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Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020 27 th August 2014 Creative Europe Desk Ireland Culture Office

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Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020

27th August 2014

Creative Europe Desk Ireland

Culture Office

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the arts council / an chomhairle ealaíon

• Irish government agency for developing the arts

• work in partnership with artists, arts organisations, public policy maker

• Partnerships, collaborations and exchange central to work of artists • Partnerships, collaborations and exchange central to work of artists

and organisations we support

• Support resource organisations enables professional development and

international exchange and networking

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Arts Council: Creative Europe travel award

� Supports applications from arts organisations planning applications for

EU funding under Creative Europe (Culture sub-programme only)

� Covers costs associated with face-to-face partner meetings

� Can invite partners to Ireland for meeting or costs to attend partner

meeting in Europe

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EU Culture funding – Irish perspective

� Can take 1 -2 years to develop application to standard and scale


� EU Culture programme 2007 - 2013

�40 projects funded with Irish partners

�17 Irish led projects�17 Irish led projects

�Geographic spread: 20 Dublin; 11 Cork; 4 Galway; 2 Donegal; 1 of each

of following: Leitrim, Mayo, Sligo; Limerick and 1 Cross border

� Irish organisations are increasingly developing projects as lead


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Irish partnership trends

• Irish partner with non-English language partners

• Of 7 Irish led projects, other partners came from:

Portugal x 3 Greece x 2 Spain x 3

Germany x 2 UK x 3 Italy

Armenia Cyprus Estonia

Georgia Norway PolandGeorgia Norway Poland

Serbia Sweden Turkey

Finland Hungary

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Irish perspective

In the last round (March 2014 deadline)

Cooperation Projects

� 1 Irish lead (larger scale) Create – Collaborative Arts Partnership


� 3 Irish co-partners (larger scale)

� Baboro - Small Size Performing Arts for Early Years� Baboro - Small Size Performing Arts for Early Years

� Trinity

� Crafts Council - Ceramics and its dimensions

� 1 Irish co-partner (smaller scale) Limerick Institute of Technology

Total funding: €4,654,673

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Funded project – Léim

• Strand 1.2.1 Co-operation projects

• A dance leadership project involving the sharing and exchange of

artistic and managerial approaches in the development of dance


• Irish lead partner: Dance Ireland

• German partner: Tanzhaus nrw, Dusseldorf

• Spanish partner: Mercat de les Flors, Barcelona

• Cypriot partner: Dance House, Lemesos

• Italian partner: CSC Dance House Basano del Grappa

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Léim – a toolkit for the next generation of dance multi-players

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Application process

� ECAS account – (European commission authentication service)

� Register on portal – for participant identification code

� Create application form – need PICs for all partners

� Submit e-form with signed annexes

• Budget form

• Signed declaration of honour (legal status and operational and financial • Signed declaration of honour (legal status and operational and financial


• Signed declaration of honour re exclusion criteria (if above €60k)

• Detailed description of project

• Signatures have to be by legal representative of the organisation

� Upload signed legal entity form and required annexes

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Application process

Application package sent by post with mandatory documents

� signed official cover letter, budget form, mandate letters, cooperation


� statues/articles of assoc. for all, CVs, copies of activity reports if grant

over €60k

� Project leader only � Project leader only

� signed financial identification form and annexes

� Financial capacity form if grant over €60k

� Financial statements if grant over €60k (not for public bodies)

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Registration portal

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Cooperation projects selection criteria

• Professionally qualified to achieve proposed project (operational


• Financially sound (financial capacity)

• Able to generate some match funding

• Backed up by ‘declaration of honour’

• If >€60,000 then 2 years activity reports; financial statements etc. of • If >€60,000 then 2 years activity reports; financial statements etc. of

project leader

• > €750,000 then external audit report

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Cooperation projects – award criteria

• Relevance to specific objectives of the programme (35)

• Quality of content and activities (25)

• Quality of partnerships (20)

• Communication and dissemination (20)• Communication and dissemination (20)

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Award criteria: Relevance

This criteria evaluates how relevant the project is to the objectives

and priorities of the programme :

� to professionalise the sector and support them it to operate


� to promote transnational circulation of cultural and creative works � to promote transnational circulation of cultural and creative works

and mobility of artists

� To improve access to cultural and creative works

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Award criteria: Relevance

� Does it build skills, competences, know-how (inc. adaptation to

digital technologies, test innovative approaches to building

audiences, new business and management models)

� Does it provide access to professional opportunities

� Does it enable cultural sector to internationalise careers and � Does it enable cultural sector to internationalise careers and

operate transnationally?

