crash fast & furious

Crash Fast & Furious Pierre-Yves Ricau / @Piwai Run Keeper / morning. End of run, save: crash

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Post on 20-Feb-2017




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Crash Fast &


Pierre-Yves Ricau / @Piwai

Run Keeper / morning. End of run, save: crash

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* Study that’s available on* Stole slide from Doug Sillars

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Not your fault. Fragmentation, bugs in manufacturer. Lifecycle. Fragments.

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* “Why do they waste their time on this?”* “Why don’t they fix the crashes first?”* Crash: your fault. Even when not your own code is at fault.

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What’s a crash?

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Reminder: Android = linux, 1 app = 1 VM = 1 process

Crash: something bad happen, need to kill that process and restart it.

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* Threads: exception handler per thread* Exceptions bubble up, delegated to exception handlers* If no handler, goes to static default

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* Focus on crashes in Java land * Uncaught exception delegated to default handler

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* main: when program starts * log, dialog, kill.

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* How many people click “Report”? * What do most people do? * Can’t use Play Store Crash reports

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* You can create your own. * Don’t do that. Client is easy, backend is hard.

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* Crashlytics: closed source, UI for noobs * ACRA: OSS client, free, host your backend * Bugsnag: OSS client, small teams, small API, scaling issues

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Native Crashes



* Signal sent to the process, need a signal handler * Uses Google breakpad * Fake exception

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First thing to look at?

=> stack trace

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* line numbers => checkout correct version of sources

* Smart stacktrace => stupid

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* Stacktrace: quick fix of simple error * Who started animation, why? * Stacktrace on server: each frame is a layer * Callback => loss of info. Stacktrace not enough.

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* How can we reproduce the crash?

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* Associate customer id to crash* Best is to ask customer what they did.* Great for alpha / internal testing.

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* Startup is the worst. Crash after work is second. * Asking for feedback channels frustration, avoids 1 star reviews.

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* Custom crash dialog that asks for feedback.* Good idea: offer a link to contact support* Emotional connection to customer.

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* Can’t ask for feedback while crashing: display popup on restart.* Risky: what if crash on restart. Don’t double restart. Maybe crash dedicated activity + different process.* Twitter & Fb seem to do that.

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Static info

* diff UI, diff code path => isTablet helps identify problem * isTablet: sw600dp * app version number + SHA version numbers for dev builds

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* Picture of what the screen look like at time of crash.* Bitmap? Too big. Upload description of view hierarchy.

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Current screen

* What the user is looking at * Current screen

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Find all windows: Espresso RootsOracle

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* Black box.

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History: high level log



* Steps of the user + internal state changes * Look at log, reproduce the steps * Navigation + Http calls

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* OkHttp interceptor

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OOM: Stack trace is useless.

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Detect memory leaks

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* UI has validation rules * Bug: somehow not enforced * Crash time: too late to do something about it.

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Exception =

something unexpected happened

What do you do when something unexpected happens and the app crashes?

* We somehow got a blank email

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Defensive programming

* Can’t figure it out. * Fatal condition, shouldn’t happen. Problem ignored. * Payments.

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Offensive programming Crash Fast



* Detect problems early * Complain as loudly as possible * Quality of code increases * If you can’t understand, make the problem happen earlier, and ship it.

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Exception Grouping

* Exceptions thrown by a common Preconditions class might be grouped together in the crash reporting tool.

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More assertions = more crashes.

How to keep low impact on customers?

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Integrations tests

* Writing a feature = writing UI tests * Espresso * Run on VMs, no real devices. Parallelized * 20min total build

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Smoke testing

* Manual QA * Testing parties * Internal and payed external testers

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Dogfood / Beta

* Internal releases: hard, need use case => lunch. * Dogfood at sellers * Betas work better.

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Staged Rollout

* Test the waters

* Ship to 5%, 10%, evaluate crash rate and do minor dot releases

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* Raw crash numbers: not useful * Most important feature: take payments * Crash per transaction

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• Reproducing • Static info • Flight Recorder • View hierarchy / state • Crash Fast • Staged rollout

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@Piwai* We are hiring. SF, NYC, Canada.