling. Snohomish, wash., were guests ot Mr. nnd M «, Amos' Jordan,

Mr, nnd Mrs. John Morrison and family visited Mr, and Mrs. Nolan Wll.'on. Blackfoot.

?,fr. and Afrs. F rank CulJinsne had as Uicir guests over the week­end, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles George, Je t.'O k la ,









. . 12.95 to22.95 . .24.95 to 75.00 . .16.95 to 25.95

NEW noOKB ARRH-E MOSCOW. Aug. 28 Lfk-A,»lilp-

,ment of 2A » book* arrived^ from the United Btaie* yesterday to re­place th e volume* u k e n off the

of ihe bookmobile dbplay the U. 8. exhibit, ^ '

TV SERVICEB«]f P hon . RE 3-7111 *

N igh t Phone RE 3^1037 *


T h e m n p ic o f m in k . . . to p p in g n t:ln ssic s u i t t h a t ’s a p c r f c c t ffcm . S im p le l in e s b a re ly h in t i n g a t s o p h is -

■ tity jtio n . S ty led in {Iclij^'litfuf, s m n r t E ponR C f a b r ic . . . find crfif le tl in t l i e s u p e r io r R o th m o o r m a n n e r .

...... .. ; 139.00fu r labeled for couiH,rj- of origin.



S i z e s 4 t o 8 ...................... .............4 . 9 5

S i z e s 8 1 4 t o 3 .........5 . 9 5 t o 9 . 9 5

FREE SPURSWith every pair of children's cowboy boots.


CHILDREN'SS i z e s 5 t o 8 ................................4 .9 5

S i z e s 8 1 4 f o 3 ......................6 .9 5

S i z e s 3 1 4 t o 6 .........................

M E N ' S

• A c m e • F r y e • H y o r

i r % . 2 8 “S izes to 1 4 . A to E w id fh i

Page 11: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


J u d g e S p e a k s

“ A r E x c h a n g e

C l u b M e e t i n g

were lUlfd u l«o of the ' " ‘ I S luTcnlle dellnqutncy by “ “i? . . jud te J . D«»n Mwher Jn t\

of U'cTV^ln r«ll»

He u^«<l m em ben ^ u ^ i t s t n S n t i on use c l the i“«U» »uloroobl!e and said pnrenis

their younitster* ire ond 'S ^ lh r y u e dolnj »t M limes^S o S n b u O M “ . I '”" " " '" ' , ;

« ^ i t e r s rtium ing to ttie co ;.. ^ i i » if te r eorrteUvo Ircntment “i"S l i w indlutriftl jchool could

^ i t ^ d faith ot k rejpectedK eisn in -c f-th e -c o m m m u ty -----

youngjltri for the most h»« never h id proper dlree-

5 ^ Md fuldonc*. »nd fMllltles T, „oi pennlt them to receive It f SiV tSiool. A r e a l deni could

i i done to f “ *elr rchablllUtlon |f " —ben of ihe community wcri ^ ^ o n c e m e d about the prob ^ he added.“^ M njlon of facllltlei and per- ^ J l ftt the 81. Anthony icJiool

up with the growth of thp 15 an dbsolut« mujst, Judge

Unah^r uMrted.Don K ell«r and Jock Hlldc-

trtod were Introduced m Rucala at mcetlnit. M/6gt. BoUcrt E

jUeliirdi waa progronn .chalrmnn.

Dam Proposed

M I A C o n d u c t s

F i r e s i d e M e e t

SHOSHONE. Aug. 25-T!ie new I ibenie for the LDS MIA was Intro- ' ducta a t • flreJlde service of the

omnLxatlon held Sunday evening It the LDS church under jponsor- tblp of the Olaloe atake MIA.

Mrs. Thompaon, Car?y.lUkeMIA president, conducted the roeiUng. KenneUi Cook. Cai'cy. pUyed the preliminary music.

Featured tpeaJcer for the evening KU Steven Shaffer. Hftlley, a tp- lumrf missionary for the church. }!|j toplCvwas clean living and marriage.

The Carey ward girls' chorus jin i. under direction of Ronftld Pfck. wltli CamUle Hoads accom- p*nUt *

Dorten Laraon, Bhoshone, ac- tompinled bv Allen Thome. Sho- thonc. played a violin aolo.

June Adamson. Carey, waa chor- Uifr for Uic congregational alng- int. Mary Shaffer. Hailey, led the ihtme presentation. Proyeri were by nobert Swent-and flUaley Lar-

Plans Given for Jack Simplot DayBDRLEY. Aug. U S-Eroy 8hcl-

.itad. general 'clialrman of the LUtnl-Cossla Jncic'Simplot day to be held Sept. 17, confirmed the ■ppetrance of the Montpelier Uoni trio, for the evening pro- iraai and dinner, at the Chamber of Commerce meeting Monday

Shdstad reported tha t the menu ceniliitng of Simplot produeu, Kould feature Simplot r o u t prime rib. He italed th a t tlie commllttc Is to meet nt 7 a.m. Tliursday at Cousin Roy’s In Rupert with Uie nerchants relAll commlttcea of the («ro counties a. well as >ee UriM of (ill of the Chambers Commerce.

Meeting of Gem Club Announced

WENDELL, Aug. 30 ~ T h e .......lit meeting ot the Magic Valley Oem club'Wlll be held a t 8 p. m. Thursday In (he Wendell city hall,

UembeRi are Mked to bring their best pleee.\ of Druneau Jasper (ind Cuey ai;ni« no varlou.i plecM cnn be wleeted to be placed In the tlab'i Kon eases, Tlic valley group «lll enter tnT) cases (or display and nrapellUon a t the National Oem f*lr. Sept. 6. S and 7. The show u * y n r combines th# American ind Northwest federation for one line convention a t Portland. Ore. Sttend club members also plan lo enter their oun private display

Loiell Fields. Gooding, will show *!iilea on crj'stal. The recent gem Uiow held a t Ooodlng will be (nlu&ied a t the meeting.

state u n i t s m k e t s e tCOEUR D‘AL.ENE. Aug. 2(1 «V -

Tht sdvlsory council of the Idaho litMriment of development and “ tnmerce will meet here Sept. 10. I«iUe Shadduck. department dU fKtor, snld here yesterday.


TA DE fioLo AT r i;n u cAUCTION

, >'«!'• U il'ei. ib>t Bui.■'»-'ir will t , attrrrJ h r ■•li i l public**'<»■ It r,M. Mounuin Slindtrd

SI, )»». ti ta . “ DlitHtt 1 ' llr«<lqu>n.rt;>'J l» Hh».h.n.. liih ., Th. UI.4 St*l. [^P^rir In b» oKtrti lar tult tonilaU

C.rrytJl. - •I Int.rstiloMl Cl»uli. t ; Fl.l lUtk., J H.Uri.1 Spiapr*>d.

> In ihr Drparlmrnl e( llilh «;». Ralt..

itrn». (0 b. olfrrrl <A lliU •■!. (iinhrr u>. »tu* U (hi But..


IM e( .I.r kind. <andliloti or <BT lUm llul th

off.r^l for •Vtnifui bIM.ii wUi b* rMulrH t«

Km. pgrtknMd tb< <47 s(* “ i will b« rMulrKi lo th«

ll.mi from th. *■7^ Pr.ri[e,bl». cr wllbln tni C

I,, ';'”‘'»lnf lb. diU of lb. « •Ib.1 I"'’'* lu p « l« »l I

nnYcr.incNN>TT , SUl. lllshrir EnrtnrtT

Au«. : j. Ji. Ill*

AUakani ha>e pUiij tha t would produce mere elec- IrleHy than any othtr hydro- eleetrlo p lant In the «orld. The

-<Uin Wdok! ba%ullt>ai R n o p a il' SO miles nortbireit of Fairbanks

-*Bd-SOtf-tnlW» n o r t ln f Aaehor- age. The artificial like th u i formed (ihadeil a res oo nev i- map) would bs larger th in New J e n ty . Alaskani think th li lake woulil be *0 big It would warm up tnucli of Ihelr huge lUte.

F a r m P r i c e s

L o w e r i n ’ 5 9

WASHINGTON. Aug. 3fl (OTI. —Farm prices In the first aevci m onths of 1059 were three per cent lott'cr than J n the same period Inst y c v . tho agriculture depart­m ent said today.

Ca.ih receipts from farm ketlnM totaled Jl(J,000.000,000 In the Jnnuary-through-July period this year, tibout one per cent less tlinn In the same months of 101^. Volume of marketing Increosed

lorc thnn two per cent.RecclpLi from llveatock and

pniduct-i amounted to »10j00,000,- 000 In the first aeven months of thl.i year, three per cent below 1056. Sm aller recelpta from hogs, eggs, broilers and dairy ptoducU more than offset larger receipt* from cftttlc.

lUcelpLi from crops during the period totaled 10,100,000,000. up about Uiree per cen t from 1D58, Substantial Increases In returns from oranges, wheat, com and to­bacco were offset partly by a sharp drop In receipts from sorghum grain and potaloe.f.

Cash recclpt.1 In July tentative* y were esUmated a t |J,eOOMO,OQO. live per cent below July, 1858.

Holiday Cancels Buhl PTA Meet

BUHL. Aug. 20—There will be .} PTA meeting In September be*

cause the Labor day holiday falls on tho regular meeting n lgh t.'lt Is ntmounc'ed by Mrs. Albert Lewis, president of the Duhl PTA.

Committee chairmen named by Mrs, Lewis to serva for the year In ­clude Mrs. Elvln Noh and Mrs. Jam es T. Shields, room represcnta- llTes; M argaret Bunch, sclioo! — " tlces; Mrs, James Austin, publli Mr. and. Mrs. Theodore Pence Mr. and Mrs. Itobert Erkins, m bership; Mrs. Frank Glese and Bob TuflLi, budget and finance; John ' Hepworth. parliamentarian, and Mr. and Mrs. Cal Harper and Mr. and Mrs; Kenneth Walker, p'ro- firam. Hospltntlty. he.illh and legls. latlon chairmen are yet to« be named.

Buker Win Blue Peridr at Parley

Jack Buker explained how the “Soviet- Challtnge'' l.» forcing AmericAns to wake up to its "de­mocracy In IV changing world," and won the blue pencil a t the Twin Falls ToAstmasters club No. 149 meeting Tuesday n ight a t the T urf club. . I

Buker was commended for the torcefulness ot de^very concerning the communW threat.

O ther speakers were Dr. n ic h - nrd Roberts, It. Douglas Neville and Lee Barnes. Table topic chalrmaiii was Louis B. E. Dauplalie. The most dlscus."ied topic was Insur' ance. Olenn Eaton was toostmastei and chief critic was L. Jam es Koutnlk.


AUn. II. » i*(Fma >.r«rtj Vr DirMi •( RKtiiailtom,

CMl.flttl SpfT.r c«*p.rtl- Inr partiM)

.■tuilsn DWb.srC«ftt. SU. Nor.I'allMdr. Tit. IK.OOOIt) l.ltnd r>rk 11m. «:.(Ka(t)

---------- MJO I,«ia S.TM

Am K.lli Hr. i:i,HI>(4)‘Mlehnud Tump.. !■

Uln N it C n .l . . ].2»0' 1.flf>ri.r, Hr“ d*ki I.*» 4, Min N fl ]\imp. ..>IIIn.r R a C>»tl !.:•»Mlln.r I.KU :H


.. .. In Coodlni— ' SSO)P A _... - III t,KiUllntr NRCinal t,lM)- V. . t MIIn.f. II II a , »... ir.u».sh.iirr « ,m » H l'n .i is Dr Hh.lItr-niKl l.i>0 I.SOI

(•I AcrvfMli elhir qu.MUIm Is icc-pfld-lMt.

PrMlplUtl.B lu t WMki Albt0^II. C. ZAOLE KnilBMf In Clurt.. U sas

Visits DaughterVIEW, Aug. 29 - Mr*. David

Mofflt spent the post week In S alt LAke City a t the home of her daughter. Mrs. Dale Peacock. M of­flt and hU wife attended the grad- uatlon of their aon. Max, from Brigham Young unlrenlty TVlday and returned home Saturday.

Nona Bramwell, Ogden, arrived Thursday lo rlslt Mr. and Mrs. Rolan Taylor and family.

' C » b d n ' K i n g C o i r U lo h S l o c k - O I I T r ip le d 5 1 4 .7 5 p e r t o r — D .ll« t« c f

In te rm o tin to ln F u tI Co.. . . . n s s - m i

M i s s i s s i p p i ’ s

W i n n e r f o r

S e g r e g a t i o n

JACKSON, Miss.. Aur.':t! •<' - Rd-ss Barnett, Cl-ycar*old :auvrr and scKre;nlloiU\;, will become Mlsjlwlpprs iirxt rm . ernor. i

Barnett, who publicly nppicucd the tactics of Arkun.-.Ts Gov. Of-'


Willard E. Reese Honored at Rites

PAUL. Auk. : s—runenil servlcM for W lllnrd Edward Reese were lirlil a t th e Jor,<;ph I’liyne niemorUl ch.ipel a i 2 p, m. Tuesday, with ilie' Hurley lodRf No. 63 AP ond-AM

|in choTKP. John W, Harris wiis lai'lliig ttonhlpfu l nia.Mer,; Invocation wiu Ktvcn by Floyd L;ir.\on. Bl.Oiup Robert Rnnu.ey

thn ^pe,^ker, A

ind M,irl,uii nu>mp;.un, ConcludinK riles were held at the

PIcsMini V;r\v ci-nirlrr>- \>llh tlic

Six Oakley Girls Advance in GroupOAKLKY. AIIR, - Six gtrls

wr;c KMtlUiilcil from rccuiid M-,ird prmi:iry iiiU) MIA during Uie rcK- ul,ir Suiulny rvpiiliic Mcrsmrnt

rrtelrHd a flve^year danjle; Kiro. lyn Sm ith , four-year pin: Jean McBride, ft two-year pin. and Beth and Gonenl McHrldc and Oe.Scil Gibby. onc-year 'plns.

T alks w ere given by De Ann Crane. Pa tay Anderson. Jean Mc­Bride and Sharon Warren,

P a n y Anderson was releai^ Senior Sunday school secretsTf and K aren Anderson was released

Jun io r Sunday school secreisry

V i e w S e r v i c e

G i v e s A w a r d

F o r T e a c h e r s

VIEW. Aug. :&-Dlshop Mtllon Payne presented several cenlJl-cates of award lo ihw e v,ho fin- _____________ —, ............................L"ihed the teacher iralnlni: cour/ hu.^tnlned as Senior Sunday

laiogratlon. rolled to n .iniui mc- tory over Lleul. Oov, Carroll n:ir- tin 111 the Democratic ruiioit vc'-terdny, _____ ' '

Unofficial returns from 1,77: nl the stale's 1.0UB prrtiJicM iod.i> KHVe Bivriielt 217.8h: \otes to IHI.. n o for Onriln.

Dnrnett. m aking si'cresatlua n major point, gained vutcr iiippini which exceeded even Mis own iirr- diction th a t.h e woiilil curry i;u dl the 83 counties. W ith only n h:>nil- ful of precincts out, lie Icil in 03

He-has Bdvocated-a-solW foutli- ern front on scgreKalion and bli- terly opposed nlt moflrnttAr o clal matters.

•tjr-: —n^y“ 5.tnroraccompanied by Id.i Ann Locander.

i’.illbcarcrs were Pcrr>‘ Stephen­son, Roy Skinner, Chorle.? Schuster, Hnir^' Oioho.'ky, Joe Cline and

Roper. Floral arrangcmcnl.i under the direction of the

Hurley Royal N’elKlibors and Pnul lixMem SUir nimibcrs, Nellie Jw nl- wn. M ae Shelby, Vivian ChiirlfS, Dclphla Reawner. Elinor Stoller

The SIX were Jl•^^p Anderson. Joan Critclilielri, Corrine .McLiw. Vonda Hrlm.1. Ireaii Hardy and O.iy Domnn.

kloch o( llieni spoke and cnve llif cloiinK .'ons. Mr. and Mrs. .Norman Urdkc were spfskrrs. Counsellor Haljih OorrliiKe coii- diicteil. Mrs. Goldni Jkirch led the .MiiKliiK occninp.inled by W, 1). Whileley. ‘

nt the Sunday evening sacrament leetlng.-They-wcre-EcroL-W tcks-Amih.

Banner, Ruth Crane, Larrj' ClirLv icnsen and Mable Andreascn. Weeks was teacher of the cliuw , Tlie Y\VMIA president, Ada

Searle. presented Indlvlctuiil awiirds the young girts of ilie word.

school ^ccrclnr)', Judy Broodhead w ts su-stulned as Junior Sunday « h o ^ _ sc c re U ri-,

FINED FOR DltlNKINO BUHU Aug, 16 - Wi'bb Norris,

Jerome, was fined s:5 plus co'ts IXicsduy by Police Juiifc Ben;;ird S tnrr for being Intoxicated rm public slrect-s. He v|l. iirre-'ted Monday night by Buhl Putrolman Wesley Annls.

S P n C IA L 0 F F 1 :R ;


"22.0 ""'W<to. '“<1, ,

«°W «.







Welcome SetI’EN DELU Aug. 26 - A collre

hour tb welcome the Rev. and Mrs, A. E. Gilbert. Wendell school

Berncll Robinson, wlio re- iw chers u iid oilier personnel of celved 100 per cent for six consec-|dUlrlcl No. 232. will he held a t Hit uilve years, received a slx-ye4r[Melhodlst church Jollowlng tlie dangle, j n ; 3o n,, pi. worship hour Sundsy,

Patsy and Karen Anderson e nch^ lie WSCJ3 will be In charge.

Last Rites Held ForC.L.Yelton 5

BURLEY, Aug. 5fl — TUnerftl aervlces for Cecil Leland fBap)

' t i

f!Yelton were held Monday m orn­ing a t the Joseph Payne M em orial chapel with the Rev. Edward E. Dixon officiating.

Pallbearen were Larry South. Bud Hagman. Earl McCaslln.- ■ W ayne May, Chan Knodle, a n d Bob Symmons, Floral ftrranBc-fni-ni. '. p - . .inrt^r ih» dlrecttan_Of-----Mae Shelby, LoUta May and Bev- erly Bennett. Mra, Guy Newman

a:i organist.Final r iu s were held In Ihu

Pleasant View cemetery. '

Forty-five diesel locomotives, costing 18.500,000. have been o r ­dered from United s ta te s rnanu- facturera by the Rand raliro.ta system lii South Africa.



No other frciur cKer* all iheiA wo'r- rantici: Good Houtekseplng S«a| of ap­proval. Ufetlma warranty. Food ipoilogc warranty.

-------------------- dO O D -S E L E eT IO N -O P -U P R IG H T F K E E Z E E S -P R O M -W H IG H -T O -C H O O S E -



Magic V alley 's L argest A ppliance & Furniture S to re All On O ne Flqor^'

Page 12: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


W r i t e r V i s i t s U . S i E x M b i t i n M o s c o w A s s o c i a t i o n ’ s

C a l f , F e e d e r

S a l e s I ^ i s t e d

Join I t the M ie. The mUU m u t be o i th e member’*, own breeding «tock o r he m iu l hftre-aimed them nol le u than 60 di}^. Conslr^* m cn tj m tu t n o t l>e le&s then five head.

OULDESAC, Aug. .39 - Tlie JaU scrleA of Id iho C attlenien’i a s u - cliUon sponsored u l f and feeder ulea will be held a t the T n ln Ctty tales ytrd, Levlaton. and Cotton* wood Mies yard, Cottonwood, be. ltliuiUig-ai^0-ajn<-Sopt.-8 «t-Lew- Islon, according to M arvin W hit­man, Cuidefac, and R ichard Hou> ger. Penn, ehalrman of the aalcs.

Other Ules i t u s are a t 10 a.m. Oct. 13, LewUton: 10 a.m. Oct. 21, Cottonwood, and 10 a jn . Nov. lo. Lewiston.

The Sept. 0 sale will feature Stocker cattle, steer and : elfer feeden. Whitman said.

•TheJe again will be strictly member eonslgnment snles of top quality, uniform, graded calves. fee<l«a and .jtocluir .catlle^_yem - bers of the Idaho Cattlem en's and

tions are Invited to b rln s their cattle lo the sales. U n Perce Coun* ly and Tdaho County Cattlemen's associations are co>sponsors with the Idaho Cattlemen's nssoclatlon. Buyers and feeders have been verj- satUIIed with the extra Rood, high qaullty cattle purchased a t past sales."

Consignors must be members the Idaho Cattlemen's or Wasli- Ington Cattlemen's associations. If

' 1 member, then a person

Promissory Note Payment Sought

A civil action was filed Tuesday nflcm oon by the nellance Credit corporation asa ln s t Roy Deatlier-

• • '•->-D«»thfrftge-*eek-InR SUa.OT due and costs due promissory note.

T he credit company claims ^hat on Ja n . 5, 1055. the Deatherajes executed a promlisory note lor $22<U)5, and they slcned a chattel moriRftKe for mlscellaneus house­hold furnishings on the note.

