credits analysis

Credits analysis “Catch me if you can”

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Post on 24-Jun-2015



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Page 1: Credits analysis

Credits analysis “Catch me if you can”

Page 2: Credits analysis

This shot show the part of the credits telling us the main production, animation company involved in the film. Dreamworks was founded by three people, Steven Spielberg being one of the, and they produce, develop and distribute films (as they’re a film studio). They have built a reputation for making good films as they have over ten films they have produced or distributed, with a total grossing of $100 million within the box-office each. That is why the fact that it is dreamworks film would be advertised and shown off to attract viewers, and as they are the film studio behind the production of the film they would be the first to be shown in the opening credits.

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This shot shows the part in the credits where we are told what production company’s were involved in the film. These are the company's in charge of maintaining the production of the film, they make sure everyone's doing their job, organise staff, budget allocation, supplying the production with all necessary equipment, resources and actors/talent, even distribution and marketing. It is very important and makes a big difference to the film. They would’ve done a lot of the work for the film, and being shown this early is good recognition for their efforts and good advertisement of the company’s.

Page 4: Credits analysis

This shots is form the credits and, it is another production company that was involved with the production of the film, they worked

alongside all the other company’s.

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These are two shots from the credits, that tells us two actors from the film. These two are the the main actors in the movie, they are well known actors and would be used to advertise the movie, as people would want to see a movie which stars these talents. It creates high expectations for the movie, as god actors means a better standard of acting, also if a film is able to get such talented actors then the film would/must have some good points.

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These shots are showing us the parts of the credits that are showing who the actors are. These are all the other actors that star in the movie, the ones which get there own name alone in the sequence, they are the more well known actors that some people would be looking out for to see. Whereas the other actors, which came up in threes are not as well known, but do star in the film.

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This is the shot shows the part of the credits that tells us who done the casting for the movie. These are the people who were in charge of casting all the actors for the film, they chose everyone who’s in the film. They sort out the auditions for all the different types of rolls, the casting director is intrusted to sort out the talent, and find the right actors for the part.

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This is the part of the credits that tells us who the co-producer was. Co-producers are a result of more than one production company. They would assist with the physical production, or supervises post-production to enable the Producer to move on to another part of production.

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This shot tells us who wrote the book the film was based upon [the authors], showing us the parts of the credits that has this.

This shot tells us who the titles were by, as shown in the credits. This is the man who put in all the titles for the film.

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This show is showing us the part of the credits that tells us who the music for the film was by. This is the man who was in charge of the music, he’d recommend music and then make, choose, and/or find the music for the film.

This shot shows the credits telling us who the costume designers were. She designed, made and chose all the costumes for each individual actor.

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This shot is showing the credits telling us who the film editor was. A very important roll, the film editor put together all the content, the raw footage from filming, and put that in order. He/she has to take a selection of shots, add in a whole number of effects, to then create the finished motion picture we all see.

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This shot is showing the part of the credits telling us who the production designer is. The production designer works directly alongside the director and producer, and they have to choose the way the film is visually presented, and visually tells the story to the audience. They have to choose both the style and then location of the film.

This shot shows the credits telling us who the director of photography is. They take the production designers ideas and make it real, they use a number of techniques such as lighting, camera movement and framing, to give the film its desired style and feel. They use these techniques to give the film the atmosphere to best suited to the storyline.

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These shots show the credits telling us who the executive producers are. The executive producer makes sure the film is complete on time, within budget and to the correct and best technical standard possible. He/she has no part to play in the physical production or creation of the film, just make sure the film happens on time within budget, superintending the producer along the process.

The main executive producer, the one in charge of all of them.

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These shots show the part of the credits telling us who produced the film, and who’s film it is. The producer controls every aspect of the film, and is often the one the comes up with the idea for the project. They are often there beside the movie before anyone else, and long after everyone else has done their jobs. They are in charge of everything, and ultimately oversees everything. The producer has responsibilities in all four parts of the film making process: development, pre-production, production and then the post-production and marketing, and they administrate all of this. Steven Spielberg has grown a reputation for producing excellent films, and therefore would be advertised highly to attract an audience, as many people would want to watch a film made by Steven Spielberg, and that’s why his name is mentioned so many times.

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This is the part of the credits show who the director is. A film director has control over the dramatic and artistic levels of a film. They have the responsibility to write the script or find the right person to write it. They are there all the time during production, to make sure the actors perform as expected, and the film has been filmed right, also manage the technical aspects of filming, including the camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments. 

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This shot from the credits shows the man who done the screenplay. The screenplay is like the script, it is in this case, and can be representation of an original piece of writing such as a book. But has been adapted to be acted. It comes with the movements, actions and expressions of the character [in detail], for acting, that wouldn’t have been included in the original piece.