creation, interaction and expansion of economic systems classical era 600 bce- 600 ce

Creation, Interaction and Expansion of Economic Systems Classical Era 600 BCE- 600 CE

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Creation, Interaction and Expansion of Economic Systems

Classical Era600 BCE- 600 CE

Afro-Eurasian Trade Patterns before 600 CE

What are the four most well known ancient trade routes?

• Mediterranean Sea Maritime Trade (c. 1550 BCE – Present)

• Trans-Saharan Trade Routes (c. 800 BCE – Present)

• Indian Ocean Maritime Trade Route (c. 300 BCE – Present)

• Eurasian Silk Road (c. 200 BCE – Present)

Trade Networks in the Classical EraSilk Roads •roads linked China, India, and Mesopotamia •trade often facilitated by Central Asian herders (middle-men) •roads extended by Romans to include the Mediterranean region •important route that gave access to luxury goods and exotic spices from the East to the West •Nomads linked to more advanced civilizations through their participation in trade (often offering use of their animals) •allowed the diffusion of ideas (including religious beliefs and scientific discoveries), goods, technology, and diseases

The Silk Roads


Trade Networks in the Classical Era

Indian Ocean Trade •an extension of the Silk Roads that allowed trade primarily between China, India, and Africa •sea merchants/sailors from China, India, Persia, Africa, Southeast Asia •movement possible from monsoon winds to go from section to section across the Indian Ocean

Trade Networks in the Classical Era

Trade Networks in the Classical Era

Trans-Saharan Trade •trade across the Sahara desert •use of camel caravans to cross the desert •primarily exchange of salt and palm oil for gold and ivory •significant in that sub-Saharan Africa was linked to North Africa and therefore the Mediterranean trade routes, as well as the silk roads that the Romans extended into North Africa

Trade Networks in the Classical Era

Afro-Eurasian Trade Patterns before 600 CE TRANS-SAHARAN TRADE


Trans Saharan Caravan Routes---Bantu Migrations

B e rb e rs



E gy p t

K u s h

N O KBantu Migrations

Iron workingClay sculptures



To Rome



& Palm




copper, cloth, weapons, manuf. goods

camel herders exotic animals, wheat, olives

Early History


-economy: hunting societies, cattle herders, horse herders/chariots


-Griots-story tellers,

passed history down

-dancing, masks, drums

- Rock art

Kings Of Ghana

-controlled salt/gold trade

-resisted Islam influx

-fell 1076 to Arab Muslims

Bantu Migrations

-Proto-Bantu – parent tongue – 900 languages

-farmers, herders/knowledge of iron

-moved south & east – pop. Increases. Looking for fertile land

Geographically diverse






obstacles to unification and com



--controlled internat’l trade (ivory, gold, emeralds, salt, manf. goods, iron, copper)

-cosmopolitan cities (Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian)

Camel Caravans linked Red Sea ports to Arabia by land

Trade in the Classical Era• Mediterranean Sea Lanes

• Originated by Phoenician Sea-faring traders (c. 1550 BCE), expanded/intensified by the Romans

• Centered on the Phoenician trade centers of Carthage, Cyrene and Tyre, later Rome, Constantinople

• Travel by sea was usually by means of a man-powered vessel with oars

• Roman navy protected the sea lanes

• Pax Romana- era of peace and prosperity, when trade flourished

Roman grain trade

Roman Mediterranean trade

NEW TECHNOLOGIES THAT FACILITATED LONG DISTANCE TRADEYOKESWooden beam that allows work animals to pull together.SADDLESSupportive apparatus to support riders on horses, camels, etc.STIRRUPSAfter the Chariot & Saddle, it's the most important advancement in warfare prior to gunpowder.

LATEEN SAILSTriangular sail dating back to the Roman Mediterranean and used heavily in the Indian Ocean trade.DHOW SHIPS: Ships with one or more Lateen sails primarily used in the Indian Ocean trade.


RICEThe most importantcrop for humanconsumption today.

COTTONAccounts for2.5% of earth’sarable land today.

QANAT SYSTEMProvides water in arid climates. Spread fromIran to North Africa and the rest of Asia wheremany people depend on the Qanat for water.

DISEASESPLAGUE OF GALENSmallpox killed 5 million people (1/3 of the population) in Rome in 165 CE.

PLAGUE OF JUSTINIANBubonic Plague in 541 CEkilled 40% of Constantinople& spread killing 25 millionworldwide.

PLAGUE OF CYPRIANSmallpox outbreak in 250 CEthat lasted 20 years, killed theEmperor, and was blamed on


CHRISTIANITYTook on a structure like the Roman Empireand adding the “Trinity”

BUDDHISMBuddhism took on different characteristics wherever it spread (China, SE Asia, Japan)

HINDUISMSE Asian societies made Hinduism fit their history/society.

The spread of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Christianity, 200 BCE – 400 CE

Classical Civilizations• Han China– Monopolized production of iron, salt, and liquor– Rise of the Silk Road

• Mauryan India– Ashoka built irrigation systems and roads to

promote trade

• Mayans– Terrace farming improved production of cotton,

maize, and cacao

Classical Civilizations

• Ancient Greece– Cities, such as Athens, become centers of trade– Economy depended heavily on slavery

• Rome– Latifundia – large landed estates focused on

commercial agriculture (olive oil, wine, wheat)• North Africa was the major grain producing region

– Depended on slave labor– Roman roads promoted trade and linked empire

to Silk Road

Classical era labor systems• China– Free peasants were the backbone of the labor force• Peasants ranked just below bureaucrats but above

artisans and merchants– Qin Shi Huangdi ended the manorial system• “Recruited” labor to build the Great Wall

– Silk weaving supplemented farm income• “Men as tiller, woman as weaver”

– During the Han dynasty, slaves made up less than 1% of the total population

Classical era labor systems

• Greece & Rome– Slaves made up 1/3 of the population– Slaves worked as domestic servants, miners, and

farmers• In Greece, slaves could serve as tutors• In Rome, development of commercial agriculture led to

the rise of slavery• Rome also used slaves as gladiators and chariot racers

Classical era labor systems• India– Caste system was based largely on job

classification• Farmers did not rank high in prestige• Merchants had a higher social standing than they did in

China or the Mediterranean

– Slaves played almost no role in the economy• Sudras (lowest caste) and untouchables took the place

of slaves