T h e company cliTms no pay­m e n t were made on the note and on AUK. U . 155J, the household furnlslilngs were purchased by the company and resold a t public tlfln -<or J 12<.60.— — — - -

H. K- Jewell, Twin Palls la; re p rc ie n ls lh e c o r^ fa tlT n T l

SEARCH ENDS lONDON. Aug. 28 W -Bom b dls-

'p a ia l expert* yesterday unearthed the fragments of an armor-plerc' Ing bomb, a relic of the World wni II b llti. deep below ground neai London's T alc National Art Oal' lery. Tliey had searched for three weeks. When they not to the bomb they found It had exploded long ago. "

Two-Car Mishap Noted at Rupert

nU PE RT , Aug. 2fl - A two-car collision on a county road tw o miles south of here was Investi­gated M onday morning by Deputy Sheriff Howard Platt.

Damage was estimated ot $1S0 to a IB50 Chevrolet which Mrs. Amenda Hansen was driving from tlie driveway of her home a fte r It collided w ith a 19U OMC_ pickup tn irt' nnfmt^rt

Rec^SetSAN FRANCISCO. Aug. 28 tP -

Pan American A irw ays new Inter- eonUnental Jet c lipper Liberty ‘Jell flew the 2,«10 m llca from Huno- lulu lo San Francisco yesuri’sy In four hours and 3S minutes a commercial record.

The previous Jet rccord was lour hours. 48 m inutes, made by s Qantas 707 on Ju ly 30.

Deputy P la tt said Chlopas driving north over a canal bridge which Is Just to the south of the Hansen property and neither driv­er could see the other. There vert no Injuries and no clU tlons wen given. ^

Cruelty Charged In Divorce Case

Howard Mous sued-for divorce Tuesday .a fte rnoon from M r.i. W anda' liftus jn Ttt’Ih FaUs dls- Irlct court_chanilng ex treme men-

Thl cruelty.The couple was married No. 2B.

.J50, and has two children. The children are living with the' par­ents of Mrs. MauJ- There Li no community properly Involved In the suit.

He seeloi custody and control of the children with the provision ihey lempornrlly be allowed to IhT w ith the parents of Mrs. Mnus.

Rnybom and • Rayborn. Twin PalU law firm, represenU Maus.

PTA BOARD T O fllEET I06H 0N E r^U ii—SO—'I1ie-{ln<t

fall PTA executive board meetliii: tt'lll be held a t 3 p . m , Monday at the hlRh-school bulldin:;. Mm. J. Howard Mannmg. presiden t, urxea all board members to attend.

Flow^of-Spriit^ Upset by QuaU

HAILEY. Aug. :s_ D tf n . ” received word from h-l ^ Bert Boulden. who s:nte fLMi hatchery nt W am ^ ^ 11..1 U.C n o , 01’ii„ wblclr the hatchery wnter doubled m volumt is? ** ftlier the earthqu-ike '

Tlie second dny n,c fUr*■’ - '“ ""■I- • « t r . !i„;eu lo.iionnai. 'Hie w.urr w * '

Fe hM not ,s«n a.i5th:nj ^.,v anflsli iliice the fjunkc

He bLv) Rtateil iht river.? W itlll murks

Fst Monroe, W oahlojrton. . . .......................... , .j i l e Q t for th e Tlme»-New«, Intenrlewa II. 6. n ld o E dith B«ro-Tln Bnffale, N.'V.. a t th e U.S. exhibition In Moieow. The fair, which run* through SepL 5, U giving ItuJilana i closer look a t the American way of life. In the foregrooad U 'nu la iu a closer look a t the American way or lue. in ins loregroana u a n IDM computer aet s p u >D “eleetronie eneyclopedla ' to answer Rnsalan falrgoera* qnestlons abou t th e United States. A t the puih of a button. I t ^ o r ld e i answers - written In Russian - to any oC 4,000 different qnesUon. about Amertean h la lory , cullure, pollUcs and eeonemlca. (BUff engratlng)_______ ____________________

O r e g o n ’ s ’ 6 0

P r i m a r y M a y

B e W i l d O n e

WASHINGTON, AUR. 20 (UPI) —ThB OrcRon presidentia l primary next May Is shoplnK u p a s one of the wildest pollUcal nim blea since ltH8 when Nebrnska p u t almost

■ every R e ^ l lc o n In o lsh t Into a pre*ldentlal popularity poll.

•The new Oregon prim ary law BlvM the Ortson secretxiry of state "solo discretion" to p u t presiden­tia l candidate on th e ballot. He alone decides w hat candidates are •'generally advocated" o r nre "rec- ognlred In natlonnl new s media throughout tho U n !t« l etatea."

Anyone so immed c an withdraw only by tiling a aw om statement aaylng "wilhout quallflcntion that he 15 no t now and does -flot In* tend to become a candidate."

A carryover provision of an law also allows a cand ida te to be placed on tho ballo t by petition of a thousand voters. T h is provl- alon allow-3 for no eslcixpe.'

At this distance, th e new pro- Tlslon would insure a contest be­tween Vice President R ichard M. Nixon and Gov. Nelson A. Rocke- leller. New York, on th e Republl-

If.Rodeefcller. d e d d taJo

Tennessee Pair Visits Hagerman

HAOERMAN, Aug. 30 - Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Bkold and sons. Knoxville, T enn , visited h e r brother and ilster-ln-law , Mr. and Mrs. S . Z. Thayer, and her moth­er. Mrs, Efflo Thayer. They will visit h e r nclce, Mrs. Donald John* ston. Garfield, Wa.ih., before tum ing home.

Albert Caldwell. Homeda}e. and h is daughter, Mrs. R ath -ParrLih, Eureka. CaHl./visited hU son and douRhtcr-lnclnw„' Mr. and -Mrs. Ralph Cal

Mrs. Ca..Wa.ih.. v lil ti- .......-..........and Mrs. Lesley Sevey, and took h e r children home who have spent th e past month visiting with the irrandparenLi. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Owsley and the Seveys, Mrs. Bob Owsley accompanied her and visit- • d her sister, Mrs. Riis.iel Boyer, and her mother, Mrs. E\-a Brown, Twin Polls.

make a bid, earlier Nlson-Rocke- . feller collWon.n In o th e r atate prl- • marles can be e ipeetcd.

In contnwt w ith th is prospec­tive two-man contwit. I t Is ewiy to visualize a donn>-troolc In the Democratls prim ary. Candidates generally advocated o r recognised in nea-« media would Irwlude Adlal Z. 8teven.ion and th e senate four- *ome of John P.^K cnnedy. Lj'ndon Johnson. Hubert H. H um phrey and Stuart Symington. B y n e x t winter OoT. Edmund O . Brow n. Callfomla, and others could bo am ong Uiem,

Property Return Sought in Court

Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Sharp filed civil octlon Tuesday altem oon against "Smoky" Thien in probate court asking possession of propertyleased by 'them , USO'damBges------costs of the action.

; .T he Sharps claim they are In ■posse.'alon of certain property in Twin Palls county tinder a lease agreement which expires January 1900, and th a t on Aug. 17. iflSS ThIen parked two trailer hou-ies on the property. The Sharps stated they asked Thien to leave and he refused.

IU yt»m and Raybom, Twin Palls attorneys, represent Bharpsr^_____________

N e h r u W a r n s

N e i g h b o r s t o

B e P r o t e c t e d

NEW D EU II, India, Aug. 30 (fl —Red China got a warning yes­terday from Prime Minister Nehru: Ind ia certainly will defend the H im alayan protectorates of Bhu- U n a n d Blkklm against any Inva­sion.

And his government la fully alive t o 'l t s rcspoa-ilbllity for. the pre.iervatlon of the security of Ind ia , Nehru told parliam ent.

ReUtloni WoraenH e spoke against a background

of worsening rela tions- between pelp ing and New Delhi, strained since Chinese troops crushed an uprising In Tibet la st spring.

Pew days pass w ithout new re­ports In the Indian press of com* m unlst Chinese deslgn.i on the two protec torates or on Ind ian terrl- torle.^ south of Tibet.

Parliam ent members questioned Ncliru about growing fears In Q n jtan and Sikkim th a t Peiping Ln m a.ulng troops to claim both for C hina.

Defense Asnired“Any infringement o t the ir bor­

der will be Infringement of our undertaking to protect them and we sha ll certainly defend them nc alM t-such jn tnu ion .’lN e h ru re ­plied.

B hutan and Sikkim adjoin each otlier. India's northeast frontier area Li on the east and Nepal on th e west. Indio- took over their protection after gnlnlng Inde­pendence from Britain, the ir pre- vloai guardian.

About S.S13 miles of canals and navigable rivers now cro.w Prance, ca m 'ln g more than Cs million tons of m aterials and merchandise nually.

Portland Woman Visits in Area

RlCHnEXD. Aug. 28 — Mrs. Oene HInrr, Portland, visited her

' parents, Mr. and M rs. Forrest AmuironE.

Irene Reeves is spending the w «k In Nampa w ith h e r mother,

' Mrs. B. Reeves, and friends. i Mrs. Ids Nexbllt a n d Mn-ln-law !

I,— and dauthter; M rr n n d ' M n. Ray 1 It Baker. PocaitUo, spen t the week-i I end With Mrs. Nesbitt's son and

daughter-In-law . M r. and Mm.i Louis NfJbltt. W hile here the I

Neibltl's86lh birthday anniversary with Mr*. Tho.uas Vaughn, a grand­daughter. and family oUo present.


and M n. W. W. Bruesch »tienat<j a family reunion of the Bruesch family a t the T w in Palls c i t , l park Sunday. Mr. and Mr*, ehm ' Olson. Pocatello, and M r. and Mrs W alter Bruesch. Ogden, ana sev-

■ eral other relatives from .out of ta .ro attended.

- S e r v i c e

■ t t Y e a rT t m d

P L E D O E Y o l l R■Im n e r o u s s u p p o r t .


L o o se o r b ro k e n d e tt- t u r e i p e rm o n e n tly —



T o k e u p to 2 0 m o n th t to poy . . e n d en^py n o tu ro l lo o k in g , comfo~rt- ob le o n d le r r ic e o b le den* tu r e t r ig h t now l

Open Daily 9 a .m . to 5 p.m .EVENINGS o n d SA T U R D A Y S BY A P P O IN T M E N T


McDOW'S "Slzsi!^ *t niiinor* - la the Okay ShopplDg C e n te r-

iJM t areand ih t eoraer facing nilm orel

The Twin Falls Bank and Trust CompanyIs Proud To Announce Its


T h e n e e d f o r e d u c a t i o n h a s n e v e r b e e n g r e a t e r . F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e c o s t o f t h i s e d u c a t i o n c o n t i n u e s t o

i n c r e a s e . T o m e e t t h e s e c i r c u m s t a n c e s ' t h e T w i n F a l l s B a n k & T r u s t C o m p a n y o f f e r s t o t h e r e s i d e n t s

o f t h e a r e a a n e w p r o g r a m o f l o w - c o s t , i n s u r e d e d u c a t i o n a l l o a n s c a l l e d E D U C A T I O N P L A N .


s .n ia y b c o b ta i i ic t i .b y .n r e n rcsid en t.'i to c o v cr m n n y o f [.-U n i lc r - llie -E d u c a t io n p Ia n p ro ffn th e coat's o f a c o lle g e e d u c a t io n . B o r ro w c ra m a y be p a re n ts , r e l a t i v e s o r f r ie n d s — o r in som e c asc a ev en th e s tu d e n t s th e m B c lv c s . T h e on ly r e q u ir e m e n t i s t h a t t h e b o r ro w e r m e e t o rd i­n a ry T w in F a l l s B a n k & T r u s t C o m p an y c rc d i t q u a l if ic a t io n s . F u n d s a re a d v a n c e d a s ne ed ­ed a t th e b e g in n in g o f e a c h s c m c .s te r a n d a r e re p a id in e q u a l m o n t h l y in s ta llm e n ts , th u s en ­a b l in g a f a m i ly to b u d g e t t h e c o s t o f a n e d u c a tio n in a c o n v e n ie n t m a n n e r .

EDUCATIONPLAN INSURANCEA l l B a n k a n d T r u s t E D U C A T I O N P L A N l o a n s a r e c o v e r e d b y g r o u p l i f e i n s u r -

a n c S ^ S h o u l d t h e b o r r o w e r d i e , t h e i n s u r a n c e r e t i r e s t h e u n p a i d b a l a n c e o f t h e

l o a n , a l l o w i n g t h e s t u d e n t ’s e d u c a t i o n t o c o n t i n u e w i t h o u t i n t e r r u p t i o n . T h i s

c o v e r a g e i s p r o v i d e d f o r a l l b o r r o w e r s . ^ A m e d i c a l e x a m i n a t i o n i s ' n o t r e q u i r e d .

F o r c o m p l e t e d e t a i l — c o m e t o t h e T w i n F a l l s B a n k & T r u s t c o m p a n y f o r c o n s u l ­

t a t i o n w i t h a n y l o a n o f f i c e r . Y o u r i n q u i r y i s w e l c o m e d !

'Y our Banking P a rtn e r Since 1905"

T w in F a l ls B a n k & T r u s t Co*TW IN FA LLS-K IM BERLY '


Page 13: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


M a r k e t s A - N B ^ F i N A ] ^ e E ^

S t o c k s Livestock Grains


i S i i i


s: ........ ....

= s i s t ; f = “ " '

!!;■ Change Made in Hot Lunch Start

■Wr »l (

awtooth Riding Club Has Picnic

Auff.-. :a — Some (> of ihe Sftwtoolh njinRe: clul) ntWncltd n potliick

cndon hot oprlnRS Snliirduy cvcnlnp, rfuTHpenrMouna n

nnil mcmbcm .„, Twcnly-flve lit for the niRht.

..nrnlnd brcftWnst 50 persons. T ftxn -

uic flve-mlle ride up «fflt Simdny afternoon..

Attend MeetAiiR. 28 — Mm, Frert

^ fouriii dWUlct director o f Jcihn DuiUnrM nnd Profen-

— ^ *m iipn’. clubs; Mr*. LovonlR nnd Mrs. W inifred

I** »fnt to Twin Falls M onday ’n ntt«nd the reitulivr m e e t.

> ' ">c Tuln Fnlla club.OUl-Of-lOtttl RllMl.1 In-

^ H. J. Luckc. Btatc prc.»- '• M VirBinlft Hftwk. R uiw rt.

bonnl. occordlnit Siipt Ralph Vlllcrs. Tlie chfinsc In plnm was made this week.

Mrs. Krtttik Lequerica is hot lunch chtilnnnn ngftln thLi yenr. Bcrvlnff fo r her elRlith ycnr In thi»t po.ll lion.

Cooks will be M n. Denn Barney. Mrs. Alice Clmpmnn and Mr*. Mflc ■:opper will be MsUtAnt, dceordlni:

> .Mrs. LcQuerlcft.Prlce.i fo r the lunch wlH renrnln

20 cent4 for Rmde achool »ge students.

The only change In the pw t m onth in the tcl^chlnE slAff * t th e uhoCil, Accordlns to Superin­tendent VlUcct. Is the hlrlns o{ Mra. An-llln OUanneH to rcpUcc M n , Joe Broyles In the elementary

Event PlannedHAILEY. AUB. 28-Members of

th e Upper Bis Wood River Oronse ir«_pfnnnlnB.toehold the annual ‘Wood OtUiierins Party" uxyi.

Each year men ot the Orange go Into the Umber and Rather enough wood to h eat the Orange hall dur« In s the winter. Oranse women cook a h o t meal and it is Aen'Cd durins th e day u - a plcnlc'Ior the members.

J e r o m e M a i l _____

S t a t e s L a m b s

S e l l C h e a p e i j

JtHOME, Auk. :6 - T h e market] „i,T*ut ilie Jcroiiir Llvp«t(ick comniU-;

,‘ inii coiiipnny uiu> xlrndy on all of c .itllr niitl hoK» with

; Jffiirr Umb. A lii tlr chrnpfr Tues- dny.

. -----Davc_J3l0i'S,_^ij;r<nn? _«o1d___.... ( of lilt Hol.iicin, uteers„ i:, from t21.5o to $23.10. H, P. Rick-

cll.v Jcrnme, conslKnetl a Innd of, bl;ick whltrlncp isiccrs, welshlnK|*f<’m-e90-i«'-H3i>-poumli'-f'nd-*«U*.

iiir l:;s Irom S2fi Ifl to $26 80.Stnndnrd com:;, jlfl to tlB:

rnrrclal cc'.n.. cuu-'. »ia .- --------- --------------■h'i< cuiirr J9 to f i3 ; M;indord bulls,

J23J0: ccmnicrclnl bulla. J20J0 to »22io ; hkiu buiis, s is to $i9io:

.,„t,.'l/iiidiir(l Atirr-s. *21 to *24; Jat >i"L- HobScin strers. $21 to J23| «tnn-

•ri.nrit..hrl(fr«. - t in to a2av»l«avy r" ; 'i '-e Jpr-M rrT s"s2 ;r(b-$38 .2 t)n iS tlt - - tJ."! t o . t 2n;. heavy-helleu.

s:2 to $25.

— Y o u n g _ P a t i e i i ^ l 4 2 L i s t e d a s

Sandrn Robin infan t daURhtcr ot {onner^Ttt'in I-'nlU rr»ldenl.i. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mlltord W le^. M rknii. Montana. «a.i one of th e youn«Jt de n u l p;i- tlcnt.1 on rccorri «i St. John'* ho-ipllnl.

6he »n.« bom ullh iwo lowrr front teeth, oiip of nhlch \vi» loo.^ . rr.Miltlnc In the drcWon 10 rxtrnct Ihrm.

Wlr.-it wn* fmployrd In Jturt-

nnd Mrs- u m an employ? of Uie rtogtrNon Coffpp shop. T tirlr other chlW. flancly. now fl yrnr.i old. wn* bnrn at MukIc

'V itliey Mriiiui Inl—ncwpttnl,

.n ,.lt JSt-'V I hotline ch. -r-l fiH.l CiJ no

(JRAIS rt;Tnin;K

t.r _ .70S

rOHTLANn ■OllTI.ANn. Au». :« (.11

....Ini, It-Hir iblrmrni. t«il N«. 1, *

u>. :s m —Whml> S hl»l!«r: J I_3S'i-!.flT: I

rhii» «m:. No. j <m.n. MIIa iniUr K>fir i.g»-:.oi.

Whfil (uturn Ufifhin»*< Ic

a E d u c a t i o n i l l

L o g C a l ) i n t o

J B e j G i v e u u p

i,EW ISlX )N .. Aust- 3S Ifl----- :p-h f-'•oiee Wolfe chtldrrn nre kivHir

, ..... LiKht hr.ifcrn, $25 to »27.50; uteer up ihplr loe cnbin education torcslvcs, JZ1 lo U 3; liclfer cnUeii, putjHc uchool.

P"*'i-i»27 lo »31: heavy Hol.iteln iteeu , neorKc WoHe wild yi'slcrdny his ]$lfl to im h l Holatein *teer», nncl seven children will rr.

lo $2.-'iO; H olstein *tecr c.ilvr.*, ii ,i , w iTk-nid from n 1(>k cab.,}22 to 124.2. : Hol.ilrin heifer ^ rp ,n„te counto’ on Uie Sal-......... S23 lo *25; MoLitfln milk |„n„ river.

ittA. JITO to *250 per head; feeder j,^ ffmrniiiRm.s. j l i to $10. ,0 U u h to n to tnke ciirr ot herMe.1t I>pt- hen;.'. *15 lo Iiiothcr who Miffcred a briikcn Icr

; type lioi:., $13 to $M,75; sow*. JD to [$12J0; lerder piK5, *12 0 »15. ^volfc m orcd the clilldren to

weanrr ,.Im. $3 to »E>- White f. c , jie ..• 'o S20. 5: feed^

tH iB . «^<-d°b? - ri ll K ewi" $4 0 education for them nnd\ i i? ,, o i ; , 'h a t hta wife could do better._ *8. nnd killer ev,c3. *I 10 *3.50. [ g„pprin icndcnt Chircnce Booth

uiid "It will be up to the principals whplher Uic Woltc children can kklp a Bnuie they would have been lii liiJil y ear had they alayed in %chool here,"

Wolfe, ft railroad employe, m lliR i-ounc*ter* avecnRcd clor.c "D" Rmdcs while he waA teachhiR

NEW YORK. AUK. 20 (UPI) - 'th e m .AlthouRh Uie m nrket may be In fnr| -----------------------------further correction, the ILit (< i T f honeycnmbcd w ith altractlve I n - l / V l l I H f l l l l l f l S dividual candidates for price ap­preciation or fu rther trodlnR re­covery. (uvy* H nydcn, Stone and company.

II wys i.tock.1 in n favorable technical poslUon to carry hlKher include Royal D utch. Square D,R. » . Macy, New York Airbrake,Pood Machinery, Fruehauf. Gar­rett, Olmble, ColoriKlo Fuel, Crown Zellerbiich. Pftn.ttcel. ACP Indus­tries. Anocondn. Bethlehem Bteel and Universal Cyclopa.

Stocks in ft w eakened technlcril po.«ltlon wlilch ahould be avoided Include Abbott Lnboratorlca, Nor­wich Phnrmacnt. P an American.Interniilionnl Telephone, Clark Efiulpment. ComlnR aia.-w, CurlU.i- WrlRht. Dre.«er Induitrle.i, Amer­ican Airline.''. Amerlcnn Daich,Becch Aircraft. TunR-Sol and WcstlnKhouse A irbrake.

The Alexander Hnmllton Instl- lute say* the cu rren t decline, wlilch may ro lower, should offer oppor- tunllle.i lo pick up hlRh-Rmde stock* tha t nre n o t over-valued on demonstrated camlnK*.

