cr fps 110 hse bridging document for well operations rev 00

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  • 7/25/2019 CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well Operations Rev 00


  • 7/25/2019 CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well Operations Rev 00


    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 2 of 28


    1.RECAP OF RULES.....................................................................................................52.FOREWORD- GENERAL DEFINITIONS....................................................................62.1 Indicator..................................................................................................................................6 2.2 Glossary .................................................................................................................................6

    3.GENERAL...................................................................................................................74.RESPONSIBILITIES OF MANAGEMENT (MAESTRO - HSE 02) .............................94.1 HSE responsibilities ...............................................................................................................9


    Organisation chart ................................................................................................................104.3 Communication system........................................................................................................10

    5.MEETING AND PERSONNEL MOVEMENT (MAESTRO - HSE 02)........................105.1 Crew change/personnel movement (POB)...........................................................................105.2 Induction sessions................................................................................................................115.3 Hand-over between personnel on shift or rotation ...............................................................115.4 On-site HSE meetings..........................................................................................................11

    6.OPERATING PROCEDURES (MAESTRO - HSE 03) .............................................. 126.1 Work permits ........................................................................................................................126.2 Simultaneous operations procedures...................................................................................126.3 Well control policies and procedures....................................................................................136.4 H2S policy.............................................................................................................................13


    Shallow gas policy................................................................................................................14

    6.6 Lifting equipment and handling procedures .........................................................................146.7 Other relevant operating procedures and policies................................................................15

    7.RISK EVALUATION AND MANAGEMENT (MAESTRO - HSE 04)......................... 158.WASTE AND CHEMICAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (MAESTRO - HSE 05) .............. 169.SAFEGUARDING OF HEALTH (MAESTRO - HSE 06) ........................................... 169.1 General occupational health.................................................................................................169.2 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) ...............................................................................179.3 Hazardous substance, product or material...........................................................................179.4 Prevention of asbestos hazards...........................................................................................189.5 Driving policy (onshore Site) ................................................................................................18


    COMPETENCE AND TRAINING OF PERSONNEL (MAESTRO - HSE 08)........1810.1....Well control certification...................................................................................................18

    10.2....HSE training plan.............................................................................................................19

    11. ...SITE DRILL POLICY AND EMERGENCY PLANS (MAESTRO - HSE 09)..........20 12. ...INCIDENT ANALYSIS (MAESTRO - HSE 10) .....................................................2112.1....Accident, incident and unsafe situation reporting system................................................2112.2....Analysis of reported incident and on site diffusion of information....................................21

    13. ...MAINTENANCE, INSPECTIONS AND AUDITS ON SITE (MAESTRO - HSE 11)22APPENDIX 1 CHECK LIST...........................................................................................23

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

    CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well operations rev 00.doc

  • 7/25/2019 CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well Operations Rev 00


    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 3 of 28

    Reference documents

    Unless otherwise stipulated, the applicable version of the reference documents listed below,including relevant appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.


    Reference Title

    Professional Documents

    Reference Title

    Not applicable


    Reference Title

    Not applicable


    Reference Title

    Not applicable

    Other documents

    Reference Title

    NSL 2002 North Sea Lifting International Rigging & Lifting Handbook

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

    CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well operations rev 00.doc

  • 7/25/2019 CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well Operations Rev 00


    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 4 of 28

    Other Total documents

    Reference Title

    HSE Charter

    EP01 Directive

    CR HSE 001

    CR HSE 102

    CR HSE 023

    CR HSE 035

    CR HSE 061

    CR HSE 062

    CR HSE 063

    CR HSE 081

    CR HSE 101

    CR HSE 103

    CR LOG 100

    CR FPS 510

    CR FPP 120

    CR FPP 130

    CR FPP 132

    CR FPP 135

    CR FPP 140CR FPP 160

    CR FPP 165

    CR FPP 170

    CR FPP 215

    CR FPP 230

    CR FPP 255

    CR FPP 265

    CR FPP 710

    Exploration & Production Health, Safety & EnvironmentalOrganisation Charter

    Exploration & Production Health, Safety & Environment Policy

    Rules for Implementation of the DGEP HSE Policy "MAESTRO"

    Incidents, Anomalies and Illnesses Recording and Reporting

    DefinitionsHSE communication and information

    Responsable Scurit et Environement de site ( RSES )

    Vehicle and driving

    Personnel protective equipment

    Prevention of asbestos hazards

    HSE training for E&P personnel

    Investigation of major accidents

    Board of enquiry

    Standard for air transport operations

    HSE training for well operation personnel ( to be published )

    Classification of Well Operations

    Well barriers for drilling and workover operations

    Barriers for well servicing operations

    Barriers on completed wells

    SIMOPSWell Control Equipment

    Pressure and functions tests of well control equipment

    H2S policy

    Shallow gas policy

    Well shut in

    Non aqueous based mud

    Well pressure integrity

    Use of radioactive nuclear sources

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 5 of 28


    Rule 1: Before starting work on any Rig contract, drilling & completion Managers areresponsible for introducing an HSE Bridging Document for application on eachRigSite.

