creativity in advertising-a havard business article

Creativity in advertising When it works and when it doesn’t Havard business a

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Creativity in advertisingWhen it works and

when it doesn’t

Havard business article

Key to success in advertising

“Nothing is more efficient than creative advertising. It is more memorable, longer lasting, works with less media spending, and builds a fan community faster.” - Success mantra

by Stephen VogelCCO of Ogilvy & Mather Germany

Are creative ads more effective in inspiring


Creative ads get more attention

Creative ads lead to positive

attitude towards product

Creative advertising is more memorable, longer lasting, Works with less

media spending and builds a fan community faster

What is creativity?

Creativity is a divergent thinking

The ability to find unusual and non-obvious solution to a problem.

Dimensions of creativity





Artistic value


• It measures how uncommon or unique the responses are•Adding elements that are rare, or surprising or that move away from the obvious and commonplace

• Is the ad out of the ordinary?•Does it depart from stereotypical thinking?• Is it a unique ad?

Flexibility•The ability to develop diverse possibilities or ideas across different lines of thoughts•An ad scoring high on flexibility smoothly links the product to a range of different uses or ideas

•Does the ad contains idea that move from one subject to another?•Does it contain different idea?


•Unexpected details or extend simple ideas so that they become more intricate and complicated

•Does the ad contain numerous details?•Does it extend basic idea and make them more intricate?•Does it contain more details than expected?


•Blending or connecting normally unrelated objects or ideas

•Does the ad connect objects that are usually unrelated?•Does it contain unusual connections?•Does it bring unusual items together?

Artistic value•Aesthetically appealing verbal, visual or sound elements•Customers often view the ads as almost as a piece of art rather than the blatant sales pitch

• Is the ad visually or verbally distinctive?•Does it make idea come to life graphically or verbally?• Is it artistic in its production?

Quantification of each dimensions

(relative to the overall average creativity of 1.0)

• Elaboration- 1.32• Artistic value-1.19• Originality-1.06• Flexibility-1.03• Synthesis-0.45

Creativity combination that

work best

Application of creative advertising

in Indian market

Some examples

Airtel “Har ek friend” ad campaign

• It was one of the most catchy viral-ad-campaign•The ad was able to gather more-than the expected fan following•So popular is the jingle, Har ek friend jaroori hota hai

•The brand was able strike a chord with the urban youth- a major chunk of their target customers•Massive number of downloads, status updates, airtel song sharing in social media

Amul Print ad campaign

•Amul has made itself the longest running print ad-campaign in the world• It features a chubby angelic moppet who has been gracing Indian hoardings since 1967

•From the political and sporty, to spicy bollywood scams, the brand creatively covered them all•The USP of their product in fitted in a subtle sarcastic manner• It keeps consumers hooked and asking for more

Vodafone Zoozoos

•Vodafone created alienic creatures zoozoos which were cute and humorous • they delivered messages about one VAS daily•Was launched in 2009

•Ads helped to increase brand consciousness, brand image and sales•They came up as treat to millions of their facebook fans

Flipkart •The online marketing forum had come up with an interesting, never seen before concept• It was in order to cut across the fraud online marketing clutter and establish their brand as a reliable platform for online sales

•The concept of kids walking in adults’ shoes•Kids are shown in various set-ups and discussing easy shopping attributes of flipkart

Pepsi•Mainly targeted youths• It uses youth icons-young actors, sportsperson as brand ambassador•Uses taglines- “Hinglish taglines”,to create a youthful brand

Market analysis

Do creative advertisements increases the sales of the product?

•The longer the creative ads are aired the more impact the creativity has on the sales

•More creative campaigns are more effective

•A rupee invested in highly creative ad campaigns, on an average , nearly doubles the sales impact of a rupee spent on non-creative campaign

•Effect of creativity differs with product category. It may have no effect or even decrease sales in some cases


Created by Smriti Mishra,G.E.C Rewa, during an internship

by Prof. Sameer Mathur,IIM


Special thanks to Sameer Mathur sir for his valuable guidance and support through out this internship