•Jl rccommenda purchase of Unit­ed Alrcrall. DoslonJIdlBon. StantS- ard Oil (Indiana) and Texaco, It Rays Sangamo E lectric is a epee- ulnUve purchase bu t nuKRest* mak.InK new eommltm enta In Emerion Electric. ^

WalstOft^ncl com pany .wys thelT re many stock* of good companies aw sclllnj; a t a substantia? dls-

from the cost per *hare of

Potatoes-Onions^ . a ticA co

tlihl; cirmtnil llchi; mii ilhfrwlit lUItdK Ida

IilihoOKion'icnc irlillr* ' Uk>n l.'tM.OO: WlKOtoln round r«l S.?4-J.«5: ..f ir i m , !.50.:.M;,

Onlflnc Ar'rlrftli 7r tr»<rk •( : auppHr lllht; diRinml mnlrrilr; markrt tirad>

<li o in i Colorado rtllo» CpanltlCalifornia H lo« Mml (lo w lantf 2.7S: rnl kIoI« m«dlurn :.16

Cninradn r'1li» Kpanlah M^S.OO; whll-mrdtum mld»«l 1.75; Ulchlon J.OW.H.

niTIIRKSTlir fidlowlnc fulum qunUtlnnt

pn»ldr<I 1>r W. MrKohtrta and « pinr. Twin Kalli.

Januarr. I.:S 1)1,1. 1.10 ■ - rh. l.U hl»h. L,w .>

I-alalMi rmUr. l.Sl bf.l. i . t t

Butter and EggscittCAcn

cmcAr.o. Au». : i lup ii _ a .« .a idlnrl* ilalilpa and hnrhonia I*-1A%: prr>f».«t loaf JJii.lT; fiwlia frad. A

>;»a 7.1'KI ta<n:


WOOLNKW YohK. Auf. 21 tn-W ool fu-

iirw cl»»rd .1 lo .T of a f.nt k.wrr;

17S.0II.C.rtlflrilrd ipol oiu: in-lllH: N-Namlnal)

n': juTji

TJie West Point m ilitary acad­emy reservation covers more than 15.M3 acres. .

:p1aelnR a»eUi. I t lisla five avail­able a t t> fftt dLwount: Union OH, ClUes Service. Wheellnfc steel. Ox­ford Pnper nnd Brown company.

Josephthol upd company *ays wltli Uie nation faclnR one of Its worst frelRht e a r rJiorlnRes In

hlstory, th e already-revived railroad equipment Industry lin« a brlttht outlook c a ro ’InR Into ISCO. I t »nys American Steel Foundries la Its speculative favorite. Tlie firm says W. T . G ra n t could be on threshold of a new e ra of Rrowth while New York Central U ar ' terMt specu'allon. _

There seem* to be much aelllnR pre.^sure In Amerada, .. slock which lone h as been under pressure, says W . E. Hutton and company. I t ' tay* thLf iuue will bear watching.

Final Band Show Will Be Thursday

The final band concert of Ute season will be held flt the city band shell a t 8:1S p. m. Thursday, announces C harles Ralclltfe, di­rector.

The progrnm will consist of Alex­ander's '•Memphis the .Majestic"; "Marche Slave" by Tschalkowskl; ‘'flonR of Love," from RomberR's •■Bloa.iom Tim e": "Lazy River" by Carmichael, and HaH's "Onrde* D u' Corps" march. |

TTie s«cor«l p a r t of Uie concert; will Iticlude a sacred arranRement' of "Joy (0 the W orld" by Bam -; houM; Blxrt's ''M lnuel." Irom ■•L'ArlesIenne S u i t e." featuring R o n Miller. flut« aoloL-it, tlie sing­ing march. “T h e Jolly Copper- amith” by PeU rs; selections from South’Pacific by RodRCra; "Sousa' High School Cadet*" march, and ■Tlie Star SpanRled Banner."


old Burke, publisher of the Salmon | Recorder Herald, wa* hQ.’ pitallzed; a t Steele M em ortal-hospltal-here after a heort.m tack . He l.i expect­ed to remain I n 'th e hospital for about three weeks,

I i i l i e r i t a i i c e

O f B i g M i n e(Vtom r t f Ona)

his father, A. B. Hewlett, Norfolk,a.BcrReant H ewlett snid he would

relun i to Ala.ska in two w ects to obtain a new geologlsfs report and hopes to have the mine produclnR clnnatMtr, Uie chief ore of mercury, by nex t sprlnR.

Lieut. H al Wlngo. aaslslont In­form ation service officer a t Castle alrbftse. Raid he hnd seen copies of the recorded claim. He eaid there was "no doubt In my mind

\ to th e presence of the mine."Don Ebcrleln, of Uie U. S . Ir

terlor deparlm ent's Reologlcal nur- vey section In Francisco,-said he had heard of no mercury mine "Of th is m agnitude" In Alaska. He said however th a t the Red Devil mine n e a r Pleetmute, Alaska, the Kuskokwim rtver was an ae- llve p ro d u ce r o m e rc u ry .

K W mtUton dollar mercury mine would rank among the largest In the U nited SU tes ^ d could compare w ith the sew Almaden mine n e a r San Jose. Calif., which has produced mercury worth 70 million dollars. The «-orId'j lam est such mine Is the Almaden mine In Spain.

Fairfield Mishap Inquest Delayed

F A IR P in iD . Aug. 26—TTie In- queat Into the traffic death of Mrs. LouiM A nn Miller, 00, T«-ln Palls, was postponed Tuesday be­cause Uie dead woman’* husband, Woller Miller, la still usable to leatlfy.

Atlendnnt^ n t Magic Valley Me­morial hosplUU said Wednesday afternoon M iller was in ROOd con­dition. bu t Coman county Sheriff A1 Lawson said Miller had a set-; bnck. cau.'finR tho postponement of the Inquest.

Mrs. M iller was killed Aug. 15 In iw o-car accident southeast of

Fairfield on old h lghm y « . The jurors m e t In Fairfield last week

view th e scene of the accident.

T w i n F a l l s M a r k e t s

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MdMlan guoladi



MON., AUG. 3112:30 p.m .


A pprox im a^ ly 3000 head of cattle a re ex­pected fo r this sale and will include yearling and two-year-old stfeers and heifers. A ll cattle a re p re-sale sorted into uniform lots to f il l the needs o f each and every buyer fo r w e ig h t and quality .


— -Additlomil InformtUan mior be obUlned by conl*cUttB'M ra.~' Helen L. Reid, Secretary, Wallowa County Stodw row er's As.ioeiaUon. Phone 653 o r 1S43 En'E nterprise Llveatock A uction Co„Enterprise; Wilfred D agrett. Feeder

____33Sl -E n t« rpds t;._o r D arrall G ' 'Fe«der Sales, phone TO 0-314«

.Fran I'ara .......Tue.sdny afternoon by 'IV ln Foll.i. Judge It. E. Pence for failure to]

rea.-ionnble and prudent. He.... cited by Sttite Patrolm an Jim

Gerke Jour mlle.i w est of Twin Falls on hlRhway 30.

Oaylen J. Cox, n i l Poplar ave. ..lie, forfeited n *15 bond Tue.^dny aftcrnnon In Tw in Palls city police court for speedlnR. H e was died Auk. 5 by city police.

Jame* R, Scott, 10, Ham en. fined $10 nnd cosL-i a n d Riven 2! demerits for speed lnu when he I appeared before Police Judge J . O. Pumphre.v T u e a d a .v afternoon. Scott was d ied In Sunday 's radnr check by d ly police in lli block of Main avenue north.

Richard W. D olim er. 30. 704 Sec ond avenue no rth , w as fined and cost* and given 25 demerits for speeding when h e nppeared be­fore-Police Judge J . O . Pumphrey Tue.'.day afternoon. D otimer was cited in Friday’* ra d a r check by city police. He wa.i travellnR 32 miles an hour in th o 600 block of Mnin avenue no rth .

OeorRe B, M ondragon, . . . . . . Sidney street, wa* w lncd )2S and cost.1 and sentenced to two days In the city Jail by Police Judge J . O. Pumphrey on a w a r ra n t charging him with drivlnR a m otor vehlde In of the speed limit. He was arrested by c ity police a t pm . Tuesday in S ou th Park.

William P. Funke. 18, route J, Burley.,wa* fined <34 and given 20 demerits by Burley Police Judge Henry Tucker Sunday fo r speeding 4B mlled per hour in a 25 mile rone. He wo* d ted by Police Officer Don Odom.

Jerry E. Barkadale. 21, Rupert, was fined tlfi a n d given 30 de' merltfl by Judge T ucker Tue.*.<lai for speeding 43 mile* per hour In a 25 mile rone. H e was cUed by SrI. Charles Given* a n d Reserve Officer Don M artin.

IAJT>' N. Nortoy, 23, Rupert, was fined l i e and given 30 demerits by Judge T ucker Tuesday for speeding 41 miles pe r hou r In mile sone.

EDEK. Aug. 36—M r. and Mrs.. R. Barcus le ft fo r F t. Riley.

Kans., accompanied by their daughter. Mrs. Lloyd Olbson. where they will Join h e r husb,ind, SSt< Lloyd Gib-wn, a t th e a ir force base there. The B arcus' plan to visit In Wial area lo r t>irte week*' before returning home.

Mrs, Mary Jones, Los Angeles, la visiting her tls ler-ln -law , Mr* Clara G rant, and o th e r relaUves Id the area.

T . F. n R f tr S BID LOW BOISE. Aug. 26 (U PD —The rec­

lamation bureau says a Twin Falls firm was the apparen t low bidder yesterday for construction of a rellft pumping p la n t in Jerome county about 10 miles southwest of Paul. Ben a W alton offered to do the Job fo r 121,470.

Page 14: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e



Hawley M arries Parm a M iss in

^ Eden C erem onyEDEN, Auc, 20—N oretn Andcr-,

*nn. dniiRliifr of Mr. nnd Mre. lUrold' W. Anderson. Poxnia. »na Ron»l<3 Dale Hnwley, ison or Mr. and Mrs- CliHrles llawjc}-. Eden, were imlWd In mnrrlaKe o'clock Tliuwdiiy evcnluR

■ rnnrHrllchifrt Inwn ccFcmony a t the home or IiU pnrcnU

Dlitiop E.ul QulRley nf Ihe Duhl LD8 church offlclaled for th e aln. Rte rUiR rllua).

Ttie ailar wii* arrnnKCd In a cor. ner of llie inwn ftnd woa trimm ed with Breenery nnd M im on ttladloU with fliinklnR cnndeinbrn and tail white biuketx of talm on clndloll.

Mrs. finy CnrtMn. Buhl, orgftn- -tit, pby td Uie proceaslonal i»nd rfCfi’lonoJ find accom panied Mr*. Wm JInniian. Eden, aa ahe Mng •Tlie WedditiB Prayer" andeauie.'" • — ...................-

Given In marrlnKe by h e r faUier. — H « bride uUU£

floor-leoBlh embroidered nylon laee over »ntln cown. 'H ie fitted bodice wfl.i eoinpllmenled by tiny pelf buttoai down the back, a 6a- brinft . neckline and Illy point

• aleevcd. Her flnsertlp 'lllur.lnn veil WM held In place by a U nra of «eed pearl.t.

She earrlfd pink .sweetheart ro.w* and white baby orchld.1 " while tulle fiutened to n wl Bible with white satin ribbon and Jong streamrrf.

Donnie Anderson, Pnm ia, mnld of honor for her sister. She wore B s.ilmon-peach chiffon Rown wllh bell-Jhnped sleeves nnd a m#tchlnR hnlo liat. She carried pe.'ch Rlndloll on a w hite . tulle bnckcround,

C.wdlclltihtcr» were D onnie Pe­terson. In a pale b^]c n e t over taJftU ballcrlna-IenRth ROwn, and Mar)' Looney In a lavender net over taffeta ballerlna-lcnKth (town, n ic y nre cousins of th e brlde- ftroom.

Flower girl was T olnelt* Ander- Bon. sLiter of Uic bride. Eho wm froclted In a salmon ROwn nnd ac­cessories Identical to th e m aid of honor. She carried a m at«hti)s b u - ke t of flower petAU.

For his best man the brldeirroom Mlect«d his uncle, Floyd Schwab, Eden. Ushers were K en t Pettcrson, Eden, and Bill Scliwab, Central Point, Ore., both cousins of the brldcrroom, and M lehael Ander* •on. brother of the biiUe.

SKrIe Bchwob, Eden, couain of the brldeftroom. was rin g bearer.

Mn. Ellubcth Motyneux. Eden, « u Buest book a ttendan t.

Altar and reception flow er i r - ranjementa were m ade by Mrs. Eulyi Dnvldion, Eden.

ThB bride's m other wa* a ttired In a blue varleroted lace over pink UJfeU slr«t-lenRtl¥ dreaa with pink tcceuorlea. Her co rsase was of pink rc«ebuda and w h ite le a th ­ered canuUona. T he bridcfrroom's mother atlected a brown a n d belRc two-piece suit w ith bc ljo acces- Mrles. Her carsnge va« of bronze chrj'santhemums on roW tulle,

The brldfRroom's Rrondmother, Mrs. C. A. Hawley, Dols«, woa at- Urcd In a blue and w hite atretl-lensth Tlresa w ith blue . . eesiarles. Her corsage -xiu while

•feathered camatlona. IT ie m a ter­nal grandmother. Mra. F , S. W hit­aker. Burley, woa In a hammered satin su it w ith m atch- lns^»cceasorles. H er corasRO was aalmc* gladioli on silver tulle.

Th» reception table woa covered with a while linen c loth accented by a flounce of white o rgandy. The Ubie edget were trlnuned w llh pink rosettts and (trecnery. Cen­tering the table was th e four- tltred white weddlnjr cnke decorat­ed with pink rosebuds a n d white awan pillars. A cluster 'o f white

Marion M artin P a tte rn

Recites Vows

weddlnir bclLi In tulle, udvncd Uie top of the cnke. A fter I t was cut In trrullllontil m anner It wn.', served by Mrs. Don Crandnll, Burley, nunt of the bride.

At either end of the table triple crystal candelnbra holding while candles.

Mrs. Ralph Rlchlna. Evanston. Wyo, and Mrs. Owen Champneya. ORdcn, both ftunta of the bride, poured,

Tlic Klft table was attended by Mrs. Melton RutledRe. Buhl, and the cnndlellRhtcrs.

A buffet supper was served wedding Rucats by members of the families.

The table woa IlRhled by four dindles In crystnl candelabra. Tlkl lamp.1 surrounded the Rorden aettlng.

For traveling. M rs. Hnxley cliofe _ brown two-piece suit wllh matchlnR accessories and a pink rosebud connge.

Afler a aliort wedding trip to Eaaley's a t the Hawley cabin the young couple will be nt home a t 1103 Kearney, B el Air. IijaJio Fulls.

The bride is a IDM graduate of Buhl hiRh school and of Idaiio State college, Pocatello, She hw been teaching a t E den grade school the pait two years. She will resume teaching w ith th e Idaho Falls school system a t th e Bel Air grade school th la term.

The bridegroom Is a 1053 gradu- ate-of Eden h igh school nnd a t­tended th e U nlvenilty of idiUio. Mo«ow, for two years. He served four years with th e air forc^ twi} years of which wna spent In Japan. He Is employed by the 8tntc_de- partm ent of law en fo rcm en t a t Idaho Falls,

A shower was Riven in honor of the couple a t th e home of Mrs. James K oehler In Parm a a t a < o'clock tcik w ith Mrs. Etdrldge Bparka a s co-hoatcaa.

O u t-o f-s tA te gu fjta Included Lieut. Qeorge Adnma, an a ir force friend of the bridegroom from Alice, Tex.; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Schwab nnd fam ily, Central Point, Ore., u ndo and a u n t ofHke-trlde* groom; the Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Hawley, Boise, grondparenta of the bridegroom; S p 2/cl Richard Schwab, cousin o f the bridegroom, latanbul, Turkey. OUitra were from ORden, S a lt Lake City, B ur­ley. Buhl, Decio, Boise. Payelte, Parma, Pocatello, Twin Falla nnd Hazelton.

* ¥■ *

Heyburn Couple Fetes D augh ter

HEYBURN. Aug. 20 _ Mr, and Mr*. August M cCllntock entertain­ed a fnmJly gntherJnff In honor of Ihclr daughter. Lillian, on her blrliidny.. Oue.-iLi Included Mr, and Mrs. Oeorge Harvey, Royal, Nebr.; Mr. and Mrs, Doyi Brant and fnmlly. M urtaugh; Mr. nnd Mrs. William Cole and Eddie Hop. klM.

Mr. and Mrs. Cnlvln Helner en- tcrtalnW a t a d inne r Friday eve­ning for Col. a n d Mrs. Amos Jor­dan and family. Weal Polni, N.Y.

Reception Fetes C oupleM arried

InT em pleR itesFILER, Aug. 20 - A wedding

reception was held Tuesday —ntnr-A w r-lflrtn-lhfr'L D S-**lion hall honoring Mr, and Mrs, Richard K, FnnviworUi who were married the preceding day In the S a lt Lake C ity LDS temple,

Official for the ceremony Nrnry Mnyli-, mfjnber-Ql_the_Sfllt Lake church pre.ildency.

For tiie reception, the former, Wilma Ann Unit, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Ling, chose n floor-length ROwn of taffeta and lace. The lace bodice featured Illy point sleeves and a small round collar with a full U ffew sk ir l ac­cented w llh lace paneLi. H er veil was held by a satin band dec­orated wllh seed pearls. She c a r­ried ft bouqucl of white c arn a ­tions with white sjilln streamers.

•r mother chose a slrec t- Inrgth iMlce. Jlnci) " . dreAi with a white embroidered fittedJa ckc t-^ -a .w h ile .c iim aU f2r . c " r isnsc backed with gold leaves, 'llic bridegroom’s mother, Mrs. Bur­ton I^rnsw orth. Salt Lake City, sclcctfd a gray lace over rose ta f ­feta atrccl-lenglh dre.w nnd a cor­sage of white earnutlons w ith a

Iver leaf background.White lace over blue cnvercd Ihe

bride's table. Blue tapers In crys­tal holders and small crj'slal bowls flanked a white tliree-tlered wed­ding cake topped by n m lnlnlure bridal pair.

Tlie serving table al.w was dec- ornled In the same manner. B as­kets of pink nnd white Bbidloll decorated the hall.

Serving cnke were Mrs. Joe Jones. Eden, and Mrs. Dale D urst- eler. aun t of ihe bride. In cliargc of the ^uest book was Mrs, Ocrnld Tews and arranging gifts wn.i Mrs. Richard Lewis,

Best m an was Robert Fnrns- wortli. brother of the bridegroom. K enneth Ling, brother of Uic bride, nnd John Orenvig served ushers.

Tlie bride cBbse a beige sheath dres.< w ith 'm atching jB cke t.andaccessories as her going-............semble.

Accompanying the couplc to the temple in addition to the bride’s parents and brother were Mrs. CurtUi Loveles.1. her grandmother, nnd Mrs. Barney Greener, both Burley, nnd Mr. and Mrs. Robert Breeding nnd Mrs. V. W. M asters, all Murtaugh.

T?!e bride a w gradujiied from Filer high school In lOM a n d re ­ceived her degree In nursing from Brigham Young university In IDS8. She la a registered nurse employed by tlie LDS htupltal ln S a lt Lake City,

T he bridegroom was graduated from high school In S a lt Lake City and served a two and one- ha lf year LDS mLvilon In C entral America,

On retu rn from a two-week -•cddlng trip the couple will make the ir home In Salt Lake Clly where he will a ttend the U ni­versity of Utah.

Out-of-tow n gufcsts for the ccptlon Included Mrs. R. K. Pnrn.i- worlli. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hale and John Orenvig. all S alt Lake City; Mr. and Mrs. CurlL-* Love- Mrs, Bnmey Greener. Mrs. DaJe D nistfler. and M n. WHJIum Ramsey, oil Burley: Mr. a n d Mrs. Donley Sllbaugh. Salmon, and Robert Farnsworth. Calif.

Before returning to F iler the couple was honored a t a reception Monday evening a t t^ie hom e of Dr. and Mm. C. E. Richards In Salt U k e City.

Tem ple Cerem ony Jo ins Pair

¥ ¥ ¥

M eeting Is Held By Church U nit

BLISS. Aug. 28 — -'Have Bible —Will Read" was Uie le.-aon giv­en by Mrs. L. H. Rowlands a t the meeilng of tlie Woman's C hrlstlnn Fellowship of Uie B ltu Commun­ity church held a t Uie home of Mrs. Tom Gibson. llftRcrmnn, W ednesday afternoon. Tlie Ic.tion Included « discaulon o f Blb]e passages for family rending.

Mrs. Wllllnm Holmt.^ was ship leader. Mrs, Tom Gibson, president, conducted the bu.<lnes.i meeUng.

Next meeting will be W ednes­day. Sept. 9 a t the home of Mrs. Doran Butler. • -

Mr.s. Pete Conant was co-hosle:a for the meeting.