    The HSE Bridging Document shall be signed by the local manager of the RigContractor,the drilling & completion Manager and the HSE Manager. In case ofSIMOPS, the operation manager or the asset manager or the exploitation

    manager depending on the local organisation shall also sign the HSE BridgingDocument.

    It must be available on the RigSite(Company man and tool pusher offices), andRigsafety induction must include an introduction to it.

    Rule 2: The relevant SE and FP Company rules which are based on the Total E&P HSEpolicy are to be compared with the Rig ContractorsHSE rules. When there aredifferences on key points, a common rule shall be agreed and documented in theHSE Bridging Document in force on the Site.

    The HSE Bridging Document shall incorporate any specific requirements relevantto the Siteor platform on which the Rig Contractoris to perform the services.

    Rule 3: Whenever possible, and if compatible with the Operator HSE MS, the RigContractorsHSE MS will form the basis for the management of HSE relatedissues on the Site.

    Rule 4: The HSE Bridging Document in force on the Siteshall be communicated to, andapplied by all Service Companies working on the Site. Deviation from the

    bridging document, if needed by a service company, shall be documented inwriting by this Service Company and approved in writing by the Operatorand theRig Contractor.

    Rule 5: Any significant change made to the HSE MS of the Operator or of the RigContractorshall trigger a corresponding update of the HSE Bridging Document.

    The HSE Bridging Document shall be reviewed at least yearly and updated asnecessary.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

    CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well operations rev 00.doc

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 6 of 28


    2.1 Indicator

    Rule which needs derogation

    2.2 Glossary

    DGEP Total E & P Branch.

    HSE Health, Safety and Environment.

    HSE MS Heath, Safety and Environment Management System.

    JRA Job Risk Assessment.

    MAESTRO Management And Expectation Standards Towards RobustOperations.

    MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet.

    OIM Offshore Installation Manager.

    Operator the Total E&P entity, Company.

    OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan.

    OSL Operational Safety Leader.

    PPE Personal Protective Equipment.

    Rig means drilling/work over/well servicing unit.

    Rig Contractor means the contractor operating the drilling/work over/well

    servicing unit.RSES Responsible for Safety and Environment on Site.

    Site means the zone of activity under the responsibility of theRSES.

    Well operations means drilling/work over/well servicing operations.

    WMP Waste Management Plan.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 7 of 28

    3. GENERAL

    An HSE MS is part of the overall management system of an organisation, dedicated to themanagement of the Heath, Safety and Environment risks associated with the business of thatorganisation. This includes the organisational structure, responsibilities, rules, procedures,practices and resources for implementing, achieving and maintaining the organisations HSEpolicy.

    The Total E&P HSE policy, as defined in DGEP Directive EP01, covers the following twelvefundamental topics:

    HSE 01 - respect of laws and regulations

    HSE 02 - responsibilities of management

    HSE 03 - operational responsibility

    HSE 04 - risk evaluation and management

    HSE 05 - respect for the environment

    HSE 06 - safeguarding of health

    HSE 07 - contractors and suppliers

    HSE 08 - competence and training of personnel

    HSE 09 - emergency preparedness

    HSE 10 - incident analysis

    HSE 11 - audits and inspections

    HSE 12 - performance improvement.

    The Total E&P HSEPolicy applies to all activities which are under the control of an entity thatis answerable to the Total E&P branch (DGEP).

    At the time of issue of this Company Rule, the Total E&P HSE policy is essentially set out inthe relevant SE and FP Company rules listed on page 4 above.

    During Well Operations, two main HSE MSs co-exist on the Site:

    the HSE MS of the Total E&P entity which is the Operator,

    the HSE MS of the Rig Contractorwhich operates the Rigwith its personnel.

    There may be discrepancies between the two systems and this is not desirable on the samesite. The purpose of the HSE Bridging Document is therefore to resolve such discrepanciesand to lay down the rules and procedures that will apply on the Site.Services Companies working on the Sitehave their own HSE MSs but their personnel workunder the Operators and Rig Contractors responsibilities. They too are therefore requiredto adhere to the HSE rules and procedures defined in the HSE Bridging document and inforce on the Site.

    The HSE Bridging Document should be no longer than 10 pages, easy to use and read.

    The backbone of the HSE Bridging Document is described in Appendix 1.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 8 of 28

    Rule 1: Before starting work on any Rig contract, drilling & completion Managers areresponsible for introducing an HSE Bridging Document for application on eachRigSite.

