cranbury public library and cranbury library foundation annual reports

2010 Annual Report April 25, 2011

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This was the Library and Library Foundation Annual Report powerpoint presentation presented to the Cranbury Township Committee on 4/25.


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2010 Annual ReportApril 25, 2011

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Library use continues to grow.

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More people use the library each year.

The number of people using the library each year is consistently higher than the amount of materials that are checked out.

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What are people doing in the library?

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Many are attending programs.

Children are listening to stories.

Singing songs.

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Doing crafts.

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Reading to…

…their special Reading Buddy

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Teens and Tweens are playing a variety of games.

Game Day

What Happened To Wellington Alternate Reality Game

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They are doing crafts and teaching crafts.

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Adults are doing crafts too.

As well as discussing books, doing yoga, listening to and speaking with authors getting a passport and more.

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Many people are asking questions.

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Some have questions about books.

Do you know where I can find a book on whales, an historical novel, a how-to book? I really liked this book. Can you recommend a similar one?

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Others need information

Can you get me the new legislative map? Who invented the fiberglass surfboard? How many and what kinds of nuts are consumed in the United States? These are questions we answered in the last year.

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But most people are just using the library.

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Our new Early Literacy Stations with their touch screens are a favorite with the youngest users; but they like our puzzles and board books too.

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Older children are reading graphic novels, studying and using computers.

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Adults come in to read the paper, look at magazines, check their email, and use our Wi-Fi.

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The library is a place for everyone.

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Sometimes we don’t haveenough room for all the people...

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and students have to sit on the floor.

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…or search for a quiet corner.

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Programs can’t be held in the library.

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Night with Cranbury Jazz at the Presbyterian Church

Thanks to the Friends for picking up the cost of using Fellowship Hall.

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We are running out of room for books.We have no space left to put children’s non-fiction or new middle school fiction .

We stopped buying new books for these areas until we can come up with a solution. But whatever we do – it will be only a temporary solution.

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The real solution is yet to come…

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Cranbury Public Library Foundation

Established November 17, 2009

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CPL Foundation Mission Statement

501©3 & EIN 27-0792796 – acknowledge charitable contributions

Support fundraising for new facility Pursue other funding sources Advocate Partner

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CPL Foundation Board Pat Demers Dave Fletcher Mel Lehr Frank Marlowe Marilynn Mullen Patty Thomsson Kirstie Venanzi

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CPL Foundation Accomplishments

In 2010, the Foundation Recruited Mel Lehr to join Board Foundation Logo Feasibility Study Public Relations outreach Launched website Selected Capital Campaign Consultant

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CPL Foundation Accomplishments In 2011 so far, the Foundation

Hired Janice Roddenbery Initiated Capital Campaign planning including

Formed Steering Committee Wrote Case for Support Established Campaign Budget Drafted Table of Gifts Wrote Donation Guidelines Created Pledge Form Testing Campaign Name Finalizing Campaign $$ Goal Creating Donor Prospect Lists

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Cranbury needs a new public library.

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CPL Foundation Case for Support

There is a pressing need. There is evidence of the need. There are benefits to the community.

Let me count the ways! There are people who can make it


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CPL FoundationCase for Support

There is a need. Current school/public library not meeting

divergent requirements More space required for comprehensive

resources and services

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CPL FoundationCase for Support

Evidence of the need Programming limited by available space Groups turned away due to limited space School restricts access during school

hours Resource acquisition impinged

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CPL FoundationCase for Support

Benefits to the Cranbury Community A welcoming community “living room”

for all ages Encourage reading & life-long learning

outside of school Cranburians will stay in town Sustains small town feel and

independence Proven enhancement to property values

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CPL FoundationCase for Support

People who can make it happen Excellent library staff Committed Library Board of Trustees and

CPL Foundation Board Cranbury citizens YOU!

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Help us to give Cranbury the library our community deserves.

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Rent expense for current space in the Cranbury School

• Heat, cooling, electricity, sewer, water: $58,500.00 a year

• Trash removal: included in rent• Cleaning service: included in rent• Snow removal: included in rent• Internet service: included in rent• Total: $58,500.00 rent

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Estimate of yearly operating expenses for concept public library building

Scenario 1: Heat/Cooling/Electricity: $25,000.00 estimate based on figures for Cranbury Police Station.

Scenario 2: Heat/Cooling/Electricity: $36,800.00 estimate based on recent KSS client with electric heat and hot water. Our actual would be lower due to gas heat and hot water system as well as energy recovery features.

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Estimate of yearly operating expenses for concept public library building

• Sewer: $600.00 - estimate based on sewer cost for Cranbury Police• Water: $1,300.00 – estimate based on water cost for Cranbury Police• Trash: $1,800.00 per MIDCO estimate• Cleaning service: $4,800.00, $400.00 per month • Supplies, toilet paper, paper towels: $1,000.00• Landscaping/Snow removal: $2,000.00• Internet services: $2,400.00, $200.00 per month, per Comcast Business• Insurance: $2000.00• Maintenance reserve: $13,000.00/$5,000.00• Pest control: $500.00• Security system maintenance: $500.00

• Total: $54,900.00-$58,700.00 estimated operating expenses including heating/cooling/electricity

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The Library can afford the operating expenses of a new building.