Care of Your ChildrenBy A N GELO PA TRI

A 15-year-oM girl, well along In Btcondary school, m et a 10-ycar- old boy while on vacation a t the shore. They swore eternal friend­ship. T he boy gave the girl a ring with A blue stone In It and slie gave him a pin from .her lapet. They proc^lscd to .wrtt« to each other once a week and Uie girl promised to spend Chrlslniaa week

his home In anotherdid not consult he r mother ........ther about any of this and although they tried. wlUiout being harsh about it. to so ft pedal the atUch* ment, they m ade little lmpre.ulon

nd are worried about It.Knowing abou t these vacation

attachmenta. I do no t take Uiem very seriously. Not th a t I would say Uuit to th e younsters If they were In my care. I 'd take It casually a s ..................................

d ren to talk, to tell about ’what they think and feel for this (riend, w hat thliigs they do toeether and try to make helpful hinta wlUiout being heavy-handed about lu

I'nthera of young girls have to be particularly careful became they nre too likely to b« up and n t him the moment a ' boy sets foot In the house to learn the way to the

gemtor. if they will ]u.M think back a few years to their own first unetrU ln steps toward awarcne.« they will be able to help In.itead of causing trouble where no troubl; need have been.

In most Instances pairing off clianges with Uie season. Try to be calm.

Mrs. Gene H iner Feted a t M eetingRICHFIELD. Auk. 2(5 — Mrs.

Oene HIncr, the form er Midge Armitrong. RlchficId. was honor­ed with n ml.scell.meous po it nup­tial shower Saturday afternoon a t the MethodLst recrc.itlon rooms. Hoslewcs were Mrs. Edward Schls- Icr. .Mrs. Dick John.ion. Mrs. Odell Chatfleld. Mrs, Robert Myers, Mrs. Howard Campbell nnd Mrs. W en­dell Johnson.

Mrs. Clifford Dnyley announced the program of vocal selections by Mrs. W. T. navel and Mrs. Lyle Deeds with Mrs. Kenneth Johnson as plnno nnd a mock wedding, Tnklng pa rt were Mrs. U yd Lee. Mrs. Burl Akins, Cheryl Sweat, Irene Deeds, Mrs. Curlls Parke. M argaret S tlrton. Mrs. Dayley. nnd Dena and Carolyn Chatfleld. Mary Jane Miller. Twin Fall.i, played Uie wedding marches.

Jeanette DeOee, Tw in Falls; Mrs. Julia Baugh. Shailionc; Judy Alexander nnd M l's Miller a.vilsted Mrs. Hlner with opening and dLi- plnylng glfla from a trio of lace covered table.s, Oladloll in brass floor urns and vasca graced the gift area,

Mrs. Dorothy Reynolds, grand­mother of the recent bride, and Mrs. Forrest Armstrong, m other of the bride, were special Rucsts. O ther relnjlve-s present from out of town included Mrs. Tony Betln, Mrs. Ellene. Holllbaugh. Shoi.hone, nnd Mr,i, Bill Sl{>e. Welser.

¥ ¥ ¥

Couple is FetedOn A nniversary

HAOERAWN. Aug. 20 — Mr. and Mrs. Charles Slierwood were honored on ihelr 25lh wedding an - nlversari' Saturdny by a party held a t their home. P resent were five other couples all of who have their wedding nnnlver.-utrlea In August.

They were Mr. nnd Mrs. Vem Lolt. Mr. and ^^rs. D. H-. Gold. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Allen. Mr. nnd Mrs. T . R. Larson. Kimberly, and Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Brown. Twin Palb. in daughters of Mr. and hfrs. Sherwood were present. Mr. and ^Irs. Ronald Goodman and children. MurUugh, and Janice Sherwood. Tn’ln Falls, attended Uie function.^Ttie evening was spent visiting. A wedding cnke was served aa re- frc.ilimenta,

¥ ¥ ¥

Dietrich Circle Has New C hief

DIETntrCH, AUK. 20—Mrs. John McOhce a.viiimed the duties of president a t the Frlend.Milp circle meeting this week a t th e home of Mrs. Ben Laucr,

Mrs. MeGhce replaces Mrs. Olei Nel!^n who re.' lgned. Mrs. Jnniea Me.'.ervy wns elected vice presi­dent,

Tlie sutwhlne cnmmlttee appointed. Te.tcher’s reception Was dl.ncavspil nnd committees ap­pointed to avilsi the PTA In plan- nine Uie event,--

Mrs, Me:;ervy received the whlt< elephnnt prlre, Mrs. Jurt Ford wm co-hMte.v- —-

Next nipctlng will be held a t Ihi home of .Mrs. Art TlilPl.

¥ ¥ ¥

Event S lated bySquare D ancers

FM club will meet nt 1 pjn . Frl. day at the home of Mrs. Nellie Orlggs for n dessert luncheon,

¥ ¥ ¥Tlie Union Pacific Boosters club

•111 meet nt 8 p jn . Tliursdny nt the home of,M rs, W. W. Holm­gren, 143 Ash street,

¥ ¥ ¥So Journey cards will be held

.1 8 pjii. Thursday a t the home if D. O. Welker. B34 Mountain

View drive. Cnll Mrs. Emmett Har- rt'ion nt REdwood 3-8304 for r vatlons.

American Legion auxiliary have a potluck dinner a t 1:30 pjn. Tliursday a t the Kimberly park. Each member Ls asked to bring a covered dish and table ser\’lce.

¥ ¥ ¥

Mrs. H arper IsFeted a t Parley

OAKLEY. Aug. 20 — Mrs. Ar­nold H arper waa honored by of­ficers of the Junior Sunday school a t the country home of Mrs. Eu­gene Pickett, second ward Junior Sunday school coordinator of the Cnssla stake.

Mrs. H arper was released re- eently as one of the teachers In the Junior Sunday school, •lllene Pnskeu led the group In

games nnd pa rt of the lime was spent socially,

Mrs. Harper woa presented with .. gift from the group. Refresh­ments were served by Mrs. Pick­ett, a.islst<d by Miss PoKkett.


RICHFIELD, Aug. 20 — Mrs. Eugene Faddls entertained Satur­dny afternoon honoring her daugh­ter, Jo}\ on her twelfth birthday. Mr. and Mrs, G D, Caldwell were special guests a t the party of their great niece.

Judy Stram and E. Rami rez Wed

In Church RitesRUPERT, Aug 28 — MurrlaRC

vows were exchanged by judy Strum and Efraln Ramlrc* July 18

Rupert ChrlsUan church. Parent-Tof^hTnmOtrmT-Mr^-Biul Mrs. W alter Slrnm . Rupert, and of the bridegroom. Mr. and Mrs. Luis Ramirez. Burley.Jack Foreman, pastor of the

Ooodlng ciiurch ' and~broU ier'^n- law of the bride, performed the ceermonles. Tlie w e d d i n g took p lacc"beforc-an-nrranicem «il—of two candelabra fitted wllh ta ll t a ­pers and flanked by U ll baskets of pink glRdlt^ll nnd blue delphinium.

n i t bride, escorted by her father, - a s wearing a princess style floor- length satin gown fashioned with Inserts of French rosepolnt lace Jn Ihe front of the skirt and p le a t­ed satin Inserts In the back, glv- Ing U ic-effe:t.tit-a.lrflln,Ttie short sleeves were lace covered and lace appIlQues nnd scedT Jtaris-thx lcd till- tnund neckline. Tlie flitgertlp vflll'of nylon net fea lurtdnace ap ­pliques In the comers and was caught to a satin and lace covered capelet. The gown and veJl were mndc by Mrs. Anna Dunn. Rupert.

•Hie bride's boufjuel was of pink rosebuds centered wllh Frenched c.irnallons and shower streamers.

Mr.v Shirley Foreman, sL-iier of the bride, wils m atron of honor. She wore a pink crj'Rt.iIctt< gown and carried a colonial bou(wct of ;hlte-cnrnntlons and pink net.

Dawn Stram, also a nlstcr of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wore

at{ua ROH'n jm d her flowers ,.. .e a colonial bouquet of white carnations nnd blue net.

John Moore served os beat mnn wllh Don Johanson aa groomsman, Ushers were Charles Buttcane, Bruce Newcomb. Rus-sell Newcomb nlnd Lloyd Knodel. Buttcane and Bruce Newcomb also lighted the candles,

Mrs. Evelyn Dunn played the -•cddlng music. Mrs. Lloyd Knodel accompanjed Betty Meyer who sang "Oh Promise Me" nnd "Tlie Wedding Prayer."

Decorations In the cliurch In­cluded n set of double candelabra on the piano and organ. The c an ­dles centered boutjuela of Lythrum and ■ Monarda.

Each window In the chnpel held .. single Uper wlUi greens and pink l»ws. A large basket of pink gladioli nnd blue delphinium — • In t!;e bnpUatry opening.

The mother of the bride «o two-piece dress of white eyelet and

corssge of red rosebuds,A reception was held In the

church nnnex Immediately a fte r Uie wedding ceremony.

Tendrils of English Ivy lined the bride's table which was lace cover­ed and centered by the four-Uered wedding cake placed on a m irror, m e cake wns decorated with wed­ding belli and Illy of the valley and circled by pink net and pink rose­buds. Mrs. Leone G entry baked and decorated the cake.

Assisting' f tf the recepUon .w ere Mrs. Russell Newcomb and Mrs George Suchan, Jr., who cu t nnd served the cake. Mrs. Roger Dean poured the coffee and Mrs. Loy Van Every served the punch.

Susan Naranjo registered the guests and Mrs. Ted Haynes, Mrs. Lowel! French and Mrs. C. L. Hld- dleslon cared for the glfla. H ost- ;s.sed assisting with the serving

MIt. AND SntS. EKItAIN HAMIltKz (Art C raft phot.>—tta tf entravinri

Shower Is Held ForM rs.'Krum m

ILAGERMAN, Aug. 20 - .nliower honoring Mrs, D e Krumm. Pocnlelto. the former Mno’ Elorrlagft. a recent bride, wns held on Snlurdny n t Uic lO O F hall.

Mrs, Krumm wns a.ulsled In opening her gifts by h e r str.tor. Gloria Elorringo and sLstcr-ln- law, Mrs. Dale Krumm. Tw in Falls.

Refreshments were served fromIftble covered with nn ccru lacc

tablecloth centered with a rose­bud bouquet. Mrs. Cnndldo Elor-

. . - Mra. Wesley Shy, Mrs, Earl Buttcane, Mrs. Elmer Attle.sley and Cnrl Attle.slc)’. .Junior hostesses were LaWana Hayes, Marlene Jnrollmek nnd Jonn Tyler.

Mrs. Knodel plnyed background mujJc for Uif refepllon. Mrs, Mer­rill Dean ns,aMed with the flowers.

Picnic Featurei l M u r . Au.,

.Ihe Wotni’n'N ii(.i„.[n held ihdr atinjml picnic lawn 1,1 the hoiiir „[ j"!!,' liter Sumliiy alifinuoti.'A poiliick illiiii(-r w.,-.

Uie afu-riiMii u.i.\m , p , , , „ -

rlaga. mother of (hr hor,o:« Mrs, CharlM Kniiiim w ri­the brldcKroom. |K)urcd in fee from a silver .mtvIcc,

Committee fcir (he chKled .Mrs, .Mtmln Curti.-’ Mnrcellino Uir;in;iii, .M;i't LeMoyne. )r„ Mr,<, Hojii Mrs, Pelc Ullli;,, Mrj, .sitki;, gaitn. Mrs, Mary Mnitin, m,. y Ru.-v.sell. Mrs. .Chiirlrs Rc i ' Mrs, iblph Mllirr nj;d jf.-j ’ crt Pearson.

Ju st In, A no th er Shipment Of

CAMPUS d # | B V CASUALS 9 l m l K I ^


d a m p u i C a 6 u a l t— ' OF CAIIFORNIA

T h e W r a p - S k i r t e d D r e s s . . . a p r o p h c t l cn e w lo o k w i th r a g in n s le e v e s , n o v e l ty p o u c h p o c k e ts , b u t to n t r im . I n T a lb o t 's blnnd o f 80% w ool. 2 0 r . r a b b i t h a ir . Si?;ps 0 -17, 10-18,

J u s t O n e O f

T h e M a n y

N ew R & K


U n p ac k ed

T h is W ci:k

9 411- SIZES 6-nl4

easy a s A -n -cClass farorila — Uie swlnK-aboul

princess d rtu with ehartnlnc. eon- iTMt colar -n- cuffs. Easy-aew - no waUl stftms - and i t rip# easi­ly up the back. Tomorrow 'i p*Ulern: Doll »artrobe.

Printed P a u e r n M il : OlrU"M®' “ • ^2\ >ards J5.ineh: s c o n tm t fsb-

Prlnled directions on e « h i» t- — . t«ro P*rU Easier, accurate.

35 cents (coins) for thU

pattern • for f ln t- t la s . malllnc Times-

W esl JBlh- f ^ P r 'n t Pl»ln-ly name, address w ith

• a d •tjlft number.

., - usual Uilnc the whole matterl ,111 ba water u n de r tha brldso byjv',’ ’'!}

Christmas. i-I t Is th e way youncsler* In their,

early t«ens havo of B e t t l n c ' acQualnted. For tite time belns they are wrapped up In the one and only. The firs t week br-nbscncc seems to m.ike the heart Trmv warmer but ihe week arrives when the letter Ls forRotlen. Maybe a card takes the place of Uie letter.No demands a re made for a Ions dUiancc telephone call. Then one pleasant afternoon a boy carries her books home. A new “worry"Is on the scene. T h e whole program ita ru over sgaln.

There's nolhlne wTons a b o u t ^ Is . I f s the na iu rn l way of cnre-

« id mothers will take 11 calmly, keeplna In touch Wllh the child In "heir care so communication 1s kcpt> open ^ Iw ten Uiem. ihUiM will work out nlcelj mo.1t ot the time. The main

' * '‘« P ‘I'e llne o t'com ., munlcatlon between chlM and parents .open. Encourage the chll-

lisll.Accordinc to the dnncc commit­

tee of the Soulhcenlrnl Idnhi Square dnnce a-ssocintlon thts.wll be a well plnnned relaxing ■'dlfferfnt" dnncc. Dnnclnu start n l 8:30 p.m. and there wii: be two cntlers. Mnx Moffltl, Je ­rome. nnd Johnny Contes, Mur- laush. will up for cnlLs •— " dancers most enjoy dnnc-



L a r g e r F a c u l t y e n a b l e s u s ^

»o a c c c p t m o r e s t u d e n t s J


• Regular Kindergarten Curriculum• Onc-hour. Dance instruction daily


DONNA MAULDIN'S g S DANCING KINDERGARTEN §^ 3 6 1 T h i r d A v c , N o r t h R E 3 - I 4 4 6 ^

W hen Ij 0 Propofiion Skirl more than juil o Proportion Stifl?

When llVde.ioned by CAMPUS CASUAI.S in fine wool Ooftnel

by KENT , . . when It feolorcj the fomouj HIDDEN ZIPPE*. • giving a new dimenjion m t ie o k , smoolh-fiiling Foihlos fie'

Wholhor youVe Smoll Fry (SHORT ^ ’11 lo 5'2I

Slrolghi down ihe Middle (MEDIUM 5 '2 lo 5'6I

or Toll and Temfic (TALL S '6 to 5 '1 1)

he re ’i Ihe stirt for youl Superbly ioHorod in a jHrn Bo»Ic thoi lieeptyouin perfect fojhion foroH lce,<om puiorleiwt#f’-‘

Wide Selection oF Foil Colon .......... 7.9

Largo Scloetlon Campui Coiuali

S W E A T E R S 6.951the

a a f a i f 'shoi


Page 15: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


]hamp Signs for Rematch ith Patterson Sometime

^ e t w e e n ^ ^ i r e h - l j ^ n n e ^ ^n boiil contract ostim .itecl lo bp worth

Basilio Quo tec As 2-1 Favorite To Beat-fe-H-m^F

rOTEBOBG, Sweden, A u g . 2G (/!’) H 'A ro l......... ............... ... ........... .... ......................lllwn5Jir_.Iohniisson nnd F lo v d Paltor* 2-1 t

was signed Tuesday a f te r th re e days o f ncKotialions. I t callcd fo rT h e f T ^ in o hr l iu 'f '

SAX FRANCISCO. A u r. 2G (,V, — Odiis ranKiiiK froii 7-5 Tuesdiiy favored Ciirnioti B asilio oviT (Iciil- Full'

„ gijrneu ................. — IL liiiii-u lu r in c **>;m lu i,i' .mvi ..irFr1<lTi\n5ij?llt''\vhcn“th e ? - - i ) f i t t I h p - C n w - j in h u 't’Bomctime between M arch 1 and ,Iune 15 next yejir" at a site to be delcrmim-d for Ihe NBA world middleweiKht lioxiiin titlo. Still Iber-

Thompson Sets American Speed Mark of 332^809 M i f e s ^ P e r ^ k n t r i ^ - T r i a l « ^ — ^

t T.' o » T J.'I •n -f' o r /rn \ _________ ?_»__nr:_ 1.« _ l'C nlifornin p r in te r J lic k e y ■ (lie U tah d ese rt Tucflday o t

Jaclf Dempsey, the old M anassn M auler 'i i th breaking down the

,>,(11 of Johansson and Iwellish advisers in the

discussions th a t be-

S*!""!,!;'’- L h , n .„L

nd former

I50N N K V IL L K .SA L T FLATS, U tah ,' A ur. 25 (/P)Thompson bii7.ze(l /lia Krounif-iiuKKinif speed c a r .o v i . , ,;i3U;80!)-!ni!ef^}«>r-hour,-tlie fnKt«KUever-4lrlvon-l)y-ajvAnjm-jc;uiJ:horopson,-ot-Lo«-Aii-------Kelos. made h is rccord run over th e sn it f la ts while p ro p a rin tr fo r an assau lt on th e •100 mile ])er h<nir m ark . The work! land speed record is held by th e la te E ng lish d riv e r,

Jolin R. Cobb, who s tre a k -

‘ .M^'iusKMlon of the tlcen.^e iataJOlin Enierprl.nM, Inc., 11 / S « l t h . l U . A nsel» hnd ; ^ d e irock for the bout.

V rt Uioujht il miRlil KO to & p h J » , Houiion or Mlnml.

iccomplLilifd wlmt 1 J f far," w ld Demp.«y wl; •idfd Uie 5lx-mnn Amerlcnn dc ,U9a which flew here to coiifi

; i i * ( ^ k n o c k ^ out r a l^ i ,t Ntw York's Ynnkec slndlui

*6 In the' third round. A tro 'b o u t within 00 days »n:

K d for. «nd wns lenUtlvcly m York next month.

^[ottTtr. Johiinsson balktd be. aoehe hnd not r«?lvecl n flnnn ,1 lecountlns lor the June 2(

4 n t o n e I l i C o p s

8 t h V i c t o r y ;

B e a t s P i i - a t e sB; The AMoclnted Preu

Tte iMEUe - IcndlnB San Prnn- u« 01&nt« hammered Plltsburgli ;ith(fs for 15 h lli Tueidny nlRht fid irtuneed the Pirate* 12-5 iast »outhpftw John Anlonclll m l »11 the way, bivc up 10 hltA cd weked t two-run liomer for *) llUi Tielory. top# In Uic mnjor*. AntonelU. who has lost « v f -

h u won four o( h h fl' ilnick out »lx and didn’t w«

_ _.j nlnUi,. then v« acock tingled home the winning a la Uie lOth In the BmvM’ 3-1 icWT over St. liOuU.Bcb Olbson. the Cardinal*' rook- RreboUer, held a 1*0 lead In Uii

Jn » duel wlUi Wnrrcr

Iddlei Matthews iV roff Uie loth b hi* Uilrd h it, » double, and itock Irousded a slnjile to lelc, aoeklDg out Olbson. Felix Mnn- :U1 pop slncle off Undy Me- H£l(I added a n la^umnce mn. Homtr* by O il HodRea hnd Duk(

!i:der led Uie Lo* Angeles DodR- '■) U a &*2 Tlctorv over Fhllndel- %k uid save southpaw Jolinny •oire* hi* tath vlclory.It «ras the PhlUlea" *lxUi

Asttre ]Qu and a setback for ^haunder ^ b l n nobcrU

h£* W th - tfefeaC a fa lm t 1 TlCtorlCB.Balder'* flnt-lnnlnR homer, hlA

:u; brouRht in Wally Moon, who •Il doubled for Uie first of hi* .ie hit*. Moon *lnRled In thi -•d *nd tcored oo Norm Lnrk- tr’iilnsle. Then he doubled In th« L.'Ui, but wns jjtranded.

Hod(u led ofr Uie fourth wlUi i 51st homerun ot tho aea-'on. Tlie Chicago Cubs moved Into .. -Ih place lie wlUi Cincinnati with • frte-stlnRing 8.6 victory ovei ;( Rfdj.An auarlment ot eight pitchcri

i» icaon and Irv Noren and Cal ■waw of Uie Cub* and Jim Pen J'len and Jerry Lj-ncli ot thi ^ hit homeruns, •

No Indictments Seen After Boxing Probe

N EW YORK, A uk. 26 (/I’)— D istrict A tto rn e y Frank S, loKan Kaiil Tuesday his iiivestiKution o f circunistance:*

sun-oundinjr th e Floyd I’aller.son.InK em ar Johansson ilioavyweiKht cliampionsiiiji f is h t la s t Ju n e h a s not pro ducetl .sufficient eviiience fo r an in d ic tm en t. H e also rO' vealed the m ysterious "Mr,X" ntentioned earlier in (he probe lo be A nthony "F a t T ony" S a l e r n o , a Harlem KauKland figure.

iLi IntormnUon came to llrlit when HORBn gave reporter.i a .ilX' p;i«c statem ent tracing Uie prO' motion from Its .source and Quoilnf le.stlmony of varlou.i key flKure; cnllcd in tor quMtlonlng. Tliey in. cUiiled promoter Dill Ro.^en.«>hn Vincent Velelln. now pre.^ldent ot Ra-.en.iohn Enlerprbe.i. and Char- ley Black, described a.i a " flxlurt’• the office of CU3 D'Amato, Pat-

i’hc nUicincnt also bring.i In ,,.c name of Gilbert Deckley. di acrlbed a* a well-known gnmbli

friend ot RosiiioRan rjild the vould

be pridlJlrlc t nttorneys.offlce applies

grand Jury minutes of the :tlKalton turned over lo '

New York state athletic com 'lilch Is conductln; lLi

probe.s t o r y . If lni«"R03C

oliiui to mnjoi ler inqulo' by the state aUiletic

comml.ulon Is Indicated.” the statem ent reads.