    The HSE Bridging Document shall be signed by the local manager of the RigContractor,the drilling & completion Manager and the HSE Manager. In case ofSIMOPS, the operation manager or the asset manager or the exploitationmanager depending on the local organisation shall also sign the HSE BridgingDocument.

    It must be available on the RigSite(Company man and tool pusher offices), andRigsafety induction must include an introduction to it.

    Rule 2: The relevant SE and FP Company rules which are based on the Total E&P HSEpolicy are to be compared with the Rig ContractorsHSE rules. When there aredifferences on key points, a common rule shall be agreed and documented in theHSE Bridging Document in force on the Site.

    The HSE Bridging Document shall incorporate any specific requirements relevantto the Siteor platform on which the Rig Contractoris to perform the services.

    Rule 3: Whenever possible, and if compatible with the Operator HSE MS, the RigContractorsHSE MS will form the basis for the management of HSE relatedissues on the Site.

    Rule 4: The HSE Bridging Document in force on the Siteshall be communicated to, andapplied by all Service Companies working on the Site. Deviation from thebridging document, if needed by a service company, shall be documented inwriting by this Service Company and approved in writing by the Operatorand theRig Contractor.

    Rule 5: Any significant change made to the HSE MS of the Operator or of the RigContractorshall trigger a corresponding update of the HSE Bridging Document.

    The HSE Bridging Document shall be reviewed at least yearly and updated asnecessary.

    The aim of this Company rule CR FPS 110 is to provide a checklist (structured in keepingwith the MAESTRO document) identifying the points that are to be reviewed in the twodifferent HSE MSs in order to resolve the discrepancies. This CR also offers a number ofreminders/clarifications to help in the preparation of the HSE Bridging Document.

    The checklist will need to be adjusted and/or completed to factor in the specific localconditions (Rig, location, contracts, regulations, etc.) and the evolution of the HSE MSs.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 9 of 28


    4.1 HSE responsibilities


    The HSE responsibilities on the Siteare defined in the frame drilling contract in the followingarticles:

    Sub-article 1.2.5: definition of COMPANY REPRESENTATIVE,

    Sub-article 1.2.8: definition of CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIVE,

    Sub-article 3.3: Safety,

    Sub-article 3.7: CONTRACTORs PERSONNEL, Sub-article 5.2: Liabilities between the Parties.

    The Operatorsrepresentative on the Site, usually the Company Man, is the RSES or adelegated RSESfor the Site:

    He is the Operator authority on the Site for the Operators personnel and theOperators assets, especially the wells (the well which is currently being drilled and theother wells on the Site), the platform, etc.

    He has the authority to take whatever steps he may consider necessary to safeguardthe well orOperators assets in case of emergency on the well.

    As RSES, he is, jointly with the Rig Contractors representative on the Site,

    responsible for application by all personnel on the Site of the HSE rules andprocedures as per the bridging document. The role of the RSES is defined in Companyrule CR HSE 035: RSES.

    He is consulted by the Rig Contractorsrepresentative on the Siteif evacuation isnecessary.

    He liaises directly with the Operator emergency organisation in the event ofemergency on the Site.

    The Rig Contractorsrepresentative on the Site, usually the Tool Pusher or the rig Manageror the OIM:

    He is the Rig Contractorauthority on the Sitefor the Rig Contractors personnel, the

    unit and the Rig Contractors equipment. He is, jointly with the RSES, responsible for application by all personnel on the Siteof

    the HSE rules and procedures as per the bridging document.

    He has the authority to take whatever steps he may consider necessary to safeguardlife in the event of emergency on the Site. He decides, after consultation with theOperatorsrepresentative, on evacuation if necessary.

    The Service Company representative on the Site:

    He is the Service Company authority on the Sitefor the Services Companys personneland equipment.

    He ensures that the personnel of the Service Company apply the HSE rules and

    procedures as per the bridging document on the Site.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 10 of 28


    The HSE Bridging Document should state that RSES and Rig Contractorsrepresentativeon the Siteare co-responsible for its application.

    The HSE responsibilities and accountabilities, for normal and emergency operations, of keyRigSiteand office personnel for Operatorand Rig Contractor (including deputies) shouldbe defined in their job descriptions.

    These job descriptions should be attached to the HSE Bridging Document.

    4.2 Organisation chart

    Organisation charts of all the parties involved in the Well Operations and in the event ofemergency, (usually the drilling department, logistics, medical organisation, the RigContractorand the other Service Companies) in the offices and on the RigSiteshould beincluded or referenced in the HSE Bridging Document. The communication channels to beused (when communicating, when giving orders or instructions) between the differentorganisations should be clearly identified and indicated in the HSE Bridging Document.

