cqw november 14, 2021

CatholicQuiz of the Week Part A 33 rd Sunday in Ordinary Time November 14, 2021 1. According to the prophet, Daniel, a judgment day is envisioned: "At that time there shall arise _____, the great prince, guardian of your people." a. Lucifer b. Michael c. the Son of Man 2. What is another word used by the psalmist for the underworld or the shadowy place of the dead? a. Sheol b. hell c. limbo 3. According to the psalmist, "For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor let your devout one see _____." a. the pit b. defeat c. ridicule 4. Jesus continues to offer repeated sacrifices to save the world from sin. a. True b. False 5. According to Jesus, after the great tribulation, who will be coming in the clouds with great power and glory? a. the Son of Man b. the angel of God c. the virgin Mother 6. What tree did Jesus use as an analogy for observing signs of the end times: "When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near." a. the fig tree b. the sycamore tree c. the olive tree 7. Jesus did not know when the end of the world would happen. a. True b. False © Copyright by CatholicQuiz.com 2021 Reproduce for educational use

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1. According to the prophet, Daniel, a judgment day is envisioned: "At that time there shall arise _____, the great prince, guardian of your people." a. Lucifer b. Michael c. the Son of Man 2. What is another word used by the psalmist for the underworld or the shadowy place of the dead? a. Sheol b. hell c. limbo 3. According to the psalmist, "For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, nor let your devout one see _____." a. the pit b. defeat c. ridicule 4. Jesus continues to offer repeated sacrifices to save the world from sin.

a. True b. False 5. According to Jesus, after the great tribulation, who will be coming in the clouds with great power and glory? a. the Son of Man

b. the angel of God c. the virgin Mother

6. What tree did Jesus use as an analogy for observing signs of the end times: "When its branch becomes tender and sprouts leaves, you know that summer is near." a. the fig tree

b. the sycamore tree c. the olive tree

7. Jesus did not know when the end of the world would happen.

a. True b.False

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Page 2: CQW November 14, 2021




Reflection and Discussion

The readings for this next to the last Sunday of the liturgical year are filled with strange imagery about a time when there would be great tribulation and uncertainty, a time “unsurpassed in distress,” and a time when “the powers in the heavens will be shaken.” The texts suggest that when these end times press upon us, it will be then that the Son of Man will come in the clouds with great power and glory. He will gather his elect from the corners of the earth. In other words, there is hope. This is a vision of an end time when the confusion, uncertainty and distress of the present age will pass away into a final time when there will be a great gathering of the saints together forever. This vision is symbolic and unclear, but full of promise.

• What is there now in your life that makes the future feel uncertain and scary? Are you unsure about school, about a job, about a relationship, about personal health or about a family member?

• Are you fearful about your future or the future direction of your life or that of your country, the environment or the world? Do you fear the dangers that must be faced in the future or do you welcome and look forward to the opportunities and adventures that are still to unfold?

• With the passage of one period of time into a new time, what vision or dream leads you forward and prepares you to be ready? Is this a fearful vision or one that is energizing and hope-filled?

The Gospel of Mark prepares the disciples for a future that is filled with hope because the Lord will come in the end to rescue, save and restore. Even as we anticipate the horrible and confusing events of the passion and death of Jesus followed by the destruction of the Temple and life as the people knew it at the time, all would be fine because the Lord himself is the author of life and would gather together the faithful from all time from every corner of the universe to be with him in paradise. The goal is to win it all, to have it all and not just for a short time, but forever. This is the great prize and vision that can lead us through any present tribulation to a future that will end in eternal bliss and beatific vision. For now, this is the vision of faith. Answers and References

1. b. Michael (Daniel 12:1) 2. a. Sheol (Psalm 16:10) 3. a. the pit (Psalm 16:10) 4. b. False (Hebrews 10:12) 5. a. the Son of Man (Mark 13:24-25) 6. a. the fig tree (Mark 13:28) 7. a. True (Mark 13:32)

© Copyright by CatholicQuiz.com 2021 Reproduce for educational use