■Tlie first 1.1 Ui# element ot inderworld partlclpaUon, In the

persons of Snierno and Beckley. u the promollon. T he second Is he curious role of Pi. .. lanager. D'Amaio. who has hnd uch a powerful role a.i the man .-ho controlled Patterson; the man .’ho. through H arry Davldow, a t­

tem pted lo control Johanuon. and the m nn who, throuRh DJacV. #t- Ifm pled to control the promotion ItselX."' ' '

m n h sMa g i c d o w x

SU rlljJit Le>cv« w n Palis T ractor defeated The -fUl* 3-1. Fox Floral defeated .Klin; jeiic jrj, j . j , jjudson'i

tied Log Tavern 2-3. The "S h o p derented Young’* Dairy

Farmers insurance defeated T.K Motor i-0.

i'li'i handicap game Jo Ann wi» IB<. high Imllvldual series ' " Bradford <80. high scratch

a m e Kud-ion'a Shoe* 754, « nandlcftp leam game Hud*on'8

«B. high handicap team *e- « Hudson's Shoe* 2702, high ^•«n te.ini serle* Log Tavern

fiishllBhij -Jo Am Oarcla

Place HighTw o Magic Valley men have

placed well up In the finals of the national guard’s national rifle mnlches. according lo word received from Comp Perry, Ohio.

Sgl. SUinley O. Ayera, Buhl, took slxUi place In Uie expert reserve ela-vi In (he coast guard trophy event nnd Sgt, 1/cl Joe M. Arenano. Jerome, placed IGth In th e unclassified reacrre class In th e marine corps cup event.

Both are com peting 'on Uie Idaho flUle team and will com­plete compeUUon w ith Ihe na­tional Uophy rifle team Aug. 20.

6 0 C o m p e t e i n

B u h l B o w m e n

A n n u a l S h o o t

BUHL. Aug. 26—T lie Bulil Bow­men annual Broadheail Invlln- tlonnl lournnm ent Wiis held Snt- urdny and Sunday on hlll.1 range with 00 shooters from Boise, CasUeford. Buhl. Rupei Twin Falls and F iler partlclpatln

aturday’s events Included ill gam etarget round.i with Lynn

Tlioma.1. Flier, tak ing first place Ui the m en's division; Ire Thomns. Filer, place In I women'* division, and Frank U i Twin Fall.i. f irs t place In the Ju lor division.

lovelty shoot highlighted the I'hlch Included shooting r ' ng deer ta rc e t and a U

shoot. A email chick slioot held for younffsters under 12 yi of age with Dougla.1 Dybec CasUeford tak ing pinee; £ phen KlmpUin, T w in Falls, i

nd. and Beverly Jensen, T mi!, third.Sunday's event-i Included an f

olioot w ith 42 targeui. ... the m en's division In;

Lynn Thomn.1, first place 0'E>cli Sweat. Tw’ln Falls, second plnce; Victor Tlioma.i, Filer, third place. W inners In the womcn’.i di­vision were O lnny H all. Tn’ln Falls, :in t; Verne Bycc, Flier, second ind June K relgh. Rupert, Uilrd. :n the Junfor division, vhleh In- :Iuded youngsters In the i: through 16 age group, winner* wen Jim B o jart. T w in Palls, ftrsl; Frank Lang. T w in Fftlb, second, ond Ernie H unter. Rupert, third.

Merchandise prizes were award­ed winners each day. Dick Dyce' served as range captain. Nadine Ward and V erna Dyce were In charge ot rcRlAtrAtlon.i. A potluek dinner was served Sunday noon.

Virginia Lad Is Medalist for Jaycee Tourney

PORTSMOUTH. Va-. Aug. 28 (fl —Ronnie Oerrlnger of Newport News. Vs.. won Uie qualifying medal Jn the Intemotlonal Jaycee Junior .golf lournoment Tuesday w ith Cfl-71.1311, one under par and four strokes ahead of his closest pursuer in Uie field o t 100 te.itonLi.

Tlie 100 low Korer*. who carded .;o o r lower, will compete Jn V, hole.i of medal play for the cham­pionship .beginning Wednesday

nd contmumg through Saturday t the par 35-35—70 EllUbeUi lanor Country club. •The only IntermountAln quail-

flcrs were William Welch of Ken- :k . Wash., with 1S3 and Jerry ^•eck of Las Vegas, Nev., wlUi


StandingsAMtniCAN t.EACUf

__ _ MACIC-BOWL—UdiM Pioneer Leagtii

defeated Martlnlring ?='•> <-0. c. c . Anderson* de- “•M Ungdon Steelers 3-1, Arctic ' “f deteaied Meadow Oold 4-0.

Coffee defeated Bonk and <-0. c tifl Manufocluring de-Mayfair <-0,individual game Lola Kay

^ W;h individual oertes LoU ' high scratch team game

c iew jsia- 7Bfl.-hlgh; team gam* TcXoco 802.

:;fj>»ndlc.ip team aerlu. Uoyd'i high scratch tetim sc-

“ •''friimiing Cleaners 222<.

lerl. 523 series; Harel

-StiEK LAWYER ^ ‘'CAGO. Aug. 26 W -T he Chl-

•^American Sftld It had • ' '

' epunsel for major leagui '^ere former New York Torn Dewey and Judge

C. Cntinon, Milwaukee Jur-CrMt >'«lli », lloUt

Qual e Triggers First Study in Eastern Idaho

ISLAND PARK. AuK- 23 W1 - Idaho's fish and gam e dlrecUir ai thorlzed an cxliaustlve study < flsli copdltlons In extrem e easter Idaho Monday, a f te r completing

' inspeeUon of streams inthe

Rovi Leonard cheeked streams a fte r reporU o t fish dam­age resultinR from mud and slit loosed In stream s a s n result ot lost week's earthquake. T tie quake cen­tered In souUiwe.1t MonUnn. les; than 50 miles n o r th of here.

CommlJulon m em ber Glen Stan- ger of Idaho Palls, ca s t Idaho fish­eries biologist P au l Ouplln of Po­catello and conservation otflcei Lee H unt accom panied Leonard or Monday's Inspection tour.

ird said Cuplln and fist culturlst oim Sim pson of Bols» will

lake the study.Tlie game d irector added that

the fLih could probnbly survive It the streams c lear up soon; other­wise they m ay su ffe r tame glJI damage. He added they can live a good length o t tim e without feed­ing.

There were signs Uint *ome wa- .-■rs, had Improved considerably since tho quake. •


F i n a l . D e t a i l s

C l e a r e d f o r

P a u - A m G a m e s

CUICAGO, Aug. 20 tfl - Fl»" prepnr.Mlons for th e th ird Pni American games opened heri TfturscJay quIckMicd T^Mdny more athletes nTVIvcd a cd m u.r lings were riil.'cd in tlie Pan Amer­ican vliinKe.

The tings of seven more natlom were liolsicd nnd then hung limply from their staffs In the Bcmlclrclc In front of the village headquar­ter* a t the U niversity ot Chicago. Tlie temperatures shot up to 04 by mid-day as the week-long heat

ave continued.Hag-ralslng ceremonies were

held for Peru. T he Netherlands Antllle.i. Argentina, Bermuda. Hai­ti. British O uiana and the United States.

While chicago’fl organising mittee itlll was working o overtime b a sis .lo ge t everyUiIng ready forTliursday. the 1003 gome.i

awarded to S ao Pauto, Braill, e congress of Uie Pan Amerl sports o rgani»U on, after

long, drnwnout meeting, chose tli booming metropolis over Wlnnlpei

.da without announcing th

rked ’ro ld 'tfia t Is man, f-Mllmcr’s mat

Jeiiioii replied. •'Odd^ n

Sox Get Big Klu to Help Pennant Drive

. ClIK’AGO, Aiip. 2f) (/P) — ('hicaRo’fl W hite So.k obtain- -e<l'-Tcd'Kliifiw»wi*fii, theo iicc-m iK h ty -N ationu lJcatrue^luK ' ^t'cr, from P ittsb u rg h T uesday in n move th a t could m ake T e as iem ie ir e f fo r ts to 'w in llie '^m crica incaB U eT nm nfn itr ITo complete th e w a iv e r transac tion , th e W hite So.v. w ith a team battinR a v e rag e of

nd even polled 2- 1."

•tie has ju le ^pa^rlIU

it Ihe odds are re-

,t fiiiLslied hLi final Ar.vslini beltim: UU-

. a vicious body nl- •.Mliiy behind clOM-d el drill he li

II ChillerI prepn:

•Itli two : Leo Ow.

•e fa.1t rc

J. N.Y, hLi nds

iiHkc hLi

I n d i a n s W l i i p

Y a n k s , H i k e

W i n S t r e a k

By The AisocUted VrttM ’ Rocky colavlto h it a pair of

homeruns Tuc.iday n ight to lend his homer-happy Cleveland teom- males to the ir seventh straight vic­tor/, a 0-3 decision over the New York Yankees before 38.H3 fani

The Yanks look a 1-0 lead li Uie first inning off Cal McUsh 3D-6J, but the Ind ians rebounded ■lUi four In the ir ha lf of the' in- Ini. Vlv Power lied the score :lUi ft smash over the left field cnee. Two walk.^ followed and

Colavlto Uien drove tv Whlt«y Ford pitch Into the sam e sector for '■ 1 Cleveland lend.

Cleveland added two more 1 the flttli Inning w hen Yogi Bern , playing righ t field, opened the door by dropping Power's drive for a two-base error. Minnie Mlno.i sacrificed Power to third, and h scored on Tito Francona’s fly ball

center field.Billy Goodman’s run-scoring

double wlUi two ou t In th e tenth inning gave the league-leading Chicago W hite Sox an uphill 5-4

'ctory over Boston.Wim one out in the tenUi. Jim

LandU singled bu t was ou t ot an attem pted steal. Sh Uien drew a walk and

Goodman drove hl.i double Into Uie right centcrfleld corner.

I t was the 30th one-n in victor)’ for Uie Sox who now have won I t extra Innings games against two such defeats.

Tlie Kanajis City Athletics ral- Ifetf behind Uie fine relief pltch-

ig of John Tsltourls and Tom turdlvant ond t>eat Uie BnlU- lore Orioles 6-5.The A's knocked ou t s ta rter Bil­

ly O’Dell In the sixth Inning nnd nnUnued Uielr atuick against Hec

rown to K o re 'lh rre times. Tlien they wrapped It up with two mori nins off Billy Loes In the seventh

Chuck SU)bbs snuffed out i Intli-innlng D etroit th rea t and

saved a b rilliant pitching Job by Pedro Ramos In W ashlngton'i 3-1 '.rlumpli over the Tigers.

lor hlx fo B3.1I110

.npnrrlng '

lo i i i l l l l The two figh t tor Uie NBA

.lion ot the middleweight tlUe tha< was taken from PJiy Roblnvin toi failure to defend In the nllotti-d time. B u t the New York state. co;i mi.wlon aUIl recognlics Sugar lU as champ.

C a n a d a E n t r y

T a k e s E a r l y

R a c i n g L e a d

D ETRO rr, Aug. :« W — Rom Ing back from what appeared cci tnln defeat. Cnnadn won the first of the best-of-three Harmsworth trophy speedboat races Tuesday fts mechanical misfortune overlook the United Slate.V defender.

W ith only 15 ot the Bruelllng 45 mlle.i to RO Miss III apiwftrod alm ost hopele.vily beatei by Maverlek, althmigh she hai been cutting down the American’ lead gradually.

On the 13tli lap. Maverick, th Gold Cup champion driven by Bill S t e a d , developed supcrchargei ;roublo nnd Ml.w Supertcsl quick­ly overhauled her.

eilkoway for Uie Co-............. piloted by Bob Hoy.

ward a fte r Ihn t. Maverick limped around Uie fina l three-mile lap ' only 7^ i 2 m iles per hour.

Tlio second race will be held Wcdne.iday a n d the third, If neces­sary-. Tliursday. •

M1.1S Supertest’a winning aver­se speed of 04.085 miles per hoUJ as Uie slowest in the la st Uirec

H armsworth trophy challcnRes. Maverick's nverage was 01.733 miles p e r hour.

Frick Sets Meet With Top Teams

NEW YORK. Aug. 26 llW Base- 111 commissioner Ford C. Frick

Tuesday osked a ll prospective pen­n a n t w inners In the American and Natlomkl leagues to discuss world

:ries plans w ith him In Chicago 1 Thursday. Sep t. 3. vNaUonal leaffue teams Invited to

. ind rcprcsenlaUves were Sot Frnncisco. Los Angeles, Milwaukee PltUiburgh. ClnclnnaU and Chica­go. Tlie American league clubs an Chicago, Cleveland, New York, Bal- Umore and Detroit.

TIGERS G IV r BONUS D E rm orr, a u r . 20 W '-The De­

troit Tigers Tuesday signed IB- year-old Mike ClouUer. a Madison, Wls., prep s tar, lo a t3S,000 bonus conuact. Cloutier, an Intlelder. was signed to a IBQO contract of Uie Tigers- AAA American assoclaUon farm club a t charle.iton, W. Va,

Scores BoxingSACRAMENTO. Calif., Aug. 2fl

Ifl-O ov . Edm und O. Brff»7} said -Tue.iday th a t he might recom­mend Uie obolIUon of professional boxing in California In IDSl unless congress passes some laws bef Ihot Ume.

Brown told h is news conferei . Uie boxing 1* -Infiltrated •Ith rocketcera and gongstcrs. T h r •hole thing smells to high heav- n," he Mid.


^ (Doc) Lavln. veteran Lexington, Ky.. racing secreUiry. was named chairm an of the Thoroughbred Racing aasoclftUon*' board of oelec- Uon Tuesday. T h e board will name

1050 thoroughbred champions.

St. John 's university, defending NaUonal InvltoUon champions, will ploy ft 34-game boskeUiall schedule during the 1050-60 season.

Little Wood River Cleared of Trash Fish; Camas Reservoir Pro;-SoinB 48 ctreom mile* on Uiefrotenone, flirrand'R oine.personiiel

LHUb wood river i-ash.flflh over th e week-end by

the fish and game departm ent and another eradication project 1* planned for Septem ber on LltUe Camas reservoir. ^

Stacy G ebhard.'w ho became dl: trlet fLih biologist fo r this area I February, sold m ore th a n one-ha million trash fish ond only about

:leared in the Little Wood- river from th e mouth ot Sliver creek U> Sho.ihone. Coat ot the project was 1425.

A survey on tfoah fish popula- Uon In another M agic Valley fish­ing spot. Magic reservoir, wo* sUrted Tue.-»dfty b u t Gebhard re­iterated on earlie r statem ent by the_flsh nnd game departm ent th a t no e rad ica tion -p ro jec t ..would be corried out on Mogic th is year7~

some 150 persons turned out Saturday to salvage th e trout kill­ed In the LltUe W ood river proj

:t end G ebhard estim ated 05 per :nt of the tro u t w ere picked up. Using 85 gallons o f emulsified.

ileared ot *wept Uic stream clean from Silverfall* to Richfield and denned out Jim Burns slough along the way Saturday. Sunday they completed •he sweep lo Shoshone.

Gebhard-esUmafcd 240.000 *uck- nnd 325.000 shiners and dace

if Uie minnow family were killed, All the trout, ranging from one to two pounds, were killed In the up­per porUons of Uic project nnd in

slough. Two whlteflsh also seen. O ehbard «).» reported

only one game fl*h, n yellow perch, was found during rpot checks along the Btream between Rich­field. ana Shoshone. Thot- repre- *enls n dlsUnce of id stream miles.

In RddlUon, O ebhard said only tTo-fini{trllng-wcre seen -ihrough- o u tjh e enUre 48 mUes.

•’Tills 'wouia~indlCTt« production In the stream t* poor or, more likely, th e survival of tlngcrlings was precluded' by the U « h fish compeUng for food,' Gehb&nt sold.'

ect EyedTho aecond project of the year.

LltUo Camas reservoir, Is necesal- U ted by overpopulaUon of perch raUier Uian tr a s h fbh In Uie usual

le, will w olt unUl Uie draw­down Li a t Its lowest point, which probably''w ill be late in S e p tm - ber.” Gebliard reports. "Tliere are trout in Uiere bu t (here Is such a heavy concentraUon of -stunted yellow perch. I t 1* pracUcally lm< poaalblo to get a hook down In the fcJen'oJr Jong enough to catch a U«ut.

•T he u.iual procedure t® Pl“ 5t flngerllnRs In reservoirs to take advantage of the natura l feed. PlanUng flngerllngs also Is much iheaper than raising flsli to legal :olciUnff «ltaJ& ..the hatcheries. In i reservoir w ith good feed a fin-, gerllng will reach catchable alzc by fall," O etihard continued. "Dut; compeUtlon In Coma* t* to great for food, the pcrch being a UlUe

T, th a t fInserlLngs grow slowly and the r e tu rn Is poor.'~ ,

only .250 tincl a m a jo r leaKue hiw (if 7G hom ers, p av e up nutfieldcr Harry Slmp.ion and Bob SuRern. an Inflelder with Indiana- polLi, a Sox affllinte In the Amerl- c;vn iLvioclatlon. Sngers Immediate­ly uns nulgned lo Columbus of (hr luicrnational li affllinte.

K!u;.7.c«skl, 34, nppeared In onJy CO gniiu's tor PlKsburKh (his i

, mmdy as a pinch-h lder.only two hom rrt and 17 t

;cd in niong wlUi n batting if ,:44-

•’Ifs good n e becati going (f give

iinnce to play regularly." ^ald thi ■■ ew&kl when told o.

the deal. "I Just didn’t figure Pittsburgh’s plans. I ha te to Ie< all niy friends In Pittsburgh but I v-oulil rather play regularly. I’ll leave lor CliicnRO either la te today

I-'or nine years wlUi the Clncli nnitl Reds. K lu was a batUng powerhouse, He led the NaUonal

In homers wlUi 40 In 1054 ■ning Hack Wilson’s record imUl he faded In Uie final

month. He hit 251 homers, drovi times balled

n r .better Uian JOO In 1057. the form er Ind iana foot-

<nll star sprained hU back and ppeared In only <0 gamed. T hat .inter he wa.i dealt to the Pirates

for Dee Fondy, ano ther f irs t base-

e Whlfe Sox, strong fn pitch­ing and afield, have molntalned

slim lead over Clevelai little, help' from Uielr first

baseman.Ear] Torgeson Li hItUng only .225

ind Norm Cash .221. BoUl are efUuinded batters. T he Sox have ised catcher Sherm Lollar « t first lose against southpaw pitchers.

Klus;.ewskl, who will be ellglbli for the world series If the Sox par. Uclpate. bats from Uie le ft side. The Sox have won 20 of Uielr 74 triumphs by a slngli

Miss Bardahl to Compete in Race

SEATTLE, Aug. 26 W — T l . speedboat Miss Bardahl. In which driver Jack Rcgos was in jured crit­ically last monUi. wUl compete In the silver cup race In D etroit, ■ spokesman for owner 01« Bardahl announced Monday.

Immediately a fte r Regas’ injuryI the Diamond cup race on Lake

Coeur d’Alene. Ida.. July J9 ,-B ar. dohl sAld he was selling th e boot ind quitting hydroplane racing.

William G. Simpson, racing co­ordinator for Bardahl, said th e hy­droplane 1* iim for sole b u t ^wlll represent SealUe on the eastern circuit due to numerous rc<iues(s from th e roclng fra te rn ity and from various regott* offlciols.-


M i s s G o o d w i n

D u m p s I o w a ’ s

J u n i o r C h a m p

cd a lo n s a t 39-1.19G 12 y e a rs aKo on these sam e f la ts . T hom pson-had h is fo u r-en ­g in e stream liner usinff 4,400 of 1L1 potential of 5.500 revoluUoni per minute on the record run.

He has been Rmdually working up the speed of tlie car and a t th« .M>me time testing drag parachutes

■•fiKed-to<1ia lt Uie h m ilh g car. Th* drag chute, buffeted today by th© •tem i>: aflcrwnsI^of■a!r^d^Ina^^li— car. whipped back and forth . ’T hat • caused Thompson's car. the C ha l- ' lenger I. to make three skids of - about one-quarter mile each be­fore the aulo was liolted.

Thompson .Imntedlately se n t to Los. AnstlcaJor-iiTore parachutes _ i

UllM Wllll brown hair, i ’Tuesday in I


ship.- Mb;

a mound ot curl} ul par lo pieces agalr lading Uie way ou t o: round of Uie U S

laleur golf champion-

23-yrn •olddaughter of a Hnverlll, Mi , . routed Sharon Fladoos. 16. of Di buque, the Iowa Junior champion,6 and 4.