    4.3 Communication system

    All the communication networks (routine and emergency) between the Rig Site, Operatorfield installations and the offices of all the parties involved (Operator, Rig ContractorandService Companies) should be described in the HSE Bridging Document.

    The procedures to regularly assess the effectiveness and the reactivity of the identifiedcommunication networks should be defined or referenced in the HSE Bridging Document.


    5.1 Crew change/personnel movement (POB)

    The Personnel On Board (POB)/Site headcount policy, which means the procedure for:

    counting the people present on the Site

    updating the Site headcount

    communicating the updated list to the Operator (on site and to the office) checking people present in the event of emergency or evacuation procedures,

    should be defined or referenced in the HSE Bridging Document. As a normal rule, the POB/Site headcount policy specified in the Rig Contractors HSE MS should be used on the Sitebut in case of SIMOPS, a special procedure should be implemented to factor in thecomplexity of the Siteand the numerous companies present on it.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 11 of 28

    5.2 Induction sessions


    Rig safety induction should be provided to all personnel, including accompanied andunaccompanied visitors to the RigSite.

    Company Rule CR HSE 023: HSE communication and information defines the minimumrequirements for induction sessions.

    GM-FP-SAF-01 Rig Site safety induction helps in the preparation of Rig Site safetyinduction.

    Action:Indicate the reference of all the induction supports (video, booklets, layout, etc) for visitorsand for personnel working on the Rig.

    Indicate the authorities in charge of the induction sessions.

    Indicate the additional information (beyond that in the support material) given during theinduction session.

    Append an example of the documentation (available in the host country language and inEnglish and/or French) to be given to a newcomer with the logos of each Operatorand RigContractor.

    5.3 Hand-over between personnel on shift or rotationReminder:

    Each company working on the RigSiteshould have a hand-over procedure to ensure thatthe hand-overs between its own personnel crews on shift or rotation are strictly controlledand documented.


    The hand-over procedures should be defined or referenced in the HSE Bridging Document.

    5.4 On-site HSE meetings

    Reminder:Each Siteshould have an "On SiteHSE meetings" policy. The meetings to be organised onthe Siteshould include, but are not limited to:

    tour meeting

    tool box meeting,

    pre-job meeting

    pre-spud meeting

    daily safety meeting,

    weekly safety meeting,

    monthly RigSiteHSE committee meeting,


    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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  • 7/25/2019 CR FPS 110 HSE Bridging Document for Well Operations Rev 00


    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 13 of 28


    The Operators simultaneous operations procedures should be referenced in the HSEBridging Document.

    The simultaneous operations matrix should be included in the HSE Bridging Document.

    6.3 Well control policies and procedures


    Company rule CR FPP 160: well control equipment sets out the main Total E&Prequirements for selection, inspection and maintenance of Well Control Equipment during

    drilling, testing and work-over operations with a drilling unit.

    Well Control Equipment includes the BOP stack, high pressure riser, BOP control system,wellhead connector, drill string safety valves, the kill and choke lines, kill and choke manifold,mud gas separator and all associated connections, valves, fittings and piping.

    Diverting systems are not covered in CR FPP 160 but in CR FPP 215: shallow gas.

    Company rule CR FPP 165: Pressure and function tests of well control equipment definesthe rating and frequency of pressure and function tests to be performed on well controlequipment used in drilling, testing, well completion and work-over operations.

    Company rule CR FPP 230: well shut-in defines the method in force in each Total E&Pentity for shutting in a well when an influx occurs during drilling or completion operations.


    The well control policies and procedures including rating, configuration of the BOP, sizing ofwell control equipment, BOP testing program, well control drill policy and well shut-in methodshould be reviewed and agreed with the Rig Contractor.

    The agreed policies and procedures should be defined or referenced in the HSE BridgingDocument.

    6.4 H2S policy


    The purpose of Company rule CR FPP 170: H2S policy is to ensure that all personnelinvolved in operations on wells which may contain hydrogen sulphide (H2S) have anunderstanding of this gas and its effects. This CR sets out general guidelines and rules formaking operations on such wells safe and successful.


    Where relevant, the Operators H2S policy should be reviewed and agreed with the RigContractorand defined or referenced in the HSE Bridging Document.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 14 of 28

    6.5 Shallow gas policy


    Company rule CR FPP 215: shallow gas highlights the risks associated with Shallow Gas. Itdetails the operating procedures which should be used in each Total E&P entity whenShallow Gas may be present and provides guidance on equipment selection to ensure safetop hole drilling


    Where relevant, the Operators shallow gas policy should be reviewed and agreed with the

    Rig Contractorand defined or referenced in the HSE Bridging Document.