� Does it involve international touring, events, exhibitions, festivals?

� Does it stimulate interest in European cultural works through

audience development

� Will the priorities of the project achieve the objectives of the

Culture Sub-programme?

� Will the results of the project have long-term impacts beyond the

interest of partners and direct participants?

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Award criteria: Quality of content and activities

� Are there clear outputs and deliverables, have you identified them

in your proposal and are they relevant to the objectives of the


� Are activities clearly defined and identified? Are they meeting the

needs of the target group?

� Does the team have relevant experience, skills, track record?� Does the team have relevant experience, skills, track record?

� Convincing and clearly defined audience development strategy?

� Are the resources feasible – budget and human resources?

� Is the project plan/time line feasible?

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Award criteria: Communication & Dissemination

� Include a communication and dissemination strategy

� Describe how you will you communicate the activities and results of

the project.

� CE programme aims to maximise impact of projects


� Visibility of projects receiving EU support� Visibility of projects receiving EU support

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Selection criteria

� Applicants must have stable and sufficient sources of funding (financial


� Submit a declaration of honour confirming their legal status and their

financial and operational capacity to complete the project

� In addition (for grant requests over €60k):

�Two years activity reports (operational capacity)

�Financial capacity form for project leader

�Financial statements for project leader (balance sheet, profit and loss

accounts) for last two years

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Eligible costs

� incurred by one of the beneficiaries (project leader + partners

� related to an activity which has taken place during the eligibility period

� identifiable and verifiable (recorded in the accounting records)

� Compliant with applicable tax and social legislation requirements

� reasonable and justified, compliant with sound financial management

� paid (when the final report is submitted)

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Direct costs

� Costs linked to the activities

� Communication, promotion and dissemination costs

� Purchase of equipment, consumables� Purchase of equipment, consumables

� Travel & subsistence costs

� Non recoverable V.A.T.

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Staff costs

No limit related to staff costs BUT:

� Must be in line with the activities

� Must be proportionate to the budget

All staff costs are regrouped under the same chapter in the detailed

estimated budget:estimated budget:

� Staff for the project management

� External professional services

� Fees, remuneration of artists, scientific personnel and technicians

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Third country costs

Third country = a country not participant to the Creative Europe


Third country costs = costs related to:

� Citizen of a third country� Citizen of a third country

� Organisations based in a third country

� Activities taking place in a third country

Maximum 30% of the total eligible budget

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� Is 'any service provided, in return for payment, by an external

body, organisation or individual to the beneficiaries'

� For supporting activities only: partners remain legally &

financially responsible for the actionfinancially responsible for the action

� Tendering procedures � follow national rules regarding


� Over €60.000,00 = the tendering procedure must be

documented and sent with the final report

� Avoid conflict of interest!

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Indirect costs

� Flat-rate of max 7% of the total eligible direct costs (calculated

only in the consolidated estimated budget in case of multi-

beneficiaries project)

� Correspond to the applicant’s general administrative costs (i.e. � Correspond to the applicant’s general administrative costs (i.e.

rent, insurance electricity, telephone...)

� Non eligible if the applicant receives an EU operating grant for

the same period

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Ineligible costs

� Preparation costs

� Debts and debt service charges

� Provisions for losses

� Interest owed� Interest owed

� Exchange rate losses

� VAT (unless it can’t be recovered)

� Contributions in kind

� Excessive or reckless expenditure

� Costs covered by another grant from EU

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Award criteria: Quality of partnership

� Partnership agreement – define roles and tasks

� Strong involvement of all partners

� Sustainability of partnerships beyond project

� Geographical reach of partnerships

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Project planning: building an application

� If possible meet your partners face-to-face before committing to the


� Involve all partners equally in developing the project

� Identify the concrete aim of your project; target participants, target � Identify the concrete aim of your project; target participants, target

audience, communication plan

�Agree project planning schedule

� Identify timeline and calendar of activities (who, when, where)

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Project planning: finance

�Make sure all partners are aware they need to contribute financially to

the overall costs of the project

�All partners need to be build relationships with their national co-funders

�Talk about money and funding in an open way from the beginning

�Circulate up-to-date drafts of your estimated costs and estimated income

regularly (so all can work on small strand of budget or keep eye on big


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Formalising the partnership

� Meet face to face at least once to work on final project proposal

(including budget forms together)

� draft cooperation agreement (required annex to application)

� Cooperation agreement clarify roles within the project� Cooperation agreement clarify roles within the project

� Mandates signed by all co-partners

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Thank you for listening