She rapped two strokes off pai ■>r the 14 hole* a t Congrc-sslonal

Country club. The performi subordlnaled ihe winning p e r­formances of defending champion

Quasi and major contender JoAnne Gunderson, Uie 1057

Vs UUeholder.For Uie 28 holes Is look he r lo

odvonce to Wednesday's Uilrd round. Mls.i Goodwin was thret Under par on Congresslonal’s 6.457< yard. 37-37-74 tournam ent court*

MLu Quasi. 31. of Marj'svllle Wash., was one under for 28 holes and Mias Guderson, 20-year-old K i r k l a n d . Wash., strawberry blonde, two over for 28.

Mrs. Quasi again won easily, i'erwhelmlng IS-year-oId MarUia

Painter of Corpu* ChristI, Tex..7 and S.

Mlsa Gunderson was one above andard covering 14 holes ifor ihi

second straight day as she whip-

ScoresAUEniCAK LEAGUR>nd _____ *09 MOronl. nl»7loclt II) Md

4<h and ril>U«r>M. .Iilllmot* — tot 010Xanu* C llr____ m JM

Q-pttL Draws («). Lnn (BdM! U*tb«R. 'niUMirli { (I) tad SialUu WwhlnfUB ....... ..........

NATIONAL LKACUBLo. Ani*lM ____ tOI IM 010- I I 1“bii»ii.irti» •____ «i» ooa OIO— 1 ■ ‘

Podr*. IlM ). L-IloUru (II.U)>n rr>ncU<9 ..tOO lit 111—It I llU burth -------- 000 100 O il- * li

Duihtrdl. I ln rr (t). T. Mmaa: Turktr. Schmidt

i) . A(k«rt 1*1. Praa 10) tlliraukN ___«M 000 01 BL l« u lt--------0C«. 00» II

K . - ' i S U . ,

elfor o find 0blnallon. lh« t would allow him to try for the 400 miles per hour m ark. The chutes are the only de­vice which ha.1 been found to h a lt the racer /ifier » high-speed m n over the nlne-mlle sa lt course.

Tliompson's run shattered tha previous American m ark of 260.2M miles per hour set here la st year by Roy Leslie of Denver. Thom p- r«n and Copt, George Eyston of G reat Britain ore the only living m en lo have traveled over 300 miles per hour in an auto.

There are 150 driver* and c u a cnUired In the Ume tria ls under ’ woy here. "The trials, sponsored by Bonneville NaUonals Inc.. eon- ilnue through Saturday. T he N a­Uonals J* an orgonUnUon of t, drivers, most of ihem f fornlo.

Tliompson planned to o ttach new chutes Wednesdoy, s ta r t a t I 50 mile* per hour and work h ts .w»y back toward Uie 400 m ark. He told fellow driven he can go no faster th a n he did Uxlay 'unUl a way b found to holt the car.

Bob (Butch) Summer* of O n­tario. Calif., making an a ssau lt o a a record Monday n igh t was whig- tin g over the ealt a t 224 mile* pe r hour when hi* speeder flipped, olid sideways along the course and stopped on Its back. Sum m en, un ­h u rt, got out and Inspected h li auh), which suffered only two bent wheeU and some scratching.

Summers said today Uie roll bar, protecting the driver from a crush­ing deaUi In a rollover accident, kep t his head two inchea off th e sa lt f la t bed os Uie auto scream ed along on Its top. He sold ho watched the ground go by and when 11 stopped, ho figured

i r hod halted and b e got out.Summers worked on hla au to

Tuesday in preparation lo r mor* trie* a t recortfs.

i. , i i :

Utah Man Takes Bowling Honors

OGDEN. Aug. 36 (A -S a lt L ik* City kegler BIU Lundberg won U u largest atngle share o f cash In th* $32,000 world enduranco bowUoc classic which ended here la s t n tgb t.

Lundberg took 12,000 firs t money. In Uie men's h a n d le ^ dlTloloti. H is 4,633 for 3» games topped leU tow S alt Lake Tttm Parrlah. 4,607. and Bob Pearson of Los Angelea. 4.S89. The Ip bowlers behind Lund­berg received »1AOO apiece.

Leaders In aU dlvtslons held th e ir potlUon against U onday night's final o n s l a u g h t Two squads wound up the IM -tlay tonr- nament.

Nancy Nadon of Otilcago. v o n women's bacdlcap w ith 4,949, good for $400.

The manls man 5 drinks the Ught Kentucky bourbonH I U j H H I I J LKentucky'sFaifiousSourMashBourbon

M e n o f j u d g m e n t e n j o y t h e o l d s t y l e

K e n t u c k y f l a v o r f r o m t h e f a m o u s H i l l s o f

o l d K e n t u c k y , H i l l a n d H i l l . . . t h e l i g h t K e n t u c l i y B o u r b o n , e n r i c h e d b y 8 0 y e a r s o f

- s k i l l i n f l n e . w h i s k e y m a k i n g . ...............

g « t m t i : cKomi. n . . K im n i n ; lum ui icm iB n

Page 16: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e

page six te e n TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO

H o s p i t a l C o s t s t o G o H i g h e r ;

“ E x a m i n e r ” S y s t e m I s U r g e d

NEW yoiuc. AUB. M (UP1> — HospllAl cost«—ftt an aU-Umc lilsh -w ill continue lo aplrnl about flw per ccnt a year, th e new presl-

—3enl ’’ST ' me AJncrtcBn —Ht>ap»al ftjuocUUoa ,{AHA) rcporta.

To iM ure th e public tliat Its hospital bill " ien 't belnc pftddcd," Dr. Russell A. N ebon. floltlmore, bIm he fnvofs n j'b o n k « a m - Inef" lyslem T orT rojpIU ils 'aerOMttif nation. _________ ___________

n It undeistAQdoble th a t "the public will resist fu rtlie r Inereues In hospital c o su v D r. NcUon, di­

rector of Johria Hopklru hosplUl, explained durlnir an Interview os the c u t annual meeting of the AHA convened In N ef York.

examlner system, "functlonlne aomethlns like tJie Good House- keeplns &cnl of npproval. would help to clear the

I t u-ould be -one o r e guuran-t«e7i r ' iie-jiuarUint-people-iirem •■brlnR charB«I t*'lce fortom ethlngm erB fronc* ;

'Lef4 face It," lie said, '•most hosplUl blUa rend like a aUnese

lre » tT -* n d people m U tnut then.* R e turn ing to Uie bl«««r p * ln J i

th e pocket-book in .znonths and y e a n aheod. Dr. Nelwrn Mid th a t ; th ree forces are bound to boost hosp ital costa.

T hey a re blpger wlarie* for non - p ro reu lonal workers. Inflation and advances In medical science.

T he la tter, he said. *H1 mean

flaUon. he stated, can't be dodged In a hospital any more than It can In any other field.

And with or without unlonlza- tlo n ,J ie aald |_thfre L< a ^ nd to boost salaries of non-proleislonr' workers In hosnlta

T h e people who run the eleva­tors. clean the floors and serve up th e m eals should be paid the aarae

aa other worken doing a lm llv w o liu a th * conununlty, D r. Nelson sold.

T he new AHA president ... p lained th a t he pertonally and th e AHA are opposed to bringing abou t these hikes through union­isation since Q union, “aa a collec­tive bargaining agent,” Is only strong M Ita poB'cr to strike.

. RETURN HOHTE MtmTAOOH. Aug. 26 — Itrs .

GeorRla Andetaoa and son, Louis Anderson, returned Sunday from jily4aa,;--Ore;, '- ib c r* —u>*y~w«r« Buesla Of Mr. and Mrs. Charley

' ■ .fonner.Tft'la-PalU -rcU 'dents. They also visited Mra. Jes­sie Anderson. Boise, and A- U Mc- D annel, Caldwell.

Mrs. L. Thompson Honored at RitesHAOERMAN, Aug. 20-Punera]

services for Lydia Iona Thompson were held a t th e Thompson chapel, Gooding, M onday with the Rev. Samuel H end ric^ , Jeroioe Dap^

Pallbearers were five grandsons.' Vernon T h o m p s o n , Richard Thompson. B hurl Hamilton,' Wil­liam Ham ilton, iMonte Thompson ond R ichard Parsons.

_ _____Henry Radermacher, Larry Glbr ban s..C lide .A llen. H aie Vaden, Jam es Thompson, and H on? Ken- leffel.

Three granddauehtert. Mrs. Je an

M axwell, Mrs. Svelyn Parson i and M rs. Carrol H oaglond.iang.'Keom - p a n ied by Sanrmle Savage. Tlje R ev . Jack porcm an, P lra t Chris­tia n church. Ooodtng, sang a solo. Also accompanied by Mias Savage.

L&at rites were held a t the Hag- e rm a a cesnetery.

IJRCHA.Sr. AFARTMENT.SIIA IIiE y , Aug. 38 — Mr. and

M ra. Flojd S m ith have purchased th e Goodrich apartm ent house at th e corocr of Croy street and »ec- ond avenue. T lu y plan to move 'to HaJley u soon u O r. and Mr*. P a u l Depnuey, who have managed th e apartm ents Uie post several yc&ra, are able to tlod a house in u 'h lc h to


■8TOCKBRlf)OE, M aM , Aug. 28 (fl—Mary Baratow Rockwell. 51,

Wife af-arU ti-N onr;an ' b died yesterday, she Wheaton. Ill, ^

USB OS m a n y \

► - - j rw e h in e iT a r s n r i i ; ;^V ’ OS y o u n e e d io

d o a l l y o u r

o f on co ’

0 B S ri!1 5 3 IB 5 ^

D o l l a r - S a v i n g 4 - P c . E l e c . H o i r C u t S e t

X X \\X \X X \V <SX ^X X X X X X \X X X X X X X \\X X X X X \X \X

H oir cu ts a t h o m e a re easy, praciic'al, th rif ty wiiK th is com p lete e le c tr ic h a ir c u t set! In d u d c j cicc- tr ie c lip p e rs , cape red com b, butch attachment, shears. C lip p e rs g u a ra n tee d 1 year, muij

26»GoldenFlyer C Q 8 »A n n lT e w ty w w ®

arooM *

26" Standard A # 8 8Delaxe_fe»t'«**'

YOUR CHOICEIm ported lig h fw e ig h t o r Deluxe American!

h 3 ’ i ? ? ' riarolwyint red finiih for boy.*, Riels' blue,^ n d caliper brakw. hindUbar* seanh ilt. Doth »rc tnm m ed in irhiie! jfCMiij Do)-» red enamel, s« U b lu e .jfc» 0<,3 2 4 " 40j g ' * ’ '


CAti. ; Quality w b W . ribbed forI. : Ck). ■ clcining «i(h >uM ■ shake.

• Qio^et ot colort.

l^alcproof. Pint.

S c h o o t-D ay * ^ 5L u n c h K it ^E a c h R o g . 3 . 1 9 ^W ith lO-os. vacuum bottle I Choice of colors, flat or dome type deslRn.

C o m b in o tio n jmP od lo ek A VR e g . 7 5 c . . .6afe-type aweep dial. R ust­proof body. No keys to lose o r mLipiace.

Back to jc h o o l favorite! P e r­fect t o n e . . . plays 4 i- , 78- o t 3 3 'r .p .m . records. Fully guar- tn te r a . U .L app. 4ocsni,


Ju s t a fra c tio n larger than a c ira r c t te pack , ye t packed w ith a l l 't ra m ij to r pow er. I n ­cludes C arphone jack. ocm« 4 : ^

llotpitthle. handtomet Non- ikid. Rubber. 16-x20’,3j74U India CMoa Mai. jj74l4 0.00

F la ih l ig h t m f k tW /BottcrieiReg, 84c

Dependable n..hl!ghf k«| ^ w a r tw itch , b r i lh i ’t beam. W /2 batttrio. isai<

E v e r y th in g f o r Ifour C a r . . .B ig S o v in g s T o ^ .


DAVIS Wearwell

. . Shop O ur New C oto log O rder D eportm ent!

Satisfaction G u aran teed Or Your Money Bock! Group Your P urchases, -

Buy On Easy T erm s!T h « 6 P r i c e s A r e G o o d i n A l l W e s t e r n

A u t o C o m p d n y ^ l b r c s ! — ^

Covtrt til rotd h tittdt Including blowouh, cull and bniim.


• mtltiitli iiid worknitnihip,

3 c o M P tn i_ ________SATISrACTlOH

•OUA«ANTlID All (diuilmtnli p(oitl*d on trtid vrtir

*fld b«lfd on Cvirtnl M’lmg ptict wiiK- Sil Ii»d«.ln, lt«»-*B)T.ptt»»iIlnj.*i5|U»I. n«M tllawtno. • _ ;■—

Gel' a Irnnd-nctt- W enrwell lire th is week-end a t ih b money-invliiB low price! Dullt lo exi\ct- Inc spccilications. w ith exclusive Iractlon-cct* tine tread. Savct

6 .0 0 x 1 6 B lock T u b e T y p e .................... ............ 9 .8 8. .J . I O x lS .B I f lc k T u b e T y p e _______ _________ 1 1 .8 8

\ Plui Tiuc n n d Old Tire

old tire is down_paj_ingnH _★ No Money Down do

★ -EREErTireiM onnting



Sure Starting W I Z A R D 2 4 - M o .

S T A N D A R DW i.orJ j4.Mofllh, «.Tolt Standerd fits ^ h rr . ^m C - i i Dodtei fk PIv- »9<tT.» Eordi Ic Mercs, m W Jiv

— C K ^ &~T>eSo{o«, many other cars, tmcloi-traftw t — .Han. W Iia r il2 W fto .r4 2 * v . S ta n d a rd 3 .88 5 * * ■ l .f .y

Wiiord 3Wrto., 6*v. Otiuxt J»caa7,iiJii»N 10.88 Ex»


Page 17: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e



Giant Event Offers Thousands of Dollars in Prizes, EntertainmentA n d J t o r e v i d e V a lu e s





orld's L arg es t Furniture Group f u d Its S ta r t In B akersfield In 1919

CiiltniimtinK ni o n t li p lanning. Uie nuw csl of Me- M ahim 's F u rn ilu rc Stores officially open th e ir doors, j)roni))tly n l noon tom orrow. A Gala :i day opciiinjr cole bratioM Iieralds th e occa.sion w ith valuable free prizen an<i ffifls, -en terL iiinniesl oul.standiiiK storcwicle val­ues, nwaitiiiK weekend itiirs.

T lic new sto re is located a t 2.'1 M ain Avc. l ia s l in Twin F alls in th e building fo rm er­ly occupicd by Sw eet's F u r­n itu re Co. Comprising: n «i- a iit a rea o f over .'iO.OOO sq. feet, e labo rate d i . s p l a y « iiave been urranfjed, fea tu r­ing over 5175,000 w o rth of home furn ish inp 's and appli- iinces. E specially selected from nil p a r ts o f th e world, ,he m erchandise is typicjil of th e Hoand q ua lity offered

iit “Carload B uy ing" low prices th a t m ark th e suc- cc.<sful m erchandisintf fo rm ­ula o f nil McMaluin’s S tores,

Mr. J. A. M cM ahan, ow of flic new .store wiid. “ W hen Berl Sweet sold us h is fine Htore in Twin F alls, i t f itte d ideally into our p lans to ex­pand our California a n d N e­vada operations in to th e state of Idaho. W e have plans to open, in th e near future, sto res in nil the principal cities in th is p ren t State, and we a re tick led to death th a t Twin F a lls will

the headquarters fo r th is expansion.”

In addition to th ousands of dollars in frifts and prizes, 2xcoptionnlly low p rices a re tieing offered throU R H outthe Jtore to every G rand O pen­ing Shopper. E x tr a spec ia l' purchases from fam o u s man;>




ufacturers were m ade w eek s iRO for th is even t a n d the bargains arc tru ly o u t­standing. And even w ith g i­an t savings McMahan’s ex - :lu8ivc personalized • c r c d i t terniB will apply on a n y p u r ­chase.

Over 90 Fomily >aed Stores inEfsrhioluUitr chapLtr In Uie unique asj iiory of M cM nhon'a t'u r- r e Slorts unfolds tomorrow

th« openlnR of th e ir newest I t 2il &laln cost In T n’ln

« t modest bcRlnnlns In a itors In Bakersfield. Cull- JS ytun ftfco. Insp ired b ;

aUiutlfiim of the -foundlnR itiitn, J tm u I. nnd Jo h n L. .Mihui. McMnhon'i F u rn itu re « have kept pace w ith the •caaenftl irow th of Cftllfom la 1 tcdjy boast a record num ber cTtr SO itores th ro u eh o u t the

the “hrgM t intiup o f In-!

depcndently owned f u r n l t u r i stores In the world." eaeh store i: ovilictl by tv member of tlie McMn- hnn family. I t Is tliLi fnmlly own- crslilp tha t nllows the customer to enjoy the personallictl service and easy crcdit thnt marks a family .store, yet at- the same time renp the benefits of lower prices due to the enormous buying power of the itroup. W ith remarknble fore- slRht Uie policy of ejjsy credit terms wM an Important part of the lonft ronce plannmR adopted with the DpenlnR of the first store In 1019. T hirty-nine year* of friendly crcdit deallnRS have proven Uie soundness of th a t plannlnir and Is McMahan’s Ruarantee tha t every customer receives personal con­sideration and understnndlnR In arrftnglnR for tlic terms best suit­ed to tlielr particular budsct.



« lo Appearand S a tu rd a y

t o y Wakely. famed slnslnR ■»/TV. fecorcllnRS and motion 5fts. Ill] be on han d Friday, fiiiurdtiy evenlnRs to cn ter-

•sua tnctt G rand Openlnic vls- ■" tn .McMahan’s new "Twin _ •'ore.."‘iHy. Amerlcn’9 m M t vcrso- *iytr, 1ms found the road to

lone and full of tu rn s , with ;I luiurw crossed only by ■u bulk on a llylnR f a ith ,

w trirj (a Uie trad itio n a l story T^lnRlni eott'boy who learned

»nd linn while ren tlnc aft- "I llie Roundup, Jim m y his talent while fllnRlng

— hotiitlown church In Rose- ^ Oklahoma, where h e la ter

» choir director.followed with

'J forminj the W akely Trio,' »ntl hL< Trio came to Hol-

. 'here he slsned contm cta ' CaS radio, Decca Rccords,, P yunoimm pictures.

ft life as n CO , pftn »ti3 a complete sw itch

*1,0 ijegan hla career ‘ ‘ t t r of popular sonRS. In

stam n ir roles, he ^ 'o r Ills release fro m his ^ movie contract In order

career by slnslnR ^ ‘'UTinB cJuh*-and m aking “ •ppeaninces on tcleVBlon.— ^ on his record* bcRnn to ^ o u c h hits as "Slipping 1 ' “Wcddlnir Bells," 'T tw iV\7 You 50 M uch I t • i Wf.' plus h li DeccB ftH>um "W«m fttvorltcs “S an tft P«

‘"a hli recent a lbum o f fa- nrmw, "Enter, R e s t and

have earned th e ir niche hulls of fam e. O v er 13

million record labels have paued over tile music counters of America bcarlns the Wakely name. His Capitol Record of -'Slipping Around" sold over two million,.

WnlcAy has his own recording studio built in to his Toluca Lake home In the San Femnndo valley. Says Jim my, "If* lots easier to relft* wlica you sing at home."

Wakely began composing (or moUon pictures when he first came to Hollywood, and has to his credit songs for more than 00 movies. Hla most recent < posing assignments Include orig­inal music for the Unlversol-lny tcm atlonal plcturc “Slim. Carter^; aa well as a them e song. "Lonety 14. Uie H unter.” for an upcoming tJ J . fele«s«,..::i^oney. Women and Ouns." — —-

In addition, many of th e -h l t song! which Jim my ha* featured on records have been composed by him. Hi* rcccnt "Puppy Love,” ••High School Romance,•• “Rock, Baby Rock.” "Sugar Candj’," and "Foreign Love Affair" are all Wakely originals, ______

$ 2 , 5 0 0 I N P R I Z E S



3 D A Y S

Every ndult vlsllor lo McMn- hnn 's this week-end. beginning a t noon Tliursdny, will receive a spe- clnl Grand Opening gift of an Im­ported Done China Ash ’Troy. T liere will be balloons for Uic youngsters.

HlRhllRhtlng each day’s activ­ities will be the drawmgs for val uable Grand Prizes. No purchasi Is necessary and the winner ncc( n o t be present In the store to win

Thursday night Grand Prize Include a beautiful 53-plece se t o N ational Silver SU lnleu steel tA blewnre and a famous Slmmoru Beautyrest Mattress.

On Friday rilght dmwlnRs wll be held for a Vlbrator-Rclaxei Chair with bullt-ln Heater and ( stunning 7-pIece Virtue Dining enaemhle. On hand to Join In the presentations of Friday prizes wll be alnglng^star Jimmy Wakely.

Saturday night, as a highlighi o f th e weekend celebration Xlc- Mnhan^s will give away a bronc new Zenltli Stereo-equipped High Fidelity Record Player as well « Deluxe 20-lnch bicycle. Singing s ta r Jimmy Wakely will also pre­sen t these Grand Prizes.