    6.6 Lifting equipment and handling procedures


    The NSL International Rigging & Lifting Handbook is one of the referenced standards in thefuture Company Rule Handling and Lifting and is recommended as one of the best when noother standard exists in the Operatorsorganisation.

    The Rig Contractorshould have its own standard for lifting and handling procedures in hisHSE MS.


    Whenever possible, and if compatible with the lifting equipment and handling procedures ofthe Operatorand the other Service Companies, priority will be given to the lifting equipmentand handling procedures specified in the Rig Contractors HSE MS .

    The specific procedures for the following, non-exhaustive list of points should be checked:

    use of man riding (dedicated man riding winch, Work Permit)

    use of man riding basket,

    use of fork lift,

    use of cranes,

    use of tag lines on loads,

    handling of tubulars,

    handling of drums,

    handling of pallets,

    handling of wooden boxes,

    handling of loose equipment

    bulk transfer (bleed off procedure, health aspect)

    liquid transfer (environment aspect)

    HP line securing

    periodic inspection and certification of lifting or handling devices. Identification system(colour coding and tagging)


    The agreed common lifting equipment and handling procedures to be applied on the RigSiteshould be referenced, and any amendments should be clearly explained in the HSE BridgingDocument.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

    HSE Bridging Document for Well operations

    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 15 of 28

    6.7 Other relevant operating procedures and policies

    Other operating procedures should be reviewed as appropriate, and the agreed rules orprocedures should be referenced in the HSE Bridging Document. For example:

    use of Non Aqueous Based Mud,

    use of explosives

    use of radioactive sources

    NORM control procedure,

    well testing procedure,

    moving procedures,

    DP vessel: station-keeping and disconnection procedure, etc.



    A) Basic hazards are already identified for any drilling operation (blow out, oil spill, fire, etc)

    B) There are other hazards related to the Rig (dual handling system, DP / anchor mode,automatic equipment).

    C) Other hazards are specific to: the drilling area / location (tropical storms, ice, iceberg...) the interface between the Rigand the Operatorassets (pipeline, platform) the local context (community) the well (HP/HT, shallow gas, transition zones)

    D) A number of other hazards are related to day-to-day jobs that may cause personal injuryand/or risks that may result in asset losses (running casing, testing the BOP, working atheight, tubular handling, etc)


    the above hazards should be identified and risk assessed before the start of operations

    by the Operatorand/or the Rig Contractorwith their own system (refer to the HSErequirements in the standard drilling contract, appendix 4- PART 5 and to the safetymanual GM-SAF-006: HAZARD IDENTIFICATION (HAZID) STUDY).

    emergency plans should be prepared for specific and main hazards, for day-to-day jobs not yet evaluated, a job risk assessment method should be

    operational on the Site. This JRA method should:- identify all potential causes of personal injury and/or risks that may result in asset

    losses- determine suitable and sufficient risk control measures- and develop an action plan to implement the control measures in order to reduce

    the residual risk.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

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    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 16 of 28


    The following information should be referenced in the HSE Bridging Document:

    all the risk identifications and risk control measures in force on the Site all relevant emergency plans in force on the Site all the risk assessments and the job risk analysis method in force on the Site.

    It will usually be the Rig Contractors Job Risk Assessment method that is adopted forapplication on the Site.


    All waste resulting from the Rigs activities should be covered by a Waste Management Plan(WMP). This defines the systems that ensure that all hazardous waste is properlysegregated, processed and disposed of such as to minimise any environmental impact.


    Whenever possible, and if compatible with the Operators WMP, priority will be given to theWMP specified in theRig Contractors HSE MS.

    The WMP in force on the Siteshould be referenced, and any amendments should be clearlyexplained in the HSE Bridging Document.


    9.1 General occupational health


    It is the responsibility of the RSES and the Rig Contractorauthority to ensure that:

    occupational health hazards relating to the drilling activities have been identified

    relevant medical audits are organised on the Site

    appropriate medical resources are provided on Site a system of regular medical check-ups is established, with criteria for medical fitness,

    dependent on age, job and working environment .


    Whenever possible and compatible with the occupational health policy of the Operator,priority will be given to the occupational health policy specified in the Rig Contractors HSEMS.

    The agreed common occupational health policy in force on the Siteshould be referencedand any amendments should be clearly explained in the HSE Bridging Document.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Company Rule CR FPS 110

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    Exploration & Production Rev: 00 Date: 02/06/2004 Page: 17 of 28

    9.2 Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE)


    Each company working on the Siteshould have a PPE policy.

    The PPE policy of each Total E&P entity is based on Company rule CR HSE 062 personnelprotective equipment.


    Whenever possible and compatible with the PPE policy of the Operator and the ServiceCompanies, priority will be given to the PPE policy specified in the Rig Contractors HSE


    The agreed common PPE policy in force on the Site must be referenced and anyamendments clearly explained in the HSE Bridging Document.

