creating stunning maps in geoserver: mastering sld and css styles

Creating stunning maps with GeoServer Mastering SLD and CSS Ing. Andrea Aime GeoSolutions

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Page 1: Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles

Creating stunning maps

with GeoServerMastering SLD and CSS

Ing. Andrea AimeGeoSolutions

Page 2: Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles


Founded in Italy in late 2006


• Image Processing, GeoSpatial Data Fusion

• Java, Java Enterprise, C++, Python

• JPEG2000, JPIP, Advanced 2D visualization

Supporting/Developing FOSS4G projects GeoServer, MapStore

GeoNetwork, GeoNode, Ckan


Public Agencies

Private Companies

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

Page 3: Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles


Styled Layer Descriptor

OGC standard

XML based, verbose, hard to hand edit

Only showing relevant bits of the SLD


CSS with extensions for map rendering

Simple, Compact, designed for human beings

Not a standard (several incompatible variants for mapping, GeoServer one has nothing to do with CartoDB/MapBox one)

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

Page 4: Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles

CSS features

Familiar for web developers

Compact syntax

Symbolization triggered by “key” properties (stroke, fill, mark, label, channel-selection)

CQL based filtering

Cascading keeps complex styling compact (you just express the overrides to the base)

Interactive editor for productive style development

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

Page 5: Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles

GeoCSS in a nutshell

• Filter by attribute/env variable in CQL

• Filter by scale

• Set properties to control symbolization

• Key properties activate certain symbolization:

– mark/fill/stroke/label/raster-channels

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[admin_level < 2][@sd < 1M][@sd > 100k] {label: name;font-family: ‘Noto Sans’;…/* this is nested rule */[special = true][@sd < 500k] {font-weight: bold;…


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SLD equivalents

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017






<sld:CssParameter name="font-family">Noto Sans

</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="font-size">10


<!–- Override would require a separate rule specifying everything again --></sld:Rule>





and their


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Scale dependencies

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

Page 8: Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles

Types of Scale dependency

Decide whether to symbolize based on the scale or not

E.g., at lower scales/lower zoom levels do not show buildings

Symbolize in a different way depending on the scale

E.g., different thickness based on the current zoom

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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Expressing scale dependency filters





Legacy: [@scale > 10000000]

GeoServer 2.12+: [@sd > 1M]

More compact variable, more correct (it’s a scale denominator, not a scale!)

Compact expression of large numbers makes them readable at a glance, e.g., 100k, 1M

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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Unit of Measure

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

Useful if you have real world measures of line thicknesses and the like

<LineSymbolizer uom=""><Stroke><CssParameter name="stroke">#0000FF</CssParameter><CssParameter name="stroke-width">5</CssParameter>


* {stroke: blue;stroke-width: 5m;


Page 11: Creating Stunning Maps in GeoServer: mastering SLD and CSS styles

Transformation functions

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

OSM like, setting a different value depending on the current scale/zoom level

Not a linear scale mind

[class = 'highway’ and type in ('motorway’,

'motorway_link’)][@sd < 25M] {stroke: #e66e89;stroke-width: categorize(@sd,

2, 400k,1.9, 800k, 1.4, 1.5M,

1, 3M, 0.8, 6M, 0.5);

Less than 400k 2px

[400k, 800k] 1.9px

[800k, 1.5M] 1.4px

[1.5M, 3M] 1

[3M, 6M] 0.8

Above 6M -> 0.5

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Transformation functions in SLD

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017


<sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#e66e89</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">

<ogc:Function name="Categorize"><ogc:Function name="env">




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Point styling

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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Simple symbol

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[type = 'alpine_hut'][@sd < 100k] {mark: url('symbols/alpinehut.p.16.png');






<sld:OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="symbols/alpinehut.p.16.png"/>




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Marks (SVG in this case)

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[type = 'bank'][@sd < 6k] {mark: symbol('file://symbols/bank.svg');:mark { fill: #734a08 };mark-size: 14;






<sld:WellKnownName>file://symbols/bank.svg</sld:WellKnownName><sld:Fill><sld:CssParameter name="fill">#734a08</sld:CssParameter>




New in



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Marks composition and override

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[type = 'fountain'][@sd < 6k] {mark: symbol(circle), symbol(circle);:nth-mark(1) { fill: #b5d0d0 };:nth-mark(2) { fill: #576ddf };mark-size: 10, 3;[@sd < 3k] {mark: symbol('file://symbols/fountain.svg');:mark { fill: #576ddf; };


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Many other options!

