crc six figure solution program 2016

YOUR SIX FIGURE SOLUTION Land your next six figure job in weeks, not months. (816) 600-2478 [email protected] © Career Resume Consulting 2016

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Land your next six figure job in weeks, not months.

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016

YOUR SIX FIGURE SOLUTIONTake Control of Your Career and Get Paid What You’re Worth


When people in a career transition come to our firm, they invariably say, “I need a new resume - I’m not

getting any response from this one.” And most times this is true, as their current resume does not set them

apart and communicate a compelling value proposition to ensure it gets the attention of decision makers.

Nor does it tell their story and position them as an expert, to make sure they get paid what they’re worth.

However, what we find is that usually clients’ difficulties stem from a combination of an

unimpressive resume AND using outdated and ineffective methods of searching for an

executive job. Having a fantastic resume without knowing how to get it into the hands of key

decision makers is like having a fancy website with no visitors. It doesn’t get you to your end

result. But you may say, “I know what I’m doing isn’t working, but what else can I do?”

If you find yourself searching for a new $1OOK+ position for months with little results from your search or are just starting out and you have no idea where to begin, then you are a great fit for our Six Figure Solution Executive Search Program. As a six-figure professional, you are losing at least $8,000 to $25,000 every month you are unemployed or grossly underemployed.

How many $8,000+ months are you going to continue losing income?

Finding a new six figure position in weeks and not months can literally save you tens of thousands of dollars in personal income.

CRC has honed our Executive Search Strategies, working with six-figure and seven-figure clientele

since 2008. Because of our personalized negotiating assistance and their “peak performer” personal

brand we create, CRC clients routinely receive 15-50% more in final compensation when compared

to their original offers. In fact, several of our clients have over doubled their previous salary.

Recently, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the national average length of

unemployment was still 8-1/2 months at all job levels for people under 50 years old, and

over 50 is 12-1/2 months. Even more disturbing, unemployed persons seeking $120K or more

exceeds 15 months of searching before starting a new position on average. That number

increases to 18-24 months for six-figure job seekers over 50 years old (source: AARP).

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016

At Career Resume Consulting we take on clients that have a much greater likelihood for early

success, as you can understand it boosts our success rate and makes us look better as an organization.

You don’t necessarily have to fit the above description to be successful in working with our

firm, but to boil down the successful traits of our best clients, it would be the following:

• A clear focus of the position they want next - or at least a solid direction

• Extreme and continued motivation to leave their present situation

• The confidence in themselves to invest in their career

• And an open mind to instruction that might typically be viewed as counter-intuitive

Though the demographic of our clients usually ranges from 50-62 years of age, making over $100K, those

are not mandatory descriptors, and if the four traits listed above are present, success is still likely.

The client that secures a new position most quickly is someone who has a

strong history of taking action and is highly motivated to take action on a daily

basis -all they need is the instruction and guidance on how to do it.

OUR PERFECT CLIENTDoes this sound like you?

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016


Now that we’ve told you a bit about our successful clients,

I would like to introduce myself as the Founder and CEO

of Career Resume Consulting. I’m Tammy Kabell, and I have

been marketing my clients successfully into new careers since

2003, giving them both the competence and the confidence to win

the position they love and deserve, and be paid what they’re worth.

Early in my career, I held positions in sales and management, and spent a decade in Operations

Leadership at one of the largest employers in the Kansas City, MO, area, where I made hiring

decisions for every position from front line customer service to Executive Directors. After being

laid off on my 10-year anniversary in 2003, I found myself in the position of being an unemployed

executive, and not knowing the first thing about how to look for a six-figure job. I spent 12 months

searching the job boards and contacting friends and recruiters with very little success, and by

Christmas, my family was in dire straits and our house was in foreclosure. By sheer luck, I was

hired by the largest Executive Career Firm in the industry, where I served as a Senior Marketing

Director. At that time, I didn’t even know what an Executive Career Firm was, but it was here

that I gained the insight into what a personal marketing approach can do for an Executive career

search. It was also in working with this firm that I realized my life mission – and best talent – was

to get people their dream jobs and have them paid what they’re worth in the marketplace.

In 2008, I started Career Resume Consulting, and have built it into an internationally recognized full

service Executive Career Firm. I am now considered a national authority in the hiring industry, and

have been fortunate enough to be featured as an expert multiple times in The Wall Street Journal,

NBC News, Fox News, Bloomberg Businessweek,,, TheLadders.

com and dozens of other online and paper publications. For two years, I was the resident job search

expert for a talk radio station in the Kansas City area, and since 2015, I have been a regular guest on

the local Fox TV affiliate, along with guest radio appearances across North America. CRC has also

been named the exclusive career firm partner of the VFW association, serving 1.3 million veterans.