    9.3 Hazardous substance, product or material


    Procedures should be in place to ensure that every substance, product or materialconsidered as hazardous under local regulations or international standards is clearlyidentified and quantified, and that storage and handling requirements are clearly described.

    For each hazardous product, a material safety data sheet (MSDS) should be available on

    Siteto all personnel.

    The products in the non-exhaustive list below should be covered by a use, storage andhandling procedure:

    mud products,


    radioactive sources,



    oil base fluid, if applicable,



    Whenever possible, and if compatible with the Operators storage and handling ofhazardous substances, products or materials policy, priority will be given to the storage andhandling of hazardous substance, product or material policy of the:

    Rig Contractorfor diesel, paints

    mud services company for mud products, oil base fluid

    specifically, the service companies involved (i.e. for explosives and radioactivesources)

    The agreed common policy(ies) for storage and handling of hazardous substances, productsor materials in force on the Site should be referenced, and any amendments clearlyexplained, in the HSE Bridging Document.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    9.4 Prevention of asbestos hazards


    The HSE Company Rule CR HSE 063 Prevention of asbestos hazards defines theprevention principles and the rules to be applied in any situation or operation during whichmaterials containing asbestos are present.

    The issue will have been reviewed and checked during the call for tender process and laiddown in the drilling contract. In addition to this, an inventory and statement of asbestoshazards and related action plan will have been drawn up after the inspection of the drillingunit at the acceptance step before the spudding date.

    The personnel exposed to the risk of inhaling asbestos should be informed of the dangers ofsuch exposure, trained in how to use protective equipment and provided with appropriatemedical surveillance.


    Check if the Rig Contractorhas a policy regarding the prevention of asbestos hazards:

    If they have one, check whether their policy is compatible with the Operators policy

    If not, use the Operators policy or the one defined in CR HSE 063.

    The agreed common asbestos policy in force on the Site should be referenced, and anyamendments clearly explained, in the HSE Bridging Document.

    9.5 Driving policy (onshore Site)


    Each company working on the Site(Operator, Rig Contractor, service companies) shouldhave a driving policy.

    The driving policy of each Total E&Pentity is based on Company rule CR HSE 061 vehiclesand driving.


    The agreed common driving policy in force on the Site should be referenced, and any

    amendments clearly explained, in the HSE Bridging Document.


    10.1 Well control certification


    The Company rule CR FPS 510 HSE training for well operation personnel defined therequirement for well control certification for Operator, Rig Contractorand services companypersonnel.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    For each of the identified critical situations, specific emergency procedures or plans areestablished, regularly updated, and communicated to all relevant personnel.

    For some critical situations, notably uncontrolled blow-out or accidental pollution, therespective emergency plans are complemented by specific contingency procedures, whichdefine the organisation, means and methods required to control and mitigate the situation.

    The efficiency of each of the emergency procedures or plans is systematically tested andimproved through periodic Drills. For example:

    Evacuation Drills

    Fire Drills

    Man overboard Drills

    Medevac Drills

    Kick Drills

    Oil spill Drills

    Blow out Drills


    Whenever possible and compatible with the Operators drills policy, priority will be given tothe policy specified in the Rig Contractors HSE MS for standard drills.

    The agreed common standard drills policy in force on the Siteshould be referenced and anyamendments clearly explained in the HSE Bridging Document.

    The HSE Bridging Document should stipulate:

    the agreed list of drills to be performed on Site

    the scenario of each drill

    the emergency procedure or plan for each of the critical situations.

    the people involved for each drill,

    the frequency, of each drill

    Whenever possible, and if compatible with the Rig Contractors specific emergencyprocedures or plans, priority will be given to the specific exercises specified in the OperatorsHSE MS for the following cases:


    emergency situation covered by the Emergency Response Plan

    blowout covered by the Blowout Contingency Plan

    oil spill or any accidental pollution covered by the Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP).

    For these critical situations, the plans and procedures in force on the Site should bereferenced and any amendments clearly explained in the HSE Bridging Document.

    If any other relevant emergency situation has been identified (SIMOPS), the drills to beapplied on the RigSiteshould be described in the HSE Bridging Document.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    12.1 Accident, incident and unsafe situation reporting system


    The Company rule CR HSE 102, Incidents, Anomalies and Illnesses Recording andReporting Definitions, defines the system and terminology for the reporting of occupationalaccidents and incidents (including Environmental Damage, Material Loss and ProductionLoss), worked hours and other information applicable in each Total E&P entity.

    The Company rule CR HSE 121, HSE Recording, Reporting and Feedback, defines the

    system of recording, reporting and feedback of HSE information between each Total E&Pentities and .the Safety and Environment Division of the Total E&P branch (DGEP/SE).

