creating an excellent digital strategy (main concepts in 17 slides)

Creating an excellent digital strategy By Vladymyr Klykov

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Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Creating an excellent digital strategy

By Vladymyr Klykov

Types of digital strategies

Communication strategy

Digital strategy


(creative platform and concept, message, visualization, brand

story, etc )

Content strategy

(Overall strategy)

Media strategy

(what platforms will be used, how much it will cost)

Social Media

(what you’ll say through social media channels; tone etc)


(sometimes part of Media strategy)

ORM* strategy ( sometimes part of

Communication strategy)

Email marketing strategy

PR strategy

*ORM –Online Reputation management *SEM –Search Engine Marketing



You must know your marketing goals and you must transform them into digital

We need to increase our sales twice and reduce cost per acquisition of a new costumer by 20%. This marketing goal can be transformed into digital. – We need two hundred new customers from digital channels during the next three months and cost per acquisition of each must be less than 25 dollars.

For example:

Build a new channel of distribution through digital that includes all types of inbound marketing inventory during the next three month.

Create a customer support centre on your current web site and build online reputation management system till the 15th of December (we must hear our clients)

Other types of goals:

SMART* goals

*SMART – Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic, Time-related. More:


AFTER: Part 1

How can we reach these goals?

What do they say about you and your competitors online?

Conduct research on:

What resources do we have now? (technological, informational, people, budget etc)

Trends on the market

How do your competitors represent on the Internet? (Website, social networks, video channels, mobile apps…)

Who is your audience? (Age, gender, location, income, interests, etc)

Where is your target audience? (How we can reach them through online channels?)

After conducting the market research


You must know:

How to be on a level with your main competitors and how to overcome them (channels, usp*, approach etc)

Main characteristics of your audience

Where your audience is and main patterns of its behavior on the Internet

What must you do to reach your potentional costumers and to make your proposition to them (or to build powerful relationships with them)

How to encourage people to stay with you and become loyal customers

How many resources do you have? - is it enough?

*USP –Unique Sales Proposition

Ok, you know enough about your competitors, especially their online activities. You know many things about your audience and prospective buyers. You know everything about your product and resources that you possess. So, you can start planning your digital strategy.

Magic of creation

AFTER: Part 2

Our positioningWhy we are better or why we differ from our competitors, censydiam model*

What we say


Our creative strategy

Creative concept, promise, message, tone, executional guidelines

Examples of content implementationContent plan, types of content

References on other resources, video, photos etc

Examples of visuals

*More about censydiam model:

Where we say

How we represent our product online (own media)


Corporate web site

Mobile app


Social pages

Other resourcesYouTube, Vimeo, SlideShare, Visually , etc

Online store

Email marketing


Video sharing

Channels of distribution of your content:

Advertisement (List of systems)

Guest posts (list of websites)

SEO traffic (SEO strategy)

Traffic from Social networks, forums, slide sharing sites (viral content)

Price aggregators

How will audience know about your product?

Syndicating content on other resources (list of resources)

Boards, paid directories, business listing web sites

Email marketing

Mobile apps (Google play market, App store)

Press release submissions

Boards, paid directories, business listing web sites


For example:

Blog post can be adopted for social network’s post, slide-share presentation, infographic, part of white paper etc.

System of content distribution

Describe the main patterns of content creation and its spreading


ORM strategy (Online Reputation Management)

We can’t control this channel but we can react fast on any threats that can appear online

List of websites, social pages and bloggers that are important for our reputation

Tools that help us automate the process of “mention” monitoring

Scripts that describe our reaction to any kind of mentions on the Internet (positive, negative, neutral)

Template of reports


How we will measure our success

• Google Analytics

• Clicky••I n-site Analytics

Mobile Analytics


• Socialbakers • Social mention

• Hotsuilt • Klout

Activities in social networksIn-site Analytics

+ other tools

• Web site creation or its adaptation• Pages in social networks• Content Production (texts, images, photos, infographics etc)• Mobile, web apps • Specific software, programs, licenses, paid accounts • Support of your development activities • Setup of analytics• Other expenses

Our budget


Production User acquisition

• Creation of promo-materials (video, banners, copywriting etc)•Marketing budget on each channel of promotion (Media plans with expected results and KPI)•Expenses on support of existing accounts and ads optimization•Website and social networks support expenses •Affiliate networks•Referrals commissions•Promotion of mobile app•SEO (buying links, publications, special tools)•ORM, PR expensesif you have these resources, you need to figure out

how to adapt them better for the current goals with small expenses

• Impressions• Clicks, CTR• CPC, CPM, CPL, Cost per Customer, Cost per Call etc. • Site visits• Downloads • Leads• Buyers

Our KPIWe must measure everything what we need*

In ads SEO ORM, PR Social Networks Marketing

• Organic traffic

• Position of our website by

target keywords in search


• Quantity and quality of

external links

• Cost of SEO promotion etc

*Quantity of KPI and their gist strictly depends on what goals you set up

• Engagement, Reach•S hares, Likes, Followers• Comments• Visits of website• Sales etc

• New/Returning Clients• Sales • Cost per acquisition (what sales are costing us from each channel)• Retention rate • ROI • etc

On website

• Visits• Bounce rate, Frequency, Returning visitors • Average session duration, Page views• Leads, Buyers, Email subscribers, Downloads, Content sharing etc

• Quantity of positive and negative mentions on the Internet• Average time of reaction on negative customers’ feedback • Quantity of publications, quality of resources etc

Divide all strategy into several phases with measurable KPI and specific deadlines

Set up milestones where you will review your strategy and optimize it

(!!! or use agile marketing methods and change your strategy during all process of its existence)

How long you will implement the strategy (How much time will it take to implement the strategy?)


Make deadlines when you expect to reach your goals

Legal restrictions

Please, before planning your online activities read about possible restrictions on advertising of your product on the Internet (especially in ads systems, rules in Google Play and App Store).


Write terms of using your services, pages in social networks


It is better to do Mediaplans with budgets, KPI by channels and deadlines in an excel spreadsheet

Content plan with dates of publications is also better to do in a spreadsheet

Use agile marketing approach for testing channels and messages, if something doesn’t work - change it at once

Before you create global strategy you can use a testing strategy for one or two months, the main goal of which is: testing messages, advertisement systems, potential benefits from collaboration with affiliate networks, etc. This helps you to be more accurate in creation of global strategy.

Get In Touch

Vladymyr KlykovOnline marketing strategist