I n addition to these fine prizes T en Dollar Gift Certificates win be given away every hour during tlie three days.


thousands of California homemakers have already discov­ered, McMahan’s Furniture Stores day by day offer the lowest prices

quality home furnishings and appliances. ■

T lie reason Is "huge volume buy­ing power" of tlie more than (K) McMahan Fum lturc Stores. Mer- ihandlse, purchased not by the

jflece or even dozens, but by. the li'ucklood and tralnload. means

wer cost« from the manufactur- ', and McMahan’s passes those

aavlngs directly to the customer, f u n d e d in Bakersfield In 1910, there are now over 00 McMahan FuiTilture Stores In California, all fam liy ^ o w n td j 'n d .family oper­a ted . McMahan’*- Is -U ja^larjest group of Independently owned fu rn itu re stores In the world, and becouae of their tremendous size they are able to consistently buy. and sell merchandise for less.

M r e p - t a p e c r e d it p o l ic y _______ ,........^ u s e M c M o h o n 's F u r n i tu re S to re , h a n d le s oil th e i r o w n o c co u n is t h e i r ^sfomcfs e n jo y I m m e d ia t e c re d i t o p p ro v o l. N o f in a n c e c o m p a n y is ever in -

TTio c u s to m e r d e a ls o n ly w ith M c M a h a n 's f ro n n s ta r t to f i n i s h , -jwdiing th e i r o w n - - o c c o u n ts - o i lo w s - .M c M a h o n 's t o jo t _ th e j :u s to m e r se t th e •""s-Jo . s u i t h is b u d g e t w ith a s lo n g o s th ro e y e a r s t o '1507: “ “^ '

Page 18: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


f j i


McMAHAN'S STORE STAFF TO GREET GRAND OPENING GUESTrW ith th » u iq n d i o f G rb n d O p e n in g v iiU o n e x p e c t­e d oyer th e co m in g w e e k e n d , M c M o h o n 'i e n tire f to i f h o t i p e n t m ony b u ty ^ w c c k i in p rcp o ro tlo n

~ f o r " " » h e g r e o t e i t ^ o n l p g e v e r ' ' o^ o M cM alibn S to re , a cc o rd in g to H .E . M o y e i , m o n o g c r o f t h e . new T w in F o lli ifo ro . E very M c M a h o n em p loyee e x te n d ! e w h o le h o o rte d in v i ta t io n to every fam ily In th e T w in F a l l i o roa to jo in in th e fun d u r in g th e n e x t th r e e d o y i. P r ix e i , lu r p r J ie i ond v o lu c i ge lo re p rom i»e o n e x d itin g tim e fo r e ll C rond

O pening g u e i t i .

H . E. M A Y E S, M o n o g c r

. BERT SW EET J R ., S o le t M a n a g e r

G. A .A T H E R L Y , B u y e r


IR A H O F F M A N , S o le i


JO E LEE, S o lc i

\ \ ■

PEGGY KEEL, O ff ic e M g r .

D O RIS GU RD , O ff ic e

P A T G O O D Y E A R , .O f f ic e

H H E L BLA C K B U R N , O ff ic e

N O R M S K IN N E R , ' D e liv e ry


C onplete K it Ineludei pa ttern

w ith M A T C H IN G «nd simple 3-itep LID CO V ER InstructloDi.

nr»l b«aa(7. r re -ih m n k U lex b a c k prtTcnU iklddlnc.

Do It Yourself . . And SAVE!

Dcllchlful colon of: Pink, n t i l i r . I»andle> wood. Acqua. o r UUck in d W hile Tweed! ^

A U G . 2 7 .2 B -2 9

• Refrethmenti* E n te r ta in m e n t

P r ix e t G a lo re






M O D E R N W A L N U T P la s t ic T o p s !Newest Pieces in FuiKtional Bedroom


A. Bookcase Headboard with » .2 N ig h tS U n ils ___________

B. 32" 4-Drawer ChesI__________ J49

C. 3 0nw er Bachelor Chest______ J39

0. ,3-Drawer Comer Chejt_______ :.,>29 •

L 48"SUirf«nlD«jit_.....-

F. 4B"6-DrawerDrejser._

G. 30i36 0 re jje rM irro r-



• SCUFF-Pfioon





Eiqulslta bedroom beauty and con- pla ti utility Iti this aeRcst plastic topped, walnut groupio;. All top qual­ity . . . carelul detailed construcUoa . . . all am »lo |ly priced!



D O W N !



N Y L O N R I C H . . . C O N T O U R E D

Electric BLANKET

# 2 Y e a r G u a r a n t e o• M a c h i n e

W a s h a b l e

C o n to u r C o rn e rs fo r eoay B ed M o k ln g . T r im , S n u g Fit!


1 6 “5 0 e 0 W eek



Page 19: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


Page 20: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e





4 v n a ; o i v i N F x i i g i v i n f r e e{ F R I D A Y ‘ S A T U R O A Y

I V I H i N G

7-jiifct) ne!u*4' - 'n f f;nKra>'

★ 10 Nites Free Trial!★ Full or Twin Size! ★Reg. *49.95 Value!


adU .p itx . S U ln ltM I $ic*l (»«Tle» f o r ») IP L U S ...$ 1 0 .0 0 G IF T C b . . .G IV E N T H R O U G H O U T E A C H D a . .YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN A GRAND 1^


IteH m ^n e i t e llg fb fo ^ foglil K ^



5 1 0COILS




M o p

rStfjU m p


' " ‘I . » .«

'y -h . 9 0 .8 8» e e k

TunuuiiB R O N Z t


t'V/h Gr o o m

ChinoI N P E R S O N

J im m y W okel' P O P U L A R S I N G I N G S T A R O F TV ,

M O T I O N P I C T U R E S a n d R E C O R D IN £


. a f £




5 M 9 .9 5»998«

“ *• -I M » u , “ - 'S K tr s

O N T H / S

»S».M VAIUJ 1 /


. ib -FRIDAY and SATURDAYA u g u st 28 & 29



1 . 3 9

ru (TJU R E ^ ' s r r x ) 'R Y 's ^

Main Ave. Eosf, Twin Foils RE3-2607 (F O R M E R L Y S W E E f S ) -________________________________________________ L _ ________ ________________________________ ^ __________

M e .

Page 21: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e



Ml AND rr* Daur MU11117

IloliWla: Domaa D«ni Bnutf. K«y fluppiP, “ —


pimr ..C»l llVmbn. Ufl* 0*1 lu il . CBultno *11 blu«

N.a uoi. c>. rni nbboni. Ilcira

Thufon. ............ ..llolxrln: Dalns J»ckMn. :

AJl'othrr brr«li; John Slo»t. Ulch- tri Po«y. CntriM OorTfll, lUrvey 0»nlnrf. Kenneth 0»nlD»f. &I”» «*>-

ll'ilrr II—flllinc »nfl Shoj

I. IMfi;. bJilrlpyfii»u «)fi; o iiin ., Ktntielh. 0»n3npr. Larrr Kulm, ,K«r»- Kujm.

Kelly ii'iii, Sam A im n a n e f :M»ry Ddir asriirr. FiailK 0 »mcr. nrJWn ll»muiii. t)lu* rlBlxin.; 0»rj Hall. lI«?rlioii. llrtiy . Kchwail.

uilry l l l - n i im s »'»1Othrr lirrrd* ,.......................

r Ji»n VAui:liti,IUVI4«)ii. ivii

I ' |( r i i ;

! ill (ill

Ij^I '

, C»rI'&lfP. I iUr^ltoi). Larry Marilyn Uorller. Ainii Carpenter.

Ildiiiiy Va!i "ianlt. Jim Oonnmer. blue' ' ‘'m 'i’v I-KIIIIIIB and Khowlnr

Ilol.irlii; CliatlriiB KimDall. IlflfnJ(«. Ixiiu lUwltoii. r»t wmiama. ii/itiijix wmiaiii*. n m i i i ....................Wayne Kiilm. UnAt

21irnr>. rr<l rlbboim.

......... War<J..Kulm», Donaia JVStrITrrcI. Jlrlen

_ _ Vaujhn. Hal- I Juctiau, Vlrn. Blilrlpyl

K:iilUi. Wnyiie Kiilm, MdlP I'ffcy Wi-lr-lfr. bt yarrrl, Carolyn 1 Il<,p|.rr. lln.

IlounieiWllllani>. Vlt.

/(tfirrlnv Jos Ilawllon. m n k aartipf.■ /Mfln Carjifiilrr. nnrbafaUOIim.'MU"

lliirlu'. Cnfolyn lliipix-r. I.llida llrlmn, Ijliir rllilxiiii>. nirliarO M>'rri. Oo'olinR, Ilrlty Ji> Itrhwall. FWrn. Karfll Klitm, nrnlil* 2«hii. i«l rlDboiii. „ ^

IB 10 :4 moiiilui: lluiliipy IJollch, Danny Hall. Candy Malonr. Wiif rib- Ij.inv Kfnrirlh Jiia. Ilajfllon. UtlDefl llarmnn. m l rblboni.

: i manilia li> (mhriihiB: Cliidj' M.lonr, Ijirry Kiilin, hlUP finlwna.

rrortiiPins cow: Vleklp Itlnlun, It rlinii. bMrlry Myrra- Onxllnc. Marilyn IWllrli, K«v HiiliplP. Janrl Warrl. Dob' DU »ori>fr. I>lii» ribbona.

rir>t yrac;*Bhlr*lfy bmllli. firal; Pal. ilfk \Vilii»:nii. arcoiid; Aohtil* Wil­liam*. Uilrtl.

BrroiKl yrar; Krlly Jtall. Iltat: Mary Oarnrr. iirond; rtiiHk Oartitr. It '- '

Third ypivr and ovrr; Doiinlp 7Jinic. flr*l; JuaiiUtt Nfyfrt. afcond;VlclEl Illiilon, llilrri,

Tff» IdrnllflcaUon Conl«t Edgar tjunmona. tint: Jranliie

Dladra. irroiifl; Jerry Wayiif, tlilrtl. Ilomr Kcunnmira JuAiIni C'onlril W)x auit iJMW club, nmi; Utllcli

and Cbaiirr rlub. u«onQ: llappyi H<-«tpni. third. Individual aoirca; llral niK . tlr.l: Mary Ormnu and Carol JOBM, txitn *p«nn._

MUM grain—iiu T r’Sird. tdrn. rfd ribbon: hill alUio corn—Dan e u rm , rilrn. bhift rlbl)on; drnt corn cl Dan eilvfn, Eden. bUi» ribbon.

Dnn ahMif—Larry I'rnoliitton, DrU b m Kotiis. both Bden: John Onme, Al Btlrnmrlz. Ed Urunr, all Ilau lun : Occtl J.ftlrd, Richard Rupert. Slus rlb- bona; Hal DMunn. Otrald HusltlR. Larry Durk. all llaitlton; DcnnU

Andrraon, a l l -----anl Uurphy. Hell ... . . . . ./«-Uin wblw rlbbont.

Dry bcan*-«»n Van ZanU,“--1; augar btfl»-Jlal D»*oni.------

- Dwood iw c ll. Kou llLMehhotn.t> Eden, blue rlbboiu; Uruca ilca>

Jo« UaTldaon, boUi Xd«n: Vna Ikbhniopp. red rlbboni; Orrall Hu»ll«. Al Btlenintt*. both HfcMlWn; Jtoo Wooley. WUIU ribbona........ . ..........m "S « in> ----------

U lter oX lour—Oanoy OUwri,------Wayne XUIler. blue rlbU>ii>: Larry Carpmur. Wrhln Klrkpauick. rtbboin; Illcbard Murplxy. liar* Danny Ullvc;*. Eden; Totnmr o -rlilie rlbbotu.

r t l b&rrowtjjanny flmren.Edni Wayne Miller, DICK Durti. __

nbbon. IB {au~Danny Sllreta.I

__ -lu, bluo nl)t)on»; LatrylCarp«Bt^. rrd ribbon; UtUiaid.Mur­phy, while ribbon.

t^w luider ali monUia—Wayn Mil­ler. Melvin Kirpalrlcli. blue rlbDuika; Larry Carpenter. Dick XlurU. MlHln Klrpatnck. Toin Uaurr. r«l rlbboni;: Larry Carprnlrr^ Dick Durkj.

...... ........ i; Wayne'uuTe'r.____la; Danny fillven. Eden, red rib., 1: niciiard Murphy. Jiatduin. ll*o)| IV ribbani. 'o» ovrr alx monilu—tarry

Dick nurka. Danny Bi: r rlbboni; Larry Carptntei. Ji Murphy, llaieltcn. rw rlDboni

..oar under al* m onlft»-Un7 < prnler (two) red ribbona.

r»'A raullry ru llrta—Wayne Miller, Ed(ar f

loiii, blue riDbon: llltln f and ah :I2-Wayne Mlllerf Iwoi blue . . . .3ur brollera—Wayne Miller, blue rib' ° Sheepr a l lamba-AI uucnmeu. llaullan:

rrry ttauer. Illlly aulley. red ribbona; wn Iambi—Tommy Sauer, blue rib-

rKA Ueef Kat alM-r—Vernon Lullier. Ooortint;

Dennla Andnu llwoi blue rlliboiu: Vernon Knhnlopp. Tom I’ayton. re»l rlbboiu: Wayne Miller, whita ribbon.

Oow over iwo-J'aul Ck)IIH. rionnH Woolley, blue rir>bon»; acoil '

• • ribbon; biill-«cott U lit.........------- bliia ribbon*: brrr<11n* heKrt-Ronnla Woollry. hlu* rlBbon; Wiyoe Miller, red rlbtwn,

r»‘A Dairy llelfer under one year—Karl NeUon.

RoBerC Sdvem, l^linr Carpenter, blue rlbboni: Oordon Moseley, red ribbon.,

HeUer under Iwo yeam-Kail Nelion, Itie ribbon! l,^noy Carp«nl»r. red " jn : Al Bllenmeir, Ilatdion. blue

. . . ---- ribbona,CPA Llretloek Ju d |ln |

Terry Bllglle. Hatellon. rir»l; Danny SUvrni.' Eden, aecond: Lcltoy Carpen'

ITA n ttin » and Showlaj 8*1n*-0»nny OUtera. Eden. I

ehamplon; T*fry Carpenwr. blue tsoa; lUcbazd Murphy. Hau

iWayn* Ulllef, Melvin Kifk;> '-%ll« rtbbona.

abeep-Jm -y Sauer, rand c_-.- . plot;: Al BUcnmaU. Ila«iu>n, blue ribbona; Tom eauer.'imiy Uully, wh"*' ribbona.

De«r-V«rn Kohnlopp, grand r ti— plon: ficoti L*lrd. Tom Pa*ton. Deanla Andrui. blua nbboni: Wayne » """ ' Vem Luther. Paul CollU. red i

Dalry-Karl helaon. grand ------plon; Jim Van Zafile, L« Hoy Carpen-

iier. Eden: AJ Sllenmeu. IU«lion:Twn- n y u m .- ■«ug-TipeoM^‘-<l»ra«n■

'Uoa«b^y, red ribbon.Round rtobln

n u in c and lihoolnc . Orand tliamplon, Ka/I Nelwn.Dan ailveta, Eden, iwinc; Jerry laheep; Vem Kohntopp. bffi.' -JUDCJNCi-UUIUUL--

.......... .............. .........Dean ineUiick,. Vicky Earl, Dl-

e Royer. Lorrtta Klnnl^n. red rib. ni; Henry Keyen. Bharon Mwelry.



221 Mmln Ave. E iit

on; Wajneribbon: Dtle Keye.'. rni 'uenaon, whlKi ribbon.

Dirlaon 111—Unda Ulrlcll. ------,.lall. Marilyn a ilm e r, blue ribbon.; Terrr Hall. TWntny Dtvn. Oary

'••• Dean Earl, Kay llyram, rr<'I Dona; Judy Hall. Ted Earl, Cliarin Chambera. Oary Earl. Jerry Peter»on, vhlta ribbona.

4.|< Qnallly Two year flllle*—Jimmy heyeo, hitif

— ".-I ,.- .- 'lawkipi. red ribbon; mte iit>tx)n, and gpldlnE’'—J*nel

mil. Linda Ulrich, blue r “ ........ ‘- --ild and up—O lane....... ..

____i; Judy Hall, Gary Dabblu, whiurlbboni.

4 .» riTTlN O, SllOWISt: Hortel

Orand Chitmplon—Linda Ulrich; : Kto champloii-M irlljn DlUiget;, m tln . and abuwlng

airy ______ _ red rlbboni; UI Ulrich;- Dlanc Kerary, JUo ICavaa.- I ribbona.

4-II Quality Khowlnt year &iid uiidrr—«ill» and M-

IllCT-Bhiron Moaeley. Virgil Ukriy. [Terry Hall, Dean Eail, blue ribbont; 'aary Earl, red ribbon; TDmm/ Diii«, Denifl lUyer. Ted Earl, while ribbon*.

----- -" lea —Virkl Karl, hlne

oolU—Kay Byrani. Dale

H^bumCSlizens Report Activities

HBYBOUN. Aui. 29-C ol. tnd M n . Amcu Jortian and tun lly, W cjt Point, N . Y.. h av e been vb*|

llUns h ts pareoU . M r, and. Mrs.' Amos Jo rdan , ir..

H ouse’ KUMU or i l r , ascs Mrs.' J o s H y m u have ijeen her ststci Mrs. H . O, Koroiu. a n d two chll dren. 6 n lt Lake c ity . ~ j im c t- J on iaiir J ac tsc n T lllc rn »li v ls llin j h e r j>wcnta, Mr, and Mrs, Amos Jordan . |

Mr. and M rs, O tis Orton and family attended Ihe O rion lamlly reuiUoti. h e ld .in Nanipa_over.Xbe wetk-cad.

■ ■ . H - - —

Gets DegreeDECLO. AUK. :8 — Mr*. Clare,

JacoUi tins returned to her home In Decio a l te r spendlne th e sum>| mer a tten d ln s school a t the UrlK'l hnm Young university, Pt«vo. she | u u amonR th e w BYU sraduntcs to receive h e r diploma Frldnyl nlRht. I

Bncculniircftte services were held: 1 T liur4tl»y nlKht In the OeorKc'

Albert. Sm ith fleldhouse. Dr, Da-I via H . YArn, Jr.. of the collegc or|

jrellRlous Inatruetlon a l the unl-| (rsliy, u'2s Kuemtpealcer,

HAILEY. AUS. 28 Mr. and; Mrs. Arthur C, House and children' have cone to O&kdale, CalU,. a(l> er spcndlns the sum m er In Hailey. House will a«aln teach mathem at­ics, science and physical educ s( Lhe O&kdale high school.

Mrs. Scott Boulden and are visiting Mr. a n d Mrs. Amej Madsen a t Bellevue. 'W ash, They I will return to thetr^M ise In Coke- ville. Wyo.. this week. ______ _

[Springdale Notes Vicinity Events]

6PR INODAIX. Alrj. 28 — WU. 11am Kelsey v a s released from the Boise V eteran's hospital and Is iConvalescing a t his home here.

Orval Hymaa Is vUlUng Ws fa th - ,. t , Oeorge H y m u , and Mrs. Hy- |m u this week in Logan, Utah,

Mr, and M rs. Martell Chrlsten- :n_flnd.daugh^w_a^nd Mrs. tU -

ichel E2Us. all Logan. Utah, spent Sunday here with relatives.

U n . Joan Cunningham and Veronica Dayjey. Klam ath Palls.

visited their grandparents, !lilr. a n d M n. Thomas E. Dayley, and o the r relatives here last week.. M rs. Tliomas McOraw relurn- ;ed home from Tacoma, Wash.,1 .where she spent the past fev ^weeka with her married children.



Twin Folli RE 3.22UI FiJer DA 6 3oq

^ c o Ld s t r i k e ' ktam^ '

.......... aiaBaugh, CharlUean rieUUclc, -

j rlb>>on«; Chamberi.



O nr Q uality and 9er»lc« make the ' OUrercncel

R E 3 - 5 5 0 0S & iH Gfoen Stamp!

f r i e n d s w i t h . . .


a i w a y s s m o o t h e r - s l o w d is t i l l e d \


tlO P tK SSharp focus on today’s styling



• Exlra slim, low waistfid• Tapered leg• Italian pocHeU

(reinforced la held shape)• Distinctive, adiuslablB


• In smart new Wash'n Wear BEDFOROSHEEIl • •

• Beige, Charcool V/aitts: 28 to 3B Lengthi: 28 to 34



M o th e r s a n d so n s love GOLD ST R IK E . O F ] \V a - o z ., S o n f o r iz c d , N Y L O N -re in fo rc cd d e n im — th e y w e a r m u c h lo n g e r. Post color, w o n 't f a d e , F i t b e t te r . . , lo o k b e t t e r longer, ‘ S h r in k a g e le ss t h o n \%

R e g u la r s - a n d Slim s— Sizes 4 t o 1 2 ........... , . , . .$ 2 .9 8H u s k ie s ( 2 6 " to 3 6 " woisls) o n d S iz e s 13 to 16

$ 3 .5 0J o c k e t s t o M a tc h — Sizes 4 to 1 6 ......... ............... 5 3 .9 8

T w i n F a l l s - B u h l - B u r l e y — R u p c i t


C om pm ClaasicB Arc These


SWEATERSn o rE U 'S are the stores wllh the m « t In new bulky knit ftweatcr.v Here you’ll find cardlRflns w ith button or zipper, jiullovcr.i nnd VMt.v Sec the excitJnf: new knU-i, styles and color.s by Piirltnn, J a iu ie n and Slan- dMd. You owe 11 to yourself to see Roper'a sweaters first. All sizes,

7.95 to 19.95


SAVE no During August Topcoat


M' GREGOR engineers it for WARMTH WITHOUT WEIGHTG re a t new m asculino fashion—d e s ig n ed fo r active winlet w ea r! H etty blend of 65% D acron pTds 3 5 % co tton for cas; w ash a n d w earing. O ilon p jle lin ing , too! V irile , bulk knit c o lla r , ciifla a n d w aistband— ^ u s cosy-sw ing insets under a m u for c i l r a a c t io a Snug sip p e r c loeu ro w ith neat fir f r o n t NOflDIC JUMBO 2 5 > 9 5

Beat Selections


At nO PER'S you win find the blffcest «nd best Relectloju of J»tk- ets a n d winter coats In Magic Vnlley. McQreRor, Puclfic Tnul Field and StrenBi, Dunlel Doont, Lnnler, Pendleton *nd oihfr fine nationally adverti.ted brands. We have hundreds of wlnitr eosU and Jftclceu for your choosltiR . . . many styles are wa.ih ’n yitii. L npw oy 'j'ours NOW lo r winter. A small deposit wlli hold. •Uned S h o rt Zipper JaekeU ----------------------------9.95 *« 25.95

ircAiU- 1 2 . 9 5 “• 35.00 - 1 4 . 9 5 29.95fiuburb«n Coals, finier-llp len*th -


We have many new arriv­als In boys’ conta and jacl<- !U . , . wonderful selec­tions in new washable ;lacron / cotton coal.s and

,-jRckeia with orlon-plio Itn- —--------JiRS . . . completely waah- ible . . , and a biR nen K'lde rnnne of Car Coats and Suburbftna. Layaway NOW n m a ll deposit will hold. Sixes 0 to 20, - - .