    A system should be set up on Siteto ensure that any accident, incident or unsafe situationrelated to drilling and completion activities is immediately reported and analysed, and thatremedial and preventive actions are defined and implemented.


    Whenever possible, and if compatible with the incident reporting policy of the Operatorandthe other Service Companies, priority will be given to the incident reporting policy specified inthe Rig Contractors HSE MS, amended if necessary.

    The agreed common incident reporting policy in force on the Siteshould be referenced and

    any amendments clearly explained in the HSE Bridging Document.

    12.2 Analysis of reported incident and on site diffusion of information


    HSE statistics and HSE performances objectives should be posted on the Site.

    A systematic analysis is made of each reported incident. The depth of the analysis willdepend upon the complexity and severity of the incident. A cause tree analysis andsubsequent action plan should be prepared for any incident with a real severity equal to orgreater than 3 and/or a potential severity equal to or greater than 4.

    For a major accident, Company rule CR HSE 101, investigation of major accident, apples.

    Company rule CR HSE 103 Board of Enquiry defines the system and terminologyapplicable for setting up and running a Board of Enquiry in the event of a fatal accident orany other incident that the local Operator managementdeemssufficiently severe to meritthe same procedure.


    The system selected for the communication of HSE statistics on the Siteand for the analysis(cause tree analysis, root causes identification system or other) and subsequent action plansshould be defined or referenced in the HSE Bridging Document.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    The Rig Contractorand other Service Companies should ensure that planned inspectionsand maintenance are carried out. Implementation of identified corrective actions must besystematically followed up. The HSE MS of the Rig Contractor and of each of the otherServices Companies defines:

    the Maintenance plan for its own equipment

    the Inspection of its own equipment and the audit plan

    periodical health, medical and safety audits on Site.

    The drilling and completion department and/or the Operator OSL check(s), by means ofperiodical HSE audits, the adequacy of the Rig Contractorand the service companys HSEMS.

    External audits such as MODUSPEC may be included in the HSE audit plan defined by theOperator.


    The maintenance, inspections and audit systems in force on the Siteand performed eitherby the Rig Contractorand all the Service Companies or by the Operatorshould be definedor referenced in the HSE Bridging Document.

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    NOTE: when a document is referenced in the bridging document, its main points, which shouldbe known by all personnel working on the Site, may be summarised in the bridging document.


    The HSE MS Bridging document should state that RSES and The RigContractor representative on the Site are co-responsible for itsapplication.

    The HSE responsibilities and accountabilities, for normal and emergencyoperations, of key Rig Site and office personnel for Operator and RigContractor (including deputies) should be defined in their jobdescriptions?

    YES NO

    These job descriptions should be attached to the HSE Bridging Document YES NO


    Organisation charts of all the parties involved in the Well Operationsandin the event of emergency, in the offices and on the Site are included orreferenced in the HSE Bridging Document?

    YES NO

    If not included, indicate the references


    Identification and description of all the communication networks? YES NO

    Procedures to regularly assess the effectiveness and the reactivity? YES NO

    Indicate the reference (s) of the procedures


    Rig Contractors Personnel On Board (POB)/Site headcount policy inforce on the RigSite?

    YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors procedure

    Indicate the reference of the amendments if any (in case of SIMOPS)

    If the Rig Contractors procedure is not in force on the Site, the POBprocedure and relevant amendments in force on the Siteshould bereferenced or defined


    Indicate the reference of all the induction supports (video, booklets, layout,etc)

    Indicate the authorities in charge of the induction sessions for visitors andfor personnel working on Rig Site

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Indicate the additional information (beyond that in the support material)given during the induction session

    Append an example of the documentation (available in the host countrylanguage and in English and/or French) to be given to a newcomer withthe logos of each company ( Operatorand Rig Contractor)


    Indicate the reference of the hand-over procedures of the Operatorand ofthe Rig Contractorfor their own personnel

    If the standard Operators and Rig Contractors procedures are not inforce on the Site, the hand-over procedures and amendments in force onthe Siteshould be defined


    The HSE Bridging Document for the Siteshould include:

    the agreed list of meetings

    the standard agenda of each meeting

    the attendance list for each meeting (for Sitepersonnel but alsofor base personnel of Operator, Rig Contractor and ServicesCompanies),

    the frequency of each meeting


    Indicate the reference of the Work Permit procedure in force on the Site

    Indicate the reference of the amendments if any

    If there are 2 work permit systems, define how the interface between the 2systems is managed.

    List of works requiring a WP

    (describe the tasks)


    Indicate the reference of the Operator simultaneous operationsprocedures

    Matrix to be included in the HSE Bridging Document.


    Indicate the configuration of the BOP (assy, K & C lines, choke manifold,..)