Built-in symbol names (well known marks): circle, square, triangle, …

From TTF fonts using the name ttf://<fontname>#charcode

Windbarbs, e.g.: windbarbs://default(15)[kts]

WKT specification, e.g.wkt://MULTILINESTRING((-0.25 -0.25, -0.125 -0.25), (0.125 -

0.25, 0.25 -0.25), (-0.25 0.25, -0.125 0.25), (0.125 0.25, 0.25


See more here:

Other mark options

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Filling polygons

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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Solid filling

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

* { fill: lightgrey; stroke: black;stroke-width: 0.5;


<sld:PolygonSymbolizer><sld:Fill><sld:CssParameter name="fill">#d3d3d3</sld:CssParameter>

</sld:Fill><sld:Stroke><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">0.5</sld:CssParameter>


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Filling with repeating images


FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[@sd < 800k][type in ('cemetery', 'grave_yard')] {fill: #aacbaf;[@sd < 50k] {[religion = 'jewish'] {

fill: #aacbaf, url('symbols/grave_yard_jewish.png');};[religion = 'christian'] {

fill: #aacbaf, url('symbols/grave_yard_christian.png');};[religion = 'INT-generic'] {

fill: #aacbaf, url('symbols/grave_yard_generic.png');};


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Filling with repeating images (SLD)

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017








One sample rule (the Jewish religion one).

Three more needed to get the same

display as with CSS

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Filling with repeating images (SLD)

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

<sld:PolygonSymbolizer><sld:Fill><sld:CssParameter name="fill">#aacbaf</sld:CssParameter>



<sld:OnlineResourcexmlns:xlink=""xlink:type="simple" xlink:href="symbols/grave_yard_jewish.png" />





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Filling with marks

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017




<sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#ADD8E6</sld:CssParameter></sld:Stroke>




[@scale < 10000] {fill: symbol('shape://times');fill-size: 8;:fill {

stroke: #ADD8E6; }


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Painting lines

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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Solid lines (OSM admin borders)

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[type = 'administrative'] {[admin_level <= 4],[admin_level = 5 or admin_level = 6][@sd <= 400k],[admin_level = 7 or admin_level = 8][@sd <= 200k],[admin_level = 9 or admin_level = 10][@sd <= 100k] {stroke: #ac46ac;stroke-opacity: 0.4;


<!-- 5 different rules with different filters followed by this --><sld:LineSymbolizer><sld:Stroke><sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#ac46ac</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-opacity">0.4</sld:CssParameter>


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FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

…<sld:LineSymbolizer><sld:Stroke><sld:CssParameter name="stroke">#6B4900</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-width">0.1</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="stroke-dasharray">2 2</sld:CssParameter>


[@sd < 75k] {stroke: #6B4900;stroke-width: 0.1;stroke-dasharray: 2;


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Alternating dashes with marks

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

* { stroke: darkRed, symbol('circle');stroke-dasharray: 10 14, 6 18;stroke-dashoffset: 14, 0;:stroke {fill: darkRed;size: 6;


Two coordinated dashed lines

One made with lines

One made with circles

The offset shifts them to have one appear in the empty spaces of the other

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FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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Vendor options

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Point labels and obstacles

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[@sd < 200k] {label: [FULLNAME];label-anchor: 0.5 1.0;label-offset: 0.0 -14.0;font-fill: #000033;font-family: Arial;font-size: 12;halo-color: white;halo-radius: 1.5;label-priority: 200000;label-auto-wrap: 100;

mark: url('./img/landmarks/${IMAGE}’);mark-label-obstacle: true;




Auto wrapping

label with halo.

Data driven

symbol URLLabels won’t overlap

the symbol

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Line labels

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[@sd < 200k] {label: [LABEL_NAME];font-fill: #000000;font-family: Arial;font-size: 13;font-style: normal;font-weight: bold;halo-color: #FFFFFF;halo-radius: 1;label-follow-line: true;label-repeat: 400;label-group: true;label-max-displacement: 200;



black, with white halo

Draw them along lines,

fuse segments with

same label, repeat

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Polygon labels

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017


</sld:Label><sld:Font><sld:CssParameter name="font-family">Arial</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="font-size">14.0</sld:CssParameter><sld:CssParameter name="font-weight">bold</sld:CssParameter>




</sld:LabelPlacement><sld:Fill><sld:CssParameter name="fill">#000000</sld:CssParameter>