8.98 to 14.98

S N O B A L L A L L N Y L O N P A R K A100% nylon Uiflcta sheii with 100% nyion fleece body and Jtood lialiiK. A Ions wearlnj:, wa.sii ’n wear cont tliat kIvo U'/irtmih wiUiout welnht. Hood with draw- «irl!iR. g lani fron t tipper with two Upper pockets nnd bottom druw.itrini;. Ideal for school a n d srea t for ikllnR, too. Charcoal, black and red.

Site* 10-16 ......................... 10-98


4 - 9 8 j p

S i z e s 6 t o 2 0

BOYS' SPORT SHIRTSAll new fall patterns and colcrrs in both 1 Q Q 0 0 9 ions or short sleeve ond Ullored by

' Sedaefleld, Lanier, Lanccr J r . and Model. 3.98

N E W Z I P - O F F H O O D P A R K Awith bulky k n it turtle neck coilnr. Heavy sateen shell wlUi heavy cjumed wool body rurt hood im inr. draw- itrm i: hood w ith dynel trim, knit sleeve wristlets. In Cliarcoal.

Sixei 6 - 1 4 ., Sizet 1 6 -2 0

8 9 81 1 9 8

A R M Y S T Y L E P A R K ASiorm coat fron t with eutlon over-flap ond lira \7 duty Upper. Zip-parted hood-collnr, quilled Iruulaied un­der 10 01. interlminK. 9 oz. sMceii shell, 4 pocketa.. ,

S i te * 6 - 2 0 ...................

13% Oun» Full Cut .

Sanforized zipper front heavy roinforcemanfi, .deep pockets, form fitting. 1 Q Q A 2 .4 9 yqIuc. Sizet 4 to 1 6 .................................. I t O W

W a Ounca Blue Bell



Slte« S to 12 .., 13 to 16 ______27.10 30 Waist . 31 to C W ilit _

- 3 . 4 9 I- 3 . 7 9- 3 . 9 «

U s o O u r C o n v e n i e n t


it's Just A Step or Two From Eoiy


I f I t ’s F r o m R O P E R ’S . . . I t ’s R i g h t

T W I N F A L L S ^ B U H t ^ B U R L E Y - R U P E R T

Page 22: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e
Page 23: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


L D S S e s s i o n

~ i f e a r s - P l a H &

O f S e m i n a r y

* ; ' . BJ1,1 lilKh «liool ngc j-ooiha wen I l i | ! U plained in members of Ihe I

j — ------------ KtnWEDS-btmrrJrtJurinif-niin^ * '1 coafercnce «e«iloru lieltJ (vl

ll> till'

i '

6UN VALLEY, AUB. 28 - P lanj for optnlrjK ftcnilnnry clu.wrt for lilKh «liool ngc }-ooiha were

-• - e Dlnli inrlCTir

SunVftTlcy Suiidfty,

LlJilnff n four purpoM ndvanUge •rn r youths Likins f.cinlMary. Eldi

A. .niMcloro T u tlle ., of the fir council o f U i c Mvcniy for tJ

. church Bt BnU Unke Clly,.,c[illrd for support of the profirnm wlUim iJip Makr,

He Mid the cIn.-jiPA will bo held before rrgulnr fchool cliiASes coch clay, enllrcly under church fpon- RorUilp, 'Hiw yenr's. le*t will be the "Old Tc-'lnJi

Clii;.vn are slutcd for Italley, Cnrey. R lchflrld and ShoMione with Dietrich youllw attendlnu Shwhone. T lie islake pre.ildency will nppolnl th e teaeher*.

■nic w m lnary. Elder Tuttle ex- plained. li no t to supplant MIA. sundny whool nnd certainly not nubile school scholaatlc work, bul l!i to lielp become better na i'lon ' artes. more falUifuI nioubcrs, sup. ply better letidcrshlp nnd Ircreiw temple imvrrlnRe.v

He J-ilcl Mudcnt.% tnklnir wtiilnnrj cet better Kratle.t In fchool Hint oihiT UuclenLs.

The Saturday cvenhiK ^tnke wel­fare olflciTS and ward bbhopi mel uUh A. LeivL'i ElKRren. of th< church wellare drpurtm rnt, Snll

Bell Speaks for Sunday Service

flker nt the Sunday LDS

Liikc Cll!


wi'ltnre iiieetlnn.s with sUke and Rencral vlsitor/i nttendlnR.

Genernl i-niphii.-'Ln was pliwed on correct kcepintr in welfnre work nnd the need for indlvldutU ftunlly ftornse of supply of food nnd clothli-...

At e p. ni. II /itxifce pr/esHiood meeting was held-under direction of-Klcler T uttle, Tlie iiUkf MIA spow^ired (I dnnce ftt the Sun Val­ley recreation hall.

Prculdent Bensnn. who conduct­ed thB Sunday m ornlns and &ft- emoon teMlonn. .•itfca.wd need to tiUco time for worship, need to stand In holy plnce.i by perfonrlnu duties w;Il nnd proper behavior pftitema.

Mu.<J6 for Uic Sunday stislon* wft.n provided by tlio Cnrey ward, Includlns the SlnRlnfc Mothers, the Olrl.i youth chorus luid n boys croup. Flowcra were provided by membem from th e Carey and Sun^ Vftlley churchrn. Mrs. Vem Mc- Clcllan, Mrt. wrclch, Mrs. Murlal Sparks nnd K enneth Cook. Ronnld Peck was chorister nnd Cnmllle noads was orsw ilst fo r Iho Corey youth clionis.

ReleasM were Rmnted by Uie conRTegalion for I « l l a Thompson, Carey, as stnke MIA superinten­dent who la now n etako hlRh councllmnn. nnd Douslos II. H an­sen. ShtxiJione, stake Sunday school (upcrlnttndent.

Sustained were Floj-d Dorlus, Hailey, stake OTA aup^rinlendent, and CMrtls Parke. Richfield, stoke Sunday school superintendent.

Misslomiry rcporLi were made by Doreen Laraon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley


^w h o served n t Independence. Mo,; Steven Shnffer, llaUcy. son of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vern Shdffcr. who served In thB N orthern at.-\tes m talon, and ft fucst n t Sun VftJIey Sunday.

.Brent Halverson, who has Just re­turned from ft mL<alon to the Norlhweslem ntfttea.

David Johnstun . Jr., Bhoshone. irpoko on hbi experiences In tJie nmicd force-1.

SpeiOte™ for th e afternoon ses­sion were President Jnmes Toone. Cnrey: Conilllc Roadi. Cnrey; no»>ert Sweat. Mra. Omn Nleld. Ilichfleld: Mrs, HnrreU Thome. Shoshone: Mrs, Jny Powle.i. Delle- TOc: Bishop V em R. Thomns. niehfield: Superintendent Dorlui nnd ft tntest n t Sun Valley. Pnu Relmann, Salt Lake City, attorney who hss tjiu sh t tem lnnry 'claw es In the church for m nny years.

Elder Relmftnn explained tlie rea.wn for sem inary a design ti pmmolo fallh In Ood amond youtlw. nnd he rela ted personal < perlence.1 of hU teachlnR cnrecr.

Confrrecallonnl slnRlnc for i conference wa-n under direction Jay m -les. Bellei-ue, with Mrs. FowlM nccompanlst.

Luncheon n t noon was served * Ihe church by members of th cnnealORlcnl committee from the JIftllcy ward under direction M n . Wnlnnh Bylnston.

Rules Listed for Judging Contest

SHOSHONE. Aur; : b - Olrl* entered In the Lincoln county <-H home economics clubs are required to cntfr the home economies Judg- Ins contcAt.

Each contestant shall enter oni

:« — Wes- T rn n r

speaker nt the Sunday LDS serv- 'ces. Ralph K, West, member of ;he SprlnRdale ward bishopric,

presided.Sherry Ann Dayley received'her

rrtlflrate from primary and was elcomrd Into the MIA.PmVers were Kt\‘c in j) '~ D e :

MantiinK nnd Pranlt Ra.wius-iei,, Dean Johnson presented a violin

j, nccompanled by his moth- Mrs, Fred JohiiMn,

------ n T v r 11EI.T) ■-\y sw , AUK. 28 — The Bishopric

Sm rH iflr w iv r rn n d ’ t h e T ’ ■ people of the View ward entci pd the corre.'pondlnR crouiis of Grouse creek Monday with a feed U noon, 0 ball camp and wat- iklliiR In the nfternonn nnd wiener roast in Ihe cvenlni:.

S IT U A T IO N S W A N T E D•ILL CAKB lor chlWitn tn* UbT;

WANT-AD RATES(RMr<l on to<l-(>«r-«otd)

t n . r -------------------- U p*f ""rf

I ihoulJ bi trmrtrj lirmr<1t- Inxrtlon.



- : t.


-uvfORr pctiUry Atttu









I, htlp dri... IIK »-:lU

ldi.B t U»U»T or


ntmt. .


1 f.lU A.«nu. ^U•t. II.

Jli.Nl) Ainrtl'Hn Ull V ..tH lU.TJ p.,

InKrrnt’iifiUlti Kurl Conirinr

ll,i."Tfl'rA \V«.on tlthl



iortr, AIm b&ilnf. Tbon*

l-.nkkcriilnc. tri-Inc



KK.V.STTH L. DAVlfl lir. t- ;i» R O TO -TILt.INO

>nd llliJt Wflrk Cinlrni — Uwr> - I'trtn ^r«<cn TrKlor-mountnJ tlllir — tC <Jdn«r DICK POOLER RE 3-<nS

i:flulpr^ 10 Do Anj Trp* •S p ray in g or D ustinp


Ll(tn>«l • ^p«rl<ne*d - Ioiurt<t OEM SPRAYING SERVICE

LET US SPRAY YODR- I'otiu ]lu» - - UnKk

- “ T 7 t» r - 'jUrw'ii -- Nitlit C r.» ltn - Kll«


flo» II* Klmb.rl> TKob.~ C U 5 T C i T T O K “

Chopping liny, Straw , Corn, Etc.

S w ath ing Hay. O ram , Straw, peas,

Clover. Alfalfa, Etc.P hone 0435-Jl Buhl

A rnold Ffiirchild


IXl-UllENCtD U pon. Stoll'i c«r



Superintendent of Public Scliools

nicliflcld. Idaho - HU 7-2-(IO

HELP W A N T E D — FEMALE;M-KUlt:NUED HunJfy wntlfri /oi • imljr wurk. r*ld mnllctl, ho«itlt4! Iilin, Tror Nolliiiiil Uumlry.______


with "fleauty Counselors"



- Kin KUr

B O A R D A N D ROOMA.t» aKu KOOM. «Um .b, C»1I


IIUiT CLA^S. Ham bo l. rluM In. AJulU. Il^ffrcnr.^, rh.,n> IlK n-7::i,

ll’AJlfMb.NT lur rtnU IIIJ Klmbai Until. Kjiit S»l» Aulo Ourli.

•Inirlo min. 111] Klmtxr

. Co.! M , I iihrr. kilrhrn pr,n,„ y^.l.


rnlihxi. 2(1 Ului l^kN


U N F U R N IS H E D HOUSESKitrn taoutt. Ull br

■ ■“ATiT-rfTi otr'o*r. •

M IS C E L L A N E O U S fo r RENTVACAno.Str.u;7 »-f „ n u C ll

1 .full Co. I'bob.

Co. rh=n. vH

S TRAILERS RE0 For 3-1* RENTI SK i R Local and NaUon Wide 3



FLAT BEDS RATia nv iioun. d a v on week


R ENT-ALLS CO.Across from F ire Dept.

Air htmm.r mnJ brf.lirf -



fU.lrr. J4.950 If *«lcl b/ I.


K E E P ^ F O R E VER^°U rs . rornfr lol - Jll.i

II b..,n»'nl . Cori-.r It. : I'llloi, (0<tr>j


rKF-Iil-: b-iK«;s=JrJ-b«roaffi-|


B Y OW N ER3 Brand New 3 Bedrootn Homesli> choir* !»<•

C L Y D E R IS I IO P L U iM B E H CO . Phone RE 3-072G

W ANT A HOM E?IICID: r r is tml prl<r<I m you ct bu, 11, NmI. i.lf. .Iir-I kllchrn «lldincUf. t<vu btUroomi, fAnilljr tls«Atv'ut thrr^uKrltr t>ai«mrnt fit lihf.1, KrncrH In UfV rirJ, Hh»: carair, A rr«l rotr (umllr homr. Yvthoul.1 •** II.

"M crv” Jonc.s R enlty RE 3-7053 2 « Main Wci

S b iroom

x 'ji’s'bl.‘ o"irT:u.6*o!'’LYSWOf)D n0iiu:vAit0! rtiicr

0 : J W n«m brlrk, flr~ A^tk'nt'tmljiO. iUk. ofltr.

I It,»(m. 11,000 <lo»n.


»Irn.U r HulUpI. Uilln'f '



;7 Ph«hon. Si, No. - nK 1-si:

» 1IF:UII00M Iliick. rli;r~>m t bmh In Uxmrnl, ilolibla striKr.)>r<l * p.tllo, A LAVKLY IIOMK. i:UM,NKAT 2 IIf.lroom h.imf, ^ t c f InU A tr.1 vulii. i, w.U^l, M.ittO.

R o i) i n s o n - F e l d t m a n

M»mb.r JlulUp*. U.lin»" * n o i .u rl«ril«ooj floori. .S't*lf r»w».lel«J

" ' f e j R EALTY

■iHMiiiji o^•^uETn■u^


TRAn-ER HOUSE TRADE0 « n .r or Ihli mo-l.rti :-Mr..o,n hnii.. In",’." , . r ^ . r l of dS-rl'p ."

_FA RM ER'8 R E A L T il.__of .Sil'l. |I.„H

An'rf'hJuJi C.11 n K T «rfJll'^



IhlVuiUIIfuMir'tk horn" irn * 'l“ i

-1 A C R E SI Mroom homt in


' U.mUr Uulllult IJillnr


der»tlon on cuh offer fur r|ultr.

100 DOW.V rlut Cf.O.SIST. COSTS III pul in Ihli rtrr •ttricliro


Sundiri .net K..nlnn nitli Kllnk»:-ItK J-RJJt

Hob IVn<o—UK J.J0T9 UEMHKH OK iIULT!ri.K I.I.ST1«0

I f Children H ate You <7?) DONT BUY T in s

criric. lhl> horn*

C . L O O N E Y . R c itllo rRE 3-40nt

Dlclc Daun RE 3-1113' >!UI,TlfI.K LISTKIiS

COZY and NEAT■ Describes This

MIKIlilOUM .loll K>lra |.>.|.



DI R E C T OR YN T I T F n A M 1 7 V P F P n r '

I. Ulinr* IIVi rriiU


W onderful Fam ily Home

n L1nto)n,Slr»rt. Thru br.l



120 A C l:t

m o c K 'v ^ T o iy : \T• - R EA LTY

FARMS and H,\Nciib

Miiy W eS tr.cV oa '


O PPO RTU N ITY A\V.\|; ■- «ctiu i;m t ,\l;\| „ ...

GEM ST A T E UEALTtIOKlee Phone RE 3-5::! f

■ Ll.ili

T ttln FnlLi Homtj KICK cr.KAN «ii»

TWO .S'ICK U0S1K.S on «irtIiil. ChiiKe i‘>i-illun. C:«l U hich .rht>>l. iio.:ov..Viqt; 3.Wr„<.m nn .rrr

lTl‘l'«?lntrurifne clili't”',!..’'"V»:iiy tiOOI) 3 Wr.»ini ht•■II <n »»II <-*ri-Tl»n:. Mi



Onn Tarlor-Offlrr CA U l l



I Wh.'.irilotinrnlt. A IIUYIR o I) i 11.S0 n - F c ld tm iE l

lis.oouHEISS IN V EST. CO.

,1, Il..rd of

Page 24: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e


FOR SALEM arket Place

ofM agic Valley R E . 3 - 0 9 3 1


E - V - E - E - Y D - A - y

A - 1

a g y T ? ,A ! .; ,< ,1 i-T a sS


’“ ' s s . a . f t f c s ^ ' s # - ■ ■;.“ ? ! ? " ? ^ — -

. . . ------------------ 1 On Truck U mC A R LOT Au i . » -

Page 25: CriMEined Send Marines Into Laos, Clues Sought in seen an Bulomoblle with ul " we rccoRiilf.e





Your Choice 1 Years toPH O N O L A HIGH FIDELITY Portab le Record P layer• M A G IC '4 5 ' C E N T E R



■49.95Pay Only 5Qc A WEEK

Z enith M ajo reite


4-speaker phonos STEREOA U T O M A T IC


* 9 9 ’ ® . 4 « v ™hth• ?IATS All 4 SPUDS• AinOKATIC CHUNCCR• AUTOMATIC SHUT-OfF

F u ll, r ic h - to n c p e r ­f o r m a n c e a u i m otic volum e c o n ­tro l. W h i t e m o ro o n .

$ 1 . 8 5 a m o n f f i

21-Inch TABLE MODEL(OlaconU Meaturctoent)

ZENITH $229.95

p a y ” o n l y

* ^ 8 5


New ••Pull'Piwh” on-off ■wlieh. Top tuning con­tr o l . Sunshine Picture Tube. SpoUlU dial . . . Clnclcns picture glasi for; srea te r picture de­tail!

Z e n i t h L O -B O Y

21-Inch CONSOLEZ e n ith E xclu iive

S P A C E C O M M A N DRemote control tunlnit let-i you turn set o ff or on, cliiiiiRe clinnnels. nd- lust volume FROM ACROSS THE RO O rt. No wires or batteries.

P o y O nly $ 1 6 .8 5 A M O N TH


DIAGONAL MEASUREMENT 203 gqunre Indies of rectangulnr picture area. R lsh t-fron l lop lunlnR eliminates stooping or bendlnR. "Pull-Pusli” on-off •witch. Clnelens picture glass. Sunslilne Picture Tube!

C om p/«fe ' w ifh L e a f h e r C an, B atte ry a n d C a r P h o n c s t


Pocket Size


• F I N G E R - T I P C O N T R O L

2 9 ^ 5

50‘ A W f!K



A full range HiRh Fldclliy m m lcal Instru­m ent. You paih one bu tton w ith your le lt fUiger to get r full, resonant chord . . . one finger o t'you r r ig h t h a n d presses the numbered key Indicated on music.

$ 4 . 8 5 A M o n t h


T e K lfH STEREO ------ HI-FI

'Y ourC hoice... NOTHING DOWN





'EttUD'HIGH-FIDELITY & Stereophonic Equipped


O N L Y 5 2 4 9 .9 5


Fun ilereophOQle high fldeUty recording playing lnstrumenC4 w ith F . M sand A. M. rad io bands/

* 4 6 0

Stereophonic equipped high Ildellty with AM-FM radio, deluxe Cobra-matic four speed record changer.

*369”3.85 a Week

DmUU in n vIU vrUU»-(m tfrrlBf rjtU •• T»» im lBf. tlB* n iln l— i>l« fTtmliliif «ukaU«



p a y OttJy A ilonth





F r i g i d a i r e D o u b l e O v e n

4 0 - i n . E L E C T R I C R A N G E

P o y O nl

*18“Spscltn 104 n. f t FiD wldlli ky. • Knltr. S n a m b lt d iir tb th tL 44 ft. tip inU I n u a r t t t n f t ^

CtlBK 11 ca. f l Ftll .I u n tm i S n m in b l i. .\ HOKTH ^ vutk f n ih r i«d wiiper.


14.4 e i. I t U ttr M lrlf ira tir. A S ? f ri ii ir , C ieliilfi f lli.i iie k let* -^ m iil? ’" J h # AHOHTtf

T R A D E I N Y O U R O L D F U R N I T U R E A N D A P P L I A N C E S ^ O W J

________ ____________ • P R O M P T F R E E D E L I V E R Y t Is N Y W H E R E -

( F o r m e r i y S w e e t ! s F u r n i t u r e )

' 251 MAIN AVE. EAST Twin Falls RE 3-2607