    Indicate the reference of the BOP testing program

    Indicate the reference of the well control drill policyIndicate the reference and give a description of the well shut-in method

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Operators H2S policy in force on the Site? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Operators procedure

    If the Operators H2S policy is not in force on the Site, the H2S policy andthe amendments to it in force on the Siteshould be referenced or defined


    OperatorShallow gas policy in force on the Site? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Operators procedure

    If the Operators shallow gas policy is not in force on the Site, the shallowgas policy and the amendments to it in force on the Siteshould bereferenced or defined


    Rig Contractors lifting equipment and handling procedures in force on theRigSite?

    YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors procedure

    If the Rig Contractors lifting equipment and handling procedures is not in

    force on the Site, the main lifting equipment and handling procedures andthe amendments to it in force on the Siteshould be referenced or defined

    Indicate the reference of the periodic inspection and certification of lifting orhandling device policy

    Indicate the reference of the identification system (colour coding andtagging)


    Indicate the reference of the procedure for use of Non Aqueous BasedMud

    Indicate the reference of the procedure for use of explosive

    Indicate the reference of the procedure for use of radioactive sources

    Indicate the reference of the procedure for NORM control

    Indicate the reference of the procedure for Well testing

    Indicate the reference of the procedures for Moving operations

    Indicate the reference of the procedures for DP vessel: station keepingand disconnection procedure,

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Indicate the reference of all the risk identifications and risk controlmeasures in force on the Site

    Indicate the reference of all the emergency plans in force on the Site

    Rig Contractors job risk analysis method in force on the Site? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors policy

    If the Rig Contractors job risk analysis method is not in force on the Site,the job risk analysis method and any amendment to it in force on the Site

    should be referenced or defined


    Rig Contractors WMP in force on the Site? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors policy

    If the Rig Contractors WMP is not in force on the Site, the WMP and anyamendment to it in force on the Siteshould be referenced or defined


    Rig Contractors occupational health policy in force on the Site? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors policy

    If the Rig Contractors occupational health policy is not in force on theSite, the occupational health policy and any amendment to it in force onthe Siteshould be referenced or defined.


    Rig Contractors PPE policy in force on the Site? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors policy

    If the Rig Contractors PPE policy is not in force on the Site, the PPE

    policy and any amendment to it in force on the Siteshould be referencedor defined

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Rig Contractors storage and handling policy for diesel oil, paints in forceon the Site?

    YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors policy for diesel, paints

    Mud services companys storage and handling policy for mud products, oilbase fluid, in force on the Site?

    YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Mud services companys policy for mudproducts, oil base fluid,

    Other services company storage and handling policy for explosives andradioactive sources in force on the Site?

    YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the other various services companys policies inforce on the Site

    If the hazardous substance, product or material policies are not as above,the different hazardous substance, product or material policies and anyamendment to it in force on the Siteshould be referenced or defined


    Rig Contractorsprevention of asbestos hazards policy in force on the


    YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors policy

    If the Rig Contractors prevention of asbestos hazards policy is not inforce on the Site, the prevention of asbestos hazards policy and anyamendment to it in force on the Siteshould be referenced or defined.


    Indicate the reference of the driving policy in force on the Site


    Indicate the reference of the agreed well control certification policyapplicable to the Site


    Each company will adhere to its own training plan? YES NO

    If not, indicate the reference of the training plan that applies

    Additional HSE training plan to be compatible with CR FPS 510 requirement

    (describe the HSE training sessions)

    This document is the property of Total. It must not be stored, reproduced or disclosed to others without written authorisation from the Company.

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    Rig Contractorsdrills policy for standard drills? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors policy

    If the Rig Contractordrills policy is not in force on the Site, the drills policyand any amendment to it in force on the Siteshould be referenced ordefined.

    Nota: The HSE Bridging Document should stipulate:

    the agreed list of the drills to be performed on Site

    the scenario of each drill the emergency procedure or plan for each of the critical situations.

    the people involved for each drill,

    the frequency of each drill

    Operatorspecific emergency procedures or plans in force on the Site? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Operators procedure or plans for specificemergency situation (SIMOPS, ) or other drills


    Rig Contractorsincident reporting policy? YES NO

    Indicate the reference of the Rig Contractors incident reporting policy

    If the Rig Contractorincident reporting policy is not in force on the Site, theincident reporting policy and any amendment to it in force on the Siteshouldbe referenced or defined.


    The system selected for the communication of HSE statistics on the Siteand for the analysis (cause tree analysis, root causes identification systemor other) and subsequent action plans should be defined or referenced


    Reference to the maintenance, inspections and audit systems in force onthe Siteand performed either by the Rig Contractorand all the ServiceCompanies and or the Operatorshould be defined or referenced