crd 2.7 (handout)

+ + Nutriti on & Health How you can eat a healthy diet! In this packet, you will find many different tips on what foods to eat, how much of each food you should have, quick tips on how to get the food groups in, and more!

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Post on 14-Jan-2017




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Nutrition & Health

How you can eat a healthy diet!In this packet, you will find many different tips on what foods to eat, how much of each food you should have, quick tips on how to get the food groups in, and more!


MyPlateWhat to know: a quick guide to making healthy choices

MyPlate is an easy tool people can use to make healthier decisions. MyPlate illustrates all five food groups in a place-setting image: fruits, vegetables, protein, grains and dairy. You should get all five of these groups in your diet every single day. So how much of each group do you need?

Grains: 8 servings (1 oz. each)

Vegetables: 3 servings (1 cup each)

Fruits: 2 servings (1 cup each)

Dairy: 3 servings (1 cup each)

Protein: 6 servings (1 oz. each)

When looking at the list of all the foods you need to eat in a day, it might seem impossible! Planning

you feeling energized

butter or carrots with hummus. This will keep

When snacking, try to stick to something without a lot of sugar. Try celery with peanut

or banana.

When it comes to lunch, try to have at least one fruit and one vegetable. Make it colorful!

Try to always eat breakfast. Start your day off with a piece of whole-wheat toast and an apple

Here are a few tips that might help you get on the right track when it comes to getting your food groups in.

out your meals can really help when it comes to a healthy diet



+Sugary BeveragesWhat drinks count as sugary and why they aren’t good for you!

Sugary drinks are the main source of calories in teen’s diets today. With more and more children and teens preferring sugary beverages, America’s obesity rates are going up. Sugary drinks contain tons of sugar and calories, which lead to teens getting more calories from drinks than they do from food.

When thinking about sugary drinks, the main drink that may pop in your mind is pop. Pop is one of the worst culprits, but it is not the only problem. There are many other sneaky drinks that you might not have even thought about when thinking of sugary beverages.

The following drinks are considered high in sugar content:


Sports drinks

Energy drinks


Flavored or sweetened teas

Lemonade or Fruit punch

Many of these drinks are packed full of sugar and calories. In a world where almost every drink has added sugar, what can you do to stay away from it?

The following beverages are great alternatives to pop and other sugary beverages


Unsweetened iced tea

Low-fat or skim milk


Nutrition Facts Label:An easy way to see what’s in your food

The Nutrition Facts Label is something you may have seen before. It contains various important dietary information and is placed on every food in the grocery store. Reading and understanding the label can help you make informed decisions when it comes to healthy foods.

What are some main things you should look for?

It is best to look at the entire label, but when you’re in a hurry, you can only look at a few items. Look at the sugars, the serving size, the total fat, and the calories. These items will give you a snapshot into whether or not the food is good for you. The new Nutrition Facts Label, shown right, is in it’s transition period right now. It has a separate row for added sugars, which really helps when you are looking to see how sugary a beverage might be.

If you are looking for nutrients, these are found at the bottom of the label. It will show you how much of the vitamin you can receive in a single serving by listing a percentage.

Overall, looking at the Nutrition Facts Label can help you make healthy choices. It is a quick and easy way to be in