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016

One of my firm’s gifts is being able to articulate your worth relative to your competition

and define your strengths and your unique selling proposition to potential employers.

This induces a profound change in our clients’ overall attitudes. Then, equipped with the

knowledge of exactly how to contact decision makers and what they’ll say in interviews,

our clients evolve from frustrated, lost job seekers to excited, confident ones.

It is critically important to me that every client secure a career position that not only pays

them what they are worth, but in a position where they are excited every morning to go

to work, surrounded by people that appreciate their opinion and unique talents.

The people I bring into our practice start as clients, quickly turn into

friends and end up as happily employed RAVING FANS!

Career Resume Consulting is a “boutique career service,” as we can be choosy as to whom we take on

as clients. CRC’ s effectiveness comes from being the best of both worlds - the best practices training

from the largest and most established executive firm in the industry, coupled with the individualized

attention of a small business and our expertise. It is only because of our controlled growth that we

are able to offer this level of personal service to every one of our clients. This has been a main key

to our business success. For this reason, we only take on a limited number of clients each month.

CRC has built a reputation as an industry thought leader who continuously evolves our techniques,

shifting our process and our writing style to meet the needs of the present market and each

individual client. In our experienced hands with world class coaches, you are assured you will not get

a novice with little training, an outdated resume writer or a career consultant that has not changed

techniques in over 1O years. The advantages of working with true experts in a small business is

your instruction and support will be built upon the successes of our past clients, as we constantly

incorporate what has worked for clients and discard those strategies that have become outdated.


As featured in

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016


Each strategy and technique in which we train you is personalized to your particular career situation

and search goals. This is not a cookie-cutter job search program. The timing of the information is also

customized, so for instance, if you receive an interview prior to our interview coaching module - even if

it is during the resume preparation phase - we will rearrange our schedule to ensure you’re entirely

prepared going into that interview, with advanced interviewing techniques, strategies to overcome

difficult questions, and some amazing research on the company and the person interviewing you.

We walk you through each step of 12 weeks of new material and accompanying

documents, personalizing your approach, so that you aren’t prospecting for jobs - you’re

positioning yourself as a senior professional at the peak of your career, and the solution

to an employer’s needs. You are the answer to their prayers because of what you’ve done

for other employers and how it relates to their current challenges and aspirations.

Our clients consistently find well-fitting positions in growing industries that they love that pay them what they’re worth. And more importantly, they fully understand their true value and position themselves as a top performer the remainder of their career.

You will NEVER enter into any part of a hiring process without being completely prepared and excited,

no matter when an opportunity becomes available during your search process. By the time you land

your next position, you will have, in essence, the equivalent of a Master’s Degree in Job Searching!

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016

(816) 600-2478 [email protected]© Career Resume Consulting 2016




We hold you completely accountable for your daily and weekly search activities. Many of our clients tell us this is the most important part of our weekly coaching process, as it motivates them to conduct the most effective search each week and reach their activity level goals. Consistent accountability for a high level of action makes you more likely to continue an effective level of search activity. Your

consistent, productive search activity is a big part of why CRC’s strategies are so successful.

We are the only career firm that we are aware of that sticks with you until you find your next career position. You will usually meet with your Executive Career Coach on a weekly basis for at least 12 weeks, then as needed (usually every 10 days to 2 weeks) to adjust strategies if you are not employed within the first 12 weeks. You also receive “Just-In-Time” coaching prior to every phone and face-to-face interview throughout your search, to personalize your advice to each employer and interviewer. Overall, however, the pace and order of this program will be customized to fit your situation. Our team is extremely accessible to you and we pride ourselves on a quick response to your needs.

No executive career firm can guarantee you a new position in any certain amount of time; anyone in the industry that makes that guarantee is not legitimate. Success stories and quotes from our clients are real; a majority of CRC clients in 2015 - using this resume and enrolled in the CRC Six Figure Solution program start new positions in 12 - 16 weeks or less.

This data is quantified from the time our clients receive their new resume and use our strategies during the Six Figure Solution Executive search program. However, there are many factors that play into the success of each job seeker. Some of these factors include history of achievements, number of companies in the targeted market or industry, level of position sought, and local economic conditions, to name a few.

But the biggest determining factor, according to our experience, has been the activity level of each client. Our strategies are straightforward and easy to understand but take work to implement - you get out of it what you put into it, plain and simple.

If you have any questions about the above materials or if you would like additional information.

feel free to email us at [email protected] or call (816) 600-2478.

If you are seeking a six figure position and we save you as little as 4 weeks of searching (or less), we’ve paid for ourselves.