</sld:Fill><sld:Priority>50000</sld:Priority><sld:VendorOption name="autoWrap">100</sld:VendorOption><sld:VendorOption name="maxDisplacement">200</sld:VendorOption><sld:VendorOption name="goodnessOfFit">0.9</sld:VendorOption>


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Support for pre-laid-out labels

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Raster styling

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A DEM and a color map

FOSS4G 2016, Bonn24nd – 24th August 2016


Standard color map

No-data natively transparent in 2.8.x thanks to JAI-EXT

[@sd > 75000] {raster-channels: auto;raster-color-map:

color-map-entry(#00BFBF, -100.0, 0)color-map-entry(#00FF00, 920.0, 0)color-map-entry(#00FF00, 920.0, 1.0)color-map-entry(#FFFF00, 1940.0, 1.0)color-map-entry(#FFFF00, 1940.0, 1.0)color-map-entry(#FF7F00, 2960.0, 1.0)color-map-entry(#FF7F00, 2960.0, 1.0)color-map-entry(#BF7F3F, 3980.0, 1.0)color-map-entry(#BF7F3F, 3980.0, 1.0)color-map-entry(#141514, 5000.0, 1.0);


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Contrast enhancement


FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

<sld:RasterSymbolizer><sld:ContrastEnhancement><sld:Normalize><sld:VendorOption name="algorithm">StretchToMinimumMaximum

</sld:VendorOption><sld:VendorOption name="minValue">50</sld:VendorOption><sld:VendorOption name="maxValue">800</sld:VendorOption>




vendor extension

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Other assorted features

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Geometry transformations

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[@scale < 10000] {fill-geometry: [offset(the_geom, 6, -6)];fill: darkgray;z-index: 0;


[@scale < 10000] {fill: #b3b3b3;z-index: 1;


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Rendering transformations

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

* {transform: ras:Contour(levels:

1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800);

stroke: black;label: [GRAY-INDEX];font-fill: black;font-family: Sans;font-size: 12;halo-radius: 2;halo-color: white;label-follow-line: true


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Masking via alpha compositing

FOSS4G 2016, Bonn24nd – 24th August 2016


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Color blendin

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More info at:

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Z ordering


FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

[class = 'motorways'] {stroke: #990000;stroke-width: 8;z-index: 0;

}[class = 'railways'] {

stroke: #333333;stroke-width: 3;z-index: 2;

}[class = 'railways'] {

stroke: #ffffff;stroke-width: 1.5;stroke-dasharray: 5, 5;z-index: 3;

}[class = 'motorways'] {

stroke: #ff6666;stroke-width: 6;stroke-linecap: round;z-index: 3;


* {sort-by: "z_order";sort-by-group: "roadsGroup";}

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New in 2.12

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Autocomplete for CSS editor

Because there are too many properties to remember!

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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No more -gt- prefix in CSS

Vendor options used to be prefixed with “-gt-”

But CSS is its own language, no need to mark something as “vendor” or refer to GeoTools

Don’t worry, old syntax still supported

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

* {...-gt-mark-label-obstacle: true;-gt-label-priority: 200000;-gt-label-auto-wrap: 100;


* {...mark-label-obstacle: true;label-priority: 200000;label-auto-wrap: 100;


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GeoCSS env variable expansion

Use @var or @var(defaultValue) in place of calling the env function

@var -> env(‘var’)

@var(defaultValue) env(‘var’, defaultValue)

Exception for @sd

@sd -> env(‘wms_scale_denominator’)

to get a more fluent syntax for scale dependencies

New in 2.12

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

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Underline and strikethrough

New vendor options to control underline and strikethrough

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

<VendorOption name="underlineText">true</VendorOption><VendorOption name="strikethroughText">true</VendorOption>

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Char and word spacing

Control how much space there is between each char

And between words

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

<VendorOption name="charSpacing">3</VendorOption><VendorOption name="wordSpacing">5</VendorOption>

charSpacing = 3 wordSpacing = 5

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SVG marks

Refer to a SVG file insindemark/WellKnownMark

The outline of the SVG will be extracted

Then filled and stroked as requested

Suitable for simple shapes

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017

:mark {fill: red;stroke: yellow;stroke-width: 3;stroke-opacity: 50%;


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More QGIS SLD export work

In QGIS 3.0 support for label exports (thanks for OpenGeoGroep sponsoring)

Want to see more? Help us fund the effort

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That’s all folks!

[email protected]

FOSS4G 2017, BostonAugust 14th-19th 2017